irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040618

00:00.37goodbytesAny of you sucessfully upgraded a Cisco 7960 to P0S3-06-3-00 ?
00:00.38Darwin35need some input
00:01.01Darwin35no matter who calls it goes only toi  busy voicemail even if I am not on the phone
00:01.27Darwin35it wont go to unavable  vm
00:01.27pfnyep, the x100p is flawless, not a bit of echo
00:01.44*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (~Jason@
00:01.54pfnI guess I'm lucky here
00:02.13twistedi'm not ready for storms yet
00:02.31Darwin35any input ?
00:04.23paulcDarwin: maybe I'm missing something.. (I'm fucked in the head today).. but s,2 - that goto - doesn't it just take you off somewhere else?
00:05.39Darwin35its all his fault
00:05.43michaellCATCH HIM
00:05.47Darwin35holding him by the ears
00:05.59Darwin35little varmit
00:07.31paulcthat the problem then?
00:17.13doughecka"Our network is legacy-free and only utilizes the latest in Cisco internetworking equipment."
00:17.25dougheckalegacy free... sure
00:17.33Marlowlegacy-fre ?
00:17.39Umarodoughecka, who's that?
00:17.45kevorkianYea .. it was built .. TOMOROW
00:18.27Umaro- Mark Martin, FUNKenterprises
00:18.31Marlowthat was some marketing guy there, that had no clue
00:18.34Umarohow come i didn't think of that company name?
00:18.38pfnwtf is legacy free
00:18.48pfnno ipv4?
00:18.50pfnipv6 only?
00:18.58Marlowpfn: definatly not cisco :)
00:20.21pfnnow that my dsl's back up, time to peruse suprnova some more  :)
00:20.47paulcFAQ, I know.. but what's the command line for sox (or is it soxmix?) to combine 2 files recorded with Monitor in to one? The only reason I ask is cos I can't find it on the wiki.. which I will clearly update once I know the answer :-)
00:21.30michaellIs there a problem with the latest cvs and compiling?
00:22.08michaellit seems when I compile asterisk i am in a endless loop
00:22.09Marlowpaulc: looked in the man page ?
00:22.40*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:22.53Marlowmicheall: goves you lots of time for coffee :)
00:23.14paulcMarlow: course not! ;-)  s'weird actually... I have sox installed, and the manpage for soxmix.. but the executable isn't there..
00:23.35michaellMarlow: I been here for the lats 6 hours
00:23.56Marlowmichaell: ok .. more time for coffee :) ....
00:24.11paulcor.. I could just load them in to cool edit, one in each channel.. then convert stereo-->mono..
00:24.12Marlowpaulc: awkward ....
00:24.25michaelleither that or sip and iax are broke
00:24.54michaelljbot: thwap marlow
00:24.58jbotACTION bends over marlow and does them dry
00:25.05michaellbi bi
00:29.24*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
00:31.28paulcMarlow.. wash the aspirin down with a bucket of water? or just cool me off generally?
00:31.36paulcugh.. I'm all antsy this afternoon and I don't know why
00:34.18hardwirepaulc: doh
00:34.52twistedit's raining like someone's dumping a swimming pool on top of us out here
00:34.54twistedthis is nuts
00:35.02twistedwe're not supposed to get monsoons in AL
00:35.35twistedit calmed down
00:35.43knight-hey twisted
00:35.45twistedhey knight
00:36.41twistedthat's interesting
00:36.56twistedi'm a bit confused as to how, exactly, that would work
00:37.02knight-yeah, i've been adding xml output to phpvoipmail
00:37.09knight-and that ofcourse eats the xml
00:37.57knight-eats it like candy ;)
00:39.57knight-pfn, yeah me too
00:40.01knight-done my share of prank calling friends of friends with 911-911-9111
00:40.21*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:41.18pfnoh, it supports 9119119111 too?
00:41.59FireRabbitI forwarded UDP/5060 and UDP/10000-20000, do I need anything else?
00:43.04FireRabbittheres a bunch of concept crap on the wiki about using a nat but no page that just says "do this and it will work"
00:43.05twisteddamn yo
00:43.12twistedi went to blow my nose
00:43.18twistedand i blew a hole thru 3 sheets of tissue
00:44.23paulcI HATE when that happens
00:44.25paulcshite tissues
00:44.57paulcre Caller ID frigging: interesting.. how the name for the state lookup thing.. gets done locally.. which I guess is the same for caller ID name? hence why it doesn't work state to state?
00:45.00UmaroFireRabbit, for * behind a nat, or the sip phone behind a nat?
00:45.23FireRabbitwell both, but right now I'm trying to call out (asterisk is behind nat)
00:51.19pfnfirerabbit for iax you don't need to do anything
00:51.22pfnfor sip you set nat=yes
00:51.30pfnand maybe
00:51.36pfnthey do tell you what to do
00:51.44pfnexcept how to use a sip proxy, but a sip proxy isn't supported by *
00:51.52FireRabbitarlright, well I did do that
00:52.11pfnwhere are you trying to call?
00:52.19pfnwhat service
00:52.32pfnmy * is behind a nat and I've been able to contact vpc and fwd just fine
00:52.38pfnhaven't tried incoming calls yet...
00:52.53FireRabbiti was trying
00:53.05FireRabbitit says: Jun 17 17:52:36 WARNING[229391]: chan_sip.c:612 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 1682030019@ for seqno 103 (Non-critical Request)
00:53.07MarlowFireRabbit : e164 is only enum
00:53.19FireRabbitmarlow, er right, i was calling a number on there
00:53.32pfnso what if you call the number directly?
00:53.58FireRabbitwell isnt that what I was doing?
00:54.18pfnI haven't setup any sip peers yet
00:54.23FireRabbit I was trying the first number on that page
00:56.10FireRabbitdoes that one work for anyone else? i suppose it could be dead
00:58.18FireRabbitit could also be this POS SIP client
00:58.27bkw_blah we have 3% of the DSL market in one of our cities
00:58.38bkw_sadly we are number two behind SBC
00:58.48bkw_we have 25 customers in that city.. they have 1014
00:58.53bkw_hard to compete eh
00:59.46bkw_has +r got rid of alot of people?
01:00.18Darwin35need input on why its not going to unavaible vm and only going to  busy vn
01:00.22bkw_don't mix your priority like that
01:00.50michaellbkw_: trash it
01:01.21bkw_trash the +r
01:01.28bkw_it keeps the spam bots out
01:01.49michaellbkw_: trash the +r it may keep some people from joining and making asterisk bigger.... but what about the online chat?
01:01.57michaelldo they have to register on hoochie also?
01:02.12michaellthats a pain
01:02.13bkw_it tells them out
01:02.26*** mode/#asterisk [-r] by bkw_
01:02.30bkw_and the flood of bots returns
01:02.53michaellYou can always turn off the notificaion of the joins and leavse
01:02.55UmaroIt was rather nice not having the bots join, actually
01:03.10bkw_I need to see people join and leave
01:03.21michaelllol why's that?
01:03.32*** join/#asterisk WiNzip (~LOsTGIrL@
01:03.49bkw_so I know
01:03.58alindeman_Heh, theeeeey'''re back :P
01:04.00bkw_its like talking in a group with your eyes closed
01:04.05*** join/#asterisk switch (
01:04.06bkw_you need to see when people come and go
01:04.26bkw_we could always use a channel key
01:04.31michaellswitch: you even been in here before?
01:04.33bkw_do /join #asterisk key
01:04.51Umarowhat's wrong with making people register with nickserv?
01:04.52michaellwhatever that did
01:05.00bkw_Umaro I don't see a problem with it
01:05.01ariel_Ok so who is a good iax2 trunking person on tonight. I have a strange problem.
01:05.06michaellUmaro: i have
01:05.08bkw_but the chat on digiums site needs to be setup to tell people to register
01:05.28*** join/#asterisk Huri (java@
01:05.33bkw_see those
01:05.36bkw_100's of them per hour
01:05.37twistedi live next to a hottie
01:05.43bkw_twisted whats his name?
01:05.46ariel_bkw_ have the digium site have a register login.
01:05.48twistedi don't know HER name
01:05.55twistednot yet
01:06.04bkw_I can see it now
01:06.17ariel_twisted go next door and say hello
01:06.23twistedariel_ i did
01:06.24bkw_FILM AT 11, cops find hottin in neighbors freezer.. stay tuned more to come.
01:06.26fileasterisk-win32 is almost done
01:06.31twistedshe left her keys in the door
01:06.37bkw_twisted dumb bitch
01:06.41Umarofile, for the love of god, why?!?!
01:06.43twistedit's the second time
01:06.44ariel_ok so you did not ask her name?
01:06.52twistedno i didn't know what she looked like
01:06.52bkw_did you tell her?
01:06.53fileUmaro: Unable to answer.
01:06.54twistedso i was taken aback
01:07.03twistedit was kinda like a jumble mumble
01:07.09twisted"your um, keys, um, door"
01:07.14Umarobwah twisted
01:07.22bkw_like a little skewl boi
01:07.31bkw_so help me I want +r
01:07.33twistedbkw_ if id've KNOWN she was a hottie beforehand
01:07.36twistedi woulda been able to handle it
01:07.38pfnwho hottie what?
01:07.42ariel_no please no let me ah no well I guess oh I well
01:07.52bkw_pfn me
01:07.54bkw_i'm a hottie
01:08.11pfnindeed, yes you are
01:08.23bkw_but I don't have the abs
01:08.29twistedi have like 2 abs
01:08.43bkw_whats his name?
01:08.44rcampfn Hello.
01:08.49rcambkw_ Hello.
01:08.54twistedbkw_ Hello.
01:09.03pfn* Hello.
01:09.06ariel_OK here is the deal with my problem when server 1 sends a iax2 trunck call to server 2 it finds the phone busy when the return info comes back to server 1 it thinks it's unavailable instead of busy.
01:09.07pfnha ha
01:09.09pfnI WIN
01:09.09bkw_200 OK
01:09.32bkw_403 FORBIDDEN
01:09.38bkw_302 MOVED
01:09.40twistedMAIL FROM:
01:09.48bkw_200 OK
01:09.55twistedRCPT TO:
01:10.03bkw_200 OK
01:10.13twistedbkw, you are a lazy bieotch
01:10.30twistedlol - fsck the subject.. :P
01:11.00bkw_354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
01:11.07hardwireI have no idea what I am doing
01:11.14twistedbkw had to go look that one up
01:11.17bkw_its ccually 250
01:11.22bkw_on instead of 200ok
01:11.35bkw_250 2.0.0 i5I1AZj12893 Message accepted for delivery
01:11.48bkw_how many people can send email like that
01:11.50bkw_very few
01:11.57bkw_fuck email programs telnet to the port and send it directly
01:12.00twistedbut i can, obviously :P
01:12.02bkw_har har har
01:12.14twistedthat's how i test mailservers
01:12.18twistedto see if they're configured properly
01:12.49pfnI used to telnet to port 25 all the time  :p
01:12.53pfnexcept now I'm miffed
01:12.59pfnno one supports expn or vrfy anymore  :(
01:13.07twistedmy mailer does
01:13.29pfncuz of fucking spammers screwing it up for everyone else
01:13.39pfnand hackers, trying to hack accounts based on email addy's
01:13.42pfnjust like there's no more finger
01:13.49twistedexcept it tells you that everything fails verify
01:14.16twistedand as for expand
01:15.02twistedbut then again
01:15.09bkw_you suck donkey balls?
01:15.10twistedthe only thing that touches my mailserver is my mail-relay agent
01:15.14bkw_can I get a picture of that?
01:15.29bkw_DUM DUM DUM
01:15.37ariel_what there sucking donkey balls now.. argh
01:15.45jbotMOOOOSE PENIS!!!
01:15.49twistedi bet i can get a picutre of donkey balls
01:16.13ariel_someone has been smoking something...
01:16.24twistedOHLY SHIT
01:16.26twistedwtf is that?
01:16.53ariel_rofl... it hurts
01:17.15*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
01:17.24switchmichaell: why do you ask?
01:17.33michaellahhh nothing
01:17.37michaellI was giong to mention something
01:17.39bkw_thats evil
01:17.46*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (~neonlevel@
01:17.49bkw_you guys are SICK
01:17.51switchmichaell: should i not be here?
01:18.04Umarotwisted, if you are banned for eternity for that shit, it will be too soon! :P
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk _wtf (
01:19.39goodbytesAny of you successfully installed SIP firmware on a Cisco 7960 ?
01:19.45twistedaparently meese have small peni
01:19.45bkw_who hasn't
01:19.52bkw_twisted really?
01:19.53*** join/#asterisk asterix_ (~unknown@
01:19.58bkw_how did you find this out?
01:20.08Marlowbkw_ : probably spam
01:22.09*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
01:22.14bkw_Remember your genitalia? Good. Monitor them regularly through surreptitious tugs and realignments.
01:22.22wmandraevening all...
01:22.28bkw_Size and visual impact of genitalia is crucial. Normal penis size is 12 to 14 inches with a 4 inch circumference. If yours fall short, immediate remedies should be administered. Only one remedy is guaranteed effective (see Step #13).
01:22.54bkw_Research shows that genital insecurity is best combated through a combination of compensation behaviors. In general, every inch below normal is equal to $8000 of needed compensation behavior, most easily achieved through the purchase of the hugest automobile one can find. So, for Ted, with a diminutive 8 inch manroot, a Ford F250 Supercab Diesel Duallie is in order. He may able to save money by not bothering with a muffler or emission control.
01:23.21twistedpfn hate to tell ya
01:23.22Umarobkw_, hahaha
01:23.26twistedbut if you had an 18" schlong
01:23.35twistedwe'd have been able to tell in that photo
01:23.38*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:23.43adsmod$.89 for 15 minutes of phone sex:
01:23.47twistedand no girl would have you
01:23.56bkw_or boy
01:24.01bkw_i'm sorry but them big ones hurt!
01:24.11ManxPowerbkw_: They do?
01:24.21twistedso I'm happy with my stock 9"
01:24.23pfn12-14" is quite overkill, too
01:24.25bkw_maybe not for someone that can fit an 8 ball up their ass
01:24.28bkw_but BIG HURTS
01:24.47pfnno imagery please
01:24.55bkw_no need I can show you the picture
01:24.55hardwirewho here knows how to configure asterisk from the ground up
01:24.59hardwirethis is overwelming ;)
01:25.02twistedbkw_ what about an 8 ball, a 15 ball , and a cue ball all at once?
01:25.10bkw_twisted you're not right
01:25.16bkw_hardwire i'm 60.00/hr with 2 hour min
01:25.18twistedbkw_ wanna see what i'm talking about?
01:25.23bkw_and I can get you up fast!
01:25.24ManxPowerbkw_: Silly!  That pic isn't of me.
01:25.33bkw_ManxPower i didn't say it was
01:25.34hardwirebkw_: that does me no good.. I am behind a 600 ms link.. it would take you days ;)
01:25.34twistedbkw_, the gigalo
01:25.43bkw_hardwire no it wouldn't
01:25.55hardwirebkw_: have experience connecting t100p to nortel?
01:26.01bkw_nortel what?
