irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040604

00:00.05marloweOr get a local # from them, and get a toll-free # somewhere else that forwards to that #, although that ends up costing more per minute for incoming calls
00:00.36marloweOk, I killed everyone with my talking
00:01.02chap-not....   quite......  dead.....  
00:01.10Poemiusoh it does not feel too bad to be dead :)
00:01.23PoemiusI was thinking it was worse than that :)
00:01.24atacommi'm feeling better
00:01.33atacommi want to go for a walk
00:01.39Bobby_Ewingmarlowe: cheers, i have emailed nufone
00:01.49marloweatacomm: Have you recently redesigned your site?
00:01.54marloweI remember your site being a lot uglier :)
00:01.55Pi_i'm out
00:02.11atacommmarlowe: not in a long time, lol
00:02.26paulcLOL @ marlowe
00:02.29Poemiusmaybe a different set of glasses :)
00:02.40paulcyeah.. s'what I'm looking at right now.. get a 800 off the net that terminates on my iconnecthere 206 DID
00:02.41marloweYeah, maybe
00:02.46paulcgood enough for testing, what I want to do etc..
00:02.57paulcbut I'd still be interested in direct 8xx termination IAX/SIP
00:03.00paulcif the price is good
00:03.01Pi_sung shut up
00:03.03Pi_just shut up sung
00:03.03Celticpaulc: Can get it for $2/month and 6.9c / min
00:03.17sungI FUCKING HATE YOU
00:03.19sungYOU BASTARD
00:03.21marlowepaulc: email and ask about pricing on that
00:03.24paulcCeltic: Sounds like ;-)
00:03.48marlowepaulc: and if it's possible..
00:03.48paulcmarlowe: matt=you?
00:03.48twisteddon't you kids have school tomorrow?
00:03.48marloweDamn that was supposed to go in a /msg
00:03.50cubanSo voicepulse accepts IAX2 termination?
00:03.51marlowepaulc: matt=me
00:03.53Celticpaulc: No - actually think it is 5.9c US
00:03.55twistedcuban, yes
00:03.55marlowecuban: uh huh
00:03.55Poemiussomeone's had a bad day :)
00:04.02CelticHaven't seen much else yet
00:04.04paulcmarlowe: cheers - I'll email now
00:04.18cubanI didn't think IAX would be that popular.
00:04.19marloweYou won't hear back from me until tomorrow :) I'm lazy.
00:04.26cubanWell @#$@ SBC
00:04.26Poemiusdoes voicepulse accept iax for their unlimited plan?
00:04.28marlowecuban: You think wrong
00:04.32marlowePoemius: no
00:04.40cubanI'll cancel all our lines but the main one, and forward it to a voicepulse line
00:04.53marlowecuban: Exactly what I do :)
00:05.00marloweBut not, ugh, voicepulse
00:05.04mitchelyea but cuban now you'll be paying for incoming...?
00:05.09Poemiusyuck, I have no space for additional cards left, I was hoping to free one FXO of my packet 8
00:05.14cubanmitchel: How so?
00:05.15Celticpaulc: It is the .ca sourcing that limits the choice
00:05.21mitcheldon't they charge for incoming?
00:05.26marloweNot a local #
00:05.32marloweOnly a toll-free #
00:05.38dedd|dndmitchel: u pay per month for the Local DID
00:05.39cubanmitchel: SBC offers unlimited call forwarding for like 10 bucks
00:05.42marlowecuban: Just make sure your VP number is a local call from your office #
00:05.47cubanmarlowe: Yep.
00:05.59marloweAnd cuban make sure of one other thing
00:06.06marloweThere's Call Forwarding and Call Transferring
00:06.18marloweThere's also Call Forward, and Simultaneous Call Forward
00:06.19mitchelmarlowe: i'm talking about incoming call minutes on a line but nevermind if it's unlimited
00:06.36cubanSo is the multi-line account with IAX2 termination something I have to call to signup for?
