irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040607

00:00.00timecopit doesnt
00:00.02timecopif it worked I wouldnt be asking
00:00.07timecopI want to use context name for register-> line.
00:00.13timecopcontext as in, sip.conf context.
00:00.29timecopok then its a bug
00:00.39bkw_its not designed to work like that
00:00.41timecopbkw_: i need to provide different info during registration.
00:00.46bkw_there for its a feature request
00:00.49timecopdifferent to the extent of requiring a whole new context in sip.conf
00:01.01timecopbut to same hostname
00:01.07bkw_this is already in a request on the bug tracker I think
00:01.14bkw_go search thru them to see
00:01.46bkw_so you can do register => user@context/blah
00:01.49bkw_and it link them up
00:04.09zoasomebody got some more decent shitstream ringtones ?
00:04.21zoathose 3 songs are hilarious
00:05.05*** join/#asterisk itaLiano (~LocaLProx@
00:06.19zoaoej's new website rox
00:06.24*** join/#asterisk maticks (
00:07.00*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
00:07.43maticksdoes anyone know how to fix this problem "WARNING[8830996]: res_musiconhold.c:305 moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold (class 'default') on channel SIP/-08155658" and i have in musiconhold.conf "default => mohmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/"
00:08.21Legend`are there any mp3s there?
00:08.28Legend`are you sure you are using mpg123, and not mpg321?
00:09.41maticksls /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/
00:11.11maticksive tried everything to try get it to work but im completely stumped to why it doesnt want to
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00:12.37Legend`have you tried .59r?
00:14.05Denymewhy i get error : loading module failed with CVS version??
00:15.16*** join/#asterisk Gustavo (~gustavole@
00:15.52timecopDenyme: that sounds bad.
00:16.26timecopmohmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/ << shouldn't that be mohmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/?
00:17.02scadI would like to do this and I have the general feeling that it is not possible.  I want to have incoming calls come in via iax using either gsm or g729 -unless it is a fax and if it is have it come in via ulaw.  I got a different number for the fax and incoming fax numbers to that line go straight to the fax machine.
00:17.51timecopi dont think you can change codec after hte call establishes
00:17.58scadthat would be cool.
00:18.01PlainWhiteTrashscad: You'd need separate termination accounts, I think... Then the provider and you have set up entries in iax.conf to lock down the codecs to that relationship.
00:18.20PlainWhiteTrashput the fax number in one iax termination, all the others in another..
00:18.41PlainWhiteTrashWith a cooperative provider (which I'm assuming most of the iax providers would be) it should be no big deal.
00:18.48Denymewhy i get error : loading module failed with CVS version??
00:19.16scadand use different register statements? the codec has to be configured on the providers side?
00:20.09*** join/#asterisk lancey (~bobiNkAaA@
00:20.32scadI think what I am going to do is have all the new outbound calls go out g729 and hopefully that frees up enough bandwidth
00:20.33*** join/#asterisk Rich (GirL_23_@
00:21.01PlainWhiteTrashno - scad - in the iax.conf configuration section for the provider relationship for the fax, you'd have disallow=all and allow=ulaw
00:21.34PlainWhiteTrashyou would have two registration statements, but they are just so you register in both relationships.
00:21.44PlainWhiteTrashThose will not differ (except in username, password)
00:21.51UmaroOk, time to play with SER
00:22.06PlainWhiteTrashjust your [iax-incoming-fax] and [iax-incoming] sections for example...
00:22.38Darwin35ok fixed the problem with my box
00:22.40scadahh.. the register statement would go into a different context (not general)
00:23.15PlainWhiteTrashno no no
00:23.27*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:23.43PlainWhiteTrashumm.. do some research on how iax.conf works :-)
00:23.45*** join/#asterisk k-man (~jason@k-man.registered)
00:23.46scadI am going to check the docs again. and try some different configurations
00:24.01scadpart of my problem is my lack of understanding of the iax.conf
00:24.43scadso I am going to browse other peoples setups...
00:24.48PlainWhiteTrashI agree.  Do some more research there... Or tell whoever's giving you iax termination to show you how it's done... You just need two different termination accounts coming at you... One carrying in the fax #, one for everything else... then you can lock down the codecs for each.
00:25.40*** join/#asterisk pcm (
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00:26.15*** join/#asterisk rock`shee (~iNtellcet@
00:27.04scadI managed to get my config working but this is another step... I have found that asterisk has a little trouble finding the fax tones and differentiating fax calls from voice calls.
00:27.41venixscad: generally that's because fax machines are are evil in their own proprietary ways
00:27.54matickstimecop: tried it but i only got "WARNING[8880148]: res_musiconhold.c:305 moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold (class 'default') on channel SIP/-081889f8"
00:27.58scadsome faxes come in successful after the third attempt or so.
00:28.21PlainWhiteTrashfaxes in general were never really designed w/ voip in mind :-)
00:28.33venixyeah, that too...
00:28.53venixbut even if you're receiving faxes directly from analogue through Zaptel, there's trouble
00:29.12scadyeah.. that is when I broke down and got another number just for fax.  That way i could pick it out of the extensiosn.conf and send it to the zap channel the fax is on.
00:29.14PlainWhiteTrashThough I believe there are some very functional gateways that interpret and convert faxes to a special data format and skip voip all together...
00:29.18maticksif you only have one hop and use spandsp it works fine
00:29.42venixspandsp breaks for a significant number of evil fax machines
00:29.42maticksstay ulaw all the way through till it hits spandsp and there isnt any issues
00:29.49maticksdoes it ?
00:29.51scadi was thinking of putting spandsp on the box and using it to avoid the problem.
00:30.00matickssending out or recieving ?
00:30.13matickshavent had an issue yet
00:30.20PlainWhiteTrashSpandsp still has serious issues receiving from some faxes doesn't it?
00:30.38venixspandsp just doesn't handle every fax machine's quirks yet
00:30.49maticksdont know we are a carrier and usually get 2 faxes a minute
00:30.56maticksno failed ones today
00:31.13venixthat's good to hear, maticks
00:31.17venixi'd love to use spandsp
00:31.24venixi had to go with hylafax
00:31.29maticksthe only issue ive seen with it
00:31.34scadyeah.. i had my reservations about it.
00:31.44matickssometimes when you have multi of them running asterisk core dumps
00:31.51venixooh, fun! :)
00:31.53Denymesome one helpme to configure my IAX Phone
00:32.03k-manwhat is IAX?
00:33.47venixi've actually had the most trouble with spandsp when trying to receive from software faxers
00:34.20venixbut really, why the hell are we still faxing?  what a stupid world.
00:35.08MustDievenix: it's about 1 billion fax machines out there. that's why people are using it
00:35.31maticksvenix: i agree
00:35.37venixthat doesn't mean they should!
00:35.38Legend`venix: and its easier to pick up a piece of paper, and fax it, than scanning and emailing it
00:35.55venixok, then the real question is, why the hell are we still using paper?
00:36.07*** join/#asterisk SuZannA__ (aKrep@
00:36.18MustDievenix: 'couse money is printed on paper
00:36.24venixawwww.  :/
00:36.32venixthis future bites.
00:36.40venixthe 1950s promised me a much cooler one.
00:36.46nowirevenix: stupid legal reasons
00:37.05MustDievenix: and we've been promised that cars will fly in 2000, so what
00:37.12venixMustDie: EXACTLY
00:37.27venixi was also promised robots that do my dishes
00:37.30venixso wtf
00:37.39venixwe have a lot of catching up to do.
00:37.46MustDievenix: i do have a dishwasher, and robotic vacuum cleaner :P
00:38.00venixyeah but you have to stack the damn thing
00:38.27MustDievenix: i'm married for that percise question
00:38.41scadI have resorted to my primal nature of eating with my hands.
00:38.41*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
00:38.56venixrobot wife... intriguing.
00:38.57MustDievenix: make more money and hire butler
00:39.23venixand invite more human beings into my life?  bah.
00:39.24MustDiebkw: assholes in Verizon just screwed up OC 48 backbone with my T1 :(
00:39.35*** join/#asterisk switch (~switch@
00:40.04PlainWhiteTrashvenix:  Amen!  Every day I try to get more and more people out of my life!
00:40.26nowireis there any * ng; or plans to have one
00:40.36PlainWhiteTrashFor someone who loves telephony such much, I'm probably the one of the few people who gets so vehemently pissed off when my phone rings.
00:40.45venixPlainWhiteTrash, omg yes
00:40.46PlainWhiteTrashnowire:  What would you have it do?
00:40.53MustDiePlainWhiteTrash: Monastery
00:41.00*** join/#asterisk SuZannA__ (ManyMen@
00:41.16PlainWhiteTrashMustDie:  I'd love a monastery.. If there were no other monks
00:41.20venixMustDie, stop trying to solve everyone's lifestyle problems over IRC.
00:41.38nowirePlaninWhiteTrash: get ans
00:41.38venixi mean REALLY
00:41.49PlainWhiteTrashnowire:  ans?
00:42.29PlainWhiteTrashnowire: My cvs-head * gets answers just fine...
00:43.05*** join/#asterisk bfontana (
00:43.12nowirePlaninWhiteTrash: ng = news group
00:43.32nowiremailing list is k... but limited
00:43.38PlainWhiteTrashOh - I thought you meant a new code branch like * New Generation :-)
00:43.40PlainWhiteTrashMy bad...
00:43.53PlainWhiteTrashThe mailing list is usually quite responsive...
00:44.20PlainWhiteTrashHowever... And I know almost nobody here agrees with me..  I'd much rather see it in a forum...  Rather than a god damn ML.
00:44.28bfontanaI've updated zonedata.c with argentinian tones, but I can't get it work on my asterisk. I've set zaptel.conf but tones still us. What'd be wrong?
00:45.13venixPlainWhiteTrash: !
00:46.05MustDiebfontana: restart the *
00:46.37bfontanaMustDie: I did, chan_zap says "Ignoring country...."
