irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040501

00:00.00timecopI'd rather avoid paying
00:00.04timecopconsidering how I'm not evne in u.s.
00:00.16wsuffwant everything 4 free
00:00.32timecopso paying for an occasional random call to u.s. seems a little bit too much
00:00.52justinnnnnnim in .au
00:01.00justinnnnnnand i used iconnect :)
00:01.10justinnnnnnu get like $10 credit
00:01.17justinnnnnnand call to us is like 2c/min
00:01.19justinnnnnnor something like that
00:01.59JerJer[mobile]force everyone you call to get VoIP
00:03.25timecophey, I can originate calls from the manager interface right?
00:03.32JerJer[mobile]action: originate
00:03.36JerJer[mobile]exten: 69
00:03.39JerJer[mobile]context: blah
00:03.45JerJer[mobile]channel: Zap/g1/911
00:03.47timecophow about conferencing?
00:04.07JerJer[mobile]exten => 69,1,MeetMe,1234
00:04.09bkw_JerJer wasabi
00:04.10timecopwell yeah
00:04.13timecopi knew that
00:04.20timecopi mean if I make 2 calls
00:04.23timecopand want to bridge them
00:04.29timecopfrom the manager interface
00:04.29JerJer[mobile]action: redirect
00:04.41JerJer[mobile]or hell
00:04.43JerJer[mobile]action: originate
00:04.48JerJer[mobile]exten: 18102341212
00:04.52JerJer[mobile]context: outbound
00:05.00samy^does mnicholson hang on here?
00:05.04JerJer[mobile]channel: IAX2/god@NuFone/911
00:05.23justinnnnnnis there anyway to hijack a call
00:05.30twistedwtf is that jerjer
00:05.42JerJer[mobile]he wanted to bridge two calls together
00:05.54bkw_who you callin ho?
00:05.59JerJer[mobile]outbound would be exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial/blah
00:06.03twistedapparently you, you answered :P
00:06.26samy^bkw, twisted, any ideas on the problem that is crashing * on my machine?
00:06.34twistedsamy^: agi
00:06.50bkw_its not asterisk
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00:07.03twisted<debaser> what's a good time cost, sweetcakes?
00:07.06tzangerbkw_: that valetparking ... who baby
00:07.13tzangerer whoa baby rather
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00:08.02JerJer[mobile]TDM11B rocks!
00:08.07justinnnnnnwhats that
00:08.54JerJer[mobile]its a TDM11B
00:09.02twistedbkw_: stop tellin your friends about the private service i provide
00:09.08tzangerTDM11B = 1 FXS + 1FXO
00:09.12tzangeri.e. the new DevKit IIRC
00:09.28tzangerfreaked out the kids by calling one phone from the other :-)
00:09.54twistedWHOA something blew up outside
00:10.04tzangertwisted: where is there?
00:10.24trelane_lebanon, tn
00:10.36bkw_twisted private services?
00:10.41bkw_care to tell me?
00:10.42justinnnnnnive got a question
00:10.45tzangertwisted privates sounds painful
00:10.47twistedok... it was just a car on the interstate
00:10.47samy^twisted, it must be the bit explosion!  didn't you hear from
00:10.50justinnnnnnlets say u got 100000 asterisk servers
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00:10.59bkw_look there's one now
00:11.00justinnnnnnwhat do u do if the switch connecting em all dies
00:11.10tzangersamy^: hahahaa
00:11.10twistedbkw_: the services...
00:11.13twistedbkw_: stop tellin your friends about the private service i provide
00:11.17twisted<debaser> what's a good time cost, sweetcakes?
00:11.22twistedTHAT's what I mean
00:11.41bkw_I didn't
00:11.43tzangertwisted: hahahaha
00:12.30justinnnnnnhow much does it cost u guys in usa to make a local call ?
00:12.51twistedjustinnnnnn: 2.9c/min... the country is my local calling area
00:12.55pattiejashould be "free" (i.e., included in monthly bill)
00:13.07justinnnnnnsay u want to ring someone down the road
00:13.11justinnnnnnhow much does that generaly cost ?
00:13.13wsufftwisted: ya mr no pstn lines
00:13.20justinnnnnnthats expensive
00:13.22twistedi have no pstn lines, tho
00:13.24wsuffjustinnnnnn:  normal phone company does that for free
00:13.29justinnnnnnoh ok
00:13.31justinnnnnnthats cheap then heh
00:13.32wsuffpart of the  monthly package
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00:13.34twistedit's not free
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00:13.36twistedlook at your monthly cost
00:13.43timecoplocal calls are free in u.s. thankfully
00:13.57wsufftwisted: well ya but i don't pay that bill thankfully
00:13.57justinnnnnnhow much is an average monthly cost ?
00:14.05twistedwsuff: heh
00:14.05wsuffway too much
00:14.16wsuffmy house spends 100/mnth
00:14.18wsufffor 2 lines
00:14.25twistedmy bills aren't that expensive
00:14.28wsuffyet all my calls are voip
00:14.33wsuffbut my family won't switch
00:14.34pattiejaand then I ask myself, "why not just use a cellphone all the time?"
00:14.44wsuffpattieja: been doing that too
00:14.44justinnnnnni think here its like $20/line + 20c/untimed for calls in metro area
00:14.47pattiejawsuff: no echo problems?
00:15.02wsuffpattieja: sometimes depends
00:15.09pattiejawsuff: on what?
00:15.17wsuffpattieja:  then i have people call me back to my pstn on their phone
00:15.17justinnnnnnive given up on the hole echo/asterisk thing
00:15.25wsuffmy cell can have bad echo
00:15.30wsuffdepending on where i am
00:15.31justinnnnnncause when i use asterisk + cisco fxo's its perfect and stuff
00:15.36justinnnnnnstupid digium :)
00:15.37pattiejajustinnnnnn: hmmm
00:15.52pattiejajustinnnnnn: what are cisco fxo's?
00:15.57justinnnnnnlike i no u can play around with it and shit
00:16.04justinnnnnnbut just standard it works perfectly
00:16.12twistedpattieja: he's using a cisco voip router
00:16.19twistedprolly using a t1 x-over to *
00:16.25justinnnnnn5400 for pri's worked perfect
00:16.36pattiejajustinnnnnn: what about PSTN?
00:16.36justinnnnnnand 17xx for pstn
00:16.39justinnnnnnalso worked perfect
00:16.56justinnnnnnand then i slap the digium one in.. all echo'y and stuff
00:16.57wsuffJustinnnn: glad u got all this $$ to spend
00:16.59pattiejaI know there was a 4-port FXO gateway selling on eBay awhile back
00:17.00justinnnnnnheh nah
00:17.03pattiejasome H323 thingy
00:17.06justinnnnnncisco 5400 was in cisco's lab
00:17.28pattiejais echo really that difficult a problem?
00:17.44wsuffall my dids are off pris via iax2
00:17.46pattiejais there no hope?
00:19.20wsuffwe are all hopeless
00:19.22pattiejatwisted: just to bring us back to our earlier discussion, do you really think that Digium's tech support would help me cure the echo problem? even if I asked? or would they be like, enable echocancellation, compile in aggressive suppression, oh, it still isn't working properly?...
00:19.26wsuffthat's why we are on irc in the first place
00:19.41twistedpattieja: i believe they would do the best they could, yes.
00:19.44pattiejawsuff: there is one person we can definitely all hope in
00:19.51twistedpattieja: i say this after visiting their offices a few times ;)
00:19.55pattiejatwisted: guess I'll have to give it a try
00:20.14wsufftwisted: why don't ya have mark hire ya as the irc whore =)
00:20.19pattiejais tech support included in a purchase? or just installation support?
00:20.27twistedwsuff: hahahaha
00:20.38Crippledpattieja: installation
00:20.40wsuffpattieja: just call say u still haven't got it to work
00:20.47wsuffso that is still installation
00:21.05twistedCrippled: i was under the impression that it was tech support for anythong to do with the card..
00:21.09pattiejatwisted: also, I was thinking if having our telco increase the volume on the line might help with me not having to fiddle with the rx/txgain values
00:21.11twistedanything.. not thong
00:21.24twistedpattieja: yeah, but that's like trying to pull teeth out thru their ass
00:21.24wsuffhmm someone needs to get laid
00:21.52pattiejatwisted: what about "balancing the hybrid"?  I've heard alot about that, but haven't asked them about that either.
00:22.04pattiejaor is it already supposed to be "balanced"?
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00:22.56twistedpattieja: i was under the impression that it's supposed to be balanced... but i dono
00:23.27pattiejatwisted: well, of course it's supposed to be balanced, otherwise every conversation we have would be more echo'y, I think
00:23.31debaserbalance is a good thing?
00:23.36pattiejaactually, I don't know
00:23.42pattiejadebaser: I assume so
00:23.51pattiejagoogle time
00:24.02justinnnnnni was reading i like last night.. ppl play around with the physical line of analogue lines to get rid of echo
00:24.02pattieja(to the tune of hammer time)
00:24.06twistedgenerally, having a balanced line is great if your equipment isn't throwing it off
00:24.13justinnnnnnwhat would i be looking for ?
00:25.43debaser <- unbalanced
00:25.47twistedbut generally speaking, telco equipment will just be adding 600ohms of impedence in the line, which takes the line off hook.
00:25.49debaser(in general terms)
00:26.13twistedthat's WAY unbalanced debaser
00:26.28alladinanyone can help me with an hfc-s card?
