irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040407

00:00.31Jesse-oh wait not the tdm
00:00.37Wi_Fitry that Ro0tSiEgE
00:00.39Jesse-Wildcard X100P Single-Port FXO PCI interface card for interfacing with a standard analog phone line
00:00.54TaxilianLaptopand for interfacing standard analog phones with it?
00:01.00TaxilianLaptopor can that be done
00:01.02Ro0tSiEgEWi_Fi: it has to be FWS or IAXtel
00:01.05Jesse-Wildcard TDM400P Quad-Station FXS half-length PCI card which supports standard analog and ADSI telephones for SOHO (Small Office Home Office) applications.
00:01.18Jesse-thats the thing you want
00:01.18StigIrishthe TDM400P is going to have FXO soon also
00:01.20Ro0tSiEgEthe # will be like 700xxxxxxx or something
00:01.28Wi_Fii know
00:01.36Wi_Fithis sucks
00:01.45TaxilianLaptophmm.  not finding any of those on ebay. :-(
00:01.46Wi_Fiicant get FWD to work as proxy
00:02.37StigIrishI entered "exten => _34521XXXNXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/1XXXNXXXXXXX/${TRUNKMSD})" and get nothing on the console after dialing 34521<phonenumber>
00:02.52Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: I don't think 1XXX works
00:02.59Ro0tSiEgEyou gotta use a . i think
00:03.13Jesse-interesting that theres so many x100p's on ebay but no tdm
00:03.41StigIrishexten => _34521.,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/1XXXNXXXXXXX/${TRUNKMSD})
00:03.46TaxilianLaptopbut if the diginetworks works, it's cheaper to get their card from them than to get one off ebay
00:04.40*** part/#asterisk ix (
00:05.12TaxilianLaptopwhat is the cheapest hardware IP phone that is worth getting?
00:05.14BoRiS2Digitnetworks Clone card works great.
00:05.27BoRiS2TaxilianLaptop: Grandstream BT101
00:05.41TaxilianLaptoplooking into it
00:06.06TaxilianLaptopwill this stuff work decently over a cablemodem connection?
00:06.34Jesse-you mean with a server on one end and client somewhere on the internet?
00:06.44Jesse-it'll sound funky
00:06.53TaxilianLaptopgood to know
00:06.58Jesse-even over t1's it sounds a little crackily
00:07.00BoRiS2Dont except dialup to work good.
00:07.11TaxilianLaptopLOL.  I don't expect anything from dialup
00:07.23Jesse-maybe you can lower the sound quality
00:07.26Jesse-so it uses less bandwidth
00:07.28Jesse-change the codec
00:07.54Ro0tSiEgEi figuredit out
00:08.02Ro0tSiEgEpasswording longdistance
00:08.21TaxilianLaptopcan you interface multiple servers across the internet?  so if I had a server here, and set one up at my grandparents, could I set it up so I could make calls from my house or theirs?
00:08.34michaellyes you can
00:08.38michaelluse something like IAX
00:08.51jcduttonTaxilianLaptop: yes, use iax2
00:09.01TaxilianLaptopiax2.  will need to remember that. =]
00:09.04BoRiS2It might be easier to setup only 1 server and have them log into it
00:09.18TaxilianLaptopbut then I couldn't use their phone line, could I?
00:09.20Ro0tSiEgEsilug: exten => _4521800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:3}) where 452 is your password and 3 (EXTEN:3) is the length of the password
00:09.21michaellthats probaly what he is gong to have to do
00:09.25michaellyes you can
00:09.35Ro0tSiEgEreplace 1800 of course with whatever you're dialing
00:09.39michaellDoes anyone know how to setup h323?
00:09.41jcduttonTaxilianLaptop: iax2 uses 1 udp port for everything, so it is much easier to set up firewalls etc. for it.
00:09.55Ro0tSiEgEnot silug
00:10.09Ro0tSiEgEstigirish: exten => _4521800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:3}) where 452 is your password and 3 (EXTEN:3) is the length of the password
00:10.32StigIrishah! it was the 3 at the end i think that was throwing mine off!
00:10.35StigIrishtrying now!
00:10.44TaxilianLaptopcool.  I have a firewall that will have to be configured, so that's really good to know
00:11.55StigIrishApr  6 18:11:00 WARNING[262161]: channel.c:1644 ast_request: No channel type registered for ''
00:11.55StigIrishApr  6 18:11:00 NOTICE[262161]: app_dial.c:506 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type ''
00:11.59Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: you can use 1.NXXXXXX as a wildcard for any long distance number
00:12.03Jesse-is h323 also MGCP?
00:12.06StigIrishI must be missing something in my config
00:12.12Ro0tSiEgEno NXXXXXX
00:12.13Ro0tSiEgEjust 1.
00:12.18TaxilianLaptopwhat would you say the minimum system requirements to run asterisk on a linux machine are?
