irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040622

00:00.39rene-he mistakingly tought i was a woman (because of my name i suppos)
00:02.17*** part/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
00:04.16xyxzwhat's the big deal about skype?
00:04.31JonR800decent quality, low latency, easy to use.
00:04.43xyxzfull duplex?
00:05.03JonR800though having to sit at my pc kinda wrecks it for me.
00:05.22xyxzno PTT or VOX like TeamSpeak?
00:05.24JonR800i usually end up working with whoever im talking to if im sitting at my desk.. hah
00:05.41JonR800no PTT or VOX as far as im aware.. i didn't look all that deep though
00:06.01*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:06.06xyxzI'm guessing you can't use IP phoens with it
00:06.54JonR800they have some usb handsets though
00:07.17JonR800that you plug into your pc obviously.. heh.. and they're working with siemens for some cordless handsets that work with the service.
00:08.09xyxzwe just need app_skype
00:08.53JonR800im not sure how you'd dial skype users..
00:09.06JonR800not to mention skype won't be opening up their technology any time soon.. haha
00:09.26wsuffreverse engineer
00:09.38wsuffpacket sniffer to the rescue
00:09.50MustDiePeople, stop this discussion about skype.
00:09.54xyxzwell... is the linux client a binary?
00:10.06wsuffmustdie: i didn't start it
00:10.10MustDieit's just stupid
00:10.21xyxzMustDie: fuck off
00:10.42jrollysontheres some sort of encryption in SkyPE iirc. SkyPE uses propriatary codecs also.
00:10.54pfnI thought skype uses ilbc
00:11.08MustDiexyxz:very very offensive :P I'm touched
00:11.15JonR800i liked the quality of it.. though i got a lot of dropped calls with skype.
00:11.36JonR800so eh
00:11.59xyxzMustDie: gotta spread the love
00:12.20MustDiexyxz: why don't you use MSN or Yahoo messenger ?
00:12.31*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
00:12.47xyxzMustDie: uhh... i haven't even used skype... nor those
00:12.57xyxzthat's why I was inquiring
00:13.05JonR800that would be kinda neat..
00:13.18JonR800being able to setup extensions to call a yahoo/msn/aim user
00:13.20xyxzJonR800: probably too much work though
00:13.24JonR800oh yeah
00:13.37JonR800the thought of it makes me tired.
00:13.59jrollysonEven if it could be reverse engineered, the license would be comtaminated by it.
00:14.19JonR800it'd have to be a third party package.
00:17.12pfnman asterisk-users sure gets a shitload of traffic
00:17.33Daminpfn: Yes. Shitload.
00:17.55JonR800hasn't been that bad today
00:18.06Daminpfn: So, before you post something ask yourself.. "Have I done everything that I possibly can to answer the question on my own? Do I really need to send this question out to 7,500 people?"
00:18.06JonR800i just love it when i come home to find 150 messages
00:18.24pfndamin I never plan on posting to *-users
00:18.31pfntoo much traffic
00:18.34pfntoo hard to read responses
00:18.46pfngot you assholes in here for that  ;-
00:18.56JonR800that's where a liberal delete key comes in
00:21.44MustDiewe need nntp interface for *-users
00:22.13coaxmustdie: Why?  NNTP sucks the llamas ass. email is better.
00:22.25pfnemail doesn't get duplicated 7500 times
00:22.28pfnnntp doesn't
00:22.40coaxOh. well, duh
00:22.52MustDiecoax: well, it's easier to read, then you don't have to flood your mail box with all this stuff
00:22.52wsuffMustDie: GMAIL haha
00:23.02coaxmustdie: Procmail
00:23.07MustDiei hate web based email
00:23.10pfnand nntp is properly threaded
00:23.19jmhunterpfn:gmail is really good for managing asterisk-users
00:23.29pfnis it?  maybe I should use it to subscribe
00:23.38DaminSo in October, I'm doing a presentaion to Ohio Linuxfest on Asterisk.
00:23.45DaminShould be about 200 or so people in attendance..
00:23.51JonR800i just setup a seperate account for mailing lists.. does the job.
00:24.00wsuffJonR800: that too
00:24.09MustDieJon: everybody does that
00:24.21MustDiepoint is that you can easily come back to old messages with nntp
00:24.31MustDieand refer to something in the past
00:24.33JonR800<MustDie> coax: well, it's easier to read, then you don't have to flood
00:24.34DaminQuestion I have is.. Does anyone want to get together before, during or after the presentation for an Asterisk Developer's meeting?
