irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040605

00:01.27cubanMy smartnet contract for our AS5600 and 7600 routers let met get the SIP image.
00:05.05nhuismanI wonder when the new cisco wireless phones will have sip support
00:06.05cubanI wonder if skinny is any good
00:06.27cubanand if Cisco really things a closed source protocol will become dominent
00:06.40tessierI don't see anything on the wiki about how to send a fax with asterisk
00:06.46tessierAll about receiving though.
00:07.53PlainWhiteTrashcuban: skinny seems to work well, and has support for types of services that aren't well achieved by any other VOIP signalling protocols at this time... with the possible exception of some extensions to MGCP.
00:08.02nhuismandoes the G extension on a phone name mean wireless?
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00:08.36PlainWhiteTrashAs for the closed protocol issue... it just lets them have a monopoly on a well integrated complete pstn to desktop voip solution.
00:08.36nhuismanwhats it mean?
00:08.44nhuismanglobal means?
00:08.47PlainWhiteTrashtext scrubbed off, icons replaced.
00:08.47tessiernhuisman: What phone are we talking about?
00:08.54PlainWhiteTrashAlso implies a much later hardware revision.
00:09.02nhuismanlike 7912G
00:09.02brc_~seen manxpowre
00:09.03jbotbrc_: i haven't seen 'manxpowre'
00:09.05brc_~seen manxpower
00:09.06jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 4m 41s ago, saying: 'Anyway, I've answer the one or two questions.  Ta Ta y'all'.
00:09.09PlainWhiteTrashThe LCD screens are better in the G series...  Their refrest rate isn't visible.
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00:09.27nhuismani went back 7.1 and the problem reoccured
00:09.31nhuismanwith the phone going nuts
00:09.34tessierI tried getting some 7960's (not G's) to work with Asterisk with no success. The 7960G's worked perfectly.
00:09.47nhuismanwhat problems did you have tessier?
00:10.01nhuismanI think most of the phones our building are 40's
00:10.02tessiernhuisman: They would not tear down the call properly.
00:10.06PlainWhiteTrashnhuisman - something is either broken with 7.1 generally - or with respect to asterisk - or with respect to your network configuration.
00:10.11tessiernhuisman: It would hang the POTS line open forever.
00:10.21PlainWhiteTrashGo all the way back to 5.0, make it work right, and roll forward to 6.3
00:10.28PlainWhiteTrashsee if 6.3 straight from 5 will work right
00:10.28tessierAsterisk Fax Manager only deals with incoming faxes. :(
00:10.29nhuismanyea i'm going to sit here with 5.0 for ab it
00:10.39nhuismanit seemed to happen after a bit of time passed
00:10.47tessierIf I have a PRI card in my box how can I send faxes out with it?
00:10.49nhuismanhave other people had that issue tessier?
00:11.01tessiernhuisman: Not sure.
00:11.03PlainWhiteTrashThe 7960s and 7960Gs run the same firmware and look the same to the network generally speaking.. I've never had trouble getting either to work with *
00:11.24tessierPlainWhiteTrash: I flashed 7960's and 7960G's with the same firmware but the 7960's behaved very differently.
00:11.43tessierThey had some different menu navigation, you lock/password them differently, etc.
00:12.04PlainWhiteTrashI suspect you had phones fail to take the flash then....  The code is dead on the same.
00:13.00PlainWhiteTrashThis building has a mix of 7960s and 7960Gs and they've always been perfectly interchangeable in my environment.
00:13.07tessierThey did take the flash properly. If they hadn't I don't think the phones would have said SIP (as opposed to skinny) and would not have talked to * at all
00:13.37tessierMaybe the client had bogus 7960's then. One of them refused to take a flash because the filename it tried to tftp had a carriage return in the middle of it.
00:13.51PlainWhiteTrashyup - that was an issue...
00:13.54PlainWhiteTrashTo get those to update...
00:14.04PlainWhiteTrashYou had to run through a special sequence of exact builds in order...
00:14.08PlainWhiteTrashending with 5.x...
00:14.13PlainWhiteTrashthen, they would work normally.
00:14.23tessierAh. I bet that was the problem then. That is very weak.
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00:14.43PlainWhiteTrashyou also had to manually hex edit the OS79XX.TXT to remove line termination in some cases... there are some nuances to it.
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00:14.58tessierAt this point Cisco's are my least favorite phone.
00:15.18tessierEveryone raves about them having a cool display and everything but I need a phone that works, not a headache.
00:15.18*** part/#asterisk PCadach (
00:15.21PlainWhiteTrashAre you kidding?  I've never found a better SIP desktop phone (once you've figured out all the tricks and automated the process)
00:15.23tessierEven flashing them is a pain.
00:15.47tessierYou have to set up a tftp server with just the right special files in it. And to legally get the SIP image you have to go through a bunch of hassle with Cisco.
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00:16.01tessierOnce you've figured out all the tricks an automated the process? That's a big problem right there.
00:16.07tessierI want a phone not a frickin' computer.
00:16.33PlainWhiteTrashexactly - so write software that makes it act like a phone by handing all that for you intelligently.  it's not that hard.
00:16.37tessierThe Snom is a lot easier to set up, has no such tricks or nuances, and makes and receives calls and is multiline.
00:16.48tessierAnd I don't have to write automation software.
00:16.51tessierProgrammer time is expensive.
00:17.28PlainWhiteTrashAnd has no browser... which locks you out of providing lots of nice dynamic information... I have a number of XML apps that I've written for the ciscos and tied back to *...  Like extension status... I can punch up a screen on my 79XX and see who's on the phone and with whom.
00:17.43Moc__programmer is free when you know how to program ;)
00:18.05tessierI don't need dynamic info and I have never had a client ask for dynamic info on their phone. That is what their computer is for.
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00:20.52PlainWhiteTrashYou'd be amazed how the control freak will come out in a customer when he/she sees you tap a couple buttons on the phone and know who's talking to who...  Lot easier than opening a browser or a desktop app...
00:21.27nhuismanhow come a person should be able to see who is talking? seems sorta like an invasion privacy
00:21.41Moc__Anyone have feature request for MeetMe É
00:21.43tessierIf it is a company there is no privacy
00:22.04PlainWhiteTrashNaturally, you should provide a configuration option for that sort of thing.. at the end of the day... if you're on company time.. using a company phone... it's their call.
00:22.30nhuismanwell i mean management should be able to see it, but not jsut anyone
00:22.34PlainWhiteTrashSame difference with like gastman... those things have to be configurable.
00:22.51PlainWhiteTrashnhuisman - exactly...
00:23.45PlainWhiteTrashAlternatively.. in small businesses.. that's sometimes not true.. my coworkers and i all have it set up on our phones.. we're a small, friendly group and none of us cares.
00:24.41_ZoRalso the info provided probably just says whether their extension is active or not right?
00:26.13PlainWhiteTrashI've written both.
00:26.32PlainWhiteTrashOne to show on phone or not, one to show bridged party's caller id or dialed number.
00:26.33nhuismanyea PlainWhiteTrash it appears that just the 7.x images are doing that wierd stuff
00:26.51nhuismanoh nm just did it on 6.3
00:27.05PlainWhiteTrashnhuisman... Either that or something is flawed with your load process of the 7.x's...  I suggest running at 6.3, has lots of useful bug fixes and has served me reliably.
00:27.06nhuismanrebooted the phone
00:27.11PlainWhiteTrashuh oh
00:27.17PlainWhiteTrashso it's happening to you on 6.3
00:27.27nhuismanentered voice mail asked for password, started entering password and died
00:28.29nhuismanyea its just rebooting in the voicemail
00:28.45PlainWhiteTrashWhat ver. of * are you running?
00:29.20Moc__Version getdate()
00:29.33cubanSo is it a bitch to get SIP on a 7960G?
00:29.37cubanI'm about to order 4 of them.
00:29.39cubanFor testing.
00:29.41brc_exten => 3009,1,GoToIf($[X${RDNIS} != X]3009,4)   trying to figure out what the X's refer to...
00:29.51tessiercuban: Not as easy as it should be but it is possible IF you can find someone willing to pirate you the SIP image.
00:29.51PlainWhiteTrashcuban: no.. not really...  just requires a little patience the first few times...
00:30.02cubantessier: I have the sip image already.
00:30.14cubantessier: I got it from one of my other smartnet accounts...
00:30.15Moc__cuban nah, OLD 7960 with old code it not easy, but once you KNOW you need to upgrade to a older version before installing 6.x or latter.. it easy
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00:30.29tessiercuban: Then it shouldn't be too bad. Just have to set up your own tftp server with all the right stuff in it
00:30.36PlainWhiteTrashnhuisman.. I can't imagine what could be doing that from * .... in vm.. but .... the fact that the thing is doing it reliably.. makes me wonder...
00:30.38cubanAnyone wrote down any info anywhere on the steps?
00:30.50cubanI'm gonna put 7.1 one on the phone...
00:30.51PlainWhiteTrashnhuisman.. send me your sipdefault and mac specific configs...
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00:31.10Moc__also you need to setup your Software version within the SIPDefault or SIPYOURPHONEMAC.cnf so the phone accept the upgrade
00:31.11cubanSo it's not just setting up a TFTP server and loading the image to the phone?
00:31.32tessiercuban: You need to create a config file on the phone named by the phones mac address and some other stuff.
00:31.34Moc__those are the only 2 thing .. (also you need to update OS79xx.txt when updating
00:31.35cubanThere should be steps somewhere, nothing on the WIKI?
00:32.06cubanMoc__ Uh, heh you say update but with what
00:32.10Moc__cuban I have you the 3 major pain I had. You just need the code + sample config. google has some
00:32.12cubanWhat is OS79XX.txt
00:32.26PlainWhiteTrashcuban: usually it *is* just setting up tftp and loading the files... but it's when things aren't quite right that you really have to get into it.
00:32.26cubanI have you the what?
00:32.28Moc__it contain the software version
00:32.45cubanSomeone who knows it should fill in the info on the wiki.
00:33.15Moc__well get the phone, we will help you set it up.. and add it to the wiki...  ;)
00:33.16cubanAre there more than one file you need to load...
00:33.22xeadedIs there any way to get rid of the universal application loader on the 7960G phones with sip 7.1? It takes the phone a lot longer to boot up.
00:33.27cubanOkay, I'll happily add it to the wiki.
00:33.37_ZoRI haven't made any changes to iax.conf and now * all of sudden won't connect when making IAX2 calls. Keeps saying the circuit is busy... what might be causing this?
00:33.55Moc__OS79XX.TXT SIPDefault.cnf SIPYOURSIPPHONEMAC.cnf and your binary file are the important one
00:33.55PlainWhiteTrashNo - the app loader has to be there.. it's part of the execute in flash architecture they built.
00:34.59cubanSo I need to put the flash on a tftp server, put a file on the tftp server named $MACADDRESS.cnf and edit OS7960.txt and put 7.1 in there.
00:35.27collinr__your OS79XX.TXT
00:35.28cubanAnd in that file goes what? Some config info?
00:35.28collinr__will contain
00:35.48Moc__cuban I'll putup a simple Tar file of my directory
00:35.58cubanMoc__ That would be great
00:36.06cubanOh and obviously program the phone to point to the TFTP server
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00:39.10tessierhmm...apparently spandsp has a txfax command now
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00:43.50Moc__tessier being a while
00:44.29Moc__cuban via DHCP or set manually on phone for DHCP
00:44.47Moc__that is the exact thing I use on my side
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00:44.54Moc__except for the registry hehe
00:45.01cubanHow do you set TFTP via dhcp?
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00:45.21collinr__option 150 I believe ?
