irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040503

00:00.13vkarAnybody know, if we need to fine tune the tx and rx gains in the PRI
00:14.24*** join/#asterisk Mujin (
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00:17.09sippervkar: how up to date is your * code? I know there was some problems with thr RTP code about a month back
00:25.55vkarHi Sipper, CVS-05/02/04-22:05:02
00:26.32bkw_you're not running cvs from today
00:26.46bkw_it would say something like this  CVS-HEAD-05/02/04-18:12:10
00:26.51bkw_or STABLE
00:27.14ProtocoLDwhats the command to show running version ?
00:27.18bkw_show version
00:27.26ProtocoLDgo figure
00:27.39*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
00:28.12bkw_you aren't running CVS from that day either
00:28.14bkw_no way
00:28.19bkw_thats just the date you compiled it
00:28.31bkw_if you were it would say what TAG also
00:28.35bkw_that was added a few days ago
00:28.46bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk/
00:28.48bkw_make update
00:28.54rosscoVOICEGW02-CAYYZ*CLI> show version
00:28.54rosscoAsterisk CVS-05/01/04-22:05:02 built by root@VOICEGW02-CAYYZ on a i686 running Linux
00:29.03bkw_cvs head?
00:29.24bkw_then it would say stable if it was checked out
00:30.02vkarShould be rebuild it with STABLE checked
00:30.03bkw_AND LOVES IT
00:30.03dante.g.  Asterisk CVS-HEAD-05/02/04-03:55:59 built by on a i586 running Linux
00:30.41vkarWe are re-building it and let you know..
00:32.40dantstill got some probs with strange echo and cisco jitter reading going crazy... but trying to find that problem
00:39.34*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
00:43.01doughecka~seen largo_
00:43.05jbotdoughecka: i haven't seen 'largo_'
00:43.08doughecka~seen largo-
00:43.09jbotlargo- <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 8h 31m 56s ago, saying: 'yes.'.
00:45.47Corydon76-homejbot oink
00:45.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, oink is the sound Ned Beatty makes when being sodomized by hillbillies
00:48.15ProtocoLDanyone know of any docs that discusses how to pass a call from one * to another ?
00:48.26ProtocoLDie : call transfer
00:48.41ProtocoLD.. call routing
00:49.05*** join/#asterisk sass|wor1 (
00:49.32rosscoVOICEGW02-CAYYZ*CLI> show version
00:49.32rosscoAsterisk CVS-HEAD-05/02/04-20:35:00 built by root@VOICEGW02-CAYYZ on a i686 running Linux
00:50.00vkarhi bkw_, is this the right version (posted by rossco)
01:01.02dantthat looks better
01:01.21vkarhi dant
01:02.08vkarthis version shouln'd have any echo
01:02.29vkarWe are going to try it in couple of mins.
01:02.53dantthat's the current version with all the latest bug fixes in, if you do have echo, it's easier for people to help you with this
01:03.33vkarthanks.. we will let you know..
01:08.32*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
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01:13.21*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:20.37*** join/#asterisk menger (
01:20.54gafachiis the "callgroup" parameter being used for anything in SIP?  
01:22.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:24.44*** join/#asterisk mindfox (
01:24.53mindfoxhello all
01:25.17tz-afkgafachi: I imagine you can say Dial(SIP/g1) the exact same you can do it in Zap
01:25.56mindfoxtz-afk: I think that you can't group SIP phones
01:26.09tz-afkso try it and prove me wrong :-)
01:26.17*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
01:26.28mindfoxtz-afk: Maybe better go with Variable Usage
01:27.02*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:27.23mindfoxtz-afk: The only grouping I think there is for SIP, is the dialing groups, which allows you to pickup calls from other extentions (via the * key)
01:28.01mindfoxanyone here with some codec experience?
01:29.44tz-afkwhat kind of experience
01:30.05*** join/#asterisk atacomm (~dan@
01:30.12*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
01:30.30atacommdo you need to specify anything during Asterisk build to make it dual CPU ready?
01:30.57tz-afkno not really but I have heard a LOT of people say that Xeons need HT turned OFF
01:31.16*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
01:31.49*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
01:33.15atacommtz: ok, thanks.  I shipped a server to someone a while back and he said digium said something was wrong, so thats why i asked, lol
01:33.22vkarHi Dant
01:33.35tz-afksearch -users for HT, I'm sure you'll find the reason, I don't know it offhand
01:33.38vkarthe echo and static are still there
01:35.09vkarDoes anyone know, why the lines sounds static
01:36.07tz-afkvkar: what card
01:36.42vkarquad port t1 card
01:36.55tz-afkTE405P?  what do you have it plugged in to
01:37.45tz-afkvkar: sharing interrupts with anything else?
01:37.54tz-afkcat /proc/interrupts with everything loaded
01:38.04tz-afkanything on the same line as wct4xxp?
01:38.21vkarI will check
01:38.32*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
01:39.15vkarWould that be an issue?
01:39.19gafachidoes anyone know if/how to put a tag in the Request-uri?
01:42.57gafachibkw_: in the continuing saga... I finally have the TNT talking SIP now...
01:43.23vkarhi tz-afk: following is the output
01:43.28vkar[root@VOICEGW02-CAYYZ root]# cat /proc/interrupts
01:43.28*** join/#asterisk Ziggy (~ziggy@ziggy.developer.ignitionproject)
01:43.32*** join/#asterisk Epitaph__ (~epitaph@
01:43.38tz-afkvkar: don't flood
01:43.42vkarNMI:          0
01:43.44vkarERR:          0
01:43.54gafachibut I think it requires me to specify a trunk group...    and the way it does that is with a tag in the request-uri
01:43.56tz-afkyou're sharing interrupt 10 between the TE405 and a USB root
01:43.58Ziggycan someone tell me what the hell a PBX is
01:44.53tz-afkvkar: don't share interrupts -- either alter yoru BIOS to move interrupts around and/or rotate the slot the card's in
01:44.57tz-afkget it on its own
01:45.18tz-afkthe TE405P (any digium card) throws out 8000 interrupts/sec -- anything that interferes with that will give you crackle
01:45.44kramactually 1000 interrupts/sec
01:45.55tz-afkkram: oh sorry :-)
01:46.02tz-afkI thought it timed at 8kHz
01:46.10kramin principle it could be built to time at 8khz instead of 1khz
01:46.18kramit would reduce latency on strictly TDM interfaces
01:46.25tz-afkeverything else I said was accurate though right?
01:46.50gafachikram:  is there a way to include a tag in the request-uri ?
01:47.53*** part/#asterisk Ziggy (~ziggy@ziggy.developer.ignitionproject)
01:48.01vkarWe don't have another PCI slot.. how ever we will try to change the IRQ
01:48.28*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
01:48.29vkarSo, it will solve the STATIC issue?
01:48.49twisted~seen mustdie
01:48.53jbotmustdie <voip@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 2h 55m 7s ago, saying: 'nobody returns phone calls'.
01:49.00gafachiis it just a matter of adding a   ;tagname=tagvalue   ?
01:49.11twistedand when we try to return contatcts for bugs, you're not here either, mustdie.
01:49.13tz-afkvkar: if you're not using USB either disable the module or disable the hub in the BIOS -- tha tiwll also kill the shared nature
01:49.58vkarWe are not using the USB. We should be able to disable the module remotely?
01:50.04tz-afkvkar: rmmod it
01:50.11tz-afkif it's loaded as a module
01:50.47*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_1 (~epitaph@
01:52.04vkartz-afk: how do I find out what is "ehci-hcd" is?
01:52.26tz-afklsmod should give you something to go from -- it hsould be called "ehci-hcd" I think
01:53.28vkartz-afk: Yes.. it is a module - ehci-hcd               19976   0  (unused) -
01:53.50vkarShould I rmmod it?
01:54.19*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
01:57.49*** join/#asterisk rcourtna (
01:59.08*** join/#asterisk MooP (
01:59.27vkartz-afk: I removed the module
01:59.58vkartz-afk: But, I still have static?
02:00.07*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
02:00.25tz-afkvkar: what is plugged in to the TE405P
02:01.42MooPAnybody else using a BT101? My 'conference' button does absolutely nothing (except look cool)
02:03.20vkartz-afk: one PRI
02:03.23znoGsame here MooP
02:03.28znoGMooP: but i beleive there is a reason for that
02:03.35znoGMooP: you need to configure & setup meetme
02:03.38znoGi think!
02:03.56tz-afkvkar: what do your span lines look like in /etc/zaptel.conf?  just paste the four, no more
02:04.56vkarloadzone = us
02:05.04MooPI do use meetme, can a meetme exten be linked directly to the button?
02:05.21MooPI just want simple 3-way like i get with my zap devices
02:05.23tz-afkvkar: you don't have spans 2-4 defined?
02:05.50vkartz-afk: yes.. there is no PRI's in 2-4
02:06.46vkarwe also have lot's of echo at the 7960 side
02:06.50tz-afkI am not sure.  
02:07.07tz-afkwhat does calling in and hitting the demo extension sound like from PRI side?
02:07.14tz-afkI'm trying to eliminate half of the problem
02:07.25tz-afki.e. work strictly with Zap, get that working, then tackle SIP
02:10.19*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:10.37tz-afkanyway I need to get to bed
02:10.39*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (~epitaph@
02:10.55tz-afkvkar: if you need more help post to -users, I will follow up there (and maybe someone else will have some other input too)
02:11.09vkartz-afk: we are getting static there too..
02:11.25vkartz-afk: is there anything else we can try?
02:11.44tz-afkvkar: ok...  I wonder -- can you reset the system entirely from remote?  I wonder if the usb subsystem is still tossing around interrupts even though no module is loaded for it
02:17.35blitzrageg'night all
02:18.00*** join/#asterisk mizzie (
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02:21.06expousrIs anyone using a DMS10 fed PRI?
02:21.21Corydon76-homeDMS100, hopefully?
02:21.44znoG!seen evilbunny
02:21.45Corydon76-homeI have a customer with one
02:21.50expousr_no_ a DMS10.
02:22.14*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
02:22.17expousr... Cory - thoughts? they're using a 100 or a 10?
02:22.54vkarkram: could you please help us with the Static issue
02:23.05Corydon76-homeCould be either
02:23.15kramwhat's your issue?
02:23.22Corydon76-homeOur customer is using a PRI on a DMS100
02:23.39vkarkram: We have a TE405P and one PRI connected.
02:23.50vkarkram: We have lot's of static
02:24.08kramT1 or E1?
02:24.21vkarkram T1 (Canada)
02:24.34kramvkar: do you have it on its own IRQ?
