irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040502

00:00.07bdolljrso fromuser somehow broke
00:01.23bdolljrsorry fromdomain breaks it...  fromuser is fine
00:05.45YoYowee! time to test my startup scripts
00:06.00gbdrbobwhich is the best activex softphone to use?
00:07.08*** join/#asterisk serving (~serving@
00:08.21*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
00:12.27*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
00:12.36YoYosweet, it werks like a charm
00:15.08Moc_ok g729 is nice
00:15.34bkw_Moc how many lic you have?
00:15.45bkw_bdolljr yo
00:15.52Moc_i bought 3... but only install 1
00:16.18Moc_im worried about my process to reinstall my sources
00:16.38*** join/#asterisk ethzer0 (
00:17.23bkw_you NEVER activate it more than once
00:17.23YoYohaha... I wrote my own startup script, and there was already one on the WIKI
00:18.14YoYodunno what that start-stop-daemon thing is though
00:19.03*** join/#asterisk urathell (
00:21.30urathellHi everybody. Know nearly nothing about VoIP and such things :-(. I've seen that some frinds talk to others by a microphone in the soundcard. Is that already possible with asterix and can I talk to netmeeting and so on with it?
00:21.58bkw_you need to go read
00:22.07YoYourathell, the short answer is yes
00:22.14YoYobut, you'll need a service provider
00:22.39urathellHmm service provider? Commerzial?
00:22.47YoYobasically, yes
00:23.56YoYowhat are you wanting to do?  make free phone calls over the Internet?
00:24.14urathellGood, thanks for quick answer. Will read the doku and install this programm. What is this about with this service providers? Come from germany? Do you know some here?
00:24.50brc007urathell: I doubt asterisk is what you are looking for
00:25.01YoYoyou don't necessarily need a service provider, but without one, you won't be able to do much outside your own home/office
00:25.03*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
00:25.15YoYounless the people you want to talk to are also running Asterisk
00:25.36bdolljrbkw_  sorry.  mark is on my machine checkin it out
00:26.11YoYourathell, to give you an example of what you can do with Asterisk...  if you set it up, you can open an account with a service provider like NuFone.  From that point on, you can have a US phone number at your location in Germany
00:26.16bkw_bdolljr kewl
00:26.42justinnnnnnhey guys
00:26.50justinnnnnnanyone no howto fix stdtime thing in fbsd/asterisk ?
00:27.03justinnnnnnim using fbsd 4.9... asterisk 0.5 and 0.7 worked
00:27.05bkw_justinnnnnn ya use linux :P
00:27.08justinnnnnncant get stable or cvs
00:27.13YoYojustin, what wrong with it?
00:27.17justinnnnnnnah i use linux for our production
00:27.22bkw_gethostbyname is hozed
00:27.32justinnnnnnwhen u get past the stdtime
00:27.37justinnnnnnit complains of gethostbyname
00:27.46bkw_tis broken
00:27.54justinnnnnni dont have a clue about c... but i took gethostname of our sip.c or woteva the problem was
00:27.58justinnnnnnasterisk compiled
00:28.13*** join/#asterisk scott (
00:28.13justinnnnnnwhen it parsed sip.conf it seg faulted tho hehe
00:28.24urathellI'm right thinking that the people which use netscape and other tools to talk have such a service provider too?
00:28.45urathellahh not netscape
00:28.51urathellnetmeeting :-)
00:29.09YoYowith netmeeting, you can connect directly from PC to PC
00:29.13justinnnnnnhey ppls
00:29.21justinnnnnni no i probably shouldnt...
00:29.25justinnnnnnbut whats the skype thing all about ?
00:29.28justinnnnnnit looks stupid/crap
00:29.30YoYoor, you can connect with an H323 service provider and take advantage of whatever services they hafve
00:29.43urathellAre there a way to do this with linux? To a win/netmeeting machine?
00:30.01justinnnnnndoesnt msn connect to asterisk or something ?
00:30.07brc007urathell: what are you trying to do? simply call from computer a to computer b?
00:30.19YoYomsn 4.6 supposedly has SIP
00:30.31YoYoI didn't have any luck with it the 2 or 3 times I tried it
00:30.33justinnnnnnbloody cisco sip licence is $200
00:30.37justinnnnnnthats like an outrage
00:30.41justinnnnnnh323 is only bloody 100
00:31.06justinnnnnndefeats the purpose tho
00:31.09urathellSome of my friends make calls from pc to pc with tools like netmeeting and something called "skype". I searching for something, with that I can talk to them!