00:45.42Moc__I use server-name "";
00:45.46Moc__in dhcpd.conf
00:46.06collinr__what's your dhcp server?
00:46.14cubanDamn, what if you don't have DHCP?
00:46.19cubanLike a single user?
00:46.28Moc__cuban you need to setup manually the tftp on the phone
00:46.48PlainWhiteTrashThe cisco's almost always need DHCP to be manageable..  It's a pain doing it any other way
00:46.52Moc__that what I did at the begining
00:46.52cubanSo you need TFTP at each damn location?
00:47.00cubanI guess I could put one publically.
00:47.03PlainWhiteTrashNo... But DHCP...
00:47.33PlainWhiteTrashThere are cheap and easy ways to do this... :-)
00:48.18collinr__you can statically assign IPs in the phones
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00:48.45PlainWhiteTrashYes... It just becomes a hassle if you ever have to remote admin them..
00:48.51Bobby_EwingJerJer: are you still here
00:48.59Moc__cuban also watch out for the dialplan.xml I have in my example... it setup for my need... might cause you pain.. just remove it for the moment and configure it latter once you know how it work
00:49.01cubanWe'll I'll look at options once I get one
00:49.15cubanMoc__ Any good docs on it?
00:49.26Moc__cuban, cisco is the best source for it
00:49.35nitramciscos sip admninstration guide
00:49.47Moc__to reset the phone in SIP mode, use * 6 and Settings button..
00:49.56cubanOkay thanks
00:50.08Moc__I used to unplug the phone until I found that hehe
00:50.13Moc__you could also telnet to the phone
00:50.27Bobby_Ewingsince updating asterisk today, phones keep dropping off registration from *:  after a call, sometimes asterisk removes them from astdb but the phone actually still things it's registered and can connect if you dial a number, just you can't call THAT phone from *, it just says busy.  The host is (unspecified) when i do a sip show peers from the CLI
00:50.50Bobby_Ewingi haven't changed any configs, only updated *
00:51.14Bobby_Ewingi tried going down to stable, but it didn't like it and wouldn't run, so i had to recompile cvs head again
00:51.37Moc__cuban telnet is nice for doing the command : show config
00:51.41PlainWhiteTrashI think the general consensus is to stay away from cvs stable at this point.
00:51.45Bobby_EwingIt was registered, but now is : 2001/2001        (Unspecified)    D
00:51.51Moc__so you can see how it setup and maybe put stuff you want in your .cnf file
00:52.05PlainWhiteTrashBobby: what kind of phones?
00:52.14Moc__cuban also you dont need tftp all the time.  Unless you have ringtone you want to use
00:52.17Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: they are gs, but they have been working fine uptill today
00:52.21Moc__you could manually setup your extensions
00:52.37Bobby_Ewingwhat about remote phones that are behind nat
00:52.50Bobby_Ewingthey keep loosing registration in * too
00:52.51PlainWhiteTrashBobby: Hmm...  I can't help ya.. I have two gs phones around here in a box.. I gave up on those..  Had high hopes... but when it couldn't even do call waiting right... i gave up on it.
00:53.14Moc__cuban, my config is made for NAT, check the config and make NAT 0 if you are using it locally
00:53.32Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: they have and do work fine on the whole, just after * update today i've been stumped
00:53.43PlainWhiteTrashWhen had you last updated?
00:53.49Bobby_Ewingi have to keep rebooting the phones manually to get them back in the astdb
00:53.59Bobby_Ewing05/15 was my last update before today
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00:55.27Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: the only other thing i've done is enable voicemail checking on the phones recently - i'm not sure if that is related or not
00:55.40xantusgus are you here?
00:55.47Bobby_Ewingi.e. so that they flash if there is voicemail waiting
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00:56.42PlainWhiteTrashBobby... I seem to recall kram talking about some scenarios where they changed to code to expire out calls and such if the phone doesn't continue hitting the server correctly...  
00:57.18Bobby_Ewinghmm wonder if there is a work around to keep a phone registered in the db
00:57.36Moc__Bobby_Ewing your being NAT ?
00:57.38Bobby_Ewingso, could it be that voicemail is the cause of the problem perhaps?
00:57.52PlainWhiteTrashBobby_Ewing - I doubt it... It sounds like a nasty gs bug... they must not be implementing something right.
00:58.13Bobby_EwingMoc__: i have two phones behind nat at a remote location and the rest are on the same subnet, all experience this same sip loss of registration on *
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00:58.35Moc__well NAT should cause that problem if you dont redirect the port correctly..
00:58.48magmaHi, someone here is using H323 with asterisk ?
00:58.52Moc__maybe you got firewall on the Linux that dont allow the box to connect to the other phones ?
00:58.52Bobby_Ewingi dont do any redirect at all, never had to
00:58.59Bobby_Ewingit connects to them fine
00:59.01magmawhen making call with gnugk and 2 endpoints got sound
00:59.18Moc__it connect, but lose the registration
00:59.30Bobby_Ewingit's that after a while, * removes the ip for the phone from it's db, but the phone still things it's registered and connects fine, you just can't call the extension ...
00:59.34magmabut when I use asterisk for a gateway pstn no sound
00:59.40magmaany idea ?
01:00.20Bobby_Ewingi've had it working fine for nearly a month, but today / yesterday i started voicemail checking on the phones and updated asterisk at the same time
01:00.28Moc__Bobby_Ewing, Like I said, I have problem when * can't see the phone that * ask the phone if he still alive, if no answer, then lose the registration
01:00.29magmathe signaling seems to work well, it s ringing it catch the hang but no sound
01:00.47Bobby_Ewingi put it down to asterisk update though
01:01.07Bobby_EwingMoc__: I get the same problem with phones on the same subnet only started today though
01:01.16Bobby_Ewingthey're all doing it, whether nat'd or local
01:01.20Moc__check if you block anything on your linux box
01:01.26Bobby_Ewingnothing blocked
01:01.33Bobby_Ewingnothing has changed in that respect
01:01.35Moc__check if your SIP setting have NAT setup, or on your phone if stun or nat is activated
01:02.09Bobby_Ewingthe phones are fine setup wise for NAT, i'm sure.. they connect fine and used to, but something * side keeps removing their registration
01:02.13PlainWhiteTrashHe has phones in two different environs - local & nat - that had been working...  i'm starting to believe there may be something in * that killed it's functioning...
01:02.33Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: yes, that's the scenario
01:02.54Bobby_Ewingstrangely enough, one of the phones in the remote location is actually still registered at the moment
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01:03.34Bobby_Ewingand a couple here locally are still reg'd too, but i had to reboot a couple of others due to loss of registration.  i think sometimes it's after calling the extensions they loose registration
01:04.28PlainWhiteTrashEverything is pointing to a SIP signalling issue...
01:04.54PlainWhiteTrashWhile a change to * may or may not have broken something, the question will remain who is implementing the spec. correctly.
01:05.24Bobby_Ewingactually i just remembered seeing an error
01:05.39Bobby_Ewingdid something change in how i should be setting the local ip of the box in sip.conf
01:05.45Bobby_EwingIt's currently
01:05.45Bobby_Ewinglocalnet =         ; Internal NETWORK address
01:05.45Bobby_Ewinglocalmask =
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01:05.52Bobby_Ewingis that syntax wrong
01:06.26Bobby_Ewinglocalnet =         ; Internal NETWORK address
01:06.26Bobby_Ewinglocalmask =
01:06.34Bobby_EwingJun  5 02:06:42 WARNING[-1137402960]: chan_sip.c:7645 reload_config: Use of localmask is no long supported -- use localnet with mask syntax
01:07.05PlainWhiteTrashshould be locatnet=
01:08.37Bobby_Ewingcheers, could that have been a cause at all?
01:08.47Bobby_Ewingthe old method was fine on the old build
01:08.53PlainWhiteTrashnot entirely certain.. i dunno if the gs relies on that stuff or not.
01:08.58PlainWhiteTrashit's a possibility
01:09.17Bobby_Ewingshould i try increasing that at all
01:09.58Bobby_Ewingaghh another phone lost registration
01:10.10Bobby_Ewingit seems to be after x seconds of me calling it, it dies off
01:10.30Bobby_Ewinge.g. if i call it now, after so long it looses registration
01:12.17PlainWhiteTrashno... that changes the length of time that * will ask the phone to refresh registration.. if anything lower it...  I run mine at 180...
01:12.41PlainWhiteTrashThe phone will only loose registration after you've called it once?
01:13.06Bobby_Ewingseems so.. i am testing with another, but it seems to take affect after 5-10 mins or so
01:13.39Bobby_Ewingif you dont call it, it stays up fine
01:13.59Bobby_Ewingactually, saying that, i'm not so sure, as one of the NAT'd phones i tried calling earlier and it's still registered
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01:17.03h3xZX  vdfsad
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01:18.28essobi__Hey guys.. I got two * boxes I want to interconnect.. where do I start?
01:18.49PlainWhiteTrashbobby - do some more testing - try to identify the scenario
01:18.58Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: I'm running a sip debug and i think we may have got it with the subnet mask issue, as it was using *'s external ip before to send udp packets to but now it's using the internal
01:19.12Bobby_Ewingbut i'm doing some testing and will try and catch something
01:19.38PlainWhiteTrashaaah, that could have been it.
01:19.54PlainWhiteTrashdid you restart asterisk after making the change?
01:20.04PlainWhiteTrashI'm not sure whether that setting will take from a reload or not..
01:20.20Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: I actually see one of the phones behind the NAT connecting to * when i run a sip debug, the other isn't of yet.  I just did a reload but it doesn't hurt to do a restart
01:20.32Bobby_Ewing(he says)
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01:21.26Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: shouldn't "restart now" normally restart *
01:21.50PlainWhiteTrashwhat happened when you did that?
01:21.51Bobby_Ewingit's not doing anything, strange
01:21.56Bobby_Ewingnothing, just goes to a new line
01:22.01PlainWhiteTrashit's stuck with no command line?
01:22.10essobi__hey guys.. I got two * boxes .. I want to dialout the zap of one from the other.. what do I use to interconnect them?  IAX2?
01:22.16Bobby_Ewingit gives me a new line on the CLI
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01:22.29PlainWhiteTrasha new line to enter a command or a blank new line?
01:23.00Bobby_Ewingto enter command
01:23.07Bobby_Ewingactually no commands seemed to be responding
01:23.13Bobby_Ewingi've killed the process and manually restarted
01:23.19PlainWhiteTrashhehe... sounds like a deadlock :-)
01:23.21PlainWhiteTrashThat can't be good.
01:23.30alan408can someone point me at keywords or documentation to figure out how to amke asterisk automatically launch calls, as called by a cronjob or script, please?
01:23.33essobi__busted spinlock
01:23.38Bobby_EwingOoO have not had that happen before
01:23.52essobi__alan408 /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
01:24.10alan408essobi - thanks - what keywords do i look up to learn what to put in taht dir?
01:24.12*** join/#asterisk Cript (
01:24.27CriptDoes Asterisk Support two B-Channel Transfer?
01:25.24PlainWhiteTrashCript on PRI?  I don't think so, actually.
01:25.36alan408thanks essobi
01:25.40alan408yo're my new best friend
01:25.45essobi__or you can use the manager interface.
01:26.55Criptwhat about transfering a call once its already connected to asterisk?
01:27.12Criptthx ess
01:27.42PlainWhiteTrashtransfering the call back out over the pri?
01:27.47essobi__Cript that link was for alan408
01:27.49CriptPlainWhiteTrash yes
01:27.53Criptyea just realized =)
01:27.58*** part/#asterisk collinr__ (
01:28.06PlainWhiteTrashyou can bridge (obviously), but I don't think you can do a divert...
