irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040511

00:00.14Hogiesounds like it can't connect
00:00.22Hogieare you able to connect via that same odbc name?
00:00.34cjk_Hogie, what do you mean?
00:00.39rollergrrlps -ef
00:00.48*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (~Queue@
00:00.55rollergrrlgot focus?
00:00.59Q-At-Homeback for real this time :)
00:01.27*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
00:02.08Q-At-Homehrm, thats why my voicemails are delayed
00:02.57Q-At-Homehas anyone seen a rise in open and then immediately closed sendmail connections? I'm getting to the tune of 30k/hr its pluggin up my poor little *
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00:03.43PHXAZ007--dport 25 -j REJECT ?
00:04.09PHXAZ007spammerz? evil_hackerz?
00:04.17bkw_cjk_ use isql to test it
00:04.27bkw_and make sure you perms are right
00:04.29Q-At-HomeI need to receive mail too :)
00:04.43Q-At-Homeits actually the national home builders association
00:04.50Q-At-Hometheir server has aparently gone nuts
00:04.58PHXAZ007then you can do selective rejects and accepts then
00:05.03Q-At-Homewe'll see if my complaint gets thru
00:05.16Q-At-HomeI was nice and even offered to help
00:05.21PHXAZ007is it from a certain IP or IP block you can block easily ?
00:05.47Q-At-HomeI'm access-listing now
00:06.01Q-At-Homedoubt they'll be able to reply mind you
00:06.01cjk_bkw_, [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
00:06.05PHXAZ007-A input -s --dport 25 -j REJECT
00:06.22Q-At-Homesame with epicmegagames
00:06.40PHXAZ007where is the corresponding source IP and netmask so you can specify a whole block
00:06.54Q-At-HomeI like to block at the cisco
00:07.02Q-At-Homethanks tho :)
00:07.09bkw_cjk_ your permissions are wrong or you odbc.ini isn't right
00:07.26cjk_bkw_, permissions you mean file permissions?
00:07.33bkw_database permissions
00:07.37CaNaBiS_why would I be able to hear, but the callers cant hear me?
00:07.38bkw_that user can't access that database
00:07.39bkw_check them
00:08.05Hogieyou know what's fun?  flushing your ipf rules remotely when you have deny as default!:)
00:08.51cjk_bkw_, db permissions seem to be right
00:09.08cjk_bkw_, i can connect using the user in odbc.ini
00:09.08bkw_isql dsn user pass
00:09.10bkw_se eif it connects
00:09.30bkw_isql mysql-asterisk
00:09.39bkw_isql mysql-asterisk username password
00:09.47bkw_if you can't connect then your perms are wrong
00:09.48cjk_doesnt work
00:09.55bkw_did you isntall unixODBC from src or rpm?
00:10.02cjk_bkw_, deb
00:10.04bkw_and MyODBC from src or rpm?
00:10.08bkw_go be a man and compile it
00:10.14bkw_you will connect right up
00:10.26bkw_packages of unixodbc and myodbc suck
00:10.29bkw_every freakin one of them
00:10.33bkw_deb rpm doesn't matter
00:10.48bkw_I wrote cdr_odbc using unixODBC 2.2.6
00:11.38cjk_bkw_, im using 2.2.4
00:12.02cjk_bkw_, is this correct? [MySQL]
00:12.02cjk_Description     = MySQL driver
00:12.02cjk_Driver          = /usr/lib/odbc/
00:12.02cjk_Setup           = /usr/lib/odbc/
00:12.04cjk_FileUsage       = 1
00:13.20bkw_make usre those are correct
00:13.27bkw_the .so's might not be in the right place
00:13.37jaxxanhey bkw_
00:13.45filebkw_: what's your paypal?
00:14.38filebkw_: poing!
00:14.43cjk_everything in the right place
00:15.24filebkw_: that _will_ cover shipping
00:16.08HogieIm gonna pay for Allison to say "Boing!" and "Poing!" then im gonna release them OS
00:16.20fileHogie: great idea
00:16.36fileHogie: oh, get "Would you like a muffin with that?" recorded
00:16.45Hogiethat's still just $12
00:16.49Hogieup to 20 words
00:17.10HogieIm gonna wait until work gets their prompts done though
00:17.12Moc__so what new since... this morning
00:17.13Hogieso they are the one paying for it
00:17.32Q-At-Homewe need a male allison
00:17.40fileQ-At-Home: what a nice oxymoron
00:17.43HogieJJ McKay
00:17.49Q-At-Homehe's too pricey
00:17.55Q-At-Homeand WAAAY to up beat for a PBX
00:18.03Hogiehe lives by my parents
00:18.17Q-At-Homeproximity discounts are good
00:18.39SwKHogie: I'll do redneck voice prompts if you need tehm
00:18.54Q-At-HomeI got redneck local :)
00:19.15Hogiedamn, I love wget -r
00:19.27Hogieits moving my porn to my laptop
00:19.34SwKmediaque dood
00:19.55Moc__bkw_, check topic !!
00:19.55bkw_works here
00:20.04bkw_bite me
00:20.09Hogiewahaha!  I know bkw's root password now!
00:20.26bkw_thats hardcoded [secret]
00:20.34Hogieim being funny bkw
00:20.48bkw_trying to be funny is more like it :P
00:20.49Hogieit went over your head obviously:P
00:21.00bkw_no i'm not paying attention
00:21.07bkw_just trying to show that cdr_odbc does infact work
00:21.39Q-At-HomeI had a customer come in today and complain our mail server was broken (not the same one getting slammed) he was sure it was our mail server "because I'm taking SCO training"
00:21.44Hogiewell, I talked to atacomm today
00:21.57Hogiehe's been too busy to irc, haha
00:22.07Q-At-Homebusy is good
00:22.14filedid they move offices yet?
00:22.24Hogiedunno, I did 2 seconds of chit chat
00:22.24bkw_file and you expect this to cover it?
00:22.29bkw_how do you want me to ship it?
00:22.32Hogiethen went "WHERES MY BT102's BITCH!"
00:22.42filebkw_: if you put it in a padded envelope and send it airmail, this will cover it
00:22.42Q-At-Hometold him we charge extra to help SCO users :)
00:23.03Q-At-Homewhat about his time to package it in said envelope, and walk to the post office :)
00:23.35fileQ-At-Home: hrm, good question
00:23.44bkw_if I have one
00:24.01filebkw_: you should have a few bucks leftover, if you don't have one - the extra will buy an envelope
00:24.05Q-At-Homeno SCO laffs?
00:24.07Q-At-Hometough room
00:24.08bkw_file will I have to go to the postoffice to print this postage?
00:24.15filebkw_: uh ... no clue
00:24.18bkw_becuase I have no way to make it to the postoffice
00:24.42Q-At-Homebkw has been banned from the post office :)
00:24.49bkw_no I have no car
00:24.50filestick lots of postage on it
00:24.52bkw_and i'm not wakin
00:25.00Q-At-HomeI should hope not
00:25.06bkw_file I can figure it out :)
00:25.13Q-At-Homewhat is "it" ?
00:25.19filebkw_: yeah figure out some way to get it from point 'A' to be point 'Canada'
00:25.19bkw_my penis
00:25.23fileer to point
00:25.36HogieI thought bkw said he would hand deliver it to you file...
00:25.40Q-At-Homewoohoo more Canucks
00:25.52fileHogie: hell no
00:26.05fileI'd stab him er I mean greet him
00:26.08Q-At-Homeis it bigger than a breadbox?
00:26.12SwKonly ting canadians are good for is laundering money
00:26.15bkw_file i'll keep this 5 bucks
00:26.17Q-At-Homehey now :)
00:26.20fileQ-At-Home: it's an X101P card
00:26.44filebkw_: it's self destructing!
00:26.50SwKQ-At-Home what like you never heard of people using the avg joe in canada to launder money?
00:27.18Q-At-HomeSwK: aparently I'm either not average enough, or possibly too average to launder said money
00:27.28Q-At-Homeunless you mean like the 419 scams :)
00:28.04SwKQ-At-Home the feds fianlly caught on to it but people were going to border towns and getting cheques from .ca peeps and waiting for them to clear then returning with said ammount of US currentcy and trading for another check...
00:28.30*** join/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
00:28.49filebkw_: failure to comply may cause your head to explode and brain to splatter everywhere, c'mon - THINK OF THE CARPET!
00:29.04djfluxanyone play with the motorola vt1005 ?
00:29.36Q-At-Homehahaha excellent
00:29.38*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:30.58Q-At-Homeso I fixed all my crappy latency problems with iax2 - I switched providers :)
00:31.09fileQ-At-Home: from who to who
00:31.14Q-At-Homefrom telus to shaw
00:31.30filethat'll do it.
00:31.34Q-At-Homeshaw had some "extreme" promo in Edmonton 5mbit down 1mbit up
00:31.49Q-At-HomeI already had 5mbit down, 1mbit up with telus
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00:31.59Q-At-Homebut they were routing everything out via chicago
00:32.05Q-At-Home23 hops from home to work
00:32.14Q-At-Homenow, I'm 8
00:32.20Q-At-Homewhat a difference
00:32.25Moc__I ordered DSL today... just for my cisco phone !!!
00:32.40fileI hate when I'm at school
00:32.50fileI have to SSH through 2 machines to get home
00:33.06fileit gets... laggy sometimes
00:33.21Q-At-Homebuild up a nice fat ipsec tunnel :)
00:33.28fileI wish it worked like that
00:33.43Hogiefuck, im such a dumb shit.  I just microwaved my salad
00:33.51fileHogie: O.o
00:33.54fileHogie: did it mutate?
00:33.58Q-At-Homeheh, you mean you don't nuke salad normally?
00:34.08fileanything crawling around?
00:34.23Q-At-Homethe tomatos now have higher than average IQ's
00:34.23HogieI put some cheese on it, and I was thinking "hmmm, some nachos would be good"
00:34.25Hogiethen I did it
00:34.34Q-At-Homegettin old :)
00:34.49filehrm, good to know it's easy to influence your mind
00:34.52*** join/#asterisk mrmags (
00:34.55*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~turnerd@
00:35.10HogieIm not old... im not even a quarter of a century old yet
00:35.17filehow old is that now?
00:35.25[hC]is there any way with a voip phone or xten lite or something to end up at the first exten => s,1,Blah context in your extensions.conf?
00:35.33[hC]I mean typically you get a dialtone and you are forced to dial an extension
00:35.40[hC]you cant pretend to be an incoming call from an extension off the pbx.
00:36.19filebkw_: what's the matter?
00:36.26filegoing slightly insane?
00:37.12bkw_ordered stamps
00:37.16djfluxman ... building openh323 takes FOREVER
00:37.26filestamps, I wonder if that'll work
00:37.50bkw_i'll call and ask tommorow
00:38.08Q-At-Homehc: you mean like a batphone
00:38.12gus/whois YZ
00:38.15Q-At-Homepick it up, and batman's on the other end
00:38.28Q-At-HomeI believe the phone has to support autodial
00:38.34Q-At-Homeif its sip
00:39.00HogieIm gonna paint one of the BT102's red...
00:39.04Hogiethat's gonna be the one for my office
00:39.41filethe person who does announcements at my school is on TV... as a TV host for the elections...
00:39.50mrmagsanyone else had an issue with the fxo module where, if it doesn't get used for 6 hours or so, it seems like it can't see the pstn line anymore? reloading wcfxs and zaptel makes it happy again, but that's not a great solution...
00:40.14Q-At-Homemrmags: the daughter card for the TDM card?
00:40.23Q-At-Homeor the FXO x101
00:40.38bkw_file can I am not seeing an air mail option
00:40.38PHXAZ007gnite all, cya l8r :)
00:40.41Q-At-HomeHogie: the paint will never dry, and you will have a red ear
00:40.42mrmagsQ@H: the tdm daughtercard. up to now was using x101 and not had this problem
00:40.53Q-At-Homeah, k I dont have a duaghter card... yet
00:40.56filebkw_: where?
00:40.58Q-At-Homemy x101's are ok
00:41.07bkw_Airmail Letter Post
00:41.10bkw_is that the best way?
00:41.18mrmagsyep for a bastardly little winmodem it is surprisingly solid ^_^
00:41.21Q-At-Homejsut trying to decide if I should get 4 modules, or 2
00:41.41bkw_I can do this when I get my stamps
00:41.45bkw_just have to put enuf to cover it
00:41.50filebkw_: reallllllly?
00:41.58Q-At-Homebkw: when the mail man delivers, jump out and beg him to take it
00:42.14bkw_4 dollars worth of stamps
00:42.31Q-At-Homeour mail man is cool, he takes our stuff every day
00:42.38bkw_11 stamps
00:42.40bkw_or so
00:42.42Q-At-Homeit helps that we butter him up at xmas
00:42.53fileI'm hungry
00:43.01Hogieshould get penny stamps
00:43.02bkw_Q-At-Home does your mail man always cum twice?
00:43.21Q-At-Homedepends if theres 2 of us there
00:43.33*** part/#asterisk expousr (
00:43.38Q-At-Homemy arms get tired after the first delivery
00:44.07bkw_you are silly
00:44.45*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
00:45.22filemmm doritos
00:45.24fileyummy, very yummy
00:45.46Q-At-Homekeep eatin them, you'll wind up lookin like me :)
00:46.08fileQ-At-Home: we only live once, so enjoy life
00:46.12mrmagswagh calories, I had to switch from beer to whisky :(
00:46.44Q-At-HomeI enjoy life... just in smaller quantities than before
00:46.59fileuh, huh
00:47.00Q-At-Homeeasy way to loose 15 lbs in one week... get the damn cold I had
00:47.13fileno thanks, unless I can return it
00:47.22Q-At-HomeI'm 255 now, and even though I'm sick.. I feel better
00:47.47Q-At-Homek, enough of that
00:47.52Q-At-Homewheres my pizza
00:48.08filewhere you left it
00:48.10Moc__under the sofa
00:48.55Q-At-Homemust be in my truck
00:49.24Q-At-Homeholy powerhit batman
00:49.27Q-At-Homeand again
00:49.52Q-At-Homebrb, gotta see who hit the pole
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00:51.37bkw_I took the screws out of the mounting bracket so I could fit it in the envelope
00:51.49bkw_and put the screws in a tiny little ziplock thingy
00:51.53bkw_i'm sending two of them
00:52.01filetwo of what
00:52.07Q-At-Homebkw's CRAZY DEALZ
00:52.11michaellanyone a perl expert in here?
00:52.19filemichaell: yesssssssssss?
00:52.53bkw_file its going to cost 1.10 per item
00:52.55bkw_its 3 oz
00:53.03fileuh huh
00:53.18bkw_Airmail Letter Post  4 - 7 Days $1.10 Max. length 24", Max. length, height, depth combined 36"
00:53.38bkw_i'll ship them out when the postman gets my postage here
00:53.54bkw_3 stamps per package
00:53.55bkw_not bad
00:54.12filebkw_: how many packages am I getting and what is in each
00:54.31bkw_Less than 16 ounces Mail matter that is not potentially dutiable.
00:54.35bkw_two packages
00:54.39bkw_and 1 per package
00:54.54fileyou migrated totally over to a tdm board?
00:54.54Q-At-Homeif you ship it as global priority in a package, duty is $5 from the post office
00:55.00filewith fxo modules?
00:55.11fileQ-At-Home: wrong
00:55.23Moc__you guy shipping pizza ?
00:55.32Q-At-Homesame item sent via UPS/Fedex is still $5, + a $40 handling fee
00:55.37fileQ-At-Home: duty is only charged for packages with a total of $20 or more if regular, or if it's a gift - then you get $60 off
00:56.01fileand for UPS/Fedex it depends on the item value
00:56.08fileI have a handy dandy UPS calculator
00:56.12Q-At-Homeheh :)
00:56.20Q-At-Homehave you ever received anything from the USA? :)
00:56.30Q-At-Homethen settle down :)
00:56.45Q-At-HomeUPS hoses the shit outta me every time something comes
00:56.52Q-At-Homecus of the handling fee
00:56.54fileI usually have stuff defined as lower cost
00:56.55michaellq: how much?
00:57.05Q-At-HomeUSPS on the other hand is like... pennies on the dollar
00:57.19Q-At-Home$35CDN for the "fee" plus whatever GSt + duty is
00:57.19fileCanada Post has a $5 handling fee for regular mail, and $10 for express
00:57.28Q-At-Homethats via UPS
00:57.33fileQ-At-Home: wrong :)
00:57.42Q-At-HomeUSPS comes canpar once it gets here for cheap
00:57.46filelet me get you the rates
00:57.55bkw_looks like file knows how to work the system
00:57.58Q-At-Homehe must
00:57.59bkw_something Q needs to learn
00:58.02Q-At-Homefile: where are you
00:58.07fileNew Brunswick
00:58.21Q-At-HomeI'm gunna order a 4 port PRI, I want you to clear it for me :)
00:58.37filefyi you can clear stuff yourself
00:58.55fileyou get notification your package arrived, then you go to the customs office and pay the tax, then go back to UPS and they'll release it
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00:59.18bkw_that seems silly
00:59.22bkw_whats this free trade shit?
00:59.31Q-At-Homebkw: not free trade, the modem is made in china
00:59.34filebkw_: yeah, right, free trade, HA
00:59.43Q-At-Homenafta benefits the USA only
00:59.46bkw_well you won't have to pay duty on these
00:59.50bkw_should I mail them 1 day apart?
01:00.07fileif you're feeling evil like, sure
01:00.10Q-At-Homewon't matter, customs will take em apart and inspect them for drugs no matter what :)
01:00.11bkw_and you won't have to pay duty on these
01:00.20fileQ-At-Home: I've never had a package opened
01:00.25Q-At-Homejust put "gift" and declare it worth $10
01:00.29Q-At-Homefile: they must like you
01:00.36bkw_I don't have to fill out the forms for this
01:00.40bkw_its going air mail
01:00.54filebkw_: the method doesn't matter, the weight does
01:01.01Q-At-Homeif UPS clears your package in Canada, they charge you a $35 fee
01:01.02Moc__you guys got free fxo module ? ;) what going on ?
01:01.03bkw_no forms
01:01.06Q-At-Homesure you can clear it yourself
01:01.12fileQ-At-Home: the UPS fee varies
01:01.24Q-At-Homefile: no it doesnt, its $35
01:01.30Q-At-Homethe duty varys
01:01.30fileQ-At-Home: it varies, look at the page I gave you
01:01.32Q-At-Homeas does the GST
01:01.33bkw_you you silly canuks
01:01.37Q-At-Homethe fee isnt listed on that page
01:01.42bkw_or how ever you spell it
01:01.43fileyes it is
01:02.01Q-At-HomeOther Services are available. Additional charges may apply. Call 1-800-PICK-UPS for details.
01:02.05Q-At-Homeyeah in that line there
01:02.14Q-At-Homeread as: we're gunna hose you down canuck
01:02.14filelook at the chart
01:02.14brc007latta..going to try the new knoppix...and suse livecd (9.1...wish they'd hurry up with the ftp installer
01:02.19mrmagsoh btw, I needed a new analog phone and I picked up that uniden 646 you'd recommended a few days ago bkw, damn this is a nice little phone.
01:02.19brc007bye bye
01:02.23brc007take care now
01:02.27brc007have a nice day
01:02.27Q-At-Homethwap me all you like :)
01:02.29brc007you too
01:02.32Moc__my last order from Digium for about 350$ cost me 70$ of duty fee's
01:02.33fileUse the chart below to calculate the customs brokerage fee for your inbound shipments.
01:02.33brc007~thwack Q-At-Home
01:02.38jbotACTION smacks Q-At-Home with a AS/400 in the leg
01:02.38brc007~eat Q-At-Home
01:02.42jbotACTION eats Q-At-Home and falls over dead
01:02.45brc007~poo Q-At-Home
01:02.49jbotACTION poo's on shiny new shoes!
01:03.15Q-At-Homefile: this isnt a fee levied by the govn't its charged by UPS if they clear your package for you
01:03.17*** join/#asterisk JonKloske (
01:03.25fileQ-At-Home: yes... that fee is there
01:03.26Q-At-HomeI really outta open an account with peacebridge
01:04.02JonKloskeHello everyone
01:04.13Q-At-Homefriendly UPS lady calls "your package is here, what is your card number for the customs charges"
01:04.14fileQ-At-Home: admit it, the UPS fees for customs clearance ARE on that page
01:04.25Q-At-Homeits not there, there is a flat $35 fee
01:04.35*** join/#asterisk Methos (
01:04.43filehave you even seen that page?
01:04.52*** join/#asterisk NoName (
01:04.54fileyou look up the value in CAD of the item, and you get the fee
01:04.59Moc__there is customs fees + taxes fees
01:05.05Q-At-Homeyes, thats one set of fees
01:05.14JonKloskeI've recently upgraded the firmware on a phone system connected to asterisk via an E100P card and I'm getting some warnings and notices showing up in the asterisk logs
01:05.18Q-At-Homethere is another flat rate for the privilege for of using them
01:05.19*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:05.24JonKloskeWARNING[4101]: chan_zap.c:6014 zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 27 failed: Unknown error 500
01:05.26fileQ-At-Home: no there is not.
01:05.31JonKloskeNOTICE[4101]: chan_zap.c:6728 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: 6 on span 1
01:05.34JonKloskethey happen at the same time
01:05.36Q-At-Homefile: ok whatever you say :)
01:05.41bkw_Q-At-Home it says very clear that page
01:05.45bkw_did you even go read it?
01:05.50Q-At-Homeyes I did
01:06.27JonKloskeanyone know what this might be?
01:06.53Q-At-Homebkw: you'd think thats it, but as one who has been hosed by UPS many times... its not the whole story
01:07.11bkw_well I think you rolled over and let them do ya dry
01:07.19Q-At-Hometheres the link I wanted
01:07.55Q-At-Homeits old
01:08.00Q-At-Hometheres a recent one
01:08.06Q-At-Homeblah, doesnt matter
01:08.11fileQ-At-Home: I know, I read that long ago
01:08.13fileQ-At-Home: you're playing on words, that's the UPS fee for clearing
01:08.27Q-At-HomeI make it policy to never play on words
01:08.30fileUPS does charge other fees WHEN you don't pay ahead of time
01:08.32Q-At-HomeI HATE symantecs
01:08.55blitzragecan someone call FWD 18924 ?
01:08.57Q-At-Homehow can you pay ahead of time with overnight delivery
01:09.03fileQ-At-Home: brokerage account
01:09.33bkw_Q-At-Home you don't bitch enuf then
01:09.40filethey then charge for using their money to pay for you, and then they charge for sending the COD to bill you
01:09.50Q-At-Homebkw_: I stopped bitching at UPS, I just quit using them
01:10.11Q-At-Homewell why didnt you say "if you have a brokerage account" with them
01:10.18Q-At-HomeI'd say thats a pretty important if
01:10.21bkw_blitzrage it says you aren't registered
01:10.29fileQ-At-Home: because you said the UPS fee, and that's what I gave you :)
01:10.47Q-At-Homewho's playing on words now smart ass :)
01:10.55fileI'm very literal in my mind
01:11.12Q-At-Homeif only you could communicate that way...
01:11.38gusbah. i'll have to do some improvements to asterisk -rx.  it doesn't accurately return success/failure and it doesn't return at all unless some output is printed :(
01:11.46Q-At-Homesince you're the UPS expert... what do they charge to keep the brokerage account open
01:12.24fileI don't have a brokerage account with them
01:12.29fileI'm smart enough to evade the fees
01:12.39bkw_tax evasion
01:12.40Q-At-Homeoh, nice take a cheap shot at me
01:12.47Q-At-Homeand I'm such a nice guy too
01:12.52filebkw_: I'm only 17, what are they going to do?
01:13.04filedon't be hurt, I didn't mean it as a cheap shot
01:13.17Q-At-HomeI'm not hurt
01:13.24filedid UPS set me up with a business number?
01:13.32Q-At-Homeprolly a fake one
01:13.57Q-At-Homeor a generic one they use for all general clearances
01:14.04blitzragebkw_: yah... for some reasion my * box is having a problem registering...
01:14.19bkw_do you realize localnet has changed?
01:14.25bkw_its just localnet=ip/mask
01:14.50blitzragebkw_: I do NOT realize that has changed :)
01:15.01blitzrage192.168.0.100/24 ?
01:15.05blitzragethat format
01:15.22bkw_no insidemask anymore
01:15.27bkw_or what ever it was called
01:16.46*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
01:16.49Q-At-HomeI remember being 17
01:16.56brc007on teh new knoppix disk
01:17.05Hogiethis is gonna be quote of the year
01:17.06HogieA source close to the company said Microsoft entered the Wi-Fi field with hopes of "raising the bar" on security, ease-of-use and performance and now feels it has accomplished those goals.
01:17.13HogieMicrosoft raising the bar on security?
01:17.23Q-At-Homeyeah, thats it
01:17.30brc007when I move my mouse I can hear it on the radio
01:17.35*** part/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
01:17.36Q-At-Homefamous mouse
01:17.44Hogiedoes it sing?
01:17.49Q-At-Homedont let it sign with a RIAA based lable
01:18.00brc007it's purrrty
01:18.07Q-At-Home"new" knoppix?
01:18.09Q-At-Homenewer than 3.3
01:18.13brc007and it's also purtty slo on this ol 128mb ram laptop
01:18.35brc007disk's in the drive
01:18.38brc007so I can't read it
01:18.58brc007but it's 2.4 2004-05-10 or sumten
01:19.01Q-At-Homebittorrent here I come
01:19.37brc0072004-05-10 is minor bugfixes over -05-05
01:19.38bkw_file you do realize that you can take care of that buildup yourself
01:19.46brc007I wish they'd release diff's to the ISO
01:19.57brc007rather then then having to dl the whole damn thing
01:20.17dougheckamy brother just blew a mouse up in the microwave
01:20.24dougheckahe thought he could warm up his mouse for feeding the snake
01:20.29brc007I downloaded -05-05 2 days ago and didn't burn it
01:20.32dougheckaiam glad stupidty passed to the youngest in the family
01:20.38brc007then I had to download the whole thing again to get 10
01:20.39Q-At-Homegood one bkw
01:20.39dougheckagodamm the whole house smells like death mouse
01:21.23brc007gonna see if my (Original) orinoco card'll work
01:21.29Q-At-Homeazureus sure is nice for bittorrents
01:21.47Q-At-Homeanyone use anything better/different?
01:22.12EssobiMmm..  is there any busydetect code linked up to Dial()?
01:22.27Essobidoughecka Eww.
01:22.29brc007look like it worked
01:22.45brc007knoppix 3 months ago was borked with orinoco's
01:22.53brc007for me with this presario nway
01:22.57fileI'm so tempted to buy another pair of headphones... just because my brother is always using mine
01:23.10dougheckaget some bose headphones
01:23.13Q-At-Homelay the smack down on him
01:23.34brc007it workie
01:23.41brc007let's see if airsnort works now...
01:23.45brc007and ethereal
01:23.59EssobiGo stublin beiotch.
01:24.04Q-At-Homedoughecka: dont do it, it burns the back of the nose
01:24.13Hogienobody is allowed to say anything important until I come back
01:24.15brc007crack this beaotch
01:24.27EssobiQ-At-Home That's crack.  Not air.
01:24.35Q-At-Homeever blown your nose and missed?
01:24.50Q-At-Homewhere your sinuses like... implode for a second
01:24.52Essobion purpose.
01:24.54Q-At-Homenot good
01:25.11EssobiNaah.. Feels good you puss.
01:25.15brc007wtf is !M
01:25.19brc007no machine
01:25.51Essobi<--- King of obscurity
01:25.58doughecka* Huroya shoots Flak
01:25.58doughecka* Flak catches the bullet with his teeth
01:25.58doughecka<Huroya> By "catch" I think you mean it shatters your jaw and puts a hole the size of a baseball through the back of your skull.
01:25.58Q-At-Homedamn, I got amy lee's voice stuck in my head
01:26.03brc007damn lag
01:26.24Essobiyam - Anyone know what one?
01:26.35Q-At-Homeits like a squash
01:26.45EssobiNo.. What's it stand for.
01:26.47Q-At-Homeor a sweet potato
01:26.52brc007omg wtf!
01:26.56Q-At-Homeno idea :)
01:27.01brc007Remote desktop connection works
01:27.08dougheckaI would hope so
01:27.09EssobiQ-At-Home yet another moron. :) YAM! YAM!
01:27.16dougheckasince its SOOO much better than linux!!
01:27.19brc007do I sound like a moron?
01:27.34fileimagine me and you... I do
01:27.38Q-At-Homewarning: not work safe
01:27.40Q-At-Homegfy :)
01:27.40fileI think about you day and night it's only right
01:27.46fileto think about the girl you love, and hold her tight
01:27.50fileso happy together
01:27.58filethis should be on a Telus commercial
01:28.19dougheckafile: got a phonenumber I can play this music to ya? :P
01:28.19Q-At-Homeworse than the damn gap
01:28.36dougheckawhos singin
01:28.38filethere's an odd solo in the background I'm trying to identify
01:28.42EssobiQ-At-Home GFY is old. ;)
01:28.45fileThe Turtles
01:28.46Q-At-Homeso am I
01:28.57EssobiQ-At-Home WTF FTW?
01:29.09filethis sounds like a wooded instrument... might be an oboe
01:29.12brc007"could not set monitor mode"
01:29.17dougheckaitunes rox
01:29.32filecomes in at about 1:25 in
01:29.42EssobiOkay.. Since no one knows anything about zaptel.conf busydetect.. I'm going to go grep files.
01:29.47Q-At-Homewhat song are we listening to
01:29.55dougheckaStanford University Mendicants
01:29.56fileThe Turtles - So Happy Together
01:30.03Q-At-HomeEssobi: I know enough to stay away from it on analog interfaces
01:30.12blitzrageoh god... enough of this.. I'm going to watch some shitty TV :)
01:30.23dougheckacanadian tcv
01:30.24Q-At-HomeTV sucks
01:30.25fileand now... Go Ask Alice!
01:30.40blitzrageyou suck
01:30.48fileblitzrage: go ask Alice
01:30.50filecause ya know
01:30.55fileone pill makes you larger, and one pills make you small
01:30.57blitzrageactually.. I don't :)
01:31.01Q-At-HomeI swear I pay $120 a month for TV, and I still wake up to infomercials and peter popoff
01:31.04fileand the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all
01:31.12filego ask Alice... when she's ten feet tall
01:31.19blitzrage....... ok.......
01:31.22fileand if you go... chasing rabbits... and you know you're going to fall
01:31.36filesmoking catepillar has given give you the call
01:31.38Q-At-Homethe entropy that this channel generates is amazing
01:31.43filecall Alice, when she was just a small girl
01:31.48blitzrageok, so #asterisk has officially let in lunatics... and with that... I'm off :)
01:31.51fileone man on the chess board, get up and tell you where to go
01:31.59fileand you've just had some kind of mushrooms... and your mind is moving on
01:32.06filego ask Alice!!! I think she'll know!!!
01:32.06Q-At-Homeblitzrage: we're always been here
01:32.13Q-At-Homeerr we've
01:32.15dougheckahickory dickory dock, three mice ran up the clock the clock struck one, and the other two escaped with minor injuries.
01:32.32filethis song is screwed up, I don't need to spread the evil
01:32.48fileoh wait, I'll just play Britney Spear's Toxic, that's more evil :p
01:32.57Q-At-Homeoh my
01:33.09fileor... the cha cha slide!
01:33.29Q-At-Homeprimus: act of being polite
01:33.34Q-At-Homethat'll fix ya
01:33.42Q-At-Homeerr, the residents
01:33.47Q-At-Homemind... failing
01:33.50Q-At-Home... must reboot
01:34.16filelisten baby...
