irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040508

00:00.05fileHogie: doubt it
00:00.17PlainWhiteTrashThe Cisco phones actually work as clients behind a NAT to a public ip asterisk server quite well, if you provide the right config.
00:00.22fskfskoh Asterisk is out say iaxtel
00:00.34*** join/#asterisk [ProB]Crazy (
00:00.35fskfskand it is a softfone xlite running on a pc
00:00.47fskfskpc is on an internal network
00:00.53HogieI hate ordering stuff off the net.  If I pay for something, I want it NOW
00:00.53fskfskand there is a small router
00:00.59PlainWhiteTrashfskfsk:  Haven't played with xlite much -- couldn't say for sure then... I do recall that it had some nat hacks built in that could be useful though...
00:01.22fskfskI also have xpro
00:02.45fskfskI see this on wiki
00:02.45fskfskAsterisk as a SIP server outside nat, clients on the inside connecting to Asterisk
00:03.51*** join/#asterisk Beave (
00:05.02*** join/#asterisk Beave (
00:05.28Beavehello all....
00:06.45fskfskis there a place where I can specify STUN in XLITE or XPRO ?
00:07.04Hezfskfsk: check #xlite or #xpro ;)
00:07.56MustDiehez: is such channel exists ? #xlite ?
00:08.25DaminI'm going to assume that my PRI has Echo Cancellation turned off..
00:08.28DaminEcho Cancellation: 128 taps, currently OFF
00:08.28MustDiek. everybody join #xlite
00:09.09twistedi refuse to join #xlite
00:09.18twistedbut you can feel free to take some of these folk with you
00:09.21DaminI don't care about #xlite.
00:09.38MustDietwisted: what about #asterisk-warez ?
00:10.38*** join/#asterisk erik (
00:10.52MustDietwisted: there are stuff offered for free
00:11.17PlainWhiteTrashHehehehe... #asterisk-warez... I like that one :-)
00:11.38twistedyou've got to be joking
00:12.02MustDietwisted: you have to trade stuff over there
00:12.06*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:12.31Beave.. and I'm sure #asterisk-codez is next...
00:12.47PlainWhiteTrashOr #asterisk-serialz
00:12.55twistednah dood
00:12.59JerJeror #cisco-iax firmware
00:13.09twistedit's called CVS
00:13.22PlainWhiteTrashLOL #cisco-iax... That'll happen :-)
00:13.36JerJerall it takes is proper motivation
00:13.39twistedcisco would only be helping themselves if they wrote a firmware
00:13.46twistedfor ia
00:13.54nikkoare the IAX phones ready for prime time yet?
00:13.54CoderCRwell i cannot send faxes with a sipura either
00:13.59JerJeror just gave me a couple key specs
00:14.06CoderCRis there a was to make asterisk take a fax and then resend it?
00:14.23twistedJerJer: heh
00:14.30file#cisco-pron !!!
00:14.33twistedwe should start a petition
00:14.42twistedfor cisco to release their sw specs
00:14.53PlainWhiteTrashI agree... It would be nice if Cisco would put IAX firmware out there...   I just can't imagine them competing with their own pet protocols.
00:15.06CoderCRgoing to go watch vanhelsing
00:15.17twistedPlainWhiteTrash: that's why you offer it unadvertised
00:15.17tzangerJerJer: any weird happennings with switch-1?  I was having a lot of trouble getting connections...  qualify was fine but switch-1 was either rejecting the calls or just not answering
00:16.17PlainWhiteTrashtwisted:  Maybe... But why would cisco spend $$ on the engineering work to build and support it, if the product was targeted for secret distrib only?  Someone would have to pony up some serious cash for that.
00:16.17*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
00:16.41twistedbecause if the * community became aware of it, they'd sell phones like hotter cakes than they already do
00:16.58twistedthat way they could still lead the blind with sccp
00:17.05PlainWhiteTrashI believe so too... but I think you'd have a tough time making them believe that.
00:17.09MustDietwisted: but * community already using their product line, so no new customers for them
00:17.17twistedMustDie: wanna bet?
00:17.29*** join/#asterisk zot (~zot@
00:17.37MustDietwisted: i do have 7960, and i bet 50% of #* have them
00:17.41BeaveIAX would have to have a decent market share before cisco would even consider it.