01:26.15hardwirenortel PBX over DTI
01:26.27bkw_Never have but i'm sure it can't be that big of an issue
01:26.35*** join/#asterisk Lee (Lee@
01:26.40twistedif you say nortel meridian, i'm gonna say throw ita way
01:26.49bkw_hardwire their are only so many ways something can be setup
01:26.54hardwireseems to be concerning every wiki page on it
01:27.00bkw_and you can rule alot of them out instantly
01:27.01twistednot meridian
01:27.07hardwireall I need is to patch this line to an NEC PBX on the other end of an ethernet link
01:27.42hardwirebkw_: yeh.. just never set up asterisk before
01:28.48*** join/#asterisk Rich (
01:31.11twisteda apologize ahead of time for this paste, but dear god, i have to!
01:31.13twisted<Mango> Haha, I went to the bathroom, came out, and ripped off a piece of sweet bread that was on the table and my dad says "What the hell are you doing? Did you wash your hands?"
01:31.14twisted<Mango> I said "no, but I didnt piss on my hands so dont worry"
01:31.14twisted<Mango> "doesnt matter" he says "your hands were still all over your dick"
01:31.14twisted<Mango> "Who cares? My dick, along with my entire body, came out of YOUR dick"
01:31.17twisted<Mango> So now we can't look eachother in the eyes anymore.
01:32.46Umarodude.. Hygiene.
01:33.22*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
01:33.39hardwireI agree
01:37.50*** join/#asterisk CableGuy (
01:38.28*** join/#asterisk Kate_ (~JaXX-20f_@
01:41.41CableGuywhat must i do in order to be able to call (700) 428-6161  i have an out of the box asterisk
01:42.03coaxCableGuy: Configure it. :)
01:42.03*** join/#asterisk eLemean (~Daff@
01:42.48coaxcableguy: And the general direction you need to go - is to look up how to set up an iaxtel account
01:42.59coaxcableguy: (700 numbers are iaxtel.)
01:43.15CableGuyright thanks :-)
01:43.20coaxcableguy: Welcome!
01:43.29coaxcableguy: Apparently when you get an iaxtel account, you also get a phone number
01:43.45coaxcableguy: Apparently, too, it allows yout o dial 800 (and associated toll-free codes) for free
01:43.59coaxcableguy: yeah, its cool
01:44.09coaxcableguy: But seeing as though I have VoicePulse, there's no reason for me to join iaxtel
01:44.29*** join/#asterisk svecias6986730 (
01:44.39coaxcableguy: Tho i do keep an fwd number configured in my asterisk just for shits and giggles.. :)
01:45.22*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
01:45.26TestMasTerbkw_:  you around?
01:51.12pfncoax well, vpc isn't free....
01:51.20pfnthat's one reason for having iaxtel
01:51.30*** join/#asterisk Lucho (Lucho@
01:51.38pfnyou can't dial the iaxtel number from pstn, can you?
01:52.08ManxPowerpfn: no
01:52.27pfnis 1-700 a private number or something?  unused in the pstn?
01:52.42*** join/#asterisk ^CelineDion (CranBerrie@
01:53.02adsmodit's not in the pstn
01:53.45*** join/#asterisk mmgtranstelco (
01:53.56essobiHas anyone here upgraded a SCCP 7960 to SIP?
01:54.11essobiMy phone's freaked out..
01:54.26*** join/#asterisk GiRL[23] (~NOQUIT@
01:54.27bkw_iptables -nvL | grep 2401
01:54.54*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:55.06essobiAre you trying to tell us something Brian.
01:55.20bkw_like what?
01:55.26bkw_everyone knows i'm a big ole homo
01:55.41essobiI was joking.
01:55.45bkw_i'm tring to find the frodo/sam homoerotic stuff that was on the Graham Norton show
01:55.50MustDieessobj: what's wrong with you 7960
01:55.51bkw_it was funny
01:56.05MustDieerr your
01:57.41bkw_haha this guy is funny
01:59.41Darwin35night kiddies
02:00.07*** join/#asterisk Quibbly (
02:00.11mmgtranstelcoIam trying to compile current CVS. Actualle Iam running V1 stable release but whem compiling asterisk T got chan_zap.c:59:2: #error "You need newer libpri" Any idea?
02:00.31QuibblyHey Everyone.  Evening!
02:01.05bkw_mmgtranstelco thats is a VERY clear error
02:01.13QuibblyAnyone here set astrisks up yet?
02:01.15bkw_and it tells you right there what to do
02:01.28bkw_Quibbly yes
02:01.46Quibblycool..maybe you can answer my question before I buy the hardware.  
02:02.11bkw_so you want free Consulting?
02:02.21QuibblyI want to setup a pbx at my home and I have one CO line, so I know I need an FXO card.  But if I want to use VOIP phones, do I have to use a FXS card?
02:02.31MustDieQualibbly: bkw charges $120 per session of 5 minutes
02:02.47*** join/#asterisk aCtion (
02:02.54Quibblyouch...I charge that for 1 hour as a MCSA and software developer
02:02.55mmgtranstelcobkw_ But I already download and install libpri current cvs
02:02.58bkw_MustDie but tell him its worht it isn't it
02:03.05bkw_mmgtranstelco apparently NOT
02:03.16bkw_120 is for two hours
02:03.24bkw_no thats cheap
02:03.27MustDieQualibbly: that's cheap.
02:03.31bkw_i'm one of the cheaper people
02:03.33Quibblyouch, ouch, ouch!  :)
02:03.47bkw_yes you have to use FXS cards
02:03.53bkw_get you a 1x3 TDM board
02:04.03bkw_1 FXO and 3 FXS's problem.  I'm a linux, Unix (yep, SCO) and Microsoft kind of guy
02:04.40bkw_OUT OUT OUT
02:04.43knight-twisted, you around?
02:04.44bkw_SCO is eivl
02:04.47bkw_evil evil evil
02:04.58Quibblyfxo is for CO line and 3 fxs is for 3 extensions..correct (oh yes, SCO is evil)
02:04.58MustDiebkw: ban him
02:05.10MustDieSCO+Microsoft = evil
02:05.26QuibblySCO stand for SCOrn
02:05.26bkw_i'm not that evil
02:05.29bkw_I can't judge anyone
02:06.04QuibblyI'm not gay, but my boss is :)
02:06.04*** join/#asterisk Ajohnson (
02:06.25MustDiebkw: life without judging is too boaring
02:06.26bkw_i'm not straight but I play one in real life at times
02:06.29bkw_or try too
02:06.36bkw_just that walk.. and my voice
02:06.44*** join/#asterisk GodziLLa (
02:06.44bkw_damn it.. if I didn't have to walk or talk.. I would pull it off
02:06.46bkw_BUT NO
02:06.47Quibblymy wife calls me a Metro
02:06.53bkw_thats it +r is going back
02:06.58*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by bkw_
02:07.11bkw_I love you, I honestly love
02:07.24QuibblyYou guys are cool.  Glad I decided to learn about VOIP
02:07.32bkw_voip is fun
02:07.35bkw_but a good crack habit is cheaper
02:07.53QuibblyI just setup 4500/4500 at work..should have fun with VOIP
02:08.01bkw_4500? what?
02:08.07MustDiebkw: voip is also something about $$$$$$
02:08.19Quibbly4500 down, 4500 upload for internet (Bonded three T-1's)
02:08.21bkw_ya I make a little but not near enuf to cover my expense
02:08.30bkw_Quibbly ATM?
02:08.46QuibblyNa..ATM was a little bit higher than bonding three T-1's with Ima
02:08.51bkw_thats crap
02:08.56bkw_IMA T1's here are dirt cheap
02:09.02bkw_DIRT CHEAP
02:09.08bkw_300 per 1.5 after the first one
02:09.18QuibblyThree t-1's with local loop ($1000.00)
02:09.18bkw_that ATM tax is too high
02:09.29bkw_thats about the same as ATM here
02:09.37QuibblyI'm in Houston.  you?
02:09.43bkw_McALester, OK
02:09.45bkw_SBC land
02:09.46bkw_you are too
02:09.58QuibblyUse to be stationed at Ft. Sill (yuck)
02:10.23bkw_All of Oklahoma is YUCK
02:10.36Quibblyyep...but cooler than Houston (it's hot and humid here)
02:10.53QuibblyMove to Texas and I was like (WTF...though OK was hot)
02:11.13bkw_the weather around here is so silly
02:11.20bkw_rain, sun, rain, tornado in one fucking day
02:11.25Quibblyyou have lots of tornados
02:11.35bkw_its all the tornadorods
02:11.39bkw_aka trailer parks
02:11.41bkw_har har har
02:11.44Quibblywe have two and fuk#n hot
02:11.52bkw_Ya know tornados aren't all that scary
02:12.05bkw_and I have had my ass beat by one
02:12.13bkw_and walked away.. I was fuckin lucky
02:12.26bkw_it just proves...... its gonna get ya it will.
02:12.27Quibblysame here...was training at Ft. Sill and we were hit by one...not fun
02:12.36bkw_May 3rd 99 in OKC here can't out run enjoy the view
02:12.44bkw_thats a day I will never forget
02:13.15Quibblyit's really quite before it hits, and quite in the eye of the storm
02:13.18*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
02:13.23Quibblyer..quiet that is
02:14.24bkw_its the closest to death I have ever been
02:14.32bkw_and wtf it doesn't sound like a train
02:14.38Quibblyhey, with the 1 fxo and 3 fxs, how many hardware VOIP phones can I support in my house...maybe 4?
02:14.39bkw_and the smell .. you will never forget the smell
02:14.51Quibblyoh..p4 3.0g and 1 gig ddr
02:14.54bkw_if you use voip phone you can run as many as you want
02:15.01bkw_thats over kill
02:15.15bkw_you don't need FXS for hardware voip phones
02:15.22bkw_you can just get 4 FXO and pipe 4 Pots lines in
02:15.33bkw_and have 100 SIP phones if you really wanted
02:15.36pfnpots lines are expensive, just go voip   :p
02:15.45bkw_bitch please
02:15.51bkw_7.95 per line isn't bad
02:15.54pfnthey are, with tax and everything, they're like $25/ea
02:16.02bkw_No 16.95 + tax here
02:16.04Quibblyi only need one CO line er..pot
02:16.13pfnI swear, I remove all the services off of my pots lines and it's still like $20/ea
02:16.14bkw_then 1 X100P is all you need
02:16.15bkw_99 bucks
02:16.28pfnspend a little more and get a tdm01b
02:16.36pfnoh hell, tdm31b
02:16.40bkw_ya really
02:17.09QuibblyWas looking at spending around $200.00 for a FXO card,but I only need one CO line for home.  Going to setup 4 hardware VPN phones in my house
02:17.26Quibblyer.....voip phones that is..
02:17.27pfn$200 for 1 fxo card?  sheesh
02:18.04Quibblykinda new at VOIP...but I can whip up a WAN network (Frame, VPN, ETC...) and create any kind of network you want.. :)
02:18.25bkw_MOOSE PENIS
02:18.26QuibblyVPN is the way to go..just setup 14 remote sites this week
02:18.38coaxQuibbly: The modular cards are better than the x100p's, but they'll do the trick
02:18.40bkw_VPN phones har har har
02:19.18Quibblygo to my company (er that I work for).
02:19.33Quibblythat was a typo error...meant VOIP phones
02:19.41QuibblyI do a lot of VPN's...get confused
02:19.42bkw_hehe Ya
02:19.43bkw_I got it
02:21.14Quibblyfor the price, should I just get the Wildcar TDM400p with the FXS and FXO interfaces?  The dev kit is like $199 and I can upgrade
02:21.59QuibblyI can wire in an analog cordless phone into the FXS port and the rest on VOIP hardware phones?
02:27.36twistedsitc is funny
02:28.39hardwireanybody got a few spare minutes to tutor me in a /msg?
02:28.43hardwireI know its a lot to ask
02:28.48BoRiSAny newer GS firmware the
02:28.50hardwireI have lots of love to give in return
02:28.52coaxhardwire: You really need to ask what you need help with
02:29.01coaxhardwire: Lots of different folks know lots of different things.
02:29.04hardwirewell get there once you priv msg me.. sexy
02:29.14pfnuh, ok
02:29.17coaxhardwire: Um. fuck off, dude
02:29.56coaxhardwire: So ask your question, or i'm going to get moose penis here to kick your ass.
02:29.57hardwirejust trying to figure out how to hook this t100p up to this norstar plus system over its t1 interface
02:30.00hardwireI have green lights
02:30.14*** part/#asterisk twisted (
02:30.14*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:30.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:30.15coaxah. okay. so something real then.
02:30.20twisteddid someone call for a moose penis?
02:30.29hardwireput it away twisted
02:30.32coaxokay, so you got a channel bank
02:30.33hardwireits not needed
02:30.41coaxand you got a single t1 digium card
02:30.44hardwireif I had any idea what that meant.. I would agree
02:31.15hardwireat this point I just want to give the machine with the t1 card an extension
02:31.18hardwireand call it good for the day
02:31.25hardwireno idea how to program the phone system for that
02:31.27adsmodanyone had any luck with these X100P from digit networks?
02:31.31hardwireor asterisk
02:31.41coaxhardwire: Okay. well, if you dont understand how asterisk works, you really need to futz with sip first until you figure out the contexts, etc
02:31.47coaxadsmod: Don't ask about them here.
02:31.53hardwirecoax: thats what it seems
02:31.54coaxadsmod: Unless you intend to buy a digium x100p.
02:31.58hardwireI just don't have anybody else to talk to ;)
02:32.03adsmoduhh why?
02:32.15coaxhardwire: Here are some links.
02:32.21hardwirebeen to both
02:32.25hardwirenot sure where to start still
02:32.29hardwireand I don't have a lot of time
02:32.35hardwirethats my own fault however
02:32.41coaxadsmod: Because by buying cards from digium, you help development of asterisk - and keep the developers alive to do the work.
02:33.16*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
02:33.17adsmodand by buying cards I can afford, I can help the development of asterisk too
02:33.23bkw_yes yes yes
02:33.34bkw_adsmod you a bug marshal yet
02:33.41bkw_or do you wanna be?
02:33.46bkw_because i'm the recruiter
02:33.47essobiWhat's the diff between SIP 7.1 and 7.0 for the 7960?
02:33.56bkw_essobi read the release notes
02:33.57adsmodyeah... but I gotta get my nick registered first
02:34.02bkw_get it boi
02:34.09bkw_its easy
02:34.43bkw_oh baby... oh baby.. I dont know just how or why..
02:35.22hardwiremaybe I can just get that working for now as well
02:35.25adsmodis it really going to take 6-10 hours a week of my time?  I have the time, just wondering.
02:35.27coaxhardwire: You really need to just read the docs and get familiar with asterisk
02:35.37coaxadsmod: To do what/
02:35.47adsmoddoing the bug thing
02:35.53coaxadsmod: Oh.
02:35.57BoRiSAny newer GS firmware the
02:36.03coaxadsmod: I thought you meant with like setting up asterisk or something. hehe
02:36.19coaxadsmod: I was gonna say.. "No. It'll run itself if the hardware is stable."