00:46.47MustDiebontana: and change incications.conf
00:47.07MustDiecontry= to whatever
00:47.18bfontanaMustDie: ok
00:47.45bkw_ok guys res_config is da shit right now
00:48.26*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
00:48.34scadplainwhitetrash, i didn't realize that you could specify the codec in the iax.conf entity entry.
00:49.09scadnot in the handbook but i found it in some other peoples config files.  very cool.
00:49.16filehas there been no activity on the list today?
00:49.33nowireanybody tried to run * on a lapper?
00:49.41bfontanaMustDie: It stills not working
00:50.34scadlater gusy.
00:56.09*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
00:58.45PlainWhiteTrashgmane is cool...  But i'd rather see the * ML go into a more phpBB kind of interface...
00:58.59k-manwhy are the cards so expensive for asterisk?
00:59.10*** join/#asterisk ^SELDA- (
00:59.12PlainWhiteTrashIt's better for search, better for threading...  doesn't have users creating separate mailboxes just to manage the traffic... etc....
00:59.21k-manis it just a low volume issue? or is it that they are complex devices (or both?)
00:59.31PlainWhiteTrashk-man what cards are expensive?!?  Show me another T-1 card that's cheaper!
00:59.33Legend`k-man: they are inexpensive, actually?
00:59.58k-manmaybe i should reword to "a lot of money" rather than expensive
01:00.07k-mana network card costs $20
01:00.11venixPlainWhiteTrash, yeah, mailing lists are annoying, especially in the case of asterisk where you have a lot of unique data running through it all the time
01:00.14k-mana single port card costs $100
01:00.19bkw_that was simple
01:00.21PlainWhiteTrashk-man..  They're priced as they are in order to help support Digium, the company that produces *...
01:00.35k-manoh... i see
01:00.44PlainWhiteTrashk-man...  That's the analog stuff...  You can get 4 ports for under $300....
01:00.48k-manso where does digium make their money
01:00.54PlainWhiteTrashk-man: on the hardware.
01:01.04k-manPlainWhiteTrash, which 4 ports are that price?
01:01.22Legend`k-man: other telephony t1 cards go for $1000 to $4000
01:01.25PlainWhiteTrashfxs or fxo can be around that price...
01:01.41PlainWhiteTrashDigium gives 4 T1/E1 ports for $1495 list.
01:01.44bkw_asterisk*CLI> sip reload
01:01.45k-manLegend`, really? wow.. that is a big price difference
01:01.48bkw_this works great
01:01.56k-manso what sort of phone can you plug into a t1 card?
01:02.15bkw_its not a phone
01:02.27PlainWhiteTrashk-man: Both T1 & Analog interfaces are much different from an ethernet NIC interface.. more work to do..
01:02.47PlainWhiteTrashk-man: you don't plug a phone directly to a t1 port...  You plug a channel back (which provides 24 analog ports) or...
01:03.04k-manPlainWhiteTrash, oh...
01:03.06PlainWhiteTrashyou plug a line from the phone company into it to provide up to 24 phone lines...
01:03.19k-manreally? i see.. thta is cheap then...
01:03.54k-mani'm comparing the cost to an NEC Zen master i bought... with 8 ports and 5 handsets, was around $3000
01:04.00k-manAU$3000 that is
01:04.10PlainWhiteTrashk-man: yes.  It is...   The only people who ask why * is so expensive...  Just don't consider all the options...
01:04.41PlainWhiteTrashAdmittedly.. I don't believe that * scales down well at this moment to the SOHO environment...   But even small offices can get the advantages...
01:04.50k-manPlainWhiteTrash, i didn't mean to sound fecetious (sp?) its just i didn't understand what those cards do i guess
01:05.47k-manwhat sort of processor do you need to run 4-5 handsets?
01:05.54PlainWhiteTrashk-man: Yea... It's a common problem.
01:06.01PlainWhiteTrashYou mean system processor?
01:06.06PlainWhiteTrashPretty small for that level...
01:06.26PlainWhiteTrashthat oughta get it...
01:06.42k-mando the cards do a lot of processing on board?
01:07.10PlainWhiteTrashk-man - not tons.. but certainly more than a nic.
01:07.40*** join/#asterisk nowire (
01:07.49k-manPlainWhiteTrash, so you need a bit of CPU power / simultaneous call
01:08.29michael12345how can I blow away all openh323 stuff
01:08.33PlainWhiteTrashYes, but it's really not that much.  Especially just to do calls...
01:10.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:10.36ManxPowerWhere do most vendors put their MS Win CABS on the HD?
01:11.01dougheckaI put it under c:\i386
01:11.29ManxPowerI thought it was C:\Windows\CABs, but I'm not sure.
01:11.40dougheckayea, something like that
01:11.40*** join/#asterisk jsb8251 (
01:12.06jsb8251can someone tell me if it is possible to connect and place calls through the vonage softphone auth with Asterisk?
01:12.41andrewg6/win 11
01:12.56ManxPowerjsb8251: It is not possible.
01:13.11jsb8251I am able to register and recv calls.
01:13.15jsb8251but how do I setup to place them
01:13.25jsb8251the guys on tech support gave me the port and addy info
01:13.36dougheckathey did?
01:13.56jsb8251for the host name, port 5061
01:14.05*** join/#asterisk Display (Temp@
01:14.07jsb8251then login and password which I have from the back office
01:14.07dougheckawhats your user/pass?
01:14.09ManxPoweriMediax: Thanks.
01:14.15jsb8251nice try
01:14.25dougheckacant help you then
01:14.31dougheckaI never used vonage
01:14.31alan408they let anyone in here
01:14.49ManxPowerjsb8251: Vonage has spent the past 2 years making sure everyone is locked out of their system except people using their hardware and software.
01:15.11dougheckaanyone want/need a 1601 router?
01:15.12alan408yeah I didn't know vonage offered bring-your-own-sip
01:15.39jsb8251I keep getting an error message that says: NOTICE[15376]: File app_dial.c, Line 506 (dial_exec): Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
01:16.01*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:16.06jsb8251They said that I can use any program with the softphone concept
01:16.24dougheckabut try... wait, its solar flares and umm... static from nylon underware
01:16.26jsb8251They told me how to setup another ATA186 if I wanted to use it, or another softphone, or wifi phone
01:17.20jsb8251I have tried it with a few other programs, and no problem, but when I try to configure the asterisk, I can get the inbound call, but I can't get the outbound side to work.
01:17.45*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
01:17.47Darwin35get a program that supports iax2
01:18.05jsb8251is that what vonage is using is iax2?
01:18.23Darwin35yu have vonage I dont know whatthey use
01:18.34wsuffsip i thought
01:18.42*** join/#asterisk paulc (
01:19.06wsuffjsb8251: probably best to search the mailing lists asterisk-users since someone else has been asking about vonage lately as well
01:19.29jsb8251where do I find the mailing list, what website?
01:19.56doughecka~google for vonage
01:20.07wsuffdoughecka: good 1
01:20.08dougheckayea, same thing on the lists, incoming works, outgoing is buggy
01:20.27*** part/#asterisk Merlin (
01:20.28wsuffjust say a few posts on it lately
01:20.32wsufflike last few days
01:21.06Darwin35life is buggy
01:21.14Darwin35sip/nat is pain
01:22.20jefreyhmm anyone know how to send a beep tone?
01:22.29jefreySendDTMF doesn't really produce the tone
01:22.41Darwin35what tone
01:23.09jefreylike for example the tone when u press "1"
01:23.13jefreyor "*"
01:23.19jefreyjust the "Beep!"
01:23.42Darwin35they are all in /var/lib/asterisk/dounds/dtmf
01:23.55Darwin35I think
01:23.57*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~rooot@doughecka.registered)
01:24.48jsb8251so is there an outbound method to placing calls with Vonage?
01:24.57jefreyit has 1-9 but not *
01:25.22jefreystar.gsm !
01:25.53*** join/#asterisk cooL__girL_Asik (mako@
01:27.06jsb8251is there any other bulletins anyone could direct me to for the asterisk to vonage connection using the softphone interface they offer?
01:27.54*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:28.32*** join/#asterisk BaKLaVa (~KatLiyam@
01:31.50*** join/#asterisk aggelos_lap (
01:32.19Darwin35night kids
01:32.24Darwin35chat tomarrow
01:32.31Supaplexuh huh
01:32.37Supaplexyou'll still be here
01:32.48Supaplexjust can't turn away from the keyboard
01:32.55Supaplexwe know. we allll know.
01:38.12*** join/#asterisk facelessnumber (
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01:40.09DenyMeuh uh
01:41.10*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:41.47mitchelocdo any of you know if when i call from an x100p and hangup it's not hanging up properly, what the cause can be?
01:42.52*** join/#asterisk facelessnumber_ (
01:59.13*** join/#asterisk Connor (
01:59.55*** join/#asterisk voip-man (
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02:25.14*** join/#asterisk michael12345 (mick1234@
02:25.18michael12345can anyone read pdu
02:28.35mengerprotocol data unit
02:28.57michael12345asterisk says it is failing to decode it and I am trying to work out why
02:29.30*** join/#asterisk Niemoso (
02:29.43*** join/#asterisk System (~eNpoze@
02:30.02Niemosohello from berlin
02:31.17mengerHello from Melbourne, Australia
02:31.22*** join/#asterisk {zeRRin} (
02:31.55NiemosoHi! Hav set up just all i wanted and im so lucky with astersik. But I have a question: how to play background music while transfering the call to a sip phone (instead of ringing)
02:31.56*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
02:32.10JerJerbecause your lame carrier is using a obsolete version of H.323
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
02:33.25paulcNiemoso: Check "show application dial" - there's a flag you can add to use music instead of ringing.. it's either "m" or "M" I think
02:35.14Niemosothx, i think i'll try this ... had no luck with Background ;-=
02:35.37*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
02:36.10Niemosopaulc: thanks, it works :=)
02:36.40*** join/#asterisk Firtina (~Maria21@
02:37.42*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
02:38.05brc_I'm writing some marketing speak to sell * to the PHB's
02:38.34fileiaxclient hates me
02:38.50brc_and I can't think of what to say to explain that the phones don't have to be physically near the pbx
02:39.06brc_iaxclient hates everybody
02:39.12brc_it's....just eww
02:39.22fileit doesn't like my Zaurus
02:39.37fileI had to hardcode the I/O stuff and redo the audio initialization
02:39.41fileand what do I get? a hum in my ear
02:40.13brc_smells electrical
02:40.13*** join/#asterisk nowire (
02:40.31paulcNiemoso: Delayed reply, sorry :-)  Glad it worked for you!
