irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040406

00:03.00*** join/#asterisk draconius (
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00:03.42*** join/#asterisk RBC (
00:04.01CarpAnyone in here ever use PHP AGI?
00:06.00RBCHi - I often see emails refering to an * version (ie: 0.7.2) , where do I find this version # in my install?  "CLI> show version" just returns the CVS date.
00:06.12*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
00:06.15RBCCarp - I've used PHP AGI
00:06.30CarpRBC. How to I make an outgoing call from within a script?
00:06.45CarpI can Dial but it just hangs up after and completes the script.
00:07.41CarpAlso, when you install Asterisk from CVS, there really isnt a version.  that why it only shows the date
00:07.57RBCi think u need to use Manager interface (Originate), or create a .call file
00:08.15*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (~boris@
00:08.34CarpYou cant use a call file if I want to be able to talk I dont think
00:08.52CarpBoRiS. you ever use PHP AGI?
00:09.23RBCis there an online chart or something that references CVS versions and * versions?  If a feature has been included in 0.7.2, for example, how do I know if the *_Stable version I am using is 0.72 or newer?
00:09.29BoRiS2Not yet....I am more interested in a c/(c++) api interface.
00:09.52BoRiS2What's wrong?
00:10.01CarpI'll be back in 10
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk panny-crashing (panny-hotl@
00:10.05Jesse-has anyone implemented redundant production asterisk servers?
00:10.06RBCCarp - I've done this with manager Originate and then transfer the call to the phone I want to talk with
00:14.51brc007carp IIRC you can use call files to ring exten 5001 then when 5001 is answered call 4805551212 and the two are connected
00:16.06BoRiS2Is their a c/c++ api for asterisk instead of perl?
00:16.11*** join/#asterisk habakuk (~andy@
00:16.27Jesse-if you know c++ then couldn't you just write your own modules?
00:17.18BoRiS2I dont see any c++ API Examples anywhere
00:17.26*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
00:17.35*** join/#asterisk otto (~otto@
00:19.09Mikesomeone has some AGI script to softhang up all calls in a context? or a sip user?
00:19.26ottodoes astguiclient works ok?
00:25.28*** join/#asterisk Carp (
00:26.57CarpAnyone use PHP AGI or are familiar with it?
00:27.03brc007how much memory does everyone use? does * need a lot?
00:28.37Wi_Fioh this is really pissin me off
00:31.16Jesse-Cpu(s):   5.4% user,  20.3% system,   0.0% nice,  74.3% idle
00:31.16Jesse-Mem:    903892k total,   896768k used,     7124k free,    46920k buffers
00:31.59Hawk_Jesse how many active connections on that comp
00:32.05Jesse-32592 root      18   0  2392 2268 2216 R 99.7  0.3   8560:43 mpg123  
00:32.18Jesse-mpg123 likes to use 99% of my CPU
00:32.33Willithmine does that if asterisk crashes out from under it
00:32.48BoRiS2Jesse-: Try not to use variable rate mp3's
00:32.49Hawk_I've got like 6 instances of mpg123
00:32.57Jesse-i have 7
00:33.03Jesse-i wonder which one is the real one?
00:33.08Jesse-i can just kill the rest maybe?
00:33.14Jesse-what if i kill the wrong one
00:33.20Hawk_asterisk will respawn it
00:33.26Willith* will spawn it again next time it needs hold music
00:33.30Hawk_killall -9 mpg123
00:33.42Hawk_works like a charm
00:33.42Jesse-killing one at random
00:33.54Hawk_you know what sucks
00:33.54Willithi fixed safe_asterisk to killall -9 mpg123 when it loops after * crashes
00:33.56CarpANyone know how I can Dial in PHP AGI?
00:33.56CarpI cant get to Dial right :(
00:33.57Hawk_I can't stand it
00:34.09Hawk_carp: EXEC Dial params
00:34.28Hawk_I wish asterisk ran on FreeBSD
00:34.34Hawk_(let me reprhase: ran well on FreeBSD)
00:34.41Jesse-if i kill all the mpgs
00:34.46Jesse-it will just run new ones?
00:34.46CarpHawk_: I have this: $agi->agi_exec("DIAL IAX@/carp@nufone/1518......");
00:34.46*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_ (
00:34.58Carpand it dials and hangs up instant and finishes hte script
00:35.09Hawk_Jesse: Yes
00:35.19Jesse-what about people who were already listening to it
00:35.21Jesse-will it just stop?
00:35.22Hawk_Carp: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't IAX@ invalid?
00:35.26Hawk_it will respawn and start over
00:35.39*** join/#asterisk menger (
00:35.40Hawk_I do it to myself to scroll through hold music
00:35.42Jesse-wow it worked!
00:35.46Jesse-you're a genius
00:36.04Jesse-Cpu(s):   0.4% user,   0.9% system,   0.0% nice,  98.7% idle
00:36.04Jesse-Mem:    903892k total,   893448k used,    10444k free,    46972k buffers
00:36.07Jesse-look at all that ram
00:36.19Hawk_if you used freebsd you'd have more :D
00:36.19Jesse-that freed up 90,000k of ram
00:36.30Jesse-freebsd? i don't think so...
00:36.41Hawk_yeah asterisk doesn't like freebsd
00:36.42Hawk_I wish it did
00:36.54Hawk_Carp: It just hangs up?
00:37.10CarpIt executes Dial and hangs up
00:38.16Hawk_I haven't used PHP interface with AGI ...
00:38.24BoRiS2Can you dial another working SIP client to see if it works Carp?
00:38.29Hawk_are you doing the flush thing like you're supposed to?
00:38.39mengeranyone had any issues with capi and sound incoming being garbled?
00:38.50tessierAlways flush when you are done.
00:38.52Jesse-i have a mysql server on there also
00:38.57Jesse-the mysql is using a ton of ram
00:38.58CarpBoris, I only have one SIP phone, so no
00:39.07CarpWell, I can try from my cell
00:39.27Jesse-asterisk uses negligible ram compared to sql and mpg123
00:39.29BoRiS2Have it try calling a SIP client.
00:39.33tessierYou are in a cell?!?
00:40.03Hawk_yes, Carp is a criminal mastermind
00:40.34Hawk_man why does it take hours to compile the linux kernel?
00:41.02CarpboRiS: nope, cant call a SIP either
00:41.15CarpMaybe I'm executing the DIAL command wrong in AGI
00:41.18fileHawk_: it doesn't on a dual opteron box
00:41.24BoRiS2I think so Carp!
00:41.46CarpBut I don't know how to do it lol.
00:42.09Wi_Fii needs a sample for SIP
00:42.18Hawk_file: this is a pretty fast box ... 2.8GHz Intel P4
00:42.25Hawk_or something
00:42.32Hawk_ether 2.6 or 2.8
00:42.35Hawk_I don't even remember
00:42.41Hawk_1gb of ram
00:42.42CarpWho write the AGI for PHP?
00:42.51fileit took 18 minutes to build a 2.6 kernel on the Opteron box
00:43.08fileso fast, so fast
00:43.11Hawk_damn that is fast
00:43.19Hawk_wtf this thing's swapping with free memory
00:43.23Hawk_I hate linux memory management
00:43.30Hawk_622MB free
00:43.36Hawk_of physical memory
00:43.39Hawk_and it's swapping
00:43.48filenow, the kernel didn't work - but that's beside the point
00:43.50BoRiS2what kernel version?
00:45.42cypromisfile: rotfl
00:45.46cypromisI run 2.6 on opterons
00:45.48cypromisruns nice
00:46.35Hawk_what linux build file?
00:48.25scratchrfdumb question but I'm asking anyway: can s100u, phonejack, or other fxs devices that go through either usb or ip handle faxing/dial up modems? have single analog pstn line at my house, have to disconnect line from x100p in order to dial out, would rather do it through asterisk (using sip/xlite softphone for normal voice calls)
00:49.43Hawk_scratchrf: I think the only concern would be loss of data integrity due to compression
00:50.01Hawk_sort of like sending faxes through asterisk
00:50.07Hawk_you can do it, but you'll lose integrity
00:50.17Hawk_maybe not on a 10/100 LAN with a good codec
00:50.56Wi_Fiany SIP gurus?
