irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040527

00:00.00wongjohcursor: thanks. not exactly looking to shell out $120 for more equipment, but i'll look into this a little more ;-)
00:00.03Bentonhello, I ordered thevoice.digium but my ordered credits are not in my account?
00:00.49fileBenton: how long have you waited?
00:00.53cursor4(12wongjoh4) I know how you feel, but it'd be the best solution in this case
00:01.00Benton50 minutes
00:01.04cursorand would give you the flexibility to do other things too
00:01.15Bentonshould I  wait more?
00:02.04cursorThey probably process them manually
00:02.16michael1234what do the options t r etc do on the dial plan
00:02.21cursorAutomation?  what's that then?
00:02.27michael1234which ones cause asterisk to do codec conversion for you
00:02.33foommichael1234: "show application dial" in asterisk console
00:02.47Bentonso need to wait more
00:03.01Bentonthanks all specially file & cursor
00:03.06cursorNone of them cause asterisk to do codec conversion for you
00:05.12*** part/#asterisk Benton (Jackfiber@
00:05.44michael1.5MBIT HERE I COME!
00:05.48michaelBI BI 256K
00:06.15Darwin35I have 2m/256 here
00:06.32cursorI have 1000/250
00:07.08cursorat home
00:09.01Darwin35well now to add the x100p  and see it  it works on fbsd
00:09.16Darwin35grr then configure it   even thou I have no hardlines
00:09.35cursorack - BSD?
00:09.39cursorget GNU/Linux
00:09.58cursoryes - I noticed
00:10.02cursorget GNU/Linux
00:10.35Darwin35no I will stick with fbsd
00:10.42Darwin35its what I like
00:10.59cursorEach to their own
00:12.09Darwin35and we have zaptel for fbsd no for the x100p
00:12.15Darwin35so it should work
00:12.32cursoris it up to date with the latest CVS version
00:12.32Moc__damn startrek ..
00:12.44cursoror is it last year's port?
00:13.16*** join/#asterisk Benton (Jackfiber@
00:13.36*** join/#asterisk zb (
00:13.48Bentonhello is it possible to collect call records using voicepulse and * and SIP phones?
00:13.49Darwin35let me check
00:14.19cursorAsterisk keeps CDR records
00:14.20Moc__Bell Canada bought 360network... damnit ..
00:14.34Darwin35FreeBSD: ports/misc/zaptel/Makefile,v 1.4 2004/05/25 14:57:32 sobomax Exp $
00:14.56Darwin35ver 2.4
00:14.56Moc__that mean our GroupTelecom link will be soon a Bell Canada Link... Damn I dont like it
00:15.05Bentonyeah but ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are trying to collect records on IAX to IAX calls you need to be aware that by default,
00:15.19Bentonread its complete at wiki (voip-info)
00:15.28Bentonso is that a case with voicepulse too?
00:15.47cursorI force calls through the switchboard (canreinvite = no)
00:15.55cursorand transfer = no for IAX2
00:16.21Bentonbut with transfer = no latency will go high
00:16.24cursorso my CDR is correct
00:16.46cursorThat depends upon the load on your server
00:16.53cursorMy server is lightly loaded
00:16.56cursorread: 0.00
00:17.24Bentonu put those transfer=no canreinvite=no and in SIP?
00:17.39Darwin35I wish safe_asterisk worked right on fbsd
00:17.46cursorcanreinvite = no for SIP
00:17.50cursortransfer = no for IAX2
00:18.14cursor4(12Darwin354) Why fight it? :-)
00:18.28Bentontransfer=no  in [general] or [voicepulse]
00:18.57cursornotransfer = yes
00:19.03cursornot transfer=no
00:19.46Bentonoh "nottransfer=no"
00:19.47Darwin35not a linuux person
00:20.27Moc__linux/bsd, it the same basic
00:21.02Darwin35then why not have it all work on fbsd
00:21.07Moc__if you can run a BSD system, im sure you could get linux working just fine ;)
00:21.18Moc__because bsd is is dying sadly
00:21.30cursorDue to a lack of interest
00:21.45Darwin35we have 4 branches and it is growning in server use
00:21.49cursorand due to the BSD license allowing MS and Apple to steal and close the code for their OSs
00:22.09cursorTherefore nobody wants to contribute any longer
00:22.22Moc__I used to like freebsd, but came to see that I had to switch
00:22.28cursorGPL == freedom
00:22.49cursorwell, more like this
00:22.53cursorBSD == freedom
00:23.02cursorGPL == guaranteed future freedom
00:23.10Benton* works on freebsd?
00:23.16Moc__Benton, alittle..
00:23.19cursornothing works on BSD
00:23.50*** join/#asterisk RedChina (RedChina@
00:23.51cursorecho "Hello world"
00:23.51cursorSegmentation violation
00:23.53BentonI mean freebsd
00:24.01BentonI tried but several errors
00:24.02Darwin35I will move to linux when FBSDF dies. and is no longer developed
00:24.22Moc__bsd had a better ip management,  but iproute2 in linux help it, and bandwidth management tools are also there.
00:24.24Bentonasterisk is not fine for BSD is phatty.
00:24.45Moc__alot of driver support... and it being backed up by soon all hardware vendor for the servers.. so ..
00:24.58Bentonwith bsd license anything in bsd is implemented in linux don't worry
00:25.07GushiOh gee and NOBODY stole linux.
00:25.13r0d3nt-600mi just setup a server with cisco 7940 phones
00:25.18GushiThere's 50 goddamned distros, and not a good one among them.
