irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040428

00:00.24ManxPowerfskfsk: T100P is a 1-port T-1 card from Digium.
00:00.25swankieris H323 only third party?
00:00.34mitchelwould someone know why asterisk would say this:
00:00.34blitzragefile: how you like it?
00:00.37blitzragefile: what model?
00:00.44ManxPowerswankier: Huh?  Yes and No.  Ask a better question.
00:00.45fileblitzrage: I haven't payed for it yet LOL
00:00.51blitzragefile: nice moves.
00:00.59blitzragefile: let me know if you have questions.. I've had mine for a while.
00:01.06swankierhmm... better question... do I need to download any additional software to use H323?
00:01.06expousrdebasertoo: *lol*
00:01.15dougheckaso I know more
00:01.23blitzragedoughecka: you know nothing.
00:01.33dougheckahah, beat you
00:01.50blitzrageI need an IP phone or a TDM400P...
00:02.02blitzragedon't want a grandstream...
00:02.04dougheckaor better yet, use your zaurus as an ip phone
00:02.07mitchelanyone with an idea for that music on hold bug i'm having?
00:02.16blitzragedoughecka: I would, but I don't want to use h323 :)
00:02.54ManxPowermitchel: What verison of mpg123 do you have?  PASTE the version from mpg123 -v
00:03.03blitzragegoddamn school set me back 4 months in the VoIP world...
00:03.13dougheckayea, too bad this is 5 months old
00:04.19mitchelmanx: mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 --- Version 0.59r
00:04.28dougheckain soviet russia the eye pokes YOU!!!
00:04.35ManxPowerswankier: The answers you seek is in the /path/to/src/asterisk/channels/h323/README
00:04.44dougheckaManxPower: LOL
00:04.52swankiercheers ManxPower
00:05.01Hogieim kinda pissed, my colo facility unplugged my puters today for "nonpayment" even after I walked a money order into the datacenter earlier this month... called them, and they go "oops"
00:05.05ManxPowermitchel: What is the ivycrest line in musiconhold.conf?
00:05.14dougheckaHogie: I would be more than pissed
00:05.21HogieI dont think 10% off next month is enough for 30 minutes of that shit
00:05.28swankierHogie, I would change colos.  today.
00:05.37swankierthat's completely unacceptable
00:05.53Hogieproblem is, there are no other "good" colos in dallas:\
00:06.05GushiWhich data center was this?
00:06.09HogieThe Planet
00:06.10GushiOh, ThePlanet
00:06.24largo-Hogie: want a new colo?
00:06.27GushiKnew as soon as your said Dallas.
00:06.42largo-Hogie: in Dallas?
00:06.44dougheckalargo-: cheap?
00:06.44mitchelit was working before
00:06.44blitzragedoughecka: lol, I didn't even notice what you said, I have IRC, 3 msn chats, and party poker going on :)
00:06.44HogieI want something that is 15 minutes from my house
00:06.53largo-yeah.. it's in the Dallas Infomart.
00:06.53dougheckablitzrage: LOL
00:06.59largo-I work for 800hosting. we're cheap.
00:07.01GushiBuy an RV.
00:07.08dougheckalargo-: hmm, gimme free space...
00:07.10Hogieheh, cheap?
00:07.12swankierI'm sure there's many.
00:07.12swankierwhy is the zapata.conf file called zapata.conf?  what's the ata?
00:07.17largo-$70/mo for colo 1meg pipe
00:07.18ManxPowermitchel: You can't specify a file name, only a directory.
00:07.46ManxPowerswankier: zapata was the original name of the open source telephone card Digium started with.
00:07.49dougheckawow, 1 gb a month
00:08.02dougheckawaaahht, no gentoo servers?
00:08.10mitchelManx, oh, so do this then? mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/
00:08.22ManxPowermitchel: no trailing slash.
00:08.23Hogieheh, I have 12U of space used, and 15mbps bought from tp
00:08.31mitchelmakes sense
00:08.31mitcheldamn heh
00:08.31ManxPowerAs you can see in the sample musiconhold.conf
00:08.38largo-Hogie: heh we'll beat their price, 12U is nothing
00:08.40mitcheli was SOOO SCREWED THIS morning b/c of that, i didn't know why
00:08.45mitchelbut the sample moh file was playing
00:08.50mitcheland the business is a school
00:08.59swankiercheers again ManxPower
00:09.07dougheckalargo-: yea, but do you over sell? huh huh uhu uhuhuhuh???
00:09.20mitcheland it was saying to the parents "thank you for calling super sprokets inc. where the women are great and the men are beautiful...." to parents....
00:09.24dougheckatoo long to answer
00:09.26largo-mitchel: no, we're undersold.
00:09.27mitchelthats what happens when you work on * at 2am
00:09.54dougheckalargo-: hmm, 1 MB for 70...
00:10.05dougheckawhats that in GB/mo?
00:10.31Hogiewell, 128kbps = 40gig/month
00:10.37largo-no thats a 1 meg pipe, unmetered.
00:10.40Hogie3mbps = about 1000gb/month
00:10.49largo-basically 2/3 of a T1
00:11.01largo-tho we dont bill for excesss, bursting, or that 95th percentile crap
00:11.05dougheckabut how much is it in transfer a month
00:11.14Hogieabout 300gigs
00:11.17largo-basically, we ask they keep the traffic to under 600gigs/month for those pipes
00:11.25dougheckaunder??? lol
00:11.33blitzrageI can go over...
00:11.39blitzrageI can't keep anything under 600 megs
00:11.39dougheckalargo-: neat.. too bad I dont have a 1u server I could give yall
00:11.40blitzrageeven a day.
00:11.43RoyK~quote scox
00:11.52dougheckablitzrage: he said GIGs
00:11.59largo-doesnt need to be a 1U server
00:12.01largo-can be a PC case.
00:12.07dougheckahow much is that then
00:12.07largo-we dont care about size.
00:12.13Hogielargo: do you have free beer in the customer lounge?
00:12.22largo-Hogie: for someone with 12U of space, yes.
00:12.23blitzragewell, thats what happens when you try to do too much at the same time ;)
00:12.24largo-Hogie: we'
00:12.33largo-Hogie: we're a small company, only about 600 clients.
00:12.39largo-Hogie: ran by unix geeks.
00:12.52largo-600 isnt many for servers.
00:13.06largo-theplanet has thousands.
00:14.02swankierin the handbook, sometimes there's mention of zapata.conf and sometimes zaptel.conf... it is refering to the same file right?
00:14.14dougheckaswankier: no
00:14.22dougheckazapata.conf is in /etc/asterisk
00:14.27dougheckazaptel.conf is in /etc
00:14.33dougheckathat bit me for about 3 days
00:14.45dougheckayou NEVER ask that
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00:14.50dougheckaI dont know why
00:15.03swankierthe first rule of the asterisk club is never talk about /etc/zaptel.conf...
00:15.06biotswankier: zaptel.conf is for configuring the card, and assigning identifiers to it and such
00:15.13swankierthe second rule of the....