01:28.14essobi__Cript Umm.. yea it can be done.. but you're eating two lines.
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01:28.16Criptid like to not have to use 2 lines to connect the call during the whole conversation
01:28.20Criptyea dont want to bridge =/
01:28.27PlainWhiteTrashIt could be implemented (ostensibly), theere are providers in the US who support that...
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01:28.53PlainWhiteTrashHowever.. The messages for doing that aren't currently implemented in libpri as of yet.. unless it's relatively new.
01:28.54CriptYea looking at Mpower right now they have that
01:28.54CriptTwo B-channel transfer - This allows PRI to connect two calls, transfer the calls together and then release the parties from the PRI.
01:28.55essobi__PWT:  Inband transferance to a dual call leg?
01:29.07Criptjust if asterisk doesnt support it, its no good =)
01:29.10essobi__PWT:  Soemthing is bridging the line reguardless.. you or someone else. ;)
01:29.45Criptas long as it frees my channels =)
01:29.53essobi__Oh.. they're doing it OOB with two B channels.
01:30.03essobi__Nope.  * doesn't support OOB transfering.
01:30.07PlainWhiteTrashNope... AT&T supports it on their PRIs... A PRI message goes out bridging up the two calls (potentially at your expense) and releases them, freeing your PRI channels.  You loose call control, the two parties are bridged together.. your PRI line becomes 2 B channels freer :-)
01:30.48alan408how do I turn on debugging from asterisk -r ?
01:30.50essobi__I've just wrote DTMF collecting bridge. ;)
01:31.02essobi__alan408 asterisk -rvvvv
01:31.09essobi__or how many you want..
01:31.15essobi__that's not debug..that's verbose.
01:31.16CriptCrap! nevermind
01:31.33Criptoh read that wrong
01:31.37essobi__you have to start your server with -dddd
01:31.43Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: actually, my phone just lost registration again - this time it didn't call anything, i actually was using it to call
01:31.44Criptthought they wanted $45 per channel for the bchannel transfer lol its per pri
01:32.06alan408I am trying to launh a call useing directory outgoing - it is failing but I get no debugging
01:32.12PlainWhiteTrashBobby, but you did place a call through it.. I think that may be the key... if a call gets handled by it.
01:32.13alan408I launched asterisk with -rvvvvv but nothing there
01:32.18Bobby_Ewingsorry, it didn't receive calls, i placed the call thru it
01:32.18alan408where can I find debugging?  or how?
01:32.46Bobby_Ewingi was calling an extension group that it is part of if that helps at all
01:33.15Bobby_Ewingi.e., i dialed 1000 which then dials 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 etc.. and the phone in question is 2000
01:33.16essobi__alan408 just use asterisk -vvvvr
01:33.40alan408it didn't give me info
01:33.42alan408but iax2 debug did
01:33.54PlainWhiteTrashbobby hmmm..  it definately sounds like a sip issue...  see what gs says
01:34.13alan408I copy /tmp/callfile into ...outgoing
01:34.16alan408soon file goes away
01:34.17alan408very quick!
01:34.20alan408but no call placed
01:34.22alan408hard to figure out why
01:34.35Bobby_Ewingplain: actually, the gs just crashed too
01:34.42Bobby_Ewingscreen all scrambled
01:34.45alan408is the timestamp on the file relevant?
01:35.11PlainWhiteTrashBobby: definately try to take it up with their support...
01:35.30essobi__alan408 If the file diapappeared.. it got processed.
01:35.36essobi__You've got something wrong in the file.
01:35.47essobi__asterisk -vvvvvr bub
01:35.49alan408right, i think i have something wrong - how to get debugging to figure out what?
01:35.59essobi__what'cha it before you start the copy.
01:36.06essobi__oh.. and you shouldn't be copying.
01:36.34alan408why not copy?
01:36.43essobi__cp /tmp/whatever /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/whatever.tmp ; mv tmp to .call
01:36.47h3xPlainWhiteTrash: XO supports 2 B channel transfer too but asterisk dosen't
01:36.50essobi__cause copy isn't atomic.
01:37.11essobi__h3x Is it OOB controlled on the D-channel or what?
01:37.30h3xCript: Your only workaround is ordering like E&M Wink trunks and get centrex transfer feature
01:37.54h3xwhich is really tricky because you have to make sure the wink timing and flash timing are set up correctly to match the telco or you will be hanging up calls
01:38.03essobi__alan408 move is atomic only when it's in the same directory.
01:38.08PlainWhiteTrashIf B channel transfer is that important, there are probbaly people who'd write it for a price...  
01:38.23alan408I will use move
01:38.25*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
01:38.26PlainWhiteTrashI'm certainly no PRI guru.. but there must be some out there who run *....
01:38.27essobi__Well.. Yea.
01:38.35essobi__I know a few.
01:38.44essobi__Who are pretty sharp on the PRIs.
01:39.03essobi__Not around thou.
01:39.06h3xPlainWhiteTrash: Well the first thing libpri needs is NFAS support
01:39.21h3xbecause its useless unless you happen to have one channel free on the same T1 your original call was made on
01:39.26essobi__You'd have to talk to kram about that.. or get someone to write the patch.
01:39.34h3xI asked kram to do it
01:39.42h3xhe said something along the lines of it being a waste of time
01:39.44XARiUSAnyone know if there are any pre-config'd adsi scripts for the 7960's?  I saw a very basic one included in the config samples, but I thought there were some for browsing VM on screen and whatnot...
01:39.55h3xthat and he dosent have any way to test it
01:40.12h3xI have aculab cards that support 2B transfer if you want to buy them
01:40.13essobi__so a waste of his time in other words. ;)
01:40.39PlainWhiteTrashXARiUS.. The 7960 is a SIP phone...  it's not an adsi phone...
01:40.43alan408I run that
01:40.44h3xif your application is really simple i could write you the software to handle the calls
01:40.51PlainWhiteTrashThe 7960 does have a rather useful XML web browser though.. which can do nice things...
01:40.51alan408after I place the call file [using move] I get no debugging telling me where it hosed up
01:40.58XARiUSpwt: I thought you could still load config's on them though?
01:41.07h3xer. where did cript go anyway
01:41.07alan408any suggestions how to get debugging on why callfile doesn't do 'what I want' ?
01:41.25PlainWhiteTrashsure you can -- but not adsi... it's very different concept.. The 7960 is more like a cellphone with a WAP browser.
01:41.31XARiUSI see
01:41.35h3xbut anyway, NFAS is far more important than 2B transfer coz all you gotta do is just get trunks and flash em
01:41.35XARiUSso it's all done with xml then
01:41.37h3xor just get more T1s
01:41.48h3xI think its in digium's best interest for you to order more T1s so they sell more boards :PO
01:41.52h3xthats the real reason i think
01:41.56XARiUSI was reading up on the wiki about the directory and some other xml stuff, but there weren't really any examples to go by
01:41.58PlainWhiteTrashThe ADSI stuff is more like a voice patch with a scriptable tty interface inband...
01:42.07XARiUSyeah I saw it was only 1200b/s
01:42.23PlainWhiteTrashAnd while it's drawing screens you loose voice...
01:42.28timecopwhat does "C" mean during cvs checkout
01:42.30h3xadsi rules but no one has written decent scripts for it
01:42.34XARiUSok adsi sucks then.  xml it is.
01:42.36PlainWhiteTrashand it has lots of other horrible options...
01:42.44PlainWhiteTrashh3x.. i actually wrote a decent one for it...
01:42.47PlainWhiteTrashfor *...
01:42.49Bobby_EwingPlainWhiteTrash: what's the max time you should ever be dialing someone on an extension in extensions.conf ?  If i have a dial string and it's anything over 60 seconds, once it reaches 60 seconds anyway, all the phones stop ringing plus when i disconnect from the dialing phone, that crashes - is that a normal feature or something wrong with the gs
01:42.49h3xwhats it do
01:42.52PlainWhiteTrashand fixed the adsi compiler to load it...
01:42.59XARiUSI'll post to the list, I've heard chatter in here about people browsing their vm on the 7960's, I'm sure someone has config samples they'd share
01:43.02PlainWhiteTrashthe adsi compiler changes were contributed back and merged...
01:43.06PlainWhiteTrashthe script so far has not been.
01:43.15h3xso whats the script do ?
01:43.27XARiUSit just sets up like vm buttons and junk'n'stuff
01:43.33XARiUSspeed dials, basically.
01:43.45XARiUSthe included script does, anyway.
01:43.50PlainWhiteTrashProvides nice soft keys and maintains all the right state engies to show who's one the phone with you, switch between call waiting calls, conference up calls, etc.
01:44.02h3xoh thats cool
01:44.08PlainWhiteTrashIt's not perfect.. but much better than what's out there...
01:44.15h3xso can you call waiting more than 2 calls then or ?
01:44.27h3xmy workaround was just to use 2 line phones
01:44.30PlainWhiteTrashNope...  That's theoretically possible but would require changes in zaptel...
01:44.33h3xand have groups for every extension
01:44.33Criptsorry back
01:44.36h3xso that calls roll to the 2nd line
01:44.37Criptreading past messages now
01:44.47h3xfuck call waiting...
01:45.14XARiUSthats why I wanted 7940's or 7960's. call appearences, I hate call waiting.
01:45.19PlainWhiteTrashif someone took the time to implement "call waiting deluxe" in zaptel, it would open up some major improvement to *'s ADSI support.
01:45.21alan408anyone available for some minor consulting, pls message me - trying to automate outbound calls
01:45.34PlainWhiteTrashXARiUS... that works well...
01:45.36*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (~fractal@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
01:45.41PlainWhiteTrashThe 7960s are quite good at that..
01:45.44XARiUSgood, I hope so.
01:45.47XARiUSthats why i bought'em hehe
01:45.58XARiUShell if xlite can do it, surely cisco can. =)
01:45.58timecopHELLO what hte FUCK does "C" mean during CVS checkout i'm trying to udpate to latest asterisk and i'm getting "C" status for chan=sip.c
01:46.10PlainWhiteTrashtimecop: conflicts of merge!
01:46.21timecopPlainWhiteTrash: it didnt show any errors
01:46.37h3x7960s are stupid
01:46.41h3xyou cant drop one part of a conf call
01:46.42PlainWhiteTrashtimecop... so blame cvs... if it's status is C, then you have a corrupt sip.c :-)
01:46.44h3xthats fucking RETARDED
01:47.09timecopno, I have my own code in it that kram wont accept
01:47.14timecopthe thing is it usually doesnt mind
01:47.15PlainWhiteTrashh3x - i agree - the only thing i don't like about the 7960s call management is the internal conf. bridge...
01:47.22timecopand hwen it does it says conflicts during merge
01:47.23timecopthat I can fix
01:47.26timecopbut now it jsut says "C"
01:47.31timecopwithout any explanation
01:47.40CriptAll these companys that offer Biz lines with Interlata / InterState Wide Calling for free All say now allowed to connect it to a PBX or VOIP etc. But no real way for them to find out as long as your only using the pbx to dial out right?
01:47.50PlainWhiteTrashtimecop - just the same...  C is a conflict in merge... go check the file.. you should find it marked up with the conflict sections...
01:47.57Criptnow = not
01:48.14timecopoh, right
01:48.20timecopoh i see what htey did
01:48.25timecopthey finally implemented user-agent changing
01:48.30Merlintimecop sup
01:48.31timecopthat was one of my mods
01:48.32PlainWhiteTrash<<<<<<<<  >>>>>>>   ====== :-)
01:48.33timecopmerlin hi whore
01:48.39timecopmerlin what are YOU ding here
01:48.41timecoper doing
01:48.45Merlinasterisk: dude, i love this project
01:48.52Merlinyou know what i mean
01:49.00Merlintimecop: are you using it yet?
