irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040522

00:00.06PHXAZ007hmm..... dunno..... I have a channel bank and some X101p cards......
00:00.18raul415thats cool
00:00.22raul415thanks for your help
00:00.27*** join/#asterisk ryan_ (ryan@
00:00.30PHXAZ007no problem
00:00.54PHXAZ007try aggressive and each of the different echo canceller algo's
00:01.05PHXAZ007one of them will probably do the trick
00:01.36PHXAZ007also vi /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf and try changing the echocancel=whatever to between 2 and 256 and see if that helps
00:01.50Darwin35_ok its a weekend evenone go home from work underss and take a hot bath
00:01.56PHXAZ007where vi = vi or your favority text editor
00:02.09Darwin35_then grab that someone special and have at it
00:02.43*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
00:03.32bkw_GOD DAMN this lady
00:03.41bkw_wardials my voicemail
00:03.48bkw_then doesn't know how to use her god damn mouse
00:04.22Mavericyou know a good way to shut her up?
00:04.24PHXAZ007can't you track her by CID and s,hangup ?
00:04.48PHXAZ007err s,1,hangup IIRC
00:07.14tessierMy T-1 provider just left me a message saying they aren't going to turn it up because it "looks like we aren't ready yet"
00:07.26tessierI think she means my end isn't ready.
00:07.36twistedtessier, thx btw :)
00:07.38tessierWhat else could I need to do?
00:07.39*** join/#asterisk nikko (
00:07.42tessiertwisted: You are welcome. :)
00:07.59brc007how many phx people we got
00:08.08Maveric<---- phx
00:08.10brc007we ougta meet somewhere or sumten
00:08.10tessierThis was supposed to have been done over a week ago.
00:08.13debaserwhats a pbx?
00:08.37ManxPowertessier: Plug the line in so they see singal on it.
00:08.44tessierThe line is plugged in.
00:08.45ManxPowerconfigure it too
00:08.52Mavericaren't one of you like very private?
00:08.56Mavericwhy would you want to meet?
00:09.08ManxPowertessier: The only thing left to do is bitchslap the person
00:09.10brc007tessier: "try switching it on" (obscure chitty chitty bang bang reference)
00:09.12Mavericare we going to start aug
00:09.15Mavericasterisk users group
00:09.22brc007you mean
00:09.30tessierI do have a red light on the T-1 card. I assumed that was because their end is down.
00:09.48brc0074RED ALARM
00:09.50tessierI've never set up a T-1 though so who knows.
00:10.01ManxPowertessier: Channelized voice T-1?
00:10.01Maverictessier your in for fun then
00:10.09michael1234tessier: sounds like an excuse to me. They dont need your end to be working to activate the circuit
00:10.10tessierManxPower: Yes
00:10.14PHXAZ007ifconfig hdlc0 up
00:10.14ReniRmxanyone here ever played with outgoing calls??
00:10.35tessierThe card sees the PRI...
00:10.35stefankReniRmx: yes, callbacks?
00:10.50michael1234michael123: I run a licensed carrier in australia and e1 and t1 lines do not require the customer to be configured to turn them on
00:10.53tessierFound a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard T100P T1/PRI
00:10.53PHXAZ007do you have a physical link ?
00:11.12tessierUsing ESF/B8ZS coding/framing
00:11.12tessierCalling startup (flags is 4099)
00:11.12tessierRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
00:11.20tessierPHXAZ007: You talking to me? How can I tell?
00:11.32ManxPowermichael1234: No, but many telcos will use "no equipment on the line" as an excuse.
00:11.37PHXAZ007LED on the back = GREEN
00:11.44tessierPHXAZ007: Ah, no. I have a red led.
00:11.55PHXAZ007dat bad
00:12.04debaserinstead of starting an asterisk users group, you should just staert up a phonesex voice club
00:12.12PHXAZ007don't remember what red means but it's bad
00:12.17tessierWhat do they mean by "turn up the line" anyhow? Would I even be able to get a physical link before they do that?
00:12.18Mavericrofl debaser
00:12.22ReniRmxasstricks ;)
00:12.27debasernot that asterisk isn't cool and all, but, chicks with the phonesex voices are more appealing
00:12.30ManxPowertessier: You can try telling them you are planning on doing a live switch over so there will not be equipment on the line until you have a line to move the equipment too.  In other words lie to them.
00:12.33Mavericwith the digium voice lady ! and pre recorded messages!
00:12.47*** join/#asterisk robert__ (
00:13.07michael1234tessier: That is what I would do. Then I would abuse management and just tell them to do the job they are paid to do.
00:13.09PHXAZ007plug your end in and tell them to turn the T1 on
00:13.20PHXAZ007you may also need to use a T1 crossover cable
00:13.40Mavericyeah i'm using a crossover for our pri
00:13.43Mavericin our office
00:13.56robert__I am looking for how to setup my TDM400P
00:14.13ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
00:14.16*** join/#asterisk adami (
00:14.22ManxPowerThe FNORDS site has simplified config files.
00:14.24PHXAZ007I'm using straight thru CAT5e I think Qwest already crossed them for us..... I guess......
00:14.30Darwin35_what  is dialparties.agi  for ?
00:14.39Darwin35_I cant find  info on it
00:14.53robert__I was that there is no doc's for the setup at digium
00:14.58PHXAZ007I made a few T1X cables anyway but didn't use 'em
00:15.17michael1234PHXAZ007: The telco should deliever it so you plug a striaght through cable in. Anything else is just lazy on their part
00:15.18robert__using my configuration
00:15.44PHXAZ007I had to use one to go from the Adtran TA750 to the WC T100P card tho
00:15.49debaserMaveric: i know one girl who professionally pimps her voice for radio/tv out in cali, and ex-phonesex-operator with a communications degree.  at some point some phone system i touch is gonna come out pimped
00:16.02Maverici think i needed to use a crossover because we are using an adit
00:16.07robert__I talked to John at Digium he didn't have time to send me the information
00:16.27Mavericsweet debaser send her over here
00:16.30michael1234How is everyone getting through to digium but I cant
00:16.42robert__can any help
00:16.47PHXAZ007they close @ 1700 hours EST IIRC
00:16.54PHXAZ007- 0500 GMT
00:17.19PHXAZ007they are in Alabama
00:18.22ManxPowerAsterisk CVS instructions:  Download CVS HEAD or CVS STABLE for Asterisk.  Zaptel and LIBPRI do not have a CVS stable branch, only a CVS head branch.  I recommend the stable Asterisk branch.
00:18.40ManxPowerrobert__: See the README and INSTALL in the zaptel directory.
00:19.36robert__Yea I did, however it doesn't explain how to setup a single card with 2 modules on it
00:19.36*** part/#asterisk adami (
00:20.23robert__I am looking for how to commant to modprobe the card correctly
00:20.24bkw_robert__ its called trial and error
00:20.27ManxPowerrobert__: You should be able to figure that out from the FNORDS sample config files.
00:20.47PHXAZ007modprobe wcfxs
00:21.07Mavericwell i'm outta here see you guys later
00:21.16PHXAZ007cya Maveric :)
00:21.53robert__what about the other modules on the same card, 4 port
00:22.10PHXAZ007you only have to modprobe once
00:22.19*** join/#asterisk matobago (~matobago@
00:22.25bkw_wcfxs supports the FXO modules too
00:22.25PHXAZ007then vi /etc/zapata.conf and /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf IIRC
00:22.31debaserso long, fair well
00:22.36robert__port 1 is the FXS and port 4 is fxo
00:23.02matobagowhere could i get cdr_mysql???
00:23.27debaserdo ports 2 and 3 have kittens in them?
00:23.50debaserbecause that would be a pretty neat trick
00:26.32bkw_matobago use cdr_odbc :P
00:26.58matobagobkw_ that works with mysql?
00:27.28bkw_cdr_odbc will even work with MSSQL
00:27.41*** join/#asterisk Moc__ (
00:27.44bkw_it will work with anything that has an ODBC driver
00:27.53matobagoyes i cheked there
00:28.06bkw_voip-info has a howto
00:28.07*** join/#asterisk adami (
00:28.10matobagook thanks i'm gonna try this...
00:29.24*** part/#asterisk adami (
00:29.47PHXAZ007I'm outta here, have a good weekend everyone :)
00:30.11*** part/#asterisk PHXAZ007 (~chatzilla@
00:30.41debaserbtw, its friday.
00:31.12debaser(i just got a reminder or i would have had no idea.)
00:32.44dantit's saturday
00:34.57*** join/#asterisk facelessnumber (
00:35.13michael1234what does this mean /usr/local/include/ptlib/timer.h:147: macro or `#include' recursion too deep
00:35.23michael1234when compiling the h323 module
00:42.28Hezdebaser: and its a long weekend =)
00:42.59debasermonday a holiday?
00:43.07Hezyeah =)
00:43.52YoYowhat holiday is monday?
00:44.11ManxPowerYoYo: USA Memorial Day
00:44.18YoYoI thought that was next monday
00:44.31YoYoshit.. guess not
00:44.33dantit is
00:44.39dantisn't it?
00:44.42ManxPowerI thought so too, but everyone says it's this coming monday
00:44.43dantie 31st
00:44.49YoYoya... 31st
00:45.12Hezthis monday is a holiday here thats all I know =)
00:45.18YoYowhat holiday hez?
00:45.22Hezno idea
00:45.22YoYoand where is there?
00:45.31Hezbc, canada
00:45.40YoYocanadians have weird holidays
00:45.42dantVictoria Day 21-May
00:45.45dantin canada
00:45.48Hezdant: thats the one
00:45.53YoYovictoria day? WTF?
00:46.03HezYoYo: heh i have always thought it was the other way around ;P
00:46.07YoYooh yeah... canada is still under the queen's rule
00:46.21dantqueen victoria?
00:46.23HezYoYo: not really, but we like days off
00:46.30YoYodant, yes... queen victoria
00:46.31Hezdant: probably originally
00:46.44YoYoand I'm sure there'll be an elizabeth day when QE passes
00:46.47HezPrince Victoria? hmmm
00:46.48YoYosuprised there isn't a Di Day
00:46.51Hezjust sounds funny
00:46.51dantYoYo, she's a little dead :)
00:47.25YoYoyou've heard of "victorian style" ?
00:47.45YoYowell, that was teh archetual style from when Queen Victoria was alive
00:47.54YoYohell, BC has a city named after her
00:49.20matthewammm, that bc city has most excellent beer
00:50.19Hezmmmm beer
00:50.30matthewaand cute goth
00:50.57twistedgoth chicks can be VERY cute
00:51.00XARiUSdid someone say beer?
00:51.03twistedi know... i dated a couple
00:51.07*** join/#asterisk mundane_ (
00:51.36Hezbeers on XARiUS msg me for his cc number
00:51.55Hezit is friday after all! =)
00:52.01XARiUSgot a fridge full of bud light from our company party last week
00:52.07XARiUSI can't give the shit away, no room for food =(
00:52.16XARiUSnobody wants it!
00:52.28Hezheh no kiddin' =)
00:52.35matthewaif it's not 6% it's not real beer!
00:52.44Hezoh crap lookata time :\
00:52.49XARiUSI don't want it either
00:53.00XARiUSbut I can't bring myself to throw away perfectly good (sorta) beer.
00:54.36*** join/#asterisk m4RC3lO[182] (
00:55.39dantXARiUS, just drink more of it
00:56.17*** join/#asterisk rossco (
00:57.31XARiUSmy bladder is worth more than bud light.
00:57.37XARiUShaven't had a can of it.
00:57.41XARiUS(yeah, they're cans, which is even worse)
00:58.02matthewaBud Light, the 00's version of Synthohol
00:59.03YoYoBud would be good if they would come out with a beer flavored beverage
01:02.41*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
01:03.58tessierhmm...I can set the caller id number to whatever I want but the telco is putting in their own name (the name that goes with that number) instead of taking the name I provide.
01:04.02Connor_can someone verify that if you have a multiring setup and one of the lines is busy it'll kick the whole multiline ring group out as "busy" ?
01:04.17tessierI'm pretty sure it used to work differently...
01:04.20ManxPowertessier: That is correct.  There is nothing you can do about that.
01:04.24ScaredyCat[root@ASTERISK root]# hcitool scan
01:04.24ScaredyCatScanning ...
01:04.26tessierReally? Hmm
01:04.30ManxPowertessier: It's always worked that way
01:04.33ScaredyCatwe now have BT presence!
01:04.57tessierNot a problem really. Just need to get the cid on this number changed with the telco then.
01:05.31Connor_I still can't get caller id with name working on inbound with my cisco gateway..
01:06.05Moc__you need a PRI for sending different Name or number
01:06.25Connor_Moc__, Just number, name won't work.
01:06.26ManxPowerMoc: He has that
01:06.46*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:07.18Moc__* dont support name over PRI ?
01:07.33ManxPowerMoc: PRIs do not support setting the NAME
01:07.43ManxPowerWell, the telcos do not support setting the name over PRI
01:07.55Moc__how come ours do ?
01:08.13rosscoManxPower: some do...but most are requiring it as a Facility IE in the Setup Message, not as a display IE
01:08.15ManxPowerMoc: Either they don't or you have an acutal SS7 link to the telco
01:08.34XARiUSI'd be very surprised if you could set the name yourself, since the CID links into the 911 database.
01:08.42ManxPowerrossco: Do you have a list of the ones that do?
01:08.46Connor_CID does NOT link to 911
01:08.55XARiUSSBC does.
01:08.56rossco...only in Canada :)
01:08.59Connor_ANI does, which you can set, then they do a database lookup.
01:09.01XARiUSin the US
01:09.06ManxPowerXARiUS: Usually it's the ANI that links to 911 assuming your provider doesn't override it for 911 calls
01:09.29XARiUSyeah, SBC gets all it's CID names from the 911db based on the number you set.
01:09.34*** join/#asterisk MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.cloaked)
01:09.47tessierWhat are most voip providers doing for 911?
01:10.13tessierI've read that they don't deal with it and recommend you have at least one POTS line for 911.
01:12.02*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
01:13.27IOscannerHow any one had issues with musiconhold.  I can't resume a call once I put the user on hold (cisco 7960).
01:13.27tessierAsterisk SetCIDName only for those unusual cases where you can set the name via PRI then?
01:13.51*** join/#asterisk zotzz (~zotzz@
01:13.55ManxPowertessier: Or are sending the call via SIP or IAX or H322 or MGCP
01:14.25ManxPowerMy callerid name is ManxPower as long as my call doesn't leave the network of Asterisk servers
01:15.16ManxPowerCVS -stable is broken!
01:15.37ManxPowerAll my qualifies are showing as 3ms for IAX
01:16.04*** join/#asterisk guan (
01:16.14ManxPowertime to find the patch in -head and backport it
01:16.33Moc__damn, I got 2 choices... pay 22$CND for a SIP with a local phone number.. or get a PRI for .. quite more than 22$ CND
01:17.48tessierManxPower: Ah good point.
01:18.05tessierMoc: Get the PRI! :)
01:18.53Moc__yea, I wish... really..
01:19.08Moc__I could afford it, but people will say Im crazy (and they should)
01:20.06ManxPowerMoc: I got a customer to pay for it. 8-)
01:20.08Moc__but I could buy one ... and get the t100 !!! but .. argh..
01:20.24Moc__what customer.. I dont have customer ;) that the problem..
01:20.34IOscannerWow what a typo. Has any one had issues with musiconhold.  I can't resume a call once I put the user on hold (cisco 7960), they hear music and all is good just call pull them back.
