irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040517

00:00.05bkw_thats all going to change
00:01.29file[tealI need to start over
00:01.55coppiceis buggy? I get the login page, but get a blank page when I try to list some bugs
00:01.57Darwin35some of us like solaris and Freebsd
00:04.51file[tealthere, much cleaner
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk hermie (~hermie@
00:10.34*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
00:13.14l-fyhi FuzzyCat
00:13.21l-fyFuzzyCat > let's chat
00:14.31dncsorry, thats pretty funny
00:14.39dnchis network connection is fucked
00:14.53*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
00:17.33file[tealthere, db1-ast is fixed for Win32
00:17.45file[tealwell, almost
00:19.58*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:20.14*** join/#asterisk yevilbunn (
00:26.46*** join/#asterisk Adam_ (
00:28.23JerJerdnc: no that's a good tactic
00:28.26JerJernot to chat
00:28.40*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
00:28.53dncam i supposed to reply to that, or am i supposed to pull out my network cable ;)
00:29.06Adam_jerjer, could I get a beta copy of your new H.323 channel driver please?
00:29.24YoYo^when dialing out on a PRI, which is busy +1 and congestion +101?
00:29.26JerJerits not beta
00:29.52YoYo^or can asterisk differentiate between busy and reorder?
00:29.54file[tealmore like alpha?
00:30.01Adam_can I try it regardless?
00:30.15JerJerit doens't do anything real yet
00:30.20JerJeri haven't tied in the RTP yet
00:30.24debaserwhy not use sip? =]
00:30.32ManxPowerYoYo: ${CAUSECODE} Would you like a sample PRI dialplan for busy, congestion, disconnected, etc?
00:30.40Adam_ok, np
00:31.31dncdebaser: a choice between h323 and SIP, i'll take IAX anyday ;)
00:31.34YoYo^Manx: that would be awesome.  thanks
00:31.44*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
00:31.48debaserdnc: yeah, that goes without saying
00:33.04*** join/#asterisk Kenneth (~ksc@
00:34.35*** join/#asterisk uhuiiks (Mr_Pride@
00:35.02uhuiikshelp pls
00:35.51JerJerhelp yourself by asking a question
00:36.06bkw_and atleast saying HI before you start yelling for help :P
00:36.43bkw_YoYo you get everything setup/
00:37.07uhuiiksbkw_: HI
00:37.22ManxPowerYoYo: Fixed a bug in priorities, reload the document.
00:38.24YoYo^explain this to me...
00:38.24YoYo^exten => s,1,NoOp(HANGUPCAUSE=${HANGUPCAUSE})
00:38.31uhuiikswhy i get error : unknown host when i tried download mpg123?
00:38.31YoYo^why you not using SetVar() there?
00:39.10ManxPowerYoYo: Because all I want is to see on the console what the causecode was.
00:39.18YoYo^I see
00:39.25file[tealast_expr is giving me the darn trouble
00:39.52bkw_Secure IAX aka SEX
00:39.58*** join/#asterisk roma (
00:40.06YoYo^Manx: and your Dial() always goes to 2, and never to 102?
00:40.40ManxPowerYoYo: If there is no 102 then it will go to 2
00:40.51*** join/#asterisk zotzz (~zotzz@
00:40.52*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
00:41.01YoYo^interesting behavior
00:41.41romaexcuse the stupid questions. what type of hardware would people recommend for a small office to have voice mail and intercom, no voip?
00:41.42file[tealwhy must ast_expr be such a pita?
00:41.53YoYo^oh, bkw, yes, I've got everything set up
00:43.04ManxPowerroma: Intercom is really only supported in high end VoIP phones.
00:43.26ManxPowerIf you can do without intercom, then the TDM400P + modules will be good for small values of "small"
00:44.01romaI need intercom. what would you recommend for that?
00:44.12deddManxPower: wouldn't a 2 line softphone w/ 1 set to autoanswer work?
00:44.47*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
00:44.49UmaroHey guys
00:44.54l-fyhey Umaro
00:44.57l-fyi'm a girl :>
00:44.58ManxPowerdedd: He said "no voip"
00:45.04Umarol-fy, yeah right
00:45.20l-fyUmaro > i really am :)
00:45.21Umarol-fy, girls don't dig asterisk.