00:24.42jmhunterif u want a gmail account
00:24.44MustDiewith emails we are getting same questions over and over and over and over again
00:24.59wsuffjmhunter: 2 bucks on ebay
00:25.09JonR800MustDie: well in theory they're supposed to search the archives...
00:25.09andrewgin internet its everytime ;)
00:25.24jmhunterya i bought 3 for 6, and Legend gave me one.. i gave one to twisted for some info
00:25.26JonR800plus most nntp providers don't cache posts indefinitely..
00:25.30jmhunteractually he wrote me a script
00:25.59*** join/#asterisk ebrady (
00:26.04pfnan nntp server can be configured to retain the news indefinitely
00:27.11pfnwe're not talking about posting to usenet at large
00:27.18JonR800but if users don't search the archives now.. you really think they're going to search nttp?
00:27.22pfnand google has a usenet search, too
00:27.59JonR800err nntp.. sheesh.. can't think tonight
00:28.07MustDiewe need some private nntp,
00:28.13jmhuntergoogle also makes searching email really ease
00:29.02JonR800i dunno.. why not just open a web forum at that point?
00:29.22pfnnntp is more flexible
00:29.25pfnnntp is the backend
00:29.29pfnwebforum would be frontend
00:29.32jmhunterwheres safe_asterisk again?
00:29.37pfnjmhunter /usr/sbin
00:29.51pfnand at that point, you can use different nntp clients
00:30.06pfnso you have something more along the lines of an MVC model
00:30.06MustDiebut we need some front end for that
00:30.26pfnyeah, I don't think anyone's really written a webforum-like frontend for nntp
00:30.36MustDiei have nntp written
00:30.41DaminI'll be sure and send some inappropriate keywords for your Google Profile at a later date.
00:30.41DaminGay Osama
00:30.43MustDiewhat i need is to just import message base
00:32.07MustDieso, anybody is up to using read only nntp ?
00:32.19DaminSomeone has to have an Email to NNTP injector out there that you can just gateway asterisk-users to alt.pbx.asterisk or some such shit.
00:32.54DaminBut if it isn't bidirectional, it's lame.
00:33.15jmhunteri like forums the best... we could get a free forum on im sure
00:33.22MustDiei just hate to read messages with subject like [Asterisk-Users] what's up
00:33.40MustDiethen it goes: Re: [Asterisk-Users] what's up
00:34.58*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
00:35.10JonR800why does that bother you?
00:35.15Ridgebackhello! Anyone here use ata-486's?
00:36.16*** join/#asterisk gbrowley (
00:36.51MustDieRidgeback: what's up ?
00:36.52Damincoax: WTF? Why did you send me this link:
00:38.13*** join/#asterisk DoctorCTI (
00:38.15MustDieRidgeback: i'm using it
00:38.25RidgebackMustDie: i ordered two of them. and was wondering about the ability for the ATA user to dial into his pstn when the phone is plugged into it. in other words, can the ATa be setup to offer the choice of pstn or sip at dial time?
00:39.49MustDieRidgeback: no. that PSTN connector, is directly connected with user phone
00:40.07MustDieso if you want to place pstn call, you have to power off your ata-486
00:40.13*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:40.13Ridgebackahhh gotcha
00:40.16Ridgebackok thanx
00:40.24MustDieit's sounds stupid, but nothing you can do about it
00:40.52ariel_Hello I am back..
00:40.55Ridgebackyeah thought it sounded wierd. figured a simple option to dial 9, would switch you to the pstn.. maybe that would be a nice fireware upgrade huh?
00:41.23MustDieRidge: it's impossible due to hardware design. it's just connected directly :P
00:41.41pfncalling it fxo is so misleading
00:41.50*** join/#asterisk DoctorCTI (
00:42.05RidgebackMustDie: just curious, do you like the ATA, i.e. simplicity, quality etc... any complaints?  I'll be using it with my asterisk switch
00:42.11Ridgebackpfn: true true!
00:42.23pfnbecause all it really is is an extension cord to your phone
00:42.33pfnwho was I arguing that with this morning
00:42.35Ridgebackpfn: no kidding
00:43.18Ridgebacki have on order two budgettone/grandstream 102's  .. got them fairly cheap. you guys ever use them?