00:15.14dougheckano, just dont ask why
00:15.23biotswankier: zapata.conf is for picking up on that, and is what asterisk uses
00:15.35bioti.e. zaptel.conf is for the driver, zapata.conf for *
00:16.13swankierbiot... fair enough.  Thank you
00:16.44dougheckawheres the gentoo binary repository?
00:16.45samy^bkw, patch for what
00:16.49dougheckathis is taking FOREVER
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00:17.26dougheckaok, tis done, how to I emerge php without emerging X11?
00:17.30dougheckawtf does it need X11 for?
00:17.58Hogieput -X11
00:18.02Hogiein your emerge options
00:18.29dougheckain with the rest of the command?
00:18.33dougheckaemerge php -X11?
00:18.40Hogielet me login to lapdance
00:18.43Hogieso I can tell you where
00:18.52swankierlapdance?  that's a killer box name
00:18.55dougheckaI need better server names
00:19.07Hogiein /etc/make.conf
00:19.10Hogieedit USE=
00:19.11Hogieat the top
00:19.13Hogieto include -X
00:19.16Hogieand -kde
00:19.18Hogieand -gnome
00:19.25HogieUSE="-java -gtk -gnome -alsa -X -kde"
00:19.28Hogiethat's what I run
00:19.50dougheckaits also got mmx and sse in there
00:20.23dougheckanope, it still gonna install x11 base
00:20.32dougheckawtf, I only want the frickin php
00:20.37dougheckanot all these add on apps
00:20.49Hogiethat's why I always compile mysql & apache & php by hand
00:20.53dougheckathis is a SERVER for cryin out loud
00:21.02tclarklittle off topic testing a wrt54g with wondershaper for bandwidth mgm, and switch back and forth to routes that have the same ip address how do i refresh the arp table so i get the new mac address each time i switch back and forth ..?
00:21.08dougheckayea, but then I cant do a emerge update or whatever
00:21.16dougheckatclark: windows?
00:21.22dougheckaarp -d <ipaddress
00:21.23dougheckaI think
00:21.42dougheckaarp -d *
00:21.53tclarkhmm ok thx i try that just drops the entry from the cache
00:22.21dougheckathat what you need?
00:22.27dougheckaipconfig /release
00:22.31dougheckaipconfig /renew
00:22.39dougheckaipconfig /gobuylinux
00:22.47tclarkperfect that work
00:23.01RoyKdoh! ghecka!
00:23.12tclarki mean use arp -d IP addr
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00:23.39dougheckaheeeeey kram!
00:23.41Moc__kram, is greg on vacation or something ?
00:23.57tclarkthis wondershaper on the wrt54gs works realy GREAT
00:23.59dougheckasend me a iaxy/fxo/fxs/x100p to me
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00:24.29tclarkbandwdith management
00:24.35dougheckam0n0wall rox
00:24.48tclarkemail and ftp & bit hhttp stuff has been killing voip calls
00:25.08Moc__my fatter winmx kill the phone also hehe
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00:25.30tclarknow with this $80 linysys with linux firmware no more issue ..
00:25.39tclarklinksys wrt54gs
00:25.42dougheckadoes it have a web gui?
00:25.44Moc__well I got linux, how do it does it ;)
00:25.46dougheckaer wait
00:25.53dougheckaduh :P
00:25.57Moc__I got one also, but I got advanced VPN stuff on my linyux
00:26.14dougheckaHogie: how easy is it to setup apache to work with php?
00:26.20dougheckaand install script?
00:26.27yawnsmmm, hoagie .
00:26.48Hogieyou mean to install by hand?
00:26.51mitcheldo you guys know if it's possible that my telco would block me from sending out my own callerid?
00:27.00dougheckaHogie: I dont want to install by hand if possible
00:27.01yawnsits more than possible
00:27.07yawnsfrom pstn
00:27.11yawnsits the rule
00:27.23Hogiedoughecka: I haven't done emerge on php/apache... I dont know whats wrong with yours
00:27.34mitchelwould there be a way around that?
00:27.41dougheckawell, its just installing tons of CRAP that I dont want/need
00:27.41yawnscid is sent from the co
00:28.07Hogiebut I dont understand your question if you dont mean install by hand
00:28.31dougheckawell, like, download the source, and run some sort of make make install..
00:28.36dougheckabut does that configure apache?
00:29.18mitcheldo you all think that anyone could have possibly talk their telco into not sending it? =)
00:29.31dougheckanufone allowing sending of the number
00:29.35dougheckabut not of the name
00:30.16biotI think voicepulse also allows it
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00:31.00largo-with asterix setup, shouldnt anyone be able to call me from any SIP phone?
00:31.01mitcheli was hoping i could do it through my telco -allegiance, since i bought their fancy t1 line service from them (they sub-contract sbcpacificbell)
00:31.31dougheckalargo-: tell you the answer if you give me 1 years colo
00:31.39largo-doughecka: gahh.
00:31.54dougheckayou mean unconfigured?
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00:32.01dougheckabut if properly configured
00:32.12largo-ah what changes need to be made?
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00:32.34dougheckatyou need to configure sip.conf for a sip user
00:32.44dougheckaand configure the sip phone so it talks to asterisk
00:32.59largo-so any sip phone cant call me?
00:33.11dougheckawithout configuring both ends
00:33.14*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
00:33.23arquinethi, i have a Question, if the Wildcard E100P Product Sheet
00:33.26dougheckabut if you do manage to configure both, it will work..
00:33.33blitzragelargo-: don't listen to doughecka, he doesn't know anything. :)
00:33.35dougheckamaybe you are asking wrongly
00:34.09blitzragemmmmm... perogies
00:34.09largo-ug.. i have a asterix PBX setup
00:34.23largo-i want know if other people that i dont know about, can call me now :)
00:34.38dougheckadepends on what service they are on
00:34.47dougheckaare they on freee world dial up?
00:34.56srinivasDoes the MeetMe/Conference Bridge appication support an administrator mode, where administrator calls a bunch of 8-10 extensions and conferences them instead of extensions calling a virtual conference room???
00:35.15krammoc: at this point relax isn't an option.  No sooner than I get the big bugs taken out but another 3 or 4 people decide they have "major" bugs
00:35.20arquinethi can the wildcard e100p be connected with an adapter from a e1 in g703
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00:36.48srinivaskram: can you sggest a video conferencing application client (for Win 32) that works with asterisk?
00:36.54xeet3can anyone help me with a sip dtmf issue?  I have a 7960G > Asterisk, but dtmf tones aren't being recognized...  What settings should I use?  cisco as avt, avt_always, and none for dtmf out of band, and then what should I use on the * side?
00:37.12doughecka--nodeps seems to work
00:37.19dougheckalets see if phps works
00:37.25Hogieno mod ssl?
00:37.42Hogiessl certs are cheap now
00:38.10srinivasHey Guys!!! No one seems to be answering my questions today.. whats up!!
00:38.10dougheckaand if I install it
00:38.15dougheckait installs apache 1
00:38.17dougheckanot 2
00:38.31Moc__Yes I know, AST v1.0 is the big thing to complete... and also FXO module and probably future interesting stuff ;)
00:38.40Hogiehey dough, did I show you my hobby video?
00:38.49xeet3anyone using * and cisco 7960's?