00:28.00debasercould be.
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00:28.42wsuffdoughecka:  =)
00:29.16Crippledanyone? Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6
00:29.30twistedthat should be on the mailing list Crippled..
00:29.33twistedi've seen it before
00:29.46Crippledit's in there.. but the busydetect solution doesn't work
00:30.33Crippledthere you go
00:30.39Crippledcallprogress=no doesn't solve it
00:31.04twistedi can't remember the final solution
00:31.10tzangertwisted: I have the exact same problem as Crippled  -- T100P with Adit600
00:31.18tzangerdtwdoesn't happen NEARLY as often as him
00:31.23twistedYes, setting "callprogress=no" fixed  the problem.
00:31.23twistedThanks to everyone.
00:31.27twistedthat was in the channel
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00:31.37twistedbut is this on a T100P or a x100p?
00:32.07tzangerI have callprogress=no on my T100P/Adit600 and still get it occassionally
00:33.21twistedCrippled: does it go away if you reset the line state by going off/on hook?
00:35.18pattiejatwisted: I found this:
00:35.21pattiejaIn review
00:35.22pattiejaA coupler provides a method of connecting to a telephone line.
00:35.22pattiejaA hybrid provides a method of balancing the send and receive audio.
00:36.46DaminBeware the spork!
00:37.15tzangertwisted: I have a weird problem when I bridge calls...  not always but often enough to be nasty.  Adit600, call comes in FXO, * calls my home via IAX2... times out so picks up another FXO port on Adit600 and dials my cell.  7 times out of 10 it bridges just fine, but about 30% of the time I will answer and whenever I talk on the cell I get back a "buzz" (almost sounds like an overdriven dialtone) for the length of time I talk.
00:37.34tzangeri.e. if I say "Hello?" I hear that overdriven dialtone back at me about 0.5s later for the duration that it takes me to say "Hello?"
00:37.40tzangerthe louder I speak the louder the return buzz
00:38.14samy^if i run "valgrind asterisk", it shouldn't give me a lot of errors should it?
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00:43.44ken_anyone know of any command line voip phones?
00:43.49ken_er, soft phone
00:44.24pattiejaken_: linphonec
00:44.54pattiejatwisted: here is the crux of the problem:
00:44.56*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
00:45.10pattiejaWhy full duplex operation in single wire pair ?
00:45.10pattiejaFull-Duplex is a term used to describe a communications channel which is capable of both receiving and sending information simultaneously.
00:45.10pattiejaTelephone sets (ordinary analog ones) have only 2 wires, which carry both speaker and microphone signals. The signal path between two telephones, involving a call other than a local one, requires amplification using a 4-wire circuit. The cost and cabling required ruled out the idea of running a 4-wire circuit out to the subscribers' premises from the local exchange and an alternative solution had to be found. Hence, the 4-wire trunk circ
00:45.17pattiejauits were converted to 2-wire local cabling, using a device called a "hybrid".
00:45.25pattiejaThis function can send and receive audio signals at the same time is accomplished by designing the system so that there is a well balanced circuit in both ends of the wire which are capable or separating incoming audio from outgoing signal. This function is done by telephone hybrid circuit contained in the network interface of the telephone.
00:46.20pattiejaso, does this mean that the X101P does not have a good hybrid circuit interface?
00:46.55Legendpattieja: flood the channel some more, then maybe we will kniw
00:46.59Legendknow even
00:46.59tzangerpattieja: The X101P isn't very good at adapting to the PSTN.
00:47.31tzangermore expensive hybrids (i.e. channel banks) can adapt to unbalanced PSTN lines, which helps a _lot_
00:47.50Legendand tdm400ps, right?
00:48.03tzangerI've never tried the TDM400's FXO ports
00:48.13tzangerI see on the list that they have trouble with remote-end disconnection though
00:48.14kramfor what it's worth, the new FXO modules should be better than the X100P
00:48.18krambut we haven't had enough out to know
00:48.24kramsince most people can get the x100p working just fine
00:48.32kramtwo words of advice if you're having ehco issues with x100ps...
00:48.39tzangerkram: I am eager to try them, but have no POTS lines anymore :-)
00:48.41kram1) You might have TIP/RING backwards.  Try reversing them
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00:49.01kram2) If you turn on echotraining and you still have any significant echo, you've got something configured wrong.
00:49.37Umarois that anything like saying "it's not our fault, it's yours" ?
00:49.44pattiejakram: like what?
00:50.05twistedi thought t/r reversed might be a problem... as i mentioned to mackie or whoever
00:50.20pattiejakram: I've already been through the TIP/RINGg reversal thing.  it didn't seem to make a difference.  The original wiring seems to sound slightly better
00:50.38tzangerkram: I disagree-  you could also have a very unbalanced line -- X101 can't adapt (isn't designed to, not a fault of the card, just a reality)
00:50.52kramtzanger; but echo training works around that limitation
00:50.54pattiejatzanger: what do you do in those cases?
00:51.06kramtypically an echo canceller can only echo cancel when Rx signal is 1/2 of Tx signal
00:51.10kramhowever, with echo training this is not a limitation
00:51.19tzangerkram: it can...  I am lucky, I don't have to worry about those issues anymore
00:51.20kramwe send an impulse, record the response, and pre-train the echo canceller
00:51.28krameven if it's 100% echo we can compensate for it
00:51.38pattiejakram: just this morning, I had echo everything enabled.  The phone system seemed to work fine, as I called another line last night.
00:51.50pattiejathe first call I got this morning, exploded in my ear
00:52.04tzangerkram: are there any plans on keeping the training 'ping' and perhaps only pinging every 10th call or so to minimize the delay?
00:52.08h3xwhen you have two T400P's in the same box
00:52.10pattiejakram: that impulse makes funny noises on the other end of the line to the person calling
00:52.17h3xis there supposed to be a span on each one that provides timing
00:52.18pattiejalike a fading crash
00:52.26kramtzanger: the training does not provide any substantial delay, just a few hundred milliseconds
00:52.28h3xor just 1 for the whole system
00:52.31kramif that
00:52.32samy^hey kram
00:52.37kramsamy^ hi
00:52.39samy^how are ya
00:52.50tzangerkram: hmm I seem to have a good second dealy on my TDM400P (FXS) whenever I answer a call
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00:53.06samy^want an account to test the prob i'm having?
00:53.06kramshould be extremely minimal
00:53.15kramperhaps something is misconfigured?
00:53.19kramespecially answering a call
00:53.21tzangerkram: I'm used to it but just looking at the corner cases :-)
00:53.23kramit should be nearly insignificant
00:53.41pattiejakram: I used to have the agent login press '#' to pickup the incoming call, but then disabled it since it kept sending a crashing echo to the far party whenever the call was connected
00:53.43kramsamy^ yah, will need root access
00:53.44tzangerhmm on answering a call I pick up, wait for the "click" and then I can talk.  just alway sbeen that way :-)
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00:54.12chapsterkram:  How do you determine which is tip, which is ring, and how they should be wired. I assume that just because you have two wires with dialtone, it might not be wired correctly?
00:54.18kramwhat do you mean it sent echo?
00:54.39kramchapster: IIRC RING is the more negative one
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00:55.00kramchapster easiest way is just to swap it and see if it gets better
00:55.06pattiejakram: well, I had the X101P in the K6-2 350 and the TDM400P in the Athlon system (till last night)
00:55.14pattiejaI connected them via switch using IAX2
00:55.31pattiejathe analog handset logs in as an agent to the incoming queue
00:55.33chapsterkram: Ok. I think I will just google for some info. I didn't realize that it mattered until you said something.
00:55.49h3xtip is negative
00:55.56kramthey are both negative
00:55.58kramone is more negative than the other
00:55.59pattiejawhenever an incoming call comes in, any logged in agents are rung, the analog being one of them using IAX2
00:56.01h3xyou connect the black of your butt set to the top
00:56.11h3xwhich is tip
00:56.17h3xof a 66 block
00:56.52h3xthats true
00:57.14h3xkram, what are those two 3 pin connectors on the t400p ?
00:57.17h3xclocking or something?
00:57.34krambut basically nobody uses it
00:57.35pattiejapick up the analog extension, press '#', and CRASH CRash Crash crash ...  echoing everything I say including the initial DTMF tone of the '#' for approximately 2 - 3 seconds, then it gets stifled, the other end usually says something like, that was weird, and then if the conversation goes for a long time (typically 5 - 10, maybe 15 minutes) echo starts creeping in and out of the conversation
00:57.56h3xwhy not
00:58.39pattiejaso, I put the X101P into the same machine as the TDM400P last night
00:59.38bkw_I guess its time for me to get a TDM board
00:59.49bkw_i'm gonna wait a few months
00:59.55pattiejathis morning after the "echo explosion" that lasted for approximately 2 seconds, it sounded like the ocean draining, the other person hung up, so I wasn't able to figure out whether it would get better or not.  I then disabled all echocancellation and commented out the rx/txgain lines
01:00.20pattiejaand this is all analog this time, no IAX or VoIP or anything else
01:00.27tzanger"sounded like the ocean draining"  hahahha
01:01.01krampattie: who hears the echo?
01:01.05kramis this FXO to FXS?