01:34.25fileain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low... ain't no river wide enough baby
01:34.31fileif you need me call me, no matter where you are
01:34.32fileno matter how far
01:34.35dougheckaCAUSE SHES SO FAT
01:34.39filedon't worry baby, just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry
01:34.42fileyou don't have to worry!
01:34.50fileare you worrying?
01:34.53fileI'm not.
01:34.57Q-At-Homedoughecka: isnt that a weird al song? :)
01:34.59doughecka<schmidt> i can kill a person with no hands
01:34.59doughecka<SirBlack> so can I, when they don't have hands it's hard for them to fight back :P
01:35.03dougheckaQ-At-Home: haha
01:35.04dougheckaI dunno
01:35.39Q-At-Home~google weird al fat
01:35.58Q-At-Homeaparently, it is
01:36.02filethis southpark episode is scary
01:36.10fileKenny had a seizure!
01:36.21Q-At-Homegah! southpark
01:36.47Q-At-Homebbl, must lay down still recovering from an evil cold... and I think my pills are wearing off
01:37.16Q-At-Homebut first...
01:37.27Q-At-HomeI'm downloading 5mbit/s from a bittorrent
01:37.34Q-At-Homeholy CRAP thats quick
01:37.57dougheckawith what
01:38.08Q-At-Homeshaw "exteme"
01:38.14Q-At-HomeI happened to look
01:38.17Q-At-Homeand... wow
01:38.33Q-At-Homenow I'll probably get a letter next month telling me that I'm evil
01:38.55filemy ISP throttles my line card once I hit a certain quota
01:39.09fileso I have to reset my ADSL modem and resync
01:39.23filemight explain why I'm on my 4th line card
01:39.26Q-At-HomeI payed for 30gb
01:39.31Q-At-Homeerr paid
01:39.35Q-At-Homeyup must sleep
01:39.52filenifty, all the episodes of stargate are downloaded for viewing on my Zaurus
01:40.06Q-At-HomeI buy the DVD's
01:40.18*** join/#asterisk swirlnets (
01:40.24PilotPTK-Homewhere does one find the links for these 'torrents' of movies?
01:40.38Q-At-Homeno idea, I'm grabbing knoppix
01:42.14[hC]Hm.. I have some variables defined... say PHONE1=SIP/1000  .. then in my dialplan after a call is not answered i have it execute Voicemail(${PHONE1}
01:42.33[hC]in my voicemail.conf i have the proper lines for [] then 1000 => 1234,Name,
01:42.42PilotPTK-Homehc that won't work
01:42.44[hC]yet when it dials it says there is no SIP/1000 in voicemail.conf
01:42.52[hC]I guess its feeding the SIP/ through and doesnt like that.
01:43.47[hC]if i dial 1000, and it attempts to dial that sip ext, then passes me on to Voicemail() could i use EXTEN ? or, what would be the best variable to use to hit the mailbox you were originally trying to dial?
01:44.31PilotPTK-Homeyou could do PHONE1type=SIP/   PHONE1num=1000    exten => 1000,x,Dial,${PHONE1type}${PHONE1num}   exten => 1000,x,VoiceMail($PHONE1num})
01:44.45PilotPTK-Homeor something similar...
01:44.50PilotPTK-Homeyou've got to break the 1000 out
01:45.09[hC]yeah i was thinking of something like that.  Just thought there might be a way to grab the originally dialed extension another way
01:45.39PilotPTK-Homeor you could do exten => _1XXX,x,Dial,Sip/${EXTEN}
01:46.01PilotPTK-Homeand then exten => _1XXX,x,VoiceMail(${EXTEN})
01:46.07PilotPTK-Homeif all your phones are sip
01:46.08PilotPTK-Homeor or or
01:46.12PilotPTK-Homethere are lots of ways to do it.
01:46.20[hC]k, i gotcha.
01:46.45PilotPTK-Homethe second way, you don't need an entry in extensions.conf for each phone...
01:46.54PilotPTK-Homejust one for all the sip phones
01:49.08*** join/#asterisk Connor (
01:51.20EssobiAnyone using busydetect?
01:51.38PilotPTK-Homebusydetect didn't work well at all for me.
01:51.53PilotPTK-Homebut I haven't played with it in quite some time since I no longer have any analog lines.
01:53.10PilotPTK-Homewell...technically I have ONE pots line for emergency use - but I don't really care if it busydetects or not....its only for 911 type use.
01:53.12EssobiI need to busydetect on a Zap line..
01:54.23PilotPTK-HomeIf JerJer is around, I would suspect he's a great person to ask about it.
01:54.35PilotPTK-Homelooks like he's not though.
01:55.23bkw_it would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO easy to spoof dominos pizza
01:55.38bkw_they accept the spoofed callerid I set out when calling via nufone
01:55.43bkw_"Is your address ..." "yes"
01:56.01*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
01:56.06PilotPTK-HomeNow Now.. NuFone frowns on such activities :)
01:56.15bkw_its my real callerid
01:56.18bkw_but i'm setting it
01:56.23PilotPTK-Homeoh ;)
01:56.29bkw_so that tells me they would take anything I set if I called em up
01:57.16Essobibkw_ Umm.. about 90% of all PRI providers will let you spoof.
01:57.34*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:57.42EssobiWell.. you can spoof your # and that links back to some local database.
01:58.37*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_ (
01:58.48*** join/#asterisk sac|h0p|werk (
02:00.39*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
02:00.53michaellis wrong
02:00.55michaellwith fucking
02:00.58*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
02:01.03michaellhello brc
02:06.50Moc__backup/ups/FANS are always the problemes
02:12.46bkw_ok where the hell is that pizza
02:12.54bkw_did they have to make the cheese
02:12.54bkw_and milk the cow
02:12.54Connorumm.. over here.
02:12.54bkw_or what
02:13.16chapsterDidn't have enough grease, had to order some more...     ahhh, I love pizza.
02:16.02Connor~seen oej
02:16.07jbotoej <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 18h 34m 1s ago, saying: 'Monty twisted'.
02:16.21EssobiAnyone using busydetect?
02:18.37*** part/#asterisk mrmags (
02:18.41michaell~seen michaell
02:18.44jbotmichaell is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 13 messages.  Is idling for 3s
02:19.00michaelldarn,, I better pick that number up.
02:19.17*** join/#asterisk kashmish (
02:19.51jbotMay the penguin be with you...
02:20.23dougheckaquick guys, how do you reattach the head to a dead body?
02:20.45Moc__depend... you got plomb ?
02:21.24*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
02:21.46dougheckammm, buttfurr
02:22.25brc007use clipizza
02:23.07EssobiSo is there any busy detect on FXO?
02:23.09dougheckaah, the lynx-compatible version.
02:23.10brc007no no no!
02:23.12Moc__damn another boring night
02:23.17jbotACTION thinks that site is evil
02:23.24brc007who did that
02:23.30brc007factstats badgerbadgerbadger
02:23.42brc007~factstats badgerbadgerbadger
02:23.50brc007~factstats badger badger badger
02:24.13blitzragewho runs jbot?
02:24.22jbotTimRiker (or BZFlag) is my owner
02:24.31jboti guess timriker is my owner Senior Linux Technologist at Texas Instruments former CTO of Lineo/Embedix/Metrowerks maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-)
02:24.31*** part/#asterisk unabonger (
02:24.44Moc__Anyone got feature request for app_MeetMe ?
02:24.56dougheckaMoc__: I want the kitchen sink
02:24.56bkw_Moc__ unless you get kram put you're wasting your time
02:25.07dougheckagravity is a resource hog.
02:25.38Moc__An option to automaticly order pizza during long conference calls ?
02:26.03Moc__arnt a pizzaria offered a CLI for ordering pizza ?
02:26.09dougheckayes yes
02:26.10Moc__I saw that somewhere
02:26.20EssobiPress 1 for technical support, press 2 for emergencies, press 3 for pizza
02:28.51brc007FC 2 test 3 vs mdk community release 10.0
02:28.54brc007for a desktop
02:29.04brc007I'm running outta free CDR's
02:29.15Moc__FC 2 t3 had a nasty SELinux RPM problem hehe, but it work fine
02:30.17tessier_test 3 is out? Time to blow away the test 2 iso's which I never got around to installing.
02:30.27Moc__hehe yes it out,
02:30.53dougheckatomorrow i'm going to drink 10 gallons of water
02:30.54michaell~factstats jbot
02:31.01michaell~factstats fuck
02:31.02Moc__same install, I found it VERY slow, or maybe I just burned it too fast for the media type
02:31.04brc007been out forever
02:31.07dougheckai wanna see how long i can pee for one time
02:31.17michaelloh god
02:31.19dougheckarevmoo1: that's it, I'm done with the Internet
02:31.31michaellyou can keep a record online also
02:31.45brc007I drink 2 a day
02:31.52michaellok good theres a 404 error
02:32.25*** part/#asterisk kashmish (
02:32.25gusok, so a channel driver's write() method is *supposed* to block?
02:32.35ConnorWhoho!! I got my Optiums Prime Transformer Today..
02:32.56EssobiConnor How much?
02:33.14Connor$65.00 or so with shipping..
02:33.28EssobiConnor My buddy has a lot of first ed transformers.. OPT being one.
02:33.28dougheckaI said: i am answering peoples questions on private messages if anyone is interested
02:34.00Connor\/msg: dougchecka are you gay?
02:34.14dougheckano one has said anything yet
02:34.25doughecka1\/msg: connor yes
02:34.26EssobiConnor He was talkinga bout ebaying the whole set.
02:34.47micahelllol It would help if i could spell woudnt it?
02:34.50ConnorI always watned OP since I was a kid.. Now I got one..
02:35.04micahellgreat... just what I need
02:35.35ConnorMy Wife opend the box and said "Where's the robot guy at" Then she said, You paid THAT MUCH for that tiny thing!
02:36.30EssobiMy son has OP #3.
02:36.39Connor#3 ?
02:36.55Connor3rd Gen ?
02:36.58PoemiusI know mambo #5
02:37.03Poemiusop #3 :)
02:37.27*** part/#asterisk bobman (
02:38.32EssobiConnor I think he's third gen.. IT's been so long since I kept up w/them.  He's a yellow instead of red.  I was really wierded out by that.
02:38.43EssobiAnd he's not a semi anymore.
02:39.13ConnorThere is a white edition out of him I think..
02:39.31EssobiYea.. I remember that one.
02:39.45EssobiI think there was a Coca-Cola limited out too.
02:39.52EssobiCoca-cola trailer.
02:40.14doughecka<Aviator> Nooooobody expects the Spammer's Imposition!
02:40.14doughecka<Aviator> Our two weapons are offshore servers and feeble laws. Feeble laws and offshore servers.
02:40.14doughecka<Aviator> And fake headers. Our THREE weapons are offshore servers, feeble laws and fake headers.
02:40.14doughecka<Aviator> And gulliable horny lamers. Our FOUR weapons are... I'll come in again.
02:44.54Connoractually... I think Ultra Magnus was the same as Optiums Prime, just white... except for the trailer.
02:49.08dougheckawhat do you guys know about the company that makes RealPlayer?
02:49.13dougheckaI'd tell you, but the information is still buffering
02:49.21*** join/#asterisk Crippled (
02:53.19dougheckaI can't afford those plastic things to cover the electric sockets so I just draw bunny faces on the electric outlets to scare the kids away from them...
02:53.24dougheckaNewsflash! Kids aren't afraid of bunnies.
02:53.31dougheckaOh they will be...
02:56.31bkw_doughecka you are funny
02:57.07dougheckaMonday is President's Day.
02:57.07dougheckaWhat are YOU going to get YOUR president?
02:57.07dougheckaI'm going to get mine a dictionary and a Clifford the Big Red Dog book.
02:59.31*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
02:59.50YoYoyou wanna play with my toy?
03:00.00*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
03:00.02bkw_is it all installed now?
03:00.09bkw_damn you
03:00.12bkw_get it it all installed
03:00.24bkw_the OS is all I carez about
03:00.30*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
03:01.14*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
03:01.31PilotPTK-HomeOS.... Overall Size?  Toy?  Ugh-Oh....
03:03.20*** join/#asterisk yawns (
03:03.22*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS_ (
03:04.39yawnsanyone here seen problems with call file queueing and SetVar: ?
03:05.13yawnsie:  the fricking variables arent being passed down to agi.  
03:05.31Corydon76-homeSo don't use AGI
03:05.42yawnsdoesnt work with SetVar app either
03:05.42Kumbanganyone already sms-ing with *
03:05.46*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
03:05.47yawnsits an AGI problem i guess
03:05.53yawnsits an older * install
03:06.11puluall that sms stuff they're talking about only works in the uk, hmm?
03:06.11yawnsnot my system so i cant go apply a years worth of cvs updates to their production system
03:06.16pului mean the fixed line sms
03:06.18Corydon76-homeAlways upgrade before asking questions about possible problems
03:06.31yawnsthats part of the problem, i cant upgrade their system.
03:06.44Kumbangi think it ETSi standar sms
03:06.44Corydon76-homeWhy not?
03:06.48yawnsi'm thinking about backporting just the one part
03:06.59Corydon76-homeJust save their old directories, so you can revert if you need to
03:07.01yawnsb/c its a production system and will require a lot of testing
03:07.23pului'm about the opposide side of the world from europe so i'll  never see any etsi anything, unfortunately
03:07.24Corydon76-homeYou DID save the source to the old system, right?
03:07.30yawnsof course :)
03:08.23Corydon76-homeSo schedule an outage, upgrade, and test the crap out of it.  If the time nears the end of the outage and it doesn't work, revert.
03:08.32ProtocoLDanyone know how PingTel's solution compares to * ?
03:08.35dougheckathats funny
03:08.47yawnsyea, ill just have to make them upgrade.  
03:10.18puluargggh, that freaking screenshot overtook my mail compose window... freaking firefox
03:10.55*** part/#asterisk yawns (
03:12.59*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
03:16.05*** join/#asterisk erik (
03:16.45doughecka</evil laugh>
03:16.46*** join/#asterisk scud_ (
03:20.47mutilatori have this problem where my ata won't ring when i call out.. anyone know what'de cause that?
03:21.11mutilatorsoftphone (xlite) does but i dunno if thats cause it's builtinto it or it's * making it ring
03:21.19mutilatorfirst rule of my extensions is Ringing()
03:21.59chapsterwith a line like:   exten => s,1,Read(var-numbertodial|enter-10digit-number|10)          If only say 5 digits are entered, is there a way of reading that?
03:24.38*** join/#asterisk Methos (
03:31.07*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS_ (
03:36.14*** join/#asterisk mvand (
03:37.20*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
03:37.31*** join/#asterisk aggelos (
03:37.38aggelosgood night everyone,
03:38.55aggelosis there a way to use net2phone max devices with H323 gateways ?
03:39.04aggeloswith some sort of converter ;) ?
03:47.38*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
03:49.31*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (~epitaph@
03:52.04*** part/#asterisk jsmith (
03:58.30*** join/#asterisk isianto (
03:59.20*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
04:02.50*** join/#asterisk Brian_ (
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04:03.08*** join/#asterisk shaneful (
04:03.27shanefulCan I use asterisk to control a third party mgcp gateway?
04:03.35*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
04:03.37CaNaBiS_I have no idea
04:03.46shaneful.. well why not??
04:03.58CaNaBiS_any idea why on my new Sipura the other caller can hear me, but they cant hear me?
04:04.03Kumbangguys, i've been toying with new apps sms with *, but cannt get through with this
04:04.11CaNaBiS_from Sipura to SIP softphone works fine
04:04.23bkw_Kumbang its for the UK
04:04.24*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (~epitaph@
04:04.30bkw_do you have SMS capable pots devices?
04:04.33bkw_if not give up now
04:05.16Kumbangbkw_ : yes i have two sms phone connected to wcfxs here
04:05.44CaNaBiS_bkw_, I stuck my Sipura on the outside of my router so that it would have a public IP, same deal I call a land line and they cant hear me, but I can hear them. Any ideas?
04:05.50shanefulcant really help ya CaNaBiS_. sorry
04:06.00Kumbangbut i dont know how to configure * so it can act as SMS centre
04:12.30bkw_CaNaBiS_ for a price I would be intrested
04:12.37bkw_bkw needs money for a new server
04:13.09shanefulhow much ya need to be interested?
04:14.32*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
04:15.13bkw_i'm usually 60.00/hr
04:15.38bkw_CaNaBiS_ I can tell you its localnet and externip
04:15.54bkw_because asterisk is behind the nat isn't it?
04:16.47*** join/#asterisk DruG5t0r3 (
04:16.58DruG5t0r3Could someone help me out here?
04:17.22DruG5t0r3home:/lib/modules/2.4.26/misc# modprobe wcfxs
04:17.41DruG5t0r3lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxs.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxs.o: unresolved symbol zt_ec_chunk
04:17.46DruG5t0r3and goes on...
04:18.16su-bkw_: externip and localnet is set
04:20.08su-DruG5t0r3: rebuild the modules with the correct source for your kernel
04:20.55isiantoguys I have a problem with callwaiting, I'm using sip phones
04:23.19isiantoIf I configure voicemail busy in the extension.conf, I don't  receive the call waiting signal but straight to mailbox
04:23.57isiantohow to configure call waiting not to go directly to busy mailbox, but wait fox x second before the call is being directed to busy mailbox
04:25.31bkw_isianto what phone?
04:25.56isiantoit's BT-101 (firmware
04:26.03*** part/#asterisk aggelos (
04:26.22isiantobut If I don't configure the busy voicemail, then I can get the callwaiting signal on the phone.
04:26.34bkw_its the phone
04:26.36bkw_thats all I can tell you
04:27.00su-what about NEXT!!
04:27.04isiantoeven with the analog phone?
04:34.14*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (~epitaph@
04:35.28*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@ somehow its now working...
04:37.40*** join/#asterisk juice (
04:38.51DruG5t0r3ok how can i actually test if its working (ie dialing out on my interface)
04:39.43Poemiuslol, actually dialing a number? :)
04:39.47JonKloskeHello everyone
04:39.50JonKloskeI've recently upgraded the firmware on a phone system connected to asterisk via an E100P card and I'm getting some warnings and notices showing up in the asterisk logs
04:40.02JonKloskeWARNING[4101]: chan_zap.c:6014 zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 27 failed: Unknown error 500
04:40.09JonKloskeNOTICE[4101]: chan_zap.c:6728 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: 6 on span 1
04:40.10*** part/#asterisk Essobi (
04:40.12JonKloskeanyone know what this might be?
04:42.31*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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04:52.53rollergrrlAnyone know of accounting software that's good for billing subscriptions?
04:56.15*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
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05:05.19bkw_what a day what a day
05:05.35twistedno kidding
05:05.36JonKloskeit's been real.
05:05.59twistedi meant to wake up like, 12 hours ago
05:06.14twistedand as we can all tell, it didn't happen
05:08.54*** join/#asterisk Adam (
05:09.25*** join/#asterisk hisitepu (~a@
05:09.56*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
05:11.46bkw_damn boi
05:11.59bkw_no that was for twisted
05:12.02bkw_my sexless lover
05:12.11bkw_he didn't say hi to me all day long
05:12.21*** join/#asterisk ii95m (
05:12.29bkw_hisitepu wasabi?
05:12.29hisitepui implement asterisk for call center
05:12.42hisitepuall agents using SIP phone (X-pro)
05:13.03bkw_it works ok for a play thing
05:13.06bkw_I guess
05:13.10bkw_but my PC sucks
05:13.15bkw_so I bet thats my issue
05:13.24hisitepuincoming calls came from Nortel, through 2xE1 (EuroISDN), to agents
05:13.24ii95mbkw_ which voip phone do you recommend?
05:13.35twistedbkw_ i was asleep all day log
05:13.36twisteder long
05:13.51bkw_ii95m you have to ask?  CISCO BABY
05:13.59hisitepui have problems because sometimes the channels hangs
05:14.09bkw_are you using chan_agent?
05:14.14ii95mha.ha.h.a other than CISCO, since the price tag is rather expensive ^_^
05:14.19hisitepueven i 'soft hangup' the channels still there
05:14.27bkw_using latest cvs?
05:14.29bkw_using chan_agent?
05:14.32bkw_answer me boi
05:14.34hisitepuno, we didn't using chan_agent
05:14.38bkw_good boy
05:14.51bkw_ok using latest cvs?
05:14.56hisitepustable head
05:15.28hisitepui use stable head
05:15.32bkw_not cvs-stable (to be honest at this point cvs-head is more featureful and just as stable)
05:15.43bkw_in some instances cvs-head is more stable
05:15.55hisitepuok, so in this case i should use cvs-head
05:15.56bkw_but dont listen to "THE" hard core asterisk person in the channel
05:16.02ii95mis agent is comparable with operator? ( I'm not quite understand the agent concept) Can someone enlight me ?
05:16.12bkw_hisitepu try head
05:16.16bkw_er cvs-head
05:16.24hisitepuok, what date?
05:16.28bkw_ii95m yes agent operator
05:16.30twistedbkw_ : who's not listening to me?
05:16.42bkw_hisitepu just chekc it out
05:16.45bkw_the stuff from today is great
05:16.53bkw_I use it in production
05:16.53hisitepuok, thanks
05:17.04bkw_get latest libpri and zaptel too
05:17.09hisitepuok then
05:17.16hisitepunice boi
05:17.21bkw_now pay me
05:17.42twistednow all of us who have started helping ppl have started solicitng payments :P
05:17.43hisitepuhow should i pay you :D
05:18.02twistedyou can send your payment to bkw to
05:18.06bkw_no ninny
05:18.16bkw_twisted is just trying to suck my funds away...
05:18.19hisitepunow everybody need to pay for :D
05:18.27twistedi'm not trying to suck anything of yours...
05:18.34bkw_as much help as I give out in here I should be RICH
05:19.00bkw_i'm mr. cvs nitpick asterisk boi
05:19.08bkw_i'm the one that nitpicks stuff
05:19.09twistedhaha NO KIDDING
05:19.13hisitepuso, you use late cvs in production?
05:19.14bkw_and in the process finds really odd bugs
05:19.20bkw_hisitepu yep
05:19.31twistedbkw_ i found one today that i'm gonna try to fix
05:19.37bkw_twisted kewl
05:19.38hisitepui still wonder, why the channels hangs, and soft hangup didn't work
05:19.38bkw_what was it?
05:19.42evilbunnyman why don't all the people complaining about the virus run filtering on their MTAs
05:19.42hisitepuany clue...
05:19.45bkw_hisitepu depends
05:19.50twistedheh... guess what part of * it involves
05:19.55twistedtake a gues
05:19.57bkw_evilbunny did you see my response to that "i love you" email?
05:19.59hisitepudepends on...
05:20.03evilbunnybkw_: yea
05:20.17evilbunnyI never got the original
05:20.23evilbunnybkw_: i thought about it :)
05:20.27evilbunnythen cbf'd
05:20.30twistedyeah... lots of viruses today on the list
05:20.38bkw_dont know how they make it on the list
05:20.40bkw_the list is filtered
05:20.46twistedbkw_ it's called lurkers
05:20.51twistedthere are THOUSANDS of list members
05:20.54evilbunnyand morons running OE
05:21.01bkw_its not OE
05:21.05bkw_Its LookOut Express
05:21.16bkw_thats what I call it
05:21.24bkw_You run it you better LOOKOUT
05:21.34*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (~epitaph@
05:21.37bkw_becuase your ass will get infected faster than a whore in china
05:22.05hisitepubkw_ is the problem in chan_zap or chan_sip
05:22.09*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> THE Open Source PBX || . twisted/#asterisk really wants to make that the topic.
05:22.17twistedha ha ha
05:22.23bkw_hisitepu chan_zap I suspect
05:22.26bkw_is it in show channels
05:22.29bkw_as a zap/ hung?
05:22.32bkw_or is it in sip show channels
05:22.43hisitepubkw_ both
05:23.03bkw_its zap then
05:23.08*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Open Source PBX || <bkw_> because your ass will get infected faste than a whore in china
05:23.11bkw_are you running a DUAL BOX?
05:23.18*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Open Source PBX || <bkw_> because your ass will get infected faster than a whore in china
05:23.19*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
05:23.20hisitepuyes, dual Xeon 2.4
05:23.20bkw_with hyper threading?
05:23.21twistedthere we go
05:23.30bkw_with hyper threading?
05:23.40hisitepunope, Jerjer suggest turn off HT for 2.4
05:23.50bkw_ok good boi
05:23.52hisitepui mean, kernel 2.4X
05:23.57bkw_did you compile zaptel for SMP?
05:24.02bkw_if not BINGO
05:24.22hisitepui just use default, didn't change anything
05:24.30hisitepudoes it mean, i use SMP?
05:24.32hisitepuor just single??
05:24.46bkw_well zaptel did have an option for SMP
05:24.48citatsbkw_: there is no compiling zaptel for smp, and there never really was anyways
05:25.03hisitepuso, suppose i didn't use SMP
05:25.18bkw_I thought their was at one point or was that a false impression?
05:25.51citats__SMP__ hasn't done anything to the kernel since 2.3.something and zpatel needs 2.4.x
05:25.53bkw_compile da latest
05:26.02hisitepuwith SMP or not?
05:26.08bkw_citats go put that voicemail patch in for the boundary crap :P
05:26.19bkw_change it if you don't agree with my change :)
05:26.28bkw_hisitepu boot with a non-smp kernel
05:26.31bkw_just a test
05:26.44bkw_worth a shot
05:26.51hisitepuit's production though... but i can test that :D
05:27.12bkw_you have downtime dont ya?
05:27.21bkw_also how are you starting asterisk?
05:27.24bkw_what cli options?
05:27.24hisitepunope, 24/7
05:27.27bkw_asterisk -vvvvgc?
05:27.33bkw_good boy
05:27.38*** join/#asterisk CMike (
05:27.50citatsHT causes problems in 2.4 kernels with zaptel.. i've heard that 2.6 HT works better but i cant confirm that
05:28.03bkw_me either I can't afford HT technology
05:28.17hisitepuso no HT, for 2.4
05:28.19CMikemorning all
05:28.24bkw_hisitepu ya disable
05:28.34bkw_twisted gotta have something to fill em with first!!!
05:28.36hisitepuuse latest zaptel-libpri-asterisk
05:28.42bkw_hisitepu yes
05:29.16hisitepushould i go with non SMP kernel, or i could give it a shot???
05:29.26bkw_try latest first
05:29.27bkw_then non-smp
05:29.30hisitepuok then
05:29.30bkw_with latest
05:29.56bkw_bkw tired
05:29.57hisitepuwhat do you suspect??
05:30.04bkw_who knows
05:30.17CMikehm I've gotta get a life.. I just realized that I grabbed the laptop and got online before I got out of bed.. hm ..
05:30.19bkw_maybe the evil thing you have asterisk attached to isn't sending the right response to hangup
05:30.21hisitepuonly God and Mark knows?
05:30.24bkw_who really knows till you try stuff
05:30.42bkw_hisitepu without access to the box I can't say much more
05:30.50hisiteputhanks, brian
05:31.06bkw_but really what I have told you so far is worth trying
05:31.08hisitepui'll contact u again, with my 'experiments'
05:31.11bkw_who knows it may fix ya right up
05:31.18CMikeHm. how do you tell a cat to brush his teeth ?
05:31.29bkw_CMike dont know
05:31.37bkw_i'm not into pussy
05:31.44evilbunnytake it to a vet :P
05:31.46CMikeI hm .. sort of waked me up with a bad breath :P
05:32.02bkw_CMike get them some tic-tac's
05:32.16CMikemaybe that will  work... heh
05:32.28evilbunnyCMike: you sure it didn't park it's ass on your face? :)
05:32.47CMikeYeah.. the backend of the cat has a tail..
05:32.53CMikeI'm pretty sure of that.
05:33.15*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
05:33.18evilbunnymaybe it farted
05:33.32CMikeit went back to sleep ..
05:33.34evilbunnyspin spin *fart* spin spin
05:33.40bkw_I've been lonely
05:33.41CMikeI can hear it ..zzzZZZZzzZZZzz
05:33.46bkw_I've been waiting for you
05:33.55bkw_i'm pretending and thats all I can do
05:35.36*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
05:35.52bkw_its ScaredyCat
05:35.53JonKloskecitats/bkw/twisted: any of you guys feel like lending me a few clock cycles of your brain power?
05:36.03JonKloskeasterisk problem :)
05:36.18JonKloskewell, its possibly not asterisk's fault, but here goes
05:36.19JonKloskeI've recently upgraded the firmware on a phone system connected to asterisk via an E100P card and I'm getting some warnings and notices showing up in the asterisk logs
05:36.25JonKloskeWARNING[4101]: chan_zap.c:6014 zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 27 failed: Unknown error 500
05:36.31JonKloskeNOTICE[4101]: chan_zap.c:6728 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: 6 on span 1
05:36.33JonKloskeany ideas on what this might be?
05:36.34JonKloskesorry for the paste :) I've been pondering it all day.
05:36.43bkw_they are notices and warnings
05:36.45bkw_nothing major
05:36.52JonKloskesure, so i thought
05:36.52bkw_I have seen those before
05:37.04JonKloskebut I got reports from the client site that calls were dropping
05:37.11JonKloskemaybe only 2 or 3 times a day
05:37.13*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
05:37.15JonKloskeso maybe only 1% of calls
05:37.24bkw_your best bet is to turn off every thing on the console line in logger.conf and live in ingnorance with a clean console
05:37.35bkw_using sip?
05:37.44JonKloskeits basically
05:38.00bkw_what clients?
05:38.06bkw_analog zap?
05:38.10JonKloskeisdn telco -> (zap iax2) <----> (iax2 zap) -> isdn phone system
05:38.19bkw_oh kinky
05:38.25JonKloskesure is
05:38.29JonKloskeits basically a bridge
05:38.31bkw_using trunking?
05:38.34bkw_cvs-head or stable?
05:38.47JonKloskei'll grab the version in a tic
05:38.53bkw_iax2 trunking?
05:38.54JonKloskeits probably a month old
05:39.00JonKloskei don't think so
05:39.03bkw_OH lot of fixes since then
05:39.05JonKloskeits using Dial(IAX2)
05:39.10bkw_show me a dial line
05:39.16JonKloskegimme two shakes
05:39.38CMikeis there any nice monitortools ?
05:39.48bkw_your eyes?
05:39.57CMikelike rrdtool scripts och similar availible for asterisk
05:40.02bkw_not yet
05:40.05bkw_wanna write some?
05:40.22*** join/#asterisk bsh (~hanhan@
05:40.30CMikenot sure I've got the knowledge.. but some ideas..
05:40.47JonKloskeexten => _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/rodger@${EXTEN}/d)
05:40.49JonKloskestuff like that
05:40.57bkw_JonKloske can I smack you around a bit?
05:41.02twistedi'm done nitpicking with app_voicemail for now
05:41.13bkw_ok let me help ya out
05:41.17JonKloskethat's on the isdn system side
05:41.17bkw_use the POWER OF ASTERISK
05:41.23bkw_look at that
05:41.30bkw_its a bandwidth graph
05:41.37bkw_both humps are 6 gsm calls
05:41.43bkw_left is with IAX2 trunking
05:41.45bkw_right is without it
05:41.50bkw_do you wanna use da POWER?
05:42.05bkw_I bet you can cut your bandwidth WAY down
05:42.07CMikeI'm just setting up IAX trunking with a telco.
05:42.10JonKloskethis feels like a viagra spam, but sure!!
05:42.18bkw_you don't do it with the telco ninny
05:42.24bkw_you do it between two asterisk boxes
05:42.39bkw_but dialing with ip is evil
05:42.43*** join/#asterisk erik (
05:42.45CMikewell.. the "telco" is setting up a box at theirs.. so I can terminate iax
05:42.48CMikeso to speak..
