irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040410

00:00.02SplasWORKquid24: all the more reason to make me happy
00:00.09SplasWORKquid24: since I've been a long time customer of theirs
00:00.14SplasWORKquid24: and they need my business more.
00:00.17quid24You try asking Vonage about unlock ATA?
00:00.18*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
00:00.37SplasWORKquid24: No not yet...  I'll cancel vonage as soon as I get other stuff working to my satisfaction
00:00.47SplasWORKthe service has been stellar, but they don't offer what I need
00:00.59SplasWORKBut right now, it's my primary # at home
00:02.45SplasWORKquid24: yea I know they will, but like I just said...
00:02.48SplasWORKI use the service right now.
00:02.49Carpi forgot how to convert .wav to .gsm in linux
00:02.54SplasWORKcarp: sox
00:03.05MustDieCarp: sox
00:03.10SplasWORKcarp: search for the exact syntax
00:03.36Carpsox -WHAT file.wav file.gsm
00:03.43quid24yeah, I use...
00:03.52SplasWORKcarp: I told you go search.
00:04.00quid24sox original.wav -r 8000 -c 1 original.gsm
00:04.16SplasWORKgod, I searched... why cant others..
00:04.36Carpthanks lol
00:04.44quid24SplasWork:  Because western society is focused on instant-gratification, near-instant-gratification.
00:05.00SplasWORKquid24: I'm just bitter cause setting up/learning asterisk has been one google after another ;)
00:05.34quid24yeah I hear ya.  solutions to most common issues are out there.
00:05.46quid24though I can't seem to find one about mine!
00:06.45SplasWORKCan't find a solution to my voicepulse/sip/dtmf issue
00:07.04SplasWORKWhen I dial in via the # assigned to my voicepulse sip, asterisk only ever sees the first dtmf tone
00:07.16Moc_Damn, I can't find a good IP Solution that work well !!!
00:07.17SplasWORKvia FWD, or from my wired sip hardphone it works perfectly
00:07.20bkw_ok its later
00:07.21bkw_i'm back
00:07.26bkw_inband is evil
00:07.30perlslingerinband bad.
00:07.30bkw_rfc2833 or death
00:07.31SplasWORK(since thats all voicepulse will do)
00:07.33SplasWORKyea I know
00:07.37SplasWORKI *wish*
00:07.42SplasWORKbut FWD uses inband too
00:07.44SplasWORKand it works fine
00:07.51bkw_fwd can do rfc2833
00:07.55bkw_well its not fwd
00:07.56SplasWORKcan it?
00:07.57quid24I use RFC2833, or atleast try to for all my stuff.
00:07.58bkw_but the end device
00:08.16quid24I find FWD works with RFC2833, except for the old VMail service they junked
00:08.16SplasWORKwell thats cause I used the libretel dialin to test
00:08.37Moc_bkw_ will that sIP->IAX bug be fixed before v 1.0 ?
00:08.42SplasWORKquid24: /w rfc2833 and voicepulse asterisk never sees ANY "tones"
00:09.25SplasWORKthats why I wanna switch to their "connect" service... so I can use IAX
00:09.32SplasWORKto fix JUST that problem
00:09.47bkw_moc stable doesn't suffer the bug
00:09.49bkw_only cvs-head
00:10.11Moc_oh well it another bug I got then ...
00:13.24Moc_:( I can't get * to work without any glitch in a call
00:13.44Moc_using Zap or nufone or even calling voicemail... and same problem on different machine, and from different internet access
00:16.06*** join/#asterisk jalsot (~tamas@
00:16.55quid24Does * actually do compression on audio being sent to X100P?
00:18.32*** join/#asterisk gbdrbob (
00:21.00*** join/#asterisk cornfedFrank (
00:21.42quid24Okay.  Trying to figure out why audio coming out my X100P is clean, while the first part of Playbacks "stutter" on net connections.