02:24.43vkarkram: yes
02:25.09vkarkram:  10:     281661          XT-PIC  t4xxp
02:25.29kramokay great
02:25.59krami'll need login information
02:26.45vkarsure... where do you want me to send it?
02:27.38vkarThe static problem is very bad with the voice mail system
02:39.03*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
02:39.40illc0mmmhey, anyone know how to update the firmware on a GrandStream budgetone
02:40.48illc0mmmhelp me! :)
02:41.01BoRiSSet your tftp to or go to
02:41.01illc0mmmI setup the TFTP server as suggests
02:41.23illc0mmmbut its not even trying to go to the server
02:41.24BoRiSset the tftp to, then update adn then reboot
02:41.28illc0mmmI power cycle the phone
02:41.42BoRiSdid you set the TFTP server to
02:41.47*** join/#asterisk neopher (
02:41.49illc0mmmnot that, tried my own
02:41.52illc0mmmbut I'll do the ohter
02:42.27neopheri'm looking at different voip services, has anyone tried nuvio?
02:42.41Jeronimois there some sip api for perl?
02:44.57illc0mmmBoRiS: so why does that work? and mine did not?
02:45.01illc0mmmcan I ever do it locally?
02:49.24BoRiSIs your phone connected to a network that has internet access?
02:49.42BoRiSYou can do it locally...I have mine setup locally
02:51.06illc0mmmwell, I did it with that address and it worked
02:51.17illc0mmmthen after it updated put in my same TFTP address and now it works
02:51.32illc0mmmit was super old though, I had never bothered to update
02:51.35illc0mmmI appreciate the help
02:55.00*** join/#asterisk allanon (
02:55.51illc0mmmBoRiS: hey, one more quick question. I googled but to no avail... ringtones for the budgetone? what's the format?
02:56.23BoRiSYou can't change the ringtones with the 101/102 models... Only 102D models support it
02:56.53illc0mmmit downloaded the ringtone file
02:57.00illc0mmmlemme see what I havbe
02:57.37krammake a cable 1->4, 2->5, 4->1, 5->2
02:58.11illc0mmmdoesnt say
02:58.13illc0mmmdarn it
02:58.25illc0mmmI have the firmware
02:59.50BoRiS4.63?? Hmmmm
02:59.59illc0mmmdo you know what the format is?
03:00.08illc0mmmbecause I have the ringtones :)
03:00.13illc0mmmjust dont know what format they should be
03:01.30BoRiSthats a newer firmware then I have.
03:01.47*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
03:01.48illc0mmmit's at
03:01.57illc0mmmwhile i'm here
03:02.07illc0mmmany trick to getting MOH to work on IAX or SIP lines?
03:02.26illc0mmmseems that inbound SIP or IAX lines dont get MOH, may be a config issue on my side but it looks right to me
03:04.07BoRiSI have MoH working
03:04.19illc0mmmlemme check my config and just make sure I'm doing it right
03:04.26illc0mmmworks on analog
03:05.03neopherwhats new in
03:05.06illc0mmmso, in my iax.conf I should have the musiconhold= line under [general] ?
03:05.12BoRiSiLBC :)
03:05.21illc0mmmSupport for DNS SRV and server fail-over
03:05.26illc0mmmAdd support for up to 3 custom downloadable music ring tones that can
03:05.39illc0mmmThis release fixes the crashing bug of previous version and some additional
03:06.02illc0mmmand then a bunch of stuff for the HT486 stuff
03:06.18neopherthe crashing is really pissin me off, i was on a call today and it rebooted
03:06.48illc0mmmyeah, an ATA type device
03:06.53illc0mmmcommon firmware I guess
03:07.42*** join/#asterisk michaell (
03:08.05BoRiSholly crap...It now supports ringtones
03:08.08michaellWho's a good voip provider that has service cehaper then 2.5 cents a minute?
03:08.19illc0mmmjust need to figure out what the darn format is
03:08.22neopherI'm making a list of questions i should ask i search of voip service, any weard onesi probobly haven't thought about?
03:08.32bkw_illc0mmm format for what?
03:08.42illc0mmmthe ringtones for the budgetone
03:09.00illc0mmmnew firmware supports custom ringtones
03:09.25illc0mmmsee at
03:09.38BoRiSThe new firmware supports iLBC, Ringtones, DNS SRC
03:09.47illc0mmmI just want to put my 24 CTU ring tone on there :)
03:09.54michaellI know that neopher
03:09.55illc0mmmthen it wouldn't be AS cheesy hehe
03:09.57BoRiSDifferent Date Display
03:10.02michaellI already been there
03:10.08michaellI want someone here that can tell me
03:10.10illc0mmmyeah, its like a real phone now
03:10.11michaellas I have more then 1 questoin
03:10.50neopherDo what I am doing, make a list and fire it out to all the voip providers
03:11.05*** join/#asterisk slaPP (~slepp@
03:11.27neophertake the three best and ask people in here what they think of thos providers
03:11.28michaellneopher: I don't have the time to sit here all day doing that
03:11.43neopherso far i have heard nufone, voiceplus and nuvio
03:11.53michaellnufone is off the list already
03:11.56michaellgot there service
03:12.13neopheryou don't like nufone?
03:12.14michaellI need cheaper LD
03:12.17michaellme? sort of...
03:12.27illc0mmminternational or domestic?
03:12.35michaellcustomer service can be shitty at times but scwer the ticket system just give em a call
03:12.37neophercheck nuvio, the have a garuntee
03:12.47michaelli'm already checking
03:13.03michaellI need a company that takes paypal easily
03:13.16neopherbusi, resi?
03:13.31dougheckabadger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
03:13.33neopherbusiness, residential
03:14.02michaellall I want is a flat rate for me to dial
03:14.05michaellthats all I ask
03:14.14dougheckawell, impossible
03:14.21dougheckaif you want mroe than 1 connection
03:14.27znoGmichaell: how does one sign up to NuFone?
03:14.37znoGor are there any other VoIP providers that are decent and have mega cheap call rates? :)
03:14.40michaelljust send them money and username and password and thats about it
03:14.52michaellznoG: thats what i am looking for currently
03:15.07neopherhmm, don't know about paypal, but i know vonage has good rates and support, you may even be sable to calll now and ask about the paypal thing
03:15.20BoRiSWooohooo, THe new firmware with iLBC works fine with asterisk :)
03:15.28michaellnuvio unlimited LD looks appealing. I wonder how unlimited it is.
03:15.34michaellok 1 word. fuck vonage
03:15.39znoGwoah, they do too
03:15.45znoGwhats wrong with vonage?
03:15.58Legend`michaell: that was two words
03:16.19neopherdidn't like there oversees support but haven't used their service
03:16.26michaell1. I can't do iax2 termination and 2. I'm not going to put 50million ata's at my house then get a ds3 to link them back.
03:16.34michaellmy point is I need more then 1 call at once.
03:17.03dougheckabadger badger badger
03:17.09Legend`michaell: nufone? voicepulse?
03:17.18michaellI have nufone
03:17.22Legend`badger badger badgertel?
03:17.29michaellin my book its too expensive at the time
03:17.33neophersame here, one number but the ability to have more then one incoming outgoing calls
03:17.51michaellsleep or slepp?
03:18.16Legend`michaell: well, then stop bitching, get in your time machine, go back 15 years, and pay $1.00/minute
03:18.18dougheckalike DUH
03:18.26michaellnuvio and voicepulse eh...
03:18.45michaellright now i'm on a very limited budget
03:19.35michaellif i had the extra pennies It would be nufone
03:19.36michaellright now
03:19.44michaelli'm what the term would be called is "broke"
03:20.07Jeronimoam i wrong or MSN6.1 use SIP???????????????
03:20.11neopheri heard some issues with voiceplus not always connecting but prob seems minimal, Nuvio have a 14 day guarentee, that seems to speak for itself, and who can beat $34/ month unlimited local and long distance
03:20.26michaellI wonder how unlimited it is
03:20.42michaellanyone know how many lines you can have open at once with nuvio?
03:20.51*** join/#asterisk anachron (
03:20.55michaellmsn6.1 with sip? wtf intresting /me goes and looks
03:21.15neopherstill waiting on an answer on that, if i find out i will let you know
03:21.15Jeronimoi'll post the link
03:21.51michaellthats windows messenger friend
03:21.54michaellyes that does have sip
03:22.12michaellin msn 6.1 I believe they don't even support hte communicatin services anymore
03:22.51michaellvoicepulse is too expensive
03:22.56michaellnufone is a better option then voicepulse
03:23.10Jeronimojajaja i can't belive it
03:23.12neophermichaell: what are some other questions that you would have to nuvio, as i may have the same and not know it
03:23.17robl^Nufone works..  VP doesn't
03:23.28Jeronimothe u could get MSN working in a lan and resgitering in a internal SIP server
03:24.18znoGhmm, so basically voyage sucks?
03:24.32znoGJeronimo: que tal?
03:24.57znoGJeronimo: te puedo hacer una pregunta? sobre el sistema telefonico en argentina
03:25.27michaellneopher: youi use nuvio?
03:25.43*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
03:26.29neopherno, just started looking for providers, i am so far leaning to then because they have my areacode
03:27.01michaellI want a utah proivder
03:27.12neopherwhat area code
03:27.58neophernuvio has that
03:28.04michaelloh really?
03:28.07*** join/#asterisk ASTMonkey (
03:28.12*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
03:28.13michaelli found a comapny
03:28.28ASTMonkeyanybody knows if TDMoE works with cas signalling?
03:29.12citatsASTMonkey: TDMoE doesn't know about any signalling
03:29.15neophermichaell: what section, american fork, clearfield...
03:30.03ASTMonkeyneopher: Ok, but  when I try to configure cas in the machine which is the "client" I get a configuration error when I run ztcfg.
03:30.18ASTMonkeyneopher: theres is no error with PRI for example.
03:30.23neopherthey have springville and provo , no orem
03:30.36michaellI just seen that
03:30.41michaellfuck whatever they dont' ahve
03:30.43michaellthey have my home town
03:31.06neopherthey so far look like a good co.
03:31.18michaellno kididng
03:31.25michaellyou dont' hear people in here talking bad about them
03:31.57citatsmichaell: i never heard of them till now
03:31.57ASTMonkeyneopher: According to messages in the list it should work with CAS but it doesn't.
03:32.06michaellthats true
03:32.20michaellsomeone can't spell
03:32.35michaellthat wasn't slepp
03:32.49expousrWell... it looks like I might be the first person to try things with a DMS10  -didn't see anything in the archives..  should be able to get together with the telco folks by mid-week.. :-)
03:33.17expousranyone have access to the bellcore / etc technical ref documentation private message me?