01:01.08pattiejaI then cautiously increased rxgain, since the phone line is still useless without increasing the incoming callers volume (don't know any other way of doing it).  That always increases echo
01:01.46pattiejakram: mostly me on the analog handset.  But I have had callers complain that they experience echo during their calls as well, especially when we do not hear it on our end
01:02.07pattiejabut that was in the previous arrangement, i.e., X101P and TDM400P connected via IAX2
01:02.15pattiejaI've only had the cards together for today
01:02.40pattiejakram: both FXO and FXS??
01:02.48pattiejaFXO = X101P and FXS = TDM400P (one analog extension), right?
01:03.13kramno no no no
01:03.17kramdo NOT muck with the gains
01:03.19krambad bad bad bad
01:03.29pattiejakram: how else can I hear the incoming caller?
01:03.31kramgains + echo == very bad
01:03.32tzangerdo not play with them at this point in the game
01:03.41tzangercomment them out
01:03.41kramthere is an option in the driver you can use
01:03.47tzangerthen stop and start asterisk again
01:03.50kramto boost rx if you have to
01:04.03kramif you're having gain problems, that's another sign of tip/ring backwards
01:04.06pattiejakram: will that affect echo?
01:04.08kramplease try swapping
01:04.14kramif you have them backwards yes
01:04.23kramif you muck with the gains, most assuredly that will cause problems with echo
01:04.38tzangerkram: is the X100P the TJNet card or is the X101P?
01:04.56pattiejaok.  but the last time I switched the pair, the incoming volume level was almost the same if not a little lower than it currently is
01:05.25pattiejavoicemails are not intelligble, they're even lower than a whisper at that setting
01:05.34pattiejaand voice conversations are impossible
01:05.40kramtzanger: they both are based on the tigerjet
01:05.45tzangerkram: ah
01:05.50kramthe tigerjet part is an extremely interesting part
01:05.51tzangerboth with the glued-on heatsink?
01:05.55kramand is used in several designs
01:06.01tzangerkram: it looks like a PCI serial port and timer
01:06.29kramtzanger: more or less, also has GPIO and local bus neither of which is used on the X100P or X101P cards
01:06.30tzangerserial port meaining serial interface, not 8250-alike
01:06.45tzangeryeah I remember looking over the data sheets
01:06.55pattiejakram: if I use a multimeter, can I determine actually whether tip and ring have been swapped?
01:07.13YoYox100/101 is EOL now kram?
01:07.26pattiejaI would imagine I would get a positive voltage reading in one direction (of ~ 8V) and a negative reading in the other?
01:08.30chapsterpattieja: Doing some reading, I found this:
01:09.14bkw_someone buy me a TDM board
01:09.23twistedchapster: that's a great find :)
01:09.48twistedbkw_: i have a t100p you can throw things at me to test
01:09.50tzangertip is +ve with respect to ring
01:11.08tzangertip = earth, ring = -48VDC
01:11.14tzangerboth should have equal impedance to ground
01:11.25XARiUSHey Kram, on a positive note, I fired up my TE410P for it's first test with my live T1, all inbound DID's and outbound worked flawlessley, no echo, no nothin..  Very impressive!!  For the cost of 1/10th of a typical PBX license, I've got a new system that'll expand up to 90+ channels..  Kudos for the excellent work =)
01:11.45tzangerXARiUS: you should not have echo, ever, with PRI
01:12.02XARiUSyeah, I was worried though, reading all the echo horror stories lol.
01:12.09XARiUSRegardless, I'm highly impressed. =)
01:12.15tzangeryes, asterisk just plain old rocks
01:12.26bkw_XARiUS you can ignore most of the drama
01:12.30bkw_because alot of people fail to read
01:12.50XARiUSI'm just stoked everything worked the first time outta the gates!
01:13.01su-there should be a site that has good info :)
01:13.04tzangerhere's a quick test for you
01:13.05tzangerpeel a potato, stick both wires into seperate locations, wait to see
01:13.05tzangerwhich wire starts to turn the potato green, the one that turns the
01:13.06tzangerpotato green is the Ring side.
01:13.17twistedare you serious?
01:13.17pattiejachapster: thanks
01:14.00pattiejatwisted: probably.  The copper in the wire would have a reaction and turn green as the ions moved into the potato
01:14.07tzangertwisted: yes -- that is why tip is grounded
01:14.25XARiUSsu: I'm thinking about publishing my config's once I get it all cleaned up.  It's just a standard iax/sip 25+ extension commercial office setup.
01:14.37XARiUSsomeone could just go thru, and replace names and extensions, and be up and running.
01:14.43twistedoh my god
01:14.54twistedi learn new and... oddly useful stuff every day
01:15.00*** join/#asterisk zotzz (~zotzz@
01:15.01su-cool...put it up on the wiki
01:15.05tzangertwisted: that is the whole basis for my kb
01:15.05twistedquick linemans polarity checker.... a bag of potatoes
01:15.08tzangerthe code is ancient and old
01:15.16tzangerand in PHP... blech.
01:15.22tzangerI have the plans in my head for hte next gen but no time ofr it
01:15.32bkw_I wanna see valetparking in cvs
01:15.35bkw_who's with me?
01:15.47twistedbkw_: got my vote
01:16.00XARiUSI've had such a good experience with *, I might just give myself a few more mos of experience, and start contracting to install in other local companies on the weekend =)
01:16.15tzangerXARiUS: wait for your first few emergencies first :-)
01:16.23XARiUSthats why I figure a few mos
01:16.30XARiUSemergencies in my office are aplenty.
01:16.54YoYobkw, ok if I call you?
01:17.02pattiejaI'm going to get a multimeter.  Will be back in ~ 10 - 15 minutes
01:17.12XARiUSgotta get my wireless connection (internet) in the office fixed up first before I go live though
01:17.33XARiUSthere's an antenna on the roof receiving our signal, then bouncing it off the hill behind the buliding into a receiver mounted in my office window on the first floor lol
01:17.52XARiUSwe couldn't get a cable from teh roof to our office =/
01:18.22XARiUSI should post a pic of it, the receiver ducttapped to the window, it's hillarious looking, but it works +)
01:18.44XARiUSit's gonna kill our voip outside the office though, ping times are erratic as hell.
01:19.02h3xrun a fuckin wire dude
01:19.10XARiUS4 floors?
01:19.23XARiUSthats why we're bouncin it off the hill as it is, there was no way we could do it
01:19.24twistedXARiUS: i've run worse.
01:19.28XARiUSwe have to get a contractor out to do it
01:19.38XARiUS+ bldg mgmt etcyadda yadda.
01:19.46XARiUSI can do simple wiring, but thats outta my league.
01:20.00twistedXARiUS: where are you?  i'll come out there with a concrete drill bit and some cable routing pieces
01:20.02h3xevery high rise has cable riser section
01:20.18twistedto hell with cable risers
01:20.22XARiUSyeah I know h3x, the problem is our particular office location in the building.
01:20.22twistedi'll drill holes through the floor
01:20.26XARiUStwisted, san diego =)
01:20.35XARiUSI've got a guy lined up already tho =(
01:20.39twistedXARiUS: got drop ceilings?
01:21.33XARiUSyep, the problem is, the maint closets on each floor don't line up
01:21.33XARiUSthey zig zag
01:21.33XARiUS(worst config ever)
01:21.33XARiUSso they have to go down and across on each floor to the drop points
01:22.01*** join/#asterisk scott (
01:22.03YoYohmm... move into a pre-wired building?
01:22.15twistedsan diego crackheads designing buildings still, i see..
01:22.20XARiUSI wired our entire office, I'm not afraid of work, but screw that, I don't get paid enough lol
01:22.32XARiUSnah, if it was just that, we'd get a hardwire t1
01:23.08XARiUSwe only pay $249 for a full 1.5 up and down and a /24
01:23.08XARiUSand when setup properly, it's as reliable as a telco t1
01:23.13twistedneed to eat code...
01:23.15*** join/#asterisk mitchel (~mitchel@
01:23.18XARiUSwith the exception of our provider being on lvl3's network..
01:23.22XARiUSthey're pissin me off lately
01:23.38XARiUSevery week, it's either a routing loop, or an overloaded router
01:23.56XARiUSSure they have nice commercials, Sean Connery, and a shitty network, in SD at least =)
01:30.44pattiejaI'm back
01:32.20pattiejagoing to check with the multimeter
01:32.32pattiejaI suppose I'm looking for a positive voltage
01:32.41pattiejaor would that be a negative voltage?
01:32.47*** join/#asterisk scott_ (
01:32.54pattiejatip is more negative than ring, right?
01:33.37pattiejaI wanted to ask kram if an analog cordless 900MHz phone might have anything to do with the problem, too
01:36.00glLoadIdentityi use sip_mysql_friends and * does not show any info with "sip show peers" ... any info about this ?
01:36.32pattiejaI've got 45.2 V in one direction and -45.2 V in the other
01:36.56pattiejawhat does that mean?
01:38.03*** join/#asterisk AKON (
01:38.05glLoadIdentitymaybe ringing ???
01:38.46YoYopattie: because it's a DC current
01:38.58YoYoone wire is +, the other is -
01:39.11YoYoif you flip them, you also flip the flow of the electrons
01:41.25*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
01:41.28pattiejaYoYo: yes, but how does that help me identify TIP and RING?
01:41.53YoYofrom where?  PSTN or an FXS?
01:41.59twistedring is -48vdc
01:42.11YoYohrrm... not sure.  I think tip is green though
01:42.30Crippledtwisted: I need to talk to you.