05:42.48bkw_you should have a user/peer entry in iax2.conf
05:43.04bkw_then dial(iax2/user@confentry/exten
05:43.16JonKloskei have an iax.conf that seems to have the iax2 stuff in it
05:43.17bkw_then you can use da power of trunking to save boatloads of bandwidth
05:43.31bkw_iax.conf is for iax2/iax1
05:43.35bkw_but noload also
05:43.37bkw_in modules.conf
05:43.40bkw_if you haven't already
05:43.43JonKloskeahh wait
05:43.47JonKloskei have trunk=yes on
05:43.48CMikehm what now.. ast_data didn't compile..
05:43.53CMikestrange it did yesterday
05:43.55bkw_JonKloske but you aren't dialing with the peer's
05:43.58bkw_you are dialing via IP
05:44.04bkw_so trunking isn't doing jack
05:44.20bkw_you must dial(IAX2/user@peerentryiniax.conf/exten)
05:44.25bkw_otherwise trunking doesn't work
05:44.38JonKloskewhich is rocket
05:44.41JonKloskethat's awesome
05:44.44JonKloskei'll implement
05:44.47bkw_also must have user/peer entries on both ends
05:45.05bkw_box A will have a user and a peer (or a friend but thats evil)
05:45.13bkw_and box B will have a user/peer also
05:45.59bkw_JonKloske feel the power tingling in your finger tips?
05:46.14*** join/#asterisk ProtocoLD (
05:46.23ii95mbkw_ how to set up graph like that? is * support snmp?
05:46.31bkw_ii95m I used STG
05:48.16JonKloskesorry, lots of calls here, darn this support + actually having to talk to customers :d
05:48.47HezI've been browsing over some examples and reading docs, but I have yet to see an explanation of how to do this, anyone got an idea.  What I want to do is have an extention that will trying ringing acouple different lines in some predefined order then give up and go to voice mail or another menu ...
05:49.14bkw_Hez so you wanna a small hunt group or queue
05:49.28bkw_that falls to voicemail if your agents are lazy, not at work or just ingnoring the phone?
05:50.04bkw_but you wanna get kinky with the order?
05:50.17Hezmore just to try one extention ... and if its not inorder/busy try another
05:50.27bkw_call queue
05:50.30bkw_with roundrobin
05:50.46bkw_and timeout it seems
05:50.55Hezmmm ok I will take a look =) (there is something on voip wiki i assume?)
05:51.13bkw_then in queues.conf
05:51.14bkw_read up
05:51.24bkw_then search the wiki I think it has an example
05:51.41Hezcoo =) will take a look, thanks =)
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,1,Answer
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,2,Queue(techsupport|t)
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,3,WaitMusicOnHold(5)
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,4,Voicemail2(u111)
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,5,Playback(vm-goodbye)
05:51.44bkw_exten => 901,6,Hangup
05:51.58bkw_; Login to the queue
05:51.58bkw_exten => 800,1,Answer
05:51.58bkw_exten => 800,2,Wait(1)
05:51.59bkw_exten => 800,3,AddQueueMember(techsupport)
05:52.01bkw_exten => 800,4,Playback(agent-loginok)
05:52.03bkw_exten => 800,5,Hangup
05:52.05bkw_exten => 800,104,Playback(agent-loginok)
05:52.07bkw_exten => 800,105,Hangup
05:52.09bkw_I use that on sip channels to login
05:52.12bkw_then this to log out
05:52.15bkw_; Logout of the queue
05:52.19bkw_exten => 801,1,Answer
05:52.21bkw_exten => 801,2,Wait(1)
05:52.23bkw_exten => 801,3,RemoveQueueMember(techsupport)
05:52.25bkw_exten => 801,4,Playback(agent-loggedoff)
05:52.27bkw_exten => 801,5,Hangup
05:52.29bkw_exten => 801,104,Playback(agent-loggedoff)
05:52.31bkw_exten => 801,105,Hangup
05:52.41Hezmmm im not sure if thats quite what im looking for...
05:53.09bkw_chew on that for a few! :)
05:53.11bkw_accually its exactly what you want
05:53.13bkw_but you don't have to login if you don't want
05:53.15*** kick/#asterisk [bkw_!] by twisted (ùa%kù fl00d)
05:53.16*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
05:53.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
05:53.27twistedscript is a little sensitive
05:53.28HezI am replacing the phone in the house and I want people to use iax/sip phones over the one analog line... so i want the server to try their iax accounts first...
05:53.28bkw_twisted YOU BITCH
05:53.31bkw_turn that shit off
05:53.50bkw_Hez then just go read up on how to do it with extension logic
05:53.57bkw_wiki might have examples
05:54.24*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy (
05:54.29bkw_i'm really tired
05:54.36bkw_bed time fer me
05:54.40twistedok bkw
05:54.41twistedit's off
05:54.43Hezyeah ive been through them... seems relatively complicated/hard to do
05:54.49CMikeyou were awake when I got to bed
05:54.57CMikeand now I've just got up..
05:55.05CMikeor sortof gotup.. :P
05:55.07Hezi was just curious if there was a easyer way to do it..
05:56.33ii95mHez, how about this.
05:56.47ii95mexten =>XXX,1,Dial()
05:57.07ii95mexten => XXX,2,Dial() analog phone line
05:57.19ii95mexten ==> XXX,3,Voicemail
05:57.23ii95msomething like that.
05:57.46*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
05:57.50Hezi get something like timeout undefined..
05:58.01UmaroHey guys!
05:58.37UmaroAnyone have a large install of *? looking for some advice on whether to go with channel banks, or sipuras, or what..
05:58.37*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
05:59.38*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:00.04UmaroI have about 50 agents I need to connect to *..
06:00.20jtoddUmaro: all in the same place?  
06:01.14Umarojtodd, yep
06:01.35Umarojtodd, got cat3 and cat5 wiring to each of their desks already (they have a computer at their desks, too)
06:02.14jtoddUmaro: then probably the cheapest route is channel banks and a TE4xxP from Digium.
06:02.19jtoddAnd analog phones.
06:02.33CMikespeaking of analog..
06:02.37Umarojtodd, oic
06:02.38*** join/#asterisk JUd3b3 (
06:02.51Umarojtodd, disadvantages over 25 sipuras? :)
06:03.00CMikeIs there any good 24-49 ports channelbanks that will work with * ?
06:03.23jtoddPunchdowns or reconfigurations required to move users with channel banks.  Fixed numbers of users with channel banks.
06:03.24CMikeI need to test an office with apporx 69 analog phones..
06:04.12CMikeso basiclly I need 70 analog phones... (swedish dialing schema)
06:04.29jtoddCMike: channel banks are either E1 or T1 (30 channels or 24)
06:04.52CMikeI guess I meant.. Analog to IP converters...
06:04.56CMike24 ports...
06:05.13*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
06:06.32*** join/#asterisk dumbhack (
06:07.40jtoddThat's what Asterisk is for.  Asterisk + TE410P + PC + channel bank = 120 channels of analog converted into VoIP.
06:08.05jtodderr... "channel banks" (plural)
06:08.19CMikeImean like a cisco ata but instead of two ports I need 24-48 ports
06:08.30jtoddSee above statement.
06:08.41*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
06:08.53jtoddIf you're looking for something with zillions of RJ-11's on the back, nothing really exists.  Asterisk fills that gap.
06:09.10twistedrollergrrl !
06:09.22CMikewell how do I connect a building with 100 existing analog phones ?
06:09.28CMikewithout changing theirs phones.. :)
06:09.35brc007CMike: a channel bank
06:09.40jtoddCMike: See my comments above.  
06:09.51brc007see what jtodd said...
06:09.56brc007hi ya jtodd
06:09.58CMikeyeah that was my original quiestion  maybe a bit malformed :)
06:10.26jtoddhowdy, brc.
06:10.26CMikewhere can I find channels banks?
06:10.26brc007haven't seen you around here in a loong time
06:10.26twistedCMike ebay!
06:10.29brc007ebay...look for 'adit'
06:10.38twistedlook for adit or adtran ta
06:10.41jtoddbrc: yeah, I've been too busy to show up on IRC.  I can't answer questions and get work done at the same time.  :-)
06:10.53twistedjtodd why not?  I can :)
06:10.54*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
06:11.08brc007you can do everything
06:11.08twistedmultitasking dood
06:11.18jtoddtwisted: My IRQ level is waaaay too high during the day already.  I'm trying to eliminate distractions, not add them. :)
06:11.20twistedi'm nowhere near kram's level as far as multitaking
06:11.44twistedjtodd : so move yourself to a different slot so as not to share so many IRQs
06:12.04jtoddAnd I'm betting that your interrupts aren't from people who say "libary" and are indignant that I have to explain what a nameserver is.
06:12.08brc007just use a pseudonym and only tell us 1337 people what it is
06:12.49rollergrrl<twisted> rollergrrl !
06:12.51rollergrrlthat's me
06:12.55twistedindeed it is :)
06:13.11jtoddIdiots take up an enormous amount of focus.  Interrupts with intelligent questions are easy, but I don't have too many of those with which to contend in an average day.
06:13.16oejCMike: Zultys sweden have adtrans
06:13.21twistedjtodd : heh
06:13.21brc007~thwack rollergrrl
06:13.23jbotACTION bludgeons rollergrrl with a Holy Bible in the eye
06:13.28twisted~thwack brc007
06:13.30jbotACTION smacks brc007 with a AS/400 in the knee
06:13.30rollergrrltrying to find some lcd to replace my monitors
06:13.33oejCmike: Are you the "Andersson" Mike?
06:13.44brc007I'm "brian"
06:13.47twistedrollergrrl : what size?
06:13.54rollergrrlI dunno
06:13.56rollergrrl17 sounds good
06:14.03brc007no way
06:14.05oejjtodd: What's the meaning of life?
06:14.15twistedhmmm.... they sell 17" panels at wally world for fairly inexpensive
06:14.16brc007I can't handle anything smaller then my 21" viewsonics
06:14.17rollergrrlbut I don't want any of those blurred out crappy ones
06:14.27brc007they are old as stink tho...gonna give out any day
06:14.40rollergrrlthere are so many blurry ones
06:14.45jtoddSo, _I_ have a question.  I'm trying to get soxmix running on my new @#(@#% RH9.0 machine, and it seems that even though I've got a softlink from sox->soxmix, I can't seem to get soxmix to be incarnated with a "soxmix" command.
06:14.45twistedbrc007 : ever notice the bigger you go the more you can't go back down?
06:14.48jtoddHi oej.  42.
06:14.54brc007twisted: sure do
06:14.59brc007used to think 17 was huge
06:15.06twistedbrc007 : yeah
06:15.20rollergrrlI just want my desk back
06:15.28brc007this (viewsonic graphics serise g810 21") one is 6 (six) years old
06:15.37twistedbrc007 : i haven't upgraded my 17" monitor here yet simply because I coudn't stand it if i got a 21" and it went out
06:15.39brc007it's probably a foot and a half long
06:15.59brc007oh yeah almost fergot
06:16.10twistedbut i have my sony 17" monitor that i've had for like... almost 10 years
06:16.14twistedstill crisp and sharp
06:16.22twistedgotta love it
06:16.23brc007"<brc007>says: ooooooo jtodd asken a question!...bu bu buuut he knows everything!"
06:16.37brc007this viewsonic isn't that bright
06:16.37*** join/#asterisk xenophile (
06:16.41jtoddI know what I don't know.  Does that count as "everything"?
06:16.43brc007and the colors seem to be drifting
06:16.48twistedso rollergrrl, have you looked at the VS lcd's?
06:16.56rollergrrlyeah at best buy
06:16.56*** join/#asterisk JUd3bE (
06:16.58rollergrrlthey're blurry
06:17.02rollergrrli was disapointed
06:17.15jtoddHey, no genuflecting here.  This is a family channel.
06:17.16twistedcheck the dell's
06:17.26rollergrrlI've noticed no blurry dells yet
06:17.29twistedas much as I despise them right now, their rebranded lcd's rock
06:18.00rollergrrlit all keeps goign back to dell
06:18.03twistedkram has 3 dell 21" flat panels on his desk
06:18.16twistedand they rox0r the s0x0rs
06:18.17rollergrrlyou've seen em?
06:18.52twistedi've even put some dell flat panels through hell when I worked there
06:19.04xenophilei've got an asterisk question;
06:19.05twistedand they wouldn't go freaky on me no matter how much i abused them
06:19.18brc007oh yeah
06:19.25xenophilei'm looking to do a 100% sip based confernce call solution, is asterisk capable, or overkill?
06:19.41twistedxenophile well, the meetme app requires a zaptel timer
06:19.46brc007baby! thos are TEH FOSHIZZLEYOSHIZZLE! (kram's monitors)
06:19.59xenophiletwisted: ok. i'm a noob to sip, what pray tell is that?
06:20.11rollergrrlare even the cheap 15" non blurry?
06:20.13twistedzaptel is a hardware timer that's based off of digium pc cards
06:20.15brc007zaptel timer = any card from
06:20.17ChulJinI guess brc watched SNL this past Saturday.
06:20.19twistedrollergrrl that's what i abused :P
06:20.40brc007meetme == conference calls
06:20.41xenophiletwisted: are you joking?
06:20.56xenophiletwisted: ok so this perhaps is not the right app;
06:20.57rollergrrlugh ok
06:20.59brc007a timing source is required
06:21.02rollergrrli'll do the dell boy then
06:21.02*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:21.08twistedxenophile : no.  i'm not joking.  But you can sometimes use the ztdummy driver, or the zaprtc driver, depending on what kind of system you have
06:21.12twistedrollergrrl : dell boy?
06:21.14xenophilerollergrrl: i've a handful of dells, they rock my spock
06:21.25xenophiletwisted: its just a dual p
06:21.25twistedrollergrrl : you'll do the dell boy?  who's the dell boy?
06:21.27brc007xenophile you CAN fake a timing source if you ahve USB but it's not as easy as throwing a x100p card in a box ($100)
06:21.32xenophiletwisted: its just a dual pIII copermine with a few GB of ram
06:21.35brc007OMG NOT THE DELL GUY!
06:21.46jtoddxenophile: er... if you're serious about a conference solution, the $110 for a Zap card can't be that much of a burden can it?
06:21.48twistedxenophile : ahh.
06:21.54clive-does anyone know if the userlist is down, or perhaps my email account is busted..:)
06:22.03xenophilejtodd: it means getting to my colo, powering down, and inserting
06:22.05twistedxenophile : it really depends on wether your hardware will work with the ztdummy or zaprtc drivers
06:22.31jtoddxenophile: well, as mentioned, you might be able to get away with the ztdummy stuff.
06:22.46rollergrrlis that what he says when he...
06:22.50xenophilethe idea is, that i've got fast colo, and a bunch of us work remote, it would be sweet to loose the pay-per-call meetmes
06:23.01twistedrollergrrl : no, that's not what I say when i....err.. nevermind
06:23.10twistedoh wait
06:23.11twistednot ME
06:23.23*** kick/#asterisk [brc007!] by twisted (ùa%kù HE MAN!)
06:23.59twisteddamn this script... it puts that CRAP in my kick msg
06:25.12JonKloskein that iax.conf file
06:25.24twistedbkw go byebye
06:25.27JonKloskehow do i tell it where to connect to?
06:25.29JonKloskeis that with a host?
06:25.30twistedhe go beddy bye
06:25.43JonKloskeweeeeell :D
06:26.02twistedand I'm lost as to what yer talking about or i'd pick up his slack
06:26.07JonKloskedon't suppose you have a few seconds to answer some moderate questions :)
06:26.24twistedfor you? I have 3
06:26.29JonKloskebasically, bkw slapped me around a bit for using Dial with IAX2
06:26.39JonKloskesuggested i use trunking
06:26.44twistedthat's how you dial
06:26.46*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
06:27.03JonKloskehe reckoned that was wrong
06:27.07JonKloskeor at least
06:27.10twistedok... yeah... that's wrong
06:27.14rollergrrlThis new computer reboots more than a 16 year old cowboy in a whore house.
06:27.31twistedrollergrrl there's a new virus out that suppposed to reboot your windows box
06:27.37twistedi'd suggest you virusscan
06:27.54twistedJonKloske ayway
06:27.55JonKloskeso what should the correct version of that be?
06:28.14rollergrrlI scan every night... I'm clean
06:28.19rollergrrlI wish it were a virus
06:28.33twistedrollergrrl this one is new
06:28.36twistedlike spanking new
06:28.40twisted(well, sorta)
06:28.42JonKloskeupdate your virus defs
06:29.16*** join/#asterisk hyperion (
06:29.52*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
06:30.11*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
06:30.15twistedJonKloske do you have user/peer entries for yer iax clients
06:30.28hyperionso that brc007 guy is really an idiot huh
06:30.37hyperionyou can just tell by his nick
06:30.42*** join/#asterisk bsh (~hanhan@
06:30.43twistedhi brc.
06:30.55hyperionI mean what kind of a nickname is "brc duh 00000007'
06:31.01hyperionsome kind of bond wanntabee or something?
06:31.07hyperionI'd -B him if I were you
06:31.21hyperionhe's just bad news
06:31.52twistedi love it when the ppl who program the digital cable's tv guide misspell stuff
06:31.57*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
06:31.58hyperionuhh don't tell him I said that okay? he'd probably beat me up or h3x0r me..
06:32.16brc007tell who you said what hyperion
06:32.26*** join/#asterisk astLearner (~atif@
06:33.18*** part/#asterisk hyperion (
06:33.32brc007hey he's got the same name as me
06:33.40brc007the same ip too...damn wardrivers
06:34.17brc007no! Wardrivers I tell ya
06:34.19brc007I swear
06:34.59brc007nobody laughs....
06:35.06brc007thank you thankyouverymuch...I'll be here all week
06:35.44twistedholy cow
06:35.47twistedi just popped my hips
06:35.52twistedthat's a new one
06:36.05brc007my neck pop's all the time
06:36.23twistedso does mine
06:36.30twistedall of my joints usually do except my hips
06:36.54twistednow i'm gonna sound like bubblewrap when I walk
06:36.55*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:36.58brc007hi ya olle
06:37.12brc007got any inside info on astricon?
06:37.21brc007where's it gonna be damnit
06:37.27twistedAtalanta, doofus.
06:37.35brc007jee thanks
06:37.40twistedAtlanta, rather
06:37.40*** part/#asterisk clive- (
06:37.45twistedoej : EARLY morning
06:37.47*** join/#asterisk harald (
06:37.53*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
06:37.56brc00711:37 here
06:38.00oejWe're negotiating conference centers now
06:38.04brc007Arizona time roxorz
06:38.05twistedrollergrrl !
06:38.12rollergrrlthat's me
06:38.13oejTrying to decide how many people we can count with
06:38.37twistedi'm watching Flashdance
06:38.45brc007count with?
06:38.46xenophilebrc007: arizone time?
06:38.50xenophiledude thats pst
06:39.11xenophileMon May 10 23:41:17 PDT 2004
06:39.33oejYou're in yesterday, xenophile. Today is may 11
06:39.42twistedtoday is the 11th
06:39.47twistedwelcome to today
06:40.07brc007check out most timezone selectors...blah blah blah PST blah blah "arizona" blahblah
06:40.29xenophileno wait the 11th is tuesday
06:40.35xenophilei've got 18 minutes of monday left
06:40.43xenophile18 minutes that i'll never have again *sob*
06:41.04JUd3bEdoes any1 know if distinctive ring is fully implemented ?
06:41.46PilotPTK-Homedistinctive ring detection is fully implemented, as is distinctive ring 'creation' for FXS channels.
06:43.03*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
06:43.05JUd3bEwhen i enable it, im getting prompt 4 phone # on FXO
06:43.29xenophilehas anyone set up asterisk to be a pbx for packet8, as to allow them to sip back to home and dialout from their packet8 number?
06:43.52brc007Thanks Brain,
06:44.27*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
06:46.26JUd3bEany idea?
06:47.07haraldhow can i find out on which tty ma modem is??? it's a beginner question, i know :-)
06:49.24tessier_What com port is it on?
06:50.37*** join/#asterisk lele (
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06:52.42gusharald: cat /proc/tty/driver/serial may give you a clue
06:52.47haraldi have a pci modem
06:52.50*** join/#asterisk bin_tot (
06:54.06guskernel output during driver initialisation
06:55.25haraldhey thanx......i am still booted. i can have a look in the logfile, right
06:56.05xenophileharald: what does dmesg say
06:57.28gusharald: /var/log/kern.log (depending on your distro). dmesg gives the last several kb of output, so its probably still in there
06:58.22haraldit's a lot to look, but i trhink it's in there.....thnx in advance :-)
06:58.54xenophiledmesg | grep tty
06:58.55xenophileis handy
07:07.02harald...sorry, it says nothing about my modem :-( ....i think i have to install make it aquaint it to linux
07:15.05rollergrrl"aquaint it"
07:15.37twistedantiquant it? :P
07:15.51rollergrrlthat's what the man said
07:16.16rollergrrluhh no tthat
07:16.39twistedooh. you have good music taste :)
07:16.49rollergrrlyou caught me
07:16.54timecopwhat is this? someone with a name "girl" shows up on irc and half the channel gets a hard on?
07:17.00timecopwell I got news for you. rollergrrl is a dude.
07:17.03timecopkthx plz drive through.
07:17.19rollergrrlhehe yup
07:19.49rollergrrlsorry to give you a hard on, timecop
07:19.52rollergrrlnext time look away
07:20.22*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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07:22.09*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
07:23.04*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
07:34.12*** join/#asterisk zohviech_ (
07:34.39*** join/#asterisk sam| (
07:35.11*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
07:36.41OloBolacan I paypal one of of you to configure asterisk behind a linsys roouter?
07:37.03*** part/#asterisk sam| (
07:37.06*** join/#asterisk sam| (
07:37.08OloBolaon RH9
07:37.24rollergrrltwisted love to do that
07:37.26rollergrrlask him
07:38.18*** join/#asterisk Rulezz (~rsh@
07:38.22twistedas me what?
07:38.52rollergrrli'm pimping you out
07:38.54*** join/#asterisk [Zoinks] (~[Zoinks]
07:39.17OloBolaI need to rent a brain
07:39.52OloBolano prosthetics either
07:39.57OloBolafor my wooden leg
07:40.05OloBolacan you help?
07:40.11twistedgimme a sec
07:40.16sam|upgraded from cvs twice now, and if I load in my asterisk modules.conf file, saying May 11 00:33:43 WARNING[16384]: loader.c:240 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_park_call
07:40.19sam|but if I 'load' it loads fine, any ideas?
07:40.24twistedi just glud my hand to mt headphones
07:40.37OloBolacan i paypal you to get asterisk running on RH9?
07:40.59twistedjust a sec
07:41.05OloBolado you wanna ssh in
07:41.45Rulezzhi, a have problem with make H.323
07:41.47twistedone of my hands are kinda stck rote now
07:42.17rollergrrlthat doesn' tsound good
07:42.19xpasha268hello ppl
07:42.26xpasha268who can say me
07:42.32xpasha268why asterisk try to call me
07:42.41xpasha268if I hang up
07:42.42twistedmy left hand is stuck to my headphones
07:43.02xpasha268and remote subscriber answered in this time
07:43.34xpasha268looks strange
07:45.46sam|anyone have any ideas about my iax2 problem?
07:46.47OloBolaam I suppose to seduce you now into my Labyrinth of twisted pairs                                 ?
07:46.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:47.22twisteder no
07:47.23twistedi just got my hand free
07:47.38mutilatoranyone know of a lspci type program for windows?
07:48.36rollergrrlI'd tell you
07:48.43rollergrrlbut I might give timecop a hard on
07:48.47twistedok OloBola
07:48.47rollergrrlso I must be silent
07:49.16OloBolawhat do I do?
07:49.36twistedread your /msg
07:49.42twistedi sent you a msg
07:50.05rollergrrlpost your ip and root password in here for everyone to see
07:50.14twistedbad idea
07:50.16twistedbad rollergrrl
07:50.19twisteddeserve spanking
07:50.50wasimaaargh .. osrry caps lock
07:51.29wasimzaptel cvs src says wcfxs, but that don't make sense
07:52.04wasimhola ScaredyCat
07:52.26twisted(and yes, i'm serious)
07:52.38twistedthe fxo module drivers are embedded in wcfxs
07:52.39rollergrrlthe name gonna change soon?
07:54.09wasimhmm.. and in zaptel would it be referred to as fxs singalling still or that too changed to fxo ?
07:54.38twistedwasim fxs signals fxo devices
07:54.45twistedwasim and fxo signals fxs devices
07:54.47wasimtwisted: right, so same as always
07:55.42ScaredyCatjust the driver that's fruity
07:55.53wasimand you :P
07:56.14wasimtwisted: i get a No such device
07:56.19twistedwasim uhhh
07:56.24ScaredyCatserves you right...
07:56.36wasimlatest cvs
07:56.37ScaredyCatget back to working on the phones
07:56.56wasimyeah, finally got a new pcb factory we should get the latest rev-f by early next week
07:59.05*** part/#asterisk sam| (
08:00.30mutilatorman that was rediculous... i just spent an hour downloadin and trying drivers
08:02.23*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
08:03.17timecoprev-f of what
08:03.26twistedrevision F of the tdm400p board, prolly
08:04.26timecopi think thts what I got
08:04.36*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
08:05.15*** join/#asterisk erik (
08:11.46brc007hola wasim =)
08:11.54brc007get those REV 3 boards yet?
08:12.01brc007they are what, 4 months late now?
08:13.23twistedúù%ùú PRIVMSG  Too many recipients. Only 1 processed
08:13.43*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
08:13.43twistedmy client freaked out at how many ppl i was talking to while i was still set away
08:14.05brc007"finally got a new pcb factory we should get the latest rev-f by early next week" Doh
08:14.33brc007wasim: you around still?
08:14.42brc007get me a price!
08:14.47twistedi want a farfon!
08:14.51brc007and get that case molded!
08:14.57brc007I don't want no fugly generic case!
08:15.06*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
08:15.10brc007twisted: buy a #vaporfone
08:15.28brc007I hear for $399.99 down you get one of the first 100
08:15.29twistedbrc007 doh... i still gotta bake the chips
08:15.33brc007serialnumbered and everything
08:15.41brc007I thought you did that like 2 weeks ago
08:15.49twistedhaven't been back to the lab yet
08:15.55brc007then....then you need something to put them in
08:16.01brc007yeahh....that'd proally be good
08:16.03twistedbrc007 , i'm gonna breadboard it first
08:16.31wasimi wish someone would offer me 399.99 for the first 100 farfons
08:16.37brc007wasim: hehe
08:16.39brc007ebay dude
08:16.40mutilatorhey brc.. any idea why my ata's won't ring?
08:16.43twistedwasim, when are you gonna actually sell them?
08:16.48brc007no clue mutilator
08:16.50brc007wasim:  yeah
08:16.53brc007I want to buy some
08:17.01mutilatorthey ring in.. but when i call out there is no ringin
08:17.01wasimi know, i know
08:17.11brc007you are loosing customers
08:17.13wasimwe've got the layouts final now, and just verifying them
08:17.14twistedmutilator put the 'r' flag in your dialstring
08:17.16brc007move to the USA!
08:17.19*** join/#asterisk xinev (
08:17.26brc007no wait
08:17.31wasimthen we make a protoype board by next week
08:17.36brc007move to china and learn chinese
08:17.46twistedmutilator : ie Dial(BLAH/blah,90,r)
08:17.51wasimand if all goes well, then we're ready to start pushin out puppied in two weeks time
08:17.54brc007when do you get the case mold made?
08:18.02brc007do I get the first one?
08:18.03wasimas soon as someone order like 500 units
08:18.05brc007do I do I do I
08:18.13wasimno, kram does, as always
08:18.20twistedi get the second one about the 10'th
08:18.23*** join/#asterisk AntonVerburg (
08:18.25twistedbecause I'm an iax testing mofo
08:18.31AntonVerburgwhaaaa mofo you!
08:18.41twistedAntonVerburg don't cry
08:18.42AntonVerburgI'm going to be mad!
08:18.53AntonVerburgI dit many difficult things...
08:18.56brc007wasim: what happened to the rev3 boards?
08:19.01mutilatortwisted: it is
08:19.08AntonVerburgAnd now i want to do something realy simple..
08:19.08wasimwe changed a few things
08:19.09brc007did you get stuck paying for them?
08:19.11twistedmutilator then take it out :)
08:19.19mutilatorheh ok..
08:19.21wasimbrc007: yep
08:19.21twistedmutilator sometimes having it there stops the ringing, sometimes it helps
08:19.23brc007I know but I thought you said they were 6 weeks late
08:19.23AntonVerburgAnd nothing works!!
08:19.24twistedall depends on the privider
08:19.35brc007yep you paid for them but didn't use em? that sucks
08:19.36mutilatorworth a shot i guess..
08:19.41*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
08:19.42brc007what'd you change
08:19.42AntonVerburgI try to register my * at another one,
08:19.51twistedAntonVerburg you're trying too hard... relax a few minutes, and go at it again
08:19.54wasimbrc007: routing, and added more I/O
08:20.06AntonVerburgand then make a dial from one to the other
08:20.08AntonVerburgI cam make a connection
08:20.17*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
08:20.19AntonVerburgbut when iax2 show channels
08:20.29AntonVerburgit tells me at the one site
08:20.45brc007wasim: got a idea on the street price?
08:20.47AntonVerburg192.3.2.149      superfrog   00001/00001  00078/00080  00001ms  0001ms  ADPCM
08:20.51brc007and the first 500 price...
08:20.56AntonVerburgeverything OK)
08:21.10brc007have you lined up people to retail them (such as atacomm etc) in the USA?
08:21.14wasimwait a week
08:21.15twistedAntonVerburg what's wrong with that?
08:21.16AntonVerburgbut at the other side...
08:21.19mutilatorhmm that worked
08:21.21mutilatorthere a reason it does that or?
08:21.22AntonVerburg192.3.2.190      superfrog   00001/00001  00003/00004  00000ms  0000ms  UNKN
08:21.23brc007wait a week?
08:21.29mutilatorjust does..
08:21.37wasimyeah, next week i'll know the final board price etc
08:21.39AntonVerburgAnd I have only sound in one direction
08:21.41brc007buh buh buuut I've been waiting a week since a month ago
08:21.44brc007surrre you will
08:21.51wasimbut the prices should hold true from the FAQ
08:22.04AntonVerburgIt seem soundformat is not recognized at one side...
08:22.13twistedAntonVerburg uhh.... check the side that isn't recognizing the format for codec issues
08:22.24AntonVerburgBut i defined in both iax.conf the same codecs!
08:22.31twistedIE, in the iax.conf, disallow=all allow=adpcm
08:22.40twistedunder the user/peer entries
08:22.50brc007so maybe a street price of $100 in 6-8 months
08:22.51*** join/#asterisk harald (
08:22.57brc007omg owwie
08:22.58twistedAntonVerburg or for a fee, i'll take a crack at it :)
08:22.59AntonVerburgYes, I didt that at both sides
08:23.04brc007my foot went to sleep and it's waking up
08:23.27wasimhopefully a street price of sub-$50 in 6-8 months
08:23.32twistedwasim WERD
08:23.38brc007sub 50
08:23.42brc007really? AWSOME
08:23.49twistedsub 50 is crazy
08:24.40twistedin saine
08:25.03brc007go wild
08:25.07brc007color touch screen
08:25.18brc007what else
08:25.26brc007smart card/rfid/bluetooth
08:25.47twistedvad would be badass
08:26.13brc007ships with bt headset included
08:26.13twisted(vad == voice activated dialing)
08:26.24brc007that' would be way badass with the bt headset
08:26.26twistedjust wanted to make sure we wer eon the same page
08:26.28CMikedoes anybodu know if there are voip -> DECT Gws ?