01:49.06XARiUSI'm stoked, I finally get to put * in production next week
01:49.07PlainWhiteTrashCript - of course they'll know ;-)  You'll probably be using high volume...
01:49.10Bobby_Ewingthanks for the help Moc__, PlainWhiteTrash etc.. much appreciated.  I will try and get a response out of gs about the crashing phone
01:49.11*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt-600m (
01:49.12XARiUSbeen waiting just over a month now!
01:49.16timecopum i've been, for about a year at least
01:49.21Merlintimecop: very cool
01:49.44timecopPlainWhiteTrash: yep, fixed. ok cool thanks
01:49.53Merlini want to extend the voicemail to link to LDAP
01:50.03timecopMerlin: good luck
01:50.08XARiUSyeah seriously.
01:50.15alan408anyone have a minute to help me figure out why my callfiles in outgoing aren't causing calls to launch?
01:50.34XARiUSactually, it shouldn't be too bad with the right permissions
01:50.40XARiUSport 389 I think it is to the ldap server
01:50.47XARiUSshould be able to do your queries there.
01:50.52Merlinit seems like a no brainer to me... you only have to maintain your employee directory in one place
01:52.35*** join/#asterisk xeaded (~xeaded@
01:53.17CriptPlainWhiteTrash: But if I wont be using high volume. And even if I am. I could just say i make a lot of calls =)
01:54.35Merlintimecop: when are you moving back to the US?
01:54.36PlainWhiteTrashCript... they'll eventually choose not to do business with you if they catch it.. read the fine print...  In general, if a business partner doesn't want to do business with you... find someone else :-)
01:55.55timecopMerlin: huhu
01:57.48xeadedCould someone help with my Cisco 7960G phone? I always get the error "Registration from 'sip:101@' failed for '' I have both the username and password set in both the sip.conf file and on the phone.
01:58.13*** join/#asterisk michael1234 (mick1234@
01:58.35michael1234How can I get rid of old versions of openh323 so I can install the lastest ones
01:59.42h3xCript: typically the 2B channel transfer and centrex transfer features are limited to only letting you place twice the number of calls of your span
01:59.51h3xso for instance you cant have more than 46 calls up on a single PRI
02:00.18h3xand... considering that some other CLEC besides AT&T would cost less than half as much per PRI
02:00.25h3xyou're better off just doing normal call bridging
02:04.58Cripthow much per pri h3x?
02:05.07Criptabout $500 is standard isnt it?
02:05.34Connor~seen jerjer
02:05.35jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (1d 1h 5m 12s).  Has said a total of 169 messages.  Is idling for 2h 23m 57s
02:06.04CriptNo idea what AT&T charges
02:06.19*** part/#asterisk essobi__ (
02:09.47timecopum what hte fuck
02:10.08timecopJun  5 11:08:39 NOTICE[131081]: chan_iax2.c:4998 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
02:10.14timecopi get this after doing cvs udpate
02:10.30JerJeryou need a type=user
02:10.54timecopinstead of type=friend?
02:11.11venixis type=friend being steadily deprecated?
02:11.30venixits use is obviated most of the time
02:11.38CriptDigim have more than 1 Analog rj11s on a single Card yet? or still only the 1 port?
02:11.56timecopCript: um?
02:11.58h3xat&t charges upwards of a grand
02:12.03timecopCript: tdm400 is 4 ports
02:12.07h3xthey charge for the loop seperately from the pri itself
02:12.11timecopcan be either fxo or fxs
02:12.13h3xsame thing with xo
02:12.31h3xsometimes at&t charges for local outbound even in non-metered markets
02:12.38h3xwhat city are you in
02:12.54*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
02:13.47h3xoh you are here in vegas?
02:14.05h3xi have a xspedius PRI at home
02:14.10h3xits the cheapest thing there is here for sure
02:14.20timecopok what the fuck
02:14.28h3xand im getting a ds3 from them at my data center
02:14.44timecopgod fucking damn why do fucking cvs update break shit that worked for months
02:14.51timecopwhat hte fuck I cant get any incoming calls after todays update
02:15.05timecopJun  5 11:14:14 NOTICE[131081]: chan_iax2.c:4998 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
02:15.22venixif you want stable, get stable.
02:15.36JerJerstable is NOT stable
02:15.41JerJerit will become stable
02:15.43venixyeah, well.
02:15.45JerJerget a clue
02:15.47venixjust sayin
02:16.08timecopso what hte hell is wrong
02:16.18timecopi cant get any incoming SIP calls from FWD
02:16.33snewpy_timecop: insecure=very for each peer thats affected
02:16.48timecopthose are incoming calls from whatever
02:17.01timecopwhere is this shit documented?
02:17.18Merlintimecop: your mom
02:17.21snewpy_head tries to authenticate all incoming calls, by the looks of it, and it would appear that no one actually does this
02:17.45CriptdamnYea vegas h3x
02:18.00timecopi hope i can jsut put that shit into globals
02:18.24XARiUSit's on the mailing list all over the place
02:18.40timecopso how the fuck do I disable it
02:18.50timecopi'm wasting time wiht this shit not working
02:18.55timecopinsecure=very in global context doesnt work
02:19.08XARiUSthats because it goes next to each peer you have defined.
02:19.14*** join/#asterisk NuMLock (
02:19.15Criptno not a tdm400p
02:19.16h3xso whats your application then?
02:19.16Darwin35gui.c:294: error: conflicting types for `gtk_widget_modify_bg'
02:19.17Darwin35/usr/X11R6/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkwidget.h:656: error: previous declaration of `gtk_widget_modify_bg'
02:19.17Darwin35gmake: *** [gui.o] Error 1
02:19.30Cripti need connected to phone lines not analog phones =)
02:19.37Darwin35and I just updated gtk
02:19.41timecopCript: as I said
02:19.44timecopCript: tdm400
02:19.52timecopwiht 4 fxo modules
02:19.57timecopconnects you to 4 phone lines.
02:20.27*** part/#asterisk lightn (
02:20.40timecopXARiUS: what hte fuck, if i have like 200 peers in my sip conf
02:20.50CriptDigium makes it? dont see it on their site got a link for me?
02:20.52timecopwho came up wiht the idea it couldnt be global?
02:21.04*** join/#asterisk paulc (
02:21.05XARiUSno clue, just know it's a new "feature"
02:21.11XARiUSand thats the resolution for it.
02:21.14XARiUSconf wise, anyway.
02:21.36timecopCript: ^^
02:22.39timecopgreen modules are fxs, red are fxo
02:22.46Connorwho else offers 1800 #'s ?
02:22.48timecopyou can mix and match them in whatever way
02:23.40*** part/#asterisk paulc (
02:24.17Darwin35over priced
02:24.19*** join/#asterisk paulc (
02:24.28Darwin35digium need to lower its prices
02:24.46Darwin35yes the money helps support the dev
02:25.02Darwin35but still to expensive for the average person
02:25.18JerJerum no
02:25.22ReniRmx_a developers kit isn't too bad
02:25.28timecopDarwin35: wtf are you talking about
02:25.31JerJerDialogic is expensive
02:25.35timecopequivalent equipment from elsewhere is 2x that price
02:25.39timecopat least
02:26.03timecopJerJer: does h323 havea built in gatekeeper yet?
02:26.09XARiUSbuying half price knock offs from china isn't exactly supporting * hehe
02:26.19Darwin35I knw
02:26.26*** join/#asterisk Inca (
02:26.33JerJertimecop: it will if you are willing to fund the development
02:27.11Darwin35but I just wish there was a program to help those who are working to port  * to other os to make payments not giving it all up at once would even help
02:27.32Darwin352 to 3 paysmenst foor a x100p would make it easier
02:27.46XARiUSisn't an x100p like, 95 bucks?
02:27.47timecopdarkthrn: like hat OS are you porting asterisk to?
02:27.55timecoptheres a couple grand bounty last I checked for getting it to work on freebsd
02:28.03timecopthere's a bug on that on bugs.digium
02:28.17PlainWhiteTrashLater guys....
02:28.45JerJerand Digium did have a program to acquire free Digium hardware for asterisk development
02:28.51JerJernot many took them up on the offer
02:29.02timecopDarwin35: what OS are you porting asterisk to
02:29.24Darwin35we are still workign on the fbsd port fixing bugs
02:29.25JerJergenerate more revenue then
02:29.33michael1234does anyone have trouble installing oh323
02:29.34XARiUSDarwin: not to knock your fixed income or anything, but anyone dabbling in voip must understand there are costs involved.
02:29.36Darwin35if I could I would
02:29.38IncaHi. Trying to compile Asterisk and getting all kinds of errors. I am simply type "make install" inside the directories that were created with cvs. Looks like some headers might be missing. Am I missing somethin obvious?
02:29.52timecopDarwin35: you know that whoever gets it working will get a couple grand according to that pounty I mentioned right?
02:29.55JerJerInca:  kernel source
02:30.09XARiUS95 isn't too much for a quality card, but if you had any idea what it's like running a billing department that handles "payments", it can be a nightmare.
02:30.09timecopDarwin35: i duno the bug number but search
02:30.12XARiUSLosses are horrendous.
02:30.39Darwin35timecop thats for drivers
02:30.46XARiUSit's not so bad in software, but in hardware, you're out product.
02:30.48Darwin35we have the x100p working
02:30.48IncaJerJer: might you have a quick reference URL?
02:31.07Darwin35but they are still porting the other cards
02:31.07JerJerso start sending Digium money and when you've sent them enough, they will ship your hardware
02:31.13Darwin35it wiol take time
02:31.33timecopDarwin35: cool, the sooner the better
02:31.38Darwin35I do not see where they do layaway
02:31.46timecopDarwin35: how did you resolve gethostbyname_r
02:31.49Darwin35not stated on thier sight
02:31.55JerJercall Malcolm or Greg
02:32.09timecopdoesnt freebsnd not have that
02:32.21Darwin35we did it a diff way
02:32.26JerJeri think they #defined it
02:32.28XARiUSsomeone's been working on bsd stuff, I saw some updates for zaptel I think it was go in the other day
02:32.30JerJerfor bsd
02:32.36*** join/#asterisk ncjp (
02:32.47michael1234get this error message when compiling oh323
02:32.48michael1234chan_oh323.c:1855: too few arguments to function `ast_dsp_process'
02:32.48michael1234make[1]: *** [chan_oh323.o] Error 1
02:32.59Darwin35gui.c:294: error: conflicting types for `gtk_widget_modify_bg'
02:32.59Darwin35/usr/X11R6/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkwidget.h:656: error: previous declaration of `gtk_widget_modify_bg'
02:32.59Darwin35gmake: *** [gui.o] Error 1
02:33.06Darwin35now on gastman I getthis
02:33.10Darwin35and its killing me
02:33.12JerJermichael1234:   find the developer of that code...  
02:33.34michael1234I have oh323-astersik
02:33.51JerJerand i only support chan_h323
02:34.08JerJernobody else here is dumb enough to try
02:34.34fileNacho Cheese Doritos For All1
02:34.49timecopdoes anyone still use gastman?