00:25.20Darwin35other then isdn4l and  the other *4l  parts its just fine
00:25.23Bentonbut if u want to have a great troubles with new devices and features go use freebsd
00:26.15Darwin35I have been on fbsd since bsd386 and fbsd 2.2.7
00:26.17Bentoncommercial vendors do not support freebsd  in example try run a fasttrak controller on bsd
00:26.37Darwin355.x will have ft drivers
00:26.51cursor"There are two major products that came from Berkeley: LSD and Unix. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
00:26.55Moc__all I personally want, is a fast to install and stable distro with all the feature I could need.. people dont like it but fedora/redhat offer that
00:26.56Darwin355.x is where we are developing those drivers
00:26.59Bentondarwin35,  but if u use fbsd in corporate environment u'll see ur boss will fire u :-)
00:27.00cursorLSD and BSD
00:27.27bkw_Benton no you won't
00:27.32Moc__and so far Redhat install can be sold more easily to Windows users than Debian or Freebsd Text install
00:27.34bkw_you will have an idiot boss.. nothing more
00:27.39bkw_you can just tell him its linux
00:27.44bkw_he wouldn't know the diff
00:27.46Bentonft drivers in 5.x have been designed based on porting tx100 sources available on promise
00:29.10Bentonbkw, without joking, I have to say,  freebsd lacks of commercial support also not supported by commercial vendors in example Intel compilers
00:29.18BentonI know u can use ports
00:29.30Bentonwhy using ports when linux is out there
00:29.43bkw_Benton sorry freebsd just feels like it fits better
00:29.45bkw_thats it
00:29.48DaminBenton: The FastTrack controllers suck ass. Why would you want to run them anyway? Even their "Supported" platforms (I.E. Windows) drivers are so fucked up that anyone that uses them in a production mission critical application is an idiot.
00:29.58bkw_management on a freebsd is great
00:30.02Bentondamin, I agree with u
00:30.06cursorshell prompt
00:30.12bkw_now gentoo on the linux side is nice too
00:30.19*** part/#asterisk crw (
00:30.28bkw_if it were not for gentoo I don't think I could suffer thru linux
00:30.30Darwin35its a POS software I have been developing
00:30.33Moc__You guys have soo much time on your hand playing with gentoo
00:30.37DaminBenton: If you want good, universally supported RAID cards, buy LSI Logic (Formerly AMI Megaraid)
00:30.48Bentonbkw,  gentoo is for newbies not very fine when u need high  customization capability but gentoo is fine for workstations
00:30.49bkw_Moc__ nope we just set it up and go with it.
00:30.58cursorI think people are confusing the BSD/Linux kernel with the rest of the OS
00:31.06cursorlike the GNU tools etc
00:31.08bkw_Benton its linux and Gentoo is far from newbie friendly
00:31.15Darwin35linux kernel is a pain
00:31.17cursorwhich are the same on both if you install them
00:31.23bkw_and linx has no place on a desktop in my eyes
00:31.24Bentondamin,  from last year we use RAID scsi ,  fasttrack is a fake scsi controller using ide
00:31.54Moc__I liked the kernel 2.6 for compiling so far
00:32.03cursor2.6 is great
00:32.09Bentonbkw, I'm using linux for 5 years  fo r my desktop even laptop
00:32.18Bentonbetter to say i've used
00:32.25cursorNow that's a good idea - food
00:32.58*** join/#asterisk da_Man-FL (
00:33.03bkw_Benton maybe you have but I can't... too much shit isn't where it should be in my opinion.. more power to ya if you can run it..
00:33.09bkw_I just feel it has no place on a desktop.
00:33.15Moc__I never got used of Linux on desktop..
00:33.16bkw_that might change in the years to come
00:33.28bkw_but as it stands linux lacks alot of stuff that i'm used to.
00:33.54Bentontry installing fedora on a dual boot and u'll see it gets better
00:33.55Moc__I need TMPGEnc for Linux, Photoshop and Premiere
00:34.12bkw_I need Photoshop and others
00:34.15Moc__knoppix boot CD is great
00:34.17BentonI agree Moc,  linux is not fine in some sort of graphics
00:34.31bkw_plus I have to run windows because this silly java app
00:34.33Bentonbut if u r a maya user like me u see linux is faster than win
00:34.44bkw_adn wasn't java going to be multi platform?
00:34.49bkw_I think sun fucked that up totally
00:34.56bkw_I wish Java would die
00:35.03Bentonjava was developed for Unix at first
00:35.05Moc__for a home user, Linux is PERFECT.. word processor and everything...
00:35.16Moc__Just gaming and video stuff aint great
00:35.19drumkillabkw_: have you tried the gimp?
00:35.22bkw_Moc you must have some really smart people
00:35.26bkw_and yes I have tried Gimp
00:35.31bkw_its not where it needs to be yet
00:35.41bkw_like I said.. give it a few years more
00:35.49bkw_and I think I might change my mind
00:36.03BentonMoc install openmotif and opengl drivers, but those who have Nvidia  cards can install the driver supported by nvdia games are great if u use even wine (windows emulator)
00:36.11Moc__bkw_, well knoppix is really nice even for a home user.  It even have more stuff than they would need
00:36.17bkw_maybe so
00:36.24bkw_I have thought about trying it
00:36.31bkw_I just want an OS that gets the fuck out of my way
00:36.34bkw_and linux isn't that yet
00:36.53Moc__well I use Linux knoppix as my Windows Rescue CD ;)
00:36.56Bentonu need apple then :-)
00:37.02Bentonapple is also linuxish
00:37.03bkw_Benton thats what i'm going to
00:37.30Moc__I can't stand an apple .. I tryed it at the store... and It felt horrible
00:37.47Moc__it look nice thought
00:37.52*** join/#asterisk Merlin23 (
00:37.55Bentonapple is fine easy to use and very linuxish alsi very fast faster than win on the same env but if ur mahor works are not graphic u can ignore apple
00:37.57Merlin23anyone here from digium?
00:38.14Moc__I must really suck then... couldn't do much with that apple
00:38.17Bentonmahor -> major
00:38.46Bentonbut personally I use linux and windows side by side in dual boot environment
00:39.05Moc__all my servers are linux... and my desktop is windows sadly
00:39.12Bentonwhen it comes to sip u cannot find a softphone for linux with sip and GSM
00:39.27Bentongnophone is IAX
00:39.45BentonLIPz4 doesn't support GSM
00:39.50Moc__MY current open applications rightnow.  Mirc, Outlook,SecureCRT,Acrobat,Winamp,MSN
00:40.08|Blaze|Benton: have you tried kphone?
00:40.22Bentonfrom ikall?