00:17.45PlainWhiteTrashtwisted:  Yea... I'll call ya on that one...  Just adding IAX would not create much more value for the cisco hardphones.. I
00:17.52twistedBeave: true
00:18.00PlainWhiteTrashI'm able to cludge around the SIP build the exact behavior I desire.
00:18.11PlainWhiteTrashNow if it were an opensource IAX build.. that would change the story.
00:18.11twistedokay...  think what you want
00:18.19twistedi'm not gonna continue the discussion
00:18.27MustDietwisted: but they do whatever necessary to capture new customers
00:18.35fileadding IAX to anything is a good thing, 'nuff said
00:18.39filenow if only my toaster had it...
00:19.13Beavefile:  your toaster doesnt have it?  Man,  you're living in the past...
00:19.45*** join/#asterisk brian (
00:20.27BeavePWT:  T'would be nice,  but not going to happen any time soon.  
00:20.27brianJust installed a X100P on a fedora box. I am getting the following error when trying to start up asterisk:
00:20.27brianMay  7 17:17:35 WARNING[-1169024080]: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
00:20.27brianMay  7 17:17:35 WARNING[-1085050752]: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
00:20.27brianMay  7 17:17:35 ERROR[-1085050752]: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
00:20.27brianhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
00:20.27brianMay  7 17:17:35 ERROR[-1085050752]: Unable to register channel '1'
00:20.28brianMay  7 17:17:35 WARNING[-1085050752]: load_module failed, returning -1
00:20.32brianAny thoughts?
00:20.51brianDefault install of asterisk.
00:21.08BeavePTW: IAX has less overhead..  thats about the only advanage i can really think of.
00:21.40Beavebrain:  its not seeing your card.
00:21.48PlainWhiteTrashIAX has significantly less overhead in trunking mode...  And, decently better one-to-one... but still... not by much except in trunking.
00:21.48JerJerBeave: um how about NAT friendlyness
00:21.58BeaveJerJer:  Ah!  Yes!  Good point.
00:22.25PlainWhiteTrashThe Cisco phones are as NAT friendly as SIP can get...  If you do the setup right once, you can stamp it out left and right, and it will "just work".
00:22.46bkw_so true
00:22.53brianBeave: That is what I was suspecting. Any thoughts on why not?
00:24.03Beavebrian:  do a "lspci" and see if the card is even "seen"
00:25.54debaseri wish i was a little bit taller, i wish i was a baller.
00:26.00MustDienobody trades anything on #asterisk-warez :(
00:27.14brianBeave: What should the card show up as?
00:27.45BeaveProbably a Tiger Jet Network...  
00:28.15fileor intel... or digium... who knows
00:28.29brian00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo PRO133x] (rev c4)
00:28.30brian00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
00:28.30brian00:07.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super South] (rev 40)
00:28.30brian00:07.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C/VT8235 PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:28.30brian00:07.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6202 [USB 2.0 controller] (rev 16)
00:28.30brian00:07.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6202 [USB 2.0 controller] (rev 16)
00:28.35brian00:07.4 Bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI] (rev 40)
00:28.35brian00:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 02)
00:28.35brian00:0a.0 Communication controller: Individual Computers - Jens Schoenfeld Intel 537
00:28.39brian00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21140 [FasterNet] (rev 22)
00:28.39brian01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400 AGP (rev 04)
00:28.50filebrian: it's the intel 537
00:29.29BeaveCommunications controller...
00:31.05fOSSiLwhoever told you it was x100p is a big liar
00:31.23BeaveI was just about to ask if it was a X100P clone..
00:31.33PlainWhiteTrashWell....  What's the PCI ID coming back on the thing?
00:32.20su-what is the X100P supposed to show ?
00:32.30fOSSiLbrian, did u configure it in /etc/zaptel.conf?
00:32.44BeaveMine shows as a Tiger Jet Network Inc, Intel 537
00:32.49fOSSiLdo "ztcfg -vvv"
00:32.54twistedya know what
00:32.59Beaveall the ones I've played with (from Digium) show up as that.
00:32.59brianfOSSiL: Yes, to the default I added:
00:33.05twistedi bet he got one of the newer 'clone's that don't work
00:33.09PlainWhiteTrashGood question...  The output of lspci is just parsed from the pci devices database...  need to figure out what the PCI ID is and go from there.
