irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040516

00:00.33folssonSomeone could still 'steal' your account-information from ICH and use that directly instead of fucking with your *
00:00.58Jackfiberyeah that problem exists with others too
00:01.02folssonIf you want everyone to enter a password before dialing out that could be done
00:01.13folssonThat problem is ALWAYS there!
00:01.37*** join/#asterisk planetWayne (
00:01.42JackfiberI mean addaline and Freeworld dial-out, ICH and many others dynamic hostname registeration with username and password
00:01.52Jackfiberhow they meet the security needs then ?
00:02.19Jackfiberaddaline, ICH, voiceplus & vonage offer outbound calls too
00:02.19*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
00:02.20folssonThey don't
00:02.31PowerkillHi all :)
00:02.39Jackfiberthey don't meet security needs !
00:02.49Jackfiberso anyone can abuse/misuse
00:03.12JackfiberI mean we get an account and half of the world can use it !
00:03.26folssonYou would still need to know a bunch of stuff and spend some considerable time on it to abuse it
00:03.44folssonfile: Tell me when you know! =)
00:03.53Jackfiberyeah specially for user/pass stealing
00:04.04folssonJackfiber : They can't
00:04.58*** join/#asterisk ingenius (~syntax@