02:41.13*** join/#asterisk twisted[Digium] (~root@
02:41.26twisted[Digium]hey brc_ you might wanna put out your electrical fire
02:41.30twisted[Digium]hey JerJer
02:41.40brc_what'chya hacking on at digium
02:41.47twisted[Digium]heh... i yam r0000t!
02:41.54brc_how about that :p
02:41.55*** join/#asterisk nowire (
02:41.58JerJerbow before me as I am root
02:42.05brc_I see you :p
02:42.13filetwisted[Digium]: eek!
02:42.33twisted[Digium]anywho.... who here has an IAXy and a 7960?
02:42.33fileportaudio hates me, can't I just write my own Zaurus specific thing? yes sir yes
02:42.41twisted[Digium]both devices
02:42.50filetwisted[Digium]: I see you!
02:42.59brc_twisted I'm writing me up some marketing speak for the phb's
02:43.02brc_it's fun :p
02:43.04brc_you should try it
02:43.37brc_so far I've got 6 yes's in the asterisk column and 6 no's in the legacy column
02:44.12brc_there by enabling ...I need something after enabling
02:44.12*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
02:44.25*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
02:44.47fileportaudio is nice and all, but the darn thing keeps finding the wrong device for input/output
02:45.05*** part/#asterisk paulc (
02:45.12twisted[Digium]smoking nuts
02:45.21filewhat good is something if it doesn't work?
02:45.30fileoh wait, a paperweight
02:45.30twisted[Digium]file, depends on what it is
02:45.44pulufile: it might serve as a lesson on how to make the thing that works
02:45.46dalaberahi, would somebody tell me the command to do a cvs download of the current stable version of asterisk?
02:45.47twisted[Digium]if it's an AOL cd - think skeet shooting
02:45.54twisted[Digium]or ultimate frisbee
02:45.56filethere's actually AOL cds at the post office
02:46.00fileI'm tempted to take them all
02:46.07twisted[Digium]build them some artwork
02:46.10brc_dalabera:          cd /usr/src/asterisk ; cvs update -dP
02:46.22brc_dalabera: nevermind
02:46.30brc_go to and hit download at top right
02:46.42brc_it was food in the oven btw
02:46.44brc_garlic toast
02:46.47brc_smells really good
02:46.50dalaberaThanks a lot
02:46.51brc_I haven't hardly eaten today
02:48.28twisted[Digium]brc_, i had indian food for the first time tonight
02:48.49brc_I had WAY too much indian food when I went to the philippines/hongkong
02:49.07twisted[Digium]i couldn't for the life of you tell you the name of what I ate, except it was made from lamb
02:49.13brc_twisted[Digium]: what are ya working on?
02:49.22twisted[Digium]brc_, taking over the world... you?
02:49.32brc_~thwack twisted[Digium]
02:49.34jbotACTION bludgeons twisted[Digium] with a sink in the head
02:49.39brc_writing marketing sp33k
02:49.42twisted[Digium]i need to change that
02:49.50brc_so it won't do it to you?
02:50.00twisted[Digium]so it speaks correct english
02:50.03brc_turn your screen about 20 degrees
02:50.10brc_can't quite see it
02:50.16brc_no no the other left!
02:50.36brc_thanks a lot
02:50.50brc_~teach twisted which is left and which is the other left
02:50.51jbotbrc_: what are you talking about?
02:51.39*** join/#asterisk twisted[Digium] (
02:51.47Darwin35fallowed buy fried icescream
02:52.07kramjerjer: did you talk to lodden about NFAS?
02:52.18JerJernot yet... he was tied up
02:52.50Darwin35jerjer in wich form
02:52.50*** join/#asterisk eSRerLI (
02:52.51*** join/#asterisk Hoca (
02:52.53fileack, my Zaurus almost fell on the floor
02:52.59Darwin35sorry mental picture
02:53.05twisted[Digium]I yam taking over the world one company at a time
02:53.06fileoh wait... I still have a warranty
02:53.36twisted[Digium]i have a bandwagon?
02:54.04*** join/#asterisk Erkan (~FaNatiK@
02:54.24Darwin35ok how long does it take the pink shit to kick in
02:54.41filekram: your office is a mess
02:54.47Darwin35took it 6 min ago
02:55.11SupaplexSegmentation fault
02:55.18JerJerfile:  no that's geek orginizational skills
02:55.24Darwin35man I have forgotten how slow a k6-2 500 is
02:55.26JerJereffective space utilization
02:55.32fileJerJer: ha
02:55.37Darwin35even with 512 megs ram
02:55.41fileif it was effective space utilization there would be boxes in boxes
02:55.50JerJerthat hinders usage
02:56.13Supaplex2 for 2
02:56.27filedrugs are bad, mmmk?
02:56.48JerJermaryjawana is bad, mmmkay
02:56.50Darwin35depends on the drug
02:56.57Darwin35manufactured yes
02:57.12Darwin35natural drugs good for the body
02:59.56*** join/#asterisk SteveWrightNZ (
03:00.05*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:00.06fileI'm under attack by that damn diploma scam spam
03:00.18fileI'm up to 150 e-mails of it for today
03:00.57jefreyfile: did you pass you exams? =p
03:01.04filejefrey: haha
03:01.05Darwin35it will be nice to stop running * on my work box
03:01.28filetwisted[Digium]: yell at kram, "MUFFIN ALERT!"
03:02.01filetee he he
03:03.06filetwisted[Digium]: so what is Digium HQ like?
03:03.20twisted[Digium]file: bout the same as it has been since i first came here
03:03.36twisted[Digium]file: nifty, actually.
03:03.36filewow, descriptive
03:03.47fileCorydon76-home: it's meant sarcastically
03:03.53twisted[Digium]well, what do you want me to do? draw you a floorplan in autocad?
03:04.09filetwisted[Digium]: that would be great for my invasion er I mean ... visit
03:04.12Corydon76-homefile:  you do such a good job of conveying sarcasm
03:04.19twisted[Digium]file: when are you visiting?
03:04.27filetwisted[Digium]: NEVER! HONESTLY!
03:04.36twisted[Digium]somehow i believe you
03:04.37fileCorydon76-home: it's hard to portray sarcasm on IRC and in real life for me
03:04.49twisted[Digium]file: irc sarcasm is an art form.
03:04.57Corydon76-homeYeah, it is SOOOO tough
03:05.03fileI never was good at art.
03:05.09filemusic I can do, but art... nah
03:05.16twisted[Digium]pick up the paintbrush, and stroke it.
03:05.33michael12345how do you give dial tone to mgcp clients
03:05.45JerJerfile: yeah i've pissed off a few ppl with irc/email 'attitude'
03:05.46*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
03:05.49filetwisted[Digium]: leave it and walk away
03:06.16fileJerJer: your character from what I've seen is straight forward and you will outright say things, which some people just don't like
03:06.23Supaplexffs, it'll never segfault when gdb is attached
03:06.36Supaplexis there a switch to coredump upon segfault?
03:06.40JerJeryeah fuck'em
03:06.50Corydon76-homefile:  that's why you need to come to Astricon and/or Phreaknic and meet the real JerJer
03:06.58*** join/#asterisk Keyboard (
03:07.04fileCorydon76-home: Astricon co-incides with the second week of classes
03:07.16Corydon76-homefile:  fine, then Phreaknic
03:07.17twisted[Digium]file: who really needs the second week, anyway?
03:07.27fileif there's another one the year after this I may be able to attend
03:07.45file(since I graduate next year)
03:09.15filebut as always, I can't just make money magically appear out of nowhere
03:09.38Corydon76-homefile:  you can stay with me in my hotel room
03:09.55twisted[Digium]file: do what I did before
03:09.57twisted[Digium]file: BEGG
03:10.33JerJerfile: yes you can
03:10.49twisted[Digium]i can make money appear out of my officejet
03:10.55JerJergo buy yourself one of those knew xerox copiers and go to town
03:11.00twisted[Digium]i wasn't supposed to say that out loud
03:11.06fileI wonder what they would do ;)
03:11.47twisted[Digium]smoke mad crack
03:11.52twisted[Digium]makes ya healthy
03:12.08Corydon76-homefile:  if you can make it to Michigan, you might be able to carpool with others
03:12.10file$642.54 CAD to get to Nashville, TN for that period of time
03:12.11fileand back.
03:12.17twisted[Digium]file: not bad
03:12.27twisted[Digium]is that round trip?
03:12.28filelet's try Michigan
03:12.29Corydon76-homeOr drive to the US and you can take Southwest
03:12.31fileyes, round trip
03:12.36mengertwisted[Digium]: can you buy iaxy yet? could not find it on asterisk store
03:12.43filewhere in Michigan?
03:12.44twisted[Digium]yeah int'l flights are always more expensive
03:12.49twisted[Digium]menger: email
03:13.02fileflight search in progress.
03:14.05twisted[Digium]file: drive to michigan
03:14.10filedrive... to michigan
03:14.24twisted[Digium]where in .ca r u?
03:14.29Corydon76-homefile:  which province again?
03:14.35filelemme calculate the time/distance
03:14.46twisted[Digium]file - just answer the question before i pelt you with a muffin.
03:14.53fileone moment :p
03:15.10Supaplexi b0ke gcc?