00:33.35tessier_Digium didn't design that board, they just sell their implementation of it, right?
00:33.39Beavebrain:  what did ztcfg return?
00:33.39tessier_Wasn't it an open design in the first place?
00:33.59fOSSiLtessier, right
00:34.07tessier_So what makes Digium's board any less of a clone?
00:34.11Tondif i modify chan_sip.c will the change take in place right away or do i need to make extra steps after making my alteration to the file?
00:34.11PlainWhiteTrashI think it was more of a reference design really...
00:34.19fOSSiLtessier, probably the firmware :)
00:34.20tessier_Don't get me wrong, I have sent thousands to digium because I like their support of asterisk.
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00:34.24Beavetessier_:  they work...
00:34.36tessier_Beave: A perfectly good reason.
00:34.52su-i have an motorola chip modem with the correct id's.. yet it will not work :(
00:35.11BeaveI've thought about getting a clone to play with at home,  but I've always ordered digium stuff when doing anything 1/2 way serious.
00:35.21PlainWhiteTrashI've never heard of a "motorola" modem having a tigerjet chip on it...
00:35.28PlainWhiteTrashCorrect ID or not, a Motorola chipset modem is not gonna work.
00:35.39filex100p was motorola
00:35.39filex101p is intel
00:35.52BeaveActually - Even at home,  I use Digium hardware..
00:36.18*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
00:36.27fOSSiLyeah, i had a motorolla modem that worked with * (by accident actually)
00:36.38fileif you ask me a question, I will answer - but I will not elaborate on this subject further without direct answering
00:36.38bkw_PlainWhiteTrash ya their is a mot one that works
00:36.43fOSSiLexcept the caller id :)
00:36.53PlainWhiteTrashno way - Mot used that tigerjet chipset?
00:36.58Tondhas anyone tried to chnage the Asterisk's realm name before?
00:36.58filebkw_: do you still have that x101p for me? ;)
00:36.59PlainWhiteTrashThat's kinda funny....
00:37.04bkw_file you pay shipping yes
00:37.04JerJerTond: how about relm=blah
00:37.24TondJerJer> where do i do that?
00:37.25filebkw_: nice
00:37.29bkw_in sip.conf
00:37.29PlainWhiteTrashheh... i think I actually saw a modem for $20 at BestBuy last nite that would work :-)
00:37.34bkw_it was added yesterday?
00:37.39Tondit supports that now?
00:37.39filebkw_: You migrated to a TDM400P with FXO module didn't you?
00:37.44JerJerdo i get to break out the cluebat again today?
00:37.44Tondshit, i was goign through the code
00:37.50bkw_Tond gotta have cvs-head
00:37.55bkw_as of yesterday
00:37.59bkw_JerJer get da bat out
00:38.15fileJerJer: why do you put it back into store? you should always have it near
00:38.15fileer storage
00:38.41*** join/#asterisk lst_ (
00:39.06fileit's late, I'm hungry, I think I'll have cold pizza
00:39.16mrgobyhehe gourmet
00:39.35file32 slices of pizza for supper, and there's 3 left
00:39.49fileNO - I didn't eat it all
00:40.17fOSSiLit was rather funny, actually, we installed * on an old craptastic PC and forgot to pop the x101p in... imagine my surprise when i saw "X100P" in zttool and asterisk worked with it :P
00:40.35filefOSSiL: yup
00:40.47filebkw_: can you send it out usps airmail?
00:40.58bkw_if you pay shipping yes
00:41.15fileyes I will pay shipping dang nabbit
00:41.15Tondi added: realm=paradox in [general] of sip.conf, but it still shows the digest real as asterisk
00:41.26bkw_Tond ok listen very carefully
00:41.36bkw_you MUST have cvs as of yesterday to have that option/feature
00:41.36*** join/#asterisk matobago (~matobago@
00:41.41fileJerJer: can I borrow the cluebat?
00:41.57JerJeruse it wisely
00:42.02BoRiSWhat does realm now do? Whats the purpose? How does the diff for contexts?
00:42.02gbdrbobrealised I was monitoring calls in wav 1.4GB of files in 7 days...
00:42.34fileTond: you were told "you mus thave CVS as of yesterday to have that option/feature" a few times, in the future please listen
00:42.38bkw_BoRiS auth realm
00:42.44Beavehey,  is the jitterbuffer stuff in the iax.conf working? It seems to work on the CLI when I do a "iax2 set jitter ###",  but not in the config.
