irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040425

00:00.03ivestias soon as I will install it
00:00.56NullCSounds good. I want to talk to someone on my spa-2000.. since I don't have any PSTN connectivity yet all I can do is call 800 numbers.. I think the guy at dial-a-mattress is getting tired of me asking how I sound.
00:01.39znoGNullC: set yourself up with FWD or IAXtel, then you can call others
00:01.44twistedNullC: 18005558355
00:01.50twistedtalk to an automated system
00:01.56debasertoodial-a-mattress hahahah
00:02.00twistedit litens to you, and talks back :)
00:02.09NullCThats tell me isnt it?
00:02.19NullCI spend like 40 minutes talking to tell me the day I setup asterisk.
00:02.34NullCI'm setup with iaxtel but I've got no one to call :)
00:05.28jbotSmartLabel printing for UNIX. URL:
00:05.43NullCHm. I just get a "goodbye thanks for trying out asterisk.."
00:06.26znoGNullC: on my number!?
00:06.28NullCI'm calling myself
00:07.23znoGcircuit-busy, hmmm
00:07.27znoGcause the call is not coming through
00:07.40NullChmm. I can call 1800 nums tho..
00:08.02twistediaxtel != sipphone
00:08.18NullCoh thats a sipphon nubmber.. hmm
00:08.39NullCI'm setup for that too.. or er.. perhaps I need a digit to gateway to it.. ::goes to check the config::
00:08.48znoGoops, my bad
00:09.20*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:09.45NullCI was pretty sure that iaxtel could gateway to sipphone
00:10.04NullCexten => _17XXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/gmaxwell@iaxtel/${EXTEN}@iaxtel)
00:10.12*** join/#asterisk kaoliang (
00:10.18NullCperhaps I'm just a retard and thought it would
00:11.10znoGtry that
00:11.29*** join/#asterisk Cyclone (
00:12.25Cycloneyep yep yep yep yep...
00:14.52znoGNullC: quality was pretty darn good huh
00:15.18ivestiAsterisk has successfully been installed.<--------- Yeee!:)
00:15.18znoGNullC: what connection you got there?
00:15.29NullCI thought it sounded teriffic.
00:15.58NullCI've just got a cable modem.. worst internet access I've had in years.. (I used to run a metro fiber network and thus had very good access at home)
00:16.20wsuffNullC:  why u stop bw is good =)
00:16.22znoGNullC: oh i see, well i got 1.5Mbit adsl here, soon it'll be down to 512 so we'll see if the quality remains good.
00:16.55NullCwsuff: Onwards and upwards.. Got a chance to work for Juniper Networks.. and it sounded good.. also wanted to move to another community to live with my GF.
00:17.41NullCznoG: my upstream is only 128k here... But I've got CBQ on my outbound that shapes me to 128k and applies strick priotity.
00:18.15wsuffNullC:  supose
00:18.36wsuffi gotta test my VP did
00:19.14evilbunnyznoG: was fine a 256k dsl connection the other day
00:19.24CycloneAre there any special settings I should consider for using across 602.11b?
00:19.35Cyclone802.11b that is
00:19.45znoGevilbunny: woah, nice..
00:20.38evilbunnyin theory should work on a 56k modem
00:20.52Hogieim back!
00:21.45twisteduse g729 :)
00:21.49twistedno bandwith problems
00:22.00*** join/#asterisk MicroChip32 (~mc@
00:23.13*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*Mr-T@*] by twisted
00:23.29debasertoohow you livin?
00:23.30Mucklevilbunny: ilbc is great, too
00:23.54CycloneI heard mention that WEP causes problems.  Is that only due to reuced bandwidth?
00:24.16twistedi'm running fine on 128-bit wep
00:24.36HogieCyclone: im sure its fine as long as your wifi network isnt at 100% use
00:25.05*** join/#asterisk data[gone-fishin (~data@
00:27.35*** join/#asterisk kaoliang (
00:30.59*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
00:32.20ChulJinbored, bkw? :P
00:32.26HogieI got a butt plug for my r/c car today
00:32.28*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:32.55Hogieso it stops shitting out black stuff on my front left suspension
00:33.41bkw_I need money to buy a new asterisk box
00:34.34bkw_bkwtelcom needs cash
00:35.05BoRiS2so does boristeleworld :-p
00:36.59dougheckaand heckanet
00:39.55Hogiecome here dough
00:40.03dougheckaI hear its pretty nice... but I dont have 400 bucks for a reciever :P
00:40.04HogieI got a 2nd receiver you can take home a while
00:40.18Hogiewe have 6 receivers on the same account, across 3 houses
00:40.33dougheckawell, is this satellite, cable, or broadcast?