00:43.32pfnI haven't used any IP phones yet
00:44.06pfnI want to get an IP phone to try, though
00:44.08Ridgebackim just a noob with SIP anyways. hopefully my stuff gets here soon and i can play
00:44.15DaminRidgeback: Yes. I use them all the time to take out my frustrations on. They work best if heated in a 450 degree oven for a couple of hours before you plug them in.
00:44.22pfn$65 for budgetone 101 is cheap
00:44.45RidgebackDamin: lol the ATA-486's or the 102's   :)
00:44.59Ridgebackpfn: i got my 102d's for 85  :)
00:45.08DaminRidgeback: The Grandstream "works" if you want the equivalent service of a $5 phone from the drug store, but they are complete shit.
00:45.16pfnI'm cheap, only need 1 port
00:45.23pfnare they *that* bad?
00:45.37DaminYep. They are THAT BAD!
00:45.38RidgebackDamin: doh!   ok...  they suck...  so what is your biggest complaint about them?
00:45.40DaminNo excuse for them.
00:45.44pfnI hate links that say "click to enlarge" and it pulls up a same-size image
00:46.01pfnwhy, is the feel utterly shitty, or?
00:46.06Ridgebackpfn: lol! u must be on grandstreams site!
00:46.09pfnpictures don't look bad
00:46.22DaminRidgeback: They aren't heavy enough. If you lean over and pick up the handset, the phone comes flying accross the desk at you and breaks your nose.
00:46.31pfnhow lame
00:46.35RidgebackDamin: damn! and i like my nose!
00:46.50pfnit should be relatively easy to open them up and add some ballast, though
00:46.53DaminRidgeback: Early Dial is still fucking broken after like 90 firmware releases..
00:47.00coaxpfn: You were arguing wtih me about ATAs?
00:47.01ariel_I found it better to buy Sipura-2000 unit and put a normal analog phone to it. You can get some nice 2 line GE for under $ 40.00
00:47.05RidgebackDamin: ok, other than weight. I got hammers and nails.  what else?
00:47.06pfncoax about fxo ports
00:47.11coaxpfn: oh yeah. hehe
00:47.13pfnand sipura calling the lifeline port fxo
00:47.17pfncuz it isn't, damnit  :p
00:47.28Ridgebackariel_: sipura huh?
00:47.30DaminRidgeback: I've had to send 3 of them back because the Ethernet stopped working.
00:47.38pfndamni, ok, so that's shit
00:47.43RidgebackDamin: what!
00:47.45coaxpfn: It isn't functional. but the hardware itself talks to FXS devices.
00:47.46pfnceasing to function is ass
00:47.48RidgebackDamin: shit
00:47.49ariel_The fxo port is just a way to plug in a 911 dial item..
00:47.58DaminRidgeback: They are 10 Meg only.
00:48.05pfncoax does it really...
00:48.10pfnor is it just a dumb straight wire
00:48.15DaminRidgeback: They don't support G729.
00:48.23RidgebackDamin: 10meg is ok.. but damn. i hope mine dont break......
00:48.24pfnI thought they did
00:48.28coaxpfn: Most likely that.
00:48.36ariel_I keep my FXO to the ASterisk server like TDMO4 card.
00:48.39Ridgebackis G729 the way to go for Voip?
00:48.41coaxpfn: connects line to phone
00:48.42pfnif it's dumb straight wire, I refuse to call it an fxo port
00:48.46DaminRidgeback: They support G726 (badly) anbd ILBC (badly)
00:48.47pfnor else I'm gonna get an extension cord
00:48.49pfnplug a jack on the end
00:48.53pfnand call it an fxo port
00:48.59coaxpfn: Fair 'nuff
00:49.02DaminRidgeback: Depends on your bandwidth..
00:49.20pfndamin the spec says it supports g729, though...
00:49.23DaminRidgeback: I fyou are just getting your feet wet and dipping a toe into the Voip market, then the grandstream is an easy way to get into it.
00:49.35DaminBut don't expect much..
00:49.38RidgebackDamin: damn.... oh well theyre just for testing anyways....  ok Damin whats the best setup for a good IP phone, noot too expensive though
00:49.46JonR800one word on the grandstream.... ECHO
00:49.52DaminSNOM 200 and Cisco 7940/60
00:49.53pfncheapest looking stuff is like snom 100's or so
00:50.02RidgebackJonR800: I heard about that
00:50.08pfnmost affordable, while still looking professional...
00:50.18Ridgebacksnom200  ok... i think thier is dealer here is australia
00:50.24Daminpfn: They also work. ;)
00:50.32JonR800Ridgeback: i got one not that long ago.. a bt101.. and there's a lot of echo on it that i definitely do not get on my sipura.
