irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040528

00:00.17VoIPboygonna write a script that will email when a sip phone registers with *
00:00.28VoIPboywhat do you want to see the script do?
00:00.55Darwin35if hey register  they register
00:01.18VoIPboyAt 1st it will e-mail when users register and also e-mail when they disconnect
00:01.27Darwin35its a waste of time and resources to send a email everytime one of your phone reconnects
00:01.42VoIPboyto hear you tell it
00:01.45Darwin35up to you
00:01.58VoIPboyI have buds who all have wi-fi phones
00:02.09VoIPboywhen we get to a hotspot
00:02.23MavericVoIPboy whats the point of that?
00:02.45VoIPboyso i know when they are available for a call
00:03.01Mavericshow sip peers
00:03.05Mavericsip show peers
00:03.27Darwin35not  if they have toauth to get service
00:03.31VoIPboyI was also thinking of sending a text message to my cell
00:03.46VoIPboyTHEN I can call fro free :)
00:03.56Darwin35sopunds more like a control issue
00:04.07VoIPboyfreeky control
00:04.12Darwin35like you want to track your staff every movement
00:04.27VoIPboythink it thru
00:04.32VoIPboythey are at a hotspot
00:04.37Darwin35dood  get a therapist
00:04.52VoIPboytheir phone registers
00:05.09VoIPboyNOW I know they are available for a wi-fi/sip call
00:05.14VoIPboyinstead of my cell
00:05.32VoIPboyso ... who wants what?
00:05.40VoIPboyis there a better way?
00:05.53Darwin35setup  so it tries the sip first then say now trying cell
00:06.31Darwin35if the sip is unregisterd
00:06.32VoIPboyget asterisk to do this? right now not connected to pstn
00:06.47Mavericthen connect it to pstn :D
00:07.14Darwin35have it look inthe db to see if the phone is registered if not then have it dial the cell nmbr
00:07.33VoIPboykewl - thats an option
00:07.37Darwin35you should be able to script that
00:08.57grozjust have a script update a web page showing who is registered
00:09.03grozthen you can look when you need to
00:09.24grozand you dont pollute mailboxes with thousands of 'registered and unregistered' emails
00:09.35grozwhich will get VERY tiring very fast
00:09.36VoIPboythen I have to be staring at a web page all the time
00:09.55grozno, you load it when you need to talk
00:10.01grozso you can decide which way to call
00:10.44bkw_my numbers are ported
00:10.47bkw_no more CELLNONE
00:15.31filebkw_: and... got the phone?
00:15.34filewell, phones
00:15.58fulbertcan someone FWD test call me at 57019 ?
00:16.29*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~WebChat@
00:16.29*** join/#asterisk WifiFred (~wififred@
00:16.35matthewa!call sip://
00:16.38WifiFredQueued call to sip/
00:17.47brc007anyone use broadcom GigE?
00:17.55brc007know if the linux drivers are any good?
00:18.01brc007or is the intel one the only good one
00:18.34brc007trying to decide on a AMD MSI (VIA kt600) board vs a intel one with the p750whatever chipset
00:18.44brc007if I go intel I like the GA8-knxp
00:18.53brc007but it's like twice the price for the chip
00:19.00fulbertI've used the broadcom stuff, and never had issues with linux, but didn't do a lot with it.
00:19.16fulbertI use the pro1000 (intel) all day without issues.
00:20.49brc007I just realised...WTF do I want GigE for...none of the other servers have it..(or are likely to get it)
00:20.53brc007scratch that
00:21.01brc007the MSI  kt6 Delta looks good's either the kt6 delta or the gigabyte ga8-knxp
00:21.39brc007and either a 2800+ or a 2.8
00:21.45brc007or...maybe I don't really need that fast
00:21.54brc007PRI w 15 ciscos (ulaw)
00:22.51*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:23.14brc0072.4B(whatever b means) 533FSB for  $148.00...or 2500+ barton for $80
00:23.46Umarobarton core
00:24.08brc007what do you mean
00:24.12Umarothe 2.4b
00:24.18brc007oh that's intel
00:24.32UmaroI like AMD, myself
00:24.49brc007me too
00:24.59UmaroIntel might have a chance if there was more than just intel mobo chipsets for intel cpus
00:25.05brc007for some reason I'm just not sure if the VIA kt600'll work as well as the intel 875
00:25.14Umarowhy not?
00:25.32brc007never had a problem with via/amd
00:25.37brc007never used it on a server either
00:25.52*** join/#asterisk Ben (Jackfiber@
00:26.25Benvoicepulse returns busy signal on incoming DIDs?  have u experienced such?
00:26.45bkw_file you alive?
00:27.17brc007bkw ya're a intel guy right?
00:28.14*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
00:28.23Beni'm working for intel corp
00:28.49brc007bkw_ kinda?
00:28.55brc007run amd on any asterisk servers?
00:29.14Benvoicepulse returns busy signal on incoming DIDs?  have u experienced such?
00:29.26bkw_you know once was enuf
00:29.28*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~WebChat@
00:29.32Umarois there any way to restart the mpg123 command (for music on hold) without restarting asterisk?
00:29.40brc007I've heard....rumors that VIA's stuff has better drivers then nForce (linux)
00:29.42bkw_killall -9 mpg123
00:29.42Umarohow? :)
00:29.46brc007bkw_: once was enough?
00:29.50brc007with amd ya mean?
00:30.02bkw_Ben asked the same question twice
00:30.20Umarobkw_, asterisk will restart it?
00:30.22brc007any idea on the via vs nForce drivers thing?
00:30.29brc007and via vs intel
00:30.41bkw_Umaro yes when its needed
00:30.45brc007probably doesn't matter at all does it?
00:30.57Umarobkw_, cool
00:31.09brc007Ben: what do you do for intel
00:31.34brc007can you get me a p4E(mergency)E(dition) on the cheap?
00:31.46Benan employee
00:32.22brc007screw it
00:32.27VoIPboydoes * have a billing backend?
00:32.29brc007I"m going with the kt6
00:32.32Benplese refine ur question
00:32.32brc007no wait
00:32.38brc007the knxp
00:32.40brc007no wait....
00:32.46Umarobrc007, AMD
00:32.58brc007Umaro: which board do you like?
00:33.04brc007I haven't bought a mobo in like 3 years
00:33.09Umarocheap but good?
00:34.21brc007as expensive as it needs to be to be awesome (stability wise)
00:34.42brc007a7n8x is msi?
00:35.00brc007oh asus
00:36.43Darwin35ok need input
00:37.01Darwin35I need to point to a include file on fbsd
00:37.13brc007oh DAMN
00:37.14Darwin35btu I need to keep the linux setting also
00:37.17*** join/#asterisk wmoran (
00:37.20brc007the k6 delta isn't made anymore
00:37.25SplasPoodfuckin voicepulse down again..