03:33.46neopheryou need a bellcore tech ref?, lemme look
03:34.00michaellis nufone's site down? seems i can't get to it
03:34.30michaelland before becoming angry
03:34.44neophernufone lost me when they haven't answered me email and its been 3 weeks now
03:35.00michaellemail support = bad
03:35.03michaellphone = good
03:35.05michaellanyone know the nufone number?
03:35.33michaellnow the page loads
03:36.04michaellthank you for calling the nufone network
03:36.19michaelloh its ringing
03:36.20dougheckaits NIGHTTIME here in chicago
03:36.29michaellits night in utah
03:37.00michaellit rings then says a message then goes back to ringing and then it repeates that
03:37.09neopherit's almost morning in PA
03:37.12michaellbitch.. now it said good bye
03:37.17neopher12 in the morn
03:37.57neophertell me about it michaell, been doing that for 4 days now
03:38.27michaelli might as well put the number on speed dial then
03:38.34doughecka"do nine men interpret?" "nine men," i nod
03:38.38dougheckatype that backwards
03:39.45michaellI guess i will be getting nuvio serivce tommrow
03:40.10michaell3 cents a minute with nuvio if you equial it out and free incoming
03:40.12michaellhmm thats a idea
03:40.16neopherlemme know how it works out
03:40.44Connormichaell: how much per month?
03:40.50michaelland 500mins
03:41.09neopher35 unlimited
03:41.30michaellbut would they like my bussiness?
03:41.33neopher25 unlimited local / 500 LD
03:41.39michaellplug her into asterisk
03:42.05neopheri shot over a long list of questios for them
03:42.19michaellwant to send me the answers when you get them?
03:43.01neopherI hope the like IAX2, as i do not feel like connecting multiple fxs boxxes to a multichannel fxo
03:44.19*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
03:45.42expousrneopher - thanks.
03:47.51*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
03:54.37michaellJERJ ERJ
03:55.22michaellI just called and it said thank you for calling nufone then a bit later it says all telemarkerts of the house are currently busy
03:55.26michaelland really bad on hold music
03:56.46michaellsomeone call nufone and tell me if they hear the same thing
03:56.48michaellit just did it again
03:57.58*** join/#asterisk michaell (
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04:00.09*** join/#asterisk Alric (
04:00.11kashmishanyone fax experience with * ?
04:00.50michaelltook about 4mins a page
04:01.11kashmishnot too promising then ;-)
04:01.25michaellit could of been my connetio thuogh
04:01.25michaellnot sure
04:01.35kashmishi see...
04:01.43michaelli only have 256/256 here but I assume it was retying packets alot I assume
04:01.46michaellfax came out ok
04:01.49Legend`would be so nice if you could somehow tie hylafax in to asterisk
04:01.56michaelllooks like a fax normaly does
04:02.36kashmishmicahell, how did you do it? sw only?
04:02.49*** join/#asterisk jthomas (
04:03.06michaellreal fax machine
04:03.32michaellI plugged a fax into a asterisk at hoemn runnign the internet phone jack that went to our main server via iax2 then it went out through our ourgoing provider
04:04.00kashmishi see...
04:04.39kashmishtryin to figure out something without having to pay for an additional virt. phone no from vonage...
04:05.18jthomashi all
04:08.11jthomaswhat IAX hardphones are available in the market?
04:08.36michaellthe um wahts it called
04:08.38michaellft something will be
04:08.51michaellits not out yet
04:09.37*** join/#asterisk srodgers (
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04:14.56*** join/#asterisk santiago (
04:16.52santiagoI did zap show channel 1 and at very end was this message error "zap_show_channel failed to get conference info on channel 1". What does it mean?. Span is configured as PRI
04:17.07kramsantiago: you don't have a call up
04:17.15kramso it's still in data mode, so it can't be in a conference
04:17.18kramdon't worry aobu tit
04:17.38*** part/#asterisk expousr (
04:17.47santiagokram: Ok but I can't make calls.
04:17.58kramthen it's something else
04:18.04santiagokram: I tought that this matter
04:18.05kramhave you contacted digium support yet?
04:18.38santiagokram: No I did. You think I should?
04:19.16santiagokram: Do you know where I can find good info about PRI configuration?
04:22.01Alricmichaell: FT201, by Virbiage.  And it's not on market yet.
04:22.22Alricmichaell: for more details.
04:24.53*** part/#asterisk hwstar (
04:25.44kramsantiago: when you buy the card, it comes with install support included
04:25.46santiagokram: I will contact digium's support if I can outside US. thanks.
04:25.51kramsantiago: you can njust call or e-mail tomorrow
04:25.56kramsantiago: they will get back with you
04:26.03kramsantiago: or ask around here
04:26.16santiagokram: ok thanks a lot
04:33.33znoGdoes the TDM400P support caller ID, call waiting, etc?
04:33.44*** part/#asterisk kashmish (
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04:41.25*** join/#asterisk kashmish (
04:41.48znoGi saw someone talking about tieing in hylafax with asterisk. I thought this could be done with a CAPI compliant card?
04:46.23*** join/#asterisk MooP (
04:48.09JerJerFYI, everyone is going to have to do a cvs up -d
04:48.53JerJernew directories were recently added to the cvs repository
04:50.11su-JerJer: since they are not replying in -bugs...can you tell me why i get this error:
04:50.13su-ast_expr.y:103: unrecognized: %locations
04:50.13su-ast_expr.y:103:    Skipping to next %
04:50.13su-ast_expr.y:134: invalid @-construct
04:50.13su-ast_expr.y:134: $. is invalid
04:50.13su-ast_expr.y:134: invalid @-construct
04:50.15bkw_JerJer make update does it
04:50.16su-ast_expr.y:134: $. is invalid
04:50.18su-ast_expr.y:134: invalid @-construct
04:50.26bkw_su- what bison version you got?
04:50.26neophernever did an update on * yet, is there a package just for updates that don't mess with any of the settings
04:50.29bkw_bison -V
04:50.42bkw_bison (GNU Bison) 1.875
04:50.55bkw_works fine here
04:51.49*** join/#asterisk togg (
04:54.59znoGhmm, by using a ADSI phone, am i missing out on any important features that analog phones can't provide that digital can?
04:55.58Legendusing an ADSI phone, you will need a power brick at each desk
04:56.26znoGa power brick?
04:56.41Legendac power supply
04:56.45Legendwall wart
04:56.48znoGoh, thats ok
04:57.06*** part/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
04:57.33znoGactually probably can't do call forwarding if its single line
05:02.20*** join/#asterisk anachron (
05:05.15TestMasTerznoG,  You could if you setup some kind of long distance provider
05:06.29MooPhey all - I'm having a heck of a time getting txfax to handshake with my fax machine.  Anyone have success?
05:11.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:14.26znoGhmm not sure about the Sayson ADSI phones, doesn't look like they have call forwarding & call waiting capabilities
05:14.41znoGwhich makes sense i guess, seeing as how its a one line phone, though call waiting should work
05:17.57brc007~seen olle
05:18.03jbotbrc007: i haven't seen 'olle'
05:19.10*** join/#asterisk MustDie2 (
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05:29.29zbanyone know why my TE410P card stuck at " == D-Channel on span 1 up" after a couple days?
05:30.01MooPwhen calling a fax machine, do i need to wait until the _exact_ moment the machine answers to invoke TxFAX?
05:32.11*** join/#asterisk oob (
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06:12.01tclarkAsterisk Patch/Coding Guidelines ...:)
06:16.17MustDie2tclark: i think it goes like "please do not use it unless it is really necessary"
06:16.44MustDie2does anybody knows, where can i get "International Dialing Plan database" ?
06:16.49*** join/#asterisk {Sean} (Sean@
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06:27.08brc007~seen h3x
06:27.15jboth3x is currently on #uclibc (2d 17h 57m 24s) #asterisk (2d 17h 57m 24s).  Has said a total of 135 messages.  Is idling for 1d 1h 25m 19s
06:27.15brc007~seen h3x ooo
06:27.16jbotbrc007: i haven't seen 'h3x ooo'
06:31.09*** join/#asterisk kiso (~kiso@
06:31.21PilotPTK-Homewhy would you want to talk to h3x? :)
06:31.39TestMasTer~seen stealthman
06:31.43jbotTestMasTer: i haven't seen 'stealthman'
06:31.43brc007why not
06:31.50brc007suppose I could talk to you instead
06:31.55kisoHi all
06:32.02PilotPTK-Homenah...i'm boring.
06:32.09brc007you've got airplanes =)
06:32.27PilotPTK-Homeactually, i'm supposed to run to chicago in it tomorrow.
06:32.31brc007and know lotsa 'bout embedded stchuff
06:32.47PilotPTK-Homehow's vaporfone coming?
06:33.14PilotPTK-Homei gotta figure out what the hell i'm going to design next.
06:33.22PilotPTK-Hometime for a new piece of asterisk hardware
06:33.37PilotPTK-Hometoo much competition.
06:33.56PilotPTK-Homewho wants to compete with 175 dollar polycoms that are excellant.
06:34.03brc007yeah yeah :p's not IAX!
06:34.40PilotPTK-HomeSIP is a perfectly good protocol for endpoints (phones)
06:34.58PilotPTK-HomeIAX is great for * to * backhauls, but SIP does a pretty good job for endpoints
06:35.06brc007yeah yeah
06:36.40*** join/#asterisk fOSSiL (
06:37.00*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
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06:49.39*** join/#asterisk pulu_ (~chatzilla@
06:51.28*** join/#asterisk scad (
06:52.28scadi ran into a problem on asterisk with forwarding voice mail messages to an extension
06:52.39scadcrashes the service
06:53.31scadI got it running though... now I am trying to get the newly purchased digium fxs fxo cards working
06:56.40kramdid you get a core dump?
06:56.56kramscad: still here?
06:57.01brc007so much for sleep ehh?
06:57.07krami saw "crash"
06:57.15kramand had to come see
06:58.28krambrc: try to get a core and a backtrace for me from scad
06:58.32kramand e-mail it to me
06:59.25*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
07:01.36brc007I'll see what I can do
07:02.02brc007there ya go
07:02.36scadi don't have alot of experience iwth linux but I can get around
07:03.24scadcan someone point me to some documentation for generating a core dump or getting a dump file.
07:03.38scadI have everything running on redhat 9
07:03.55scadloaded the latest cvs.  I found someone else in the digium archives that had the some problem.
07:04.28brc007wish I knew
07:04.32brc007never had to do it before...