02:37.02adsmodthat's why I'm trying to get the hardware... so I can help with the bugs... I can't even afford one digium x100p
02:37.16adsmodbut I guess it's pointless to test with a non-digium card anyway
02:37.40*** join/#asterisk iMediax (
02:43.09ManxPowerfs-phone*CLI> zap show channels
02:43.17ManxPowerWhat the HECK is "pseudo" channel??
02:43.33*** join/#asterisk twisted (
02:43.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:46.27YoYopseudo- or pseud-
02:46.27YoYoFalse; deceptive; sham: pseudoscience.
02:46.27YoYoApparently similar: pseudocoel.
02:47.06bkw_ManxPower its for meetme now
02:47.19bkw_but it looks like a bug might exist
02:47.22bkw_YoYo yes dear
02:47.35YoYoI /really/ wish I had some $$$$
02:47.54bkw_you still wanna hire me?
02:47.57YoYoI'm starting ot think that there is not one single fucking qualified PC Repair shop within like 500 miles of here
02:49.20bkw_then you will be on the side of spyware
02:49.24bkw_because it brings business
02:49.33YoYobkw, I already lover spyware =D
02:49.37YoYoI love viruses
02:49.39YoYoand worms
02:49.42bkw_ya ya ya
02:49.46bkw_they translate into cash for you
02:49.50bkw_I wish we had a shop
02:49.53bkw_we could make a killin
02:50.01YoYobut, when people that are outside of driving distance call for help, it gets a little difficult
02:50.11bkw_per mile
02:50.11YoYobkw: how many customers in mcallister?
02:50.27bkw_or get a van and travel a diffrent city each day 5 days a week
02:50.40bkw_pickup and redeliver the next week
02:50.42pfnhmm, my manager is pretty upset I missed this morning's meeting--I wonder how much longer 'til I get canned
02:50.47YoYoI thought about that
02:50.56bkw_pfn oh dear
02:50.57YoYobut it would get expensive and eat at the profits
02:51.03bkw_pickup charge
02:51.05bkw_delivery charge
02:51.16bkw_lets call it a convienience charge
02:51.19bkw_if I can spell
02:51.25bkw_30 bucks should cover it?
02:51.25YoYowell, for that matter, I could just use any existing courier service
02:51.32bkw_ship it here
02:51.34bkw_we ship it back
02:51.42bkw_shit ya
02:51.44bkw_that works
02:51.50bkw_UPS ground would be 1 day in your state
02:52.00pfndoing PC repair would drive me nuts
02:52.01bkw_ship out a box
02:52.04bkw_they pack it up
02:52.06YoYobkw, you needs to do that in mcalister at least
02:52.06bkw_ship it back
02:52.10bkw_YoYo yes
02:52.16bkw_but I don't have the money to setup a shop
02:52.18pfntotally unfun stuff
02:52.18YoYocharge like $80 for a complete restore and/or tuneup
02:52.22YoYofuck setting up a shop
02:52.24bkw_we have one guy that ripps people off all the tim efor 600+ every visit
02:52.26YoYoclear out your living room
02:52.41pfnhow many people would you need to do this?
02:52.44bkw_i'm not zoned for comercial
02:52.50pfn$80 for 2-3 hours worth of work
02:52.59pfnnot *that* good
02:53.01YoYocan't charge too much.  I've already had people that were like 'ok, so $80 for memory, $100 for XP OEM, and $60 for you to do the work?"
02:53.04bkw_YoYo greg would kill me
02:53.04YoYoI'm like "yeah"
02:53.05pfnand considering it's mindnumbing work
02:53.19YoYothey're like "that's $240.  toss in a couple more, and I'll just buy a new comp"
02:53.35pfnright, but how many can you do a day
02:53.41pfnunless you're gonna pay some high school kid $9/hr to do it
02:53.54YoYopfn: heh, it is mind numbing for the most part, but we do get occasional challanges
02:53.57pfnget like 5 of them and churn out 15-20 orders a day
02:54.00coaxwooo. new voip box is up..  happiness ensues
02:54.01YoYowe crank out about 10 a day
02:54.02pfnthen it's profitable
02:54.23YoYorather, we /can/ crank out 10 a day
02:54.23bkw_highschool kids can be had for min wage
02:54.30bkw_YoYo 10
02:54.36YoYoprolly more when I buy some new benches and kvm switches
02:54.37bkw_jesus I could do more than that
02:54.41bkw_if I had a big bench
02:54.49pfnthat's so not exciting....
02:54.56pfnbut if you like to do that
02:54.57coaxYoYo: My mom owns a computer shop
02:54.59pfnit's cool
02:55.01*** join/#asterisk evilbuny (
02:55.04pfnI just wouldn't want to do that...
02:55.11coaxyoyo: If people dont see a storefront, they do NOT want to do business with you unless they heard of you through somebody else
02:55.11bkw_I would if it paid the bills
02:55.15YoYobkw, it can take 3-4 hours per system, depending on how fast it is.  we have 4 seats right now
02:55.26bkw_more seats
02:55.28bkw_MORE MORE MORE
02:55.29YoYoit's a lot of hurry up and wait while updates install
02:55.34pfnbkw if it absolutely came down to it, there's plenty of things you can do to make money
02:55.41bkw_akamai helps eh
02:55.45coaxyoyo: Why not install 1 and image the rest?
02:55.49bkw_pfn I need to get a game plan in order
02:55.55hmodesor system imager, as the case may be
02:55.55bkw_hmodes whats up
02:55.59YoYocoax: bkw has hundreds of customers and former customers that he could sell to
02:56.01SplasPoodit'd be nice if you could just install yer own copy of XP or whatever, rather than having to use the customer's shit
02:56.03hmodeshowdee bkw
02:56.06coaxYoyo: I see.
02:56.08YoYoand with word of mouth, trust me, bkw would make a killing
02:56.13coaxSplas: You most certainly can
02:56.14bkw_hell EVERYONE knows me
02:56.21bkw_i'm the gay boi that worked at radioshack for 2 years
02:56.22pfnwho are you?
02:56.27YoYobkw, you don't have any room at all in your house?
02:56.29bkw_"Oh you mean the gay guy that worked at radioshack"
02:56.30coaxSplas: If you really care, you can hack a new serial number into the system with regedit32
02:56.30SplasPoodcoax: At what point does it become a crime
02:56.44coaxSplas: When you don't have the customer's license in your hands to prove you can do it
02:57.18coaxSplas: We run into this shit all the time.
02:57.23pfnalthough man, I'm hating my job
02:57.26SplasPoodif its not their serial, and they call for support . . .
02:57.28pfneveryday I'm thinking I wanna quit
02:57.29YoYosplas: you can install from any similar media.  teh key is what makes teh difference
02:57.32coaxSplas; Customer calls in. "I need my disk restored. I dont have my CD's but I own windows XP.  Can you just install it?"
02:57.37coaxSplas: Our answer is.. "Fuck off."
02:57.44YoYothe one thing I absolutely hate about XP, is that there are WAY too many versoins
02:57.46pfnI was so jealous when I heard one of my coworkers go to transfer to the SF office
02:57.53coaxSplas: oh, if they call in for support but have a generic key, they do have to provide the license for that machine
02:57.58YoYoCompaq keys will /not/ work with straight OEM or retail versoins of XP
02:58.00*** join/#asterisk acosgrov (
02:58.05YoYonor will dell keys :(
02:58.21coaxYoYo: Yeah. site license compiled specifically for them
02:58.24*** mode/#asterisk [-r] by bkw_
02:58.29coaxYoYo: (With a completely different hash.)
02:58.35YoYocoax: ya, I know
02:58.37YoYoand it sucks
02:58.46coaxYoYo: Sure does. happens over here all the time
02:59.10bkw_I just wanna research and have someone pay me for it
02:59.10bkw_I could do so much and make so much money if I had the funds
02:59.10YoYowe've had customers from 40 miles away that forget to bring their restore disks
02:59.10YoYoso they have to make another trip
02:59.13coaxYoYo: You are not out of bounds.
02:59.20coaxYoYo: That is a requirement. not a service.
02:59.33coaxyoyo: It is the single most important thing to remember.
02:59.37coaxYoYo: God, I fucking hate microsoft.
02:59.42hmodesmmm, funds to goof off
02:59.48hmodeswhere do i sign up for that?
03:00.03YoYohaha... I had a lady in the office today bitching up a storm about security
03:00.04bkw_thats what I want
03:00.13bkw_funds to goof with
03:00.14hmodesi would be so much more productive if i wasn't busy doing stupid shit for stupid people
03:00.17YoYoI told her straight up that /most/ people don't want security, and that she wouldn't like it either
03:00.23bkw_hmodes exactly
03:00.24coaxyoyo: Yeah, had that before. had 1 woman that was absolutely convinced that someone was coming into her computer every night
03:00.35coaxYoYo: Nevermind the fact that she unplugged it and turned it off
03:00.42YoYothey want something that's easy to use
03:00.43twistedcoax: tell her to seal up the hole in the back
03:00.53coaxtwisted: I damn near did.
03:00.59bkw_I had one that kept saying that "Your company isn't protecing my computer, I wake up and it has all this gay porn on it!"
03:01.02*** join/#asterisk Game (~MeSSaGe@
03:01.05bkw_"You guys did this to my coputer!"
03:01.08bkw_er computer
03:01.10coaxbkw: HAHAHAHAHAHA
03:01.16bkw_he's as gay as they come
03:01.18coaxbkw: Piss off, ma'am.
03:01.23bkw_and bitching about gay porn
03:01.24bkw_MY ASS
03:01.32bkw_this guy tried to molest tubby
03:01.36bkw_in th eoffice
03:01.37twistedyou gotta love those guys
03:01.39bkw_cornered him and stuff
03:01.41YoYobkw prolly puts nekkid pics of himself on customer computers
03:01.41bkw_it was intresting
03:01.43hmodesgay porn....of your ass?
03:01.54hmodesmmhmm, a likely story
03:01.54bkw_damn you guys
03:01.56coaxhmodes: A picture of just an ass cannot be considered gay porn. just so you know.
03:02.06twistedhow exactly do you get gay porn of your ass?
03:02.08*** join/#asterisk Docent (~Pizza@
03:02.15bkw_twisted it has something stiking in our out of it
03:02.16coaxtwisted: Stuff a dildo in it.
03:02.19hmodesif it's bkw's ass, i think that's a debateable point :)
03:02.24pfnuse your imsagination?
03:02.29YoYocoax: hell, a picture of a dick isn't necessarily gay porn either
03:02.34coaxtwisted: If a guy's ass has one of those in it, its guaranteed gay porn.
03:02.43bkw_coax not really
03:02.44essobiHow do I generate a SIP*.cnf?
03:02.45twistedcoax, not necessarily
03:02.47coaxtwisted: Course, chicks might like to see that
03:02.49essobifor my 7960?
03:02.49*** join/#asterisk angom_home (~angom@
03:02.58YoYocoax: there are plenty of heteros that enjoy anal stimulation
03:03.09bkw_twisted happens to be one of them
03:03.13YoYonot necessarily another guy, but something.... fingers, dildos, etc...
03:03.15twistedbkw_ ??
03:03.18essobiI "downgraded" to 7.0 from 7.1 and my phone recovered fine.
03:03.24coaxyoyo: Yeah my theory was flawed.
03:03.30YoYotwisted likes those big fat rubber dildos with vibraters in them
03:03.39twistedyoyo: uhh no, not really
03:03.46twistedi prefer chick's tongues
03:03.47essobiTMI guys, really.
03:03.47coaxtwisted: A little thinner then?
03:03.53coaxtwisted: IN YOUR ASS?#@$
03:03.54YoYotwisted: in your ass?  now that's sick
03:03.57twistedit's called a rimjob
03:04.01bkw_tossin the salad
03:04.04coaxi need a new hobby.
03:04.09bkw_eatin cakes
03:04.09essobiyes, you do. that does not involve sitting on irc
03:04.14andrewgcoax: sick of masturbation?
03:04.20essobiI hear rimjobs is a profitable industry.
03:04.23YoYotwisted, that's a GREAT way for both of you to get infections and even serious diseases
03:04.30coaxandrewg: Dude. the first time i masturbated in like 6 months was last night.
03:04.36andrewgwin/win situation there yoyo
03:04.37coaxandrewg: My chick has her period. Stupid whore.
03:04.39bkw_YoYo you don't eat the brown eye
03:04.40twistedyoyo: not really.. it's not like my asshole is torn
03:04.43YoYoI mean, come on... urine is steril, but the anus is crawling with bad stuff
03:04.58bkw_not if you wash it out
03:05.05bkw_get the hose
03:05.05essobiUm.. Golden showers, is just bad, M'kay?
03:05.06coaxbkw: Yeah put rubbing alcohol in there
03:05.18twistedwine aenimas clean that shit right out
03:05.22bkw_YoYo yes
03:05.33twistedand tastes good too
03:05.34coaxtwisted: Dude, yer making me want to eat a cheeseburger. stop now.
03:05.42twistedput some dom parignon
03:05.44twistedup in there
03:05.51*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:05.53essobiYou guys ain't right.
03:05.55twisted(or however you spell it)
03:05.57essobiAt all.
03:06.04coaxessobi: Welp. i figger thats the point
03:06.15bkw_i'm shocked daddy hasn't got on to us yet
03:06.15YoYoessobi: no, we're not quite right... but what's wrong with being sexually liberated?
03:06.17coax.....#asterisk needs some chicks.
03:06.17bkw_where is daddy
03:06.18hmodespfft, right and wrong
03:06.18twistedessobi, heh.. no, usually we ARE right.
03:06.23hmodestotally a matter of perspective
03:06.24YoYobkw, daddy? in the this moment
03:06.38YoYowhat about him?
03:06.48YoYohe doesn't like sex talk?
03:06.49bkw_he usually says something when we get bad
03:06.57bkw_twisted doesnt he
03:06.59coaxbkw: What does he say? Heh
03:07.07twisted<kram> let's get back on topic
03:07.18andrewgas I said earlier
03:07.18coaxscrew the topic
03:07.20YoYotopics are for weenies
03:07.28bkw_and the topic is weenies
03:07.30essobiI didn't say there was anything "wrong" with anal sex, ribjobs, or etc.. but stating something about eating a cheeseburger out of someones ass after a wine enima is.. well, rather crass.
03:07.45*** join/#asterisk RafaeL (~minK@
03:07.53YoYowho said anything about eating a cheeseburger out of someone's ass?
03:07.58bkw_twisted see that RafaeL shit.
03:08.02bkw_+r isn't on right now
03:08.04bkw_I'm testing
03:08.04YoYohe simply stated that the conversation was making him hungry
03:08.05coaxyoyo: God. stop it. haha
03:08.09*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by bkw_
03:08.09twistedit should remain on
03:08.13bkw_ok its on
03:08.16bkw_I justw ant a vote
03:08.20bkw_should +r stay on?
03:08.22coax+r is good.
03:08.22YoYobkw, problem with +r
03:08.22twistedtwo ops yay
03:08.24YoYobkw, problem with +r
03:08.28coaxit takes 2 seconds to register.