08:27.05brc007oooh oh and voice auth/biometrics via bt :p
08:27.54twistedi'm not
08:27.58twistedbuild it on the mini-itx platform
08:28.17twistedi can fit a mini-itx fanless mobo in a desk phone case
08:28.26twistedyour phone is also your computer ;)
08:28.34brc007it sounds like...yes folks it's the sound of money
08:28.46brc007we could even call it...herm
08:28.55brc007how about, now get this! A SOFTPHONE!
08:29.08brc007it'll be revolutionary  
08:29.19twisted~thwack brc007
08:29.21jbotACTION hits brc007 with a iMac in the leg
08:29.35twistedit's a hardphone, and a computer
08:29.40twistedall in one package
08:29.46brc007~design highend vaperfone and email world domination plans to brc007
08:30.04twistedi tink you freaked jbot out
08:30.19twistedjbot: sell me the world
08:30.20jbottwisted: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
08:35.57*** join/#asterisk jbot (
08:35.57*** topic/#asterisk is The Open Source PBX || <bkw_> because your ass will get infected faster than a whore in china
08:35.57twisted20 minute drive and you're in the mountians away from the heat
08:36.06brc007you'll be crying for kfucks when it's 16f in ga in about 8 months
08:36.17twistedit's warmer in ga than it is here in tn
08:36.21twistedin the winter
08:36.38twistedread the topic
08:36.48twistedanother good reason to stay out of phx
08:36.51brc007it's ~~~
08:37.01brc007xchat fubared it
08:37.11twistedTopic (#asterisk): The Open Source PBX || <bkw_> because your ass will get infected faster than a whore in
08:37.11twistedúùùú Topic (#asterisk): set by twisted at Tue May 11 00:23:19 2004
08:37.20*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
08:37.22brc007nice topic for the 8'th most popular channel on freenode
08:37.44brc007take a look at the nice professional newbie friendly topics of the others
08:37.52brc007then us
08:38.10*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX ||
08:38.29brc007needs links to the wiki and moc's getting started guide
08:38.35*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> The Open Source PBX ||
08:38.37brc007or even better a useful links page on the wiki
08:38.41twistedi forogt i didn't have to put the #asterisk in there
08:39.06twistedwhere the fuck is jbot?
08:39.20twistedjbot: fuck me
08:39.22jbotACTION humps twisted's leg in public
08:39.28twistedi got some action
08:39.40brc007~poo twisted
08:39.43jbotACTION poo's on shiny new shoes!
08:40.00twistedjbot: what are you?
08:40.01jbotI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
08:40.12twistedjbot: blootbot?
08:40.15jbotsomebody said blootbot was a SF project. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or
08:40.28*** join/#asterisk dercol (
08:40.48brc007blootbot is see also timriker
08:40.59twisteddon't think so
08:41.13cjkaynoen an idea why everything wors when i start * witch -cvvvvvvvvvvvv and doesnt work when i start it using the initscripts
08:41.19brc007when'd ##linux get so popular
08:41.22brc007never saw it before today
08:41.27twistedbrc007 since it started
08:41.43twistedcjk: redhat?
08:41.50cjktwisted, no, debian
08:41.57twistedcjk: ahh... dunno then
08:42.12cjktwisted, happens till i spereated the sip.conf into multiple files using #include
08:42.23brc007if I make a useful links wikipage will ya put it in teh topic?
08:42.34huggiecjk: wrong permissions?
08:42.43twistedbrc007 yeah
08:42.47cjkhuggie, hmm lets check that out, not a bad idea
08:42.48huggiecjk: the initscripts will run asterisk as the user asterisk I think.
08:42.49twistedbrc007 as long as you use these
08:42.50brc007I'll get right on it
08:42.53twisted~useful asterisk docs
08:42.54jbotextra, extra, read all about it, useful asterisk docs is at (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and, or read /usr/src/asterisk/doc/* (all files in that directory)
08:43.03brc007that's what I had in mind
08:43.09brc007and how to search the -users list
08:43.34twistedhuggie errrr ... wrong
08:43.36cjkhuggie, thanks
08:43.46twistedhuggie they won't run it as the asterisk user unless you set them to
08:43.57huggietwisted: the initscripts on Debian will.
08:44.07twistedwhat debian init scripts for *?
08:44.17huggieOoh it's like an echo.
08:44.17twistedthere aren't any in the contrib/scripts directory for debian
08:44.18brc007what init scripts
08:44.25brc007gimmie some
08:44.29cjktwisted, asterisk is quite esay to install on debian: apt-get install asterisk and it works
08:44.40twistedthat's an OLD version
08:44.44*** join/#asterisk M90 (~mats@
08:44.44brc007that's like 10 years old
08:44.53cjkno too old
08:44.56brc007asterisk is updated very frequently
08:44.57huggieWhen Debian developers package software they integrate it into debian and add things like initscripts etc.
08:45.07brc007we know...
08:45.09cjktwisted, the packages are updated quite fast in debian
08:45.16twistedthe debian developers need to send us the init scripts for cvs inclusion
08:45.22brc007cjk trust me 0.9 is _OLD_
08:45.26huggiebrc007: really cos you're acting like 13 year old wannabies at the moment with your pathetic attempts at humour.
08:45.32twistedcjk: .9 is OLD
08:45.41brc007twisted: wtf did this come from?
08:45.42twistedunless it was added 3 hours ago
08:48.01twistedlaffing at huggie
08:48.10brc007sorry huggie
08:48.45huggieIf you know how packaging works I don't see why you would say things like "what init scripts" yadda yadda yadda.
08:48.51brc007but not late enough to sleep
08:48.58twistedhuggie are you just trying to provoke me?
08:49.05twistedi deal with CVS ONLY
08:49.31*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
08:49.34twistedI was simply asking what init scripst because they are not included in * distro
08:49.38brc007huggie: probably because none of us ever use the packages for asterisk as asterisk development moves so fast that the packages are usually outdated almost before they are released
08:50.04cjkwhy did you remove cdr_mysql support in the default distri?
08:50.06brc007I like my asterisk fresh!
08:50.12twistedcjk because of licensing issues
08:50.19twistedit's now in asterisk-addons as cdr_addon_mysql
08:50.26huggiebrc007: yeah that makes sense.  Just means you're quite possibly a world apart from normal every day users.
08:50.42cjktwisted, is that so important? i thought the mysql module was quite important for most people
08:50.49twistedcjk yes
08:50.56twistedcjk licensing is VERY important
08:51.06twistedand i hate to say it
08:51.10brc007if the license says it can not be used then it would be illegal to do so
08:51.15twistedbut in a legal aspect, licensing overrides necessity for distrobution
08:51.29twistedso we provide it in a seperate package.
08:51.38twistedcalled addons
08:51.45twistedso if you want to break the licensing as a user, you can
08:52.01twistedand it's perfectly legal if you do it
08:52.06twistedbut not to distribute it like that.
08:52.32twistedand that was removed from the main package MONTHS ago
08:53.23brc007twisted any preference on what I call the useful n00b links page? ((useful asterisk links)), or ((frequently used links))or..
08:54.19brc007voip-info seems tob ed won forme
08:54.34cjkis there no way to get * using ftp or www?
08:55.00twistednot the latest copy
08:55.15twistedbut you can download the packages via
08:55.21twistedbut it's only going to be .9 also
08:56.44twistedbrc007: Links for Beginners  or Helpful Information
08:56.46twistedor something like that
08:56.55sumais there is anyway i can restrict the total number of calls received by a SIP user ?
08:56.57brc007well jee now i know
08:57.05brc007((beginner links))
08:57.12twisteduse groupcount
08:57.16twistedshow applicaiton groupcound
08:57.42twistedincominglimit/outgoinglimit are depreciated by that app now
08:58.08twistedbut then again, il/ol never worked right anyway :P
08:58.19sumatwisted: show application groupcount
08:58.19sumaYour application(s) is (are) not registered
08:58.43sumahow will i make that enabled
08:58.46brc007when'd you get asterisk
08:58.59twistedshow application getgroupcount and setgroup
09:00.13twistedto check the count
09:00.29twistedso you set the group
09:00.32twistedcount the group
09:00.36twistedand check the gorup
09:00.37twisteder group
09:00.45*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
09:00.47twistedif it's less than the max in checkgroupcount
09:00.50twistedit'll pass
09:00.58twistedotherwise it'll return to priority n+101
09:01.17cjkhow can i cvs the * addons?
09:01.23twistedcvs checkout asterisk-addons
09:01.34twistedfollow the examples on
09:01.41cjktwisted, thansk
09:02.02twistedBitchX-1.0c19+ by panasync - Linux 2.6.5
09:02.09pooh_anybody know why switching to a submenu in extensions.conf take a few seconds of silence ?
09:02.20twistedpooh_ got a wait() in there?
09:02.44pooh_twisted: goto(submenu,s,1)
09:02.49RoyKtwisted: upgrade to 2.6.6 :)
09:02.56twistedRoyK heheh
09:04.15cjkhmm, you should put more docs in yout packages, for example hwo to compile the mysql_cdr etc...
09:04.19pooh_twisted: after the caller presses a number too choose from, it take 3 to 4 seconds to go to the submenu
09:04.36twistedthat's your digit timeout
09:04.43twistedon your main menu
09:05.06twistedor remove it completely
09:05.10pooh_twisted: let me try
09:05.22twistedand make sure there are no entries longer than one digit in that section of the dialplan
09:05.41twistedbrc007, if you don't stop it with the color
09:05.42*** join/#asterisk KillerBee (
09:06.03pooh_twisted: correct, thanks
09:06.07twistedpooh_ np :)
09:06.15brc007that's hard work dude
09:06.18twistedgotta love mirc colors
09:06.23brc007doing it by had
09:06.56*** join/#asterisk snewpy__ (
09:07.15cjkisnt there a way to just compie mysql_cdr?
09:07.37twistedtype make
09:07.40twistedin the addons dir
09:07.55twistedit's quite simple actually
09:08.01twistedcd /usr/src/asterisk-addons
09:08.03twistedmake install
09:08.33brc007cd /usr/src/asterisk-addons ; make ; make install
09:08.44twistedif you like doing it in all one line
09:08.44brc007twisted: can you get to
09:09.03twistedsite go kaput
09:09.35pooh_is there a way out of the company directory ?
09:09.46cjknice, but typing make was the first thing i tried
09:09.59brc007did you make install?
09:10.50twistedif you're using app_directory, i don't think there's a way out of it yet
09:10.54twistedi need to code one in
09:11.08cjkbrc007, first doing make
09:11.49pooh_twisted: ok..
09:12.30*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
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09:21.18mutilatorwho's got a good critical eye for webdesign?
09:21.18*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
09:21.21amlhm, tons of the zt tools have weird parse errors in signal.h
09:22.00*** join/#asterisk fonzai ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:22.11jefreycan we still send dmtf tones from * during the call
09:23.10jefreywithout the help of ivr
09:23.19jefreyi guess is a no
09:24.18*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
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09:26.08sumai was trying with setgroup application
09:26.14sumait says it is not registered
09:26.21sumais it in stable cvs ?
09:28.14brc007nite all...going to install linux on this laptop
09:28.37brc007gonna try debian unstable
09:28.45twistedi run unstable on my mailserver
09:28.47twistedit's good
09:28.55twistedwanna see?
09:29.01brc007wouldn't run it on a server of any kind
09:29.06brc007too many horror stories
09:29.17brc007you sho me yours I won't show you mine
09:29.18brc007and fedora core 2 test 3
09:29.27brc007and mandrake (EVIL EVIL! I know)
09:29.49brc007and suse 9.1 if they'd get the ftp install out
09:29.58brc007mdk just released 10.0
09:30.05twistedDebian GNU/Linux testing/unstable 2.4.24 #3 SMP Sat Jan 17 21:40:57 CST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
09:30.08puludebian unstable isn't that bad... just make sure you have 1.5 hours and a good test suite everytime you upgrade
09:30.27brc007and I've heard how great mdk is for teh desktop so I figured I'd try it
09:30.38brc007do you
09:30.38sumatwisted: thanks
09:30.46brc007run for your desktop tistwded
09:30.49twistedsuma: np
09:31.02twistedbrc007 i don't run a desktop per se
09:31.12twistedmy desktop machine turned into the mailserver
09:31.22twistedthe closes thing i have to a desktop machine is my xbox
09:31.27twistedand it runs unstable too :P
09:31.35brc007xbox's don't count
09:31.37brc007and they are evil
09:31.39twistedsure they do
09:31.40twistedthey're computers
09:31.49twistedi'm running testing on the xbox
09:32.10twistedtesting/unstable.. same distro on the mailserver
09:32.16brc007run.... experimental!  MUHAHAHA
09:32.32twistedhow about... no
09:33.02brc007e3 is gonna suck
09:33.12brc007all the games that got teh. awards last year
09:33.14twistedtoo bad e3 is all the way over on the west coast
09:33.17brc007STILLhaven't released
09:33.37twistednoone knows what it's like
09:33.39twistedto be the bad man
09:33.42twistedto be the sad man
09:33.43twistedbehind the lines
09:33.48twistedand noone knows what it's like
09:33.51cjkdoes anyone know a file (maybe rfc) which lists all the countrie prefixes and the mobile prefixes
09:34.09twistedcjk: google
09:34.17twistedor check the itu's site
09:34.25cjktwisted, itu == ?
09:34.26*** join/#asterisk citats (
09:34.37twisteditu == international telecommunicaitons union
09:34.47cjktwisted, ??
09:34.55twistedi believe
09:35.09brc007~google itu
09:35.11twistedwell will go there
09:35.43twistedlook on the main page
09:35.48twistedthe itu is having gender issues
09:36.30sumatwisted: Can I Intel 536ep modem with asterisk as fxo ?
09:37.03twistedsuma: i don't know about them off-brand x10xp's
09:37.12twistedsuma: nor will i even try to help with them
09:37.29twistedsome work, some don't
09:37.36sumatwisted: me too trust on x100p and bought a few too
09:38.11*** join/#asterisk smlioetr999 (
09:39.41brc007somuch fer leaven
09:39.54cjkdamn i just do not get the odbc_cdr with mysql working
09:41.42twistednot sure about odbc
09:41.45twistednever tried to use it
09:44.25slePPjust doing some invoicing
09:44.30slePP$10k to go
09:44.39twistedsend me some money
09:44.46slePPjust cuz i invoiced doesn't mean i have any :>
09:44.55twistedinvoice some for me
09:45.02twistedstick some extra in one of the big ones
09:45.12twisteda $500 processing fee
09:45.14twistedand send it to me
09:45.36twistedholy crap
09:45.41twistedit's taking forever to tar up my root dir
09:45.43slePPhow about i give you all the profits from selling 4 iPAQs?
09:45.50twistedthat works
09:46.02twistedas long as its >0
09:46.06amlfrom ztspeed.c:13:
09:46.06aml/usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h:79: error: parse error before '*' token
09:46.06aml/usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h:82: error: parse error before '}' token
09:46.13slePPit's $25 each
09:46.15slePPie: nil
09:46.23twistedthat's 100 bucks
09:46.29twistedso yea
09:46.31twistedthrow it my way
09:46.32citatsslePP: send an ipaq to me
09:46.34slePPbut it barely covers the cost of driving :>
09:46.40slePPcitats: these ones are .... crappy
09:46.44twistedi'll take one
09:46.51twistedi will run * on it
09:46.51slePPw/ Pharos iGPS-CF
09:46.58slePPthe GPS is cool
09:47.02slePPthe ipaq isn't as cool
09:47.02twistedsend me one
09:47.04citatswell damn near everything beats out my palm III
09:47.12slePPi have a Palm Vx for sale
09:47.14twistedi'll take one of them instead of the cash
09:47.21slePPw/cradle and serial adapter and hard case
09:47.27twistedi need usb interface
09:47.33slePPtwisted: hell, i'd take one if it's free. :>
09:47.39slePPbut i wouldn't pay the $480 for it myself
09:47.40amli want gps-cf plz
09:47.43slePPi'd rather get the 55xx series
09:47.53slePPaml: the pharos one is pretty reasonably priced, and works really well
09:48.00twistedjerjer's gonna try to run * on a wrt54g
09:48.22slePPexcept it's huge
09:48.29twistedthat would solve issues with nat + sip
09:48.35twistedregister your sip phone to your router
09:48.40twistedand register the router to the provider ;)
09:48.47slePPwouldn't it be easier to just setup the wrt54g with nice iptables/tos rules? :P
09:48.57twistedi do that already
09:48.58aml<3 wrt54g <3
09:49.45twistedi lub my wrt54g
09:50.21twistedOH SHIT
09:50.29twistedfalse alarm
09:50.45twistedno wait
09:50.49slePPALARM ALARM
09:51.02slePP63 hours
09:51.02slePPthat just won't do
09:51.04twistedi'm not
09:51.07twisted'm trying to backup
09:51.20twistedand i just fuckedup
09:51.37slePPtar cf - -C / . | ssh some-poor-guys-computer 'cat > /proc/kcore'
09:51.46slePPthat's like BOFH backup style
09:53.21*** join/#asterisk fdeierlein (
09:53.34slePPbtw, monogoSearch is nice
09:53.37slePPcuz i can't figure out htdig :>
09:53.43twistedi was tarring iso's when I shouldn't have been
09:54.27slePPbut, i have to be his backup mirror with wget
09:54.37slePPand well.... the last time i let it mirror, i had half of microsoft's web site on my disk before i noticed
09:55.54twistedslePP: got somewhere I can store a temporary backup?
09:56.01slePPhow big?
09:56.13amli'm confused why this refuses to compile.
09:56.16twistedbout 60 megs
09:56.20slePPoh, yeh
09:56.24slePPyou should have an account on my server
09:56.34slePPslepp@proso $ id twisted
09:56.34slePPuid=5007(twisted) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),10(wheel)
09:56.42slePPyou hacked up my asterisk one night long long ago
09:56.45slePPwhen i was a n00b
09:56.58slePPno idea the pword, but it'll get ya in :>
09:58.22twistedgimme pwd
09:59.06*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
09:59.53l-fyhi zoa
10:05.20*** join/#asterisk erik (
10:05.53*** join/#asterisk Luke__ (
10:06.12Luke__Hi. Anyone managed to get * working well in cygwin or VMware?
10:06.27*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
10:08.17Luke__hmm, guess your all sleepin
10:10.30*** join/#asterisk bsh (~hanhan@
10:11.38*** join/#asterisk [-ScoobyDoo-] ([
10:13.34*** join/#asterisk climber_ (~noreal@
10:13.49*** join/#asterisk Gavroche (
10:14.32*** join/#asterisk huats (
10:20.45huatsDoes anybody can give me advice: i need to find a channel bank that enable me to convert a PRI line to separate BRI access...
10:21.24amli had to add:
10:21.25aml#define __user
10:21.25aml#define __kernel
10:21.37amlto /usr/include/linux/compiler.h
10:21.53slePPthat's probably a bad thing
10:21.58slePPwhat're you compiling? zaptel?
10:22.00amlto get the zaptel modules to compile
10:22.06amli suspect this is obviously f'd up
10:22.09amland probably won't work
10:22.12slePPare the modules being ran as part of the kernel module build?
10:22.14amlactually the driver parts compile anyway
10:22.27amlit's just the utils that puked before
10:23.50amlbut of course now there are unresolved symbols
10:24.02amlso now i will install the kernel source it was built against and hope that works
10:25.45cjkhow can i tell asterisk to no log to csv files
10:30.03twistedi lie
10:30.10twistedmy backup is fookin huge
10:30.37*** join/#asterisk climber_ (~noreal@
10:31.44justinnnnnni got a cisco 7940
10:31.47justinnnnnnand a grandstream
10:31.47slePPif it's under 400meg, that'll be okay :>
10:31.47twistedi'm bz2'in it now
10:31.52justinnnnnnand the quality is better on grandstream
10:31.53slePPmuch over that, and it'll cost me cash
10:31.54twistedit's under 400mb iknow
10:31.55justinnnnnnboth using g729
10:32.01justinnnnnnanyone no any possible reasons why ?
10:32.11cjkwhen will the first iaxtel phones come out?
10:32.23twistedi may be able to compress it to fit on my 128mb flashdrive
10:32.25slePPcjk: the first has already been released, afaik
10:33.18twistedjesus christ slePP
10:33.24twistedthis server is running everything in the world
10:33.35slePPstop looking!
10:33.58slePPand keeping a very close backup of it since it's critical :>
10:34.26cjkslePP, where? url?
10:35.31*** join/#asterisk aml (
10:36.00slePPTomcat, Apache2 (php, mod_perl, tomcat->apache connector), mysql, postgresql, sqlite, qmail, 3 dns servers, 2 rbl dns servers, 2 imap servers, 2 pop3 servers, ldap server, snmp services/logging, GADDNAS server (dyndns), ldap replication, teamspeak server, 4 irc daemons, 3 irc services daemons, cvs, h.323 gatekeeper and conferencer, asterisk, Jabber server, two anti virus scanners and BNC proxy
10:36.07slePPthat's the list of stuff running on proso, twisted.
10:36.13slePPcjk: can't remember what it's called
10:36.13twistedi know that :P
10:36.47twistedoooh bnc
10:36.57slePPit's secured
10:37.09slePPgo for it :>
10:37.18slePPit isn't mine. heh
10:37.20dougheckaI dont even know the ip
10:37.28slePPit's not hard to guess :>
10:37.41slePPand now, it's not on my subnet
10:37.50slePPbut, as a hint, the domains match
10:38.11*** join/#asterisk flavour (
10:38.33dougheckaack, those darn diodes up my left arm finally gave out
10:38.35slePPoh, right. it also runs the spamassassin daemon, ezmlm-lists and ssh and 2 dns caches and a SMART monitor
10:38.45dougheckaanything else
10:38.55slePPasterisk was in the list above
10:39.04slePPoh, right, two public ftp servers
10:39.18slePPand 4 forums, though those aren't daemons either :>
10:39.33dougheckahow many ip addresses
10:40.02slePPonly 7 :>
10:40.19slePP1 primary, 6 in a subnet
10:40.51slePPand 1 is yet to be used for anything
10:40.58slePPbtw, everyone should use my RBL DNS and :>
10:41.10slePPit's so lonely. gets like 1 request/second
10:41.27amlwoo, no symbol errors
10:41.48slePPbut, interestingly enough, my second most popular service is the Asterisk CVS mirror
10:42.04slePP5 gigs in 5 days
10:42.21slePPand the web servers combined have moved.... a gig
10:42.25slePPin 5 days
10:42.27dougheckawhat type of bandwidth?
10:42.42slePP10MBps sustainable
10:43.00dougheckayou wouldnt mind hosting a counterstrike server?
10:43.04slePPdamn it
10:43.06slePPyes. :P
10:43.11slePPthose things aren't cheap
10:43.28slePPabout $30/month on this connection
10:43.30slePPat least
10:43.31*** join/#asterisk menger (
10:43.37slePPonce we move to sandiego, it may be feasible
10:43.47slePPbut i'm paying $1.90US/gig atm
10:43.51slePPlast bill was $200
10:43.54dougheckathe asterisk counterstrike/ut2k4/quake1 server
10:44.23amlZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
10:44.23amlPCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 01:09.0
10:44.23amlwcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
10:44.23amlFound a Wildcard FXO: Wildcard X101P
10:44.29l-fydoughecka > you haven't send me an e-mail
10:44.29amlha! eat that, stupid kernel source
10:44.39dougheckal-fy: been busy lol
10:44.39slePPdoughecka: heh. while yer playing, fire up a SIP call on yer WiSIP
10:44.45dougheckaslePP: sure
10:44.47evilbunnyslePP: pm
10:45.02slePPwe do run a teamspeak server, but i'm not sure i wanna pay for that one. it's not quite too costly, but it uses 32kbps codecs
10:46.17*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
10:46.27*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
10:48.10twistedslePP i think i got it down to under 100mb
10:48.33twistedi did
10:48.49slePPAsterisk CVS Server: 4,685M
10:48.56slePPNetMonks CVS Server: 615k
10:49.59twistedwell see
10:51.03slePPi bet that'd piss ssome people off.
10:52.02twistedi wish bz2 would hurr the fsck up
10:52.57slePPbzip2 -0
10:53.05twistedbzip2 -9
10:53.36RoyKpbx*CLI> show uptime
10:53.39slePPno.. run it with 0
10:53.42slePPRoyK: nice
10:53.52slePPproso*CLI> show uptime
10:53.52slePPSystem uptime: 11 hours, 53 minutes, 10 seconds
10:53.55slePPooooh. it's lifespan is almost up
10:54.15twistedpablo*CLI> show uptime
10:54.15twistedSystem uptime: 5 hours, 2 minutes,
10:54.15RoyKiirc, I haven't restarted asterisk since last reboot
10:54.22slePPscrew you guys
10:54.27RoyKpbx:~# uptime
10:54.30slePPvocal confused hte piss outta me
10:54.38twistedbz2 compressed it to 49 megs
10:54.38slePPmy colo rebooted my bloody box
10:55.06twistednothing here has been up longer than 10 days
10:55.13twistedthat's when i added the UPS
10:55.20RoyKroy@oslfw:~$ uptime
10:55.24twistedyah dood
10:55.33twistedi wish i still had my systems uptime caps from back in 98
10:55.43twistedtwo of my systems were up for over a year striaght
10:55.55twistedof course
10:55.58twistedso was the electric bill
10:56.01slePPmy mail server had 468 days
10:56.01twistedbut that's a different story
10:56.07slePPthen i moved out. :>
10:56.49slePPuntil i moved. then i never turned it on again :>
10:57.30RoyKroy@dumbo:~$ uptime
10:58.12twistedslePP: i got my backup to fit on my flashdrive
10:58.16slePPtwisted: well damn you
10:58.20twistedso i'm all good.  thanks for the offer tho :P
10:58.21*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
10:58.24twistedi may put one up there anyway
10:58.34twistedjust for failsafe
10:58.49slePPyou have an account. do with as you see fit :P
10:58.52slePPjust don't cost me $100
11:00.43slePPtwisted hacked into my server and gave himself an account
11:00.45slePPhe's a dink.
11:01.05slePPno wait, _i'm_ the dink
11:01.05twisteddone backing up
11:01.05cjkanyone here having a list op pc-2-phone services?
11:01.14slePPcjk: i think does
11:01.16twistedneed to change the hd out in this puppy now
11:01.25*** join/#asterisk bsh (~hanhan@
11:01.34timecopspeaking of that
11:03.10Zeeekwhat is the purpose of SIP notify? Is it to do with MWI indication ?
11:03.29slePPyou can send URLs or something too
11:03.33slePPand make it go to websites
11:03.35slePPi think
11:04.47ZeeekslePP was that for me? I googles SIP methods but didn't find a good quick ref. Anyone ahev a URL?
11:05.34ZeeekI should google for "typing lessons"
11:05.45slePPyes, that was for you
11:05.51slePPi think sip notify is to send URLs and other oddities to the phones
11:06.00slePPbut i'm not sure
11:06.29Zeeekthe reason I ask is that I'm registered to a voip service and * keeps saying Unknown SIP command 'NOTIFY' from '64.
11:06.43ZeeekI'm guessing the service expects a phone
11:06.55Zeeekallthought it works great
11:07.36slePPyeh... it shouldn't hurt to not get the notify
11:07.49Zeeek* just ignores it and complains
11:08.07slePPthe notify is also like a config thing, i guess
11:08.11slePPit makes the phone reload configs, etc.
11:08.17slePPfrom my quick googling
11:08.30Zeeekgimmie a URL, o please, o please oh oh
11:08.53Zeeek"The List"
11:08.58slePP"The List" yes
11:09.03slePPsometimes has useful info ;>
11:09.39Zeeekthis may be iof use though - I have a very odd issue with a GS unregistering somehow
11:09.47dnci only use it as a searching tool now.  just mark all as read immediately as it arrives, then when i have a problem search the archives for similar conditions
11:09.59slePPdnc: heh. don't blame you
11:10.00Zeeekafter certain calls, the phone no longer appears in sh sip p
11:10.34Zeeekyet it coukld place a call thru *
11:10.54dncto make things easier, asterisk-users asterisk-dev asterisk-biz asterisk-perl  all go to one folder
11:10.58dnc15,000 and growing
11:11.04Zeeekthis seems toi happen when many phones are rung at once and may be an elusive bug actually
11:11.36Zeeekthe search I use seems to return the messages in reverse date order which is a real pain
11:12.08slePPwho sells cheap SSL certs?
11:12.25ScaredyCatI'll sell you one, for 80k euros
11:12.34slePPthat's about $150k canadian
11:12.35slePPso no :>
11:12.41Zeeekcan't you make your own?
11:12.52slePPthat cannot set off cert warnings
11:12.56ScaredyCatahh you're canadian... that means 160k euros
11:12.58slePPor the users will get REALLY confused.
11:13.05slePPscary: damn it. now it's 320k
11:13.05dnci'll sell you one for 80 euros :)
11:13.08ZeeekI think there's still a way
11:13.16ScaredyCatverisign slePP
11:13.20slePPZeeek: not unless you get them to install the cert or the root
11:13.28dncit might throw some errors though
11:13.30*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-atHome (
11:13.35slePPdnc: heh
11:13.35dncand accidentally delete data from your drive
11:13.49*** join/#asterisk Exomorph__ (Greg@
11:13.52slePP'This site is secure. DELETE *'
11:13.56Zeeeklet me see...
11:13.56Zeeekif I can search other archives I may see it
11:13.59dnc"this site WAS secure"
11:14.13dnc"until the admin trusted dnc"
11:14.15ScaredyCat:o laaaaaaaaaaaaaag
11:14.19*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy_ (
11:14.27slePP'The protocol security negotiations were secure, continuing unencrypted to delete everything.'
11:14.34slePP'Replacing files with dncr00lz!'
11:14.46slePP'dncOS installed. Please reboot.'
11:15.08dncheh, all your pr0n bookmarks are belong to dnc
11:15.42cjkhi, is there a way to send sms'es through asterisk or sip or what ever?
11:16.12cjkthanks that was fast
11:16.29ScaredyCatyeah, my wife complains about that too
11:16.58dncwe can DDoS you if you want ScaredyCat
11:17.04slePPyeh, i'll do that
11:17.04ZeeekScaredy how do you send the SMS? By phone (trying to read the page and understand)
11:17.19dnchere, install one of my certificates, it'll slow you right down
11:17.22ScaredyCatapp_sms in cvs
11:17.36ScaredyCatdnc: that's hosted offsite
11:17.46Zeeekbut it's a paid call to a message center, is that it?
11:18.03slePPwhat kind of name is VoIPbOy anyway?
11:18.09ScaredyCatyou have to pay..
11:18.21ScaredyCatunless it's * to * or * to iaxy etc...
11:18.25ScaredyCatthen it's free
11:18.57ScaredyCatVoIPbOy is ur biatch!
11:19.06ZeeekScaredyCat ok, cause I get SMS notification by sending a free email to my cell provider which generates a free SMS to me with subject of my choice (but no body - hey it's free)
11:19.25timecopsway: in vi you use hjjkl
11:19.39ScaredyCatyeah, but this is * sms, so you COULB build ur own message centre
11:19.48cjkgeneral question, is enum used alot?
11:20.07RoyKis app_sms in CVS?
11:20.32ZeeekI'm saying when I get * voicemail I'm notified at my email server which then sends the mail to cell provider etc etc
11:21.33Zeeekinteresting but the problem is always gonna be the provider gateway, no?
11:22.05ScaredyCatRoyK: yes
11:22.27ScaredyCatZeeek: but there's no guarentee of delivery...