00:50.45DaminRidgeback:" I just picked one up oin Ebay for $120. It was s teal.
00:50.58RidgebackDamin: damn....
00:51.11DaminYeah Snom 200.. 120.
00:51.15DaminNo one bid on it.
00:51.16pfnI don't have anymore room for phones at home....
00:51.22DaminI expected to pay at least $200 for it.
00:51.23JonR800lol.. they're all going for $250
00:51.28pfnalready have like 3 cordless and a corded for 2 rooms
00:51.28Ridgebackok the phones with the two ethernet ports... is that so the phone can daisy chain the users computer?
00:51.38pfnridgeback yes
00:51.40DaminRidgeback: Yes.
00:51.54DaminRidgeback: Which is why the BT102 is lame. ;) 10 Meg only.
00:51.54Ridgebackok sorry for the noob questions... never used sip before.
00:52.14Ridgebackis it a transaprent proxy or something odd that i have to configure in the phone?
00:52.28coaxRidgeback: You need to read some documentation.
00:52.29DaminRidgeback: Oh yeah.. and the Shitstgream doesn't support Power over Etheret.
00:52.33coaxRidgeback: There is plenty available.
00:52.47*** part/#asterisk zaptel (~david@
00:52.47pfnPoE is expenvei
00:52.55pfnI'm dyxlesic today
00:52.57Daminpfn: Not really.
00:52.58RidgebackDamin: do i need a special ethernet switch to support PoE?
00:52.58MustDiePeople, grandstream is a super duper adapater
00:53.02MustDiePrice is right
00:53.15JonR800Damin: for a home user.. it can be..
00:53.29rene-uniden 200
00:53.31DaminRidgeback: No. Just cut a lamp cord in two and attacj it to an RJ45 connector on pins 4-5 and 7-8. :)
00:53.33rene-best phone ever
00:53.47DaminRidgeback: Then just plug it in..
00:53.58pfnhmm, went for $2400 for a lot of 10
00:54.01rene-or so im told
00:54.19DaminRidgeback: You can find instructions for making your own POE switch at:
00:54.33coaxi'll take 10 please
00:54.35RidgebackDamin: ok cool...  would like to have the Cisco ones.  I use cisco routers all the time
00:54.40RidgebackDamin: cool thanx!
00:54.54pfndamin evil
00:55.00DaminI know..
00:56.12coaxLocaltalk killer
00:56.30coaxV.35 killer! *ROTFL*!!
00:56.42DaminLocaltalk Killer
00:56.43DaminThe RJ-11 killer proved to be adaptable too. Perhaps having proper terminiation doesn't really matter at this point. Now localtalk is really local.
00:56.55coaxhahaha the powered hub killer is pretty good
00:57.57ariel_cisco's phones you will have to get the software lisc for them then the smart net for each to be able to use them.
00:58.04DaminRJ-11 Killer
00:58.04DaminTelcos install circuit protection for a reason, right?
00:58.42ariel_Power over ethernet NetGear makes a managed 24port layer III switch with 2 1000 gig ports for under $ 1200.00.
00:59.29pfnyou have to get a license to run cisco phones???  what kinda shit is that
00:59.41coaxpfn: Dude. thats cisco man
00:59.59pfnsuch ass....
01:00.49Ridgebackok just fired off an email to the Australian distributor for Snom, requesting prcing info for the 200's
01:01.48MustDieerr shorting
01:02.08MustDieselling short
01:02.15wsuffi get it now
01:02.24MustDiebuying puts
01:02.48pfngo up damnit
01:02.49pfnI need to sell
01:03.00ariel_Snom are around $ 275 here in the states. For the office they are great phones. For home over priced phones.
01:03.16Ridgebackwhats good sip phone for home then?
01:03.41pfnno cheap snom's on ebay....
01:03.46MustDiepfn: i used to work for ibm.....i was thinking they will go out of business 7 years ago
01:03.55Ridgebackpfn: all $250
01:03.56acosgrovget an ATA and stay analog... why dish out over $100 for a phone
01:03.56pfn10 years ago
01:03.57MustDiepfn: i haven't changed my mind
01:04.02pfnby '96 they had completely turned around
01:04.07twisted~seen bkw_
01:04.09jbotbkw_ is currently on #asterisk (11h 59m 11s).  Has said a total of 90 messages.  Is idling for 2h 46m 25s
01:04.15Ridgebackacosgrov: ok cool, bought two ata-486....