03:08.30essobiYoYo Ah.  Rather a miscommunication I supoose then.
03:08.39bkw_register your nick boi
03:08.40YoYohold on, lemme demo it
03:08.41twistedwhat is the problem?  register
03:08.42JerJeryes leave +r on
03:08.59twistedyoyo, so what?
03:09.00bkw_i'm going to talk to them about that tommrowo
03:09.01coaxJerJer: Hello, Mr. Asshole.
03:09.01twistedyou register your NICK
03:09.05twistednot your hostmask
03:09.08bkw_that needs to be replaced with a howto
03:09.10coaxJerJer: :)
03:09.11YoYotwisted: that's ANONYMOUS
03:09.19YoYofor idiots that dunno anything about IRC
03:09.22twistedyoyo: and?  you register your NICK
03:09.27bkw_YoYo um
03:09.30coaxbkw: So whats the deal with the bugtracker getting over 100 requests and gets shut down ?
03:09.32YoYoyou can't expect them to figure out how to register
03:09.32bkw_it keeps the really dumb out
03:09.39coaxbkw: I'm just wondering why they do that?
03:09.39YoYothey just want to have live chat with people about asterisk
03:09.50bkw_coax its not useful when its overflowed with bugs
03:09.52YoYohell, I don't even know how to register
03:09.53twistedyoyo: okay, so, we develop an interface to jbot :P
03:09.59YoYotwisted: eww!
03:10.01coaxbkw: I see. so, fix those, and then open it up again
03:10.01bkw_YoYo /msg NickServ help
03:10.06bkw_its open
03:10.12bkw_if bugs > 100
03:10.13coaxbkw: oh you misunderstood me
03:10.14bkw_its 78 now
03:10.14YoYooh yeah, and I don't /like/ the idea of registering
03:10.21bkw_YoYo why?
03:10.22coaxbkw: I didnt mean you should do something
03:10.27coaxbkw: I was asking if that was correct
03:10.28twistedbecause yoyo is a paranoid bitch
03:10.29YoYobecause, it's silly
03:10.37YoYoI don't like chanserv, nickserv, helpserv
03:10.40coaxbkw: A good response would be 'yea'
03:10.41YoYoand all those dumb IRC services
03:10.44*** part/#asterisk adsmod (
03:10.44coaxbkw: SEE! JUST LIKE THAT ONE!
03:10.51essobiAlright guys.. My first SCCP phone converted to SIP.
03:10.56bkw_YoYo this shaves off the really dumb people
03:10.59twistedessobi: congrats
03:11.04essobiIt's done..
03:11.06coaxbkw: Thank god.
03:11.15coaxbkw: They cant register if they're too dumb
03:11.16bkw_if they can't read the thing saying register
03:11.22bkw_or figure out how
03:11.23bkw_they can't read
03:11.29bkw_and will be asking all the dumb questions
03:11.36coaxI WANT ASTERISK
03:11.39twistedcoax: yeah.
03:11.49twistedthose are the ones we would be sucessful in weeding out
03:11.51coaxwe get that a lot with the MythTV folks
03:12.03coaxpeople who hear of MythTV, and they wanna install it - but havent ever heard of unix before
03:12.11bkw_same in here
03:12.17coax....god knows they try hard, but.. They have no idea about anything
03:12.33coaxwith a stupid windows mentality that cant understand anything other than microsoft
03:12.36JerJercoax: get your feet wet with vdr first
03:12.49coaxjerjer: VDR? (I just know yer gonna kick my ass for that.)
03:13.12coaxjerjer: Virtual Desktop <?>
03:13.43JerJer~google vdr
03:13.54JerJeri'm feeling lucky
03:14.11hmodesas well you should!
03:14.34TestMasTerhey hmodes ltns
03:14.37twistedwtf is this wacky shit on tbs
03:14.44twistedseinfield + superman
03:14.49coaxoh, that
03:15.01JerJerat least you get TBS
03:15.14coaxjerjer: Yeah, the DVB thing
03:15.50coaxjerjer: Though, it appears that VDR really only supports the VDB stuff; not regular tv cards or ivtv stuff
03:16.01JerJerit does
03:16.14JerJerits documented worse than asterisk
03:16.35coaxjerjer: Indeed it is. man, what suckage. hehe
03:16.49JerJerDVB is killer cool
03:16.53coaxyeah it is
03:16.57coax1 card, multiple channels
03:17.05twistedit was an american express infomercial
03:17.10coaxand they all spit out mpeg-2
03:17.22JerJeri can only see only a couple birds, so i get crap for real TV channels
03:17.33twistedjerjer: dvb rocks ass
03:17.36JerJerAl Jazeera gets rough after a while
03:18.05CableGuyhaving problems with PRI timing between asterisk and a legacy PABX
03:18.27CableGuyspan=2,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4    what are each of these parameters
03:18.30TestMasTerI need some Recommendations On hardware for a small office asterisk setup,   I mean PC hardware if anyone could help out it would be great
03:20.54acosgrovdamn gpm...
03:21.47acosgrovTestMasTer: how much money you got? :)
03:29.15bkw_JerJer you have one of those FTA mpeg receivers?
03:31.58*** join/#asterisk jpayne (
03:32.34bkw_get anythign worth a shit on them
03:32.35JerJermini-itx and a nexsus-s
03:32.39bkw_I wanted to get one to toy with
03:33.49syncogood lord, man... i can't get my FWD shit to work
03:33.58syncoand i'm way too drunk to fuck wioth it tonight
03:35.01twisteddrunkards + voip = messy
03:35.09syncono doubt
03:35.29syncobut i just started man... i have iaxtel set up and two sip extensions.  i don't really know what i'm doing.
03:36.21syncobut i'll <hope>get FWD working tomorrow</hotepe> and then move on eto something selse.
03:37.10syncooh fuck
03:37.12syncoi'm out of cheese
03:37.22epochraise the alarm!
03:38.15essobiStupid question..
03:38.26syncoi have plenty of those
03:38.28essobiwhat's the default SIP password.
03:38.37syncois there one?
03:38.55essobiduh.. heh
03:39.38*** join/#asterisk Eadz (
03:39.40bkw_C R I S C O
03:40.43bkw_you can call yourself
03:40.47bkw_it will ring back
03:40.59syncoit goes to my voicemail
03:41.02syncoit's not that fun
03:41.03bkw_then it works
03:41.03syncoi tried
03:41.27bkw_OH YUMMY
03:41.32syncoit works ... i assum.e  one of you bitches call me.
03:41.44syncooh... i heard about -- i need to go check that out.
03:42.38bkw_thats funny
03:42.40syncoafk... food.  mmmmmmm
03:43.37hardwiredial 500 makes me happy
03:44.56twistedis this you?
03:45.20syncono, 298048849
03:46.26twisted849 doesn't exist
03:46.28*** join/#asterisk rcam (
03:46.38rcamseen wasim
03:46.51rcam~seen wasim
03:46.52jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (1d 17h 25m 4s).  Has said a total of 43 messages.  Is idling for 14h 52m 37s
03:47.06rcam~seen JerJer
03:47.07jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (5h 23m 36s).  Has said a total of 12 messages.  Is idling for 14m 32s
03:47.16rcam~seen rcam
03:47.17jbotrcam is currently on #asterisk (49s).  Has said a total of 5 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:47.47JerJerdon't touch me there, daddy
03:47.53hardwirewhy would I study SIP first as a tutorial vs IAX?
03:47.59hardwireerr IAX2
03:48.22rcam~seen groz
03:48.23jbotgroz <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 18h 19m 18s ago, saying: 'trunk=yes'.
03:48.38MustDiehardwire: just study it for fun
03:48.54rcam~seen doughecka
03:48.54jbotdoughecka is currently on #asterisk (8h 18m 8s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 3h 31m 1s
03:49.36bkw_twisted no hats not me
03:49.43rcambkw_ Whats going on?
03:49.47bkw_not much
03:50.06synco~seen synco
03:50.08jbotsynco is currently on #asterisk (2d 6h 1m 8s).  Has said a total of 63 messages.  Is idling for 2s
03:50.20bkw_!seen bkw_
03:50.24bkw_~seen bkw_
03:50.25jbotbkw_ is currently on #asterisk (8h 56m 18s).  Has said a total of 511 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:50.31bkw_TOP THAT SHIT
03:50.35rcambkw_ What do you know about the voice recognition in *?
03:50.42bkw_it dont work
03:50.48twisted~seen twisted
03:50.48jbottwisted is currently on #asterisk (1h 7m 15s).  Has said a total of 59 messages.  Is idling for 0s
03:50.49rcambkw_ Why is that?
03:50.54MustDiercam: why do you ask ?
03:51.01twistedi'm in bed
03:51.02rcamMustDie I would like to use it.
03:51.22rcamSome of our callers are to lazy to press buttons.
03:51.25MustDiercam: i'll be able to help you in 2 month or something
03:51.35rcamMustDie 2 months?
03:51.41MustDiercam: at least
03:51.47rcamMustDie Why is that?
03:52.03MustDiercam: working on it right now, 2-3 month later i can tell
03:52.12rcamSo its far off then?
03:52.52MustDiercam: takes a lot of effort
03:53.20rcamMustDie I can imagine... How processor intensive do you think it will be?
03:53.35MustDiercam: it will require separate server for this
03:53.45rcamO well.
03:53.58MustDiercam: well, there are price tag on this
03:54.09rcamYour going to sell the software?
03:54.23knight-this asterisk voicemail client i made is rockin
03:54.33rcamYes why is that knight-?
03:54.55knight-no particular reason. i'm just excited about how much i got working on it today
03:54.55rcamWhen I become board I find myself opening and closing brower windows typing in
03:55.27bkw_me too
03:55.40bkw_lets kill that that bord mood
03:55.44rcamAnd whats funny is that sometimes in between refreshes they add stories.
03:55.45bkw_get the webcam out and lets sex0r
03:56.19rcambkw_ But your an OP and I am just a mezally user.
03:56.23rcamVoice me!
03:57.01rcamBack to slashdot.
03:57.13Eadzanyone here spend a lot of time telnetting to the manager interface?
03:58.11*** join/#asterisk tartar (
03:59.15Eadzany developers want a gmail invite?
03:59.39rcamEadz I would love one.
03:59.49*** join/#asterisk Chiang (sayang@
04:01.32fileYou've got gmail!
04:02.16Chianghai there, i try to install festival to work with *, but when i call the extension
04:02.18hmodesgmail needs an imap gateway :(
04:02.28hmodesbut i guess then they couldn't make money off adwords
04:02.28Chiangthe * console said, festival return ER
04:02.34Chiangcan help ?
04:02.47hezhmodes: unless the inserted them right in to your mail ;)
04:02.54hmodesyeah, well
04:02.56bkw_too easy to filter out
04:03.03bkw_1 gig isn't all that much
04:03.13bkw_people are like "OH THIS IS BAD"
04:03.15hezhmodes: just run  your own imapd =)
04:03.17hmodesi could live in a gig in exchange for communal anti-spam
04:03.17bkw_if you don't like gmail don't use it
04:03.22bkw_nobody is twisting your arms
04:03.24rcambkw_ Not if you run your own SMTP servers, but for those who don't its great.
04:03.28hmodesthat's the only thing gmail really gives me
04:03.32bkw_but no that crazy state of CA has to make silly laws
04:03.33filethe anti-spam isn't _that_ good yet
04:03.43hmodesi'm sick of using ask and getting bitched at by people when i don't get their mail because they're dumb
04:03.47bkw_hez if you want sex all you have to do is ask
04:03.50bkw_no force is really needed
04:04.33hezsorry not tonight bkw =) I got icecream
04:05.23hmodesmmm, icecream
04:05.37bkw_maybe that will work
04:05.45bkw_it could be interesting
04:05.57hezyow! nipples!
04:06.15bkw_I now this one is near and dear to all
04:06.23bkw_don't ya hat when you get a pubic hair in your mouth during sex
04:06.40bkw_and no matter how hard you try.. you're like a cat with a fur ball
04:07.03hezpbbbt... 'whats wrong dear?' phbbtt
04:07.15bkw_haha you been there I see
04:07.18drumkillaoh man, i thought i was in #asterisk ...
04:07.25bkw_you are
04:07.27hezdrumkilla: its still irc ;)
04:07.32bkw_this is #asterisk - after dark
04:08.43bkw_guess nobody else has had this pubic issue
04:08.58knight-anyone interested in designing a graphical logo for my asterisk voicemail client by chance?
04:09.06rcamknight- PM.
04:09.28bkw_knight- only if you GPL it
04:09.44hezbkw_: guess not =) this is #asterisk after all
04:10.20knight-bkw, ofcourse
04:10.27bkw_ya know its not really about the sex...
04:10.31bkw_its about not being alone
04:10.39knight-i've already made phpvoipmail GPL
04:10.40knight-which is the web interface
04:11.05knight-the AVC uses the xml extensions i recently added to it
04:11.10rcamknight- PM.
04:11.54*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
04:12.32jjhallSeems quiet in here...
04:12.50rcamA bit jjhall
04:14.28bkw_MOOSE PENIS
04:14.57rcambkw_ Or not. Silence is golden.
04:15.01jjhallTHAT'll start a conversation!
04:15.11jbotMOOOOSE PENIS!!!
04:15.24bkw_thats the next catch phrase
04:15.29bkw_its already spreading all over the net
04:17.21bkw_store tried to sell me smoked moose penis as a chew toy once!).
04:17.27bkw_I can't make this shit up
04:17.29bkw_its funny
04:19.07*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
04:19.32bkw_its ScaredyCat
04:19.33rcamknight- PM.
04:19.33hmodesmoose penis!
04:19.44bkw_what have I started
04:19.46rcamhmodes Yeah, ok.
04:20.53Kumbangguys, i have problem with tdm4xxp, the module always suddenly dies
04:20.55bkw_"I all your equip is generic and 2nd rate like this is.!
04:20.55bkw_You can turn me off  NOW!  Do Not!! Ever Send ME AN UPSIDE DOWN ENVELOPE
04:20.56bkw_AGAIN.  THANK YOU. Jim OReilly."  
04:21.07Kumbangthis is strange...
04:21.09bkw_how fucking stupid can a customer get
04:22.13hmodesKumbang: define suddenly dies?
04:22.23andrewg1/win 8
04:23.40*** join/#asterisk DenyMe (Mr_Pride@
04:24.05DenyMemust be registerd
04:24.20pfnhmm, where's a listing of all the *NN strings that asterisk interprets as special?
04:24.21DenyMeGood day everybody
04:25.00bkw_DenyMe how hard was it to figure that out?
04:25.16bkw_pfn chan_zap or channel.c
04:25.21bkw_I can't recall exactly where
04:25.22bkw_but I think
04:25.41Kumbangi successfully load zaptel wcfxs module, asterisk run with zap 1-4, i can hear dialtone and i can dial those zap, but suddenly i can hear dialtone nomore
04:26.33hmodesany messages?  module still loaded?
