irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040509

00:00.56Death_INCtwisted, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I am twisted, therefore nothing I say may be used against me
00:01.16ScaredyCatcan i point out that jbot sang that incorrectly...
00:01.43twistedScaredyCat: if you're that into it, sure.
00:03.28*** join/#asterisk EleTROn (~tro@
00:05.16*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
00:05.39data[gone-fishinZzz time, nn :)
00:06.07*** join/#asterisk Simon (
00:06.09SplasPoodAnyone know how to handle call transfer from a Cisco ATA-186 ?
00:06.54*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
00:08.58Death_INCSplasPood, hit flash?
00:10.43SplasPoodwell if i hit flash I can place another call..  then hit flash to connect the two... but if i hang up it'll disconnect em both
00:11.36CoderCRhello all
00:16.53dougheckal-fy: gimme a subdomain! ;)
00:18.36*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
00:18.49zamslerhey all.. !!!
00:19.12zamslerDOes anyone have voicepulse with working incoming caller ID?
00:19.29SplasPoodyea, werks fine for me
00:19.43zamslerSplasPood, do u get the name or just number?
00:19.50SplasPoodjust number
00:19.54SplasPoodthere is no name service
00:20.07zamslerin asterisk or voicepulse?
00:20.20SplasPoodif I'm not mistaken...
00:20.28SplasPoodI dunno if any of the voip providers do..
00:20.40zamslerbroadvoice does.
00:20.48SplasPoodyea?  cool..
00:21.02zamslerI am going to start working on them to get my username and password so I can connect asterisk
00:21.12zamslerthey gave me a password, but it doesn't work
00:21.13SplasPoodit'd be nice if I could move a DID from one provider to another
00:21.26Beavewrite a agi that reverses the number for you...
00:21.28Beavethat would be fun.
00:21.42zamslerAll i want is a provider that will work with the asterisk community..
00:21.43Beavelooks up the owner of the number.
00:21.54zamslerBeave, that would be cool.
00:21.56Beavei hear nufone is good.
00:22.08zamslerbut they don't have lots of did #'s
00:22.10BeaveI can't ever get info from them - about pricing, etc.
00:22.21zamsleri need MN,IL,UT,TX
00:22.25zamslerand they none.
00:22.50Beavenufone supports asterisk.
00:22.54Beavei believe.
00:23.01zamsleryeah they do.
00:23.07zamslerbut they lack in exchanges.
00:23.18Beavedo they do 800 services?
00:23.31*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
00:23.46BeaveI emailed sales about getting 800 services from them,  but never got a response.   That's all i really need.
00:24.24zamslera lot of the voip providers are bad at that
00:24.49Beaveyeah.  I've heard good things about nufone, but its almost impossible to get information from them.
00:25.01zamslervoicepulse is good too.
00:25.05zamslereverything is online.
00:25.11zamslerfree incoming calls.
00:25.11Beavewhich seems like a silly marketing idea..  
00:25.20Beavegood rates?
00:25.23zamslerget one of them, and add 800 service.
00:25.32zamsler$7.99 for a incoming line.
00:25.43zamsler.0295/min outgoing
00:25.54Beaveintegrate with asterisks very well?
00:26.04zamslerno issues what so ever
00:26.12Beavevery nice.  I'll check that out now.
00:26.23zamsleri like them
00:26.45SplasPoodvoicepulse supports asterisk.. they've even donated
00:26.55zamslerit costs $10 to start the account..
00:26.55Beaveeven better
00:27.04BeaveSIP and IAX. nice.
00:27.08zamslerget a incoming # and there ya go.
00:27.20zamslertheir site is kinda slow.
00:27.38zamslerI normally don;t deal with companies that ude Microsoft web servers.,.....
00:27.42*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
00:28.01Beaveone page says toll-free numbers are not yet availible..
00:28.18zamslerBeave, u can order a toll free # from a nother provider.
00:28.38zamslerand point that to ut incoming #
00:28.51Beaveyeah.  I was sort of wanting to keep it all with one company.
00:29.56BeaveThis is for personal use,  so I don't really want to split up the bills for the VoIP DID and the 800 services.
00:30.30*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
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00:41.52BeaveYou know,  I'd sign up right now for nufone if i could do so online.
00:44.41Legendand if they actually processed credit cards, and didn
00:44.48Legendand if they actually processed credit cards, and didn't fucking use paypal
00:47.30Beavethis is like basic business 101 stuff.
00:47.49BeaveI hear they have good service,  thou...
00:50.05*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
00:54.54BoRiSAny business who does *NOT* process credit cards....I would be VERY weary of them
00:55.12bkw_some people choose not to take the contract crap
00:55.27bkw_some cc processors cost 100-250 to setup
00:55.32bkw_then montly minimums
00:55.35debaserits also a huge liability
00:55.40debaserdealing with credit cards
00:55.50BeaveI dont mind the paypal thing so much.
00:55.56BoRiSLike legend sys....Its like basic business service 101
00:56.03debaserhaving to store and transmit sensative data, i'd really much rather not have that monkey on my back
00:56.15bkw_same here
00:56.23*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
00:57.07BoRiSIncluding if doing business over the internet.... Credit cards is the basic payments.
00:58.07debaserits a serious risk.
00:58.17BoRiSeverything is a ... .RISK
00:58.23debaserwestern union isn't =]
00:58.24bkw_I FOUND A SEG FAULT
00:58.38debaseror bank transfers
00:59.02debaseror fedexed cashiers checks
00:59.04debaserthose are the best.
00:59.30*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:00.08BoRiSUnless your a small company or a consultant or just run a local business (not on the internet), it might not be useful.
01:00.27BoRiSWhere did you find the segfault bkw?
01:01.10tzangeron his computer
01:01.18tzangerColonel Panic told him
01:01.43BoRiSunder which function?
01:02.03*** join/#asterisk sam| (
01:02.17BoRiSUgh...Im tring to setup mailman and its being a pain.
01:03.22*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
01:08.49dougheckamiejers makes pretty good frozen pizzas
01:08.58dougheckaits problebly the best
01:09.05dougheckaits not totally frozen either
01:09.07sam|ok, I've got a weird problem here, just updated from cvs (cvs-head) and when chan_iax2 loads, I get this:
01:09.08sam|May  8 17:38:21 WARNING[16384]: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_park_call
01:09.21dougheckatzanger: hahahah
01:09.37sam|but when I do a 'load' it loads fine
01:09.51*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
01:10.00tzangerdoughecka: I'm glad _someone_ got that :-
01:10.02tzangerer :-)
01:10.07tzangerI'm watching The Guru...  hilarious movie
01:10.11dougheckawell, I laughed cuz it was funny
01:10.13Marlowcan anybody tell me, what this is for an ip telefone ?
01:10.19tzanger<indian fellow> I'm going to America
01:10.21dougheckaI know of no references to any thing else
01:10.25tzanger<indian woman> You're going ot drive a cab there?
01:10.33tzangerthat is a running gag through the entire movie
01:10.52dougheckayou have a divx of it?
01:11.02tzangerno just the dvd rip
01:11.10tzangerI haven't transcoded
01:11.10dougheckaMarlow: neat
01:11.19dougheckatzanger: shucks, what bandwidth do ya have?
01:11.25tzangerdoughecka: 1mbit
01:11.36dougheckaup? hrm
01:12.17tzangerdoughecka: 6.3GB over a 1mbit link?!
01:12.28dougheckaonly take a few days
01:12.34Marlowdoughecka : yeah .. but i would like to know who does those ..
01:12.57dougheckawell, thats way off
01:13.01dougheckabut lets take 48 here
01:13.05dougheckaand say...
01:13.07doughecka48 hours
01:13.53tzangerdoughecka: just do what I did, go to the video store and rent it :-)
01:14.02dougheckaI dont have a dvd player
01:15.28dougheckanope, he either must dont have it, or he archived it away onto CD
01:15.48bkw_happy segfaulting :P
01:16.01dougheckanow op me
01:16.02dougheckaI laughed
01:16.18bkw_doughecka show us your tits
01:16.19tzanger"Tell me something I don't know"  "um...  My mother was from Heidelburg, my father wanted to marry a muslim girl but his family wouldn't allow him..."
01:16.22bkw_now who's laffing
01:16.31twistedhey bkw
01:16.36twistedknow of a good linux webcam sw?
01:16.36bkw_twisted yes dear?
01:16.43bkw_twisted nope
01:16.49dougheckatwisted: I know! NETMEETING!
01:16.58bkw_on linux you ninny
01:17.02twistedNETMEETING =! linux webcam
01:17.07PilotPTK-HomeMarlow: That isn't an IP Phone if I am recognizing it correctly.
01:17.09PilotPTK-Homejust analog
01:17.19dougheckathe otherway dork
01:17.30bkw_doughecka you're da dork
01:17.31dougheckaequals does not linux webcam!!
01:17.49twistedit's my engrish spilling over into C
01:18.14twistednetmeeting equal to is not linux webcam
01:18.19BoRiStwisted:xawtv :)
01:18.24twistedok see
01:18.28twistedthose work for ONE SIDE
01:18.32twistedI want to STREAM IT
01:18.33dougheckahmmm, yoda speak you like do??? hmmmm
01:19.02MustDiebkw: i just found solution for dial-up users -
01:19.36MarlowPilotPTK-Home : it says it is ..
01:19.40dougheckaoooh, ick
01:19.45dougheckaa webramp
01:19.47bkw_those sux0rzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
01:19.51MarlowPilotPTK-Home : where have you seen it before ?
01:20.05bkw_and I don't have a gag reflex
01:20.10MustDiei think this will work
01:20.16dougheckalike GAG ME WITH A SPOOOON
01:20.18bkw_MustDie you could shoot a few calls over that
01:20.26bkw_doughecka no gag me with E.T.'s finger
01:20.33MustDiei do have people who asking me stupid questions about VOIP + DIALUP
01:20.43dougheckathen get the modem enabled ip phone
01:20.49dougheckaI read an article about it recently
01:20.58dougheckarecently = past year
01:20.58MustDiedoughecka: show me plz
01:21.06MustDieoops ;)
01:21.07dougheckaand I totaly forget where I read it
01:21.17dougheckabut it was like h323 I think
01:21.19MustDiei don't even have dial up account to test it with
01:21.20dougheckamaybe sip
01:21.27bkw_I DO I DO
01:21.30dougheckabut the guys who reviewed it said they configured it
01:21.35bkw_I have as many dialup accounts as I need
01:21.36MustDiebkw: you are an ISP....
01:21.40dougheckaand it dialed out, and then placed the call
01:21.45bkw_MustDie I work for one.. :P
01:21.46twistedgive me a dialup account
01:21.49dougheckabkw_: got any numbers here in KY?
01:21.53bkw_twisted sorry we don't cover ya
01:21.56twistedso i can have internet access when i'm somewhere that doesn't
01:21.59twistedbkw_: i can dial there
01:22.08bkw_twisted um LD
01:22.08*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (mitcheloc@
01:22.14twistedbkw_: umm.. NO
01:22.23twistedit's called packetdata over nationwide nexte network :)
01:22.24MustDiethis is a cool idea... connect people with 2 modems
01:22.28fileACK I'M BACK
01:22.39twistedi hook up my data cable
01:22.44bkw_file on your back?
01:22.44twistedi plug it into my laptop
01:22.45twistedand boom
01:22.47bkw_I knew you were slutty
01:22.49dougheckatwisted: how fast
01:22.50twistedmy cellphone == modem
01:22.54twisteddoughecka: usually around 115k
01:22.58filebkw_: maybe, maybe not
01:23.04dougheckaI get about...
01:23.07twistedthe lowest i've gotten was 48.8k
01:23.07bkw_file you're such a tease
01:23.16dougheckaon my smellular phone
01:23.33filebkw_: reallllllly?
01:23.33twistedso bkw_: i would have no ld charges
01:23.45dougheckatwisted: we can share dialup accounts :P
01:23.48bkw_so is doughecka
01:23.57bkw_doughecka and file both toy with me
01:24.01twisteddoughecka is in the state right above me
01:24.02bkw_evil bois
01:24.29fileit's our master plan
01:24.44huggieAwwh poor ickle bkw_
01:25.06bkw_huggies? do you wear huggies?
01:25.24dougheckaI have a friend whos from there
01:25.40dougheckathe other lebenon then
01:25.40bkw_| twisted ( (Internic Network)
01:25.48dougheckatheres 2
01:25.58twistedTWO TN's
01:25.58dougheckaI bet more than 2, but I know of 2
01:26.04doughecka2 lebanons
01:26.07ConnorI'm in Knoxville.
01:26.13twisteddon't forget the country
01:26.23bkw_I'm in hell
01:26.26bkw_wanna join me?
01:26.28dougheckaand lebenon and trebego
01:26.29twistedsure bkw
01:26.30filebkw_ is my god!
01:26.32twistedi'll bring the lube
01:26.33Hogieonly 2 things come out of Texas... Steers and Queers...  which one is President Bush?
01:26.34dougheckabkw_: SUER
01:26.50bkw_file think about what you said
01:26.56bkw_and bring kneepads
01:26.58MustDiepeople - this is so cool
01:27.10filebkw_: I don't think m'lord, I simply do as the prophecy states!
01:27.31twistedyou're supposed to kneel before your god
01:27.51twistedand um... pray
01:27.55twistedthat's the ticket
01:27.56fileaccording to this... I'm supposed to say NEXT!!! very loudly not kneel
01:28.06twistedthat's after you kneel and pray
01:28.12tzanger"we have jack shit... or we don't have jack shit...  I don't know which one it is!"
01:28.16twistedthen you stand up, wipe your mouth, and yell NEXT!!!
01:28.22*** join/#asterisk argus (
01:28.27MustDiebuhahah ;)
01:29.04twistedwe should start a religious cult
01:29.12bkw_cults are illegal
01:29.13twistedand we can claim all convention dates as religious holidays
01:29.21filetwisted: ooh
01:29.21bkw_its a religion
01:29.24Hogiehow long does Record() record for?
01:29.26bkw_the asterisk type
01:29.30bkw_Hogie till you hangup
01:29.35twistedthe * religion
01:29.39twisted(not wildcard, asterisk)
01:29.48bkw_our bible is in C
01:29.49MustDiewhat about all people with phone fetish ?
01:29.54MustDiecan they join in ?
01:29.55twistedand like i said
01:30.01twistedall con dates are holidays
01:30.04Hogiewhat if you do Record() then Wait(2) then StopRecord()  is that 2 secs to record?
01:30.05bkw_ya ya ya
01:30.05twistedso our jobs have to let us off
01:30.08twistedand so does school
01:30.12twistedand whatever
01:30.15fileI'm hungry
01:30.21bkw_Hogie records does itll you press #
01:30.29bkw_or you tell it you want 10 seonds
01:30.45bkw_filename. If the file exists it will be overwritten.
01:30.45bkw_- 'format' is the format of the file type to be recorded (wav, gsm, etc).
01:30.45bkw_- 'silence' is the number of seconds of silence to allow before returning.
01:30.48twistedfuk fuk fuk
01:30.55twistedcrossover office won't run a webcam sw
01:31.21Connortwisted: What?
01:31.41dougheckatwisted needs webcam conferencing software in linux
01:31.43dougheckaits called...
01:31.50dougheckacat /dev/webcam | netcat
01:32.51Hogiebkw: I knew the description, I just didn't know how long it would do it.
01:34.05Hogiein the description, it doesn't say how long, so nannanananana
01:34.21fileomg these cookies are to die for
01:34.30bkw_file told ya you would like my cookies
01:34.55file36 of 'em for $4.95
01:34.56Marlowhmm ... found it .. Mita-Tokyo MT-1018 ... says two ip dialed modes ... still no info on how
01:34.57bkw_file doughecka are you two bug marshals?
01:35.08filebkw_: no
01:35.10dougheckaI dont know hot to program
01:35.11bkw_why not?
01:35.14bkw_you don't have to know
01:35.18bkw_trust me
01:35.23bkw_hell I didnt know a lick of C
01:35.29bkw_but now I can make my way around
01:35.34filebecause the gods have not dictated I be one
01:35.37bkw_even fix shit
01:35.47bkw_I like bug marshals to test patches
01:35.50bkw_ask questions
01:35.54dougheckathats funny file
01:35.55bkw_you are the Columbo of the bug world
01:36.08filebkw_: since you're my god, you never dictated I be one
01:36.16bkw_file are you intrested?
01:36.21filebkw_: sure
01:36.23bkw_if you are
01:37.24HogieI wish I was as ereet as you guys
01:37.45dougheckayour missing a c
01:39.01rollergrrl[17:48] <slayer66> are you really a girl
01:39.01rollergrrl[17:48] <slayer66> ?
01:39.01rollergrrl[17:56] <slayer66> are you there
01:39.01rollergrrl[19:29] <slayer66> hi
01:39.01rollergrrl[19:33] <rollergrrl> uh ok
01:39.01rollergrrl[19:33] <slayer66> hi
01:39.03rollergrrl[19:35] <rollergrrl> Are you really a hermaphrodite?
01:39.05rollergrrl[19:35] <slayer66> a what
01:39.07rollergrrl[19:36] <rollergrrl> Ya know, like, dual gender...
01:39.09rollergrrl[19:36] <slayer66> no
01:39.11rollergrrl[19:37] <rollergrrl> You sure? slayer66, right?  Last I knew, you were a hermaphrodite.
01:39.13rollergrrl[19:37] <slayer66> you know me
01:39.39rollergrrlsorry for the flood
01:39.52*** join/#asterisk expousr (
01:41.01rollergrrl[19:40] <slayer66> you are a mean bitch
01:41.39rollergrrlI didn't know copy/paste was mean
01:41.48dougheckarollergrrl: HAHAHA
01:41.57rollergrrlI thought all text on the net was free
01:42.06rollergrrlnot free as in beer
01:42.26dougheckaI am too young for beer
01:42.27twistedi need a linux webcam still
01:42.32twistedi have the camera
01:42.34twistedit works under v4l
01:42.40twistedbut i can't find a backend
01:42.50rollergrrlvmware it
01:42.58twistedgawd no
01:43.28JerJerahh nothing like marble sized hail
01:43.28twistedmore searching google
01:43.38twistedJerJer: are u serious?
01:43.40JerJerwer're getting hit hard here
01:43.41rollergrrlyour car ok?
01:43.44dougheckaJerJer: HAHAHAAH
01:43.52twistedoh dood
01:43.53twistedthat sucks
01:44.03twistedthrow bkw over your car
01:44.05dougheckaJerJer: where abouts?
01:44.14dougheckaI am talking to someone in michigan
01:44.19JerJerup the road about 12 miles they've got golf ball sized hail
01:44.24JerJerMecosta County
01:44.27twistedJerJer: time to duck and cover
01:44.27*** join/#asterisk anachron (
01:45.11fileduck and cover.... HAHAHAHA
01:45.16dougheckaduck duck goose
01:46.02JerJerbelow the 'd' in big Rapids
01:46.13twistedholy crap
01:46.20twistedthat's a big ball of doo
01:46.49dougheckadoo dooo
01:46.54dougheckahahahaha, ur soo funny twisted!
01:47.09rollergrrlhe's a lil bit twisted alright
01:47.18rollergrrlsends me pictures of sheep mowing lawns
01:47.49twistedrollergrrl: i'm gonna get my webcam up
01:47.56twistedand send you even better pictures ;)
01:48.11dougheckaOF HIM MOWING GRASSES
01:48.26twistedi'm gonna trim the bush :P
01:48.37twistedholy crap that didn't sound right
01:48.37rollergrrloh nice
01:48.52rollergrrlthat'll make a good picture to bring with me to astricon
01:49.02dougheckawheres astricon gonna be
01:49.03dougheckaand when
01:49.17dougheckaWE HAVE THE POWER!
01:49.25twistedrollergrrl - "Anyone seen this guy?"  someone random - "Well, if he wasn't nose deep in the bush, i might could id him"
01:49.54JerJermmm bush
01:49.58*** join/#asterisk mitchel (
01:50.52tzanger"so guru... what would you say to a couple who has ... hit a wall?"  "I'm sorry?  Are you alright?  Do you need a doctor?"
01:50.55JerJerwell so much for AC power
01:51.24twistedwell holy shit
01:51.26rollergrrlbattery time?
01:51.29mitcheldoes anyone here know how the hylafax can work with a T1 line?
01:51.34dougheckaJerJer: hahaha
01:51.36mrgoby"a man walks into a bar" ... "that must have hurt"
01:51.39twistedslackware already HAD a webcam util
01:51.46dougheckaSTUPID DORK
01:51.50dougheckaI didnt say that
01:52.15JerJerand yes all the servers out back our on DC power
01:52.23Marlowdoughecka : i found it  ... but no manuals ..
01:52.37JerJerour ?   oare
01:53.15Marlowdoughecka :
01:53.31mitcheldoes anyone know about that hylafax question?
01:53.31Marlowdoughecka : can't make any sense out of those "ip dialed modes"
01:54.32rollergrrlthat phone looks like an 80s future phone
01:54.47Marlowyep .. somehow
01:54.51twistedbut the webcam util in slackware is broken. :(
01:55.04fileor is it working perfectly?
01:55.06Marlowtypical chinese .. needs to be weird :)
01:55.11dougheckatwisted: DORK
01:55.18twistedjbot: eat doughecka
01:55.27jbotACTION eats doughecka and falls over dead
01:56.02twistedi've never seen anything so difficult.
01:56.03dougheckaI win
01:56.58rollergrrltrimming the bush on camera can be a tricky expedition
01:57.07twistedi mean getting the cam up ;)
01:57.10tzangerI can tell my 4yo daughter helped my ex make this birthday cake... there are egg shells in it :-)
01:57.20twistedLOL tz
01:57.28twistedbut if it was your ex
01:57.33twistedhow do you know your ex didn't put the shells in it?
01:57.39dougheckathats what SHE wants you to think
01:57.45tzangerif she were to do something like that she's put exlax in it
01:57.57JerJerhell there might be very small does of arsnic in everythign u eat
01:57.58twistedhow do you know she didn't?
01:58.04twistedand just used the eggshells to divert your attention?
01:58.11dougheckaJerJer: ahaha
01:58.16tzangerbecause the kids eat it too
01:58.26twistedmaybe there constipated?
01:58.26tzangerand I haven't had any Hiroshima's in my son's diapers
02:01.25tzangerthose damned terrorists
02:01.25dougheckaBurr oak
02:01.29dougheckaJerJer: wheres that?
02:01.47mitchelis there a way to change the interval for which asterisk watches the spool directory for outgoing calls?
02:02.01dougheckaplace into time machine
02:02.08dougheckasend it 5 min into future
02:02.20dougheckarinse, lather, repeath
02:02.49mitcheldoughecka? what do you mean
02:02.51dougheckaignore me
02:02.56dougheckajust babbling
02:03.06mitchelbable away then
02:03.47znoGanyone know whether there is a SIP image available for the Cisco 7910 phone?
02:03.52*** join/#asterisk gafachi (
02:04.00dougheckaI dont think so
02:04.45Tommmodoes it work well with asterisk and SCCP?
02:04.45Tommmoor skinny or whatever it's called.
02:04.45znoGi thought SCCP in asterisk is highly experimental
02:04.45JerJeri run a 7910 without trouble
02:04.45znoGyeah? using what protocol?
02:04.45JerJerjust no bells and whistles
02:04.45rpb7910 doesn't have a sip image
02:04.50rollergrrltwisted: I found what you were looking for last night
02:04.53JerJerthe only protocol it supports
02:05.10twistedrollergrrl: BWAHAHAHA
02:05.10znoGJerJer: so when you say no bells and whistles.. none of the call features work?
02:05.16filerollergrrl: dear god
02:05.49JerJerznoG: none
02:05.57JerJerits a dumb fone that can make and recieve calls
02:05.59znoGokie, i'll skip the 7910 then
02:06.08rollergrrl"For those nights and days, when you want to be and feel a little special, naughty, and very sexy, these Manties are for you."
02:06.08znoGi think i'll go for the grandstream. :)
02:06.28JerJerdon't come crying to me when you hate it
02:06.48znoGi have one here (on loan) and so far it hasn't been tooooooooo bad
02:06.49fileJerJer: what _do_ you like?