00:31.09justinnnnnnof using it in msn i rekon
00:31.15justinnnnnncause if ur already chatting to someone
00:31.20justinnnnnnu dont need to phone them :)
00:31.32justinnnnnnmake an asterisk server
00:31.39justinnnnnnand then they can all talk and they'd have cool features and crap
00:31.53urathellAre there clients for windows?
00:32.05urathellThe most are windows users
00:32.11justinnnnnnya theres heaps i think
00:32.17YoYourathell, I agree with the othe rguy... asterisk isn't what you're looking for
00:32.20justinnnnnnthe one i used to use was x-lite
00:32.29urathell:-) Nice idea!
00:32.36justinnnnnntheres heaps of doc's on google on howto get asterisk/xlite / other softphones working
00:32.43*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
00:33.05justinnnnnnnetmeeting can do asterisk 2 cant it ?
00:33.12YoYourathell, only if you hvae lots of bandwidth
00:33.28justinnnnnnall u americans have lots of bandwdith :)
00:33.30YoYojustin, I believe so... it's just another h323 client
00:33.39YoYojustin: hah... I only have 256k upload
00:33.40urathellI haven't. Thinking about it at this moment too! :-)
00:33.48justinnnnnni got cable... 16k upload :(
00:33.50YoYoat the office, I have 12Mbit, but that costs me a damned fortune
00:34.01justinnnnnn12mbit is that dsl or something ?
00:34.08bkw_well I have 1gbit
00:34.10YoYo12Mbit is like 8xT1
00:34.12urathell12 MB that would be great! :-)
00:34.14YoYobkw is a whore
00:34.29justinnnnnnwe have gigabit
00:34.31justinnnnnnbetween states :P
00:34.44bkw_throwing copper accross state lines doesn't count
00:35.01bkw_I want a T1
00:35.22YoYobkw, have mrunix buy you one
00:35.26*** join/#asterisk lst_ (
00:35.27bkw_I work from home
00:35.29YoYoshit... you work for an ISP
00:35.29justinnnnnn1mb isnt alot of porn/sec
00:35.42bkw_justinnnnnn it is when you need to work and your DSL just died
00:35.49bkw_and SBC has their head up their asses
00:35.59justinnnnnni work for a dsl provider
00:36.01justinnnnnnour dsl doesnt die :)
00:36.07bkw_justinnnnnn liar
00:36.12bkw_all DSL at some point will die
00:36.16bkw_you don't own the full last mile
00:36.21bkw_and thats where this died at
00:36.28justinnnnnni was about the say its always the phone line that dies
00:36.28YoYoDSL & Cable == Consumer-grade internet connection
00:36.37YoYoALL consumer-grade connections sux ass
00:36.46justinnnnnnanything can die though
00:36.47YoYoif you're in production, you should have T1 minimum
00:36.57bkw_we are adding a cable modem for backup
00:37.03justinnnnnnone of our govt clients.. they had fibre.. builders were doing work in the street.. chopped the fibre :)
00:37.04wifihey guys ... does x100p need phone cable plugged in before wsfxo is modprobed?
00:37.07bkw_so I will have 4.5mbit here boi
00:37.19YoYoyes, anything can... but DSL isn't regulated, so you really think the telcos give a shit about keeping it up?
00:37.34justinnnnnnthe telco hear also does dsl
00:37.36YoYowifi, no
00:37.44justinnnnnnso its us vs them kinda
00:37.44bkw_i'll put the boy friend on cable modem
00:37.48bkw_and use the DSL just for me
00:37.57wifii cant for the life of me .. to get it installed
00:38.06bkw_what is the output?
00:38.29wifimodprobe wsfxo = no device
00:38.29YoYobkw, put a squid box on the cable modem, leave your DSL for VOIP and backup
00:38.40urathellHmm, to my question again. What programm I need to talk from my linux pc to someone how use windows and netmeeting?
00:38.44justinnnnnnis there a more expensive type of fxo card that doesnt have echo ??
00:38.52justinnnnnnbesides like some specific hardware device
00:38.59mrgobywifi, still no luck huh ?
00:39.06wifino ;(
00:39.18mrgobyi had no problems with my digium brand x100p installs....