03:15.13filePlease hold while we transfer your call.
03:15.16fileYour call is important to us.
03:15.19filePlease continue to hold.
03:15.32fileit would take 18 hours to drive to Michigan
03:15.46Corydon76-homeOK, which province again?
03:15.54fileNew Brunswick
03:15.58Corydon76-homeWhat's the closest American city?
03:16.11fileMaine, something in Maine
03:16.26SteveWrightNZanyone running gnophone ?
03:16.30Corydon76-homeOK, so find the fare from Augusta Maine to Nashville
03:16.43filelet's see...
03:18.27SupaplexPlease submit a full bug report.
03:18.27SupaplexSee <URL:> for instructions.
03:18.37SupaplexI'm breaking %*@$( all over the place
03:18.38fileSupaplex: Stop breaking stuff
03:18.48twisted[Digium]supaplex: congrats! you found a bug in gcc!
03:18.50file$231 USD round trip
03:18.56twisted[Digium]file: see, much better :)
03:19.04filestill have to get to Augusta
03:19.10twisted[Digium]file: ride a bike
03:19.18bkw_file acts ghey!
03:19.29twisted[Digium]bkw_ - qaf
03:19.35bkw_watch it right now
03:19.40filego back to sleep
03:19.41twisted[Digium]bkw_ - k :P
03:19.45bkw_file you just wanna rape me
03:19.47bkw_I know it
03:19.51filetwisted[Digium] does
03:19.53bkw_sedative isn't needed
03:20.00twisted[Digium]OH - bkw, the problem WAS with subnets
03:20.08bkw_twisted I TOLD YOU THAT
03:20.10twisted[Digium]bkw: we gave the damned thing a static ip and it was peachy
03:20.11bkw_but NO
03:20.16twisted[Digium]you said it was a POS switch
03:20.27bkw_I first says it was subnet
03:20.32bkw_and you said NO
03:20.36bkw_So I was like it has to be the switch
03:20.38twisted[Digium]well here's the thing
03:20.41bkw_then we wen't of on that
03:20.43Corydon76-homefile:  or try Manchester, NH... you can fly Southwest from there
03:20.46twisted[Digium]the server and the phone were on the same subnet
03:20.58twisted[Digium]but the dhcp server wasn't
03:21.00filenow let's see how much to get to Astricon...
03:21.07twisted[Digium]so it wasn't happy
03:21.11bkw_AH yes malcolmd said something about that
03:21.15filethere _better_ be an Astricon next year or I'll hurt someone
03:21.33twisted[Digium]bkw: yeah, we called him on the way to dinner
03:21.37Corydon76-homefile:  hurt me, hurt me; I feel no pain...
03:21.56bkw_Corydon76-home you that bored out?
03:22.11filelet's hope you don't get impaled
03:22.33file$1235.46 CAD to get to Astricon
03:22.43*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
03:22.44Corydon76-homefile:  from a US airport?
03:22.57fileCorydon76-home: ha
03:23.02fileI'm checking Canadian first
03:23.06Corydon76-homeGet thee to Manchester
03:23.15*** join/#asterisk DeMo (
03:23.16fileit found a better price, $1233.86! wow!
03:23.20Corydon76-homeInternational is always going to be more expensive
03:23.26twisted[Digium]file: look into flying to a smaller destination
03:23.43twisted[Digium]such as lebanon municipal
03:23.43Corydon76-hometwisted[Digium]: nah, the problem is international travel
03:23.55twisted[Digium]international filghts
03:23.59fileit _was_ $600
03:24.08filebut then a few weeks went by, and it's now $1233.86
03:24.19bkw_twisted I think that DHCP issue is/was a security feature
03:24.22Corydon76-homeThis is why we've been advising him to get to a US ariport
03:24.39twisted[Digium]bkw: makes sense - sorta.
03:24.47Poemiusouch that hurts :). I'm sure out of casablanca flying is going to be more than that then :)
03:25.04Corydon76-homePoemius: take a boat
03:25.11Corydon76-homePreferably not the Titanic
03:25.20*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
03:25.32twisted[Digium]Corydon: it'd be kinda hard considering the titanic is at the bottom of the ocean
03:25.47SteveWrightNZare we doing any ON topic here today ?
03:25.48fileyou and your crazy rumors
03:25.49PoemiusI heard the rumor :)
03:25.50twisted[Digium]is this model got the iceburg security feature patched?
03:25.58bkw_oh great
03:26.01Poemiusit's actually true they wanted to make a huge boat :)
03:26.05bkw_another big ship to sink
03:26.15fileSteveWrightNZ: we're always on topic, no, honest!
03:26.15Poemiusoh no need to sink it :)
03:26.21Poemiusif it follows tradition
03:26.25Corydon76-homeI'm just wondering who's stupid enough to take a boat named after one that sunk on its maiden voyage.
03:26.37twisted[Digium]bkw: yeah, except the titanic 2 will have onstar to guide around iceburgs
03:26.53Poemiusyes, straight to the iceberg
03:26.59bkw_twisted hahahahahhaha
03:27.00Poemiusthis time they won't have to keep looking for it
03:27.03file"This is onstar, how can I help you?"
03:27.04SteveWrightNZeveryones very friendly here for sure..  but it would nice to get some help
03:27.19file"I'm about to crash, tell my family I love them"
03:27.22twisted[Digium]"Onstar, it's dark as hell, and I can't tell if there are any iceburgs around, could you gude me?"
03:27.32file"Okay sir, that'll cost you an extra one thousand dollars - do you accept the charges?"
03:27.47Poemiusonstar or baystar? I thought that baystar already had a titanic called sco?
03:27.53file"I'll take that as a yes sir."
03:28.01bkw_Poemius thats a good one
03:28.17Poemiusthanks :)
03:28.17*** join/#asterisk Methos (
03:28.30*** part/#asterisk SteveWrightNZ (
03:28.33Poemiusyes, that's a lot of publicity for linux :)
03:28.49Corydon76-homeYeah, twisted is a charter member of the Darl McBride Admiration Society... :-P
03:28.54Poemiusif you come to think of it it has done more good than harm that sco attacke
03:29.21Poemiusbut I guess I opened the pandora box :)
03:29.42fileOkay people, back to the topic at hand - getting file to Astricon or Phreaknic
03:29.52twisted[Digium]file: jetpack
03:29.59filesuggestion noted
03:30.01fileall in favor?
03:30.03Corydon76-homeI'd suggest Phreaknic, but then, I'm biased...
03:30.14fileall opposed?
03:30.25twisted[Digium]it's a draw!
03:30.38twisted[Digium]0 yay to 0 nay 0 abstain
03:30.47filemotion ignored!
03:31.12Alrictwisted paypals you plane ticket money
03:31.21Corydon76-homeHmmm, and the margin is NaN...
03:31.22filemarvelous idea
03:31.40filemotion carried!
03:31.42Poemiushey, if there are any conference, it may be good to broadcast them live via net :)... I'd be interested in knowing what is said but there is no way I can come out of casablanca... I'm sure others would love it too... plus it would sound really cool to say broadcasted worldwide on the internet :)
03:31.44filetwisted[Digium]: pay up, now!
03:32.35Corydon76-homefile:  start a paypal fund for getting you to Phreaknic...
03:32.53twisted[Digium]I have one he can use at
03:33.02Corydon76-homebtw, do you turn 18 before October?  :-P
03:33.14fileI turn 18 on October 6th
03:33.20twisted[Digium]and just on the off chance i spelled that wrong
03:33.28Corydon76-homeWoo-hoo, you'll be legal (for me)!
03:34.20Poemiusa smack in french is synonym for a kiss :)
03:34.21h3xi think dixon did one of the most fucked up migrations ever
03:34.24h3xHere is how to use an <EMBED> tag:
03:34.24h3x<EMBED SRC="your_file.mid" AUTOSTART=false WIDTH=144 HEIGHT=60 LOOP=1>
03:34.24h3xIf set to false, the visitor can decide to hear music or not by pressing the play button, allowing the visitor to turn off other apps that may be using her/his sound card. This can also be set to true, making your music play automatically.
03:34.27h3xThis tells browser how many times to play the midi file. X could be an integer, true, or false. Setting it to LOOP=true, will play your file repeatedly until the stop button on the console is clicked.
03:34.30h3xWIDTH and HEIGHT
03:34.32*** join/#asterisk chapster (
03:34.32h3xThis determines the size of the sound control console. Setting them as the given numbers, browsers will display a full console. Setting the width to 0 and height to 2 will not display a full console. Other values that are too small will cause the browser to display an incomplete image. You might also hide it by placing HIDDEN=true like this:
03:34.35twisted[Digium]where are my ops
03:34.38Alricnot again
03:34.38h3x<EMBED SRC="your_file.mid" AUTOSTART=false HIDDEN=true LOOP=1>
03:34.40h3xIt's a good idea to give an alternative to people who are using browsers that do not support the embedded sound:
03:34.43h3x<embed src="your_file.mid" hidden="true" autostart="false" loop="1">
03:34.45h3x<noembed>Your browser doesn't support the EMBED tag, but you can still listen to the music on this page by <a href="you_file.mid">clicking here.</a></noembed>
03:34.48h3xBrowsers that do not support the EMBED tag will display the link inside <noembed> tag.  
03:34.50h3xOh shit
03:34.52h3xGod damn piece of shit clipboard
03:35.11h3xstupid ass x2vnc likes to lose its clipboard occasionally
03:35.15Corydon76-homeConsider yourself privileged, file
03:35.16twisted[Digium]h3x, next time i see that you're getting kickbanned.
03:35.50h3xScrew you.  at least I wasn't a lamer intentionally dumping a extensions.conf and asking WHATS WRONG WITH THIS ?????????
03:35.53Corydon76-homeh3x:  start IRCing from home and that won't happen
03:35.58twisted[Digium]sorry, but it's at least the 2nd time in the past 24 hours that i've been bugged/noticed this.