00:38.53dougheckaconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
00:38.58Hogieyou do have windows somewhere right?
00:39.13dougheckamozilla just openned that up
00:39.20Hogiemine does that too
00:39.50Hogiecreated on linux (kino), except the final encoding
00:40.10srinivasDoes the MeetMe/Conference Bridge appication support an administrator mode, where administrator calls a bunch of 8-10 extensions and conferences them instead of extensions calling a virtual conference room???
00:40.24HogieI pushed it back to the DV Cam, then pulled it off with adobe premiere to encode it
00:41.07dougheckastill downloading
00:41.07xeet3anyone here using 7960's with * via sip?
00:41.20dougheckaand it works flawlessly
00:41.41xeet3well I'm having a bit of an issue with dtmf
00:41.41debasertooanyone use the 7970s? =]
00:41.54debasertoothose look elite, with the color screens.
00:42.02dougheckadebasertoo: yes... pretty nice... ofcourse I only touched one, didnt use it
00:42.15xeet3erg erg erg erg erg
00:42.57*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk: THE Open Source PBX || How is it that the IETF can turn a simple phone call into 253 pages of garbage?
00:43.10dougheckaHogie: lol
00:43.17debasertooits the ietf, would you expect anything less?
00:43.25largo-if someone wants to test with me, try to connect as guest to
00:43.27largo-and dial extension 1001
00:43.56largo-sip or iax
00:45.14largo-someone rang me.
00:45.19srinivasCAN SOME ONE tell me what the video mode option in MeetMe application does???
00:45.35dougheckajoy, it seems to work
00:45.41dougheckaare you gonna answer
00:45.52largo-it didnt let me answer?
00:45.55dougheckayour not there right now
00:46.04*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk: THE Open Source PBX || Bug #1491: Learn how SIP can have four headers (Contact, Via, Route, Record-Route) which are all essentially where next to send your response || How is it that the IETF can turn a simple phone call into 253 pag
00:46.10largo-someone is boogiing.
00:46.15largo-that's groovy
00:46.47largo-good music
00:47.00largo-Asterix is the next MP3 shoutcast server!
00:47.28dougheckahang up? or hit mute?
00:47.37largo-too much reverb :)
00:47.40Moc__lol, could be ...
00:47.46dougheckaah, true, I was hearing it too :P
00:47.49srinivasbkw_: what does the video mode in MeetMe do???
00:48.46dougheckawho recognizes the tune?
00:48.56Moc__srinivas, it got h323 I beleive, maybe SIP also have video
00:49.07largo-dough: we need a conference call
00:49.16dougheckaeasy enough
00:49.20largo-it is?
00:49.22dougheckayou got zap hardware?
00:49.39dougheckayou have any digium hardware?
00:49.46dougheckagot usb?
00:49.51largo-as in a port?
00:49.59dougheckaas in usb on the motherboard
00:50.02largo-yeah of course :)
00:50.09dougheckaok, maybe it will work :)
00:50.15dougheckameetme needs a timing source
00:50.23dougheckadigium hardware supplys the timing souce
00:50.37dougheckabut if you dont have it, you need to use dummy timing
00:50.42dougheckawhich isnt all that perfect
00:50.54dougheckafirst, did you pull zaptel from cvs?
00:51.00srinivasMoc__: but is there an application on windows for videoconferencing with other users using asterisk between users???
00:51.00Hogiewhy didn't they name it ztdoughecka?
00:51.13swankierwhy can't I write voicemail in mp3?
00:51.20swankierprocessor concerns?
00:51.35dougheckabecause it needs 10000000 times the amount of code
00:51.55Hogiejust use sox and convert them;)
00:52.03swankierlazy ;)
00:52.03dougheckasox dont do mp3s
00:52.50Moc__get lame instead of sox
00:53.17Moc__anyone got spandsp compile recently ?
00:53.34Death_INCsox does mp3's if you compile it with mp3 support
00:53.41Death_INCmoc, yes
00:53.43Moc__I get this error when compiling app_rxfax.c : app_rxfax.c:45: `PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP' undeclared here (not in a function)
00:54.17Death_INCmoc, remove your entries for app_*fax.c from your makefile
00:54.32dougheckalargo-: are you implementing this at work?
00:54.34dougheckaor home?
00:54.38dougheckaor pizza
00:54.38Death_INConly the .c entries, not the .o/.so entries
00:55.13Pifiuyeah thats a good question
00:55.18Death_INCI emailed mr underwood about it already, he just hasnt updated his makefile patch that I know of
00:55.22Pifiudoes * support vide conferencing?
00:55.28dougheckayes and no
00:55.33dougheckaits a phone thing
00:55.36dougheckanot asterisk thing
00:55.38dougheckaI think
00:55.42largo-doug: home :)
00:55.47largo-works for IAX2 but not sip
00:55.56dougheckalargo-: eh, firewall?
00:56.03largo-server is in a colo
00:56.10Pifiuyeah but if i have both phones
00:56.16dougheckayou configed sip.conf correct?
00:56.17Pifiuthen the video has to go through * right?
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00:56.28dougheckaPifiu: yea, as just another codec stream...
00:56.30Pifiuand get received by the other end from asterisk into the phone?
00:56.44dougheckaasterisk doesnt need to read it, as it passes it right through
00:56.45Pifiuand thats heavy on asterisk?
00:56.47Pifiulike processor wise?
00:56.51dougheckahmm, dunno
00:56.52Pifiuright doug
00:56.54dougheckanever tried
00:56.59Pifiuanyone ever tried it?
00:57.07dougheckamaybe, not that I know og
00:57.08Pifiuinterested in setting it up for 2 buddies of mine
00:57.11largo-this alone should allow guest users to hit me, right?
00:57.16Pifiuone that has family in south america and the other in europe
00:57.18largo-for the sip.conf
00:57.39dougheckausername is useless, remove it
00:57.48dougheckaeverything else seems to work..
00:57.57largo-try to hit me :)
00:58.13srinivasPifiu: I read somewhere that * can be used with a gateway from openh323 to set up video conferencing between Gnomemeeting application clients. But I am still looking
00:58.41yawnsgnomemeeting + * = very stable
00:58.45yawnsi havent tried video yet
00:58.47yawnsthough i'm curious
00:58.50Pifiugnomeeting runs in windows?
00:59.01Pifiulike soft video phone?
00:59.03yawnsno, netmeeting runs on windows
00:59.05largo-dial 1001
00:59.07yawnsboth h323
00:59.21dougheckalargo-: eh
00:59.27dougheckanm, my firewall blocks sip now
00:59.35Hogiehas anybody bought mini-itx stuff in the states before? Im looking for like a 600mhz via system that can take 1 or 2 regular hard drives in the case, and is quiet....
00:59.53Moc__Death_INC, i dont have those entry ... got the entry for the .so and .o only
00:59.55largo-NOTICE[65541]: pbx.c:1236 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'external'
01:00.02srinivasPifiu: it doesn't
01:00.23largo-what is the context for?
01:00.35dougheckalargo-: hmm?
01:00.37xeet3anyone here using zaptel with 2.6?
01:00.42srinivasPifiu: I think there are ways in which you can run linux on windows even though it sucks... but never tried gnomemeeting on windows through something like that
01:00.45Pifiuwhat does that run in?