00:51.17scratchrfhave 100/mb nics and mini-switch....maybe I'll try, can always use the fxs device to replace my sip/soft phone I suppose...
00:52.00Wi_Fiwill asterisk install with samples be enought to try out wit SIP only?
00:52.05Hawk_scratchrf: I think you should be OK, as long as you get to a PTSN line locally (as in on-site)
00:52.16Hawk_Wi_Fi: yes
00:52.30scratchrfit's at my house?  Qwest "residential" line??
00:53.03Hawk_scratchrf: What I mean "on-site" is don't broadcast your connection over the internet to an out-dial service like voicepulse or nuphone or something
00:53.07Hawk_otherwise you will lose integrity
00:53.13Hawk_as long as it's over your LAN
00:53.16Hawk_you should be fine
00:53.30scratchrfthank you.  s100u, cisco ata 186, PhoneJack, PCPhoneline...i'm confused.  all roughly the same price, what's the deal??
00:54.01scratchrfall work with *, right?
00:54.01Hawk_scratchrf: I recommend Cisco ... but that's just me. I'm a Cisco fan :P
00:54.14Hawk_well s100u and cisco ata does ... dunno about the rest
00:55.09brc007get an IAXy from digum
00:55.14brc007it uses IAX instead of SIP
00:55.14scratchrfthe ata 186 has one lan and 2 pots....could I have one handset and one dial up modem going through it?  like you said over a 100 mb lan...
00:55.39brc007I've heard the SIPura is better thenan ata
00:55.58scratchrfIAXy? is that tdm400p - 1 port version or whatever??
00:56.00CarpAnyone here know PHP AGI? :(
00:56.04*** join/#asterisk Spy007 (
00:56.12BoRiS2poor Carp! :(
00:56.13brc007but it works over ethernet
00:57.14MustDiebrc: been there already. nothing
00:57.28dougheckahire a bounty hunter named Boba Fett
00:57.34MustDiebrc: spoke with him alrady
00:57.47dougheckahmm, Wi_Fi must have been jammed :)
00:57.55*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
00:58.06dougheckaWi_Fi: got jammed? :P
00:58.16MustDiebrc: smart ass ;)
00:58.44MustDiewifi: must be 2.4ghz phones ;)
00:59.20tubbsis the current cvs version working?
01:01.03MustDietclark: i must be stupid, but there are no "add to cart" button
01:02.16znoGhi all, anyone here use asterisk with hylafax?
01:03.21*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
01:08.49*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
01:10.29*** join/#asterisk cdegroot (
01:11.06CarpAnyone here know PHP AGI? :(
01:12.18ManxPowerCarp: HAHAHAHAHA!
01:12.37ManxPowertubbs: Current CVS STABLE seems to work for a lot of people.
01:12.43Carpjust because I've been asking everyone every 10 minutes for the last 2 hours is no reason to laugh!
01:12.51ManxPowerThere, however, have been a lot of changes to CVS LATEST in the last couple of days.
01:13.36ManxPowerCarp: You do realize that the archives have sample PHP AGI code and there's AGI exmaples in a bunch of languages on one of the Asterisk AGI sites.
01:13.39ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
01:14.51tubbshmmm, my iax is throwing a bunch of errors now
01:15.45tubbsi am now using cvs version, and now any call in iax the voice is garbaled
01:16.05tubbsgoogle is not a lot of help
01:16.33ManxPowertubbs: Which CVS version?
01:17.09*** join/#asterisk gadams999 (
01:17.18*** part/#asterisk gadams999 (
01:18.43CarpManxPower: Have you ever used PHP AGI?
01:18.58ManxPowerCarp: Gads, no.  Perl works just fine for me for AGI.
01:19.06tubbsby chance have you seen this error? Apr  5 21:12:30 DEBUG[114696]: chan_iax2.c:1670 schedule_delivery: min = -3, max = 0, jb = 0, lateness = -3
01:19.41ManxPowertubbs: See
01:19.51CarpManxPower: I've looked at all those earlier, searched google, etc...When I DIAL, I am trying to call nufone through IAX2 and it dials but then instantly hangs up and completes the script.
01:19.58ManxPowerBe sure are using stable and not developement.
01:20.37ManxPowerCarp: Does it work if you exec the Dial rather than using the AGI dial command?
01:20.58ManxPowerCarp: Start Asterisk as "asterisk -cvvv" you'll get more info than if you use "asterisk -rvvv"
01:21.28CarpI always do "asterisk -vvvvvvvvgc"
01:22.29CarpManxPower: I don't think there is an AGI command for Dial. I am doing this: $agi->agi_exec("DIAL EAX2/carp@nufone/15185866036");
01:23.32Shido6EAX2 ?
01:24.11*** join/#asterisk kilobit (~sam@
01:24.14bkw_ManxPower what are you smokin?
01:24.22ManxPowerCarp: I'll bet PHP is eating the / or @
01:24.34ManxPowerbkw_: Apparently something.  There is no AGI DIAL command.
01:24.36bkw_-cvvv and -rvvv don't differ much at all if any
01:24.52Hawk_bkw: can't you just go set verbose 5 in the console?
01:24.52ManxPowerShows you how long it's been since I was stupid enough to dial from within an AGI.
01:24.59bkw_Hawk_ yep
01:24.59ManxPowerbkw_: Not on my systems they aren't.
01:25.06bkw_ManxPower use exec
01:25.27ManxPowerbkw_: *nod*  But execing dial cannot do what I wanted it to do.
01:25.39bkw_once a dial hits your agi is gone
01:25.47bkw_or is the few times I tested it
01:25.48ManxPowerCarp: You realize that a successful dial will NEVER return to your AGI script, right?
01:26.05CarpManxPower: I don't think thats the ptoblem...
01:26.10CarpThis is what I get in CLI...
01:26.24ManxPowerCarp: No, it's a problem you will solve when you have fixed your current problem.
01:27.25CarpThat doesnt have the PHP AGI on there
01:28.14ManxPowerCarp: No, that documents the AGI.  AGI is just reading from stdin, and writing to stdout.
01:29.17CarpOK, I see it now...But I still don't see my problem in my script
01:29.54ManxPowerCarp: Maybe you are not reading STDIN at the start of your script.
01:30.35CarpManxPower: YOu're right
01:30.39ManxPowerAt script startup time Asterisk sends various pieces of information to your script and you should read these items, via standard input, before doing much else.
01:31.13CarpI didnt think I needed to use stdin
01:32.29kilobitanyone tried lcr on *?
01:33.54*** join/#asterisk Kumbang_ (~unknown@
01:33.58ManxPowerCarp: If you are using that library you don't.
01:34.10ManxPowerCarp: I assume you are calling new_AGI at the start of your script.
01:37.12*** join/#asterisk GoofBall (
01:38.33CarpManxPower: I'm using that library, and Yes, I am calling new AGI
01:39.10timecopis "VON" or wahtever over?
01:40.53ManxPowertimecop: Based on the amount of Marks' coding, I'd say yes.
01:42.41expousranyone have any suggestions for voicepulse's call quality issues? (I've got some existing #'s etc.) (or know what nufone's outbound conus rate is?) (private messages are fine, if you're prefer)
01:43.38tessierexpousr: What issues?
01:43.40h3xWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Internet phone company Vonage Inc. has sued AT&T Corp. over the long-distance company's new Internet-based phone service, saying AT&T's "CallVantage" name was too close to Vonage's brand name.
01:43.41ManxPowerexpousr: Voicepulse and Nufone's rates are not the same but they are similar.
01:43.45expousrcalls being dropped.
01:43.56expousr1-2 second bi-directional silence.
01:44.04Carpi'm stumped.  I can do everything else i AGI (i started playing with AGI yesterday) but I cant get DIAL to work right
01:44.12tessierexpousr: Ah. I haven't had any calls dropped yet but I have caught them totally down a couple of times.
01:44.18ManxPowerCarp: Can you do anything OTHER than Dial?
01:44.22*** join/#asterisk test123 (
01:44.30expousrtessier: noticed that too.. but it's the calls being dropped that's the bigger issue..