03:36.02h3xI am IRCing from home
03:36.14Corydon76-homeWhy are you using VNC then?
03:36.22h3xI said x2vnc not vnc
03:36.30h3xits for dual heads on seperate computers
03:36.33twisted[Digium]control your paste and all will be well ;)
03:36.58Corydon76-homeh3x:  time to learn to use IRC on the native computer, then
03:37.09h3xI am using IRC on the native computer silly
03:37.23h3xit just didnt want to copy from the other computer to the clipboard which is what its supposed to do
03:37.24Corydon76-homeThen why the fuck can't you control your paste?
03:37.33h3xthat html crap is some shit my girlfriend left in the clipboard
03:37.59Corydon76-homeTime to dump xchat in favor of ksirc
03:38.11twisted[Digium]h3x: next time you accidentally dump the contents of your clipboard out, make sure they include a link to your naked gf
03:38.12h3xtheres nothing wrong with xchat
03:38.22h3xyou dont wanna see my gf naked
03:38.26h3xtrust me
03:38.27twisted[Digium]why not?
03:38.29Corydon76-homeksirc warns you when you're about to paste more than 2 lines... it's a bloody feature...
03:38.33twisted[Digium]she a dog?
03:38.44h3xim sure you could write a script for anything
03:38.45h3xto do that
03:38.57Corydon76-homeh3x:  Well, write that feature.  Please.
03:39.29bkw_OK PEOPLE
03:39.34bkw_I am guilty of the paste shit too
03:39.36bkw_lay off h3x
03:39.44bkw_putty and I fight daily over that shit
03:39.45h3xwhatever, y'all complaining about it took up more lines on irc than my stupid paste
03:39.47Corydon76-homeWhy?  It's fun
03:40.17h3xwell i need to ask hubbe why the fuck his clipboard hack dosent work all the time in x2vnc
03:40.19h3xits whacky
03:40.24bkw_file is that code for sex with file?
03:40.24*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[Digium]] by ChanServ
03:40.24Corydon76-homeYou've known me long enough to realize I'm a bitch, bkw_
03:40.33twisted[Digium]settle down chillins :P
03:40.34bkw_Corydon yes I know
03:40.48filenope it's code for "fix this damn thing"
03:41.12Poemiuswell fix and sex sound the same at the end :)
03:41.13Corydon76-homefile:  Well, you know what my price is for that... ;-)
03:41.19Poemius* ex
03:42.15*** kick/#asterisk [twisted[Digium]!] by twisted[Digium] (kicking yourself is fun!)
03:42.19*** join/#asterisk twisted[Digium] (
03:42.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[Digium]] by ChanServ
03:42.28Poemiuswohoo, that was fun :)
03:42.35kramokay me go home
03:42.46Poemiusbye kram
03:43.23Poemiusalthough I'm not sure I've said hi :)
03:43.33twisted[Digium]guess that's my cue
03:43.45Poemiusand then there were none :)
03:43.50bkw_MOOSE PENIS
03:44.05SupaplexKLONDIKE BAR
03:44.09Poemiusbut I guess it'll take a lot more than that to empty the channel :)
03:44.20Poemiusfoo bar :)
03:44.51Corydon76-homeWWJD?  (for a Klondike bar)
03:45.13Supaplexhaha Corydon76-home
03:45.29bkw_Supaplex get a real OS
03:45.43Poemiuswindows? :)
03:46.25Pi_bkw_: moose penis != disturbing
03:46.33bkw_its a joke
03:46.41bkw_you would have had to been on the New Years conf call to get it
03:46.48Pi_i see
03:46.53bkw_its the new catch phrase
03:47.00bkw_its the next "All your base are belong to us"
03:47.08Pi_AYB was cool
03:47.11Corydon76-homeYeah, kind of like "man hole cover" at Phreaknic
03:47.13Pi_i much prefer BANANAPHONE
03:47.21Corydon76-home109! 109!
03:47.29bkw_I hate BananaPhone
03:47.32Pi_bananaphone is a lot more relevant to Asterisk
03:47.41Pi_because we do phone stuff, right :P
03:47.47h3xwe irc
03:47.56h3xanti-soche telecom whores
03:48.17Pi_I'm thinking of applying for soem sort of job at Qwest
03:48.26bkw_ewww the devil
03:48.30h3xpi i thought you hated qwest
03:48.40h3xyou were just talking shit about them yesterday
03:48.42Pi_h3x i do hate them
03:48.49Pi_but i'd like to enter the belly of the beast, so to speak.
03:49.01filewhere's the bananaphone flash where it drives the guy insane...
03:49.37*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
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03:57.24chapsterPi_  BTW, the popup blocker did not work in IE for me, either.  So, is the fault of the browser makers, or people that take advantage of the vulnerabilities? It would be nice if a browser could be locked down to NOT open any new windows...
03:57.53Pi_chapster: sure. disable javascript.
03:58.21Pi_chapster: and it's my fault. i worked hard to make last measure do that
03:58.40chapsterThat can be done, sure. But in that case javascript should be able to be made more secure.
03:59.34Pi_chapster: well look at the sores code.
04:00.09chapsterPi_   I could do that, but would not understand it.
04:00.13Pi_chapster: oh heh.
04:00.26Corydon76-homechapster: you have the source code to IE?
04:00.43chapsterCorydon76-home: I thought he meant the javascript source to his script.
04:00.49bkw_you guys would luv it too
04:01.02Pi_chapster: i did mean the javascript and html code
04:01.06Corydon76-homeNah, I prefer my ghetto hacks
04:02.58debaserawesome athf tonight.
04:03.09*** part/#asterisk nicknames (~ecvs@
04:03.53Pi_debaser: what's an athf
04:04.08debaseraqua teen hunger force
04:04.17debaserwhat sort of geek are you?
04:07.11Pi_one without a tv.
04:08.07Supaplex;( that was short lived.
04:08.47*** join/#asterisk rauL (~ceRen__@
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04:17.29bit8I'm trying to initiate a GSM csd connection from a mobile and get it log in to the zap ras server. I keep on getting this error in PPP, sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ,LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests. some light pls..
04:19.41*** join/#asterisk SuZannA__ (~Seeyou@
04:19.55Pi_bit8: you broke your pppd.
04:19.58Pi_or something
04:22.11*** join/#asterisk Lesbian[away] (~selinda__@
04:22.48bit8Pi: is it ? or is it something wrong with zapras
04:23.47Pi_bit8: no clue. i've never used zapras. i'm just throwing out random responses.
04:24.03Pi_i've seen problems with config-requests when i' ppping into my ISP
04:25.31bit8so what was the reason in ur case ?
04:25.51Supaplexdisable LCP
04:26.30Supaplexyour peer does not appear to support LCP, which is optional (and helpfull, but not required)
04:26.54bit8LCP needed for PPP isn't it ? ( and how to disable )
04:27.28SupaplexLCP is not needed for PPP, else why would you be able to disable it?
04:27.46SupaplexYou'll have to hunt down how to disable it, I don't know right now.
04:29.11Supaplextoungey twister :p
04:29.34Pi_uh Supaplex
04:29.37Pi_i know this much
04:29.49Pi_LCP negotiates what protocols are being used in the PPP connection
04:29.51Pi_so it is needed
04:31.05Legend`LCP is an extension, and i have seen in cause wonkiness in dialup stuff over the years
04:31.53*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
04:32.19Supaplexok, maybe there is 'lcp' and 'lcp extensions', the second of which I'm certian you can disable, and still pull off a ppp connection
04:32.58*** join/#asterisk Lady_in_crisis (~ozLem__@
04:33.04Pi_Supaplex: yeah lcp extensions. in Windows systems..
04:33.06Pi_it's a checkbox.
04:33.43*** join/#asterisk PcBoys (
04:35.32*** join/#asterisk SeZen (
04:36.25*** join/#asterisk manken__21f (Jay-Z@
04:40.28Supaplexapparently 2.95 is b0ked compiling *, but gcc-3.0.4 complains durring make clean ; make. should I post a bug report for this to? (atleast the gcc 3.0.4 not compiling *)
04:40.46Pi_Supaplex: are you using deb stable?
04:41.09Pi_i'd recommend unstable
04:41.17Pi_unless you have a damngood reason to remain with stable
04:41.20cubanIs it festival you have to compile from source or asterisk to get them to interoperate?
04:45.12Pi_cuban: you have to source festival.
04:46.19Legend`and patch it
04:46.22Legend`search the wiki
04:46.54*** join/#asterisk anachron (~flenser@
04:50.45sungi love you
04:50.50sunglet us make love to each other
04:50.58Pi_sung hy
04:52.19*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
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04:56.50*** part/#asterisk hwstar (
04:56.58*** part/#asterisk jhagel (
05:01.36agent_sxfar cry time
05:03.44iMediaxok dumb question.. what does an underscore represent in extension #'s ex: exten => _300.,3,Congestion
05:06.03twisteda pattern
05:11.01*** join/#asterisk Princesss (
05:14.08cubanWhat is with all these weird names that join the can and then leave right away?
05:14.54Pi_good night
05:14.58Pi_cuban: spambots
05:15.11cubanAhh. Heh.
05:16.10cubanI just like the package managment. Works better than anyone elses.
05:16.11venixahaha it's so true
05:16.16cubanI've been thinking about switching to SuSE though.
05:16.48twistedWatching shit scroll by for hours makes me a Linux expert overnight!
05:16.58*** join/#asterisk Nostradamus (Metalbaby_@
05:17.19cuban". . . and I liked the idea of running an entire system that wasn't compiled for a 386."
05:17.50twistedI started using Gentoo on the desktop and now I've rolled it out as a production server using some great technologies: ReiserFS, RAID-5, Gentoo patched kernel, Samba ... you name it."
05:18.31agent_sxhmm is suse 9.1 much better than sues 8?
05:18.40agent_sxshould I really upgrade
05:19.05cubanI dunno I haven't tried it yet.