01:00.49largo-i connected. but i tried to dial 1001 and the servers errors.
01:01.03largo-says it cannot find extnesion context 'external' which is whatis defined in the sip.conf for [guest]
01:01.08xeet3yeah, linux kernel 2.6
01:01.18srinivasPifiu: Linux with GTK
01:01.22dougheckawhats iax.conf context?
01:01.23Pifiuwhat is gtk?
01:01.33jbotnow there's a purty toolkit or fugly in the worst way
01:01.46srinivasits a toolkit for the gnome desktop and UI development
01:01.57Pifiubut that softphone is free?
01:02.20srinivasit is in fact a video conferencing with audio
01:02.28Pifiuand how hard is it to set up all the video conferencing with asterisk?
01:02.31srinivasthats the one
01:02.51srinivasthats what I wanted to find out as I have still to figure it out..
01:02.52yawnsso has there been discussion here about the gaim-voice fork ?
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01:03.29srinivasyawns: I dont know.. but is there already a gaim-voice kind of project
01:03.34srinivaswhat does it do?
01:04.07ManxPowerPifiu: I don't know of anyone that has set up video with Asterisk.  
01:04.13yawns <-- this guy
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk kazop (
01:04.34kazophello how is everybody doing
01:04.41kazopI need URGENT help
01:04.56kramyawns i tried to talk to him and he didn't respond
01:04.59blitzragekazop: you've come to the wrong place
01:05.00kramkinda ironic really
01:05.04*** join/#asterisk PlainWhiteTrash (
01:05.05kramconsidering :)
01:05.11kazopi restarted the asterisk box and now i can start it
01:05.20*** join/#asterisk AcidDemo1 (
01:05.47kazopdoes anyone know how to restart asterisk
01:05.55Jesse-if i get spyware on my computer accidentally, does that mean i can sue someone for criminal tresspass
01:05.55yawnsyea kazop, you got mark here trying to support you
01:05.57kazopand more specifically a fxo card
01:05.58yawnsah man
01:05.58Hogiewell, first thing i'd do is plug the computer into the wall
01:06.02Jesse-i think i'm going to find out
01:06.05kazopmark spencer
01:06.10Pifiuok in the CLI type in stop now
01:06.13Pifiuthen safe_asterisk
01:06.20Pifiuand it starts up again
01:06.26Pifiuor i think restart now works?
01:06.43dougheckaJesse-: #IANAL
01:06.43yawnsi once heard about this command called 'restart gracefully' , but it was probably a rumour
01:06.43Hogiehe said "i can't start it"
01:06.52Jesse-whats that doughecka ?
01:06.55Hogiehe can't get the computer on.. he needs to plug it into the wall
01:06.56Jesse-you are not a LAWYER
01:06.59dougheckayawns: yea, it restarts when there aint no concurrent talks
01:06.59srinivasyawns: :)
01:07.07kazopyeah but the problem is that the fxo card does not want to start
01:07.17Pifiuyeah gracefully waits until all calls are done then restarts
01:07.28yawnsstop now
01:07.31yawnsrmmod wcfxo
01:07.36yawnsmodprobe wcfxo
01:07.40dougheckaMicrosoft has received your order, and it is being processed.
01:07.40dougheckaOrdered From: Windows Security Update CD February 2004 Release
01:07.41yawnsasterisk ..
01:07.56kazopi will be bank in a second
01:08.01kazopi will try taht
01:08.09Jesse-california law is funny
01:08.16Jesse-499b.  (a) Any person who shall, without the permission of the owner
01:08.16Jesse-thereof, take any bicycle for the purpose of temporarily using or
01:08.16Jesse-operating the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be
01:08.16Jesse-punishable by a fine not exceeding four hundred dollars ($400), or by
01:08.17Jesse-imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding three months
01:08.29Jesse-someone actually bothered to make a law for stealing bicycle
01:08.50Hogieyou know about the texas law about wirecutters in your back pocket right?
01:08.53Jesse-thats not stealing
01:08.55Jesse-thats actually borrowing
01:09.06Jesse-they made BORROWING a bycicle its own crime!
01:09.08dougheckawithout permission
01:09.19srinivasborrowing without the owners knowledge/permission = stealing
01:09.28Jesse-yah but why only bicycles
01:09.37Jesse-why not anything that can be borrowed
01:09.40srinivasit could be anything
01:09.47yawnsits hard to borrow food
01:09.50evilbunnysrinivas: borrowing with the intent to return technically isn't stealing
01:09.57Jesse-oh wait
01:10.00yawnsreturning it would be worse
01:10.00Jesse-theres a separate law for boats
01:10.01Hogiewithout permission it is
01:10.04Jesse-for borrowing a boat
01:10.06srinivasbut the intent should be evident
01:10.08Jesse-thats a 1 year
01:10.37srinivasbut the intent should be before borrowing and the owner should know too...
01:10.42evilbunnysrinivas: which is why they added a law :)
01:10.47kazopi get Asterisk died with code 1 Abort
01:10.49srinivasor else a person can always steal someting and later return it
01:11.18kazopyawns are you there?
01:11.57dougheckahe got et up by a solar spot
01:13.19kazophello i am a newbie to asterisk i am trying to find out the basics at this point
01:13.48kazopfirst of all can anyone tell me where the asterisk binaries get installed?
01:14.25xeet3anyone around now that can help me figure out a cisco 7960 dtmf problem with *?
01:14.26Moc__Death_INC, doesn't work... must be a new version
01:15.14*** join/#asterisk loco (
01:16.01*** join/#asterisk sass|work (
01:16.20*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:16.25Jesse-what problem xeet3
01:16.44DaveCanoeIs mark spenser here?
01:16.52Jesse-yah he's here
01:16.58srinivas~seen kram
01:17.04jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (2d 1h 15m 24s).  Has said a total of 99 messages.  Is idling for 12m
01:17.05yawnskazop:  like 99% of the questions you have are already in the basic docs.   please check, first, particularly the latter for finer points.  usually those type of questions wont get answered, let alone by kram :)
01:17.34kazopok sounds great
01:17.46Jesse-docs? hah
01:17.55kazopit is just that the irc was my first thought
01:18.00*** join/#asterisk marv (
01:18.04xeet3jesse- well, dtmf just isn't making it to *
01:18.15xeet3the cisco is set for inband dtmf
01:18.26xeet3and in sip.conf I have dtmfmode=inband
01:18.36xeet3on the sip peer's section
01:18.36Jesse-can you set your cisco to use oob?
01:18.39DaveCanoeI assume you're saying tha tMark is kram?
01:18.45Jesse-that seems to work better for me
01:18.56xeet3yes, but will that cause a problem when I go to dial out a zap channel?
01:18.58*** join/#asterisk Son^Ghoku (~geblek@
01:19.02srinivasyes Davecanoe
01:19.17xeet3ok, and what should I set the cisco to?  on the out of band, I have avt, avt_always, and none
01:19.30Jesse-i don't know
01:19.32Jesse-try them all
01:19.37xeet3I did
01:19.42xeet3no go
01:19.51Jesse-you changed the sip.conf to say dtmfmode=rfc2833
01:19.52Jesse-and you sip reload
01:20.01xeet3yeah, I did that earlier
01:20.09Jesse-well what tones isn't it hearing then
01:20.24Jesse-like if you call into an application?