00:39.19wifii can modprobe zaptel
00:39.25wifibut now wsfxo
00:39.33YoYourathell, we dunno... this is industrial strength stuff here... we dun do pc-pc end-user chat stuff
00:39.41YoYourathell, checkout though
00:39.58wifijustinnnnnn:  use linphone
00:40.06wifioh crap ...wait
00:40.07justinnnnnnwhats that ?
00:40.09wifithats sip
00:40.12justinnnnnnsounds like a phone ?
00:40.18mrgobylinphone requires alsa
00:40.24mrgobylast i checked
00:40.27wifior josua
00:40.42YoYoHOLY SHIT
00:40.42justinnnnnnthe 17xx works so cool on analogue lines.. cept 1k/port is a bit steep
00:40.47YoYoit's 8:40 already?
00:41.07*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
00:41.26mrgobydo you run gentoo with asterisk YoYo ?
00:41.29wifiok .. so my card must be screwed
00:41.32YoYoas of today, yes
00:41.34mrgobythinking of trying that out on some boxes soon
00:41.42YoYoinstalled without a hitch
00:42.00urathellYoYo: thanks for help. Will look there!
00:42.03YoYocopied config over from the RH partition, and * started right up
00:42.21mrgobycool, that is good news
00:42.30*** part/#asterisk urathell (
00:42.31justinnnnnnhey bkw have u built me that parking code yet :P
00:43.27wifidoes * have to be shutdown before modprobe wsfxo?
00:43.37mrgobydont think so
00:43.47mrgobytry it out
00:45.10bkw_justinnnnnn you must not pay attention
00:45.14bkw_what parking code did you want?
00:45.22justinnnnnnheh im only joking
00:45.24*** join/#asterisk segal_home1 (
00:45.31bkw_go read
00:45.50bkw_then my paypal address is
00:46.00justinnnnnnthats realy coincidental heh
00:46.11mrgobyand mine is ... help yourself
00:46.23bkw_mrgoby go read
00:46.26bkw_then paypal me cash please
00:46.27wifi./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxo.o: init_module: No such device
00:46.37bkw_wifi you no gots a device
00:46.47wifiits in there
00:46.50kramour latest bug marshal
00:47.11*** join/#asterisk ethzer0 (
00:47.43justinnnnnnbkw that'll let me seperate parking ya ?
00:47.46wificould it be irq conflict?
00:47.50mrgobyhe looks a little wet behind the ears, but if he can do it, then give him a pot of coffee and a bag of doritos and stick him in front of that monitor !!!!
00:47.51justinnnnnnby the looks of it.. it will
00:48.15krami think he's going to say some words to the channel...
00:48.28YoYowifi, what error you get?
00:49.17wifi./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/wcfxo.o: init_module: No such device
00:50.17mrgobyi agree kram
00:50.17markitkram: wonderful baby ::)) he remembers me my two little children
00:50.23wifii soooo want this to work
00:50.38YoYowifi, lspci... does your system even see the card?
00:50.50wifilet me check
00:50.52markitkram: how old? 2-3 years?
00:51.24bkw_wifi did you not buy the card from digium?
00:51.34mrgobynope, knockoff
00:51.45wifican i paste here
00:51.48mrgobyhence the problem, i'd say
00:51.52mrgobydont flood
00:51.56YoYoa few lines ok
00:51.57kram3 Y/O
00:51.59krame y/o
00:52.00YoYoa bunch of lines, not ok
00:52.11YoYokram, your kid?
00:52.15kram3 y/o
00:52.16kramno, not mine
00:52.41mrgobyis that you holding him in the cam cram ?
00:52.48YoYowifi, paste what's relevant
00:52.49kramthat's me in black
00:53.03YoYowhat's teh shirt say?
00:53.07mrgoby:-)  i always saw you as a bit older, honestly heheh
00:53.10wifi00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440GX - 82443GX Host bridge
00:53.10wifi00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440GX - 82443GX AGP bridge
00:53.10wifi00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)
00:53.10wifi00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
00:53.11wifi00:07.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)
00:53.11wifi00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)
00:53.31markitbkw_: for bug 1514, I've already added an entry under "international sounds" in wiki, but pointing to the bug itself. Do you think I have to make the link point directly to the file site?
00:53.33YoYoNONE of that is relevant
00:53.49bkw_markit ya do it
00:54.00wifii dont see that card anywhere
00:54.19mrgobydoes it require an external power supply ?
00:54.20YoYocheck dmesg... look for TigerJet
00:54.52bkw_let me guess you bought a modem off accupc ?