01:45.13*** join/#asterisk flashhook (
01:45.17CarpManxPower: Sorry.  I can do everything BUT dial
01:45.29ManxPowerCarp: Try escaping / and @
01:45.33Carpwell, probably not everything, but this is the first to stump me
01:45.56CarpI will try, but I didnt think that was the problem, because in CLI it showed the / and the @
01:45.58ManxPowerTry execing NoOp with the EXACT same data.
01:46.41CarpNoOp DIAL IAX2/blah....
01:46.59ManxPowerNoOp IAX2/blah....
01:47.03test123I have a Fedora Core1 install with * 1.0.  When I console into *, the PC locks hard.  Any ideas?
01:47.13GoofBallManxPower: I know people say NuFone is good.  Can you tell me what sets them apart?
01:47.48ManxPowerGoofBall: They are one of only two IAX providers that I know of and *seem* to be somewhat more stable.
01:47.52fileGoofBall: they actually respond to your e-mails and will tell you what's up if you ask
01:47.53ManxPower(than VoicePulse)
01:47.58fileunlike Voicepulse Connect
01:48.34fileI just had a revelation, I can't remember the last time I reset my ADSL modem...
01:48.39ManxPowerCarp: Asterisk should output the NoOp
01:48.46GoofBallStable as in uptime?  Or as in business solvancy?
01:48.56fileGoofBall: NuFone has never been down for me
01:49.01CarpManxPower: I dunno??
01:49.19ManxPowerCarp: You should see stuff on the console just as like you executed those commands in the dialplan.
01:49.35GoofBallJust don't want someone that closes their doors and leaves customers high and dry like so many DSL CLECs...
01:49.38Carpis that a N and lowercase o and uppercase O and a P?
01:50.10ManxPowerCase doesn't matter
01:50.30ManxPowerGoofBall: Then stick with an ILEC.
01:50.37CarpI am probably doing it wrong:  $agi->agi_exec("NoOp IAX2/carp@nufone/15185866036");
01:50.53Legend`ManxPower: any TDM interfaces?
01:50.58GoofBallNaw, just looking for someone with a business plan...
01:52.39tessierThat reminds me, I need to write one
01:53.27expousrtessier: what do you have tos in iax.conf set to? (for what?)
01:54.01citatsCarp: using perl?
01:54.52citatsCarp: good luck... most of the example php agi scripts i have seen have been garbage
01:55.00*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:56.25brc007anyone know if promise's raid controllers (onboard) are as good as silicon image?
01:56.29*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
01:56.53ManxPowerCarp: Why PHP anyway?
01:57.17CarpBecause I don't know Perl or C or anything else.
01:58.18ManxPowerPerl AGI is more common, but if you may be writing CGI scripts in the future, PHP might be useful.
01:58.23citatsis php really that different than any other app?  a few years ago i never had seen any php code, but 10 minutes after the fact i had a fully functional application
01:59.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:59.13ManxPowercitats: Yeah, but Carp doesn't have any previous programming expiernece.
01:59.51CarpYes I do! VB lol.
01:59.51CarpI take that back
02:00.08CarpBut I just don't understand why this Dial won't work.
02:00.28ManxPowerI decided to use Perl rather than PHP for AGI for a couple of reasons.  1) There seemed to be many more Perl examples, 2) citats's AGI library, 3) It would be useful for system admin scripts.  I'd worked with Perl and PHP before for small projects.
02:00.35Carpif anyone want to SSH in an take a look, feel free (PM for access info)
02:01.06*** join/#asterisk directory (
02:01.08citatsCarp: i can't comment on the php stuff you are using, but if its anything like my perl libs you should be using $agi->agi_exec('Dial', 'IAX2/...');
02:01.30CarpI know, I took a look at them
02:01.36ManxPowercitats: He's useing the stuff from:
02:01.51CarpBut I've tried to learn Perl before, couldnt get it.  And I probably would never be able to access MySQL from perl.
02:04.05ManxPowerCarp: Perl can be tough sometimes.
02:04.14ManxPowerGet a good Perl book or three.
02:04.31CarpI did get  perl book :-\
02:04.46ManxPowerCarp: All programming languages are really tough at first.
02:05.13ManxPowerCarp: Look at my Perl AGI examples.
02:05.33ManxPowerI wrote them so people would have (mostly) working exmaples to adapt.
02:06.08citatsManxPower: i dunno, looking at the phpagi example on that page it looks way more confusing than one of yours or my examples
02:06.31CarpI have Elizabeth Castro's "PERL and CGI" 'For the World Wide Web"
02:07.33MikeManxPower: is there a way to soft hangup a context insted of just 1 channel?
02:07.52directorywhy do I have a feeling this compile of the cross compiler is going to go funky...
02:08.28ManxPowerCarp: I have Programming Perl
02:09.11ManxPowercitats: I try to write things so a complete Perl newbie can understand them.
02:09.33ManxPowerI try to avoid Perl shortcuts that confuzzled the hell out of me when I was learning Perl
02:12.12ManxPowerMike: I don't know.
02:13.21*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:13.24Mikecan AGI make this?
02:13.36Mikei need to execute a command on asterisk to hangup all calls on a context
02:14.20Mikesoft hangup has a big problem
02:14.25Mikei need to know the sip channel
02:14.29Mikeand it always changes
02:14.49Mikeso i just cant do asterisk -rx "soft hangup xxx"
02:15.27brc007wow, boards for intel really dominate the server motherboard market...
02:16.25brc007okie, plan B
02:16.37Carpif anyone wants to SSH in and play with my PHP AGI script and try to get Dial to work feel freel to PM me for access info
02:20.32brc007poor carp
02:21.13ManxPowerbrc007: Don't do that unless you mean it, bud.
02:22.51CarpI'm bored.
02:23.08directorywho can say where the road goes? where the day flows? only time.
02:26.57expousranyone having problem with voicepulse the upstream from them back to you?
02:27.05expousrgot a solid one second cut...
02:28.11*** join/#asterisk PlainWhiteTrash (
02:29.00*** join/#asterisk blax (
02:29.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:29.49blaxcould someone help me, I just installed Asterisk and I keep getting a console message "no registration for peer"
02:32.48blaxanyone here?
02:33.27*** join/#asterisk blitzrage_laptop (
02:35.17*** join/#asterisk james_ag (
02:36.29james_aganyone with experience on SIPxpress?
02:36.54james_agjust need to know if it supports analog FXO/FXS
02:36.57james_agany ideas?
02:36.58*** join/#asterisk upsite (
02:37.27*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:37.33Jesse-i just found a way to make asterisk die instantl
02:37.41Jesse-on the console type
02:37.42Jesse-remove extension ?
02:37.47Jesse-but don't hit enter
02:37.54Jesse-as soon as you hit ?, asterisk blows up
02:38.17directorylet me try
02:38.22Jesse-don't try it on a production system
02:38.22james_agit works for me?
02:38.32james_agwhat have you got in your system?
02:38.35Jesse-james are you running the head or the stable?
02:38.37directorydoesn't do it for me
02:38.40*** join/#asterisk mirrored_shades (
02:38.41directoryjust listed all the extensions
02:38.58james_agi am running stable. and i also get a list of all extensions
02:39.25Jesse-im running the latest development version
02:40.01Jesse-i just knocked about 8 phone calls off
02:41.59*** join/#asterisk kilobit (~sam@
02:44.07blaxcould someone help me, I just installed Asterisk and I keep getting a console message "no registration for peer"
02:45.06Jesse-you set verbose ?
02:45.11panny-crashinghello chaps
02:45.13Jesse-look at debug logs?
02:45.23panny-crashinganyone using gastman on windblows ?
02:45.32blaxI am using -vvvc
02:45.40blaxis that not right?
02:46.37blaxsorry -vvvvc
02:47.00*** join/#asterisk erik2 (
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02:58.42tubbsdoes voicemailmain2 advanced options/password change work? or is it my config?
02:59.12*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:00.51*** join/#asterisk Cizkaro (
03:01.02kramgreets ciz
03:01.38Wi_Fii need help with my sip.conf and extension.conf
03:01.58Wi_Fii need to get this SIP workin
03:02.17evilbunnyWi_Fi: simple cheat sheet i wrote up ->
03:02.50*** join/#asterisk eric (
03:02.58ericGod evening group
03:03.02ericgood not god
03:03.06expousrhmm.. problem seems to be comfort nosie with sip grandstream 286 boxen.