00:45.23ManxPowerdedd: Are there softphones that support autoanswer?  Since SoftPhones are the Spawn Of Satan I don't know a lot about them.
00:45.53romaI suppose I could do local voip?
00:45.55file[tealthis does not like quad_t
00:45.55UmaroDoes anyone here have a home * server setup to dial through their work * server?
00:46.07romasorry, I am just looking into asterix and others
00:46.08deddManxPower: i took that analog lines in then how the internal office is configured is a decision roma has to make for himself
00:46.25ManxPowerroma: Cisco 7940 or 7960 phones, they run $250 - $350 each (used)
00:46.35Umaroeh, back later.
00:47.00romaok. what about voip interoffice? would that be cheaper
00:47.04ManxPowerroma: Really "intercom" is generally only supported by closed systems.
00:48.54YoYo^ok, now I needs some invalid numbers to test with =D
00:50.34bkw_7940/60's support autoanswer intercom
00:50.51DarkFlibCouldn't two soundcards be used as an intercom using the console driver and some logic?
00:51.08bkw_we are talking phone to phone intercom
00:51.39romayeah, phone-to-phone
00:53.54file[tealast_expr needs to die
00:55.23*** part/#asterisk Kenneth (~ksc@
00:55.26derek_dif asterisk is installed on a linux box doing NAT for a network can it do proxy the RTP stream for sip phones behind it calling out to the internet?
00:56.34bkw_not really
00:56.38*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:57.21derek_dso i need to run something like the nat helper that comes with SER?
00:58.05file[tealI just love it when I break stuff
00:58.55*** join/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
00:59.26Jackfiberhello, which one is better for phone ext  SIP  or IAX ?
00:59.41*** join/#asterisk sipper (
01:00.34bkw_haha I got religious spam to my cellphone
01:00.39YoYo^Jackfiber, depends on the application, technology, and specific product you are using
01:00.56Jackfiberusing Asterisk and softphones
01:01.09YoYo^softphones == evil
01:01.15Jackfibercan use both SIP and IAX  but what is preferred due to functionality
01:01.18YoYo^get some real phones and try your call again
01:01.39Jackfibercurrently using snom 220 :)
01:01.52Jackfiberbut some extensions need to be softphone
01:02.13Jackfiberfor softphone which one is preferred IAX or SIP ?
01:04.24sipperJackfiber: the best sip softphone I've used is x-lite from xten.. but you need a good headset
01:05.24l-fyhey sipper
01:05.31l-fyi have try to reach you :)
01:05.33file[tealI broke my cygwin, I rock... no really!
01:05.40derek_devery softphone i've tried sucks, and i've tried many
01:05.54sipperl-fy: how's it going?
01:06.12l-fysipper > can we meet tomorrow morning to solve your problem?
01:06.38sipperl-fy: sure
01:06.46Jackfibersipper I agree with u because I've used x-lite for a while
01:07.15Jackfiberbut what about IAX is that fine for phones, I used IAX only for * to * connections
01:07.25l-fysipper > i'm very tierd right now and i wanna go to sleep
01:07.58JerJerl-fy: then leave us alone
01:08.31file[tealthere... all fixed
01:08.57l-fyJerJer > i love you
01:09.39file[tealbkw_: if I get this working - what do I get? ;)
01:09.50*** part/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
01:10.22YoYo^file, get what working?  * on cygwin?
01:10.40Corydon76-homefile:  you get a BJ
01:10.46bkw_file ya what Corydon said
01:11.05bkw_then you need to get zaptel too
01:11.12bkw_and x100p boi
01:11.21file[tealnow that would be scary
01:11.26file[tealoh, it's close.
01:11.30Corydon76-homeDear god, a young boy declining a BJ.  Next thing you know he'll be castrated
01:12.45BoRiSto even offer is so nice of you!
01:12.47sipperAny reason why Notify messages get sent to NOTIFY sip:IPADDRESS instead of NOTIFY sip:USER@IPADDRESS
01:12.56JerJerman i want some google IPO
01:14.05Corydon76-homeBoRiS: yeah, especially since I'm so good at it...