01:04.21*** join/#asterisk caio (caio1982@caio1982.cloaked)
01:04.31pfnI actually like the way my analog phones work with *
01:04.39acosgrovRidgeback: I bought a budgetone 101 - not really impressed
01:04.46ariel_I found for the home a Sipura-2000 and put 2 analog phone is the best route to go with.
01:04.49MustDiepfn: they are just bunch of idots. Idiots build machines
01:05.02twistedis anyone ever impressed with budgetone's?
01:05.08Ridgebackacosgrov: hmmmmm
01:05.08pfnI'm just floating around 'til I let myself get canned
01:05.12pfnI despise this job
01:05.16pfnI feel like I work with idiots every day
01:05.17Ridgebackariel_: ok sipura-2000
01:05.22twistedpfn: what do you do?  where are you?
01:05.23ariel_BT big numbers callID that sucks.. No
01:05.29pfnsoftware engineer @ ibm
01:05.44JonR800I love my sipura also.. i have 3 spa-2000's
01:05.45Ridgebackariel_: i'll check that sipura out
01:05.50acosgrovhow much is the iAXy run for?
01:05.52MustDiepfn: ahh you got your 25% discount on stock purchase ;)
01:05.57JonR800acosgrov: $99
01:05.58pfnI wish it were 25%
01:05.59pfnonly 15%
01:05.59twistedacosgrov, $99
01:06.07MustDiepfn: sorry i forgot already
01:06.07pfnand looks like it's gonna shrink or go away altogether in 2005
01:06.15ariel_So far for our home office we have setup sipura due to you can configure one port with ulaw and use it for sending and getting faxes.
01:06.46pfnariel hmm, that's interesting--can you do the same with zap ports?
01:07.14*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:07.16ariel_I liked the Idea of the Iaxy but it lacks in codec and other thing. But if you need to get something through most firewalls then iaxy is the only way.
01:07.17*** join/#asterisk Oozio (
01:07.34ariel_pfn yes but most homes don't put up an asterisk server.
01:07.44twistedi do at my house :P
01:07.46MustDiepfn: after ibm, just only 1 word makes me dizzy - "Conference Call"
01:07.57twistedmustdie: that's 2 words :P
01:08.01pfnmy manager has been getting on my case about missing meetings
01:08.08ariel_Yes I do here at my home too. But for my sisters I got her a Sipura and she uses my system from her home..
01:08.11pfnI think I've missed like 9 out of 10 meetings these last 6 months...
01:08.19MustDietwisted: mister matimatician
01:08.39MustDiepfn: you are way over the line now
01:08.50JonR800pfn: meetings are like recess
01:08.54twistedmustdie: mister spellgin
01:08.56*** part/#asterisk gbrowley (
01:09.02pfnthey love to meet on how to make meetings
01:09.04MustDietwisted: :P
01:09.05pfnit's irritating
01:09.17twistedpfn: dell did that too
01:09.33pfnand my team is especially guilty
01:09.34twistedmanagers LOVE meetings
01:09.39wsuffhaha just got 1 of my meetings blow off cause he went gf hunting instead
01:09.39ariel_we had a customer that would send out an email to have a conference call to see when were available for a conference call.
01:09.41pfnthey don't know how to keep meeting topics on-line
01:09.54pfnevery meeting becomes a status meeting
01:09.55twistedariel_, aren't those the best?
01:09.57pfnfreaking irritating
01:10.08pfndespise this crap
01:10.11twistedsetting up a confrence call to determine when to have a confrence call
01:10.12ariel_yes they are ironic..
01:10.13twistedit's great.
01:11.02MustDieand when 12 or 15 people on conference call, everybody from 1 team reapeat each other over and over and over again
01:11.16MustDiethen same thing happend from another party, just changing words around
01:11.24ariel_Ok I finally got the damm Cisco here working. And I don't like it as much as the Snom for easy of configuration.
01:11.26MustDieso disgusting
01:11.39wsuffreminds me i gotta schedule a conf
01:12.05wsuffkbounce for a bit first though
01:12.06pfnso yeah, I wanna see if I can make money selling * and some solutions shit
01:12.08pfnthen quit work
01:12.17pfnoh, and gotta burn off my vacation days first, too
01:12.26twistedbeef tacos
01:12.31pfnburn off 4 weeks of vacation in january
01:12.33pfnand quit in february
01:12.44twistedpfn: pull one like i did
01:12.52twistedwhen you find out they're gonna get rid of you
01:12.57twistedmake them pay you for the vacation
01:12.57wsuffpfn: burn vacation develop solution quit sell solution full time
01:12.59twistedand just work it out
01:13.08ariel_I have to take 18 days off the next 1/2 of the year.. It was a letter in my inbox this moring...