00:43.10Tondfile> sometimes things don't sink in to my head..  and needs the bat to make it work lol
00:43.10gbdrbobis sip incoming and outgoing limit still broken in cvs?
00:43.24filegbdrbob: if you use it, and it doesn't work, consider it broken
00:43.42Tondnow i need to figure out how to use cvs to update my asterisk
00:43.54gbdrbobfile: I'm not on head cvs and can't switch atm that's why I ask
00:44.20Beavefile:  Should I consider the jitter stuff in iax.conf broken as well?
00:44.26*** join/#asterisk erik (
00:44.49fileBeave: maybe, maybe not
00:45.09fileit is, if you believe it is
00:45.32gbdrbobon my stable_asterisk build incoming and outgoing are no different they both work as a global limit on calls both from and to the sip phone
00:45.39Beavethen the next question,  should I submit a bug report..  After a good bit more testing,  of course.
00:46.07Tondfile> can u give me a link or a doc that tells me how to update * to the latest CVS?
00:46.19fileTond: it's on the asterisk site
00:46.26Tondk, thanks
00:46.32BeaveTond:  go to,  look under "download"
00:46.44TondBeave> thanks
00:46.52fileBeave: ha, I gave a more direct link!
00:47.10JerJerfOSSiL: no carbon fiber and kevlar
00:47.17*** join/#asterisk NoName (
00:47.24fOSSiLthat would be too light
00:47.36JerJerthat's the benift
00:47.53gbdrbobWhat apps would you reccomend for displaying/processing stats from queue_log? Anyone?
00:47.53Beavenah - you need the weight...
00:48.01filegbdrbob: a slave
00:48.33JerJerbut then only he-man's can swing with it enough force to do damage
00:48.53JerJeror She-ra ?
00:48.53Beavewell,  make multiple bats..  for different occasions...
00:49.05GushiIs there a way to define peers in sip.conf that can throw calls at you without registration?
00:49.09fOSSiLi'll just insert a couple rusty nails
00:49.30Beavethere you go.
00:49.37mrgobyyarg... my cluebat has been corked !
00:50.34fOSSiLgushi, the only reason a peer needs to register is when it has a dynamic IP
00:51.15fOSSiLand, erm, peers dont throw calls at you :)
00:51.20fOSSiLthey catch yours
00:51.20JerJeror if u want to blow thru NAT
00:52.25mrgobyiptables -F   , that always works for me :-)
00:52.37JerJerservice iptables panic
00:52.51mrgobyhehe   iptables -Panic
00:53.09GushiWell, then, how do I list a SIP gateway that throws calls in me, but has a whole lot of hosts?
00:53.50mrgoby" in "
00:53.50Beaveer. what.
00:53.55Gushii.e. they're clustered and have 20-odd IP addresses.
00:54.00GushiThis is Braodvox.
00:54.06gbdrbobgah need sleep - bye all
00:54.06GushiEr Broadvox.
00:54.06mrgoby???  Gushi  your questions are worded almost as badly as mine
00:54.37fOSSiLgushi, that would be a "user" i believe
00:55.03fOSSiLwhich needs no registration
00:55.03bkw_I love it
00:55.03fOSSiLbkw, lol
00:55.09GushiHi Guys, I have a problem.  I have a sip provider who is directing inbound calls at me, but they will do so from any number of IP addresses.  How can I list their ip address range in sip.conf while still rejecting bogon calls from the rest of the network?
00:55.09bkw_we need that in chan_sip.c soon
00:55.15GushiIs that better mrgoby?
00:55.57mrgobyMUCH !!!!
00:56.09izohay guys anyone knows whats the idea about ast_strlen_zero
00:56.09mrgobyhehe... i couldnt have done that good myself :)
00:56.13GushiDo you have an answer?
00:56.22mrgobywell... it isnt exactly a host=dynamic
00:56.22izowhy is it better then normal strlen()
00:56.35mrgobyi would say a firewall would be your best bet Gushi
00:56.46JerJerizo: efficency
00:56.46Gushino, and host=dynamic is only useful when the things's going to actually register.