01:14.43BoRiSReally??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. <g>
01:15.01Corydon76-homeHeh, planning a trip?
01:16.44*** join/#asterisk hermie (
01:18.05bkw_if you would have just let Corydon give you that BJ
01:18.29file[tealbkw_: I'm going to knock you unconcious with asterisk.exe
01:19.04Corydon76-homefile:  you DO realize that you aren't limited to 9 chars on this server, don't you?
01:19.22file[tealthis is BitchX, it's not that smart
01:20.01Corydon76-homeJust another reason to run sirc, not BitchX
01:20.40bkw_BitchX rocks
01:20.44romaI think, xchat if you have X
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk clh (~lappin@
01:20.50romaxchat-text sucks
01:21.00Corydon76-homeKSirc if you have X
01:21.04clhcan anyone recommend a good test generators and whatnot
01:21.11clhcall flow analyzers
01:21.23vmedranotry sipP
01:21.30clhany otheres?
01:21.38clhtrying to develop a testbed of available test tools
01:21.55Corydon76-homeI'm surprised, bkw_.  As a Perl programmer, you should latch onto sirc.
01:24.01*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
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01:30.28*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiX (
01:30.43*** part/#asterisk RichA (
01:32.06*** join/#asterisk sadam (
01:34.09file[tealc]ast_expr... is fixed for win32
01:39.31file[tealc]my cygwin install is broken, I need to fix it before I continue
01:40.43*** part/#asterisk Adam_ (
01:41.28vmedranoagi application = big one? where ?
01:43.20Corydon76-homeEwww, why are you using Cygwin to run Asterisk?
01:43.34file[tealc]Corydon76-home: michael asked if asterisk could be run on win32
01:43.42file[tealc]I said give me a few hours
01:47.05DarkFlibjust a quickie.... whats an rj21 connector used for?
01:48.53*** join/#asterisk rozo (
01:51.19*** join/#asterisk JohnA (
01:51.26bkw_file does it work yet?
01:51.37filebkw_: I have to reinstall my cygwin, I toasted it
01:51.40filebut it's getting there
01:51.53fileI need to fix editline
01:53.52BoRiSyeah :)
01:54.23JohnAum silly question
01:54.27DarkFlibshould I take that as noone knows or noone is bothered to answer me?
01:54.33fileDarkFlib: Ethernet
01:54.43JohnAfor a stable implementation, should i be using 0.9 or 1.0 CVS?
01:54.43DarkFlibethernet is rj45 isn't it?
01:54.44JerJerrj-21 is like 6 wire i think
01:54.55JohnAthat would be rj-11
01:55.06JerJerrj-11 is four wire
01:55.10JohnArj45 is a connector type that can be used for ethernet networks
01:55.28JerJer~google rj-21
01:55.30seesikdoes anyone know if there are any active predictive dialing projects for asterisk?
01:55.33JohnAit can be 4 or 6
01:55.44DarkFlibthats what i thought....considering my cromp tool only does rj11 and rj45... ie phone and ehternet
01:55.57DarkFlibi tried google...
01:56.08JohnArj22 is like a small rj11 for 4 wires
01:56.10DarkFlibits mentioned on a lot of specs...but not what it is
01:56.11file[tealc]ooh cygwin install is almost fixed
01:56.22*** join/#asterisk Carp (Carp@
02:07.31ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
02:07.35ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
02:08.21DarkFlibwe have docs?
02:08.35JohnAi shouldn't get too exited
02:08.43kashmishwhen i connect the phone output of my ata to the phone cabling in my house, i guess i overlook something when i expect a phone to ring that's connected to the same line somewhere in the house??
02:08.48ManxPowerfile[tealc]: What did the guy ever do to you to make you want to get his hopes up only to be destroyed when he realizes the real picture
02:09.31JohnAkash: do you know if you need a capacitor inline to provide the ring?
02:09.43kashmishjohn ;-)
02:09.47kashmishno idea!
02:09.57JohnAdepends what country the phone came from
02:09.59kashmishwhat do i have to look at?