00:37.30*** part/#asterisk Ben (Jackfiber@
00:38.20SplasPoodI guess maybe I should get somone else for my outgoing
00:39.10Darwin35do I just use #if def linux else Freebsd or how would I set how it chooses to use wich header
00:40.02Darwin35this is for a #include line
00:41.07UmaroI all the sudden have no audio on my phones
00:43.31Darwin35any input
00:43.56matthewaeyes, ears, nose, touch and, beer.
00:45.14Umarowhy would my queue agents be muted?
00:45.28Umaroonly when I call them via the queue can I not hear them, but they can hear me
00:45.49JonR800brc007: i recommend against the 8knxp.. three of my pci slots in it don't work.. and gigabyte support is ignoring me about it.. might be fixed in rev2 though
00:46.17brc007bad gigabyte bad!
00:46.18Maverici hate gigabyte as a board manufacturer
00:46.23brc007JonR800: what would you sugest?
00:46.25brc007Maveric: why?
00:46.37Mavericabit asus msi are the mfg's that i like
00:46.41JonR800i just got a GA-8IPE1000 Pro.. gonna try that out
00:46.48JonR800abit is teh devil.
00:46.49Maverici've had bad expirances with GA boards
00:46.57Mavericwhy is abit the devil?
00:46.58brc007good to know
00:47.07JonR800i went through 3 ic7-g's
00:47.12JonR800and my bp6 was a piece hah
00:47.20brc007I'm thinking...they are all just as good..I should just close my eyes at new egg and point and say thatone
00:47.31Mavericwell i haven't had any abit boards ever go bad on me
00:47.37JonR800well gigabyte apparently has the lowest return rate.
00:47.42brc007JonR800: ever use intel?
00:47.50JonR800an intel board?
00:47.52*** join/#asterisk _jack_ (
00:47.52Mavericintel isn't a great board
00:47.54brc007what boards do you like with intels 875/865
00:48.06brc007not intel boards...the chipset/processer
00:48.18JonR800im using an 8knxp now
00:48.25JonR800like i said.. rev2 might be better heh
00:48.32brc007oh right
00:48.32*** join/#asterisk samy^ (
00:48.34brc007I don't read do I
00:48.44JonR800otherwise you may want to look at what Asus is offering
00:48.51JonR800i haven't had any Asus boards but i hear good things
00:48.59brc007that is the one I was going to get
00:49.06JonR800haha that's fine.. reading is for losers anyways
00:49.08brc007I am trying to figure out what chipsets have opensource drivers
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00:49.16dougheckaok, who knows of a working award bios default password
00:49.20brc007specially for the integrated ethernet
00:49.29brc007dough pull the battery
00:49.35JonR800the intel gigabit adapter uses e1000 i think
00:49.42JonR800i've had a bit of trouble with that
00:49.46JonR800it's half open source
00:49.47brc007JonR800: damn.!
00:49.47grozbrc007, they all have drivers, but, drivers come in 2 forms
00:49.54brc007groz: oh?
00:49.57groza) those already written, b) those you gotta still write
00:50.10samy^i'm having a problem with asterisk's CDR's.  they're showing "t" as the destination number when the destination is busy, any idea why?
00:50.10JonR800well .. e1000 is included in the kernel
00:50.10brc007I'm looking for boards with only option a
00:50.24brc007JonR800: ok
00:50.25JonR800but there's also one direct from intel that is a bit newer.. but not completely open source
00:50.26grozfussy are you
00:50.45brc007I'm guessing the opensource driver stuff will be Better(TM)
00:51.04brc007afaict the VIA kt400/600 chipset drivers are OS
00:51.11grozmost of the time that's true, but, not always
00:51.13JonR800probably be more stable.. especially if you're running 2.6
00:51.15brc007nforce's look like a PITA
00:51.21brc007No way
00:51.23brc007no 2.6 for me
00:51.36brc007not on my server yet anyway
00:51.43grozwill * operate under a 2.6 kernel ?
00:51.48grozthe home page says 2.4
00:51.50JonR800ahh i was figuring it was a desktop
00:51.53brc007JonR800: no no no
00:51.54grozor is that just not updated yet ?
00:51.57brc007this is for at the office
00:52.02brc007pri and 20 ciscos with ulaw
00:52.13brc007and I Haveto decide what to buy tonight
00:52.21brc007preferably in the next 5 minutes
00:52.29JonR800is money no object?
00:52.34brc007sure whynot
00:52.36JonR800or is there a tight budget
00:52.39brc007budget is 1000
00:52.44brc007+ 500 for the t100p
00:52.46Alricanyone using polycom soundpoint phones (ip 500) in MGCP / H.323 mode?
00:52.46*** join/#asterisk badonaway (
00:52.54bkw_me oh my
00:52.57brc007bkw_: wat
00:52.58bkw_not bad
00:52.59JonR800for server boards supermicro makes some pretty decent stuff.
00:53.22brc007JonR800: yeah but it's all for xeon's and optrirons(sp)
00:53.40JonR800they have p4 boards
00:54.14brc007not at newegg...
00:54.43brc007oh nm
00:54.48brc007wrong cat
00:55.39Umarowhy would my queue agents be muted?
00:55.44JonR800ISA slots.. wtf haha
00:55.47Umaroonly when I call them via the queue can I not hear them, but they can hear me..
00:55.55fileISA slots? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
00:56.26JonR800no kidding.
00:56.29samy^i'm having a problem with asterisk's CDR's.  they're showing "t" as the destination number when the destination is busy, any idea why?  sometimes it shows '1' as well
00:56.33brc007budget is 1000 but there isn't any reason to blow money if I don't need to
00:56.39JonR800brc007: i'd just go with a middle of the road 865PE gigabyte board.
00:56.43brc007JonR800: know if rev2 of the 8-knxp is out?
00:56.51JonR800newegg has it
00:57.03brc007any sugestions for middle of the road?
00:57.15brc007their site SUCKS
00:57.28JonR800samy^: are you logging to database or csv?
00:57.41JonR800brc007: yeah it's slow too heh
00:57.53brc007poorly organised
00:58.34brc007is Prescott > northwood?
00:58.36filenow I remember what I needed to do an hour ago, check the weather for Saturday
00:58.38JonR800i think i've gotten used to it though :-P
00:58.40brc007I so haven't kept up with this
00:58.46JonR800you know the 8knxp is $180 right?
00:58.54JonR800Northwood > Prescott
00:59.14brc007ahhh okay
00:59.19JonR800oh.. you were scoffing at the Supermicro for 215
00:59.32JonR800unless i misread
00:59.46brc007which one (p/n)
00:59.59brc007was looking at the p4sct
01:00.00JonR800nm its that one with ISA slots
01:00.26brc007p4sct  $285.00
01:00.28filerain rain rain, bloody hell
01:00.41Umaroanyone know? :(
01:00.47brc007does northwood vs prescott matter (much)?