11:22.29RoyKScaredyCat: does it use ISDN to forward it? a PRI or so?
11:22.38dnceasiest way to start with is to get a mobile with a datacable that can accept sms via AT commands
11:22.41ZeeekI've only seen a few free SMS gateways and they usually disappear in a few months
11:22.44dncand push everything down through that mobile
11:22.44ScaredyCatwell the guy who wrote it was using pri
11:23.19dnca friend of mine used to sell boxes with mobile phones taped to the inside of the case
11:23.22Zeeekyou mean a company like say Orange has a non-guaranteed gateway that anyone can *try* to use free?
11:24.07ScaredyCatif ur using ur cell prividers website, it's prolly gonna work
11:24.26ScaredyCatbut I'm talking sms  to any provider + fixed line users too
11:25.00Zeeeklet me be more clear - you can send SMS free to an *arbitrary* number anywhere in the world?
11:25.09Zeeek(no guarantee)
11:25.43ScaredyCatwell... you can... since you could call the phone and act like and sc ...
11:25.49Zeeekotherwise, an SMS here costs about 25c to send
11:26.14Zeeekact like you, sc? :)
11:26.23ScaredyCatyes, all sexy
11:26.32Zeeekhi this is ScaredyCat, I wanna leave a Short Message
11:27.19ZeeekSMS is like caller id? The message is sent without answering the phone?
11:27.52Zeeekoh, never knew (or cared)
11:27.54ScaredyCatwell actually no
11:28.05ScaredyCatit does answer it, but the user neve knows
11:28.16*** part/#asterisk DruG5t0r3 (
11:28.21Zeeekya but the concern is not the user but the person who may have to PAY
11:28.37ZeeekI can receive any number of calls or SMS FREE
11:28.49Zeeekit's sending that costs money
11:28.50slePPwith that, sending out thousands in invoicing, it's time to go to bed
11:28.51ScaredyCattrue, but a 2 seconds phone call is cheaper than an sms message
11:29.04evilbunnyScaredyCat: depends if they hit you with a flagfall :)
11:29.05Zeeeknot here it isn't
11:29.26Zeeekanyway, my way works ok as long as the entire message is 15chars or less :)
11:29.38Zeeekmin 1 minute
11:29.47Zeeek= 50c from a landline phone
11:29.50ScaredyCatwhat';s ur per min cost?
11:29.54ScaredyCatfuck me
11:29.56Zeeeksee above
11:30.02Zeeekno thanks I'm taken
11:30.06evilbunnyZeeek: where are you?
11:30.10ScaredyCatwhere are you?
11:30.16ZeeekFrance - but I have no monthly acct
11:30.32Zeeekother cell same network, 33c/min
11:30.33ScaredyCatprepay phone
11:30.45Zeeekyep - I ain't no phonin phool!
11:31.04Zeeektotal cost about 10eu / month
11:31.12ScaredyCatyou don;t have a fixed line phone?
11:31.21Zeeeksure three of em
11:31.36Zeeekbut I don't call myself except to check X100P on *
11:31.41cjkno one using enum here?
11:31.48*** join/#asterisk fyusy (
11:32.00*** join/#asterisk Undri23 (
11:32.00ScaredyCatno but this is calling from fixed line to mobile to deliver the msg
11:32.08Undri23anyone here from digium?
11:32.35evilbunnycjk: i do
11:32.36ZeeekMy mobile can receive any number of calls from anywhere, FREE - calling it costs 50c/min
11:32.44Zeeekfrom landline
11:32.49vaewynUndri23: probably not yet... is pretty early morning for them (06:34am)
11:33.16ScaredyCatthat's obscene Zeeek
11:33.22Undri23good point, its noon in iceland :P
11:33.39ScaredyCatyeah, but I bet it's still dark
11:33.44Zeeekwhat I'd see would be 1) an email ->SMS gateway (free obviously) 2) A way to hear vmail free on cellphone
11:34.10ScaredyCatyeah, and free pcs, cars and houses for everone too...
11:34.26Zeeekno, just shelter and health care will be fine
11:34.54timecopusr/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -p tcp --syn -m length --length 40:68 -j CLASSIFY --set-class 1:10
11:34.54timecopiptables: No chain/target/match by that name
11:34.59timecopanyone got any ideas on this one?
11:35.04Zeeekactually the day when WiFi and PDA are married cheaply we'll all be able to do it all with *
11:35.06timecopi know its not asterisk related.
11:35.25Zeeekand won't need cellphones at all :) :)
11:35.39ScaredyCatno, but the wifi will fry ur brain..
11:35.50Zeeektimecop neither is the endless horny talk here on Saturday night
11:35.55Undri23your brain, your brain, your brain, your brain.. damn too late :P
11:36.06Zeeekwhat brain? I don need no stinkcing
11:36.32Zeeektyping lessons
11:36.45Undri23comedy club?
11:36.46vaewynHeheh.. we use Ipaqs with softphone and 802.11 cards already... works in most of the county... sucky battery life though :P
11:37.11ScaredyCatyeah, talk time 0.00002 nanoseconds
11:37.28vaewynhehehe... nah... about 50-60 minutes
11:37.44vaewynbut that is it... 1 total charge gone
11:38.02ScaredyCatyou should carry a car battery with you wherever you go
11:38.05Zeeekmost * users are phone shy anyway
11:38.16vaewynplus most places don't have the 802.11 coverage that we have given this county
11:38.20Undri23i dont like phones
11:38.31ZeeekI almost NEVER talk on the phone except "can you hear me? Am I breaking up?"
11:38.31Undri23IRC and Messenger better for communication
11:38.56Zeeekand you all know the number one sentence heard on every cell worldwide
11:38.59ScaredyCatonly if you don;t have a video phone
11:44.11Zeeekthat sure put a damper on the discussion
11:46.08*** join/#asterisk bing (
11:47.26festranyone here with oh323 0.6.1 and gnugk?
11:48.47*** join/#asterisk phirsk (
11:49.23festrother thing, is it possible to addqueuemember with some script?
11:50.25phirskhi all. i need a little help re-configuring *. just moved it from behind NAT to outside, and now i cant register my SIP client :/ anyone free ?
11:54.11*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
11:54.13stigis * running?
11:54.48*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_work (
11:56.07*** join/#asterisk bsh (~hanhan@
12:00.04*** join/#asterisk scud (
12:04.47l-fyhi festr, shoot your question
12:05.07*** join/#asterisk fmandarino (~Frank_Man@
12:06.20festrhi l-fy so
12:06.42festrl-fy which question? oh323 0.6.1 and gnugk?
12:08.19l-fyboth :)
12:09.24*** part/#asterisk Undri23 (
12:10.42festrl-fy how did you solved compile gnugk with pwlib 1.6.6 and openh323 1.13.5 ? i have segmentation fault with gk 2.0.7
12:12.43l-fywell, in fact i use the gatekeeper made by me :)
12:12.50*** join/#asterisk [Zoinks] (~[Zoinks]@
12:13.08l-fyanyway you should use the old pwlib and old openh323 that can be found on website
12:14.36festrl-fy i'm trying 2.2beta
12:14.42festrl-fy i use older lib
12:16.09l-fyuse gnugk 2.0.7 which is stable
12:16.20l-fydo you need something from developement branch?
12:17.53festrl-fy no, but incompatibility with oh323 0.6.1 pwlib and openh323, so i will use older libs and new libs
12:18.04Zeeekare variables expanded in other .conf files besides extensions.conf ??
12:18.27festrl-fy and second question, how to use addqueuemember from script? insted of calling to extension?
12:18.31l-fyaaaaaaa, ok
12:18.44l-fyfestr > asterisk is not really my domain, i don't use asterisk.
12:18.52*** join/#asterisk RAzrblade (RAzrblade@
12:19.11RAzrbladeconfigured digium card
12:19.16*** join/#asterisk boo (
12:19.22RAzrbladecalls going thru
12:19.24RAzrbladebut no voice
12:19.27RAzrbladehelp !
12:20.10RAzrbladeany one here
12:22.28ZeeekRAzrblade - tell us about your netywork and devices
12:24.32*** join/#asterisk erik (
12:26.13Rulezzhi, I need pwlib 1.34, openh 1.9.4, ohphone 1.28, opengk 1.0. Who can help me
12:26.39l-fyRulezz > search at sourceforge
12:27.11RAzrbladet400p device
12:27.18RAzrbladeone t1
12:27.28RAzrbladeasterisk cvs HEAD
12:27.33RAzrbladeconnecting thru sip
12:27.45l-fyRAzrblade > can you call that box from outside/
12:27.46RAzrbladeto asterisk
12:27.54RAzrbladeyes !
12:27.56RAzrbladesure can
12:28.06*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
12:28.21RAzrbladebut there is no voice
12:28.28RAzrbladethe voice calls are getting connected
12:28.29l-fysetup please a voicemail
12:28.30RAzrbladebut no voice
12:28.42l-fycall your voicemail from outsite.
12:28.54RAzrbladedemo works
12:29.01RAzrbladesip to iax
12:29.05l-fythen, try to call 500 digium.
12:29.07RAzrbladeand all those thigns are fine
12:29.22l-fyRAzrblade > then you have to verify where the problem is
12:29.27l-fytry to cut the chain
12:29.37*** join/#asterisk zotzz (~zotzz@
12:29.43RAzrbladeduh !
12:29.56RAzrbladehello !!
12:29.57RAzrbladethe card
12:30.05RAzrbladet400p !
12:30.15RAzrbladethats where i hear no sound !
12:30.30RAzrbladeso i figure thats where the problem is
12:30.51l-fynope, the problem is in sip setup.
12:31.06l-fyif voicemail is working from t400p from outside then the problem is with sip
12:31.28RAzrbladei cant call into the t1
12:31.34RAzrbladei m in another country !
12:31.41RAzrbladei can only call thru sip
12:31.48RAzrbladethe linux box is in america
12:31.51RAzrbladei am in pakistan
12:32.06RAzrbladeso no calling to t1
12:32.13RAzrbladeand i dont know the number for it either !
12:32.14RAzrblade: )
12:32.20l-fyask someone from America to call you
12:32.40RAzrbladeforget that
12:32.45RAzrbladehow do u know its sip ?
12:32.58*** join/#asterisk Shado (
12:33.00RAzrbladei changed the cdecs
12:33.06RAzrbladecodecs they are fine
12:33.06l-fyenjoy then.
12:33.16l-fytry iax.
12:33.22ShadoAnyone up for a cisco flashing question?
12:33.36RAzrbladewhy iax ?
12:33.44erik2What kind of Cisco?
12:33.51*** join/#asterisk dbron (
12:33.55l-fymaybe you have nat problems
12:33.58l-fyare very common
12:34.12Shadoiax=no nat problems
12:34.16l-fytry to debug and find if your voice arrive in the * box
12:34.34Shadosip=use sip proxy instead of nat
12:39.12Rulezzi have problems with make h.323 - who can help me
12:39.31Kumbangduh i've got error on compiling asterisk-addons
12:39.46Kumbangcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
12:39.47Kumbangmake: *** [] Error 1
12:39.54*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
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12:40.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
12:40.34*** part/#asterisk UKDolphin (~UKDolphin@
12:40.53RulezzI need successful Makefile for modify path
12:41.26Zeeekwho can answer a question about VARIABLES and includes in .conf ?
12:41.44*** join/#asterisk nighty ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.58Zeeeksalut nighty
12:42.21Zeeekheelo M. nighty
12:44.22festris it possible to use AddQueueMember with some script? instead of calling to extension
12:44.32Rulezzwho know russian
12:44.58festrRulezz what h323 do you want?
12:45.28festrKumbang do you have mysql-dev installed?
12:45.33ShadoI knew a Russian girl, does that count?
12:45.43*** join/#asterisk johhny (
12:46.18Rulezzmake: *** [subdirs_all] Error 1
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12:46.46johhnyhey guys - Can the digium e100 support isdn85?
12:47.04johhnyer... e100p thats is :)
12:47.21festrRulezz which h323 do you have?
12:47.27festrRulezz from asterisk
12:48.14johhnyAnyone here in the UK and using PRI on NTL with *
12:48.31Rulezz<festr> 0.2
12:48.42coppicewhat's isdn85?
12:49.12johhnyits an isdn protocol which is an older implementation of EuroISDN
12:49.49coppiceYou means its BT's old IDA protocol?
12:50.11Rulezz<festr> pwlib 1.5.2, openh 1.12.2
12:50.18johhnycoppice - LOL thats over my head mate sorry ;)
12:50.20*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (~cjk@
12:50.25festrRulezz what version of pwlib and openh323 libs do you have?
12:50.33festrRulezz ok
12:50.41festrRulezz /chan/h323/make ?
12:50.51coppicewell, I've dealt with a great many ISDN variants, and never heard one called ISDN85
12:50.53festrRulezz where do you have pwlib and openh323 ?
12:51.00RAzrbladei need to know man !
12:51.42Rulezzin /asterisk/pwlib and /asterisk/openh323
12:52.24coppicejohhny: i think the answer to your question is no
12:52.45Rulezz<festr> in /asterisk/pwlib and /asterisk/openh323
12:53.59*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:54.28ariel_Good morning all!
12:54.51festrRulezz so you need to modify makefile or move these libs to ~/
12:55.42*** join/#asterisk file (josh@
12:55.45Rulezz<festr> OK, senks
12:57.43*** join/#asterisk BigBoiKas (~cbob@
12:59.16festris it possible to use AddQueueMember with some script? instead of calling to extension
13:01.18*** part/#asterisk BigBoiKas (~cbob@
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13:03.42Zeeekwho knows about * parsing  .conf files?
13:04.26Zeeekbesides the shadow, I mean
13:04.38*** join/#asterisk serving (~serving@
13:04.42RAzrbladehelp !
13:04.52RAzrbladeno sound on digium t400p
13:06.26l-fyfestr > just put to call that extension
13:06.40l-fyZeeek > what's the question in fact?
13:06.53Zeeekabout parsing ?conf ?
13:07.19ZeeekIt appears that variables are expanded even in sip.conf
13:07.27ZeeekI want a confirmation of this
13:07.38Zeeekor not ;)
13:07.58l-fywhat do you mean expanded?
13:08.14l-fyi know how conf in * are working but my english suxx
13:08.47ZeeekI mean if there is THIS=1 at the top of the file then ${THIS} later in the file will be 1
13:09.16Zeeekor USERNAME=myname and then username=${USERNAME}
13:09.23Zeeekas it would be in extensions.conf
13:09.39tzangerbkw posts to slashdot@!
13:09.40Zeeekas far as I can tell it does work that way now
13:10.30Zeeekblitz did you see my question?
13:11.01nightysalut Zeeek
13:11.09Zeeeklu_sse nighty
13:11.59Zeeekwait I know, I'll rephrase it: do variable work behing NAT?
13:13.36blitzrage_workZeeek: variable?
13:13.50ZeeekIt appears that variables are expanded even in sip.conf
13:13.55Zeeekthat was the quest
13:14.20*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (~canabis@
13:14.34ZeeekIt seemed like a good idea to be able to remove all user info and place it in a included file. I did that in sip.conf and it *appears* to work. However, I'm not sure this is a good idea.
13:15.01l-fyZeeek > what do you wanna do in fact?
13:15.15Zeeekdepends on whether all .conf files are pased more or less the same
13:15.30blitzrage_workZeeek: variables and NAT have no relation...
13:15.37Zeeekthe NAT was a joke
13:15.43blitzrage_workoh :)
13:16.03blitzrage_workIf variables work in sip.conf, I was unaware of it.
13:16.16blitzrage_workwhy don't you try it and let me know if it works :)
13:16.18Zeeekhey, until you try... :)
13:16.26Zeeekit DOES APPEAR TO WORK!!!!!
13:16.36*** join/#asterisk Matt_office (
13:16.46*** join/#asterisk GnuLxUsr (
13:16.54GnuLxUsrhey there
13:16.59*** join/#asterisk lailai (~jvilla@2001:720:1210:e:2b0:d0ff:fef3:5e41)
13:16.59Zeeekfor example : sip sh peers${SI
13:17.17Zeeekyou see the variable name starting after sipgate?
13:17.28Zeeekbut all peer connections work after a restart
13:17.34GnuLxUsranyone know if it's possible to "monitor" a zap E1 line for debugging purposes?
13:18.02GnuLxUsrI'm getting an unexpected hangup and I'm trying to trace the culprit
13:18.29Zeeekhey Matt_office, any luck today?
13:18.45Matt_officehey zeeek - yes i was just about to fill you in ;)
13:19.36GnuLxUsrany utility/option out there that can dump ISDN signalling events in some detail?
13:19.52GnuLxUsr<desperate> please? </desperate>
13:20.06tzangerGnuLxUsr: isn't there a q931 debug?
13:20.12l-fypri debug span 1
13:20.16l-fyin asterisk cli
13:20.25GnuLxUsrfound it
13:20.33GnuLxUsr10x l-fy
13:20.39CrippledGnuLxUsr:... hang on
13:20.43l-fyGnuLxUsr > n/p
13:21.00CrippledGnuLxUsr.. you can log your debug in logger.conf
13:21.02l-fyGnuLxUsr > you are a proud GNU/Linux user, you can't be idiot :)
13:21.51GnuLxUsrCrippled I know about the logging facilities, thanks
13:22.10GnuLxUsrthe whole issue was how to get the specific debugging info :D
13:22.15tzangerhe's throwing GNU in front of everything, he's borderline :-)
13:22.21GnuLxUsrpri debug seems to be all I need (and then some)
13:22.59GnuLxUsrhey, stop throwing RMS busts at me
13:23.33l-fyGnuLxUsr > there is also pri intense debug :)
13:23.34tzangerGNU/sorry, I GNU/can't GNU/help GNU/myself, this GNU/damn GNU/keyboard was GNU/endorsed by GNU/Stallman
13:23.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:24.01l-fytzanger >  no problem we allow you to use Windows all your life
13:24.18l-fybecause the real name of what comercial people call Linux is GNU/Linux
13:24.27l-fyand without gcc there is no fucking linux
13:24.57l-fyso as long as you use GNU, shut the fuck up
13:25.00GNUtzangerl-fy: and without Linux there is no GNU.  Face it: It's a symbiotic relationship
13:25.04coppiceand without Linux I would have stopped working with computers before Windows drove me insane :-)
13:25.22l-fyGNUtzanger > without linux i can use hurd, or freebsd
13:25.28tzangerI've been using it for the past 8 years, don't preach to me about GNU
13:25.28l-fybut without gnu is nothing
13:25.34l-fyyou see, nothing
13:25.38tzangeryeah you'll use hurd... HA!
13:25.45l-fytzanger > so don't preach me about Linux
13:25.48tzangerFBSD okay I conceed on that
13:25.57l-fyso stop making fun of GNU
13:25.59tzangerl-fy: I wasn't preaching to you
13:26.14l-fytzanger > you have preach the other people to disconsider GNU work
13:26.21l-fyso stop that as long as you use GNU
13:26.27djfluxanyone using asterisk at home for service?
13:26.34tzangerI was poking fun at Stallman's (in my opinion) idiotic desire to brand GNU/ in front of anything Linux
13:26.43l-fytzanger > you are an idiot
13:26.45tzangerI never said to disconsider GNU work
13:26.47l-fyyou haven't write gcc
13:26.57l-fyat least Richard is capable to build something
13:27.02l-fyGNU was before Linux
13:27.08GnuLxUsrtzanger just FYI
13:27.10tzangerl-fy: it was, but it was practically unheard of
13:27.14*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
13:27.17l-fyyes  you do disconsider GNU when you make fun of GNU/Linux
13:27.20tzangerl-fy: I'm well aware of the history of GNU and RMS in particular
13:27.25tzangerl-fy: I don't use GNU/Linux
13:27.27l-fyLinux dosen't exist without GNU
13:27.31l-fyso is GNU/Linux
13:27.35tzangerI use X11 as well, do I have to put X11/GNU/Linux?
13:27.39l-fyare you using gcc, glibc gdb?
13:27.42l-fythen is GNU/Linux
13:27.45tzangerl-fy: whatever
13:27.51l-fytzanger > Xfree is GPL because of Stallman
13:27.57vaewynl-fy: GNU doesn't exist without linux... except as an excentric mans playtoy
13:28.01tzangerGNU has done great things, but that doesn't mean I have to brand my ass with GNU
13:28.07l-fyvaewyn > i agree
13:28.08coppiceXfree isn't GPL
13:28.16l-fybut there is no Linux without GPL also
13:28.17*** join/#asterisk boday (
13:28.22l-fyso the corect name is GNU/Linux
13:28.28GnuLxUsrI've been using gcc ang glibc on several systems
13:28.37GnuLxUsrlong before linux was even close to usable
13:28.41tzangerl-fy: hardly.  GNU/Linux is what RMS *prefers* to have it called so he can feed his ego
13:28.41vaewynl-fy: why not call it GPL/Linux then?
13:28.53l-fytzanger > is a matter of give credit to people who work
13:28.54coppiceNo. Its gcc/glibc/linux/mozilla/openoffice/*
13:29.03l-fyand i do like to give credit to Stallman for his work
13:29.05tzangerl-fy: RMS isn't the only person responsible ofr Linux's success
13:29.07vaewyncoppice: hehehe :}
13:29.15l-fyso for me will always be GNU/Linux
13:29.25l-fytzanger > is not about Stallman is about GNU
13:29.29*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
13:29.38l-fyGNU is a big part of the operating system i use
13:29.51l-fyso GNU/Linux because GNU have start as a operating system
13:29.56tzangeras I said there's, hell you also have the KDE crowd (or Gnome, dpeending on your particular style), you have people like Reiser...  GNU is only one part of a whole, and I refuse to give them top billing
13:30.09l-fyis not just a part
13:30.17coppicebugs are a big part of every OS I use. should it be bugs/gnu/linux?
13:30.21tzangerexplain then
13:30.22l-fyis the big part, because they have start to build the operating system
13:30.26ariel_KDE .........OK I know that one!
13:30.32tzangerit is a big part, it's not the ONLY part though
13:30.36l-fythey have start GNU in the begining
13:30.45l-fyand without gcc, and glibc there is no linux
13:30.47tzangerwhere's HURD at anyway?  Can it stay up longer than 10 minutes?
13:30.51l-fywithout x there is linux
13:30.57vaewynl-fy: The operating system I use is Linux... and it comes with a lot of GNU tools...  hence... The OS I use is Linux... the tools I use are GNU/OOo/Mozilla/.....
13:31.00l-fytzanger > yes, is quite stable
13:31.08l-fyGNU/Linux for me
13:31.10l-fyfor ever
13:31.20l-fybecause i like at least to recognize FSF work
13:31.24tzangerl-fy: I can build linux without glib.  gcc is tricky since the kernel is so tightly woven around gcc's eccentricites, but I actually run several systems without glibc
13:31.31l-fythey have done so much and withouy them will never been linux
13:31.45l-fybecause Linus have never got the tools to build in the first place the kernel
13:31.45tzangerl-fy: GNU/Linux for you -- that is perfect.  I am not asking you to switch.  I'm saying that you have no right or say in what I call it.
13:31.50coppicemost Linux systems do not use glibc
13:31.52vaewynl-fy: ok... what if you only use linuxbios with a single app on flash card... do you then call it GNU/Linux when their is nothing GNU in use?
13:32.02l-fytzanger > so don't hurt me by disconsider my belives
13:32.26l-fyvaewyn > of course not, but how will you compile that linux, not using gcC?
13:32.33coppiceactually most linux systems may be build with gcc, but include little or not GNU code in the runtime
13:32.39tzangerl-fy: you need to grow a thicker skin if my poking fun at RMS' incessant desire to GNU/prefix everything "hurts" you
13:32.56l-fytzanger > is just GNU/Linux
13:32.58vaewynl-fy: Visual C will compile it...
13:33.02*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
13:33.08l-fyvaewyn > then go and use visual c
13:33.10tzangervaewyn: you can compile the Linux kernel with gcc??
13:33.15tzangerer VC?
13:33.16l-fyand go thx to Bill Gates
13:33.22vaewynl-fy: also... do you call every app you make GNU/*?
13:33.25l-fyand don't forget to pay for visual c
13:33.31tzangerI know there was some work to port it to icc
13:33.39l-fythen, if you use gcc at least give credit for that to FSF
13:33.41timecopFUCKING LOL
13:33.50vaewynl-fy: do you call asterisk   GNU/asterisk just because it compiles best with gcc?
13:33.51timecopinsmodding zaptel + wcfxo on 2.6.6 = kernel panic
13:33.53timecopWAY TO FUCKING GO
13:34.04l-fyvaewyn > no
13:34.07BoRiStimecop: that happens to me too
13:34.10l-fybut is GNU/gcc
13:34.20l-fyand GNU/Linux because includes gcc, and glibc and so on
13:34.21timecopBoRiS: so how do I fucking fix it
13:34.21tzangerl-fy: do I have to give credit to the power company too for providing me the power to run my computer?
13:34.25l-fythe kernel is Linux
13:34.28timecopjesus fucking christ linux is such a fucking shitheap
13:34.39timecopso I can dump this steaming pile of shit
13:34.44l-fytimecop > when you will port it
13:34.44vaewynl-fy: why not? by your argument if I compile the kernel with gcc I should call it GNU/linux... why shouldn't I call asterisk GNU/asterisk if I compile it with gcc?  :}
13:34.55l-fythe kernel is linux
13:35.05tzangerbut the operating system is so much more than just GNU tools
13:35.10l-fyRMS is asking that a distro should be GNU/Linux because it include GNU tools
13:35.15l-fytzanger > i agree
13:35.26l-fytzanger > but calling it Linux is still wrong
13:35.27coppicetimecop: I guess that would take some committed developers, wouldn't it?
13:35.28tzangerl-fy: so why not give credit to, KDE, etc. too?
13:35.43coppicelets call it FRED :-)
13:35.45l-fytzanger > because kde and have been convince to become gpl by RMS
13:35.46vaewynl-fy: but then back to my previous question... why call it GNU/Linux on a linuxbios setup with a single app on a flash card... there are no GNU tools in that?
13:36.03tzangerl-fy: I don't think RMS had anything whatsoever to do with KDE's OSSiveness
13:36.09tzangerand is not GPL
13:36.09huggieWhy don't you take this to #yet-another-dull-license-debate ?
13:36.10l-fyvaewyn > of course you won't call linux kernel gnu/linux
13:36.12vaewynl-fy: RMS wants that also called GNU/Linux... and that is just insane
13:36.13coppicemost Linux machines are now embedded and run no GNU code at all
13:36.14l-fythat will be linux
13:36.24l-fyvexorg > that is not true
13:36.30l-fyvaewyn > that is not true
13:36.41vaewynis too... ask the linuxbios guys about the letter they received from him
13:36.41djfluxanyone know anyone using asterisk at home for service?
13:36.48l-fyi don't know who told you that, but that is not true
13:36.59tzangerdjflux: I use it at home and at work
13:37.05tzangerdjflux: I have no POTS lines at home
13:37.07l-fytzanger > you have start the discusion
13:37.21djfluxtzanger: what do you use for PSTN access?
13:37.24tzangerl-fy: no I was just poking fun at GNU/everything, it got drug into a debate after that :-)
13:37.28ariel_djflux I have an asterisk in my home as well.
13:37.31l-fyis not GNU/everything
13:37.32chapster-goneRMS does some good things- but the whole Gnu/Linux argument just wastes energy. He should be happy that free and open software is spreading, no matter what it is called.
13:37.43l-fyis just all those programs who are a part of GNU project
13:37.46tzangerdjflux: home* --> work* with T100P to channel bank --> PSTN
13:37.49l-fythink about konquerer
13:37.53l-fyor koffice
13:37.55tzangerdjflux: soon to be T100P --> ISDN
13:37.55l-fyor .........
13:37.59l-fyare part of kde
13:38.07l-fyis normal then to call gcc, gnu gcc
13:38.07tzangerchapster-gone: amen to that
13:38.14djfluxtzanger: cool ... thanks :)
13:38.25djfluxariel_: do you have access to the pstn?
13:38.27ariel_djflux I am the same home asterisk --- Work Asterisk to PSTN
13:38.28l-fychapster-gone > is wrong to thing that open source is enough
13:38.41tzangerl-fy: I don't call konqueror kde konqueror...  why would I call gcc gnu gcc?  especially when G in GCC is for GNU?
13:38.43l-fychapster > think about qmail and how difficult is developing
13:39.00vaewynl-fy: but we have to draw the line somewhere or I have to call my system  GNU/Digium/
13:39.03l-fytzanger > because this is what they have choise
13:39.03ariel_In fact we have some people from work with just a sipura at home to here at work! without the asterisk!
13:39.11ScaredyCatdjflux: you choices are X100P or voicetronix cards
13:39.11coppiceI think * should really be called spandsp/Asterisk
13:39.12vaewynl-fy: hence I draw the line at the OS... I run Linux
13:39.12tzangerl-fy: qmail is a whore to work with becuase djb decided to do it that way and his license enforces that.
13:39.14ariel_without the asterisk at home I mean!
13:39.23l-fyvaewyn > without the kernel and glibc there is no your operating system
13:39.24djfluxariel_, tzanger: you guys know anyone using h323 to a prologix, or mgcp to a cisco router?
13:39.30tzangerl-fy: think about postfix and how much better it is (I am a qmail zealot, but I'm moving to postfix)
13:39.32chapsterI-fy:  I use qmail, and it is a pain, indeed. But it is so damn reliable.
13:39.33l-fyand the line should have the base
13:39.37l-fyand the base is GNU/Linux
13:39.44ariel_djflux I only use IAX and Sip!
13:39.45l-fychapster > what about xmail :)
13:39.53coppicetzanger: For a smart guy djb is a really idiot :-\
13:39.54SplasPoodtzanger: exim man.. exim ;)
13:39.58vaewynl-fy: the kernel is linux... and you don't have to have glibc... apps work without it... it just makes it easier
13:40.03tzangerl-fy: I run LInux just fine without glibc, as others have tried to tell you too
13:40.06l-fyvaewyn > ok, then don't use glibc because you don't use GNU
13:40.13l-fyif you use GNU say it
13:40.28vaewynl-fy: I use GNU... but I am not going to tack their name onto the name of my OS just because I do :}
13:40.31essobi_Howdy coppice. :)
13:40.33l-fyvaewyn > then again port all your apps without glibc
13:40.49l-fyvaewyn > you should give them credit if you don't pay them
13:40.53vaewynl-fy: I am more likely to tack Digiums on because it serves 90% of the functionallity on the systems
13:41.06essobi_coppice FYI.. I havn't had any errors reguarding RX, aside from a few shady phonelines.
13:41.08l-fyis ok to pay Microsoft for Windows but is not ok to give credit to FSF for their work
13:41.08vaewynl-fy: I donate to the FSF :}  I do pay them
13:41.19tzangercoppice: yes that is true...  mind you qmail has not had an exploit since it was released...  that does have some weight to it...  Mind you I've never had a problem with the 25 or so patches I tack on ot it to get what I want out of it, either.  :-)
13:41.19essobi_coppice Phonelines on the sending side.
13:41.20l-fyvaewyn > then make asterisk to work without GNU
13:41.35l-fyvaewyn > 100$ for each computer?
13:41.51tzangerl-fy: where'd the $100 come from?
13:41.52vaewynl-fy: trivial... I can compile it on Solaris just fine... without any GNU tools
13:42.03l-fytzanger > do you know what is the price of Windows?
13:42.04vaewynl-fy: it needs some tweaking... but it works
13:42.12l-fyvaewyn > then use it on Solaris
13:42.18coppiceactually, early elements of * once did work without GNU - on BSD
13:42.25tzangerif RMS wanted GNU/ before Linux was popular he would have mandated it in his license.  The problem is that he didn't start this GNU/ zealotry until Linux became popular and overshadowed his HURD
13:42.31l-fyvaewyn > then choice that way, other way give them credit for their work
13:42.38tzangerl-fy: the price of windows is irrelavent.