01:20.36Moc__Death_INC, well before I try to make it work ,does it really work ? ;)
01:20.49Moc__does it receive fax completelly ?
01:21.44Son^GhokuHi All, anybody from Indonesia? :p
01:22.13Jesse-what if you set the phone to inband and call another station and hit some tones
01:22.16Jesse-will you hear it on the other phone?
01:22.19nextimehi all. From an agi, if i send to * a "GET DATA <file> 3000 4", i have to press 5 tone before the agi continue to run, there is a way to stop the user input at the 4th tone and get 4 tone pin from agi?
01:22.23xeet3jesse: yes, if I dial an extension...  if I dial a number that goes outside * via nufone, and use the dtmf stuff, I hear nothing on the remote end as well
01:22.42xeet3so I'm not hearing tones in any way shape or form
01:23.30Jesse-what would spock say
01:23.34xeet3yeah its really driving me nuts
01:23.34*** join/#asterisk IBM1620 (
01:24.04dougheckaHes Dead Jim
01:24.15Jesse-on my phones i have it set to rfc2833
01:24.25xeet3what do you have the phone set to though?
01:24.27Jesse-and when i make a call that uses asterisk to send the call to zap interface, the tones go through
01:24.31xeet3avt? avt_always? or none?
01:24.37Jesse-i have the phone set to rfc2833 also
01:24.46xeet3a 7960?
01:24.53Jesse-i have polycom phones
01:25.04Jesse-when one phone calls another and hits a tone, you hear nothing
01:25.09Jesse-but when it calls out the tones get sent somehow
01:25.33*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
01:26.24Jesse-; If you are having trouble with DTMF detection, you can relax the
01:26.24Jesse-; DTMF detection parameters.  Relaxing them may make the DTMF detector
01:26.24Jesse-; more likely to have "talkoff" where DTMF is detected when it
01:26.24Jesse-; shouldn't be.
01:26.33Jesse-i have that set to yes but i don't know if it makes a difference here or not
01:26.36kazopjust a really quick question what command would you use to start the fxo module? please
01:26.46Jesse-probably has nothing to dow ith it
01:27.08xeet3thats in your sip.conf?
01:27.22xeet3well yeah thats not it then
01:27.33Jesse-did you say you have outside lines?
01:27.35illc0mmmI have a quick question. Does MOH work with IAX ?
01:27.41Jesse-and the dtmf don't get sent through the outside lines
01:27.48Jesse-or you just have an outbound sip thing
01:27.50yawnskaz:  modprobe wcfxo; ztcfg; zttool (read about setting up modules conf)  
01:27.52xeet3outbound iax
01:28.07kazopthanks yawns!
01:28.08xeet3but apps don't get tones either
01:28.26Jesse-if you make a call to an app and you do a sip show channel on the channel the call is on
01:28.28*** part/#asterisk leenaan (
01:28.30Jesse-does it show the right dtmf there?
01:29.24*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
01:31.04xeet3ah, no
01:31.08xeet3it says dtmf mode inband
01:31.41Jesse-and your phone is definately set to rfc2833
01:31.46Jesse-and the sip.conf is set right you're sure
01:31.51Jesse-restart your whole server just to make sure
01:32.10Jesse-infact take the server apart and build a new one
01:32.13Jesse-with parts from another planet
01:32.14Jesse-just to be really sure
01:32.29nextimehi all. From an agi, if i send to * a "GET DATA <file> 3000 4", i have to press 5 tone before the agi continue to run, there is a way to stop the user input at the 4th tone and get 4 tone pin from agi?
01:32.30*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
01:33.20Mavericwhats up
01:33.26Maverici have a bit of a codec problem
01:33.27MavericApr 27 18:31:25 NOTICE[-1394332752]: channel.c:1097 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2[maveric]/2 of format GSM since our native format has changed to ULAW
01:33.48Jesse-what are the two endpoints?
01:33.52Jesse-two phones?
01:33.54Mavericwhen an incoming call from sip 7960
01:33.56Jesse-or a phone and a zap line
01:34.00Mavericto softclient iax2 gsm
01:34.08Maveric7960 is using ulaw
01:34.13Mavericit is freaking
01:34.17Mavericbut calling the other direction is fine
01:35.01Jesse-i don't have good results mixing codecs
01:35.06Jesse-even if it works it sounds like ass
01:35.51Jesse-what codecs are allowed in your sip.conf
01:35.53Mavericthis should work
01:36.01Mavericand alaw
01:36.06Jesse-and your iax.conf
01:36.08Jesse-do they match up oi
01:36.47Mavericallow=all                       ; same as bandwidth=high
01:37.00Mavericbut in the context for the softphone in iax
01:37.05Maverici put disallow=all
01:37.08Mavericand allow=gsm
01:37.38Jesse-i dunno how asterisk handles that type of thing
01:38.04Mavericwhere is twisted or bkw
01:38.48Jesse-whats the reinvite set to in sip.conf
01:39.08Jesse-actually that doesn't matter
01:39.12*** join/#asterisk wow (
01:39.26Jesse-can you do a sip debug and make a call and get it to fail
01:39.30Jesse-see if it says anything useful
01:40.11wowQ. how set my extention so then i dial it will rings at 3 diferent phones????
01:40.17Mavericit won't
01:40.20twistedMaveric: here
01:40.31Mavericjesse it wouldn't say anything
01:40.42Maverictwisted did you see my problem?
01:40.42*** join/#asterisk cuong (~3dc20741@
01:40.59twistedyou're not allowed to have problems
01:41.00Maveric<Maveric> Apr 27 18:31:25 NOTICE[-1394332752]: channel.c:1097 ast_read:
01:41.00Maveric<Jesse-> huh
01:41.00Maveric<Jesse-> what are the two endpoints?
01:41.01Maveric<Jesse-> two phones?
01:41.03Maveric<Maveric> when an incoming call from sip 7960
01:41.05Maveric<Jesse-> or a phone and a zap line
01:41.07Maveric<Maveric> to softclient iax2 gsm
01:41.08wowso i can not have it rings at diferent locations
01:41.09Maveric<Jesse-> ok
01:41.11Maveric<Maveric> 7960 is using ulaw
01:41.13Maveric<Maveric> it is freaking
01:41.15Maveric<Maveric> but calling the other direction is fine
01:41.23Jesse-hey look its me
01:41.28nextimeexist a good iax2 client for linux/bsd, maybe in text mode?
01:42.05twistedyour codec lines in iax.conf have to reflect gsm
01:42.23Maverici did for that specific context
01:42.23Jesse-<Maveric> i put disallow=all
01:42.23Jesse-<Maveric> and allow=gsm
01:43.01cuongmay I ask a question
01:43.26Jesse-why didn't you paste that to me i woulda told you
01:43.28twistednot disable
01:43.33Mavericgod damnit
01:43.36Mavericmother fucker
01:44.34Hogienever ask Maveric for help:P
01:44.46Mavericlol Hogie common mistake
01:44.54twistedcommon mistake?