01:13.23MustDiepfn: take vacation, then all of sick days and i totaly agree with twisted
01:13.27pfntwisted nah
01:13.32pfnI don't care to take the lump sum check
01:13.34twistedariel_, sounds like time to come fly around the US and pick us all up
01:13.37pfnI like going on vacation
01:13.41twistedand then we'll go to tahiti
01:14.00ariel_Have you seen the price of 100LL gas for the airplane..?? well have you..?
01:14.13pfnI mean, otherwise I could just wait for january and tell them I quit, and get paid the full 4 weeks of vacation
01:14.14twistedi'm afraid to
01:14.32ariel_$ 3.89 per gal. I burn 8.5 gal per hour flying..
01:14.54MustDieariel: what kind of plane you've got ?
01:15.29ariel_It's a Polish built Rallyee Called Koliber 150a.. Only 18 of them in the States. Great fun STOL airplane.
01:15.57MustDieariel: this is really cool.
01:16.08pfntwisted you don't have to make them pay for your vacation when you're about to get canned
01:16.13pfnyou have to be paid for vacation time
01:16.21twistedpfn: no you don't
01:16.25pfnyes, you do
01:16.33pfnit's like in the employment code
01:16.36ariel_Here is the link to the plane.
01:16.39twistedmaybe for you
01:16.41pfnwhen you are separated from your job
01:16.47pfnyou must be paid vacation time accumulated
01:17.10twisteddell was different
01:17.13pfnmy friend, she keeps telling me this (she works in hr and shit)
01:17.44ariel_Here are some actual picture of my plane..
01:17.54pfnif you don't, you can sue to get paid for the vacation time, I'm sure
01:17.55RidgebackSipura-2000... can a phone plugged into one line, dial out (like FXO) the other pstn line?  I would like to have one ohone on my desk and easily switch from dialling local pstn, and SIP
01:18.12pfnridgeback no
01:18.28Ridgebackhmm that sux
01:18.33DoctorCTIanyone got the Sipura-3000 yet?
01:18.38ariel_Ridgeback you put an FXO into the asterisk and via the sipura connect to the asterisk.
01:18.40twistedariel_, is that a nextel i550 i see on your hip?
01:19.42Ridgebackariel_: hmm well I was wanting something for mom/pop. Just one phone, one that can do SIP to my server or local pstn
01:19.43ariel_No I don't have a Nextel i550
01:20.30twistedariel_, it sure looks like it in that one w/you on the wing
01:20.34ariel_Ridgeback yes you can do that with the Sipura 2000, 1000 or 3000 what the 3000 gives you is you can plug there local phone line for 911 use.
01:21.24ariel_Twisted that is an old Nokia 3285 I used to have..
01:22.10Ridgebackariel_: ok, just to reiterate.. plug in the telco lin into the sipura. plug in the POTS phone into the other port. if mom needs to call her neighber via pstn she can, or she can dial SIP numbers if she wants.
01:22.48pfnridgeback no
01:22.55pfnridgeback you can't dialout over pstn via the sip-3000
01:23.21bkw_I'M BACK
01:23.37MustDiebkw: what happend !!!????
01:23.38Ridgebackhmmm ariel_ just mentioned you can... ok...
01:23.40ariel_Ridgeback It's a backup like for special use like 911. They can still get there calls via that line to your other phone but mainly for inbound and 911.
01:23.45MustDiebkw: we've got all nervous and stuff
01:24.07pfnridgeback are you reading?  he didn't say you can
01:24.09Ridgebackariel_: ahh ok got it
01:24.19RidgebackRidgeback yes you can do that with the Sipura 2000, 1000 or 3000 what the 3000 gives you is you can plug there local phone line for 911 use.
01:24.27Ridgebackthat what was said earlier
01:24.33ariel_The sipura-3000 has it's own dialing plan and in some ways yes you can make some local calls. But it's hard to configure.
01:24.47Ridgebackariel_: ok, so its a pain in the ass
01:24.52twistedbtw ppl
01:24.59twistedthe hot pockets beef taco flavor really sucks
01:25.05pfnariel you can?
01:25.11Ridgebackany SIP sphones allow  pstn/sip selectable at dial time?