00:12.27Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: lemme give you my line
00:12.30Jesse-Cpu(s):   3.3% user,  15.2% system,   0.0% nice,  81.5% idle
00:12.30Jesse-Mem:    903892k total,   895344k used,     8548k free,    43880k buffers
00:12.31jcduttonJesse-: no
00:12.49Ro0tSiEgEnm i was lying, you DO need the NXX part
00:12.59Jesse-so basically you need a gig of ram or so
00:12.59Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: exten => _4521.NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/9${EXTEN:3})
00:13.09Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: take off the 9 if you don't have to dial it to get out, like me
00:13.31Jesse-ps aux | more
00:13.32|tCP|how can prove a modules for fxo card
00:13.32Jesse-oh shit
00:13.37|tCP|modprobe what else?
00:13.37Jesse-you guys hacked my shell
00:13.43Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: that works perfect for me :P
00:14.13StigIrishso with thta I would dial something like "45291<number>"
00:14.19*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
00:14.27Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: no 9
00:14.31TaxilianLaptopwhat kind of processor would I need?
00:14.33*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
00:14.59Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: dial 4521<areacode-number>
00:16.22Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: did that work? it does for me
00:16.24StigIrishhmm...still getting that Warning no channel type thing
00:16.49Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: do you have those variables? TRUNK and EXTEN?
00:18.08Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: all i know is that line works, something is configured wrong on your end
00:18.55StigIrishthat is what i am thinking...i uncommented out TRUNK and got a different error
00:19.19Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: you can replace TRUNK with like ZAP/1 if you're going out the first fxo card
00:19.28Ro0tSiEgEor whateer zaptel card you got
00:20.30StigIrishgetting getting "Were sorry, your call did not go through"
00:20.41*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:20.44Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: what # did it try to dial?
00:21.02StigIrishmy mom in Fremont ;)
00:21.16StigIrish510 area code
00:21.28Ro0tSiEgEi mean, did it just show 1510XXXXXXX as what it was dialing?
00:21.33StigIrish== Spawn extension (default, 45215107943535, 1) exited non-zero
00:21.45Ro0tSiEgEthere's your problem
00:21.47StigIrishno...that is what it is trying....
00:21.51Ro0tSiEgEyou dont have EXTEN
00:22.15StigIrishbut i have exten on other lines and they work. that is what is confusing me
00:22.20|tCP|Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
00:22.21|tCP|No ISA tormenta card found at d0000
00:22.21|tCP|Zapata Telephony Interface Unloaded
00:22.39StigIrishexten => _9X.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/*67w$EXTEN:1})
00:22.43StigIrishthat works dandy
00:23.03Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: what's the w?
00:23.05StigIrishexten => _8X.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/w${EXTEN:1})
00:23.09StigIrisheven that works
00:23.44StigIrishi dont get errors now...just the nice lady telling me to piss off
00:23.45Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: so just make the 8 more digits for a password and change EXTEN:1 to the length of that num
00:24.24slePPsomeone should put the bindaddr for RTP into 1.0-stable
00:24.47Ro0tSiEgEJesse-: constant busy signals?
00:25.10ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
00:25.40StigIrishlike this you mean exten => _123456781.NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/{EXTEN:8})
00:25.41Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: what's the w for??
00:25.52Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: exactly clue....friend put it in there
00:26.18ManxPower"w" means wait 1/2 second, but only works on ANALOG Zap channels
00:26.33Ro0tSiEgEi thought , was for that
00:27.05Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: hello?
00:27.09ManxPowerNo, "," seperates parts of an extension line.
00:27.12StigIrishHi....typing stuff in
00:27.14Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: you're missing a $ before {EXTEN
00:27.41TaxilianLaptopthanks all for your help... ordered a P100 FXO or whatever the model is, should be fun.  I'll try to install tonight.  anyone know, the Gentoo ebuild says it's version 0.2.0.  how old is that?
00:31.08ManxPowerTaxilianLaptop: 0.2.0 is older than history it'self.
00:31.08TaxilianLaptopwas afraid of that.
00:31.08TaxilianLaptopahh, well.  compiling by hand it is, then.
00:31.08TaxilianLaptopthx all.  bye
00:31.08StigIrishthis gives me the nice lady exten => _987987981.NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/{$EXTEN:8})
00:31.08*** part/#asterisk TaxilianLaptop (
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: wrong order
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: ${EXTEN
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEthen reload and it should workd :)
00:31.08ManxPowerStigIrish: You need ${EXTEN:8}  The :8 means strip off the first 8 digits of the number dialed.
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEmaxyeah he just had the ${ mixed around
00:31.08ManxPowerAnd you can't have a "." in the pattern, only at the end.
00:31.08ManxPowerWhere are you getting these crazy ass dial lines anyway?
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEManxPower: ?
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEManxPower: 1.NXXXXXX works perfectly
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEManxPower: come use my phone
00:31.08Ro0tSiEgEi swear to you
00:31.08ManxPowerWell it should be!  LOL!
00:31.09Ro0tSiEgEit works perfect
00:31.10Ro0tSiEgEthe . apprently = *
00:31.10StigIrishexten => _987987981.NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:8})
00:31.10ManxPower. means any number of any digit.  So I'll bet it's ignoreing the NXXXXXX
00:31.10StigIrishworky worky!
00:31.10Ro0tSiEgEStigIrish: yeah well he only wants the pass for longdistance
00:31.10ManxPowerIt will also make the call take much longer to go thru since asterisk has to wait for DigitTimeout before the call goes thru.