03:03.55ericDoes anyone have a good howto for setting up * with a DB?
03:04.05ericmaybe Postgresql
03:08.28*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
03:08.36kilobithi, anyone tried to connect E1 card to Cisco?
03:09.25JerJereric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that
03:10.28ericI'm using the flat files and I read this could all be stored in a db and I'm not sure how to make that happen
03:10.57JerJerwhat's wrong with flat files?
03:10.57heisonric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict than that ric: yer gonna have to me a whole lot more explict th
03:10.58heisonto me a whole lot more explict than that
03:11.23blaxI am having a problem with "no registration for peer" messages, could somone help me please?
03:11.43JerJermake a peer with host=dynamic
03:11.58*** join/#asterisk slepp_ (
03:12.08ericNothing is wrong with flat files. If this is to be used for large groups I can't stop and start the server every time I add a ext. Also I would like to have a way to track and maybe bill the end users
03:12.20JerJeryou don't have to stop and start the server
03:12.25JerJerjust to add an exten
03:12.48ericif I make any change to the sip or aix configs I have to.
03:12.57JerJerand there is nothing stopping you from storing your data in a db and creating asterisk config files from that db based data
03:13.02JerJerum no
03:13.07JerJerasterisk -rx 'reload'
03:13.11JerJerbada boom
03:13.13ericwell That is why I'm here
03:13.29MikeJerJer: can i beta test the nufone interface:P?
03:13.30slepp_jerjer: have you seen the chan_skinny patches by methos?
03:13.33JerJerno stopping or even effecting a single call
03:13.39JerJerslepp_: nope
03:13.54slePPi wanna say 1343, but i don't think that's right. let me find it
03:14.30ericSo do you know where I can find good doco on setting up a db to record all my calls in and out ?
03:14.47slePPso close...
03:14.48slePPjerjer: 1344
03:14.55slePPsince that was yer baby, you may like to see the changes
03:15.17slePPeric: record the audio? check
03:15.21slePPthere's a document on doing it
03:15.37ericNot the audio just number called by who and how long
03:16.02JerJerthat's called CDR
03:16.12JerJerand check out asterisk-addons
03:16.18daorkJerJer: chan_h323.. it doesn't appear to let me make calls to H323/exten@ip when I have a GK configured. When I disable the GK it goes fine. Is this by design?
03:16.31ericCool.... Thank you I'll do that now
03:16.43JerJercheck the spec...when a gatekeeper is part of the network it SHALL be used
03:17.27daorkhmmm ok
03:19.06daorkwell, I'm trying to setup a * box to relay calls between my internal h.323 network, and peers that use h.323/sip/iax etc.  any thoughts?
03:19.29JerJerslePP:  i'm not fond of how this is implemented.... but i can see value in the idea
03:20.05JerJerthe better way would be to actually implement the softkeys into chan_skinny
03:20.12ericOne last quesiton for you...
03:20.25JerJercuz technically not all of the buttons should show up as speed dials
03:20.33JerJerthat's due to my lazy hack
03:20.52ericAll calls made with iaxcomm goes right to voice mail
03:20.58ericphone never rings
03:23.18slePPjerjer: maybe we should tear the softkey support from chan_sccp into chan_skinny :>
03:23.19*** join/#asterisk brent21 (bdf@
03:23.19MustDieanybody any ideas ?
03:23.33brent21In my crontab, I have:
03:23.34brent2120 23 * * * /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "stop now"
03:23.34brent2122 23 * * * /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
03:23.56brent21But when running the second command to start asterisk, I get:
03:23.56brent21Asterisk ended with exit status 127
03:23.56brent21Asterisk died with code 127.  Aborting.
03:24.06JerJerbrent21: um why?
03:24.11brent21Am I overlooking soemthing blatently obvious?
03:24.20brent21why am I restarting everynight?
03:24.30heisonyeah, why are you restarting everynight?
03:24.43citatsnot just restarting... but stopping and restarting..
03:24.47brent21with my polycom phones, on occasion Asterisk leaves channels up
03:24.54brent21when I issue a restart, it deadlocks
03:25.12JerJerso why not fix the problem correctly?
03:25.13citatsthere isnt much different between restart now and stop now
03:25.23JerJeror work with someone who can
03:25.49brent21I saw a bug report that was filed that leaves the sip counter at 1, however I dont think it has been resolved yet
03:26.04*** part/#asterisk kilobit (~sam@
03:26.11DaminAnother reason the GrandStream sucks: You have to manuall toggle Daylight Savings time on it! :)
03:26.44JerJerslePP:  chan_sccp is hardcore totally different
03:26.46*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
03:26.58brent21Also on
03:26.59brent21Regularly restart (better: stop and start) your PBX during off-hours. A repetitive reload will not be sufficient, and can actually cause more harm (instability, memory not being released, see bug tracker) than it does good. If you run Asterisk provisioned for automatic reloading this could be as simple as placing a cronjob to execute asterisk -rx 'stop gracefully'.
03:27.09brent21Should this be changed on:
03:27.13slePPjerjer: but it does support the softkeys stuff. so it'd be a good way to peek and see how to approach it
03:27.41citatssomebody actually put that on the wiki?  thats aweful advice... its much better to solve the problem then stick on some band-aid
03:27.57JerJeri've tried... its not even close to what I do with chan_skinny
03:28.08brent21Thats where I got the idea
03:28.11slePPjerjer: ah. okie.
03:29.11slePPhardphones, mustdie?
03:29.25MustDieslePP: YES
03:29.44slePPis echo cancellation enabled anywhere along the path?
03:29.55MustDieit's enabled everywere
03:30.00slePPturn it off.
03:30.20MustDiebut it does native bridge
03:30.22brent21JerJer: so I take it, continue to post to the bugtracker until it is resolved?
03:30.28slePPthe phone is doing echo cancellation?
03:30.29brent21I don't think thats going to do much good
03:30.30MustDieso * shouldn't listen to the stream at all
03:30.30*** join/#asterisk chapster (
03:30.41expousrHmmm.. seem to be loosing sip comfort [background noise] and all side tone for ~.5-1.5 seconds periodically with gs/286's... anyone have any ideas?
03:30.42MustDieslepp: yup
03:30.53slePPturn that off, perhaps
03:31.07citatsbrent21: whats your bug # on this issue?
03:31.24brent21citats: looking for it now
03:32.06QorkyI just installed mpg123-pre0.59s.tar.gz and now asterisk doesnt start :(
03:32.51Qorky"Yuck! Error in buffer handling...: Connection reset by peer"
03:33.11Qorkyis that related ?
03:33.32*** join/#asterisk TheBear (
03:33.40heisonQorky: have you tried without music on hold?
03:33.58Qorkyjust hashed it out then
03:34.02Qorkyand yeah it starts again now
03:34.10Qorkyhmm. what version of mpg123 should I be using ?
03:34.42heisonI have 0.59q and it works fine.
03:34.53brent21citats: 0001031
03:35.05Qorkyok I'll try that
03:35.17GoofBallkram: the two patches that you and jamesgolovich posted for me work fine.  Thnx
03:35.31kramgoof: which bug #?
03:35.51GoofBallkram: 1345 & 1346
03:38.46GoofBallJerJer: Do you have DIDs in Chicago?
03:38.54*** join/#asterisk argus_ (
03:39.18JerJerGoofBall:  we do, but we are not provisioning them, yet
03:39.23Qorkyexcellent :) 0.59q worked heison
03:39.25Qorkytah man
03:39.49GoofBallJerJer: Any idea when?  And what specific rate centers?
03:40.04JerJerwe are now a CLEC in IL
03:40.26*** join/#asterisk adker (adker@
03:41.35chapsterJerJer:  Congrats... I think. :)
03:41.42GoofBallJerJer: right.  I was asking about when the DIDs will be avail.
03:42.02*** join/#asterisk NirS (~NirS@
03:42.18NirSni ha all
03:42.28NirShow is everybody feeling today ?
03:42.35*** join/#asterisk twisted (
03:42.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
03:42.44NirShey dude
03:42.56NirSsay, ever used sox to convert WAV to GSM ?
03:42.59JerJerwhen the system is ready... there is no date
03:43.10NirSJJ, wassup mate ? been a while
03:43.25NirSJJ, believe it or not, I've installing asterisk servers in china
03:43.33GoofBallJerJer: Ok.  I'll wait...