02:10.14JohnAi only say it because UK phones don't have a ringing capacitor in them, you need a line adapter to provide it
02:10.15DarkFliba search for "ring capacitor" might be beneficial
02:10.16kashmishit's all from best buy in virginia usa ;-)
02:10.23JohnAshould be fine then
02:10.35kashmishi see..
02:10.38twistedkash: did you disconnect the external wiring first?
02:10.54JohnAassuming you got your cabling right :)
02:10.54twistedie battery from the co?
02:11.03kashmishtwisted: no, it's all still connected... but there is no signal anymore...
02:11.13kashmishwould that be the prob?
02:11.16twistedyou just backfed current into your ata, and possibly fried it
02:11.33kashmishi am extremely illeterate when it comes to phones
02:11.39kashmishthe ata still works
02:11.48JerJerit should be fine unless it ran
02:11.48twisteddisconnect the lines from the CO first
02:11.49kashmishwhen i connect a phone directly to it
02:11.52*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
02:11.52twistedJerJer, true
02:11.59fileManxPower: toast
02:11.59twistedthus the "possibly"
02:12.12*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:12.16SwKkashmish: whats he's trying to say is just cause you dont get dial tone, it doesnt mean that bell actually disconnected the wires from their w~switch... it just means they disabled the port... you need to make sure its completely disconnected from their gear
02:12.21kashmishcool, so i'll try to find where they connect
02:12.32twistedkashmish, there should be a grey box on the outside of the house
02:12.37twistedor in the garage/basement
02:12.39kashmishswk: thx! i didnt now
02:12.44fileI keep breaking my cygwin
02:12.46twistedif you open that box
02:12.47SwKkashmish: that little grey box ont he side of your house is a good palce to start
02:12.49kashmishtwisted: thx, it's the grey box outside!
02:12.59twistedkashmish, there may be a simple rj11 disconnect
02:13.02kashmishyup, great! thx, will do it now :-)
02:13.03bkw_"A big fat lie is 'I wont cum in your mouth'"
02:13.05twistedif you unplug it, you're done ;)
02:13.10kashmishi believe so :-)
02:13.13kashmishthx again!!!
02:13.14twistedbkw_, HAHAHAHHA
02:13.21SwKkashmish: if that doesnt~'t work, a cutting torch usually will
02:13.31twistedkashmish, youre welcome... feel free to donate to my paypal account ;)
02:13.43twistedevery little bit helps
02:13.51twistedand on that note - i'm off like a prom dress
02:14.18SwKbkw_: havent you ever heard the song "3 biggest lies"... "this will only hurt for a little while, I'll only put the head of it in, and I promise I will never ever cum in your mouth"
02:14.48SwKI think its like a david allen coe song
02:20.43filebkw_: how goes your optimizations?
02:21.17bkw_"Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you?"
02:21.30*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
02:26.18kashmishthx again guys!! worked fine, all multo bene now :-D
02:27.00*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_ (
02:27.28twistedkashmish, np :)
02:27.48*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:28.31bkw_I want to see cRTP
02:28.34bkw_who wants that?
02:28.50bkw_since when?
02:31.40Carpwhats up with that?
02:34.31YoYo^oh cool
02:39.28*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
02:40.21Poemiushello allo
02:40.28Poemiusallo = all :)
02:40.38Poemiusbut I guess it works out this way too :)
02:41.03*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
02:43.05file[tealc]once I fix editline... this SHOULD compile
02:44.16file[tealc]hi kram
02:44.20kramhi file
02:44.44file[tealc]what's up?
02:47.27krami'm working on bug 1660
02:47.38*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
02:48.16*** join/#asterisk sipper (~sipper@
02:48.35*** join/#asterisk Takapa_ (
02:49.14bkw_file you get it working
02:49.23bkw_kram file is trying to compile asterisk under cygwin
02:49.28*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
02:49.38sipperis there any code yet for ast_data? if so where can I find it?
02:49.52chapsterfile is a brave man...
02:50.04kramdoes windows have poll?
02:50.07file[tealc]asterisk compiles
02:50.12file[tealc]it's just editline that doesn't
02:50.18bkw_kram yes it as a poll up its ass.. thats why it runs lop sided
02:50.40kramit's too bad april 1 has already passed
02:51.09bkw_file it compiles?