04:26.36DenyMebkw_ : absolutly not, but i forget how to register
04:26.45bkw_+r keeps the spambots out
04:26.50bkw_100+ per hour join and part
04:26.52bkw_its very anoying
04:27.05DenyMeada Kumbang
04:27.21DenyMekumbang, where r u?
04:27.43Kumbangbdg, u?
04:27.43bkw_yep chan_zap.c
04:27.47bkw_search for *78
04:28.47*** join/#asterisk robbins (
04:28.48pfnyeah, it's chan_zap
04:28.52pfnit's not a bunch of defines  :(
04:28.59Kumbanghmodes: yes the module still loaded
04:29.15pfnit'd be handy if it were....
04:29.18*** join/#asterisk Adam_ (
04:29.30goodbytesyou guys know a really expensive IP phone?
04:29.38robbinshey, is there an easy way to play the key tones, ie '#' to the called user?
04:29.42pfnI think the cisco 7960 is pretty damn expensive....
04:29.51*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
04:29.56goodbyteswell i was thinking of something more expensive
04:29.58robbinspfn, you can get them pretty cheap off of ebay.
04:30.04bkw_pfn do you want a phone that works?
04:30.07bkw_if so you want a 7960
04:30.10bkw_no question about it
04:30.13goodbytesI've got a 7960
04:30.13bkw_they work and work very well
04:30.15goodbytesit doesnt work :(
04:30.16bkw_I LOVE MINE
04:30.26wmandraEvening all..... when did the +r go into effect??
04:30.28bkw_goodbytes broke it didn't ya
04:30.30goodbytesI've had trouble with this one all night :(
04:30.32bkw_wmandra today
04:30.33robbins79xx work great.. we have 60 and get more all the time.
04:30.35goodbytesbkw_: maybe
04:30.38bkw_wmandra its a test run
04:30.39pfnbkw my analog phone works on my fxs port  :p
04:30.51goodbytesI just need to upgrade the SIP firmware! :S
04:30.58bkw_you don't have a hold button that works like mine
04:31.00hardwireI need an fxs port
04:31.04bkw_and not to admit its sexy
04:31.04robbinsbkw, is there an * cmd to play key tones?
04:31.10goodbytesat least now it tries to fetch the image file.
04:31.32bkw_wmandra the +r keeps the part/join spam bots out
04:31.39*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
04:31.45goodbytesit just says "W231 Upgrade P0S30630.bin ...bad header"
04:31.51pfnnot that cheap on ebay, although, I guess like 30% off retail....
04:31.53bkw_WRONG FILENAME
04:31.55hmodesKumbang: any symptom of the death other then no dialtone?  no messages or anything?  and unload/load of the module brings dialtone back?
04:31.57bkw_goodbytes here is what you do
04:32.01bkw_you must GO 2.0
04:32.06bkw_then up
04:32.13bkw_filenames are importaint
04:32.15goodbytes1 sec
04:32.20bkw_if they do not match the header and the filename it won't take it
04:32.21goodbytesill paste my current firmware version
04:32.29*** join/#asterisk DenyMe (Mr_Pride@
04:32.35bkw_you can go 3.2
04:32.39bkw_er 3.0
04:32.41bkw_then 3.2
04:32.45wmandrabkw_: I don't mind the +r at all, it just came as a surprise is all....
04:32.45bkw_and them where ever you are
04:32.47DenyMeget dc
04:32.55bkw_Mr_Pride eh?
04:33.16goodbytesbkw_: So I have to upgrade to 3.2 and then to 6.3 ?
04:33.24bkw_then 3.2
04:33.28DenyMebkw_ : AHA
04:33.28bkw_then where ever you want
04:33.42bkw_the key is the firmware has to be below 400k to go in
04:33.46goodbytesI dont have those firmware images :(
04:34.20goodbytesI bought the phone without "license" :'(
04:34.45DenyMe!seen kape**
04:35.09bkw_DenyMe what?
04:35.21bkw_was my spidy sense right?
04:35.47DenyMelooking for chan_capi author
04:35.49goodbytesbkw_: what if the 6.3 images is 487 K ?
04:35.54bkw_it won't go
04:35.59goodbytesreally? :S
04:36.15bkw_-rw-r--r--   1 root root  392214 Nov  5  2001 P0S30202.bin
04:36.19bkw_thats the next one you need
04:36.32pfnweird, I can't dial *3 anything w/o getting a busy signal
04:36.32bkw_-rw-rw-r--   1  502  500  418250 Jan  9 01:19 P0S3-03-2-00.bin
04:36.38DenyMeis his nick kapejod?
04:36.38pfnI wonder what *3X is
04:36.39bkw_then you can go where ever you want
04:36.44goodbytesok :P
04:36.47goodbytesbkw_: thanks
04:36.55bkw_that should work out for you
04:37.05bkw_trust me I help people with these upgrades every now and then
04:37.12hmodessilly cisco
04:37.25hmodesthey really should have planned this out ahead of time
04:37.35DenyMebkw_ : that' great
04:37.59DenyMewireless ip phone
04:38.02goodbytesseems somewhat unprofessionally of them.
04:38.03hmodesthe 7.x bootloader thingy should work on everything pre-7
04:38.16pfnahh, app_rpt.c
04:38.23pfnhmm, or not
04:38.57*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
04:39.36bkw_hmodes if you're lucky
04:40.31bkw_twisted and I tried that
04:40.36bkw_the phone kept pulling it and rebooting
04:40.39bkw_would never upgrade
04:41.00DenyMeany way to identified that agent log out or log in on cdr?
04:41.25bkw_it sends events now too doesn't it
04:41.35hmodesthat's the second night in a row i haven't been able to call tellme without using direct sip
04:41.48hmodeshooray for sip, sortof
04:41.54*** join/#asterisk Agent_sx (
04:42.32pfndamn, can't figure out why *3 has any sort of special behavior
04:43.04FireRabbithmodes, what's the SIP address for tellme?
04:43.11HomeLessbkw_ in what directory?
04:43.21FireRabbitoh nevermind just answered my own question
04:43.26hmodeswell, i'm using
04:43.31hmodesbut there's a much more direct uri
04:43.42hmodesfirerabbit with teh link!
04:44.03FireRabbitis this correct: exten => 8965,1,Dial(SIP/
04:44.09hmodesalso, is quite fun
04:44.17FireRabbitor do i not need the "sip:"?
04:44.23hmodesremove the sip
04:44.38HomeLessLunch Time
04:44.57FireRabbitawsome this works!
04:45.08FireRabbitoh crap that's the studio
04:45.13*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
04:45.14hmodesdamn j00!
04:45.16FireRabbitis your link to the 1800555TELL?
04:45.36hmodesyeah, but you have to be able to authenticate on fwd
04:46.10Eadzhmm i can't get cdr_mysql working.. I've followed the instructions on the wiki, the mysql username and pass in /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf work, is loaded in modules.conf and is in the asterisk modules directory with the same permissions as the other modules.. What am I missing?
04:46.14hmodesthey have an iax endpoint too
04:46.18FireRabbitoh i see
04:46.23FireRabbitill check them out later
04:46.30hmodesbut i'm 99% sure they are sip-direct to tellme for 411@
04:46.41hmodes'cause it works when pstn doesn't alll the time
04:46.42FireRabbitI got asterisk working with though =)
04:47.00FireRabbithmodes, which client do you use to call your asterisk switch?
04:47.02hmodesi have yet to find an anonymous sip uri for direct connect
04:47.15hmodes7960 mostly, but xpro occasionally
04:47.38FireRabbitah you've got a physical phone
04:47.52hmodesyezzz, physical phones >> *
04:48.05andrewgphysical phones right shift * ?
04:48.15hmodesif you can't get a crisco, get an iaxy
04:48.18FireRabbityou people and your damn bit operations!
04:48.27hmodesthey're almost as hot, and speak better grammar
04:48.36FireRabbithm alright
04:48.40FireRabbitwell right now i'm using gnomemeeting...
04:48.59bkw_so is +r throwing anyone for a loop yet
04:49.06FireRabbit=) well cut me some slack ive had this up and running for a total of less than 24 hours
04:49.12DenyMei need Asterisk Call manager
04:49.30DenyMefor call center
04:49.30bkw_DenyMe its your fingers.. they dial the number asterisk connects the call
04:49.37bkw_thats all the management shiznit
04:49.58hmodestime to try!
04:50.03hmodesfor great justice!
04:50.06*** part/#asterisk hmodes (
04:50.12bkw_join throttle
04:50.18bkw_that got him I know it
04:50.40jjhallbkw_: +r is where it requires you to be registered with nickserv, right?
04:50.55bkw_its alos keeping the really really dumb questions out
04:50.55DenyMebkw_: Where i can get ACM commercially?
04:51.06jjhallbkw_: No problems then.  Surprized me, but it may help keep out the riff-raff.
04:52.00*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
04:52.05hmodesalrighty then
04:52.14bkw_not very painful
04:52.17jjhallJust means I have to register every time I connect, rather than just ignoring the message.  I've always just used it in order to kill a dead connection so I could reclaim my nick.
04:52.21bkw_it will keep the riff-raff out
04:52.28hmodesthat should be in the first 3 lines of nickserv's return for bx compatability ;p
04:52.56hmodesi'd much rather keep the riff-raff out in any regard
04:53.02hmodesstupid people piss me off
04:53.15bkw_well if they can't read the simple instructions
04:53.22bkw_that tells me they don't need to be here yet
04:53.27andrewgmeh. I can't be bothered registering.
04:53.35hmodesi guess, but their client will auto-block it
04:53.43jjhallDropping to see if autoreg works in my client.  Back in a sec.
04:53.45*** part/#asterisk jjhall (
04:53.51hmodesi guess really wanting to be here is a good reason to be let in tho
04:53.54bkw_we have a join throttle too
04:53.57bkw_1 every 30 seconds
04:54.00*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
04:54.20michael12345Does anyone know how to setup so I can ring digium
04:54.20bkw_its not that hard to register
04:54.31michael12345they dont seem to have a normal number
04:54.37bkw_michael12345 the 600 in the demo config
04:54.40jjhallbkw_: No, it isn't.
04:54.42bkw_or the contact page on their website
04:54.46*** join/#asterisk kentster (~kc@
04:56.52DenyMechan capi
04:57.13jjhallWell, I finally got my phones inside my house connected to a SPA-1000.  Got my wife convinced that it will work just fine.  No more POTS provider as soon as I call them tomorrow.
04:57.37bkw_it works better than sprint
04:57.42bkw_but tin cans and string could accomplish that
04:57.53jjhallLOL True.  I have Qwerst here.
04:59.00jjhallNow I'm using Broadvoice for their $10 per month "in state" plan so my wife can talk her family's ears off.  Nufone for LD.  Will be much cheaper that way.
04:59.02bkw_avlimil.. god damn I hate these compercials
04:59.13bkw_jjhall yep
05:00.12jjhallThe Enzyte commercials crack me up.  That guy with the shit-eating grin is just hillarious.
05:00.27bkw_and notice they say enhancement
05:01.07jjhallYeah.  My favorite is the oriental negotiation.  "He remains firm."  "he is a stiff negotiator."
05:01.20hardwireat some point today.. I will make a successfull call
05:01.29tartarany chance for linphone to communicate with asterisk on the same machine?
05:01.33hardwireactually.. can IAX work behing NAT?
05:01.46jjhallhardwire: Absolutely.
05:01.55tartarhardwire: it's a single port UDP communication, so I think so
05:02.22jjhallhardwire: Outbound from behind NAT works just fine, inbound you just have to open up a UDP port forward on your firewall.  I don't recall the port number off the top of my head.
05:02.25bkw_you have to setup linphone to use other ports
05:02.35andrewg5060 or something
05:02.36hardwirejhall outbound only
05:02.42bkw_5060 is for nat
05:02.43bkw_er sip
05:03.01tartarusually stateful firewalls will properly forward packets back to the LAN workstation
05:03.16tartarunless there is more than one port number involved
05:03.22jjhallhardwire: I only have inbound open so I can connect with a client from remote locations.  I don't open anything specific for my IAX connection to Nufone.  It just handles it correctly.
05:03.27DenyMebkw_: Brian K. West
05:03.34hardwiretartar: but I am in charge of this firewall.. and I have to limit outgoing ports
05:03.35bkw_what did I do now
05:03.43jjhallMy firewall is Smoothwall which is IPTables based.
05:04.24tartarhardwire: I was trying to make a point to jjhall
05:04.30hardwireI seeeee
05:04.37hardwireso 4569 UDP?
05:04.49hardwireor 5036
05:05.29FireRabbit$ netstat -al|grep 4569
05:05.29FireRabbitudp        0      0 *:4569                  *:*
05:05.36FireRabbithm, I dont even appear to be listening on 5036
05:05.46DenyMeslePP: Stephen "Slepp" Olesen
05:05.57slePPStephen 'slePP' Olesen
05:06.11tartardid anyone run a SIP software phone on the same machine with asterisk?
05:06.20mtphey bkw_
05:06.21robbinsseems cisco leaked SIP 7.0 code today for the 79xx, then took it off quick as I don't see it in the sip-7960 dir.
05:06.21mtpi have an idea.
05:06.22jjhalltartar: I fully understand how a stateful firewall works.  :-)
05:06.28mtpasterisk shirt in black.
05:06.40mtpfor the "goth" in us all
05:06.45slePPDenyMe: just wondering why you felt like saying that? :>
05:06.45mtpor the "neo"
05:06.54tartarjjhall: but you suggested to explicitly forward incoming packets to a certain LAN workstation
05:07.06jjhallI need an Asterisk shirt, then I would put the little No-Bel lapel pin on it that Broadvoice sent me.
05:07.10pfnit's a pity there's no conntrack module for SIP
05:07.15pfnshould hack one together
05:07.49jjhalltartar: I should have explained better.  I meant for an outside client to connect inbound without having a connection already open from inside.
05:08.05pfngood luck
05:08.46tartarjjhall: which is an overkill.  asterisk or an IAX client seems to periodically poll the external server, so the incoming calls will be OK
05:10.17jjhalltartar: I am doing just the opposite.  My client is outside the NAT, asterisk is behind the nat.  Client has dynamic IP (actually behind another NAT) so it can't be polled by the server until it establishes a connection first.
05:10.32Damintartar: I've got fishsticks if you have the sauce!
05:10.52hardwireoh hah
05:11.02tartarDamin: :-)
05:11.30jjhalltartar: And believe me, the firewall definitely blocks that connection until told to do otherwise.  I accidently opened the port for TCP rather than UDP, and it blocked every packet that tried to come in.
05:11.44hardwireeither way
05:11.50hardwireit didn't work to connect to digiums guest IAX system
05:12.01jjhallWhat did the CLI say?
05:12.12tartarjjhall: I see.  I was imagining a different scenario.
05:12.44jjhalltartar: I guessed as such.  Like I said, I could have explained the scenario better too.  :-)
05:13.09jjhallHow did they work?  I've heard a lot of issues with them being down a lot.