03:43.34NirSI'm in Beijing right now
03:43.51NirSshit, need to leave. be back later
03:44.55*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
03:47.48expousrhmmm anyone coloing at any ofthe voip providers?
03:50.15*** part/#asterisk blax (
03:53.23scratchrfso has anyone used a pcphoneline, looks like a s100u knockoff...
03:53.47Qorkyhmm doing an echo test my call keeps dropping
03:53.48QorkyApr  6 11:51:28 WARNING[278543]: file.c:521 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
03:54.32Qorkysame happens if i do the inter asterisk exchange test
03:54.54QorkyApr  6 11:54:46 WARNING[98311]: chan_sip.c:495 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 003094c3-5a54001c-3aa5cbae-06880922@ for seqno 102 (Response)
03:55.34Qorkyanyone know what this means ?
03:56.09*** join/#asterisk theplague (
03:57.09theplaguei have a question about asterisk
03:58.14evilbunnyQorky: means the connection failed
03:58.26evilbunnyusually the other end isn't reachable
03:58.27Qorkybut the echo test ?
03:58.33Qorkywhy would that drop out ?
03:58.34evilbunnydue to being offline/firewalled
03:58.36theplaguei have a Vodavi PBX and was wondering if i could cause Asterisk to function as a automated attendant / voicemail server
03:58.51evilbunnytheplague: yes
03:59.14theplagueevilbunny: any sample configurations for doing that ?
03:59.31QorkyI dont mean to spam.
03:59.32evilbunnysimple cheat sheet i wrote up ->
03:59.35Qorkybut this is what it says
03:59.38QorkyApr  6 11:59:09 WARNING[98311]: chan_sip.c:495 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 003094c3-5a540005-15c166e7-0310bb27@ for seqno 102 (Response)
03:59.38QorkyApr  6 11:59:09 WARNING[229391]: file.c:521 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
03:59.57evilbunnyQorky: it means it can't send packets
04:00.00evilbunnysip is horrible
04:00.22Qorkyhmm it was working fine before though.
04:00.35evilbunnyyou must have changed something between you and your asterisk server
04:00.40evilbunnysuch as firewall rules
04:00.50Qorkyim on the same lan
04:01.02Qorkysame switch
04:01.11evilbunnylinux boxes have iptables
04:01.27evilbunnyand win boxes have crap firewall
04:01.37QorkyI'll have a look. but nothing changed
04:01.52daorkredhat has a default firewall that only allows a few things through
04:02.21Qorkythe echo test does start though. but bombs out after about 5 seconds of it talking
04:02.31daorkso if you are running redhat, or a redhat-like OS, then 'service iptables stop' is your friend
04:02.42Qorkyim running slackware
04:02.46Qorkyand no iptables rules
04:02.50daorkfair enough
04:02.51evilbunnyQorky: sounds like you can send packets to it, but not receive RTP packets from it
04:03.11chapsterQorky: No firewall at all?
04:03.21Qorkynot at the moment no.
04:03.25Qorkyno live address either..
04:05.55znoGquick q, can you set up asterisk so that you dial a number and you can enable/disable call forward?
04:06.08fileif you write it, you can use it
04:06.17znoGi just thought it might be built in
04:06.19Qorkymust have been something todo with the sip.conf
04:06.27QorkyI've just messed with it and now its fine again
04:06.29*** join/#asterisk scratchrf (
04:06.38*** join/#asterisk AKON (
04:08.01znoGthere we go!
04:08.11*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
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04:19.34*** join/#asterisk ismk (~murali@
04:19.52*** join/#asterisk blankman (
04:20.00blankmanHey all.
04:21.14blankmanSo anyone on list have experience with python and agi OR has anyone writen handlers for the h (hangup)call path?
04:23.40JerJerthank you, drive thru
04:28.49*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (
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04:30.04*** join/#asterisk ahgoo (~ahgoo@
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04:40.24*** part/#asterisk TheBear (
04:44.15daorkJerJer: any thoughts re h323 call relay stuff i was talking about before?
04:44.18brc007please pull to the second window
04:47.30*** join/#asterisk togg (
04:49.45bkw_Ohh, it's hot, and I need some air.
04:49.56bkw_Oh boy, don't stop 'cuz I'm halfway there
04:50.08bkw_makes me wann be all slutty
04:50.53bkw_she's a baby madonna
04:50.59bkw_ever since that kiss
04:53.58Wi_Fioh my god
04:53.59Wi_Fiit works
04:54.04brc007what's everyone's favorite mobo with integrated video and 10/100(1000 would be nice) for intel (going in a 2U
04:54.42brc007oh yeah it's gotta have integrated RAID (sata or ide doesn't matter)
04:55.59Mike---morning all
04:56.14*** join/#asterisk essobi__ (
04:57.27Wi_Fihey guys
04:57.50Wi_Fii get voice mail but how do you input password when asked?
04:58.52essobi__key it and hit # or wait for the time out.
04:58.55_Eagle_push the buttons on your phone
04:59.08essobi__Is your dtmf working?
04:59.16brc007what codec are you using
04:59.32brc007iirc inband dtmf only works with ulaw/alaw
05:00.59Wi_Fiive set password to be letters
05:01.25Wi_Fiso i need to set number to mailboxes
05:01.42bkw_OH OH OH YAY
05:02.04Mike---uhm .. btw.. are any of you guys familiar with sip register and chan_sip.c ?
05:02.29Mike---I have a short patach that I got from a sip provicer.  But I'm not sure what it does.
05:02.43*** part/#asterisk mitchel (~mitchel@
05:02.56Mike---Asterisk are unable to register with the provider today.. they say that this patch to chan_sip.c might help ...
05:03.16Mike---I'm not sure what it does though..  anyone ?
05:04.36Mike---I'm not sure how to read a diff file :/
05:05.06bkw_see those + and -
05:05.12bkw_the + adds that line
05:05.15bkw_the - takes that line
05:05.17bkw_any questions?
05:05.40Mike---read that.
05:05.43Mike---what will that do ? :)
05:06.21Mike---will it add "+       p->branch++;
05:06.26Mike---"  some where ?
05:06.27Mike---or ?
05:07.04Mike---apperently that patch will let asterisk to register with a sip provider.. hm
05:07.50essobi__He's adding one line to that file.
05:08.00essobi__Er.. two.. one's blank.
05:09.03Mike---I wonder if that will help * to register
05:09.04essobi__He's manipulating a SIP header.
05:09.30Mike---well as of today asterisk wont register with my provider.. he told me this would help
05:09.38essobi__Likely they have a touchy SIP stack on their devices that you would be registering to.
05:09.51MustDiewhat's up with pingtel going open source ?
05:09.56essobi__Who's the provider?
05:10.10Mike---a swedish provider using the "hotsip" proxy
05:10.18essobi__Mustdie Trying to compete?
05:10.32MustDieessobj: no, just looking at their website
05:10.48MustDiewhat's up with them ?
05:11.05essobi__They are trying to compete?
05:11.13MustDiei guess so
05:11.14MustDielooks like it
05:12.07MustDieit wasn't open source even 2 weeks ago
05:13.13gafachidoes anyone know if g723.1 is available for asterisk?
05:13.34gafachiI thought I remember it being in CVS a long time ago, but then perhaps getting taken out?
05:13.48essobi__gafachi:  Not without a shitload of $$.
05:13.56gafachiI know it is protected IP...
05:13.58tessierProprietary software going open source is notoriously messy
05:14.13tessier* has a huge advantage.
05:14.55gafachiI just have some applications with phones that do not support ilbc or gsm...
05:15.11essobi__gafachi SOL?
05:15.24essobi__Use G711
05:17.24MustDieamazing shit:
05:17.34gafachiyeah I am using G711 now
05:19.07*** join/#asterisk parmit (~ccoding@
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05:21.37Mike---hm .
05:21.57Mike---Is asterisk really following the RFC regarding SIP register ?
05:22.41*** join/#asterisk rumba (
05:23.48Mike---hm.. I cant get it to register..
05:23.57Mike---maybe my version is too old..
05:25.02brc007oh and a 3ware raid card
05:26.28brc007now all I've gotta find is which mobo to use...