00:55.10YoYoFreshmaker?  Wildcard?
00:55.59YoYook.  check bios output when it enumerates the hardware it finds
00:56.11wifiand i only bought it for home
00:56.14YoYobut from this point, I dun think anyone can help you
00:56.23wifithen the good stuff for company
00:56.31YoYobkw, he spent 2x as much as he would have at accupc
00:56.47wifinot really
00:56.48bkw_no because accupc doesn't sell tha tmodem anymore
00:56.53YoYothey don't?
00:57.03YoYogood thing I have like 8 of 'em left
00:57.12YoYothough I'll never use them for *
00:57.21wifitnx anyways guys
00:57.29YoYoI wanna figure out ISDN BRI
00:57.33mrgobygood luck wifi
00:58.20mrgobylong as i'm here
01:03.44*** part/#asterisk markit (
01:06.36YoYohey kram, if I drive down there tomorrow, can I pick up an FXO module?
01:07.47kramyoyo: greg won't be here tomorrow
01:07.55kramwhere are you located?
01:07.59YoYoabout 8 hours away
01:08.05twistedi'll throw one to your house
01:08.07YoYoI'm joking... bored =D
01:08.11kramthat's an awfully long drive isn't it?
01:08.19YoYoI need out of the house
01:08.35YoYoand if I wasn't going to Canada next weekend, I'd seroiusly consider driving to Alabama
01:08.43YoYo(with a stop or two at a riverboat casino)
01:08.50YoYoer... no... wait
01:09.10YoYoI wouldn't get far enough west :(
01:09.42Syndlcatecome to chi there are 2 casinos within 15 mins from my house
01:09.48YoYohell, there's nothing of interest beween me and huntsville :(
01:10.01YoYoSynd, real casinos?
01:10.21Syndlcateya I go to the harris one
01:10.22wsuffyoyo: we can always go to some casinos in AC =)
01:10.38wsuffonly + to NJ
01:10.49YoYoeww... no thanks
01:11.27YoYoI'm going to the one in Niagra Falls next weekend
01:11.50YoYowhen did IL legalize casinos?
01:12.08Syndlcateumm long time ago
01:12.17Syndlcatethey are on "water"
01:12.58Syndlcatethey are building one up by seggy
01:13.03Syndlcateby the airport
01:13.18Syndlcatelast IL lic
01:13.28YoYoah... so same deal as the riverboats in the miss
01:13.38YoYofederal land... not state
01:14.27Syndlcatewell the harris one is not on water
01:14.33Syndlcateits next to it
01:16.02*** join/#asterisk marv (
01:17.11YoYoI swear.. I'm gonna move to Toronto when I get done with this ISP shit
01:17.53YoYoclose to gaming, free DirecTV, cheap hookers, universal health care
01:18.07YoYocan't get much better than that
01:18.37wifihey guys
01:18.45YoYoyou get yer shit figured out wifi?
01:18.50wifii see in the system log
01:18.58wsuffYoYo: ahem to dat
01:18.58wifitorisa.o failling
01:19.06YoYothat's a T1 card
01:19.12wifiafter zaptel is loaded
01:19.18YoYowsuff: ahem, or amen?
01:19.41wifithen zaptel is unloaded
01:19.41YoYowifi, why you trying to load torisa?
01:19.41wsuffstill on the meds
01:19.56wsuffYoYo: cause he doesn't know better
01:20.02wifiim not
01:20.08wsuffoh u are
01:20.10YoYooh yeah!  I know what wifi is missing!
01:20.14wsuffif torisa.o is failing
01:20.19YoYothe instructions that come with the geniune Digium part!
01:20.22wifithats what is coming up in log on reboot
01:20.34chapsterYoYo: With the Cheap Hookers, you will NEED the health care. :)
01:20.44YoYowifi, blow away all teh zaptel and related modules
01:20.54wsuffchapster: nice
01:21.02wifihow YoYo
01:21.10YoYocpaster: nah... neat thing about legal hookers and universal health, is that they're clean and healthy
01:21.31YoYowifi: unload them, rm them from /lib/modules/...
01:21.32YoYothen reboot
01:21.43YoYocheck the BIOS messages to see if your /computer/ sees the card
01:21.50YoYothen, watch dmesg to see if the kernel sees the card
01:22.09chapsterYoYo: I know. :)  They are registered, have regular health inspections- and their tax dollars HELP the economy. Rather than outlowing it with all the detrimental side effects. They are legal adults. LEAVE THEM ALONE!