02:51.14bkw_does it RUN?
02:51.37file[tealc]bkw_: did you not read? editline doesn't
02:51.41file[tealc]asterisk requires editline
02:51.48bkw_well fix it
02:51.50file[tealc]asterisk itself compiles though :)
02:51.51file[tealc]I am!
02:51.54file[tealc]or atleast trying to
02:51.58file[tealc]and it would go faster if you stopped talking
02:52.04file[tealc]everything be quiet, QUIET I SAY!
02:53.15*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
02:53.33JohnAthere wouldn't be a howto on asterisk behind NAT anywhere would there?
02:53.39chapsterbrc007   Greetings.
02:53.41JohnAi'm kinda fighting on getting it working
02:53.43file[tealc]ooh... got it closer
02:53.52Moc[ONeill]voip-info give some info about nat and some phones
02:54.09YoYo^JohnA, what is outside of your network that you're trying to connect to?
02:54.16chapsterJohnA: From what I read, it is a mixed bag with NAT.
02:54.24JohnAi'm not getting any luck so far
02:54.36JohnAi've forwarded 5060 and 19900-20000
02:54.37brc007chapster: OMG GREETZ!!!
02:54.52JohnAmochanged rtp.conf to match that port range
02:54.53chapsterbrc007: You sound awfully chipper!
02:55.06brc007omg wtf woot
02:55.12JohnAset the 3 addresses in sip.conf to match my network
02:56.14Poemiusit depends, I heard from a couple of people iax2 was designed with nat in mind
02:56.41JohnAyeah i'm not trying to do IAX2
02:56.53JohnAit works outgoing on IAX2 mind you, to the digium test site
02:57.06JohnAi'm trying to connect from a sip softphone from outside my network
02:58.13*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:58.23*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
02:58.28file[tealc]now to fix these linking problems
03:00.05sipperbkw_ you closed 1229 because "res_data is going to replace this" is there any code available for res_data?
03:00.14brc007Poemius: I don't know who you heard that from but IAX2 ROCKS through NAT
03:00.25brc007it's NAT transparent  =)
03:00.30*** join/#asterisk tony__ (
03:00.38JohnAwell from what i read
03:00.46JohnAIAX2 combines data and header
03:01.01bkw_file if you ahve this much clue why not use it to make asterisk better
03:01.01bkw_instead of trying to run it on windows :P
03:01.26file[tealc]because somebody asked if it was possible :p
03:01.54BoRiShey, I am looking at creating an app_* module and is it possible to easily access another module's function from within one?
03:03.56sipperhey bkw_ not ignoring me are you?
03:04.14brc007FILE is porting asterisk to WINDOWS?
03:05.07file[tealc]it's insane
03:05.16file[tealc]be afraid, be very afraid
03:05.55JohnAfrom what i read
03:06.10JohnANAT "support" was put into * around 12 jan
03:08.10JohnAoh dear i'm an idiot
03:09.47JohnAi blame it on the time, you need to forward UDP/5060, and i forwarded TCP
03:11.00brc007JohnA: uhm..that's news to me
03:11.06brc007I believe you may be thinking of SIP?
03:11.12sipperJohnA: for a sip client or * server?
03:11.20JohnAyeah i'm talking about a SIP client outside my network
03:11.34sipperyour * server has a public ip?
03:11.42JohnAno, it's behind NAT
03:12.24JohnAnone of the docs i read specified TCP vs UDP for SIP, so i assumed TCP :)
03:12.28sipperah.. ok. thats why you need the port forward.. that will be more difficult.
03:12.31file[tealc]why will this not link...
03:12.37JohnAit works now anyhow, which is cool
03:12.41sippersip supports both
03:12.48bkw_file you get it working?
03:12.57JohnAmy SIP appears not to be bound to TCP
03:12.58file[tealc]bkw_: it won't link to termcap...
03:13.06JohnAudp        0      0 *:5060                  *:*                              
03:13.14file[tealc]so the linker spits out unresolved symbol errors
03:13.20derek_dudp is usually the better choice
03:13.25file[tealc]undefined reference to _tputs for example
03:13.34bkw_well get termcap installed
03:13.38file[tealc]it is.