01:01.10JonR800the P4SCi is $214
01:01.34UmaroI'll pay someone $20 right now via paypal if they'll help me figure out how to solve my problem. *stressed*
01:01.41JonR800dual lan and 64 bit slots on the P4SCi
01:01.45brc007I can get p4 2.4c 800mhz fsb 512 cache w northwood for $169, or p4 2.8a 533 fsb  1MB cache prescott for $169
01:02.41brc007JonR800: yeah but the p4sci has some weird E7210 chipset
01:02.45brc007no idea what that is
01:02.51Maverici'd go for 800mhz fsb
01:02.57JonR800i think that's canterwood
01:03.49brc007why don't I want to just buy a msi something (KT6V-LSR?) again...
01:03.52Umaromy queue won't work! I have it setup only with member lines in the queue setup. The sip users I defined exist, and when called by their extension, work perfectly. only when I call them via the queue can I not hear them, but they can hear me..
01:04.03brc007somebody help Umaro :(
01:04.06JonR800lol buy what you want
01:04.15brc007that's just it
01:04.18brc007I don't know what I want
01:05.00Maverici don't use call queues
01:05.24*** join/#asterisk su- (
01:08.24*** join/#asterisk venix (
01:10.24filebkw_: how are the phones?
01:11.54samy^JonR800, i'm logging to csv
01:11.59samy^sorry for delayed response
01:15.20Darwin35sincce no one told me how to do a if line I just poinets liux/zaptel.h to #include <zaptel.h> an dit compiled no errors on fbsd
01:17.58samy^has anyone seen cdr's setting "t" as the destination number:
01:21.09brc007slo tonight
01:21.50*** join/#asterisk michael1234 (mick1234@
01:21.56*** join/#asterisk mvand (
01:22.49bkw_file i'm happy
01:22.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
01:22.59bkw_me love dis phoen long time
01:23.22bkw_I have already burned thru over 5 megs of data
01:23.43charles___bkw_, what cvs version Im suposed to use in production system, the Stable or the lastest developent ?
01:24.01bkw_charles___ thats your call
01:24.03bkw_I use cvs-head
01:24.07michael1234can someone be registered in 2 contexts
01:24.27bkw_good question.. I don't think so
01:24.39bkw_now you can sandbox them into a context and include the two you wish them to be in
01:24.56charles___bkw_, if I download the v1_0 stable do I have to patch it ?
01:25.19michael1234eg. give them an internal extension for their office [overlapping office numbers for different customers]. Plus and external office number [global]
01:25.35michael1234bkw_ any ideas on how to do that
01:25.59bkw_michael1234 you create a context
01:26.07bkw_and include all the stuff the user needs access to
01:26.36michael1234Yeah but what happens customer1 wants to dial customer 2
01:26.47bkw_include the context that customer2 is in
01:27.13bkw_i have a feeling you have no clue how to secure your asterisk box for the lack of understanding context's
01:27.28bkw_consider a context like a room
01:27.46bkw_now if you have a context with NO includes.. its like a room with no windows or doors
01:27.46michael1234I dont let anyone into it at the moment
01:27.58bkw_can't access other context's
01:28.07bkw_unless you include said context's
01:28.27michael1234understand that part
01:28.54bkw_ok then you know how to do it
01:29.33*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:30.21michael1234Example customer A wants extension 101 and 102. Customer B wants extension 101 and 102. Customer A wants direct indials and so does customer B. How will customer A ring customer B as a registered user is only allow 1 phone number from what I can see
01:30.21DaminThis is bad,..
01:30.21DaminSubject: 3ware 3DM alert  --  host: speerc                                                                                  
01:30.21DaminWARNING: Unexpected shutdown, reset, or power loss detected on unit 0 on controller ID:4. Redundant units, if present, will  
01:30.21Daminrebuild. (0x8)        
01:30.34bkw_michael1234 you setup where customer A calls customers B's external number
01:30.56denonany of you guys use these GN Netcom 9120 wireless headsets?
01:31.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon_] by denon
01:31.09Daminbkw_: Cisco SIP 7.1 firmware fixes quite a lot of little bugs and two that are really noticable! :)
01:31.25bkw_then it will use chan_local to call Local/102@cusotmerbscontext
01:31.43michael1234bkw_ that is the piece of the pie I was missing
01:31.54grozgot a real dumb question (i hope)
01:31.56bkw_that sthe best way to do it
01:32.03grozthru the manager api, can you do everything you can do from cli ?
01:32.23denonthis cheezy proprietary 2.4GHz just seems wrong
01:32.41grozthat's brilliant. wear a microwave generator as a headset :)
01:32.54denongroz: yeah .. I know, that bothers me a bit ..
01:33.01grozwhat got me is this
01:33.02Daminbkw_: Since I put the 7.1 firmware out there on a couple of the 7960's I've gotten a few calls asking if we've changed the voicemail system.. ;) They uses to hear "Median mail" and now they hear the full "Comerdian Mail" ;)
01:33.08groz802.11 = 2.4 ghz
01:33.16grozmicrowave oven = 2.4 ghz
01:33.26grozlargest source of 802.11 interference
01:33.30grozis old microwave ovens
01:33.44mengerDamin: you do too, never noticed that LOL
01:33.49Damingroz: Are you suggesing that I can cook my food with my 802.11b card? :)
01:33.51michael1234groz: What do they do to you brian
01:33.59brc007michael1234: huh?
01:34.03brc007not me
01:34.05grozyah damin, if you crank the power up to 50 watts
01:34.33Damingroz: Hahahaha.. Imagine that a 50 watt 802.11b card. :)
01:34.48grozthat's easy damin
01:34.53grozit's called a 'microwave oven'
01:35.02Damingroz: I bet they would do it on "Mythbusters"
01:35.49grozi really liked the one where they blew away the myth of explosive decompression on airplanes
01:36.29tkapelakram around tonight?
01:36.41samy^has anyone seen cdr's setting "t" as the destination number?  anyone know how i can fix it?
01:36.56Damingroz: What a nasty black-ops weapon that would be for the government. They send in some undercover agents to install 50 watt 802.11b cards in terrorist computers. :)
01:37.33grozit would be a stupid waste, but, government is very good at doing 'stupid waste' kinda stuff
01:38.02grozare you the 'keeper' of the rpms ?
01:38.24Damingroz: I maintain one set of them, but there are others. I'm not sure there is an "official" keeper of the RPMS..
01:39.08grozanybody here familiar with manager interface
01:39.20grozi'm wondering if i can do everyting in manager that i can do from cli
01:39.29grozeasier to ask here first, before writing test code
01:39.40denongroz: pretty much
01:39.53grozis that what the 'command' is all about
01:39.57grozpass it on to the cli ?