00:56.51mrgobyonly allow connections to 5060 from certain IP addresses
00:57.49Tondfile> I got the latest from cvs and installed all, but the real option is yet not working..  :(
00:58.11GushiSo what you're telling me is there's no real way to context-separate unless registration is happening or there's a single fixed IP address?
00:58.41fOSSiLare you sure you are not confusing registration with authentication?
00:58.57TondAsterisk CVS-03/27/04-19:20:57
00:59.05mrgobyok, so you want them to be directed to different contexts based on their name ?
00:59.15mrgobyor based on IP address rather ?
00:59.40GushiCorrect.  But I need the ability to specify a range.  Broadvox thusfar has thrown from four different gateways, and I've tested six calls.
01:00.15GushiTemporaily, I got this to work by listing my dial plan in the bogon-calls section.
01:00.26GushiBut I do NOT believe that to be a good solution.
01:00.50su-|lappyTond: Asterisk CVS-03/27/04 is May sure you have the latest
01:01.13Tondsu-> i just went to asterisk's website and followed the instructions
01:01.25su-|lappyvia CVS or tarball
01:01.26fOSSiLgushi, does broadvox authenticate to you during the calls?
01:01.34GushiNot at all, Fossil.
01:01.38GushiAt least not that I can see.
01:01.42GushiNothing gets logged.
01:01.46Tondoh shit
01:01.55Tondthe feature i wanted is in CVS head only
01:02.02fOSSiLgushi, turn on "sip debug" and see :P
01:02.07GushiThey just apparently figure I should trust their ip range.
01:02.07JerJerdidn't bkw say that already?
01:02.36mrgobyhmmm... yeah, Gushi.. if they were sending you a username, you could easily map that to the correct context, but i dont know how otherwise
01:02.39TondYes, but i have never used CVS b4
01:03.20TondJerJer> now how do i access the head only?
01:04.34Tondi was just there and followd the first set of instructions
01:04.38fOSSiLgushi, configure a sip.conf entry "type=user" for that broadvox
01:05.30fOSSiLgushi, then use "deny=" and a set of "permit=ip/mask"
01:07.45JerJerfOSSiL: that's just gonna complicate the problem
01:07.58mrgobyTond:  go into your asterisk source dir and type 'make update'
01:07.58DaminGushi: Broadvox? As in broadvox direct?
01:08.06GushiOh wow, I thought deny and allow were only for codecs.
01:08.17GushiDamin, I believe so.
01:08.33DaminGushi: Located in Cleveland, Ohio? :)
01:08.37Gushiis the debug output
01:08.42PlainWhiteTrashHas anyone hax0r3d one of those Vonage motorola boxes yet?  Does it even use SIP?  It blew me away when I saw them on the shelf at Circuit City :-)
01:08.52*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
01:09.07GushiI think so.  I didn't handle the sales end.
01:09.07Tondthis is really frustrating, I don't know how to get to the head only section!
01:09.17GushiThe call could be coming from anywhere AFAIK.
01:09.22fOSSiLgushi, codecs are disallow/allow
01:09.34*** join/#asterisk w0schd (
01:09.34Gushioh, duh.
01:09.58GushiDamin: I think so.
01:10.02DaminGushi: Hehehe.. That's Jeff Williams then.. former owner of Now Online. I need to call him up and slap some Asterisk sense into him. I put a call in to him a couple of weeks back when someone mentioned that Broadvox Direct was Asterisk stupid..
01:10.02GushiWhy do you ask?
01:10.18fOSSiLhrm.. i see and archaic "a=rtpmap:19 CN/8000"
01:10.28GushiWell, for inbound, the shit works.
01:10.33fOSSiLu are gonna cry long nights away :)
01:10.48DaminGushi: I'd suggest dumping Broadvix in favor of Hufone though.
01:11.08DaminUhh.. Nufone rather..
01:11.37GushiDoes anyone know if you can buy numbers from Kall8?
01:11.42GushiI have 1-866-LI-GUSHI :)
01:12.10DaminYou know..
01:12.14fOSSiLwell, i dont see any authentication take place
01:12.26DaminOur production Asterisk server has been solid as a rock.
01:12.36PlainWhiteTrashAnyone in here know what's involved in getting real 900# service termination?  Not working w/ one of those scumbag providers that do the billing integration and such?
01:12.39DaminWhile our legacy PBX has been rebooted 3 times in the past 45 days.
01:12.59Daminfile: Howdy..