02:07.01JerJer7910 is great
02:07.07JerJer7960 just owns
02:07.15JerJerIAXy is killer
02:07.19JerJerTDM04B's rock
02:07.41SplasPoodIAXy ready for prime time?
02:07.44Hogiewhere can I actually BUY an IAXy though...
02:07.51dougheckacall greg
02:07.53znoG7960 owns my wallet too..
02:07.58Hogiehow much is it?
02:08.12JerJerhundered dolla bill, ya'll
02:08.12SplasPoodthe polycom ip500 and what not are good too
02:08.14SplasPoodI use one
02:08.18SplasPoodbut I haven't gone all out with it
02:08.54twistedrollergrrl: i was actually looking for yours... ;)
02:09.31Hogieiaxy is iax2 right?
02:09.37JerJeriax2 only
02:09.51dougheckaiax1 is GONE
02:09.54filenobody uses iax1 anymore
02:09.58fileif you do, you're insane
02:10.09dougheckaPINING FOR THE FEORDS
02:10.34dougheckaits an EX-PROTOCOL
02:10.43Tommmowhat are the benefits of IAX over SIP?
02:10.44znoG   << for those that don't know what IAXy is.. :)
02:10.52JerJerTommmo: nat friendlyness
02:10.58JerJerless packet overhead
02:11.04tzangersimpler protocol
02:11.07Tommmoso you could have multiple IAX devices behind NAT or ?
02:11.09JerJerboth in the number of packets and bandwidth
02:11.34JerJerand it wasn't designed by committee
02:14.34Hogieso it only will get ip via dhcp?
02:15.06JerJeriaxy?  no
02:16.01mitcheli think they should add more ports to the iaxy device, minimum of two
02:16.15Hogieits just that article says it like that...
02:18.27*** join/#asterisk scad (
02:18.34twistedgot my webcam up
02:18.39fileoh joy
02:18.46mitcheloooh! twisted porn!
02:19.06dougheckaoooh! nooo!
02:19.20*** part/#asterisk expousr (
02:21.04twistedyou can now see my webcam at my ass-poor designed page
02:21.17dougheckafront page porn
02:21.38Tommmowas the text deliberately placed across your face, twisted ? :)
02:21.43dougheckatwisted: I need a new monitor
02:21.44twistedTommmo: no
02:21.51dougheckatwisted: you broke it
02:21.51twistednote the "ass-poor designed page"
02:22.00Tommmoyes, noted
02:23.22dougheckaass poor bandwidth
02:23.26Beave.. man,  that camera would bug me.
02:23.37dougheckawhat is it
02:24.09twisteddoughecka: no, slow webserver :P
02:24.11Beaveits coming up okay for me.
02:24.22dougheckaass poor server
02:24.37dougheckaass poor webcam
02:24.41twistedthe webserver is an old apple powermac 7500/132
02:24.42dougheckaass poor person on the webcam
02:24.45dougheckawho is he anyway
02:24.53Hogieits like you are running IIS on a comidore 64
02:24.57CoderCRhello all
02:25.07CoderCRanyone here sending faxes with SIP
02:25.12twistedi can make the camera go byebye tho
02:25.18CoderCRFax -> ATA -> (*) -> Zaptel
02:25.23Beavesmoke,  smoke,  smoke
02:25.28*** part/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
02:25.33twistedpull down the shade :P
02:26.14dougheckajerjer's server ran low on gas
02:27.00Beaveget off the damn phone
02:27.34Beaveno,  twisted.
02:27.35*** join/#asterisk michaell (
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
02:28.27dougheckaJerJer: you server run out O' gas?
02:29.02JerJernope...required hourly reboot of windsucks
02:29.28dougheckahourly reboot?
02:29.30dougheckawindows 98?
02:29.34Beaveeveryone has a blog now-a-days
02:29.39Hogiewindows 95 first edition!
02:29.41twistedBeave: hahaha
02:29.49twistedi haven't updated my blog in ages.
02:29.52dougheckawhats a blog?
02:29.59*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
02:30.03BeaveI was just thinking yesterday about that...
02:30.12Beave_EVERYONE_ does..  
02:30.14pattiejadoughecka: something that sits on a log
02:30.27twistedthat would be a frog
02:30.29pattiejaBeave: I don't
02:30.40Beaveyou probably do,  and you just forgot.
02:30.42mrgobyblogs are sooooo 2002, man
02:30.44Beaveyou should blog about it
02:30.45dougheckaon the bottom of the sea!
02:30.51twistedmy webcam makes my head look big
02:30.57fileit is big.
02:31.03dougheckalean back
02:31.03Beaveyour big head makes your head look bit
02:31.04twistedit's not that big
02:31.07Beaveerr. big
02:31.30Beavei've seen bigger.
02:32.33michaellHas anyone had problems getting the asterisk cvs today?
02:32.35michaellseems it ownt' compile
02:32.55BeaveI need to start a blog.
02:33.18Beaveso I can remember what the hell I did.
02:33.23Beaveor borke
02:34.09twistedit just takes some time
02:34.39Beavetwisted, did you ever try packet8?
02:34.48twistednever did.
02:34.54Beaveah. nevermind.
02:35.18dougheckawe are the neverending people
02:35.35twistednever say that again.
02:35.53dougheckaor neverending people
02:35.56dougheckaor neverdid
02:36.11twistedall ov da abov
02:36.21twistedmusta scared rollergrrl off
02:36.33doughecka~seen rollergrrl
02:36.35jbotrollergrrl is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 45 messages.  Is idling for 30m 27s
02:36.52twistedyou don't have to thank the bot.
02:37.00dougheckaoh wait
02:37.07dougheckadont have to thank the other bot
02:37.18twistedwhere's my pussay
02:38.07twistedgot my pussay
02:38.16dougheckatwisted: added to
02:38.28fileyeah you... compiled me all night long!
02:38.31dougheckait got darker
02:38.37twisteddunno y
02:38.39dougheckalight absorbing cat
02:38.53dougheckaits rare, but happens
02:39.05dougheckayea, see
02:39.09dougheckaits just a black blob
02:39.21dougheckahi pussy
02:39.29fileit's non-reflecting light cat
02:39.41Beaveit looks like its trying to escape your clutches..
02:39.44dougheckaits non-reflecting lightabsorbing cat
02:40.00Hogieif I have echocancel and echocancelwhenbridged both set to yes, should I have echotraining set to yes also in zapata.conf?
02:40.08Beaveyour stangling the cat.
02:40.15Beavestrangling even.
02:40.22dougheckaDO IT HARDER
02:40.25dougheckaCOME ON
02:40.30twistedi wans't strangling anything
02:40.33bkw_ok bois
02:40.33dougheckaSQUEEZE THE WINDPIPE
02:40.34twistedif the cam was brighter
02:40.37twistedyou'd see
02:40.51dougheckaNOO, you let it loose
02:40.54bkw_twisted you doing the cyber sex0r thing?
02:41.10Beavethis is like a really bad version of jennycam
02:41.22Beavebuy hey,  i'm watching.  
02:41.26Beavelike a dork
02:41.39twistedapparently the cat DOES absorb light
02:41.42Hogiehe could probably make $100 tonight
02:42.04dougheckathats a cool trick
02:42.14Beaveyeah - looks much brighter now.
02:42.14dougheckaanother bash quote
02:42.34twistedi'm glad this cam only shows where I point it at
02:42.36bkw_twisted now take it all off
02:42.37twistedand not like markocam
02:42.41tzangerwhat's a cool bash trick?
02:42.41bkw_and put your paypal address up too
02:42.50jbotextra, extra, read all about it, twisted is, but you can paypal him at
02:43.02dougheckaforget twisted
02:43.07doughecka~forget twisted
02:43.08jboti forgot twisted, doughecka
02:43.12tzangerwhat is that website served in the BASH interpreter?
02:43.19doughecka~twisted is <reply> paypal is
02:43.22jbotdoughecka: okay
02:43.30dougheckatwisted: fixed
02:43.48twistedjbot: no, twisted is, but you can paypal him at
02:43.51jbotokay, twisted
02:44.13justinnnnnnsomeone paypal me
02:44.25twistedtry changing it again.
02:44.26filelet me think, no
02:44.30jbotwell, twisted is, but you can paypal him at
02:44.49twistedfile: you can paypal me some cash too if you want
02:44.53dougheckaand me too
02:44.56doughecka1 dollar
02:44.58dougheckaits all I ask
02:45.04dougheckaor else
02:45.04twistedpaypal doughecka your 2 cents
02:45.08twistedpaypal will eat it
02:45.11dougheckaI WILL HACK INTO YOUR BRAIN
02:45.25tzangerdoughecka: can't, it's firewalled :-)
02:45.38tzangernothing intelligent goes in or out
02:45.48dougheckacause theres nothing in it
02:45.48twisteddumb fuckers who built this apartment didn't put any overhead lighting in
02:45.52dougheckaits a giant /dev/null
02:46.07tzangerneurotables -P FORWARD -j DROP
02:46.26tzangerneurotables -t mangle -o mouth -j MORONIFY
02:46.49twistedmy cats are all pissed off because i have every light on
02:46.53jbotmichael is probably an archangel of heaven, or really bad at freecell
02:46.55twistedthey were trying to sleep
02:47.13michaelltwisted: put them under the couch
02:47.18twistedmichaell they won't fit
02:47.20twistedsleeper sofa
02:47.28michaelloh, that could be a big issue
02:47.30fileI am human and I need to be loved!
02:47.33filejust like everybody else does!
02:47.38*** join/#asterisk expousr (
02:47.41twistedfile: good song
02:47.44tzangerwhich one should I watch now
02:47.45expousrAnyone ever seen:
02:47.47expousrsage type: STATUS (125)
02:47.51filemichaell: you are welcome.
02:47.57filetwisted: indeed
02:48.00justinnnnnnif all u guys gave me $1
02:48.02justinnnnnnid be rich
02:48.06justinnnnnnand it would only cost each of u $1
02:48.08justinnnnnnthats a fair deal :)
02:48.10twistedjustinnnnnn: then you could give it to me
02:48.11michaellno you woudn't
02:48.14twistedbecause i'm unemployed
02:48.16michaellyou would get like 50 cents out of the deal
02:48.16twistedand need the money
02:48.17fileyou'd be insane
02:48.25justinnnnnnthats 252 ppl in the channel
02:48.25michaellsince paypal eats the cash
02:48.27justinnnnnnthats $252US
02:48.30justinnnnnnim in AU
02:48.33justinnnnnnso thats like$300 :)
02:48.36justinnnnnnRICH I TELLS YA
02:48.42justinnnnnndoes it ?
02:48.45justinnnnnnthose barstards
02:48.56michaellthey eat like 35 cents per transaction then its 2 precent i believe of the total
02:49.01twistedjustinnnnnn: paypal 2 cents to someone
02:49.08michaellthere you go
02:49.10twistedit'll n ever get there
02:49.23twistedtrust me
02:49.27twistedwe used bkw_ as a guinea pig
02:49.37michaellHow do you all run asterisk? I run it like this
02:49.37michaellscreen ./asterisk -vvvvvvvvvc &
02:49.49twistedi run it like this
02:49.53twisted/etc/rc.d/asterisk start
02:50.05fileI run it like so: START ASTERISK DAMN YOU START!
02:50.24twistedbut of course, that's only if i stop it
02:50.27twistedotherwise, it runs on boot
02:50.46HogieI can't get my x100's to hang up after someone stops a call:(
02:50.58twistedHogie: how long does it stay off hook?
02:51.08Hogie2 minutes now
02:51.18twistedsomeone calling in or were you calling out?
02:51.25Hogieit was calling in
02:51.33twisteddoes it hang up properly on outbound calls?
02:51.35HogieI am voip to the *, called out on card 1, to card 2
02:51.43twistedthen more than likey
02:51.44Hogiecard 2 isn't hanging up
02:51.45twistedthe person has call waiting
02:51.51Hogieno, the line doesn't
02:51.56twistedneither line does?
02:52.06Hogienope.  They dont have anything but caller id
02:52.18twistedi've noticed sometimes with call waiting the line will stay open for x
02:52.25twistedthen eventually drop
02:52.35twistedare the cards sharing irq's?
02:53.04HogieI had that problem at first, but rearranged/deactived stuff so it wouldn't
02:54.31Hogiesince I put them in... I always have problems with them not hanging up when the calling party does
02:56.33Hogiehaha, I just whistled into an echo test...
02:56.34HogieMay  8 21:56:12 NOTICE[245776]: chan_zap.c:3747 zt_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension
02:57.23michaelldoes a jitter buffer help when faxing?
02:57.25michaellor not?
02:58.17Damintwisted: I would guess that you have something misconfigured.
02:58.23twistedDamin: ehhh?
02:58.52Damintwisted: Well, somewhere, on some PC.. ;)
02:58.58twistedDamin: nope
02:59.03Damintwisted: No one is perfect! ;)
02:59.03twistedall works perfectly
02:59.11HogieI am
02:59.26twistedall works perfectly
02:59.39twistedeggzactly like i want it to
02:59.52fileI'm a perfect file.
02:59.56Marlowmichaell : definatly not
03:00.00Beaveright down to the webcam.
03:00.01twistedfile: you're a perfect lier.
03:00.21twistedliar.. rather
03:00.22DaminCable needs an all day Amateur Porn Channel
03:00.28twistedso my spelling is misconfigured
03:00.30michaellMarlow: what?
03:00.31*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
03:00.33michaellit helps or dosent
03:00.34twistedDamin: hahaha
03:00.37mitchelmichael i just run it like this: asterisk
03:01.04*** join/#asterisk swirlnets (
03:01.14Marlowmichaell : i don't think it will help you on faxing ..
03:01.21DaminSimilar to Public Access.. and funded by the government..
03:01.25mitchelasterisk is terrible to do faxes with
03:01.29mitchelrun screaming now!
03:01.52Marlowmitchel: that depends on what software you are using and what fax is on the other end
03:02.05michaellnow the loads are sky rocketing
03:02.08mitchelspandsp + asterisk
03:02.15mitchelor even ata + asterisk
03:02.21mitchelboth terrible
03:02.23Marlowmitchel: i'm using rxfax/spandsp and i've not had a single fax failing yet
03:02.44twistedmitchel: I would guess that you have something misconfigured
03:02.47mitcheli use rxfax, pain in the ass to get it set up
03:02.50Marlowmitchel: and fax over voip is not really an option
03:02.54mitchelbut it's not working right yet to receive
03:02.58michaellI know.. lol
03:03.06michaellI use it because
03:03.07file"The thunderstorm that was scheduled... is cancelled!"
03:03.14mitcheli spent 6+ hours on it yesterday
03:03.18mitcheli've given up for a while
03:03.24Marlowmitchel: where is the problem getting it set up ?
03:03.45Marlowmitchel: it's a lib and 3 apps ...
03:03.53mitcheli can't remember, if you can fax me i'll show you some output from rxfax
03:04.14Marlowmitchel: no ?
03:04.30Marlowmitchel: i mean .. phoneno.
03:05.17mitchelsent to your pm
03:05.58Marlowi saw it ..
03:06.12Marlowyou should have some plantronics headset instructions soon ..
03:06.21Marlowgreetings from ireland
03:06.23mitchelnow i'm not getting any output from rxfax..i think i forgot my vvvvvv comand, just a sec
03:06.44mitcheldid it go through?
03:06.56Daminmitchel: I got it.
03:06.58Marlowdunno .. i'll check in a couple minutes ..
03:07.20Marlowthe fax machine is not at my desk :o)
03:07.20mitchelcan you try it one more time
03:07.25mitchelheh i just checked the fax spool
03:07.35mitcheland i got a "spam fax" but only half of it
03:07.40mitchelat completely the wrong size and all messed up
03:07.46Marlowehehe ..
03:08.03Marlowfile: and who should clean that up ?
03:08.40*** join/#asterisk chrigel (
03:08.43Hogieimplodes.. not explodes
03:09.43Marlowmitchel: it hasn't send it yet ... will probably do it in a couple of minutes ..
03:09.54Marlowmitchel: that fax machine is weird sometimes
03:09.58mitchelmarlow: i saw it attempt
03:10.12mitchelbut i didn't have "debug" set ( the verbose vvvv's)
03:10.18Marlowmitchel: if it doesn't go through, it'll retry
03:10.19mitchelwhat i got  was a 384 byte file
03:10.22mitchelwith one line in it
03:11.31Marlowwhat are you using for your fxo ?
03:11.59tzangeranyone here have any experience with absinthe?
03:12.06Hogietwisted, you still around?
03:12.39mitchel6 channel T1
03:12.52tzangermitchel: you posted to -users about this?
03:13.21mitchelnope, hold on i got the debug from the rxfax machine, just a sec
03:13.23Marlowmitchel: on a TE410P or some ?
03:13.37mitcheli get lots of hdlc errors like this: HDLC underflow in state 5
03:13.56mitchelalso itlooks like it got the fax, let me check but i'm getting errors also like this: Fax3Decode2D: (FakeInput): Bad code word at scanline 247 (x 192).
03:14.22Marlowhmmm ..
03:14.28mitchelmarlow i got the top part of your fax
03:14.34mitchelit has your hand writing with my number on it
03:14.43mitcheland it cuts off right under "Usage Instructions"
03:15.09mitchelmind if i send you the file so you can see?
03:16.43justinnnnnnbloody fbsd
03:16.46justinnnnnnbloody asterisk
03:17.00justinnnnnnbloody stdtime
03:19.03*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
03:19.11Hogiewanna know what scares me?
03:19.16Hogiemidget clowns
03:19.23mitchelclowns in general*
03:19.44_Eagle_thats pretty scary
03:21.27_Eagle_personally, i'm scared of credit card bills
03:21.35_Eagle_they scare the heck out of me
03:22.28twisteddon't let the bills scare you
03:22.34twistedlet the collections notices scare you :p
03:23.57_Eagle_i'm also scared of spiders that crawl in your ear when your sleeping and lay eggs and then millions of baby spiders are crawling around in your brain
03:24.12mitchelwhat would this mean? 'mountainview-ph-b' is now TOO LAGGED!
03:24.18fileoh, my, god
03:24.20twistedexactly what it says
03:24.24mitchelit keeps happening, nobodys on the phones
03:24.32mitchelwell just wondering why it's happening
03:24.49twistedwhat kinda phone?
03:25.04mitchelthat one is Line 2 of a sipura
03:25.14mitchelnot happening on Line 1 though
03:25.15twistedcould be registration timeout/retry
03:25.32bkw_no the reliability thingys are lagging
03:25.35mitcheloh i set the qualify option to 100 in sip.conf
03:25.36bkw_jack up the qualify
03:25.42bkw_oh thats too low
03:25.46mitchelset it to what then?
03:25.48bkw_set it to 500
03:26.02twisted100ms is too low on a lan?
03:26.11bkw_twisted its not ping times
03:26.17bkw_its device response times
03:26.27_Eagle_twisted:  well, it might be a microsoft network... :-)
03:26.31twistedgood point
03:26.52mitchelblah it is how'd you know!
03:26.56bkw_ok g726 out NuFone is almost ulaw like
03:27.43mitchelnot happening now =)
03:27.54bkw_whats nufone's echo test?
03:27.59bkw_twisted is it 600?
03:27.59_Eagle_whenever i see nufone it reminds me of that commercial on tv for nuvinyl... that makes all the vinyl surfaces in your car or truck shine!
03:28.09twistedbkw_: umm... honestly, i have no idea
03:28.34_Eagle_but its hard to think of good company names
03:28.35bkw_well you should know this
03:28.47_Eagle_so i dunno if i could do much better
03:28.49twistedwell, i should
03:28.54twistedbut as of right now, i can't tell
03:29.23bkw_he told me once
03:29.26bkw_but I can't recall what it was
03:29.34mitchelin zapata.conf, are there any options other then echo/echobridge and txgain/rxgain that can affect a fax machine
03:30.32mitcheli don't have that set at all so would that matter?
03:30.42_Eagle_jitterbug...  jitterbug....      ... wake me up before you go go...
03:31.47bkw_datz gay
03:33.03_Eagle_well whatshisface always looked a little fruity
03:33.06_Eagle_the guy from wham
03:33.30bkw_George Michael
03:33.33bkw_and yes he's gay
03:33.39*** join/#asterisk redox- (
03:33.45bkw_got busted in da menz bathroom
03:33.59Corydon76-homeY'all watching SNL?
03:34.10bkw_whats on?
03:34.32Corydon76-homeThey just had a M4M kiss between "George Bush" and "Donald Rumsfeld"
03:34.45_Eagle_i stopped watching SNL many years ago... turned it on a few weeks ago for a while, and didnt recognize *anyone*
03:34.47Corydon76-homein the style of Friends
03:34.54_Eagle_a bunch of weirdos... werent funny at all
03:35.16Corydon76-homeSNL sucked back in 1994, but they've gotten better recently
03:36.15Corydon76-homeIt's definitely a new show... they haven't called for Rumsfeld's resignation before this week
03:36.38bkw_I bet they weill
03:37.30Corydon76-homeSnoop Dogg is hosting
03:37.49twistedi fergot about snl
03:39.28twisted"give her something that says i'm not a woman anymore, i'm a mom"
03:41.14_Eagle_time to fly
03:43.14expousrhas anyone seen an error RECOVERING on T1's?
03:43.33*** join/#asterisk sxpert__ (
03:43.56Corydon76-homeYeah, it's telling you that the T1 was previously red alarm and is probably about to go green
03:44.19expousrwhat if it cycles in and out of RECOVERING... often...
03:44.26expousrclocking is set to the span...
03:44.55expousrhave tried a variety of lbo options..
03:45.10Corydon76-homeWhat are you trying to do with the span?
03:46.13Corydon76-homewith signalling=pri_cpe ?
03:46.21Corydon76-homeOr pri_net ?
03:46.57Corydon76-homeI've actually only ever seen that on a T1 with HDLC
03:47.29*** join/#asterisk su- (
03:47.44Hogieis it possible to cross connect 2 * boxes with T1 cards without anything in the middle?  or would I need soemthing else? (just asking cause i wanna know)
03:47.46expousrwell, the dchan would be fcshdlc...
03:47.47Corydon76-homeI believe we rebooted to fix it
03:48.08expousrhave tried that.. getting in on the same config on seperate machines (t100p, te410p)
03:48.09*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:49.09Corydon76-homeAre you setting the dchan as the last channel?
03:49.29Corydon76-home24/48/72/96 only?
03:50.32Corydon76-homeAssuming you don't have E1's, X100P's or TDM400P's
03:50.54Corydon76-homeDunno then.  Try calling Digium support on Monday morning
03:50.54*** join/#asterisk Methos (
03:51.31mitchelwhat are you talking about heh, thats what i got
03:51.43mitchelintegrated t1 /hdlc set up
03:53.05expousrcorydon - yup.. :-(
03:53.46*** join/#asterisk monad (
03:57.03Corydon76-homemitchel: we set up a data T1 at a recent conference and allowed users to surf the web across it
03:58.49*** join/#asterisk evilbunny (
04:00.05expousrhmm... wish it was consistant..
04:01.52*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (~xarius@
04:12.13expousrHmmm... *argh*.
04:12.29Hogietwisted, you around?
04:12.36*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy (
04:13.03DaminHoly crap! I just had a DQ Flamethrower Burger and it rocked!
04:14.08Hogiecan you record a zap channel that is onhook?
04:17.23Hogiewon the lotto bkw?
04:18.01bkw_just tweaking a few things to improve voice quality
04:18.20Hogiebkw = burger king whooper?
04:18.53bkw_ok I found a few things causing quirky voice
04:20.35HogieI wish the x100's had better hangup detection
04:21.27Connorwhat did you find bkw?
04:23.38*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:27.45Marlowhmmm ... fxo modules for the tdm400p ?????
04:27.49Marlowthat was new ..
04:28.48MustDiemr. SpanDsp master is here :P
04:30.16Marlowcoppice : are there problems with rxfax/spandsp and asterisk stable ?
04:30.42Marlowcoppice : just had the funny experience that fax works excellent on my cvs snapshot ...
04:31.09Marlowcoppice : but mitchel running stable and spandsp k release get like the first cm's fine, then it breaks
04:31.55bkw_ip rsvp reserve is evil if not setup right
04:31.59bkw_EVIL EVIL EVIL
04:32.11bkw_i'm going to have to tag and bag voice
04:33.14*** join/#asterisk Himeko (himeko@
04:33.44bkw_oh ya thats better
04:34.43slePPwhat is asterisk's official name?
