irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040512

00:00.04blitzrageI just started using screen a couple days ago.. still not sure of all the commands :)  going to man screen now
00:00.25*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
00:01.18gusblitzrage: ^s/^q are the usual xon/xoff characters (pause/continue)
00:01.43gusblitzrage: pretty much any terminal will let you scrollback some distance (you don't need screen for that)
00:02.01dougheckaanyone know postgresql?
00:02.11dougheckaI emerged it, but it wont start
00:02.12blitzragegus: the problem is that I am using screen.  I'm SSH'd into the remote box.
00:02.26dougheckaI have no idea on how to use any databases
00:02.40dougheckawhats the command to list all the users on the system?
00:02.45dougheckaeh, nm is down...
00:03.06gusblitzrage: so quit using screen then ;)
00:03.12blitzrageI like screen
00:03.18znoGgus: hey :)
00:03.22blitzragewhy would I stop using it?
00:03.32Justinyou shouldn't stop using it, you should read the manual.
00:03.45blitzrageJustin: didn't I just say I was doing that?
00:05.25*** join/#asterisk JerJer[interop] (~jj@
00:05.33dougheckahow do I change permissions on a dir?
00:05.52JerJer[interop]man chmod
00:06.13dougheckabeen a few weeks since I had to do something like this
00:06.34CoderCRlater all
00:06.38dougheckalater dood
00:08.41Jessterin zapata.conf if i set values, then have my channel => line, do those values get inherited (unles over written) for the next channel => line later in zapata.conf?
00:09.40Jessterie transfer=no channel => 1-4, group=2 channel => 5-8 .. would channels 5-8 have transfer=no ?
00:09.49twistedJerJer[interop], wheeee... do me a favor at interop
00:09.56*** join/#asterisk ethzer0 (
00:10.42twistedJerJer[interop], stand up and yell "MOOSE PENIS!!!!" across the exhibit hall
00:11.44DaminSpeaking of Moose Penis..
00:12.27DaminI'm about to leave on a fishing trip to Lac Nigaut in Quebec (Moose Lake) and I can't find the place anywhere on a map.
00:12.43dougheckause mapblast
00:12.54dougheckaanyone know postgresql?
00:12.57dougheckaI cant get it to start
00:12.58CoderCRi do
00:13.00twistedholy crap
00:13.02twistedthat was too funny
00:13.15Damindoucgcheck: I would guess that you have something misconfigured.
00:13.15twisted[19:10] <twisted> JerJer[interop], stand up and yell "MOOSE PENIS!!!!" across the exhibit hall
00:13.15twisted[19:11] <Damin> Speaking of Moose Penis..
00:13.15twisted[19:12] <Damin> I'm about to leave on a fishing trip to Lac Nigaut in Quebec (Moose Lake) and I can't find the place anywhere on a map.
00:13.15twisted[19:12] <-- Kumbang has quit ("changing servers")
00:13.15twisted[19:12] <doughecka> use mapblast
00:13.20twistedmoos penis
00:13.37dougheckaFATAL:  File /var/lib/postgresql/data/PG_VERSION is missing. This is not a valid data directory.
00:13.58Damindougchecka: Mapblast is of no help.
00:14.11dougheckayahoo maps
00:14.14dougheckamap point
00:14.18dougheckalocal library
00:14.29twistedi'd go for option 5
00:14.36twistedgeneralyl online maps aren't very up to day
00:15.00DaminIt is roughly 100 miles North West of Ontario.
00:15.10*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:15.14twistedso here's what you do
00:15.17Damintwisted: This place has been there since the ice age! ;)
00:15.20twistedyou drive about 90 miles NW
00:15.26twistedthen you stop
00:15.27dougheckaand start asking
00:15.28twistedand ask someone
00:15.33dougheckaand they go
00:15.38dougheckaWTF, who lives there?
00:15.41twistedand they go
00:15.44twistedMOOSE PENIS!!!
