irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040419

00:00.07EchelonIt's hard to write code to work with it?  I'm basically modifying config files right?
00:00.44EchelonIt looks like it needs resetting a lot though when you modify things.  I'm a bit worried about that for an admin console
00:00.47CrippledEchelon: oh that's what you're going to do.. ok then.
00:00.50Mavericyeah thats all
00:00.56Mavericbut you'd have
00:01.07Maverichave it interface with asterisk somehow to restart it
00:01.12Mavericor reload the configs
00:01.35*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
00:01.46EchelonI dunno how to do that in php.  I could hook it up to a command line c prog to reoload the configs
00:01.54Echelonbut will that stop service?
00:02.04CrippledEchelon: Good luck
00:02.14Mavericno Echelon
00:02.16Mavericit shouldn't
00:02.21Mavericas long as its done right
00:02.32Mavericasterisk -r
00:02.43Mavericor sip reload
00:02.52Mavericor whatever needs to be reloaded
00:02.53Echelonyeah running sip
00:03.40Echelonok consensus is I start from scratch and it's pretty hard to do?
00:04.02habakukhey I'm thinking of writing a patch for loggin that would allow you to tag sip,zap,iax log files and store them in a seperate log file. Anyone else see value in this?
00:04.03knight-so what do i want to do in AGI to pass caller id out?
00:04.05Mavericwell depends
00:04.37Mavericyou could make it very nice
00:04.41Mavericand do sanity checks
00:04.50Mavericwhich would make it harder
00:05.12Mavericor you can just provide a web interface to simply modify the real configs via text
00:05.57Maverici tend to think it'd be useless unless you made it really nice