04:34.50slePPAsterisk Open Source PBX, or Asterisk PBX or just Asterisk?
04:36.17*** part/#asterisk expousr (
04:38.00coppiceMarlow: The apps for spandsp do not compile with the latest * CVS code. It is OK with the stable * CVS code. People tell me its just the makefile which needs to change. Someone posted change to the mailing list. I haven't tried it yet
04:38.34Marlowcoppice : i was aware, that they don't compile with latest cvs .. i'm using cvs from about one week before :o)
04:38.57Marlowcoppice : but not stable
04:39.05Marlowcoppice : and it works for me ..
04:39.29su-see if i post again
04:39.52Marlowcoppice : but mitchel was using stable on a 6 ch T1 .. no joy .. from the same fax machine he would get crap results ..
04:40.02Marlowcoppice : where i would get good ones
04:40.58Marlowcoppice : i only have the problem, that rxfax somehow does ignore hangup on the line
04:41.15Marlowcoppice : my pstn one ... on the isdn it works w/o trouble
04:41.35coppiceMarlow: dunno. I'm getting feedback about very specific things now. Blacks streaks from buggy HP FAX machines. Canons that won't negotiate. People don't generally seem to be getting crappy images.
04:41.45coppiceThe line hangup should have been fixed
04:42.22Damin"Pothead Theater"
04:42.24su-coppice: make sure you look at gethostbyname(host) in app_dtmftotext.c
04:42.32su-it needs to be changed
04:43.36Marlowcoppice : yeah .. the line hangup is probably just do to wrong setup of my fxo card ..
04:44.11Marlowcoppice : the funny thing in this is, that we have two asterisk boxes (one in the US, one in Ireland)
04:44.31Marlowcoppice : faxing from the same fax machine gives different results ..
04:44.42Marlowcoppice : i get every fax, fully and ok ..
04:44.53Marlowcoppice : (Ireland, ISDN)
04:45.19Marlowcoppice : Mitchel get's the start of the fax and or the whole thing shrunk
04:45.28Marlowcoppice : (US, T1 6 ch)
04:46.55twistedavril lavigne looks evil on snl
04:47.04tessier_Yeah but I'd still do her.
04:48.53zamslertwisted, my gf would do her too
04:48.56twistedshe's coming undressed
04:49.34zamslerwhat have u been up to?
04:49.41twistedworking on my cam
04:49.49twistedand other odd things
04:49.59zamslerwhat work needs to be done on a cam?
04:50.09twistedhar har har
04:50.16twistedthat's just so... hillarious...
04:50.23zamslerload logitech linux drivers and ur done.
04:50.44twistedyeah, unless you went through hell to find a backend to push the caps to the webserver
04:50.53twistedthen you gotta make the pages
04:51.06zamsleroh, yeah
04:51.10zamslertake 5 mins in php
04:51.23twistedit took me about 5 minutes in html too
04:51.24zamslerunless u use the java server
04:51.30zamslerthat is cuz ur l33t
04:51.41twistedfuck a bunch of java bs
04:51.55zamslerjava is ok.
04:52.00bkw_I need someone else to test htis
04:52.12zamslerat least it's not microsoft
04:52.23bkw_Anyone ever notice an audible audio gap before a call is bridged?
04:52.29bkw_like sip to zap ?
04:52.35*** join/#asterisk cobalt` (
04:52.36bkw_their is a 500ms usleep in rtp.c
04:52.42bkw_thats causing this
04:52.51twistedi've never experienced it, bkw
04:52.51zamslersi it good or bad?
04:53.14bkw_twisted call a number via fwd you will sure as hell notice it
04:53.15zamslerit must have been put there for a reason.
04:53.28bkw_no read the notes above it
04:53.28twistedbkw_: from my zap?
04:54.12twistedbkw_: i don't expeience it from sip to fwd
04:54.12bkw_its always the first 500ms of a call when they answer
04:54.18twisteddo you want me to do it w/zap?
04:54.20bkw_twisted you must not be as picky as I am
04:54.30bkw_twisted ya you will hear it there also maybe
04:54.37twistedi don't ever hear it
04:54.50bkw_call *19184238080 via FWD
04:54.52bkw_you will hear it
04:55.00twistedi can't dial ld via fwd
04:55.05bkw_yes you can
04:55.09twistedno. *I* can't
04:55.13bkw_I can
04:55.16twistedyou can't do it with IAX fwd
04:55.21bkw_well set sip boi
04:55.24twistedfuck sip
04:55.37bkw_you don't hear it via iax because IAX isn't rtp ninny
04:55.45twistedbut i have a sip phone
04:55.57Connorsip --> sip
04:56.04bkw_sip to sip can cause it too
04:56.45twistedaudible blip
04:56.48twistedwhat blip?
04:56.55Connorcall this # with a sip to sip-pstn-gw, 1-888-701-2375
04:57.23twisted"Our menu has changed, please listen..."
04:57.33twistedoh wait
04:57.35tessier_What a load.
04:57.38tessier_I hate it when they say that.
04:57.41tessier_I feel insulted.
04:58.07bkw_but you will miss the "our menu" or more and it will garble for the first 500ms
04:58.30Connorexactly.. well, you miss part of thier greeting no matter what, they don't pause enough...
04:58.34twistedbkw_: did you ever notice it when calling me via fwd?
04:58.52bkw_twisted yes
04:58.54twistedor is this only for rtp-->rtp connections?
04:58.57Connorbut, I would always get the our menu part all garbled.. till I dropped that usleep value down/
04:59.03bkw_twisted rtp on my end was involved
04:59.05bkw_so I noticed it
04:59.11twistedbut my sip phone
04:59.16twistedwhenever i call ANYTHING with that
04:59.18twistedi never notice it.
04:59.26twistedit doesn't happen
04:59.39bkw_you must use something that uses rtp
04:59.40bkw_end to end
04:59.42twistedsip -> * -> whatever
04:59.50bkw_sip to asterisk to something rtp
04:59.56Connorput the dman handset up to your ear before you dial.. you can hear it in the ring too.
04:59.57bkw_ie a sip gateway
04:59.59twistedbut my fwd isn't rtp coming into my box
05:00.09twistedso how did you hear it?
05:00.25bkw_twisted I was going SIP -> SIP -> IAX -> IAX -> SIP
05:00.30bkw_so on my end I was speaking sip to fwd
05:00.34bkw_they translated to iax
05:00.35bkw_to you
05:00.36twistedok fine
05:00.42twistedi'll set the gs to autoanswer
05:00.46twistedand try sip->sip
05:01.03bkw_its an audible pop or blip, garble or the like
05:01.24twistedi'll listen for it
05:01.52Connorit's annoying as hell.
05:01.56twistedif my gs will ever answer the web request
05:02.43*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
05:03.01bkw_here is someone that might know what we are talkin about
05:03.20Connorwho? FuzzyCat?
05:04.15ConnorI've got a test box that's pointed at a sip-pstn-gw I can let twisted try it on..
05:04.16*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy (
05:04.30twistedbkw_: just tested
05:04.31ConnorI just need to go and change rtp.c back to 50000
05:04.45bkw_twisted you're not picky like me then
05:05.13bkw_I have always noticed that
05:05.18bkw_but never thought twice about it
05:05.36twistednot picky?
05:05.43twistedi was listening for what you were talking about
05:05.49twistedi heard everything perfectly normal
05:05.54*** join/#asterisk nextime (
05:05.55twistedno bleeps
05:05.56twistedno blips
05:05.59twistedno pauses
05:06.04bkw_show me your dial
05:06.27bkw_right there
05:06.31bkw_between answer and native bridge
05:06.34bkw_is where I hear it
05:06.44twistedand not a damn thing
05:06.50bkw_got canreinvite on?
05:06.58twisteduhhh yea
05:07.13JerJeryes it default
05:07.16twistedcanreinvite is yes by default
05:07.17bkw_put it to no
05:07.19*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:07.30bkw_only happens when the stream is kept at asterisk
05:07.33Connorokay, twisted, gimme a username/passwd.. i'll register you on my box and let you hear it.
05:07.40twistedgeesus christ
05:07.42Connorbkw_ No
05:07.57Connorbkw_ Happens either way.
05:08.00bkw_I'll test again
05:11.24*** join/#asterisk xinev (
05:14.05bkw_omg that was funny
05:14.23bkw_this thing on teevee
05:14.26bkw_you just had to see it
05:15.33bkw_its flawless now.. me like it with a 5000 on the usleep
05:18.23*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
05:18.54bkw_usleep is not thread safe
05:19.26Connoryup.. it's a BLOCKING function...
05:19.30Connorlike I said..
05:20.08BoRiSWhat are you working on bkw?
05:20.26twistedbkw_: after testing with connor
05:20.34twistedhis box drops me at the native bridge
05:20.43twistedafter testing with pulver (VIA SIP), it doesn't happen
05:21.09twistedI can't reproduce this
05:22.36bkw_twisted if you can't hear it.. hrm dont knwo what to tell ya.. I sure as hell can
05:22.56twistedbkw_: and the fromuser=46896 does NOT let me dial out ld also
05:23.58bkw_remember you have to dial *1 plus areacode
05:24.05twistedHOLY FUCK
05:24.15twistedMay  9 00:24:36 NOTICE[1245199]: frame.c:120 ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
05:24.21twistedWHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT
05:24.41twistedit ran up about 10000 lines all at once
05:24.56twistedwhen i tried to call you
05:25.21bkw_let me recompiel
05:25.27bkw_er recompile
05:25.43twisteder wait
05:25.47twistedi was trying to call that 8080 number
05:26.05bkw_its very clear when you call the 8080 number
05:26.16twistednot if * doesn't act right
05:26.26twistedit starts doing that shit and stops sound completel
05:26.28bkw_it chops off the first word like clock work
05:26.39bkw_use ulaw
05:26.41twistedI got "Hi..blah..blah...!@#%"
05:26.47twistedpulver = ulaw
05:26.50twistednot g729
05:27.06twistedbut i was getting audio using g729 :P
05:27.08bkw_you hear the last half of the first word
05:27.36twistedthere we go
05:27.46twisted"Good morning, need a provison and don't know where to start?"
05:27.51twistedclear as day
05:27.53twistedno problems.
05:27.59bkw_not here
05:28.04twistedthen you're fucked
05:28.06bkw_I miss the good mon
05:28.15bkw_ing is where it starts
05:28.16twistedi cannot reproduce
05:28.19twistedand will post as such
05:28.20bkw_trust me its that usleep
05:28.36bkw_maybe your system call isn't the same or a diffrent lib or something but I sure as hell can produce this
05:29.39twistedtried several different ways
05:29.48twistedjust doesn't happen.
05:30.03twistedalthough I do like the free ld w/pulver :P
05:30.34*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
05:30.56bkw_well it doe happen
05:31.03bkw_don't make me come beat you senseless :P
05:31.08bkw_its a click
05:31.16bkw_it might not chop the first word of everything
05:31.17bkw_all the time
05:31.20bkw_but it does do it
05:32.38*** join/#asterisk derekd (
05:34.10derekdanyone using * with a telica as a sip gateway?
05:35.24bkw_ok monitor does catch the click
05:36.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:38.16twistedbkw_: i can't get fwd to handle the call properly
05:38.41bkw_whats it doing?
05:38.43twistedeither that, or ringing isn't indicated with the r flag
05:38.51bkw_don't add the r
05:38.57bkw_you will get a short pause then ringing will start
05:38.58bkw_or should
05:39.26twistedi'm gonna call you to test it
05:39.35twistedthere we go
05:39.46twistedreached a number that is disconnected or no longer in service
05:39.53bkw_who you calling?
05:40.02bkw_wht number?
05:40.04bkw_I have like 20 to pick from
05:41.24twisteddid you get that?
05:41.45twistedyou not seeing my msgs?
05:41.56twistedis that still good?
05:42.02twistedcuz if it is, it doesn't work
05:42.05bkw_I have never had 9940
05:42.12bkw_wtf is 9940?
05:42.14twistedthen where the hell did that come from?
05:42.46*** part/#asterisk derekd (
05:43.07twistedthat's not right
05:43.58bkw_what isn't?
05:44.04twistedthat number
05:44.31bkw_yes it is
05:44.38twistedi have that 9940 number on my caller id from where you called before
05:44.42twistedthat number gives me some office
05:44.53bkw_my cellphone company does that shit
05:45.00twistedfederal corporation?
05:45.01bkw_when I call LD
05:45.04twistedis the 0404 shit
05:45.16bkw_19184290404 is my number
05:45.18*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
05:45.30bkw_call my fwd number
05:45.40twistedthat's the number i called
05:45.43twistedi got federal corporation
05:45.51bkw_whats your fwd number?
05:49.40*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
05:53.49*** join/#asterisk M90 (~mats@
05:55.33bkw_twisted you broke it
05:55.39twistedyou're not even calling in
05:55.39bkw_it says you are currently offline
05:55.50twistedtry now
05:55.54twistedpulver went stoopid
05:56.11bkw_must have
05:56.13bkw_its still doing it
05:56.17bkw_restart astersik
05:56.56bkw_ok put it back
05:57.03twistedput what back?
05:57.12bkw_like it was before I told you to take the wait out
05:57.14bkw_something is very wrong
05:57.18twistedyou didn't call in
05:57.33bkw_NO DID
05:57.40bkw_I sure as hell did ::P
05:57.56bkw_wrong one
05:58.04twistedi took the wait back out
05:58.08twistedput it back in
05:58.21twistedworks fine for me
05:58.26bkw_sip show registery
05:58.40bkw_sip show registry
05:59.10twistedi' don't register to fwd thru sip
05:59.14twistednor do i plan to
05:59.29twisted65.39.205.121:4569    46896           60  Registered
05:59.36bkw_its their iax crap
05:59.41bkw_bet its broken
05:59.42twistedit just worked tho
05:59.49twistedlemme see if i can call you
06:00.25bkw_see you didn't call in
06:00.54bkw_ya pulver is on crack
06:00.57bkw_has to beeeeee
06:00.58twistedmust be
06:01.07derrickspeaking of which, you two on orkut?
06:01.14bkw_yes i'm on orkut
06:01.15twistedderrick: no
06:01.18twistedi haven't been invited :(
06:01.22derrickbri, what's yer nick?
06:01.28bkw_Brian West
06:01.29derricktwisted, i'll invite ya, do i have yer email?
06:01.40twistedi dunno
06:01.41twistedbut here
06:01.45jbotfrom memory, twisted is, but you can paypal him at
06:01.45derricki thik i emailed you a deaththreat once :0
06:02.40derrickwow, so that's what you look like :)
06:02.57twistedyou gonna invite me?
06:04.20derrickbkw, i have a pic of me under my gallery or whatever
06:04.29derricktwisted, it seems to want yer realname to inv ya
06:04.29bkw_derrick did you add me to your list?
06:04.36derricknri, yup, just now
06:05.08*** join/#asterisk gafachi (
06:05.57bkw_ok I ripped out that damn usleep totally
06:05.59bkw_and it works
06:06.32gafachiwhat a week
06:06.48twistedwe be geeks
06:06.51gafachihey, I had this problem with sip -> sip calls in asterisk
06:07.13gafachiwhere I would get about 1 second of one way audio right after a call was setup
06:07.23*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
06:07.36gafachitcpdump on the rtp streams would show that asterisk wasnt passing audio from the A side to the B side
06:07.53gafachiis there any know cause/remidy to this?
06:09.38bkw_is it more like 500ms?
06:09.55bkw_gafachi in rtp.c
06:10.02bkw_find usleep(500000);
06:10.10bkw_comment that line out
06:10.15bkw_and report back
06:10.28bkw_no I didn't
06:10.33bkw_i'm telling you i'm not crazy
06:10.46derrickjust psychic
06:11.09bkw_gafachi we just had a long dranw out arugment about this
06:11.17citatsbkw_: seems like we need a safe_sleep in there instead of usleep... but safe_sleep only takes one chan as an arg
06:11.21bkw_now if you had asterisk on both ends.. it might addup to be 1 second
06:11.42bkw_citats I commented it totally and its rockin along
06:11.53bkw_now if gafachi will try it we will know if thats his problem or not too
06:12.15bkw_citats also 1588 is a fix for a segfault in app_groupcount.c
06:12.17citatsthere must be a reason it was added. i bet if you comment it out and process lots of channels there will be problems...
06:12.22citatsbkw_: get with the times man :)
06:12.34h3xwhat the hell
06:12.36bkw_haha you are fast
06:12.41h3xwhy is there a sleep in any part of code
06:12.58citatsh3x: because some places it is necessary, i dunno why its in rtp.c though
06:13.02bkw_citats I lowered it to 5000 instead of 500000 and it works fine
06:13.03coppicethe poor thing gets tired sometimes
06:13.18bkw_I don't think 500ms is needed
06:13.32bkw_50-100ms might be plenty but damn 500ms?
06:13.37bkw_damn thats very noticable
06:15.02*** join/#asterisk Connor (
06:15.02h3xtheres still much better calls than usleep
06:15.13bkw_usleep blocks if i'm reading right
06:15.29coppiceer, thats the whole point of usleep
06:15.33h3xi guess it basically hooks into a timer/callback when used with threads
06:16.28Connorphucking up stream provider.. decides to do emegency maintance without asking me if it's okay..
06:16.50bkw_select or poll could be used in its place ?
06:17.00coppiceyou expect to be asked if its OK to have an emergency? :-\
06:17.14ConnorThey knew they were going to do this eailery today..
06:17.32*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
06:17.41bkw_derrick you wanna load test this usleep thing with your load setup?
06:17.43Connorwhat all did I miss?
06:17.57Hogieare all voicemail routines tied to voicemail2 now?
06:18.21bkw_hmodes wasabi
06:18.21hmodeshowdy thar
06:18.21citatsHogie: voicemail and voicemail2 are the same thing
06:18.24hmodesdo you ever sleep?
06:18.30h3xno we just usleep()
06:18.40Hogiecitats: that's what I thought, just wanted to make sure
06:18.45*** join/#asterisk Beave (
06:18.48Beavestupid bellsouth.
06:19.06twistedholy crap bkw
06:19.11twistedbtw, add me as your friend, foo.
06:19.15bkw_twisted ok
06:19.22slePPonce again, i hate css
06:20.01bkw_slePP drag and drop it
06:20.06Connortwisted, did you ever hear it?
06:20.09slePPbkw, yer evil
06:20.13twistedi've still got to get a pic up there
06:20.15bkw_Connor no he thinks we are crazy
06:20.18twistedConnor: nope.
06:20.21twistedi think you're both on crack. :P
06:20.28Connorwe're not.
06:20.33bkw_thats for damn sure
06:20.47Wi_Fiis it possible to have incoming calls on pstn to call one wifi phone then mailbox
06:21.12Connoranything is possible, just how much work you wanna put into it. :)
06:22.38Connortwisted, re-register with me, I turned re-invite off.. I can re-create the thing with re-invites ON or off.
06:24.28Hogiedoes anybody have any voicemail examples of saving to 2 diff vm boxes at the same time, or is that possible?
06:25.32ConnorAm I getting through, or off the net again?
06:25.42bkw_you're still with us
06:25.48brc007whatchwe doen
06:25.58twistedGOOD LORD
06:26.59coppiceThe Mantis software Digium use is pretty nice. I downloaded it 1/2 hour ago, and now I seem to have a working bug tracking system of my very own :-)
06:27.01VoIPbOyYes thats true!
06:27.19derrickugh, i hate mantis w/ a passion
06:27.32derrickmain complaint, can't use text mode browsers
06:27.42derrickthe redir stuff only works w/ a gui browser
06:27.54bkw_derrick yep I hate mantis too
06:27.59coppiceoh dear. I'm sure most of the human race gets really pissed about that :-)
06:28.00bkw_can't download patches
06:28.01bkw_and crap
06:28.13derrickdamn you coppice :)
06:28.27twistedhey bkw
06:28.31coppiceits so easy to get something in place, though.
06:28.33derricki tend to not file bugs and be a bad bad user 'cause i just hate that site
06:28.34twistedshouldn't you have called that group Asstricks?
06:29.02derrickit takes about a minut to get info that should only take 20 seconds...i'm that impatient
06:29.48derrickmice and clicking are for pr0n
06:30.12coppicewell, the last time I tried to install a simple bug tracker (I think it was the one Mozilla use) I gave up because it took too much effort.
06:30.12Connoryou can download stuff from mantis via lynx, you just gotta know how to get passed the login screen.
06:30.24derrickcoppice, i like RT for bug tracking
06:30.37derrickbugzilla is crap, i agree
06:30.38coppicewhat's RT?
06:30.43derrickrealticket, built on mason
06:31.50derrickerr, request tracker, hmm..i always had 'real ticket' in my head for these past few years
06:32.06derrickbut it's great to setup a bugtracking queue
06:32.54hmodesor a massive customer service operation, with appropriate tweaking ;p
06:33.27derrickit scales well, and allows for cutomers entering issues, coworkers, diff depts etc
06:33.38hmodes'well' is such a relative term
06:33.39derricki wish it was around about 5 years ago when we did this sorta shit inhouse
06:33.40coppicefrom a quick look it seems very generalised. not very bug oriented
06:33.51hmodesit scales well if you throw lots of hardware at it
06:33.53derrickeverythign is relative
06:34.09derrickcoppice, correct, it's not focused on bugs, just mostly tracking.  you can just bend it to your needs
06:34.43derrickhmodes, that could be said for most things
06:35.20*** join/#asterisk twisted-- (
06:35.20hmodesvery true
06:35.23derrickcoppice, it's probably endearing to me because it's not just web, you can cli or mail it
06:35.25coppicenot really. lots of things log-jam, and just will not scale
06:35.34hmodesluckily obscenely fast hardware is cheap these days
06:35.45twisted--my net connection dropped
06:35.48derrickheh, logjammers, from big lebowski
06:35.52coppicehardware is still far too slow
06:36.09hmodesmeh, not so much slow as wildly inefficient
06:36.16hmodes3ghz is pretty goddamn fast
06:36.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
06:36.24hmodesthe instruction sets just suck
06:36.31coppicenot if you are trying to do DSP on it
06:36.35twistedmy net connection never goes down
06:36.36derrickyes, but intel is cheap and so it stuck
06:36.37twistedthat's bizzare
06:36.51twistedoh great
06:36.54hmodeseh, again, the instruction sets suck
06:37.04twistedorkut tells me "Your first and last love... is self love"
06:37.07twistedthat's great.
06:37.07hmodesa dsp-optimized processor at 3ghz would be pretty nuts
06:37.22hmodesforcing a non-optimized processor to handle audio streams makes it seems slow
06:37.51derricktwisted, mine syas "suicide is the only solution"
06:37.55coppiceMMX, SSE, SSE2 really suck at most DSP, yet its what they were designed for
06:37.57derricknot really..but i like to pretend
06:38.21*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
06:41.45scaddo i need to setup call pakring to put someone on hold and pick it up somewhere else?
06:42.07Connorscad: yes
06:42.24scadeverytime i have to remember the number that I parked it on
06:42.25Connoror do blind/attended transfer..
06:42.48bkw_blind attended don't work with built in parking
06:42.54bkw_it works with app_valetparking.c
06:42.55Connoryea, I know.. :(
06:43.19scadI was at just now readking the app_valetparking
06:52.44*** join/#asterisk anachron (
06:53.40scadi set parkext = 700 and parkpos = 701-720 (sample config) and included the context in extensions.conf
06:53.51scadhow do you actually park the call.. by dialing what?
06:54.18Connordialing # then 700
06:54.19bkw_you have to enable Tt transfers
06:54.29Connorthat too.
06:54.37bkw_the current call parking is lame in my opinion
06:55.00twistedMOOOOS penis
06:55.05bkw_anything that depends on your # key to interact with the pbx is crazy
06:55.05Connorso fix it!  :)
06:55.05scadyeahhh.. I am wondering why i am even configuring it
06:55.09bkw_I like all my keys
06:55.34bkw_Connor why do you think anthm and I did valetparking
06:55.36Connorthat's what turned me off about it.. not being able to use my # key when I call out..
06:55.43ConnorI know :)
06:56.13Connorand I can't use Tt's because they break re-invites.