01:42.31pattiejatwisted: yes, but how do I measure that to know for sure that the wire I'm holding in my hand is RING and the other is TIP?
01:42.44twistedCrippled: /msg
01:42.48pattiejaYoYo: not if they're "twisted"
01:42.50YoYolemme google
01:43.04twistedpattieja: ring is -48v
01:43.12twistedtip will be positive
01:43.38twistedread that
01:43.42twistedit tells you how to measure it
01:44.04twistedbrb - phone
01:44.33pattiejatwisted: right.  It says that when the measurement is positive, the RED lead will be connected to TIP and the BLACK to RING
01:44.59pattiejaso, if it is correct, then what?
01:45.03dougheckatwisted: HAHAHA< dont gEt ELECTROCUTED when you answer!!!
01:45.23pattiejagoing to check the cable connected to the X101P, moment ...
01:45.39dougheckabest way to test is the suck on the RJ-11 connector, and call yourself
01:45.47YoYooh great... I'm finding references to tip-ground and ring-ground :/
01:46.16chapsterdoughecka: <chuckle>
01:47.06dougheckatrust me, it workS^TWITCH^TWITCHohyea
01:47.50YoYopattieja, measure the voltage of each against a ground (like your PC case)
01:47.56YoYotip is +, ring is -
01:48.04chapsterDoes your mouth twitch to the side that is the tip?
01:48.20YoYochapster, no, if you do it properly, your tounge will curl
01:48.20dougheckaas does all your limbs
01:48.33YoYoor, your eyelids will go into convulsions
01:48.41chapsterI wonder why the telco guys don't use these advanced techniques?
01:49.01dougheckalike yea
01:49.08YoYobecause, the telco guys know that red it tip, and green is ring
01:49.11YoYoor vis-versa
01:49.27pattiejatwisted: ok.  according to that document, the RED multimeter lead was connected to the red wire in the two-wire RJ-11 connector, and the BLACK to the green wire.  This condition produced +45.2V.  Switching the multimeter leads produced -45.2V
01:49.27debaserok.  just for the protection of everyone here: if you actually do that, you're probably taking up the wrong project.
01:49.29bkw_its two wires... it only goes two ways... use the way that sounds best!
01:49.41YoYobkw, stfu, don't take all our fun away
01:50.08debaserbkw_: the voice of reason speaks!
01:50.08bkw_their are alot of people in here
01:50.13dougheckaI'm tellin ya, sucking on the connector works best
01:50.17YoYopattie: did you measure both wires against a ground?
01:50.19pattiejaso, according to that document, the RED DMM lead was connected to the red wire which means the red wire is TIP and the green wire is RING.  Is that what it is supposed to be?
01:50.21YoYoor just against each other?
01:50.29pattiejaYoYo: against each other
01:50.36YoYocheck each against a ground
01:50.48pattiejaYoYo: ok
01:50.49YoYolike your PC case (assuming that your house/office is properly grounded)
01:51.09dougheckabetter yet, suck on it and ground your nose
01:51.17YoYoyeah, that'd work too
01:51.23YoYo(for those without multimeters)
01:53.25glLoadIdentitywhat if no nose and no multimeter ?
01:53.33dougheckajoy, its raining
01:53.46dougheckalusers, churchhill downs, har har
01:53.52YoYoglLoad, then your penis will just have to do
01:54.45*** join/#asterisk Death_INC (
01:54.45glLoadIdentityYoYo: to ground ?
01:54.49bkw_yo yo yo yo yo yo
01:54.53bkw_glLoadIdentity whats up boi!
01:55.21pattiejawith the BLACK DMM lead used to touch the red and green wires and the RED DMM lead to touch the computer case, I got +47V from the green wire and +2V from the red wire
01:55.37YoYoglload: well, if you dont' have any other ground, you could probably stick your penis in the bathtub plumbing fixture
01:55.47YoYomost cold-water supplies work great as a ground
01:55.57pattiejaYoYo: I'll refrain from letting that one into my mind.  thanks
01:56.20YoYopattie: red is tip, green is ring
01:56.30pattiejais that correct?
01:56.48YoYoTIP will read positive a few volts.
01:56.53pattiejaYoYo: are you saying that my scenario is that way, or the standard is that way?
01:57.05YoYoRING will read a negative voltage, either 48 VDC
01:57.22dougheckablah, well there goes my uptime
01:57.47pattiejaYoYo: I used the black lead on the wires and the red lead on the case at all times
01:57.52YoYolightning is fucking cool!  only weenies shutdown!
01:58.09YoYoConnect RED meter lead to one wire and BLACK meter lead to earth ground; measure voltage. Repeat on
01:58.09YoYothe other wire.
01:58.11pattiejanot when you don't have a sufficient surge suppressor or UPS unit
01:58.29YoYoUPSes are for weenies too... well, teh big ones are
01:58.30dougheckaI do
01:58.34pattiejaYoYo: so I just had the leads backwards.  That should only reverse the signs of the voltages, right?
01:58.48YoYopattieja, I would assume
01:58.53pattiejaYoYo:??  and that ain't big?
01:59.09YoYopattieja, I'd rather have a genny with an automatic transfer switch
01:59.13YoYobut that shit gets expensive
01:59.14pattiejaYoYo: so, what is the standard for TIP and RING?
01:59.27SyndlcateI got 2 2200 for my house rack
01:59.31YoYopattie, well, one gets tipsy, the other's head will start ringing
01:59.57YoYowe've tried and tried, but we can't get them to stop drinking
02:00.55YoYook, pattie, what connector are you using?  rj11?  4 or 6 pin?
02:01.18pattiejatwo wires only, red and green
02:01.28pattiejanow we know the red is TIP and the green is RING
02:01.54YoYorj11 doesn't come in 2 wire
02:02.04bkw_isn't that rj14?
02:02.14bkw_the small narrow thingy used for handset cords?
02:02.45YoYorj11/4-wire: tip/ring/tip/ring
02:02.52pattiejawell, there are only two wires in this connector.  There are slots for 6
02:03.01YoYowith teh middle pair being line 1, and the outer pair being line 2
02:03.01pattiejaonly the middle two are populated
02:03.16pattiejaright.  this is a two wire chord
02:03.24YoYook, so what's your question?
02:03.44pattiejais it according to standard?
02:03.44YoYoif it's a pre-fab patch cord, then you shouldn't have to do anything with it
02:03.51pattiejait is
02:04.01YoYopattie, you are male or female?
02:04.22pattiejathe green is on the left and the red is on the right when looking at the connector (wire away from you)
02:04.32pattiejaYoYo: what do you think?
02:04.38YoYodoesn't matter
02:04.50YoYopin 3 is ring, pin 4 is tip
02:06.19YoYo(in a 6-pin rj11)
02:06.19pattiejalooks like the cable is correct, then
02:06.19YoYopattie seems to be a female name, so I'll refer to you as "silly girl" rather than "silly boy"
02:06.19YoYopattieja, of course it is... it came made that way, right?
02:06.19dougheckanot really
02:06.19YoYoor is this a homemade cable?
02:06.19dougheckapat maybe a male name
02:06.19pattiejaYoYo: it came that way
02:06.19pattiejamy last name is Pattie, my first is Jason
02:06.19YoYopat may be male or female... but pattie...
02:06.19YoYook, silly boy then
02:06.25YoYostill silly
02:06.55bkw_doughecka silly little boi
02:06.59*** join/#asterisk Epitaph_ (~epitaph@
02:07.04pattiejaso, the cable's fine, and the voltages are fine.  So, I don't have to go outside to the DMARK again and switch the pairs, like kram/bkw had me do the last time we went through all this
02:07.19YoYowent through all what?
02:07.32h3xjust get a t1
02:07.33pattiejatrying to remove the nefarious echo
02:07.41pattiejah3x: for a single line?
02:07.41YoYoomfg... ok echo is your problem?
02:07.42bkw_tell your telco to check jor line
02:07.46dougheckaturn echotraining on?
02:07.47*** join/#asterisk bobmanAtWork (
02:07.48h3xget bri then
02:07.52YoYowhat happens if you hook up a phone directly to the access box outside?
02:07.53dougheckaHEY h3x!!
02:07.55YoYogood sound?
02:08.00pattiejaYoYo: yep
02:08.08h3xoh baby
02:08.24pattiejabkw_: that was always my fear, that my father would miss and hit me
02:08.27pattiejasometimes happened
02:08.28YoYook, now, what happens if you run a nice, new top-quality patch cable from the access box outside, directly to your FXO?
02:08.44pattiejadoughecka: that's not very nice
02:08.49bkw_doughecka so thats what you call it
02:08.55pattiejaYoYo: and where would I be getting one of these?
02:09.01YoYoradio shack
02:09.02bkw_you got a semi
02:09.05YoYobkw, about $4.99?
02:09.14bkw_Rat Shack
02:09.21bkw_they will rip you off and try to sell you gold plated shit
02:09.25bkw_when you don't even need it
02:09.27YoYooh yeah
02:09.32pattiejaYoYo: I've already been through all this.  I put the Asterisk PBX box against the window and used the existing patch cable to connect directly to the DMARK
02:09.33YoYogo to wally world... $3.99
02:09.33bkw_I hated that job
02:09.37h3xmy personal favorite
02:09.42h3xis gold plated toslink fiber cables
02:09.46bkw_I was number one in the whole region in sales
02:09.48YoYopattie, ok, what happened?  still echo?
