irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040420

00:00.32matroskai know ... but how do you map enum with dns on the dns server?
00:00.40matroskaoh ... wait
00:00.48matroskai wam talking about e.164 to be more precise
00:00.52jmb-ctthink PTR's for
00:00.56matroskain case that is causing any confusion
00:01.02*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
00:01.28ZX81anyone know how to do a noload=sip?
00:01.29matroskaso are there any ocnfiguration or automatic registration based software out there that allow one to set up such a dns system for enum/e.164
00:01.31jmb-ct*   would be a mapping for   +1 505 758 *
00:02.07Bonbonany guys out there who know about gdb?
00:02.09matroskai know, but one cant just go ahead and use any dns server and expect it to map it that way
00:02.26jmb-ctso set your own up, with your own zones
00:02.32jmb-ctthen have asterisk use that
00:02.42bkw_NAPTR is fun
00:02.48bkw_gotta do it right
00:03.19matroskawhats special about naptr
00:03.22matroskahow is it fun
00:03.45matroskaalso, can one have like a root dns servers for connecting multiple offices?
00:05.35*** join/#asterisk Nitrus (~nitrus@
00:06.09Nitruscan whoever msg'ed me about CB's message me back, my computer rebooted without my know ing it was goign to
00:11.08twistedZX81: in modules.conf noload=>
00:13.22ZX81twisted: even if there is no  load=>
00:13.28*** part/#asterisk michael (
00:13.40*** join/#asterisk michael (
00:14.29*** join/#asterisk michael (
00:15.07denonman, there's nothin I hate more than someone cheaping out on the power supply in a box
00:15.14denonits not worth putting in anything less than a good 400W
00:15.30denon'cause all it takes is one flakey thing to happen, and you've wasted the time it woulda cost to do it right
00:15.43gambolputtywhat is the price of the iaxy?
00:15.52denonlike 99
00:16.11*** join/#asterisk tmarsh (
00:16.27twistedZX - generally modules.conf will AUTOLOAD modules
00:16.54ZX81ok cheers
00:18.51tmarshgreetings i am new to digium hardware and have few questions about what hardware is what.
00:18.54*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (~boris@
00:19.33tmarshwhat card can handle 4 pots lines i e fxo
00:19.46denontmarsh: 4 X101Ps
00:19.58denonor else call greg at Digium, and ask him when you can get the quad cards
00:20.44Markiethey got quad cards?