01:20.55*** join/#asterisk Los (
01:21.16Moc__I could probably get 125$ off the 450$ for the T1 (for 16 or 8 channels, dont recall)
01:21.54Moc__there is no damn monthly plan for PRI ;)
01:21.57Loshey guys i'm trying to compile the zaptel drivers but i keep getting this error depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcusb.o
01:22.02Losanyone know how to fix it
01:22.19*** join/#asterisk lth (~lth@
01:23.45tessierhmmm....variables don't seem to be passed into the new included contexts...
01:24.05Loshow do i go about fixing it
01:24.12timecopso I wake up this morning and asterisk is segfaulted
01:24.42Losdepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcusb.o
01:24.42Los[ -f /etc/zaptel.conf ] || install -m 644 zaptel.conf.sample /etc/zaptel.conf
01:24.47timecopignore it los
01:24.48mitchel_anyone in here sell sub 2.5 cent/minute voip->pstn service?
01:25.09Lostimecop ok
01:25.18timecopunless you need to use wcusb
01:26.08tessierah, I see...
01:26.24tessiermitchel_: Most are around 3 cents.
01:26.37tessierI may be able to get sub 2.5 soon but I doubt we all want to race to the bottom.
01:26.37mitchel_i know, i want less then that though =p
01:26.49tessierIf I get 2.5 I'm gonna keep those .5 cents for myself.
01:30.15nikkolos you can compile PPP into your kernel to get rid of that error. or just ignore it  found the exact same problem today
01:34.13*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (
01:38.24theomoo guys
01:38.29theowrong window ;)
01:38.38Supaplexmoo 2 u 2
01:53.37IOscannerHas any one played with musiconhold?
01:54.19*** join/#asterisk Chayewala (
01:57.55Supaplexwhat hardware?
01:59.21*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:00.42IOscannerjust a pc with x100p fxo card
02:01.29IOscannerit works.  When I put a person on hold  I can't resume the call.  The person will stay on hold forever.
02:01.50Connor_using re-invites?
02:02.03IOscannerI wonder if I have something wrong in my dialplan.
02:02.10IOscannerI don't think so.
02:02.37Connor_you really don't need to do much to get MOH working for hold...
02:02.54IOscannerIt work I just resume the call.
02:03.21Connor_what does the dialstring look like for the sip phone?
02:04.03IOscannerWhich one from the extentions.conf or the sip.conf?
02:04.16Supaplexso far I haven't determined how my quicknet card interfaces with this.  any tips what I should look for?  Is there a way I can confirm it's recogonized it already?
02:04.33IOscannereverything works I can make calls etc
02:04.55IOscannerI can call in and out no problem transfer...etc
02:05.10Connor_that's fine.. let me see your dial string..
02:06.01IOscannerFrom where? I have many....sip and zap/1
02:06.34Connor_which ever one your having problems with related to the phone...
02:07.13IOscannerexten => 120,1,SetMusicOnHold(flam)
02:07.13IOscannerexten => 120,2,MusicOnHold(30)
02:07.20IOscannerexten => 120,1,SetMusicOnHold(flam)
02:07.20IOscannerexten => 120,2,MusicOnHold(30)
02:07.33IOscannerexten => _1XX,1,Playback(transfer,skip)
02:07.33IOscannerexten => _1XX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},25)
02:07.33IOscannerexten => _1XX,3,Answer
02:07.33IOscannerexten => _1XX,4,Wait,1
02:07.33IOscannerexten => _1XX,5,VoiceMail(u${EXTEN}@default)     ; if unavailable
02:07.34IOscannerexten => _1XX,6,Hangup
02:07.36IOscannerexten => _1XX,102,Answer
02:07.38IOscannerexten => _1XX,103,Wait,1
02:07.40IOscannerexten => _1XX,104,VoiceMail(b${EXTEN}@default)   ; if busy
02:07.42IOscannerexten => _1XX,105,Hangup
02:07.44mitchel_ios, use please
02:07.51mitchel_and not the chat room
02:08.23Connor_so, what's with the exten => 120,2,MusicOnHold(30)
02:08.24mitchel_or whatever the link is
02:10.01*** part/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
02:10.05IOscannerI thought this would have been a phone to asterisk issue.  I am using a cisco 7960 phone.
02:11.03Connor_well, Ijust installed 9 7960's this mornining, and MOH with hold all works.. as does resume..
02:13.00mitchel_gj connor
02:13.05mitchel_those are hell to install eh?
02:13.08mitchel_i had to do 14
02:13.15mitchel_so many buttons to press just to get it to work =/
02:13.37Connor_Ahh.. dhcp and tftp are your friend.
02:13.59mitchel_yes but still you have to set up the ip addresses on it and point it, or i guess not ip addresses since you used dhcp
02:14.00Connor_That was also flashing them from 3.0 SSCP something all the way up to 6.3 SIP
02:14.15mitchel_i prefer knowing exactly what ip each machine has so i don't use dhcp
02:14.51Connor_I still have 1 phone I can't get flashed up.. it keeps putting a Charage return inbetween the file name and the extentsion..
02:15.28mitchel_eh send it my way ;) i'll see what i can do
02:15.38Connor_uh hu.. :)
02:16.01IOscanner105/105  (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.01IOscanner104/104 (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.01IOscanner103/103  (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.01IOscanner102/102  (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.02IOscanner101/101  (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.02Connor_I got a phone with a cisco contract on it... I'll call and open a case..
02:16.04IOscanner100/100  (D)  5060     Unmonitored
02:16.06IOscannerpstngateway/469  5060     Unmonitored
02:17.44mitchel_while your att it
02:17.57mitchel_tell them you have a sccp 7970 phone that you need a sip image for and to hurry up and provide you with one
02:18.21Connor_no sip for 7970's ah?
02:18.25*** join/#asterisk nikko (
02:18.43mitchel_errr i haven't found any
02:18.56mitchel_btw i have a bounty for $20 for anyone that can get me reasonable support for my 7970 working with *
02:19.11mitchel_yes thats right, a whole $20!
02:20.00tessierThat's crazy money
02:20.52Connor_mitchel, no mention of sip for the 7970 on cisco site.
02:21.28*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
02:21.41*** join/#asterisk michaell (
02:21.51mitchel_i know!
02:21.53mitchel_they are evil
02:21.57mitchel_anyone want a 7970?
02:21.59Connor_that sucks.
02:22.06mitchel_i'm selling mine
02:22.10michaellok you suck
02:22.17michaellIf its not free
02:22.19mitchel_what? they are like over $800 everywhere
02:22.20michaellits useless
02:22.27michaellnot they aren't
02:22.28mitchel_michaell, nothing in life is free
02:22.31mitchel_except voip calls!
02:22.34michaellI have seen them cheaper.
02:22.42michaelllike $400
02:22.49michaell$500 new
02:23.09mitchel_fine $500, you want it?
02:23.18IOscannerAny idea of when a sip image will be available for the 7970?
02:23.23michaellCan't afford one currently.
02:23.51mitchel_ios: never from ciscos lack of press on it
02:23.55michaellIf you are using cvs-stable please update small timestamp fix was applied. lol small
02:24.01michaellthat was like huge.
02:24.39TerraByteWow.. G.729 sure puts some load on ye-olde-processor
02:24.57michaelldual xeon's!
02:25.00michaellI wish I had one of them
02:25.12mitchel_no you don't
02:25.15mitchel_its just a paper weight
02:25.21michaellWhy's that?
02:25.47mitchel_no * support so far
02:25.55mitchel_or at least i haven't gotten chan_sccp up
02:26.16Connor_no the 7970 mitchel_, a dual xeon..
02:28.35XARiUSI've got a dual 2.8ghz xeon box.. but I just need the 2nd proc!
02:33.23nikkoi wonder how the AMD 64's  will do runninglinux and *
02:34.28*** join/#asterisk pureiax (
02:34.33pureiaxHi all
02:34.48pureiaxAnyone here worked with Cdr-MySql-Addon?
02:35.13pureiaxI'm wondering if its structure prevents multiple MYSQL commands from being executed.
02:35.41*** join/#asterisk pureiax (
02:35.51pureiaxAnyone here??
02:36.11*** join/#asterisk pureiax (
02:37.13filekram: oh no, a null pointer!
02:37.26krama null pointer indeed
02:37.35twistednull pointer?
02:37.38twistedwhere's a null pointer?
02:37.45fileover... there!
02:38.00twistedHAY... where'd you go!?
02:38.42*** join/#asterisk adker (adker@
02:38.59*** part/#asterisk expousr (
02:41.31nikkothis channel has about 20 active participants at any one time.  what are the other 240 doing?
02:41.42Supaplexthey be dead
02:41.45filedo you really have to ask that?
02:41.48matthewawatching twisted and bkw get it on?
02:42.41fileasterisk said goodbye... too many times a day!
02:42.53fileit's core is dumping in front of me, and I have no choice cause I won't start it anymore
02:43.11fileI try my best to keep it stable, keep it up and running, so hard to keep it satisfied
02:43.24twistedyou can't stab with a tazer
02:43.36Supaplexthis one you can :P
02:43.47fileit's the kind that has leads that implant into the skin and continue to deliver electrical shocks
02:43.50twistedwhat is it like a 150000 volt eletric carving knife?
02:44.36Supaplexnot really.
02:44.48Supaplexbut, like is relative, so anything is possible.
02:46.03twistedisn't a supaplex some sort of wrestling move?
02:46.23Supaplexnawe, old school pc game
02:46.38Supaplexlike 93' or something.
02:46.46twistedthe old ega/cga days
02:46.53Supaplexthe good old days
02:48.05Supaplexstill my fav game :)  I have a 386sx16 set aside just for it.
02:48.53Supaplexit's something else on a 21" montior hehe. they did some work with 16 colors.
02:56.25*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
02:56.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:57.31ManxPowerApparently I'm the ONLY one that runs -stable with qualify=yes in iax.conf
02:57.56tessierWhat does qualify=yes do?
02:57.59*** part/#asterisk seesik (ezra@
02:58.16ManxPowertessier: Shows you the lag between your IAX servers
02:58.25twisteddoes more than that
02:58.27JerJerisn't it qualify=number ?
02:58.32JerJerlike qualify=500
02:58.34ManxPowerJerJer: It can be.
02:58.42twistedif your server reaches a certain point it considers it unreachable and won't even attempt to connect to it
02:58.49XARiUSew.. budlight...
02:58.51ManxPowerCVS -stable shows ALL IAX peers as having 3 ms of lag
02:58.53twistedJerJer, you can just use qualify=yes too
02:59.05twistedManxPower, yea, that was fixed in head a LONG time ago
02:59.16ManxPowertwisted: Yes, I'm trying to find the patch to backport it.
02:59.27ManxPowerI'm not prepared to upgrade bison on all my Asterisk servers right now.
02:59.32JerJeryet another reason to run the latest and greatest code
02:59.34ManxPower(so I can run -head)
02:59.56ManxPowertwisted: I don't suppose you recall the date of the fix?  8-)
03:00.04twistedManxPower, not of the top of my head
03:00.09ManxPowerIf they are not going to backport bugfixes to -stable they should not have -stable
03:00.09twistedbut it's in the cvs mailing list somewhere i'm sure :)
03:00.12Moc__cvs-head should be moved to cvs-stable ;)
03:00.23ManxPowertwisted: *nod*  I'm looking for it
03:00.34JerJer-stable is a point in time reference
03:00.43*** join/#asterisk R45 (~R45@r45.registered)
03:00.53JerJereventually -head will be retagged to some other name and it will be the time reference
03:00.59Moc__I know, but it hard for you guys to apply fix for head AND stable at the same time
03:02.11ManxPowertwisted: You were the one to file the qualify= bug report?
03:02.31theoi've become muchly impressed with subverison recently
03:03.16tessierMay 21 19:13:41 WARNING[1105087408]: pbx.c:1802 ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/invitationfactory.104-de1e' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
03:03.52JerJersounds like a config file problem
03:03.52twistedtessier, because you're sending them to s, which has no extension defined in default or any included context
03:04.28ManxPowerLooks like this is it
03:04.34tessierYeah...I wonder how I'm doing that though.
03:04.48*** join/#asterisk sac|h0p (
03:05.57twistedmisconfiguration :p
03:06.03brc007hey anyone seen phpwhat's her name around lately?
03:06.11brc007~seen phpkathy
03:06.12jboti haven't seen 'phpkathy', brc007
03:06.28brc007~seen phpbarbie
03:06.29jboti haven't seen 'phpbarbie', brc007
03:06.54twisted~seen phpken
03:06.55jboti haven't seen 'phpken', twisted
03:07.44PilotPTK-Homenow now... barbie doesn't go with see, Ken always comes (sp) in a different box
03:08.14XHTML10Scrt_brchi ja pilot
03:08.18pureiaxbkw_: How much slower is using the cdr odbc driver than using the cdr_mysql driver directly??
03:08.34PilotPTK-Homelots and lots of rain and thunder and lightning....
03:08.35twistedwow... someone has too much free time...
03:08.47PilotPTK-Homei'm amazed i still have power and internet at home
03:08.53XHTML10Scrt_brctwisted:  who?
03:08.58twistedXHTML10Scrt_brc, YOU
03:09.22twistedlook at your nick
03:09.27XHTML10Scrt_brcoh comon
03:09.33twistedcomon what?
03:09.37XHTML10Scrt_brcit's FUN to code xhtml1.0strict by hand!
03:10.02XHTML10Scrt_brcwhatchya mean zactly?
03:10.11PilotPTK-Homewell gentlemen...ya'll have a good night..  I'm going to meet the g/f (and yes, I have my digicam to take a pic of her and I twisted)
03:10.18PilotPTK-Hometake care
03:10.24twistedPilotPTK-Home, i'll be waiting :P
03:10.30XHTML10Scrt_brctwisted goen?
03:10.30Supaplexmy mistake, I thought someone beat you with an uglyification stick and you are the result!
03:10.35XHTML10Scrt_brcdidn't know ya lived near him
03:10.44XHTML10Scrt_brcread boi READ
03:11.10twisteduglification? is that a word?
03:11.14Supaplexmy irc client isn't xhtml complaint, maybe that's why I can't ;)
03:11.17twisteduglyfication, that is
03:11.44Supaplex<<-- can't spell, don't care most days
03:12.02PilotPTK-Homeactually, IF it were a word - i think it would be spelled perfectly.
03:12.13twistedyeah, but i don't think there is an antonym for beautification
03:12.15PilotPTK-Homeoh...never mind
03:12.39PilotPTK-Homeperhapps debeautifucation
03:12.56XHTML10Scrt_brcug·li·fy   Audio pronunciation of "uglification" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (gl-f)
03:12.56XHTML10Scrt_brctr.v. ug·li·fied, ug·li·fy·ing, ug·li·fies
03:13.05twistedwell holy shit
03:13.09XHTML10Scrt_brcM-W doesn't have it tho
03:13.12twistedi spelled it correctly the first time
03:13.21twistedSupaplex spelled it wrong
03:13.25XHTML10Scrt_brcoh WAIT
03:13.27XHTML10Scrt_brcthey do! hahahah
03:13.40pureiaxHow many simultaneous calls can an Asterisk server support?  Assuming Pentium 4, 2.4ghz and all calls come in G711 (IAX) and exit G711 (SIP) ?