00:21.42*** join/#asterisk mike (~mike@
00:22.42fileJerJer: waddup d00d
00:23.18trelanesetting up this machine
00:23.26trelanewhere do asterisk's soundfiles and scripts reside?
00:23.36trelaneor can I throw that in /home
00:23.48quid24they are in  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:24.05quid24use default install locations
00:25.55quid24Anyone using FWD and able to make a test call to me (to test outgoing audio)?
00:34.27gbdrbobhmm - if I load zaptel at boot ztcfg doesn't get run since the filesystems aren't mounted yet (I think)
00:37.02*** join/#asterisk scud (
00:41.35bkw_quid24 call the echo test
00:42.40bkw_Ex-Enron CEO hospitalized
00:42.43bkw_good I hope he dies
00:43.12ChulJinpeople don't often die of craziness :P
00:43.14quid24bkw:  What let me do what I need to do.  I tried calling in via Libretel and noticed I get stuttering whenever a file is first played or a sound is generated... doesn't happen on local SIP connections.
00:44.25quid24oops, won't let me do what I need it to do.  deprived of sleep lately
00:45.16ChulJinam I right in thinking that RxFax receives faxes only directly off ZAP channels, not off calls passed around from one * to another over IAX, coming in through a nufone/voicepulse/whatever DID?
00:45.35*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
01:01.06Mavericdoes any one else have a problem with playback cutting off the first word of the playback
01:03.33quid24do you have an Answer command in your extension?
01:05.49*** join/#asterisk Nick-M (
01:06.00Nick-MHi, while I understand that you usually interface asterisk with an analogue line using a digium card, is it possible to do it using a standard modem?
01:06.50Nick-Mwortha try ;)
01:06.53evilbunnywith sip urls it's only user@host, but with iax it's user@host/number correct?
01:07.00quid24theoretically you could probably, but you'd have to have the right hardware and write the drivers from scratch
01:07.27evilbunnyor can you do user@host/number as well for sip?
01:08.02brc007greetz kram!
01:08.06kramgreets brc
01:08.06Nick-Mhmm, would be nice, but only for the comedy of it =)
01:08.17brc007woot! I got a greets!
01:08.54krambrc == cool
01:10.01brc007brc007 == poser
01:10.12*** join/#asterisk LennonNZ (
01:11.10Nick-Mquid24, thanks for answering my questions, I best be off to raise $10 =)
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:25.04ariel_Hello all.  just stopping by to see what's going on here!  Not much I see...
01:25.48brc007greetz ariel_
01:26.53quid24Anyone using FWD and able to make a test call to me (to test outgoing audio)?
01:26.57bkw_ya know its intresting
01:27.08brc007quid24: leme start it up
01:27.13quid24brc007:  okay.
01:27.16brc007whatiz bkw
01:27.43brc007I deleted the fwd config and my number from xlite...hangon
01:29.19ariel_I did the same.  Since about 2 months now I can't even dial FWD through IAXTEL any more either.
01:29.36brc007damnit I can't find my number
01:31.03quid24brc007:  You can always download the XLite from FWD, autoconfigures and fetches it's own new FWD #
01:32.17evilbunnyquid24: what's your number>
01:33.18brc007I can't find the config info on fwd's site
01:33.22quid24brc007:  never mind
01:33.28quid24evilbunny:  I'll msg it to you
01:33.29*** join/#asterisk sac|h0p|werk (
01:37.05brc007I think it's working
01:42.48*** join/#asterisk blainett (
01:45.40ariel_I still can't get my FWD to work! even with xlite!  
01:45.48blainettIax2, support for speex?
01:46.06evilbunnyblainett: get the lib, compile/install it
01:46.12evilbunnythen recompile asterisk
01:47.00blainettI'm triing iaxphone, and i don't know if the support for speex in wiax2 is complete
01:47.05LennonNZI cannto get asterisk today to register with fwd..