05:19.12cubanI get sick of compile times in gentoo.
05:19.15twistedI essentially started using Gentoo because my KDE clock would never show the right time in Red Hat."
05:19.27cubanAlthough this site pokes fun at it, USE flags are pretty nice.
05:19.33Inv_Arpagent_sx: is everything fine with yer Suse 8   pathces etc...?
05:20.16twistedlast one unless i find one that beats it
05:20.17twisted"I don't think that Debian can really compete with Gentoo. Sure it might be okay, but when it comes to dependencies, you probably are still going to have to get them all on your own. Or is there something like portage in the Debian world as well?"
05:20.38cubanapt-get moron
05:20.53agent_sxya so far inv_arp
05:21.16cubanYou know what pisses me off?
05:21.23twistedcuban, you're from NJ aren't you?
05:21.30cubanNo, why?
05:21.37Corydon76-homecuban:  pink socks?
05:21.43twistedmost everyone I know from jersey starts something out with "you know what pisses me off??"
05:21.43Inv_Arpagent_sx: so whats the switch for
05:21.51cubanI don't care if some vendors make closed source only drivers... That's fine. What pisses me off is when vendors make their drivers/apps ONLY AVALIABLE IN RPM.
05:21.59wsuffyou know what pisses me off
05:22.00*** join/#asterisk svecias5708262 (wradbabyy@
05:22.03twistedthat pisse me off too
05:22.04wsuffis twisted is always right
05:22.10wsuffand jersey does suck
05:22.41Corydon76-homewsuff: only because nyc blows
05:22.43twistedoh yea
05:22.46twistedthe xbox runs debian, too
05:22.49twistedand the dev box
05:22.57twistedso actually 4 deb boxes, 1 YDL, and one fc2
05:23.23Corydon76-home"Kiss her where it smells; take her to New Jersey"
05:23.58cubanIBM does this shit. So does HP
05:24.26cubanCorydon76-home: haha
05:24.30cubanHouston smells.
05:24.38cubanAll my out of town friends complain about it.
05:25.00Corydon76-homePA should be nice and hot this time of year
05:25.12Corydon76-homeSo should MD
05:25.20wsuffCorydon76-home: where u live
05:25.32wsuffah going there next month too
05:25.37wsuffhave a uncle in knox.
05:25.46Corydon76-homeNashville here
05:26.10cuban"Hilarious. I did notice your last statement about no serious business considering Gentoo was not funny because it is not true. I do happen to know 2 high level network administrators who are very seriously considering Gentoo for their server farms. They had invested much time and effort building these systems and now Red Hat is dropping support and forcing an upgrade. They decided they would like to avoid a forced upgrade in the future . Since their time i
05:26.10cubans valuable they are very seriously considering Gentoo and are evaluting it as we speak."
05:26.51wsuffcuban: freebsd and fedora seem to be holding their own for my needs
05:27.02wsuffbut i have to replace some old RH boxes this month
05:27.10wsuff7.3 baby
05:27.15cubanI have to replace some 7.3 machines too.
05:27.24cubanI'm thinking about using SuSE for my servers.
05:27.55wsuffcuban: limited in my options since i want to use something the onsite hands support
05:28.00Corydon76-homeAnybody else see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Ass Cuban yet?
05:28.07cubanAss cuban?
05:28.27Corydon76-homeOK, Ass Cabin
05:28.28cubanI've got to build a couple of oracle servers for clients and I really feel RH's future is questionable.
05:28.46xxyxxzYeah... the chick is growing boobs.
05:28.49wsuffcuban:  that could be said about any company though
05:28.53Supaplex~start a distro war
05:28.54jbotSuSE 0wnz!
05:29.09LegendTOMS RBT!
05:29.11Corydon76-home~start an editor war
05:29.12jbotnvi users can't think straight
05:29.36wsuffcuban: just need to weight the +/- for your needs and go w/ it
05:29.53wsuffeveryone has their own bias myself included
05:29.56Corydon76-home~start a filesystem war
05:30.07Supaplex~start an fs war
05:30.10jbotjfs uses too much overhead!
05:30.33cubanNo no
05:30.37cubanI don't want a distro war.
05:30.48cubanI'll be honset.
05:30.48Corydon76-home~start an os war
05:30.49jbotBSD is better than Debian!  Amiga Rocks!
05:31.03wsuffglobal nuclear war then like that war games movie
05:31.06cubanI haven't used a distro besides redhat or gentoo in a few years.
05:31.16Supaplexdeb here.
05:31.24xxyxxzI miss my damn Amiga
05:31.29wsuffrh/fedoria/fbsd here
05:31.37Corydon76-homeIf you can't use FreeBSD, might as well use Mandrake... :-P
05:32.13twistedthis is sick
05:32.19wsuffoh boy
05:32.25wsuffi'm just not gonna click it
05:32.29twistedno dood
05:32.30twistedthink sushi
05:32.52Corydon76-homeAnd on that note, I'm going to bed
05:32.56twistedinto the lunch pail
05:32.59wsuffnot a bad idea
05:33.07twistedtrust me
05:33.12twistedit's not disgusting sick
05:33.16twistedit's just sick on how cute it is
05:33.21wsuffi trust u enuf not to open it
05:33.27Corydon76-homeYeah, like you could believe twisted on that, the kinky fuck
05:33.43twistedi'm only kinky when it comes to whips
05:33.58twistedand that sorta stuff
05:33.58*** join/#asterisk WizardWlf (
05:34.01cubanThat's weird twisted
05:34.16cubansushi is gross
05:34.23twistedsushi is indeed nastay
05:34.31Supaplexoh no, not the power puff girls
05:34.32Corydon76-homeOh, come on, sushi is fine
05:34.36cubanAnyone got a sec to explain STUN to me?
05:34.40Corydon76-homeas long as its fresh
05:34.43Legendsushi is fine, raw fish is bad
05:34.48twistedcuban: read the newsletter that was sent out this morning by olle
05:34.57cubantwisted: On the mailing list?
05:35.00twistedcuban, yep
05:35.01cubanOkay, I'll check it out
05:35.07Corydon76-homeIf your sushi starts smelling like a cooter, then you've got problems
05:35.20twistedCorydon76-home, or the other way around
05:35.24*** join/#asterisk KaNuN (
05:35.29Corydon76-homeGod knows, what kinda sick fuck would eat cooter?
05:35.30cubanSupaplex: Good, I wont get hurt next time I shoot myself my accident.
05:36.11twistedmeryl streep is hot
05:36.16twisteder - was
05:36.26wsuffin a past life right twisted
05:36.33Corydon76-homeLike that wrinkled look, eh, twisted?
05:36.37twistedthis is what happens when I get bored
05:36.53wsufftwisted: save us all and find something to do
05:37.08*** join/#asterisk Ayse^` (
05:37.10Corydon76-hometwisted:  you're going to give Anna Nicole a run for her money, I can see...
05:37.24*** join/#asterisk PinoKYo (Focus@
05:37.25twistedhey check this
05:37.34WizardWlfanone having a problem with 7940 (sip) -- Asterisk -- VoicePulse (IAX)
05:37.36twistedthat's some artsy sushi
05:37.41twistedWizardWlf, yes
05:37.42Corydon76-homeYeah.  No, I'm going to bed.
05:37.49twistedWizardWlf, they need to update their *
05:37.54twistedthey have slippery timestamps
05:38.09*** join/#asterisk BreaK (~Yesimm_de@
05:38.41WizardWlftwisted: what prob you having.  When I talk on the 7940 it the other end hears me find but the I hear them garbled.  
05:38.47twistedWizardWlf, exactly
05:38.52twistedWizardWlf, that's the exact problem
05:38.58twisted<twisted> WizardWlf, they need to update their *
05:39.03twistedtwisted> they have slippery timestamps
05:39.21twistedi've already diagnosed them with slipping timestamps
05:39.30twistedit's clearly evident in a ethereal trace
05:39.34andrewg9/win 11
05:39.35*** join/#asterisk lele (~lele@
05:39.59cubanOkay, I get STUN now. Do Cisco phones support STUN?
05:40.09twistedWizardWlf, i've already emailed their support about it 3 times
05:40.14twistedWizardWlf, i suggest you do the same
05:40.17*** join/#asterisk NumLock (~GrouP@
05:40.27twistedWizardWlf, tell them they need to update to latest cvs -stable or head
05:40.35wsufftwisted: i don't want to raise any flags they might try to fix their billing too =)
05:40.44twistedWizardWlf, maybe if enough of us piss them off, they'll upgrade
05:40.48twistedwsuff, hahaa
05:40.55twistedwsuff, that's a different department altogether :P
05:41.08WizardWlfBut I don't have the prob on the ata 186 with v 2.16
05:41.13wsuffhaha different dept of none action?
05:41.16WizardWlfwhat is wrong with the billing
05:41.22twistedWizardWlf, no shit sherlock, the ata's and the 7905/7912 don't care about the timestamps
05:41.23LegendWizardWlf: this was beat to hell on the mailing list
05:41.35twistedthe 7940/60 does
05:41.49twistedthe 40/60's are VERY particular about their communications
05:41.52LegendWizardWlf: there is a hack you can do in the source tree to "fix" the problem
05:42.06WizardWlfsorry have not had time with school and work to keep up on the 350 messages aday on the list
05:42.21twistedLegend, yeah, but why should WE have to hack our source tree because they cannot update their boxen
05:42.25wsuffLegend: if it's termination related then that provider should fix it too
05:42.41wsufftwisted: boycott
05:42.52twistedwsuff, yeah... and loose my local DID's?  I think not
05:42.55Legendwsuff/twisted: yeah yeah, i know, but a short term solution is needed
05:43.12Legendso sense shooting yourself in the foot, just for the principle of it
05:43.12wsufftwisted: well u are insane w/ your dids
05:43.18twistedLegend, well, then hack up your source tree, and force * not to pass their fucked up timestamps to the 7940/60
05:43.19WizardWlfexactly they are the only one with a DID in Pittsburgh, PA
05:43.20Supaplexanyone compile cvs head in the last 3 hours? what gcc are you using?