07:04.40brc007~cluebat brc007
07:04.44jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps brc007.
07:05.37scadI am messing around with the tdm400P.
07:10.48brc007scad get it working?
07:11.47scadahh. i am reading the instructions on the debuging page.. recreated the error..
07:12.01scadso.. start asterisk with safe_asterisk
07:12.23*** join/#asterisk lele (
07:12.41scadwhat is gdb asterisk core.xxxx
07:13.12scadthat is what i don't understand..
07:15.11scadah.. that is the name of the coredump file
07:18.52scadI set ulimit -c unlimited
07:18.59*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
07:19.02scadstarted asterisk in safe_asterisk
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07:34.54scadI need to install the gdb rpm file.. i downloaded it on a windows machine adn I amrunning putty.
07:35.30scadI am trying to scp it over and I don't know how to reference the file on the windows machine..
07:36.18*** join/#asterisk kiso79 (~kiso@
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07:41.00brc007I like coreftp
07:41.21brc007reference the file?
07:43.27scadi got it to work ..
07:43.35scadI think because I was running in safe_asterisk
07:43.47scadit worked both times while prepending messages and while not.
07:44.03scadI do like watching the safe_asterisk CLI
07:44.10*** join/#asterisk harald (
07:44.12scadMay  2 23:46:54 NOTICE[1209214400]: rtp.c:264 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
07:44.12scadMay  2 23:46:54 NOTICE[1209214400]: rtp.c:293 process_rfc3389: Don't know how to handle RFC3389 for receive codec 2
07:44.20*** join/#asterisk rumba1207 (
07:44.38scadGot two errors
07:44.42scadcodec related
07:44.55Zeeekscad turn off silence suppression or put transmit silence to YES
07:45.05Zeeekon client
07:45.43scadoh.. cool.
07:45.45scadthat was easy
07:45.51scadi was googling the error
07:45.56Zeeekno guarantee just an idea
07:47.51haraldHey @ all......does someone know why it is not possible to register via SIP to * when host is not declared as dynamic???
07:48.46*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
07:48.56Tommmohas anyone used a Welltech FXO gateway with Asterisk before?
07:48.58*** join/#asterisk Casper200 (~casper200@
07:49.34Casper200Could anybody help me to understand what is "ast_generator", pls?
07:51.13scadZeeek.. you wouldn't happen to know where that is in xlite?
07:53.40Zeeekunder advanced system
07:54.52scadthanks again
07:54.58Zeeekfind it ?
07:55.47scadyup Menu | Advanced System Settings | Audio Settings | Silence Settings | Transmit Silence: Yes
07:55.56Zeeekby the way, X-Lite comes with a free detailed user manual, unlike a lot of other free SIP clients
07:56.10scadthat is why i chose it..
07:56.16ZeeekI suggest you get it and read it since X-Lite has a zillion settings
07:56.39scadi am putting it in place for our office tomorrow..
07:57.07scadI am going to run it over a dsl/pots line.
07:57.11RoyKhi :)
07:57.30scadi set it up using voicepulse and a Detroit DID
07:57.58scadis There a downside to starting asterisk in safe_asterisk mode all the time?
07:58.11scadmemory overhead?  performance?
07:58.37ZeeekI think that's the standard way scad but I wouldn't know
07:59.16*** join/#asterisk etcp (
08:00.13scadthanks for the help.  
08:09.15Moc_is the fax detection working now ?
08:09.23*** join/#asterisk flavour (
08:14.51scadI am trying to load the digium developers kit and am running into problems with # modprobe T400P/E400P - tor2
08:16.57*** join/#asterisk musimi (
08:19.53Zeeekscad what cards do you have?
08:22.00scadgot.. tdm10B and x100P
08:22.18scadone is basically a modem.. i looked at it next to another modem and all the stuff is the same..
08:22.35scadthe other is the four port fso thingy but I only have one.
08:22.44Zeeekso why are you looking at T400P?
08:22.49*** join/#asterisk jas_Williams (
08:22.57Zeeekhey jas_
08:23.20Zeeekscad what are you doing, installing the kit? (great instructions, huh? :) )
08:23.22scadwelll.. actually.. right now I am not.. just an observation i made earlier
08:23.39Zeeekyou bought the devel kit with those two cards?
08:23.42scadyeah.. I am not sure if they are bad or if I am
08:23.47Moc_anyone got the fax detection setup ?
08:23.48scadyou got it.
08:24.03scadThat is my next project after I get the cards working.
08:24.13Zeeekyou have a problem scad? You stick the cards in and follow the little sheet
08:24.41Zeeekor u mean you have them working and are looking at other ones?
08:24.53scadyeah.. i am getting an error when i run two of the commands .. two of them worked.
08:25.08Zeeekmodprobe -v wcfxs
08:25.13Zeeekis that the one?
08:25.55scad[root@localhost /]# modprobe -v wcfxs
08:25.55scad/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o
08:25.55scadUsing /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o
08:25.55scadSymbol version prefix ''
08:25.55scad/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o: init_module: No such device
08:25.56scadHint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
08:26.00scad/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o failed
08:26.02scad/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxs.o: insmod wcfxs failed
08:26.04scad[root@localhost /]#
08:26.29Zeeeklook indmesg to see if the card was detected. Cause # 1 the power plug isn't in the card
08:26.52scadOh snap.. let me double check..
08:26.55Zeeekhey jas_W I tried the current loop patch and the bloody phone still doesn't ring here!
08:27.09Zeeekdon't plug it in with power =on obviously
08:27.34scadyeah.. it is hooked up but I think i am going to powerdown and reseat the cards and replug the power in.
08:27.47Zeeekhold the presses!
08:27.53Zeeekdon't move!
08:28.00scadstill here.
08:28.00jas_WilliamsZeek I have capacitors everywhere already so I have not tried the patch
08:28.15Zeeekjas send me a couple will you?
08:28.33Zeeekthey'll probably be stopped in customs as terrorist devices :)
08:28.40Zeeekdo this
08:28.45scadi am all ears
08:29.00Zeeekcat /proic/interrupts | grep fxs
08:29.12Zeeekcat /proc/interrupts
08:29.16Zeeeknot proic
08:29.55jas_WilliamsI use these !!
08:30.30*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
08:30.44Zeeekthx jas_
08:31.13Moc_ok cool... fax detection installed
08:31.23Zeeekscad whazit say?
08:32.08scadthese are the lists of the IRQ .. right?
08:32.38scadtimer, keyboard, cascade, rtc, eth0, usb-uhci, ps/2, ide0, ide1
08:32.56Zeeekpaste the exact output can u?
08:33.01scadsure.. sorry
08:33.14scad[root@localhost /]# cat /proc/interrupts
08:33.27scadNMI:          0
08:33.29scadERR:          0
08:33.48ZeeekI don't see any Digium cards at all
08:33.50RoyKNMI: 0???
08:33.55scadit would say digium?
08:34.09Zeeekno wcxfs wcfxo
08:34.12RoyKscad: it would say zaptel, as that's the driver
08:34.29Zeeeklike this:
08:34.30kiso79CAn anyone help me. I get this message
08:34.31kiso79Sip read:
08:34.31kiso79SIP/2.0 200 Ok
08:34.31kiso79Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK446aeac2
08:34.31kiso79From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0f38de43
08:34.31kiso79To: <sip:>;tag=2514071944
08:34.32kiso79Contact: <sip:21@>
08:34.35kiso79Call-ID: 7f1955fd4ffedf7874bbdbc4080f251b@
08:34.38kiso79CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
08:34.40kiso79Server: X-Lite release 1103a
08:34.42kiso79Content-Length: 0
08:34.49kiso79And I cant make calls with x-lite
08:35.32Zeeekscad the interesting lines being:
08:35.34scadwctdm is the card?
08:35.48Zeeektdm = TDM ya?
08:36.04scadyeah. that is the kit I bought
08:36.06Zeeekyou don't have any of them recognized
08:36.26Zeeeksame here but I got another X100P after I saw how it worked
08:36.28scadah.. i was wondering what the wctdm was in the instrucitons.
08:36.45oobscad - you should free up some IRQs
08:36.50scadi thought they were commands passed to the modprobe program
08:36.53Zeeekdoesn't look like there's many IRQ left either on that box
08:36.58oobthe digium cards do not like to share irqs
08:37.34Zeeekfact is, it's good to run * on its own box
08:37.58Zeeekand remove all the other crap that will interfere
08:38.01scadI am running asterisk on its own deal.. minimum redhat install.
08:38.21Zeeekditch all the serial and parallel and USB stuff then in BIOS
08:38.32Zeeekand pull the sound card unless you need it
08:38.34oobscad - suggest you configure it for serial console, drop the ps2 interrupt and maybe remove the second HDD
08:39.35scadi have to disable that in the bios.. there is only one hard drive in there but the bios has it to auto detect.
08:39.44Zeeekthe trap I fell into was that two slots shared the same IRQ
08:40.23scadi had the same irq problem with a windows 98 box
08:40.27Zeeeklooking at your list though it appears that there are a bunch of free IRQ on the liow end?
08:40.55ZeeekI wonder if 3-7 are reserved in BIOS by accident?
08:41.36scadI will check it out.  you can drop the ps2 in the bios or you have to do it in linux?
08:41.41scadis there an irq manager for linux?
08:42.30oobdo it in the bios
08:42.42scadI think i can get it going now.
08:43.07oobso do i, i have complete faith in you
08:43.08Moc_May  3 04:38:25 ERROR[1226062640]: callerid.c:192 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-13)
08:43.08Moc_May  3 04:38:25 WARNING[1226062640]: chan_zap.c:4732 ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Success
08:43.08Moc_May  3 04:38:25 WARNING[1226062640]: chan_zap.c:4774 ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/1-1'
08:43.15oobgo scaaad! go scaaad!
08:43.50scadthanks guys
08:44.01scadare you guys in england?
08:44.19oobnope, i'm in new zealand
08:45.00Zeeekya gone and insulted the Brit now
08:45.30scadno... I am in SF and If i did that I am pretty sure there will be a mob at the house in about 5 minutes
08:45.48ZeeekMidnight parties?
08:45.56oobi'm not british :)
08:46.05Zeeekno jas_Williams is
08:46.18Zeeekand he just left
08:46.24oobi c
08:46.34*** join/#asterisk Noodles (
08:46.36Zeeekyou have a TDM400 card oob ?
08:46.39scadi used to work for SBC and we worked a little bit with channel banks and PRI, data circuits and such ... and now i find myself back into it.
08:46.46oobzeek - tdm100
08:46.51oobnoodles - yo
08:46.56Noodleshey =)
08:46.59Zeeekwhat is tdm100?