05:13.44tartarvoicepulse? I can dial out and in from the asterisk's console
05:14.05*** join/#asterisk acosgrov (
05:14.30tartarbut I wanted to have a softphone too, and mostly SIP phones are available in Linux
05:14.32mtpacosgrov: don't irc as root
05:14.59tartarerr, I mean, I can dial out from the asterisk console
05:15.12jjhalltartar: I just got Broadvoice working via SIP last night, and did a factory reset on their SPA and configured it to talk to my Asterisk.  Works like a champ.
05:15.26tartarand if I make a phone call to my registered DID over the regular phone, I can hear the asterisk's demo and stuff
05:15.44tartarjjhall: cool
05:16.06*** join/#asterisk acosgrov (
05:16.21essobiMy 7960's got no RTP.
05:16.28acosgrovmtp: It was mistake mtp - please mind your business.... <ahem>
05:16.31sungmy mom has no RTP, either.
05:16.35tartarmy ambitions are quite ugly: I want a SIP softphone to talk to asterisk on the same machine which would forward me to voicepulse :-)
05:17.44tartarin this way, I don't have to worry about NAT...
05:17.47jjhalltartar: Shouldn't be a problem.  If you are getting port confilcts, just configure your client for a port other than 5060 (and your Asterisk config for that peer as well) and all should be well.
05:18.33jjhallAt least I believe you can control that on a per-peer basis, I haven't tried though.
05:18.37*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
05:19.00tartarjjhall: that's the key.  but I only see the listening SIP port configuration both in asterisk and in the soft phone!
05:19.31*** join/#asterisk rcam (
05:19.42tartarthere must be a recipient SIP port number configuration in asterisk too...
05:20.33jjhallAny reason you aren't using an IAX softphone rather than SIP?
05:20.45tartarjjhall: I was afraid it could not receive calls
05:21.09tartarthe only IAX softphone for Linux I know is iaxclient
05:21.17FireRabbitthere's gnophone
05:21.19FireRabbitbut i cant get it to work
05:21.49jjhallI see.  I'm only using Windows IAX clients at the moment, i haven't configured one to work on my Linux install yet.
05:22.12FireRabbitjjhall, which SIP client are you using?
05:22.58acosgrovanyone recently get a bt101? I'm having a hellatime getting it to play nice with *
05:23.07essobiThat's strange..
05:23.07FireRabbitno that wasnt to you that was to
05:23.25jjhallIf you mean on Linux, none.  I haven't configured VoIP on any of my linux boxes yet except for Asterisk.  For Windows, I use X-Lite (Sip,) Firefly (Sip/IAX,) and IAXphone (obviously IAX.)
05:23.41tartarFireRabbit: linphone
05:23.46FireRabbiti couldn't get linphone to compile
05:23.56FireRabbitI've got kphone, which works but really sucks
05:23.57tartarI simply got the .deb package
05:24.09essobiI fire up tethereal.. and my RTP is going to my IP behing my NAT firewall.. if I turn on nat in sip.conf for my phone... My phone can't dial.
05:24.40essobiWTF is that all about..
05:25.08jjhallI hear my pillows calling me.  Have a good evening everybody.
05:25.30*** part/#asterisk jjhall (
05:28.52bkw_ok everyone send bkw lots of cash please
05:29.12sungwhy's that
05:29.41bkw_so I can not have to worry so much about how i'm going to pay my billz
05:29.51acosgrovI'll send it in rubels(sp)
05:30.24bkw_ok bkw needs to go to bed
05:30.44bkw_and remember if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it
05:31.04knight-no matter how much you shake and dance, the last drop always goes down your pants
05:31.22sungbkw_: what's your paypal address
05:31.34sungand how much do you need
05:31.35knight-sung, send me lots of cash too
05:32.01sungi'm a cheap jew
05:33.54*** join/#asterisk Legend` (
05:34.27MysticOnesung: is there such a thing?
05:34.31MysticOneoh wait ...
05:34.35MysticOnethat's alll jews
05:36.04essobiMy softphone works fine
05:36.13essobiMy 7960's being a bitch.
05:40.16acosgrovyer lucky to have a better phone - my bt101 is giving me fits
05:41.28acosgrovI make a call and asterisk drops it 2 seconds later
05:42.37coaxacosgrov: Um.  That sounds like a hell of an asterisk problem
05:42.48coaxacosgrov: or ethernet problem?
05:43.10acosgrovnot sure - the verbosity I have set reveals nothing
05:44.01acosgrovlemme double check
05:44.46coaxacosgrov: i would bet anything that if you had the debug shit set right, asterisk would tell you what happened exactly
05:44.56acosgrovok here comes a little dump
05:45.07coaxsweet. make sure to grab the toilet paper.
05:45.33coaxIts executing the hangup extension
05:45.52coaxyou've got a misconfig somewhere thats calling the hangup extension for sure
05:46.10acosgrovbut it shouldn't be - this works for all other extensions... If I dial from console, it stays in vm
05:46.12coaxcall it with a softphone. I guarantee you it will do the same thing
05:46.23acosgrovok console
05:46.25coaxIts something to do with sip
05:46.51acosgrovsip... so console wouldn't matter
05:46.58coaxacosgrov: Well, i'm just not sure
05:47.03acosgrovalright - a snippet from my dialplan
05:47.05coaxacosgrov: Try with a sip client
05:47.25coaxacosgrov: like x-lite for windows, or sjphone for linux or something
05:48.09*** join/#asterisk learath (
05:48.24acosgrovI use X-lite tunnelled in from work and this works just fine :( - the snippet follows
05:48.31acosgrovexten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(s0625)
05:48.33acosgrovexten => *98,2,Hangup()
05:49.07coaxthat should work
05:49.14coaxacosgrov: What asterisk version?
05:49.49acosgrovcoax: cmd to dump ver?
05:50.02coaxacosgrov: if you dont know, yer probably running stable. you should not be running stable.
05:50.08coaxacosgrov: You should be running cvs head.
05:50.22acosgrovAsterisk CVS-HEAD-05/21/04-19:42:38, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
05:50.23acosgrovWritten by Mark Spencer <>
05:50.36coaxthats pretty old - but still shouldnt have the problem you describe
05:51.12hardwirethats my last name
05:51.14hardwireall the way
05:51.19hardwirethanks for lighting up irc for me
05:51.21coaxhang a sec
05:52.09coaxAsterisk CVS-HEAD-06/09/04-01:29:38, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
05:52.10coaxWritten by Mark Spencer <>
05:52.25coaxthats the version i'm running.  it should be noted that the tree's probably been updated since then
05:55.08coaxAsterisk CVS-HEAD-06/17/04-20:30:50, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
05:55.11coaxthat seems to be the latest
05:55.25acosgrovok trying the update
06:00.19coaxit is highly unlikely that this will fix things.
06:04.25acosgrovthat's whack. I ran cvs update and it still sits at 05
06:04.41coaxdid you recompile/reinstall?
06:04.55acosgrovyes - I didn't do a make clean if that matters
06:05.18coaxI doubt you completely recompiled it in that little time, dude
06:05.48acosgrovit was recompiling the last 10 min
06:05.58coaxif you really did, i'd back up /etc/asterisk - do a find / -name asterisk - and remove all the stuff
06:06.16coaxthen copy back over your configs and go
06:06.22acosgrovworks for me...
06:06.25coax(If you have sounds in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds back them up too)
06:06.44coaxbtw, find / -name \*asterisk\*
06:06.45pfnhmm, has jerjer gone to sleep
06:06.51coaxpfn: God, i hope so. :)
06:07.01pfnyou have to make update
06:07.08pfncvs update does not remove .version
06:07.22pfnthe makefiles don't remove .version by default
06:07.28coaxpfn: interesting. i did not know this.
06:07.39coaxi wonder why they do it that way
06:07.42coax...rather gay, i think
06:07.47coaxunless there's some reason
06:08.10pfnanyway, I ask cuz my iax2 to nufone doesn't seem to be working
06:08.21pfnJun 17 23:05:23 WARNING[6151]: chan_iax2.c:5103 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
06:08.23pfnjust testing
06:09.09*** join/#asterisk invi_ (
06:09.23pfnI guess I can ask him tomorrow
06:09.27pfnin the mean time, I've got VPC and vonage, heh
06:09.53pfnI need to figure out how I can set it up so that I can dial into my line and then get a dialtone I can use to dial out with
06:11.48*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:12.03essobipfn see DISA
06:12.03coaxpfn: Vonage doesnt support softphones or asterisk. hope you knwo that
06:12.24pfnyes, I know that
06:12.24pfnI'm dialing out through vonage over my fxo port
06:12.24pfnor in
06:12.43coaxpfn: OHHHHHhhh.
06:12.52essobiDISA is what you want
06:12.55pfnuntil I can get a 510 DID
06:13.01essobidial in.. get dialtone
06:13.03essobidial out
06:13.05pfnI see
06:14.57pfnah, it's a function, cool
06:16.21*** join/#asterisk Art_1 (
06:18.01acosgrovthere we go - got head 06
06:18.54*** join/#asterisk Art_1 (
06:31.41*** join/#asterisk Art_1 (
06:32.18pfnhow do I answer only one of my zap channels in extensions
06:34.08coaxacosgrov: Did it work?
06:34.25acosgrovcoax: I got an updated build date - but still no go
06:34.41coaxacosgrov: I'm deeply interested in what the fuck is going on with your asterisk box. It shouldnt do that.
06:34.45pfnI have 2 zap fxo's, I only want to answer 1 of the channels automatically
06:34.54acosgrovI'm double checking allowed/disallowed codecs
06:34.56pfnafter a timeout
06:35.32acosgrovpfn: Answer() will know which to pick up
06:37.44pfnAnswer answers whatever channel is ringing that you have it on
06:37.45invi_is there any way to check if the dialed sip is on-line?
06:37.58pfnjerjer you're up
06:38.00pfngood lord
06:38.36Art_1alot of us are up (02:38) what time zone you guys in?
06:38.47coax<-- CDT
06:38.47citatswtf is with this headline "US House Panel Approves Bill to Combat Spyware"
06:38.50acosgrovoh autoanswer? in zapata.conf set one of the channels to immediate=yes
06:38.52coaxBut i'm always up, so..
06:38.52invi_JerJer: what bout sip on fwd,l2p etc
06:39.02JerJer<-- jjdt
06:39.36pfnhmm, I don't want it to answer immediately
06:39.38pfnonly after a timeout....
06:40.03acosgrovyak - that's beyond me
06:40.08coaxya.. i'm gonna have a line that asterisk NEVER answers
06:40.13coaxeven if it rings
06:40.21coaxIts meant for dialout only.
06:40.23pfngot zap1 and zap2, I only want zap1 to be answered after say 15 seconds
06:40.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
06:40.58coaxif it dont work, i may do a single pole single throw in the line so it can be activated to use on a transfer
06:41.22coax(Its a fax line.)
06:42.25Art_1coax: wouldnt you put the zap channel into a pickup group? and say the second channel not in the group?
06:43.27coaxart: Not sure
06:43.36coaxart: never done it before. soons i get my cards, i'll figure all that out
06:44.34acosgrovhey coax: codec issue
06:45.10Art_1Roy: whats with that windows XP screen ??? :-p
06:45.12invi_JerJer: qualify is only for * devices & im talking bout SIPs out there
06:45.36*** join/#asterisk kentster (
06:47.04Art_1invi: are those sips connected to * ?
06:47.27invi_fwd, l2f etc
06:47.57pfn/query  :p
06:48.03pfnoops again
06:48.06Art_1you need to go through the provider. I thought the FWD website will show you if a person is connected or not
06:48.22pfnwell, in my case, I want to answer the zap channel manually if it rings, but I don't want asterisk to answer automatically
06:48.25hardwireI love you all
06:49.17invi_its for a dial plan, check if sip is on-line > dial sip else dial zap
06:50.18hardwirethats why I love this software so far
06:50.25hardwireeven tho I have done nothing usefull with it yet
06:50.44pfnI guess I can just have the other zap channel dial into another context
06:50.55*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
06:51.04pfnand each context does an answer
06:52.11Poemius{~@^#{~ I had to register for a nickname
06:52.24Poemiushi everyone
06:52.44invi_pfn: 2 zap fxo, each with its own number?
06:53.07invi_pfn: and on separate lines
06:54.54pfnwell, each context does the ringing first, then only one line gets answered by asterisk after a timeout
06:55.05pfnputting each channel to a seaprate context takes care of that for me
06:55.35invi_pfn: what r u trying 2 do
06:56.19*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
06:56.47pfnnevermind, I have my solution
06:56.54pfnoops, need to restart asterisk
06:57.33rene-Hi guys, i wanted to know if any of you have heard or is familiar with SIP session controllers like those manufactured by Newport Networks
06:57.36Art_1invi: pfn has 2 lines, 1) is a voice line, 2) is his fax line. He wants both lines available for outbound calls, (line-1 in use failover to line-2) but only line 1 should ring at the phones
06:57.56pfnno no, that's coax
06:58.05pfnboth lines should ring at the phones
06:58.20pfnonly 1 line should be auto-answered by asterisk if the extensions don't pick up
06:58.31Art_1ok now I'm just confued. Hmmmm maybe ther is something to that thing called sleep.
06:59.23Art_1ok so you want to assign the line(s) to the auto attendant extension then?
06:59.49pfnbut I have it solved
06:59.54pfneach line just goes to separate contexts
06:59.58pfnone will go to AA
07:00.04pfnone will keep ringing until hung up
07:00.23andrewganyone got that working between linux hosts?
07:00.31acosgrovI like openvpn better
07:00.48rene-acosgrov why?
07:01.03acosgrovthe range of systems it supports
07:01.22acosgrovand it's done over UDP instead of TCP
07:02.06*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:03.08andrewgipsec works at udp for IKE and ip protocols 50 and 51 for packets.
07:03.08andrewgor nat transversal way, it can work over udp
07:03.35andrewgI might have a look @ openvpn since it works on windows
07:03.43acosgrovever since my company started using F% Firepass the whole SSL thing is intriguing to me
07:03.58Art_1andrew: what is it you are trying to do with the vpn?
07:04.14andrewgArt_1: secure some machines on the same physical network
07:04.31Art_1from each other?
07:04.48andrewgnope, just to make sniffing some specific communication harder
07:04.57andrewgvlans aren't an option
07:05.09acosgrovevilbuny: I sign my own... :)
07:05.46pfn??  if Dial doesn't answer in timeout, why doesn't it go onto my next line and answer?
07:05.48Art_1ok, right now I'm testing out SmoothWall (opensource firewall) with vpn.
07:06.03pfnoh, n+101
07:06.17evilbunyn+1 = call was sucessful
07:06.28evilbunybut busy
07:06.34pfnwhat's n+X is for no answer?
07:06.54pfnhmm, n+1 is for timeout condition
07:07.02pfnthen why isn't my next line working
07:09.15Art_1what's the next line?
07:09.20pfnhmm, it's working now
07:09.21pfnhow weird
07:09.29FireRabbitany of you guys recieving FWD calls?
07:09.36Art_1no happens all the time
07:09.36pfnnot me, not yet
07:09.48Art_1FireRabbit: Nope
07:10.04FireRabbiti can make out going calls to FWD extensions but I get an error when someone tries to call in
07:10.37Art_1using * or direct to FWD?