01:44.59twistednobody puts disable= in their conf
01:45.04*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:45.21Q_Padawananyone download that astguiclient
01:45.54Maverici am tired
01:46.00Maverici knew i should have done disallow
01:46.03Mavericwas just a typo
01:46.05Mavericis all
01:46.42twistedtypo? hahaa
01:46.50twistedword replacement is more like it
01:47.12twistedMaveric: you know i'm just fsckin' with ya
01:47.32dougheckatwas the voice recodnition software
01:47.35wowhelp to anybody i dont have download login to get SIP F/W  for 7960 can any body help ????
01:47.36xeet3damnit damnit
01:48.00twistedwow: it is illegal for anyone to provide you with that sw  w/o a license
01:48.06twistedyou must buy the license from cisco
01:48.16*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:48.38wowi tryide but i dont have resale or support so no good from cisco ider
01:48.54Jesse-wow you didn't try very hard then
01:48.58Jesse-try again
01:48.59Hogiebuy support then...
01:49.04Hogieits what, $8?
01:49.09twistedbut that's not a license
01:49.28Jesse-i'm sure i can think of 100 places that would sell a cisco SIP license
01:49.49wowye trying for last 5 days no luck
01:50.02Jesse-hogie they're ok for SIP
01:50.26Hogiehell of a lot cheaper than ciscos too
01:50.36Jesse-they're like $400
01:50.40Jesse-aren't cisco's $200?
01:50.50dougheckaciscos are 1200 dollars
01:50.56dougheckafor the color models
01:51.08mitchelocdoughecka are you talking about the 7970?
01:51.18HogieYour LOW Price:       $169.12  You Save $100.88 off the retail price ($270.00)
01:51.34Jesse-the ip500 is $270?
01:51.36Jesse-damn that
01:51.50biotHogie: I tried to buy one of those, at
01:52.02biotHogie: they are entirely incapable of doing business with anyone outside the US
01:52.02Hogiewhat happened?
01:52.04mitchelocdoughecka: i'll sell you one for way less then $1200, hows $650?
01:52.17bioteven though I had them deliver in the US and all
01:52.27biotnever seen such idiots in my life, I swear
01:52.35xeet3ok well I'm so screwed right now
01:52.35Hogiethis isn't from datadrive4all
01:52.41xeet3wtf doesn't this sip dtmf work
01:52.58Jesse-xeet3 it still shows the wrong dtmfmode in sip show channel?
01:53.02Hogie7960G's refurbed are what, $345?
01:53.06xeet3no, its the right one now
01:53.13xeet3I set both for inband, no go
01:53.16mitchelochogie: i was talking about a 7970
01:53.18xeet3I set both for out of band, no go
01:53.26xeet3whats this info setting on dtmf mode?
01:53.27Son^Ghokuwhy dont you try to do dtmf relay with h323 ?
01:53.41xeet3because this worked a week ago
01:53.50Jesse-i forget
01:53.53Jesse-twisted whats info?
01:54.08twistedJesse- ehh?
01:54.19Jesse-dtmfmode info
01:54.26*** part/#asterisk nikko (
01:54.27twistedsip info
01:54.46Jesse-whats it do
01:55.35xeet3whats the difference between that and rfc
01:55.38twistedpasses dtmf via sip info
01:55.58xeet3is that aka avt?
01:56.21*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
01:57.37HogieI like that word
01:57.41HogieI also like blerg
01:58.50xeet3anyone know?
01:59.50Jesse-whats the cisco manual say that avt means
02:00.02xeet3it doesn't go into detail
02:00.08xeet3its just out of band signalling
02:00.13xeet3this was just working though!
02:00.31*** join/#asterisk A (
02:00.42xeet3Bit 4-5 (20-21): DTMF transmission method: 0=always in band; 1=send AVT
02:00.42xeet3tone if remote SDP supports it, else send DTMF in-band; 2=always send AVT
02:00.42xeet3tone, 3=neither in-band DTMF or AVT tone
02:01.08Son^GhokuI've never try SIP yet ... but last week I have succeed to relay dtmf via h323 ... connecting Cisco 1751 with Asterisk ... in Cisco I set dtmf-relay h245-signal ... in h323.conf I set dtmfmode=inband
02:01.28xeet3I will not be using h323, this worked last week
02:02.56*** join/#asterisk collinr_ (
02:03.26collinr_anybody have any thoughts why I'd be getting echo on an incoming PRI ?
02:03.36collinr_I have echo can turned on
02:03.41collinr_in zapata
02:03.53*** join/#asterisk nikko (
02:04.22sincerehrm, when a user hangs up while in a agi script, the whole asterisk program exits
02:04.28sincereanyone else have that problem?
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
02:07.59expousrhmmm... anyone know why fxo ports on an adit600 wouldn't drop when the calling party hangs up?
02:08.16JerJerexpousr: disconnection supervision
02:08.34Moc__Hi JerJer, master of DS3
02:08.40Son^Ghokuanyone ...  can I use 1 TDM400 card + 1 FXO + 3 FXS module ?
02:08.46SafTcollinr_ i think i read something about that in the asterisk guide
02:08.52JerJerSon^Ghoku:  yes
02:09.12expousrjerjer: yup... I've got to go find a line powered phone and see if I'm getting a disconnect wink/battery drop/reversal.
02:09.49*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (junya@
02:12.40xeet3ok, this is definitely something in * thats doing this
02:12.51xeet33 7960's with the same problem
02:13.41*** join/#asterisk unbeldi (
02:17.29*** join/#asterisk nikko (
02:18.07twistedunbeldi: any reason you versioned me?
02:18.58unbeldisorry no particular reason
02:18.59bkw_ok fixed this
02:19.03bkw_twisted you wanna test this?
02:19.21mitchelocGotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = 7147268064] ? 5 : 3)  <--this is forwarding to that priority for everyone
02:19.24tz-afkbkw_: can you post to -dev a little more about your parking changes?
02:19.29twistedbkw_: test what?
02:19.38bkw_parking using switch
02:20.04twistedbkw_: don't really have the capacity to test
02:20.16bkw_ok call me in a few and we can test it
02:20.27twistedi can do that :)
02:20.33bkw_Connected to Asterisk CVS-04/27/04-15:50:46 currently running on asterisk (pid = 1147)
02:20.33bkw_asterisk*CLI> show parkedcalls
02:21.00bkw_switch => Parking/mylot:30
02:21.10bkw_parks you in mylot for 30 seconds then bounces back
02:21.19bkw_range is set in parking .conf
02:21.26bkw_and it works with blind transfers
02:21.28bkw_on sip
02:21.54twistedhow does the person know where they're parked when transferring blind?
02:22.06bkw_becuase if you transfer it to 709 its parked on 709
02:22.18bkw_like a sane pbx does
02:22.29twistedbut what if there's already one parked on 709?