01:47.10LennonNZthey must be having a problem
01:47.15LennonNZeven with a new FWD number
01:47.27blainettI'm compile the source, and look in the code, but i don't test it yet
01:49.19blainettI'm using speex in asterisk, but i don't know if is rule well in wiax2
01:57.13*** join/#asterisk adker (adker@
01:58.52SplasPoodLennonNZ: you sure?  I look registered...
01:59.47bkw_speex is a cpu whore
01:59.47*** join/#asterisk muti (sdgusler@
02:01.19ariel_Anyone know if we need to do some changes to get iaxtel to take the fwd numbers. It used to be 17009xxxxxx or 170099xxxxx
02:04.36blainettbkw, why?
02:05.19bkw_speex is complex
02:05.31brc00764bit! =D
02:05.51bkw_its just a cpu whore
02:05.55evilbunnyariel_: no idea
02:05.57*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:06.04evilbunnydidn't work for me then
02:06.11bkw_were did that come from
02:06.18brc007the ether
02:07.10bkw_stop sniff the ether
02:07.24blainettbkw, do you think something like gsm or ilbc is better than speex?
02:07.36bkw_gsm and ilbc are great
02:07.40bkw_gsm is less cpu intensive
02:07.44blainettIn rality, i don't have problem with the cpu
02:07.44bkw_but they sound about the same
02:07.47bkw_and use about the same
02:08.02bkw_blainett with speex the reality of that statment will sink in fast
02:08.59blainettbkw, wath about 16 KHz of sampling, and VBR?
02:09.11ariel_I will have to say I have had very good luck with GSM.  And as long as it works I will keep it as my main codec.
02:09.11bkw_doesn't support vbr
02:09.15bkw_or the wideband stuff
02:09.29bkw_just the one 15kbit one if I recall
02:09.34quid24hmm... spekaing of codecs... would lack of CPU power being a cause of stuttering (even if CPU usage doesn't go near 100%)?
02:09.36bkw_good read
02:09.46bkw_quid24 cvs-head?
02:09.48*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
02:09.50bkw_iax2 to sip?
02:10.39blainettWell, i'm reading the speex codec manual (version 1.0)
02:10.40quid24one sec.
02:10.56quid24Apr  9 21:46:06 NOTICE[753678]: chan_sip.c:5972 sip_request: Asked to get a channel of unsupported format ULAW while capability is GSM
02:10.56quid24Apr  9 21:46:06 NOTICE[753678]: app_dial.c:545 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
02:11.02bkw_just because the codec says it can do them doesn't mean thats what asterisk supports
02:11.03quid24Oops, wrong paste!
02:11.10quid24Asterisk CVS-03/11/04-16:26:39 built by root@asterisk on a i586 running Linux
02:11.32bkw_15k cbr is all asterisk supports on speex
02:11.43bkw_quid24 did you make clean
02:11.47bkw_do a make clean
02:11.54*** join/#asterisk Capouch__ (501@
02:11.57blainettNot good support, i'm going to look in the code
02:12.13bkw_blainett the only one I wanna see is the 4k codec
02:12.22quid24bkw:  Don't laugh, but this is on a P100... but local SIP calls come through beautifully.
02:12.25bkw_but the problem is how do you figure out wich one each end is using
02:12.34bkw_quid24 from what to what?
02:12.37bkw_sip to iax2
02:12.41bkw_it could be cpu
02:12.59bkw_hell the 6k codec is what speex should default to
02:13.19quid24bkw;  local sip calls, directly into * voicemail
02:13.54bkw_dont know
02:14.00bkw_I dont have that problem
02:14.12quid24hehe, you probably have a P4 running your setup. :)
02:17.27brc007I'm gonna use a athlon 2800
02:17.36brc007only $120
02:17.51*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:18.24bkw_I have a 1ghz P3
02:18.47twisted* box size contest?
02:19.06brc007well if it's a contest I'll use a athlon64 3400+!
02:19.09brc007beat that
02:19.17twistedmy * box is a pii 333 with 512 beautiful megs of ram.
02:19.24twistedTell them what makes the calls, Johnny!
