irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040417

00:00.00ShadoHad to get an update a while back for my 7960s and got them at Cisco
00:00.19*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
00:00.44ShadoHell - the whole reason I got the 7905Gs is cause Twisted said it worked 2-3 weeks ago (credit where credit is due)
00:01.25twistedit does
00:01.25twistedworks great
00:01.40znoGthe cisco 7905G seems to be going for $125 on ebay
00:02.07clh_desk~seen JerJer
00:02.09jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 4h 44m 32s
00:02.35bkw_ok whats the first rule of dating?  DON'T DATE YOUR BEST FRIENDS EX
00:02.41bkw_and then move that EX in
00:02.42twistedhello bkw
00:02.56twistedlearning the lessons of life and love through trial and error again?
00:02.57bkw_my neighbor moved in her best friends ex
00:03.18znoGnot a good idea
00:04.12knight-what's the utility that converts to gsm?
00:04.24knight-thats right, thanks
00:04.33bkw_sox infile.wav -c 1 -r 8000 outfile.gsm
00:04.49MustDiesame questions every day, over and over and over
00:04.57knight-I should have rtfm'd
00:05.09knight-I use to know it, but it's been months since I made any gsm files :)
00:05.29MustDieknight: leave yourself a voicemail :P
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00:05.54znoGtwisted: damn that 9605 looks good.. for US$125 its worth it
00:05.57knight-MustDie, oh yeah i guess that would work well too :)
00:06.06znoGtwisted: but then i'm not 100% sure i can get that SIP image, which would make it practically useless
00:06.17twistedznoG: you can get the sip image very easily
00:06.19ShadoDude, if you want the email - I bet you can get it for under 90
00:06.21twistedjust ask shado :)
00:06.33znoGShado: sure, why not. thanks man :)
00:06.42twistedand znog: if you email the company, they'll sell you one outright if you make them a decent offer
00:06.56znoGargh, you're all getting the image and i'm sitting here sip-image-less! :-)
00:07.19znoGtwisted: nah, i'm in no hurry.. i'll just wait for them to post one up :)
00:07.22twistedznoG: you don't have the phone, thus no need for it yet ;)
00:07.25ShadoDaniel Hall <>
00:07.33znoGtrue, i like to prepare thats all.. :)
00:07.34znoGthanks shado
00:07.40Shadoemail that guy and say you saw them for $87 on ebay
00:08.59*** join/#asterisk MicroChip32 (~mc@
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00:12.18clh_deskkram: you here ?
00:12.39znoG__Note__: Cisco software images are only available from Cisco's web site and are protected by copyright laws. Access to their web site requires an account be established. The easiest way to do that is to purchase a ((Cisco Phones|Maintenance Agreement from Cisco)) for approximately $8 per year (US).
00:12.41clh_deskbkw: can you recommend a good traffic analysis tool?
00:12.49znoGso basically i just gotta find someone with a Cisco account, or pay the $8/year.. :)
00:13.21timecoptraffic analysis? tcpdump
00:13.36timecophuhu, zaptel/asterisk zap changes in CVS eh
00:13.40clh_deskanalysis not cappture
00:13.46drumkillawhat kind of analysis do you want to do?
00:13.57timecopclh_desk: there's plenty of expensive crap for windows, or you can poke around wiht the opensores etherreal thing
00:14.06clh_deski'd like graphical charts
00:14.09timecopethereal sucks bad though
00:14.14clh_deskwith a VoIP slant
00:14.24clh_deskis a h.323 plugin
00:14.33clh_deskclosest i've found
00:14.38drumkillaethereal will decode h323 i believe
00:14.46timecopyou want it for h323?