06:56.46*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy (
06:56.47scadhow do you enable tt transfers.. what does Tt transfers do?
06:57.01Connoryou put that on your dial command..
06:57.05Connorshow application dial
06:57.12Connorand read..
06:57.20scadi am going back to reading.
06:57.20*** join/#asterisk satinder (~satinder@
06:58.25ConnorI need to find some good sip LD carriers..
06:58.56Connorgot some h323 carriers, but, that sucks cause we're doing sip.. and I don't wanna introduce a extra call leg into the picture..
07:00.05Connorway past bed time.. later folks.
07:00.13*** join/#asterisk suma (
07:01.09satinderhi guys
07:01.10satinderhi suma
07:02.52twistedbkw_: is my fwd working again yet?
07:03.53satinderhi are u??
07:03.53satinderwat you do
07:06.13satinderhey are you there??
07:06.24satinderhave i lost u???
07:06.31twistedwho are you talking to?
07:06.50twistedsatinder: try directives :)
07:07.00satinderdont mind talking 2 you
07:07.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:07.27satindertwisted : wats up dude???
07:07.37twistednot much
07:07.52scadnight man
07:08.16*** join/#asterisk anachron (
07:08.19slePPtwisted: can i scam your server nutrition facts?
07:08.43twistedslePP: um... how you gonna do that, exactly?
07:08.48slePPgive it to me ;>
07:08.59slePPdon't make me write my own!
07:09.02satinderi m new 2 this stuff
07:09.10twistedslePP: lemme find the origional
07:09.16twistedthat one has been 'tweaked'
07:09.25*** part/#asterisk satinder (~satinder@
07:15.09scadwhat audio files do you guys use to record your ivr or unique audio files.
07:15.17scadwhat program i mean?
07:15.33twistedslePP: i can't find the origional
07:15.44slePPdamn it
07:16.02slePPthank you asterisk.
07:16.21slePPlookit this crap
07:16.32slePPand i've not even got IAXtel in there and others
07:19.35oejslePP: ...and no SIP url...
07:19.48slePPoej: i debated putting it in
07:19.56*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
07:20.03slePPsip:exten@host? of course
07:20.33oejYou need to add SRV records to your DNS to get that to work.
07:20.41slePPdo enough things understand SRV?
07:20.43oejBut it's the natural way
07:21.06oejYes, enough things understand SRV - all clients I have that accept text based calling do.
07:21.20oejAsterisk, however, doesn't really do it right
07:21.27slePPk.. any idea what the SRV record is for SIP setup? :>
07:21.29oejWe only take the first host
07:22.08evilbunnyoej: now has everything but srv implemented
07:22.38*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:22.51oejevilbunny: Great
07:23.36slePPoh, fine. wiki it is :P
07:24.40slePPso will go to extention XXX on the server?
07:28.22pooh_fwd question, sip shows registered with fwd but dialing in to my own fwd number says 'currently unavailable' anybody a clue/tip?
07:28.23slePPsomeone test it for me now :>
07:29.31evilbunnyslePP: use wififred
07:29.39evilbunnypooh_: firewall issue?
07:30.09pooh_evilbunny, well, my * is natted, but I still hear this voice saying 'currently unavailable'
07:30.30pooh_evilbunny, and sip show registry show correct registration
07:30.43evilbunnyslePP: matthew's bot
07:30.49slePPhow? :>
07:30.59evilbunnyit can do asterisk call outs :)
07:31.01pooh_evilbunny, call fwd 398137
07:31.18slePPi actually want someone to go tot he page and click on the link :>
07:31.45evilbunnyerm how would that work?
07:31.56scadslepp.. i think the the srv record is just so that you can use the Domain (name/
07:31.57slePPoej made me set it up. and twisted.
07:32.04slePPscad: yeh, i know what the SRV is for
07:32.08slePPbut now i need someone to test that it all works :>
07:32.09scadto dial a sip user
07:32.20VoIPbOywho has the best web interface for * ?
07:32.45twistedi made you set what up?
07:32.53scadi don't think so.. I am still confused on how that works as in extensions.conf
07:32.53slePPSIP <a href=>
07:32.57slePPyou said i didn't have one earlier
07:33.06scadi am trying to find it now in documentation.
07:33.14twistedi never said anything about that
07:33.15oejSlepp: Yes, will call extension xxx on the server
07:33.51scadoej,.. how do you specify that in the extensions.conf file to dial out.
07:33.59oejSlepp: Yes, there's a URL for IAX that is used in enumlookup()
07:34.15*** join/#asterisk zohviech_ (
07:34.25oejscad: When getting the call from a SIP user/friend, you need to catch the domain with SIPDOMAIN
07:34.42oejscad: Then turn on SRVLOOKUP in sip.conf
07:34.54scadok.. i will read more about sipdomain and srvlookup
07:35.11oejscad: Then dial(user@domain) and asterisk will look up the SRV and dial the host
07:35.21scadahh.. cool..
07:35.34oejscad: The trick is to separate your own domain (hostname, IP address) from the rest of the world in the dial plan
07:35.36scadthat makes sense now.. it will of course try to do a lookup after you enable it.
07:37.01slePPit's a sad day when you have to truly debate 'Advanced Contact Information' and 'Very Simple Contact Information' variations
07:38.03*** join/#asterisk unmanaged (
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07:40.05scadoej.. i was looking for stuff on sipdomain... and found your config file.
07:41.22oejscad: My config file?
07:41.39pooh_how do I tell fwd to forward calls to my * box pls ?
07:41.40twistedi'm a lumberjack and that's ok
07:41.54oejtwisted :-)
07:42.06oejMonty twisted
07:42.10*** join/#asterisk anachron (
07:42.23scadoh ..yeah.. just a newsgroup post actually..
07:43.45scadmy server is doing the sip domain lookup now..
07:44.08twistedMonty twisted?
07:44.24Wi_Fihey guys
07:44.50Wi_Fii have a friend who registered on my * from zyxel phone
07:45.04Wi_Fiwhen i dial him i see this
07:45.11Wi_FiMay  9 00:49:29 WARNING[1116941120]: chan_sip.c:497 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call
07:45.19slePPcan i register another FWD number that just permanently points to my 7960 without the 7960 doing anything different?
07:45.20*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy_ (
07:45.22slePPer.. 7940
07:46.07twistedslePP: uhh... register with fwd from the phone.
07:46.14twistedslePP: or set your incoming number
07:46.15Beavewait.. thats not my line..
07:46.16slePPbut the phone is aready registering to two things?
07:46.24twistedthen do this
07:46.27twistedin your incoming context
07:46.35slePPno.. i want the phone to get it itself :>
07:46.41twistedexten => fwdnumber,1,Dial(SIP/7960here)
07:46.51twistedthen you have to register the phone to fwd
07:47.01slePPor if FWD can never expire
07:47.18twistedwhy not use the other 2 lines?
07:47.38slePPwhat other 2 lines?
07:47.41slePPit's only got 2
07:47.44twisted7940 has 4 lines i believe
07:47.48twisted7960 has 6
07:47.54slePP2 buttons
07:47.57slePP2 lines
07:47.57Beaveit has two
07:48.03twistedthat's gay
07:48.15Beavestill a nice little phone..
07:48.25Beave7960 has 6..
07:48.36Beaveerr.  i think
07:49.05slePP7920 should have 2, 7940 should have 4, 7960 should have 6, 799000000 should have 9 million
07:49.24twisted7970 should have 7
07:49.26twistedbut no
07:49.29twistedit's a 7960 with color
07:49.50Beaveyou'd think,   but my 7940 has two.
07:52.38*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
07:52.41VoIPbOy_All - sip uses 5060 udp for initial registration
07:52.58VoIPbOy_what ports after that for communication - or still 5060 for all?
07:53.00slePPsomeone call 398163 now
07:53.17slePPk, thanks
07:54.45VoIPbOy_anyone - tap tap - is this thing on ?
07:54.46BeaveVoIPbOy_:  from my limited undertanding.. no.
07:55.17VoIPbOy_so 5060 for entire conversation?
07:55.42VoIPbOy_random above 1024 for conversations?
07:55.53VoIPbOy_tcp or udp?
07:56.26sumacan anyone helpme with SER ?
07:57.21l-fysuma > what's up?
07:57.22Beaveethereal is a good tool to have..  btw........
07:57.30sumaif (search("(f|From): .* {
07:57.30sumaname */ ))) {
07:57.46sumai use to restrict to call to my domain when my users call
07:57.55sumaand i authenticate it too
07:58.14sumabut when i use
07:58.26sumai could able to bridge call between any two domains
07:59.18sumamy SER receives the call and bridge the call with other client too
08:00.41*** join/#asterisk VoIPbOy (
08:01.37*** join/#asterisk nextime (
08:01.52l-fyare you sure that SER is passing that script?
08:02.47sumawhen i make a call from one of my other client it goes for authentication
08:03.01l-fycan you make him print something to see if is passing the if?
08:04.46sumawhatever the call received by SER, I want to make it authenticated and should accept the call only from my domain
08:04.54l-fyi see
08:05.15l-fyi don't know enough scripting from ser :(
08:05.42sumathanks I-fy for trying to solve my problem
08:05.57l-fyi'm sorry that i can't
08:06.10l-fyin fact i can look if you want, but it will take me a while :(
08:06.29l-fyare you sure the script is called when you make a call from outside?
08:06.53sumaoh no
08:07.07*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
08:07.33sumai didn't thought of the above condition
08:09.46sumathanks I-fy
08:09.53sumaI solved it
08:10.37*** join/#asterisk jas_william (
08:12.32l-fyno problem
08:14.53*** join/#asterisk anachron (
08:21.36twistedtwo four six eight
08:21.41twistedi have to your in eight
08:29.48*** part/#asterisk sam| (
08:30.50scadI configured my zap channels (in and out) to groups .. should I reference zap/1 or should i reference g1 in teh dial parameter?
08:32.03Death_INCscad, yes
08:32.39scadthey both will work?
08:32.43Death_INCg1 if you want to be able to use any of the channels in g1, and 1 if you only want the one
08:33.21scadzap/1 really means channel one as indicated in the zapata.conf file? right?
08:36.08*** join/#asterisk musimi (
08:38.18scadcool... that is pretty basic .. but it was always a little confusing until now.
08:38.32scadI wish they would write it like that in the manual.
08:42.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:43.55djMatrix_2025hello coppice : what's new of R2 ?
08:43.58scadIf you dial the group instead of a single channel.. they all ring until the firt one answers?
08:50.40twistedscad: no
08:50.51twistedit will dial the first available channel in the group
08:52.20PilotPTK-Homethats actually an interesting feature request though.
08:52.35*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
08:52.38PilotPTK-Homenot having to dial zap/x&zap/x&sip/x
08:52.49PilotPTK-Homebut rather being able to assign groups, and dial them
08:52.57PilotPTK-Homewould save a lot of mess in extensions.conf
08:54.19PilotPTK-Homestill messy comparatively.
08:55.15Zeeekonce in the file? You can even put it in and include it in extensions
08:55.31PilotPTK-Homeyeah, thats true.
08:55.40PilotPTK-Homeforgot about inclinging other files
08:55.52Zeeekin fact I do just that : to find me I have a combo of softphones and hardphones
08:55.56*** join/#asterisk anachron (
08:56.20Zeeekso the softphones can be rung any time since they don't ring if no computer is on
08:57.13Zeeekyou can include yall the account info too so that if someone asks you how to connect to a service you can cut and paste without editing the secret stuff
08:57.28*** join/#asterisk serving (~serving@
08:57.51ZeeekNow serving #10
08:58.20twistedi use variables for that too
08:58.28Zeeeklet's twist again... like we did last summah
08:58.44Zeeektwist again.. like we did last yeahhhh
08:58.52twistedi'm gonna design a dialplan routine using astdb that will let you variable assign/deassign channels of any type to an extension
08:59.10Zeeektell me more twisted
08:59.57twistedbasically, i'm just gonna make an extension, say, 1000.  that extension is going to dial everything it gets back from dbget
09:00.25PilotPTK-HomeI do that already twisted.
09:00.26twistedand another extension, like *1000#, that will add the channel it's called from to the db listing for that number
09:00.45PilotPTK-Homepeople can change what 'phone' rings when their extension is dialed from a web page.
09:01.03twistedthen do callerid checking, etc, based on what that channel is assigned to
09:01.25twistedit would be a great implimentation for call centers with un-assigned stations
09:01.40twistedor "roaming agents" as some like to call it
09:02.32twistedbasically a mockup of avaya's system
09:03.41twistedPilotPTK-Home: does yours let you stack on channels to an extension?
09:03.48twistedor just one channel per extension?
09:03.48Zeeekastdb means getdb and putdb?
09:03.57twisteddbget() and dbput()
09:04.01twistedand dbdel()
09:04.22Zeeekok, that's a good idea. I use astdb to determine what phone lines * picks up
09:04.26PilotPTK-HomeI currently only have the webpage capable of doing 5 targets, but with some very minor changes, I could do 'infinity'
09:04.31*** join/#asterisk tace (
09:04.34twistedyou're doing it through a webpage
09:04.40twistedi'm gonna be dealing with phone keypads
09:04.47Zeeekwe dial 0 for no lines, 1 for 1 2 for 2 and 3 for both.
09:06.29Zeeekthe hardest part is coming up with a system of numbering all the commands you build in to *
09:06.48Zeeekone that people can remember
09:07.03PilotPTK-Homevoice menus zeeek
09:07.04scadzeeek.. thanks for your help last week.. i got my hardware working.
09:07.13Zeeekscad cool!
09:07.32twistedthat's why you do them using ivr, or, use the * codes
09:07.33ZeeekPilto I really hate IVR like a lot of people
09:07.40twisted*70, set group count
09:07.49scadi didn't understand the differences of .. and zapata.conf mainly and plus i had a noncompliant motherboard.
09:07.51twisted*69, call return (implimented here)
09:08.00twisted*67, callerid block (implimented here)
09:08.02Zeeekthat's easy to rememebr at least :)
09:08.05*** part/#asterisk l-fy (
09:08.30Zeeekscad - I changed mobo too at one point when I got the TDM400
09:08.54twisted*91 on avaya is agent location set
09:09.08twistedwhich you would think would be the same as agentcallbacklogin() but it's not
09:09.13ZeeekI can only see IVR for a very precise thing like wanting one of three people
09:09.14twistedit moves your logical extension to the phone you're on
09:10.01Zeeektwisted yeah I should do that instead of trying 5 phones at once to find me
09:10.12twistedZeek: 5?
09:10.20twistedtry 8
09:10.25Zeeekhome, office, soft, hard
09:11.00ZeeekIt's true, with astdb, see if 2000 is logged on SIP if so (my SIP softphone) ring that
09:11.16twistedthat's not how this would work
09:11.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
09:11.32Zeeekthe real phones are always registered tho so I'd have to hit *69 or something like you said
09:11.38twistedyou would dial (for example) *91, then enter your extension
09:11.59twistedasterisk would parse the channel out, assign it to your extension in astdb
09:12.00Zeeeksee my logic was that I don't have a softphone on (so not registereg) if I'm not wanting a call there
09:12.03twistedwhen someone dials your extension
09:12.14twistedit then checks the db to see which channels are assigned to your extension
09:12.27Zeeekyeah I like it!
09:12.28twistedif it can't find any, it throws to voicemail
09:12.35twistedif it finds one or more, it dials them
09:13.09twistedto deassign the channel, you would just dial *90 from that channel, and it would remove it from the last added place
09:13.15Zeeekthis is the kind of stuff someone should be writing up in * cookbook
09:13.19twistedthat way you could have multiple extensions assigned to the same channel
09:13.33Zeeekgreat example
09:13.45twistedZeeek: if you wanna see my *69 implementation, go to
09:14.00Zeeekso you *did* write it up!
09:14.07twisted*69, yes
09:14.19twistedthe others i haven't yet
09:14.22twistedi did this one on request
09:14.41twistedit would be completely portable too, with the extension portability
09:14.52twistedseeing as it matches the last caller to your extension based on your callerid :)
09:15.00ZeeekLASTCALL comes from ?
09:15.14twistedLASTCALL is a db entry
09:15.19twistedit's created in the db
09:15.21twistedlook at the script
09:15.41Zeeekyeah at the end, ok.
09:16.06twisted5 lines to impliment LNR
09:16.15twistedcan't get much smaller than that
09:16.46twistedand you can actually pull one of the lines out
09:17.00twistedpriority 2 on *69 isn't necessary, it's just there to tell you what the number is before it calls it back
09:18.23twistedin fact
09:18.33twistedi think i'm gonna try to impliment the aforementioned feature now
09:18.41twistedi'll make another doc on it if i can make it work :)
09:20.42*** join/#asterisk anachron (
09:26.36scadwhat application rings a group all at once...? if none.. do i need call queuing to handle this.  basically.. trying to do a dial 0 for next available person.
09:28.16*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
09:28.37Zeeekscad there are examples of this somewhere but I can't quite remember where
09:29.22Zeeekyou can simply do this Dial(SIP/nnnn&SIP/nnnn&ZAP/n&IAX2/nnnn
09:29.39Zeeekthe Dial app will try to open all the channels at once
09:30.04Zeeekit will say "unable to open SIP channel" etc but still try to ring all the phones
09:30.28Zeeektry show application DIal it might be in there
09:32.17justinnnnnnanyone in .au want to give me a job
09:32.47Zeeekdoes Starbucks exist in .au ?
09:34.53twistedi forgot how to remove the last four characters from a variable
09:35.05justinnnnnnits so crap tho
09:35.07*** join/#asterisk _sorcer (
09:35.12justinnnnnni like coffee but i refuse to go there and pay $4
09:35.17Sorcerasterisk: pcm.c:5486: snd_pcm_sw_params_set_silence_threshold: Assertion `val < pcm->buffer_size' failed.
09:35.18justinnnnnncause its american or woteva
09:35.21Sorcerany tips?
09:35.21Zeeektwisted EXTEN:4
09:35.33twistedZeeek: no, that's remove the first 4
09:35.45Zeeekthere's a substr
09:35.47twistedread my sentence
09:36.00twistedi need to remove the LAST four
09:36.06ZeeekI know I was writing something else and read too fast
09:36.08twistedand no, EXTEN:0:4
09:36.15twistedthat doesn't work
09:36.18twistedthat prints the last four
09:36.33twistedand the length of the variable can vary
09:36.51twistedsubstring is depreciated
09:36.58twistedwhich means it's going away soon
09:37.01Zeeekhow dare they?
09:37.44Zeeekwhat about StripMSD
09:37.54Zeeek(works with a fixed lenght)
09:38.11twistedit's not fixed length
09:38.29twistedyou would think EXTEN:0:-4 would do it
09:38.30twistedbut NOOO
09:38.32Zeeekyeah but you can get the length
09:38.53ZeeekI just saw a "recipe" somewhere to get the last n digits
09:39.07twistedi want to REMOVE the last four
09:39.10twistednot use them
09:39.18twistedand to get the last four would be EXTEN:0:4
09:39.32twistedI don't WANT the last four
09:39.38twistedi want all BUT the last four
09:39.44twistedread the application notes for striplsd
09:39.47ZeeekStripLSD(4) removes the last 4
09:39.58twisteder eait
09:40.21twistedoh wait
09:40.25twistedthat wouldn't work
09:40.33twistedthat bases it off of the associated extension
09:40.36twistedwhich is NOT what i'm doing
09:40.44twistedi need to strip from a variable, not the dialed extension
09:40.53twistedand not continue with that value
09:40.54ZeeekI was afraid of thet
09:41.47Zeeeknah that's for fields
09:42.46twistedthat's it
09:44.14Zeeekcut (newvar=oldvar,/,1) would make oldvar ZAP/1 --> newvar=ZAP
09:44.41Zeeeknice but not what you need
09:45.05Zeeeklooks like it would be good to remove the id from a channel string
09:45.08scudhey hey monkeys
09:45.19scudtwisted: you always up this late/early?
09:45.58*** join/#asterisk anachron (
09:46.27Zeeeksubstring is way too important to dissapear without a more powerful replacement
09:46.59twistedcut did the trick
09:47.33twistedi'm on the way
09:47.39twistedalmost done actually
09:47.45Zeeekah, twisted it want digits you wanted to remove but a field
09:47.53Zeeekso cut was IT
09:48.19ZeeekI feel less useless now
09:48.27twistedi'm done
09:48.44twistedif you want to do only ONE channel per extension
09:48.48twistedit's done
09:49.37Zeeekbtw did you try VAR:-4 ?
09:49.50twistedi tried that
09:49.58twistedCUT does EXACTLY what I want
09:50.15Zeeekit does MORE than what you were looking for originally
09:53.08*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
09:53.31ZeeekScaredyCat isn't flat anymore
09:57.06twistedfinal testing now
09:57.18Zeeekquality control ?
09:58.09twistedhere we go!!
09:58.25twisted10 lines to freedom!
09:58.26twistedexten => _*99XXXX,1,Cut(CHANRES=CHANNEL|-|1)
09:58.26twistedexten => _*99XXXX,2,DBPut(CHANNELS/${EXTEN:3}=${CHANRES})
09:58.26twistedexten => _*99XXXX,3,DBPut(ASSOCEXT/${CALLERIDNUM}=${EXTEN:3})
09:58.26twistedexten => _*99XXXX,4,Playback(auth-thankyou)
09:58.26twistedexten => _*99XXXX,5,Hangup()
09:58.30twistedexten => *99,1,DBGet(MYEXT=ASSOCEXT/${CALLERIDNUM})
09:58.32twistedexten => *99,2,DBDel(CHANNELS/${MYEXT})
09:58.34twistedexten => *99,3,DBDel(ASSOCEXT/${CALLERIDNUM})
09:58.36twistedexten => *99,4,Playback(auth-thankyou)
09:58.38twistedexten => *99,5,Hangup()
09:58.40twistedfull extension mobility
09:58.42*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
09:58.51twistedwell, not full
09:58.54twistedbut this allows you to move it
09:58.59Zeeekput it in cut paste and make our day twisted :)
09:59.22scadI am going to bed.. goodnight..
09:59.29Zeeeklater scad
09:59.32twistedi've still gotta do technology checking in the macro
09:59.42twisteddial wants to divebomb if you don't give it a dial method
09:59.53twistedso i'm gonna have to use a gotoif statement to clean that up
09:59.54Zeeeklogical Mr Spock
10:00.07Zeeekbut is it recursive ?
10:00.26Zeeekre-entrant I meant
10:00.32Zeeek<still joke>
10:01.54*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
10:02.31Zeeekwhy are there never pseudos like "KindSoul" or "SisterlyLove" ?
10:02.57Zeeekit's always like "BlackDemise" and "HorriblePainfulDeath"
10:03.41coppiceToo much working with windows inspires that kind of attitude :-)
10:05.31Zeeekcoppice what time is it where you are?
10:06.24*** join/#asterisk flavour (
10:08.57twistednow i can't get gotoif to work properly
10:08.57twistedit doesn't seem to like me putting anything in quotes to check for it's presense
10:16.59data[gone-fishindon't you ever sleep twisted ?
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10:21.59twistedyeee haw
10:22.22twistedgot it finished
10:26.06*** join/#asterisk Flatcat (
10:39.23Zeeektwisted so where will we be able to examine this gem?
10:41.47Powerkillhi twisted
10:41.57Powerkillso you think about the UNREACHABLE problem ?
10:45.07data[gone-fishindare i ask what twisted was coding? :)
10:56.02twistedroaming extensions
10:56.12twistedand i just finished
10:56.17twistedwanna see?
10:58.47data[gone-fishinroaming extensions?
10:59.11data[gone-fishinya mean so i can dial in and get my calls passed to my new cli?
10:59.16data[gone-fishinthat sorta thing?