02:19.27brc007333? hah
02:19.34JerJerdual xeon 3 gig with 2 gig ram
02:19.48quid24I win the low-end... P100, 40 megs of RAM, 1 Gig HD
02:19.51twistedWell Dave... It's IAX version 2.0!  That's right!  All the quality, none of that annoying seperated RTP streaming!
02:19.52*** join/#asterisk mrmags (
02:20.01brc007dangit jerjer :P
02:20.05brc007you don't count
02:20.18JerJerwe have a rack of 'em
02:20.45brc007just one?
02:20.45mrmagsis something loopy with cvs server tonight?
02:20.45bkw_rack em and stack em
02:20.45twistedbuild a mini-itx rack
02:20.45twistedtwo servers per 1u chassis
02:20.45brc0072U's jerjer?
02:20.48bkw_mrmags whats up?
02:20.52ariel_I have a P233, 128mg 8 gig hdd for my home system.
02:20.55mrmagsRunning  cvs -q -f -z4 -d "" update -dP asterisk
02:20.55mrmagscvs update: warning: server is not creating directories one at a time
02:20.55mrmagscvs [update aborted]: there is a version in asterisk already
02:21.00JerJer1u - dell 1750
02:21.05brc007they have half length 1U's
02:21.16bkw_mrmags go to /usr/src/asterisk and type make update
02:21.34twistedor just go into the asterisk directory and type cvs update -d
02:21.37twistedthat is, if the version you have is cvs
02:21.38bkw_JerJer send me a 1u box to toy with
02:21.57twistedbkw: US
02:22.02twistedto toy with
02:22.05bkw_ok ok
02:22.11brc007jerjer how do you get your pots lines in?
02:22.14bkw_JerJer you got a box you can rack up for us to hammer away at?
02:22.27bkw_at this point I don't care if its on my network or not
02:22.27mrmagshm thanks bkw that seemed to make it happier
02:22.28ariel_all the ones at work are mostly 2650's dual xeon's except one!
02:22.34bkw_I just want a box we can test shit on
02:22.35twistedoh: bkw: btw, those ppl with the 866 dualy server are "comptemplating the benefits and reprocussions of donating the server to VoIP studies"
02:22.44brc007seems nobody uses AMD around here
02:22.50brc007intel fanboys >:)
02:22.54bkw_intel works
02:22.59bkw_amd is too flakey
02:22.59brc007so's amd!
02:23.07JerJeryeah i've got a couple dell 1750s in southfield not doing anything
02:23.10brc007I have NEVER had a problem with a amd processor
02:23.21*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
02:23.24ariel_We just ordered for testing 3 Dell 1u's 650 P2.4 systems.  Cheap too.
02:23.24twistedJerJer: interconnect it with nufone and let us play :P
02:23.29brc007if you want to talk about ECS mobo's though I've had one that burst into flame!
02:23.29twisted(j/k, obviously)
02:23.49Capouch__ariel: How cheap?
02:23.52mrmagsamd would be better off if better people than ecs started using SIS in their mainboards
02:23.57twistedmy new phone has raw gps capabilities
02:24.00twistedand a compass feature
02:24.02brc007what'chya use at work bkw?
02:24.04blainettbkw, i'm looking in Speex (limited to 16KHz mode), one error?
02:24.35twistedwell ladies and gents: I AM LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT. HIRE ME.
02:24.41brc007hire the man
02:24.47ariel_$ 3356 for all 3 with raid mirror 80gig hdd and 1 gig ram. Plus $ 100.00 rebate on each.
02:24.58twistedtomorrow is my last day at my present job (found out today, the bastards)
02:25.09ariel_Oh dual 1000baseT cards.
02:25.17*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:25.27brc007does the intel 875/865 chipsets work well with linux?
02:25.31twistedwill start immediately following departure of my present job and work for home for nominal wages
02:25.33ariel_twisted want a job! we are looking.
02:25.40twistedariel: location?