05:26.57*** join/#asterisk oob (
05:27.56brc007I found this in gentoo's docs...basically it says To put it bluntly, a Software RAID controller(such as silicon image or promise) is nothing more than a standard SATA/PATA controller with possibly a bios to store configuration information, this makes them extremely cheap to manufacture and is why you see them included on many motherboards.
05:28.33brc007so now I don't have to bother looking for a board with integrated RAID :)
05:28.37mengerthey are crap
05:28.47brc007sounds that way
05:29.06brc007if the OS doesn't have a driver it sees two seperate drives....what use is that?
05:29.23mengeryep :(
05:29.24brc007and I'll bet the drivers for linux don't work that well
05:29.31brc0073ware all the way baby!
05:29.37mengeri think my box picked it up as 2 seperate drives
05:29.43menger3ware is good
05:29.46mengergreat linux support
05:29.51mengerand speed was supurb
05:30.06brc007I found a 2 port SATA RAID 0,1 for $120 somewhere
05:30.24tessierBy offering enterprise-class, all SIP-based, open source IP PBX software under a Linux-style subscription license...
05:30.30brc007so I guess I'll get a 3ware card and a couple of whatever the smallest SATA drives I can get are
05:30.30MustDiebrc: you can use software one if you want
05:30.32tessierLinux-style subscription license?
05:30.40tessierLinux doesn't require a subscription. What are they smoking?
05:30.49brc007they are smoking SCO
05:31.02brc007same thing as sco
05:31.25*** part/#asterisk expousr (
05:31.48brc007so nobody's used athlon 64 with * yet?
05:32.11tessierA 64 bit system should be quite good at transcoding etc.
05:32.18citatsbrc007: zoa has for sure, and someone else... i know we had to fix an endian issue for them
05:32.19menger3Ware Escalade 8006-2LP is $253au wholesale
05:32.20citatsand md5
05:32.27brc007I sorta hate to be the guney pig
05:32.35MustDietessier: were all code is written for 32 bit. sure
05:32.36brc007hrm okay
05:33.10brc007MustDie: you mean if the code was written for 64 bit sure?
05:33.17brc007~seen zoa
05:33.18jbotzoa <~john@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21h 14m 6s ago, saying: 'the order'.
05:33.26brc007citats: is zoa around often?
05:33.34tessierIt won't take long for people to start taking advantage of the 64 bit stuff.
05:33.37brc007citats: know if he had any issues?
05:33.54brc007yeah I was talking to kram and he said that 64B would be great for echo canceling
05:34.24brc007if he had a 64B system to code on *hint hint :p*
05:35.09MustDieand maitanance for * codebase would be 4 times more complex
05:36.28MustDiebrc: you can optimize code for 64 bit, but it wouldn't work on other systems
05:37.17tessierHow does the Linux kernel get by being both 64 and 32 bit?
05:38.09brc007but there wouldn't be any disadvantages to using a athlon 64 (anymore then using a normal athlon) since it can run 32 bit code at the same speed right?
05:38.35brc007and if/when * is optimized for 64bit I could then use it
05:39.16brc007well if anyone's got a good reason not to get an athlon 64 speak up otherwise I'm off to find a mobo and 4U case
05:39.16Mike---this is strange
05:39.30Mike---I cant get asterisk to register with one of my sip providers..
05:40.02Mike---I think it might be something with the digest thinge.. not sure though :/
05:40.27brc007mustdie don't you think I'd get any preformance gain by compiling the current * codebase for 64bit?...I'm not really very familiar with how that would work so I don't know...
05:40.44brc007anyone know zoa's email address?
05:40.47Mike---hm I get a SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
05:41.00brc007I want^W NEED this thing ordered by tomorrow afternooon
05:41.14brc007the T1's coming in 3 weeks..ACK!
05:41.45brc007I hate IRC
05:42.10*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
05:43.13hmodeshah!  my eyes don't need silly things like oxygen
05:43.43brc007I wear contacts too
05:43.53*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
05:43.55brc007I've just switched to accuview advanced
05:44.06brc007they are made out of a different polymer then the accuview 2's
05:44.10brc007the advanced ROCK
05:44.16hmodesi was wearing hard semi-permiable lenses when I was 8
05:44.16brc007what do you wear?
05:44.21hmodesmy eyes are dead
05:44.28hmodesacuvue lately tho
05:44.35brc0071 2 or advanced?
05:44.41brc007seriously try the advanced
05:44.49hmodesthat good eh?
05:45.06brc007I'm in phoenix az too and it's _REALLY_ dry and the advanced don't dry out nearly as eaisly
05:45.38hmodesi'll 'ask my optomologist'(tm)
05:45.52brc007I just ran out of them and had to switch to a pair of AV2's I had left and I really notice the difference
05:46.03*** join/#asterisk cizkaro (
05:46.25brc007oh yeah the advanced are a little thicker and feel weird for about a minute when you start to wear them...then they disappear
05:46.51brc007alot eaiser to handle when you're putting em on too
05:46.56brc0072's always flop over
05:47.03*** part/#asterisk cizkaro (
05:47.41hmodesyeah, i gave up and have been dealing with a slightly wrong pair of glasses for almost a year now
05:47.46*** join/#asterisk cizkaro (
05:47.52hmodesno fun, i tell you what
05:48.02brc007get some new glasses :p
05:48.14hmodesmeh, glasses are frickin expensive
05:48.33hmodesand these work well enough and don't give me a constant headache now that i'm used to 'em
05:49.12hmodesthey're definately all kinds of bent from loosing them near my  bed frequently tho
05:51.14hmodesspeaking of bed
05:51.24hmodestime to to fall on it
05:51.42brc007on another note...
05:52.14*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
05:53.42brc007just trying to get an idea of what to charge
05:54.43*** join/#asterisk NickPertamav (~fwzqiok@
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05:57.00brc007since it's my first install I'm thinking I should charge a flat rate since I will likely get stuck on stupid stuff a few times and they shouldn't have to pay while I muddle around trying to figure it out...and PHB's tend to prefer a fixed price
05:57.01*** join/#asterisk venix (
05:57.39brc007what'd I do this time?
05:58.01hmodeshow beefy is the * being configured?
05:58.11hmodeslooks like a high end p3 low end p4
05:58.14*** join/#asterisk moresh (~jagat_rek@
05:58.15brc007what do you mean precisely
05:58.45hmodeswell a significant selling point is how far what you're doing will scale
05:58.54hmodes(with your hourly-billed expertise, of course)
05:58.59brc007I am thinking (at the moment anyway...I could flip back to P4 if you pushed me with a feather) of using an athlon 64 3000+
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05:59.44hmodeswell 12 phones i'd think would be happy with a celeron
05:59.44kennever fear, for i is here
05:59.52brc007yeah but the athlon64 is only 200 bucks :p
06:00.00hmodesif you're selling them an athlon64, there's expansion possibilities
06:00.09hmodesread: more income for you long term
06:00.21brc007and it may be more then 12 phones fairly quickly (next couple of months they may hire 3-6 more people)
06:00.31hmodesalso, service contracts are you best friend and your worst enemy
06:00.56brc007ken no not a call center...yet anyway
06:01.11hmodesnot callcenters rule
06:01.24kenit's all about predictive dialing and asterisk
06:01.25kenthat's all
06:01.30hmodesif nobody is overly concerned if voicemail picks up occasionally you're golden
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06:01.43brc0076 sales people 4 tech support 3 PHB's
06:02.23hmodesownz0red by *
06:02.26kenand a partridge in a pear tree?
06:02.27brc007hmodes: I don't think I'll do a support contract most likely
06:02.59hmodesprobably a good policy
06:03.11hmodestho they seem like a good move for low-upkeep clients
06:03.32hmodesit's a thin balance really
06:03.33brc007I doubt they'd want/couldafford one :p
06:04.05hmodeswell see that's where the 'contract' has to cost about what they're going to get out of you
06:04.11hmodesand that's what kills you
06:04.47Mike---hm.. I think there is something wrong with the www-auth thing in chan_sip.c
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06:04.56Mike---or maybe I'm reading the headers wrong
06:05.14Mike---Asterisk can't register with somw proxys.. (as a client)
06:05.15brc007I think I'm probably going to end up (get stuck:p) doing simple stuff like adding extensions for free (it's my dad's company :)
06:05.57Mike---anyone in here that are good on sipheaders ?