00:40.41dougheckaI dont have cable/satellite, only broadcast DTV
00:40.51dougheckawow, alot of recievers
00:40.56Hogiedtv = direct tv?
00:41.04dougheckadigital tv
00:41.22Hogiewe have 3 tivo units
00:41.28Hogiebut not hdtv stuff
00:41.50HogieI love my dvr... its so nice to be able to pause tv while I go walk my dog
00:41.57Hogiethen fast forward over the commercials
00:42.00Hogieto catch up
00:42.09dougheckawell, we can barely recieve 1 station with good quality
00:42.20dougheckabut since dtv is digital, it reaches much farther
00:42.23dougheckaand its better quality
00:43.12NullCSo, is there any work on higher than toll quality?  Codecs such as speex support much higher than toll quality at VoIP friendly bitrates.
00:43.32evilbunnyNullC: chews to much cpu cross converting
00:43.37evilbunnylag was shocking
00:44.20NullCHm. Well, cpu usage is a moving target.
00:44.21BoRiS2I wish you code tune each codec (like speex)
00:44.25dougheckal aa ggggg was shh sh sh ockkking???
00:44.32*** join/#asterisk LennonNZ (
00:44.38evilbunnydoughecka: pretty much
00:44.49dougheckaooo  kkk
00:44.53*** join/#asterisk kaoliang (
00:44.58NullCcodecs get better, cpus get faster, people impliment them on FPGAs.....
00:45.16Hogieit would be cool if someone came out with pci cards that you could put like an athlon or p4 on as a "co-processor" that would hand off work via the pci bus to the card and such
00:45.40NullCHogie: such cards exist.. with FPGAs.. reconfigurable logic.. someone just needs to code some codecs for one..
00:45.51debasertoowhat about pika cards?
00:45.54NullCThey aren't too cheap, but for the processing power for such apps..
00:45.56debasertoowithe the dsps on them?
00:46.16dougheckaits really neat
00:46.25dougheckaits like... design your own microcontroller
00:46.53BoRiS2Im tring to get call forwarding working with my extension...argh
00:47.02NullCWell for the codec stuff it's likely you'd get better bang for your buck on FPGAs although the development would be much hards.
00:47.26dougheckaI wonder if we could program a FPGA to do all the codecs
00:47.31dougheckailbc and speex...
00:47.38Hogiedo it dough!
00:47.41Hogiei'll buy your 2nd one
00:47.48BoRiS2iLBC is pretty good
00:47.50CycloneAnyone have word on the IAXy?
00:47.53dougheckaits nto too ad
00:47.58dougheckaCyclone: call greg to get one
00:47.59BoRiS2and uses less bandwidth too then gsm and speex
00:48.07dougheckaI dont know why they want speex
00:48.20NullCIt could be done, but as I said.. lots of work. Though, I think someone was going speex on fpga as a phd thing.
00:49.04CycloneSo they are going out the door?
00:49.23dougheckayuo can get one, but its not "really for sale" :)
00:49.38Cyclonewaiting FCC or something?
00:49.54dougheckajust tweaking it
00:52.16NullCWhats the IAXy?
00:52.20NullCAn IAX phone?
00:52.22CycloneHow much is he not selling them for?
00:52.23dougheckaiax ata
00:52.31dougheckaaround 120ish I think
00:52.33dougheckacall hi
00:52.34dougheckaand ask
00:52.37NullCI see the advtange of IAX over sip for trunking, but why use it to the client?
00:52.44wsufffirewalls nullc
00:52.54bkw_asterisk*CLI> load
00:52.57bkw_la la la la
00:53.00dougheckaworks great behind firewalls
00:53.06bkw_now to rip off the enum.c code and make it work
00:53.10wsuffbkw_: ??