08:47.11oobzeek - same card, but one port as opposed to four
08:47.28Zeeekit's still called TDM400
08:47.37Zeeekanyway, does it ring your phone?
08:47.41oobit _should_ be called the tdm100
08:47.49oobyes, it rings my phone
08:47.56Moc_well it a TDM400 with 1 FXS module
08:48.00scadoh.. you guys have been really helpful..
08:48.05Zeeekok that's the prob I'm having - it's the phones;, not the card
08:48.08oobye4ah alright lads, no need to be pedantic
08:48.30ZeeekI called mine a TDM410 and got laughed at as well
08:48.32scaddo you guys run the gsm codec?
08:48.42Moc_scad sometime
08:48.58Noodlescan anyone help me? my build falls over on - configure: error: termcap support not found
08:49.00scadhmm.  are there licensing issues there?
08:49.00Noodlesi'm trying to build the dev cvs version
08:49.22Moc_Noodles, I had that one time.. dont recall what I needed to do...
08:49.25Zeeekscan gsm is built in to most stuff
08:49.29Moc_missing stuff, your on redhat ?
08:49.35oobnoodles - install libtermcap
08:49.56scadI guess gsm is the best for the bandwidth but I am not sure if it is going to work with the provider
08:49.56ooband libtermcap-devel while you're at it
08:50.04scador a cisco 7960
08:50.23Noodlestermcap-compat now, apparently
08:50.25Noodlesaccording to apt
08:50.36Noodlesi am running debian old though
08:50.40oobyou really should move to a modern distribution
08:50.49Noodleslike debian broken?
08:51.01oobno like ABDebian
08:51.20oob(Anything But)
08:51.38Noodleslol =P
08:51.55Noodlesstill better than deadrat
08:52.02debaserwhats wrong with debian?
08:52.04*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
08:52.18Noodlesoob's not a fan =)
08:52.28*** join/#asterisk folsson (~filip@
08:52.45Noodlesi dunno
08:52.47scadi got my system running with redhat 9 pretty quick
08:52.55oobnothing's wrong with debian, according to the antiques roadshow
08:53.12debaserthat doesn't make any sense dude
08:53.18oobsure it does
08:53.27oobwhen debian stable is using 2.2 series kernels
08:53.29Noodleshe's saying that all the packages are out of date
08:53.31debaserrun whatever you want on it, there are three branches if you need to rely on backages
08:53.45debaserdebian stable is stable.  its not up to date.
08:53.53oobyep, debian-obsolete and two versions of debian-broken
08:53.55debaserdebian testing is reliable and up to date.
08:54.02debaserand testing is insane
08:54.09debasertesting isn't broken :P
08:54.25Noodlesyou a bsd man oob?
08:54.26Zeeekslackware 9.1 here
08:54.29debaserand "obsolete" (stable) runs on my servers amazingly well.
08:54.38Noodlesi was never enough of a sadist to run slackware
08:54.52debaserthats on our development box, it runs testing
08:54.54Zeeekhey I am a total newbie and it installed with no prb
08:55.34Zeeekbut where is the registry?
08:55.54oobi understand the advantages of debian's development philosophy, what i don't get is why people with that sort of requirement don't use bsd
08:55.55Noodleswhat's a registry? =)
08:55.56debaserthats on a stable box (static content webserver) last reboot was a kernel patch
08:56.05Zeeekbad windoze joke
08:56.16Noodleshehe, i know, i'm just being a smart arse
08:56.19debaseroob: because the bsd kernel is subpar
08:56.28ZeeekI knew you knew or I wouldn't have made the joke
08:57.08oobdebaser - kernel 2.2 is sub-par. and even if it wasn't no linux matches bsd's reliabilty, surely
08:57.15*** join/#asterisk festr (
08:57.36debaserwe run 2.4 on most of our boxes, expecially production boxes
08:57.39debaserLinux bean 2.6.1 #2 Fri Jan 16 14:22:46 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
08:57.40festrexist some app which listen to DTMF and return it to VARIABLE?
08:57.57scadFunny thing.. the problem I was experiencing.. (forwarding voicemail messages to another extension) crashes my server when I start asterisk normally but not when I start it in safe mode.
08:58.03debaserthis is a dev box, i didn't stick 2.6 on it
08:58.23scadhow do I start safe_asterisk at boot?
08:59.20debaserseriously, don't knock individual distrobutions, especially debian.
08:59.40debaserthey all have their purpose and their place in the world, or else people wouldn't develop and use them.
08:59.52debaser(even redhat)
09:00.17Noodlesok, back to asterisk =)
09:00.20oobi disagree
09:00.27Noodlesi installed termcap-compat, and i'm still getting the same error
09:00.44Noodlescouldn't find any devel packages
09:00.44debaseryou're wrong then. :P
09:00.46scadredhat probably brings the most new users to linux (like me)
09:00.59oobi think too many new users are encoruaged into dsitrubtions like debian and gentoo by the purists, and the negative experience that results is harmful
09:01.55debaserits just a different way to do things.  each distrobution is developed by people with different mindsets.  redhat and mandrake, et al. are geared towards first time users.  people get comfortable with them and they're easy to teach/learn
09:02.12ooband the commerical distributions are taking linux into the corporation while debian is draggin it's heals, despite peren's efforts with UL
09:02.26debaserdebian is good for production systems.  things that can't break.  apt is incredibly powerful if you know how to use it.
09:02.42oobnote that redhat also uses apt and yum
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09:03.04ooband for production systems, debian doesn't measure up. there simply isn't the support from vendors of production software
09:03.21debaseryes, but its not built around it.  redhat and debian have different schemes for system setup and administration.
09:03.25scadi am looking for an alternative distribution  because of licensing with redhat
09:03.27oobtry asking your oracle rep for a quote to support you on debian
09:03.36debaserwho needs support for vendors of production software?
09:04.01debaseri'm not going to implement a system in a production environment that i don't completely understand.
09:04.10oobshit man, all of us replacing our solaris boxes with intel hardware
09:04.36scadI am going to bed.
09:04.53scadthanks all.. esp. zeeek
09:05.29debaserbasically, it comes down to: can i make software work easily with the distrobution i'm comfortable.  do i have a clear upgrade path and system administration capability.
09:05.30festrhow to make extension, which can be somtehnig like this (regexp: 0 .* #) exten => _0.#,1,blabla ... ?
09:05.36Zeeeknewbies helping newbies = blind leading blind
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09:06.07festrscad here is morning so good night :)
09:06.27oobin my world it comes down to "will the vendor support us on this platform?"
09:06.30debaserif i wanna apply asterisk mods or caudium mods or whatever to our servers, right now all i have to do is create new debs, put them on our package server, and they fly.
09:07.15debaserheh, i hope so, or else they don't get the business.
09:07.52debaserand i hope i don't ever need vendor support.  if i need vendor support their shit is too broken to implement in a production environment anyway.
09:08.08oobi have two choices for production linux; suse or redhat. i can go with either and get support from the hardware vendor and the application vendor. if i go with anything else they will drop my business
09:08.39oobTHAT is the reason for USerLinux; to give a debian based distribtion enough clout with the vendors
09:09.34debaserwhat vendors do you need support from?
09:09.41*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:09.47Noodlesi'm guessing ppl like oracle
09:10.01ooba multitude, but the stickers are database vendors like oracle and CA
09:10.11debasernever been an issue for me.
09:10.24Noodlesi'm sure you don't look after big servers like oob does though
09:10.31debaserone of my clients has an oracle db system, but its not under my control.  i think its running on sparcs.
09:10.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:11.01debaserNoodles: [=
09:11.14oobyeah that's been pretty much the default platform for a long time, but for the last couple of years oracle has supported some of their products on linux, but only suse and redhat
09:11.44oobthe cost of orace certificatiuon is roughly $USD250,000. perens is raising the money through UL for this type of thing
09:11.51debaseri wouldn't take a contract for stuff relevant to oracle solutions.
09:12.16debaserthats just more of a reason to stay the fuck away from them.
09:12.22debasergetting locked into solutions is bad.
09:12.52oobthat's true, but the commercial reality is that without vendor support, i don't get a purchase order
09:13.24debaserthat sucks
09:13.54*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
09:13.59oobit does suck, but it's a problem facing a lot of f/oss advocates working for medium/large entities
09:14.10debaseri focus on the sme market
09:14.34debasermakes life easy, good.  i write the purchase orders because i sell complete solutions.
09:15.01Noodleswell, asterisk is compiling, go little box, go
09:15.04debaserbut, they need to work.  i'm not comfortable with either asterisk or caudium yet to start putting them in production environments.
09:15.56festrcan macro return variable?
09:16.23debaserbut, the point is, whenever you're selling the whole shebang, you're resposible for the whole shebang.  thats why running debian and dealing with my own package distrobution and distrobution maintenence are of dire importance to me.
09:17.17Zeeekfestr - it could set a global variable
09:17.35*** join/#asterisk kiso (~kiso@
09:18.54oobwe all know that f/oss is commoditising the sofwtare market. it's working it's way up through the layers.commercial entities are comfortable with f/oss for web servers, os, border network stuff but most are not yet ready to turn to Postgres or mysql from their favorite database vendor
09:19.37debaserthats my problem, not the person giving me a check.
09:19.48oobf/oss hasn't reached the critical level of maturity at that software layer
09:19.49debaseri know pg will work just fine.
09:20.28debasersure it has.  i use pg on production servers
09:20.49oobi agree, it has - i should have said "hasn't reached acceptance at.."
09:21.16debaserhasn't reached acceptance in the market you work in yet, maybe
09:21.30oobi work in a lot of markets :)
09:21.48debaserthe sme market doesn't care much, from what i've seen
09:22.19oobabsolutely. so much so i'm intending to focus on them for the next while
09:22.38oobi think they will be the early adopters and reap the benefits
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09:23.14debaserthen worry about what you can readily support.  don't be trying to sell other people.
09:23.33Noodlesoh well, getting closer: make[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
09:23.48Noodlesanyone know how to fix that one?
09:23.48debaserbecause the sme market doesn't give a fuck about vendor support.  the sme market is concerned with their stuff not going down.
09:25.30oobnoodles - install libssl and libssl-dev
09:25.41Noodlesthanks =)
09:25.46Noodlesi was looking for openssl-dev
09:25.54oobyep, openssl-dev and openssl
09:26.01debaserwhen dealing with the sme market, its not the vendors problem, its your problem. =]
09:26.14oobtrue, it'sa whole different ball park
09:29.48debaserthe economic paradigm of software is on support to consultants.