01:22.24YoYoif the computer and the kernel see the card, then build/install zaptel again and see what happens
01:22.39YoYochapster: registerd?  not
01:22.53wifiremove all that is in misc?
01:22.55YoYotaxes?  hah... it's a mostly-cash business.  you really think they pay the taxes they should?
01:23.03wifii see wcfxo in there as well
01:23.12YoYowifi: just the * stuff
01:23.20YoYowhich is probably everything (but I won't promise that)
01:23.27wifitor2.o    wcfxo.o  wct1xxp.o  wcusb.o   ztd-eth.o
01:23.27wifitorisa.o  wcfxs.o  wct4xxp.o  zaptel.o  ztdynamic.o
01:23.34YoYoyup, everything
01:23.36YoYowave bye bye
01:23.38YoYothen reboot
01:23.51YoYowatch bios and kernel outputs
01:23.58wifiis all that * stuff
01:24.14chapsterYoYo: I doubt that waiters/waitresses report everything, either.  But, better that they report some, instead of spending precious tax dollars locking up the hookers, etc, etc. The Police could be doing something much more important.
01:24.30YoYodon't even think about the modules again until your computer and the kernel can both see the card
01:24.59wifithnx bud
01:29.45*** join/#asterisk mack_jpn (
01:43.52wsuffwhat people do in college
01:44.01wsuffcity version of pacman
01:44.03wsuffcome on now
01:45.09wifiyo yo yo
01:46.05wsuffwifi: it break?
01:48.20wifiwhats teh cvs command for loading zaptel
01:50.40chapsterIs it possible to search the asterisk DB? Basically, use it to store some additional data- perhaps you want to have an account number and a pin associated with a CID. So, the call comes in, and you search the Asterisk DB for the record with that CID, and then you can retrieve their pin and account. Or would this really be better suited to a SQL solution?
01:51.34Death_INCwifi, downloading you mean?
01:52.01Death_INCcvs -d co zaptel
01:52.15Death_INCadd in a -z3 or something at the beginning, save bandwidth
01:52.31wsuffDeath_INC: KISS
01:52.45Death_INCwsuff, *blink*
01:53.48wsuffDeath_INC: haha pm
01:55.58wsuffDeath_INC: hopefully i didn't scary u too much
01:56.20wifikernel: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
01:56.24wifiwhat is that???
01:56.46Death_INCwifi: that's your zaptel card
01:56.48wsufflinux kernel picked up your zapata devicew
01:56.54Death_INCit's a good thing ;)
01:56.58wifinow i need to do modprobe wsfxo
01:57.57wifino device
01:58.26Death_INCwhat card do you have?
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~Legend@
01:59.23wifidigitnetworks version :(
01:59.41Death_INCyou didnt get the digium card? heh good luck
02:02.03wsuff./ignore wifi
02:02.07wifiwaaaaaa waaaaa
02:02.59wifitryin zaptel  cd  that came with card
02:03.41chapsterwifi: Have you checked irq's, and all of that?
02:05.14su-wifi: what os do you have
02:09.17justinnnnnntype dmesg
02:09.22justinnnnnnsee if its listed there ?
02:09.39bkw_84 bugs
02:12.10Death_INCbkw_: I should open up a new on and stick my first attempt at format/codec_mp3 on it and another for resample :b
02:12.26Death_INC(format_mp3 and codec_addon_mp3_d)
02:13.17wifisu redhat
02:13.28Death_INCmake it 86 bugs :b
02:14.33*** join/#asterisk glyph (
02:19.21su-wifi: can you reply to my msg ?
02:20.01su-or msg me
02:22.52*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
02:23.51srd-pwhen will there be a stable release (or production version) of asterisk?
02:24.05Death_INCsrd-p, there is a -STABLE in cvs
02:24.12Death_INCwe're working on 1.0
02:24.30Death_INCpersonally right now I find the -HEAD to be very stable
02:24.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:28.24srd-phaven't followed up to much with cvs, just grabbed a tarball
02:29.53Death_INCget cvs, there are fixes
02:32.16srd-panything with performance issues? (guessing it would be in that area)... I use a 7960 to link up with asterisk, then have asterisk go out to like iconnecthere. When I try to make a call with iconnecthere it either connects and the call terminated within seconds, or i get some iconnecthere error saying they couldn't connect me and suddenly I'm connected to the number I dialed with no further problems
02:33.48srd-panother oddity, can't seem to connect to fwd through asterisk, I get non-stop time out errors
02:35.22srd-pI also get some sort of other error (authentication maybe.. don't remember, might be incompatible error).. while i try to make outgoing calls with another sip proxy
02:35.23su-srd-p: use iax2 to connect to it..much easier than figuring out sip/nat problems
02:35.40srd-pworks fine with my 7960 if I connect directly out
02:36.17srd-pdoes iax work with mgcp as well?