02:09.50dougheckathats funny
02:10.01h3xhow big of a region
02:10.04mrunixmonster cable makes fiber patch cords?
02:10.05pattiejaYoYo: yes, no change in quality or echo problem
02:10.13bkw_h3x the dallas region
02:10.23h3xbkw_: You mean #1 in turning customers away from radio shack? heheheh
02:10.33YoYopattie, ok, what is the complete call path?  phone > TDM400 > * > X100 > PSTN ?
02:10.34h3xthats a good region
02:10.34bkw_h3x no I sold 350k in one year
02:10.41h3xdid you get commissioned?
02:10.47dougheckaof course
02:10.49kramwhere's samy?
02:10.54h3x1%? heh
02:11.07YoYopattie, hold that thought... I need to step outside for a smoke
02:11.10pattiejakram: just wanted to let you know.  I connected a multimeter to the patch cable coming from the incoming line and the green wire was 48V and the red wire was ~2V meaning that the green wire is RING and the red wire is TIP.  I assume that means it's not reversed?
02:11.16bkw_h3x it wasn't enuf to have ot put up with that crap
02:11.33pattiejaYoYo: yes, that is now the call path
02:12.01YoYopattie: ok, what you need to do, is remove your PCI cards, and check the fingers.  if they're dirty, you can clean them with a pencil eraser
02:12.09pattiejaYoYo: it used to be phone -> asterisk -> (IAX2) -> asterisk -> X101P -> PSTN
02:12.22pattiejaYoYo: they're brand new?
02:12.40dougheckasearching for the bishop chicken?
02:12.58pattiejahmm.  guess he saw I was still here.  :)
02:14.02*** join/#asterisk Legend`` (~Legend@
02:14.05glLoadIdentitystatic struct ast_register_list :)
02:14.46pattiejaoh well.  thanks for all the help, guys
02:14.50glLoadIdentitycalled regl
02:14.56pattiejaneed to go home now
02:15.04pattiejasee you on Monday
02:15.08YoYopattie, ok... onto your zapata.conf... what is rxgain and txgain set to?
02:15.27pattiejaYoYo: currently, rxgain = 3.0, txgain is commented out and is nowhere else in the filee
02:15.47YoYoset both to 0 for all ports
02:15.57*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:16.01pattiejaYoYo: then I can't hear the calling person
02:16.12YoYothen up the txgain on your FXS
02:16.14pattiejathey are so low, the line is unusable
02:16.17YoYoor turn up the volume on your phone
02:16.23pattiejathe phone is at max
02:16.40YoYook, set rx/tx to 0 on the FXO
02:16.45YoYoand up the txgain on the FXS
02:16.50pattiejaif I turn up the txgain on the FXS, will that affect echo?
02:17.03pattiejaYoYo: part of the problem is voicemail is recorded at extremely low levels
02:17.12pattiejawithout the rxgain being turned up on the FXOooo
02:17.32pattieja(USB keyboard adapter keeps putting in extra characters)
02:17.34XARiUSmm beer.
02:17.41glLoadIdentitybkw_:  do ya know why sip show peers do not show my mysql_friends ?
02:18.06pattiejaYoYo: thanks for the hint, I will implement it Monday
02:18.19pattiejait may work for hearing the voicemails, too
02:18.50pattiejabut iirc even the WAV files were extremely low with the volume of the sound card turned all the way up when listening via e-mail
02:19.00pattiejatalk to you all Monday
02:19.08YoYoelectrically, the signals between teh FXO and FXS ports are seperate... so changing your gains around may reduce the echo
02:19.24YoYoif not, you need to look at the various echo options... both build-time and run-time
02:24.53twistedok i'm back
02:26.25twistedhey kram, wb
02:26.44twistedpattieja: did you figure out which wire was your ring and which was your tip?
02:27.14XARiUSI think he resorted to drinking mass quantities of alcohol after the tongue and potatoe recomendations... ;)
02:27.28*** join/#asterisk glyph (
02:27.38twistedgreen = ring and red = tip, right kram?
02:28.53XARiUShey twisted, lemme ask u a q if ya don't mind
02:29.04XARiUSI sent a mail out to the list about it, but never got anything back on it..
02:29.18twistedXARiUS: shoot
02:29.24*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
02:29.29XARiUSI was testing the queue stuff (w/ the default moh), and I noticed, none of the moh or "queuing" works with IAX clients
02:29.32XARiUSsip works fine though
02:29.41XARiUSiax clients either just ring and ring and ring, or get hungup on immediately.
02:30.02XARiUSI tried diax, iaxphone, firefly.. and then my ata-186 and xlite for sip.
02:30.13XARiUSgotta clue?
02:30.32twistedodd... moh works fine for my iax clients
02:30.57XARiUSyah, found it odd myself.
02:31.27su-what does the CLI say when you call using iax2 ?
02:31.28kramanybody seen samy?
02:31.36krami can't duplicate his problem calling his box from here
02:31.37twistedkram: he was here earlier
02:31.41krami told him to be back in an hour
02:31.44kramand he didn't listen
02:32.02twistedhe's stilll in here
02:32.07kramso not only does he have a major bug that isn't replicatable except on his panic'g box
02:32.12twistedjust not active for 1:01:12
02:32.16kramand i'm helping him for free
02:32.23kramand he hasn't bought any digium hardware at all
02:32.31krambut he doesn't show up and is keeping me from going to my party
02:32.35kramnot cool
02:32.36twistedyeah.. i know... you're being a good kram
02:32.36kramnot cool at all
02:32.47twistedactually, a very giving kram
02:32.58su-kram: time for rm -rf /
02:33.00*** join/#asterisk ilgiz (
02:33.09Crippledso go boooogie mark
02:33.29XARiUSlemme look su, it's in my post, I forget off hand
02:33.38krami wann get at least *one* of the four new bugs taken care of
02:33.46twistedi hear ya on that one
02:34.15XARiUSsu: nothin you actually SEE the moh process and everthing displayed in the cli
02:34.25XARiUSbut it just doesn't do anthing on the client but hangup on you
02:34.41su-what was the post called ?
02:34.58XARiUSI just looked, there was no error
02:35.00XARiUSthe post was..
02:35.14XARiUSQueues & IAX2
02:36.02XARiUSer Queues and IAX2 actually if you're searching for the whole thing.
02:36.12kramokay i'm giving him 15 minutes to get back
02:36.15kramor i'm outta here
02:36.17kramand he can deal with it
02:36.41twistedkram: sounds fair
02:37.28twistedXARiUS: well, first off, are you answering the line before sending them to queues or moh?
02:38.49twistedand while we're at it here
02:38.56twistedi can't seem to force my outgoing connection to iaxtel to use gsm
02:39.03twistedmy box keeps reverting to g729
02:39.10twistedeven with disallow=all allow=gsm
02:39.16twistedoddest crap i've seen in awhile
02:40.44kramtwisted: call me if he shows up
02:40.48twistedkram: will do
02:43.05bkw_twisted have we told kram the new vocab we came up with
02:43.15twistedbkw_: i dono
02:43.19citatsdid anyone ask that guy if he was setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL before starting *?
02:43.27twistedmake me a copy and i'll present it to him tomorrow :P
02:43.36twistedcitats: what guy?
02:43.49citatstwisted: the guy that mark was looking for
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02:44.01twistedi dono
02:44.02bkw_I think he said he was doing that
02:45.05*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:47.00bkw_ok twisted have you found any bugs yet?
02:47.13twistedbkw_: with what?
02:47.43*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:47.45bkw_with the app_valetparking.c
02:47.57twistedbkw_: haven't messed with it any more than what we did
02:48.28bkw_i'm ready fer it
02:48.50twistedi'm trying to figure out why my dialplan stopped using my iaxtel includes
02:48.53bkw_denon wasabi
02:49.02denonbkw: been on the road and in the air the past week
02:49.06denoner, week and a half
02:49.27denonluckily, asterisk only crashed twice while I was gone
02:49.36bkw_shoudn't have crashed at all
02:49.43denonit wuvd the zaptel lines ..
02:49.49denonso much that it didnt wanna give em up
02:50.02denonso they hang in use, long after the call was over
02:50.26*** join/#asterisk ilgiz (
02:51.08denonnothin like getting an IM at 35,000 feet ... "all the phones are down"
02:52.02krammake it crash again plz
02:52.35denonkram: erm, no thanks
02:52.46denonbut I wont futz with it till it does again, if you want
02:53.35Kumbanghmmm i wonder what's the problem faxing with *
02:54.26Kumbangfax zap to zap ok, sip to sip with spa-2000 ok, buat zap to spa-2000 or vice versa problem
02:54.49bkw_turn echo can OFF
02:55.26timecopso does grandstream suck?
02:55.31timecopif I'm gonna pick up a couple of these for my house
02:55.39bkw_timecop thats not the wind you hear
02:55.42bkw_its greandstrea :P
02:55.46bkw_they work ok
02:55.47bkw_I guess
02:55.49timecopok cool.
02:55.51twistedthe ata devices work ok
02:55.57Kumbanggrandstream doesnt support attendant transfer
02:55.59twistedexcept they like to lock up on power flux
02:56.00bkw_the ata devices do great
02:56.07twistedand they have NO rnb rating
02:56.17timecopcan I power them over ethernet?