01:40.06*** join/#asterisk adker (adker@
01:40.32grozi'm at the wiki, it's not that detailed
01:40.39denonthought there was a doc
01:40.44denonor somethin .. that was pretty detailed
01:40.50denonI mean .. if you really want details, hit the source
01:41.00denonyou dont need to "write test code", just telnet in
01:41.23grozthink i'll try that right now
01:41.29grozthat's even easier than a test script
01:41.35denon*rolls eyes*
01:41.36denonuh huh
01:41.54denonnow someone tell me if they're using a gn netcom wireless headset. :)
01:42.06denontrying to decide if they're worth the $170
01:42.23grozi didn't used to ask a lot of dumb questions, then i started using wireless headsets
01:42.25IOscannerI am looking for docs on how to have an outbound call go to the next available line.  I have an FXO line and a few SIP lines into the PBX.  thanks
01:42.33grozfolks have noticed the questoins seem to get dumber every day
01:42.40grozsince i started using 2.4 ghz headset
01:44.26denonnow you're scarin me
01:44.44denonim not real happy about having a normal headset strapped to my ear as it is
01:44.53denonthink of what the magnet could do to your equillibrium over 12h a day
01:45.07*** join/#asterisk michael (
01:45.09michaelbloody hell
01:45.13grozwell, i've used normal headsets 8 to 12 hours a day for most of the last 25 years
01:45.20groz<-- a pilot when i'm not working at the computer
01:45.33denongroz: scroll up and look at your own question. :)
01:45.40grozthat has a fulls setup on both sides
01:45.45grozso equilibrium not an issue
01:45.46Mavericdoes anyone know how to handle inbound calls that dont' have callerid?  why do they always show as asterisk?
01:45.59denonMaveric: you can change that
01:46.10*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (Exomorph@
01:46.14Maverichow so denon?
01:46.17denonin sip.conf
01:47.31IOscannerso did any one know what I need to search for to setup outbound line priority or failover if a line is busy?
01:47.51denonjust +101 on your outbound stuff
01:48.30JerJerthat's the ticket
01:48.40IOscannerwhat is 101?  
01:48.47JerJerpriority yo
01:48.48denonsimple mathematics
01:48.50IOscanneris that a weight?
01:48.53denon1 + 101=102
01:49.09JerJerexten => 1234,1,Dial,SIP/someone
01:49.15IOscannerhow do I set that.  can't this be done automaticly with in asterisk
01:49.18JerJerexten => 1234,102,Dial,SIP/Someoneelse
01:49.38JerJerso if SIP/someone reports busy asterisk jumps to N+101
01:49.41*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
01:49.45JerJeror priority 102
01:49.56denonJerJer's a glutton for punishment
01:50.19IOscannerOk.. I will go look for more information on priority..thanks.
01:50.22grozdenon, telnet worked, and this is gonna work just fine for me
01:51.43Maverictelnet for what?
01:51.52denonthe interface
01:51.57grozplay with the management interface
01:53.03*** join/#asterisk angler- (~angler@
01:54.54*** join/#asterisk owcher (
01:55.36su-jbot: ROOOT ?
01:55.37jbotbugger all, i dunno, su-
01:56.16owcherHi.  Anybody know much about the Digium 405P?
01:57.13owcherUsed in conjunction with Asterisk...
01:57.44denonowcher: "_
01:57.45denoner :)
01:58.01owcherYah, read that.
01:58.35owcherMy specific interest is whether I could configure it to sit between the PSTN and our Nortel switch.
01:59.01owcherTo the Nortel switch it would look like the phone company.
01:59.21owcherTo the phone company it would look like a phone system.
02:00.08owcherAt the same time and passing all relevant data back and forth - like CLID, ANI, Called number (DID), etc...
02:01.29*** join/#asterisk mutilator (WebChat@
02:03.00owcherHmm.  Maybe I'll take it to the mailing list.
02:09.11*** join/#asterisk Sknrs (
02:15.33Darwin35what lib is tonezone part of
02:16.51*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
02:17.18*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
02:21.15Darwin35gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o chan_zap.o    -ltonezone
02:21.15Darwin35/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltonezone
02:21.57*** join/#asterisk Adam (
02:21.59Umarosounds new
02:22.23*** part/#asterisk Adam (
02:22.36Darwin35its the first time on fbsd I have seen it
02:22.37*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
02:22.54Darwin35it might be a zaptel error
02:23.40*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
02:23.59Darwin35we are trying to get * to compile with zaptel in it
02:24.11Darwin35with the fbsd zaptel driver
02:25.50*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
02:26.14Mavericfellas i have a problem
02:26.23Mavericgotoif is freaking
02:27.54JerJerwe can't read minds
02:28.03JerJeruse a pastebin
02:30.04Mavericwhy isn't it going to easynews,s,6
02:30.17Darwin35ok I have tonezoone.h
02:30.27*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
02:30.37*** join/#asterisk Brian_ (
02:30.58brc007anything interesting in CVS since monday?
02:32.52*** join/#asterisk nikko (
02:35.14Moc__damn voicemail system is the next thing Im gonna play with... it bugging me ..
02:35.40Darwin35moc whats wrong with vm
02:36.12Moc__current thing that bug me, the new thing that was added that people can fix their recording, well there should be a cancel option
02:37.18Moc__also I gota find that french language pack someone made for voicemail
02:37.19Darwin35well bed time
02:37.27Darwin35ahh ok
02:37.54Darwin35I will workon my problem of -ltonezone tomarrow
02:38.41Darwin35night all
02:39.27jefreyanyone uses meetme here?
02:39.41*** join/#asterisk xeaded (~xeaded@
02:39.59Moc__jefrey I do
02:40.36jefreymoc, u ever have conference for more than 2 hours?
02:41.05Moc__not on my system but yes
02:41.28ManxPowerWhat modules handles logging.conf?
02:41.36jefreyi have this problem of everytime 2 hours, the conf will end
02:41.50jefreybut i suspect is not the meetme
02:41.57jefreyor it might be
02:42.01jefreyit's individual users
02:42.12jefreylike user A start at 2, ends at 4
02:42.19jefreyB start at 2:05 , ends at 4:05
02:42.26jefreydone several testings for the past few days
02:42.36jefreysame thing happen
02:42.50jefreysomething is wrong, even i've done the latest cvs update
02:43.45Hogiemeow meow
02:44.00ManxPowerjefrey: AbsoluteTimeout?
02:44.11Moc__ManxPower, good point
02:44.12jefreyManxPower, I've doen that
02:44.26ManxPowerjefrey: no, are you setting it for 2 hours?
02:44.44ManxPowergrep -i AbsoluteTimeout /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
02:44.51ManxPowerWhat does that give you?
02:45.05jefreyI've tried using AbsoluteTimeout(0)
02:45.09jefreyor I don't put it in as well
02:45.33ManxPowerSo you tried the grep I just gave you JUST to be SURE.
02:45.48jefreyexten => s,4,AbsoluteTimeout(0)
02:45.56ManxPowerwhere are the callers coming in from?