00:40.37drumkillaWindows vs. Linux:  the most overdone, repetiticous flame war, ever
00:40.57Bentondrumkilla,  the nerver ending story
00:41.22Moc__I want to run on a linux... beable to do rm -rf / as my user and logback and system is running fine
00:41.51nitramBenton: linphone works with gsm
00:41.57Bentonblaze, i'm testing it right now
00:42.00nitrami am using it
00:42.10Bentonwhere is linphone?
00:42.18drumkillasourceforge, i think
00:42.22drumkillaor not, heh
00:43.42Bentondoes kpnone support GSM?
00:44.07michael1234I keep getting proxy authentication required
00:44.09Merlin23yes kphone does
00:44.10michael1234any hints
00:44.10*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
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00:44.16notdoneI'missing a HiFi codec....
00:44.48brc007somebody remind me
00:44.53Bentonnitram thanks linphone works
00:45.23Bentonbut its homepage says: Page closed
00:45.25brc007what's the difference between the 7940G and 7940, and 7960 and 7960G
00:45.36BentonI got it from k-lite
00:46.07Bentonseems it's not developed any longer
00:46.48Bentonnitram, linphone has violated patent
00:46.51*** join/#asterisk asteriskrox (
00:47.02nitramBenton: how so?
00:47.15*** join/#asterisk DirtyD (
00:47.24Bentonread its home page
00:47.42fileBenton: you didn't read it all
00:47.52nitramBenton: u read it
00:48.14bkw_brc007 the G's are global version that have icons on the buttons
00:48.23Darwin35just update zaptel
00:48.24brc007yeah I know that
00:48.29brc007but is there any other difference?
00:48.32bkw_other than that their isn't much diff in them
00:48.34Bentonit says : This page is temporarily closed in protest against software patents. Websites may soon be closed down regularly due to software patents. Software patents are a threat for our freedom of creation.
00:48.35michaelhow much bandwidth does gg723 use?
00:48.37Merlin23pleeeease, anyone here from digium?
00:48.40brc007much or none?
00:48.42fileBenton: read below that
00:48.47brc007looking on the wiki but I don't see anything
00:48.53bkw_May 26, 2004 3:21 pm
00:48.58bkw_file thats my phones
00:49.03filebkw_: bastards!
00:49.15fileBenton: You will be redirected to in 20 seconds for more information. To enter, click here.
00:49.18*** join/#asterisk Himeko (himeko@
00:49.22bkw_Estimated delivery date    May 27, 2004 by 4:30 pm
00:49.42Bentonfile, bellow that says similar thing in frensh and etc
00:49.51brc007bkw_: how do you like the cisco speakerphones?
00:49.51cursorPerhaps Elvis has them
00:49.55*** join/#asterisk zb (
00:50.13bkw_brc007 what speaker phone the conf phone
00:50.19bkw_or the speaker phone on a 7960?
00:50.30Bentonfile is that closed or not at last
00:50.30brc0077940's don't have speakerphones?
00:50.32bkw_7960's are kick ass
00:50.50fileBenton: click on the link and it'll take you to the site
00:50.57brc007need 17 7905(probably G's) and 2 speakerphones for the office
00:51.08michael1234why would I be getting this message SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
00:51.14cursorzb has a lot of questions
00:51.15brc007bkw_: gonna email jon again to get a price on the 7960's
00:51.25Bentonthank u file
00:51.35Bentonbut linphone works on gentoo too?
00:51.48cursorebay has loads of 7960s
00:51.51nitramBenton: linphone works on $LINUX
00:51.52*** join/#asterisk mundane (
00:52.30DirtyDare the mailing lists searchable?
00:52.30michael1234does anyone know why all of a sudden my sip phones get that error message SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
00:53.17Bentongentoo has window maker
00:53.24Darwin35ok I just got * to compile on a dec alpha 21264/600
00:53.35Bentonbut linphone says gnome
00:53.50nitramso what? i use kde
00:54.03cursorKDE - spit
00:54.05Darwin35it uses gnome libs
00:54.08cursorYou need Gnome
00:54.18DirtyDI can't search these mailing lists..
00:54.21Darwin35KDe 3 is nice
00:54.33cursorGnome is better :-)
00:54.36bkw_fedex isn't getting a good rep with me again
00:54.54bkw_ya if you get phones on ebay you might get screwed
00:54.58bkw_Jon will take care of you
00:55.22*** join/#asterisk bradford (
00:55.28Darwin35Gnome sucks donkey balls
00:55.29bradforddoes anyone know if packet8 is down?
00:55.55bkw_can you traceroute to dem?
00:55.57bkw_have you called them?
00:56.15BoRiSI hate packages that have 30 gnome library dependencies.
00:56.43*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
00:57.07cursorThere's no need for X, Gnome, KDE or any other nonsense on a server
00:57.17cursorKeep it clean
00:57.26bradfordI'm not sure.. I'm actually just setting it up.. for the first time and i'm getting fast busy on the setup number
00:57.27*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
00:57.36bradfordand I was being lazy.. i'll troubleshoot some more
00:57.39*** join/#asterisk wolfson (~wolfson@
00:58.17puluSorry for the jump in and shout but does anyone know of any critical errors in the current head cvs?
00:58.19Darwin35well 1 server is my x server 1  server is my app server and 1 server is www/mail/tftpboot/dns/whaterev I need
00:58.44wolfsonanyone ever seen the following while loading wxfo drivers:  wcfxo: Out of space to write register 06 with e0
00:58.49*** part/#asterisk bradford (
00:59.06Darwin35I do it the right way and I use xterminals for display
00:59.15cursorcheck the bug tracker, pulu
00:59.49cursorif you have a few spare years to wait for the pages to load
01:00.05pulucursor: sounds like a plan, except it's really slow over here
01:00.09puluoh i guess it's slow everywhere
01:00.25cursor300,000 bugs per page will slow it down
01:00.27puluwell there's nothing in the topic so I guess I'll be brave, thanks
01:00.33*** join/#asterisk facelessnumber (
01:00.49Moc__damn bugs.digium is getting VERY SLOW ..