02:22.30bkw_if you transfer to calls to the same parking exten they are bridged up
02:22.36bkw_just like the current parking does
02:22.43twistedthat's not good tho
02:22.45bkw_yes it is
02:22.48twistedif you try to park 2 calls in the same place
02:22.49bkw_their is a reason for that
02:22.52twistedthey wind up talking to each other
02:22.56bkw_with goo dreason
02:23.01bkw_since the parking lot is dynamic now
02:23.08bkw_we can create a slot for everyone
02:23.16bkw_so each person can have their very own parking slot
02:23.28bkw_the only other option is to use 709 to park and *709 to pick it up
02:23.34bkw_that turns into a fun one
02:23.49bkw_which we may do it like that
02:23.55bkw_but since its blind its kinda hard to do it like that
02:24.16bkw_but you can still use the old method if you like
02:24.20bkw_but this one is HELLA more flexable
02:24.28bkw_and allows multi lots
02:24.32tz-afkbkw_: if everyone has their own parking lot how the hell do you transfer a call from Bob to Mary if Bob's 701 is different from Mary's 701?
02:24.42twistedyou should allow for parkandannounce style parking on switch park
02:24.55bkw_in a totally diffrent context
02:25.19bkw_I like it setup like it is
02:25.35bkw_PHB 1 calls.. you park him on 701
02:25.47bkw_you have to call PHB's wife and park her on 701
02:25.49bkw_they link up
02:26.02expousrAdit600 mis-configured. Fixed. (set fxo:port-range signal lscpd for those who're using 'em)
02:26.04bkw_it has it use
02:26.09tz-afkunbeldi: you're going to earn yourself a k/b if you don't smarten up
02:26.15twistedunbeldi: stop ctcp'ing the channel.
02:26.27xeet3anyone know when this SIPDtmfMode App got added?
02:26.40bkw_long time ago
02:26.50xeet3you got a minute bkw?
02:26.54bkw_not really
02:27.19xeet3do you know if anything changed, sip wise, in the last week?
02:29.21xeet3dtmf no longer works on my 7960's talking to *
02:29.29citatsxeet3: 'cvs log channels/chan_sip.c | less'
02:29.32expousris there any way to detect that there are no agents in a queue and route calls based on that?
02:30.25bkw_xeet3 my 7960 works fine
02:31.05*** join/#asterisk Kumbang_ (~unknown@
02:31.23tz-afkcitats: cvs log never seems to be in chronological order
02:31.56citatstz-afk: it seems to be for me
02:32.06twistedcvs log IS chronological
02:32.10twistedotherwise, it wouldn't be CVS
02:32.46mitchelochow can i print out to a console a variables value?
02:32.48*** join/#asterisk otherwiseguy (
02:32.56twistedmitcheloc: NoOp
02:33.00twistedmore specific
02:33.47tz-afkhmm I must have been smoking crack
02:34.04tz-afktwisted: I didn't know that NoOp trick
02:34.19tz-afkI was using System(echo ${MYVAR} >> somefile.txt)
02:34.36twistedNoOp will print whatever it's told to to the * console
02:34.46tz-afktwisted: nice
02:34.52citatstwisted: only with verbose turned on though
02:34.57twistedwell, yeah
02:35.24citatshmmm, AstLog app might be nice
02:36.34tz-afkhmm when did the jitter buffer get fixed in chan_iax2?  i don't see it in the log
02:37.01IBM1620does anyone know about "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)"?
02:37.05citatstz-afk: all that timestamp stuff
02:37.07tz-afk2003/08/14 was the most recent mention of the word 'jitter' in the cvs log
02:37.09tz-afkcitats: ahh
02:37.17tz-afkdefinitely seems nicer
02:37.30tz-afkenforce 100ms of lag and a lot of crap gets cleaned up
02:37.48collinr_I asked this a few minutes ago, but anybody have any thoughts on why I'd be getting lots of echo on some PRI -> SIP calls even with echocancel=yes ?
02:37.55*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:38.18tz-afkcollinr_: I don't use sip, sorry
02:38.51mitcheloctwisted, thanks, that looks like it's doing what i want, except i can't figure it out
02:39.01mitchelocNoOp("Zap/2-1", "0") is that what it  should say?
02:39.53tz-afkanyway time for sleep
02:39.54tz-afk'night all
02:40.05citatshow can you sleep when detroit is playing calgary? :)
02:40.10twistedif the variable is 0, yes
02:40.50mitchelochmm, no it should be showing a cid number
02:42.22*** join/#asterisk Calisto (
02:42.53MysticOneanyone here pretty experienced with * and PRI?
02:43.18xeet3how do I tell cvs to go back 3 months?
02:44.04marv-D "3 months ago"?
02:44.54MysticOneI'm trying to figure out if * can export PRI with one of the zaptel cards
02:44.58*** join/#asterisk fyusy (
02:45.20Moc__anyone got that error when compiling :
02:45.21Moc__cc -fPIC   -c -o app_dial.o app_dial.c
02:45.21Moc__app_dial.c:101: `PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP' undeclared here (not in a function)
02:45.27citatsMysticOne: yes * can serve as the network or cpe on a PRI
02:45.32marloweAnyone ever try setting up asterisk on a VPS?
02:45.45MysticOnecitats: cool, so if I want to connect * to a KSU or something with PRI, I should be able to do that?
02:45.49Moc__VPS ... * need realtime processing
02:45.52xeet3so, cvs checkout -D "3 months ago" asterisk ?
02:45.58Moc__sharing ain't a good thing
02:46.04marloweMoc: hah, trust me .. I know.
02:46.05citatsMysticOne: if you really want to :)
02:46.07marloweI was just bored actually
02:46.13MysticOnecitats: well, here's my dilemma ...
02:46.14MysticOneI love *
02:46.17MysticOneI love it lots
02:46.26marloweAmazingly running pretty well, only thing I haven't gotten working is MOH
02:46.29fileTruth analyzer says... 100%
02:46.31marloweWon't open /dev/dsp no matter what I do.
02:46.42twistedI love it long time
02:46.42marloweIt's def. a VPS thing - Just curious if anyone ever attempted it.
02:46.44MysticOnebut the phones that you use with it suck as best I can tell ... nothing I've seen can give anywhere near the ease of use and functionality of many phone systems
02:46.51MysticOneand it's not asterisk's fault, it's just the way that IP phones tend to work
02:46.57twistedMysticOne: hahahahahaha
02:47.01twisteduse cisco
02:47.07MysticOnewell ...
02:47.21MysticOneif I want a phone that shows me which other people in the building are also on their phones?
02:47.23citatstwisted: even cisco doesn't have the integration that other proprietary pbx phones provide
02:47.46twistedcan you not use subscribe/publish?
02:47.57MysticOneI'm asking :)
02:47.57twistedexten => 1234,hint,SIP/whatever
02:48.00MysticOneI've yet to have experience with this
02:49.35*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
02:49.53MysticOnebut I'm trying to get our guy who's a telco/phone man to work with me on *
02:50.05MysticOneand he's asking about specific features that some PBXs can do that aren't particularly earth shattering
02:50.41*** join/#asterisk AGP-Ron (
02:53.11fileTruth analyzer says... 100%
02:54.07*** join/#asterisk Death_INC (
02:54.14Moc__Death_INC, got it working now
02:54.49Death_INCmoc, cool... dod what I said?