00:15.48Damintwisted: Oh.. I have directions.. I just wanted to get Lat / Long before I got there for my GPS..
00:15.58dougheckaDamin: ooh
00:16.18twistedsolution to that is
00:16.19twistedgo there
00:16.22twistedand you'll have the gps
00:16.28DaminIf I can, I'll snap a picture of a Moose Penis for you while I'm up there. :)
00:16.30dougheckafor "next" time
00:16.56twistedDamin, do it!
00:17.09twistedI wanna send it to bkw in a xmas card
00:17.33michaellhe would say wow a card from twisted? and open it up.. WOHOOOOO
00:18.07michaellsearch google images for one
00:18.32DaminMaybe you should get something from that store for BKW.
00:18.37michaelloh god
00:18.44twistedoh dear lord
00:18.52DaminLike the "Big Boy Cake Pan & Gelatin Mold"
00:19.19*** join/#asterisk Adam (
00:19.33twistedthe Pecker cupcake pan
00:19.39mitchel__lol @ cakes
00:19.40gusdoughecka: see initdb(1)
00:19.54twistedor the pecker party tray
00:19.56DaminBig Dick Mug - $17.99  
00:20.22*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
00:20.42CoderCRhow do you guys find this shit!
00:20.52twistedGiant Jelly Willie - $11.00
00:21.05DaminLove Light Penis Candle - $5.75  
00:21.47twistedpurple pecker cookie cutters
00:21.51twistedthat just sounds wrong
00:22.19twistedpecker ice sculpture
00:22.22twistedthat's awesome!
00:22.47DaminCoderCR: We find it by typing "moose penis" into Google's Image Search.
00:23.33*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> The Open Source PBX || || Or just type "pbx" into google and click "I'm feeling lucky"
00:23.55DaminDammnit.. Kram.. can't we change it to "MOOSE PENIS"
00:25.04twistedshoulda seen what i changed it to last night
00:25.27mishehuugh.  I want to kill!  If I look out the back of my apartment building, I see the local SBC central office.  and yet they say they can't provide me with dsl...  (and I'm in a metropolitan area)
00:26.00*** join/#asterisk ethzer0 (
00:26.14DaminI just typed "moose penis" into google and hit "I'm feeling lucky" and came back with a review of a Tori Amos CD.
00:26.16twistedmishehu, offer to slip a CO tech a $50 if he'll take your cat5 and wire it directly up
00:26.23twistedHAHHAHAHAH Damin
00:26.59mishehuanybody know if you can do incoming call routing based upon distinctive rings?  the intercom system for the building I'm in rings twice when somebody buzzes...  and of course it has no CID on it.
00:27.30twistedmishehu, i think you can
00:27.37twistedsearch the mailinglist/wiki
00:27.43mishehutwisted: taking the parking lot into consideration, it's about 200m between endpoints.
00:27.59twistedmishehu, and?  that'd be fine :P
00:28.59twisted200m is still less than 1200ft
00:29.02mishehutwisted: I think it needs to be hung across though ;-)
00:29.13twistedget a ditch witch
00:29.17mishehuand I'd need to find an SBC tech willing to do it.
00:29.25DaminHow the hell did THIS get associated with a Moose Penis search in Google? :
00:29.41mishehutwisted: ah so we're going to rip apart both SBC's and the apartment building I live in's parking lots?
00:29.49mishehusounds like it's going to cost a little more than $50...
00:30.19twistedslip the tech $50 to wire it in
00:30.20Daminmishehu: Order SBC Security Services for your house. They'll bring in a dry pair from the CO, then cancel the next month and re-use that pair for DSL. ;)
00:30.34twistedand it'll cost you about 350 for the ditchwitch rental, and about 150 for the conduit
00:30.51bkw_now moose penis is going to be the next All your base..
00:31.00twistedbkw_, hahaha
00:31.04DaminAll your moose penis are belong to us?