01:01.06Moc__I guess it run progressql ;)
01:01.17cursorprobably - pgsql is slooooow
01:01.26fileit's Mantis, it's rebelling again
01:01.30cursorMySQL is much better for web use (more reads than writes)
01:02.03bkw_ok enuf of the OS/SQL server crap
01:02.07Moc__it aint fun to browse bugs anymore..
01:02.16bkw_Moc__ not many bugs left
01:02.22bkw_Moc__ try ControlPlayback
01:02.57BentonI have a proble,  I used DTMF=inband and asterisk -r shows several incorrect DTMF in 2 frames ?  do u get the same?
01:03.07Bentonproble -> problem
01:03.08bkw_Benton what phones?
01:03.19bkw_what phones?
01:03.57BentonI tried snom 105/200 and softphone: x-lite
01:04.07Bentonall have the same issue
01:04.16bkw_show me the exact error message
01:04.17Moc__bkw_, 1716 ?
01:04.19bkw_or warning
01:04.25bkw_Moc__ its closed now I think
01:04.26Bentonbut I don't enter dtmf (digits) just talking is encountered
01:04.27michael1234how do you get sip to register does anyone have any problems with sip jsut not registering
01:04.39cursorTry dtmfmode = rfc2833
01:05.00wolfsonanyone ever seen the following while loading wxfo drivers:  wcfxo: Out of space to write register 06 with e0
01:05.08cursorregistering with what?
01:05.26Moc__bkw_ do we have that into voicemail ?
01:05.27michael1234cursor: asterisk
01:05.38*** join/#asterisk rburkhall (
01:05.56rburkhallhi all
01:05.57bkw_Moc__ we broke it out into an API call
01:05.59bkw_and improved on it
01:06.01Moc__I know our octel system press 2 one time it go back x second, press it two time, it goes to the begining of the message
01:06.01michael1234or does anyone know a iax dialer that uses g711alaw
01:06.07bkw_you can now pause/resume as they play
01:06.26cursorcheck your password and other entries in your [whatever] in sip.conf
01:06.54rburkhallhas anyone seen the following; Found new ID3 Header
01:06.55rburkhallBeginning asterisk shutdown....
01:06.55rburkhallExecuting last minute cleanups
01:06.55rburkhallAsterisk cleanly ending (2).
01:07.04bkw_what mgp123 version
01:07.18bkw_mpg123 --help
01:07.25cursorID3 is a MP3 thing
01:07.43rburkhallHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
01:07.43rburkhallVersion 0.59s-mh4 (2000/Oct/27).
01:07.50bkw_rburkhall on gentoo?
01:08.01bkw_go get mpg123 0.59r
01:08.02rburkhallna, debian - knoppix
01:08.10bkw_remove that stupid 0.59s-mh4 crap
01:08.11rburkhallok, thanks
01:08.19cursorVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15)
01:08.19rburkhalldoing it now
01:08.22bkw_0.59r works... 0.59s is pure shit
01:08.54Bentonbkw, this is that error
01:08.55BentonMay 28 20:59:08 WARNING[327695]: dsp.c:1452 ast_dsp_process: Unable to process inband DTMF on 2 frames
01:09.17DaminBenton: It's not a "Fake" Scsi controller. It is a real SCSI controller to the OS, but it uses IDE drives.
01:09.26bkw_Benton well its not a warning
01:09.31bkw_er error
01:09.33bkw_its a warning
01:09.46bkw_your best bet is to turn off all the warnings/errors and debug and live a happy life
01:09.47Bentonread promise
01:09.47Bentonthey say it's fake scsi
01:09.53Bentonbecause it's not scsi but it reports scsi on linux
01:09.56DaminBenton: Kind of like the Adaptec MFM to SCSI converters that we used to use to connect MFM and RLL drives to Apple IIEs.
01:10.06DaminBenton: It's not Fake SCSI.
01:10.21DaminBenton: It implements a SCSI command set, therefore it is a SCSI device.
01:10.39DaminBenton: The DRIVE and RAID logic is implemented using IDE drives.
01:10.46cursortherefore it's pretending to be a SCSI device
01:10.48BentonDamin,  when I say fake I don't mean fraud
01:10.56BentonI mean it's not a true scsi
01:11.08Bentonit pretends it's scsi
01:11.17Damincursor: No, the OS facing controller -IS- a SCSI device. :)
01:11.25Bentonthe white paper of promise tech says fake scsi word
01:11.32rburkhallshould i use gcc 2.95 or 3.3, i'm going with 2.95 for now
01:11.48DaminBenton: I've fixed their drivers for them on several occasions. ;) I know the FastTrack quite well.
01:11.50cursor3.2 or 3.3 are ok
01:11.55bkw_gcc version 3.3.2 20031218 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.2-r5, propolice-3.3-7)
01:12.01Bentondamin, if os determines it scsi it's because it returns scsi style responses
01:12.11*** join/#asterisk andrew12 (
01:12.25Bentondamin, I don't tell they r fraudsters or so
01:12.25cursorRed Hat 8.0 comes with 3.2 (plus random Red Hat patches)
01:12.32DaminBenton: Yes. To the OS it is a SCSI device. It implements a SCSI interface and responds to SCSI commands.
01:12.47DirtyDWhats a good SIP provider?
01:12.52Bentonbut actually uses ide hdds
01:13.01DirtyDI'm looking to save a buck or two
01:13.31DaminBenton: That's what I said. The RAID logic uses IDE.
01:13.32Moc__is there a reason mpg123 location is hardcoded ?
01:13.33Bentonand they keep their main chip tech as a trade secret this is why their linux code comes out with a binary lib linked
01:13.39cursorGood SIP providers will differ depending upon where you are
01:14.00cursorand you may want to consider IAX providers if there are any near you
01:14.19DaminBenton: It's a bunch of IDE controllers on a card w/ a SCSI command set presented to the OS.
01:14.41cursorDump it and get SATA :-)
01:14.51DaminBenton: Therefore, for all intense purposes, it is a freaking SCSI device to the OS!!!!!
01:14.52DirtyDcursor: does IAX allow you to acces PSTN to/from?
