irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040613

00:01.00debaseri'm gonna go read through my new cookbook now
00:01.19debaserchristine ingram, vegetarian and vegetable cooking
00:01.34MysticOnemmmmm, cooking vegetarians
00:02.44collinrI am trying to setup an adtran TA6XX with asterisk
00:02.46collinrIt wasn't really working with fxs_ks in zapata/zaptel
00:02.47*** join/#asterisk zigman (
00:02.48collinrI tried fxs_ls and that didn't work at all
00:03.36*** join/#asterisk cofein (
00:04.25*** join/#asterisk Merl_in (
00:06.35switchis anyone here testing/working on * on sparc64
00:07.42clive-switch theer was soemone who I think had it...his nick was unixdawg
00:08.13switchclive-: ok.  thanx.
00:08.22*** join/#asterisk joe1000 (
00:09.30switchclive-: still in the early phases of testing (and digging through mail/patches/code), but just looking for people to exchange notes with.
00:09.32clive-switch :
00:09.50joe1000hi all
00:10.09switchclive-: yes.  read that.  thanx.
00:10.10joe1000can somone help me with Festival?
00:10.23clive-swicth do you think you will get much better performance with a sun than with a pc ?