11:00.07data[gone-fishinok :}
11:00.09twistedso you can pick up an extension anywhere
11:00.11twisteddial a code
11:00.15twistedand move your extension to that set
11:00.24data[gone-fishinso almost what i said :)
11:00.29data[gone-fishinbut within a site
11:01.19twistedall in the dialplan man :)
11:01.33data[gone-fishini'm writing my routing protocol today
11:02.07data[gone-fishinooh brb
11:03.03twistedi can shorten the dialplan entries because I'm setting a db entry that no longer has to be set
11:15.22twistedok shortened
11:16.12*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
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11:34.56*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
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11:44.20filejust awoke
11:44.20twistedi'm still awake
11:44.20filequite interesting dream regarding a holographic simulation at a university
11:44.20twistedi've been working on roaming extensions
11:44.20Corydon76-homeGood morning, twisted
11:44.20twistedg'mornin Corydon
11:44.39twistednow that i've got roaming down pat
11:44.45twistedi'm gonna work on stacking extensions
11:44.57twistedi've got roaming and stacking working to a point
11:45.16twistedi can't remove an extension from the stack if i add to it
11:45.24twistednot yet
11:46.00twistedall using Corydon's cut app :)
11:46.12Corydon76-homeI've been considering writing Push, Pop, Shift, and Unshift
11:46.31twistedCorydon that sounds like a pr0n0
11:46.50twistedi can assign multiple extensions to one channel no problem now
11:46.53Corydon76-homeIt's from Perl
11:47.10twistedbut i wanna be able to assign multiple channels to one extension and unstack as needed
11:47.30twistedCorydon did you see my roaming example?
11:47.33Corydon76-homeOh, then you'll need these
11:47.52Corydon76-homeYep.  I've done something similar in my work dialplan, but not for roaming users
11:48.00twistedthis will allow for roaming users
11:48.08twistedand later on, i'm gonna have callerid follow them
11:48.10*** join/#asterisk w0schd_ (
11:48.21Corydon76-homeIt was done so I could simplify my configuration for each desktop phone... login and logout without using Queues
11:48.43twistedthe way i have it set up is so you can move to a different phone, and it'll move the extension to that phone
11:49.01Corydon76-homeIf you call a logged out extension, the phone doesn't even ring... goes straight to voicemail
11:49.23twistedi'm trying to emulate the way avaya does their call centers
11:49.35*** join/#asterisk ami|papa (
11:49.47twistedonly, allow multiple phones to be on one extension, and removed and added as needed
11:49.49Corydon76-homeAn extension with multiple channels is essentially a Queue
11:50.08twistedi'm basically writing a completely expandable/collapsable queue
11:50.39Corydon76-homeAh, so "Everything Is A Queue"
11:51.04twistedi'm creating a dynamic queue using extension logic
11:51.15Powerkillwhat that Unknown RTP codec 19 received ?
11:51.19Corydon76-homeGood stuff...
11:51.33twistedand i've gotten to a certain point
11:51.39twistedbut i can't remove "agents"
11:51.44twistedonce i add more than one
11:51.47Corydon76-homePowerkill: RTP 19 is reserved and shouldn't be used.  It was originally Comfort Noise (now codec 13)
11:52.04twistedunless I cut and parse each individual one
11:52.08Powerkillso it's coming from where ?
11:52.08twistedbut then i'd need a count
11:52.23twistedidea for expanding cut
11:52.35Corydon76-homePowerkill: it's coming from one of your non-compliant clients (probably SIP)
11:52.38twistedadd a count onto it, so we can pull the count based on delimiters
11:52.52twistedie, how many fields are in a string
11:52.54Powerkillmay be the AS 5300 ?
11:53.15Powerkillor the nextone ?
11:53.46twistedthen we can use gotoif to go to each field and compare it
11:53.50Corydon76-homeHmmm, maybe we should implement something like ${CHARCOUNT(&,${VAR})}
11:54.01twistedi was thinking more like
11:54.20Corydon76-homeSo it can be done inline
11:54.40twistedwell, if we use Count(), we can use it for reporting, too
11:54.58twistedie, There are ${NUMBER} agents in the queue
11:55.12Corydon76-homeHmmm, well, it needs to have a little more descriptive name
11:55.22Corydon76-homeEven ArrayCount()
11:55.27twistedthat would work too
11:56.13Corydon76-homeOr ArraySize()
11:56.30twistedarraysize could also be confused with the character count
11:56.48twistediffn' you dont code
11:56.51Corydon76-homeNo, I think that's ${LEN(${var})}
11:57.30twistedbut you see what i'm saying ;)
11:57.46Corydon76-homeYeah, but the dialplan is a programmer's environment
11:58.17twistedthe end user should never have to see the dialplan
11:58.23*** part/#asterisk ami|papa (
11:58.28Corydon76-homeWell, I'm helping build a deck today, anyway, so I won't have time to code it until this evening...
11:58.35twistedthat's cool
11:58.43twistedi'll just leave it as-is for now
11:58.52twistedor i'll try to code it myself based on cut
11:59.05twistedbecause obviously, cut counts them
11:59.10twistedif we offset
11:59.12Corydon76-homeYou might want to write it inline to that module
11:59.23twistedi may take a crack at it
11:59.29twisteddepends on how tired i am
11:59.31Corydon76-homei.e. like voicemail and voicemailmain
11:59.34twistedi've only been up ALL night
11:59.47twistedwell yea
11:59.48Corydon76-homeOh, well, you should be fine
11:59.52twistedi was just gonna register a new app
11:59.57twistednot write a new one ;)
12:00.14Corydon76-homeI should've been so lucky at Interz0ne to have you that tired... ;-)
12:00.50twistedbtw, Corydon, did you add me on orkut?
12:01.07Corydon76-homeWanna share a bed at Phreaknic 8?
12:01.24twistedwhoa nelly
12:01.41twistedcaught me off guard with that one
12:01.41Corydon76-homeWell, you were going to share a bed with me at Interz0ne...
12:01.57twistedyeah, because that's all they had :P
12:02.01twistedor rather
12:02.04twistedthat's all that was available
12:02.10twistedto me
12:02.33twistedI'll share a room, yeah, but preferrably my own sleeping space :P
12:02.36Corydon76-homeWell, you can find out what you missed out on at Interz0ne...
12:02.48twistedoh geez
12:02.55twistedi may give a speech at pn8 on dialplan config
12:03.04Corydon76-homeAh, fun
12:03.16Corydon76-homeI'm thinking about doing a spiel on C and the Asterisk API
12:03.17twistedto follow another kram talk
12:03.25twistedwe should put in for an asterisk tract at pn8
12:03.39twistedhave an entire day of lectures
12:03.40Corydon76-homea HOWTO session on writing a new application
12:04.01Corydon76-hometwisted: actually, PN8 will be composed mainly of HOWTO sessions
12:04.06twistedAsterisk introduction with kram
12:04.21twistedDialplan integration with me and whomever
12:04.37twistedC and the Asterisk API with you
12:04.55twistedHow to setup an * call center with the whole gang
12:05.01twistedad naseum...
12:05.33twistedHow to # up from the ground up
12:05.55Corydon76-homeI was thinking of # with Goat21 and n00gums
12:06.26Corydon76-homeYou don't know Goat?
12:06.35twistedi don't think so
12:06.37twistedi might
12:06.46twistedbtw, my webcam is up now
12:06.53Corydon76-homeHe was the guy that got lucky on Friday night last year
12:07.00twistedyou can click on the cam for a refreshing window
12:07.09Corydon76-homeOoooh.  Does it show your bed/shower?
12:07.20twistedthe guy that got lucky... i thought there was more than one? :P
12:07.31twistedbut the nocbot shows part of my bed
12:07.46twistedlike, the headboard
12:08.17Corydon76-homeDo you take requests?
12:08.51twistedi need to start a PPV site
12:08.59Corydon76-homeOh, come on... it's just me (and the whole world)
12:09.24Corydon76-homeYeah, you don't have much longer in life for dirty old men to pay to watch you...
12:10.04Corydon76-homeOnly about 5 years, before you have to start going kinky to keep their interest...
12:10.15filestargate, mmm
12:10.56twistedbtw, file isn't ready to come out of the cabinet just yet
12:10.58Corydon76-home"See twisted take an 18 inch dildo" only on PPV Twisted...
12:11.09twistedOH hOLY CRAP
12:11.18twistedthat would puncture my stomach lining
12:11.33Corydon76-homeOnly if you gave it a fast shove
12:11.54Corydon76-homeIt might be okay if you took your time... and most guys do...
12:12.06twistedoh, so if i go slow it'll slide past it and poke my lung?
12:12.11filesuch interesting conversation
12:12.30Corydon76-homeNo, if you go slow, it'll go all the way in without causing any damage...
12:12.55Corydon76-homeOther than contorting your intestines...
12:12.59twistedjust kinda pull my large instestines into an 17" straight angle
12:13.11*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
12:13.33twistedor was that, straight angler? hmmmm...
12:13.34Corydon76-homeDon't worry; I'm nowhere near that large, so if you can take that, I'll be no trouble...
12:13.36twistedj/k angler
12:13.39fileJAFFA! KREE!
12:13.55twistedWHATHA! FUCK!
12:13.56Corydon76-homeI thought straight angler was an oxymoron in itself...
12:14.00fileit wouldn't be an episode of stargate without hearing that atleast once
12:14.26twistedI thought Jaffa was some stuipd plastic furniture
12:14.27twistedon wait
12:14.31twistedthat's Yaffa, my bad.
12:14.56twistedso back to my dynamic queues
12:15.02twistedi can add an extension to the queue
12:15.22fileI SAID SURE
12:15.30twistedand i can remove that channel from the queue if i dial the extension again from the same phone
12:15.44Corydon76-homeIt's the same thing, if you use chan_local
12:15.53twistedbut if i add another phone to the queue, i can no longer remove either phone from the queue
12:16.21Corydon76-homeWhy not?
12:16.26Corydon76-homeIt's just a Cut...
12:16.27twistedbecause it adds them to an array
12:16.41Corydon76-homeAn array joined with &, right?
12:16.42twistedwe discussed this earlier
12:16.58twistedbut i have no way to reliably compare to each value in the array as I don't have a count to go by
12:17.09Corydon76-homeSure you do...
12:17.34Corydon76-homeDo a Cut(testvar=array,&,${i}-)
12:17.56Corydon76-homeAnd by incrementing i in a loop, you can discover the number of items in the array
12:18.19twistedbut that's an enormous amount of dialplan logic
12:18.24Corydon76-homeHeh, yep
12:18.46*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
12:18.46Corydon76-homeSo put it in a Macro... :-)
12:19.06twistedthis is the app we were discussing earlier :P
12:19.14Corydon76-homeI know...
12:19.27Corydon76-homeWell, I'm going to go eat and shower... later...
12:19.35twistedthen i could use a single gotoif and an eval
12:20.00filetwisted: do you like to always do complex stuff in the dialplan?
12:20.06twistedfile: it's my life.
12:20.11filewhat a fun life.
12:20.18twistedfile: it helps me sell *
12:20.28twistedif i can prove that I can make * work just like a competetors system
12:20.30twistedor better
12:20.38fileso you say!
12:20.58*** join/#asterisk fdeierlein (
12:21.12filela, la la?
12:21.37twisteddid you say somethin?
12:22.33twistedi still need to write my howto on the zhone
12:22.40twistedthey're not bad channelbanks if you can figure them out
12:22.52twistedjust not expandable
12:24.30twistedwtf is a zat'nik'tel?
12:24.39filean energy based weapon
12:24.47filefirst shot paralyzes, second shot kills, third shot disintegrates
12:25.42fileI wish this would stop buffering
12:27.55twistedwho gave my cat crack?
12:28.59fileyou did
12:43.58*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
12:49.44tzangertwisted: I met a cat once who ate three marijuana plants...
12:49.50tzangerthat cat was NEVER the same after
12:54.00*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
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14:08.57fileQuery - Concious Status of Inhabitants of #asterisk.
14:09.30fileResponse - NULL.
14:10.46filedid I kill you?
14:23.10DaminIt is mother's day. Make sure that you all call your mums and tell them "Thanks for birthing me, the bastard that I am."
14:24.36fileDamin: you're alive early, go away!
14:24.54bkw_file whats up
14:24.54fileit's unhealthy
14:25.05filebkw_: existing in the world, you?
14:25.39bkw_about to go lay back down
14:27.52fdeierleinHi, I have a WCT405P on a E1. Dial in works fine, but outgoing I get everytime the result:
14:27.52fdeierleinI am dialing with: exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1},60)
14:27.53fdeierleinHas anybody an idea?
14:28.10ScaredyCatwho's gonna buy me one of these then ?
14:28.12bkw_it was rejected
14:29.04*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
14:30.37Wi_FiMay  9 00:49:29 WARNING[1116941120]: chan_sip.c:497 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call
14:30.41Wi_Fii needs help
14:31.25glLoadIdentitynat ?
14:31.32ScaredyCatWi_Fi: just ignore them
14:33.02Wi_Fii have zyxel phones that arent connecting
14:33.17Wi_Fithey register fine
14:33.37Wi_Ficall one to one and you get voicemail
14:33.40bkw_Wi_Fi because they arent really zyxel
14:33.47Wi_Fiyah i know
14:33.49bkw_they crappy WiFI 600's
14:33.52bkw_aka WiSIP
14:34.04ScaredyCatbkw_: ...
14:34.27Wi_Fii can use mine thru * to pstn fine
14:34.35ScaredyCatyou can re-close that bug 1564 -  I just wanted to add a comment..
14:34.58bkw_ScaredyCat you got it all workin it seems
14:35.36Wi_Fiwell bummer then
14:35.47ScaredyCatyeah... but only after hours of struggling, in the end it turns out the caller id when send to a phone needs to end in a 1 - not something many ppl would know
14:36.09fileis it just me or do other people get irritated when people don't read the documentation and expect you to write them a dialplan?
14:37.40filePilotPTK-Home: still, there's many configuration examples online
14:37.49filethat's how I learned.
14:38.12Wi_Fithats where im at
14:38.18Wi_Fiblown away
14:38.28ScaredyCatyes, you can't really blame newbies.. the docs are still poor, and new stuff is added all the time... the initial problem is getting your head around it... I was lucky when I started, there were about 20 ppl in here so they were ore willing to help
14:38.31Wi_Fiim now committed to *
14:39.02PilotPTK-HomeSome people just arn't very good at learning from example.  there will always be those people who want/need their hand held  through the whole process.
14:39.11ScaredyCatnow we have 248 ... so newbies are tollerated less..
14:39.25ScaredyCatbut that's why you should be an early adopter >:)
14:39.29bkw_we were at like 280 the otherday
14:39.41PilotPTK-Homeain't that amazing.
14:40.19Wi_Fican i ask a question about macro
14:40.27chapsterIt is like an iceberg, too. The people here represent a  very small portion of the people interested, using, developing, what have you with asterisk.
14:40.39ScaredyCatWi_Fi: yes
14:40.44Wi_Fiexten => 2205,1,Macro(stdexten,2205,SIP/2205)
14:41.01ScaredyCathey 2205 is my exten ;)
14:41.20Wi_Fiif i replace SIP/2205 with global variable i get error
14:41.32bkw_show us the console output
14:41.53Wi_Fii have like JIM=SIP/2205
14:42.13ScaredyCatin the macro
14:42.40ScaredyCatexten => 2205,1,Macro(stdexten,2205,${MYSIPPHONE})
14:44.00sd-tuxhi people... sorry for non asterisk question.. has anybody on this channel experience with SerwerSet III LE based boards... i have a compaq ml350 board here(without ram) and i don't know if it supports only registered,ECC SD-RAM :(
14:45.19Wi_Fi${MYSIPPHONE} grabs your current sip device?
14:45.42ScaredyCatno - it uses the global variable MYSIPPHONE
14:45.54ScaredyCatwhich = SIP/2205
14:46.25ScaredyCatsince i defined it here: <ScaredyCat> MYSIPPHONE=SIP/2205
14:46.38Wi_Fiso set MYSIPPHONE=SIP?2205
14:46.56ScaredyCatin the globals section
14:47.04ScaredyCatthe var name can be anything really
14:47.32ScaredyCatBKWISANASTERISKBUGMARSHALL=SIP/2205 if you really want
14:48.03Wi_Fii think i know what i left out
14:48.34ScaredyCatok, enuff, I have to go put some plants in the ground or I'll be in trouble (again)
14:48.41Wi_Fiso to call out a variable i need the ${.....]
14:49.02Wi_Fithats it then
14:49.05Wi_Fithanx guys
14:49.12bkw_file yes
14:49.24filebkw_: it's Sunday, what are _you_ doing?
14:49.38bkw_file thinking about you!
14:52.37Wi_Fiexten => 2205,1,Macro(stdexten,2205,${JIM})  ... do i need the 2205 in brackets?
14:53.07Wi_Fiexten => 2205,1,Macro(stdexten,${JIM})   better?
14:53.13filebkw_: don't make me take your FXO module
14:55.05bkw_file you can play with my FXO module if you like!
14:56.01filebkw_: but I want it all! ALL!
14:56.19nitramdid anyone ever have the idea of writing an asterisk script, that changes the outgoing mss for non voip data on incoming/outgoing calls to make voip work better with low bandwidth links?
14:56.44bkw_nitram no you're the first! :P
14:56.56nitrambkw_: grmpf
14:57.07bkw_To be honest I bet people do that already
14:57.14*** join/#asterisk mike (
14:57.19nitrami do it genereally, yes
14:57.37nitrambut that introduces big overhead once you really wanna upload anything
14:57.50nitramand i am not on the phone all the time
14:57.54Hogienow that im playing with *, im wondering how hard it would be to "login" to the system so your extension follows you to whatever phone
14:58.27nitrambkw_: i set my MSS to around 100bytes
14:58.40*** join/#asterisk tclark (
14:59.23Hogiealmost like having a queue per extension...  and having your agent login to it
14:59.27PilotPTK-HomeHogie - see the mailing list from last night and this morning
14:59.35PilotPTK-HomeIt was discussed
14:59.43PilotPTK-Homewith an example as a matter of fact.
15:00.07PilotPTK-Homeor maybe it was there
15:00.11nitrambkw_: for a 256kbit link...
15:00.52Hogiewhich list?  not dev right?
15:01.02PilotPTK-Homei think i was wrong.
15:01.06PilotPTK-Homeit's at that link
15:01.17PilotPTK-HomeI thought i remembered it on the mailing list, but it was in the channel.
15:02.17bkw_nitram its not really needed for a 256k link
15:02.21bkw_maybe for 64k link
15:02.52bkw_even be downloading stuff at the same time and voice doesnt crack once
15:03.01nitrambkw_: 1500byte packet needs ~50ms
15:03.09nitrambkw_: it _is_ needed
15:04.18nitramwithout MSS set the callee cannot understand a word i am saying
15:04.28HogiePilot, I dont understand how that toggles it...
15:04.31nitrameven with the best queing
15:04.33Hogieor does it?
15:04.40*** join/#asterisk ChrisDE (
15:04.47bkw_nitram what's your MTU set at?
15:04.54nitrambkw_: 1492
15:04.59bkw_ACK PPPOE
15:05.04bkw_no freakin wonder
15:05.09bkw_your provider is at fault
15:05.16nitrambkw_: explain
15:05.28bkw_let me find da info
15:05.55nitrambkw_: how much time in ms does a single rtp packet contain?
15:06.03nitrambkw_: duh
15:06.06bkw_nitram depends on codec
15:06.11nitrambkw_: i know what pmtu is
15:06.17Wi_Fiso there is really no way 2 zyxel phones can talk to each other thur *?
15:06.21nitrambkw_: this is not what i am talking about
15:06.47bkw_nitram um if you have to modify the MSS then your provider has PMTU fucked up
15:06.50bkw_and needs to fi it
15:06.51bkw_er fix it
15:07.09bkw_you're just bypassing the issue by lowering the MSS fix the real problem
15:07.15nitrambkw_: it is just a fact that a 1500byte packet needs 46.875 ms @256kbit
15:07.26nitrambkw_: NO
15:07.45bkw_well when a 1500byte packet gets broken into two 1492 packets that doesn't get pretty fast
15:07.56nitramtake 1492 then
15:08.21bkw_you should not have to modify the MSS at all
15:08.35ChrisDEwhat can I do? segmentation fault when asterisk tries to load chan_h323
15:08.36nitrami am talking about PMTU sized frames being uploaded at the same time rtp frames are sent
15:08.37bkw_this is why i hate PPPoE
15:08.49nitrambkw_: forget pmtu and pppoe
15:08.55bkw_I know what you're doing
15:09.00nitrami am talking about queing
15:09.25bkw_what type of gear are you using?
15:09.52nitrambkw_: are you intentionally not reading what i am typing?
15:10.07bkw_you said you had to modify the mss to even hear the person
15:10.49nitrami am saying i have to reduce the paket size of non voip pakets to make queing work
15:11.05bkw_<nitram> without MSS set the callee cannot understand a word i am saying
15:11.08bkw_what was that?
15:11.16nitramthat is exactly that
15:11.26nitramlittle snippets are coming through
15:11.31nitrambut not understandable
15:11.49bkw_I still dont get why you are having to do that...
15:12.02bkw_just getting rid of waste?
15:12.25nitramthen link i am using voip with is not just for voip
15:12.53justinnnnnnwhy dont u just prioritize on sip port
15:12.54justinnnnnnor something
15:13.01nitramso if anything/anyone uploads any data to anywhere there are ususally tcp packets with pmtu size
15:13.19nitramif pmtu=1500 these are 1500byte packets
15:13.38nitramat 256kbit these packets need ~50ms
15:14.21nitramnow imagine one voip packet arriving at the queue just instantly after one other pmtu sized packet was sent on the link
15:14.36justinnnnnnu sound like ur thinking to much into it :)
15:14.37nitramthe voip paket has to wait 50ms
15:14.38bkw_thats why you setup priority queue
15:14.49nitrambkw_: that won't help you
15:14.53bkw_you're doing this totally wrong
15:14.57bkw_nitram OH but it does
15:15.05nitramonce that 1500byte sucker is on the line you are fucked
15:15.11bkw_you can "tag and bag" voice
15:15.14bkw_and dump data
15:15.20*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
15:15.21bkw_I do it all the time
15:15.33bkw_I can peg out my DSL and voice never jitters once
15:15.44bkw_on my side I do a priority queue
15:15.45nitrambkw_: i would have to take that 1500byte packet from the line
15:15.58nitrambkw_: i use a priority queue aswell
15:16.26bkw_show me how you are doing it
15:16.28*** join/#asterisk aggelos (
15:16.42nitramhtb with different priorities
15:17.23justinnnnnnget dsl with a couple of pvc's
15:17.23bkw_what router you have?
15:17.29nitrambkw_: and as long there more bandwidth than voip needs lower priorities will get that bandwidth and that is a good thing
15:17.37ChrisDEbacktrace: #0  0x40127abd in chunk_free () from /lib/
15:17.46nitrambkw_: linux router
15:18.08Wi_Fiso there is really no way 2 zyxel phones can talk to each other thru *?
15:18.18bkw_nitram no wonder...
15:18.33nitrambkw_: right....
15:18.44bkw_nitram I have cisco on da brain
15:18.45*** part/#asterisk aggelos (
15:18.48bkw_thats how I do it
15:18.50justinnnnnnmultiservice dsl
15:18.52justinnnnnncof cof
15:19.00justinnnnnnsomeone pay attention to me :P
15:19.00nitrambkw_: right... and that solves everything
15:19.18Hogiepay me enough justin, and I will
15:19.39justinnnnnncheques in the mail
15:20.07*** join/#asterisk deggy (
15:20.08Hogiei'll wait for it to clear then
15:20.21justinnnnnnim good for it
15:20.26mrgobyso, i have a client who is having similar problems...  more than enough bandwidth, but a high rate of packet loss that is affecting the quality severely....  you think this is probably the same thing bkw_ ?
15:20.48nitrambkw_: that is all you have to say? it doesn't work but with cisco?
15:21.06bkw_nitram linux as a router is just a hack
15:21.13bkw_I don't like it
15:21.15bkw_I will never use it
15:21.21bkw_routers are routers
15:21.26bkw_pbx's are pbx's
15:21.32filebkw_ is NEXT!!!
15:21.49bkw_no mixing.. just like my peas cant touch my mashed potato's
15:22.07Hogieso linux as a pbx isn't just a hack?
15:22.34bkw_Hogie nope.. linux pbx as a router and a pbx is just down right evil
15:22.50Hogieoh, I didnt understand it was on the same box
15:23.06HogieI thought you meant a linux box acting as just a router
15:23.49bkw_its like I say... a router thats just a router will do its job without fail.  A router thats a webserver and a router will do neither well!