01:13.04dougheckaDamin: well, put a battery backup on the PBX
01:13.12dougheckaanyone ever hear of teleadvance??
01:13.37GushifOSSiL: TOld ya :)
01:13.49Damindougchecka: It is. One day it stopped answering calls. Then, it flipped out and started tagging CDR output w/ a date of 1997.
01:13.57*** join/#asterisk anachron (
01:14.04dougheckaits the classic w2k error
01:14.13dougheckaaltho w2k IS an error
01:14.17GushiHrmmm, there should be a provider database listing for all these providers, none of whom seem to do things the same way.
01:14.29fOSSiLgushi, if you cant use authentication, i think you should use a set of deny/permit to discriminate the host
01:14.45DaminGushi: Seriously, I'll call Jeff on Monday and see if I can get a straight answer from him.
01:15.10mrgobyhey, uh, Gushi, what is your IP ???  HAR HAR....  jk
01:15.40DaminGushi: As far as I know, they have a bunch of AS5300's co-loed all over the states and are tying that into a central softswitch, but what you are saying doesn't sound like the same thing.
01:16.08DaminIs it time to drink bourbon and watch porn yet?
01:16.16Gushithe ips are all under the same class C.
01:16.24DaminGushi: What class c?
01:16.45Gushic=IN IP4
01:16.45BeaveGushi:  so a deny/permit should be pretty easy to setup.
01:16.57GushiRight.  I actually didn't know about the deny/permit syntax.
01:17.05GushiThanks so much.
01:17.05DaminHahaha.. That's on Focal's network.
01:17.17DaminFocal sucks. :)
01:17.21GushiI'm slowly discovering that it's not just the questions you ask on this channel, it's WHEN you ask them.
01:17.42BeaveGushi:  thats ture..
01:17.42DaminGushi: Yes. Because many of us are at the bar during off hours! ;)
01:17.43Beaveerr.  true even
01:17.54PlainWhiteTrash*god awful hacking cough* @0B5B2: 75 -> EB  @0BB8B: 75 -> 90  @0BB8C: 68 -> 90  @0BBC1: 75 -> 90  @0BBC2: 32 -> 90  @134B0: 56 -> C3 *cough cough wheeze*
01:17.54GushiOr ON hours :)
01:18.27GushiOh, and CALL RECORDING KICKS ASS.
01:18.49PlainWhiteTrashCall recording is nice :-)
01:19.09mrgobysomeone was talking earlier about being able to enable call recording with dtmf during call
01:19.16mrgobythat would be a nice feature :)
01:19.20DaminNo.. Bourbon kicks ass..
01:19.32GushiUhm, it's POSSIBLE...
01:19.32tessier_mrgoby: That is on the wiki
01:19.32BoRiSIt would be nice to be able to snoop into sip calls
01:19.48GushiBoRiS: I've been able to record pure SIP calls.
01:19.48tessier_Well, not with dtmf. You transfer them through another extension which does the calling and conferences you back in or something like that.
01:20.17GushiCan asterisk hear DTMF during calls?
01:20.38mrgobythere is already an option where you can press * and hangup
01:20.38GushiSo then it's totally possible.
01:20.43BoRiSGushi: Both conversations?
01:20.48GushiBoris, yes.
01:20.51GushiWant my dialplan?
01:20.55BoRiSyes please
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,1,Answer
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,2,Playback(beep)           ; Let them know to start
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,3,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${timestamp}-${CALLERIDNUM})
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,4,Monitor(wav,/var/www/html/phpconfig/${CALLFILENAME})
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,5,Dial(SIP/2003,20)
01:21.15Gushiexten => 16318992612,6,Voicemail(u2003)
01:21.19Gushiexten => 16318992612,102,Voicemail(b2003)
01:21.19Gushiexten => 16318992612,103,Hangup
01:21.40GushiThat gives you two files.  It's up to you to combine them.
01:22.08GushiI'm working on doing a neat stereo combine so that with a set of stereo headphones you can tell who's talking by what ear they're in.
01:22.12GushiJust like you're standing between them
01:22.24BoRiSThat would be PERFECT Gushi!
01:22.53BoRiSBoth that and being able to snoop into calls or even interrupting calls
01:23.13GushiHere's the test, done over land-line to broadvox calling an internal ata-186
01:23.17GushiNo Zap Devices at all, in play.