00:53.22NullCAh. Yes, sip has a hard time crossing them.. but I guess with IAX you lose the nifty P2Pness of sip.
00:53.22bkw_i'm trying to make enum into a switch
00:53.23wsuffalways playing w/ something i see
00:53.39bkw_ie switch => ENUM/
00:53.46dougheckaNullC: hmm? p2p works fine in iax..
00:53.51evilbunnybkw_: switch how?
00:54.05bkw_evilbunny you never looked at the switch stuff in asterisk?
00:54.17dougheckaif I call nufone from my iax softclient, my server passes my connection over to nufone, and cuts my server out of the loop
00:54.20evilbunnyhad a lot on my plate
00:54.23dougheckabkw_: ooooh the switch thingy
00:54.27dougheckaI hear it suxed
00:54.30NullCdoughecka: Oh! I didn't realize that.. I thought IAX was always client->server.  So how would two IAX phones talk if they were seperated by differing firewalls/nats?
00:54.33bkw_doughecka no
00:54.34bkw_you suck
00:54.44dougheckaNullC: go through the server
00:54.49dougheckasame way with sip
00:54.50*** join/#asterisk Ikester (
00:55.11NullCThats not peer to peer.
00:55.29bkw_IAX2: IAX Remote Dialplan Switch
00:55.29bkw_ENUM: ENUM RFC 2916 Switch
00:55.30dougheckayes, but sip wont work p2p through firewalls either
00:55.33dougheckathus, its the same
00:55.54NullCdoughecka: thus it's the same.. okay, back to the first question: Advantage vs sip?
00:56.08dougheckaits SOOOO much easyer to punch through firewalls
00:56.31gambolputtyanyone have luck with SER on OpenBSD
00:56.33bkw_now I have to talk to kram to understand how matchmore works
00:56.36NullCYes, but with SIP thats only an issue if your server is inside the FW
00:56.50NullCotherwise the regular sip nat crap does appear to work.
00:57.10dougheckabut it IS so much better
00:57.14dougheckasip is cludgy
00:57.22IkesterHi everyone. I'm just wondering what I can do with Asterisk and no hardware
00:57.25dougheckaand no, sip does not allways go through firewalls
00:57.29IkesterAny ideas?
00:57.31NullCEducate me. The sweeping statement doesn't help.
00:57.44dougheckalike at my work, our firewall just wont let sip out...
00:57.50dougheckaI tweaked it and all sorts of stuf...
00:57.54dougheckajust wont happen
00:58.01NullCdoughecka: Shrugs.. I've used sip with two clients behind differing nats and it worked fine.
00:58.06gambolputtywhat firewall you run doughecka?
00:58.07IkesterSIP doesn't work with NAT
00:58.09NullCWell, that sounds like a broken firewall.
00:58.12dougheckaIkester: voip, all features except meetme and MOH...
00:58.16bkw_yes sip does work with nat
00:58.18bkw_just not all NAT
00:58.21NullCIkester: sure it does.
00:58.21dougheckaunless you have usb
00:58.21dougheckathen you may be able to use it
01:00.03wsuffNullC: there is no perfect answer but it has worked in my uses
01:00.41*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:01.08Ikesterdoughecka: any pointers or resources for using Asterisk just for voip?
01:01.10gambolputtyIAX does have an advantage over SIP in that IAX only uses one UDP port
01:01.11dougheckadoh, ok, what did I miss
01:01.20neopheranyone know where the are good help docs for setting up sccp with the chan_sccp addon
01:01.20gambolputtyeasy to forward through a firewall
01:01.29neophercan't seem to find any
01:01.37dougheckaIkester: hmm... not really.. it just "works" :)
01:01.40dougheckanot special config
01:01.44dougheckajust dont config any hardware
01:01.51IkesterWhat do you use as a client? gnophone?
01:01.59dougheckaon windows
01:02.04dougheckaI dont use linux as a workstation
01:02.06*** join/#asterisk kaoliang (
01:02.09CaNaBiSis firewalling/NAT an issue when VPN is possible?
01:02.10wsuffdoughecka:  how is that lately