03:13.45file[tealc]the header and the library
03:13.55bkw_make clean
03:13.56JohnAi don't see an option to enable tcp either, but i'll take your word for it
03:13.56sipperderek_d: not neccesarily, you can do sip/tls with sip/tcp
03:13.57bkw_and try again
03:14.08file[tealc]very well.
03:14.19JohnAyeah the nature of UDP should make it better for SIP
03:14.38bkw_everyone should be on their knees thanking the powers that be......
03:14.41bkw_asterisk is free
03:14.56JohnAi gotta demonstrate * at a client in about 6 hours so i'm glad i got it working
03:14.58bkw_if it were cisco you would be paying 100k per install
03:14.59sipperbkw_: bug 1229 can you tell me why you closed it?
03:15.00derek_dtrue, but udp is better suited... as you don't want the gaurantees and overhead of tcp making sure every packet makes it... even if it's out of order
03:15.07bkw_what is 1229
03:15.08JohnAkinda free, i spent all day today fiddling with it ;)
03:15.26chapsterIf asterisk did not exist, I wouldn't even be messing with anything like it.
03:15.29bkw_sipper because rgagon is working on a new thing
03:15.44bkw_its going in the core of asterisk "if" it can be finalized and such
03:15.58JohnAyeah * is very interesting, i have got a quote in at this client for a * PBX with ip phones etc.
03:16.16JohnAand it comes out no more expensive than a regular PBX, but with millions more features and scalability
03:16.16sipperbkw_: ah ok. so there is no code available now for testing?
03:16.32file[tealc]my zaptel is too old... lol
03:16.42chapsterFriend of mine is into PBX's and phone systems. He was a bit reluctant... "You get what you pay for", etc.. I told him the whole deal, he is interested. He works with Nortel equipment, mostly.
03:16.43bkw_if you join #asterisk-dev m-f 9am to about 5pm CST
03:16.45bkw_you can get the info
03:16.48bkw_also ask Exomorph
03:16.51bkw_he knows where to get it
03:17.02sipperbkw_: ok thanks
03:17.38JohnAyou get what you pay for, which is usually a load of trash with PBX
03:17.39YoYo^bkw, you @ 10 or 14 right now?
03:17.45bkw_call now
03:17.57JohnAi mean we're not talking about a lot of money, $10000ish, but still
03:18.46chapsterJohnA: He is on a project now, they just spent 60,000. on some kind of phone system. Thats a lot of money.
03:18.51file[tealc]maybe I need to link it in here...
03:18.52derek_dwe pay like 35K a year for our shitty avaya at work
03:18.59derek_di wouldn't call that getting what you pay for
03:19.03JohnA$60k isn't a lot in the phone world, i wouldn't say
03:19.23chapsterIt's an amazing amount from my perspective. :)
03:20.05JohnAwell nice IP phones are $300 a handset... you don't need many of those to run up a bill before you start
03:20.34derek_da digital phone for a decent phone system is more than that
03:20.43JohnAi couldn't agree more
03:20.48tclarkchapster: is your friend an software eng for nortel switches ?
03:20.55SwK35K/year on avaya... whats that a low end 3gsi?
03:20.59JohnAi'd say they were about on a par actually, but yeah
03:21.30JohnAthe only down point with * is you need to throw an awful lot of hardware at it
03:21.38derek_di really don't know... it's a lucent we have about 60 stations and need two of them for that... with 3 pri connectivity
03:21.58JohnAon the plus side, i've upgraded from 0.90 to 1.0stable and it's no longer chewing 100% cpu
03:22.37chapstertclark: Nope. He is just configures and installs phone system. He is a subcontractor.