01:23.33GushiDon't touch the php scripts :)
01:24.14Gushibut the two wav files, you can hear me talking back and forth to myself on the two phones.
01:24.34GushiI should have done the grover.  "NEAR!!!!!"   "FAR!!!!!!"
01:24.54GushiOf course, the legality of recording calls is up to you.
01:25.07GushiI'm doing this for a box that will be deployed overseas.  In Kuwait.
01:26.04GushiAnd a nice web interface that I'll probably GPL that lets you pick and choose.
01:26.04bkw_Gushi that m flag on Monitor
01:26.08bkw_will mux them
01:26.12Gushiwill it?
01:26.12bkw_if you have soxmix
01:26.21GushiI don't yet.
01:26.36bkw_'m' - when the recording ends mix the two leg files into one using 'soxmix' utility which has to be installed on the system.
01:26.36GushiBut I want to mux them my way (see previous comment about stereo)
01:28.56GushiOh well, you guys have been remarkably helpful.
01:29.12matobagoany one know wath means "Don't know how to display condition -1 OSS/dsp" ??????
01:29.16GushiThanks for all the fish!
01:29.53matobagoany one know wath means "Don't know how to display condition -1 OSS/dsp" ??????
01:30.15*** join/#asterisk Chris (
01:31.02ChrisHas anyone setup a Cisco 7940 on Asterisk?
01:31.54bkw_um yes.. and you could atleast say HI
01:32.19ChrisSorry, Hi.
01:33.01ChrisI did know if anyone was out there. Kind of new to IRC (first time using it).
01:33.09fOSSiLgushi, yeah, except that deny/permit will most likely still not work for u, crap
01:33.24jbotsomebody said gsm was Groupe Spécial Mobile
01:33.24fOSSiLjust looked at chan_sip.c code
01:34.48nitrambtw... any news on alsa?
01:35.19nitrami still cannot get my mic to work with alsa and console in *
01:35.34nitramlinphone works fine with alsa and mic
01:36.59bkw_Chris should ahve some info on what you need
01:37.21nitramplayback via alsa works fine in *
01:37.33GushiFossil, why not?
01:38.02Chrisbkw I have looked through most of and I can get the phone to work for about 3 minutes, then crashes.
01:38.10timecopi have a problem
01:38.26timecopi have 2 channels going over iax to another asterisk machine
01:38.34timecopif only one channel at a time is active its fine
01:38.43timecopas soon as I activate both one drops
01:38.47timecopno errors or anytthing
01:41.57fOSSiLgushi, because sip looks up users and peers by name
01:42.18fOSSiLand the name comes from the "From:" field
01:42.34bkw_Chris then you have a bum phone
01:42.38ChrisI setup the phone as SIP and when it crashes I get 'Configuring IP'
01:43.38ChrisThe odd thing is it says 'Demo SIP' in the top bar when the phone is working.
01:43.50ChrisNot sure where it is coming from.
01:44.11filethey want a deposit now on the PRI order
01:44.11matobagohi everybody
01:44.18bkw_file you're getting PRI?
01:44.27filebkw_: no I'm working with a company in Chicago
01:44.48ChrisUnless it is in the firmware I got from Cisco
01:44.48matobagodoes someone know what means "Got SIP respose 503"???
01:45.01filebkw_: and they're hoping to deploy VoIP in that area, and they're getting PRI lines
01:45.16bkw_file just have them talk to JerJer
01:45.21filetoo late
01:45.31Daminmatobago: That the sip server sent back a 503 message?
01:45.31fileI got pulled on before the order was put in
01:45.44Daminfile: Before?
01:45.48fileer after
01:45.49matobagoyes Damin....
01:45.57bkw_file haha
01:45.58fileI'm losing it, give me a break
01:46.23Daminfile: Who is the PRI through? SBC?
01:46.31Daminfile: They own most of downtown Chicago..
01:46.36fileDamin: probably
01:46.39bkw_SBC sucks
01:46.43bkw_SBC is the most expensive too
01:46.57fileit's 1.5 cents a minute to the US, and unlimited to Chicago
01:46.57DaminWhy the fuck am I watching QVC?
01:47.24matobagoDamin: what means then 503
01:47.32fileso for Chicago residents it'll be nice
01:47.36Daminmatabago: I have no idea.