09:30.22debaserand in most cases thats a non-issue
09:32.31debaserlinux and f/oss are not profit-centers.  support and hardware development supporting them is.
09:34.45Zeeekguys acan I interrupt for a sec?
09:34.45oobthat's right, support is the key
09:35.02ooband to bring this around full circle; with debian, corporates are not supported
09:35.14debaserbut it is.  its supported by me.
09:35.19debaseror other consultants.
09:35.36ZeeekI just remade * last night AND have a new user. I can call her but she is making this error on the CLI :
09:35.37Zeeekchan_iax2.c:4439 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
09:35.54debaserbecause the responsibility ultimately weighs on the shoulders of the soltions provider, not the hardware/software vendor.
09:36.04Zeeekcontext stuff looks right - what is this error?
09:36.04oobzeek - check her credentials in iax.conf
09:36.22Zeeekthe point is if she had the wrong password, could I still call her?
09:36.44Zeeekthen that would likely be it
09:36.45oobin some circumstances
09:36.57Zeeekwait, she is registering, so it can't be that
09:37.15oobok, check what her default context is
09:37.17Zeeekwell, she is changing location so I'll check it later, thx
09:37.32ZeeekI chkd the contexts, it's all good
09:37.51*** join/#asterisk MarkA (~mark@
09:40.07debaser(note: if you are a solutions provider without a knowledge of the workings of all the parts of your solution, may god help you.)
09:40.47Zeeekimagine what troubleshooting pbx was like before the internet
09:41.40debaserkinda like parallel parking a limo hummer in lower manhattan
09:41.51MarkAquestion.. I only have "normal" 33Mhz PCI sockets, and I only want one PSTN line, and One PSTN ext. rest will be SIP etc..  What options do I have? since I cant use the "proper" cards ?
09:42.48oobdebaser - that's fine when you're a one man outfit or a small band or hackers, but when you're talking about a system that has a handful of admins, a handful of dba's, several dozen developers, assorted applications and project people and thousands of users, knowing the workings of allparts of the solution is problematic
09:43.39debaseri've never found that to be the case.
09:43.56brc007MarkA: you want a SIPura 3000
09:44.13debaserand i really need to go to bed now.  i gotta be at a meeting in 8 hours =[
09:44.25brc007it has 1 FXO (PTSN Line) and 2 FXO (analog phone ext)
09:44.30brc007and it uses SIP
09:44.36MarkAvery nice - bit overkill ? dont want to near to £100
09:44.36brc007~google sipura 3000
09:45.17MarkAyes have looked at that. what abt the Md3200 modem? as a cheapstake way ?
09:45.50brc007X100P from digium is $100 for just one FXO port
09:45.59*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (
09:46.07brc007sipura gives you 3 ports for either $160-$130 depending on where you get it
09:46.14MarkAbut can't use those.. dont have the nessecary PCI slots... i.e. 3.3v or whatever they are
09:46.47brc007the tdmx00p and x100p are normal pci cards
09:46.53brc007it's only the T1 card that is special
09:47.27MarkAthey are? pics I've seen have two "key" slots ??
09:48.01FuzzyCatmmm.. well you will 'solve' >95% of bugs if they just get closed with no action..
09:52.42MarkAthat will not fit in my PIII...
09:53.01MarkA(unless u know diffrent !!)
09:54.08brc007the notch cut of of the board on the right is irrelevant and standard on all PCI cards that I have seen
09:54.21brc007there is not a matching post that sticks up into the notch on the PCI slot
09:54.27MarkAah ok :-)
09:54.33MarkAthat's all i wanted to know...
09:54.52brc007see this picture
09:55.14brc007and any of the cards here
09:56.00MarkAcos I looked at these and thought... "hmmm"...
09:56.27MarkAanyways, mucho thanks.
09:56.35fOSSiLthat card on ebay is not x100p
09:56.48MarkAgo on....
09:56.49fOSSiLno heat sink :)
09:57.51brc007MarkA ?
10:00.40fOSSiLit will most likely work as x100p w/ asterisk, though
10:01.17fOSSiLsame circuitry
10:03.28fOSSiLand btw, the notch on the left *is* the 3.3V key
10:03.35fOSSiLthat card will work in both 3.3 and 5, probably
10:04.24kisoDoes anyone have experience with telappliant as IAX provider?
10:04.53MarkAfOSSil.. ok ta for that..
10:06.11*** join/#asterisk isamar (
10:06.17isamarhi folks
10:06.50isamarlook for some paper about sending a call event from asterisk to a Windows app...
10:07.03isamarlike a TAPI
10:07.12isamarcurrently, is that possible?
10:14.40Noodlesdoes anyone know how to use asterisk with x-lite?
10:14.40Noodlesi'm a newbie here =)
10:14.40fOSSiLisamar, your only resort is asterisk manager api
10:16.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:17.11brc007isamar: search the wiki for tapi
10:17.24ZeeekNoodles, you are joking I presume?
10:17.37brc007Noodles: one word, RTFM!
10:17.41Noodlesnope, like i said, i'm a complete n00b, i've only just built asterisk
10:17.49brc007Noodles: see the link I send to isamar
10:17.49Noodlesawww... reading =P
10:17.57Zeeeknow you have to build X-Lite
10:18.01jbotwell, xlite is at download xlite at: | and see sample configs at
10:18.12brc007second link Noodles
10:18.32brc007the wiki is your FRIEND!
10:18.41Zeeekit ain't that friendly
10:19.05brc007also google for      site: search query here to search the mailing list
10:19.26Zeeekthe mailing list isn't that friendly either :)
10:21.45twistedThe wiki is about as friendly as dick-and-jane books
10:22.04Zeeekyeah, dick cheney and jane curtin
10:22.12coppicewhether is seems friendly might depend on whether you've recently has a long call trying to get sense out of someon'e support call centre :-)
10:22.26*** join/#asterisk maik (
10:22.48twistedbrc007: ehh?
10:22.50ZeeekI'm still wondering why you have to refresh two or three times to see most of the pages
10:22.55brc007thought you went home
10:22.58brc007to slepp
10:23.01twistedGTFB =? Go To Fucking Bed?
10:23.12twistedi did go home
10:23.16twistedi'm back home in TN now
10:23.21brc007I'm stuck babysitting a server
10:23.24brc007installing debian
10:23.34brc007where were you...
10:23.45coppiceI was in India last week. Bangalore has 100,000 people working permanent nights in call centres serving the US and Europe. How can that many support calls be taking place at one time? :-\
10:23.46twisted@Digium/kram's place
10:23.50brc007how far a drive?
10:23.56twistedbout 1.5/2 hrs
10:24.14brc007wondered why you were there on the weekend
10:24.17brc007har har
10:24.38brc007I'm sure kram just loved wokring all weekend
10:24.49twistedhe did that out of his own free will
10:24.53Noodlesok, another dumb question, how do you setup users in asterisk? the sip.conf example just has a FWD example
10:25.00twistedi would've been content on just chillin all weekend
10:25.51brc007you guys took forever to pack up
10:25.55brc007in and out out and in
10:26.00brc007oops wait forgot my laptop
10:26.03brc007back in
10:26.05brc007and out
10:26.10twistedwasn't oops wait
10:26.11brc007and forgot the charging plug
10:26.21brc007"wait you bitch"?
10:26.24twistedwe were talking
10:26.27twistedin the hallway
10:26.32twistedand in the confrence room
10:26.34twistedand whatnot
10:26.45brc007what, afraid I'd lipread off the .2 fps cam?
10:27.22brc007why did you sit on the floor
10:27.44brc007there was a desk there you coulda shoved all the jun...err I mean uh...tras...I mean uhh good stuff onto the floor
10:28.02twistedoffice furniture makes my ass hurt
10:28.06twistedfloor does not
10:28.19brc007see krams weird chair?
10:28.25twistedit's not wierd
10:28.28twistedand i've seen it before
10:28.30twistedit's ergo
10:28.42brc007i say it's weird
10:28.49twistedi've only been to digium...oh... about 5-6 times now
10:29.09twisted~lart brc007
10:29.19brc007wish this debian install'd finish
10:29.25brc007har har
10:29.25twistedjbot =! conan the destroyer
10:29.27jbottwisted: wish i knew
10:29.30brc007add some stchuff to lart?
10:29.41brc007~literal lart
10:30.19twistedkci error, eh brc?
10:30.55brc007bed at 5 up at 7 yesterday
10:31.49twistedit's still sunday to me
10:32.35kisoCan anyone tell me if I need to run an IAX provider as anything else than a peer???
10:32.53kisoI only need it for outgoing calls
10:32.53kisoNo ingoing
10:33.03brc007eyelids falling asleep
10:33.09brc007I'll just sleep with onehalf at a time
10:33.11cypromisif you need to trunk your cals to him
10:33.14cypromisif not
10:33.37kisoI need to run all traffic through his server
10:33.47kisoAnd I will only have outgoing traffic
10:34.49justinnnnnnanyone want to give me a new job :)
10:34.58justinnnnnni dont mind if u pay for me to move to usa etc
10:35.01kisoA paid job??
10:35.41*** part/#asterisk Noodles (
10:35.44justinnnnnnpaid / blow
10:35.46FuzzyCathey that would be novel
10:35.48justinnnnnneither or :)
10:35.54FuzzyCatpaid for work...
10:36.03FuzzyCatmutter mutter
10:36.08brc007I P A Y to work
10:36.18justinnnnnnthats a bit silly ?
10:36.30kisoAnyways, how can I check if traffic is actually flowwing from the box through the peer con I have made?
10:36.50justinnnnnnkiso i dunno wat ur talking bout.. but packet sniff ?
10:36.59justinnnnnnbrc007 isnt it generaly better to get money when u work ?
10:37.11brc007uh no that wouln't make any sense
10:37.31brc007I pay them, and they let me work for a discount
10:37.44brc007and I usually can find a half off coupon so it's cheaper
10:38.02brc007on fatwallet
10:38.25justinnnnnnid probs only way for free if i worked at brewery/columban drug plantation place/brothel
10:38.33justinnnnnnway = work
10:38.37kisoI need to make a testcall from the server
10:38.48kisoTo see that it lets traffic through
10:42.49kisoI have the server registered as a peer
10:43.01kisoBut I need to know that something is flowing through
10:43.18justinnnnnnmake a call then ?