02:56.21twistedi can barely ring a 7 buck wall phone
02:56.23twistedno poe
02:56.42bkw_the HT-286 is what we will use when we do voice services
02:56.50bkw_its going to do ilbc
02:56.55bkw_the beta firmware has ilbc in it now
02:56.55timecopi just want a fucking phone for my house
02:57.02bkw_so hell just froze smooth over
02:57.14timecopi'm wiring it with ethernet jacks in every room, so I figured I should get with the program and use IP phones
02:58.19*** join/#asterisk oob (
03:00.59twistedkram fix0r you?
03:01.39twistedwhat was it?
03:01.57samy^simple for loop, he says...not sure where
03:02.17*** join/#asterisk erwn (
03:02.49HogieI finally found the hardware im gonna use for our pbx, heh
03:02.49twistedi see it
03:03.17twistedHogie: bacon and lettuce?
03:03.48citatsmmmm bacon
03:03.53citatsthree more strips
03:04.00HogieI stole the CEO's computer today
03:04.01twistedbacon & lettuce is a refrence to cost a lot
03:04.19Hogiegave her an old dell celeron 600
03:04.24Hogieand took her HT 2.4ghz
03:04.44twistedHogie: who do you work for?
03:04.59twistedthat you can just walk right in and steal his ceo's pc
03:05.08timecopfuck nobody in japland sells grandstreams
03:05.11timecopwhat a fucking joke
03:05.25twistedtimecop: that's becase the japs know crap
03:05.25timecopthe country is going into a fucking shitheap
03:05.37twistedor you mean the handytones
03:05.44timecopthe phones.
03:05.51Hogieheh twisted, its a small company
03:05.53timecopso I dont fucking have to order them from u.s.
03:05.56Hogieand im the IT guy
03:05.58timecopbut looks like I'll have to.
03:06.04Hogie"Oh, I need your computer to do some upgrades"
03:06.11Hogieand I bring back another white case
03:06.18timecopwhat you say?
03:06.21Hogielooks the same
03:06.23timecopI upgrade machines at work all the time
03:06.30timecopthats why my machines at home are so fast now
03:06.40Hogielike she needs a freaking 2.4 HT with 1 gig ram
03:06.50Hogieto surf the net and check her email
03:06.52timecopyou think average idiot can tel the difference between p4 2.6 and a 2g celeron?
03:06.53timecopI think not
03:07.02Hogienot a 2g celery
03:07.05Hogiea 600 celery
03:07.31*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:07.36bkw_ok bkw needs money
03:07.37Hogiean old optiplex GX100 (I think) we got off ebay from dell offlease
03:07.44bkw_soeone send me 100 bucks
03:07.53twistedbkw_: riiiiiight
03:07.54wsuffbkw_:  i need $$ too
03:09.01twistedyeeee gads
03:09.05twisted71 new spam messages
03:09.20twisted70 spam
03:09.21twistedone real
03:09.42Hogiehaha, I had 130 viruses sent into my mail server today
03:10.19kramokay i'm outta here
03:10.28timecophahahahah wtf
03:10.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:10.30bobmanAtWork112506 blocked spam.
03:10.36timecopthe only jap place selling budgetones wants $300 EACH
03:10.55wsuffholly shit timecop
03:10.59timecopthats for 101 model too
03:11.14wsuffhow much would it be to import it yourself though
03:11.17timecopcrazy fucks
03:11.24timecopwsuff: thats what im gonna do I'll just order from pulver store
03:11.34wsuffprobably cause they can though
03:11.44wsuffprobably crazy fees on imports
03:11.59wsuffso they mark it up so people buy locally instead of importing it themsleves
03:12.01timecopcant be much crazier than on digium equipment
03:12.11*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
03:12.18wsuffdunno haven't had 1st hand experience
03:12.37wsuffi know my usb adapters i imported from tiwian cost me a pretty penny
03:12.45wsuffeven though they were produced by a us company
03:12.48CaNaBiSdoes send a tracking number for UPS orders when the order has been filled?
03:13.02wsuffdignetworks eeew that evil work
03:13.12CaNaBiSwsuff, why?
03:13.44coppiceMustDie: spandsp has a 4 week uptime on one person's fax server :-)
03:13.53timecopspandsp doesnt work for jap faxes :(
03:13.55*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
03:13.56wsuffcoppice:  working properly?
03:14.10Hogiewhy not move out of japland then?
03:14.15MustDiecoppice: we've sent you an bug report :P (From Alex Volkov)
03:14.17wsufflooking to add fax to 1 of my dids
03:14.19CaNaBiSwsuff, I ordered my sp-2000 from there
03:15.04coppiceyes, a production system. I have some feedback issues to sort out. the oddest is a number oof Canon machines disconnect during negotiation. The complaints have almost stoppe, though
03:15.06*** join/#asterisk RageMax (
03:15.46RageMaxif I'm using a voicetronix card, it doesn't use zapata.conf right?
03:15.51timecopwho is writing spandsp?
03:16.00wsuffgoing to have to try that make fix and rebuild it on my RHEL
03:16.18timecopcoppice: it doesnt work wiht jap faxes. how do I make it work?
03:16.28timecop(other than moving out of japland)
03:16.51timecopi get pages and pages of debug spam and no fax
03:16.58coppicesomeone in japan has reported success. It certainly works with most Japanese fax machines in other countries
03:17.01timecopit seems to keep trying to retrain or something for a while.
03:17.35Kumbangspandsp work great on my redhat8 but not redhat9 i wonder why
03:17.51timecop*rolleyes* like that would make a fucking difference
03:19.24coppiceKumbang: It seems to work OK on RH8, 9 and Fedora 1. The main hassle I have had with compatibility is people using libtiff versions other than 3.5.7 or 3.6.0
03:21.44MustDiecoppice: we were able to reproduce an error with HP all in one (pretty recent one) fax machine. .... Fax3Decode2D: Warning, (FakeInput): Premature EOL at scanline
03:22.09MustDiecoppice: always in the same place of the document. depends on the document
03:22.35*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
03:22.42coppiceMustDie: I am looking at your e-mail about this now. Does the final document look OK?
03:23.52coppiceMustDiw: Ah, OK. I need to grab the whole set of info from somewhere. I will look into this.
03:24.05MustDiecoppice: i was about to paste it again
03:25.50PilotPTK-Home~seen srinivas
03:25.53jbotsrinivas <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 3h 40m 53s ago, saying: 'Can someone tell me where to get some real good channel banks at decent price to play....'.
03:25.54*** join/#asterisk Simon (
03:27.38SimonDoes anyone know someone who has successfully clustered asterisk, or built a multi-machine asterisk installation?
03:35.33SimonAnyone set up asterisk monitoring using SNMP or Big Brother or mon or something similar?
03:35.36ken_anyone have any good idea how to use linphonec?
03:35.46ken_or know where there is info on it?
03:36.37wsuffsimon: not yet
03:37.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:37.04wsuffsimon: hafta finishing getting my setup working b4 i write monitoring setup for it
03:37.49SimonI have some good ideas for monitoring call quality, but I'd like to know if the process is active and the CLI is working or know the processor load and the like.
03:38.15SimonI suppose, that I'll know if the process is active if the system is accepting test calls and the CLI is working, though.
03:38.26wsuffuse the manager interface
03:38.31SimonI think you need to test:
03:38.35wsuffto so active channels
03:38.54wsuffthat way it can be automatic
03:38.55SimonThat would also give you a count of active channels, which helps with load balancing.
03:39.48SimonI'd like to have a cap of active calls before placing a new call, and to ensure that the processor load is below an acceptable maximum.
03:39.58SimonAnd to make sure taht the swap is not in use :)
03:40.21wsuffSimon: be prepared to do some custom tools then to fit your needs or have them written
03:41.05coppiceHum. Monitoring call quality. "God, that conversation is boring. I'll give that an E-" :-)
03:41.28wsuffzaptel from cvs fails due to a make file error =(
03:41.48SimonI'm happy to do custom stuff... we're writing our own load balancer anyway.
03:42.20oobsimon - i'm interested in the load balancer. what are you doing in this regard ?
03:42.43wsuffSimon: some people aren't and don't realize what they are getting into with their great ideas =)
03:42.46SimonI think I'm going to have a neat product to measure the integrity of a phone line, regardless of whether it's VoIP or a trunk, or if it's using Asterisk or if it's a carrier's line.
03:43.13SimonI've had 8 people, mostly developer types, involved in my * project already...
03:43.40wsuffsimon: integrity of line haha
03:43.54wsuffif(isphoneline) { return shitty}
03:44.27coppiceSimon: what is your definition of line integrity?
03:44.54Simonoob, we're just dropping callfiles for most of the traffic. Right now I'm using a perl script to count the number of files in the directory. I'm going to move that to a little cron script that connects to the manager interface or CLI on the local machine (keeping this script real simple to make sure it has no bugs that could cause a lockup!), which writes out the number of active sessions to the cluster controller.
03:45.24PilotPTK-HomeA line that doesn't receive oral sex from it's interns.  A trunk that doesn't delve the country into a war it can't support.  etc.
03:45.42SimonI'll test for garbling, unexpected line noise (pops, clicks, hum), unexpected silence (pauses), for connectivity with new calls, and for DTMF transmission.
03:46.16coppiceSimon: what is an "unexpected silence"?
03:46.23*** join/#asterisk anachron (
03:46.39SimonYou know when you're on a VoIP call, and there's a missing half-second of audio?
03:47.05coppiceSimon: Oh, you just mean packet loss?