13:42.49l-fytzanger > RMS dosen't care much about HURD
13:42.53vaewynl-fy: No... I am not going to have some stupid userland name thing define which OS I run
13:43.00l-fyin fact is using Linux as a kernel
13:43.00coppiceanyway, it should be wildebeest/linux
13:43.15tzangerl-fy: HURD was (is) the GNU kenrel...  Linux kind of snuck up on RMS and stole his thunder
13:43.29l-fytzanger > that is not true
13:43.44essobi_Can't we all just get along?
13:43.49l-fyin fact i have ask that question to Richard, and his problem is with credit not with the kernel
13:44.09coppiceessobi_: Not until next week, when Shrek2 is released :-)
13:44.14timecopok 2.6 officially sucks ass
13:44.17essobi_Stallman is a Nazi.
13:44.30BoRiStimecop: We need someone to fix the modules
13:44.34l-fyessobi > as i know is a jew so it can't be a nazi :>
13:44.39l-fyby default :)
13:44.39vaewyntimecop: using redhat/fedora and gcc <= 3.3.2?
13:44.41tzangerl-fy: I disagree with the putting of GNU/ before Linux to refer to a Linux distribution which incorporates GNU tools, just like I disagree with prefixing any of the major subsystems of a modern Linux distribution.  Let's agree to disagree on this and leave it at that.  :-)
13:44.44sxpert_worktimecop: why's that ?
13:44.45huggietimecop: ah well if *you* say so it *must* be true.
13:44.50ScaredyCat* tzanger agrees with ScaredyCat ...  I won't post any more on this, this is already woefully offtopic
13:44.51Zeeekis there a reason iax2 registers every 60 seconds or is that client dependent ?
13:44.59l-fytzanger > but don't make fun of what i think
13:44.59BoRiSlol huggie!
13:45.08l-fytzanger > i don't make fun of what you think
13:45.09coppicel-fy: interesting illogic you have there.
13:45.21l-fycoppice > thank you :)
13:45.40l-fyi should call Yate, GNU/Yate :)
13:45.49l-fyjust that Yate is not a part of GNU project
13:45.50tzangerl-fy: I can poke fun at whatever I like, just as you and anyone else in this channel is free to do.  I feel bad that you are so sensitive to this issue
13:46.18l-fytzanger > i'm sensitive because is afect my freedom
13:46.21vaewynok l-fy: why don't you name your yourname/your_spouses_name since you both put a lot of work into it :}
13:46.25tzangerit wasn't meant as an attack on you or your ideals, just how I percieve how RMS wants GNU around
13:46.33tzangerScaredyCat: how'd you know I was going bald?  :-)
13:46.41l-fyand maybe in other countrys where freedom is enough dosen't matter, but in my country freedom is very important, because we don't have it
13:46.43tzangervaewyn: hahahahahhaa
13:46.49ScaredyCatwho isn't tzanger...
13:46.53vaewynl-fy: +kids    in that previous sentence
13:47.01tzangerScaredyCat: my brother...  
13:47.01l-fythis is why i have choise to speak also about freedom of software
13:47.09ScaredyCatso shave his head then
13:47.19*** join/#asterisk voipme (~fwd28326@
13:47.27l-fyand what RMS have give us is the freedom, and i can't ignore that
13:47.53tzangerl-fy: I'm in Canada -- I do take a lot of my freedoms for granted but we have an MS monopoly just like practically everywhere else and I speak out about that a lot, and push for OSS (not necessarily cost free) software in my business...  it doesn't mean I have ot agree with RMS and GNU/prefixing
13:47.55*** join/#asterisk Guest60104 (~Scott@
13:47.55vaewynl-fy: software freedom is great... and I love what RMS strives for... but the GNU/ thing is stupid... it's worse than the BSD attribution licenses
13:48.08tzangervaewyn: well put
13:48.14*** join/#asterisk MustDie2 (
13:48.21flavourAnyone want to test updated syntax for German saynumber()? PM me if so...
13:48.27l-fyvaewyn > saying GNU/Linux is a way to talk about freedom in software
13:48.28vaewynsomeone set us up the bomb!
13:48.42Zeeekein hundert ocht
13:48.42ScaredyCatall your GNU are belong to us
13:48.44tzangerMAIN SCREEN TURN ON
13:48.48vaewynl-fy: yep... but a lousy way to name an OS :}
13:48.55l-fyvaewyn > not quite.
13:48.56tzangeroh look, teletubbies
13:49.10l-fyvaewyn > why don't you call it GNU?
13:49.11voipmehave to say that sms app is the business, about to start looking at usuing it for voicemail notification
13:49.14BoRiSdabba dub da
13:49.16essobi_I was going to say something really off-color just to get everyone bitching at me instead of talking about GNU of all things.
13:49.16vaewynbkw wants tinky-winkie
13:49.18l-fyafter it have much more gnu code then linux?
13:49.20voipmetotally off teh point there off course
13:49.24tzangeressobi_: go for it
13:49.30*** join/#asterisk MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.cloaked)
13:50.06essobi_He said twinky winky.
13:50.12ScaredyCatla la
13:50.16*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
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13:50.39essobi_DIE you FILTH MONGERS!
13:50.47Guest60104Hi all, I'm new to the channel.  Just trying to learn a little about this thing called Asterisk.
13:50.51vaewynl-fy: Why don't people call windows   Adobe/Windows because a lot of people have a heck of a lot more of adobe code than M$ code on their machines... with PS/Acrobat.....
13:50.56essobi_NO GO AWAY!
13:50.58l-fyGuest60104 > is GNU/Asterisk :>
13:51.03ScaredyCatvaewyn: STFU!
13:51.26l-fyvaewyn > because you can run windows without Adobe :>
13:51.41vaewynl-fy: and you can run linux without gnu :}
13:51.45vaewynI rest my case
13:51.45ScaredyCatsomone gimmie ops... just for a few seconds....
13:52.05l-fyvaewyn > RMS is asking just from distro that include GNu
13:52.07l-fyvaewyn > let's not go around and around
13:52.13vaewynok.. who has some bugs for me to bust
13:52.22l-fyvaewyn > you do understand my point but you just like to talk and talk
13:53.07vaewynactually I don't like to talk l-fy... but I hate idiotic zealots even more so :P
13:53.12vaewyn(not you... RMS)
13:53.21vaewyn(and only in that 1 respect so far)
13:53.28bkw_you two shut up about that or leave.. no pointless arguments please.. its too early in da day!
13:53.39ScaredyCatahhh... at last..
13:53.50l-fybkw_ > get out of here
13:53.56vaewynbkw_: I just have one thing to say to you!  Tinky-Winky!
13:54.06l-fybkw_ > you have stolen my NEXT sentence, and you don't give me credit
13:54.18essobi_NEXT!!! - bkw 2004
13:54.24bkw_l-fy no I haven't
13:54.36l-fybkw_ > yes you done it
13:54.50l-fyi use to use that before you, because is a romanian expresion
13:54.53l-fyso please
13:55.10*** part/#asterisk lailai (~jvilla@2001:720:1210:e:2b0:d0ff:fef3:5e41)
13:55.36vaewynromanian? dude... every language uses that...
13:55.47l-fyvaewyn > well, i know :)
13:56.23l-fywhat i try to explain is that this days each knowleage is base on something else
13:56.31l-fyand you can't have copyright on anything
13:57.14zoaà la prochaine
13:57.30ManxPowerYou mean I licensed NEXT!! (c) 2003, 2004 bkw_ when I didn't have to!
13:58.03vaewynManxPower: even worse... I know what bkw_ charges for the license fee... I'm an truly sorry man... :}
13:58.30ManxPowervaewyn: $699, of course.
13:59.10l-fyScaredyCat > if i have stole that from you, then bkw_ have also stole that from you :>
13:59.21Guest60104I'm new to IRC too.  I'm on AOL, YIM, and MSN, but this thing is a different game.
13:59.35ScaredyCatl-fy: bkw_ always does that...
13:59.43RoyK<Shadow_7> heh.  M$ advertising.  Is that like someones personals that reads like this: I'm fat, I'm ugly, and I smell bad.  But I'm yours for just $250.00 an hour.
13:59.44l-fyScaredyCat > that is not acceptable
13:59.44*** join/#asterisk kahuna_ (
13:59.54ScaredyCatno, let's get im
13:59.54Guest60104Same interface vi Trillian though ;-)
14:00.12ScaredyCatGuest60104: that's not something to brag about
14:00.26l-fyi will leave this channel
14:00.30l-fyi lose to much time here
14:00.32*** part/#asterisk l-fy (
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14:00.48Guest60104Trillian is sweet.  I guess I could install each of the bloated IM Platforms.  That would be great...
14:01.03essobi_ScaredyCat You mean NEXT!!! -bkw
14:01.44ScaredyCatNEXT!!! © bkw_ 2004
14:01.59zoaMOOSE PENIS !
14:02.19coppicetastes bad
14:02.19MysticOnezoa: yummy?
14:02.34ScaredyCatyes MOOSE PENIS © zoa 2003-2004
14:02.45coppiceMysticOne: Have you tried it? It tastes bad
14:02.48ManxPowercoppice!  fax god!  Soon to be coppice the Canon fax god!
14:03.02ScaredyCatcoppice: it's supposed to be good for your yang
14:03.24zoacoppice: any updates on the fax soft ?
14:03.30squidilyGuest60104 was just so impersonal
14:03.34coppicePussyCat: I know about that, but it still is kinda nasty to eat
14:03.34*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
14:03.49ScaredyCatcoppice: so you don;t swallow then?
14:04.12*** join/#asterisk clive- (
14:04.33coppiceManxPower: I don't know what is up with your Canon faxes. The test I asked you to try the other days sends definitely known OK command to the Canon.
14:04.56ManxPowercoppice: *nod*  I've been told that some cannons work
14:05.17fourcheezecan anyone explain how sip manages to go through NAT?
14:05.17clive-what is the best way to extract numbers from a IVR ?
14:05.24ScaredyCatclive-: huh?!
14:05.28coppicePenis was intended to be swallowed :-)
14:05.30squidilyGreat channel guys.  Thought we'd be talking about PBXs, VoIP, SIP, etc.  Instead we'll have a long discussion about Moose genetalia.
14:05.32vaewynfourcheeze: kindof like David Copperfield does his tricks... with way too much smoke and mirrors :}
14:05.45fourcheezevaewyn: as I suspected ;-)
14:05.48coppiceManxPower: right. the problem you have only affects some Canons
14:06.39chapstersquidily: I have actually seen asterisk conversation in here before- believe it or not! :)
14:06.39clive-scaredycat, hi, I want to add a function for a person to dial in digits , the digits will then be looked up on a db
14:06.39ScaredyCatmmm.. does ur fax sw work with those HP scanner/copier/fax machines coppice?
14:06.39coppiceDavid Copperfield is touring China right now. I passed in gig in HangZhou the other day. Just thought you might not like to know that.
14:06.57ScaredyCatclive-: yes it's possible... where are you btw?
14:07.14clive-south africa here
14:07.25ManxPowercoppice: We could ship you a cannon if we have to.
14:07.38MysticOnecoppice: no, I haven't had any
14:07.44coppicePussyCat: Some of those HP machines have a compression bug that causes the odd black streak. Other than that they work. I am trying to deal with the streaks
14:07.49fOSSiLclive, so.. you should pay for hardware in diamond, right? :)
14:07.53ManxPowercoppice: Or we can send you some money to cover LD charges if you want to try sending to it yourself.
14:08.04ScaredyCatcoppice: :O... nice..
14:08.12chapsterclive:   check out something like:    ,Read(var-to-set|sound-file-to-prompt|numberofdigits)
14:08.20squidilyDoes anyone know does asterisk support any high end PBX type phones?
14:08.24ManxPowerHmmm...I'd need approval to ship a fax machine to HK.
14:09.00fourcheezespecifically I'm wondering why sip manages to get through some NAT firewalls and not others
14:09.06coppicesquidly: all high end PBX type phones are totally proprietary
14:09.24clive-chapster thanks...thats a good starting point
14:09.28coppiceManxPower: what, like export control? :-)
14:09.46ManxPowersquidily: If you can plug the phone into a regular phone line from your telephone company then the phone will work (at least partially) with Asterisk.
14:10.02ManxPowercoppice: No, like getting the machine to you quickly would be costly.
14:10.23chapsterfourcheeze:   Maybe some of the firewalls have some of the modules loaded that help with tracking?   just a guess.
14:10.25*** part/#asterisk GnuLxUsr (
14:10.28coppiceDo you have some model names that give trouble?
14:10.28squidilycoppice:  Thanks!  I figured as much.  Do you know if anyone has integrated asterisk with any PC Phone Software.
14:10.35*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
14:11.17ScaredyCatsquidily: look at ...
14:11.20tzangersquidily: I thought there were some cards which you could plug norstar phones in to but I think that your best bet would be to keep the KSU and do a T1 trunk to *, letting the KSU handle the phones itself
14:12.55ariel_Mozzilla is having problems displaying the on my PC!  Mozzila not working right!
14:13.01ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
14:13.26fOSSiLi dont suppose Lucent phones will work with * ?
14:13.38squidilyWill do.  Thanks.  Anyone have any pictures of an actual PBX closet install.  I'm curious how a PC even in a U1 configuration with these cards, interfaces in the PBX closet to the MDF and punch down blocks.
14:14.30clive-chapster is there any advantage to using read over using an AGI script ?
14:14.49ariel_squidily I install my Asteriks in the server room then with a T1 cable to the wiring closet to an adtran unit!
14:16.20squidilyAh.  Now it's starting to come together.  Do the cards support channelized T1s, half channelized for CBR, unchannelized for data, a la SIP?
14:17.11*** join/#asterisk fdeierlein (
14:17.21chapsterclive-:  For me, I don't know how to program that well, and   READ is allowing me to do what I need to do. I am in the process of hacking some perl agi, and will move to that eventually.
14:17.23ariel_squidily I have know some have done it! But I do not know how this is done!
14:20.14*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (~Moc@
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14:22.00clive-chapster good luck
14:22.30clive-hometime for me..bye guys
14:23.02squidilyariel:  What adtran units do you use?  And do you have any good resources for procuring them?
14:23.06chapsterclive-: Have a good one.
14:23.12*** join/#asterisk AcidDemo1 (
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14:28.06ariel_squidily I use the adran 750, 850 and 600's. I get them from my distributor TechData and from ebay depending on how and what the customer wants.
14:28.10*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
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14:42.44MustDie!! Unknown IE 76 (Unknown Information Element)
14:42.54MustDiewtf is IE 76 unknown element ?
14:43.25*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
14:44.03bkw_doesn't look like your sending a full number
14:44.18bkw_does your provider let you get away with 7 digits?
14:44.22MustDiebkw: yu[
14:45.24ManxPowerMustDie: Are you using an IAXy with Asterisk -stable?
14:45.42MustDieManxPower: Nope
14:45.55ManxPowerMustDie: What's your pridialplan=?
14:46.33MustDieManxPower: ...none
14:46.51SplasPoodSo why aren't VoIP providers required to provide number portability?
14:47.02bkw_MustDie you might wanna set it to unknown
14:48.01*** join/#asterisk mvand (
14:48.57HezI am getting a bit of strangeness when I dial iaxtel (dialing myself), it rings but then I get Channel 'IAX2[iaxtel@]/5' unable to transfer _and_ Channel 'IAX2[]/4' unable to transfer _after_ that it keeps ringing but the dialing end has been disconnected and needless to say when I pickup there is nothing
14:49.04MustDiebkw: thanks, let me talk to them
14:49.08ManxPowerMustDie: Try =unknown
14:49.13MustDieManx: tried
14:49.15MustDiedoes not work
14:49.37MustDieguy on the phone from telco, have no idea what he is doing
14:50.15ManxPowerFind a virgin goat-chicken to sacrafice.
14:50.49ManxPowerMustDie: I wonder if setting the switchtype= wrong would cause that....
14:50.59bkw_Hez ignore it... I bet iaxtel is hozed
14:51.02ariel_Hez in the iax.conf put in notransfer=yes
14:51.14bkw_ariel_ no listen to the problem
14:51.15MustDieManx: i have EuroISDN
14:51.58chapsterok. where is the indepth information on regular expressions? I want to eval numbers returned from   'read'   and have a series of GotoIfs...   Just want to look at the first portions.
14:53.45Hezariel_: samething =\
14:54.16ManxPowerHez: IAXtel only accepts GSM codec.
14:54.33*** join/#asterisk pulu_ (~chatzilla@
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14:55.25magmais there something to do to enable the iax protocol
14:55.37vaewynmagma: run asterisk :}
14:55.48vaewynhave to setup users in iax.conf
14:55.52vaewynthat is all
14:55.55magmai ve dione
14:55.57HezManxPower: I can hear a user not avaible message (if i dial one) on the dialing side
14:56.11magmabut it seems that port 5036 is not open by asterisk
14:56.17waddycan someone help me :
14:56.18waddychan_iax2.c:4944 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
14:56.21magmanetstat -tcunpa
14:56.43magmashow different port opened by asterisk but not the iax one
14:56.53waddycan anyone help me with that error?
14:57.48waddychan_iax2.c:4944 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
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14:59.20waddyrunning * stable
15:00.08HezManxPower: besides i have allow=gsm in iax.conf
15:00.17bkw_waddy learn to read its a WARNING
15:00.20bkw_you can ignore it
15:00.36magmaMay 11 16:59:20 WARNING[1075688544]: chan_iax2.c:6186 set_config: Ignoring port for now
15:00.46magmagot this at launch time
15:01.25magmadamn it s listning on 4569
15:01.44bkw_it ignores the port
15:01.47bkw_just like the warning says
15:02.08waddythanks ...
15:03.31waddybkw: yer the calls still seem fine, just wondered what it was - codec negotiation?
15:04.27*** join/#asterisk BlackThorn (
15:04.34waddyFound audio format UNKN
15:05.20*** join/#asterisk xpasha268 (xpasha@
15:05.45BlackThornHello, I have an ata and I want to dial seven digits (insted of 1-xxx-) how can a add the local 1-area code to all out going numbers in asterisk (or add the 1-area coe to only certain exchanges?)
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15:06.40HezBlackThorn: check
15:08.00*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (Greg@
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15:11.18magmaok I ve done the iax2 registering but now when trying a call from one site to the other got : No channel type registered for 'IAX'
15:11.54ScaredyCatROFLMAO! ok that was a BAD idea!!
15:12.15bkw_its IAX2/
15:12.19ScaredyCatI just created an email -> sms script...
15:12.19bkw_not IAX/ in the dial
15:12.30bkw_ScaredyCat you are so lucky
15:12.31ScaredyCatI didn;t realise i had 123 new messages
15:12.41ScaredyCatbkw_: why?
15:12.49bkw_I dont know of any SMS stuffs in the US like that
15:13.03ScaredyCatyou have 2.4 ghz kit in the USA?
15:13.08magmaoh ok thx
15:13.26ScaredyCatno fixed line sms bkw_?
15:13.36bkw_no fixed line sms
15:14.11ScaredyCatmake * call use moble... (if you have >1 message centre in the phone then you can call direct) - be ur own sc
15:14.36bkw_it works over voip too doesn't it
15:14.54BlackThornthanks Hez, but I wasn't able to figure it out from that link... in summary I want to dial 123-4567 and add the prefix 1-xxx any ideas?
15:14.56bkw_its like 1200bps so anything should be able to carry that
15:15.15ScaredyCatI tested it to a phone attached to an IAXy over 100km away
15:15.33*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~rooot@
15:15.41bkw_SHHH he's here
15:16.39TerraByteAre IAXy's available for sale yet?
15:16.51ScaredyCatyou don;t have DECT either do you bkw_ (in the USA
15:17.25ScaredyCatTerraByte: yes, iirc they limit you to a max of 500 tho
15:17.37TerraByteI don't see them on the store yet
15:17.43ScaredyCatphone them up
15:17.57ScaredyCatuse their IAX number, it's free :D
15:18.32TerraByteWhats the retail on them?
15:19.10jthomasHow to record a conversation
15:19.25vaewynTerraByte: 99$ if I remember correctly
15:19.25fdeierleinBlackThorn: Dial(1${EXTEN})
15:19.49jthomasFor example, all calls to extension to an agent to be recorded for instructional purpose
15:20.58TerraByteThe new Queue application allows you to auto-magically record all calls
15:21.02TerraByteNot the most efficient.
15:21.15TerraByteBut at least you don't record all the hold music which you need to do if your using the DialPlan method
15:21.40HezBlackThorn: just do something like _287XXXX,1,dial(1555${EXTEN})
15:21.57Hogienever contract for the government
15:22.01Hogiethey change the rules on you
15:22.25*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
15:22.28UmaroHey guys
15:22.34ScaredyCatyes, but you always chage then $1 million, even if ur just changing a lightbulb Hogie...
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15:23.13MrTestHi somebody know how i can Connect * to another PBX
15:23.17ariel_Hogie that is why there the government!  I try to stay away from them as much as posible!
15:23.41MrTestI have a extension connect to my X100
15:24.05xenophilei avoid govt contracts like the plague
15:24.14ManxPowerMrTest: Plug the X100P into a fax/modem line on the PBX.
15:24.23MrTestinto the PBX
15:24.42ManxPowerMrTest: As I'm sure you know, you could blow up the X100P, PC, or PBX if you plug the X100P into a regular phone port on the PBX.
15:25.01MrTestbut i cant to get a tone for dial up a extension in the PBX
15:25.16ManxPowerMrTest: Is the extension a fax or modem extension?
15:25.28ManxPowerI.e. can you plug a regular analog phone into the line and get dialtone?
15:25.53MrTestis a single extension ... My PBX is a Lucent Technologies
15:26.03ManxPowerI.e. can you plug a regular analog phone into the line and get dialtone?
15:26.18ManxPowerIf you can't then that line will NOT work with the X100P.
15:26.46ManxPowerThat's why I've told you several times that the port on the PBX must be a fax or modem port NOT a Lucent proprietary(sp!) phone port
15:27.23ManxPowerYou may have blowin up your X100P by plugging it into one of the proprietary phone ports on the PBX.
15:27.42Hogieive made a modem in a laptop smoke doing that
15:27.51Hogiethey told me at the radio station I could plugin there
15:27.54Hogiethen boom, smoke bomb
15:28.21xenophileyou need to get a good modem
15:28.32xenophilexircom realports are good on pbxes
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15:29.43ManxPowerGood modem or not, you CANNOT plug it into most PBX station ports.
15:30.12MrTestwhen i connect a single phone to PBX I only have tone to outside but dont dialup extensions
15:30.23ScaredyCatI still have to live with plugging in a psu in a 6" screen someone I worked with brought into the office, only to see it sit there an skome away..
15:30.58ScaredyCathe still reminds me about it...
15:31.21ScaredyCatstupid tiawanese crap, no polarity protection..
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15:31.38ScaredyCat...and no markings on the case either
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15:32.10ManxPowerMrTest: The X100P acts like an generic analog phone.  That's all you need.
15:32.27ManxPowerAnything you can do with a generic analog phone on that PBX you can do with the X100P.'s all you need to KNOW.
15:32.51*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
15:33.02bhimagood evening. I've determined that the Eu25 PCI ISDN card from uses the Winbond 6690 chipset. It appears to be supported under Linux, just wondering if it's likely to have more issues than a generic (Eu40) Cologne chipset card.
15:33.04ManxPowerMrTest: Is your fax machine pluged into the PBX?
15:33.34ManxPowerbhima: The mailing list archives are your friend.
15:33.36ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
15:33.45bhimamanxpower++, thanks.
15:33.51ManxPowerbhima: The short answer: Yes.
15:33.59MrTestno my fax machine is connect tio PBX too
15:34.08CaNaBiSanyone had any problems using call waiting with a sipura when the fxo is attached to a pbx?
15:34.12Hogiewhat if I wanna do disconnect supervision?
15:34.38xenophileManxPower: at $17 each, you cant go wrong
15:34.58ariel_CaNaBiS FXO on a Sipura? is it the new 3000?
15:35.02ManxPowerHogie: what about it
15:35.13Hogiemy x100's wont do it...
15:35.19CaNaBiSnah, the 2000
15:35.20ManxPowerHogie: ALL mine do
15:35.28Moc_fuck... FC 2 Test 3 is fucked up
15:35.36*** join/#asterisk boday (
15:35.42ariel_CaNaBis the 2000 does not have an FXO only FXS..
15:35.45Moc_Machine just hanged for no reason. no usage
15:35.57HogieManx: using the zapata.conf file on your site?
15:35.59CaNaBiSsorry, my asterisk has the fxo
15:36.11ManxPowerHogie: Pretty much.
15:36.12CaNaBiSits like asterisk isnt flash hooking my pbx
15:36.28ManxPowerCaNaBiS: Uh it won't.
15:36.40ManxPowersearch "*0" in the mailing list archives
15:36.42*** join/#asterisk pulu__ (~chatzilla@
15:37.14HogieManx: do I need an exten => h, for my zap channel context?
15:37.58CaNaBiSManxPower, I did flash hook, I get tone, then tried *0, still nothing
15:40.07*** join/#asterisk Connor (
15:40.49ManxPowerCaNaBiS: Dunno.  It's a feature that was hacked into asterisk that almost nobody uses.
15:41.02ManxPowerSince asterisk is a PBX and PBXs don't do call waiting on their FXO lines.
15:41.59CaNaBiSyah, thats my prob I guess, my Definity pbx is providing the dial tone to my Asterisk fox
15:42.03CaNaBiSfxo even
15:44.16ariel_seg fault error's suck the wang doodo!... Argh!
15:48.03*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
15:49.56*** join/#asterisk Bobby_Ewing (~Chat@
15:50.24*** join/#asterisk seg4l_work (
15:51.09ariel_I am just plain nuts. I had a box running asterisk on Fedora core 1 kernel and all working fine. I upgraded to new kernel 2188 and seg fault in Asterisk!  Now after make clean, deleting and redoing I still can't get it working.  
15:51.33ManxPowerariel_: Did you reboot after upgrading the kernel?
15:51.41ManxPowerariel_: Do a backtrace and report it as a bug
15:51.45ariel_ManxPower yes many time!
15:52.20ariel_ManxPower do you thing going down the the stable might work?
15:52.38*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
15:52.46ManxPowerariel_: Huh?
15:52.58ManxPowerYou are having problems and you have not already tried -stable???????
15:53.12ariel_never mind!  I am just plain not thinking today! Yes your right!
15:53.48*** join/#asterisk Buana (
15:56.41Hogiesay I have 2 contexts in my zapata.conf... channel => 1 is in pstn_incoming, and channel 2 & 3 are below pstn_outgoing, if I have a blank context for the pstn_outgoing, will channels 2 & 3 still answer? (they are on shared line with our keysystem, and I dont want them answering those lines)
15:59.49fOSSiLthey wont answer
16:00.40*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
16:01.09*** part/#asterisk kRutOn (
16:02.03xenophilesnow in may
16:02.35*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
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16:02.39ariel_hot raining afternoon here!  Normal!
16:04.19Moc_ariel_ have you recompiled zaptel ?
16:04.51xenophileariel_: must be nice
16:04.51Moc_sorry I was scrolled up.. didnt saw the msg after
16:04.56xenophilehad 3cm on my lawn
16:05.06ariel_Moc_ yes I have! I am starting over again with the -stable it's slow so it takes some time to finish!
16:05.39ariel_xenophile where are you located. I am in Sunny mostly South Florida!
16:07.41xenophileariel_: reno, nevada
16:09.28ariel_snow in Nevada this time of year that is strange!  Oh well back to getting a gun and shooting my fedora core 1 system.  (I am going back to RH 9 again).
16:09.44xenophileariel_: i run rh9 with fedora's apt-get
16:09.48xenophileworks like a champ
16:10.36ariel_I normally use RH 9 with Yum!  But this was a test for my boss! And it did not work correctly! Simple setup nothing special!
16:10.52Moc_I find yum too slow
16:11.06ariel_I just plain like the name! yum......
16:12.00ariel_at least is going to support RH 9!  
16:13.07xenophilei used to have a girlfriend named yum
16:13.12xenophilewell that was her nickname
16:13.22xenophileariel_: i've heard that yum corrputs rpmdb
16:13.29xenophileas much as i HATE rpm, that sucks
16:13.37xenophilegentoo < *
16:14.29ariel_I tried gentoo but did not like it!  I wish asterisk would pick one to support only and say lets all build on this a thats that!
16:14.45mutilatordebian > *
16:15.22ariel_I actually use MePis (debian) for my home systems.  But for work got to do what the boss wants.
16:15.31citatsariel_: thats what we do... its called linux :)
16:16.03ariel_citats no standards in the different builds.  Can't stand that!
16:16.09xenophiledebian rox too
16:16.30citatsariel_: i dont see how it matters when it comes to asterisk
16:16.41xenophilei use gentoo on my servers, rh9 on my workstations, and openbsd on my old sparc hardware
16:17.10xenophilefor work i'm supposed to use m$ winblows
16:17.26xenophilebut they didnt say it couldnt run in a vmware
16:17.29ariel_well it does in the fact of location of files.  And people that are new like me get sometime over our heads in tracking errors.
16:17.39*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
16:18.14citatsariel_: the only real difference that can make things different is custom patches to the kernel like redhat does, or just differing libc versions
16:18.32Umaroboss is getting me a cell phone
16:18.50citatsariel_: you can put all your files in one directory for all the OS really cares
16:18.53xenophileatleast /etc/ is the same on all linuxes
16:19.02xenophilegoing between bsd and linux gives me hives sometimes
16:19.41Corydon-wWell then your nickname isn't exactly appropriate, is it?
16:19.55UmaroSpeaking of which, anyone ever thought about all these cell phone providers that offer free in-network calling? couldn't you somehow get a analog line connected to one of their cell phones, and use it to make free calls to that network's customers, via *? might seem pointless, but if all the people in your company used that network for cell phones, it might be nice.
16:20.00xenophilefondness of the alien?
16:20.12xenophilewtf do my sexual proclivities have to do with my hives?
16:20.31xenophileUmaro: that'd be pretty slick
16:20.32ariel_I understand. Thank you for all the help!  Now I really need to do something for my real boss. Wife has wants me to getting some of my honey doo's done during lunch!  (Wife thinks I can get these all done in an hour).
16:20.34Corydon-wxenophile literally means "love of the strange"
16:20.45xenophileCorydon-w: or love of the alien
16:20.51citatsUmaro: you'd need better than the analog line, because you cant detect call status.... if your serious just call up the cellco and ask about terminating calls to their customers
16:21.00xenophileCorydon-w: but thanks for trying to educate me about a nick i've been using for 15 years.
16:21.25Corydon-wYou've been using a nick since the first IRC server?
16:21.35xenophilebefore that roof
16:21.42xenophileand before that bbses
16:21.58Corydon-wIf you love the strange, why would switching operating systems give you hives?
16:22.30Corydon-wThat's more xenophobic, not xenophilic
16:22.32xenophileCorydon-w: i'll answer this question, but i am begining to think that you are the sort of troll who will never be satiated
16:22.51xenophileCorydon-w: its not the switching, i run them all its the 'uh what os am in now' factor.
16:22.54Corydon-wHah, I'm a troll?
16:23.16citatsCorydon-w: irc was around 15 years ago
16:23.20xenophileso much so i've added $uname to my prompt on most machines
16:23.35Corydon-wNow it appears that you haven't been in this channel very long.
