irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040520

00:00.11brc007what...they want to prevent automated logins? GASP people would be able to store their un/pw and login without having to type the code!
00:00.13twistedyou can sign up bots, then have them login and do shit for ya..
00:00.14doolphbrc007 you can hack it
00:00.17brc007I understand on the register page
00:00.35twistedyes, but a human can get on and sign up bot accounts, and then let the bots go buck-wild
00:00.42brc007maybe...seems stupid to nice if it was OFF by default
00:00.46brc007doolph how?
00:00.49*** join/#asterisk angler ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:00.54doolphbrc007 hold on ill get it for you
00:01.09*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
00:01.27twistedi've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...
00:01.30ManxPowerallow=all causes more problems than it solves
00:01.33twistedhere they all are standing in a row
00:01.42Darwin35grr it  did not pull
00:01.42teddycchow do i specify a user/pass when using h323?
00:01.43twistedbig ones small ones...  some as big as your head!
00:01.48ManxPowerIt should be renamed to ScrewUpMyAudio=yes
00:01.51doolphManxPower what do u recommend
00:02.17*** join/#asterisk evilbunny ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:02.28ManxPowerdoolph: disallow=all and allow=ulaw  Once you are familiar with Asterisk and want to save bandwidth then play around with other allow= lines
00:02.58twistedof course, you can define that in the general section and it should take effect for all sip users/peers
00:03.17twistedunless you explicitly override it
00:03.38*** join/#asterisk bwhahahahhahahha (
00:03.39twistedso doolph, are your calls working properly now then?
00:04.30*** part/#asterisk bwhahahahhahahha (
00:04.37Darwin35ok got it
00:04.55doolphim still editing the files
00:05.10doolphI dont understand those mailboxes line
00:05.24twistedthat's for mwi
00:05.34doolphthats for what
00:05.43twistedmwi for box 101
00:06.00twistedread the sample conf files, they explain everything
00:06.16doolphdo I using nat?
00:06.21twistedi don't know, are you ?
00:06.26*** join/#asterisk jon-k (
00:06.35jon-khello all
00:06.45doolphthe router is the * server too
00:07.03twistedthen nat=yes won't hurt anything, but it shouldn't be necessary
00:07.03doolphso i let it to yes
00:07.14*** join/#asterisk scud ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:10.23twistedstrike attach
00:10.27knight-twisted, sure wish i could get svn running
00:12.05jon-khas the format of the zapata.conf file changed since january?
00:12.52jon-ki tried an upgrade last night on an asterisk system and when I tried to load asterisk it complained about some options in my zapata.conf
00:13.11jon-ki can paste the error message if you would like it
00:13.50vmedranoi solve my problem / i was using and all openh323 lib / and it's working - thanks
00:13.54jon-kbasically, setup_zap ignored the switching type for some reason, then i saw "setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'"
00:14.03jon-kthen it ignored the dialplan
00:14.29jon-kbut basically, chan_zap failed to load
00:14.47jon-kkram, bkw, twisted, citats: any ideas?
00:15.08TerraByteHow long does it typically take to see G729 lics from the store get sent?
00:15.14twistedjon-k, have you tried checking out zaptel and seeing if it changed?
00:15.21twistedby looking at the samples?
00:16.00jon-kzapata.conf.sample is pretty much identical
00:16.28twistednot zaptel.conf
00:16.29jon-ki would imagine, though I haven't tried it, that the default configs would have failed
00:16.33twisteddoublecheck yours for typos
00:16.47jon-ksince it dies on like line 2 of the confs, and that is exactly what i have
00:16.54jon-ki went back to the old version
00:17.17jon-kwhere i'd copied the confs from
00:17.19jon-kand it worked fine
00:20.22mengerTerraByte: 24 hours
00:20.38mengerTerraByte: unless weekend
00:20.43TerraByteI ordered yesterday
00:20.47TerraByteFigured I would have seen it today
00:20.55jon-kyeah, zapata.conf
00:22.50doolphnow it worked
00:22.54twistedcool :)
00:22.59doolphits like
00:23.04jon-ki just checked twisted
00:23.07doolphsuper old voip phone
00:23.16jon-kthe only difference between my confs and the sample is that a few of my options are in a different order
00:23.17twisteddoolph, well, if it works, it works ;)
00:23.19doolphbad quality
00:23.31jon-kwhere my order starts to change
00:23.36jon-kis after where asterisk starts to break
00:23.49twisteddoolph, ive you find my help useful, feel free to send me all your money via paypal to :)
00:24.18twistedjon-k, if you're getting a signalling error, then something's wrong with the signalling type
00:24.58doolpheach time that I want to add a phone? i need to edit sip.conf and extension.conf?