03:47.17SimonWhen you're at the margin of how many calls you can fit down your pipe? It breaks up your calls and gives you silence in midsentence.
03:47.21timecop(or misconfigured silence detection)
03:47.34SimonPacket loss.
03:47.34su-<wsuff> zaptel from cvs fails due to a make file error =(  did it really built fine here
03:47.53timecopwtf are these meritline phones
03:47.53coppiceIf you switch silence detection on it *is* misconfigured :-)
03:48.49wsuffsu-: wierd just removed the makefile and re-checkedout and it was ok
03:58.16ProtocoLDok... when trying to transfer a call to another * box, would you use a Dial or a switch in the extentions.conf file ?
04:03.09PilotPTK-HomeProtocoLD: TOTALLY depends on your application.
04:03.23PilotPTK-Homefor the most part, we use Dial to transfer between boxes
04:06.13*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
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04:56.03*** join/#asterisk DaemonDazz (
04:56.12DaemonDazzhey all
04:56.30DaemonDazzjust wondering if IAX2 supports handing off a call like SIP does?
04:58.15DaemonDazzdrumkilla: that in response to my Q or one before i joined?
04:58.23drumkillayour question
04:58.27DaemonDazzahh, thanks
04:58.32drumkillano problem
04:58.34DaemonDazzbest way to disable that?
04:59.44DaemonDazzi have a central box in an asterisk network that is acting as a gateway to a voip provider and the CDR records are inaccurate... i want to force calls to this voip provider to stay going through the central machine
04:59.45drumkillai don't know ... this site might have some useful info:
05:00.01DaemonDazzyeah, have looked, will look again, ta
05:00.10drumkillai'm sure it's a simple option in the config ...
05:00.32DaemonDazzwhat sorry for, you answered my question :)
05:00.36drumkillayou look at the options for iax.conf ?
05:01.00DaemonDazzi did, but i'll re-read them
05:02.13*** join/#asterisk mindfox (~mindfox@
05:10.58robl^~seen oej
05:11.01jbotoej <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 10h 46m 5s ago, saying: '~seen anthm'.
05:20.26*** join/#asterisk AcidDemo1 (
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05:22.03tommavDoes anyone know why my clients using K-phone would be getting pops and clicks when dialing?
05:29.14DaemonDazzanyone know how to disable IAX2 doing a handoff? we need it to stay in the media path for billing reasons ...
05:40.13tommavhave there been any general problems that cause popping/clicking during calls?
05:40.27tommavwhen we call phone-phone it sounds fine
05:42.41*** join/#asterisk flash (
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05:53.52brc007~thwack twisted
05:53.58jbotACTION beats twisted with a Cisco Manual in the leg
05:53.59twistedyou cannot do that to me
05:54.36brc007oh yes I can!
05:54.38brc007har har har
05:55.37DaemonDazzhey twisted
05:55.55twistedI DIDN'T DO IT
05:57.55eeekhey DaemonDazz
05:58.49DaemonDazzhaving trouble with * handing calls off to the remote end of an IAX2 -> * -> IAX2 link when i don't want it to
06:01.47*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
06:03.12mrgobyDaemonDazz: have you tried notransfer=yes ?
06:03.32DaemonDazzi didn't even know that option existed, where is is documented?
06:03.51mrgobymmm... dunno... i think it is on the wiki maybe
06:04.01mrgobyi think JJ told me bout it
06:04.13DaemonDazzsweet, worked
06:04.30coppicewhere is is documented? why in an IRC message on 1st May at 14:03, of course :-)
06:04.42DaemonDazzi've only been pulling my hair out for 4 or so hours
06:04.44Moc_does the g729b codec connect to digium for the registration process ?
06:04.53citatsMoc: it connects to voiceage
06:05.10mrgobyhaha... jbot needs to semantically add this stuff to a wiki page or something
06:05.22Moc_:/... damn... Im used to delete my * tree, and redownload cvs and reapply my patch when I update stuff ..
06:07.32Death_INCMoc, ewwwwww thats bad you waste everybody's bandwidth heh
06:07.48eeekDaemaonDazz I posted a question about that very same thing here yesterday - I was getting dropped calls with a "Can't tranfser" message
06:07.50DaemonDazzwhy do you delete your CVS tree?
06:08.03DaemonDazzmake clean; cvs update
06:08.08Death_INCthat's the purpose of CVS, not having to delete the tree
06:08.27DaemonDazzeeek: did you get the answer?
06:08.46DaemonDazztry  notransfer=yes :)
06:08.47eeekDaemonDazz : here today, yeah!
06:08.47BoRiS2I was going to tell you that your latest patches dont compile with cvs but then I saw you updated your sources.
06:09.20eeekcan't someone figure out that it would be easier to rememebr stuff if it was all positive, i.e., transfer=no
06:09.49DaemonDazzheh, that'd be too easy on the newbies
06:10.10Moc_Death_INC, well having patch all over the place does make junk at one point
06:10.39Moc_Death_INC, what your page for the moh ? I got to get your new code for the new cvs
06:10.59DaemonDazzeeek: not a global option, i've got it in my incoming context thingos
06:11.17eeekin iax.conf right?
06:11.27*** join/#asterisk unbeldi (
06:11.44eeekDaemonDazz : but then :
06:12.38DaemonDazzeeek: i'll PM you my iax.conf contents
06:13.22brc007~seen critch
06:13.26jbotcritch <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 77d 12h 37m 11s ago, saying: 'zoa: Thanks. Hopefully that will make John James happy to know.'.
06:13.26Death_INCBoRiS2, heh
06:13.37Death_INCBoRiS2, I fixed that problem too, it just overwrites res_musiconhold.c heh
06:13.57DaemonDazzeeek: doesn't native transfer mean that the audio codec is the same on both channels so it doesn't have to transcode on the fly?
06:14.07Death_INCBoRiS2, I'm working on getting it updated to format_mp3.c and codec_mp3_d.c now btw
06:14.11DaemonDazznative bridge rather
06:14.15Moc_Death_INC ha, the bugs report was closed, my search got me result now
06:14.19Death_INCDaemonDazz, yea I think so
06:14.32DaemonDazzeg, GSM -> * -> GSM would be a native bridge, but G729B -> * -> GSM isn't
06:14.33eeekthx DaemonDazz
06:14.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK_ (
06:14.43Death_INCmoc_, yea we working on other way but I'll keep page around ;)
06:14.59Moc_I hope it can get into CVS ...
06:15.04Death_INCI have it compiling in asterisk-addons btw, maybe I should post that code
06:15.13Death_INCthen you can just noload =>
06:15.32Death_INCMoc, it will be modular, with codec_mp3 and format_mp3 in addons
06:16.18DaemonDazzanyways, i have to go do some work, thanks for your help mrgoby and glad the answer helped your too eeek
06:17.53Moc_nice... I'll try to get those g729b codec working...after sleep... big lanparty tomorow
06:18.07*** part/#asterisk DaemonDazz (
06:24.27*** part/#asterisk xr6340kw (
06:25.46brc007who's going to AstriCon
06:26.19brc007I just remembered I've got a round trip ticket on united to anywhere in the CONUS...might go
06:31.26RoyK_I got woken up at 0700 by FUCKING CORPS MUSIC outside my bedroom window
06:31.49Moc_damn phone doesn't work from my friend house hehe ...
06:31.53Moc_I hate SIP ..
06:35.39*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
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06:45.17*** join/#asterisk isamar (
06:45.23isamarhi folks
06:46.04isamarI need to disable native bridge for calls from Zap to Zap channels...
06:46.09isamaris this possible?
06:46.55RoyKugh. some fscking music corps came by my window at 0700 this morning, waking me up. ON A SATURDAY!
06:47.13RoyKfscking May 1st
06:47.39citatsisamar: calling Dial with t or T will cause chan_zap to not natively bridge
06:48.11RoyKcitats: is it possible to disable the bridging without enabling transfer?
06:48.32citatsenabling monitor will do it
06:48.56*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
06:49.52mitchelochas anyone here worked with sccp/skinny or the 7970 phone before?
06:50.12isamaranother prob..
06:51.00isamarI receive a inbound call in a x100p and I connect this call to outbound one in another x100p...
06:51.17isamarI can only hear a helicopter noise...
06:51.19mitcheloci'm trying to get my 7970 to work =), can't get any debug info on asterisk?
06:57.02*** join/#asterisk scud (
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07:02.27coppiceA helicopter noise? Would this be like the whirr or a Bell 47G, the the more bassier sound of a modern composite rotor design like the Bell 222? :-)
07:03.36RoyKcoppice: before or after some Iraqi shot it?
07:04.26isamarhehehe.. funny... but still didn't get to fix it...
07:04.42isamarthe problem happens only in the bridge...
07:04.54isamarsimple inbound or outbound calls.. no prob.
07:09.04isamarmaybe a bug...
07:10.28RoyKA BUG? IN ASTERISK???
07:11.28coppiceA PBX with fleas? :-)
07:12.46*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
07:13.04jbotmethinks wasim is a farfon's best friend
07:13.09*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
07:13.28srinivasanyone seen wasim around?
07:13.39RoyKcoppice: cockroaches
07:13.54RoyK~seen wsuff
07:13.56jbotwsuff is currently on #asterisk (9h 21m 52s).  Has said a total of 86 messages.  Is idling for 3h 25m 7s
07:13.56RoyK~seen wasim
07:13.58jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk
07:14.08RoyK~last wasim
07:14.11coppiceRoyK: A termite infestation?