16:23.48xenophilejust got introduced to asterisk, and really digging it
16:24.18Corydon-wcitats:  I know, 1988, but few who were around at that time are still around
16:24.45citatsCorydon-w: i'm still here, and i know a few others that were around then
16:24.55*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
16:24.55xenophileCorydon-w: there are many of us still around
16:25.03Moc_Ive started in the air of 14kbits modem came out
16:25.09xenophileCorydon-w: most of us dont use the same nicknames
16:25.16xeet2a - value on txgain decreases the volume output, and a + increases it, right?
16:25.37Corydon-wxeet2:  yes
16:25.58xeet2and shouldn't that change in volume be reflected when I do a ztmonitor 1 -v?
16:26.11xeet2like, I don't see any volume difference when those gains are changed
16:26.31Corydon-wxeet2:  did you restart Asterisk?
16:28.06Corydon-wDunno then
16:30.33*** part/#asterisk fmandarino (~Frank_Man@
16:31.21mutilatorWARSAW (Reuters) - A sexually excited stallion bit a Polish man to death when he tried to calm the beast, which had become uncontrollably aroused by a nearby mare, police said.
16:33.28*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
16:41.23seg4l_work :-)
16:42.38JessterI finally found my path in life..  :)
16:42.46Jessterpretty funny
16:45.00fOSSiLmy ideal job is a Nursery Teacher, haha
16:45.47fOSSiL*evil grin*  what they dont know is how f'd up those kids will be after i'm done with them
16:45.59*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (~xarius@
16:46.00JessterYour ideal job is a \u2026 who are you kidding, you work?.
16:46.02XARiUSgah I'm a moron.
16:46.10XARiUSbeen idling in a room called #staff cuz thats the room my company uses on our server.
16:46.25XARiUSforgot I was on freenode, not the work server lol
16:46.26CaNaBiSwould be cool if the army was all full of sexxed women
16:46.31XARiUS"dude where is everyone!"
16:47.12*** join/#asterisk BennY- (
16:47.17XARiUSin the article I was reading the other day, Canabis, it said there were some 60-70k women currently deployed =)
16:47.29XARiUSthats a lotta chicks with guns.
16:47.33fOSSiLomg "Your ideal job is a As the Speaking Clock."
16:47.55CaNaBiSyah, they said on CNN yesterday that there were vids of consensual sex among male & female army officers
16:47.56BennY-I have a question about asterik, i think my 2 fritzcards would work with it, or not? =)
16:48.11BennY-are german people here?
16:48.48essobi_That's funny.
16:48.53fOSSiLwaaa... "fOSSiL, Your ideal job is a Anything except what you're doing now."
16:49.54fOSSiLhar har har, essobi
16:49.58fOSSiL"essobi, Your ideal job is a Stripper."
16:50.06*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
16:50.08essobi_I did that one too.
16:50.14essobi_I'm a stripper SuperHero.
16:50.33essobi_Or is it a Super Hero Stripper?  :)
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
16:50.47fOSSiLsuper stripper hero, rather
16:50.54squidilyAnyone done as asterisk installation in Denver, CO?
16:51.28kahuna_mmm... kettle corn.
16:52.12squidilyOr know of any Firms that do Asterisk work in the area?
16:52.14BennY-could i connect my internal phones to my linuxpbx with asterik, as i can do it with pbx4linux?
16:52.45BennY-so that i could call internal with my isdn phones
16:54.45BennY-for pbx4linux i need an isdn card that is capable of NT-mode
16:55.23ManxPowerWe are not familiar with pbx4linux
16:58.43nitramBennY-: yes, look for zaphfc,
16:59.42h3xi dont think chan_capi supports NT mode
17:01.50Umarowhy would someone use that instead of *? :)
17:04.32FuzzyCatsquidily: ppl can do asterisk work from anywhere
17:05.21h3xfunny thing is
17:05.34h3xpbx4linux sucks but they have better documentation than asterisk
17:05.49XARiUSthats the way software products go.
17:05.51FuzzyCatwell, that's cos there's noting to it...
17:06.02h3xeven if it is in broken english....
17:06.09FuzzyCat1 day coding it, 6 doing the docs
17:06.25essobi_I type like I live.
17:06.27bhimafuzzy: don't forget the two weeks of UI work.
17:06.34essobi_Fast and Wreckless with lots of mistakes. ;)
17:06.59FuzzyCatbhima: or the prototype that you show to management - that suddenly becomes the product
17:07.02essobi_bhima and 4 months to bang out the pebkacs.
17:07.04*** join/#asterisk phlycoder (
17:07.09BennY-so i need an isdn card with hfc-s chipset for my internal phones?
17:07.23squidilyFuzzyCat:  No slaps please, what is ppl?
17:07.32*** join/#asterisk antonverburg (
17:07.32essobi_FuzzyCat It's worse when sales sells vaporware and you're in charge of writing it. GRRR.
17:07.49bhimaI work on research products. we don't ship code :)
17:07.50h3xi dont know why anyone would write a project that just does ummm
17:08.07h3xanswering machine, isdn phones, h.323...
17:08.25antonverburgI am trieing to connect to a asterisk console, with alsa-channel
17:08.28essobi_h3x h323?  Think.. Cisco.
17:08.58antonverburgNormaly you can use exten => s,1,Dial(COnsole/dsp) to make a call
17:09.08antonverburgHow can I do that with alsa?
17:09.22antonverburgexten => s,1,Dial(COnsole/alsa) ???
17:09.30h3xcisco think.. skinny and sip
17:09.52essobi_Yea.. Skinny's interchange with the h323 products is wonderful.
17:10.07essobi_I know.  We run a CCM/H323/SCCP shop.
17:10.29essobi_3200 Cisco 7960's all on SCCP.
17:10.33CaNaBiSessobi_, have you tried call-waiting with Sipura and an Asterisk?
17:10.42CaNaBiS*0 trick isnt working for me
17:10.45essobi_Canabis Nope.
17:10.55FuzzyCatsquidily: ppl = people
17:10.59essobi_Don't own a sipura.. hook-flash doesn't work?
17:11.05CaNaBiSessobi_, put the Asterisk box on other side of network this morn and it works great
17:11.13phlycoderI'm looking at creating a voip bridge like system that connects two sides together..... ie phone --> asterisk --> internet -->asterisk --> pbx extension..... Is this possible if so what hardware is required?
17:11.14CaNaBiSnope, not working
17:11.20essobi_No more double nat?
17:11.23essobi_Good job.
17:11.43CaNaBiSI dont like having my * box on other side of fw though :(
17:11.44FuzzyCatbhima: that;'s cool
17:11.54FuzzyCatI wish i did research stuff
17:11.54h3xphlycoder: a couple computers, a telepathic interface 2000, disgrontification circuit pack, and some phones
17:12.12CaNaBiSI never could get it to work with the * box behind the network and the sipura on the other side though
17:12.26h3x\nick bofh
17:12.57phlycoderh3x: ok can do the computers and phones but never heard of the other components
17:13.13essobi_He's being sarcastic.
17:13.19FuzzyCatphlycoder: use iax2 between the asterisk boxes..
17:14.05phlycoderI'm a complete newbie to this so don't shoot me but what is iax2?
17:14.13h3xi think the guy spent more time making that penguin with the keypad on it than he did writing the documentation though
17:14.18XARiUS*gasp* whats iax2?!
17:14.20FuzzyCatif you don't need an astreisk box at location 1 - and your only using it to connect to the other then get an iaxy
17:14.27XARiUSonly the best thing since sliced bread.
17:14.54*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
17:14.57XARiUSiax2 = a voip protocol which is way, way better than SIP, and only asterisk has it. =)
17:14.59h3xunsliced bread is better in my opinion
17:15.04FuzzyCatphlycoder: IAX2 = Inter Asterisk eXchange V2
17:15.06XARiUSinter-astersik-exchange v2
17:15.12XARiUSyes thanks fuzzy. =)
17:15.24FuzzyCatastersik XARiUS?
17:15.34XARiUSyah, sorry I'm still trying to get rid of my buzz from last night.
17:15.41XARiUStyping still isn't quite right this morning.
17:15.53phlycoderah ok.... so that is what would bridge them together to make it seem like it's actually the pbx extenstion
17:16.17XARiUSphlycoder, yep, it's used for connecting multiple * servers together, as well as client to server connections.
17:16.18FuzzyCatwell, it's more powerful that that..
17:16.46FuzzyCatphlycoder: do you actually need * at both locations?
17:17.11FuzzyCator are you just using them to get over the nat/sip/h323/mgcp shite issues
17:17.43phlycoderwell that's what i'm not sure.... I need to be able to have people at the normal POS PBX call me on an extension remotely and vise versa
17:17.58antonverburgRealy nobody kows about chan_alsa???
17:18.05ManxPowerXARiUS: Still thinking the UP200 is a decent phone?  Any updated firmware?  Can the tech support people actually support the product now?
17:18.24XARiUSManx: nothing from them yet, on my to-do list to get ahold of them today
17:18.32XARiUSbut yes I still think the phone is solid =)
17:18.43ManxPowermy UP200 in for testing should be here today or tomorrow
17:18.51XARiUSI've been helping a few people off the list who contacted me directly with the phones.
17:19.04*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
17:19.18FuzzyCatphlycoder: ok, well an IAXy at your end will be cheaper.. you just get it to register with the box connected to the pbx
17:20.19*** join/#asterisk torment0r|wk| (~someone@
17:20.26squidilyIf IAX is so hot, and better than SIP, why aren't the standards body working on radifying it as a standard?  Does SIP just have more momentum?
17:21.13FuzzyCatand IAX2 is only supported by * ... although the code is gpl.. so there's no excuse..
17:21.43phlycoderFuzzyCat: so i would have an * box remotely and one with the PBX to create the bridge?
17:21.52phlycoderlike i said complete newbie
17:22.11FuzzyCatyou have a * box connected to the company pbx. .. and at your location an IAXy
17:22.32FuzzyCatan IAXy, is a little box that speaks IAX2
17:22.40phlycoderah ok i see
17:22.45FuzzyCatand you just plug an ordinary phone into it
17:22.51phlycoderwhere to obtain?
17:22.59FuzzyCatit's an IAX2 ATA
17:23.12phlycoder;) ty
17:23.31FuzzyCati dont think they are on their site yet, but phone them up.. they had a big delivery of them
17:23.54FuzzyCatof course, if you had a * box, you could actually phone them for free
17:24.31phlycoderok so if i wanted to enable the * box to handle more extentions of the same scenario I would need big card
17:24.38*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:25.28FuzzyCatif you wanted more remote workers.. just get more IAXy's
17:25.45FuzzyCatyou might want more connections to your pbx tho...
17:25.58FuzzyCatbut that's easy enuff, depending on the pbx
17:26.20phlycoderbut the PBX would need more connections too to handle the unique extensions because it's a POS
17:26.31torment0r|wk|does asterisk have a command to look up d channel id's.. i've been looking around and i see the cid for caller id.. but nothing to detect the d id.  any ideas?
17:26.48FuzzyCatok, so what's the line that comes into the building phlycoder? T1/E1 ??
17:26.54torment0r|wk|basiclly i have a phone line with 20 phone numbers with it.. and to figure out which number was called
17:27.13phlycoder:( POTS to PBX
17:27.13FuzzyCat${DNIS} iirc torment0r|wk|
17:27.21FuzzyCatphlycoder: how many lines?
17:27.26h3xthese people are sooo on crack
17:27.27torment0r|wk|FuzzyCat, thanks
17:27.39h3x$2000 POWER CORDS !!!
17:27.47citatstorment0r|wk|: umm its going to go to the extension that was dialed
17:27.48*** part/#asterisk antonverburg (
17:28.06phlycoder8 incoming lines to the pbx but i want the extenstions off of the pbx to the * box
17:28.11FuzzyCath3x: are they gold?
17:28.16ManxPowertorment0r|wk|: The DID is ${EXTEN}
17:28.25*** join/#asterisk su- (
17:28.30h3xgold plated connectors
17:28.41FuzzyCatphlycoder: ok, so you can use either 2 x tdm40B with fxo ports or a single 12 port voicetronix card
17:29.20bhimaplease tell me the people who buy those also rewire their house, and their street, and make sure the wiring is good all the way back to the generating plant.
17:29.34bhimabecause plugging that into a _normal_ outlet is just missing the point.
17:30.06FuzzyCata bit like QoS bhima
17:30.19phlycoderFuzzyCat: so to connect the pbx to the * box it's fxo and i need a port per extension I want to be utilized remotely
17:30.52FuzzyCatwell normally you have one line for every 4 phones.. but the ratio is up to you
17:31.05bhimaand, dear god. the first power cable "...has a particularly warm midrange."
17:31.19bhimaHow crappy does your amp have to be before your power cord matters that much?
17:32.08phlycoderFuzzyCat: ty for your input.... it's been very helpful
17:32.08*** join/#asterisk bluedemon1975 (
17:32.12bhimathe acoustics of a digital cable. do you want detail, or warmth?
17:32.22bhimain your fiber optical cables.
17:32.45*** join/#asterisk da_Man-FL (~Claude@
17:33.03FuzzyCatno problem phlycoder...
17:33.14FuzzyCat(you can always donate :) )
17:34.20phlycoderalways try to once I actually know what i'm doing LOL
17:35.00FuzzyCathehehe.. you can get some tips from my page...
17:35.37phlycoder;) ty
17:37.45Maverictwisted isn't around is he?
17:37.55*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk zamsler (~zamsler@
17:38.18zamslerhey does anyone here have the configs to use broadvoice?
17:38.20*** join/#asterisk ryan_courtnage (
17:38.46ZeeekHey FuzzyCat
17:39.54FuzzyCatyo Zeeek
17:39.59FuzzyCathey hey planetWayne
17:39.59Zeeekwhen's that last time you edited your site?
17:40.15Zeeeknext time you dig in there...
17:40.15FuzzyCaterrm, dunno, when did you last donate?
17:40.19Zeeek"At the time of writing the following countries appear to have either full or rudimentary support for caller id:"
17:40.25ZeeekFR works
17:41.00Zeeekmost of the country now has ADSL which means the tel switching sys has been updated almost everywhere
17:41.09Zeeekgood to know
17:41.36ZeeekI'm donating that info :)
17:41.41*** join/#asterisk Syndlcate (
17:42.08FuzzyCatk, i'll add it Zeeek
17:42.25Zeeekthat is a nice page tho as I'm sure I already told you
17:42.30Zeeekone of the best
17:42.49Zeeekit's on my list that I can't show here anymore because it's considered flooding the channel
17:43.11chapsterZeeek: Well, it would be if you paste a bunch. :)
17:43.30FuzzyCatyes BoRiS...
17:43.42ZeeekCan I ask you something chapster?
17:43.42*** join/#asterisk twisted (
17:43.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
17:43.57BoRiSFuzzyCat: Your page actually helped me setup my first sip connection :)
17:44.30twistedwhat's up
17:44.33Mavericwhats up my brother
17:44.41twistednot much
17:45.06twistedhey zamsler
17:45.12zamslerwho know how to setup broadvoice with *?
17:45.23zamsleri am getting an error..
17:45.24chapsterZeeek: Sure.
17:45.40Zeeektoo late, got answer thx!
17:45.54zamslerbesides that, how's things going?
17:47.09BoRiSFuzzyCat: Thank you :)
17:47.29FuzzyCatno problem BoRiS....
17:47.49*** join/#asterisk slazenger (~ja@
17:48.17ManxPowerzamsler: You didn't find any information when you searched the mailing list archive?
17:48.34zamslerManxPower, nope.
17:48.41zamslermaybe i am blind.
17:49.10zamsleri have my password, but when i make a call, i get an error.
17:49.19ManxPowerzamsler: did you post your error message to the channel?
17:49.32zamslerGot SIP response 400 "Missing/Invalid From" back from
17:49.58ManxPowerzamsler: What is your Dial line? and what does the console show when that Dial line is run?
17:50.56ManxPowerzamsler: Is 16122208803 your username or your destination number?
17:51.29zamsleroh my gosh..
17:51.33ManxPowerTry Dial(SIP/username@bvoice/${EXTEN}) and see what it does.
17:51.53zamsleri got it. the fromuser needs to be the phone#
17:53.00Zeeek* doesn't work in Minneapolis
17:53.07Zeeektoo cold
17:53.15*** join/#asterisk Alric (
17:53.36Zeeeki was Bjorn there
17:53.46ManxPowerZeeek: Only for 10 months out of the year.
17:53.48zamsler<~~ lives in mn.
17:53.49Connorgot a core dump with latest cvs
17:53.55FuzzyCatBjorn of Borg
17:54.07bkw_I have felt like shit all day
17:54.08Zeeekno one lives in MN
17:54.48denonI do.
17:54.48ManxPowerConnor: Does -stable also core dump on your?
17:55.11Connormanx, It's something in latest cvs.. something with gethostbyname I think
17:55.48XARiUSwell, ordered an IAXy.  I'll be part of the cool crowd in 2 days. =)
17:56.06Zeeekin Minnesota you can skip the CPU fan
17:56.23Connor#0  0x41a98f96 in create_addr (r=0x8223398, peer=0x4a930f6c "84352472872") at chan_sip.c:1022
17:56.29Connor#1  0x08223a30 in ?? ()
17:56.29Connor#2  0x41a96ad5 in sip_request (type=0x4a93186c "SIP", format=4, data=0x8223398) at chan_sip.c:6675
17:56.29Connor#3  0x0805ac70 in ast_request (type=0x4a93186c "SIP", format=4, data=0xfbad2a84) at channel.c:1768
17:56.39Connor#4  0x41c951ed in dial_exec (chan=0x835ee28, data=0x4a93186c) at app_dial.c:670
17:57.02ConnorIt's thinking that my peername 84352472872 is a IP address.
17:57.43denonZeeek: its about 80F here today
17:58.09Zeeekwe're in the two months where it's not below 20°F and not above 95°F
17:58.30Zeeekit snowed in May not that long ago!
17:58.36xenophileZeeek: it snowed here in reno this morning
17:58.42xenophilejust over an inch on my lawn...
17:58.54Zeeeksnow or cocaine?
17:59.26AlricAnything wrong interrupt wise, with putting a T405P an 2 T100P in the same machine?
17:59.44Zeeekxenophile not like Vegas then
18:00.05xenophile1) much higher in altitude 2) sierra, not sand desert...
18:00.12MShadesYummm.... Sipura SPA-1000 just released
18:00.42ZeeekTahoe's nice
18:02.19*** part/#asterisk squidily (~Scott@
18:02.37bkw_MShades 1000?
18:02.49*** join/#asterisk fdeierlein (
18:03.17bkw_oh I see
18:03.20MShadesbkw_ A one port Sipura SPA-2000, ~$80 street price.
18:03.31bkw_still not cheap enuf
18:03.53*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
18:04.01MShadesWhen will the beloved IAXy come out?
18:04.21derrickthe spa-3000 should be avail this month
18:04.43ManxPowerMShades: 2 weeks ago
18:04.55ManxPowerMShades: Cut down on the drugs, dude.
18:05.50ConnorGuys.. ast_gethostbyname is really phucking things up...
18:06.21MShadesManxPower: Heh heh.... Where can I get an IAXy?
18:06.23Connorbug 1608 (my bug) and 1607 are both core dumps.. and I belive both are related to ast_gethostbyname
18:06.33ManxPowerMShades: Call Digium
18:07.00bkw_Connor in C all ip's are int's
18:07.01ManxPower"For example: Trade a T400P and Digium will sell you the TE405P or TE410P for $750--HALF the price of a new card at list price!"
18:07.36Connortaking this to bugs... meet me over there.
18:07.46hekaany one can help me compiling chan_h323?
18:08.47*** join/#asterisk scad (
18:09.50essobi_Who was it in there that tried to tell me MMOIP meant multimedia over IP?
18:10.05*** join/#asterisk robbins (~asdf@
18:10.09essobi_It was one of the regulars.
18:10.56essobi_XARiUS, BKW?
18:11.14robbinshey folks, anyone written a module to take line in from a sound card and use it for on hold, or do you need to re-encode into an mp3 file?
18:11.38essobi_"Live" MOH?  No one has wrote it I believe.
18:11.50citatsessobi_: mmoip is multi media over ip
18:11.58essobi_heka Read the instructions and they will lead you to gold.
18:12.01essobi_That was you!
18:12.12*** join/#asterisk denon (denon@
18:12.23essobi_MMOIP = Multimedia mail over IP foo'.  Told ya.
18:13.07robbinsok how about getting past the 32 name limit on 79xx directories?
18:13.16scadi want to send outgoing fax out ulaw but everything else gsm.. is there a way to specify that in the dial command for fax?  can someone point me to the right direction?
18:13.28essobi_robbins You want to write new firmware for the phone?
18:13.50MShadesManxPower: $99.95 retail for the IAXy
18:14.01*** join/#asterisk foom (
18:14.10robbinsessobi, i guess just a CGI to spit out 32 entries at a time.
18:14.18*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (~ScaredyCa@
18:14.18zoathe iaxy is ready and for sale ?
18:14.19essobi_scad I'm not sure if anyone has wrote codec decision making yet.
18:14.24essobi_robbins I did. :)
18:14.44robbinsessobi.. ooooooh.. php?
18:14.50MShadeszoa: Yup, I just called Digium.
18:14.57zoacodec decision making ?
18:15.08zoacool i'll order some i think
18:15.08*** join/#asterisk nicolasg (
18:15.25essobi_robbins PHP.
18:15.29essobi_No better way to go.
18:15.36citatsessobi_: cisco is pretty much the only people that use mmoip as that
18:15.37foomhey i have a question that might be dumb but i can't find the answer: how can i have asterisk allow me to dial SIP urls directly instead of just phone numbers?
18:15.43essobi_Well. There is Cisco::XML.
18:15.50essobi_citats And?  :)
18:16.02citatsessobi_: the world doesn't revolve around C
18:16.06robbinsessobi, ok, guess i'll look into that.
18:16.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by denon_
18:16.34robbinsessobi, do you send it 32 extensions at a time? or do you have a next button?
18:16.38essobi_citats Yes it does.  And Cisco too. ;)
18:16.51foomi'm using X-Lite and if i enter a sip url it attempts to contact my the sip proxy i have set (which is asterisk) with the user@host. but asterisk doesn't know what to do with that, I assume because my dialplan doesn't have anything for user@host in it
18:16.53essobi_robbins NEXT.. I pass the page I want. ;)
18:17.11essobi_robbins tagged up by a soft button
18:17.18foombut i don't see a way to do that
18:17.22robbinsessobi.. ok
18:17.36robbinsessobi, your code under GPL? :)
18:19.01robbinsany decent VoIP LD companies out there that offer SIP handoff?
18:21.13*** join/#asterisk MustDie (~voip@
18:24.20*** join/#asterisk sleach (
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18:27.12scadas a fax solution, i forced my outbound faxes to go through a zap telco line.
18:27.48scadit works outbound over ulaw however.. i am trying to figure out a way to use ulaw for only outbound fax and gsm for everything else
18:28.00sleachquestion: In sip.conf, you set if a uid is nat or not with nat=yes, but, I want the ability to have that value dynamic.  When the rtp packet comes in, it has a nat yes or no flag, is is possible (and if so what is best way) to have that value change (the uid level nat attribute) dynamically?  Is that even possible?
18:28.18zoascad: its possible
18:28.20zoamake a second peer
18:28.26zoathat only allows ulaw
18:28.34scadin the iax.conf file and use that?
18:28.35zoaand send your fax extension that way
18:28.47scaddunno why i didn't think of that.
18:29.01zoathats the dirty way though
18:29.12zoathere was a patch on by anthm
18:29.20zoaallowing forcing codecs for outbound stuff
18:30.37ariel_sleach I don't know what your trying to say But in Sip.conf you can use nat=yes and host=dynamic for changing IP addresses.
18:31.25*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
18:31.26sleachwhat I am trying to say is, if I have an extension in asterisk, that is not nat, then they take phone home, and they are now nat, I would like asterisk to recognize that, as opposed to having to modify sip.conf
18:31.33nicolasgHi zoa
18:32.01*** part/#asterisk robbins (~asdf@
18:32.13zoaET, phone home, , and they are now nat, I
18:32.16ariel_sleach I have that in my sip.conf for all my users inside my network and outside. It works for all of them.
18:32.18sleachthe rtp info has if the user agent (I believe) has set nat to yes or no
18:32.36sleachso you have nat=yes for all nat on non-nat users?
18:32.45zoaif you have a lot of bandwidth
18:32.47zoawhy bother
18:32.50ariel_sleach yes I do!
18:32.55nicolasgzoa: Can you take a look at bug/patch 1609 when you have time?
18:33.10MrTestI got this error: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to <sip:mptest@....
18:33.20MrTestsomebody know it
18:33.30zoaright at it
18:33.45sleachariel: thanks, let me test that
18:34.00ariel_sleach I have traveling sales people that take there laptop with them and use xlite all the time. When there here in the office they connect and still are able to use there xlite!
18:34.09zoahmmz, nicolasg: i'm not using any voicemail atm
18:34.45nicolasgwell, I will ask in the operator_panel mailing list for testers then..
18:35.11zoawe should have a tester mailinglist
18:35.16nicolasgthanks anyways!
18:35.27zoai could set it up of course, but need to setup a lot of other things first
18:35.46nicolasgno problem!
18:37.11sleachariel_: we just set nat=yes for me (and I am not nat'd), and I was no longer able to dial-out, or dial-in
18:37.48twistedho ho
18:38.53ariel_sleach what does sip show peers says for your sip connection!
18:40.41*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
18:42.32*** part/#asterisk phlycoder (
18:44.18MrTestSomebody know this message : Failed to authenticate on REGISTER
18:46.20ariel_MrTest are you getting this on your softphone, or asterisk cli?
18:46.30MrTeston asterisk console
18:46.41*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
18:47.02ariel_MrTest does it tell you the device?
18:47.53MrTestmy softphone ???
18:49.21ariel_MrTest first if it's sip you need to check to see if you have the right password and login name setup!
18:50.24Jessterwhat version of * you running ariel_
18:51.05MrTestmy user and password its OK
18:51.09ariel_Jesster I have from 12/04/03 .5 to 7.2.2 and stable and head up in some form or another!
18:51.30blitzrage_workI'm using CVS from about a week ago
18:51.52MrTestariel_ : my user and password its ok
18:52.08Jessterariel_: ok, the nat thing sleach had seems to be a bug in head .. we had to remove the full definition of the extensions in sip.conf, reload, then re-add them, and reload, otherwise * would remember the nat settings (we couldn't do a restart)
18:52.16blitzrage_workMrTest: if its not working, you have something setup wrong probably in sip.conf
18:52.40ariel_MrTest have you see the samples from
18:53.06*** join/#asterisk KG (~kiwigod@
18:54.29ariel_Jesster ok The only one that I have with head is on my desk and I have a problem with it and zapata cards.  But my production systems are on 7.2.2 3/20/04 and I have not upgraded them yet! Which is where I use the nat=yes for all my connections.
18:55.36ariel_MrTest what softphone are you using?
18:55.52MrTestariel_ : I'm using X-Lite
18:56.21ariel_the site I gave you has examples of sip.conf and xlite on there! have you check them out yet?
18:56.36blitzrage_workMrTest: X-Lite and * will work great if you have the .confs setup right :)
18:57.21MrTestyeah, I think that i have problem with my conf ... I'm new in *
18:57.28ariel_Jesster on my stable box I just tested nat=yes and it works for both inside and outside!
18:57.36Hogiehey ariel, how's it hanging?  How was your plane?
18:58.21Jessterariel_: hrm, do you have any HEADs running? ..we have CVS-HEAD-05/03/04-21:42:36
18:58.25MrTestthe url http:/fnords doesn't exist
18:58.28ariel_Plane is great just got a new radio installed and new tire should be in the morning.  So I hope to take her up flying this weekend
18:58.43Hogieah, cool
18:58.51Hogiegonna come and get me?
18:59.26*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (~powerkill@
18:59.30ariel_Jesster not working right now!  Last build working I was from head is 4/27/04.  I will test that one in a few minutes.
18:59.51ariel_were are you?
19:00.11Hogiehalf way between Washington DC and San Francisco
19:00.13Jessterariel_: ok
19:00.23blitzrage_workMrTest: try
19:00.31ariel_MrTest  i just tested it and it's there.
19:01.01Hogiehehe, Dallas/Fort Worth
19:02.32ariel_Jesster I just connected with xlite to my 4/27/04 and it works with nat=1 I just changed it to nat=yes and going to re-test again.
19:02.52blitzrage_workariel_: I don't think nat=1 is correct syntax... ?
19:02.57ariel_Hogie I will meet you 1/2 way! .... Hehehehe.
19:03.29ariel_blitzrage_work I know it's from my older installations .5 builds.  
19:03.43HogieI really need to find something that makes money darn it
19:04.03*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
19:04.06ariel_Don't we all.  But that is why we are trying this Asterisk is it not?
19:04.18blitzrage_workariel_: if you are behind NAT, nat=yes isn't the only thing needed.  There is a couple of lines that need to go in sip.conf
19:04.55ariel_I only have nat=1 now changed to nat=yes, host=dynamic
19:05.04*** join/#asterisk scud ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:05.04*** join/#asterisk jb_ ([cX4o4zHsP@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:05.13ariel_and it also worked with nat=yes!
19:05.50ariel_Jesster I just tested the 4/27/04 and it worked with nat=yes and xlite on the same network.  
19:05.52blitzrage_workwierd.  I've always heard problems behind nat without the externip= and localnet= lines
19:06.12bkw_look at what ariel_ said
19:06.14bkw_same network
19:06.20bkw_externip and localnet works flawless now
19:07.22blitzrage_workwork great for me anyways :)
19:08.13Jessterariel_: would you beable to test a newer head
19:08.26HogieI like head
19:09.49Hogiewill x100's fix stupid people wiring mistakes?
19:10.44Hogiesomeone crossed the wires coming to my office (they are fine from the CO to the punchdown block), its wired backwards... do I have to go fix it or will x100p's work that way?
19:10.51KGhey ppl, zup.  got a make question on asterisk.  wondering if anyone's seen the error before
19:11.01PilotPTK-WorkX100Ps don't care about tip/ring polarity
19:11.27Hogiemy tone generator says it is backwards (red light)
19:11.39HogieI swear, that's the best thing that SBC has left in my office in the last 2 years
19:11.55KGconfigure: error: termcap support not foundmake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
19:11.58ariel_Jesster yes but later on tonight or early in the moring.  Got to fix the Zapat driver problem on that machine!
19:11.59PilotPTK-WorkYep.  I love my tone/probe
19:12.12Hogiesee, I didn't have to pay for it
19:12.22Hogiethey left it in the wall at one of the offices one day
19:12.25Jessterariel_: ok thanks
19:12.36Hogieit was just plugged in, sitting there for 2 weeks when I found it
19:12.41Hogieso I took it
19:12.57ariel_bkw_ why if we are changing to nat=yes does nat=1 still work?
19:12.58Jessteranyone using the 7940/7960 know of a way to send an incoming call to Voicemail, DND, etc? right now an incoming call, i have 1 choice, 'Answer'
19:13.05bkw_ariel_ yes
19:13.08bkw_ast_true baby
19:13.10chapsterHogie: You can still switch it at the jack on the wall right there.
19:13.11bkw_1 yes y
19:13.41ariel_bkw_ thanks that way I dont' have to change my customers setups when I upgrade them!
19:13.47Hogiechapster: its easier to redo it on the 66 panel
19:13.48*** join/#asterisk km- (
19:14.01Hogiethe jack is behind stuff that wont move
19:14.02chapsterHogie: And also correct for the long term. :)
19:14.07*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
19:14.15Hogielet me show you what I mean:P
19:14.24km-bkw_: dude!
19:14.26chapsterOk. One picture coming up.