00:14.49drumkillaand the latest versions have graphing capabilities
00:14.58timecopbut ethereal looks insanely ugly
00:14.58clh_deski'd like to have something like nagios or mrtg or big brother to graph the traffic over time
00:15.09timecopclh_desk: well, then you just need some scripts
00:15.10timecopand mrtg
00:15.14clh_deskno doubt
00:15.20timecopyou dont need any "product"
00:15.24clh_deski was trying to find something off the shelf
00:15.36drumkillaethereal will graph traffic / time
00:15.47clh_deskdrumkilla: tx, i'll check it out
00:15.55clh_deskanyother recommenddations?
00:15.57drumkillano problem
00:16.20drumkillaand you can also set filters for your graphs ... say a line on the graph for certain protocols or src/dst addresses
00:16.31clh_deskanyone here using "big brother" or "big sister" ?
00:16.42twistedbig sister?
00:17.04clh_deskbig bro is not open anymore
00:17.19clh_deskbig sis a replacement of sorts
00:17.43*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
00:17.59clh_deskanybody got any mrtg scripts to share :))
00:18.01ShadoI've used Big Brother monitoring before
00:18.18clh_deskyou like?
00:18.27*** join/#asterisk Liquid200 (
00:18.59ShadoIt was okay for monitoring Unix and Windows boxes.  A lot of time goes into configuration and then those neatoh graphs
00:19.21ShadoKinda sucky/non existant for Novell servers
00:19.47clh_deskok, i'm off to hack up some VoIP traffic analysis SW
00:19.58clh_desktx for the help
00:20.37tessier_Apr 16 17:19:11 NOTICE[117402544]: app_dial.c:554 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
00:20.51CodePimphow would one set a password on an extension, the handbooks talks about it but never really says how to do it
00:21.53tessier_I wonder if it thinks I am out of g729 licenses.
00:22.55CodePimpdo i set that for an entire context?
00:23.07svanlundIs it possible to compile asterisk without any zaptel support if I'm only using sip and iax? (Head does not compile)
00:23.24*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
00:23.52svanlundI guess it needs newer zaptel... which I can't compile, but trying to solve
00:24.49tessier_hmm...the music on hold on my snom is choppy but it works fine with the grandstream.
00:25.03tessier_It's unfortunate that there are so many inconsistancies between devices.
00:25.03ShadoAnyone try to make the super small * install and boot of USB Thumbdrive?
00:25.09timecoptessier_: turn off VAD? huhu
00:25.12timecopShado: hm
00:25.20timecopTestMasTer: silence detection or someshit
00:25.25timecopTestMasTer: is it not choppy if you blow into the mic?
00:25.31timecoptessier_: you i mean
00:25.49tessier_No, it's not choppy during normal conversation
00:25.52timecopShado: what would be the point of that
00:26.01timecoptessier_: i mean, if you are on hold, and you blow into hte mic at that time
00:26.03tessier_I do not have silence detection on.
00:26.07timecoptessier_: is the choppines goes away?
00:26.13ShadoNo moving parts, or less for a customer install...
00:26.35timecopShado: yeah but I mean configuring it and shit
00:26.44svanlundCan I remove chan_zap from the build process in any way? (without affecting sip/iax of course)
00:26.51timecopnow if osmeone writes some non-shitty web-based administration console for it
00:26.59timecopsvanlund: why doyou care?
00:27.03denonsvanlund: yes, you can unload it later ..
00:27.11denonsvanlund: talk to bkw
00:27.15denonhe was fixing that stuff
00:27.21*** join/#asterisk rburkhal (
00:27.22timecopsvanlund: recent cvs added some changes to zaptel, jsut pull new zaptel soruce and recompile
00:27.25rburkhalhi all
00:27.27ShadoTimecop: I don't get the question.. I guess the answer to my question is no, no one has tried that
00:27.34svanlundI get compile errors now.. Worked fine with head a few days ago.
00:27.35rburkhalhow is everyone?, fine I hope
00:27.46timecopsvanlund: yes, so recompile/reinstall zaptel from CVS
00:27.59timecopsvanlund: they changed stuff. I just got it and had to update zaptel.
00:28.00rburkhalis darius here?