02:48.00*** join/#asterisk ryan_ (
02:50.55justinnnnnnits the internal_address in sip.conf
02:50.56justinnnnnnor woteva that line is
02:51.20justinnnnnnthat makes nat dodgyu
02:58.00h3xtwo T400P and two X100P in the same box is bad new
02:58.06h3xeven after i got all the interrupts to not be shared
02:58.22tzangerh3x: what about dual TE405P?
02:58.27h3xcrash and BURN !
02:58.28h3xdon't have any
02:58.42tzangeror dual/triple/quadruple TE4xxP?
02:58.54h3xim sure it would help
02:59.03*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
02:59.12h3xi was not doing any compression at all
02:59.20h3xor for that matter had more than say 4 active channelsa cross it all
02:59.31h3xand it was so bad that you could "hear" when i hit alt-F?
02:59.34h3xto switch virtual consoles
03:00.04tzangerheka: hahaha
03:00.09tzangerer h3x
03:03.29YoYook, so what would one need to do to sell some VA/MD/TN/DC DIDs?
03:04.08Legend`i see a couple complaints about the new FXO card on the list, does anyone have a success story?
03:04.13h3xhardware or phone lines?
03:04.34h3xfor that area you may as well just use coloco
03:06.35YoYobah.. I already have 800+ lines
03:06.52YoYonot worried about the technical stuff
03:06.54h3xwell you better be hooking up the MAX TNTs then
03:06.57YoYowondering how to sell it
03:07.21wsufffind young kids to push your stuff to local bizs and what not
03:07.48YoYowell, local sales is possible
03:08.14wsuffstill missing your goal i guess
03:08.16h3xits now illegal to use voip to terminate calls on local lines
03:08.21h3xinbound is probably ok
03:08.24YoYobut, it seems that people on the 'net are scrambling to get DIDs
03:08.38YoYoya... it'd be inbound only
03:08.55wsuffYoYo: ya i been hunting for dids  quite enjoyable
03:09.07h3xsomeone needs to make a did locator service
03:09.09chapsterh3x: If it is illegal, then how is Vonage, etc. doing it?
03:09.14YoYoI want to sell DIDs to * users... I don't want to sell * to people
03:09.15h3xthey are using 1+ for outbound calls.
03:09.20h3xits cheaper anyawy when you do a shitload of volume
03:09.30h3xmillions and millions of minutes
03:09.45wsuffwe hafta do 10 digits on my pstn lines atm anyway
03:09.47wsuffwhat's 11
03:10.14wsuff10 digit local 11 digit ld
03:10.24srd-p11 digit here on pstn
03:10.24h3xno in other words it has to be terminated as a interstate tariff
03:10.38srd-punless it's local, then it's only 6
03:10.59wsuffoveruse of area code pushed us to 10
03:11.08wsuffbut pbx wise i dial 11
03:11.23YoYoyup, as soon as there's an NPA overlay, you have mandatory 10 digit dialing
03:11.38chapsterh3x: So if a friend of mine in say... Nevada wants to do VOIP to my asterisk box, and I have a phone line attached, and he calls someone here in my area- that is illegal? Or is it illegal if I charge him?
03:11.58YoYoVZ is 10 digits everywhere now... but only mandatory in areas with an overlay (iirc)
03:11.59wsuffchapster: u are reselling your analog line
03:12.03h3xim not sure if it has been identified as to the financial part of it
03:12.03wsuffwhich is illegal i think
03:12.17h3xAT&T just got nailed for letting Callipso do this
03:12.21h3xAT&T Local that is
03:12.28YoYochapster: in that situation, it would be a private service
03:12.46YoYoonly if you're going to sell the service to the public @ large do you need to worry about regulatory issues
03:12.47h3xits still considered interstate toll avoidance
03:12.48chapsterI hear that AT&T got into trouble, but I thought they were routing their own stuff.