02:35.01timecopthat crap didnt work worth a shit last time I tried it
02:35.35Darwin35I had iton 4.9 and the cli  worked fine
02:36.04Darwin35iton  it on
02:36.22timecopi could never get it to match channels to configured extensions
02:36.30Darwin35dont correct small spelling like that its anoying
02:37.05michael1234JerJer: Well how can i get more debug on chan_h323
02:37.16timecopi was assuming "iton" was some asterisk manager cli
02:37.22timecopthat I didnt know about
02:37.31timecopsince all the GUIs I know of blow ass
02:37.36Darwin35no if you read the sentance you can tell what it ment
02:37.38JerJerh.323 debug
02:37.40timecopand i'm still looking for a usable asterisk maanger
02:37.42*** join/#asterisk hwstar (
02:37.48Darwin35but lets not get a war going here
02:37.48JerJeror h.323 trace 4
02:37.54XARiUSso's the rest of the * community, timecop heh
02:38.01JerJertimecop: write one... I did
02:38.01Darwin35back to trying to get it all working
02:38.23timecopJerJer: is it opensores?
02:38.24*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
02:39.18*** join/#asterisk hwstar_ (
02:39.43JerJerdo you see me offering it up?
02:40.01*** part/#asterisk Inca (
02:40.32timecopJerJer: didnt think so
02:40.46CriptOh ok ic They just made FXO mods for the tdm400p
02:41.11CriptAnyway to order jsut the Four (4) FXO Modules (red)?
02:41.18CriptIf i already have a 400p?
02:41.21timecopCript: if yu ohave the card, yes
02:41.24timecopwhat revision is it?
02:41.42JerJerbetter yet, what color is it ?
02:41.43Cripthad the Power Connector /shrug dont know off hand
02:41.50JerJerthe pcb
02:42.15*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
02:42.44Criptgot the packing slip
02:42.48Criptdoesnt say rev though
02:42.53Criptjust TDM40B
02:43.42Connorwhat voip providers can provide 1-800 #'s both SIP and PSTN ?
02:44.20paulcConnor: I was looking for 800 SIP/IAX yesterday.. do PSTN + VoIP
02:44.35Darwin35where do I get g723 ?
02:44.44Darwin35or is it in the src tree
02:44.58JerJerG.723.1 is encumbered by patents
02:44.59Connorpaulc: What kind of rates?
02:45.04Alricg723 is only passthrough.
02:45.21AlricBut if you have a few six-digit figure bank accts, they'll talk to you :)
02:46.09Darwin35then we should pull it out of *
02:46.44JerJerthere is no G.723.1 in asterisk
02:46.55Darwin35codec_g723_1.c:46:28: g723.1/typedef.h: No such file or directory
02:46.56Darwin35codec_g723_1.c:47:28: g723.1/cst_lbc.h: No such file or directory
02:46.59JerJerbut it can support passing thru if its already encoded
02:47.09JerJerread the Makefile
02:47.12Cripttimecop: How much are the mods each for the fxos?
02:47.30timecopCript: the store has them. I think $75 each. yo uare better off getting the 4 port bundle at $377
02:47.33JerJermark isn't stopping anyone from getting their own Patent Indemifcation
02:47.39timecopor maybe not
02:47.46timecop75*4 is 300
02:47.58Darwin35then it needs to be fixed this is from a fresh tree pull
02:48.26*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
02:48.44JerJerDarwin35:  those are dependcy checks
02:48.53JerJerif those two flles exists the code compiles
02:48.57JerJerotherwise it moves on
02:49.04paulcConnor: Delayed reply, sorry.. umm.. I think 6.5c/minute.. not the cheapest but not bad..
02:49.08*** join/#asterisk cuban (
02:49.28paulcConnor: Alternative is to get a DID with free incoming that terminates VoIP then get a traditional 800 pointed at that number. That's what I've done for now, interim measure while I'm testing
02:49.28JerJer6.5c is highway robbery
02:49.29michael1234paulc: to where that is expensive
02:49.34chap-6.5...  wow.
02:49.45*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
02:49.47justinnnnnnhey guys
02:49.51michael1234I can terminate into the us for 1 cent per minute
02:49.57michael1234from australia
02:50.03justinnnnnnim from aus 2
02:50.03paulcJerJer: I know.. nufone = 2.9.. but I wanted Canadian origination and your Hayzell wasn't too up on it conversing via email yesterday
02:50.18paulcI get 1p/min from the UK to USA via voiptalk
02:50.26JerJershe seemed to converse with you pretty well
02:50.28michael1234justinnnnnn: who do you use for voice
02:50.29justinnnnnnwho does it for 1c/min from aus to usa ?
02:50.46justinnnnnnatm were using a small iax provider in melbourne
02:50.48justinnnnnnand our own pri's
02:50.54JerJerif you want canadian toll-free numbers its 10 cents per minute for any strings attached
02:50.57justinnnnnnpri's in testing atm
02:51.09fileJerJer: can I grab a second toll-free number?
02:51.15paulcJerJer: I was happy with speed of response, but would have liked a yes or no on the canadian origination question rather than being referred to phone sales.. just my £0.02 of grumpiness yesterday - I'm cool with it today
02:51.20justinnnnnnmichael what about u ?
02:51.42JerJerpaulc:  huh?  i specifically read her reply to you
02:51.46JerJerits called RT
02:51.49justinnnnnnbloody i hate those little square rock bolt thingies
02:51.57JerJerand i'm an AdminCC on every email that goes thru it
02:52.01justinnnnnni cut my hands up crying to put them in /take them out yesterday
02:52.56JerJeryeah RT rules
02:53.05JerJerthat's why i get so pissed off when ppl say we don't respond to them
02:53.14JerJeri have proof either way
02:53.29JonR800getting pissed might not be the right response lol
02:53.44paulcso.. question is.. can I get a Canadian accessible toll free number, and for what rate? I'm totally happy paying above 2.9c a min, hell - I'd almost be happy paying double that.. but obviously it's got to work for you guys as well..
02:53.56JerJersure it is...espcially when they take their matter public
02:54.27JonR800nah jerjer
02:54.27JerJerpaulc: just as hayzell said if you want a Canadian accessable toll=free number the cost is currenlty 10 cents per minute for any call
02:54.34JonR800that was their experience..
02:55.10JonR800getting mad/defensive about anything hurts the cause
02:55.19JerJerfile: you can have as many toll-free numbers as youwant, but you have to email
02:55.34michael1234justinnnnnn: Will just have to check with MD that is ok and then I will tell you
02:55.36JerJerJonR800: i disagree...  i have no problems with firing customers
02:55.46Darwin35I need a job where I can work from home.
02:55.47E|nyWOW. who charges 10c/ min?
02:56.00JonR800JerJer: but when that firing is public it drives other new potential customers away.
02:56.07justinnnnnnmichael1234: u mean to tell me who u use for voice ?
02:56.11E|nyI could do US/Canada 800#s for 7c
02:56.14JerJerJonR800: i can prove that statement wrong
02:56.17justinnnnnnwhere do u work michael ?
02:56.25JonR800JerJer: i can prove it right.
02:56.34paulcJerJer: Ok thanks.. although I never got a quote for 10c/min from Hayzell.. For now I think I'll stick with what I'm doing for a laugh, it's just for testing, but I'll be talking more in the next few months
02:56.49AlricThere are probably situations and effects that support both viewpoints.
02:56.57JerJereverytime someone has complained on the asterisk mailing list about us we get flooded with new customers
02:57.02alan408can asterisk play mp3 files?
02:57.27JonR800how does that work?
02:57.32JonR800i read them and it steered me away
02:57.42JerJerand lots of them act suprized when we actually answer our fone, unlike what they were expecting
02:57.43Darwin35if you installed it
02:57.55Darwin35its needed for moh
02:58.22Darwin35get the jisum out of your eyes
02:58.24JerJer...or respond to email ... works the same
02:58.37alan408anone know a good text to speech convertor, ie put text in, get GSM or AU/WAV out?
02:59.07paulcJerJer: I'm not up for bashing nufone at all, they seem to be well liked, well respected.. and apologies if this is a FAQ for the 10 millionth time.. but have you got plans for online signup with a credit card, prepay account top up etc?
02:59.08justinnnnnnthat festival program does that ?
02:59.14paulcalan408: Festival
02:59.15JonR800well whatever works for you.  long as your making a profit i guess it doesn't matter much does it? :)
02:59.29JerJerpaulc: when its ready
02:59.47alan408is asterisk working on freebsd these days, out of the box/
03:00.21Darwin35not 100 %
03:00.27Darwin35but we are close
03:00.37Darwin35we now have the x100p supported
03:00.45Darwin35and a driver in ports
03:00.47alan408I give money to help if it would help.  I just need SIP/VOIP stuff, no hardware on box
03:01.06Darwin35it would
03:01.06JerJerrun linux, yo
03:01.09JerJerkeep your money
03:01.20alan408linux/vmware/windows2k baby
03:01.22alan408it's all that
03:02.11*** join/#asterisk {-LeYLaaa-} (
03:02.33paulcJerJer: Diplomatic answer :)  s'all good
03:03.09JerJerput it this way:  people keep throwing money at us to solve their problems, instead of us solving ours
03:03.46JerJersolving our own
03:03.47alan408so you're a whore, you're saying?
03:03.55paulcYeah - I know how that goes.. stuff that pays the bills generally gets done ahead of the "wouldn't it be nice" stuff..
03:04.13alan408oh your virgin ears
03:04.58paulchang on.. wasn't it me talking about phone sex and my previous employer yesterday? ;-
03:04.59alan408my kingdom for p orts
03:05.23paulcalan408: so a solid state type box, BSD, no hardware?
03:05.49alan408yeah, using voip <-> voicepulse; asterisk serves as voip pbx for me
03:07.15*** part/#asterisk njustinnnnn (
03:07.32bkw_never fear bkw is back
03:07.35bkw_back again
03:07.57*** join/#asterisk switch (
03:08.24JonR800guess who's back?
03:09.13paulcuh.. bkw_? at a guess..
03:09.36JonR800tell a friend
03:09.56chap-bkw: I have been gone all day. Get power back yet?
03:10.37derrick~seen swk
03:10.38jbotswk is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 20 messages.  Is idling for 1d 19h 49m 25s
03:10.42paulcLOL.. yeah, what was the story there? You wanted to get the power disconnected to the people next door or something, but you got cut off instead?
03:11.05fileso I finished my computer science course today, 100%... teacher was speechless over my final project
03:11.05chap-paulc: Major storms.
03:11.16chap-file: What was your project?
03:11.28filean AOL Instant Messenger client
03:11.37derrickneato file :)
03:11.49alan408dear teacher
03:11.51alan408those who can do
03:11.53alan408those who can't teach
03:12.32derrickfile, where ya going to school?
03:12.34JonR800anything special about the aim client?
03:12.36chap-file: Thats cool. I guess your does not have all the bullshit ads and media that come up- even like on ICQ.
03:12.47filederrick: my local high school lol
03:12.54derrickbadass file!
03:13.03chap-kids today.
03:13.07fileJonR800: not particularly
03:13.13fileit was cool to be allowed to chat in class though
03:13.19JonR800ahh.. lol
03:13.23JonR800good excuse.. i see
03:13.30fileI've been done it awhile
03:13.31JonR800im wise to your trickery
03:13.54filefew days I worked on asterisk-win32 (which is on my workstation at school) and a messaging platform
03:13.57derrickfile, my biggest HS code accomplisment was writing a ti calc 'memory eraser' emulater... obviously simple..but over 10yrs's still traded at my old HS ;)
03:14.13derrickfile, where do you want to go for college?
03:14.14filederrick: haha
03:14.37filederrick: I have a seat at the community college, and they've got a decent computer science course plus cisco networking
03:14.47derrickcmu?  umich?  ut? mit?
03:15.08JerJerhehe i dropped out of CMU  :)
03:15.18derricki dropped out since they didn't use to teach netwroking..and that's all i ever wanted to do
03:15.25alan408canadia is the state up north by alaska, right?