01:25.14bkw_I went to install DSL for my ex-aunt
01:25.16pfnyou can make it dial out over pstn?
01:25.16MustDietwisted: taco hell you say ?
01:25.19bkw_and she paid me 170 bucks
01:25.20ariel_Ridgeback it is for 911 use maily. Not full access.
01:25.27pfnbkw you slut you  :p
01:25.35twistedMustDie, no
01:25.41twistedhot pockets
01:25.44DoctorCTIcan the sipura-3000 be used as a asterisk SIP trunk to access the PSTN?
01:25.47bkw_she was married to my uncle at one point for YEARS
01:25.47wsuffex aunt
01:25.57Ridgebackariel_: ok thanks
01:26.03ariel_I have a beta of it. And actually yes you can. But it's limited to only the other line plugged into the sipura fxs port.
01:26.06twistedi'm trying to eat solid foods again
01:26.06bkw_from way before I was born till the time I was like 17
01:26.14*** join/#asterisk EternalKnight (
01:26.16twistedand i picked the absolute WRONG thing to ead
01:26.25bkw_twisted I got something solid for you to slurp on
01:26.31twistedbkw_, harhar
01:26.40MustDietwisted: stop killing yourself with all that, try something real
01:26.48wsuffmoose penis
01:26.58ariel_Ridgeback do you under stand the 3000 limited ues of it's fxo port?
01:27.01Ridgebacktwisted: whats wrong?
01:27.15bkw_twisted well this meat has been beat too much so it can't be veal
01:27.16Ridgebackariel_: nope never readu p on the sipura3000
01:27.26ariel_twisted hot pockets are well hart problems in a small pack.
01:27.49DoctorCTIcan the sipura-3000 be restricted on the PSTN dialing access rights? IE no 1900 dialing...
01:27.51ariel_here we got with the spelling you knew what I was talking about..
01:27.59twistedthese are gonna turn into indigestion
01:28.01twistedi can tell already
01:28.20MustDieeverybody is switching twisted to organic food :P
01:28.35twistedMustDie, pass me your liver
01:28.39ariel_DoctorCTI I don't know the doc's I got is not complete but there is allot you can do with there dialling plan.
01:28.56MustDietwisted: it's all poisoned already ......too late
01:29.11DoctorCTIis the doc you have in soft copy?
01:29.42ariel_it was a 2 pay sheet not worth the reading just your basic login and plugging it in.
01:29.49twistedSubject: Oh no... no... dady (story by Nikki)
01:30.07cybycpfn: look there (or other directories in pub)
01:30.14Ridgebackhmm just read the sipura-3000 should beable to route calls via the pstn, based on a local dial plan. cool!
01:31.13bkw_skype on /.
01:31.21bkw_and NO TALK OF ASTERISK
01:31.23twistedbkw_, and in here
01:31.24twistedall day
01:31.24bkw_get with it people
01:31.34ariel_Ridgeback yes like I said it has basic local access but only from it's other port.
01:32.10Ridgebackthats fine, thats all i need. just need  SIP + pstn from one phone  :)
01:32.29*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:32.55ariel_Remember the one I have is still beta they are not release yet. They told me that there firmware will change allot in the next few weeks.
01:34.26Ridgebackariel_: cool. cant wait to see what price it will retail
01:35.34bkw_ok i'm happy i'm 170 bucks richer
01:35.35twistedfile: you here?
01:35.39twistedbkw_, werd
01:35.39bkw_CHOP CHOP make bkw richer
01:35.43JestreRidgeback: Looks like about 160, 125 on most sites now
01:36.43pfndamnit, I just locked myself out of my mts account
01:39.31ariel_Ridgeback pre orders are available from Voxilla for around $ 124 to 125. Something like that.
01:40.11RidgebackBoRiS: yep
01:40.28bkw_I have burned stinger and Ad-aware to disk 100 times today for people
01:40.43bkw_if I get my hands on the fucker that wrote this zafi virus i'm gonna kill that little motherfucker
01:40.48ariel_I have a new SipExpress which is something like it. I am working on it in the morning. It has 2 ethernet ports one fxo backup /911 port and 2 FXS ports. SIP device.
01:41.39ariel_what a virus again no quick hide....
01:42.11Ridgebackbkw_: are you a sysadmin?
01:44.17bkw_you could say that
01:44.18JerJeraren't we all sysadmins?