03:14.08twistedpureiax, good question.  considering you're not transcoding, probally a lot
03:14.12PilotPTK-Homeprobably a lot since no transcoding is going's a pretty simple switch from iax to sip from a processing standpoint
03:14.33twistedPilotPTK-Home, stop reading my mind, damnit
03:14.36PilotPTK-Homemaybe 4 to 5 hundred (which will also be adjusted by calls per second/minute/whatever)
03:15.11ReniRmxi wonder how much bandwidth you would need for that
03:15.23twisteda lot
03:15.40twisteda WHOLE FUCKING lot
03:15.41PilotPTK-Home400 * 80 = 32000kbps
03:15.50PilotPTK-Home= 32mbps
03:16.15twistedoh you wanna play that game..
03:16.17ReniRmxha.. so you would probably run out of bandwidth first?
03:16.27PilotPTK-Homenot if you were sitting on a ds3
03:16.30XHTML-twistedize32MBPS != awfl
03:16.39PilotPTK-Homewhich a provider probably is
03:16.45JerJeri see someone is guessing
03:16.58JerJermust you forget about operating system limits
03:17.01*** join/#asterisk brc_bastardized (
03:17.10XHTML-twistedizedamnit twisted
03:17.31pureiaxJerJer: What limits?
03:17.50JerJera little thing called file descriptors
03:17.54twistedoh yea
03:17.55ReniRmxamount of open files at one time
03:19.09pureiaxWell, Linux is pretty robust.  How much does it do?
03:19.48ManxPowerpureiax: 1024, but there can be up to 4 fds in use per call
03:20.11JerJersomeone hasn't used H.323
03:20.37pureiaxAnd also, does anyone know whether it is really true that Asterisk code/codecs will run MUCH MUCH better on Intel hardware, and furthermore P4 HT > P4 > Celeron
03:20.59XARiUShey JerJer, how much is your termination?  I was asking about it in the room because I couldn't find any pricing on your website
03:21.09debaserpureiax: i don't think i 've ever heard that one
03:21.11JerJerthere is no pricing on our website
03:21.11XARiUSwas gonna try it out in place of my home phone for awhile
03:21.15XARiUSso I noticed =)
03:21.28*** join/#asterisk scratchrf (
03:21.42Supaplexjbot, botsnack
03:21.42jbotSupaplex: :)
03:22.09PilotPTK-HomeThe number of max file descriptors can be increased to roughly 3000, however
03:22.28Supaplexthat's what proc is for...
03:22.33pureiaxXarius, here you can try out my test VOIP termination server right now.  I'll give you a username and pwd (try it for free, but short calls to USA/CAN, ok?)
03:22.52JerJersome people have no shame
03:23.00pureiaxReally PilotPTK-Home How do you do that??
03:23.07JerJerman ulimit
03:23.09pureiaxJerJer: What??
03:23.23debaserJerJer: he won't let me call iraq via inmarsat. =[
03:23.28theoPilotPTK-Home: 3000?
03:23.32pureiaxJerJer: Stop raining on my parade
03:23.37theo100000+ in 2.4
03:23.56theo(depending on available memory in system)
03:23.58pureiaxtheo: Is that with modifications?
03:24.00PilotPTK-Homeperhapps you're right theo, i seemed to remember an issue when icreasing past 3000
03:24.00XARiUSsure pure, looking for a more permanant solution,but if it needs testing, I'll test it. =)
03:24.14pureiaxOk Xarius, hang on....
03:24.18theoPilotPTK-Home: yup - glibc sarts to barf :)
03:24.23pureiaxWhisper me in private chat
03:25.17scratchrfwhy when I call an extension on wcusb it rings/shows caller id but all I hear when I pick up is distorted ringing from phone that's calling me?
03:25.45scratchrfalso, * does nothing when I take the phone offhook?
03:25.49theopureiax: iirc glibc is the hardest bit, kernel is just __FDxxxxx (can't remember the xxxbit) - althoguh i think 2.6 has it somewhere in /proc
03:26.06pureiaxOh thanks theo!
03:26.11theogoogle should tell you
03:26.36theoanyone using an operating system as an exuse for poor performace should be shot
03:27.17PilotPTK-Home~google Increase File Descriptors Linux
03:27.28debaseri could really go for a pizza right about now.
03:27.36theo/proc/sys/fs/file-max for system wide descriptors
03:27.55mishehu~theanswer PilotPTK-Home
03:27.57jbotPilotPTK-Home: 42
03:28.31theoactually, it seems like glibc is also ok lookign at code here
03:29.17PilotPTK-HomeThank you Mr. Adams.
03:30.04theoOpen: 32764
03:30.22theoi can get 32764 open without any tweakign on 2.6 using just ulimit
03:31.13theopoll() probably handle it better
03:32.17*** join/#asterisk Scottysize1 (~scottysiz@
03:32.29pureiaxThanks everyone!!  Hopefully I'll be able to setup a really great IAX termination server that everyone can use affordably!!
03:33.52PilotPTK-HomeTime to run.. Night all.
03:34.24pureiaxGoodnight Pilot!
03:34.33JerJerso he infers that other providers are expensive
03:34.47pureiaxJerJer: Would you please give me a break?????
03:34.54JerJerwhy should i?
03:35.01Moc__bkw_, * still segment fault on kernel 2.6 on bad chan_zap config
03:35.10JerJerwhat have you done for asterisk lately?
03:35.13pureiaxJerJer: I set this all up because YOU blew me off when I needed termination.  So reap now.....
03:35.20PilotPTK-Homein the words of a great man i know - why shouldn't you?
03:35.24pureiaxI was all set to go with nufone
03:35.40Moc__not that conversation ...
03:35.53pureiaxThen you stopped returning my calls ...... etc etc etc
03:35.59debaserlets go red sox!
03:36.21*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
03:36.26Moc__look... pureiax your on a bad start... Jerjer provided SO MUCH support for *... just dont piss him off, it like pissing us all !!!
03:36.26ManxPowermore providers better
03:36.44filewhat is it, crappy attitude day?
03:36.49theofile: think so
03:36.56debaseryeah =[
03:37.00*** join/#asterisk khm97 (
03:37.03Moc__yea no problem with compition... just it need to stay competition ... have fun with it !!!
03:37.11debaseri went overboard on an admin today and feel kinda bad about it now
03:37.13_Eagle_damn.. what did i miss?
03:37.19theopeople take thinks far to seriously :)
03:37.27pureiaxWhen we launch, we return everyone's calls.  Just look on the asterisk mailing list about what people said about Nufone's customer server (lack thereof).
03:37.39ManxPowerJerJer has done more for Asterisk than any ITSP I can think of.
03:38.08ManxPowerpureiax: People complain about ALL the ITSPs out there.  Nufone is no worse than any of the others.
03:38.33debaserwhy do people always complain about voice service?
03:38.42Moc__yea nufone doesn't have 514 DID, I complain about it to him ;) but hey his service is excelent
03:38.46PilotPTK-HomeNo-one is knocking JerJer's contributions to asterisk that I can see.  Not everyone can donate to the code-base, however.  Providing another option for the users of * seems like a perfectly good donation to the cause.
03:39.07JerJeri like how people bitch about our customer service, yet I never hear anything about our uptime
03:39.29debaserit always seems like whenever voice communication is involved a sizably statistically higher group of people are out there talking shit
03:39.36JerJerPilotPTK-Work:  stabbing DIgium in the back is not a good thing
03:39.52pureiaxWell, all I can say is that it is a bit insulting when someone doesn't return your calls or answer your emails.  I have most postgraduate education than he can count...
03:40.03Moc__JerJer, hey not hearing about it is a good sign ;)
03:40.24michaellif I want to record a ccall what command would I use?
03:40.30XARiUSJerJer: I have to reboot our production servers once a month in the middle of the day just so our customers don't get too used to *never* going down.. lol
03:40.33JerJershow application monitor
03:40.38Moc__Like our Internet access at work, we practicly dont who where/who it from, since it work so great ;)
03:40.46XARiUSthat way they don't spaz out when something does go wrong =)
03:41.00JerJerbuild your system so it cant go down
03:41.05XARiUSit is =)
03:41.10XARiUSnothing's perfect tho.. hehe
03:41.30ManxPowerI went with VoicePulse today.  Not because of their price (it's not significantly different from other ITSPs), not because of their customer service (not different from other ITSPs), not because of their relability (they are less reliable than some ITSPs), but because they had DIDs in the area code I needed and other ITSPs didn't.
03:41.32XARiUSit's usually bad routing somewhere, we host a lot of daytraders.
03:41.39XARiUSman they are highstrung people.
03:42.18ManxPowerXARiUS: Real Estate people are pretty bad too.
03:42.33JerJerkram: 35,000 calls thru chan_h323
03:42.34ManxPowerkram: (updated info)
03:43.01ManxPowerkram: (minor but annoying bug)
03:43.01Moc__JerJer, using your new chan_h323 ?
03:43.10JerJercvs -head
03:43.16tessierIf two SIP phones are trying to setup  a session and one has canreinvite=no and the other has canreinvite=yes does that mean neither one goes direct or does it mean one goes through the proxy and the other one does not?
03:44.43_Eagle_sorry, i just gotta ask this...  pureiax...  what does your postgraduate work have to do with whether jer calls you back or not?
03:45.07PilotPTK-Hometessier; if BOTH endpoints can not re-invite, then neither will.
03:45.11tessier_Eagle_: He needs some hot phone sex so he can be relaxed and can study harder for his finals.
03:45.12pureiax_Eagle_ It's not like I'm so kind of idiot not worthy of a callback.
03:45.18JerJercontrary to popular believe NuFone is not just me
03:45.22*** join/#asterisk robert_ (
03:45.45_Eagle_pureiax:  oh, and people who dont have postgraduate degrees are idiots?
03:45.46tessierPilotPTK-Home: That's what I would have thought...but I just tried it with one phone =no and the other =yes (both behind nat) and it didn't work.
03:45.53tessierBoth behind different nats, that is.
03:45.58JerJeri dropped out of college, and proud of it
03:46.05pureiaxAt the very least call back and say you can't talk for the next couple of days....
03:46.08tessierhmm...actually that would mean neither could go direct I guess that makes sense.
03:46.17Moc__I passed, but shoudln't have... look at my english.. my french is worst ;)
03:46.27JerJerpureiax:  proove it... what's your trouble ticket number?
03:46.29tessierMy inglish ain't so bad.
03:46.31ManxPowerpureiax: Think of the good things that came of it.  You are now becoming an IAX provider.
03:47.27ManxPowerpureiax: The long hours the constantly complaining customers with unrealistic unexpectations being dirt poor!  All the great things about starting a new business!
03:47.29Moc__pureiax, you better disapear, change name and come back with a new attitude, one that doesn't try to attack nufone like the other day
03:47.35ManxPowerMe? Bitter?  Not at all.
03:48.16Moc__I might start a IAX provider, but Jerjer gonna be my best friend ;)
03:48.25_Eagle_i just love when people think college degrees and post graduate degrees make them a better person than the rest of us...  it shows their true ignorance... kinda like a 14 yr old trying to act like an adult and trying too hard
03:48.52ManxPowerMoc: One would assume it is useful to stay friendly with other providers so you can borrow capacity when needed.
03:48.56Moc___Eagle_, I work in a law firm... Imagine ... ;)
03:49.07pureiaxJerJer: I didn't realize calling you on the phone and leaving numerous messages generated email support tickets.  Wow, you really are advanced.
03:49.32Moc__Look I see Buisness like GPL... we need to share ressources, if 1 is in trouble, the other should help if ask newest employee just setup Voicemail on our corp-pbx just the other day
03:50.01ManxPowerMoc: Well for a fee, of course.
03:50.19JerJerso how could one leave messages if was noloaded?
03:50.28PilotPTK-Homeinteresting, since when greg is unavailable to answer the phone, i've been presented with a 'Please leave a message' prompt on many occasions - well before a few days ago.
03:50.28XARiUShm thats two providers using michigan numbers.. whats the deal with a lot of sip providers having only michigan numbers?
03:50.32Moc__the idea is to offer a good service, and make a living out of it is here in san diego, I actually know a few guys there..
03:51.06JerJerPilotPTK-Home:  maybe a week
03:51.11Moc__ManxPower, well always depend of the situation, but I'll think more of service exchange instead
03:51.26JerJeror if you call gregs own extension, maybe
03:51.54PilotPTK-Homeperhapps that was the case.  I don't remember what I dialed.  it really was some time ago.
03:52.01dovbusiness must be goig well if you can spare time to argue this bs on irc, JerJer ;-)
03:52.03_Eagle_xarius:  a lot of asterisk people live in michigan... a scary number actually
03:52.26PilotPTK-HomeI just remember leaving a message on the Nufone pbx.  Which, I must say, he promptly returned.
03:52.28XARiUSyeah but I just noticed only has michigan numbers as well.
03:52.29Moc__Look I would go in VoIP for.. first .. Fun, second offer a good service, and third make a living.
03:52.34pureiaxAnyways, I apologize to all to get the channel WAY OFF TOPIC.  The point is that I'll be offering 1.9 cents a minute retail (no volume) for USA and Canada and I look forward to my competitors meeting me at the price point.
03:52.37JerJerPilotPTK-Work: then it was his own voicemail
03:52.45XARiUSwas just wondering if there was some sorta portability or *cheapness* to michigan numbers or something
03:53.23ManxPowerXARiUS: Maybe they all just use Nufone.  LOL!
03:53.31XARiUSlol hey that could be
03:53.40XARiUSa girl I know here keeps the books for sipphone
03:53.40PilotPTK-HomeMichigan IS home to some relatively reasonable telcom pricing, although not hugely better than any other place from what i've seen.
03:53.44Moc__pureiax, that better.. now you got canadian DID ??
03:53.47XARiUSI'll just ask her what the deal is hehe
03:54.35pureiaxMoc__ DIDs will come later...
03:54.51Moc__it the only thing im missing
03:54.56PilotPTK-Homealright...i'm not 30 minutes late :)  this channels is addicting :)  have a good night everyone.
03:54.59_Eagle_xarius:  most of those michigan numbers are probably with 1 of 2 clec's here too
03:55.18_Eagle_xarius:  michigan has a lot of asterisk users, and some of the best telecom people
03:55.20Moc__JerJer, you were beable to get better deal for canada 1800 or it wont change for a while ?
03:55.22_Eagle_and a LOT of clec's
03:55.50YoYomichigan is overrated
03:55.57YoYoso is that Nick guy
03:56.32_Eagle_i hate that nick guy
03:56.37_Eagle_he's a pain in the ass
03:56.51pureiaxIn theory I can offer DIDs in 10 states for about 1.5 cents, but I have no idea how that will make any money.  Why not just get a 1800 for a little more??
03:56.51YoYoya, always whining and complaining about how the world should be his on a silver platter
03:57.27ManxPowerpureiax: DIDs are flat rate from most providers
03:57.29Moc__not all 1800 work in canada
03:57.38YoYopureiax: sell DID unlimited for $8-10/month
03:57.48_Eagle_pureiax:  you cant charge per minute for inbound on local DID's
03:57.51_Eagle_no one will pay it
03:58.11JerJer1.5 cents ?!
03:58.23pureiaxA DID for $8 a month with unlimited incoming?  How is that possible?  I can't even afford that...
03:58.25YoYofor example, if you have a company in Cleveland with a ton of customers in Chicago, sell them an unlimited Chicago DID
03:58.33Moc__let make #asterisk-provider
03:58.35YoYothat will drastically cut down on their expenses
03:58.35JerJerwe can do  $7.50 a month unltimited on DIDs
03:58.39JerJerall day long
03:58.50ManxPowerpureiax: VoicePulse does it.