03:15.26derricki dropped out of PSU
03:15.32filewell I'm trying to get an independent study for cisco networking
03:15.47filewhich would basically give me 2 semesters of it
03:15.51_E_derrick is not to smart tho
03:16.00JonR800PSU actually has a very good program now
03:16.00derricknot at all
03:16.02_E_; )
03:16.11derrickthey did then too
03:16.12JonR800though most of them are geared toward the business end.
03:16.38paulcyeah - and we all got pet moose
03:17.11JerJer~moose penis
03:17.12jbotMOOOOSE PENIS!!!
03:17.15alan408text2wave myfile.txt -o myfile.wav
03:17.17alan408yeah baby
03:17.25derrickfile, why the focus on cisco?
03:17.32alan408cisco networking is dead
03:17.38alan408you will make less than an auto mechanic
03:17.41alan408do something else
03:17.53fileonly thing really even offered or attempted to be offered
03:17.56*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
03:17.57paulcalan408: you seriously think so?
03:17.59fileand it opens up more possibilities
03:18.01*** join/#asterisk epitron (
03:18.01derrickfile, understood :\
03:18.02alan408i know so
03:18.08alan408i used to not be able to spell network engineer
03:18.10alan408now I is one
03:18.11fileI've already been offered a position at a company in Mississippi
03:18.22_E_ooof Mississippi ?
03:18.25derrickfile, in my opinion, take it
03:18.36derrickwork experience > school exp.
03:18.36filethe trouble is moving, getting a visa, etc
03:18.47paulcfile: where you at?
03:18.48_E_derrick: agreed wholeheartedly
03:18.53derrickdude, us want's all of canadia it can hve
03:18.56filepaulc: New Brunswick
03:19.00JonR800work will also make you want to go back to school even more .. you'll have more motivation :-P
03:19.28derrickfile, come share you magic number w/ the us
03:19.30paulcfile: oot east eh?
03:19.42filepaulc: yeah
03:19.45alan408damn festival takse forever to compile
03:19.48alan408poor me whine whine
03:19.50alan408indian food time
03:19.52paulc<-- BC, Canadian born but grew up in the UK.. so I'm the Brit guy in Vancouver as far as the locals are concerned..
03:20.01filepaulc: haha
03:20.06fileBC... where it rains alot
03:20.13alan408For example in Latex files we do not want to here "left brace, backslash
03:20.19derrick<--wishes he was from ca
03:20.20alan408I hate it when tech docs have mis-spellings
03:20.24paulcfile: - been nice today, gonna rain all weekend
03:20.38filepaulc: been raining here the last week, was finally nice today and should be nice tomorrow
03:21.08alan408I wish make had a progress meter
03:21.34fileI wish stupid people ... I'm gonna stop there
03:22.40andrewgalan408: distcc it up ;)
03:23.03fileknow what would be cool? to use the collective computing power of the school I work at during the summer
03:23.22andrewgsomeone already tried that and had to pay fines I think in the .us
03:23.29alan408what would you do with it?
03:23.31alan408serve porn?
03:23.37paulcwhat else?!
03:23.38filecompile asterisk in seconds!
03:24.06derrickit already compiles in seconds
03:24.21andrewgconvert asterisk to cpp
03:24.27JonR800unless you're on a p3 500
03:24.27andrewgthen use it to compile it in seconds :)
03:24.30fileugh, cpp
03:24.35andrewgderrick: because cpp is slowass :)
03:24.38fileg++ is slow
03:24.47andrewghaving a cluster in search of a problem :)
03:24.48*** join/#asterisk denon (
03:24.52derrickthat's the goal..make it slwer :)
03:25.00alan408The system is too big. It takes a long time to compile even on quite large machines, and its foot print is still in the 10s of megabytes as is the run-time requirement.
03:25.25paulcare we gonna get in to a C versus C++ religious flame war?
03:25.28alan408on a scale of 1 to 10 ; how good is the quality of festival's digitization of text to speech?
03:25.36derrickpaul, so what sorta arch was/is it that ran your old project?
03:25.37filepaulc: no
03:25.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by denon_
03:25.45andrewgalan408: no. people here agree c++ sucks.
03:25.46paulcderrick: the phone sex stuff?
03:25.56derrickbut i thought it wasn't phone sex :p
03:26.10paulcWe had dual processor pentiums using Dialogic hardware with all call control stuff written in VOS (which is now Intel CT-ADE).
03:26.18paulcAnd no, it's not phone sex, it's "people meeting people", right? ;-)
03:26.24derrickand it could handle that much volume?
03:26.26alan408I like C--
03:26.29fileDROP THE BOMB!
03:26.30alan408like my GPA
03:27.03paulcderrick: Yeah.. we had 20 T1s in most systems and the CPU chugged along at around 40% loading
03:27.22paulcthe new boxes they're putting in are like 28 T1s.. using the new(ish) Quadspan cards.. DMV/9600 etc
03:28.05paulcnow the question is.. how to do a similar thing with Asterisk? I can't write C for shit.. but I'm alright(ish) with Perl.. go with AGI? or someone pointed me in the direction of anthm's perl module type thing yesterday
03:28.12derrickpaul, the dialogics offload all the processing?  that's insane
03:28.44paulcScott Stingel talks about 4 T1s per box.. 8 would be nice.. but if it's 4, then it's 4.. I can live with that.. lots of pizza boxes, linked together with IAX when we need to bridge callers on separate boxes etc
03:28.53*** join/#asterisk xeaded (~xeaded@
03:29.14paulcderrick: yeah - the Dialogic cards have 486 cpus on them I think.. plus there's not a lot of processing involved really in playing/recording speech
03:29.22derrickhave ya thought of how to load between the pizza boxes?
03:29.25derrickis this all in-bound?
03:29.33paulcyeah.. vast majority is..
03:29.46*** join/#asterisk PrintScReeN (
03:29.47paulcso.. T1s with cyclic hunting.. or "super groups" as they're called on this side of the pond I think..
03:29.51derrickmy whole prob is xcoding tons of streams..and no hardware other than cpu to do it
03:30.09SwKthats what I'm concerned about on 1 project
03:30.19xeadedHow can I get rid of the echo in calls over a X100P from my Cisco 7960? I have echocancel set to yes.
03:30.19derricky0 ken
03:30.21SwKnot more then prolly 2 T spans going at once
03:30.24h3xpaulc: Its cheaper to get MAX TNTs with 0day firmware that does SIP
03:30.25derrickken, did the sales droid call you yet?
03:30.27h3xand hook that up to asterisk
03:30.28SwKbut howmuch CPU to throw at it
03:30.30paulcYeah.. see most of our stuff would be just Zap channels on T1.. no transcoding.. a few VoIP calls for mucking around maybe..
03:30.35h3xfuck t1 cards
03:30.35SwKderrick: nope
03:30.37JerJerxeaded:  echotraining=yes
03:30.53h3xcompress a whole DS3 for about 10 grand
03:30.57paulch3x: how's that work then? MAX TNT = T1 concentrators? like DS-3 splitters?
03:31.02xeadedthanks, i'll try that
03:31.04h3xDS3 in, ethernet out
03:31.15*** join/#asterisk michael1234 (mick1234@
03:31.19paulchmm.. now that's stirred things up..
03:31.24paulcJerJer: Why giggling?
03:31.28h3xthese ex-ISP admins dont like lucent shit
03:31.28michael1234JerJer: What do you do
03:31.31paulcderrick: why choking/coughing?
03:31.33bkw_ok time to find these people and smack them around
03:31.36bkw_who's next
03:31.43h3xcisco whores
03:31.46h3xwell guess what
03:31.51Moc__compress a DS3 ?
03:31.54h3xcisco AS* series cost more than digium cards
03:32.00derrickdo tnt's scale now?
03:32.09*** join/#asterisk Bay-X (~BackDown@
03:32.12h3xscale? its a 1024 DS0 backplane
03:32.14h3xand DSPs
03:32.23michael1234h3x: Yeah but lucent provider shit support and dropped callers
03:32.32paulcI got to admit to being keen on a Digium/Asterisk solution.. compared to Dialogic, it saves 10s of thousands.. and that's before you figure in any VOS software licensing..
03:32.33h3xlucent dosent do support anymore
03:32.38h3xthey handed it off to some other company
03:32.43paulcso.. lots of pizza boxes with 4 T1s in each = scaleable, no?
03:32.54h3xeven if the t1 cards were free it would cost more
03:32.57h3xcpu $$$
03:33.00h3xM13 muxes $$$
03:33.05derrickh3x, that's 3 lucent guys were all borderline homicidal :)
03:33.08michael1234h3x: Probably sick of the complaints. I dealt with lucent in australia and I will never deal with lucent again
03:33.10h3xG.729 Licenses if you need them $$$
03:33.26h3xI've never really called tech support for anything before
03:33.26bkw_all da pbx guys fear us
03:33.29h3xso i wouldnt know
03:33.35bkw_you know that don't ya
03:33.39bkw_they shake in their boots
03:33.43h3xall im like is "how much does it cost for a firmware upgrade".   "$3500"...  Hhmmmmm thats not so bad
03:34.00michael1234h3x are you talking about cisco
03:34.07JerJerhehe funny shit
03:34.09tessier_I've got a few TNT's and they are ok so far
03:34.09h3xno, im talking about using a shitload of asterisk boxes
03:34.21h3xtessier: with voip?
03:34.23derrickregardelss, a large room full of tnts couldn't do what a sonus gsx can
03:34.30h3xsonus shit sucks ass
03:34.40SwKsee... I gotta project now that needs voip off a legacy system ~48 channels (at once)... sure put a * at both end to connect the legacy gear, but seriously, what kinda CPU power is that gonna require when looking to use G729
03:34.41h3xthat crap has more cross talk problems and echo and clicking and shit
03:34.44h3xthan anything ive ever seen
03:35.00derrickis that why 400 mil mins a month don't hae issues for us?
03:35.09Moc__JerJer, how car can the TDMoE can be used ? local only or can be used over a extended Wan ?
03:35.10tessier_h3x: Unfortunately no, need to upgrade the shelf controller. Got them coming.
03:35.11derrickmust be
03:35.11michael1234JerJer: What do you do for a living
03:35.20JerJerMoc__:  just sue IAX2
03:35.23*** join/#asterisk mizzie (
03:35.26JerJermichael1234:  code
03:35.32paulcso.. once we've all finished slagging off all the other companies.. is there anything wrong with taking a bunch of pizza boxes with 4 T1s in each? or for a system with more than a handful of T1s am I better looking at something else?
03:35.32h3xtessier: do you have ADI or 96DSP cards?
03:35.40paulcJerJer = god of nufone ?
03:35.41h3x(e.g. not 48MOD)
03:35.57michael1234JerJer: is that why you like h323 so much. I see
03:36.19michael1234sorry chan_h323
03:36.22JerJerH.323 is a joke
03:36.57JonR800SwK: i wouldn't use g729 for a project like that... why g729 anyways?
03:37.01h3xs/joke/joke on asterisk/
03:37.13JerJerh.323 is a joke, period
03:37.24SwKJonR800: ever tried to get bandwidth outta central america to the states?
03:37.26Moc__JerJer, can * keep a B channel intact from a T1 ?
03:37.42Moc__and route it via IAX2 to send it to another B channel on remote side
03:37.47JonR800SwK: lol.. no... i see.
03:38.18derrickswk, i'll follow up on monday about the sales idiots
03:38.22michael1234JerJer: If I send you come debug can you tell me what is wrong so I can tear shreads off my provider
03:38.57h3xfuck xeon
03:39.02h3xP4 Extreme baby
03:39.10SwKXeon's are so over priced
03:39.12h3xServer Works 7200 chipset
03:39.25JonR800well.. im sure it doesn't have to be a xeon
03:39.40JonR800but that gives you a base comparison at least.