03:22.40tclarkJohnA: what do ,you call a lot of h/w we done 200+ gsmto ulaw calls on dual 2.6  with 2 410's
03:22.43derek_dwe just barely got IP connectivity to it a few months ago... dialing in with a modem was crap
03:22.57SwKderek_d: 2 what: cabinets/
03:23.06JohnA200+? oh, that's more than digium say
03:23.14JohnAbut it depends a lot on the codec right
03:23.29derek_dthey are wall mount units that hold like 6 cards each... and they are connected together
03:23.30SwKsounds like a g3si then... small system
03:23.39tclarkchapster: i c i was hoping for the day when a nortel type when a dsp echo can back ground drops in :)
03:23.58SwKprolly smaller then that like a partner system
03:24.00chapstertclark: I guess just keep hoping. :)
03:24.10JohnAdigium say like 60 on a dual 2.8
03:24.19derek_dwe have a t1 to our parent company that does our voicemail right now... and they are dumping their system in a few months... leaving us without vm... which is why i'm playing with asterisk
03:24.21*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS_ (
03:24.32JohnAbut that's g.729
03:24.34tclarkJohnA: with 729 maybe
03:24.55file[tealc]derek_d: asterisk's voicemail is quite nice, works easily
03:24.57JohnAof course on a lan the bandwidth is pretty irrelevant
03:25.11JohnA30kbit/sec vs 60kbit.sec on a 100mbit network :)
03:25.13derek_dyea and it's _way_ cheaper
03:25.46SwKintuity was always a pain in my ass
03:25.54*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
03:25.55ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
03:25.57ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
03:26.06derek_dyea that's what we have
03:26.14sipperuh oh here we go again
03:26.26file[tealc]derek_d: you can easily set it up for phone retrieval, web retrieval, and e-mail... I personally love it
03:26.46derek_di'm going all the way
03:27.05derek_dsip phones are dirt compared to what we pay for those avaya handsets
03:27.11SwKi had to maintain something like that for a small call center (really just a simple acd) but the assholes wanted the auto-attended reworked on what seemed like a weekly basis
03:27.30ManxPowerderek_d: You pay more than $300 for Avaya?
03:27.34JohnAare there any nice sip phones that can be used on a switchboard?
03:27.35SwKderek_d: which avaya sets are you using?
03:27.40ManxPowerJohnA: No.
03:27.48JohnAthe 7960 can have 2 7914s... but that's just 34 extensions
03:27.49derek_di think they are 6812D or something
03:27.51JohnAwhich is not very many
03:27.54derek_dthey are like 375 eache
03:28.22ManxPowerderek_d: Uh, what phones were you looking at?  Grandstream?  HAHAHAHAHAH!
03:28.42ManxPowerJohnA: The 7914 is not supported by the SIP image
03:28.50JohnA7914: oh :(
03:28.52ManxPowerAnd the SCCP driver does not support the 7914
03:28.56MikeManxPower: Grandstream is getting very very good
03:29.26JohnAthat's a big shame
03:29.26ManxPowerJohnA: Go read the mailing list archives.
03:29.26MikeManxPower: new firmware releases are becoming pretty good
03:29.26file[tealc]"The body cannot live without the mind."
03:29.26derek_di have a grandstream it's a steaming pile
03:29.37ManxPowerderek_d: The hardware or the software or both?
03:29.50derek_dpolycom phone, asterisk sip server
03:30.06derek_dsipura is the best cheapy ua i've seeen
03:30.27Mikederek_d: i had more problems with sipura
03:30.40Mikederek_d: plus sipura doesnt support ilbc, and they dont answer emails
03:30.49JohnAhmm it's getting light outside, i better go to bed
03:31.04JohnAreading the mailing list archives is on the todo list, i'm too tired for it tonight though
03:31.19Mikederek_d: i remember on old asterisk releases sipura sound like shit for there timestamp
03:31.26Mikederek_d: grandstream ata doesnt do that
03:32.06ManxPowerMike: How much does Grandstream pay you?
03:32.18Mikecisco phones are getting VERY old now and they are still to expensive not worth what they are priced at
03:32.28derek_dsipura sounds fine... even works for 56 modems & fax flawless with sip
03:33.08MikeManxPower: you know they dont pay me
03:33.23MikeManxPower: but its the best phone for the price
03:33.53ManxPowerIt's the ONLY phone for the price.
03:34.01derek_dcall 411600 if you want to hear a sipura
03:34.05derek_don fwd
03:34.23Mikederek_d: i have sipura's and grandstreams i know how they work
03:34.58dovthere are other phones for the price :)