03:58.56YoYopureiax: how much for a PRI?
03:58.58_Eagle_if you're paying for inbound calls, you have no clue what you're doing
03:59.03JerJer_Eagle_: really
03:59.25Moc__damn JerJer buy TelUs/Bell canada or what ever.. but come to canada ;)
03:59.29SwKhow do they do it, its easy... anyone listed as a CLEC gets to charge anyone delivering calls to their network a few cents percall
03:59.38YoYomy dialup users already pay for that PRI, but if I sell DIDs to businesses, then I can make that much more
03:59.40Moc__YoYo for 23 channel ?
03:59.42ManxPowerWell outbound LD is usually direct to an IXC.  Inbound DID is usually with a [C|[I]LEC.  Totally different
03:59.45YoYoMoc: 23 or 24
03:59.46SwKand telus is ass
03:59.56pureiaxUmmmm.... you might be able to do that for one area code, but no way for 1/3rd of the USA (which is what I am talking about).  Impossible, trust me.
04:00.15YoYoI terminate on a DS3, which enables me to run up to 20 PRI per B channel
04:00.38tessierThe s context thing I mentioned earlier was because I didn't have the voicemail boxes setup for the user and my stdexten macro sends calls to voicemail.
04:00.40JerJerwhen we launch them all of our DIDs (including non-michigan did's) will be $7.50 a month
04:00.57ManxPowerJerJer: When WILL that be anyway?
04:01.12tessierThe reason they were being sent to voicemail is because they were trying to reinvite but were behind nat
04:01.15pureiaxOk, so there, JerJer has something I don't.  See, I admit it.  I hope this helps end hostilities....
04:01.27matthewabut it was getting amusing!
04:01.28pureiaxIf you want DIDs: Nufone
04:01.31ManxPower"Can't we all just get a bong?"
04:01.43JerJerpureiax: you attacked me
04:01.45tessierWhere can nufone get dids for?
04:02.04YoYotessier: I'm on the list for a Mars DID
04:02.05JerJermichigan and out-state Illonis
04:02.06ManxPowertessier: Anywhere as long as it's in Michigan
04:02.07pureiaxJerJer: Scroll up.  I didn't mention your name until you barged in and commented on my service.
04:02.07_Eagle_pureiax:  maybe you need to investigate this industry a little more before you start offering services
04:02.13*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
04:02.24YoYoI would be on the Saturn list, but Jer hasn't opened that one up yet
04:03.06_Eagle_pureiax:  hint...  look into what ISP's do...  then you'll understand DID's
04:03.28YoYoISPs are overrated
04:03.34YoYothey all need to die
04:03.40ManxPowerkram: I'm afraid to run CVS.  All my outbound stopped working when I did that this evening (but I didn't try it without the "g" option to Dial()
04:03.49YoYowe dun need no stinking internet access.  all we need is AOL
04:04.03YoYothat too!
04:04.05ManxPowerYoYo is drunk again.
04:04.11_Eagle_yoyo:  yeah, but all that knowledge i racked up seems to be worth more than post graduate degrees are worth to pureiax right now :-)
04:04.13tessier"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!"
04:04.26YoYoEagle: ya, you and your 39 customers =D
04:04.36JerJerHell i just lit up a PM3 the other day, just cuz i can
04:04.46_Eagle_hey... i have 37 customers... 2 quit last week
04:04.51YoYooh, ok
04:05.05pureiax_Eagle_: Don't know degrees... the economy is going south
04:05.26YoYodown to like 2950 retail from a peak of 3150
04:05.40JerJeri prolly pissed off at least 4 customers
04:05.44JerJer2 for sure
04:05.49YoYobut hopefully, free accelleration will help build things back up come fall
04:05.54ManxPowerBah!  I was cured of the desire to start my own telecom or ISP company about 5 years ago.
04:06.18YoYoManx: depending on your area, 5 years ago would have been perfect to start an ISP
04:06.29ManxPowerYoYo: Yes, I know.
04:06.33_Eagle_or a clec too
04:06.53_Eagle_if i knew what i know now 5 years ago, i would have started a clec then
04:06.56pureiaxYeah, I'm not sure why....
04:06.57ManxPowerYoYo: three failed companies cured me of the desire.
04:07.11pureiax2.9 cents is a bit ridiculous, it's like more than twice cost
04:07.17YoYoManx: uhm... when 9 out of 10 companies fail, 3 isn't a very good place to stop
04:07.31YoYoyou gotta learn from the failures and keep on trying until you make it
04:07.41YoYounless, of course, you're happy being in the rat race
04:07.43ManxPowerThe last one got $2 million in financing (for a small city ISP) a couple of days after I quit and they still failed.
04:07.44JerJer2.9 is our retail cost
04:07.44_Eagle_pureiax:  guess you've never heard of "profit"...  its the reason businesses exist in the first place
04:08.10ManxPowerYoYo: I'm a small time independent consultant.  Making more money than I did as an underfunded startup and without the stress.
04:08.12JerJerwe do also offer wholesale for those who can justify it
04:08.13pureiaxEagle, I guess you never heard of fat cats....
04:08.27YoYopureiax, ever hear of quantity discount?
04:08.27matthewadarren enwhistle--
04:08.43Moc__Ive checked today, and our office  (MTL) does 2600$ of Canada long distance per month.  I wonder if we put a * in every region how much we would save nationally
04:09.27YoYoer... well, maybe not 10,000..  more like 50-100k minutes
04:09.31_Eagle_pureiax:  so either you're a liberal tree hugging hippie communist, or you're starting a charity (non-profit company), or you're just plain stupid...    pick 2 of the 3 :-)
04:09.45YoYobut, I barely break 6000 minutes/month, so it's not even worht talking about
04:10.02YoYopureiax: you ever eat a Big Mac?
04:10.03SwKwith nuphone that is heh
04:10.06Moc__we do 60000min at work (just MTL office) and we only get 5cent/min CND for Canada/US
04:10.17YoYoin 1987, they cost .78 to make, and sold for $1.79
04:10.35YoYobeen a while since I worked at a McD's
04:10.52SwKMoc__: so why dont you rent a spot in the states and keep your calls "on net" til they are states side and then deliver them
04:10.54Moc__dont talk about food guys... !! Damn it too late, stomac make noise
04:11.09JerJeri'm gnawing on lunch pizza
04:11.35Moc__SwK, US calls are limited... Canada call are larger, but it 60k minutes/month for 1 office... and we are over charged..
04:11.53_Eagle_just because you can sell a product cheaper than someone else doesn't mean you always should...  charge what the market will bear in your area...
04:11.58SwKyou must have telus too
04:12.00_Eagle_thats business 101
04:12.03YoYomoc: yeah, but .05 CDN is like .0000001 USD
04:12.04Moc__JerJer offer a solution to the toronto office... they would look at it im sure, save maybe 2500$ per month
04:12.25Moc__YoYo, it about 0.045 or something US
04:12.30YoYoheh, I know
04:12.32pureiaxGoodnight all... JerJer: I don't doubt you'll be a bigger player than me, but rest assured I'll have my place in the IAX termination market.  So let's happily leave it at that.  Ok?
04:12.33JerJerour Candian LD rate is pretty cheap ... at least in USD
04:12.44Moc__well nufone is 2.01cent/US for canada
04:12.53Moc__and charge to the 15/second I think
04:13.14SwKI had to deal with telus on a T1 from the states to Ontario once and I'm pretty sure there was broken glass bits int he KY they used
04:13.17Moc__yea retail, so at 60k/min month just for 1 office, then it still a big difference
04:13.19YoYoquarter minute?  wow, what a ripoff.  need 6 second increments at least!
04:13.29*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
04:13.35JerJerYoYo^: good luck
04:13.42Moc__OR put * box in every office (got office in every big city) and use those instead
04:13.46YoYobut .04/minute
04:14.16SwKMoc__ are your PBXs netowrked at all or all standalone?
04:14.17Moc__our 3 T1 with bell were at 5.5 cent, the moved it to 5cent when I called last week
04:14.37ManxPowerMoc: What kind of data network do you have between officeS?
04:14.40Moc__we used to have trunk between MTL/QBC but costed less do long distance
04:14.53JerJerjust light up a fiber loop
04:14.53Moc__MTL/TOR 100mbits, and every other region is 10mbits
04:15.18_Eagle_mmmmmm fiber
04:15.22Moc__yea fiber
04:15.23ManxPowerMoc: I was more interested in the technology.  Frame, ATM, point-to-point, etc
04:15.26mishehua fibre a day keeps the laggies away
04:15.37Moc__ManxPower, they call it Lan Extension
04:15.40denonfiber != fiber
04:15.43mishehuI'll take a fibre feed from the CO...
04:15.44denonfiber != fibre
04:15.53JerJersmells like ATM / MPLS
04:15.59ManxPowerMoc: Ah.  So they hand you an Ethernet connection?
04:16.00Moc__de la fibre optic... it the same
04:16.12denonfibre == fibre channel, fiber == fiber optics. :)
04:16.13Moc__yes I guess
04:16.16ManxPowerMoc: Well if you can do QoS put some asterisk boxes in and go for it 8-)
04:16.22_Eagle_jer:  any idea what it costs to run aerial fiber in michigan?
04:16.26Moc__sure I could..
04:16.37ManxPowerYou might not even need QoS
04:16.43JerJer_Eagle_: john knows
04:16.55ManxPowerOur interoffice links are 384K.  We need QoS
04:16.57Moc__well it cisco routers in all office, so let put it
04:17.27Moc__but they would ratter go with a Nufone solution than multi * solution
04:17.29_Eagle_yeah, i should ask him
04:17.42_Eagle_ill shoot him off an email
04:17.48JerJeri let him deal with the messy details like that
04:18.39JerJerwireless not an option?
04:18.47JerJergo with like 18ghz licensed
04:19.25JerJerwill cost a truckload to get going, but then there is no monthly-recurring
04:19.31Moc__yea how is voIP over 802.11g ?
04:19.42JerJerit can work
04:19.48JerJeroh g
04:19.51JerJerit better work
04:20.53Moc__ok, looking at different solutions for my friend buisness also, he probably have clear sight of view between server room and work office, so wireless is an option instead of installing a DSL + voice line there
04:21.47JerJertoo bad 5.8ghz gear is soo much more
04:22.06JerJeri'd install very directional antennas (like 24dbi grids)
04:22.12JerJeron 2.4ghz
04:22.15JerJeran NO amps!
04:22.42SwKand a microwave over rigged to work with the door open right in the middle
04:22.57JerJerhence very directional
04:23.06mishehu2 minutes on high, and you're done!  *ding*
04:23.39Moc__that probably what we are going to do.. does glass cut alot of signal ?
04:23.46*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
04:23.49JerJerdepends on the glass
04:23.56JerJeru should get it outside at all cost
04:24.00Legend`the glass is half full
04:24.26JerJer3/4 empty
04:24.43Moc__yea, I'll get the gear and test it inside and see to move it outside if not
04:24.58_Eagle_ive heard people throw out numbers from $4,000/mile to $40,000/mile for fiber
04:25.29mishehugive me fiber or give me a slow, painful, ip death?
04:25.30sungdon't try to dig your own fiber
04:25.35_Eagle_well, including the fiber, splicing, permits, labor, pole attachment fees, etc
04:25.38sungit's expensive, etc.
04:25.38JerJera loop from southfield to chicago was like $20,000 for 20 years
04:25.51sungstick to using other carriers that an give you a piece of their oc192
04:25.54Moc__dark fiber is 1100$ CND/month
04:26.02JerJeryeah go with dim fiber
04:26.23JerJerhell get onto the Detroit MAN and buy PVCs
04:26.25Moc__wireless it 1 cost of about the same price for everything (ok dont have gigabit link but who care)
04:26.34mishehuor get a nibbler and it can poop dark matter for you.
04:28.40_Eagle_well dark fiber is great if its already installed between the 2 locations you need to connect
04:28.57_Eagle_but if 1 or both locations arent connected to fiber, then you need to install it yourself
04:29.08JerJeryou just loop to where u need to then
04:29.12_Eagle_at least to a splice point
04:29.24mishehuI wonder how much it would be to run fiber between this building at the CO...  which is right across the parking lot...
04:29.28_Eagle_well, what does that cost?
04:29.32JerJeror you collocate there
04:29.52JerJerand get a couple bonded T-1s back to it for your own b/w
04:30.30_Eagle_maybe i'm not making myself clear
04:30.35_Eagle_this is not for me and my isp
04:30.57_Eagle_this is for someone i know who needs fiber into their location
04:31.13_Eagle_cant be wireless, cant be t1, cant be ethernet, cant colocate, etc etc etc
04:31.26_Eagle_must be fiber to at *least* the nearest dark fiber splice point
04:33.25JerJerurm why no collocate?
04:33.35_Eagle_never mind
04:33.44_Eagle_you already said you dont know the cost to run fiber
04:33.54_Eagle_and thats the only answer i need right now
04:34.13Moc__cost 1100$/month here
04:34.22_Eagle_i'm not going to spend 20 minutes arguing back and forth about colocation and wireless and every other option
04:35.09_Eagle_assume that God almight hath dropped stone tablets to earth commanding that it be fiber, and that if he doesnt use fiber, the end of the world is upon us... and all ye shall perish painfully
04:36.12_Eagle_moc:  the number i'm looking for is a one-time cost per mile
04:36.19_Eagle_and it just has to be ballpark
04:36.28_Eagle_for budgeting purposes
04:36.41Moc__well it 1100$/month anywhere downtown, even acrost the street...
04:36.52_Eagle_like i said, people have thrown out anywhere from $4000 a mile to $40,000 a mile
04:37.02Moc__the city charge for having a wire in the underground
04:37.08_Eagle_1100 /month is not a one-time price
04:38.34_Eagle_i just wanna know if its $4-6,000/mile or $20-25,000/mile or $35-40,000/mile, etc etc
04:38.50_Eagle_makes a big difference when someone is trying to plan a project
04:39.11mishehu~theanswer _Eagle_
04:39.13jbot_Eagle_: 42
04:39.16Moc__we can't really have that here for buisness, telcom have those option, but always resell per month
04:40.08Moc__hey his client are already leaving
04:40.54debaserburying fiber?
04:41.10debaseryou'll average $30-90/ft
04:41.29_Eagle_what about aerial?
04:41.32debaserdepending on if you're on rail rows (that you don't have to repave) or going down streets.
04:41.56debaserheh, i wouldn't know about arial
04:42.17*** join/#asterisk srodgers (
04:42.26debaser(i sometimes get contracts to inspect interduct installation)
04:42.39_Eagle_you're saying $158,000 to $475,000 per mile... i *know* thats not right
04:43.02debaserno, thats about right
04:43.07Moc___Eagle_, call monday to get an estimate
04:43.09debasertotal cost
04:43.47debaserthats design, route study, permitting, laying interduct, populating interduct, reconditioning area.
04:43.48Moc__it gonna cost us about 46000$ for having a 1 mile link from 2 location for 4 month
04:43.59_Eagle_moc:  1) its not for me, 2) its a long ways from that stage
04:44.16Moc__so what, it free ;)
04:44.24_Eagle_debaser:  maybe in new york city...