05:44.03cubanHm, okay I have CVS downloaded but when I do cvs co asterisk, then cd asterisk and make update my version number doesn't change
05:44.03wsuffWizardWlf: ya i know i was forced to keep my analog lines to the office due to the questionable problems i've had w/ VP
05:44.14WizardWlfhaven't had time to update in a week and am scared to right now with all the changes to zap.
05:44.21twistedcuban: you have to make install, and then stop and start *
05:44.35wsufftwisted: i did that and it still  didn't change
05:44.48twistedthat's funny
05:44.53twistedcuz mine works fine each time
05:45.12twistedpablo*CLI> show version
05:45.12twistedAsterisk CVS-HEAD-06/05/04-12:41:18 built by root@pablo on a i686 running Linux
05:45.15WizardWlfso does mine when I have time to working on it
05:45.26wsuffshows cvs-01/11/04
05:45.39cubanhm mine crashes
05:45.44twistedthen you're not updating properly
05:45.45wsuffnot sure why because it has things that weren't commited then
05:45.56wsuffso i don't see how it's right
05:46.05twistedbest method is to blow away the source tree and do a fresh checkout, btw
05:46.14wsuffya probably why
05:46.17cubanIt says my libpri is not up to date then crashes, that's wird.
05:46.19twistedoh yeah
05:46.23twistedand when you make update
05:46.29twisteddon't forget to make clean before make
05:46.43twistedcd /usr/src/asterisk
05:46.46twistedmake update
05:46.47twistedmake clean
05:46.55twistedmake install
05:47.06twistedasterisk -rx"stop gracefully"
05:47.09cubanYea, I did that yesterday and it kept bombing. It's going now.
05:47.13*** join/#asterisk _BeRFu_ (yellowgirl@
05:47.16twistedthen start it back up when it stops
05:47.19wsuffmake clean failed
05:47.27twistedmake clean failed?
05:47.28wsuffmissing sperator
05:47.30twistedthen you got big problems
05:47.49cubanYea man, if make clean fails something else is f@##ed up
05:47.54twistedsounds like someone has been messing with their makefiles, and the update didn't merge correctly
05:48.04twistedbest method
05:48.05WizardWlfsonds like something tried to merge a makefile and fubared it
05:48.08twistedrm -rf /usr/src/asterisk
05:48.09twistedcd /usr/src
05:48.12twistedcvs co asterisk
05:48.23wsuffseems like i will hafta
05:48.40twistedi keep rollback trees incase i fuck somethin up
05:48.42twistedcheck this out
05:49.14twistedi have 10 source trees
05:49.17wsufftwisted: u can get them from cvs as well too though as far as i know
05:49.18twistedall dated
05:49.30twistedbut these trees are already compiled
05:49.31cubandude wtf
05:49.31wsufftwisted: u are insane
05:49.34twistedso if i fuck something up
05:49.36cubanIt keeps saying I need newer libpri
05:49.38twistedi can go into one of those trees
05:49.40twistedand make install
05:49.52wsufftwisted: i usually tar my working src
05:49.53*** join/#asterisk {Sweet_GirL} (~Nostradam@
05:49.54alan408anyone tell me how to make festival generate sound to a file, instead of to sound card?
05:49.55wsuffb4 i upgrade
05:50.17twistedalan408, man festival
05:50.25*** join/#asterisk ^yeshim^ (ozLem__@
05:50.30twistedwsuff, yeah, that's one method
05:50.43twistedi also backup my configs nightly via cron
05:51.04twistedit runs a diff on the previous date, if nothing changed, it don't back it up again
05:51.12twistedif there has been a change, it backs it up and dates it
05:51.32IronHelixhmmm, im having a problem where my zaptel FXO (x100) isnt getting caller id (its a real zap, not a knockoff)
05:51.32wsuffnot a bad idea
05:51.43wsuffbut little much for my personal box
05:51.45IronHelixi know its getting caller id, but zap show channel doesnt show any caller id
05:51.50twistedwsuff: this IS my personal box :P
05:51.54IronHelixany ideas?
05:52.00WizardWlfI imagin all this MFAS and GR-303 stuff id for the T1/E1 users not me the lowly single pots line guy iwth three sip phones
05:52.01tessier_How can any one zap be any more real than another since they are all from the same open sourced design?
05:52.14twistedIronHelix, callerid=asrecieved
05:52.25twistedWizardWlf, nope..
05:52.26IronHelixtried that
05:52.28tessier_I know most people understand "real zap" to mean purchased from Digium and I like to support them too but I've always wondered...
05:52.29IronHelixit makes the caller id
05:52.38twisteddont put it in quotes
05:52.45IronHelixso it dials the extension with a call from asrecieved
05:52.46IronHelixi didnt
05:52.51IronHelixi did callerid=asrecieved
05:53.45WizardWlfIronHelix: did you put it before the channel= line in your zapata.conf file
05:54.37IronHelixand all the rest of hte caller id stuff is turned on at the beginning of the file
05:54.46WizardWlfwhats 1?
05:55.07IronHelixnot hooked up to anything
05:55.28twistedthe ever-fun question
05:55.30twisteddid it work before?
05:55.37IronHelixnever has
05:55.38WizardWlfis it a card or something
05:55.57WizardWlfyou normally have to go in order 1,2,3
05:56.06twistedIronHelix, how many rings before * answers?
05:56.06xxyxxzCallerID is not available in the US yet?
05:56.19twistedxxyxxz, no, callerid is standard in the US
05:56.58IronHelixya zap1 is another x100, its just not connected to a line atm, never has been.  incoming context doesnt pick up until the phone does
05:57.09twistedIronHelix, can you recieve cid on that line with another device?
05:57.28WizardWlfcallerid + PrivacyManager + lookupBlacklist is a great way to start you dialplan  Scum of the earth be gone you telemarketers and collection agents
05:57.45IronHelixthats ok
05:57.54IronHelixi've tried to do all the 'duh' stuff first
05:58.07IronHelixand im not finding anything on voip-info or googling the list
05:59.14twistedmy frontal lobe is killing me
05:59.21IronHelixthe problem that i can see
05:59.27IronHelixsi when i set callerid = asrecieved
05:59.34IronHelixit sets the caller id to 'asrecieved'
05:59.40wsufftwisted: so get your head out of your ass =)
05:59.40IronHelixand sip debug
05:59.48IronHelixshows a call from 'asrecieved' to my phone
06:00.00*** join/#asterisk turk_girls (~samyeli@
06:00.17IronHelixif it makes a difference the server is hooked up to a Vonaga MTA
06:00.21IronHelix*vonage MTA
06:00.23*** join/#asterisk jorler (
06:00.30twistedmaybe we're spelling received wrong
06:00.53twistedi'm dead serious
06:00.58twistedreceived is correct
06:01.00wsuffya i see it
06:01.01twistedrecieved is wrong
06:01.09IronHelixmy friend is a moron
06:01.14IronHelixi didnt notice that
06:01.19twistedhey brc_
06:01.33twistednow i know how to spell everything
06:01.37snewpydisa only supports ulaw? :(
06:01.41twistedosmosis is a powerful thing
06:01.53twistedsnewpy, uhh... disa doesn't give a rats ass
06:01.55twisteddisa is an app
06:02.02*** join/#asterisk _DiLARA_ (
06:02.04snewpytwisted: if (ast_set_write_format(chan,AST_FORMAT_ULAW))
06:02.07twistedi use disa with my g729 shit
06:02.09brc_ya watch the spelling bee a few days ago?
06:02.10WizardWlfIronHelix: I just looked at my config and I don;t have a callerid line for my FXO and it works fine
06:02.26twistedsnewpy: note the word IF
06:02.31twistedand quote me al ine
06:02.47snewpyyeah, the if == if it can't change formats, it dies :)
06:02.48snewpyJun  7 15:07:07 WARNING[327701]: chan_sip.c:1611 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 4/2)
06:02.48snewpyJun  7 15:07:07 WARNING[327701]: app_disa.c:221 disa_exec: DISA Failed to write frame on SIP/89906029382-6aa9
06:02.57*** join/#asterisk aliSha18 (juajgwrkcx@
06:03.08mitchelocjust a quick question for everyone, i have this: a/india   D   N  5060     Unmonitored
06:03.28mitchelocand it's giving me hell saying it's registered, etc, but the N for nat is no? right, i have it set to "yes"
06:03.38brc_guess what
06:03.41mitchelocso the remote asterisk server is trying to return to my local ip though not the public on
06:03.42mitcheloc* one
06:03.55twistedthe N for nat is NAT
06:04.00twistedit doesn't appear if nat is off
06:04.14IronHelixyeah i know it was just commented out before and this is easier
06:04.18*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
06:04.26brc_twisted: fine be that way
06:04.30twistedbrc_, what
06:04.38twistedbrc_, i have a headache and i'm tryin to look at shit
06:05.02brc_"twisted says: I duno what".../me says it's now "2 weeks" "no, for real this time"
06:05.03IronHelixfixed spelling
06:05.05IronHelixstill no luck
06:05.14WizardWlfIronHelix: did that fix it or not
06:05.16IronHelixzap show channel 2 while ringing shows caller id string as blank
06:05.22IronHelixsip debug gets From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as2fcc6020
06:05.28snewpytwisted: are you sure your g729 call doesn't switch to ulaw at least temporarily when using disa?
06:05.31WizardWlftry removing the usecallerid line also
06:05.48mitcheloctwisted: oh, so why would asterisk still be responding to my internal ip address if it knows it's using nat.., hmm
06:06.00twistedhey snewpy:
06:06.04twistedpablo*CLI> sip show channels
06:06.04twistedPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
06:06.04twisted192.168.0.119    JoshSIP     238406604@1  00101/00003   G729A
06:06.08WizardWlfIronHelix: do you have anyother callerid lines in the file.