15:24.12fileyou say lots of things
15:24.20bkw_yes I sure do
15:24.24Hogielike get on your knees
15:24.28mrgobyand a router that is a webserver and graphical desktop and a database and pbx ??
15:24.34Hogieand I hae some knee pads for you
15:24.49bkw_mrgoby it can't do all that well at all
15:25.05nitrambkw_: that is only true if you need the max. power in each field
15:25.17bkw_<nitram> without MSS set the callee cannot understand a word i am saying
15:25.33bkw_damn putty
15:25.41nitrambkw_: show me how this is related to linux as a router
15:25.48Wi_Fiso zyxwl 200W is really a wifi 600?
15:26.01Wi_Fizyxel that is
15:26.17nitrambkw_: with some crappy hardware router there isn't even anything you can do about it
15:26.21bkw_linux lacks the granularity a cisco has
15:26.32Hogiedo you guys think the rumors are true about Larry W. (one of the Matrix creators)?
15:26.43bkw_Hogie what rumor?
15:26.58Wi_Fihead up me arse
15:27.00Hogiethat he's going in for a sex change operation
15:27.13Hogieto become "Linda"
15:27.15nitrambkw_: i think you are missing the condition that an upload is taking place at the same time
15:27.16Wi_Fizyxel p200w
15:27.23chapsterIt's his life.....      no matter how bizzare..
15:27.27bkw_nitram no I got that
15:27.50bkw_file you want a sex change operation too?
15:27.51nitrambkw_: how does your great cisco router solve that then?
15:28.03bkw_nitram priority queuing
15:28.13nitrambkw_: stopping a packet on the line as soon as voip arrives?
15:28.13bkw_let me show you what I added lastnight
15:28.14chapsterHogie: Didn't see any link to that on Slashdot.... how can I be sure it is true? :)
15:28.26bkw_nitram no moving voice to the front of the line
15:28.39*** join/#asterisk klc_ (
15:28.44Hogieslashdot is so....  untrue now
15:28.48bkw_class-map match-all voice
15:28.48bkw_policy-map voice
15:28.48Hogiethey twist everything
15:28.48*** join/#asterisk dant (
15:28.56nitrambkw_: that does not help @256kbit
15:28.59*** join/#asterisk Alric (
15:29.02bkw_it does here
15:29.16nitrambkw_: not if you UPLOAD at the same time
15:29.16bkw_access-list 105 remark voice traffic
15:29.16bkw_access-list 105 permit udp any any eq 4569
15:29.16bkw_access-list 105 permit udp any any eq 5060
15:29.17bkw_access-list 105 permit udp any any range 16384 32768
15:29.23bkw_oh but it does
15:29.39chapsterOk. Here is a link about the sex-change operation and matrix.
15:29.53Hogiechapster: I pasted that over a minute ago
15:29.57nitrambkw_: you ever heard queing theory?
15:30.20mrgobyjbot sex change
15:30.24jbotmrgoby: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
15:30.25bkw_nitram I have toyed with diffrent queuing setups
15:30.31mrgobyjbot sex
15:30.35jbotwell, sex is updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
15:30.35chapsterHogie: I apologize for not paying attention!
15:30.59*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
15:31.17bkw_jbot is funny
15:31.20jbotbkw_: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
15:31.22mrgobyhe forgot exit
15:31.24nitrambkw_: ok. so what happens to a 1500byte packet that is on the line when a voip packet arrives in your cisco?
15:31.39bkw_nitram the cisco will move the voice packet to the front of the line
15:31.53nitrambkw_: you mean the queue
15:32.06nitramonce the packet is on the line
15:32.45blitzrageonce the packet is received...
15:33.08bkw_I first tried cusom queuing its seems to peform the same
15:33.12nitrambkw_: all the router does is rearrange the queue
15:33.35bkw_ya but it do it at both ends
15:33.45bkw_its like fastpass at disneyland
15:33.49bkw_or what every the call it
15:33.55nitrambkw_: if there are no more voip packets in the queue it starts sending lower priority packets
15:34.10nitrambkw_: now imagine just that situation
15:34.35nitrambkw_: all the voip packets from the queue are sent. the router starts sending a pmtu packet
15:34.54nitrambkw_: just after it started that, a new voip packet arrives at the queue
15:35.07nitramthe router moves it immedieatly in front of the queue
15:35.25nitrambut the line is still choking on the big lower prio packet
15:35.42bkw_accually in this case we can start dumping packets if we really want to
15:35.49nitramso in the worst case the voip packet hast to wait those 50ms packets
15:36.05bkw_this is what a jitter buffer is for
15:36.13nitramthank you
15:36.26bkw_but you're saying that priority queuing doesnt work
15:36.44nitramso for that max delay of 50ms your jitterbuffer would have to be how big? 100ms?
15:37.03bkw_100ms isn't bad
15:37.07Connordoes''nt work worth a flip for me..But I can't figure out if my cisco is doing it at the IP level or the ATM level or what..
15:37.10nitramplus link latency
15:37.20nitramplus there is no jitterbuffer for SIP?
15:37.38bkw_accually sip to zap does
15:37.47bkw_zap does the jitter buffer
15:37.58bkw_if you do sip to sip with reinvites
15:38.04bkw_you have end device jitter buffers
15:38.21nitrambkw_: that is why i reduce the MSS
15:39.06bkw_I have never had to do that but ok :P
15:39.08nitrambkw_: and i use sipgate here in germany, so i do not have any influence on their setup
15:39.26nitramas i can only influence, what i send to them
15:39.36nitramand not what they do with it
15:39.38bkw_I am toying with the idea of doing some tunnels
15:40.04*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
15:40.45nitramhow would that help?
15:40.52Hogieive been using iax2 over ipsec without any problems since... Thursday, yay for me
15:41.30nitrammhm... i have been using sip over tinc without problems
15:41.38*** join/#asterisk Crippled (
15:42.40bkw_nitram I love playing with this stuff I try things just to see how it works or if it even works
15:43.12*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
15:43.37bkw_you can also use car
15:43.47nitrambkw_: i know... i do the same thing
15:44.09nitrambkw_: that's why i try to run everything on my one linux server
15:44.12*** join/#asterisk Gamble (
15:44.31mrgobycar ?
15:44.48nitrambkw_: router, pbx, X, mplayer on second videocard to tv, fileserver, ....
15:45.13nitrambkw_: so far it works pretty well :)
15:46.14*** join/#asterisk af_ (~af@
15:46.52bkw_i'm doing an echo test and maxing out my upstream
15:46.56bkw_voice sounds PERFECT
15:47.15JerJerword to your respective mothers
15:47.48nitrambkw_: maybe your cisco drops packets then...
15:47.58bkw_ya which I don't care
15:47.59mrgobyspeaking of mothers... did everyone call theirs today ??
15:48.03bkw_it will cause the upload to back off
15:48.06EssobiJerjer How's H323 V2 coming along?
15:48.07bkw_and slow down
15:48.25JerJerEssobi: slowly
15:48.27nitrambkw_: try running bittorrent ;)
15:48.49bkw_na i'm too much of a "me" person to run bittorrent
15:49.17chapstermrgoby: Not yet. Having a big motherday dinner. My mom, my mother-in-law, and I think my brothers mother-in-law all at my brother in laws.....    almost a family renunion.
15:49.29JerJeri thought about lighting up a bittorrent until i was told how much bandwidth they can burn up
15:49.49Alricbkw_ I think I've seen torrent programs that facilitate leechers...
15:50.30mrgobyi'm thinking a reduced rate phone call via nufone might be in order for me mum
15:50.55mrgobyhappy mothers day....  how do i sound....??  how bout now???
15:51.11EssobiUmm.. Can you hear me now?
15:51.20EssobiCan.... Can you hear me now?
15:51.28EssobiHow 'bout now?
15:51.34EssobiDamn it. ;)
15:52.15JerJerEssobi:  chan_h323v2 can make H.323 calls outbound (signalling only)
15:53.24JerJerbut then i decided to re-tool the socket handling so it wouldn't block the reading when i'm processing packets
15:53.43JerJerala scale better
15:54.34EssobiOnly makes sense.
15:54.57EssobiAre you writing it with the h323 libs again?
15:55.05JerJermeep mepp
15:55.20JerJerEssobi: indirectly, yes  mep...
15:57.21fileI'm Spartacus!
15:57.25fileare you?
15:57.33ConnorI hate people who post to a list and their damn reply is a freaking attachment..
15:58.01fileConnor: I've been noticing that lately, I don't even read them
15:58.24ConnorSomeone needs to bitch slap Mark Elkins
15:59.27mrgoby~cluebot Mark Elkins
15:59.36jbotMark Elkins is a total moronic idiotic lemming and should be shot
15:59.36fdeierleinHi again, I am not able to dial out with a PRI, inbound works fine... I really need help (and have read the docs...)
15:59.45fileokay who killed me?
16:00.05chapsterThere are a lot of attachments on the list. Usually, emails with attachments that I see are spam. I used to almost always delete them, but now I have to be careful.
16:00.59filetoday is such a good day to see crappy movies on TV
16:01.25ConnorMark is like, the worst about it...
16:01.35fdeierleinmy dial line: exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1},60)
16:01.42mrgobyanyone have suggestions on how to manage sip.conf when the number of users and peers gets to be quite large? ....  includes the best way?
16:02.11mrgobyi checked out the mysql hack, but it is just that IMO, with no accountcode, etc....
16:03.12BoRiSis it bad reading CDR logs from file instead of trying to put it in an *SQL database and reading from there?
16:03.52JerJermrgoby: why break something when it already works?
16:04.15mrgobymeaning ?
16:04.34fdeierleinI allway get:   == No one is available to answer at this time
16:04.34JerJerif it is not broke, don't fix it
16:04.45mrgobywell, i know sip.conf works....  it is more a matter of searching through 200 accounts for the right one
16:04.52tzangerJerJer: I usually say "If it ain't broke, break it"
16:05.15JerJerif its snot broke, don't fix it
16:05.19fileooh, Speed is on at 3:30
16:05.30JerJerthats great, if i had TV
16:05.57fileso is TekWar: TekJustice
16:06.46fileanother 3 seasons of stargate to download...
16:06.48chapsterTekWar... that the one William Shatner writes?
16:06.54filechapster: yeah
16:07.16bkw_did he kill his wife?
16:07.17chapsterI saw some of the first ones- before it went to cable/satellite.....  I only get broadcast, much to my kids dismay.
16:07.20bkw_and get away with it
16:07.40filebkw_: I will neither acknowledge or ignore that question
16:07.58bkw_well you just acked it
16:08.07fileor, did i?
16:08.17bkw_we are talking about it so I guess so :P
16:08.24filedon't guess - know!
16:08.43filewhy must the eBay site keep changing on me?
16:10.09filebkw_: it's all your fault
16:10.17bkw_ok I take da blame
16:10.18bkw_I did it
16:11.09debaserdamnit brian, why'd you break my hot water heater?
16:11.15filekram: you have too much asterisk apparel
16:12.05fdeierleinmaybe that is the reason, but I do not understand what could be wrong:
16:12.05fdeierlein< Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=13
16:12.05fdeierlein< Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 32774/0x8006) (Terminator)
16:12.05fdeierlein< Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
16:12.05fdeierlein< Cause (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location: Public network serving the local user (2)
16:12.06fdeierlein<                  Ext: 1  Cause: Invalid number format (28), class = Normal Event (1) ]
16:12.08fdeierlein< Progress Indicator (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location: Public network serving the local user (2)
16:12.11fdeierlein<                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) ]
16:16.14fileoh now that's cool
16:16.32fdeierleinany idea? please...
16:17.32*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
16:17.55rajoScaredyCat: cool.... can i now send sms with kphone :)
16:18.52ScaredyCatno... get a real phone :)
16:19.07mrgobythat is cool ScaredyCat
16:19.30mrgobygot any codey code to share on that ?
16:19.46ScaredyCaterrm.. the sms is in cvs.. (not my code)
16:20.03ScaredyCatI can share the cgi if anyone wants it
16:20.18ScaredyCatand the dial plan.. bits..
16:20.53mrgobyfosho == for sure :)
16:21.12ScaredyCati was thinking fuck off shit head orrifice..
16:21.43mrgobyheheh....   dammit... how dare you try to share that code...
16:27.36*** join/#asterisk eabinga (~EABinGA@
16:28.58eabingaanybody running * on gentoo with oh323 and gnomemeeting?
16:29.51*** join/#asterisk nun_ (
16:30.14nun_how-dee folks.  I hope someone can recommend some cheap SIP phones?
16:30.23nun_don't need lots of features
16:30.40filethe Budgetone from Grandstream?
16:30.53eabingai use the budgtone ata-286
16:31.00nun_hmm... let's see what google has to say
16:31.05filewell he wanted cheap SIP phones, so that's what I said
16:31.07voidptrhumm that one does have a lot of features
16:31.11voidptrerrr... bugs
16:31.23eabingabut its cheap
16:31.27*** join/#asterisk expousr (
16:32.39nun_hmmmmm... buggy isn't so good
16:33.07*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
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16:33.40cjkwho has experiences in using more then 2 grandstream sipphones behind traditional broadband dsl routers?
16:34.20eabingai have used one grandstream and a softphone behind routers
16:34.24Hogieim back!
16:34.33ScaredyCatmrgoby: refresh the page
16:34.35znoGgrandstream phones behind broadband dsl routers caused me some headaches
16:34.48bkw_get a non-crack headed NAT router
16:34.52bkw_and it will show ya love
16:34.59znoGcjk: is your broadband dsl router going crazy and crashing when you got your grandstream plugged into the network?
16:35.21cjkznoG, no. just wanted to knwo with which brand of dsl router you got it werking
16:35.22mrgoby:-) thanks ScaredyCat
16:35.26znoGwhen i shoved the barbietone onto a network with a linux-based gateway (none of this broadband dsl router shit) it was fine
16:35.56cjkbkw_, what is a non-crack headed nat ?
16:36.11znoGa NAT router that doesn't smoke crack
16:36.40*** part/#asterisk expousr (
16:38.09bkw_not all nat is really NAT
16:38.21eabingaanyhow... i just just installed * on a gentoo box, if i connect to the demo with a h323 phone it rings, answers and hangs up right away -- any ideas?
16:38.21bkw_some is just a sick twisted version of PAT
16:40.03eabingathe console says: Spawn extension (demo, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'OH323/R23512'
16:43.47twisteddon't bring me into NAT
16:44.03twistedNAT + SIP == EVIL
16:44.23tzangertwisted: don't complicate things
16:44.24fileyes yes, we all know
16:44.25tzangerSIP == EVIL
16:44.34tzangerSIP = Satan's Internet Protocol
16:44.34twistedtzanger: huh?
16:44.36huggietwisted: Only as far as I can see because people don't bother to do it right.
16:44.58huggieIt does all work if you mangle the packets enough, it's just hard.
16:44.58twistedi'm so tired i'm lagging in vision
16:45.12bkw_Sexual Intiation Proceedure
16:45.22bkw_see SIP is not bad at all
16:45.24bkw_its quite good
16:45.33tzangerbkw_: I've never used VOIP to initiate sex
16:45.43twistedSIP ON MY FLESH STRAW, BITCH!
16:45.48bkw_twisted call me and we can start :P
16:45.54tzangerI've got fucking blackbirds nesting in my attic
16:45.57twistedstart what?
16:46.10bkw_wait that was for tzanger
16:46.13huggietzanger: they wouldn't be nesting if they weren't fucking.  Isn't that a bit redundant?
16:46.23twistedbkw_: i'm your SEXLESS lover
16:46.29bkw_twisted does your webcam say moosepenis?
16:46.35twistedi dono
16:46.41twisteddoes it?
16:46.41bkw_its blurry
16:46.45twistedoh no
16:46.50twistedthat's QuickCam backwards
16:46.52twistedand blurred
16:46.55twistedbecause I have the shade down
16:46.59tzangerhuggie: hahahahaha
16:47.31twistedbkw_: did you find my ever-updating link?
16:47.33Hogieanybody wanna play some bfv?
16:47.40twisted(of course, it's not hard to find)
16:52.18bkw_friction burn?
16:52.39twistedi really shouldn't try complicated maneuvers with cigarettes while dozing
16:52.50bkw_you smoke?
16:52.55bkw_thats a nasty nasty nasty habit
16:52.55twistedcompilcated maneuvers == holding it.
16:52.58twistedyes it is
16:53.41PilotPTK-Homesmoking while tired = bad.  one end is somewhat warm, and feels very displeasing when touched to your lips and tongue.
16:53.56PilotPTK-Homeie - cigarette picked up backwards.
16:53.58twistedPilotPTK-Home: i didn't try to smoke the cherry
16:54.12twistedi dropped the lit cigarette on my foot
16:54.16twistedand didn't realize it for a second
16:54.32ScaredyCatOMG! kewl NEW phone!!!
16:54.42twistedScaredyCat: oh yea.. seen it
16:54.53bkw_oklahoma allows us like 25k/day or something in damages
16:55.11PilotPTK-HomeHAHAHA great phone
16:55.20bkw_BoRiS its hell isn't it
16:55.39BoRiSWell, it was about 17 years ago....Ft. Sill Oklahoma.
16:55.45BoRiSAnd now....I am in Canada. :-p
16:56.06bkw_thats so wrong
16:56.09twistedseen that too
16:56.20twistedthat's so 3 days ago
16:56.34ScaredyCatring ring ring ring banana phone
16:56.52twistedmight i point out your lyricising it wrong
16:57.19twisted"ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone"
16:57.22bkw_Jim Bob the son of god
16:57.23twistedyou can't very well sing on irc
16:57.41twistedand if lyricising isn't a word
16:57.42twistedit is now
16:57.49PilotPTK-Homesure you can.  just like 'closed captioning'
16:57.51twistedlyricising (c)2005 twisted
16:58.03PilotPTK-Home*singing* ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
16:58.19twistedPilotPTK-Home: but we're missing the little note symbols like they use on [CC]
16:58.45*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
16:58.45twistedbkw_: you should redo that badger thing  too
16:58.48BoRiSDoes anyone ever remember that funny kids tv show... "You can't do that on television"?
16:58.49twistedand do a moose penis version
16:58.51bkw_twisted na
16:59.09twistedmoose moose moose moose moose moose moose donkey dick
16:59.14ScaredyCatseen this one twisted
16:59.15*** join/#asterisk joshhh (~lindows_k@
16:59.19EssobiBoRiS Yes.
16:59.34BoRiSI used to love that show. :)
16:59.41*** part/#asterisk joshhh (~lindows_k@
16:59.47EssobiBoRiS funny was taking it a bit far.. Corny is a better description. ;)
17:00.40EssobiMmm.. Lisa, Kevin, Ross.. and.. the chef?
17:00.52twistedScaredyCat: nope
17:00.55twistedhadn't seen that one before
17:01.01mrgobythe chef was BARF
17:01.09twistedand i think if i continue to watch it with the volume going up, i'll have to shoot something
17:01.55EssobiBoRiS How some of their jokes bade it on the air I don't know.. I still remember the producer digging a ciggerete out of the toilet bitching about it was too hard to light them.
17:02.14EssobiDirector?  Producer.. He was one of'em.
17:03.52BoRiSDont forget.... "Moose"
17:06.10*** join/#asterisk f (
17:06.55*** join/#asterisk gafachi (
17:07.26twistedi just realized something
17:07.31twistedmy head looks like a skull with eyes
17:08.08twistedit's naptime.
17:08.16twistedi'm losing my mind
17:08.21BoRiSyes....yes you are.
17:08.27*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
17:12.56fileFWD and IAX, I love it
17:13.31*** join/#asterisk mazirian (
17:14.45blitzrageI gotta get that setup..
17:15.01blitzrageI actually need to get my PBX setup again...
17:15.08ScaredyCatheheh, I freaked a company out in Protland by phoning them from .nl ...
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
17:17.20*** join/#asterisk markit (
17:21.39*** join/#asterisk Flatcat (
17:23.15Flatcathehehe.. my PC acting as a failsafe angainst too much bananaphone
17:27.54mitchelblah scaredy, faking your CID?
17:28.35mitcheli can't get mine to fake, i think my phone company is screweing with it on their end =/
17:29.19ScaredyCatwhat do you mean mitchel?
17:29.34*** join/#asterisk sledge__ (
17:29.54*** part/#asterisk sledge__ (
17:29.57ScaredyCatyou can't fake your CID on a pstn line
17:30.14ScaredyCatthe telco will just ignore it
17:30.18znoGyou can only use the AGI or whatever, right?
17:30.20znoGor ANI
17:30.49mitchelscaredy: you can fake it
17:30.57mitchelscaredy: you just have to have the right connection
17:30.57ScaredyCatthe telco switches will just ignore it and provide it's own
17:31.03gafachihow stable is zaptelrtc?
17:31.15mitchelheh...shido called me on my cell phone with a caller id of 1-000-000-0000
17:31.36ScaredyCatyes, mitchel but you wont have that from a domestic pstn like
17:32.08ScaredyCatyes, if YOU contorl the switches then there's no problem with faking clid
17:32.18gafachiand I dont think it is going to be around for much longer on PRIs and such...  atleast not for non-carriers of some sort
17:32.19ScaredyCatthat's easy./..
17:32.36gafachianyone with a PRI can do it right now
17:32.49*** join/#asterisk da_Man-FL (
17:32.50ScaredyCatanyho... dog walking... bbl
17:32.52mitcheli wonder if anyone has talked their phone company into allowing you to do that
17:33.07znoGnot without a damn good reason
17:33.12mitcheli've got an integrated t1, i was hoping i could do that
17:33.16znoGor i'd be calling all my friends with CLID of 911
17:33.35gafachiyou can do it on any PRI that I've ever had
17:33.47znoGi only have BRI :(
17:34.58*** join/#asterisk Simon (
17:38.17kapejodthat featue is called "CLIP no screening" on isdn
17:38.39kapejodi learned that it's a common feature in austria, even on BRIs
17:39.52*** join/#asterisk jjanzer (~jjanzer@
17:40.30mitchelwell, maybe i can talk them into changing our cids to one number, the main number we have from them, shouldn't be any complaints then
17:41.46*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:46.53data[gone-fishinwow twisted has finally gone to sleep :}
17:47.12data[gone-fishinmust be brian's turn to wake up soon :)
17:50.45chapsterbrian hasn'
17:50.50chapstert been gone long.
17:55.34cybersystemwhere can i find zaprtc for 2.6?
17:56.45kapejodbut better wait a few hours until i have updated my patches to latest cvs
17:57.21cybersystemkapejod: thanks
17:57.36BoRiSthe RTC patch included into cvs?
17:57.54*** join/#asterisk fdeierlei1 (
17:57.55*** join/#asterisk AcidDemon (
17:58.37kapejodBoRiS: it contains the rtc.c file from the kernel, so it cannot be disclaimed into cvs
18:00.32data[gone-fishinkapejod: heh cool, i was lookin for that some weeks ago :)
18:01.23BoRiSIt would be nice to the zaprtc (including working with linux 2.6) included with * cvs.
18:01.29BoRiSor in the add-ons section
18:02.20SimonSo it that RTC patch ready to install?
18:02.36Simonkapejod, what do you mean by waiting for an updated patch?
18:02.55kapejodSimon: meaning i am currently updating my patches agains latest cvs...
18:03.04SimonI was just worrying about how to do timing on my Dell machines, because they have the wrong USB controller for ztdummy... this is great.
18:03.53Simonso you'll upload a new file to rtcon26.tar.gz once you're done?
18:05.03su-did i really send a virus ?
18:05.52BoRiSyes email client was not even on
18:06.15su-not was any windows machine
18:09.10BoRiSAnd I dont even know what you are talking about.
18:10.11su-i just got a bunch of returned emails:L
18:10.14su-Subject of the message:  [Asterisk-Users] Re: Question
18:10.14su-One or more attachments were quarantined.
18:11.05bkw_oh ya I got that one too
18:11.27su-how the hell did my name get attached to that
18:12.59su-i only had 2 linux boxes on at the time
18:12.59Simonkapejod, is your rtc timer SMP aware?
18:12.59filesu-: maybe somebody masqueraded as you?
18:12.59su-looks like it
18:12.59*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
18:13.06*** join/#asterisk Crippled (
18:13.36*** join/#asterisk tintin (~tintin@
18:13.41tintinhi all
18:14.57fileDownload of stargate database in progress.