04:44.48debaserMoc: my guess is that thats tarrifed price.  not to lay your own facilities
04:44.52Moc__there is man holes everywhere
04:45.08debaser_Eagle_: no.  that was in southwestern pennsylvania
04:45.18Moc__yep, it just lease equipemement
04:45.22Moc__lease fiber
04:45.57debasera long haul fiber route for a tier 1 provider
04:46.13_Eagle_debaser:  well, maybe the numbers ive heard are for aerial fiber then....  because the *maximum* ive heard anyone say, anywhere in the country, is $40,000/mile and they said that was on the high side
04:46.21debaserburied 4 interducts on this route from dc to chicago
04:46.32debaseri think 2 of the interducts are populated now
04:46.59Moc__it gonna cost us more than 46k$ for a 1 mile dark fiber for 4 month only
04:47.24debaserthat cost per foot per wire, it was per route-foot
04:47.41_Eagle_moc:  you're not talking about the same thing that i am
04:47.44debaserer, wasn't per wire
04:47.59debaseryou get alot of little strands of glass in a bigass interduct.
04:48.12*** join/#asterisk anachron (~fradooj@
04:48.29debaserat any rate.  blowing fiber is cheap.
04:48.45debaserits getting those big ass pipes in the ground to blow it through that gets you
04:48.54Moc__what i mean is having a lease link cost 46$k, it gonna cost hell more for a private permanent fiber with no monthly fee
04:49.25Moc___Eagle_, use a laser link instead...
04:49.36debaserheh, yeah
04:49.41debaserits only a mile.  airbridge it.
04:49.50_Eagle_i didnt say it was a mile
04:49.55_Eagle_i dont know the actual distance
04:50.01_Eagle_i'm just looking for a cost per mile
04:50.31SwKRFC 2549 it... thats pretty cheap
04:50.45_Eagle_never mind.. lets just drop it....
04:50.52_Eagle_ive already explained, it MUST be fiber
04:51.00_Eagle_lets just drop it
04:51.19SwK_Eagle_: you should read that RFC (or atleast google it for the title)
04:52.44*** part/#asterisk hwstar (
04:52.44_Eagle_im surprised they actually assigned that an RFC number
04:53.24_Eagle_ive had a very stressful day
04:53.30_Eagle_sorry if i seem a bit bitchy tonight
04:54.14_Eagle_ive had a little good news, a lot of bad news, and am now forced into making a *major* decision by sunday night..  and i'm stressed
04:54.39_Eagle_i thought irc would relax me :-)
04:55.12mishehuirc is rarely relaxing!
04:55.23mishehumasturbation or sex, however, IS.
04:55.56_Eagle_ill keep that in mind
04:57.04_Eagle_everything seemed so simple last week...  now everything seems unnecessarily complicated
04:57.27_Eagle_i think ill catch a little tv before bed
04:57.40Supaplextry the small tv's
04:57.47Supaplexthey don't weigh as much
04:58.05_Eagle_bye folks
05:01.25SwKdamn someone was just a littel stressed
05:02.27ReniRmxwtf.. just go with the high number, problem solved
05:07.47*** join/#asterisk serving (~serving@
05:17.29*** join/#asterisk scud__ (
05:19.31*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiX (
05:26.53ManxPowerCoffee it is
05:28.53*** join/#asterisk mavelasco (~mavelasco@
05:31.01*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
05:33.49*** join/#asterisk munna (voice@
05:34.30XHTML-twistedizeeagle whatchya deciding?
05:34.48XHTML-twistedizebuffer time
05:34.56XHTML-twistedizeManxPower: hows tha coffee
05:35.14ManxPowerXHTML-twistedize: Pretty good.  Added butter pecan syrup instead of sugar to it
05:35.25*** join/#asterisk scratchrf (
05:35.31XHTML-twistedizeforget it
05:35.39ManxPowerAll I need is chocolate and I'll have a complete meal.
05:35.47XHTML-twistedizeoh yeah
05:35.58XHTML-twistedizechocolate > *
05:36.08XHTML-twistedize* != asterisk
05:36.18XHTML-twistedizeyou know what's good
05:36.28XHTML-twistedizecostco's fresh chocolate cookies
05:36.34XHTML-twistedizehave some downstairs
05:36.39XHTML-twistedizeI can fax you one
05:36.41ManxPowerSounds yummy.
05:36.51ManxPowerNaw, I can make my own.
05:37.08ManxPowerWell I can make my own mint chocolate chip cookies or chocolate mint chocolate chip cookies
05:37.09XHTML-twistedizeI like their "white" chocolate macadamia  ones too
05:37.11XHTML-twistedizethose are good
05:37.19XHTML-twistedizeyou get FOOD network?
05:37.33XHTML-twistedizethe ONLY ( O N L Y) show worth watching on there is "good eats"
05:37.36XHTML-twistedizeit's really cool
05:37.37ManxPowerXHTML-twistedize: Yes, but the only two shows I watch are Speet Dreams and 30 Minute Meals.
05:37.49XHTML-twistedizegot a tivo-like-device?
05:37.51ManxPowerI also watch $30 a Day
05:37.54XHTML-twistedizetape a good eats
05:38.04ManxPowerI've seen it once or twice.
05:38.11ManxPowerI don't recall being impressed with it.
05:38.28ManxPowerEither that or a porn star.
05:38.29XHTML-twistedizethe guy takes something like say cookies, and then does the whole half hour (hour now?) on varations on it
05:38.43XHTML-twistedizesoft cookies, hard cookies (yuck), chewie cookies
05:38.49XHTML-twistedizeand how the different stuff affects it
05:39.03ManxPowerAh.  That might be useful.
05:39.09XHTML-twistedizewhy butter vs oil vs margarine  
05:39.10ManxPowerBRB I'll 3xthumbs up it
05:39.45XHTML-twistedizeWish I had the cookies one recorded it...that was one of his best
05:40.31XHTML-twistedizeoh and he doesn't use ANY (well almost any) weird equipment that a normal person would never have in their house (or ingredients)
05:40.50ManxPowerI'm more of a sweets guy than a savory guy
05:40.59XHTML1Strict_brcme too
05:41.14XHTML1Strict_brcseries 1 or 2 tivo?
05:41.16XHTML1Strict_brcgot it hacked?
05:41.18ManxPowerI have a mixer and foodprocessor that's it.
05:41.24XHTML1Strict_brcsame here
05:41.30XHTML1Strict_brcfoodprocessor borked iirc
05:41.31ManxPowerSeries 1, upgraded the HD to 120GB, that's the only hacking done on it.
05:41.39XHTML1Strict_brcI know
05:41.48XHTML1Strict_brcwe need a tivo asterisk plugin!
05:42.18XHTML1Strict_brcpull the CID from asterisk and display it on the the the (DAMNIT XCHAT I TYPED T E H AND I MEAN IT!) tivo
05:43.04XHTML1Strict_brcI've got this Scientific Atlanta DVR box
05:43.12XHTML1Strict_brcI went to Comdex and CES
05:44.40ManxPowerI just don't feel the need to hack the TiVo
05:44.50ManxPowerI'm not much of an AV guy anyway
05:48.47jefreyManXPower =)
05:49.10jefreyYou was awake 8 hours ago when there's no sunlight here, and now it's morning
05:49.10*** join/#asterisk scratchrf (
05:59.03XHTML1Strict_brchow's the coffee working
05:59.36XHTML1Strict_brcguess the coffee didn't work to well for ManxPower :0
06:00.03*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
06:01.05*** join/#asterisk serving- (~serving@
06:02.46ManxPowerShhh!  I'm hunting spam.
06:04.02XHTML1Strict_brcI do hereby decree that the vaporfone will have mucho unlabeled "soft" keys (as in programmable, not as in next to the display) with Green/Red Led's on em to work as  BLF (busy lamp field(extension activity indicators))
06:04.13XHTML1Strict_brcwrong window
06:04.28XHTML1Strict_brcx-chat sux
06:04.45XHTML1Strict_brchey ManxPower
06:04.53XHTML1Strict_brcyou gota debian startup script?
06:05.23Supaplexnawe, deb starts up fine. uses grub.
06:06.01XHTML1Strict_brc~cluebat Supaplex
06:06.03jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Supaplex.
06:06.03ManxPowerI don't use debian
06:06.08IOscannerAny one have problems with Authenication() failing with MeetMe?
06:06.15XHTML1Strict_brc~debianhater ManxPower
06:06.28IOscannerJust put it in inittab
06:06.37*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:06.44XHTML1Strict_brcBoRiS: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06:07.04IOscannerMH:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/asterisk -f >> /dev/null 2>&1
06:07.12XHTML1Strict_brcBoRiS ~~~~~~~~~~``````````````````!!!!!!!1111111111
06:07.18ManxPowerXHTML1Strict_brc: I have jbot on /ignore.
06:07.19BoRiSHi brc :)
06:07.24XHTML1Strict_brcManxPower I know :p
06:07.38MavericManxPower have you stopped ignoreing me yet?
06:07.46XHTML1Strict_brcI don't think so
06:08.02XHTML1Strict_brcnow if only I can "h4x0r" jbot to change his nick.../me rubs hands eviliy
06:08.05ManxPowerI suppose 1am CDT on a friday is not the best time to experiment on production servers and expect help from IRC channels, huh?
06:08.10IOscannerMeetMe conf rooms work but I can't use Authenticate.  Any one know a work around or a fix, or is it just me?
06:08.12XHTML1Strict_brcIOscanner: thanks
06:08.23IOscannerno prob
06:08.37MavericIOscanner i've never had a problem with it
06:08.38IOscannerthis way when you do stop now it will restart again
06:09.04XHTML1Strict_brcManxPower: <Maveric> ManxPower have you stopped ignoreing me yet?
06:09.04Mavericsomeone tell manxpower to stop ignoreing me
06:09.05Mavericthank you
06:09.09XHTML1Strict_brc<Maveric> someone tell manxpower to stop ignoreing me
06:09.09XHTML1Strict_brc<Maveric> thank you
06:09.16XHTML1Strict_brc<Maveric> lol
06:09.20ManxPowerMaveric: What's your e-mail address so I can watch for a post from you on the mailing list?
06:09.20IOscannerdoes someone have a good sample I can see.  
06:09.42IOscannerdo I need to do something to setup Authenticate()?
06:09.43MavericManxPower its
06:09.47Maverici used my work email addy
06:09.54Maverici haven't posted to it yet
06:09.55XHTML1Strict_brcyou work at easynews?
06:10.00XHTML1Strict_brceasynews ROX
06:10.11XHTML1Strict_brceasynews==local sourceforge mirror
06:10.24Mavericthey are doing $20 dollar 100 gig 10 month accounts right now
06:10.39Mavericfor 2 days only
06:10.40ManxPowerIOscanner: "show application authenticate"
06:10.57MavericManxPower please stop ignoreing me and trust that i am on the list
06:11.18XHTML1Strict_brcwhat's the Iamdistantlyaquantedwithsomebodywhoworksateasynews discount?
06:11.30IOscannerDo I need to pass an option to make it work?
06:11.47Mavericyou should't have to IOscanner
06:11.51Mavericlol XHTML1Strict_brc
06:11.59XHTML1Strict_brcawwww comon
06:12.08IOscanneralso anyone know what the default location it looks for the file in, if a pass file is used.
06:12.09XHTML1Strict_brcwhy only 10 month
06:12.33Mavericwhy only what a month?
06:13.23XHTML1Strict_brcwow...amazing...ya guys link to your competitors on yer homepage (
06:14.25Mavericwhat do you mean
06:14.44XHTML1Strict_brcthis is yew right?
06:16.08Mavericis that head or stable?
06:16.49MavericXHTML1Strict_brc i don't see links to competitors
06:17.12XHTML1Strict_brc"Easynews knows that you have (link)many Usenet servers to choose from(/link) when you connect to Usenet."
06:17.20XHTML1Strict_brclooks like a list of other providers to me...
06:17.23XHTML1Strict_brcI must be stupid
06:17.38IOscannerexten => 150,2,Wait(1)
06:17.38IOscanner;exten => 150,3,Authenticate(1234)
06:17.38IOscannerexten => 150,4,MeetMe(151|pm)
06:17.38IOscannerexten => 150,5,Playback(vm-goodbye)
06:17.39IOscannerexten => 150,6,Hangup
06:17.45Mavericwhere XHTML1Strict_brc
06:17.51Death_INCIOscanner, you can't skip a priority
06:17.57Mavericwtf are you using the auth line there?
06:18.00XHTML1Strict_brcthat's cool you give credits for running the United Devices dist client
06:18.09IOscannerit is commented
06:18.19Mavericmeetme has built in auth's
06:18.21Death_INCIOscanner, you can't do that, you need priority 3 after 2
06:18.28IOscannerI have tried it both with and without.  Both meetme and auth fail
06:18.39Maverici'm looking XHTML1Strict_brc i don't see what your talking about
06:19.09Maverictell me an exact phrase
06:19.25MavericIOscanner it should work
06:20.19*** join/#asterisk suma (
06:20.33Mavericworks fine here IOscanner
06:20.39XHTML1Strict_brcon page    Easynews® has been providing netizens with premium, high-quality Usenet access for over 9 years....blahblah.....usenet is blahblah...People use usenet for all types of blahblah....Easynews knows that you have <a href=>many Usenet servers to choose from</a> when you connect to Usenet. However, Easynews has become the #1 Usenet server o
06:20.39XHTML1Strict_brcf choice among Usenet power-users. "
06:20.48Mavericwhats your meetme.conf look like
06:20.59Mavericoh that link
06:21.02XHTML1Strict_brcI have so got to sleep
06:21.04Mavericyes we do have that one
06:21.10Mavericwhy brc?
06:21.33XHTML1Strict_brcso I can get up at 6:30 tomorrow
06:22.00XHTML1Strict_brctaking my puppy to her class..
06:22.57Death_INCbrc007, wtf was with that nick...
06:23.07brc007Death_INC: waaaay over yer head
06:23.15brc007that wooshing sound
06:23.18brc007is the sound of the joke
06:23.24IOscannerWell still same problem.  I can't seem to get the MeetMe app to authenticate it says the pin is not valid for this conference.
06:23.25brc007going overy yer head
06:23.36IOscannerHere are my options from meetme.conf
06:23.37brc007please keep all bodyparts below the flying joke
06:23.39IOscannerconf => 151,1234
06:25.19brc007Death_INC: care to take a guess
06:25.29brc007weather I've gotten money yet
06:25.38brc007to buy the server n t1 card
06:26.35Death_INCbrc007, my guess is no
06:26.50brc007damnit I need lame mIRC to send sounds
06:26.57brc007what's that sound they play on cheezy gameshows
06:27.04brc007DUH DUHHNNNNNNNN!
06:27.11Death_INCI use BitchX anyways
06:27.23brc007they want
06:27.25brc007and get this
06:27.35Death_INCIOscanner, and when it asked for pin you entered 1234?
06:27.38brc007a QUOTE"Proposal"ENDQUOTE
06:27.42brc007R O T F
06:27.44brc007L M F A O
06:28.12Death_INCof course you need a proposal, outlining what services you will provide etc
06:28.15brc007yes hello, I am the phone guy...uhm...I was just wondering...uhm (fidgets)
06:28.39Death_INCthought you said you had a contract for a T1 already
06:29.08brc007that's the thing
06:29.10brc007WE DO
06:29.18Death_INCso uh yea
06:29.32brc007I mean I'm making one
06:29.36Death_INCthe T1 is in their name I hope?