02:46.02Kumbangguys, how can i checkot the stable version of *
02:46.05jefreyanother IAX server
02:46.06jefreylet me show u
02:46.08ManxPowerAsterisk CVS instructions:  Download CVS HEAD or CVS STABLE for Asterisk.  Zaptel and LIBPRI do not have a CVS stable branch, only a CVS head branch.  I recommend the stable Asterisk branch.
02:46.23ManxPowerjefrey: Does the other asterisk server have an absolute timeout?
02:47.18jefreyexten => ${CONFERENCEVON},1,AbsoluteTimeout(0)
02:47.18jefreyexten => ${CONFERENCEVON},2,Dial(IAX2/${CONFERENCE})
02:47.45jefreythen on the CONFERENCE server
02:47.46jefreyexten => s,1,Ringing
02:47.46jefreyexten => s,2,DigitTimeout,10           ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
02:47.46jefreyexten => s,3,ResponseTimeout,10        ; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
02:47.48jefreyexten => s,4,AbsoluteTimeout(0)
02:47.50jefreyexten => s,5,Answer
02:47.51jefreyexten => s,6,Wait,3
02:47.53jefreyexten => s,7,agi,conference.agi
02:47.55jefreyexten => s,8,Hangup
02:48.20jefreyvery odd indeed
02:48.44jefreythere is no message of why the call drop
02:48.47jefreyis just hangup
02:48.58jefreyand all people will hangup sharp after 2 hours in the room
02:49.07jefreyspooky, aint it?
02:50.17*** join/#asterisk _jack_ (
02:50.38jefreyim pretty sure some where in the code has a default timeout or max duration that sets the call channel to be 2 hours
02:50.43IOscannerI tried outbound priority, am I missing something? exten => 1234,102,Dial,SIP/Someoneelse
02:51.01IOscannerI tried outbound priority, am I missing something? exten => 1234,1,Dial,ZAP/1
02:51.11jefreyIOscanner try exten => 1234,1,Dial(ZAP/1)
02:51.18IOscannerit doesn't seem to use the SIP line
02:51.20IOscannerI did
02:51.25IOscannerthat is my first line
02:51.35IOscannerI have the  ()'s
02:51.48ManxPowerWhat port is the ZAP port?
02:51.51IOscannerDo I need to put a busy sig
02:51.55ManxPowerANALOG or digital?
02:52.16ManxPowerIOscanner: Analog channels are considered answered as soon as they are finished dialing.
02:52.23*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
02:52.41IOscannerI have this exten -> _NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
02:52.44ManxPowerYou can TRY using busydetect=yes AND busycount=6 but that can still cause random hangups in the middle of the call.
02:53.11brc007~seen death_inc
02:53.11jbotdeath_inc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 20h 11m 26s ago, saying: 'lol'.
02:53.13ManxPowerIOscanner: the Dial line for the Zap the ACTUAL dial line from extensions.conf
02:53.14brc007~seen twisted
02:53.15jbottwisted <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21h 12m 24s ago, saying: 'packing is harder because you have to try to fit as much stuff into one box as you can.. it's like a giant jigsaw'.
02:53.17IOscannerI have this exten -> _NXXXXXXX,102,Dial(SIP/1/${EXTEN}@pstngateway)
02:53.20ManxPowerIOscanner: Ah.
02:53.24IOscannerI have this exten -> _NXXXXXXX,102,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@pstngateway)
02:53.54ManxPowerYes, it will never go to 102 unless the Zap/1 is already in use.  This is a limitation of analog ports (even in common PBXs)
02:54.03IOscannerI want a global dial rule
02:54.05IOscannerit is in use
02:54.39ManxPowerIOscanner: So you are not trying to detect if the destination number is busy, uou are trying to detect if the Zap/1 port is in use?
02:54.48IOscannerI have tried it by making an outgoing call with zap/1 then another call out and it tries with the xap again and never tries SIP
02:55.22ManxPowerIOscanner: PASTE the actual couple of lines from your extensions.conf
02:55.27IOscannerno the outbound line busy.  I would like to pick up the phone and make a call and not get a busy signal because FXO zap/1 is busy
02:55.29IOscannerI did
02:55.33IOscannerthat was above
02:55.50ManxPowerSo you have:
02:56.11ManxPowerexten -> _NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
02:56.13ManxPowerexten -> _NXXXXXXX,102,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@pstngateway)
02:56.45ManxPowerand you have a [pstngateway] entry in sip.conf?
02:56.51IOscannerthey work if I comment them
02:57.00IOscanneryes pstngateway is in the sip.conf
02:57.08ManxPowerpaste the CLI output from a sample call that happens when zap/1 is in use.
02:59.15*** part/#asterisk extremis (
03:00.10IOscannerHere you go:  Executing Dial("SIP/100-f195", "Zap/1/w9724443456") in new stack
03:00.11IOscannerMay 27 21:59:54 NOTICE[180236]: app_dial.c:554 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
03:02.04HezIOscanner: am i mistaken or should your sip dial out be on ,101 ?
03:02.31IOscannerDo I needI have sip phones internal 100-110 extentions
03:03.00IOscannerI have one sip line setup for now at the pstngateway
03:03.33ManxPowerIOscanner: What does "zap show channels" give you?
03:03.57ManxPowerIOscanner: What does "show version" give you?
03:04.15JerJerln -s /usr/bin/vi pico
03:04.39ManxPowerHez: I belive busy is current priority + 101, not current priority + 100 as is documented some places
03:05.37HezManxPower: yes, er looking at the wrong line or my script =\
03:05.44ManxPowerIOscanner: Paste the dialplan excerpt, the CLI paste, the show version info, and a description of your problem to the asterisk-users mailing lists.
03:06.03ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
03:06.26IOscannerWhat do I need to search on to fine what I am looking for.  I would like to read more on how it works.  
03:06.29ManxPowerIOscanner: People will respond telling you to use CVS -head.  Tell them that if -stable is broken it needs to be retired or fixed.
03:06.33IOscannerI look for priority
03:06.50IOscannerI think it is a config issue.
03:06.56IOscannerEverything else works.
03:07.09ManxPowerIOscanner: I cannot see a config issue in based on the info you gave us.
03:07.09IOscannerI think it is a problem between my seat and keyboard
03:07.16Hezcab you call that exact sip dial line?
03:07.28Hezer can
03:07.37ManxPower<IOscanner> May 27 21:59:54 NOTICE[180236]: app_dial.c:554 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' is the key
03:07.53IOscannerRight the line is already in use
03:07.53ManxPowerI've never seen that when Zap is actually working
03:08.17ManxPowerIOscanner: I don't think you should see that message.
03:08.32HezManxPower: thats what mine does
03:08.41IOscannerDo I need to setup something some where to tell it to check if the device is busy?