00:28.37svanlundnew zaptel won't compile either... Has worked fine before, I guess I'm missing some dependency. Trying to download kernel sources again, but I thing that one's alrady installed
00:28.53timecopzaptel compiles fine for me on .25
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
00:29.04rburkhalanyone have ideas where to app from, i'm still learning the gcc
00:29.12rburkhalfind apps, sorry
00:29.18timecoprburkhal: huh?
00:29.29rburkhalapplication for asterisk
00:29.29YoYoapps for what?
00:29.31svanlundI get a lot "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" etc
00:29.41YoYoin the apps directory
00:29.44perlslingerso stop derefering the pointer!
00:29.55timecopsvanlund: duno, it works with 2.4.25
00:30.05Seba_soythat's is a programming issue... nothign to do with *
00:30.40rburkhaljust checking,
00:30.58rburkhali know there is a web interface to asterisk
00:31.06rburkhalanyone used it
00:31.08svanlundHmmm... Ill try to make zaptel compile... As I understand there is no easy way to not compile chan_zap into *
00:32.10rburkhalyoyo, have u used it
00:32.12timecopsvanlund: dude, there is nothing "difficult about making zalptel compile"
00:32.27bkw_chan_zap doesn't compile "into" asterisk
00:32.31bkw_its a .so it loads into asterisk
00:32.45timecopbkw_: why would this dude have tons of problems compiling zaptel from cvs?
00:32.46bkw_noload =>
00:32.54timecopi just cvsup'd like 5 minutes ago and it was fine
00:33.00bkw_because his kernel stuffs isn't right
00:33.26timecopApr 17 09:29:01 NOTICE[147466]: chan_iax2.c:5038 socket_read: Peer 'timecop' is now TOO LAGGED (2497 ms)!
00:33.29svanlundCurrently downloading kernel sources again to see if thats not installed... But I think it is...
00:33.33timecopway to go, jap broadband is awesome.
00:33.43bkw_it has to be more than installed
00:33.52bkw_it has to be used to compile the currently running kernel
00:33.55bkw_if they do not match
00:33.59bkw_then you MUST recompile your kernel
00:34.01*** join/#asterisk AcidDemo1 (
00:34.02timecopsvanlund: how the hell can you not know wtf kernel you ahve installed?
00:34.19timecopstupid people should NOT be running linux EVER. for any purpose.
00:35.12timecopincase you ahvent noticed latest kernel is 2.4.26
00:35.20timecop.20 is like a year old, wtf
00:35.20timecopgo upgrade.
00:35.39svanlundheh ok...
00:35.52rburkhalthanks yoyo
00:36.09su-timecop: if he want to use an rh kernel he can...why do you care
00:36.11timecoprburkhal: where's a web config frontend for asterisk?
00:36.14su-it is their latest
00:36.19timecopsu-: i have no idea what "rh" kernel is.
00:36.36timecopi'l stick with wahtever is on
00:36.47timecopso that when I get new zaptel from cvs
00:36.47timecopit compiles
00:36.54timecopinstead of spitting out tons of shitty random "rh" errors.
00:37.18timecopwhat do you tihnk?
00:37.58su-i say if he wants to use rh's kernel it is fine
00:38.19timecopok, whatever. you arent the only having trouble compiling shit, so just stfu eh?
00:38.36timecopyou arent the *one*
00:39.33*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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00:43.45*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
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00:43.51*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
00:49.27svanlundFYI zaptel and asterisk compiled happily again :) A reinstall of kernel-source rpm did the trick...
00:49.49bkw_zaptel compiles fine
00:49.55bkw_was just about to say
00:53.40*** part/#asterisk rburkhal (
00:56.43*** join/#asterisk Primer (
00:57.38Primerhi, trying to get asterisk to work with festival...compiled festival with the asterisk patch, followed the instructions, but it doesn't work:  app_festival.c:438 festival_exec: Festival returned ER...thoughts? googling didn't help
00:58.03*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
00:58.42PrimerI can't get any debug messages from this...