00:06.43marloweno no no
00:06.45marloweIm talking about SBC
00:06.51cubanI'm talking about voicepulse :)
00:06.52marloweFor example
00:06.55mitchelthats what i meant
00:06.58mitchelcause i use nufone
00:07.01mitcheland if i had incoming calls
00:07.02paulcmarlowe: mail sent :)
00:07.05mitchelthey would cost me per minute
00:07.11mitchelthey aren't *free*
00:07.12marloweVerizon, standard call forwarding...
00:07.23marloweSomeone calls your Verizon number, forwards to VP say...
00:07.31paulcCeltic: Yeah.. I've found that do I think 6.5c/min + $2/month.. think that's US cents though.. suits me fine enough for testing
00:07.34marloweSomeone else calls Verizon number, BUSY SIGNAL
00:07.51mitchelnufone = 2.9cents....paul?
00:07.53marloweI dont know if SBC does the same
00:07.55marlowemitchel: Yes
00:07.56Poemiusit looks more than nufone
00:08.14Poemiusplus free did if it is an 800 number
00:08.26cubanSo I don't see any mention of IAX2 on voicepulse's website
00:08.37Poemiusgo to connect
00:08.38twistedwhat marlowe said
00:08.38*** part/#asterisk mitchel (trilluser@
00:08.54*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
00:08.57paulcmitchel: yeah, nufone = 2.9c, but only US48
00:09.04paulcI need accessible from canada
00:09.11paulc<-- SOOO not canadian
00:09.16paulc(the Brit in Vancouver)
00:09.17cubanOh, they charge by the minute for outgoing... :(
00:09.22marloweI dont want candanians calling me
00:09.29paulcLOL @ Marlowe
00:09.33paulcbut what about my moose eh?
00:09.35marlowecuban: Everyone does
00:09.45cubanWell that screws my idea.
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt-600m (~RatMan@
00:10.03cuban3 cents a minute, ouch.l
00:10.07Poemiusnot really, you get a nufone for the incoming plus a packet 8 for outgoing
00:10.10krambrc; dunno
00:10.20marlowepacket 8 = unreliable, in my own eyes
00:10.27brc_duno what
00:10.30brc_mailing list?
00:10.33Celticpaulc: If you find anything cheaper than 5.9c US with .ca access pls let me know. I couldn't when I looked around a few months back
00:10.41Poemiusit was bad sound quality up to the last firmware upgrade
00:10.44marloweAnd plus, if I passed packet 8 the amount of call volume I do, they'd kick me out in a ssecond
00:10.50Poemiustoo bad that is when I blew up my dta
00:10.57paulcCeltic: Sure thing. Where did you find 5.9c? Cheapest I found was 6.5 with .ca access
00:11.28Poemiusit depends, I think you can go all the way to 5000 minutes monthly
00:11.38marlowePoemius: I push way more than that
00:11.52Poemiuswell get more than one :)
00:12.04marloweIf they're not dumb, which they are
00:12.22marloweThey'd notice its coming from the same ip
00:12.42Poemiusit's not that, they have account usage log
00:12.56marloweatacomm: Wait! Now I remember you
00:13.02marloweI think
00:13.23Poemiusbut it depends, either you don't have much more than that and you can get another ATA, otherwise you can probably buy minutes wholesale
00:13.29Celticpaulc: Kall8 - they advertise SIP, but if you see a number there and want it IAX let me know first before you sign up and I can make a phone call....
00:13.42marlowepooh_: I do buy minutes wholesale :)O
00:15.04Poemiusthe message got accross anyways :) . when you talked about packet 8, then I assumed you consumed less minutes :)
00:15.09*** part/#asterisk epac (~epac@
00:15.59*** join/#asterisk PlainWhiteTrash (
00:17.16*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
00:17.22*** part/#asterisk Yog (
00:17.30*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:17.44cubanMan at almost 3 cents a minute there is no way that'd save money.