18:15.01mitchelwoo woo woo woo?
18:15.03*** join/#asterisk snowy (
18:15.04fileSeasons 2 to 5 completed.
18:15.13fileSeasons 1, 6, and 7 to be downloaded.
18:15.27HogieI need to buy 6 & 7 on dvd:\  haven't had the money
18:15.32mitchelfile: can you get friends too? heh
18:15.33*** part/#asterisk snowy (
18:15.38filemitchel: HA
18:15.54mitchelfine, how about the simpsons?
18:16.07mitchelalex mack?
18:16.12fileI just have a site for low quality Stargate episodes, which are perfect for my Zaurus
18:16.40mitchelhaha anyone remember that show?
18:17.21filevery, uh, interesting
18:18.59bkw_very uh uninstresing
18:19.26Hogievery uh, boring
18:19.34ScaredyCatpah! bollocks!
18:19.59fileI'd like some episodes of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy though
18:21.57mitchellol you guys suck
18:22.00mitchelthat was a good show
18:22.03mitchelwhen i was like 8
18:22.05mitchelit was awesome
18:22.55*** join/#asterisk brian__ (
18:30.16bkw_Anyone having issues with BT101's dtmf in info mode?
18:32.00gafachibkw_: I think dtmf info is okay in and, what ver are you running?
18:32.40bkw_someone opened a bug
18:32.50bkw_gafachi did you try that usleep I told ya bout?
18:33.12gafachino, sorry I must have missed that message
18:33.27gafachiwhere should I try to usleep?
18:33.46bkw_in rtp.c their is a 500ms usleep
18:33.53bkw_search for usleep(500000);
18:34.18gafachihaha, that makes a ton of sense, I didnt look into the source yet...
18:34.55gafachiI was just running tcpdump and verifying that the silence was coming from no rtp being passed
18:35.11gafachiso, is there any reason that it is in there?
18:35.47Hogiemy brother hates me
18:36.00gafachiI know some devices arent ready for rtp even though they are supposed to be as soon as they send SDP...  is the sleep in there for that reason?
18:36.06*** join/#asterisk Hez_ (
18:37.39bkw_gafachi yes its there for a reason but you can remove it and it still works
18:37.42bkw_or lower it to like 5000
18:39.50gafachithanks bkw!  I'm going to try lowering/removing that... back in a few
18:40.19bkw_gafachi I have a bug open on this and kram is aware of it ... just need to figure out how much work needs to take place to fix it
18:40.46bkw_maybe the usleep needs to be moved above the answer.. right now its taking place between answer and bridge.
18:45.44CMikehm. My asterisk coredumps when I get an incoming sip call from a peer thats not in sip.conf..
18:46.02CMikeI get this error when using qint..  any of you guys recognize that ?
18:46.21*** join/#asterisk data[gone-fishin (~data@
18:47.33gafachibkw_ I took out the usleep and the problem seems to be gone, thanks
18:47.51bkw_gafachi keep testing....
18:47.53gafachii'll do a little looking later on to see what that is all about....
18:48.06bkw_thats da bug on it
18:48.26*** join/#asterisk MustDie (voip@
18:48.47dougheckamust die!
18:48.50dougheckahar har
18:49.05gafachithanks for pinpointing that.... would have taken a while to find that
18:49.40bkw_doughecka you didn't do anything
18:50.12dougheckaI said he must die!
18:50.15gafachihaha, yeah really... "thanks" was directed to bkw_
18:50.45*** join/#asterisk su- (
18:53.54fileomg I'm imploding
18:54.31Hogiefile: you had taco bell last night didn't you?
18:54.44filenever had Taco Bell in my life
18:54.55*** part/#asterisk mitchel (
18:55.21HogieThen you had Good Taco?>
18:55.25*** join/#asterisk sob0l (sobol@
18:55.52data[gone-fishinstill never been to wendy's tho in my visits to amerika
18:56.28Hogieim bored
18:57.17fileWendy's is... yummy
18:57.32EssobiIs dialplan interaction the only difference between AGI and EAGI?
18:57.58nun_dialplan interaction
18:58.01nun_sounds kinky
18:58.23FuzzyCatnot as kinky as 'nun dialplan interaction'
19:03.23bkw_EAGI lets you write an audio file straight to the channel
19:03.42bkw_Using 'EAGI' provides enhanced AGI, with incoming audio available out of bandon file descriptor 3
19:03.53bkw_you can use EAGI with things like speech to text
19:04.00fileoh god you made me forget what I was doing
19:04.08bkw_file I am not your god
19:04.20filehow can I be sure?
19:05.10tzangerI am
19:06.09Hogieomg, this should be great
19:06.31HogieI just had a brainstorm how to use t2s for my sysadmin stuff
19:07.26Hogiemost of my "management" stuff for databases and such is stored in mysql... I can use AGI to read, say our current bandwidth usage and such, and read it out to an extension... or have it check status of the servers and read it out
19:07.40Hogiethat would be a cool system... call into work and have the pbx check server status, haha
19:07.50bkw_Hogie been there done that! :P
19:08.14HogieI can also have it intergrate with PETS
19:08.20CrippledI have a ta750 that doesn't want to come off red alarm.. What can I use for a serial connection to it?  what terminal program.
19:08.57*** join/#asterisk allanon (
19:10.11SplasPoodSo what's the reasoning behind the YATE project?
19:10.29voidptrreasons reasons...
19:11.00SplasPoodJust curious
19:11.25voidptr"Asterisk sucks!" ;P
19:12.08voidptrhey... ain't you away fishing ;P
19:12.47voidptrsorry i was already hiding behind a rock
19:13.43voidptri'm just a figment in your imagination data... to other people it just looks like you are talking to yourself
19:15.07*** join/#asterisk LTG (
19:16.05LTGbkw ever have problem when you turn a Cisco phone on and it causes another Cisco phone to crash?
19:16.26citatsLTG: mmmm kalamazoo beer
19:16.39bkw_LTG what firmware?
19:17.23*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
19:17.26*** join/#asterisk dbron (
19:18.05LTGbkw The 7920 is on cmterm_7920.3.3-01-03 and the 7940 is on P00306000300.
19:18.49LTGbkw When I turn on the 7920 the 7940 crashes.
19:19.37LTGbkw I have had the 7940 running for over 24 hrs and it is ok until I turn on the 7920.
19:20.39LTGbkw I configured the 7920 for a different call manager and still took down the 7940.
19:21.00LTGbkw It's like the 7920 is broadcasting something.
19:22.05LTGcitats Are you in Kalamazoo?
19:22.30bkw_what firmware is on the 7940?
19:23.24citatsLTG: nope, but i'm drinking an oberon right now :)
19:24.32LTGbkw The 7940 is running P00306000300 (I think it would be 6.3 in SIP mode)
19:24.38data[gone-fishinbkw_: which branch did you say to use for asterisk 'prod'?
19:24.43fileomg, my Zaurus will be like here maybe even Tuesday
19:24.51fileit's already in Canada and it was shipped out Friday
19:27.48data[gone-fishininstalled :)
19:27.56data[gone-fishinwhat tag? not stable... it was summit else :)
19:28.29citatsdata[gone-fishin: stable and head are your choices
19:28.29tzangerwhich zaurus
19:28.42tzangergiven the choice between stable and head I'll take head any day!
19:28.45HogieI like head
19:28.52tzangerfile: I have one of those
19:28.58tzangerand I'm in Canada
19:29.06citatsfile: you forgot to change the ship to address to my house
19:29.12filecitats: darn
19:29.13data[gone-fishincvs checkout -r head asterisk
19:29.13data[gone-fishincvs [checkout aborted]: no such tag head
19:29.18citatsdata[gone-fishin: HEAD
19:29.24filetzanger: good for you
19:29.25data[gone-fishinah doh
19:29.29tzangergot the wifi, eth and serial port for it too :-)
19:29.29tzangerdata[gone-fishin: HEAD
19:29.31tzangeractually you don't specify a tag
19:29.38filetzanger: my wifi is on the way too
19:29.39Hogiedata, why dont you read the directions on the asterisk webpage?:P
19:29.39tzangerfile: it rocks
19:29.42mrgobycitats: oberon is yummy
19:29.48tzangeranyway off to mow the lawn
19:29.49citatsmrgoby: indeeed
19:29.56tzangerunless any of you buggers are gonna do it for me?  :-)
19:30.06citatstzanger: thats what i was doing, i had to take a break to take some alergy stuff though
19:30.10mrgobyas is sleeping bear ale
19:30.17fileYour item left the United States from Chicago (O'Hare) AMC at 9:17 pm on May 08, 2004.
19:30.29data[gone-fishinHogie: i did read the webpage :p - it said DEVELOPMENT was no tags, and STABLE 1.0 was another, i thought 'head' was summit else, not 'dev' :p
19:30.37tzangercitats: yeah it takes me 3h to mow mine (3/4 acre) with a regular gas push mower (no assist)
19:30.59tzangerI did half of it on Friday
19:31.03tzangergot to do the other half now
19:31.17citatstzanger: heh, i've got one of the light john deere riding mowers and it'll take me about 3-4 hours today since its the first time... after that it takes just under 2 hours
19:31.20fileit's like... 21 hours away from me
19:31.25debasertzanger: get a riding mower
19:31.31tz-afkcitats: jesus what kind of property do you have?
19:31.39tz-afkdebaser: yeah I plan on it
19:31.52citatstz-afk: just under 2 acres
19:32.08citatsheh, except when the grass is long :)
19:32.08debaseri had a few acres where i lived before.  aries makes really good mowers that don't cost as much as john deere
19:32.24Hogieit sucks when you mow with all of these:
19:32.30Hogieand it still takes you 2 weeks to get it all done
19:32.33debaseryeah, just cut your grass more :P
19:32.57debaserHogie: hahah
19:32.58tz-afkgotta get me one of htose
19:32.59citatsok beer gone, more grass cutting
19:33.21Hogiewe mow 3 lakes here in Texas
19:33.34Hogie10 hour days running those, and it still takes them 2 weeks to do it
19:33.47filemow a lake?
19:33.55filewouldn't the water pose a problem? ;)
19:33.56Hogiethe parks around it
19:34.02filehaha I know
19:34.03fileit was a joke
19:34.09Hogienot a very good one
19:34.11Hogienobody laughed
19:35.00filemrgoby: thank you, thank you
19:35.14filenow - make my Zaurus be delivered tomorrow and I'll give you a small province in Canada
19:35.34Hogiewhat, 2ft x 2ft?
19:36.17filemaybe, just maybe
19:36.28bkw_you never really own lan
19:36.42bkw_you will always pay taxes on it
19:36.45fileoh dear me I awakened bkw_
19:36.48bkw_which is just downright stupid
19:36.56bkw_you can NEVER own anything in life
19:37.07bkw_paid off or not
19:37.20CrippledDo I need a special serial cable to connect to a ta750?
19:37.40LTGEven when you die you pay.
19:37.51bkw_its insane
19:38.12fileI feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!
19:38.13bkw_people are always like SAVE SAVE SAVE
19:38.17bkw_why? you can't take it with you
19:39.06fileWhen it comes to in I have not enough, as I just ran out.
19:39.50*** join/#asterisk EvlHimeko (himeko@
19:40.53SplasPoodIf I register for a second DID /w asterisk, is there any way to determine when calls come in on one DID versus the other..
19:41.13SplasPoodI meant /w voicepulse
19:43.16*** join/#asterisk ChrisDE (
19:45.29Simonslashpod, yes, send each DID to a different extension int he same context. know what would be cool, is to have asterisk integrated into a bare linux livecd
19:47.10cjkdid anyone had success in using multiple sip phones behind nat, if yes which brand of dsl router was used?
19:47.16scudthen use thumbdrive or mount local paritions for swap
19:47.31fileit was slow, it was buggy, so they wrote it again - and now it's up to OS10!
19:47.48filethey'll charge for the beta and then charge you again, MacOS still blows!
19:48.41SplasPoodSimon: how do I differentiate... I only have 1 account, and thus 1 register statement
19:48.44Simonslashpood: Send each DID to a different extension in the same context with your register line.
19:48.59*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
19:50.13SplasPoodSimon: You said that...   How?
19:51.11BoRiSI would like to see an example too
19:51.35SplasPooddo a gotoif with thaT?
19:52.56LTGbkw Any ideas on the Cisco phone crash?
19:57.24bkw_what firmware do you have on the 7940
19:57.26bkw_thats what I need to know
19:57.30bkw_if its older then turn of CDP
19:57.36bkw_no run cdp
19:57.41bkw_on any cisco device on your network
19:57.51bkw_cdp packets can crash a 79xx with older firmware
19:57.59h3xhow smart is that!
19:58.02LTGbkw it is ver 6.3 for SIP
19:58.11bkw_dont know what to tell ya
19:58.13bkw_mine both work fine
19:58.49LTGbkw Where can I find CDP to make sure it is running?
19:59.02bkw_you have any cisco routers?
19:59.09LTGbkw Nope.
19:59.49bkw_its just cisco discovery protocol
19:59.57bkw_not sure what to tell ya
20:00.05Crippledanyone have any experience with adtran devices and serial connections through minicom?
20:00.39Death_INCLTG: CDP does not go past the physical network segment
20:00.41SplasPoodbkw_: Do you know if there is any way to determine which DID someone dialed when calling one of 2 numbers tied to the same voicepulse connect account?
20:01.08Death_INCLTG: so you need to make sure if it's plugged into a cisco switch that switch has cdp disabled, which is disabled with "no cdp run" -- or you could even disable it for only that port
20:01.59*** join/#asterisk expousr (
20:01.59LTGDeath_INC I am just running them on a Netgear switch in my house.
20:02.09Death_INCLTG: then I doubt CDP is related :)
20:02.25bkw_Death_INC it was in the past
20:02.31*** part/#asterisk fdeierlei1 (
20:02.36Death_INCbkw, in his case ;)
20:02.48bkw_no but the 79xx's did have issues with it
20:02.55bkw_just trying to ask the questions to figure it out
20:03.16Death_INCyou just hadnt asked if there was a cisco switch so I thought I'd check
20:03.40LTGDeath_INC Both phones work ok by themself but not together
20:05.24Death_INCSplasPood, did you look at the relevant variables?
20:05.24LTGDeath_INC The problem is when I turn on the 7920 and it download conf file the 7940 stops working.
20:05.46Death_INCLTG: they don't happen to both be getting the same IP address right?
20:06.07LTGDeath_INC nope different IPs
20:06.45Death_INCLTG: try it with the TFTP server unavailable, it'll still come up right?
20:06.46SplasPoodDeath_INC: like ${DNID} ?
20:06.53Death_INCSplasPood, yes
20:07.10LTGDeath_INC On the 7920 or 7940
20:07.13SplasPoodDeath_INC: I through a NoOp(${DNID}) in my exten to see and it shows nothing
20:07.18SplasPoodthrew even..
20:08.03Death_INCLTG: 7920
20:08.34filestop throwing stuff!
20:08.36Death_INCmaybe the 7940 is seeing the tftp packets and getting confused *shrug* I'm reaching for straws
20:09.12SplasPoodDeath_INC: Is there something I'd have to do to make that var active...  I'm running CVS HEAD from earlier today
20:09.16Death_INCSplasPood, did you try an exten in there of the number being dialed? I thought they had that
20:10.19SplasPoodDeath_INC: Don't you define that in the register line... ?
20:10.34Death_INCdon't do that
20:10.40Death_INCthats your problem
20:10.43*** join/#asterisk klaus (
20:10.57Death_INCremove the /EXTEN from your register and configure it like they say heh
20:11.09SplasPoodDeath_INC: bahaha thank you
20:11.30Death_INCnp heh
20:12.34SplasPoodDeath_INC: actually, I dont have /EXTEN in there..
20:12.49SplasPoodDeath_INC: Do I need to have a VPWS context tho?
20:12.55Death_INCdid you follow the link?
20:13.07Death_INCcontext = voicepulse-in
20:13.12Death_INCit explains it all in there
20:13.19Death_INCVPWS is the context on their end
20:13.27SplasPoodI just need to wait for them to activate this DID
20:13.39SplasPoodI dont even see the calls hit asterisk yet
20:15.02SplasPoodDeath_INC: or wait.. I guess I just needed to add the proper exten..   asterisk wasn't spitting anything out...
20:15.05fileand in strolls my brother...
20:15.19LTGDeath_INC I changes the TFTP ip address on the 7920 and it still crashed the 7940.
20:15.45Death_INCLTG: it crashes as soon as it sends TFTP? is it configured for DHCP?
20:16.33LTGDeath_INC It is configured for DHCP with a static TFTP IP.
20:17.09Death_INCTLG: try static IP too
20:17.12*** join/#asterisk Tili (
20:17.21Death_INCnext I'll sat GLT
20:17.27Death_INCthen GTL
20:18.05Death_INCLTG: did you look on cisco's KB?
20:18.25SplasPoodDeath_INC: ok works great now...    So when does the DNID var actually get set/used?
20:18.46filering a ding ding
20:18.55Death_INCSplasPood, I know you get it from a T1 etc, but I thought you got it from IAX too, could be they just not passing it
20:19.06SplasPoodDeath_INC: Ahh k
20:19.22*** join/#asterisk mitchel (
20:19.31mitcheliax + asterisk = awesome =)
20:19.41Death_INChaha, hi
20:20.10mitchelits seriously really cool
20:20.50cjkis this possible? <*1>-<nat>-<internet>-<*2>. all calls from the phones on *1 will be forwarded to *2 who knows how to handle them. but the rtp traffic will not necessarly pass through *2 ???
20:21.10mitchelcjk? yes it's possible
20:21.21cjkmitchel, thanks
20:21.35mitchelbut by rtp not passing do you mean if a call comes in from phone A for phone B and both are behind *1 that they shouldn't bridge through *2?
20:21.39*** join/#asterisk Dorphalsi (
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20:21.46LTGDeath_INC It crashed when the 7920 gets to 'Downloading load ID'
20:22.16DorphalsiUmm I was wondering, how can I record an incoming call?
20:22.32mitcheldorphias: check here
20:22.53DorphalsiI mean, ok it should be with record(), but how do I know which channel the call is in?
20:23.39Dorphalsiand one more question :)
20:23.55DorphalsiIs there any sound app you would recommend to edit the gsms resulting of the recording?
20:24.11*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:26.21cjkmitchel, call from phone behind *1 goes to fwd or
20:26.56mitchelcjk: if you use iax then nat shouldn't be a problem
20:27.08mitchelat least thats what i understand
20:27.10*** join/#asterisk GAEL (
20:34.51mitchelanyone here use "firefly"??
20:35.05*** join/#asterisk jjanzer (~jjanzer@
20:35.43*** part/#asterisk GAEL (
20:36.12mitchelgael: how do you register firefly with asterisk? it's asking me for my firefly #
20:37.23*** join/#asterisk GAEL (
20:38.18mitchelgael: how do you register firefly with asterisk? it's asking me for my firefly #
20:39.19GAELOups sorry, I read to quickly. I don't use firefly.
20:39.43mitcheloh ok
20:41.08*** join/#asterisk MyQuiL (
20:41.55DorphalsiOk, I read
20:42.13DorphalsiI have a questioon
20:42.48DorphalsiI use record() to record what is going on in a channel
20:42.59Dorphalsibut how do I know what channel is the incoming call in?
20:43.31bkw_Dorphalsi you use Monitor
20:43.33bkw_not record
20:48.37*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:48.42Hogiehah, im wacky.  I have extension 555 singing the song that doesn't end
20:49.24Death_INCthat's messed up
20:49.39Hogieand its using festival to do it
20:49.53HogieGoto(extensions,555,2) after the 1 line
20:50.15MyQuiLhaha, that's great.
20:51.12Hogieexten => 555,1,Answer
20:51.12Hogieexten => 555,2,Festival(This is the song that never ends yes it goes on and on my friends some people started singing i
20:51.12Hogieexten => 555,3,Goto(extensions,555,2)
20:51.13*** join/#asterisk Himeko (himeko@
20:51.15Dorphalsibut if I use monitor
20:51.28DorphalsiI must do that from outside the dialplan
20:51.33Dorphalsicuz its from astman
20:52.03bkw_No you don't
20:52.09bkw_show application Monitor
20:52.24Dorphalsihold on
20:52.27bkw_exten => s,1,SetCallerID("Inbound Call" <9184290404>)
20:52.27bkw_exten => s,2,Monitor(wav|${TIMESTAMP}|m)
20:52.27bkw_exten => s,3,Answer
20:52.27bkw_exten => s,4,Dial(SIP/10&SIP/20&SIP/14||Tt)
20:52.27bkw_exten => s,5,Hangup
20:53.53data[gone-fishinmonitor is scary
20:54.15Dorphalsiand where does the file end?
20:54.51data[gone-fishinwhen the call hangs up :)
20:55.08data[gone-fishinif you use the |m it uses the 'soxmix' application to mix the 2 channels, so make sure thats installed too :)
20:55.46data[gone-fishinremember however, ya meant to inform the other party that you're recording them :p
20:56.16data[gone-fishinat least in the uk anyway, does the same apply in da us of a bkw_ ?
20:56.27FuzzyCatyes, tell em after u hang up
20:56.43*** join/#asterisk Bobby_Ewing (
20:57.20*** part/#asterisk ChrisDE (
20:57.21data[gone-fishinhah :p
20:57.25FuzzyCator have a script prepend a standard warning, so you can 'prove' it was there
20:57.30Bobby_EwingHi - has ayone experience with connecting budgetones to asterisk ?
20:57.36h3xit depends on the state
20:57.48h3xsome states are single party notification and others are two party notifications
20:57.56h3xand generally in business settings you dont have to notify shit
20:58.21data[gone-fishinmost of our callcenters here say: calls are recorded for customer quality or training purposes
20:58.21h3xnevada is single party, california is two party notification
20:58.46h3xcustomer quality?
20:58.56h3xyou need a shotgun to raise customer quality
20:58.57data[gone-fishinwhen you say single party? you mean the person who answers needs to know its recorded? or the person dialing in?
20:59.12FuzzyCatjust one of the above needs to know
20:59.18data[gone-fishinah k
20:59.21h3xone of the two parties has to know
20:59.39h3xif you're gonna use it for legal purposes of some sort then you probably have to notify both parties
20:59.43*** part/#asterisk LTG (
20:59.48h3xand one way its done is with a beep tone every so many seconds
20:59.51bkw_h3x not in Oklahoma
20:59.54h3xlike alarm companie
20:59.54bkw_oneparty state
21:00.40data[gone-fishinheh, i just tried using rxfax over voip, didnt like it much :)
21:00.59data[gone-fishinisdn30 -> [asterisk] ------> ulaw -------> [asterisk] -> scrambled mess
21:01.18bkw_now I think isdn30 > asterisk will scramble too
21:01.25bkw_I can never get that fax stuff workin
21:01.32data[gone-fishinworks fine on my x100p :)
21:04.35*** join/#asterisk brunner (~topgun98@
21:04.37doughecka"Really, I know what I'm doing...Ohhhh, look at the shiny buttons!"
21:04.48*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
21:04.52brunnerhi all
21:05.03brunnerI'm looking for a VoIP service I can use with my asterisk box
21:05.20brunnercould someone point me to one or two?
21:05.45brunnerI mean, I want an inbound number that people can call me from
21:06.34brunnerwhat's the name of such a service?
21:07.23doughecka2.9 cents a min
21:07.26mitchelvonage =p
21:07.31dougheckaand you get a toll free incoming call
21:07.39dougheckayou get a toll free number
21:07.42dougheckafor incoming calls
21:07.58mitcheldoughecka really?
21:08.01mitchelthats cool
21:08.16mitcheli wish it was a better rate then 2.9cents though
21:08.17Dorphalsiwhere can I find soxmix
21:08.24doughecka2.9 is gOOD
21:08.27Hogiebetter than 2.9?
21:08.34Hogiecheap skate
21:08.40dougheckacheap skates
21:08.44mitchelhehe i get 1.7cents
21:08.59FuzzyCatmuwhahahahhahaha ....
21:09.04brunnerhmm.. will allow me to make it look like I'm calling from my home number?