00:58.58timecopdoes festival actually work?
00:59.00timecopfrom command line
00:59.00CodePimpive tried changing the time out on this thing for a while and it still answers after two rings
00:59.06CodePimpfestival suck timecop
00:59.14Primertimecop: it's a server, no sound card
00:59.33CodePimpall the TTS engines ive seen except for At&T and loquendo kinda suck
00:59.38CodePimpbut those things cost big bux
00:59.56Primerbut it recognizes the tts_textasterisk variable
01:00.05Primerwhich doesn't work in command line mode
01:02.09*** join/#asterisk AKON (
01:05.06ShadoI must have my head in the sand... Why is it I never heard of "Windows PE" where PE is Preinstalled Enviornment???
01:05.46su-it has been around for a little while now
01:06.05ShadoUseful for anything besides imaging and explorer?
01:06.46su-not really
01:07.01fileplus it's not exactly widely available
01:07.06*** join/#asterisk _Essobi_ (
01:07.33ShadoOne guy is all over it, and has a downloadable
01:07.52_Essobi_how do you add a timeout to a dialer?
01:07.54filewell that's not the official thing
01:08.04filebut it works
01:08.28*** join/#asterisk epirama (~epitaph@
01:08.51*** join/#asterisk mitchel_ (~mitchel@
01:09.04mitchel_i'm very sad, lonely, and confused
01:09.09mitchel_can someone help me?
01:09.10_Essobi_dial(Zap/g1/2400399,10) <-- Won't that let it ring for 10 seconds?
01:09.18filemitchel_: no, NOOOOOOOOOOO
01:09.23mitchel_file.... =(
01:09.46mitchel_i purchased the t1 line (integrated, 6 voice/768k) from allegiance...and well i'm very confused
01:09.57mitchel_how am i supposed to get my data out of the cable, and connect it to my asterisk box
01:10.07mitchel_i purchased the t100p like i was told to
01:10.11mitchel_but i don't get it
01:10.15*** join/#asterisk Fairmont (
01:10.20mitchel_theres no ports on their switch
01:10.28mitchel_for it to seperate the voice, to go to the t100p
01:10.33FairmontGood Evening ppl
01:10.56_Essobi_I swear I read there was a timeout on a zap dial..
01:11.09_Essobi_But I'll be damned if I can find it documented anywhere.
01:11.16mitchel_does anyone know whats up?
01:12.11Crippledmitchel: you need to configure a nethdlc span for the data, and then use the remaining channels on the t1 for your voice chans
01:12.48mitchel_crippled, do you mean that the "nethdlc" thing is something on the asterisk server itself? software related?
01:13.11Crippledmitchel: have you used asterisk before?
01:13.26mitchel_yes, only on a private network, no outgoing calls, only phone to phone
01:13.32mitchel_heh i have 33 cisco phones waiting for it!
01:13.55Cripplednethdlc is configured in /etc/zaptel.conf
01:14.17Mavericwaiting for what mitchel_ ?
01:14.18Crippledthen you bring up an hdlc device
01:14.20mitchel_ok, so i can do it
01:14.25mitchel_does that mean that i'll need an extra network card?
01:14.37Fairmontim using cisco 7905 through asterisk
01:14.40Crippledno.. you need the t1 card and an ethernet card
01:15.28Mavericjust don't plug your t1 in to your ethernet card
01:15.39MavericBAD idea
01:15.47CrippledMaveric: :)
01:16.02*** part/#asterisk Primer (
01:16.16mitchel_ok, so crippled, i see what you mean, so this means that their switch is not needed anymore (the one that the phone company provided
01:16.27mitchel_also does asterisk become a router? i'll have to set up routing on it i suppose?
01:16.34Mavericwhat kind of switch is it mitchel_ ?
01:16.35mitchel_* the asterisk server, not the software asterisk
01:16.41Mavericis it an addrop csudsu?
01:16.41mitchel_it's an adtran from what i understand