06:29.40brc007just wish they had asked like 3 months ago
06:29.41brc007oh yeah
06:29.54Death_INCthen tell them fine, pay for your T1 for a year without using it
06:30.13brc007wellyup it is their money to waste however they see fit
06:30.21brc007supprisingly ELI hasn't turned it up yet
06:30.36Death_INCor you can give me the money to actually purchase the hardware so you don't throw the money away, your choice no problem to me
06:30.40brc007can't figure why they haven't said ready or not here comes the bill
06:31.04brc007on the otherhand
06:31.08*** join/#asterisk mitchel_ (
06:31.21brc007them wanten a 'proposal' ain't that bad a thing for me
06:31.45Death_INCyah it's not a big deal as long as you're not gonna get stuck with the bill if they don't take it
06:31.53brc007I can put my nominal fee in it :p
06:31.54Death_INCmake up 2 options for them
06:31.57Death_INClet them choose
06:31.57brc007yeah I'm not
06:32.08brc007what 2 options?
06:32.15brc007pay or don't pay?
06:32.18mitchel_hey guys, signed up for nufone, i was wondering if anyone had tips for improving quality on GSM calls or if what i get is what i get
06:32.24brc007I remember now
06:32.28brc007you haven't been around in AGES
06:32.34brc007I considered VoIP
06:32.40Death_INCmitchel_, I dont like gsm, try ilbc or ulaw
06:32.41brc007and I don't want to 'risk' it yet
06:32.46Death_INCbut thats just me
06:32.52Death_INChah risk
06:33.01mitchel_death? they support it?
06:33.03Death_INCif you want to make about 1/2 what you could that's your choice :b
06:33.08brc007ya know the whole there's the public internet between me n the provider...
06:33.11Death_INCmitchel_, yea and speex too
06:33.20brc007not concerned about taps...just QoS
06:33.22mitchel_so which one would be the best
06:33.27mitchel_ilbc or speex? or ulaw
06:33.28Death_INCbrc007, the internet never goes down
06:33.38mitchel_i know i need less tthen or around 30KBps bandwidth per call
06:33.42Death_INCbrc007, it's designed to withstand a nuclear holocaust...
06:33.42brc007but sometimes it lags for a second/minute
06:33.45brc007yes yes
06:34.10Death_INCmitchel_, ilbc or speex are lower bw than GSM if I remember correctly
06:34.10brc007but it wasn't eggzactly designed to carry realtime voice trafic :p
06:34.23brc007it doesn't matter
06:34.24mitchel_death? lower quality too?
06:34.27Mavericmitchel_ might as well as use ulaw then
06:34.29brc007because I reread the contract
06:34.36Death_INCmitchel_, not really it usually sounds better
06:34.41brc007I can not get out no way, now how, not even if hell freezes over
06:34.50Death_INCmitchel_, if you really worried about qual. use ulaw yea
06:35.10Death_INCbrc007, but they can probably change it to data
06:35.15brc007Death_INC: So I'm just gonna use the Local PRI and try to find a better longdistance rate
06:35.19Mavericall i ever use is ulaw
06:35.28brc007Death_INC: I duno...I read this contract and it is damn airtight
06:35.29Mavericits good as long as your not trying voip thru dialup
06:35.50Death_INCbrc007, that dosnt matter, if you both agree to change it then its all good
06:36.15mitchel_allow=ILBC or ilbc
06:36.18Death_INCbrc007, all you gotta do is ask its not like you're not going to be giving them their $$$ for the T1 line
06:36.23Death_INCmitchel_, ilbc
06:36.29brc007there's still the if any one of the points inbetween me and the provider lags thing...
06:36.50brc007Death_INC: right, but
06:37.00Death_INCbrc007, I've never had it happen... you're on the continental US, everything's fiber there
06:37.17mitchel_death which switch are you using
06:37.22mitchel_or does nufone have to allow you
06:37.24Death_INCmitchel_, switch-1
06:37.25brc007then there's the whole the PHB's don't think they want VoIP
06:37.32mitchel_i don't think i'm allowed then
06:37.48mitchel_Unable to create translator path for UNKN to GSM on IAX2[NuFone]/3
06:37.52Death_INCnaw they allow ilbc,speex,gsm,ulaw and like everything else
06:37.53brc007and the best IAX VoIP providers payment interface leaves.......a LOT to be desired
06:37.53Mavericdeath its possible trust me
06:38.06brc007and there's the whole ........thing.
06:38.33mitchel_death i'm getting that error
06:38.38Death_INCbrc007, if you're doing wholesale from nufone it's alot better... the onesie-twosies like us isn't as good
06:38.58brc007yeah twist.ed quoted me 1.86c/MIN if we put down 5 grand
06:39.11brc007he didn't mention anything about a contract insuring me that rate or anything
06:39.15mitchel_but thats US rates
06:39.18Death_INCmitchel_, you have disallow=all, allow=ilbc?
06:39.19mitchel_what about out of the country?
06:39.24mitchel_death, yes
06:39.31brc007he was gonna look into that but never got back to me (maybe I told him nm..can't remember)
06:39.31Death_INCand NOTHING else?
06:39.44brc007Death_INC: you talking to me?
06:39.46brc007oh nm
06:39.58brc007Death_INC: I calculated it out as best I could
06:40.07mitchel_5 grand brc? thats not much, i say go for it
06:40.39Death_INCbrc007, *shrug* up to you :)
06:40.47brc007Death_INC: looks like we'd save around $500/month with nufone and a DataT1 HOWEVER that does NOT account for the fact that we'd have to pay LD for local calls
06:40.52Death_INCmitchel_, jerjer didnt' set up anythign special for me
06:41.10brc007and it's like drawing blood from a rock to get numbers from the office (such as local usage)
06:41.25Death_INCbrc007, not if you send local calls out through a PSTN interface
06:41.26mitchel_brc? before you do something like that
06:41.28mitchel_get a nufone account
06:41.31mitchel_and test it out
06:41.34brc007I have one
06:41.34mitchel_like quality
06:41.37mitchel_oh ok
06:41.51brc007there is a difference between my cable modem and a data T1
06:42.00brc007it sounds okay to me...not awesome
06:42.03mitchel_i'm running 768kbps
06:42.08mitchel_and one call doesn't sound v ery good
06:42.14mitchel_i'm going to try ulaw insttead of gsm
06:42.17Death_INCbrc007, sounds like PSTN :b they usually sound OK too
06:42.31Death_INCmitchel_, make sure echo cancellation is on
06:42.39brc007but like I said a major drawback is it's prepaid only, NO way to get your balence other then emailing them and waiting a few hours (normally) to a couple days
06:42.57mitchel_death, in iax.conf?
06:43.05Death_INCbrc007, that's not the contract type tho... .billing there is different... and no I've not done it but I've listened heh
06:43.18Death_INCmitchel_, zaptel.conf
06:43.18Mavericmitchel_ those codecs your trying blow compared to ulaw
06:43.32Mavericif you want good compression and sound quality you need g.729
06:43.37bkw_g729 is great
06:43.44bkw_gsm is good
06:43.47bkw_g726 is great
06:43.47brc007is ulaw > alaw?
06:43.48Mavericwhat up bkw
06:43.50bkw_ilbc is good
06:43.51mitchel_and requires a license
06:43.55brc007never figured how they are different exactly
06:43.57mitchel_so say i wanted g726
06:43.58Mavericbrc they are pretty much the same
06:44.00mitchel_thats allow=glaw
06:44.02Death_INCilbc sounded the same as g729 to me, but yea compression was a bit better with g729
06:44.04brc007what's prefered?
06:44.07mitchel_but how does it know to pick 726
06:44.38Mavericulaw in the us
06:44.40Death_INCmy * box just crashed, it REALLY dislikes 2.6 heh
06:44.44Mavericand alaw in euro
06:45.10IOscannerWell I have tried everything I can, Meetme just tell me the pin is incorrect for this conference.  Any other ideas.
06:45.31Mavericthat doesn't make any sense IOscanner
06:45.53MavericIOscanner you have fwd going thru your asterisk box?
06:46.16IOscannerSIP and X100P card
06:46.28IOscannereverything works but this now
06:46.29Mavericget a fwd account
06:46.46IOscannerI have one just don't have it setup
06:47.10Mavericset it up then
06:47.19Maverici'll call your pbx and give it a try
06:47.33IOscannersure...give me a sec
06:47.44ManxPowerIOscanner: I don't know of MeetMe's PIN works.
06:47.49ManxPowerUse Authenticate.
06:48.00Mavericit does for me ManxPower
06:48.02Maverici just tried
06:48.03ManxPowerBut I'm sure you already knew that from reading the URL I have you a while ago
06:48.05IOscannerI tried that too
06:48.26Death_INCIOscanner, does it work w/o a PIN?
06:49.00Death_INCIOscanner, what are you calling it with? SIP or zaptel interface or?
06:49.11Death_INCLegend: does it recognize your DTMF
06:49.11IOscannerNo problem tested it with six phones.  I just would like to add a pass to the conf
06:49.16Death_INCerg, thats eg:
06:49.25IOscannerLOCAL at this time
06:49.36Death_INCmake sure you get DTMF
06:49.42IOscannerI have tired both
06:49.45ManxPowerIOscanner: If you do not read this URL I'll smack you silly
06:49.53IOscannerI can call voicemail and it works with DTMF
06:50.02IOscannerreads my pass etc
06:51.21Mavericio paste something for me
06:51.29IOscannerManxPower I have tired that too.  I will try again to be sure.
06:51.37Mavericmanxpower the pin in meetme works for me
06:51.49Mavericpaste that line for me io
06:51.52Mavericthe manxpower one
06:52.04IOscannerWhich line?
06:52.15Maveric<Maveric> manxpower the pin in meetme works for me
06:52.44Mavericthat one
06:53.14Death_INCMaveric, is he ignoring you or something?
06:53.56IOscannerbased on the docs I am the syntax is correct.  It must be something else.
06:54.41IOscannerE-mail auth works.  The code for the Auth must be different between the Authenticate() and MeetME() and Voicemail.
06:54.47Mavericyes dea
06:55.02Mavericgod damnit someone paste that fucking line to manx
06:55.23Maveric<Maveric> manxpower the pin in meetme works for me
06:55.39Death_INCManxPower, mav made me paste this: <Maveric> manxpower the pin in meetme works for me
06:55.48IOscannerneither Auth or Meet seem to not work for me
06:56.07*** join/#asterisk gromit (
06:56.12ManxPowerDeath_INC: You'd think thee would be enough people here to help Maveric that my help policies would not affect him.
06:56.14Mavericdoes for me
06:56.16Death_INCIOscanner, then use readdigits or whatever it is (my * box is foobar) to manually authenticate them?
06:56.31IOscannerI wish the pin in meetme works for me
06:56.46MavericIOscanner are you using head or stable cvs?
06:56.52Death_INCManxPower, heh what happened?
06:57.19Mavericmanx has helped me a lil bit
06:57.27Maveriche got mad because i wasn't on the mailing lists
06:57.30Mavericbut i am now
06:57.33ManxPowerDeath_INC: Maveric was not on the mailing list.  I put people not on the mailing list on /ignore.
06:57.39Mavericio is that head or stable cvs tree?
06:57.41Death_INClol, I see
06:57.52ManxPowerI try to remember to exclude /msg's from the /ignore however.
06:57.53Death_INChe says he is now haha
06:58.03ManxPowerMaveric is cool.  I have nothing against him personally.
06:58.23ManxPowerSo if they REALLY want to just chat they can /msg me.
06:58.39MavericIOscanner are you sure?
06:58.54Maverici'm using stable cvs
07:00.47IOscannerI would have to check the CVS command I used maybe I used the head but I thought I got the stable
07:00.53timecopoh wtf
07:00.59timecopi couldnt conference 2 lines via iax
07:01.02timecopbecause i had bandwidth set to low
07:01.21Mavericthat sux timecop
07:01.39Death_INCtimecop, bandwidth=low should only set what codecs are usable....
07:01.41ManxPowertimecop: the Wiki is your friend
07:01.53Death_INCit does more? bah
07:02.28blitzrageugh... too much beer :)
07:02.36Maverici didn't know you could conf on an ata186 i found out otherwise today
07:06.30IOscannerSomeone said I could check for DTMF manually any one have a link?
07:08.09Death_INCIOscanner, you'd just have to make a temp context that you jump into to authen, with the only valid extension being the pin number, which calls the meetme
07:08.22Death_INCIOscanner, and background something asking for password
07:08.35mitchel_anyone know this ermm..bug..or rather crappy way that 79XX works? When conferencing a call you can't hang up one party but rather you have to hang up both parties, so you can't just stay on with one person...hmm
07:08.45Death_INCIOscanner, and you could use a variable and the i exten to allow 3 tries etc
07:09.23Mavericmitchel_ yeah i've had a lil expirance with that
07:09.38mitchel_maveric is there a fix or just the way it works?
07:09.45IOscannerCool thanks
07:09.52Maverici'm not sure of any fixes
07:10.01Mavericyeah IOscanner thats a way to do it
07:10.06Maverici actually use that
07:10.14Mavericjust made a secret exten
07:10.19Mavericin one of my voice menus
07:10.22IOscannerhere is a link
07:10.24Mavericto proxy off my pbx
07:10.45ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
07:10.47ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
07:11.24Death_INCexten => s,1,DISA,no-password|authenticate
07:11.24Death_INCexten => _XXXXXXXX,1,Congestion ; Bad password
07:11.24Death_INCexten => 12341234,1,AGI,lookatexten.agi ; Good password, script gets
07:11.51Death_INCinstead of _XXXXXXX,1 I'd use exten => i,1,Background(wrong-pass)
07:12.24Death_INCor something similar
07:12.43sumaDeath_INC: that is wrong    exten => i,1, ...
07:12.54sumait makes the user to guess the password
07:13.15Death_INCsuma, I'd actually add a variable and only allow 3 tries til it hangs up
07:14.06Death_INCdammit I need to rebuild my * box back to 2.4, I can't try to get the 2.6 drivers working with it constantly doing kernel panics
07:14.06sumaoh, you can have conditions too in extensions ?
07:14.53sumaJerJer: can you give me a example with the same
07:15.10Death_INCsuma: show application gotoif
07:15.16IOscanneryou trying to get the zap driver  working with 2.6(Death)
07:15.36Death_INCIOscanner, I was going to heh
07:15.54IOscannerIt does work...I have it working on 2.6.5
07:15.58sumathanks DeathINC
07:16.40Death_INCIOscanner, I've had it work a little then it stops... my zap interface isn't sharing an IRQ with anything either
07:18.17IOscannerStrange.  I had the problem as first too.  I found out that I have to run ztcfg before I start asterisk from a cold boot. Not sure why yet.  It has been running for 2 days no problems.
07:18.40Death_INCyou always have to run ztcfg before *
07:18.41brc007-users list
07:18.41brc007Asterisk Cygwin Port.
07:18.51brc007how's it going i-fy
07:19.18Mavericbrc goto bed damnit
07:19.25brc007Maveric: why
07:19.26brc007oh yeah
07:19.30brc007that whole getting up at 6 thing
07:19.34Death_INCbrc007, because you're annoying! :b
07:19.41brc007I am?
07:19.46brc007you lie!
07:19.53brc007I ask everyone
07:19.53IOscannerI still can't find any docs on how to add ringing when you are tranfering calls
07:19.55brc007am I anoying?
07:19.58sumaDeath_INC: using GotoIf  it self will make the user to guess the password
07:20.22sumayou need to have  _XXXXXXXX to avoid guessing
07:20.31Death_INCsuma, you still need to use a variable to store what try they're on
07:20.50sumabut when the user press other than 1
07:20.54mitchel_just make it into an agi script?