01:44.21bkw_i'm head bitch in charge
01:44.27Ridgebackbkw_: lol
01:44.28bkw_H B I C
01:44.54Ridgebackbkw_: nick changed to -> HBIC
01:44.55*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:45.00Ridgebackbkw_: lol
01:46.00*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:46.37*** part/#asterisk Ridgeback (
01:47.07ariel_Damm Cable modem network route sucks..
01:47.40ariel_Can someone do me a favor and tracert to Ip address and tell you the last stop before that one please..
01:47.57coax<-- isn't a sysadmin.
01:48.15coax<-- just runs the systems all day, every day, day in, day out, rain or shine, with never a momentary breath of fresh air
01:48.45ariel_Damm that is the wrong address. Wonder what has happened to them..
01:49.23ariel_JerJer thanks I need to see what wrong with them..
01:51.13*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
01:52.55twistedOn-line registration will open june 20th 2004
01:52.55twistedPlease stay tuned.
01:53.03pfnfor ?
01:53.17wsufftwisted: haha
01:53.24wsuffpfn: astricon
01:53.40*** join/#asterisk essobi (
01:54.11twistedSpaceShipOne became the first *privately funded* ship to reach space today!
01:54.11twistedThe FAA gave pilot Mike Melvill (62!) the first set of astronaut wings
01:54.11twistedawarded for a private/non-government/non-military spaceflight.
01:54.28JerJerthat's a false statement
01:54.52JerJeran amatur rocketry club reached space a month ago, just no human on board
01:55.27JerJerand they went 72 miles
01:56.17ariel_bkw_ thanks but I dont' have the problem to me. My customers appears that there main IP address has been hijacked.. I am trying to get to there main router to see what happened.
01:57.05twistedJerJer, reagardless, it's still pretty damn cool
01:57.25ariel_Yes soon we will all be able to go into space.. Not enough money in my bank for that..
01:57.45twistedariel_, i'd hate to see the fuel costs for that :P
01:58.15ariel_Well there going to start selling rides next year for 30,000 plus for each person.. Argh.
01:58.37twistedAstricon 2006 - Location: Jupiter
01:59.00twistedHotel: Outer Rings Hilton
01:59.01ariel_Engine only burns for 1 to 3 minutes... fast shit.
01:59.34ariel_ROFL  got to belive it someday it will happen...
01:59.54twisted"Watch Paris Hilton's dress lift right off her body!"
02:00.09ariel_too skinny.
02:00.19twistedariel_, I'd break it like a kit-kat!
02:00.23JerJeryeah i'd break her
02:00.43JerJerbut i'd have better video footage :P
02:00.54ariel_Besides there are pictures already on the internet.. Nothing hiding any more there.
02:00.55twisted"Gimme a break! Gimme a break! Break me off a piece of that thin-ass-bitch!"
02:02.14essobiTell me you wouldn't pick her up and walk around with her ass in each hand.
02:02.34twisteddamn skippy
02:03.31ariel_Damm shit.. Argh If I get my hands on this stupid person to take my customers address I am going to kill him...
02:04.36ariel_I know I will back trace them. And let them have bkw_ virus on them...
02:07.28essobiariel_ what's happening?
02:08.35ariel_I have seen to have lost the main router to my customers site.
02:10.21*** join/#asterisk heison (
02:13.04Damintwisted: That is supposed to go;
02:13.26pfnI'd hit paris....
02:13.29Damintwisted: "Gimme a piece, gimme a piece, break me off a piece of that fine ass ho"
02:13.33fileFreeBSD folks, where are you at?
02:13.40twistedno dood
02:13.41twistedgimme a break
02:14.02essobifile What?
02:14.02Damintwisted: No. I don't have to. I have dual opterons!
02:14.12fileessobi: help me get sound working, NOW!
02:14.22fileor I'll eat you
02:14.29pfntime to go home
02:14.42ariel_now now eating you is over rated..
02:15.01fileokay! :(
02:15.21*** join/#asterisk greendisease (
02:16.02essobifile what're you trying to get working?
02:16.05essobiA sound card?
02:16.10*** join/#asterisk atacomm (
02:16.11ariel_Ok does someone have a good dns server I could use for a little while.. Adelphia has too many restrictions on theres.
02:16.18essobiget to cracking on a new kernel
02:17.06jtoddIn a MeetMe, what is the definition of a "marked" user?  (see the "x" option...)
02:20.49*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:21.05ManxPowerDoes overlapdial work with analog Zap?
02:21.10ManxPoweri.e. X100P?