07:10.42FireRabbitusing asterisk
07:11.04Art_1same happens to me, got a proxy registration failure.
07:11.04FireRabbitJun 18 00:10:57 NOTICE[98311]: chan_iax2.c:5296 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '435886@fromiaxfwd' does not exist
07:11.13FireRabbitoh I'm registered
07:11.19dovandrewg, any idea what level your parking is on?
07:11.30dovtheyre numbered randomly
07:11.39dovim here right now
07:11.48dovwill check it out before i leave
07:12.02Art_1that's just it so am I. But when I used SJPhone to dial through my * box it came up saying proxy registration required.
07:12.02FireRabbiti dont understand what that error means by "request"
07:12.49Art_1I am trying to figure out What proxy??????... Asterisk shows an active reg with FWD?
07:13.07pfnfirerabbit do you have the fromiaxfwd context in extensions?
07:13.17timecopi wana know where I can order some grandstream phones in japland for cheap.
07:13.20FireRabbitpfn: i just noticed i stuck it in the wrong file..:)
07:13.26timecopI am not interested in paying $120 for a fucking budgetone
07:13.45FireRabbitwoohoo it works
07:13.56FireRabbiti can send/recieve FWD now :)
07:14.02pfnhey while you're on fwd, can you give me a call?  435031, I think
07:14.10pfnjust wanna see if incoming works for me
07:14.11FireRabbiti can try
07:14.44timecopaccess denied
07:14.47pfnJun 18 00:14:34 NOTICE[6151]: chan_iax2.c:5008 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
07:14.49FireRabbitit says everyone is busy
07:14.54timecoppfn: oh
07:14.56pfnwhat's the error before that?
07:14.56timecopthats new cvs crap
07:15.02timecopfor each sip peer
07:15.20timecopoh thats iax
07:15.21timecopnever mind
07:15.32pfnwhy'd it reject it I wonder...
07:15.33FireRabbitI'm using IAX2 with FWD, not SIP
07:15.38FireRabbitpfn which are you using?
07:15.59michaellanyone here have NJ DID's?
07:16.38Art_1I'm using SIP. but then again I don't know if my issues have to do with a f@$#ing CISCO PIX firewall or not.
07:16.40pfnFWD with IAX
07:17.59pfnis there any way for DISA to not have a dial tone when I dial in?
07:18.00Art_1Supaplex: that's a nice thought but it's a hosted solution at the colo. Adds to my frustration
07:18.05pfnit's making the first digit I press echo or something
07:18.41michaellpfn: or your pushing taht digit twice :>
07:19.52Art_1CISCO's response -----------> well you should be using Cisco Call manager for your network. one moment and I'll connect you to one of our enterprise partners.
07:20.15coaxDamn cisco
07:20.51coaxpfn: Did you get fwd working?
07:20.51Art_1yeah like I don't have anything better to spend 75 grand on (Like a BMW 7 series)
07:20.52michaellfuck cisco
07:21.09coaxpfn: If not, i bet i can tell you whats wrong. I hit it last night
07:22.51pfncoax no, it's not working
07:22.55pfnmichaell I'm not pressing it twice
07:23.03coaxpfn: You using IAX2?
07:23.07pfncoax yes
07:23.16coaxpfn: Your account not rejecting the register => ?
07:23.29coaxpfn: i.e. its been >10min since you told it to enable iax2
07:23.36pfnyeah, it's registering fine
07:23.38pfnI registered last night
07:23.44coaxpfn: here's the secret..
07:23.52coaxpfn: Make *SURE* your context in iax2 is called 'iaxfwd'
07:24.06coaxpfn: Make *SURE* you're doing 'inkeys=freeworlddialup'
07:24.13coaxpfn: in iax2.conf
07:24.24coaxpfn: Make sure the context is [iaxfwd]. Not *ANYTHING* else.
07:24.34pfnit *has* to be iaxfwd?
07:24.38FireRabbitwhats the name of the asterisk confrencing thing
07:24.39pfnwhat kinda weakshit is that
07:24.40coaxpfn: Yep. :) :)
07:24.46coaxpfn: Its an RSA username. :) :)
07:24.49pfnI se
07:25.04coaxpfn: I got bit with it just last night. Thank god someone was on to tell me that. else i would've been just as fucked as you are now! *rotfl*
07:25.18coaxpfn: The reason is, they're doing RSA auth to amke sure that the machine you're talking to is the real thing
07:25.19pfnwell, not like I use fwd or anything
07:25.29pfnI guess they take the context into account
07:25.31coaxyea me either. i just configured it to see if i could
07:25.38coaxpfn: Yeah. its like a login name
07:25.38pfnok, anyone wanna call me now to see if it works?
07:26.19pfnoops, I need to set the handler right, I guess
07:26.27coaxring ring ring
07:26.29coaxya :)
07:26.29pfnthe docs said to use exten => FWDNUMBER
07:26.33Supaplex589348 x573934843495304985209847023475917894872398203458348560194870192837407126985623649580710238476102347810247895230481623894701278923750789123048917260578236405789123
07:26.43coaxSupaplex: Thank you for the wonderful bullshit there.
07:26.44pfnI guess I have to do exten => s
07:26.52coaxpfn: no.
07:26.52Supaplexnp, my pleasure
07:27.01coaxpfn: 435031,1,Blah
07:27.07coaxpfn: 435031,2,BlahBlah
07:27.22coaxpfn: All the stupidness with the globals is ... well...stupid
07:27.33pfneh?  I can do that?
07:27.37coaxpfn: SURE!
07:27.44coaxpfn: you don't HAVE to pattern match or variable play :)
07:27.54pfnJun 18 00:26:05 WARNING[18448]: pbx.c:1819 ast_pbx_run: Channel 'IAX2[iaxfwd@]/3' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
07:27.59pfnoh, nevermind
07:28.05pfnit's because I nuked my default context
07:28.10pfnand replaced it with frompots and fromvonage
07:28.11coaxpfn: Yes.
07:28.34pfnone more try por favor
07:28.35coaxpfn: In whatever context you reference in iax2.conf, make sure a <fwdnum>,1,blah extension exists
07:29.06pfnI still have it saying ${FWDNUMBER}
07:29.07pfnworks ok
07:29.12coaxOf course it does
07:29.22FireRabbitcan the X100P be used to make voip->pots calls as well as using a standard telephone as a SIP phone?
07:29.36coaxfirerabbit: No
07:29.43FireRabbitonly the first?
07:29.44coaxfirerabbit: X100P is FXO hardware
07:29.54FireRabbitwhat exactly does that mean
07:29.56coaxFirerabbit: You'd need FXS hardware
07:30.06coaxFirerabbit: FXO means it connects to a phone line
07:30.12pfnyou can use the x100p to get into the pstn... heh
07:30.19knight-if anyone is interested, new screenshots of the asterisk voicemail client are up, with a new banner logo done by rcam
07:30.20coaxFireRabbit: FXS means it connects to an analog phone
07:30.39FireRabbitah, got it
07:30.43coaxfirerabbit: Digium sells those cards tho
07:30.49FireRabbitright i saw that
07:30.52Art_1knight: whats the url?
07:30.55coaxFirerabbit: They're not cheap, but if you intend to do this stuff, they're not expensive either
07:31.27knight-FireRabbit, yes
07:31.37knight-FireRabbit, I use a PhoneJack
07:31.43FireRabbitah, works well?
07:31.50knight-not really
07:31.57knight-I have some echo and volume problems
07:32.09FireRabbitis the hardware different from "LinuxJACK"?
07:32.13knight-I'll replace it with some FXS hardware from Digium soon hopefully
07:32.20knight-the LinuxJack is the same thing
07:32.36knight-they just branded it that way too to get linux developers
07:32.48voidptrbkw_ : are you sure the iaxy
07:33.04knight-The Digium hardware is really worth the money.. I have a X100P and I love it
07:33.28voidptrbkw_ : can do alaw
07:33.47FireRabbit i was talking to someone who got some of these earlier today
07:33.50FireRabbitpretty cool idea
07:34.33pfngiven that it's telco hardware, digium stuff is pretty cheap
07:34.35voidptra wifi phone?
07:34.46voidptrcisco has this for years ;)
07:34.56FireRabbityeah i dont doubt it
07:35.02FireRabbitstill cool :)
07:35.04voidptrthey even have a gsm, wifi mixed phone
07:35.09FireRabbitoh neat
07:35.10voidptrbut i doubt it is out
07:35.24pfnmy friend got a wisip
07:35.27pfnit's neat, apparently
07:35.45voidptrproblem with all is:
07:35.47voidptrbattery life
07:35.59pfn1 day is pretty weak for standby
07:36.04FireRabbitbatterly life is a big problem these days
07:36.05pfnfor 4hrs for talk time is pretty decent
07:36.11pfnjust turn it off when you're not in a wifi area
07:36.11voidptrmy siemens dect lives for a week
07:36.16voidptrwith regular calling
07:36.27voidptr8 hours or less with calling is not... useful
07:36.48hardwireit sure as hell is
07:36.48pfnnot that hard to charge phone every night
07:37.00FireRabbitwell im off to sleep
07:37.17FireRabbitthanks for hte info coax
07:37.38voidptrpfn : for home use... yes
07:37.48*** join/#asterisk nive (
07:38.02pfnwifi isn't ubiquitous enough to make a wifi phone practical travelling
07:38.03voidptrif i forget to charge it... i can't be called next day
07:38.10pfnI'll use my cell phone, thanks
07:38.16pfnin an office environment, it's fine
07:38.20hardwirepfn: well
07:38.25hardwireout here on this god forsakenisland
07:38.35hardwirewhere we don't wanna pay for cdma equipment for our fleet just to talk on the road
07:38.38hardwireits an ideal thing
07:38.45pfnI guess
07:38.50voidptrpfn : people are used to dect, which lives for days and days
07:39.16hardwire60mw eh
07:39.29pfncordless rf sucks a lot less power than wifi
07:39.48hardwirepfn: indeed
07:39.56voidptrits the point
07:39.56hardwirepfn: but everybodt on the island has scanners
07:40.04pfnit's why wifi is a poor choice for mobile uses
07:40.17knight-i'll be making a Pocket PC version of the asterisk voicemail client shortly
07:40.34hardwireknight-: seen the wifive h.323 client?
07:40.38hardwireI think its wifive
07:40.40knight-this vresion runs on Windows, Linux, and OSX so far
07:40.43hardwirejust installed it on my bosses pda
07:40.49hardwireits alright.
07:41.00knight-hardwire, nope, i havent tried that
07:41.06voidptrpfn : and office use...
07:41.20voidptrit's just not practical
07:41.49hardwirewhat about the little personal communication badges
07:41.52hardwiredid those go nowhere?
07:41.52pfnsure it is, just charge it when you leave the office
07:42.05voidptrpfn: people forget
07:42.09knight-i dont have enough USEFUL apps on my pocket pc :(
07:42.26voidptrpfn : plus, here the janitors have 14 hours of service
07:42.29voidptrits the same phone
07:42.30pfnI've sold all the pocketpc's I have
07:42.46pfnI dunno, I don't think the idea is to give janitor's IP phones
07:42.47knight-ministumbler doesnt even seem to work with my built in wifi
07:43.21voidptrpfn : ...
07:43.40pfnin my office environment, it would work
07:43.44pfnhave an office
07:43.54pfnneed to carry my phone extension around if I needed to wander around
07:44.06pfnbut it's my extension, need to bring it back to the office with me
07:44.12voidptrpfn : well... in this env it won't... actually... any of my env...
07:44.49pfnit's not like a normal pots cordless phone where you can just use any phone you want
07:44.58rcam~seen wasim
07:44.59jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (1d 21h 23m 11s).  Has said a total of 43 messages.  Is idling for 18h 50m 44s
07:45.03Supaplexmy pocketpc is about driving me to drink
07:45.04pfnso you don't just leave the phone anywhere
07:45.10voidptrpfn : ...
07:45.20pfnyou return to your office, you bring it with you and toss it in the cradle
07:45.43voidptryou make retarded comments, i'm talking about practical issues... you just ignore them
07:45.52pfnI don't know
07:45.56pfnwe don't give our janitors phone lines
07:46.04hardwireI do
07:46.10pfnyour janitors are special  :p
07:46.13hardwireits all about empowering the workforce
07:46.16voidptrpfn : heh
07:46.18wasimwe give our janitors $10 / month and swift kick up the butt
07:46.33pfnour janitors all speak spanish........
07:46.35voidptrjanitors here are also company help...
07:46.44voidptrin case of emergency
07:46.46hardwirepfn: hmm.. maybe they can talk to other spanish people..
07:46.52voidptrand they are operator in the evening
07:46.57hardwirespanish speaking people ;)
07:47.15voidptrdirty ulaws :P
07:47.48acosgrovhow can I make sure my CID is working? I just had it turned on.
07:47.57pfncall a number that gets CID  :p
07:48.32pfnvoidptr anyway, I see your point, but wifi phones can't be treated the same as a normal cordless phone--it makes its usage different, and I guess impractical for you
07:48.41hardwirehehe.. I thought it was funny when one of the companies back home bought 50 wisips
07:48.42pfnand your situations
07:48.43hardwireit killed their AP
07:48.59acosgrovI was talking about incoming to me.... asterisk doesn't show anything in the console confirming CID info
07:49.04pfnin office situations here, I could see it working
07:49.22voidptrother issues are: current price, wep and misery, shorter reach
07:49.35pfnyes, like I said, wifi isn't ubiquitous enough
07:49.37pfngive me a cell phone
07:49.51hardwirebluetooth would be fun as well
07:49.56hardwireusing those neat headsets w/ asterisk
07:50.02hardwireand just using the computer for CID and dialing
07:50.03voidptrplus, for dect you have repeaters which doesn't require extra cabling
07:50.12hardwirenot being able to take calls when doze freezes
07:50.17hardwirethats the life
07:50.33pfnacosgrov I dunno, I never tried to do anytihng with the console
07:50.38pfnacosgrov look at your CDR
07:50.49pfnit'll tell you the caller id of the incoming and destination parties
07:52.19acosgrovneed sshd started
07:52.26acosgrovyak wrong window
07:54.14Supaplexok, its up acosgrov
07:54.19Supaplexoh, nm
07:55.51rcamSupaplex Haha.
07:57.05Supaplexyay *cough*
07:58.43*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
07:59.54Supaplexjust think, this could be a kernel config option some day:
08:00.02Supaplex<*> Asterisk support
08:10.20voidptrpoopy kernel messages
08:10.28voidptrway to go mbranca ;)
08:11.28*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt-lv (
08:14.51michaellSupaplex: fuck kernels
08:17.04Supaplex!fuck kernels
08:17.23Supaplex~fuck kernels
08:17.25jbotACTION humps kernels's leg in public
08:18.17michaelli just broke about 20 cd's
08:24.38*** join/#asterisk zoa (~hot@
08:29.51michaellI can't even type my own name
08:29.54michaelllol I misspelled it
08:30.53michaellI just now need a nwe laptop screen
08:32.34*** join/#asterisk _wtf (
08:33.04michaell_laptophello all
08:33.40michaellI really need a nwe laptop sccreen
08:34.31sxpert_workyou seem to need a new keyboard too ;D
08:34.39michaellactallly I do
08:34.44michaellnumber keys 1-7 are broke at the top
08:34.51michaellso its kind of hard to type (at) signs
08:37.02*** join/#asterisk booyeah3 (
08:38.08*** join/#asterisk booyeah3 (
08:38.45booyeah3anyone familiar with international dialing
08:39.01michaellgive up now
08:43.05dovinternational dialing?
