irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040521

00:00.23h3xthis is true
00:00.26h3x$20 bills anyway
00:01.45PilotPTK-Homeevening h3
00:01.48PilotPTK-Homeevening h3x
00:01.53twistedtwenty dollah bills yall
00:02.21PilotPTK-Homemitchel:  host=dynamic
00:02.27PilotPTK-HomeI THINK that will work.
00:02.30twistedbkw_, sbc's on strike?
00:02.44PilotPTK-HomeI'm not sure permit can take fqdn as a value.  might just be numerical IP
00:03.19twistedpermit (afaik) doesn't use getbyhostname, so you'll have to use an numerical IP
00:03.31PilotPTK-Homethats what i was thinking...
00:03.37mitchelpilot/twisted? how would i use the fqdn then?
00:03.39PilotPTK-Homebut i figured i'd let me try and see if it worked.
00:03.43PilotPTK-Homeyou wouldn't mitchel
00:03.46twistedmitchel, you wouldn't
00:03.48mitchelthe sip.conf @ loligo is doing that though?
00:03.53twistedyou'd get the IP is an alias for has address
00:04.09twistedput the IP in there
00:04.33mitcheltwisted it was an example, i'd rather not use the ip, i can do it, the thing is i'm trying to avoid it
00:04.33PilotPTK-Homeeither allow registration from any ip with the correct secret/MD5Sum OR Set host= and don't have register at all.
00:04.47twistedthere ya go
00:04.59twistedor just do deny=
00:05.04mitchelok, i'll do that i'm just confused by loligo's he does that
00:05.07PilotPTK-Homeor set permit=
00:05.07twistedand force it to register
00:05.33PilotPTK-Homethought if you denied all, a registration wouldn't ever be accepted?
00:05.51twistedor wait
00:05.57twistedi dono.. i'm denying all on a few of mine
00:06.13twistedand as long as they authenticate, it works
00:06.13PilotPTK-Homehmm...that seems to be against 'common sense'
00:06.17PilotPTK-Homebut you may be correct
00:06.55mitchelnot to be saying your all wrong, i just don't understand the loligo sip.conf example using a fqdn?
00:07.09PilotPTK-Homehost= can take a fqdn
00:07.15PilotPTK-Homepermit/deny can not take a fqdn
00:07.29twistedmitchel, i just looked at that
00:07.37twistedno where in there are they using permit/deny with a fqdn
00:07.53mitcheltwisted: i'm talking about host=
00:08.03PilotPTK-Homeif host != dynamic, then nothing can REGISTER to that box
00:08.04twistedoh yea
00:08.10twistedyou can use fqdn for HOST all day long
00:08.13twistedyou were saying permit/deny lines
00:08.24mitchelno i never mentioned permit/deny lines
00:08.26PilotPTK-Homeright, you can put the fqdn in the host= line, but then you can't register.
00:08.34mitcheli want to use host, i can't register though
00:08.45mitchelits telling me to use dynamic with it
00:08.52mitcheland ignoring the host i put in
00:08.54mitchelwhich scks
00:08.54twistedthen it was PilotPTK-Home who started this mess :p
00:08.56mitchel* sucks