03:39.43h3xyou can do 96 calls with gsm and iax2 trunking on a P4
03:39.45michael1234but if you dont use a xeon the card doesnt fit
03:39.48h3x3.0ghz or something
03:39.52SwKI'm thinking of tossing some AthlonMPs at it
03:40.07derricki still haven't tested that load :\
03:40.08MysticOneanyone have any advice for getting volume to an acceptable level on an x101p as well as making echo cancellation ont suck? :)
03:40.11JonR800what card?
03:40.19michael1234the digium card
03:40.45JonR800umm heh
03:41.35*** join/#asterisk SteveWrightNZ (
03:41.39JonR800SwK: athlon mp's would probably do the trick
03:41.58JerJerMysticOne: are you running a Digium X100P or a knock off?
03:42.11h3xhe said 101P
03:42.15MysticOneJerJer: digium
03:42.27michael1234How much does it cost to manufactor an e1 card
03:42.28JerJerh3x:  i'm always verifiying... i will not suport lamers
03:42.43SwKI really just wanna get a couple of 405s and see what I can get it to do
03:42.45h3xactually the Digium X100P is a IE-92 knock off if you wanna get your shit straight
03:43.00MysticOneseriously, the card came from digium a few months ago :)
03:43.08fileYou say yes... I say no... you say start... and I say go go go
03:43.09SteveWrightNZgurus, [FAQ] where/how can I test linphone ?
03:43.15JerJerno Mark chose a specific card for specific reasons
03:43.19fileoh no! you say goodbye, and I say hello
03:43.23MysticOnefile: hehehe
03:43.34JerJerit just so happens other cards use a simular and driver compatable chipset
03:43.37JerJerhence inferor
03:44.14MysticOneso annnyway ...
03:44.16*** join/#asterisk PlainWhiteTrash (
03:44.19JonR800is the x101p a lot better than the x100p?
03:44.24JerJernot really
03:44.31Moc__let all get TDM400 FXO module instead
03:44.46JerJermotorolla stopped producing the chip used on the X100P card
03:44.53JerJerso mark had to punt
03:44.54MysticOneJerJer: so, any advice? :)
03:45.01JerJerdo what Moc__ said
03:45.06JonR800ahh so no difference really
03:45.19JonR800lol.. TDM400 might be overkill for some folks
03:45.31JerJerits called expandaiblity
03:45.38MysticOnewhich was what?  TDM400? :)
03:45.46JerJeryou may not need the extra capacity today, but what about in 6 months?
03:45.47Moc__I love my TDM400
03:45.51JonR800which some people don't need.
03:46.02Moc__JerJer, I find the quality better than x100p
03:46.03MysticOneI'm trying to get problems with this analog card ironed out, though
03:46.06JerJerthen only get one module
03:46.10Moc__answer faster,dial faster
03:46.12JerJerMoc__: most certianly
03:46.39JerJeri shitcanned my X100Ps the instant mark sold me an FXO module
03:46.42JonR800it's still more money jerjer
03:47.07Moc__hehe about the same here..
03:47.07MysticOneso ...
03:47.34MysticOnethe solution is get a TDM400 and PRI?
03:47.54PlainWhiteTrashYou'll go far with a TDM400 & PRI :-)
03:48.11SteveWrightNZwhich #forum for linphone or other SIP newbies / testers ?
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03:48.24JonR800mystic; i would check out the zapata.conf info on
03:48.28MysticOnewell the thing is, right now I have the x101p ... (or x100p or wahtever the heck it is) and I'm trying to get it to work to the best of its abilities now, because it's what I have
03:48.29JonR800namely settin rxgain and txgain
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03:48.39MysticOneJonR800: so far what I've noticed is that rxgain and txgain seem to do absolutely nothing
03:48.52JonR800did you stop/start asterisk after changing it?
03:49.05JonR800you have to restart.. a reload won't do it
03:49.11MysticOnethis has been on-going for a few months
03:49.19MysticOnebeen trying to improve it, but, nothing has seemed to work so far
03:49.26MysticOnetxgain/rxgain is in dB, right?
03:49.29JonR800seems to do nothing .. you've tested with calls?
03:49.52JerJerhave you followed bkw's instrucitons on how to tune tx and rx gain values ?
03:50.06MysticOneJerJer: where might those be?
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03:51.01MysticOnethe other thing is I'm not quite sure what to expect
03:51.07MysticOneshould I reasonably be able to eliminate echo?
03:51.22JonR800yes you should
03:51.29MysticOneJonR800: just loaded that page up, actually :)
03:51.30JonR800it takes a few seconds for the card to get the echo down
03:51.50JonR800but on mine.. generally ten seconds into the call and echo is gone.
03:52.15MysticOneI'd also heard that txgain/rxgain disabled echo cancellation
03:52.17MysticOneis that untrue?
03:52.34JonR800i believe that's untrue.
03:52.50JerJerwhere did you hear this horseshit?
03:53.09MysticOneso ... I should be able to get a normal volume level with the x100p and echo cancellation should work pretty well?
03:53.14MysticOneeither in here or on voip-info
03:53.20MysticOneI can't recall where exactly
03:53.29JonR800yes you should
03:53.36derricktrust no one
03:53.36JonR800make sure to read the comment on that page
03:53.39JonR800that i linked you
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03:54.23JonR800is echo better on the tdm400?
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03:55.17MysticOneso I should have echotraining=yes and echocancel=yes?
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03:56.05brc_~seen manxpower
03:56.06jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5h 51m 41s ago, saying: 'Anyway, I've answer the one or two questions.  Ta Ta y'all'.
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04:01.50JonR800woot.. my GS phone should be here monday
04:02.05JonR800it's no fancy pants 7960g but should be fun to play with
04:02.57JerJerhehe ok sure, if you say so
04:03.20JerJerwho's giving odds on JonR800's loosing hair starting tuesday?
04:03.21paulchehe.. I like my Cisco 7940 that I got off eBay
04:03.40paulcaren't GS phones those ones with the annoying ring tone that no one likes (especially for call waiting?)
04:03.43paulcor.. is that budgettone
04:03.54michael1234JerJer: My providers notes say The call should be initialised as Gateway-Gateway not using a RAS/ARQ
04:03.57JonR800i've been losing hair since birth
04:04.00JonR800should be no different
04:04.03michael1234is that how asterisks does things
04:04.24JerJermichael1234:  are you trying to register to thier GK?
04:04.29JerJerthat is ras
04:04.43michael1234JerJer: No register
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04:04.52JonR800barbietone lol
04:04.55PlainWhiteTrashDON'T DO IT!
04:04.55JerJerthen you are talking directly to their gateway
04:04.59derrickmm barbie
04:05.13JonR800they're adding IAX so they say
04:05.19JerJerhehe yeah ok
04:05.27PlainWhiteTrashDoesn't matter.. The phone will still suck :-)
04:05.30JonR800i know probably not for 10 years
04:05.33JerJerI volunteered about 6 months ago to do it for free
04:05.38JerJerthey wouldn't even talk to me
04:06.01JonR800eh it was $65 :)  it's just going in my basement anyways.. if it sucks it sucks
04:06.21JerJeroh it sucks alright
04:06.30PlainWhiteTrash:-)  I'm just really prejudiced against that phone because I invested way too much time and sweat on it...
04:06.42JonR800what's so tough about it?
04:06.48PlainWhiteTrashI had this vision that maybe the phone was right and I was wrong... but no...  That phone is just evil.
04:06.55JonR800shit just doesn't work?
04:07.08PlainWhiteTrashGranted.. It's been a while since I played with it...
04:07.09JerJeri think its a Microsoft developer writing the firmware for the barbietone
04:07.28PlainWhiteTrashBut last time I checked....  Hold would not allow you to put the handset back in the cradle...
04:07.28JonR800ahh too much crammed in there..
04:07.46PlainWhiteTrashCall waiting didn't actually work at all, though the phone would ring for the second call...
04:07.46JonR800lol.. i have a few analog phones that do that.
04:07.51PlainWhiteTrashAll kinds of disasters...
04:08.24JerJerand the damn ringtone
04:08.38PlainWhiteTrashGrandStream killed my inner child :-(
04:08.45PlainWhiteTrashugh... especially the ringtone.
04:08.46JerJerand the fact that it looks like a toy i would give to my 5 year old kid or something
04:08.59JonR800i might end up doing that too jerjer
04:09.31PlainWhiteTrashwhat I loved most was the cheap almost transparent white plastics.. the keypad backlighting leds shone right through the plastics and just looked ridiculous...  In the dark it looked like this nasty off-pink eyesore.
04:09.32JonR800give it to one of my cousins or something
04:09.44MysticOneJerJer: hey, after submitting money to you guys for nufone, how long until I get a number? :)
04:10.10JonR800plain: it's a $65 phone.. you can't even get a decent analog for that
04:10.32JerJerMysticOne:  depends on the number... vanity numbers take 7-10 business days
04:10.57MysticOneJerJer: no, just normal number ... not vanity
04:10.58PlainWhiteTrashVery true...  It has a niche... If they can ever make it work....  And invest about $2/unit more on plastics :-)
04:11.27JonR800haha yeah it does looke cheesy
04:11.47JonR800currently though there aren't many mid range voip phones
04:11.58JonR800the virbiage one looks awesome.. but as everyone has said.. vapor
04:12.01PlainWhiteTrashThey could even do wonders for it... just by removing the brand label...  Who wants to be reminded that they're talking on a "BudgeTone?!?"
04:12.33JonR800lol the label won't bother me..
04:12.49JonR800i can't imagine putting them in a business setting hahahaha
04:13.02JerJerMysticOne:  a few minutes then
04:13.04paulcLOL.. yeah, bit of a bad choice of name really innit
04:13.09SwKdown to 1 cig
04:13.14SwKthat sucks ass
04:13.15JonR800look real professional on your budgetone
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04:14.33PlainWhiteTrashMe either... but still...   I have this vision of some asian techo-whorehouse churning these things out while the managers laugh all the way to the bank...  "Stupid Americans!  Even the name says cheap!  When will they learn?"
04:14.45fileJerJer: how much are vanity numbers?
04:15.09JonR800heh cheap is what it's all about these days
04:15.10ShadoAnyone good at TFTP updates to Cisco phones?
04:15.14JonR800gotta cut those costs :)
04:15.28dougheckafile: free I think
04:15.33MysticOnethe BTs wouldn't be so bad if they didn't just *feel* so cheap
04:15.36dougheckajust takes 2 weeks to get it
04:16.01michael1234JerJer: With h323 how can I reduce this to 20
04:16.04JonR800lol.. but they are cheap!
04:16.15Shadolddefault.cfg isn't making my phone download the SIP image...
04:16.19MysticOneJonR800: I know :)
04:16.32JonR800i agree though.. if BT could make another phone with the same features (that worked).. for $30 more with better plastics
04:16.36JonR800they'd sell a lot
04:16.38PlainWhiteTrashI agree...  But there's a minimum of quality people will tollerate..   The idea of a home voip handset (other than cordless) is pretty much just silly... Almost no one wants a single handset versus an FXS port...  And that phone has no place in typical office settings... So where do they see it going?
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04:17.29JonR800well.. in my home setting it's probably getting tucked in my basement
04:17.38hezPlainWhiteTrash: not so true, some people will buy them for home use =) just not many ... heh
04:17.54PlainWhiteTrashWhich is cool.. It has some limited applications.