01:15.14cursoryes - the provider will take care of that for you
01:15.37DaminBenton: Most RAID arrays are presented as a single SCSI device to the OS via the driver. It's easier to write for a well defined, universally accepted API!
01:16.29*** join/#asterisk Beave (
01:16.35Beavehey all.
01:17.20rburkhallyour right mpg123s is crap
01:17.25Damincursor: Actually, the new workstation I'm building has an onboard Silicon Logic RAID-1 chip w/ two SATA controllers. I ordered a pair of Seagate 10,000 RPM 160 Gig drives to max it out.
01:17.34filestandards? ha, nobody follows those!
01:18.09DirtyDcursor: could u give me an example of an IAX provider in the US that I could check out, just to see what its all about.
01:18.09cursorSATA is ok
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
01:18.20BeaveI just upgraded two servers via CVS (head).  Now,  I can't call via FWD between the two asterisk servers.  I get a, "Failed to authenticate on INVITE"...
01:18.29cursorVoiceulse Connect
01:18.34asteriskroxrepeat after me, mpg123 is crap, mpg123 is crap, mpg123 is
01:18.36cursorIAXtel - for testing etc.
01:18.36Damincursor: It'll be an interesting experiment to see if x86_64 Linux (Suse or Crapdora) on SATA will actually boot yet, or if I'll need to boot from a separate ATA drive.
01:19.13Damincursor: The Silicon Logic chips are supported, but I'm not sure where Linux booting from SATA is at yet.
01:19.17*** join/#asterisk therouterboy (
01:19.38cursorLinux will boot from SATA
01:19.51cursoralthough that largely depends upon your BIOS
01:19.56DirtyDcursor: These guys profile dedicated PSTN numbers?
01:20.15Damincursor: Cool. This is a Dual Opteron Tyan board.
01:20.16rburkhallok i got one more, WARNING[1075745888]: chan_oss.c:980 load_module: XXX I don't work right with non-full duplex sound cards XXX
01:20.17cursorVoicepulse and NuFone do
01:20.26DirtyDhow about vonage?
01:20.44filevonage won't do IAX, and won't work with Asterisk directly
01:20.51cursorVonage provide their own kit for you to use instead of Asterisk
01:21.01cursorso don't use them if you want Asterisk
01:21.12rburkhalluse voicepluse
01:21.49cursorI've never seen a voicepulse customer arguing with voicepulse on the asterisk-users mail list
01:22.00wolfsondo the x101p cards need to each have their own irq?
01:22.12rburkhallu dont set it
01:22.20rburkhallit's done by the drivers
01:22.21Damincursor: <- That's my new workstation board, with a pair of Opteron 246s..
01:22.33cursorsounds good
01:22.35*** part/#asterisk Benton (Jackfiber@
01:22.40wolfsonwell there error I am having, according to the digium faq, says each card needs its own irq
01:22.49rburkhalli just got 2 today and set it all up , works great
01:22.50*** join/#asterisk matthewa (
01:22.51DirtyDvoicepulse? 2.95 a minute? whoa
01:22.55wolfsonQ. What does this type of error mean? "wcfxo: Out of space to write register 05 with 0a"
01:22.55wolfsonA. The means that the fxo device is not receiving interrupts. The hardware needs to be on it's own irq.
01:23.06rburkhall2.95 cent a minute
01:23.18Darwin35not in the us
01:23.19fileNuFone is 2.9 cents a minute billed in 6 second intervals
01:23.24Damincursor: Huh.. I just noticed something lame though.. The SATA controller is connected to the 33 Mhz bus.
01:23.30rburkhalloutbound, free incomming -- $24 for 6 months
01:23.37DirtyDso 3 cents a minute
01:23.41cursorGet an external SATA card
01:23.55cursorexternal == PCI
01:23.55rburkhalli don't use the outbound
01:24.09rburkhallcustomer's call in
01:24.30cursor$24 is free?
01:24.41rburkhallok you know
01:24.54*** join/#asterisk Damin_ (
01:25.09rburkhallfor six months, for me that's $4 dollar a month
01:25.37rburkhallanyone seen darius
01:25.39wolfsonaccording to lspci, all my x101p cards are on seperate irqs, but still getting that "Out of space to write register" error
01:25.46cursortake a look at IPkall
01:25.54Darwin358 buks a month for a nmbr  + any outgping
01:26.05cursorThey'll give you a free incoming number in Washington state (USA)
01:26.19rburkhallcan i get help with my sound card problem
01:26.28rburkhallok i got one more, WARNING[1075745888]: chan_oss.c:980 load_module: XXX I don't work right with non-full duplex sound cards XXX
01:26.58Daminrburkhall: Get a full duplex sound card.
01:27.00cursorPerhaps you need a full duplex sound card :-)
01:27.12rburkhallon my laptop
01:27.16cursorMy Asterisk server doesn't have a sound card
01:27.25rburkhalli have full duplex
01:27.34rburkhallbut it see's it as half
01:28.05rburkhallmaybe i better get some verification, i have a Compaq Persario 3000
01:28.10cursorThat'll be a sound card driver/setup problem
01:28.17Moc__damn conference ..
01:28.22cursoror something to do with OSS setup etc.
01:28.35rburkhallwhat is the oss setup program
01:28.50cursorI don't own a sound card, so I don't know
01:29.11DaminSou8nd Cards are lame.
01:29.24bkw_no they are gay
01:29.30rburkhallok guys help me here
01:29.45cursorI run my music through my SlimServer
01:30.19Darwin35slimserver wow
01:30.30cursorDo you need to use that sound card?  Why not just remove the module from the Asterisk config?
01:30.34Darwin35all my   xterms have sound
01:31.08cursorI have an old NCD xterm gathering dust
01:31.17Moc__ok audio from PBX system to SIP phone is perfect, but the reverse have delay of like 15 seconds !!!
01:31.18cursorThat's its job :-)
01:31.32Darwin35cusr what model
01:31.35rburkhalli have sound on the desktop in x
01:31.53cursornot sure - hold on, I'll take a look...