02:25.43brc007well there ya go
02:25.56ariel_Miami,Florida sun and fun....
02:26.16brc007been there
02:26.35brc007it twas summer though
02:26.36ariel_with many good toys to play with.
02:26.41twistedthere's nothing quite as sexy as a sweaty telco guy
02:26.43brc007where are you twisted
02:26.49twistedbrc007: lebanon, tn
02:27.05brc007phx az
02:27.08ariel_Do you like flying. We even have an airplane to play with.
02:27.14*** part/#asterisk blainett (
02:27.40ariel_I am not kidding about the plane!  Taking her out in the morning to Disney with the family.
02:28.44twistedi need something i can telecommute to, or something close, for now.
02:29.00ariel_But if you are really looking for employment we do need someone fast.  Many projects needing to get donw.
02:29.00bkw_twisted get jobs in here
02:29.05*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
02:29.28ariel_my little girl is trying to get my keyboard away.. she is one and already wants to type.
02:29.42twistedteach them while they're young :)
02:31.03ariel_So anyone have a IAX gateway with 2 FXS/FXO yet?
02:31.04brc007ariel_: you've got a corporate plane?
02:31.11brc007I love flying
02:31.19brc007my grandpa's a private pilot
02:31.27twistedi love flying too
02:31.29bkw_ariel_ or is a corp glider?
02:31.30ariel_Actualy 2 planes a bonaza A36 and a Koliber 150A.
02:31.38bkw_ariel_ come get me then
02:31.40brc007how big are you guys?
02:31.42bkw_i need to get out of here
02:31.49twistedi can't actually FLY the plan, but I love to ride in them whist flying
02:31.50bkw_brc007 size doesn't matter
02:31.52bkw_dont you know that
02:31.53brc007he needs to be rescued from the evil tornados
02:31.55ariel_Sure where is here!
02:32.01bkw_twisted I can fly a plane
02:32.05bkw_its the landing that I can't do
02:32.05twistedbrc007: i'm about 6'1" 185lbs
02:32.16brc007the COMPANY doh!
02:32.17twistedtoo big for ya?
02:32.26twistedyou just said "how big are you guys"
02:32.35twistedi coulda answerd with 8x2
02:32.36bkw_twisted you're my sexless lover stop trying to pickup brc
02:32.55ariel_Well I can only say I am short fat and going gray by the minute.
02:33.14twistedariel: you an exec? (just kidding... horrible office humor)
02:33.56twistedhey ariel: if you wanna fly to lebanon and go joy-flying let me know
02:34.07twistedthere's a municipal airport less than 5 miles from here
02:34.12brc007ariel_: do you fly
02:34.19ariel_Well if you call I am well many things. Sales Engineer, IT Manager, Sales, etc.  
02:34.36twistedsales engineer... hmm..
02:34.43ariel_Yes I am currenty working on my IFR rating.
02:34.44twistedis that anything like a social engineer?
02:34.53bkw_you gusy can come over and pick me up
02:34.55bkw_er guys
02:34.57brc007me too!
02:34.57twistedbkw: yah
02:35.02twistedwe could have an asterisk in the air party
02:35.06bkw_we can have an asterisk party
02:35.10ariel_It's just something to tell people instead of jack of all trade.
02:35.11brc007I get the bonaza!
02:35.11bkw_mile high asterisk club?!?! j/k
02:35.25twistedwe could get mark to donate thousands of asterisk stickers
02:35.33twistedand dump them out over large populated areas
02:35.33bkw_cover the plane in them?
02:35.37brc007and drop em on the crowd
02:35.51bkw_no put them on the plane
02:36.03brc007person: *....????.....*person2: hey cool hippie stickers!
02:36.04bkw_"Is that a UFO ... why no its Asterisk"
02:36.10ariel_The Koliber can fly with the canopy open.  It's lots of fun. And we can do the drops from her!
02:36.58twistedbrb - attempting wierd win2k routing
02:37.27bkw_win2k can route?