10:43.30justinnnnnnand see what console ses
10:43.35justinnnnnnand see what packet sniff's say
10:44.19kisoI guess i need to enable packet sniff
10:44.33justinnnnnninstall/use tcpdump
10:44.35justinnnnnnit'll do the trick
10:45.20kisoInstalling it now
10:45.31*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
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10:45.54kisoHmm, I imagine that I need to filter a bit
10:46.02justinnnnnnjust do
10:46.13justinnnnnntcpdump -i network-int port woteva-port-iax-is
10:46.14kisoI got an overload of information about ALL traffic
10:46.20justinnnnnnfor sip
10:46.27justinnnnnntcpdump -i eth0 port 5060
10:46.34justinnnnnnor u can do
10:46.41justinnnnnntcpdump -i eth0 host x.x.x.x
10:46.43kisoWell, I only have eth0 in the box
10:46.44justinnnnnnmight be better
10:46.56justinnnnnntcpdump -i eth0 host ip.of.your.iax.peer
10:49.11kisoCan I use the name of the server?
10:50.34justinnnnnnya i think dns works
10:52.04kisoI tried shuting down asterisk and the restarting listening to the server and there was no traffic
10:52.05ProtocoLDdns will work in tcpdump as long as the box itself is configured to resolve dns
10:52.48kisoIt seems like the box is able to make a con with the softdialler
10:53.00kisoIt says that it is reachable
10:53.40kisoBut nothing going to the iax provider
10:53.57YoYowhat do you see in iax2 debug?
10:55.03*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
10:56.11kisoNot a lot
10:56.40kisoI have this under peers
10:56.41kisovoiptalk/837112  (S)  4569      Unmonitored
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10:58.48kisoAs I understand it I have an ok conn with the dialler
10:59.04kisoBut no conn to the IAX provider
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11:03.00justinnnnnnwhats the console say ?
11:04.41*** join/#asterisk kiso (~kiso@
11:05.09kisoComputer just restarted for no reason
11:05.55ZeeekI hate when that happens
11:06.06kisoStupid win XP home
11:06.14brc007say byebye...reformatting laptop
11:06.25kisoi borrowed this laptop so I am
11:06.30brc007hopefully be back some month...(tiz windows)
11:06.33kisogoing to change anything
11:06.54kisoAnyway, did anyone have some suggestions for my prob?
11:07.44Zeeekkiso I usually look at the console when I'm setting up new stuff and the hints there help
11:08.25Zeeekand then there's iax2 show [peers | users | registry]
11:09.26kisoWell, I have one peer
11:09.31kisoBut it says no users
11:09.49kisoPerhaps thats the prob
11:10.05Zeeekwhat provider?
11:10.13ZeeekI'm testing a few now
11:10.24*** join/#asterisk Mellen (~tmh@
11:10.45kisoThey have a shitty explanation for how to conn to their network
11:10.52Zeeekvoiptalk/nnnnnn  (S)  4569      Unmonitored
11:11.00Zeeekyou got this?
11:11.54Zeeekand you have [voiptalk] context like it says on their instruct.
11:12.28ZeeekI dunno, I thought it would be good to print it out so I did (hint)
11:13.11kisoI got a copy of the pdf
11:13.19*** join/#asterisk blackcat (~arun@
11:13.31kisobut it doesnt say anything about which context to use
11:13.59blackcatneed ur help
11:14.00kisoBut I imagine that I have set it up ok
11:14.01Zeeekit says you can dial out by just adding ONE LINE to extensions.conf
11:14.09kisoI know
11:14.09Zeeek(if you so choose)
11:14.14kisoI did that and nothin
11:14.28Zeeekfunny, I did that and it worked
11:14.43kisoPerhaps my prob is on the network then
11:14.46blackcathow to make a channel (which is making call) after a prespecified time
11:14.46Zeeekthen I changed it to a iax.conf and that worked
11:15.03MellenHas expressions parsing changed?
11:15.19kisodo I need to write include => voiptalk ???/
11:15.41blackcathelp on agi
11:16.00Zeeekkiso who knows, depends on what your config looks like
11:16.09kisoblack<--- perhaps someone will help if you dont float the chat
11:16.22kisoI ran the make samples config
11:16.38Zeeekhopefully not after you made your own?
11:16.48kisoBefore ;-)
11:16.51Fabeblackcat? what do you mean by "make a channel" ... ?
11:16.54kisoNot that stupid
11:16.54Zeeekwell, at least there's that
11:17.27kisoBut perhaps I need to start with a fresh set of sample settings
11:17.40kisoAlthough I dont see the reason
11:17.41Zeeekkiso where is the extension line for voiptalk in your extensions file? Is it reachable by everyone?
11:18.00Zeeekwhat context are the users in?
11:18.02blackcatFabe: i have an agi which interacts with users with IVR, i need to cutoff the line after a certain ammount of seconds .
11:18.23Fabeblackcat: always after x seconds ?
11:18.27Fabeyep Absolutetimeout ...
11:18.27kisoexten => _0[1-9].,1,Dial(IAX2/837112408@voiptalk/44${EXTEN:1})
11:18.27kisoexten => _00.,1,Dial(IAX2/837112408@voiptalk/${EXTEN:2})
11:18.27kisoexten => _09XX,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN})
11:18.45kisodamn, I see the prob nor
11:18.48blackcatFabe: no it depends up on his balance and the destination call
11:18.54kisoI need to write .org
11:19.03Fabethen put a timer in you agi...
11:19.03kisoNot stupid, jsut sloppy
11:19.12Zeeekkiso - can anyone reach this context?
11:19.27blackcatFabe:How to put a timer
11:19.38ZeeekStarter tutorial:
11:19.39Zeeekmore links:
11:19.40blackcatFabe: is there any built in method
11:19.41Fabewhat language do you program in api ?
11:19.46*** join/#asterisk xmen2 (
11:19.56Fabeso count the time in perl
11:20.05Fabeand send a hangup if the timeout is reached...
11:20.35xmen2I have some scripts writted in Perl, what do you need?
11:20.40xmen2I just arrive
11:20.58Fabehe wants to hang up a user in a certain amount of time...
11:21.02kisoZeeek <--- Were those links for me??
11:21.18Zeeekfor anyone who needs them
11:21.31xmen2print "SET AUTOHANGUP <time in seconds";
11:21.37blackcatFable: yeah i tried sleep(seconds) function after dial command and then a hangup command. but the problem is : the agi doesnt listen to any other command until the dial returns
11:21.56Fabeyou said IVR... nothing about dial ...
11:22.02Fabeso try the autohangup ...
11:22.19blackcatof course there should be a dial command
11:22.26xmen2You have to define the VAR in the SET AUTOHANGUP. You can do several operations until time get down
11:22.44festrhmm anyone here is using addqueuemember?
11:22.48kisoZeeek <--- I only need to have outgoing calls going through telappliant
11:22.49blackcathow to use the set autohangup
11:22.52kisoZeeek <--- I only need to have outgoing calls going through telappliant
11:23.01kisoZeeek <--- No other traffic
11:23.12blackcatFabe: how to use auto hangup
11:23.21xmen2In perl you have to write print "SET AUTOHANGUP <time in second>";
11:23.37Fabeyep xmen already said it
11:23.38blackcatxmen2: thanks for ur suggestion
11:23.42blackcathope it works
11:23.53blackcatFabe : thank u too
11:23.56xmen2Yes, try it.
11:24.08Zeeekkiso the user dialing still needs to reach the voiptalk extension[s]
11:24.23kisoI get that part
11:24.32kisoBut I did it like they described
11:24.42kisoHmm, I will check up on my router
11:25.00Zeeekthey don't mention where to put the line though - you need to put it where it's reachable
11:25.02kisoBut I should at least be able to see the attempts being made by the box
11:25.20Zeeekyou see what on the CLI?
11:25.31kisodoes that mean that I need to include it in local settings?
11:25.51Zeeekyou see what on the CLI?
11:27.29kisoHmm, I see the CLI
11:27.37kisowhat command should I try??
11:28.05kisoI have 1 peer
11:28.13kiso0 users and 0 registrys
11:29.11festraddqueuemember (asterisk 0.9.0) will stop on this extension and dodnt return
11:29.16kisoI imagine that I dont need a registry unless I want ingoing traffic
11:30.38kisoZeeek ?????/
11:31.36Zeeeklook at CLI  and try a call
11:33.37Fabekiso: if you dial from your client you'll see some debug messages in the cli...
11:34.08kisoBut I have enabled both iax and sip debugging and i get nothing
11:34.17kisoSo I imagine that it could be the dialler
11:35.59Fabedid you put v's to the start of your * ? or just asteris -c ?
11:36.50Fabe^^ best information ist for * ! most of the other stuff is linked from there...
11:36.53xmen2Try to run asterisk as follows: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvgdci
11:37.44xmen2This dump a lot of information.
11:40.52festrpls anyone here use AddQueueMember?
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11:49.13justinnnnnndoes vvvvvvvvv realy give more than vvvv ?
11:50.54data[gone-fishinyay @ topic
11:50.56zoadoes nnnnnnn really do more than n ?
11:51.08zoai think 5xv is the max
11:51.21justinnnnnnmaybe my names spelt justinnnnnn :)
11:51.43zoaoh, is that soooooo ?
11:51.59justinnnnnnyes i am from some foreign country
11:52.03justinnnnnnthat uses alot of nnn's
11:52.20*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
11:52.30festrhow to extract from $EXTEN first number?
11:52.55xmen2Try {$EXTEN:1}
11:52.59festrEXTEN:2 will remove 2 bumbers, but i want to remove last nuber
11:53.09festr2 first numbers
11:53.17festrbut i want first number
11:53.22festrto exclude
11:53.26festr1:EXTEN want work :)
11:53.44xmen2So if you do $exten:1, will extract the firs one.
11:55.17festrok, but i want use only last digit, but i dont know length of the number
11:56.20xmen2OKs, have you think of use an AGI script?
11:57.04xmen2I don't know if there are any command in order to use only last number in a EXTEN where you don't know the leght of it.
11:57.05festrok i must learn this
11:57.20*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
11:57.20xmen2But I use several AGI in order to do some complex tasks.
11:57.36festrcan you point me to some place
11:57.43festrwhat language is AGI?
11:57.45justinnnnnni think i saw something in archives about last number thing
11:57.51justinnnnnnhave a look on google
11:58.00festrdant ach so ;)
11:58.31xmen2AGI, are severals scripts written in Perl, C, PHP, etc....that give you the option to interactuate with asterisk from other languages
11:59.05festryes this can be powerfull
11:59.22xmen2Here you have some basic explanation about AGI and the commands.
12:00.10dantshould be able to use that to acheive what you want festr
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12:02.39*** join/#asterisk Milen (
12:02.47Milenhello ppl
12:02.59Milenanyone succeded to use micronet sp5004 ?