03:12.51h3xand they arent going to care though
03:12.59YoYoand, if you're just doing LD services, it's pretty damned easy to get going
03:13.32h3xI had a crazy idea.... starting a 501 (c)(3) non profit telephone company
03:13.33wsuffYoYo: if it's so easy get me some iax2 ld under 2 cents in the us =)
03:13.35h3xso it dosent have to pay any taxes
03:13.35srd-pthat's pretty gay
03:13.55wsuffh3x: if mins were bought in bulk cost would drop alot
03:13.59YoYoh3x: and you get a $200k/year salary to run it, right?
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03:15.56chapsterIf it is illegal, then it is obvious that the Telco's are filling the pockets of the regulatory commissions. :)
03:16.13h3xthey are
03:16.59chapsterThe handwriting is on the wall for the Telco's, though.
03:18.21YoYoonly for LD carriers
03:18.47YoYobut, you can bet your ass that att,mci,quest,etc... will all be pure VOIP before too awful long
03:19.19coppice_wsuff: I can pick up my phone in HK, and call anywhere in the US for <2c a minute. Someone can do it :-)
03:19.20YoYothe telcos sill own the outside plant... copper now, fiber soon
03:19.21chapsterI think someday you will only have a VOIP phone, and a cell phone. Won't be much actual "dial tone"
03:19.36YoYobecause, no matter if it's PSTN or VOIP, you still gotta be connected
03:19.47justinnnnnnu no what i think is incredibly stupid based upon no research of my own :)
03:19.51justinnnnnna wireless voip phone
03:20.07YoYowhy stupid?
03:20.09h3xyeah those are totally useless
03:20.20h3x$1000 phone that does less features than a $30 cordless
03:20.33justinnnnnncause like u deal with the hole wireless thing first
03:20.37justinnnnnnthen the hole voip thing
03:20.39YoYocost is an issue for now
03:20.41YoYobut that will change
03:20.45justinnnnnni guess for small range its alrite
03:20.46h3xthen the whole spelling thing
03:20.50coppice_in business environments they are potentially very useful, and they will be $100 in the medium term
03:21.03justinnnnnncouldnt you just get a portable phone and use an fxs or something
03:21.10YoYoit won't be long until Nokia, Motarola, etc... are making wireless IP devices that also support VOIP
03:21.20YoYoCDMA/TDMA/GSM will be history
03:21.27justinnnnnnwith lowsy $200 sip licences
03:21.48YoYojustin: you still bitching about having to actually pay for software?
03:21.59justinnnnnnyes :P
03:22.05justinnnnnni bought some g729 licence's thats fine :)
03:22.12justinnnnnnbut not a 200 sip licence to use phone legaly
03:22.24YoYowell, look around.  I can tell you that LOTS of people in this channel are running unlicensed cisco software
03:22.33Legend`YoYo: if you think 802.11b is going to scale gracefully to the size of concentional cellular deployments, you have another thing coming
03:22.43YoYolegend: not 802.11b
03:23.04justinnnnnnyoyo ya thats fine
03:23.06YoYotalking about new technologies that will use licensed spectrum
03:23.19YoYo802.11b is barely suitable for a home network
03:23.25justinnnnnnthe one i have doesnt have licence
03:23.40YoYojustin: and you think Cisco is gonna come knocking on your door about it?
03:23.52justinnnnnni mean for our clients
03:24.07justinnnnnnlike i know all companies do it
03:24.10YoYothat's your clients... you shouldn't be selling them used equipment in the first place
03:24.11justinnnnnnjust no fair :)
03:24.15justinnnnnnis my complain i think
03:24.21justinnnnnnno im talking about buying it new
03:24.25YoYobuy new phones w/smartnet for $8/year
03:24.35YoYothe phone is licensed out of the box
03:24.49justinnnnnnisnt smartnet generaly a few hundred.. ?
03:24.49YoYoonly on resale does the license expire
03:24.53Legend`or wait for the Sayson 480i, looks like a killer phone
03:24.56YoYono... depends on the product
03:25.03Legend`and way cheaper than the cisco
03:25.05justinnnnnni no the software is fre which is cool
03:25.06YoYosmartnet covers hardware replacement and software updates
03:25.25YoYothe $200 is the license for the software itself, which you need to buy to legalize your USED equipment
03:25.40YoYono, the software is not free.  that's $200
03:25.44justinnnnnncools ill have a look at that thanks :)
03:25.48YoYobut, if you buy teh equipment new, it's already licensed
03:25.52justinnnnnnno i mean
03:25.56justinnnnnnfree as in u can get / use it
03:26.15YoYoonly if you're licensed for it and have a valid smartnet contract
03:26.29YoYothe $8/year for a phone is like an insurance policy
03:26.30justinnnnnnbut u still can use it
03:26.35justinnnnnnif u wouldnt..
