irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040624

00:00.14pfnuse the redbook
00:00.20pfnor something like that
00:00.24pfnI don't know how I know that
00:00.26pfnbut, um, I do
00:00.56*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
00:01.20pfnactually, I only know and I guess they only cover norcal
00:01.30TestMasTeranyone  have any gmail invites they wanna give away?
00:01.48DulakI could use one of those myself
00:09.20samy^anyone know why asterisk would die when running MP3Player
00:10.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:10.48pfnbecause you're not running mpg123?
00:10.59bkw_I need to see the output of a backtrace
00:11.03bkw_before I can tell you why
00:11.22bkw_bkw needs 617 dollars
00:11.28bkw_lets see if we can get to that amount ....
00:11.49bkw_me luv you long time
00:11.57CoaxDya but thats only 5 dollah
00:13.08bkw_here comes santa clause... here comes santa clause
00:13.19bkw_right down santa clause lane
00:14.06CoaxDJun 23, 2004 5:51 pm
00:14.22CoaxDThis stuff cant get here fast enough. heh.
00:14.25bkw_come on hook bkw up please
00:14.45CoaxDbkw: Alright. i'll pay you $6.17.  But thats only if you love me a *REALLY* long time.
00:15.17bkw_move the . to the right two places
00:15.20bkw_me love you long time
00:16.08bkw_FUCK PAYPAL
00:16.10CoaxDbkw: Hahahaha
00:16.13bkw_god damn why does it take that long
00:17.17pfnbkw someone paid you via paypal and it's taking that long to clear?
00:17.23pfnhow the fuck did they pay, mail in a check to paypal
00:17.39bkw_guess so
00:17.52pfnsent it bulk rate or something
00:21.50*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
00:23.36tclarki need a sanity check here any one on current cvs as of 5 secs ago with a sipura 2000 ?
00:24.27*** join/#asterisk cuban (
00:24.34cubanmy 7940's are here
00:24.41pfnhow much you pay for 'em
00:24.52Jestrecuban: My 7960's came too :)  GTS came through
00:25.37bonbon-homeis the only way to do a follow-on call to use the H param in dial app?
00:31.39tclarkholy busted bat man, sip no dtmf detect any more and end less DEBUG[73737]: chan_sip.c:6935 sipsock_read: Failed to grab lock, trying again...
00:32.30cubanWatches "configuring VLAN"
00:32.50*** join/#asterisk tyll (~tyll@genius.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
00:33.25bkw_damn it
00:33.48cubanHm. I guess these 7940's don't just get an IP and roll with it
00:34.10bonbon-homeis the only way to do a follow-on call to use the H param in dial app?
00:34.15bkw_i'm going to use the group count thingy in app_queue to make 1 call per agent
00:35.11brc_debian stable's kernel
00:35.13brc_won't boot!
00:35.19tyllIs it possible to use asteriks as an voip client like kphone oer linphone?
00:35.22brc_nothing fancy in the box either
00:35.29brc_video card, tulip network card
00:35.39cubantyll: Asterisk is a PBX not a client.
00:35.53cubantyll: kphone and linphone are just that... phones.
00:35.59cubanDammit, this thing still says configuring IP
00:36.07bkw_tyll ya
00:37.22brc_how do you pass acpi/apm off to the kernel
00:37.27brc_is it acip=off?
00:38.40pfnuse the console driver
00:38.47pfnconsole channel
00:38.53pfnkinda silly to use it as a softphone, though
00:39.34bkw_soft phones ROCK
00:39.39bkw_well some do
00:39.41pfnthey do?
00:39.43pfnwhich ones do?
00:39.52cubaniaxcomm is the only one I've found worth anything
00:39.54brc_apm=off acpi=no            <<that right?
00:40.03bkw_you must not have used DIAX
00:40.06pfnwhat's the advantage of running iax2 in trunking mode anyway?
00:40.07brc_diax is okay
00:40.11cubanbkw_: diax? Nope.
00:40.16brc_diax isg etting better
00:40.24JerJerpfn: bandwidth savings as well as packets per second
00:40.24cubanIAXCOMM was pretyt nice...
00:40.42pfnjerjer fewer packets per second sent out?  hmm
00:41.27ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone has an application to mount ISO files under Win98?
00:41.48JerJerits a dos app
00:41.57pfnmanxpower daemon-tools
00:42.04pfnor something like that
00:42.38brc_daemontools is great
00:42.39ManxPowerJerJer: fakecd makes a directory look like a CD, not an ISO image
00:42.41cubanSo I just got new 7940's should I load the latest sip on em? POS3-07-1-00??
00:43.16cubandaemon-tools rules
00:43.25bkw_too bad an asshole wrote it
00:43.30cubanI used it when I used to use windows
00:43.39bkw_just like all the other stuff he wrote.. its good but he's a fuckin prick
00:43.53ManxPowerThanks everyone
00:44.35mjmacbkw_: so he's a prick...  his stuff works
00:45.21cubanbkw_: Who the author of deamon tools?
00:45.29brc_dum deee dum
00:45.29mjmacdan bernstein (djb)
00:45.37brc_gonna get the t1 turned up here soon(ish)
00:45.45*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:46.36*** join/#asterisk DirtyData (
00:46.51DirtyDatais it me, or does the speakerfone on the budge tone 101 suck ass.
00:47.20pfneverything about the BT100 sucks ass
00:47.38DirtyDatapfn: call quality is ok...
00:47.51pfnI want to get a cisco 7940/60 to play with
00:47.56pfnbut no room for more phones at my place
00:48.00DirtyDatame too. those look hot.
00:48.16DirtyDatapfn, ebay..
00:48.53DirtyDatacisco even makes a litle wifi phone
00:48.56pfnmmm, more waterproof inks
00:49.24DirtyDataThere is a set of 5 7940's going for 800 on ebay.
00:49.31pfnwith 2 days to go
00:49.40pfnit'll go for well over a grand
00:49.48DirtyDataha, you saw it! lol I bet all of us in here are bidding on it.
00:50.21pfnooh, need to order these red and green inks
00:51.05tyllIs it possible to use gnophone to connect to asterisk and use G.729 as codec for voip?
00:51.12DirtyDatawhats so cool bout the cisco phone?
00:52.07DirtyDataI just got my Sipura 3000.
00:52.19DirtyDataI likey.
00:52.24mengertyll: doubt it as g.729 requires license
00:52.43DirtyDataand a fugephone..