03:09.08ManxPowerSo I was wrong 8-)
03:09.11ManxPowerMay 27 22:08:51 NOTICE[245772]: app_dial.c:674 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
03:09.30*** join/#asterisk YoYo_ (
03:09.52IOscannerGood I am not crazy
03:09.57ManxPowerIOscanner: I assume you are using FXS Kewlstart in /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
03:10.09IOscannerno fxo digium
03:10.23ManxPowerIOscanner: FXO cards use FXS signaling.
03:10.32ManxPowerFXS cards use FXS signaling
03:10.37IOscannerI have an anolog line connected with sip phones local cards use FXO signaling
03:11.04ManxPowerSo double check your signaling lines, but I don't think that's the problem
03:11.20IOscannerThe line works I just can't make more then one call at a time
03:11.37IOscannerit doesn't roll the call to the sip line if zap is in use.
03:13.47HezIOscanner: maybe try something more basic?
03:14.14Hezexten => s,1,Dial(${OUTSIDE}/${ARG1},90)
03:14.14Hezexten => s,102,Answer
03:14.14Hezexten => s,103,Congestion
03:14.14Hezexten => s,104,Wait(5)
03:14.14Hezexten => s,105,Hangup
03:14.45*** join/#asterisk friartux (
03:15.23Hezack that doesnt work :\
03:15.37Hezwell it does but i dont hear confestion....
03:15.49Hezand it doesnt wait and then hangup
03:18.04JerJerHez:  set an AbsoluteTimeout before Congestion
03:18.41HezJerJer: oh? is that more user friendly then (playback(tt-weasels), hangup) ?
03:19.05DarkFlibi think the weasels are kinda cool....
03:19.12DarkFlibor iguanas
03:19.19Umarodoes the sipura support ilbc?
03:19.23friartuxi prefer ferrets
03:19.32*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
03:19.54DaminOK. 0.9.0 RPMS are out..
03:20.18Umarodang, doesn't look like it
03:20.26IOscannerOkay I got it
03:20.27DarkFlibgonna have to translate hte prompts into english.... not sure how those would work with an english accent instead of a us one
03:20.30Hezhaha, it was my stupid softphone (iaxcomm) it says "unknown event"
03:21.00DarkFlibthe ferrets and other things like it....
03:21.24Hezhmmm should get them done in spanish =)
03:21.42IOscannerI did:
03:21.44IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
03:21.44IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXX,102,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@pstngateway)
03:21.44IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXX,103,Hangup
03:21.47IOscanner;10 digit numbers
03:21.47IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/w${EXTEN})
03:21.47IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXXXXX,102,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@pstngateway)
03:21.47IOscannerexten => _NXXXXXXXXX,103,Hangup
03:22.05IOscannerit works now...thanks
03:22.15DarkFlibI don't need spanish.... and at least I could offset my costs by selling the language pack.... with a basic one given away maybe
03:22.34IOscannernow just need to find out how to check the callwaiting...everytime I try it hangs up on both people.
03:22.57HezIOscanner: nice stuff =)
03:22.59*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
03:23.28HezDarkFlib: oh i dont need spanish either, but i want to make it confusing to use =)
03:24.21IOscannerYou have an idea of how to click over and check a callwaiting?  I here the beep when a call comes in, but flash doesn't work from the cordless phone, or the cisco phone (which doesn't have a flash.
03:24.32DarkFlibyou mean like putting someones cell into spanish or swedish when you know they don't understand it... that kinda confusing?
03:24.52Hezsomething like that, or just error messages =)
03:25.11Hezsince it appears that no one really listens/reads them anyways
03:25.45HezIOscanner: nope... :\ no call waiting here (too cheap to pay for it)
03:25.54DarkFlibin which case get them translated into kingon or elvish or something completely wacky.....
03:27.06Umarowhat's the best codec to use on a sipura? not seeing GSM :(
03:28.26dovis g726 there?
03:28.32dovthats very nice
03:28.46dovjust mho
03:29.45Umarooh yeah?
03:31.28*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
03:31.44HezUmaro: is it local or over the net?
03:31.52Umaroover the net
03:32.51Hezilbc? or gsm
03:43.01*** join/#asterisk anachron (
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03:47.19*** part/#asterisk hmmhesays (noway@
03:51.37michaelanyone having issues with meetme conf?
03:51.41michaelmine keeps saying invaild
03:51.45michaeland it is valid
03:55.58*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
03:56.38Shido6any athlon users?
03:56.45*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
03:57.32HezShido6: of course =)
03:58.06IOscannerDoes anyone have pbx call waiting working with an FXO card?
03:58.18CaNaBiS_I get a little reverb when using my Sipura, I hear my own voice. Played with ztmonitor. Have all echo cancellation and training turned on. Suggested settings?
03:59.37_Eagle_canabis:  whats the network conditions between the sipura and the asterisk box?  lan? wan? internet?  cable modem?  wireless?  latency?  hops?
03:59.47CaNaBiS_cable modem
03:59.54CaNaBiS_30-40ms latency
04:00.17CaNaBiS_low jitter
04:00.40CaNaBiS_its faint echo, just enough to be bothersome
04:00.43_Eagle_i get a similar problem on some of my ata186 calls, but i think my PRI is too hot
04:00.57CaNaBiS_almost no matter how drastic I am with rx tx settings, it stays about the same
04:01.00*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
04:01.21_Eagle_well, echo when you talk means your transmit is the problem
04:01.24CaNaBiS_this is just and fxo
04:01.52_Eagle_so either your transmit is too hot, or its a latency problem, which doesnt sound like it
04:02.06_Eagle_oh..  using an fxo card and a pots line?
04:02.40_Eagle_well.. let me tell you what i know about echo...
04:03.05_Eagle_when you talk on the phone, some of the transmit signal is fed back to your receiver.....
04:03.16_Eagle_to give you feedback, so you know how loud to talk....
04:04.36_Eagle_and ive forgotten what my point was now
04:04.51CaNaBiS_yah, if I am loud I hear it, if he speak relatively normal or less than normal, I dont hear it
04:04.53_Eagle_brain damage i tellz ya
04:05.06_Eagle_its the transmit thats the problem, i know that much
04:05.20*** join/#asterisk cuban (
04:05.25_Eagle_basically you're probably too much gain on the transmit
04:05.26cubanHi all!
04:05.37_Eagle_have you tried lowering the txgain in zapata.conf?
04:05.54_Eagle_i dunno if that affects fxo cards or not
04:06.00_Eagle_might just be for t1/pri
04:06.04cubanHey before I go making empty promises is it possible to have an extenstion always forward to an outside number?
04:06.21cubanLike I want ext 9000 to forward to 713-555-5555
04:06.35_Eagle_cuban:  you mean when you pick it up, or when you dial the extension?
04:06.42cubanWhen you dial the extension
04:06.44_Eagle_either way, the answer is yes
04:06.54_Eagle_just set it up in extensions.conf that way
04:06.56cubanBasically, I am going to have my autoattendent come up when you call in.