06:06.12twistedtell me it doesn't work under non-ulaw
06:06.28IronHelixyeah, the default stuff near the beginning
06:06.29snewpytwisted: hmmmm... any idea about the error i posted above, then?
06:06.33wsufftwisted: are the new network based g729 available from digium yet?
06:06.40twistedwsuff, nope
06:06.42WizardWlfIronHelix: commet that out too
06:06.47IronHelixi uncommented the callerid=asreceived at the beginning and deleted the stuff from the bottom
06:06.47*** join/#asterisk bayBhooD (~java@
06:06.55wsufftwisted: i really don't want to to do the Voiceage BS
06:07.06twistedsnewpy, possibly we probally are not transcoding properly then
06:07.13wsuffto the point where i'll leave things  be until that's address
06:07.23IronHelixstill nothing
06:07.44twistedIronHelix, you have to completely restart * if you change zapata.conf
06:07.49IronHelixya i know
06:07.59WizardWlfcan you send me your file in a msg channel so I can look at it
06:08.05*** join/#asterisk biot (
06:08.09IronHelixsure hangon
06:08.11twistedbetter yet
06:08.16twistedpost it on
06:08.33twistedthen you can paste the link and we can all take a gander
06:08.47IronHelixgood idea
06:09.23twistedi hate it when my head hurts so bad i wanna puke
06:09.37brc_it means you need to sleep
06:09.44brc_drink more water
06:09.47twistedit means i'm having caffiene withdrawl
06:09.52twistedi've been drinking nothing BUT water today
06:10.21brc_I drink like....*calculating*.....I duno
06:10.22brc_a lot
06:10.25brc_of water
06:10.33twistedgenerally i drink caffienated beverages
06:10.39twistedwhen I don't, i get headaches
06:11.08brc_I've got these huge cups...well I USED to have these nice huge cups that proally held 3 cups of water but they all cracked...SOMEBODY put em in the now I've got these medium large cups
06:11.17brc_probably 2 1/4 cups in em
06:11.37twistedIronHelix, try removing the first signalling method
06:11.50twistedi'll paste you a sample file
06:11.53jbot[smoking] cool
06:12.23jbotsmoking will kill you
06:12.31wsufftwisted: thanks got it fixed now =)
06:12.50IronHelixic what you mean
06:12.52IronHelixlemme try that
06:13.19IronHelixno luuck
06:15.13WizardWlfso you tred my config
06:15.54WizardWlfdumb question to the whole group but how can a channel 2 be defined without a channel 1
06:16.07twistedWizardWlf, because zapata doesn't care
06:16.14twistedzaptel.conf does, but zapata.conf doesn't
06:16.26IronHelixi will try that
06:16.40WizardWlfmy channel 2 was a S100u and that is a dead duck so not using it anymore
06:17.08*** join/#asterisk ZerDa (
06:17.22brc_I just realized something
06:17.23twistedholy shit
06:17.24brc_I'm lame
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06:17.28twistedi thought i was losing my mind
06:17.30brc_I never finished asterisk.vim
06:17.33twistedi saw spiderman on my drpepper can
06:17.42twistedbut it's real
06:18.03WizardWlfrather see shrek 2
06:18.04brc_I hear the girl almost gets married or sumten
06:18.11twistedzip it
06:18.20brc_it's in the trailor
06:18.29twistedzip it good
06:18.30mitchelocdoes anyone here have x-lite and get warnings in asterisk because it's trying to send to x-lites's machine's internal ip instead of external?
06:18.37IronHelixno luck
06:18.42IronHelixwith config 188
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06:19.08brc_awsum trailor
06:19.15brc_full screen itunes goodness :p
06:19.39twistedif someone will ever patch up wine to use itunes, i'll be a happy fucker
06:19.46brc_that'd be nice
06:20.02twistedthat's the only reason i still have a winxp partition on this machine
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06:20.46WizardWlfIronHelix: did you try 187
06:21.05mitchelocnat = yes doesn't make asterisk auto-use the sip client's external address does it?
06:21.05twistedWizardWlf, i looked at 187
06:21.11twisted187 will not work for one reason
06:21.27twistedit has to be channel => 1
06:21.27IronHelixi will try 187
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06:21.45WizardWlfwell that is odd it has been working fro 2 years
06:21.46brc_spidy rox :p
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06:22.24brc_checkout that car throwing action
06:22.34WizardWlftwisted:  that is my running config file
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06:23.49WizardWlfi think the = and => are interchangable, mark said that somewhere on the list a long time ago and on a planet far far away.
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06:24.57brc_= and => are valid
06:25.31IronHelixafter fixing 187 (it had two rxgain statements) no luck
06:25.31brc_I asked about it a couple days ago in dev when I was writing the vim syntax file
06:25.49IronHelixalso btw i'm running asterisk .9
06:25.51WizardWlfsome the files in the /etc/asterisk directory on my box have been there untouched since July 2002
06:26.00twistedbrc_, did you finish the syntax file?
06:26.01IronHelixwith the latest zaptel driver from ftp
06:26.36brc_twisted: you are kidding right?
06:26.37brc_hell no
06:26.41brc_it's hella hard
06:27.01*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
06:27.09brc_mainly because I started doing it knowing zero (zip, zilch 0 ) RegEx
06:27.21brc_I can stumble my way around RegEx now
06:27.30twistedbrc_, sounds like how i learned asp
06:27.40brc_but it's awfully hard to figure out the fancy stuff that is needed for syntax highlighting
06:27.43brc_oh really?
06:27.54cubanOkay, so I see the 79XX series supports STUN. I'll use mystun and that should work, correct?
06:27.54twistedi learned asp as i was writing an app in it
06:27.57brc_what'd you do in it
06:28.03WizardWlfIronHelix: cvs as of a week ago is what I got running
06:28.04twistedi wrote a 350K
06:28.06cuban90% of all my clients will be behind NAT
06:28.13JonR800regex kills brain cells..
06:28.16JonR800or grows more..
06:28.19JonR800either way.. it hurts
06:28.19twisted$35k app for dell's call center
06:28.20IronHelixim just guessing at straws here, but (this box is at my friends house, im fixing it for him on SSH) maybe he plugged the phone into the wrong port on the x100?  maybe he used a crappy cable with interference (would that block CID?)  
06:28.37IronHelixlol thats a nice way to learn asp
06:28.42cubanIronHelix: use zttool to find out if it's plugged in wrong
06:28.46brc_JonR800: I'll go with kills
06:29.01cubanIronHelix: If zttool says RED then it's plugged in wrong. Okay means he's good.
06:29.05twistedIronHelix, yeah, cept I was employed by them
06:29.14twistedso when i finished, they took it, used it, and outsourced me.
06:29.16IronHelixsays NO ALARMS
06:29.30SwKgotta love getting outsourced
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06:29.37SwKor replaced with a H1B
06:29.41JonR800brc_: hehe.. i hate staring at regex's for hours trying to figure out wtf im doing wrong.. only to find out it's some specific language quirk.
06:29.42wsufftwisted: but now u moved on to bigger and better things
06:29.48twistedwsuff, yeah, after 3 years
06:29.58IronHelixlol that blows
06:29.59tessier_I think I'm gonna outsource my girlfriend.
06:30.01WizardWlfIronHelix: do you see started simple switch on the asterisk console when you ring the phone line
06:30.02twisted3 years of being mostly unemployed
06:30.03tessier_Current one is too expensive.
06:30.09IronHelixyeah i do
06:30.11IronHelixthe phone rings
06:30.14twistedbut anywho
06:30.15IronHelixand he picks up
06:30.17wsufftessier_: rent her out on the side =)
06:30.20twistedi gotta confrence call tomorrow
06:30.20IronHelixbut it just doesnt show callerID
06:30.22twistedin the am
06:30.26twistedso i gotta get some sleep
06:30.31tessier_wsuff: sub-contract? Not a bad idea.
06:30.36tessier_I think she'll just quit though.
06:30.55twistedg'nite all
06:30.55wsufftessier_:  just a thought
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06:31.11IronHelixya i dont think she'd appreciate that
06:31.16JonR800tessier_: you gotta put some FUD in her then..
06:31.20JonR800tell her there's no work else where
06:31.21WizardWlfIronHelix:  do you see any zap error messages when asterisk starts?
06:31.29JonR800and reassure her that you are her only option
06:31.32mitcheloccould someone, anyone throw me a hint as to this error?
06:31.40mitcheloci can't get any audio back
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06:31.57mitcheloci have Nat=yes, and sendprivateip=disabled on x-lite
06:32.07WizardWlfIronHelix: have you stoped  astering and restarted it completely for just the keck of it at this point
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06:33.19*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@*] by twisted
06:33.23*** kick/#asterisk [LateR!] by twisted (twisted)
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06:33.35brc_who's em
06:33.54*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*@*] by twisted
06:34.22IronHelixlol yeah i have, i restart * everytime i update zapata cuz it doesnt reparse on reload
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06:35.32WizardWlfhave you tired to see if the other zap card works?  Maybe its hardware because we have checked all the software.
06:36.05IronHelixno errors on asterisk init
06:37.03WizardWlfI mean you said you have 2 zap cards in the machine maybe you ought to try setting up the other one and see if it gets callerid
06:37.45IronHelixya thats a good idea, but my friend is too tired to do it
06:37.45IronHelix(hes lazy, and this * box is at his house)
06:38.00SwKis something else on the line that minght be loading it and causing the CID burst to be too low a level?
06:39.22IronHelixhe doesnt remember
06:39.29IronHelix(hes not very helpful with troubleshooting)
06:39.48SwKwell what I mean is if anyother devices are plugged into that line, unplug them
06:39.49WizardWlfIronHelix:  then try that tomorrow because I am stumped sonce mine works with the config I gvae you
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06:40.05WizardWlfhave to get to bed so willl talk to you guys later
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