00:18.22cubanTo operate one line fulltime it'd cost 4,248.
00:18.30cubanThat's an occupied line 24/7
00:18.53MustDiewho is gdalgliesh  ?
00:19.06*** join/#asterisk burton27 (
00:20.42Darwin35ok flashing the ios did not help I think the cpu is bad
00:20.59Darwin35but n way to test the cpu
00:22.17marlowedarkthrn: You can drop it off here, we do computer testing :)
00:22.23marloweK$JTi25jtg25tg damn nick completion
00:22.39marlowecuban: You use your one phone line 24/7?
00:22.54Poemiustake a deep breath marlowe :)
00:22.59cubanmarlowe: Nah, I'm just estimating.
00:23.02Poemiusyou are allowed to press tab more than once :)
00:23.08PoemiusI promise :)
00:23.09marlowePoemius: I know, but I forget
00:23.15cubanbut... there is no savings in a phone system that costs by the minute
00:23.34marlowecuban: Why do you want to use * anyway?
00:23.41marloweOut of curiosity
00:23.57cubanHalf the office works throughout the city.
00:24.12cubanThey are working sloppily with single analog lines.
00:24.24cubanSo we want ot pull everything into a PBX with VoIP.
00:24.33marloweAnd right now how does a call get from Office A -> Office B ?
00:24.36marloweOr does it have to?
00:24.42cubanYou dial the number
00:24.53cubanand if someone needs to get ahold of you? They leave a voicemail at the answering service.
00:24.56cubanVery very sloppy.
00:24.57Darwin35cubin the setup I sent you shopuld work fine
00:24.58marloweAnd each location, has... what? An answering machine?
00:25.08Darwin35but I am making changes
00:25.09*** join/#asterisk draconius (
00:25.15cubanmarlowe: No.
00:25.25cubanmarlowe: vm go to our answering service at our "main line"
00:25.28Darwin35thats if they set dnd
00:25.34cubanAfter I'm done, calls will come to asterisk...
00:25.41cubanand go to each persons desk throughout the city
00:26.00*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
00:26.00marloweDOes each location have high speed internet?
00:26.32cubanAt least ~ 300kb/s
00:26.39marloweSo just get some digium cards, set up a central * pbx, bring in as many lines as you need via sbc using $50/mo unlim plan or whatever
00:26.51cubanmarlowe: That's the thing, we only need 4 lines.
00:26.59cubanI got an FXO X100P for test, and it has horrible echo.
00:27.08marloweOh ok
00:27.15Poemiusa real x100p?
00:27.17marloweI can reccomend one other thing
00:27.17Legend`cuban: READ WHAT I WROTE ABOVE
00:27.23cubanmarlowe: I'm hoping the TDM400P I got doesn't.
00:27.27cubanLegend`: about the gain?
00:27.32Legend`cuban: i was able to eliminte 75% of my echos tonight, with the gain settings
00:27.39marloweVP is 24.99/mo unlimited
00:27.43marloweget 4 of 'em
00:27.51marlowe$100/mo, 4 phone lines... unlimited calling
00:27.56Darwin35VP sucks
00:27.56marloweno * :)
00:27.59marloweIf you're worried about cost
00:28.04paulcdoes that give you rollover and stuff though? 4 lines with the same number?
00:28.04cubanmarlowe: Right but those don't accept IAX2 termination.
00:28.07marloweVP Residential does not suck
00:28.07Darwin35and you can not use that service with *
00:28.13marloweVP IAX sucks
00:28.14Poemiusyes but they don't support any sip device... packet or broadvoice are 5 bucks cheaper
00:28.19Darwin35unless you buy thier device
00:28.25brc_is rsa > dsa
00:28.29brc_I can't remember
00:28.36marloweVonage works w/ 7960's
00:28.39marloweThey just dont advertise that
00:28.41Poemiusbroadvoice supposedly will eventually offer asterisk support
00:28.48Darwin35you have to use for iax and voicepulse