08:43.07dovwith voip?
08:43.16dovthats crazy talk
08:43.28*** part/#asterisk voidptr (
08:44.19booyeah3how would you dial an international number normally on asterisk?
08:52.33zoait all depends how you configure it booyeah3
09:04.15*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
09:10.37*** join/#asterisk cursor (
09:11.59cursorHello all
09:13.24michaellWhat kind of laptops do you all have?
09:13.27michaelllike for work
09:13.44cursorUnless you count my cat
09:14.06michaellits sloooow
09:14.10michaelland its got a broken screen
09:14.15michaell16mb's ram supa
09:14.17Supaplexscreen works :)
09:14.21cursorIt'd remain on my desk anyway, so I'd rather spend the money on a desktop
09:14.36Supaplexblue screen piss you off that much?
09:14.45michaellThats actally what happend
09:15.03michaellcrashed twice in a row on me
09:15.13SupaplexI'll give ya $5 for it :)
09:15.24cursorAs - sounds like Windows
09:15.35michaellSupaplex: sound used to work
09:15.41michaellSupaplex: also none of the sounnd works now for some reason
09:15.42*** join/#asterisk rajo (
09:15.57booyeah3anyone here use nufone?
09:16.29cursornot me
09:16.29SupaplexJerJer does
09:16.29booyeah3and/or use nufone and dial internationlly?
09:16.29michaelllol supa
09:16.41booyeah3jerjer is probably asleep
09:16.42cursorI don't use NuFone because (1) I'm not in America
09:16.48cursorand (2) because I can't find any info on their website
09:16.50michaellwhat if he didnt?
09:17.20Supaplexmy point, what if
09:17.29cursorah - the website has some info now
09:17.50cursorThat scratches some of reason #2
09:18.02booyeah3yeah they have info
09:18.10booyeah3but i can't seem to figure out a way to do it
09:18.19cursorAt least they've dumped that silly Flash app
09:18.22michaellSSID= Nextel_2000
09:18.37booyeah3i have read docs online, but i think some of the stuff is outdated
09:18.56cursorWhat are you trying to do?
09:19.09Supaplextake over the world!
09:19.20michaellbooyeah3: did you get intl. dialing enabled?
09:19.28booyeah3does that cost more?
09:19.34cursorYou need a cat and a swivel-chair
09:19.36booyeah3not sure, provbably not
09:19.39cursorand a lift with a trap door
09:20.16michaellthat battery is never going to get charged
09:20.20michaellcharger fell off
09:21.21*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
09:21.25Aze`Hi all
09:21.31michaellhey sunny
09:21.41cursorHello Aze`
09:21.46michaellI am on something
09:21.55cursorso it seems :-)
09:22.23Aze`Can anyone help me to make a simple ivr ?
09:22.39michaellAze`: give up
09:22.43michaellSave you the trouble
09:23.45Supaplexpress one for 1
09:23.49Supaplexpress two for 2
09:23.56cursorHas anyone looked at these guys:
09:24.13Aze`supaplex thanks it's good
09:24.24michaellas in looking for what?
09:24.34cursorservice etc
09:24.45cursorI've only recently discovered them
09:25.11michaellthers a softphone on thehome page
09:25.15Supaplexthat was for you michaell ^_^
09:25.18michaellI could get a cisco though
09:25.25Aze`What's different between exten => 22,1 and exten => _22,1 ?
09:25.40cursorType in your home phone number
09:25.50cursorIt says it's available for registration
09:25.56cursortype in their sales number
09:25.58cursorit says the same
09:26.42michaellI wonder what they would say if you tryed taht
09:26.49*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (
09:26.49michaellregisterting there sales n umber
09:27.11michaellif it worked
09:27.15michaellman that would be neat
09:27.21cursorIt says 02000000000 is available, which would be nice
09:27.22cursorif it was true
09:27.27michaelltry 911
09:27.39cursorThe telephone number 911 is available
09:27.41jmhunterhow do u say in cp... I want this and all of it's sub directories copied?  cp -f?
09:28.01jmhunterso -R?
09:28.06cursortype in "fools"
09:28.14cursorThe telephone number fools is available
09:28.24jmhuntero i thought i was talkins to mee
09:28.34michaellyou talkingto yourself?
09:28.40michaellI thouht I was talkins to mee?
09:29.24cursorcp -r
09:30.01cursoror: find . -print|xargs cpio -pvdum /path/to/some/directory
09:30.08jmhunterGRRRR! im having so much fucking trouble with FATX.. for xbox
09:30.11cursorwithout the xargs :-)
09:30.15cursoror: find . -print|cpio -pvdum /path/to/some/directory
09:30.20michaellit does the same thing
09:30.43cursorThat's a Microsoft effort
09:30.46cursorget a Playstation
09:31.01cursorDump the xbox in a skip
09:31.05Supaplexyea, use a playstation
09:31.09michaelljmhunter: do you even know any linux/
09:32.33michaellbed time
09:32.35michaellchow all
09:32.39michaellbye supaplex
09:32.42michaellnight cursor
09:33.27cursor"The telephone number thatbelongstoyomomma is available"
09:33.27Supaplexdon't let them bugs  bite you in the rear
09:33.28*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:33.29*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:33.29*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
09:33.29michaelllol cursor
09:33.29michaellsad form
09:33.29michaellaccepts al
09:33.43Supaplex19119119111 is available to
09:33.43michaellok bi now
09:34.33cursorThat form's probably a good way to get people to call the sales line
09:34.42cursorYou call and ask for that cool number you found
09:34.56cursorand get told that it was registered earlier today
09:35.17cursorand then they have your name/address etc (asked first)
09:35.25cursorso they can pester you for all eternity
09:36.19cursorThey are a VoIP company, but don't list a SIP address to call sales
09:36.34Supaplexl a m e
09:37.02cursorThey do have a 0871 number for sales (probably 10p per minute)
09:37.39cursorthey have an 0808 freehone number too
09:37.44cursorI forgot that one
09:37.47cursorI'll call that
09:38.08cursorTheir prices seem quite reasonable
09:38.44booyeah3in asterisk is there way to "print" out a variable in extensions.conf
09:38.59booyeah3how do you do that?
09:39.07booyeah3im just trying to make a simple outbounding calling extension
09:39.08cursoruse NoOp(var is ${SOMEVAR})
09:39.14booyeah3from an incoming call
09:39.55booyeah3i want to print out the extension that gets parsed
09:40.10booyeah3how would id do that?
09:40.11cursorexten => 1234,1,NoOp(say something here)
09:40.54cursorThen it'll show up when you connect to asterisk using -r
09:41.07cursorasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvrdp
09:41.17cursorThat's what I use
09:41.24cursorprobably too many Vs
09:41.29cursorbut never mind
09:42.40*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
09:43.44booyeah3exten => _7771NXXNXXXXXX,3,NoOp,${EXTEN:-8}
09:43.50booyeah3im only getting part of the number using that
09:44.13booyeah3-- Executing NoOp("IAX2[NuFone@]/5", "774333") in new stack
09:44.53booyeah3do i need to wait somehow till that finishes?
09:45.02cursorWhat were you expecting?
09:45.46booyeah3i just want something i can dial in, then dial back out
09:46.23cursorremoves the first three digits
09:47.40booyeah3ok that worked
09:47.47booyeah3well the noop worked
09:48.01cursorI use '9' as my outbound prefix for landline calls
09:48.09booyeah3but then it didnt go
09:48.46cursorprobably your iax.conf settings for NuFone
09:49.03booyeah3does it need to be in another context?
09:49.15cursornot for outbound
09:49.24cursoredit out the passwords and paste the iax.conf settings here
09:50.24*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
09:50.35FuzzyCatj /asterisk-drinkers
09:50.37booyeah3and i register at the top
09:54.35cursortype = peer
09:54.35cursorhost = switch-1.nufone.n4t
09:54.35cursorauth = md5
09:54.35cursorsecret = XXX
09:54.36cursorqualify = yes
09:54.38cursordisallow = all
09:54.40cursorallow = gsm
09:54.59cursoryour type=user is probably ok
09:55.09cursorapart from the missing auth=md5
09:55.13cursorand the codec list
09:55.25cursorn4t should be net
09:55.28cursorof course
09:56.17cursorI don't know what codecs are allowed at NuFone
09:56.32cursorif you do then you can choose your favorite instead of gsm
09:56.34cursorI like iLBC
09:56.44cursoreveryone seems to support GSM though
09:56.56cursorSpeeX == Screech
09:57.38cursorI won't touch G.729 on principal
09:58.03dovprincipal shmincipal
09:58.17dovonce the big carriers start joining the party you wont have a choice
09:58.37cursorI'll have a choice
09:59.52dovyou'll have two choices
09:59.57dovuse a codec they shove down your throat
10:00.01dovor dont use it at all
10:00.22cursorYou're forgetting GSM and iLBC, which are widely supported
10:00.27FuzzyCator use a different carrier
10:00.31booyeah3what5s iLBC?
10:00.33cursorand SpeeX is getting better all the time
10:00.51cursoriLBC is the best codec, in my opinion
10:00.58cursorWell, ulaw is the "best"
10:01.01dovwhat codecs does the at&t voip service let you use?
10:01.32cursorI have no idea - I don't live in an AT&T area
10:02.20dovand you won't be able to call anyone in their area ;-)
10:02.31dovok so thats a bit dramatic
10:02.31dovbut yeah
10:03.01cursorMy local VoIP provider handles routing
10:03.19cursorI talk to my provider and they route from there and transcode as required
10:03.23cursoror pass onto the PSTN
10:03.55booyeah3cursor: i got that to work on my sip phone
10:04.00booyeah3just it doesnt work on dialin phones
10:04.28cursorprobably still iax.conf
10:04.36cursorcheck the type=user section
10:04.50booyeah3i added the md5
10:05.03booyeah3what does qualify mean?
10:05.11cursorwhat does the log say when you try to call in?
10:05.13booyeah3also do you know what settings i need to dial internationally?
10:05.37cursoryou'll have to ask NuFone that one.
10:05.49cursorIn the UK, we dial 00 + country code + local number
10:05.58cursorso 00 1 xxx xxx xxxx for USA
10:06.17booyeah3ill try that
10:06.19cursoralthough VoIP providers tend to drop the 00
10:06.28cursorand you just dial country code + local code
10:06.31booyeah3but still need to country code right?
10:06.35*** join/#asterisk switch- (
10:06.38booyeah3give me a number to test
10:06.41booyeah3that you can see
10:06.53cursorfor uk->uk voip, I dial 44 xxx xxxx xxxx
10:06.58booyeah3or just any random number you know
10:07.06cursorWell, I pass 44... to the provider
10:07.13cursorI actually dial 900...
10:07.17knight-i just finished writing some php script to grab NANPA data and convert to xml for consumption in the asterisk voicemail client
10:07.18cursorfor international
10:07.23cursorand 90... for national
10:08.55knight-NPA-NXX-NXXX data
10:08.58knight-for NPA and NXX
10:09.07knight-i.e. city, state, switch, etc
10:09.20cursorand you need that for voicemail?
10:09.41knight-well, i'm showing the location of the voicemail from caller id
10:10.06cursorthat sounds useful
10:10.18knight-did you look at the client screenshots yet?
10:13.25Aze`Anyone used Teles ISDN PCI Card with asterisk ?
10:14.04cursornot me
10:14.12booyeah3i think nufone is 011 but not quite sure
10:14.16cursorI have one X101P and use VoIP for everything else
10:14.36cursorYou could look it up on their website
10:17.09knight--rw-r--r--    1 root     root      7409307 Jun 18 03:16 npanxx.xml
10:17.20knight-nice, the generated xml file is over 7mb
10:17.25knight-that's a lot of data
10:17.37knight-well, not really
10:17.39booyeah3cursor : you have a local number handy for uk
10:17.42cursorDid you generate that from their download?
10:17.42knight-but for what it's used for it is
10:17.51knight-cursor, actually, from the individual zips
10:17.55knight-is there an
10:17.57booyeah3like a business number for any place
10:18.01booyeah3just want to test it out
10:18.19cursor44 845 004 3003
10:18.39cursor44 is the country code
10:19.39knight-<areaCode number="319" state="IA">
10:19.49knight-is an little example of the generated xml
10:19.55booyeah3hmm no go
10:21.20cursorit'd probably be better in a database though
10:21.27cursorfor searching
10:21.38cursorthen you could look up NEW YORK, for instamce
10:21.42knight-i'm going to
10:21.54knight-but, i'm trying to reduce network overhead for the clients
10:22.03knight-so it would be easier to just include it in the xml
10:22.24knight-look at the screenshots to see what i'm talking about
10:22.33cursorwhere are your screenshots?
10:22.42knight-it's not meant to have history stats
10:23.54cursorI wonder which joker made up the name "Comedian mail"
10:25.27cursorso, I assume you're going to add another column with the city/state info
10:25.46cursoror the country code if outside North America
10:25.46knight-and i'm cleaning up the Caller ID column
10:25.53knight-yeah and the country code
10:26.37knight-the caller id column will actually become two columns, Caller Name and Caller Number
10:26.41cursorId that an application or a web-based interface?
10:26.48knight-i made a web interface too
10:26.59knight-called phpvoipmail hosted on
10:27.20knight-the app piggy backs on the web interface... i just added the xml services today, although they aren't checked in yet
10:27.25cursorI've not seen
10:27.29cursorI'll take a look
10:27.35knight-some guys here run it
10:27.53knight-it's like a sourceforge for asterisk
10:28.14cursorHost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
10:28.19knight-oh then
10:29.16cursordowhois asterisk-projects
10:29.16cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.16cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.16cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.16cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.18cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.20cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.22cursor[X] is not registered
10:29.34knight-lemme see
10:30.18cursorsame results without the hyphen
10:30.18jefreyis there a meetme libary in asterisk ?
10:30.21cursorThere's a meetme application
10:30.23jefreycan't seems to find an include for it
10:30.35*** join/#asterisk maik (
10:31.12jefreyso i got to execut a cli i guess
10:31.13cursorthat too
10:31.30cursorit depends what you need
10:31.32jefreycursor, if im going to write another application that uses meetme ?
10:31.48cursoruses it in what way?
10:31.52jefreyit will be good if theres a direct libary for it
10:32.09cursorYou could use the Asterisk management interface
10:32.31cursoror, as you said, the CLI
10:33.37cursorah - I've seen
10:35.45*** join/#asterisk clive- (
10:35.59cursorBack in a moment or three
10:44.54*** join/#asterisk schurig (
10:48.35nivewhich type of phone can be connect to a X100P card, apart analog one ?
10:49.21FuzzyCatyou don;t connect phones to the X100P - you connect phone lines