19:14.39chapsterariel_: Shhh.. that sounds good. BlueBell?
19:14.43Hogiethat's my office
19:14.51bkw_km- yo ho
19:14.52bkw_what up
19:14.53Hogiethe jack is behind the cabinets
19:14.59Hogiewhich are anchored
19:15.03chapsterHogie: Heck of a noc. :)
19:15.04ariel_no just plain publix brand!  still good!
19:15.06km-bkw_: selling my 7960's :(
19:15.25km-bkw_: want one?
19:15.29KGanyone?  bit of help?
19:15.33km-in fact, anyone here who wants 7960's
19:15.39Hogiekm: depends how much
19:15.39bkw_km- how much?
19:15.44bkw_I GET FIRST DIBS
19:15.45*** join/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (
19:15.46km-7960 plus power supply $300
19:15.46chapsterHogie: Thats really a nice working space, though. Can stretch out a bit.
19:15.47bkw_back off bitch
19:15.48km-I've got two
19:15.53*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
19:16.00chapsterkm-: I pay you more than BKW...    :)  
19:16.01km-both work fine and have the 6.1 sip load on them
19:16.14HogieI dont have $300, oh well
19:16.30torment0r|wk|i'll pay ya $20 bucks for it..
19:16.34Hogiechapster: yeah, im the only one in here, its my office,, im happy with it
19:16.40chapsterkm-:   I am kidding, of course.  I don't  even need it.
19:16.48HogieI need one, I just dont have the money
19:16.52km-I need to fix the truck :(
19:17.02km-I have to liquidate everything I can sell
19:17.04chapsterwhats up with the truck?
19:17.12km-blew a hub bearing and I'm out of cash
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
19:17.23Hogiethat's why I dont have money, I fixed my car.  $1200 to fix the emissions system
19:17.26km-it's only going to be like $200 but kristy's exhaust system fell off too
19:17.26chapsterI know that feeling.
19:17.37*** part/#asterisk KG (~kiwigod@
19:17.37Hogiestupid nazi Texas emissions tests
19:17.56HenryTheBIGBkw_: U have a minute for me?
19:17.56chapsterHogie: Yep, it is a bunch of bullcrap. (remember, I am in DFW as well)..    
19:18.04AlricHogie: A friend of mine has had to do that recently too.
19:18.05ariel_we don't have emission testing any more in florida!.....
19:18.07km-our emissions is crazy in PA too
19:18.12km-the testing is expensive
19:18.18Hogieits like, wtf
19:18.26HogieI paid for 3 tests
19:18.36Hogiewith 1 free reinspect each
19:18.40HenryTheBIGSomeone know how to conf a Multitech Gateway to use *?
19:18.41Hogiebefore it passed
19:18.58bhimakm: where are you in PA?
19:18.59km-bkw_: I'll negotiate price if you want :)
19:19.00HogieI should have used the money and bought a motor cycle
19:19.03chapsterAfter a certain number of failures, they have to pass it. But you have spent a lot on testing and repairs before that.
19:19.08km-bhima: outskirts of philly
19:19.09foomdoes asterisk support SRV records?
19:19.31km-bhima: wow, now that's an interesting name
19:19.39km-bhima: you're an irish hindu? :)
19:19.54km-or rather irish-indian
19:20.25bhimakm: the former is more accurate, sorta. I'm actually an american. I'm sure there is some Irish somewhere in my background.
19:20.48km-bhima: it's just interesting to see a indian name on an irish sirname :)
19:20.49ariel_Ok found either a bad Zapata board or a really shitty motherboard! Change card now to re-test system.  
19:21.05km-anyone else interested in purchasing 1-2 7960's?
19:21.11bhimakm: indeed. it's definitely not common :)
19:21.24blitzrage_workkm-: would love to... no money right now though....
19:21.34ariel_It's fun to have 2 test systems on my desk sometimes I don't know which one is which.  Switch box is behind desk so I can't see which number it's pointing to!
19:22.12ariel_km- I which but I just spend over 3500 on a new radio for my plane! Argh expensive hobby!
19:22.29*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
19:22.35blitzrage_worklol.. your plane?  ugh... yah.. expensive hobby :)
19:22.45Hogiechapster, what all do you guys do?
19:22.48ariel_hell the tire is going to run me another 200 plus!
19:22.54HenryTheBIGSomeone know how to conf a Multitech Gateway to use *?
19:23.02blitzrage_workariel_: I gotta buy new tires for my car :)
19:23.28ariel_my trucks tires will need changing in a month of so. But I feel it can wait!
19:23.31Hogiewe use airplane tires on our tractors
19:23.37Hogiefor the batwings
19:24.03blitzrage_workariel_: I've been putting off the tire change for 2 years now.... slicks on an 84 Cutlass in the winter == very skilled driving
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
19:24.39ariel_I forgot to rotate mine so there are some nice side slick parts! But there still on!
19:24.58bhimaI want to get runflat tires for my car.
19:25.06HogieI bet my rc car will go faster than ariel's real car
19:25.09bhimaThen tehre'll be more space in the trunk for computer equipment :)
19:25.28blitzrage_workbhima: I've already got LOTS of trunk space :)
19:25.38ariel_how fast is your rc?  
19:25.53Hogie72 last night
19:26.00blitzrage_workmph ?
19:26.02bhimablitz: oh, I'm referring to permanently installed stuff.
19:26.14Hogieit was going down hill
19:26.14blitzrage_workbhima: ahhh :)
19:26.18bhimablitz: I need the normal cargo space for transporting random toys :)
19:26.26blitzrage_workbhima: :D
19:26.26ariel_Ok my truck maybe but my car no!  (Nice new Nissan Murano)....;-)
19:26.44blitzrage_workI know my car will at least do 85mph :)
19:26.59bhimaon my previous car, a VW Golf, I managed to carry 12 monitors at one point.
19:26.59blitzrage_workbut after that its just a guess as the needle get buried
19:27.03HogieI had a new nissan 350z body on it
19:27.17Hogiewas driving it around the streets at my apartment complex
19:27.25bhimanow I've got a station wagon. underneath the trunk panel, tehre's enough space for a 1U rack mount case.
19:27.27Hogieand a cop that lives there pulled up and asked how fast it goes
19:28.00bhimahogie: that would be a highly amusing test case. you getting in trouble for speeding with an RC car.
19:28.00*** join/#asterisk Powerkil_ (~powerkill@
19:28.15*** part/#asterisk km- (
19:28.24HogieI wanna get a wireless camera system for it...
19:28.28Hogieand put it on the free way
19:28.35Hogieas my brother drives my parent's blazer
19:28.37Hogieim driving that
19:28.55Hogieof course, it wouldnt be with THAT car, i'd get another one to play with...
19:28.55blitzrage_workHogie: I've seen videos of those cars on the highways... look awesome
19:28.55*** join/#asterisk filip_ (~filip@
19:28.57twistedyeee haw
19:29.13bhimamotorcyclists have enough trouble being seen by other motorists...
19:29.15HogieIve put $500 into it so far, not gonna crash that under a semi
19:29.25blitzrage_workHogie: :)
19:29.34Hogiehave a $80 receiver on it... lol
19:29.52Hogieim a crazy mofo
19:30.09HogieI want to get an A-10 rc aiplane
19:30.14Hogieairplane even
19:30.19Hogiefly it around
19:30.22Hogiethat would be awesome
19:30.32bhimaextremely high intensity UV to ionize a pair of air paths.
19:30.42bhimahigh intensity RF at an appropriate frequency.
19:30.52bhimareboot car computers at will.
19:31.02Hogielike when the president is throwing the first ball out at a game here, fly that around
19:31.06Hogiein the "no fly zone"
19:31.41*** join/#asterisk geertn (
19:31.46*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (~ScaredyCa@
19:31.51geertnwops sorry
19:31.56bhimaI've read some stuff and it sounds like you could do a fairly decent EMP-style weapon that way.
19:32.20bhimaI couldn't ever use a proper EMP device because, well. I have too many processors on me.
19:32.42*** part/#asterisk jjohnston62 (~jjohnston@
19:33.01fOSSiLbhima, sure, but screw UV, a laser pointer can sufficiently ionize the air
19:33.15fOSSiLwould work at 100 yards
19:34.13tzangerfOSSiL: what kind of laser pointer do you have that ionizes the air at 100 yards?!
19:34.36fOSSiLa good one :P
19:34.43bhimafOSSiL: I'm gonna have to ask you to cite me a source on that claim.
19:34.54mutilatoryou ought to see the laser that send signals across the atlantic
19:35.45bhimaI've had rooms with brighter lights than the average laser pointer.
19:36.21bhima(say, dual 500W halogen flood lamps in my bedroom)
19:38.52Jesstershouldn't any arbitrary extension use/match the 's' extension on an inbound context?
19:40.45Corydon-wOnly if immediate=yes
19:41.08Corydon-wOn immediate=no with an inbound context, it expects a DID
19:41.43FuzzyCatkick Corydon-w in the goolies, immediate=yes
19:42.03foomhrmmm i'm having trouble talking to a Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x from asterisk
19:42.25foomit's giving me a 500 Internal Server Error, but I know it works, cause when i dial from X-lite, it works
19:42.47murf_anybody there who is familiar with the "Monitor" command?
19:43.20Corydon-wI would hope so!
19:44.10murf_I also! I see how I could use it in the Dialplan (extensions.conf), but how about from the gastman?
19:44.24blitzrage_workfile: why are you hugging it? :)
19:44.37Corydon-wNope, can't use applications from the manager interface
19:44.37filebecause it rocks
19:44.53blitzrage_workfile: lol.. of course it does :)  what are you doing with it?
19:45.56murf_Hmmm. Then AGI? I have someone who'd like to record an interview over the phone. I know its possible, but I don't want to change the dialplan just to do one conversation.
19:46.16*** join/#asterisk zamsler (~zamsler@
19:47.26Corydon-wYou could write your own Manager program to use the Monitor manager command...
19:47.50fileblitzrage_work: I just turned it on for the first time
19:47.53Corydon-wBut it's not (yet) supported in Gastman
19:48.55glLoadIdentityofftopic but , anyone deals with skateboarding ?
19:50.09torment0r|wk|tzanger, that's pretty sweet.. i was actually looking for something to do that
19:50.20ariel_skateboarding is not in my view it scares me!
19:50.57tzangertorment0r|wk|: it's just a wee little thing but it does what I want for now... I'll expand it as I go :-)
19:51.14tzangerit's nice because it's unobtrusive, it just pops up with the #, no logging or anything since * is already doing that
19:51.27murf_OK, is there a way to initiate an AGI on a channel from the gastman interface?
19:53.34citatsmurf_: use the manager command originate and pass the app/data to it, or exten/context/priority that execs an agi
19:54.39murf_OK, thanks, it looks like there's no shortcuts.
19:54.55torment0r|wk|tzanger, i'm just reading thru the perl script.. basiclly this goes off and instant messages you with who's calling
19:55.02torment0r|wk|is that how it works?
19:55.43Corydon-wYou could probably also write an extension to res_monitor to allow it to be invoked from the CLI.  Then you could use the Command Window in gastman to invoke the monitoring
19:57.36tzangertorment0r|wk|: no
19:57.45tzangertorment0r|wk|: it just comes online wiht the CID info in its online status, then drops offline
19:57.51tzangertorment0r|wk|: it odesn't send any messages
19:58.04tzangertorment0r|wk|: originally I had it send messages but that was cumbersome... hten I had it send "headline" events but that wsa just as bad
19:58.18essobi_TSK TSK.. Dirty Dirty hack.
19:58.42tzangeressobi_: what's a hack?
19:58.47essobi_That is.
19:58.54torment0r|wk|i like it
19:59.11torment0r|wk|tzanger, so how would i set it up
19:59.13essobi_Umm. I didn't say it wasn't cool.  It's just dirty. ;)
19:59.26torment0r|wk|nothing wrong with dirty man
19:59.29essobi_You could embed links in your message.
19:59.38essobi_Like a whitepages lookup url.
19:59.46torment0r|wk|for example.. you seen this hot chick in mud
19:59.52tzangertorment0r|wk|: just call it from asterisk
19:59.55tzangeryou need Net::Jabber
19:59.58essobi_Ehh.. There's no concurrency.
20:00.14tzangertorment0r|wk|: I gave an example extensions.conf too
20:00.27essobi_tzanger It takes 1:1 for notification ehh?
20:00.50torment0r|wk|that's no problem..
20:00.59torment0r|wk|i'm just trying to figure out how it gets to someone's desktop
20:01.36essobi_tzanger Requires a new login for every popup destination right?
20:02.01ariel_ok the x100p everytime the system reboots it wants to configure it self in linux. Do we let it or ignore it!
20:02.23NixNet:Jabber is cool
20:02.33essobi_ariel_ Beat it profusely about the head and shoulders.
20:02.34NixI did some work with it an asterisk before ;-)
20:03.39Nixthe better way to use jabber and asterisk is with the PubSub spec..
20:04.02ariel_ok I have done the beating thing 3 times.  Today.  I even broke the TDM400p board! now what do I do!
20:04.58*** join/#asterisk Kondrak (
20:05.23tzangeressobi_: yes, I do that on purpose
20:06.11*** join/#asterisk cybershield (
20:06.14essobi_tzanger Well no shit, because it work any other way.  unless you want everyone to know who's calling you.
20:06.15tzangeressobi_: I have my jabber client to popup (passive window) when a contact comes online, showing their status
20:06.30tzangeressobi_: ahh I see what you mean now -- yes
20:06.30essobi_What client you using?
20:06.47tzangerit would be trivial to have the script take a parameter which says who to notify though
20:06.53tzangeressobi_: Psi.
20:07.00essobi_roger that
20:07.08FuzzyCatroger rabbit
20:12.01SplasWORKMay 11 15:20:01 WARNING[81926]: chan_sip.c:5617 handle_response: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
20:12.04SplasWORKany clues?
20:12.09*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
20:12.24cjkhi, anyone know how the conference thing works on the barbietones?
20:12.53kahuna_cjk, It doesn't work
20:13.12*** join/#asterisk klaus (
20:14.10*** join/#asterisk gbdrbob (
20:14.19cjkkahuna_, why ?
20:14.36ariel_SplasWORK it's a warning most of the time you need to turn off silent suppresson on your client. But should still work!
20:15.18SplasWORKariel_: silence supression?   why would that be sending 200 OKs ?
20:15.23kahuna_cjk, the button actually does nothing.
20:16.01gbdrbobI'm very proud of myself - just wrote my first (very simple) awk script 8-D
20:17.13*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (~stuq@
20:17.14kahuna_gbdrbob, Maybe someday you'll even write a BASIC app :)
20:17.18cjkkahuna_, ok that explains why it doesnt work
20:17.49kahuna_cjk, you can use meetme for conferencing.
20:17.50gbdrbobit parses queue_log timestamp into human readble form much quicker than the example given in the queuelog.txt file 1 line only if anyone's interested...
20:18.00cjkkahuna_, explain i do not understand
20:18.29*** join/#asterisk dercol (~ercolani@
20:19.14cjkkahuna_, thanks
20:19.30kahuna_I ate so much kettle corn that I think I'm gonna lose it all!
20:19.36chapsterkahuna_: ugh.
20:20.09kahuna_2 bags
20:20.17kahuna_It's not like regular popcorn.
20:20.23kahuna_I can eat lots of that,
20:20.28HenryTheBIGSomeone is using Multitech VoIP Gateway with Asterisk?
20:21.12*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
20:21.31HenryTheBIGSomeone know how to conf a Multitech Gateway to use * or other sip provider?
20:22.31ariel_SplasWORK that used to happen allot with FWD as well it's a notice that your sip client is sending you that asterisk does not understand or does not do!
20:22.51*** join/#asterisk darkthrn (
20:23.23ryan_courtnageI just googled and found an example with a Dial option (d) I'd never seen b4
20:23.26ryan_courtnageDial(Zap/3,20,d)          ; Ring for 20 seconds, request a low latency call
20:23.40ryan_courtnageis 'd' valid?
20:23.43ariel_HenryTheBIG you might have better luck in the user list! I don't know many who have used them!
20:24.05Hogieim so bored
20:24.07HogieSO BORED
20:24.29kahuna_play with *
20:24.30ariel_ryan_courtnage it means you are using a data call or modem connection.
20:24.51Hogiewell, I'd play with *
20:24.53Hogiebut the power is out
20:25.01kahuna_and you're on IRC?
20:25.02RCthx - didn't see this on the wiki
20:25.05ariel_Hogie go play with someone then!
20:25.18Hogie* isn't on generator/ups
20:25.21Hogiemy office is
20:25.30Hogiesince it is a test machine
20:25.34kahuna_Go play with hoagie jr, or hoagi sr. for that matter.
20:25.42*** join/#asterisk mitchel__ (trilluser@
20:26.00ariel_Hello mitchel_ welcome back!
20:26.22essobi_exten => 111,1,System(echo "Call from %{CALLERID} to %{EXTEN}" | smbclient -M SMBNAME)
20:26.26mitchel__hey ariel!
20:26.34mitchel__how everything
20:26.38mitchel__* is
20:26.46essobi_tzanger There.. winpop ups for calls. :)
20:26.54kahuna_that could be annoying! :)
20:27.08mitchel__~seen denon
20:27.14jbotdenon is currently on #asterisk (2h 15m 2s)
20:27.28mitchel__blah, thats all you can tell me?
20:27.30essobi_Could be useful for managers.
20:27.44kahuna_could be.
20:27.45essobi_mitchel__ Use /whois
20:27.50kahuna_Nice for screening calls at least.
20:28.16essobi_Yea, if you don't have a display on your phone.
20:28.36essobi_Or if you want call logs to go somewhere. ;)
20:28.57essobi_Granted it ain't fancy, but theres popup clients that'll do logging, and etc.
20:29.02HogieI wanna program lunar lander for some phone
20:29.16mitchel__essobi, you don't have to do the System(echoo's a nice trick though, just use NoOp
20:29.23ariel_Jesster I just tested the head and sip with nat=yes it works!!!!
20:29.43essobi_If you can name your machines the same as exten your ext then you could use macros.
20:30.01essobi_mitchel__ Umm.. Yea.. But I wasn't talking about loggin on the console.
20:30.17essobi_hence | smbclient -M
20:30.36essobi_thanks for the tip thou
20:30.58essobi_I've got spandsp in production. >:)
20:31.26essobi_Still needs work but it's cooking along.
20:31.58mitchel__heh, ok /me confused
20:31.59ariel_kool if you make samples and there files there already it now renames then as old!
20:32.05*** join/#asterisk [-ScoobyDoo-] (
20:32.08mitchel__ariel: hows your faxing coming?
20:32.35ariel_mitchel__ not started that testing yet.  I fell behind on a fedora core 1 system.  
20:33.01ariel_mitchel__ found out it was a bad TDM400p board and not something I was doing wrong!  
20:33.48ariel_I just started the testing of 2 asterisk via TDMOE and IAX.  I need to get some settings done for the switch= type!
20:34.11mitchel__=/ /me wants fax!
20:34.57ariel_mitchel__ Hogie has nothing to do! why don't you get him to fix it for you!
20:35.06mitchel__Hogie? =)
20:35.13HogieIm not up to speed yet on * stuff:P
20:35.29ariel_Hogie you said your bored get reading now then!
20:35.32HogieI just went and pulled random pairs off the panels in the server room
20:35.33*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:35.36mitchel__thats not an excuse
20:35.36HogieIve read it all
20:35.44Hogiethe documentation SUCKS BIG GREEN BALLS
20:35.58*** join/#asterisk GoFlamesGo (
20:36.12Hogieit can only get better
20:36.41Hogiebut that's okay, I use to run a project, and I know how hard docs are to create.
20:37.32*** join/#asterisk mtp (~max@
20:37.49mtpanyone know how to fix this problem?
20:37.51mtpMay 11 16:34:53 WARNING[1267934016]: chan_sip.c:1332 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
20:38.04darkthrn~seen jerjer
20:38.06jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 19h 29m 2s ago, saying: 'now you get a TDM11B'.
20:38.27kahuna_The best excuse I've ever heard is "Read the code. The documentation is the comments". This was about an in-house app that someone developed, not *.
20:38.48Hogieis * doxygend?
20:38.57kahuna_Hogie, yup.
20:39.48Hogiebut is it still the same docs as the handbook on digium's site?
20:42.44data[gone-fishinmtp: it means you were trying to send '16 bit Signed Linear PCM' and your asterisk is setup to only support 'G.711 u-law'
20:43.01*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
20:43.20*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
20:43.45Jessteranyone using the 7940/7960 know of a way to send an incoming call to Voicemail, DND, etc? right now an incoming call, i have 1 choice, 'Answer'
20:43.59Jesster..on a per call basis
20:44.09Jesstervia the screen buttons
20:44.30mtpdata[gone-fishin: how would I fix that
20:44.45mitchel__does anyone here sell t1 service? i need 12 lines
20:44.48mitchel__at least
20:44.56mtpthis is going from an analog phone -> FWD
20:44.59Corydon-wJust curious - is anybody using a zonemessages in voicemail.conf that is not one of the defaults?
20:45.01mtpit works with SIP
20:45.20Corydon-wI'm just curious to know what you're using
20:45.56*** join/#asterisk mmaddin (
20:52.47*** join/#asterisk charles___ (~charles@
20:52.54*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
20:52.55charles___hey brow
20:53.08charles___What do you do when you have two zaptel channels to dial out.
20:53.18*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
20:53.28charles___just exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
20:54.00ManxPowercharles___: Or make a group
20:54.17*** join/#asterisk Hogie (
20:54.20Hogiethat was awesome
20:54.50Hogieloaded up zaptel inside bochs and boom, whole machine crashed
20:55.32ManxPowerHogie: I'd be suprized if that did not happen.
20:55.34charles___ManxPower, what do you mean a group?
20:55.36filesurprised because?
20:55.40charles___ManxPower,  another context ?
20:55.46ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
20:55.54HogieI was just goofing off
20:55.57*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
20:55.58ManxPowerAnd read the handbook and the sample zapata.conf
20:55.58charles___ManxPower,  because I have two channels to dial out, how do I use that two channels
20:56.20charles___ManxPower, I already read all, and I also read the extensions.conf examples, all use just one Zaptel board.
20:57.31chrono75hello, does anyone here use any softphone? If so, which one have they had the best luck with?
20:57.36ManxPowercharles___: So you missed this in the sample zapata.conf file that is included with Asterisk?
20:57.38ManxPower; Logical groups can be assigned to allow outgoing rollover.  Groups
20:57.38ManxPower; range from 0 to 31, and multiple groups can be specified.
21:00.08darkthrnbkw_ was you that did all the bandwidth tests with IAX trunking right?
21:03.10Hogiehey Manx, how's today been for ya?
21:04.36mitchel__could someone tell me how hard this would be?
21:04.42mitchel__i have a customer that wants to set up an * box in india
21:04.50mitchel__to take IAX calls
21:05.07mitchel__and basically i need to provide him with a CD to auto set up the server on hardware he buys there
21:05.29mitchel__that way he doesn't have to lug it along with him on the plane, and i can't go there...
21:05.42mitchel__probably just make him a walk through eh?
21:05.54*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~WebChat@
21:07.15Hogieyou could have tarballs of the source
21:07.18Hogieand make an
21:07.24*** part/#asterisk mmaddin (
21:07.25Hogiethat unzips them, then stuff
21:07.38Hogieinfact... I have a cd like that here, it has an
21:07.48mitchel__hogie, good point, he would still have to install rh8 then on his own
21:08.21Hogiebut if you setup the configs before hand
21:08.32Hogieyou can have the install script copy them over the samples
21:08.36*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
21:09.14*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (Powerkill@
21:09.20Connoranyone know what this sip history command thing is and how to use it that kram talks about in bug 1064?
21:10.04mitchel__hogie good point, hopefully rh8 won't be hard for him to install...geeze this'll be a pain
21:10.35charles___ManxPower, Hey man, zapata groups rules, I just have to know the sintax exactly
21:11.15Hogiecharles: do you want them all in 1 group?
21:12.30Mavericdoes anyone have a good rc script for asterisk
21:12.48Hogieyeah, I do Maveric
21:12.50mitchel__maveric, i think your looking for safe_asterisk?
21:13.04Maverici am loading safe_asterisk
21:13.12Hogiemy script is called rc.local
21:13.22Mavericfunny hogie
21:13.50charles___ManxPower, thank you for your help. :)
21:13.56ManxPowercharles___: When you look at the samples in /path/to/asterisk/configs/ you'll understand them fast enough.
21:15.26jbotACTION bitchslaps $0
21:15.31machinehdI'm running CVS-04/22/04 and everything is working smooth. Would it be stupid to keep it updated when it's working smoothly?
21:15.33michaell~bitchslap michaell
21:15.37jbotACTION beats the sh*t out of michaell
21:15.46michaell:O mother fucking jbot
21:16.12michaellok i'm done
21:16.15Maveric<--- dumb
21:16.35michaell<-----really dumb
21:16.46*** join/#asterisk Tili (
21:17.30foomso i don't think anyone ever answered me about how to allow people with computer-based SIP clients to dial a user@host "extension" with asterisk. Is that possible?
21:18.18machinehdwould * even need to be involved for that?
21:18.28charles___ManxPower, but they use CallerID as a key to put people in the group, I dont have CallerID option in zaptel.conf
21:18.32foomwell x-lite wants to talk to the proxy..
21:18.42foomso it sends "user@host" to the asterisk server
21:18.57foomwhich of course has no idea what to do with that cause it's not in my dialplan
21:19.03foomand i have no idea how i could add that to my dialplan
21:19.53machinehdI thought user@host was a bridged call. Why do you need to use proxy for that?
21:20.07foomi don't know, maybe my client sucks or i don't know how to configure it?
21:20.31machinehdhaha, do you have the outgoing proxy set?
21:21.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
21:21.40Hogiewb ariel
21:21.42foomwhen entering a number in the phone book (which is the only way i can figure to enter things that aren't numeric), it makes me choose one of the proxies that i've configured, or "automaticly choose"
21:22.01machinehdhmm...anyways I'm sure someone in here must know. I "noob" shouldn't be attempting to answer, I could give bad advise :)
21:22.10ariel_Had a network outage!  We took a hit!  (Actually someone pulled the wrong plug!)
21:22.39ariel_Hogie thanks did you get your power back?
21:22.47Hogieit was out only a minute
21:22.49*** join/#asterisk JerJer[interop] (~jj@
21:23.12Hogiehey Jerjer
21:23.15Hogiehow's it hanging?
21:24.06jthomasJerJer[interop]: Does Asterisk compile and run on AMD Athlon
21:24.16Hogieyes jthomas
21:24.49jthomasWhat about Digium cards? TE410 in particular
21:25.10HogieI dont have one of those in an amd, so I dunno
21:25.22Hogiei'd say yes though, if you have the 2.2 and the right volt slot
21:25.33Hogienot 2.2 kernel
21:25.42JerJer[interop]always to the left
21:26.06jthomasEven I have my test system without a Digium card running on Athlon but am not sure about the Digium card
21:26.11JerJer[interop]jthomas: um yes
21:26.22twistedJerJer[interop], how's it goin out there?
21:26.44JerJer[interop]pretty slammed
21:27.01HogieI wish I was special enough to go places:(
21:27.03JerJer[interop]lots of ppl hanging around in the booth
21:27.12jthomasJerJer[interop]: you mean to say I can instead make a cheaper system with Dual Athlon card that takes quad E1 card !?!
21:28.27HogieJerJer: which booth, and got a webcam feed up yet?
21:28.32slePPeveryone come play Acro
21:28.34slePPacro rules
21:29.22slePPacorn is cool too
21:29.23slePPbut acro
21:29.45jthomasIs there some kind of conference going on? which one? where?
21:32.20JerJer[interop]network word + interop
21:32.30JerJer[interop]digium is part of the interop testing
21:32.44JerJer[interop]i'm here cuz i can ;)
21:33.11charles___ManxPower, hey, is there any difference of a tormenta 2 board and a x400p ?
21:34.15JerJer[interop]T400P is a tor
21:34.22HogieI wish I could be cool like JerJer
21:34.25Hogiehave my own company
21:34.28Hogiedrive a hummer
21:34.31Hogieall that shit
21:34.31JerJer[interop]Tor 1 is the ISA by jim dixon
21:34.49JerJer[interop]no i want a hummer
21:35.00Hogieoh, sorry
21:35.03JerJer[interop]haven't done the IPO yet
21:35.13JerJer[interop]then i blow money on a hummer
21:35.44charles___JerJer[interop], tormenta2 is x400p ?
21:36.05JerJer[interop]get a TE410P
21:36.11HogieI just want a good paying job
21:36.18*** join/#asterisk stevia (
21:36.20JerJer[interop]te410p's are a much better version
21:36.36data[gone-fishinfeeling rather interoperable today Jeremy?
21:36.40Hogiesomething I can buy a nice HUD home with, and a 2000 - 2003 dodge dakota
21:36.42Hogiequad cab
21:36.53charles___JerJer[interop], Im just trying to figure out why they cost 1500 dollars
21:37.02Hogiecause they are 4 T1 ports
21:37.08JerJer[interop]cuz there are 4 T1 ports
21:37.17data[gone-fishinand they're magic (tm)
21:37.26charles___JerJer[interop], tormenta 2 is 4 ports and open source/hardware
21:37.26JerJer[interop]and Digium needs a little bit of profit in this ballgame
21:37.41*** join/#asterisk Poemius (~youness@
21:37.44data[gone-fishinkram needs to eat
21:37.46Hogiecharles: then make one yourself...
21:37.47JerJer[interop]your gonna play hell spining out your own T400P
21:38.12*** join/#asterisk w00t (~thx1138z@
21:38.13JerJer[interop]the t400p has both analog and digital on the board
21:38.15Poemiushowdy everyone :)
21:38.21JerJer[interop]whereas the TE410P is all digital
21:38.44JerJer[interop]data: yeah have to be interoperable this week
21:38.55w00tI've literally *just* setup Asterisk on my home network
21:39.05JerJer[interop]word 'em up
21:39.07charles___JerJer[interop],  thats nice, now I understand why
21:39.13w00tAnd I had a couple questions if someone has a minute
21:39.23charles___now I just need to know how to group two zap channels
21:39.35*** join/#asterisk MacRohard (
21:39.48JerJer[interop]charles___: Digium has greatly improoved the tor2 design by using the infinitron (sp?) t-1 framer
21:39.59JerJer[interop]that old dallas chip on the T400P is just old
21:40.02Poemiusw00t : shoot, I'm no expert but if I can help, I will :)
21:40.36w00tI just need to know what config files/command to edit/use to setup users and mailboxes.  I'm just using IAX with an IAX software client
21:41.00*** join/#asterisk MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.cloaked)
21:41.22charles___w00t, voicemail.conf
21:41.31Poemiusw00t : the setup files do not change whether it is iax or something else. you'll have to setup extensions.conf for user setup
21:41.42Poemiusand as charles said voicemail.conf for voice mail
21:41.56*** join/#asterisk n2vqm_ (
21:42.09Poemiusnow, that is assuming you have setup your iax connection
21:42.33PilotPTK-WorkWhy would one play hell 'spinning your own T400P'?
21:42.54Poemiuslol, for the fun of it I guess :)
21:43.00*** join/#asterisk w0schd (
21:44.16w00tHmmm....I must be missing something...I don't see anything relating to users in extensions.conf
21:44.34*** join/#asterisk unabonger (
21:44.43w00tI've looked inside every .conf file and haven't been able to find anything that "made sense"
21:45.43charles___w00t, setup your iax users in iax.conf
21:46.17n2vqm_Question...  Why when a second asterisk calls do I get, "Call rejected" and "No authority found"...  What is an authority?