04:18.09JonR800other than that.. yes.. not much purpose
04:18.24PlainWhiteTrashBut... really...  I hope they weren't banking on volume :-)
04:18.33JonR800i still think the killer would be a decent voip cordless system
04:18.48hezmmmm wifi iax2 phone ;)
04:18.56dougheckailbc too
04:19.01JonR800right now a decent SIP/IAX ATA is $100.. add in the cost of the phone
04:19.05dougheckawith high wep too
04:19.09JonR800i'd like to see a cordless voip system
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04:19.18JonR800that includes the AP in the charger
04:19.25JonR800just drop and go
04:19.33hezdoughecka: plah, you can get a cheap 900mhz here for 35 cdn
04:19.34PlainWhiteTrashNo... I think that's the mistake everyone's been making...  Why do wifi on the thing when you could do the voip part back in the base, and have multiple cheaper digital handsets with features communicated out of band...  
04:19.50JonR800that too plain
04:19.50hezPlainWhiteTrash: one word... roaming
04:20.01PlainWhiteTrashCordless voip phone - yes... but I think wifi to the handset for general household use is a waste...
04:20.04PlainWhiteTrashThe roaming this is cool...
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04:20.06JonR800that's also true.. but a home user won't roam
04:20.07postelJonR800: just get an ATA and connect a 900mhz on it and off you go
04:20.20PlainWhiteTrashMost home users will not be roaming...
04:20.27JonR800postel: i know hehe.. i have a few.. just i think for a home user an ATA is a bit much to config.
04:20.31JerJereven sipuras are better than barbietones
04:20.34hezJonR800: oh yeah... sitting in starbucks... pull it out... and make calls =)
04:20.35PlainWhiteTrashThe notion that a roamable wifi phone will replace a cell is almost laughable.
04:20.51JerJerPlainWhiteTrash:  motorolla is building one
04:20.52JonR800hez: who.. other than tech geeks would do that?
04:20.57JerJercell fone+wifi sip
04:21.02JonR800who other than geeks goes to starbucks? haha
04:21.02hezJonR800: true =)
04:21.03paulchow about a phone that's GSM (or whatever) when you're out and about, and a WiFi phone when you're home?
04:21.12PlainWhiteTrashJerJer - yea they're doing it on the iDEN stuff too, which I track pretty closely...
04:21.16dougheckaJerJer: never
04:21.18michael1234JerJer: Can you tell me how to force my end of h323 to be 20ms
04:21.21PlainWhiteTrashThey have the right base to do that.
04:21.26dougheckacell fone+wifi iax with ilbc!
04:21.37JonR800paulc: that's a hack
04:21.44hezdoughecka: sign me up!
04:21.47JonR800i'd like to see 802.16 deployed
04:21.54JonR800802.11 nationwide is silly
04:21.58dougheckaJonR800: yea!
04:22.03PlainWhiteTrashThe motorola iDEN phones (Nextel units) are common in corporate environments...  Carrier installed wifi minicells inside the building.. Fix huge build inside coverage problems in free spectrum.
04:22.41JonR800that's true..
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04:22.59JonR800lol.. low orbit sat's.. there we go
04:23.01PlainWhiteTrashI suspect we'll find that those phones will not just connect to any wifi system and signal calls on anyone's termination...  It'll be an enhancement coordinated with the associated cellular carrier to relieve downtown type congestion one large corporate customer at a time...
04:23.12PlainWhiteTrashAnd... to provide superior in building coverage.
04:23.25fileJerJer: RT is b0rken
04:23.35miopeaIs there a dummy line for zapata.conf to allow for meetme/conference calls? I'm dealing in a 100% SIP/IAX environment
04:23.37paulchmm.. don't see it working/happening though.. massive MASSIVE work innit
04:23.49paulcmiopea: ztdummy?
04:23.52JerJerfile:  ?
04:23.59miopeapaulc: what is that?
04:24.02JonR800PlainWhiteTrash: they already do that for a few $$'s
04:24.22filepipe to |/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue sales --action correspond --url
04:24.27JonR800i read what the cost of a private nextel tower was.. wasn't cheap
04:24.39PlainWhiteTrashYea, I'm aware... They usually put in a cheap BDA and way overcharge for it...
04:24.45PlainWhiteTrashBut that has serious disadvantages...
04:24.46miopeashame nuphones LD rates are soo bad
04:24.53miopeait was cheaper to call international with MCI
04:25.14PlainWhiteTrashwifi will let them do it cheaper and relieve congestion in their corporate owned/leased spectrum.
04:25.35paulcmiopea: ztdummy is a dummy timing device needed for MOH, conferencing etc in boxes that you don't have zaptel hardware installed in
04:25.44paulcfile: I fucking hate it when RT goes wrong like that
04:25.44JonR800yeah.. i read they were going to put up 802.11 APs
04:25.50JonR800err 802.11a APs
04:26.00PlainWhiteTrashPreviously the only advantage to inbuilding coverage was for the tenants... Adding well implemented wifi would let the manufacturer tilt the benefits to the carrier.
04:26.06miopeaJust at a line to my zapata.conf file? and make that a device? its on the wiki right?
04:27.46paulcmiopea: yeah - you need to check the makefile and remove the # before ztdummy, recompile/install.. wiki should cover it :)
04:28.09miopeathanks a bundle
04:28.36E|nyare the asterisk variables, DNID, CALLERIDNUM read only variables?
04:28.42E|nyI'm unable to set them using setvar or setglobalvar
04:28.43derrickpaul, i got distracted...
04:28.50derrickwha's yer goal for * ? :)
04:29.12derrick(from earlier convo on fux0r line)
04:29.17Shadoare there 7905G firmware versions that don't like to update?
04:29.55paulcderrick: uh.. *tries to remember* we were talking about the chat line thing I think?
04:30.21derrickpaul, but i'm curious what yer current job wants/needs
04:30.34derrickie, where you need/want to go /w it
04:30.53derrickie, what to contrib
04:31.00paulccurrent issues are size/scaleability of the boxes, how to get the traffic in, and whether I can technically do what I want to do
04:31.49derrickthat's what it was..all in-bound?
04:31.57derrickwhat do ya need to do?
04:32.23derricki'm in teh scalability box too
04:32.35derricktime allowing will correct that
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04:33.06derrickat least for my implementaion...but if you have one too...i'llmake it work for both
04:33.15paulcyeah.. vast majority of calls would be inbound. Most of the traffic is IVR type stuff.. message passing relay style.. database work.. but there comes a time I need to connect the caller to either a customer service rep, or another caller. In the first case, once the CSR hangs up, the caller continues in IVR.. in the second case, if either caller hangs up we need to signal the other one and they'll continue with IVR.. or if either caller
04:33.56SwKa date line
04:34.07paulcseems that in the TDM world (which I know and love) anything above 4 T1s in a box is pushing it.. fine, ok, lets have lots of pizza boxes.. I'm fine with that.. and am sure with some tweaking I can get callers talking to each other across boxes.. so then we're on to "how do we get traffic in to the box(es) from all over the place?"
04:34.10paulcswk: yup
04:34.25SwKpaulc: what about TDNoE?
04:34.29SwKerr TDMoE
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04:35.01paulcnot sure about that.. heard it's dodgy if nodes come up and go down.. plus you're then fixing the number of timeslots between boxes.. which you wouldn't be doing with IAX?
04:35.15ShadoAnyone know the syntax for OpFlags in lddefault.txt? need to set 0x40
04:35.18SwKI dunno
04:35.36hezwhat advantage would tdmoe have over iax2?
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04:36.27fileJerJer: did I break it good?
04:36.34paulcyeah - I'd like to know that to.. is there any?
04:36.58hezfrom what ive been seeing iax2 is more flexable and better supported
04:37.55paulcyeah.. and it does clever things.. like detecting tromboned paths and dropping out of the equation
04:38.11derricki'm confused...what do you need specifically?
04:38.16Shadoyay... No thanks to you guys I got it done...
04:39.16SwKderrick: he's trying to figure out how to setup one of those telephone dating services you call all the time
04:39.47paulcLOL.. I know how they work, I've written them already.. using Dialogic/VOS.. I'm trying to suss out how it works in the Asterisk world, with multiple nodes forming a larger virtual system.
04:40.09paulcwith the added north american headache of how to get traffic in to the systems for a fixed rate.
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04:40.51h3xpersonally if i was doing that particular application id use a couple performance technologies dual ds3 cards and a aculab prosody or two on the backplane
04:41.00h3x(just because i wrote software for it of course)
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04:41.06h3xbut you hardly ever need DSP resources
04:41.08paulcLOL.. slightly biased..
04:41.25h3xnot really because asterisk is theroetically cheaper, but on the other hand it isnt
04:41.26h3xin that scale
04:41.31paulcnah, a lot of what goes on is relay messaging.. I message you, you message me, back and forth, a bunch of times, before we finally decide to connect live with each other
04:41.38h3xOh i see
04:41.40h3xso lots of play and record.
04:42.05h3xyeah i guess asterisk would be good for that
04:42.06paulcyeah.. don't have ratios between that and live chat.. but I'd say that the majority is relay messaging and mailbox work..
04:42.28paulclive chat happens.. but it's not all live chat.. like those 1-900 saucy actress type lines
04:42.32h3xmaybe the voip did idea i had isnt such a bad idea
04:42.51h3xif they can do it
04:42.55h3xwhat kind of coverage do you need
04:43.02SwKthose 1-900 saucy actress type lines would work more like on a bridging basis anyway
04:43.10paulcYeah - doing away with TDM T1s and having someone terminate DIDs over VoIP to me..
04:43.13SwKwhich is prett much how they are all set up now
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04:43.15paulcswk: yeah, exactly
04:43.25h3xhow many cities / proviences ?
04:43.31SwKpaulc: i know a couple of "operators" heh
04:43.33paulch3x: north american wide eventually.. coast to coast..
04:43.40h3xoh ok
04:43.53paulcswk: LOL.. Tracy, who talks dirty whilst breast feeding the baby and ironing a shirt or two at the same time?
04:43.53h3xwell i should be able to fix your US problem
04:44.09h3xcanadian DIDs are gonna be tricky but should be doable
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04:44.34SwKpaulc: yeah something like that
04:44.45paulcs'funny.. cos it's easier for us to launch up here then move south.. but technically not so much :-s
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04:48.04michael1234what does this mean Read error: PER decode failure in Q.931 User-User Information Element
04:49.54MysticOneoh, that happens in Q.931 when the User-User Information Element has a PER decode failure
04:50.07PlainWhiteTrashSomeone who knows for sure: does the out of band dtmf signalling in IAX convey duration and spacing of dtmf digits dialed?
04:51.26MysticOne(obviously that was a joke, as I have no idea what that means)
04:51.47PlainWhiteTrashI think it's essentially a debug message from a recent patch to the PRI stuff...
04:53.38JonR800the newish sipura firmware has a Hook Flash Tx Method would this possibly allow me to hook/flash a zap FXO ?
04:53.50PlainWhiteTrashAnybody reading know the answer to my out-of-band DTMF timing & spacing issue?
04:54.33paulcPWT: Nah.. But my gut feel is that it wouldn't know about duration and timing.. they're just events.. and I'm guessing DTMF detection is done on trailing edge..
04:54.58PlainWhiteTrashThat's kind of what I figured.
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04:58.03JonR800Jun  5 00:56:25 WARNING[229391]: chan_sip.c:5434 receive_info: Unable to parse INFO message from 2f51ece23ffa07eb7eab4c28301f6df5@ Content
04:58.23JonR800so asterisk doesn't know how to parse that i flashed
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05:03.12michael1234MysticOne: What does the pdu do