01:32.29cursorNCD 88k
01:32.39cursorvery old
01:32.47michael1234asterisk is not connecting calls due to round delay property how do you turn it off
01:33.00Darwin35mine are all explora 701's
01:33.00cursor6MB memory, 8bit colour
01:33.11Darwin35and ones I have built myself
01:33.34Moc__reload dont reload musiconhold.conf :(
01:33.37Darwin35I build most of mine from nan-itx motherboards and a cf drive
01:33.45cursorOld P200s make good X servers
01:33.52rburkhallhow do i set the number of rings the x101p picks up
01:34.04cursorLord of the rings - 3
01:34.39xeet2rbuckhall: use "wait" before your "answer", and set your immediate=no
01:34.44Moc__bkw_ VOIP thought my 7960 is always strange...
01:34.55cursorHow many rings do you want to wait before the X101P picks up?
01:34.56bkw_Moc_ you are too
01:35.03*** join/#asterisk u (
01:35.04rburkhallok let's see
01:35.37jefreyShort write: -1/6 (Unknown error 500) what problem is that?
01:35.56uIs g.972 proprietary?
01:35.59bkw_search the mailing list
01:36.01rburkhall3 or 4
01:36.04bkw_g729 is
01:36.08cursorG.972 is not
01:36.20bkw_wtf is G.972?
01:36.20uHm, which one is it that is?
01:36.37*** join/#asterisk cuban- (
01:36.38cursorHow would I know :-)
01:36.41Moc__bkw_, audio from my sip phone is bad... I get like 15 second delay
01:36.53Moc__sound fine from the TDM400 card using FXO
01:36.56cubanI mean g.729
01:37.15cursorG.729 is closed
01:37.19xeet2moc: sounds like you have some serious latency issues on your network
01:37.23bkw_no its open but you can't use it legally
01:37.23cursorDon't use it - it'll only encourage them
01:37.31bkw_you have ot write it yourself
01:37.33cursor== closed
01:37.37bkw_good luck trying
01:37.38*** join/#asterisk glyph (
01:38.08*** part/#asterisk glyph (
01:38.31cubanbkw_ Why can't you use it legally?
01:38.47cursorbecause some idiot patented parts of it
01:38.50cubanI'm having trouble choosing a codec to use.
01:39.06cursorto stop people using it
01:39.15Moc__Audio is fine when calling voicemail, but is very bad on MOH when calling conference
01:39.20xeet2cuban: between what devices, and what is between the two devices?
01:39.44Moc__bkw_ conference MOH sound better than mine from my 7960
01:40.05cubanxeet2: I have two sip phones, and on one end is a cable modem with a max of 40KB/s up and the other end has 4.5 up
01:40.08Moc__but my conference is better from the Zap interface
01:40.28xeet2cuban: you're just calling sip phone to sip phone?
01:40.33rburkhallok how many wait's should be set, it still picks up after 2 rings
01:40.36cubanxeet2: Actually not yet the other end has 1 megabit up right now. It's getting upgraded to 4.5 in 2 months.
01:40.42cubanxeet2: Yes, sip phone to sip phone.
01:40.50xeet2what kind of phones?
01:40.51cubanSo some of the other users will end up having that 40 KB/s cap too...
01:41.16cursorrburkhall: switch off caller ID support if you want it to pick up on the first ring
01:41.19cubanxeet2: Probably a mix of SNOM 2000s, my 7960 and a grandstream
01:41.23*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
01:41.27xeet2cuban: no * in between?
01:41.43cubanxeet2: * will have to be there because some of these users are behind NAT.
01:41.55xeet2ok, so thats not sip phone to sip phone then
01:42.00*** part/#asterisk andrew12 (
01:42.05cubanxeet2: In some cases it will be...
01:42.13cubanxeet2: Most it will not.
01:42.24xeet2well, the 7960 will do ulaw, alaw, and g729
01:42.45cubanHm, okay.
01:42.49xeet2if you are really doing phone to phone, you could use g729, since that is included with the cisco
01:42.49cubanG729 is ruled out.
01:42.53cursor* will transcode from whatever to whatever
01:43.16cursoruse ulaw on the 7960 and ilbc/gsm on the outgoing side of *
01:43.17cubanxeet2: Well some 7960s will be talking to SNOM200s, etc.
01:43.28xeet2if you do 7960 to * to 7960, you can do ulaw or alaw (g711)
01:43.42xeet2or get a licence for 729
01:43.44xeet2for *
01:43.48Moc__xeet2 you could also 729
01:43.54cubanDoes Asterisk have the module for 729?
01:44.01xeet2yes, but you have to pay
01:44.07xeet210$ per active call
01:44.08Moc__you dont need 729 for * if it 7960 -> * -> 7960
01:44.20xeet2moc: if one link is only 40k, you do
01:44.29cursorand you have to throw out your SCSI server and buy a cheap IDE toy
01:44.43Moc__I mean you dont need g729 liscence for 7960 -> * -> 7960
01:44.45xeet2cursor: the new codec doesn't have that problem
01:44.54cubanxeet2: Right I understand that, but there is a module? Is it included in the default distro or do I get the module from Digum?
01:45.05xeet2you have to buy it from digium
01:45.07cuban10$ per active call? Damn...
01:45.13cubanWell let's rule that out.
01:45.14xeet2they e-mail you the stuff you need
01:45.19Moc__cuban, it 10$ per active encoding channel..
01:45.22xeet210$?  heh
01:45.28cubanOh? NM
01:45.36cubanI think there will be only one 7960, the others will be SNOM200s I think.
01:45.37Moc__7960 -> * -> 7960 dont need the liscence..
01:45.57xeet2it doesn't?
01:46.04brc007it doesn't
01:46.13cursorwell, it might
01:46.15brc007However, do not forget you DO need licenses if you wish to record calls
01:46.17Moc__if both side can do g729, it can do passthrought of the stream without needing the codec
01:46.18brc007or access voicemail
01:46.22cursorif the second 7960 is down and you need to go to VM
01:46.32xeet2yeah, or stuff like that
01:46.53brc007cursor: that would no longer be g729 passthrough (7960 -> * -> 7960)
01:46.56cursorSo if you want G.729 then you have to add to the patent holder's millions
01:46.58xeet2cuban: you're kind of in a tough spot with that 40k link
01:47.08cubanxeet2: that's 40 kilobytes
01:47.08Moc__1 phone could use up to 4 g729 codec liscence
01:47.15xeet2cuban: consider putting a * box there and use ilbc with iax, or get a 729 licence or two
01:47.16cubanxeet2: That's not enough for one phone call?