01:48.30matobagothe thing is i'm calling to another SIP phone but just ring once and * hangup
01:48.42DaminAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA.. It is a really OLD Blondie on A&E Live!
01:49.20DaminWhy does TV suck so much?
01:49.28fOSSiLgushi, oh wait, they are all in the same class C.. use the host/mask pair instead of deny/permit
01:49.40fileDamin: it has to appeal to that of the lower class thinkers
01:49.44*** join/#asterisk expousr (
01:50.11DaminAnd.. she's FAT!
01:50.31JerJermore cushion for the pushin
01:50.31DaminThe only redeeming quality about Blondie (when she was young) was that she was in Playboy.
01:50.41filedidn't she sing that song...
01:50.58filebkw_: did you ever find that song Alech Taadi?
01:51.15Daminfile: Yeah.. She did sing "That Song"
01:51.35DaminNow here is good television!
01:51.48fOSSiLgushi, make that entry in sip.conf a peer or a friend and use host/mask
01:51.57filebkw_: it's rare... it took me a long time and a good day of downloading from a russian site to get it last time
01:51.57DaminMel Brooks History Of The World!
01:52.06fileI wonder if I have any of my stuff of that backed up...
01:53.03bkw_Do you really want to hurt me... do you reall want to make me cry
01:53.13bkw_WOAH flash back
01:53.19fileyou shook me all night long!
01:53.33fileyeah you... shook me all night long!
01:53.33Daminbkw_: That's culture club. Not Blondie.
01:53.38Tondwhen i register using a sip softphone and a cisco, I can call my cisco phone from the sip client, but can't cal the sip client from the cisco.  Any ideas why?
01:53.43bkw_ya thats what I was thinking
01:54.16filehrm, a copy of partition magic... version 4.0
01:54.20bkw_i'm getting my thrills from this:
01:54.29bkw_i'm lame
01:55.09filecha cha slide!
01:55.35Damin"Where Jews, in space.. We're speeding along, protecting the Hebrew race"
01:55.41DaminGotta love Mel Brooks.
01:55.53*** join/#asterisk lst_ (
01:56.01ChrisTond which Cisco phone are you using?
01:56.20DaminTond: I would guess that you have something misconfigured.
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01:57.50fileI love being in special projects, I get exempt from doing evil things
01:57.54filelike doing assignments and writing tests
01:58.30expousrAnyone know any reasons for horrible noise on a pri? (new circuit..)
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02:00.09Daminexposur: I would guess that you have something misconfigured.
02:01.31Damin"The peace treaty between the Federation and the Kilngon Empire has ended"
02:01.44DaminThis looks like an interesting DS9
02:01.57fileDamin: Spike?
02:02.25expousrdamin: yupp....
02:02.39fileI remember this episode
02:02.56DaminDude.. what is up with Galron's eyes? It's like he smoked a huge bong... All wide eyed and bloodshot.
02:03.46*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
02:07.26DaminThere is some old lady holding up dildos and vibrators on Oxygen..
02:08.58matobagohow many dtfmode configuration exist?
02:09.04robl^dtmfmode=smoke_signals is the best
02:09.05robl^hey Mr. bkw_
02:09.05robl^was bi?!?!  no!  never!!
02:09.09bkw_Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0f76922a
02:09.09bkw_From: "sip" <>;tag=as2ef5f998
02:09.09bkw_To: <sip:11@>
02:09.09bkw_Call-ID: 61c264353d454a1a03b39d221a435a69@
02:09.13bkw_no more "asterisk"
02:09.18DaminWords cannot describe the horror..
02:09.22bkw_why isn't some of this shit documented
02:09.30robl^you changed the header ?
02:09.30bkw_callerid= in general
02:09.39Damin"My boyfriend and I just having sex, and he likes to slap my testicles while he is giving me oral"
02:10.32Crippledthat's nice
02:10.51DaminCirppled: I can't believe that they have this kind of shit on TV.
02:11.23Crippledyeah.. and howard stern gets censured.
02:12.09DaminCrippled: Look at this hag and tell me you want HER advising you on how to get it on!
02:12.37filethey have that here too on the Woman's Television Network
02:12.54DaminCrippled: I just don't find an 80 year old waving dildos around to be remotely appealing.
02:17.09Crippledyeah.. me neither honestly
02:17.09Crippledhmm. this doesn't look good
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