03:26.37YoYoadvanced replacement... software updates... etc...
03:27.10justinnnnnni was gonna get some of those 7905 phones
03:27.15justinnnnnnexcept they look incredibly stupid
03:27.19justinnnnnnwhile im complaining :)
03:27.21YoYofor what type of business?
03:27.28justinnnnnnany type of business
03:27.36justinnnnnngrandstream looks more professional
03:27.44YoYogs are toys
03:27.47h3xwe have the new #asterisk troll
03:27.48YoYoplastic pieces of shit
03:27.53wsuffuntil u actual use em Justinnn
03:27.55h3xthey are all plastic
03:28.05wsuffi had 1 until 2 wks ago
03:28.15YoYojustin: the 7905 would be fine for someone who spends little time on the phone
03:28.23justinnnnnnthey have problems.. but they work alrite
03:28.27YoYoa receptionist should have a 7960
03:28.38YoYoan exec or sales person (someone who lives on the phone) should have a 7940
03:28.39h3x7960 is still useless for a receptionist
03:28.47h3x7940 dosent do SIP
03:28.53YoYo7940 does sip just fine
03:29.01h3xhave you used it ?
03:29.03bkw_its the same damn image as the 7960
03:29.03YoYoI have 5 of them in my office
03:29.12YoYo6.something SIP image
03:29.17bkw_h3x no a 7960 works great for a receptionis
03:29.17YoYosame image the 7960 uses
03:29.19h3xa bunch of places claim it dosent work
03:29.29bkw_because they are stupid
03:29.41YoYobut, you want the 40 or 60 for people who spend lots of time on the phone...  along with a nice plantronics headset
03:30.22YoYofor floor manager types, use a TDM400 or ATA device plugged into 900Mhz DSS phones
03:30.42YoYoor 2.4Ghz DSS (but the 2.4 HAS to be DSS if you're also using 802.11b)
03:30.49justinnnnnnwhy's that ?
03:31.05YoYobecause 802.11b uses 2.4
03:31.14YoYoand a 2.4Ghz analog phone will stomp all over your network
03:32.25YoYoanyways... no single phone is suitable for every type of business or every employee in a given business
03:32.42wsuffYoYo: when your rant is over PM
03:33.08Legend`just one of my pet peeves, but its DSSS, not DSS
03:33.28wsuffit's only irc fellas
03:33.33YoYoDigial Spread Spectrum S?
03:33.50h3xdsss is some eurofag thing
03:33.54h3xwe dont have
03:34.14h3xcordless phone standard so you can mix and match bases and handsets
03:34.14YoYolegend, come on... what's teh 3 S's?
03:34.43YoYowsuff, what about pm?  no questions posted =D
03:35.02YoYoand, I may be friends with bkw, but I'm by no means an expert at all this shit
03:35.11YoYobut, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
03:36.31YoYook, yeah... direct sequence
03:36.40YoYoI prefer digital spread spectrum
03:36.48YoYodifferent terms, same meaning
03:37.01wsuffdon't look at me
03:38.49YoYook... in the wifi world, it is DSSS
03:38.57YoYoin teh cordless phone world, it's DSS
03:39.05YoYoso, we were both right !
03:45.09YoYokram, when you going to reverse engineer a multi-line cordless phone system and make us a 4-port wirless FXS card?
03:48.13YoYoactually, I have a more realistic feature request... how about some jumper pins on the TDM400 so we can get 2,3,4 lines out of a single rj45 port?
03:48.51brc007har har ahr
03:48.59h3xi havent heard of dogpile in forever
03:49.32h3xits a porn site
03:49.58YoYothere's like nothing on it
03:50.19h3xsomeone else prob got their domain name
03:50.26h3xi remmeber when they were at the adult shows here in vegas
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03:55.45brc007~seen twisted
03:55.55jbottwisted is currently on #asterisk (5h 34m 12s).  Has said a total of 11 messages.  Is idling for 6m 38s
03:56.35h3xim going to laugh if the "industry" adopts iax2 as the standard protocol instead of sip