12:03.04Milenvoip gw ?
12:05.33zoamilen check the mailinglist for that
12:05.46festrdenon thanks xmen2 thanks
12:05.47Mileni have very strange problem
12:06.27xmen2Of course festr.
12:07.27*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
12:07.31Milenif i register 1 phone line
12:07.35Mileneverything is ok
12:07.45Milenif i try to register 2 - 3 lines
12:07.52Milenasterisk rejects the registration
12:08.14Milenthe first port also was rejected
12:08.19festrdant this is exactly what i want
12:08.41festrMilen what say debug?
12:08.48festrMilen what channel?
12:08.59festrMilen i have micronet 5004
12:09.26festrMilen check aliases, you cant have duplicate aliasies
12:09.50festrMilen but i was using GK (gnugk)
12:10.17Mileni am using sip
12:10.22Milensp5004 with sip
12:10.39Milenhm you say that i cant use the same number and account ?
12:10.50Mileni.e. account 101 with number 101 ?
12:12.28festrsp5004 with sip???
12:12.46festrsp5004 they have SIP firmware for it? i have h323
12:12.54festrMilen ?
12:13.07Milenyes they have
12:13.28festrMilen i'm not doing sip, h323, you buy this HW with SIP?
12:13.30Milenyou can download sip firmware from
12:13.37festrMilen wow, i must test it
12:14.27festrMilen i dont see sip firmware there...
12:14.44festrMilen ok now i see sip
12:15.38*** join/#asterisk serving (~serving@
12:15.54festrMilen but this is SP5004/S
12:15.59festri have only SP5004
12:16.14festrcan i change firmware? i think not
12:16.33Mileni have sp5004V2
12:16.39Milenand i use sip image
12:16.42Milenand everything is okay
12:16.56Milenexcept few problems when i try to use more then one line
12:17.02Milenthats why i am asking for help
12:17.08Mileni dont know whats wrong
12:18.38justinnnnnnwrong thingy
12:20.35znoGhas anyone tried this phone:
12:20.36znoG22:07 < Milen> if i register 1 phone line
12:20.36znoG22:07 < Milen> everything is ok
12:20.36znoG22:07 < Milen> if i try to register 2 - 3 lines
12:20.38znoG22:07 < Milen> asterisk rejects the registration
12:20.40znoG22:07 -!- |^Angel^| [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:20.44znoG22:08 < Milen> the first port also was rejected
12:20.46znoG22:08 < festr> dant this is exactly what i want
12:20.49znoG22:08 < festr> Milen what say debug?
12:20.51znoG22:08 < festr> Milen what channel?
12:20.54znoG22:08 < festr> Milen i have micronet 5004
12:20.56znoG22:09 < festr> Milen check aliases, you cant have duplicate aliasies
12:20.58*** join/#asterisk D-side (
12:20.59znoG22:09 < festr> Milen but i was using GK (gnugk)
12:21.01znoG22:10 < Milen> i am using sip
12:21.04znoG22:10 < Milen> sp5004 with sip
12:21.06znoG22:10 < Milen> hm you say that i cant use the same number and account ?
12:21.09znoG22:10 < Milen> i.e. account 101 with number 101 ?
12:21.11znoG22:12 < festr> sp5004 with sip???
12:21.14znoG22:12 < festr> sp5004 they have SIP firmware for it? i have h323
12:21.16znoG22:12 < festr> Milen ?
12:21.19znoG22:13 < Milen> yes they have
12:21.22znoG22:13 < festr> Milen i'm not doing sip, h323, you buy this HW with SIP?
12:21.24znoG22:13 < Milen> you can download sip firmware from
12:21.27znoG22:13 < festr> Milen wow, i must test it
12:21.29znoG22:14 < festr> Milen i dont see sip firmware there...
12:21.30Fabejust a dump question: what's the difference between fxs and fxo? and what card would you suggest as a testing environment? (more than 1 port for phones!)
12:21.32znoG22:14 < festr> Milen ok now i see sip
12:21.34znoG22:15 -!- serving [~serving@] has joined #asterisk
12:21.37znoG22:15 < festr> Milen but this is SP5004/S
12:21.39znoG22:16 < festr> i have only SP5004
12:21.42znoG22:16 < festr> can i change firmware? i think not
12:21.44znoGah crap wrong paste
12:21.45xmen2len but this is SP5004/S
12:21.45xmen2<festr> i have only SP5004
12:21.45xmen2<festr> can i change firmware? i think not
12:21.45xmen2<Milen> i have sp5004V2
12:21.45xmen2<Milen> and i use sip image
12:21.46xmen2<Milen> and everything is okay
12:21.47xmen2<Milen> except few problems when i try to use more then one line
12:21.49znoGstupid mouse
12:21.50xmen2<Milen> thats why i am asking for help
12:21.51xmen2<Milen> i dont know whats wrong
12:21.54znoGthats the one
12:22.14znoGFabe: fxo is for connecting to PSTN, fxs is for connecting to analog phones
12:22.23Fabeah :)
12:22.33Wi_Fihey guys .. how do i uninstall asterisk..... i need to start from scratch again
12:22.43Fabeso i can buy a card with 2 fxs ports and can put 2 analog phones to it for testing
12:25.41*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
12:26.11cjkhi, which hardware sip phones did you have good experiences with? which ones are not too expensive?
12:26.37*** join/#asterisk dominance (
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12:26.47dominancehi lgw
12:27.31dominanceis a Jeremy McNamara here?
12:27.43dominancewe have a question about chan_h323 ;)
12:27.49*** join/#asterisk D-side (
12:28.55D-sideso, anyone have a good site for docs on implementing IVR stuff
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12:32.18LGWk-- Unable to find extension '6' in context 'incoming-h323'
12:33.06*** join/#asterisk RightClique (
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12:34.16LGWOK, simple question, simple answer
12:34.23LGWhow do you transfer a call?
12:34.35YoYowhat phone?
12:34.46LGWh323... ;)
12:34.55YoYoh323 is a protocol, not a phone
12:35.03LGWit would be OK for now to transfer by CLI or something
12:35.08YoYobut, I'd imagine that you'd press teh transfer button, dial the number, then hang up
12:35.23YoYono clue
12:35.25LGWhm. I press #
12:35.31LGWit says "initiating transfer"
12:35.33LGWand than
12:36.37YoYothen dial #87234 (or whatever extension you want to transfer it to)
12:36.49LGWhere comes the first clue
12:36.54dominanceit'll "invalid' upon the first digit dialled..
12:36.55LGWyou need an extension
12:36.56YoYoremember, you can only transfer to extensions that exist in your context (not the caller's context)
12:37.07*** join/#asterisk igor2 (~iovchevsk@
12:37.29YoYoso, if you can pick up and dial the extension, you can transfer calls to that extension
12:37.30LGWor, you need an extention in the context to be more precisly.
12:37.38dominanceYoYo: 600 is defined for all contexts that do exist.. and it's not taking it..
12:37.52igor2is there someone who tried the prepaid module for asterisk? callingcards setup?
12:37.52dominanceYoYo: moreover i get *his* asterisk to transfer, not mine...
12:38.03LGWsetup here is
12:38.06igor2I have some problems
12:38.30YoYoshow application dial
12:38.45LGWgnomemeeting -> * -> h323 -> * -> gnomemeeting
12:38.45YoYocheck out the 'T' and 't' options
12:38.45igor2uno momento..
12:39.04igor2== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf': Found
12:39.04igor2Asterisk Ready.
12:39.04igor2*CLI> dial 600
12:39.08YoYoif you are dialing out, you do not want to let the called party to be able to transfer you
12:39.10igor2*CLI> dial 1111111111
12:39.20igor2dial 0048172297226
12:39.22YoYoif you are accepting an incoming call, you do not want the calling party to transfer you
12:39.24igor2dial 48172297226
12:39.36igor2how can I set up the tariffs and providers?
12:39.36YoYoigor, stop that shit
12:39.38YoYoigor, stop that shit
12:39.42igor2sorry yoyo
12:39.47LGWcan someone please... kick him... just once... for the lesson...
12:39.57igor2I didnt mean it:(
12:39.58LGWmaybe a 2 minute ban would be in place
12:40.22LGWeven if you did not mean to drop your ice, it's still lying down there in the mud
12:40.28YoYook, who's in charge of each * box here?
12:40.33LGWthats life :)
12:41.19YoYoLGW, show me your 2 dial() commands... the one for when you call out, and the one for when someone calls you
12:41.35LGWexten => _.,1,Dial(H323/${EXTEN})
12:41.38LGWdialing out
12:42.05YoYonow, you want to be able to transfer that call, right?  So, you need the 'T' option
12:42.27YoYonow, show me the Dial() that goes to your gnomemeeting
12:42.46LGWexten => s,1,Dial(H323/,22,tTr)
12:43.03YoYook, you do /not/ want the caller to be able to call you.  so remove the 'T' option
12:43.18*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:43.53YoYonow, you need to do the same thing on the other * box
12:44.14LGWdone on both sides
12:44.25LGWhow to change exten => _.,1,Dial(H323/${EXTEN})
12:44.32YoYoreload/restart/scratch your balls
12:44.34dominanceexten => _.,1,Dial(H323/${EXTEN},60,T)
12:44.34YoYothen try again
12:44.36LGWexten => _.,1,Dial(H323/${EXTEN})|60|T
12:44.43LGWis this OK too?
12:44.54YoYo, or |
12:45.17YoYoreload/restart/scratch your balls, then try again
12:45.38YoYoeven if I hate linux
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12:45.54dominanceyoyo: is there an option to DIAL h323 on port other than 1720?
12:45.59YoYohate hate hate hate hate LEENOOX
12:46.05YoYodom, the fuck if I know
12:46.08YoYoI dunno shit about h323
12:46.16LGWYoYo OK :)
12:46.17YoYohate hate hate hate hate LEENOOX
12:46.24YoYolove love love gentoo
12:46.26LGWuh, calm down ;)
12:46.26D-sidedominance: your answer is no.
12:46.33ariel_good morning all!
12:46.39dominanced-side: thnx.. so how do i do h323 with video=?
12:46.39D-sidewell, the quick answer anyway.
12:46.43YoYoI'm buzzin' on coffee, and feeling GODO
12:46.56D-sidedominance: what makes you think you need a different control port for video?
12:47.12dominanced-side: that was *another* question, not the second part of the same question..
12:47.13SyndIcateyoyo: what we tell you about drinking coffee!
12:47.19YoYo[08:43] * YoYo lovers Gentoo
12:47.19YoYo[08:43] <YoYo> even if I hate linux
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