02:37.31bkw_since when?
02:37.43ariel_Someone want to finish my web site? it's for one of our planes.....;-}
02:38.34*** join/#asterisk MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.cloaked)
02:38.47brc007ariel_: how long've you been flying
02:38.48*** join/#asterisk Demon0110 (~Demon0110@
02:38.53Demon0110hello all
02:39.18ariel_I have been flying since I was about 15.  Now I am 46 so 31 years
02:39.28Demon0110can i use a regular modem to use asterisk as a call ans machine?
02:39.31bkw_how do you refuel?
02:39.36bkw_har har har j/k
02:39.58twistedwin2k can't route.
02:40.08bkw_it can't dance either
02:40.13bkw_but does it stop it from trying?
02:40.21twistedbut it sure can crash when it tries
02:40.34bkw_oh hell ya
02:40.38ariel_Blue screen is not good!
02:40.55twistedtry black screen
02:41.03twistedwith one character in the upper right corner
02:41.10Demon0110does anyone know if i can use a regular modem with asterisk
02:41.17ariel_Even worst!  not that's the ticket.
02:41.25*** join/#asterisk bbobb (
02:41.52ariel_Demon0110.  no and yes if you get the right winmodem. x100p....
02:41.55twistedblack screen with a % in the upper right hand corner
02:41.59twistedand hard locked
02:42.39twistedi bet MicroShit wouldn't even know what that is
02:42.49Demon0110how much does that cost
02:42.58ariel_No they just tell you to reinstall anyway.
02:43.03twistedhahaha yeah.
02:43.18twistedthat was Dell I/T's choice method too
02:43.29twisted"Helpdesk.  Have you tried reinstalling the OS?"
02:43.54ariel_x100p cost around $ 100.00.  and it's well worth it.  But there are clones of it out there. But they do not support our Asterisk community.
02:44.10twistednor do we oft support them
02:44.58ariel_I saw many on ebay.  Do they really think people are buying the original for there cost?
02:45.38ariel_Hey I just sold something on there! It got me $ 45.00 extra dollars.
02:46.06ariel_I got a free Zire with a dell I got.  And sold it on ebay. New unopen in the box....
02:46.46MustDieariel: what is Zire ?
02:48.00ariel_a small 2mg palm Zire 71.... Can't use it.  Need more power and memeory.....
02:49.41ariel_Today I had a strange problem with VI on a debian system.  It would not let me exit the console.  gave me that black screen witht the blinking thing in the conner.....
02:50.41kramanybody with a TE410P they'll play with a driver with me on?
02:50.54citatskram: whats up?
02:51.30krami have some new Yellow Alarm code i just want to be sure i didn't break anything
02:51.33ariel_Sorry I am not in the office. But I got a few of them there! I wish...
02:51.34kramhi brc
02:51.52citatskram: in cvs already?
02:52.24kramon origcvs yah
02:52.30kramalso should fix the "yellow" option for TE410P
02:52.38citatsalright i'll fire up my te410p box and give it a whilr
02:52.42kramso we should transmit yellow alarm if asterisk is not running and you have "yellow" option turned on
02:52.46kramcan you confirm that too?
02:52.51kramor do you even have a way to?
02:52.59citatsyeah, i just gotta fire up another box
02:53.09kramu rule, james
02:53.30brc007kram don'tchya have a te410p test box at the office?
02:53.37citatsdamn i gotta make a cable for my remote power box... then i wouldnt have to get up for this :)
02:54.02brc007I've got a nice 8port powerswitch you can telnet to :)
02:54.37citatsi've got a baytech rpc something or other, and it only has modem and serial... but some funky pinout on the serial
02:55.41ariel_I have a startech 4 port unit cheap $ 100.00 unit came with cables.  Great little KVM for home and small testing station.
03:00.11*** join/#asterisk quid25 (
03:01.07*** join/#asterisk Capouch__ (501@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:01.07*** join/#asterisk Rick9999 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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