06:06.33brc007~seen critch
06:06.34jbotcritch <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 52d 12h 30m 19s ago, saying: 'zoa: Thanks. Hopefully that will make John James happy to know.'.
06:06.40ken$5 per digit in the extension
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06:07.05hmodessssh brc
06:07.10hmodesthe bills won't get paid that way
06:07.23Wi_Fianyone set up asterisk with FWD account?
06:07.43brc007Wi_Fi: it's in the wiki
06:07.50brc007hmodes heh :p
06:07.56quid24Wi_Fi:  Yeah, it's easy.
06:08.15Mike---I cant get * to register..
06:08.23Mike---it works with fwd etc etc.. but not this..
06:08.45JerJerfwd is now running IAX2  :)
06:08.57brc007really? cool!
06:08.58robl^fwd does IAX2????
06:09.03Mike---they do ?
06:09.17kenwho owns/operates fwd?
06:09.18JerJermark set it up with the one guy  at VON
06:09.32Mike---anyone in here that cen help me just looking at a header and tell me what's wrong ?
06:10.07JerJeruse the host  i believe
06:10.22hmodesb00t time fwd got up on *
06:10.59JerJerlast i heard there was a provisioning detail to be worked duno if all accounts will work or not
06:12.01hmodeshow are the hordes going to call iax from sip tho?
06:12.11hmodesthe current nat proxy can't handle its load as it
06:12.34robl^you don't need NAT proxy for IAX2 :)
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06:12.59hmodeslast time i checked to call iax2 from xlite i needed an intermediary * tho ;p
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06:13.15robl^when ppl switch to IAX2, FWD's NAT proxy should be less burdened
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06:13.54tessierSweet, JerJer just set me up on nufone.
06:14.03hmodeswell the day all fwd termination is iax2, i'll do something unspeakable
06:14.10robl^NuFone is da bomb!!  :)
06:14.13hmodes200k+ sip users aren't going to switch overnight tho
06:14.18Mike---*** Unable to resolve
06:14.23brc007what will you do :p
06:14.44hmodesit's unspeakable i tell you!
06:14.44JerJeris the right url?    i duno
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06:14.59Mike---hm. k.  .net wont resolv either.
06:15.01Mike---oh well
06:15.13JerJeri just know the second level is iax2
06:15.15hmodesluckily it will probably happen about the same time hell freezes over
06:15.18Mike---right now I gotta get asterisk to register
06:15.22chayewalajerjer what codecs does nufon support?
06:15.24hmodesfwd users are dumb, if slightly innovative
06:15.30JerJerall of them
06:15.56chayewalaand it supports native bridge as well?
06:16.01hmodesthey certainly whored out my machine for all it was worth
06:16.18hmodesand then some..  had to smack the bishes and pull the plug in the end
06:16.27hmodessip is a dangerous beast
06:16.30Mike---hm.. what does the "nonce"-part in a header exactly do?
06:16.48tessierhmodes: What happened? How did fwd users mess with your machine?
06:16.52gambolputtywould an inbound iax call need a file similar to zapata.conf?
06:17.12hmodestessire: i gave it to them voluntarily
06:17.18hmodesand they beat the livng pulp out of it
06:17.18tessierhmodes: Gave it to them to do what?
06:17.31brc007it's lasttime I checked
06:17.43brc007so maybe ?
06:17.44hmodesi was doing termination for awhile for fun
06:17.44JerJerok try iax2
06:18.03tessierhmodes: Termination like bridging SIP and PSTN for them?
06:18.11hmodespossibly ;p
06:18.15chayewalajerjer: and nufone supports native bridge as well?
06:18.32ChulJinoh, I think I remember that :P
06:18.43JerJerdoes a cat have an ass?
06:18.53hmodesmy cat votes yes
06:18.56hmodeswith his ass
06:19.19ChulJinyour *cat* votes, even?
06:19.22ChulJinyou must live in Chicago.
06:19.29chayewalano only the person who asks this question speaks from the ass :-)
06:19.40chayewalaso hmodes is right :)
06:19.45chayewalahmodes vote counts.
06:20.16ChulJinyou mean me, chaye?
06:20.41ChulJinah *whew* :P
06:21.28Mike---the "brnach-part" in the register in a sipheader.. isn't that sort of a "counter" that should increase ?
06:21.35Mike---ot am I wrong ?
06:22.24Mike---according to my sip provicer Asterisk uses the same branch for every register. the the sipprovider thinks it's just a resend and not a atuh. reg.
06:22.30Mike---isn't that a Asterisk bug ?
06:23.15chayewalaI think that is
06:23.22chayewalait does both iax2 and sop
06:23.29ChulJinJer: I understand you have 800 (or one of its successors) you have local DIDs as well?
06:23.55ChulJinfwd does IAX? they certainly don't advertise that well
06:24.05JerJerjust happened at VON
06:24.15ChulJinah OK
06:24.33ChulJinI seem to have missed a lot. :P
06:25.05JerJertoo many fruit loops
06:25.14ChulJinin LA?
06:25.39hmodesmmm, fruity loops
06:25.43JerJerCaliforina, the land of fruits and nuts
06:27.11hmodesand you know this how, michigan boy?
06:27.35JerJerbeen there, done that
06:27.50ChulJinMichigan? somehow I got it into your head you were in Naperville.
06:27.54ChulJinmy head, rather.
06:28.06hmodesso when do i get a PA did that can accept collect calls?  tell me THAT eh?
06:28.37JerJeriaxy+wireless ethernet converter
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06:28.59hmodesthat's so much work
06:29.15JerJerbut it works... mark demoed it
06:29.30hmodesfund my paetech colo and i'm there ;p
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06:29.49JerJerCapouch was there....   i was praying to the porcellan god
06:30.09robl^LOL!  too much to drink?
06:30.15CapouchYou had me worried sick you looked so deathly
06:30.25hmodeseh, i'm inclined to put dns servers there, so they can't be that bad
06:30.29ChulJinhmodes: exten=>12157654321,1,Answer       exten=>12157654321,2,Wait(1)       exten=>12157654321,3,Playback(yes)
06:30.41ChulJinthere, a did that accepts collect calls. :P
06:31.06JerJerCapouch:  i'm just glad i didn't hork in the PT Cruiser
06:31.21hmodeswhere do i send my monthly paypal bill? :)
06:31.29CapouchThe first thing Greg said when he got back, very triumphantly, "Jer didn't ralph in the Cruiser!"
06:32.13CapouchI got a dialplan snag I wonder if I could vet here
06:32.27CapouchI've got a cust with some Zap channels which I have "grouped"
06:32.30Capouchand that works just fine.
06:32.43CapouchBut they want to "hunt" outbound if those two are both in use for a Nufone line
06:33.01CapouchAnd I'm having trouble because both Zaps are in use, I have to jump to a busy prio
06:33.08CapouchBut that skips the call via Nufone
06:33.22CapouchBut if not, then it tries the call a second time on the next line even if the far end is busy
06:33.27CapouchDoes that make sense?
06:33.39CapouchI need to distiguish between "in use locally" and "busy on the other end"
06:34.07CapouchSo the hunt-by-group works ok on the Zap lines
06:34.17CapouchBut i can't find a way to include the Nufone line without that problem
06:34.23Capouchof trying twice if the far end is busy
06:34.33Capouchand customer doesn't like that because they can't see what's going on
06:35.03ChulJinI've completely lost the ambition I was going to use to rewrite my extensions.conf tonight :P
06:35.21CapouchIt's the funnest part of asterisk but can drive one crazy
06:35.36ChulJinextensions, you mean.
06:35.39brc007anyone know where to get 7905's cheep?
06:35.51asr__brc007: there are broken units on ebay
06:35.58asr__going for $70 or thereabouts
06:36.02brc007asr__: haha
06:36.07brc007slightly less cheep then that
06:36.11ChulJinfrom a shifty friend working for cisco
06:37.22JerJerCapouch:  so are we not sending back the approprate message to you?