04:06.59*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS_ (
04:07.04cubanAnd one option will forward to our answering service.
04:07.13cubanI want them to be able to hit 0 for the answering service
04:07.23_Eagle_i do stuff like that all the time
04:07.26cubanBasically I'm aiming for the transfer to be totally invisible.
04:07.29_Eagle_just use the Dial command
04:07.50cubanThis is going to save us so much grief.
04:07.54_Eagle_you can play music on hold while you're waiting for the answering service to answer, or you can play a ringing sound in their ear
04:07.56_Eagle_either way
04:08.11cubanWell, if it forwards to the outside line
04:08.20cubanand the outside line is ringing
04:08.26cubanhow does the music know when to stop playing?
04:08.37_Eagle_when they answer, the music stops
04:09.06cubanSo asterisk detects the ringing on the line silencing and stops playing the music...
04:09.14_Eagle_Dial() doesnt care if you're calling a phone on an fxs port or a phone line on an fxo port or a PRI channel or a SIP call or whatever
04:09.25cubanRight. I get that.
04:09.38cubanWow that's pretty impressive.
04:09.47_Eagle_it detects the answer
04:09.57_Eagle_now... i know this works with a PRI for sure
04:10.08_Eagle_i think it works with fxo and pots lines, but i'm not positive on that
04:10.21cubanWell, even a transfer to a ring isn't THAT bad.
04:11.09_Eagle_on one of my numbers... i have the automated attendant answer every single call
04:11.37_Eagle_and depending on what option they select, it either dials a local ata186 using sip... or dials out to an external number using another channel on the PRI
04:11.39cubanThey will answer all our calls. Then the caller can dial an exten or hit 0 for the answering service.
04:12.09cubanWe are small, just have 4 lines.
04:12.25cubanI wonder if it'd be more logical to do a frac PRI for phones.
04:12.29cubanLike just 8 or 9 chans
04:12.51_Eagle_depending where you are, you can get a mixed voice/data T1 from a CLEC pretty cheap
04:13.04cubanYea, but they usually split it shitty I think.
04:13.07_Eagle_like with 6 or 8 voice lines, and 512k of data
04:13.29_Eagle_well, a lot of CLEC's use EEL lines...
04:13.31cubanLike their mux does some funny shit that not all PRI phone systems support.
04:13.41cubaneither that or they come out analog
04:14.10_Eagle_the FCC says EEL's have to either be 50% voice or more, or you have to have more voice than data, or you have to provide 100% of the voice for that customer
04:14.38_Eagle_so if you switch entirely, and dump your local telco, you can get 4 or 6 lines and the rest data... as long as the clec is your only telco
04:14.48*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
04:14.59_Eagle_but actually thats all changing
04:15.19_Eagle_in august, the FCC issues the Triennial Review Order which threw all those rules out the window....
04:15.53_Eagle_and basically said a CLEC can do EEL's as long as they have 24 voice DS0's of interconnectiojn with the local telco for every 24 DS1's of EEL's
04:16.20_Eagle_so then, if a clec did a lot of voice EEL's, they could do some data-only EEL's, or EEL's with low voice volume
04:16.27cubanSounds like you know alot more about phones than I do.
04:16.45_Eagle_but then in march, the DC circuit court through out the Triennial Review Order and vacated it
04:16.53cubanSo how would you rate Asterisk as a PBX vs say an Avaya system.
04:17.01_Eagle_gave the FCC 60 days to revise the rules, which ended 2 weeks ago
04:17.23_Eagle_so now the CLEC industry is basically deregulated, and chaos is expected by all :-)
04:18.28_Eagle_i think in many ways, asterisk is better than anything you can get commercially...
04:18.49*** join/#asterisk YoYo_ (
04:18.50_Eagle_while the avaya system might be more stable...  if you DO find a problem, you have to wait for avaya to fix it
04:18.59_Eagle_and then hope they dont charge you for the software upgrade
04:19.22cubanHm, is Asterisk not really something to rely on as your companies primary phone system?
04:19.23_Eagle_where as if you need something fixed or added in asterisk, you can do it yourself, or ask someone nicely, and it gets done in hours or days instead of months
04:19.42cubanI'm looking to move us over to it entirely.
04:19.44_Eagle_many many many companies use asterisk as their ONLY phone system with no problem
04:19.47_Eagle_including me
04:19.55cubanOkay, cool.
04:20.21_Eagle_i cancelled all my business centrex lines in november...
04:20.31_Eagle_been using SIP and asterisk to deliver my business calls since
04:20.53_Eagle_just have my asterisk box in a colo center 45 minutes away, and a PRI going into it
04:21.06Damincuban: People rely on Asterisk every day, and in most cases if properly engineered it will exceed the stability of a normal PBX or Key system.
04:21.07_Eagle_and i have a T1 from here to the colo center
04:21.50YoYo_cuban: we take up to 150 support calls per day.  all handled by *
04:22.07YoYo_never have complaints... except the occassional cell phone user
04:22.24_Eagle_yeah... a lot of isp's use asterisk.. and isp's get more voice calls than most small businesses
04:22.43Damin_Eagle_: Amen to that! ;)
04:23.03cubanYoYo_: Cellphone users?
04:23.05YoYo_ISPs are one of the few small businesses where it actually makes sense to have twice as many lines as employees
04:23.20DaminAlright.. Must go to bed..
04:23.30YoYo_cuban: some cell phones don't sound very good once they've been brought accross VOIP
04:23.30friartuxhow would i tie just one personal phone line into an asterisk exchange? can i do it with a simple USR PCI Voice Modem?
04:23.46YoYo_cuban: nevermind that those same cell phones don't sound very good in the first place
04:24.15YoYo_took two calls today that were bounced off asterisk (PRI in, PRI out, zap bridge thingie)
04:24.24YoYo_sound quality was awesome
04:25.04YoYo_actually connected via GRPS right now =D
04:25.06cubanWhat kind of phone do you have?
04:25.11cubanI have a t610
04:25.17YoYo_that's what I got
04:25.24cubanAhh, are you using bluetooth?
04:25.29cubanfor the gprs?
04:25.36_Eagle_just dont use at&t wireless... i hear they suck
04:25.39cubanMan, I tried getting that to work in linux.
04:25.39YoYo_about 800-1000 ms latency
04:25.41cubanIt was a bitch.
04:25.50YoYo_somewhere around 45k connect speed
04:26.12YoYo_go ahead, ping me... I dare ya!
04:26.19cubanI just version'd ya.
04:26.21cubanIt took a bit
04:26.28YoYo_251495 bytes received in 62.83Seconds 4.00Kbytes/sec.
04:26.28_Eagle_ive got the data service from verizon wireless... with a pcmcia card as the phone
04:26.50_Eagle_works pretty good..  about 100k or so sometimes...
04:26.51YoYo_what kind of latency/bandwidth you get with that?