07:20.56sumait will go to invalid extension
07:21.19Death_INCsuma, aah I see what you mean
07:21.40Death_INCthen you want _X.
07:21.48Death_INCotherwise it still tells them how LONG the password is
07:22.32sumain this case you need to use Digittimeout(..)
07:23.00sumaeventhough it is correct password  123412  and user talks for sometime and press the remaining ones
07:23.04sumayou will reject it
07:23.05Maverickey is to always use digittimeout in these cases
07:23.47sumabut that is acceptable too, if the user it taking much time to enter the PIN
07:30.38*** join/#asterisk fbnts (
07:30.57mitchel_asterisk doesn't do live monitoring of calls does it?
07:30.59mitchel_only records
07:31.35brc007proally could do it with the manager interface and a custom app
07:31.41brc007there's wiki pages on it I believe
07:31.55mitchel_well looks like i need a conference room
07:32.02mitchel_and then i have to transfer the active parties into it
07:32.08mitchel_and then enter it with silence mode
07:32.14mitchel_so they can't hear it come in to monitor
07:32.45IOscannerI have a sip account setup for a fax line.  Any one know what exten I would use to forward the call from 1234567 sip number (answered by asterisk) to extention (fax machine).
07:33.09mitchel_if your call comes in
07:33.14mitchel_and you have an Answer
07:33.19mitchel_* will detect it as a fax
07:33.24mitchel_and send it to the "fax" extension
07:34.23mitchel_not that i've got it to work
07:34.25mitchel_but if you do it
07:34.26brc007exten => fax,1,Dial(ZAP/faxmachineport)
07:34.29mitchel_and you have a dedeicated fadx line
07:34.30IOscannerexten => 1,1,Fax(LOCAL/105@default)
07:34.37mitchel_i recommend setting absolute timeout on that line to about 5 minutes
07:34.47mitchel_so no fax machines get caught trying to connect for too long on your bill
07:34.59brc007er damnit
07:35.02brc007I am tired
07:35.04mitchel_and then priority 1 -> absolute and priority 2 -> answer and priority -> 3 music on hold
07:35.06brc007thanks IOscanner
07:35.41mitchel_ios, i think it's exten => fax, 1, application
07:35.57brc007I too tired to know what it is
07:36.01fbntsdoes any1 know why * won't change ringing tones even when changed in indications.conf and reloaded asterisk?
07:37.38IOscannerWill asterisk receive the fax and save it to a file to be e-mailed?
07:37.57IOscannerfor what brc007?
07:38.32brc007nebermind :p
07:38.37Death_INCsince when is there an app_fax?
07:38.57ManxPowerDeath_INC: since
07:39.05ManxPowerin the spandsp directory
07:39.22Death_INCManxPower, aah cool that's new, used to be only RxFax/TxFAX
07:39.47brc007_sleepingzrxfax replacement?
07:39.55ManxPowerDeath_INC: Oh, app_fax?  Never heard of it
07:39.56Death_INCManxPower, strange I dont see it there
07:41.50Death_INCit's exten => fax,1,RxFAX(file.tif) if you use RxFAX, or exten => fax,1,Dial(Zap/3)... assuming Zap/3 is your fax machine
07:42.02fbntsdoes any1 know why * won't change ringing tones even when changed in indications.conf and reloaded asterisk?  We are in the UK and want the ringing tones to simulate the UK Ring rather than the US
07:42.47gromitif you are using SIP phones, the tones are generated in th eSIP phone
07:44.00fbntswell its when we dial out we are using dial(****|r) and on incoming calls we are using ringing()
07:45.23IOscannerI thought it was exten => 1,3,Dial(LOCAL/104@default,20,r)
07:46.32fbntssorry yes its calling a PSTN Provider via IAX just couldn't be bothered to type it all in.
07:47.02IOscanneryou had |r
07:47.13IOscanneris it |r or ,r?
07:47.13fbntsIt somit like dial(IAX2/
07:47.16fbntsoh right
07:47.26fbntsi think i have |r
07:47.42fbntsbut im sure thats what it said at the CLI show application dial
07:47.46fbntsi'll just check
07:48.29IOscannerthat would be my problem
07:48.41IOscanneran older doc had ,20,r for the ringer
07:48.50IOscannerlooks like it is now |
07:49.01fbntsmind u it must be right cos with out the |r it just plays silence but when i put the |r it does play a ringing tone but its US even though ive changed the pattern in indications.conf
07:49.28*** join/#asterisk rozo (
07:50.03IOscannerthanks that fixed my problem....
07:50.12fbntsyep its exactly like: Dial(IAX2/********:*****${EXTEN:3}||r)
07:51.43fbntsany ideas why asterisk is ignoring the indications.conf?
07:52.08Death_INCfbnts: have you searched the mailing lists?
07:52.31fbntsi searched the Wiki pages
07:52.52fbntsbut theres nothing there apart from what the indications.conf file is for
07:53.14twisted(yes, i'm STILL up)
07:53.52twistedTALK PEOPLE
07:54.48*** join/#asterisk skokie (
07:54.52*** part/#asterisk skokie (
07:54.54ManxPowertwisted: I'm chortleing evily to myself while looking at my new SMTP anti-spam rexexps
07:54.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
07:55.33twistedBUT - i move to huntsville next weekend
07:55.43twistedManxPower, that'd work for a nice filter
07:55.48ManxPowertwisted: Gonna work for Digium?
07:55.55twistedManxPower, newp
07:56.19twistedgonna be working for an * consutant 'firm'
07:56.19ManxPowertwisted: I have things like "cable"  "dial"  "ppp", etc in adition to the "dsl" one
07:56.36twisteddon't do that
07:56.43twistedbad filter
07:56.53ManxPowertwisted: I may consider accepting contract from such places starting in Aug
07:56.59ManxPowertwisted: Why not?
07:57.17twistedyou gotta figure
07:57.25twistedcablemodem's don't change IP's that often
07:57.32twisted(mine has been the same for over 5 months now)
07:57.45twistedtherefore, if someone spams you froma  cablemodem
07:57.51ManxPowertwisted: I assume %100 of cablemodem will only send spam to us.
07:57.52twistedall you gotta do is report them, and they lose their account :P
07:58.06ManxPowertwisted: I would be fileing 300 reports a day!
07:58.28twistedwell, mine doesn't have any of those keywords in it anyway
07:58.31twistedat least not right now
07:58.37twistedit may when i move to hsv, but who knows
07:58.50ManxPowerAnyone that wants to send mail to us can use their ISPs server.
07:59.02ManxPowerWe do NOT have many geeks sending us mail.
07:59.09twistedbut I would :P
07:59.35twistedYou do realize that between us two, we've been up at least a collective of about 40 hours in one day
08:00.09ManxPowertwisted: Prolly so.  I'm in a "shock my system" night.  I feel SO much better if I have one of those occasionally
08:00.15twistedme too
08:00.22twistedbut mine are coming all too often recently
08:00.29twistedand with the current news, i'm just too hyped to go to bed
08:00.48twistedit's gonna be a complete lifestyle change that will be taking place over the course of a week
08:01.18ManxPowerThis is my fave regexp: /^.*-.*-.*-.*\..*\..*$/
08:01.26twistedblock it ALL
08:01.37ManxPowertwisted: I do NOT accept all nighters very often.
08:01.50*** join/#asterisk switch (~switch@
08:01.59ManxPowertwisted: Anything coming from consumer grade account, yes.
08:03.15twistedpretty soon i'll be able to stop begging for money in here
08:03.24twistedwether I will or not, that'll be a different story
08:03.47ManxPowerI beg for money on general principal
08:03.54ManxPowerI help a lot of people.
08:03.58twistedi try to
08:03.59ManxPowerI may stop at some point.
08:04.05twistedwe usually work in shifts, or so i've noticed
08:04.21twistedyou usually get a bulk of the daytime traffic, and I seem to handle a bulk of the night-owls
08:04.41ManxPowerOr do something like: I won't chat on the channel today until I get $10 in paypal 8-)
08:04.49dovwhat do people pay for cisco atas at the moment?
08:04.58twisteddov, froogle
08:05.14dovfair enough
08:05.14twistedebay is a good resource too, but you run a risk of getting a locked one
08:05.24dovat least thats a bit different to the usual 'google' response
08:05.39twisteddov, actually, i don't know... i think they run about $150 or so new
08:06.00twistedfroogle == google (cept for prices and stuff)
08:06.04Death_INCManxPower, why block hosts with three or more dashes in the hostname?
08:06.21Death_INCservers don't usualllyt I guess, makes sense actually
08:06.27ManxPowerDeath_INC: Because they are almost ALWAYS dynamic IP addresses...
08:06.35*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
08:07.00brc007the asterisk 0.9 .deb files have a _bunch_ of changes
08:07.16brc007what are we doing?
08:07.20twistedhong kong cable modem?
08:07.26brc007my hostmask is bigger then yours?
08:07.39twistedi like kram's hostmask on irc
08:07.44Death_INCbrc, I bet my hostmask can be bigger than yours in 60 seconds
08:07.47dovi would've thought cable in hk was fairly rare
08:07.48brc007nobody care about debian
08:07.49dovits all adsl?
08:07.53brc007Death_INC: have at it!
08:08.05brc007yeah digium sponsors FN
08:08.13brc007they are like one of 2 companies that do afaict
08:08.25brc007this is sad
08:08.30brc007go to #freenode
08:08.34brc007readthe topi c
08:08.37ManxPowerdov: High population density, high income levels.
08:08.46brc007sad because not more companies support FN
08:09.18brc007Death_INC: I'm still watiing
08:09.29brc007Death_INC: tick tick tik
08:09.54Death_INCtyped servername wrong
08:10.03twistedPDPC i thought was a primary donating private company?
08:10.10*** join/#asterisk Death_lNC (
08:10.11twistedor premier
08:10.17twistedor somethnig
08:10.17Death_lNChow's that?
08:10.20brc007who's Mark Purcell
08:10.23brc007<Death_INC> brc, I bet my hostmask can be bigger than yours in 60 seconds
08:10.26brc007and waiting
08:10.29Death_INCùíù Death_lNC [] has joined #asterisk
08:10.38Death_lNCwhat you waiting for?
08:10.52brc007to uh
08:10.53brc007go to sleep
08:11.01Death_INCso /whois death_lnc
08:11.31ManxPowerWhat's REALLY sad is that one of the biggest spammers in the world lives about 30 miles from me.
08:11.53debaseryou should go distribute a beatdown
08:12.19doveven sadder, he's pro bably loaded
08:14.04debaseri find it hard to believe that spamming could be really profitable
08:14.18timecopok wtf
08:14.21timecopthat didnt work
08:14.38timecopcan someone please explain me why the fuck when I try to conference 2 calls over iax one of htem gets dropped almost immediately
08:14.42brc007debaser: I do not
08:14.48brc007talk to stupid people some time
08:15.05brc007You'll believe it real quick
08:15.14DarkFlibdebaser: if you send 10,000 emails and 20 buy something its profitable....
08:15.58brc007even lower then that I'd guess
08:16.03brc007GOODBYE TIMECOP
08:16.28DarkFlibdepends how you get your lists i suppose....
08:16.34ManxPowerMy largest client had the company EMAIL DIRECTORY on their web page for a while.
08:16.41debaseri'd bet that the returns are less than one in a million
08:16.43dovwait till they start using voip for spam
08:16.45DarkFlibsome people buy lists for massive amounts of oney reletively
08:17.12ManxPowertimecop: run asterisk in debug mode and see if you can find anything to help you debug it
08:17.14timecopi want to know why the fuck I cant conference 2 calls over iax
08:17.18brc007wtf is all the stuff they've added
08:17.21timecopManxPower: I dont know. its running in -vvvv mode
08:17.25timecopi dont see any messages
08:17.27timecopit jsut gets fucking dropped
08:17.28ManxPowertimecop: That's not debug
08:17.30brc007very big....tired==read slow
08:17.30timecopiax debug doesnt help either
08:17.35ManxPowertime "asterisk -cvvvddd"
08:17.43brc007try -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
08:17.47brc007d? what's d do?
08:17.52ManxPowerno, you need three d's
08:17.53twistedbrc007, that many v's don't help you none
08:17.59twisted3 d's == debug
08:18.01brc007I know but it's soo cool
08:18.01DarkFlibeasiest way to get around the voip for spam is to prefix your actual phone call with a 'press nn to get past our spam block'
08:18.05ManxPowerbrc007: "v" is verbosity level "d" is debug level
08:18.06DarkFliband change nn each time
08:18.13brc007and it's eaiser then typing 4v's
08:18.20timecopMay 22 17:23:30 WARNING[213006]: chan_iax2.c:2832 iax2_send: timestamp is 0?
08:18.22brc007hrm okay
08:18.22timecopthis is the only thing I see
08:18.25timecopthats any different
08:18.31brc007what sorta info does d get you
08:18.31timecopthen it hangs up
08:18.35debaserdov: yeah.  thats why i'm really scared of unified messaging or whatever.
08:18.44twistedManxPower, last i checked, you still gotta turn debug to console in logger.conf
08:18.54debaserthe convergence of spam and telemarketing will be a sad day for humanity
08:19.00timecophow the hell can I debug this iax garbage
08:19.08timecopwhy would it drop
08:19.11DarkFlibI don't mind telling a human to fsck off if they spam.... but the worst thing is autmoated voip spam....
08:19.12debasertimecop: with a shotgun
08:19.15timecopdoes iax randomly drop if theres not enough bandwidht?
08:19.29debaseryeah, but only for you.
08:19.36debaseryou see, it doesn't like you.
08:19.36twistedi'm waiting for automated video voip spam
08:19.48ManxPowertwisted: not for me.
08:19.54ManxPowertimecop: What is your "show version"?
08:20.01twistedso you can see, hear, and read the fuck-porn in your inbox
08:20.02ManxPowertimecop: No
08:20.14timecopManxPower: todays cvs
08:20.25debaserautomated video voip spam..  whenever i get that its gonna be for fucking nigerian money
08:20.26timecopits been doign this forever.
08:20.30timecopone channel works fine
08:20.39debaserbecause i just KNOW i'm not gonna get the porn kind
08:20.39matthewajust ask wififred to !call you over and over and over again
08:20.41twisteddebaser, with some OBVIOUS set and some hired actor
08:20.47ManxPowertried dunno.  I see only 2 reports of it on the mailig list.
08:21.08timecopof what
08:21.11timecoprandom iax2 disconnects?
08:21.15dovvoip spam might be a good business to get into ;-)
08:21.37dovi can forget morals if there's enough money in it
08:21.51brc007dov == evil
08:21.58twisteddat says a lot about your morals
08:22.15twistedand values
08:22.20timecophm i wonder
08:22.35timecopi turned off loading of iax module on one of the machines
08:22.37timecopand it doesnt seem to drop
08:22.38dovsif you wouldn't get into it for the right price
08:22.46dovyou're lying if you say you wouldn't
08:22.52ManxPowerMy biggest problem with turning to the Dark Side is that nobody would ever respect me again in my entire life.
08:23.14timecopnow I can link 3 lines haha
08:24.10timecophmm so turning off iax fixed it
08:24.26timecopbut then again I thought same thing when i changed bandwidth from low to high
08:24.58ManxPowertimecop: bandwith= only determines the default set of codecs to try, nothing else.