01:47.27xeet2oh, most connections are measured in bits
01:47.38cubanxeet2: I put KB to indicate bytes.
01:47.45xeet2ok, didn't see that =)
01:47.49xeet2well then you're fine
01:47.56xeet2just use ulaw everywhere and see how that goes
01:47.58cubanYou think I should use G711?
01:48.04cubanOkay sweet.
01:48.14xeet2if you run into issues, look at something else
01:48.15cursoror get a faster line
01:48.23xeet2also * to *, you can use jitter buffers
01:48.25xeet2comes in handy
01:48.28cursorupgrade from 40k to something more like 100
01:48.32rburkhallcursor:: i need 3 rings
01:48.47cubancursor: Cable company doesn't offer higher amounts.
01:48.48xeet2360k should be enough to handle things without a problem
01:48.49cursorwhy 3?
01:49.03xeet2* is his answering machine
01:49.06rburkhallneed time for attendant to pick up
01:49.30*** join/#asterisk bobman (
01:49.33xeet2er, 320
01:49.37cursoruse Wait() in the dial plan
01:49.41cubanNext question: Besides ebay has anyone found any good deals on 7960s?
01:49.51cursorso * picks up after 2 and the dial plan delays a moment
01:49.54rburkhalli put the wait's in
01:49.58cursorso the caller hears 3
01:50.05rburkhallno 2
01:50.17xeet2rbuckhall: you need to set immediate=no
01:50.24rburkhallset it
01:50.33xeet2and put an answer in there after your wait
01:50.54cursoryes, so it waits before answering
01:50.57xeet2so exten => s,1,Wait,3
01:51.01cursorand the caller hears more rings
01:51.02cursoras a result
01:51.04xeet2exten => s,2,Answer
01:51.27cursorI answer on the first ring
01:51.57cursorWell, my asterisk kicks in on the first ring and does a Dial() to the exten
01:51.59rburkhallthere is daytime and nite time answering
01:52.32xeet2cursor: I think he has a phone connected to the same pots line as the x100p
01:52.54rburkhalland sip phone on the computers
01:53.04xeet2odd setup =)
01:53.09rburkhallsipura 2k
01:53.49rburkhallone line in in different context also
01:54.18rburkhallhome line =>
01:54.18cubanCan someone tell me what 's' is? I'm following the documentation and it keeps referring to an 's' extenstion...
01:54.23cursorAt night time (i.e. now :-() my callers would be sent to the central VM after the first ring
01:54.25rburkhallwork line =>
01:54.27cursoras soon as * picks up
01:55.02rburkhalls is the starting point in your context
01:55.10cursornot always
01:55.26rburkhallexten => 200,s,Background(xxx)
01:55.32cubanI basically want all my extenstions to ring for 20 seconds, then go to voicemail.
01:55.37cubanSo is this the right way to do it?
01:55.38rburkhallexten => 200,s,1,Background(xxx)
01:55.46cubanexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},20,t)
01:55.47rburkhallexten => 200,s,2,Background(xxx)
01:55.53cubanexten => s,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})
01:55.55rburkhallexten => 200,2,s,Background(xxx)
01:56.02rburkhallor what ever
01:56.09cubanexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},20,t)
01:56.10cubanexten => s,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})
01:56.18cursorget rid of all of the ",s" parts
01:56.37cubanWhat is 200?
01:56.52cubanThere is no global way to do it for everyone?
01:56.53rburkhallu need to read the docs
01:57.01cubanI define by each extenstion?
01:57.01cursorI was using rburkhall's example
01:57.07Darwin35might kids
01:57.14cubanI thought that
01:57.15cursormight not
01:57.16cubanexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},20,t)
01:57.16cubanexten => s,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})
01:57.28cursorLater, darwin
01:57.30cubanI thought s was default... like any undefined ext
01:57.44cubanrburkhall: I'm reading the docs, just a bit confused about the syntax.
01:58.10*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:58.11cursorThat sort of thing depends upon the context
01:58.19cursormost incoming calls will specify an extension
01:58.42rburkhallhere is a real one for you
01:58.47cursorsome (X101P) will not
01:58.47rburkhall;  Example "main menu" context with submenu
01:58.47rburkhallexten => s,1,Wait,1; Wait a second, just for fun
01:58.47rburkhallexten => s,2,Answer; Answer the line
01:58.47rburkhallexten => s,3,DigitTimeout,5; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
01:58.48rburkhallexten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,10; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
01:58.50rburkhallexten => s,5,BackGround(wutogm); "Thanks for calling press 1 for Service/Sales, 2 for Accounting,."
01:58.52rburkhall;exten => s,6,Wait,3; Wait for key press
01:58.55*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
01:59.20rburkhalldoes that help
01:59.35cubanI still fail to understand what s is...
01:59.37rburkhalls is the starting poing
01:59.40rburkhalls is the starting point
01:59.49rburkhallof a context
01:59.56cubanSo basically, if I have 100 exten.
02:00.03wolfsonFinally got this wcfxo card installed. ran ztcfg, it shows up in zttol, but when i run "zap show channels" its empty. any idea?
02:00.05cubanI have to do a 2 lines for them?
02:00.08cursorif your call comes in via SIP ( then 300 would be the extension
02:00.12cuban1 for the ring, and 1 for VM?
02:00.21rburkhallno active channel
02:00.29cursorif your call comes in via X101P then there's no way to pass 3000 (for instance)
02:00.36cursorso the 's' would be used
02:00.49cubanSo an incoming call is s?