21:09.11dougheckabrunner: sure
21:09.17dougheckayou cant change the name
21:09.24dougheckabut you can change the number
21:09.27dougheckaI can show you if you want
21:09.32dougheckagot caller id somewhere?
21:09.40brunnerbrb though real quick
21:09.49*** join/#asterisk michael (
21:09.53doughecka"Resistance's fyoo-tile. Y'all will be assimilated."
21:10.08mitchelfuzzy, 0.00?
21:10.16mitchelhow so?
21:10.32FuzzyCatno, just depends who you work with :D
21:10.52mitchelfuzzy...hook me up
21:11.08FuzzyCatno... it's a unique arrangement...
21:11.33FuzzyCatI agreed to stop screwing his wife...
21:11.45mitchellol, no for reals what did you do?
21:11.52marloweyou jeremy you around
21:12.12brunnerdoughecka: back
21:12.21brunnercan the number you're calling from match the number you're calling?
21:12.23FuzzyCatwork for a telco marlowe
21:12.33marloweFuzzyCat: Why?
21:12.45marlowewtf is jeremy
21:12.47FuzzyCatwhy do I work ofr them?
21:13.13marloweFuzzyCat: You just said 'work for a telco marlowe''... I didnt ask where you worked.
21:13.13FuzzyCatmarlowe: mitchel
21:13.24FuzzyCattab completion
21:14.43FuzzyCati get 0.00 cos i work for a telco..
21:14.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:15.41mitchelfuzzy hook me up with an iax account out your * box =)
21:15.52mitcheland i'll stop screwing your wife ;)
21:16.02*** join/#asterisk Cyclone2 (
21:16.21FuzzyCatmitchel: hey you want her> you can have her...
21:16.31FuzzyCatI'm going gay for a bit...
21:16.36mitchelbah, that takes the whole fun out of it
21:16.46mitchelkeep her...
21:16.54mitchelbut about that 0cent rate?
21:17.07Cyclone2Is it normal to be seeing an audio lefel on zap when no channels are active?
21:17.32Cyclone2using ztmonitor
21:18.49Dorphalsihey when I monitor using the |m, does soxmix still has the problem reported?
21:19.09Dorphalsiit will die at the first zero length frames¿?
21:21.46*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
21:22.03teleniekoHi, we're can I buy IP Phones known to work with asterisk? (for Spain)
21:23.09FuzzyCatthe web
21:23.16*** join/#asterisk GAEL (
21:24.26marloweDoes anyone have incoming w/ nufone?
21:24.31teleniekoI was asking for some speccific webs ;o)
21:24.34dougheckamarlowe: yea
21:24.37marloweis it up?
21:24.42FuzzyCatI can sell you some Bugetone phones for $450 each if you like
21:24.47marlowebecause mines not
21:24.50marlowePast 7 hours its been down
21:24.52*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
21:24.54teleniekothx cybersystem
21:24.57marlowe216.234.116.189:4569  gear3       <Unregistered>             60  Timeout
21:25.00teleniekothx Cyclone2
21:25.09Bobby_EwingDoes anyone know to check which phones are registered with asterisk - i.e. linked to work?  I'm setting up a new asterisk setup and have the voip phones, but i'm not sure if they're connected correctly yet
21:25.15marloweIf anyone knows how to contact jeremy. please do
21:25.21marlowehe hasnt answered the phones all day or email
21:26.01dougheckapicked up for me
21:26.04marlowewoh picked up
21:26.04dougheckatook like 15 seconds though
21:26.06*** join/#asterisk boday (
21:26.25FuzzyCatJerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer JerJer
21:26.27marloweIm still on hold w/ them
21:26.32bodayi have just succesfully installed asterisk, but it do now answer you can help me with this
21:26.53marloweand the music on hold is getting annoying
21:26.53bodayi am using the samples file
21:27.18dougheckamarlowe: its sunday
21:27.20dougheckaI bet they aint there
21:27.30marloweIt's supposed to go to his cell phone
21:27.37marlowedoughecka: Does your incoming # work?
21:27.42dougheckaworks fine
21:27.53marloweYou use the same server?
21:28.01dougheckaI guess
21:28.24marloweI mean the sever im trying to connect to is def. NOW
21:28.25teleniekograndstream budget tone 102 is supported ?
21:28.28marloweso i dont know how yours is working
21:29.16marloweumm thats a diff server wtf
21:29.22marlowehe change servers or something
21:29.53FuzzyCattelenieko: yes they work...
21:29.53marloweAnyone have toll free w/ nufone?
21:30.01FuzzyCatbut they are shite phones...
21:30.06marlowe66.225.202.72 is the MI server
21:30.29filemarlowe: hrm?
21:30.49marlowehrm is right
21:31.00marloweI've always stuck up for jeremy in the past
21:31.07marlowebut right now hes being a complete dick :)
21:31.24bodayi have just succesfully installed asterisk, but it do now answer you can help me with this, i use the sample file to test
21:31.37fileboday: you're making no sense
21:31.54file"but it do now answer you can"
21:32.14*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
21:32.20bodayi mean, asterisk should pick up when the phone rin
21:32.33filewhat phone?
21:32.40filenot many details you gave
21:33.34bodayfile: i mean asterisk should pick up the call i give me a menu
21:33.37bodaysomething like that
21:33.42justinnnnnnu sound like the guy from star wars file
21:33.43justinnnnnnwhats his name
21:33.57dougheckahmm, speak like yoda, you do
21:34.00justinnnnnntis amusing
21:34.05dougheckahaha, learn the force, you will!
21:34.07fileboday: I'm still lost, so see if somebody else can help
21:34.28InChargethis is fun
21:34.32dougheckause the source, luke
21:34.47dougheckaHmmm, strong in the scent, this boy is
21:35.05justinnnnnnthat iax2 trunking bug
21:35.15justinnnnnni heard its not in the cvs source anymore...
21:35.20justinnnnnnim not seeing the error msg
21:35.22bodayfile: i start the asterisk deamon, in linux, and if i dial my number from a cellphone to see if asterisk answer, asterisk does not answer
21:35.24InChargewho - yoda ?
21:35.27justinnnnnnbut its still making calls go silent
21:35.34justinnnnnnlike it would if it was having the out of trunk space
21:35.42justinnnnnnis it possible they just took the error msg out :P ?
21:36.24justinnnnnnboday im assuming asterisk is connected to some sort of phone line type device ?
21:36.31fileboday: you have an X100P card? you set it up properly? modules loaded? it was recognized? did you setup the incoming context?
21:36.47filewhat do you see on the console?
21:36.54FuzzyCatdid u pay homage tothe anteater
21:36.57bodayeverything was reconized and load
21:37.00data[gone-fishin* Core Dumped (Segmentation Fault)
21:37.04bodayhow can i see from the console
21:37.16InChargeboday - well ... asterisk doesn't "answer" calls ... it handles calls the way you have set it to ...
21:37.35data[gone-fishinboday: load asterisk using: 'asterisk -vvvgc' it'll stay on the screen so you can use the console then :)
21:37.37fileInCharge: what if you have an Answer in your extensions.conf, does it not technically answer the call? ;)
21:38.19InChargefile - that's what I say ... if you have an Answer in your .conf - it handles the calls and answers it ... heh
21:38.22*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
21:38.45justinnnnnnis there anyway to get asterisk to cheat the mobile phone providers out of millions per week ?
21:38.50bodayInCharge: im in the cli now
21:39.02justinnnnnni had a look on voip-info... not much there :)
21:39.14filejustinnnnnn: how about... massive 802.11b network and wireless voip phones?
21:39.35bodayis there any way i can read asterisk call log
21:39.41justinnnnnnhehe 802.11b + voip
21:39.47justinnnnnnthat sounds reliable :)
21:39.59justinnnnnnboday it saves it in /var/log i think
21:40.08justinnnnnnor its specified in asterisk.conf anyways..
21:40.14justinnnnnnwhere it saves to
21:40.14InChargeboday - do what data says - easier ... start asterisk verbosed (-vvvvvgc)
21:41.34bodayInCharge: it run now
21:41.45bodaysay asterisk ready
21:41.54InChargegive it a call
21:42.02InChargeand see what it outputs
21:42.37filewhy does this remind me of what we were discussing earlier...
21:42.48bodayit do not output, it only showing me a *CLI> where i can type command
21:42.53InChargewasn't here then ... enlighten me ;-)
21:42.54FuzzyCatI see dead people
21:43.08tz-afkI see stupid people... they're everywhere...  they work here...
21:43.09fileInCharge: involves holding a person's hand
21:43.17InChargefile - I get it ... hehe
21:43.29InChargeboday - your call doesn't get to the server then
21:43.43justinnnnnndo outbound calls work ?
21:43.45Cyclone2Can someone suggest where to look if an outgoing call through an * server is not being hungup properly?
21:43.49bodaylet me try
21:43.50teleniekoatacomm charges 85$ for international shipping and is on US, is there anyother website to buy ip phones in europe? Uk, Spain, Germany.. ?
21:43.53teleniekothx :o)
21:44.04bodayis there a way to test it via linux bash
21:44.23teleniekoanyway dies anyone know how long it takes to Fedex to go from the us to spain? ;o)
21:44.25bkw_"linux bash" funny
21:44.48bkw_oh foo on you
21:45.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:45.07InChargeyou can place a in your asterisk /outgoing dir
21:46.01bodayInCharge: im new to that, how can i do that
21:46.04InChargetelenieko - google is your friend ;-)
21:46.15InChargeit's in the docs
21:46.26FuzzyCatfedex is your enemy
21:48.27InChargeLocate a file called '' in the asterisk directory. Modify the file to meet your call requirement. Then drop it in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. Asterisk will make the call for you
21:48.32Bobby_EwingAnyone got a minute to help me get an initial setup going through asterisk?  i have two phones connected to the network, and they can talk to each other, but not sure if a) they are communicating with asterisk, and b) how to really REALLY should be in the Asterisk docs dir.
21:49.37ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
21:49.39ManxPowerTo search the Asterisk mailing list archive go to and put in addition to your other query terms.
21:50.15InChargeManxPower - damn ... you answered 1000 questions before hand in 2 lines :-/
21:51.06bodayInCharge: it is in /outgoing
21:51.11bodaynow what do i do
21:51.26InChargewait ... :)
21:51.34*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~WebChat@
21:51.39mutilatorhey there ppls
21:51.42InChargeyou should see asterisk trying to do something with it in the command line
21:51.54mutilatoranyone ever setup an ATA behind nat?
21:52.00mutilatorand gotten it to work :P
21:52.07mutilatorusin sip
21:52.10*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
21:52.30Cyclone2PSTN - X100P - *   when I run ztmonitor it shows audio on zap/1 witout the line being used.  Is that normal?
21:52.44FuzzyCatactually I wish they all did.. but there u go
21:53.28InChargeFuzzyCat - you'd end up not giving a damn about asterisk; you'd have enough money to buy your AT&T ;-)
21:53.36ManxPowermutilator: As long as Asterisk is NOT behind NAT then it should just work fine with no special setup
21:53.56ManxPowerInCharge: Yup!
21:53.59FuzzyCatInCharge: naa, I'd have more money to invest in *
21:54.23InChargeFuzzyCat - depends on the amount I guess ;-)
21:54.27ManxPowerFuzzyCat: I wish the same thing.
21:54.36FuzzyCat41,545,845 visitors... (not hits)
21:54.52FuzzyCattho some may be dupe users
21:54.53InChargeermm ... that's a lot
21:55.20mutilatorit's not..
21:55.28FuzzyCatyes.. that's why I had to have a friendly word with my hosting co...
21:55.41FuzzyCatmutilator: this week
21:56.29bodayInCharge: where can i put a dial number in
21:56.35bodaynumber to dial
21:56.52FuzzyCatmost of those users seem to come from :
21:57.26*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
21:58.01mutilatoryou sure ManxPower?
21:58.31mutilatorcause the nat shows the packets goin out
21:58.40mutilatorbut * doesn't show anything trying to register
21:59.42bodayInCharge: it says unable to request channel Zap/1
22:01.11ManxPowermutilator: That's not a nat issue.  You can look at the ATA-186 sample config on the fnords link I just posted.
22:05.07*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
22:05.29mutilatorwhich link is that..
22:09.28*** join/#asterisk brunner (
22:10.15justinnnnnnwhat does .pdpc stand for ?
22:10.23brunnerwhat's the deal with nufone? do they not have automated sign-up?
22:11.03filecorrect, it's not automated
22:11.05filenow deal with it.
22:11.31brunnerfile: I wasn't complaining
22:11.31Legendbrunner: sign up w/ voicepulse, you will have an account in less than 30 seconds
22:13.40*** join/#asterisk ltg (
22:14.16ltgDoes anyone know if you can disable CDP on a Cisco 7920?
22:14.23brunnerLegend: does voicepulse allow you to define your callerid number on outgoing calls?
22:14.45Legendbrunner: haven't tried
22:16.46*** part/#asterisk telenieko (
22:20.47*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
22:21.05ManxPowermutilator: scroll back, it's the fnords site
22:24.02Bobby_Ewingwhen i do a "sip show peers" using the help file, i get this for phone1: phone1           (Unspecified)   (D)  0        Unmonitore
22:24.07Bobby_EwingAny idea what I could be doing wrong?
22:24.14*** join/#asterisk thomas_hamburg (
22:24.39thomas_hamburghi can anyone help me with ztdummy?
22:25.32thomas_hamburganyone here...?
22:25.49cypromiswhat'syour problem
22:26.02thomas_hamburgwhen loading with modprobe, it says unresolved symbol zt_unregister
22:26.05thomas_hamburgand some other errors
22:26.15FuzzyCatugly people maninly, cypromis..they offend me
22:27.05*** part/#asterisk ltg (
22:27.59cypromisthomas_hamburg: did you add the lines that make install adds to modules.conf ?
22:28.20cypromisdoes it load the zaptel module as well ?
22:28.27thomas_hamburgi loaded it before
22:28.28cypromisand do you load with modprobe or with insmod ?
22:28.36thomas_hamburgmodprobe ztdummy
22:28.39cypromismine works fine
22:28.40thomas_hamburgzaptel is already loaded
22:28.44cypromisunload zaptel
22:28.48cypromisand do modprobe again
22:29.45thomas_hamburgi would have never guessed that
22:29.48thomas_hamburgnow it works :-)
22:29.54cypromisno problem
22:29.57Cyclone2My x100p is not releasing the hook when the hangup command is executed.  Does anyone have any idea why?
22:30.00thomas_hamburgand my Web Conference Manager also works :-)
22:30.23fileCyclone2: it's posessed by a disgruntled Microsoft employee's soul
22:30.23thomas_hamburgok, thanks again
22:30.26*** part/#asterisk thomas_hamburg (
22:30.27TerraBytethmoas: URL?
22:30.35TerraByteWhat web manager does he speak of?
22:30.49Cyclone2It's those damn german's again
22:31.42chapsterCyclone2:  Does it hangup ok if the remote end hangs up?  
22:33.16Cyclone2chapster:  I'm not able to test that at the moment
22:33.54chapsterCyclone2: Ok. But, if someone is connected, and the dialplan issues a    Hangup, it just stays connected for how long?
22:34.45Cyclone2indefinate.  But I'm basing that on what I'm seeing from ztmonitor.
22:35.01Cyclone2[root@hxf10fae tmp]# /usr/src/zaptel/ztmonitor 1 -v
22:35.01Cyclone2Visual Audio Levels.
22:35.01Cyclone2( # = Audio Level  * = Max Audio Hit )
22:35.01Cyclone2<----------------(RX)----------------> <----------------(TX)---------------->
22:36.08Cyclone2asterisk is telling me the call has been hungup
22:40.05Bobby_Ewinghas anyone had experience with joining budgetones with asterisk
22:40.16Bobby_EwingI just can't seem to get them to register with asterisk
22:40.40Bobby_Ewingwhen issuing a sip show registry, nothing is listed
22:41.10chapsterCyclone2:  So, if asterisk hung up, isn't that what you wanted?
22:42.01Cyclone2yes.  but why am I seeing an audio level on the PSTN line all the time?
22:42.20Hogiecyclone: mine does that too when on the hook
22:43.31Cyclone2hmm... ok.  I'll ignore it.  thanks
22:45.06Hogieboth my cards do that...
22:45.18Hogieas soon as they go off hook though, it drops down to 0 if no sound comes
22:45.46*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
22:47.26*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
22:50.12Cyclone2same here.  Mine only goes to 0 when it goes off ohok
22:50.57Hogiebut mine are working fine too... heh, so that's that
22:51.08Cyclone2that's that
22:51.46mrgobymy ztmonitor shows no volume when phone is onhook for a tdm40b
22:52.24bkw_it might or night now
22:52.41Cyclone2oh sure... ruin my ignorant bliss
22:54.04mrgoby<----------------(RX)----------------> <----------------(TX)---------------->
22:54.25mrgobythat is (more or less) what it looks like when i pick up
22:54.27Hogiegoby: that's an FXS though?
22:54.46mrgobywhich leads me to believe that the reason yours doesnt go to zero is cause your pstn line is sending you a dialtone
22:55.14Cyclone2mrgoby:  You are right.  My TDM card also shows nothing.  It is my X100P card that seems abnormal
22:55.57mrgobybut, doesnt that sound a resonable explaination? the pstn line plugged into your x100p is sending a constant dialtone, wich is why the level stays constant
22:56.13*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
22:56.25chapstereven onhook?
22:56.27Cyclone2sounds good to me!  Is that what everyone else is seeing?
22:56.54mrgobyworks for me... yeah... i guess so... hehe... if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around... does it emit a dialtone ?
22:57.07Cyclone2chap:  that's the strange part.  It's like finding the fridge lite on when the door is closed
22:57.24chapsterCyclone2: But how do you know with the door closed? :P
22:57.42Cyclone2ztfridge 1 -v
22:57.54chapsterI always wondered.....
22:57.56*** join/#asterisk JMRV (
22:58.13JMRVHi gurus, I having a problem (
22:58.41Hogieplease put a quarter in the slot before you tell us your problem
22:59.16mrgobymake that check payable to mrgoby needs an fxo card
22:59.30mrgobywhat is your query JMRV ?
22:59.45JMRVHi gurus , I am having a problem Request retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded... Any clue ?
22:59.49chapsterOne of the frustrating things about computers is that you can't always tell what is going on. Easy to whip out the multimeter and see if 5 volts is here or here. But, with computers, it is so much educated guessing.
22:59.52*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
23:00.04mrgobythat could be a lot of things
23:00.07JMRVI'm behing a router and * behing too...
23:00.11mrgobywhat channel , sip ?
23:00.28JMRVYes SIP, both parts using DMZ.
23:00.37mrgobyon the same lan or diferent ?
23:00.45mrgobypost sip.conf entry for the phone
23:00.47JMRVDiferent lans...
23:01.03mrgobywhat phone ?
23:01.16JMRVI think my Xten send a ACK after receive an OK, and keep sending ACK...
23:01.16mrgobysoft / hard
23:01.33mrgobyi've tested xlite and have had no problems
23:01.41mrgobyit might be a registration problem
23:01.51chapsterI wonder what so many people will do with their lives now that Friends is over. my son was addicted to it for about two months. Glad it did not last.
23:01.52mrgobydid you capture the packets from the asterisk lan ?
23:02.07JMRVWell, IT register without problem... I think...
23:02.10mrgobyi am addicted to not watching friends
23:02.16chapstermrgoby: I hear that!
23:02.21*** join/#asterisk scad (
23:02.26mrgobyand i am not planning on quitting
23:02.36JMRVI didnt test RTP packets...
23:02.41chapstermrgoby: Of course, "one tree hill" is to die for..     (NOT) hehe
23:02.51mrgobyover my head
23:03.09*** join/#asterisk Brian_ (
23:03.17chapsterSeems the good shows don't last for the most part. I mean geez... HOW much friggin reality TV do we need?
23:03.36Cyclone2The Frog is your friend
23:03.55scadhave you guys seen the show .. the swan.. that is crazy
23:03.57mrgobymy favorite show is   comes on every monday morning
23:04.12chapsterMost people that are enamored with reality tv don't have much of a real life. That is NOT meant to be a blanket statement- but everyone I know that watches all of those reality tv shows, and really get into them... are blah people.
23:04.14*** join/#asterisk [1]da_Man-FL (
23:04.36mrgobyso... JMRV  your phone IS registering ?
23:04.49mrgobyyou should set nat=yes
23:04.52mrgobyin your sip.conf
23:04.55mrgobyalso, set
23:04.59fileHARRY POTTER!
23:05.35scadanybody mind looking at my dial statement for my zap device?
23:05.43chapsterfile: Those are a good series. The books are better than the movies.  I read the first one to see what all the hubbub was about- all the religious people up in arms. Totally harmless.
23:05.51mrgobyshoot scad
23:06.08scadlet me copy
23:06.20filechapster: indeed
23:06.26fileI still have as of yet to read the last one
23:06.39filewatching the first movie now on ABC till The Simpsons come on
23:07.24scadexten => _1800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1,20,Tt,r)
23:07.24scadexten => _1800NXXXXXX,2,Congestion
23:07.24scadexten => _1888NXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1,20,Tt,r)
23:07.24scadexten => _1888NXXXXXX,2,Congestion
23:07.24scadexten => _1877NXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1,20,Tt,r)
23:07.24scadexten => _1877NXXXXXX,2,Congestion
23:07.26scadexten => _1866NXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1,209,Tt,m)
23:07.28scadexten => _1866NXXXXXX,2,Congestion
23:07.37chapsterThe Simpsons is something I have never watched until the last year and a half. Didn't care, and did not want my impressionable young boys watching it. When they reached 10 and 12, I figured it was ok. It is actually a BRILLIANT show.
23:07.38scadI am using the 800 to test the zap devize
23:07.59Cyclone2It was cable or DSL+*.  THe choice was simple
23:08.59mrgobywhat is the problem ?
23:09.11scadoh.. sorry..
23:09.23scadseems that the zap device when i dial out just gets the dialtone..
23:09.35chapsterCyclone2: And which one did you go with?
23:09.36scadbut doesn't dial..
23:09.46mrgobyare they configured ?
23:09.48scadi put an analog phone on it and it doesn't dial
23:09.58mrgobywait, what device you have ?
23:10.01scadyeah.. in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
23:10.14chapsterscad: Did you watch it with    say,    asterisk -gvvvvr  ?
23:10.14mrgobytdm ?
23:10.28scadthe server starts just fine...
23:10.32filetee hee hee, Harry made the glass disappear
23:10.49scadi also reversed them thinking that my two channels were mixed up and that didn't fix the problem.
23:10.52chapsterfile: Did you see the SNL last week (not last night) with the skit about Harry Potter?
23:10.57filechapster: no
23:11.08scadI will stop the server and restart it with -gvvvr
23:11.16scadusually i start with -vvvvgc to test
23:11.19chapsterscad: don't have to do that.
23:11.26chapster-gvvvvr  is just watching it verbosely.
23:11.59chapsterfile:  SNL is good, but not anything like it was back in the day.
23:12.06scadlet me do a couple of tests and see what i get back.
23:13.14scadand for audio i just get dialtone.
23:13.34michaelyou have a bit of a issue right there
23:14.10scadthat is why i thought my channels were mixed up but i checked how the device signaling was for each channel using zap show channel
23:14.35scadi think i have more than one.. but hopefully only one with my zap devices.
23:15.27scadi think it may have to do with the context the zap devices were started in...
23:15.35scadlet me go remove them so they go to default
23:16.47brunnerdoes call block use flex or realtime ANI?
23:30.25michaelanyone nagios in herE?
23:30.32justinnnnnnhmm i getting this msg now
23:31.02justinnnnnnast_read: exception flag set on sip/blah but no exception handler
23:31.08justinnnnnnwhen i call sip - sip
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23:40.06Cyclone2what's the difference between s,22,hangup and h,22,hangup?
23:40.06*** part/#asterisk john1219 (
23:42.41Cyclone2is h a fairly recent addition?
23:42.58Cyclone2I see some old dialplans that don't use it
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23:56.48scadI got the incoming zap device to pick up the line and worked out all the problems with it.. (except for I might need to bump up the audio)
23:57.29scadi even got it so incoming callers can't dial international long distance calls (like they could the first time i did it)
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23:59.53clhcan anyone recommend a good low level analysis tool...I need to trace my packet flows completely

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.