08:25.15ManxPowertimecop: Everyone should have a noload => in their /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
08:25.24ManxPowertimecop: Everyone should have a noload => in their /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
08:25.30ManxPowerIt's late
08:25.36twistedthat's ok
08:25.44twistedi just admitted to listening to national pubic radio
08:26.00debasera big ira glass fan?
08:26.17twistedi don't listen often
08:26.31twistedbut i like prarie home companion
08:26.37debaseryou should.  npr is good for you.
08:26.40debaserheh, i was just gonna say that
08:26.55timecopit still doesnt fucking wokr
08:27.00timecopit just randomly decides what to drop
08:27.09timecopit works for 4 calls hten drops hte 5th one
08:27.11debaserprarie home companion, car talk, what do you know, this american life.  all amazing shows.
08:27.37timecopiax1 isnt built anymore nayway
08:27.43timecopat least it isnt in my modules dir
08:27.47timecopso turning that off had no effect
08:27.48debaseri'm sorry to hear that
08:27.48brc007Raise your hand if you've heard the sample hold music "Thankyou for calling supermegasprockets inc, where all the men are beautiful, all the women are strong, and all the call volumes are above average"
08:28.02debaseri just hired a group of women who will be over to cry in your corner with you
08:28.40twisteddon't ask why
08:28.57matthewacan a 5ESS do enum?
08:29.01twisted"Don't ask why, split them thighs"
08:29.15twisteda 5ESS is a hard switch
08:29.24matthewathat has IP upgrade software available..
08:29.36matthewaif I had one to play with i wouldn't ask such a naive question ;)
08:29.38ManxPower5ESS tends to be about 10 years behind state of the art
08:29.42brc007you guys suck
08:29.44twistedthat too
08:29.44matthewas current?
08:29.45ManxPowerAnd ENUM is still experimental
08:29.58matthewadude, the Internet is still experi-mental
08:30.07twistedit's mental alright
08:30.29twistedoh wait
08:30.33matthewawhat do most of the big carriers use for their class 5 switches then?
08:30.33twistedthat's just the people on it
08:30.40matthewai can't see then upgrading very much
08:30.48matthewaaol or irc?
08:30.50twistedmatthewa, qwest uses *
08:30.54debaseri'm currently doing graduate-level research on the implementation of enum on tin-can-and-string technology.
08:30.57twistedso does AT&T
08:31.08twistedthere are only 2 5ESS' left on the planet
08:31.12ManxPower5ESS, DMS100, and what's the other one?
08:31.13matthewayour not funny
08:31.22twistedone in england, the other in zimbabwe
08:31.45debasertwisted: naw, i'm sure ameritech still have a bunch in use
08:31.47IOscannerDoh...I got MeetMe to work with its auth.
08:31.48brc007twisted you're funny
08:31.50DarkFlibhow does a tin can implement dtmf?
08:31.54twisteddebaser, just  joke
08:31.58twistedwtf happened to my a
08:32.02matthewadarklib: whistle harder.
08:32.07brc007with tuned forks DarkFlib
08:32.25twistedDarkFlib, i can speak dtmf
08:32.29twistedi can also listen and translate
08:32.29IOscannerthe cisco phone must be set to inband.  I also have a grandstream phone that needs to be also.  The wisip doesn't
08:32.37twistedand that's no joke
08:32.40DarkFliboff hook indication?
08:32.49brc007wtf h ppened to my  ?
08:32.53debaserDarkFlib: its very challenging research
08:33.05DarkFlibI think so too....
08:33.12ChayewalaI am trying to send DTMF tones using RFC2833 from a GS BT100
08:33.18Chayewalabut it does not work
08:33.42IOscannerTry inband and see if that works.
08:33.45twistedi thought chan_canandstring was replaced with chan_oss
08:34.05twistedor rather, renamed
08:34.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:34.20IOscannerI have the same phone I had to change the sip.conf for that line to inband and it worked.
08:34.21ChayewalaI have configured GSBT100 with  RFC2833 and have defined it in sip.conf but it does not work
08:34.21ManxPowerReject: Your subject had too many subsequent spaces. Please change the subject and try again.
08:34.33IOscannerIt sees the commands but something is not right.
08:34.47ManxPowerChayewala: What happens?
08:35.08ManxPowerIOscanner: Inband DTMF ONLY works well with the ulaw and alaw codecs.
08:35.19twistedmy bt102 works fine with rfc2833
08:35.21ChayewalaIs (RFC2833 inband?
08:35.23twistedbut i'm using g729 :P
08:35.34twistedChayewala, no
08:35.58Chayewalawhy even mention G711u and G711a in this case?
08:36.09ManxPowerChayewala: I was talking to IOscanner
08:36.13sumaanyone knows how much is the termination prices with ?
08:36.15IOscannerI am using G711u
08:36.20timecopthis fucking sucks
08:36.21twistedsuma, 2.9c/min
08:36.22debaserbecause if you were using g711 you could just say fuck it, use inband, and not worry
08:36.27sumaor can i find it online ?
08:36.33twistedsuma, 2.9c/min us48
08:36.33ManxPowerChayewala: Some versions of the GS firmware requires you set the mode to INFO or you get doubled digits
08:36.40sumai want for other destinations too
08:36.58ManxPowersuma: You have to contact Nufone for rates other than to the USA
08:37.03ChayewalaI am not getting any digits
08:37.04IOscannerChayewala what codec are you using?
08:37.04twistedemail with a rate request... we'll send you a rate sheet
08:37.17Chayewalatwisted - are you with Nufone?
08:37.30sumathanks twisted
08:37.32twistedChayewala, to an extent, yes
08:37.40Chayewalaok - kewl
08:37.51Chayewalanow my DTMF TOMES
08:37.55Chayewalawhat should I do ?
08:38.09twistedwell, if you're using dtmf TOMES, you got a problem :P
08:38.19twisted(sorry, i've been awake WAAAAY too long)
08:38.28debasertry your final option.  the one that isn't =rfc2833 or =inband
08:38.41twistedChayewala, try info
08:38.51twistedsip info on bt100 series also works like  champ
08:39.22twistedwtf happened to my a?
08:39.43ManxPowertwisted: It's next to your coffee cup.
08:39.54foobosthe rfc2833 works also well on recent fw:s.. atleast on .55 and .68 i tried
08:39.58ManxPowerAlternative answer: Your's sitting on it, silly!
08:40.09twistedManxPower, that would be my arse, and yes, this is true
08:40.52twistedGotoIf($[a = arse]2:3)
08:41.41twistedbecause a is not a variable
08:41.47ManxPowerOh!  OK.
08:42.12sumawhat is the command to see list of applications ?
08:42.22twistedshow applications... maybe.. :P
08:42.50twistedholy shit
08:42.56twistedkram fell offline
08:42.59twistedthere's a new one
08:43.27Chayewalafoobos : where can I get .68 ?
08:43.44fooboschayewala, support-downloads
08:44.12Chayewalais that for  BT 100 or for the HandyTone?
08:44.13twistedfoobos, noo.. he can use my pay-per-use tftp server!
08:44.17Chayewalaor is it same for both?
08:44.34foobosChayewala, no idea. i used it on BT 100s
08:44.49foobostwisted, oh you have tftp with coinslot?
08:44.53twistedfoobos, yah
08:45.03twistedcoinslot @ via paypal
08:45.23twisteddrop in 10$ worth of quarters, and you get sent back an email with the tftp server info
08:45.51*** join/#asterisk [heka] (~heka@
08:46.29twistedthe kewl thing is
08:46.53twistedi have 7905G sip firmware there, bt100 series latest firmware, ht286 latest firmware... i think you get the drift
08:46.54twistedoh yea
08:47.03twistedand TONS of ringtones for 79X0's
08:48.59Death_INC14400 seconds heh
08:49.06Death_INCis that 14400baud?
08:49.14twisted14400 bps
08:49.25debaser40 quarters = 14400 seconds?
08:49.37twisted40 quarters == 10$
08:49.45twisted10$ makes me smile
08:50.17sumais festival recommended to use with asterisk or does it reduces the performance of asterisk ?
08:50.21debaseri need to go to sleep within the next hour or so =[
08:50.25Death_INCtime is money, money is the root of all evil, therefore 14400seconds = evil
08:50.53debaserevery man needs his roots
08:51.39Death_INCsuma, festival is pretty intensive... I'd execute it to generate the answers then save them...
08:52.01sumamm ..
08:52.08foobosyeah. and the damn festival doesn't speak finnish :)
08:52.35debaserif you can record the answers and use them please oh please just find someone who liked musical theater in highschool and stick them in front of a microphone
08:53.08Death_INCoh there is a halfways decent voice in festival
08:53.17Death_INCpain to find tho
08:53.23Death_INCit's a cmu voice or something I forget
08:54.09Death_INCthat one
08:54.21Death_INCthe rest are simply awful
08:54.22debaserpretty much all tts apps ive heard (with the exception of spheechify or whatever its called) is just so grating
08:54.22twistedarctic hits?
08:54.38Death_INCI dont remember where I found it
08:54.41Death_INCbut google should
08:54.45debaseryou can barely understand it, and listening that close just hurts
08:54.46Death_INC~google cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts
08:54.48Chayewalatwisted - do you also have the encryption utility for BT configuration etc?
08:55.10twistedChayewala, no, that's something you have to buy from GS for like $1000000000000
08:55.53Death_INC :)
08:56.03debaserbut, seriously, be nice to people that you trap in your ivr..  get a human to record the prompts
08:56.27twistedno be evil
08:56.38twistedget william shatner to record your prompts
08:56.47twistedand make your hold music leonard nemoy singing
08:56.49debaserthat would be awesome.
08:56.57debaseror myron cope
08:57.42Death_INCoh god
08:57.54ManxPowertwisted: For telemarketers you could do the reverse.
08:57.58twistedLOL press one.  for 2.
08:58.52twistedto hear leonard sing...the blues.... press....three.
08:58.57ChayewalaI updated to .68
08:59.00debaserdefinately use 8k sample festival tts for your telemarketer hell scripts
08:59.06*** join/#asterisk BillHeckel (
08:59.11Chayewalanow it shows :Program--
08:59.15Chayewalabut no luck
08:59.19Chayewalaso it is not the phone
08:59.22debaserfind some way to pass them through a filter so it sounds like its on shortwave radio too
08:59.29twistedChayewala, use info
08:59.29ChayewalaI have selected RFC2833 in the phone
08:59.36Chayewalaok let me try
08:59.49twistedand sip info for dtmf mode on the phone
09:00.32ChayewalaI thought that rfc2833 support was pretty robust.
09:00.37Chayewalahad worked for me before
09:00.52Chayewaladid I mention that I upgraded to latest CVS just moments ago?
09:01.09debaseri think its all just a crap shoot in general
09:01.23twistedi'm delerious
09:01.28twistedand losing my balance
09:01.31twistedmaybe it's time to go to bed
09:01.37debaseryeah, me too.  starting to hallucinate
09:01.46twistedi'm losing my balance sitting on the floor
09:01.47debaseri honestly can't remember the last time i went to sleep
09:01.47twistedgo figure
09:02.11debaseri think it was tuesday afternoon
09:02.22*** join/#asterisk ac931274 (
09:03.12ac931274Does anybody know how to generate the ring?.bin for the grandstreams yet?
09:03.16sumasipura 3000 is best for sip
09:03.25sumaanyon tried that ?
09:03.36twistedDeath_INC, that's sickening
09:03.37foobosChayewala, i'm using 14. May CVS-HEAD with BT100 and rfc2833 dtmf works
09:03.45Death_INCit's the best voice for festival tho
09:03.56Death_INCthat I ever saw
09:04.04Death_INCer, heard
09:05.20Death_INCI should redo all the * prompts in that voice and post it somewhere *grin*
09:05.31Death_INCuse this if you don't like your users!
09:05.40twisteddon't like is being polite
09:05.46twisteduse this if you HATE your users.
09:07.06debaseris there much interest alternate * voice sets?
09:08.16twistedcvs co asterisk-shatner-sounds
09:08.27debasertwisted: i'll pitch on that
09:08.53debaserbut its gotta be wacked out mr tamborineman man william shatner
09:08.55twistedthat would be a trip
09:09.03debasernot the somewhat sedate priceline william shatner
09:09.06twistedof course
09:09.11twistedsomewhat sedate?
09:09.17twistedhe sounds like he's asleep
09:09.23Death_INCtwisted, almost dont :b thx perl and sounds.txt
09:09.36Death_INCer, done
09:09.51twistedDeath_INC, oh god
09:10.18twistedi'm gonna go pass out finally
09:10.19Death_INCbeep.gsm is recorded as "this is a simple beep tone"
09:10.47twistedplease leave your message after the tone ... this is a simple beep tone
09:11.30Death_INCI'm going to leave that rofl
09:11.37debaser'please leave your message once you're sure my phone has hung up on you'
09:11.49twistedtime for sleepy time
09:12.21Death_INCit says login as "logan"
09:12.43*** join/#asterisk af (~af@
09:15.11Death_INCyou gotta hear the beep tone...
09:15.17twistedsend me it
09:15.19twistedi'll listen
09:15.20debaserthats the only reason why i'm not in bed yet
09:15.27debasersmoke the nights last cig.
09:15.41debaser(of coarse i'll probably sleep 18-24 hours)
09:15.55twistedshe sounds like my 8th grade english teacher
09:16.03Death_INCthis is like, ironic
09:16.20Death_INCthat WOULD make people kill themselves
09:16.37Death_INCI can just imagine hearing that on hold
09:16.43debaserben stein would be a cool voice actor
09:16.50*** join/#asterisk BillHeckel (
09:16.55*** part/#asterisk BillHeckel (
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09:17.38twisteddaamn arts
09:17.54debaserart who?  art doesn't live here anymore.
09:17.57twistedthat wasn't that bad
09:18.21twistednow record the supermegasprocketsinc
09:18.55Moc__yea bed time... just need to put the laptop aside
09:19.25twisted"thank you for calling supermegasprocketsinc, where all the men are beautiful, all the women are strong, and all the call volumes are above average.  Now I know what you're thinking. Why are we putting you on hold? Well, your call is not important enough for us to hire more people to man the phones....etc.."
09:19.28Death_INChmm, is it listed in sounds.txt?
09:20.19Death_INCbah I have to type?
09:20.24twistedbut you can get the script from phc
09:21.30twistedprarie home companion
09:21.45twistedor howevere the fuck you spell it
09:22.02*** join/#asterisk guan (~Snak@
09:22.35twistedoh well
09:22.40twistedcigarette's done
09:22.44twistedbeddie bye time
09:22.47twistedg'nite again
09:23.00debaseri'd like to have ivr functionality that just dumped the caller into a channel with garrison keiller reading short stories
09:23.02Death_INCbah I cant find it on google
09:25.29debaseryeah, i'm gonna wash up a bit then go into a coma for a day or two
09:27.58*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
09:29.04Death_INCarg all that and it screwed up recording it heh, maybe on second try
09:30.13*** part/#asterisk guan (~Snak@
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09:42.02*** part/#asterisk cobalt` (
09:44.35ManxPower" Just immobilise your users with fear by setting the command prompt to: Delete all files? Hit any key to continue."
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09:59.50inspiredare there any GOOD open source billing systems which support cdr? I've tried trabas, but it doesn't work like expected.
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10:35.30snewpyis there an easy way to send MWI for _all_ mailboxes via a single sip peer?
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11:13.59ChayewalaIs there any way to make glophone work with Asterisk?
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