02:00.50rburkhall;Dial Accounting
02:00.51rburkhallexten => s,1,Wait,1
02:00.51rburkhallexten => s,2,Wait,1
02:00.51rburkhallexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/9232,20)
02:00.52rburkhallexten => s,4,Voicemail(u9232); Unless busy
02:00.53rburkhallexten => t,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,5); Repeat OGM
02:01.13cursorYou should always Wait(1) after an Answer
02:01.17cubanI'm not stupid, I'm just missing one thing. Not sure what it is.
02:01.23cubanMy question again is this:
02:01.32cubanI want everyone to go to voicemail after 20 seconds of ringing.
02:01.40cubanDo I have to do a
02:01.59cubanexten => 1123,1,Dial(${ARG1},20,t)
02:02.07cubanexten => 1123,2,Voicemail(u${MACRO_EXTEN})
02:02.08cubanfor everyone?
02:02.17cursoryes - or create a macro
02:02.33cursoror is that part of your macro?
02:02.42cubanI just copied that off the wiki
02:02.45cursorif that's your macro then use 's'
02:02.46*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
02:02.46cubanbecause I'm so confused.
02:02.52*** join/#asterisk Brian_ (
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02:03.24cubanThe problem with asterisk docs is that there seems to be no starting point to get the basics out of the way. At least not one that I've found.
02:03.24rburkhallu is unavailable, b is busy
02:03.46*** join/#asterisk FryGuy_ (~FryGuy@
02:03.51rburkhallwell the source code is there
02:03.52*** join/#asterisk anthmct (
02:04.01rburkhallthe beauty of linux
02:04.46*** join/#asterisk linagee_ (
02:04.54cursorexten => s,1,SetMusicOnHold(${MUSIC_ON_HOLD})
02:04.54cursorexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},${RING_TIMEOUT},tr)
02:04.54cursorexten => s,3,VoiceMail2(su${ARG1})             ; unavailable (or no answer)
02:04.54cursorexten => s,4,Hangup
02:04.55cursorexten => s,103,VoiceMail2(sb${ARG1})            ; busy with another call or DND
02:04.57cursorexten => s,104,Hangup
02:05.00cursorThat sort of thing
02:05.40cubanOnce again, the s confuses the hell out of me.
02:05.59cubanSo what you just pasted, that transfers everyone to vm after 20 seconds of ringing?
02:06.15cursorWell, that's a macro which does as you said, yes
02:06.22cursorand this is an incoming call context...
02:06.23cursorexten => s,1,Macro(call-local,${OPERATOR_EXTEN})
02:06.23cursorexten => h,1,Hangup
02:06.23cursorexten => fax,1,Hangup
02:06.51cubanSo, now where do i define things like ${RING_TIMEOUT}
02:06.54cursorThis is another:
02:06.54cursorexten => 3000,1,Macro(call-local,${EXTEN})
02:06.54cursorexten => h,1,Hangup
02:06.54cursorexten => fax,1,Hangup
02:07.14DirtyDI just signed up with voicepulse, how come it doesnt pass callerid? it passes 000-000-0000 to the phone I'm calling.
02:07.21*** join/#asterisk _m_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:07.24cuban${ARG1} is the extenstion being called...
02:07.28*** join/#asterisk FryGuy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:07.29*** join/#asterisk keiphopi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:07.30cursorRING_TIMEOUT    = 15
02:07.34cursorOUTGOING_PSTN   = g1
02:07.38cursorMUSIC_ON_HOLD   = default
02:07.53cursorARG1 is the first argument to the macro
02:07.59rburkhallcursor: that is not working
02:08.00cursorwell, the first after the macro name
02:08.27xeet2dirtyd: ask voicepulse?
02:08.33*** join/#asterisk andrew (
02:09.43DirtyDwell, I'm just wondering if its a problem with my sip.conf file.
02:09.55DirtyDit should be accepting the callerid I set right?
02:10.09cubanI'm still missing something man...
02:10.19xeet2receiving, yes...  accepting, they don't have to
02:10.24cubanCan I PM you?
02:10.37wolfsonFinally got this wcfxo card installed. ran ztcfg, it shows up in zttol, but when i run "zap show channels" its empty. any idea?
02:10.40cursorI don't have a PM client
02:10.40*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
02:10.42*** join/#asterisk DarkFlib ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:10.51cubancursor can you join #flood then?
02:11.04cursorfor a moment
02:11.24xeet2wolfson: its configured in your zapata.conf right?
02:11.25dougheckahow do I get this dumb server to stop passing off my calls
02:11.36dougheckaits disconnecting itself from 2 iax calls
02:11.37wolfsonxeet2: i read the docs and it is best I can tell
02:11.37cubancursor: Okay that's my dialplan, when I dial my other extention it says it doesn't exist!
02:11.43dougheckaso its iax 2 iax
02:12.02xeet2wolfson: you configured it in both /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, right?
02:12.21wolfsonxeet2: yes
02:12.44cubancursor: Nevermind, I guess I'm just not catching on
02:12.44Beaveok - wierd.  just downgrade, and now my FWD inbound is working again.
02:12.52wolfsonsignalling=fxs_ks\n context=incomming\n channel=> 1
02:13.03Beavehas there been some changes with SIP inbound in CVS head?
02:13.38cursorwell, changes in chan_sip anyway
02:13.56xeet2what changed?
02:14.04BeaveI was getting INVITE authentication failures between two freshly upgraded asterisk servers.
02:14.16Beaveasterisk via FWD to asterisk.. that is.
02:15.05BeaveI just downgraded,  now my FWD between the two asterisk servers.
02:15.43Beavebut CVS head was doing some wierd stuff. I imagine it could be a config problem on my side.
02:16.05Beavebut,  its sort of wierd everything went back to normal after the "downgrade".
02:16.24Beavehas anyone seen any bug reports about this sort of thing?
02:17.15Beave"Failed to authenticate user" on fresh CVS head upgrades via SIP?
02:18.11wolfsonxeet2: any ideas or ways I can debug it. zttool shows it fine
02:18.13bkw_using nat?
02:18.18bkw_Beave localnet has changed
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02:18.23Beaveno nat.
02:18.29Beavelet me check
02:18.55cubanCursor is my hero!!
02:19.06cubanCursor, get an amazon wishlist online :-P