00:25.04twisteddoolph, right
00:25.21jon-kthat's what i have
00:25.30jon-k; pri_cpe: PRI signalling, CPE side
00:25.37jon-kthat's in the sample
00:25.52Darwin35ok fixing this is a pain
00:26.05*** part/#asterisk kashmish (
00:26.06twistedand your error said..."unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'"
00:26.10Darwin35changing circleq to tailq on 5.2.1
00:26.42jon-kMay 19 17:50:11 ERROR[1024]: chan_zap.c:7849 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
00:27.21jon-kimmediately before that was:
00:27.22jon-kMay 19 17:50:11 WARNING[1024]: chan_zap.c:7994 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
00:27.31jon-kthats my line
00:27.51jon-k; euroisdn:       EuroISDN
00:27.53jon-kthat's the sample
00:28.30twistedand if you look in chan_zap.c, 7849 isn't the line number for that error
00:28.38twistedwhat version of asterisk have you, jon-k
00:28.40doolphthe sound volume is so high i think
00:28.41*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
00:28.44*** join/#asterisk samy^ (
00:28.50doolphor the mic
00:28.52twisteddoolph, that's a problem on your phone
00:29.04twisteduh, yes.
00:29.06Umarohey guys, anyone know a good way for me to leave/copy a voicemail on all the voicemail boxes in a context?
00:29.12twistedsip devices do not use * for volume control
00:29.34Umarolike, say i'm a manager of a sales team, and I want to make a voicemail that they all get
00:29.42twistedUmaro, go to and search for broadcast
00:29.50twistedthere's a patch for it
00:29.56Umarotwisted,, huh? sounds scary ;)
00:30.02Umarothx :)
00:30.07twistedthat's where bugs, patches, feature requests, etc, get filed.
00:31.02twistedjon-k, you never answered my question...  are you running latest cvs for *?
00:31.33jon-koh, sorry mate, yes, i am
00:31.41jon-kcopy obtained on the 17th
00:31.46jon-kie 3 days ago
00:31.52twistedbecause the line number for the error doesn't correspond to latest cvs
00:32.00BoRiSUmaro: I would like to see that feature added into the main cvs.
00:32.04twisted17th is NOT latest
00:32.53doolphwhat dtmf
00:33.09twistedjon-k, you also may need to update/install newest libpri
00:33.14jon-kahh, sorry, i just assumed nothing serious had happened in the last two days
00:33.21jon-ki'll go and update them all again
00:33.38jon-ki actually compiled new versions of libpri, zaptel, zapata, and asterisk
00:33.42jon-kall obtained on the 17th
00:33.43twisteddoolph, huh?
00:34.33doolphim on lan
00:34.37doolphand the voice speed is slow
00:34.57doolphwhen my friend talk i heard it 0.05 secs after
00:35.14twistedyou don't need zapata unless you're running an old zapata telephony card
00:35.21twistedyou should only need asterisk, libpri, and zaptel
00:35.23jon-kactually, now that i think about it, when i switched back to the old version, i forgot to depmod -a and update-modules when I loaded the old modules etc and i had another problem
00:35.27jon-kit may not be related
00:35.45twisteddoolph, that's called network latency and ulaw
00:36.00jon-kahh okay
00:36.00twistedthere WILL be a small delay
00:36.00doolphthen how can i fix it
00:36.13doolphmy ping is 0 ms
00:36.24doolphwell sometimes 1
00:36.27twistedokay.. here we go again with pings... ping time doesn't matter
00:36.44doolphah no?
00:36.53twistedand if it's 0.05 seconds, i don't see where the problem is
00:37.05twistedwhen you talk on a regular telephone, you have about that much delay
00:37.07*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
00:37.28twistedat least, here you do.. (TN)
00:38.21twistedi can call other phones on my lan, and i have the same issue... however, when i dial out thru the pstn, it's unnoticable
00:38.39twistedand unless you're in the same room, you won't notice it anyway (or can hear them in another way besides the phone)
00:39.45doolphumm my friendis next to me
00:39.51doolphmaybe tahts why
00:40.01Hogieyeah, that is why
00:40.01twistedyou gotta think, when you hear things with your ears, it's instant (i know, not scientifically, but still).  when you're dealing with voice telephony, you have to convert sound waves to electrical implulses, send them down the wire, do whatever your doing with them, and then send them down more wire, and re-convert to sound again.