02:54.53*** join/#asterisk SniperDevil (
02:55.21Moc__well I removed only the .o from the Makefile
02:55.26SniperDevilI have to go in about a minute, but I'd just like to know how you use Asterisk
02:55.30Moc__and did make from the root of asterisk ;)
02:55.36SniperDevilFor example, I have a dedicated server across the country
02:55.41SniperDevilOf course running RH
02:55.48SniperDevilBut in order to use Asterisk on that machine
02:55.59SniperDevilWould I need to get linux voip software?
02:56.04Moc__It didn't work the first time, but this time it work... Thanks ..
02:56.10SniperDevilOr anything extra? Because I don't see how it connects to the SIP servers
02:56.17Death_INCMoc, yea thats what I meant
02:56.58Moc__Death_INC, current Makefile.patch have an error also, missing a dot for the dtmf line(which I commented anyway)
02:57.23Moc__Im doing a scripts to install all my patch, well the new MOH patch, and that one
02:57.32Death_INCyea I never installed the dtmf app myself heh
02:57.45Death_INCMoc, my moh patch or another?
02:57.53Moc__maybe your ;)
02:59.13SniperDevilSo how would I set up asterisk on a remote machine?
02:59.47su-SniperDevil: with vi
02:59.53su-works wonders
03:00.00SniperDevilI mean
03:00.04SniperDevilWhat hardware, etc. would I need?
03:00.13SniperDevilIf its in a datacenter, 3000 miles away
03:00.31su-depends on what you want...just voip...nothing really
03:00.50SniperDevilVonage + 1-800 number
03:00.54SniperDevil+ asterisk
03:00.57SniperDeviland no extra hardware?
03:01.26SniperDevilthat's it?
03:01.29bkw_-- Channel SIP/10-1bf0 connected to parked call 705 in lot mylot
03:01.39su-i don't know anything about vonage
03:01.52SniperDevilyes, but generally
03:01.54SniperDevilthat is it
03:02.01su-did you not say it should be ready 2 days ago :)
03:02.08Moc__Death_INC, yes
03:02.17Death_INCmoc, cool mine then... let me know if you have any issues ;)
03:02.26su-congrats bkw_
03:02.37*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
03:02.51su-SniperDevil: email vonage and ask what you need as far as hardware
03:03.45SniperDevilYes , but I'm talking about asterisk
03:04.43Moc__well I got some messages
03:04.57*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
03:05.25*** join/#asterisk rimmeraj (
03:08.25*** join/#asterisk gafachi (
03:08.34Moc__Death_INC, you had that DTMF error
03:08.36*** join/#asterisk B0ngFrOg (
03:09.04gafachihey, does anyone have any experience with Lucent TNT and asterisk?
03:09.15rimmerajI have a small software shop running an old phone system with 4 lines. I would like to add SIP capibilites to it and allow forwarding to remote home offices over the internet. Can some one point to a link that would help get me started, with equipment required etc ...
03:10.00*** join/#asterisk sudhir (
03:10.02IBM1620does anyone know about "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)"?
03:10.04B0ngFrOganyone have any comments about using a voip provider for local service in the denver area??
03:10.12Death_INCMoc, DTMF error?
03:10.25Moc__yes about gethostbyname
03:10.27sudhirIBM1620: did you load the driver? i.e modprobe
03:10.29Moc__for the fax thing
03:10.34Death_INCMoc, fax thing isnt mine
03:10.42Death_INCjust MOH ;)
03:10.49IBM1620yes, zaptel and zaphfc are loaded
03:14.03*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
03:14.07*** part/#asterisk collinr_ (
03:15.50xeet3ibm: whats zaphfc again?
03:15.59sudhirIBM1620: what kinf of card are you using
03:16.15IBM1620isdn bri driver
03:16.24Moc__Death_INC, I know, just thought you got it working, anyway I fixed it hehe
03:16.39IBM1620card is a asuscom passive isdn card
03:17.55*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:17.58*** join/#asterisk norm (
03:18.14sudhirIBM1620: did you have any problem when you executed " modprobe ...."
03:18.44*** join/#asterisk KTRACHO (~icechat5@
03:19.29KTRACHOneed some with quicknet linejack...
03:19.51IBM1620no, i can modprobe the modules
03:19.55Death_INCMoc, heh naw I didnt see any need for the dtmftotext patch myself ;)
03:19.55KTRACHOit is not answering ...
03:20.12Death_INCheya boris
03:20.20*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
03:20.27Umarooic hehe
03:20.54*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
03:21.00Umarolol n00bage
03:21.21largo-SIP RULES!!!
03:21.32*** join/#asterisk erik_laptop (
03:21.43Moc__Death_INC, when starting *, it give a gethostbyname error since * disables it to use ast_gethostbyname .. anyway changed it
03:21.49Death_INCdon't tell anybody but I'm actually running BitchX as root too... I just faked it into using a different name for root
03:22.04KTRACHOwhat do I need to put in the extensions.conf so it will answer?
03:22.05Umaroexten => _1XX,1,Dial(SIP/s${EXTEN})
03:22.09*** join/#asterisk angler__ (~angler@
03:22.18Umaroshould that work so extension 105 goes to sip user S105?
03:22.28erik_laptopAnyone know what the possible auth=xxxx    are available in iax.conf as well as in sip.conf  ?
03:22.32Umarofor example, of course
03:22.43Death_INCUmaro, sure
03:23.01UmaroDeath_INC, is there a better way to do that? :)
03:26.04KTRACHOany ideas?
03:26.11bkw_who's idea
03:26.23KTRACHOabout linejack?
03:26.48gafachihas anyone setup Asterisk to talk to a Lucent TNT over h323?
03:27.01bkw_nope but why not use SIP to the tnt?
03:27.20gafachioh, i'd love to! :)
03:27.34gafachibut, from what I understand, only the APX do sip right now....
03:27.41bkw_just provistion PRI off the back of it for a zap interface
03:28.26Death_INCUmaro, not off the top of my head, unless you want to use enum or something heh
03:28.39gafachibkw_: do you mean run a PRI over a DS1?
03:29.10gafachior is there a way to get the TNT to send some sort of raw framing of the T1 over ethernet/ip?
03:29.55Death_INCor an AGI... problem there is its hard to tell if the extension actually existed or not
03:29.56Moc__ok so... I can receive fax throught my X100p card, but not throught NuFone :( (Using the softFax software ofcourse hehe)
03:30.22Death_INCMoc, are you using ulaw to nufone?
03:30.46Death_INCthe only CHANCE of faxing through voip is using ulaw
03:31.35filefaxing on a compressed codec... now THAT would be something to see
03:31.54Moc__yes ulaw
03:32.02Death_INCfile, impliment codec_flac
03:32.06Moc__I had a codec error
03:32.28*** join/#asterisk Jeronimo (
03:32.41Moc__Apr 27 23:17:48 NOTICE[1234455344]: channel.c:1613 ast_set_read_format: Unable to find a path from ULAW to UNKN
03:32.41Moc__Apr 27 23:17:48 WARNING[1234455344]: app_rxfax.c:253 rxfax_exec: Unable to restore read format on 'IAX2[NuFone@]/2'
03:32.53Jeronimoanybody using chan_h323?