04:27.05_Eagle_never tested the latency
04:27.16cubanCome on I mean I think answering services would LOVE to take a SIP call.
04:27.22friartuxhow would i tie just one personal phone line into an asterisk exchange? can i do it with a simple USR PCI Voice Modem?
04:27.23YoYo_eagle: don't care about things like telnet/ssh?
04:27.53_Eagle_yoyo:  ssh worked fine...  i just never measured the latency
04:28.14cubanfriartux: Check this out
04:28.19cubanGood cheap FXO card.
04:28.20YoYo_guess you're one of the lucky ones that doesn't care if it takes a half second for character echos
04:28.21*** join/#asterisk adamg (~adamg@
04:28.27_Eagle_friar:  buy an FXO card from look at the X100P
04:29.08adamgDoes anyone actually use cdr_odbc with a server on a remote host
04:29.45_Eagle_i never had a problem with it...  its a bit bursty sometimes... but i expect that from cellular....  just never did any pings
04:30.10_Eagle_i do everything via ssh except web browsing
04:30.18_Eagle_i read email via ssh and using pine
04:30.40_Eagle_what i'm telling you is, the latency was acceptable enough where i didnt have to measure it to be happy
04:30.45YoYo_hmm... actually, this doesn't feel much worse than a 9600 bps connection over direct serial
04:30.46bkw_YoYo if you use mIRC it would be fine
04:30.58YoYo_bkw, I dun care about irc...
04:31.03friartuxwhy do those cards look like softmodes with stickers/heatsinks over the chip?/
04:31.08bkw_interactive stuff would sux0rz
04:31.09_Eagle_i mean, i was moving at 60 miles an hour at the time...  it was a bit bursty especially as signal fluctated and we skipped from cell to cell... etc
04:31.36YoYo_bkw, it's not too bad... I'm on an ssh to a server and looking arond it now
04:32.03YoYo_not much worse than a direct 9600
04:32.10adamgbkw: I didn't quite understand the config snippets you sent me, I know I am just being think/slow, and I usually think I'm not that dumb...
04:32.13YoYo_mix between speed and bandwidth makes it feel about the same
04:32.32YoYo_adamg: bkw thinks everyone is a retard... don't feel bad =D
04:32.32adamgI assume the first snippet was from cdr_odbc.conf and the second from odbc.ini ??
04:32.57bkw_adamg look on the wiki
04:33.01bkw_those are the examples
04:33.03DaminHahaha.. "OEM X100P" - Read.. Amigo IA92 Winmodem
04:33.16_Eagle_hey little sister what have you done... hey little sister who's the lucky one....
04:33.26cuban_Eagle_: How many megs of GPRS did you get from your cell co
04:33.31_Eagle_its a nice day for a white wedding...
04:33.44YoYo_ok... I wanna know why people was bagging on bluetooth so bad when it was first introduced
04:33.44adamgbkw: I did start at the wiki... I'll go play some more though...
04:33.46_Eagle_i dont use gprs...  gsm sucks outside of europe and california
04:34.01YoYo_eagle: gsm rocking here
04:34.07bkw_adamg you had driver= blah/
04:34.10cubanEr, I meant YoYo_
04:34.11bkw_that is wrong in the odbc.ini
04:34.12YoYo_and apparently, bkw is loving it in OK too
04:34.15bkw_that doesn't belong there
04:34.17cubanYoYo_: How many megs of GPRS did you get from your cell co
04:34.39cubanYoYo_ t-mobile gives me 3 megs.
04:34.47YoYo_where you live?
04:34.48cubanIn Texxxas
04:34.53YoYo_fuck that man
04:34.57bkw_you can get unlimited for 19.99/mth
04:34.58YoYo_call 'em up and change your plan
04:35.06cubanI don't use it enough yet.
04:35.12cubanI need to get bluetooth and such working in linux first.
04:35.14YoYo_I chose the $40 voice and got unlimitd internet for $20
04:35.34bkw_t-mobile has rocked my socks
04:35.35bkw_those reps are so nice
04:35.53cubanI can't think of many times when I need internet service and can't just plug in to a jack somewhere
04:35.55Hezdamn, the only unlimited data up here is 100$ :\
04:35.55bkw_I have never had a company really sound like they care
04:35.57_Eagle_i pay thru the nose for voice cell minutes, but the quality is *excellent*
04:36.01_Eagle_never had a problem
04:36.05matthewabkw_, no shit really?
04:36.14bkw_but t-mobile does
04:36.20bkw_they are in no rush to get you off the phone
04:36.22matthewasurely you jest
04:36.27cubanYea bkw_ is right.
04:36.30YoYo_bkw: I doubt the employees care much more than any other company does
04:36.37YoYo_but, they are definately better trained people
04:36.49cubanMy phone started freaking out right after warranty, and they still sent me a new one for free.
04:36.56YoYo_I just hope they keep up that level of service
04:37.00bkw_ya really
04:37.09cubanYoYo_ Yea, I don't want it to be like roadrunner.
04:37.17cubanUsed to be awesome, now it sucks.
04:37.26adamgbkw: BTW, there is a typo on the wiki, in the example odbc.ini there is a double ] for [MySQL-asterisk]]
04:37.39cubanadamg: Edit it and change it
04:37.39bkw_well login and fix it :)
04:37.45YoYo_well, as companies grow, it's hard to keep up with every aspect
04:38.18YoYo_as long as they hire and train people in step with their growth, they'll be fine
04:38.23bkw_even if they did go to shit in the support dept.. I don't care I don't call once I got all my features down.
04:38.34_Eagle_there is nothing fair in this world.. there is nothing safe in this world...  there's nothing sure in this world, and there's nothing pure in this world....     start again.....
04:38.40_Eagle_its a ncie day to start again
04:38.48_Eagle_its a nice day for a white wedding
04:38.54_Eagle_its a nice day to start again
04:39.41_Eagle_oops... switched from billy idol to billy joel...
04:39.46_Eagle_i love my ipod
04:39.48YoYo_man... I need to change plans again.  I want a second SIM so I can use my T610 and still have the 6310i in my car
04:39.58adamgI don't have a wiki login.... I can only comment on it...
04:40.12cubanadamg: Make one
04:40.18YoYo_adamg: you only need to /read/ it
04:40.31YoYo_oh! you were wanting to fix something
04:41.12_Eagle_anyone here have access to a copy of the LERG ?
04:41.12bkw_adamg ya you can create a login and go to editing
04:41.24YoYo_interesting... pure-ftpd and ftp.exe disagree
04:41.25YoYo_226 48.143 seconds (measured here), 5.10 Kbytes per second
04:41.25YoYo_ftp: 251495 bytes received in 62.83Seconds 4.00Kbytes/sec.
04:41.43bkw_YoYo is that over gprs?
04:41.46matthewasending should be faster, you have buffering on your side
04:41.50YoYo_bkw, yes