00:40.17twistedthat takes time
00:40.26HogieI make calls over ipsec (30ms normally) from my house out the * at work... nobody can tell im not at work
00:40.57doolphwho got xlite
00:41.02twistedi use hardphones
00:41.04twistedno xlite here
00:41.12doolphits sameż
00:41.19doolphi want to chat with some1
00:41.32twisteddoolph, set up an account with fwd or iaxtel
00:41.38twistedfwd has a welcome line you can call someone on
00:41.52doolphi had fwd acct but i forgot my pass
00:41.58doolphmy acct number i mena
00:42.22twistedyou forogot your fwd number
00:42.33doolphi registered like 2 times
00:42.48twistedthey have a way to get it back if you go to fwd's website and use the email address you used to sign up
00:42.57jon-kso zapata isn't needed for wcfxs and wct1xxp
00:42.59jon-ksorry twisted
00:43.01jon-klots happening here :)
00:43.05jon-ki appreciate the help
00:43.12jon-kslowly getting details for you between calls etc
00:43.25twistedjon-k s'ok.. if you appreciate it that much, paypal me your cash to
00:43.55BoRiStwisted, You *really* need cash badly, don't cha?
00:44.03twistedBoRiS, haha.. actually, yes.
00:44.08*** join/#asterisk menger_ (
00:44.12BoRiSWhat have you been spending your money on?
00:44.23twistedbills man... bills.
00:44.32twistedbills + rent
00:44.50twistedoh yeah
00:44.52twistedand food..
00:44.56twistedi gotta eat, too
00:45.01Hogieman, dont you hate it when you try to buy a motorcycle, nothing goes right?
00:45.15twistedHogie, woudln't know... don't ride motorcycles
00:45.27jon-ktwisted :D hahah, sure!
00:45.29UmaroI have a no-motorcycle policy that excludes me from those types of problems.
00:45.53twistedjon-k i appreciate any donations I get :)
00:46.02jon-kWildcard E100P, and Wildcard TDM400P is the cards
00:46.09fileeek I'm alive
00:46.14jon-kso yeah
00:46.18jon-kshould be fine without zapata eh
00:46.19twistedjon-k, ah... you should only need the zaptel set
00:46.34jon-kso... zapata.conf... is that a legacy name?
00:46.37twistedand libpri
00:46.40HogieI have a "oh shit, my car is 12 years old and about to fall apart" problem which im trying to help fix by getting a daily commuter bike
00:46.49twistedzapata.conf is asterisk's config for chan_zap
00:46.52Darwin35say.c: In function `ast_say_date_with_format':
00:46.52Darwin35say.c:441: warning: passing arg 1 of `ast_localtime' from incompatible pointer type
00:46.52Darwin35say.c:464: warning: passing arg 1 of `ast_localtime' from incompatible pointer type
00:46.57twistedso yea, you could call it a legacy filename :P
00:47.31twistedHogie, hehe.. my car is only 7 years old
00:48.47HogieI figure, I can get over 300k miles out of my car, but that will be longer (im at 275k right now) if I have a motorcycle to commute to work on (which also will save me gas money)
00:49.21twistedi've thought about trading in my car for an electric hybrid
00:49.24jon-ktwisted :)
00:49.25jon-kthanks mate
00:49.28jon-ki'll try updating those three again
00:49.30jon-kand see how it goes
00:49.42twistedjon-k, ok
00:50.17fileQ:      Why did the tachyon cross the road?
00:50.17fileA:      Because it was on the other side.
00:50.23twistedfile, uhh... is your gag^H^H^Hcygwin stuff coming along?
00:50.46filetwisted: I have to do some core module stuff
00:51.06twistedoh.. it's that dll madness, isn't it
00:51.19fileDLLs can't access the functions of the program they are called from
00:51.21twistedwelcome to MS Logic
00:51.37fileso whenever a module trys to access such things as, ast_log - it can't and crashes
00:51.56Darwin35well its compiling
00:51.59doolphim talking to another friend
00:52.07doolphit seems ok
00:52.13twisteddoolph, cool :)
00:52.24doolphhow can i setup my mailbox
00:52.47Darwin35lets hope it buids
00:52.51twisteddoolph, voicemail.conf
00:53.02*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
00:53.32filetwisted: besides that flaw in DLL logic, everything is peachy
00:54.45twistedfile, you may find it easier to spawn other processes to handle the modular activity
00:55.18twisteduse IPC to allow them to chatter
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01:02.02doolphnow what's the next step
01:02.19twistedfor what?
01:02.35doolphumm i dont know
01:03.18doolphill go to register a fwd number
01:03.40doolphwhat can i do with that
01:03.45doolphwith *
01:04.10*** join/#asterisk MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.cloaked)
01:04.11Darwin35ok its building with a few changes
01:05.02Darwin35nice after a month of  it not building
01:05.09twistedmysticone, how'd you cloak?
01:25.30*** join/#asterisk jbot (
01:25.30*** topic/#asterisk is The Open Source PBX || The * has you, follow the white bunny! || Or just type "pbx" into google and click "I'm feeling lucky" || Ooh! Ooh! new asterisk feature, try "make muted"
01:26.03twistedtry the hints files