07:14.21RoyKcoppice: yeah :)
07:14.31srinivas~seen wasim
07:14.33jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk
07:15.51isamarRoyK: yep.. it should be a bug.. another guess?
07:16.48srinivascan someone tell me if it is possible to have an interaction with clients and * servers in the following scenario:
07:17.22srinivasI would like the ast-clients at both ends to talk to each other...
07:18.07srinivasRoyK: what say ?
07:18.36RoyKgotta go out find some microscopic worms or insctoids to feed my fish...
07:18.40RoyKspring time :)
07:20.07coppiceRoyK: Can't you use the bugs from your *?
07:20.32RoyKcoppice: they don't like silicon... sorry
07:20.53srinivasanyone out there...  with similar scenarios... I am trying to use * in the enterprise connected remote offices to a central office
07:20.57srinivasin a VPN scenario
07:21.05coppiceRoyK: Wouldn't that give them a problem with a glass tank?
07:21.57coppicesrinivas: Depends how you VPN. VoIP and reliable tunnels don't play nicely. Unreliable tunnels, on the other hand, are reliable :-)
07:22.16coppiceRoyK: Glass == silicon dioxide
07:23.37srinivasI have a Cisco 3750 router that is doing NAT-ting for the boxes in side and does this kind of scenario work with *? if so how?
07:23.52srinivascoppice: I have a Cisco 3750 router that is doing NAT-ting for the boxes in side and does this kind of scenario work with *? if so how?
07:24.32coppicesrinivas: how is it VPN'ing?
07:25.16srinivascoppice: in fact there is a vpn server inside the firewall...
07:25.43mrgobyoh oh
07:25.47mrgobyvpn talk
07:25.55srinivascoppice: can i eemail you the network diagram...
07:26.06*** join/#asterisk septimorio (
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07:28.41BoRiS2srinivas: You should be able to do it over VPN. Depending on how many people are going to be connecting through the VPN, It might be easier to setup a 2nd * server on the other side of the VPN.
07:29.56mrgobywhat is everyone's experience with latency and vpns ?
07:30.36mrgobyare there proven workarounds for the TCP / UDP jump ?
07:31.48srinivasBoRiS2: ok
07:31.51BoRiS2Its always a good idea to do some latency testing over the VPN connection
07:32.22mrgobywhat sorts of numbers do you come up with ? i have not tunneled voip myself
07:32.25mrgobybut am about to try
07:32.36BoRiS2To get an idea on how reliable the vpn connection is...
07:32.52BoRiS2anything under 100-125ms is good
07:33.21*** join/#asterisk xainahka (
07:33.43mrgobyok... so that is the minimum latency you were getting essentially ?
07:34.20mrgobyor, maybe not, but that is a decent amount of latency it seems
07:35.56BoRiS2Usually VPN's create more overhead.
07:36.41*** join/#asterisk clh (~lappin@
07:40.04ken_la la la
07:40.37ken_i got a question... when you use the asterisk manager interface to originate a call to a particular extension
07:40.44srinivas~seen coppice
07:40.49jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16m 17s ago, saying: 'srinivas: how is it VPN'ing?'.
07:41.04ken_and then that extension you're connected to dials out, ie, a sip/blah@whatever
07:41.10citatsit all depends on what your doing it over.. i've tunneled voip over a few wireless hops
07:41.19ken_is it normal to hear almost a "stuttering" thing... ?
07:41.41citatsbut i hate depending on other peoples networks, but its tough to get away from it in one way or another
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07:56.32brc007~lart brc007
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08:12.03isamarhaving problem bridging zap to zap.. weird noises.. and no audio...
08:12.33*** part/#asterisk clh (~lappin@
08:12.48isamarchanged already the echocancel from yes to no, changed tx/rx gain... disabled the native bridge with 'T'.. and nothing helped
08:13.25eeekI've never hear of ZAP to ZAP? is it common?
08:13.51eeekI mean POTS to POTS
08:15.01*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
08:15.05isamarI received a call but I'm not at home... I want to forward this call to my cellphone...
08:15.21isamarthat's the purpose..
08:17.30*** join/#asterisk plinx (
08:18.41plinxCan I ask for any advices?
08:18.52isamarhi.. bienvenuto  :-)
08:19.22eeekisamar - I see... I haven't heard of this but why not - it seems like it should work. I'm guessing IRQ problems between the two FXO cards?
08:19.42eeekplinx - since it's free advice the quality varies :)
08:19.59eeekisamar - what is your IRQ situation
08:20.09plinxI've just install asterisk
08:20.31eeekisamar : cat /proc/interrupts
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08:21.09plinxnow I need to setup the pbx for sip calling over my lan
08:21.23eeekisamar - better yet : cat /proc/interrupts  | grep fxo
08:21.25plinxwith softphones
08:21.36plinxthe question is
08:21.40isamargood guess.. let's see..
08:22.13plinxwhere can I find tutorials about an home sip solution?
08:22.35eeekplinx : tell us what you are trying to do exactly - what is the purpose of * ?
08:22.51eeekisamar so one of the FXO is sharing
08:23.12eeekthe via is a RAID controller or something?
08:23.47plinxI'd like to do a sip call from two of my home computers
08:24.01eeekon the same LAN?
08:24.17plinxI think to use a server and two clients
08:24.25plinxyes, in the same lan
08:24.53eeekplinx : here are two good links to start:
08:24.53isamarI'll turn it off and check.. thanx
08:25.16eeekisamar - you will have to pull the borad out or disable it in BIOS
08:25.35plinxthanks :)
08:25.36eeekplinx - I have this kind of system working at my office
08:25.46eeekwait I have one more really good one
08:26.32isamarthanks dude..
08:26.42isamareeek: one more question...
08:27.13eeekI have a list of six really good links to starting out with * but it isn't here :(
08:27.17isamarthere's any easy way to send an event to a windows machine of inbound call?
08:27.44eeekisamar - you tried removing the sound card  and it helped?
08:28.09eeekdon't know the answer of the other quest, sorry
08:28.28isamarI'll disable the card in the bios when I arrive at home.. now, I'm remote
08:28.32eeekplinx you have asterisk working ?
08:28.32plinxeeek thanks
08:28.50plinxI've just installed it
08:28.58eeekdoes it run and seem to work?
08:29.32eeekplinx and do you already have one or more clients set up?
08:29.35plinxyes, it runs and seems to work
08:29.54eeekplinx what clients and where (what box)?
08:29.57plinxI don't have any client now
08:30.14eeekyou want SIP or IAX2 clients? Windows or ?
08:30.37eeekisamar I'll be interested in seeing your results
08:30.46plinxI need a SIP client for testing
08:31.07plinxall under linux
08:31.11eeeka lot of people hate it but I think X-Lite is the best of breed
08:31.26eeeklinux SIP clients....
08:32.59plinxI find communicator
08:33.10plinxa SIP java client
08:33.33eeekplinx :
08:34.23eeekplinx :
08:34.59eeekok that's where the SIP communicator comes from
08:35.11plinxwhat you think about pingtel sipxchange?
08:35.23eeekI know nothing about that, sorry
08:35.51plinxit's a LGPL PBX
08:36.01eeekI find it's Ironic, the lack of a number of SIP clients for linux...
08:36.21eeekthere are several decent ones for windoze
08:37.18plinxeeek : many thanks for now
08:37.24jas_Williamsthis is a decent client for linux
08:37.46eeekhey jas_ howzit?
08:38.49plinxjas_Williams, thanks
08:38.56Zeekah finally
08:39.10plinxnow I must go away :)
08:39.20plinxsee you
08:39.56Zeeklater plinx
08:40.06brc007DUN dun dun
08:40.14jbotACTION sings badgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadger...ooooh! it's a snake..badgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadger..mushroom mushroom!...badgerbadgerbadger
08:40.45*** part/#asterisk plinx (
08:42.25Zeeekenfin libre
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09:35.43chayewalano mention of worlds first softfone ?
09:35.52chayewalafirst voip fone?
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10:05.00brc007chayewala: huh?
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11:25.05timecopis it possible to "lock" grandstream to a particular SIP/whatever prodiver?
11:25.08timecoper provider
11:25.30timecopI found this jap place selling them for liek $100 each, but I dont wana order some piece of shit that will only work wiht their service
11:25.36timecopcan setup or something menus be disabled on it?
11:26.31timecopor i thnk I'll just order the shit from pulver. 2x grandstreams from pulver = $130, 2x grandstreams from japs = $250
11:26.43timecopand a possibility that the jap ones will be locked to some commie SIP provider
11:28.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:28.26brc007timecop they've proally got a password that can be set
11:28.44brc007just order new for $65 from pulver
11:28.51brc007better yet
11:28.54brc007don't order any
11:29.03brc007get 7905G's from ebay for $85
11:29.56brc007yo timecop
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11:35.21brc007byeeeeieeeeee l8tr see ya round, byebye niteynight
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11:35.35slePPjoin #asterisk-bugs
11:36.11brc007what for
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11:51.11brc00798 bugs!!!!!!!! WOOT NINETY EIGHT BUGS!
11:52.56coppiceYep. 98 is full of bugs
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11:54.21brc00798 bugs on the tracker
11:54.54brc007lot of em are patches too
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11:59.40coppiceI think I should call my next project quilt, and build it entirely from patches :-)
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12:04.40alladinsomeone can give me an hand with an hfc-s card?
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