06:37.32brc007I had found somewhere that had em for about 120 but I lost the bookmark
06:37.55CapouchHow does "local in use" differ from "remote end busy" in terms of what asterisk sees
06:38.11CapouchI don't know that it's a nufone thing; I fear it's structural
06:38.41CapouchAnd it hinges on that difference: in use versus busy remotely
06:40.10JerJeri wonder if u could use chan_local and build special logic to encapsulate the various channel types
06:40.23CapouchI'm going to play with it here tonight
06:40.34CapouchBut I've had some crashes on several systems running CVS head from Saturday
06:40.40CapouchAnd so I'm rebuilding right now
06:40.57JerJeryeah mark's been tweaking
06:41.19CapouchI have Zap channels stuck "on" and I can't soft hang them up
06:42.03CapouchI try to call extension (Zap/X) and it rings busy,
06:42.10CapouchThen "show channels" shows something like this:
06:42.32CapouchOoops my scroll passed me by; but shows the line in use
06:42.38Mike---I guess this patch can't be applied on the STABLE release ?
06:42.39Mike---or ?
06:42.47CapouchBut then "soft hangup zap/x" doesn't appear to do anything
06:42.56CapouchAnd I have to stop/start the server
06:42.59Mike---could that patch help me with my register problem perhaps..
06:43.07CapouchBeen happening on two systems running same CVS
06:43.09ChulJincapouch: so...yeah, I'm finally going to rid my extensions.conf of unused contexts from the sample, use includes where I now have repeated extension patterns all over the file...use more than just a couple of the nice lady's prompts, &c...
06:44.07Capouchchuljin: I have that yet to do on a few of my systems
06:44.12JerJerCapouch:  i've seen SIP/blah-3-zombie  and then  a  (none) tag in the show channels
06:44.15CapouchDoesn't really hurt anything
06:44.31CapouchJerJer: Yep, the none was there; I forgot about that
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06:44.54CapouchSeems to be happening one/two times a day
06:47.10argus_Capouch: is the message log printing allkinds of errors w/ a AGI script? i had a problem similer today
06:47.19CapouchHmm.  Need to look. . .
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06:53.51CapouchLots of these in my logs:
06:53.54Capouchzt hook failed: Device or resource busy
06:54.42argus_Capouch: yea i got the same thing when my AGI crashed
06:55.00argus_Capouch: should have the name of the script in the log right
06:55.12CapouchMine isn't agi; it's just normal asterisk operation
06:55.13brc007~seen argos
06:55.14jbotargos <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 1m 6s ago, saying: 'znoG: thinking the answer is "yes" from a vague memory of the docs, but don't trust me....'.
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06:56.05Capouchoops; wrong window :-)
06:57.09argus_Capouch: mm, maybemine was too
06:57.17argus_Capouch: Apr  5 12:05:38 WARNING[1269418960]: Failed to write frame
06:57.34argus_Capouch: the AGI thing may have been something else
06:57.39Capouchargus_: My problem only seems to affect Zap channels. .
06:58.35argus_Capouch: when that happened it basically just never hungup the Zap channel
06:58.53Capouchargus_: Same for me, in terms of the practical effects
06:59.12argus_Capouch: what ver of the zap driver are you using
06:59.22CapouchCVS from Saturday last
07:00.40argus_i'm on the 0.9.0 tend to stay away from CVS for the zap driver
07:00.56brc007anyone got zoa's email address?
07:01.07Capouchargus_: Well I just rebuilt and we'll see how things go tomorrow
07:01.46brc007how do you leave a message for someone?
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07:04.57brc007~tell zoa to email brc007 when you see him
07:05.08brc007jbot YES YOU WILL!
07:05.10jbotbrc007: no idea
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07:12.27atacommwho know it was illegal to do 84MPH in a 60......
07:12.45atacommi'm sooo flippin pissed
07:13.23atacommdrove 25 miles to fix a friends computer for free late at night......drivin back huggin the gas a lil, and sure enough.....thats what i get for going out of my way to be nice
07:14.16atacommanyone know if you can get probation before judgement in MN?
07:14.53rollergrrlI got a ticket today for 45 in a 35
07:15.19atacommi wish i knew how this will effect my insurance....this is the first ticket i've ever gotten....
07:15.27rollergrrlyou'll be fine
07:15.46rollergrrlone ticket is nothing
07:15.48atacommlol....i'm 22, i want to make sure my super high insurance doesn't redefine super
07:16.08rollergrrlthey rarely do anythign with one ticket
07:16.08citatsyour 22 and you've only had 1 ticket? damn
07:16.21rollergrrlI've had my license suspended 3 times
07:16.36citatsi think i had 19 points when i was 22
07:16.38atacommlol, i was let go the last time....i crossed jurisdictions before getting pulled over :P
07:16.39brc007atacomm: sometimes they have a deal where you basically pay them off some huge amount and they don't report it to your least they did in Coeur d'Alene Idaho
07:17.02rollergrrlIdaho is a different universe though
07:17.25atacommbrc: hmm..... heh, i think speeding by 24mph should be legal
07:17.31atacommand hence forth not speeding
07:17.45rollergrrlmy 45 in a 35 was bs
07:18.09rollergrrlnon residential area... fields around me...
07:18.25atacommmy partner got a ticket for 43 in a 40....
07:19.13brc007the escort and high end cobras are good
07:19.17brc007most are crap
07:19.18rollergrrlwell I'll probably get my license suspended again... and getting tickets on suspended licenses is not cheap
07:20.19brc007no hit's yet :(
07:20.24brc007snurl can track hits :)
07:20.33atacommin brighter news....i put down deposit on our new lease today..... oh wait, that means i lost more money today....
07:20.44rollergrrllease on?
07:20.50brc007new building I'd guess
07:20.54atacommso, how do they figure out the cost of tickets on insurance
07:20.55citatsrollergrrl: i hear that... i had 2 driving while suspended tickets in the same day...  
07:21.04atacommyeah, moving to a new facility, now they start building it out :)
07:21.08rollergrrlcitats: ouch
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07:21.23rollergrrlatacomm: you make that much money from web sales?
07:21.34atacommwell...demo'ing first, then building out
07:22.05atacommroller: doing about 50k /mo right now, and i dont have a chance to return most phone calls, i need to hire someone to do that....we lose are largest sales because of that
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07:22.21citatsthe only good thing about that experience is that the same place towed my truck both times... so somehow the 2nd charge fell through the cracks...
07:22.25rollergrrlholy shit
07:22.31rollergrrlmostly * customers?
07:22.37brc007TWICE IN THE SAME DAY?
07:22.41rollergrrldidn't know the userbase was that big
07:23.05atacommroller: alot of them are, but not coming from here.  we either steer them towards * or they have read about it and want to know more..... digium sends us customers as well since we have prebuilt servers
07:23.27citatsatacomm: show the coders some love :)
07:23.37atacommLOL, maybe after i start paying myself
07:23.39rollergrrlcitats: sounds like he is
07:23.46atacommselling other peoples gear is just turning over dollars
07:23.50rollergrrlhe's helping building the base
07:24.28rollergrrleven those selling the x100p knockoffs helps digium in the long run
07:25.02atacommlol, we plan our own T1 gear in the future..... selling other peoples gear makes it hard to actually make money
07:25.15citatsthe base doesnt help me pay for my time though.  so i settle for people buying me dvds and stuff, but it rarely happens
07:25.31rollergrrlatacomm: plus web sales is pretty cut-throat
07:26.10rollergrrlalthough you don't have much competition right now
07:26.11atacommthat is true.... plus, figure 4% on advertising, 3% on CC transactions.... 2-3% on shipping to warehouse items....
07:26.25atacommyou eat through margin pretty quick
07:26.43rollergrrlconsidering most items you probably get 10%-20%
07:26.51atacommyup, exactly
07:27.00rollergrrlit's all about the volume :)
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07:27.52atacommwe bought because we want to start selling more servers.... we buy from MPC (formerally MicronPC) and get a 33% discount on average, which makes a nice margin for configuring, seeing we sell at MSRP + T1 gear MSRP......
07:28.31rollergrrldo you support the servers you sell?
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07:29.29atacommright now, not yet....we bascilly preconfigure the T1, if phones ar ebought with we will build the dialplan.  we are working on a whole bunch of monitoring tools and configuration tools that we will keep proprietary that will be included soon, which will make them easy to manage for the average user
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