irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040405

00:00.01*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
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00:05.40brc007here this's pretty good
00:06.49brc007everyone leaves as soon as I find vids
00:07.15brc007heli vids >= rocket vids >:\
00:07.54*** join/#asterisk evilbunny (
00:09.16*** join/#asterisk AsteriskN (
00:09.21brc007what now marlowe
00:09.30marlowe_desktopnothing now
00:09.32JerJerhe just likes to bitch
00:09.52marlowe_desktopI do? That's news to me.
00:10.10marlowe_desktopI just jumped in the middle of the conversation and was confused, that was it?
00:10.40brc007just watch the video and we don't have to kill you
00:10.44marlowe_desktopJerJer: Since when do I like to bitch?
00:11.47marlowe_desktopbrc007: It's downloading, cable modem running like crap since the storm started.
00:12.06brc007it's huge but the only one I could find in mov format
00:12.19brc007the other crash one I posted is pretty good if you've got WiMP
00:12.25marlowe_desktopdownload just froze too, I should do this from my desktop.
00:12.29marlowe_desktoperr, laptop
00:12.55marlowe_desktopIt won't go past 7471104 bytes
00:15.06brc007 check out the night flying about half way down
00:15.13brc007yes we fly em at night
00:16.12marlowe_desktopI always wanted one of those
00:16.38*** join/#asterisk Jesse- (
00:16.54marlowe_desktopThis computer keeps freezing
00:17.03brc007the one you'll see in the video costs about 1 te410p...not including the engine
00:17.08marlowe_desktopI think its running on 64mb ram.
00:17.24brc007engine is about a t100p
00:18.11*** join/#asterisk Carp (
00:19.13brc007couple of cool pics here from a camera mounted on a heli
00:19.18brc007hi Jesse-
00:21.46h3xiaxphone 2.0 looks pretty spiffy
00:21.57*** join/#asterisk evilbunny (
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00:23.08brc007oh really
00:23.37h3xsucked more than a hooker on charleston bus stop... er like id know..
00:24.37brc007is it still in VB?
00:25.09h3xi donno.. hope not
00:25.18h3xif thats VB they did a good job...
00:25.49h3xspeed dial integration is moving along..
00:26.07brc007gimmie url dialing from the browser
00:26.22brc007which reminds me...guess I'll email em and let em know it'd be handy
00:26.53brc007how does speed dial integration work exactly?
00:27.02h3xoutlook or whatever i think
00:27.07*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
00:27.16brc007oh ok
00:27.20brc007lookout you mean
00:27.43h3xI type in iaxphone in google
00:27.46h3xDid you mean: saxophone  
00:28.19brc007Another version of this product is already installed, installation of this version can not continue
00:28.24brc007that's way stupid
00:28.25h3xauto answer huh
00:28.31h3xyeah i know
00:28.39h3x11.  URL transmission: send URLs to the remote party (guide the remote party's browser to specific web pages).
00:28.43h3xthere you go
00:29.36brc007I want <a href=iax:94805551212@>click here to call john doe</a>
00:29.54JerJeruse the callto handler
00:30.21brc007hush up and let the man speak
00:30.30h3xin what
00:30.34JerJerany url
00:31.11MustDiebrc: you have to write special protocol handler for IE
00:31.25JerJerits not hard...its just a registry entry
00:31.36brc007oh cool
00:32.06brc007cmoupter locking up, sec
00:32.07MustDiebrc: just copy what ever is under call: section in /protocols/handlers
00:32.14MustDieand name it AIX
00:32.15h3xso what iax phones support callto:
00:32.20MustDieso only you can use it ;)
00:32.22JerJerany of them can
00:32.37MustDieerr IAX
00:32.44h3xhow can that be
00:33.23MustDieh3x: i don't think any of them supports that
00:34.40brc007estara supports dialing with   sip:5001@   from the browser and it pops up and dials
00:35.42brc007I'm a bit confused here...
00:37.41JerJerit registers the sip handler
00:37.56JerJerany windsucks app could register an iax handler
00:38.37h3xwhy dont they :P
00:38.42BSDTechestara ?
00:38.52JerJerdon't ask me
00:38.53h3xat least iaxphone has hold now
00:38.58brc007I'm looking through the registry to try to figure out how tho change the handlers
00:39.23brc007BSDTech: should be the first link
00:39.37h3xthey're one of my long distance customers
00:39.38brc007there you go
00:40.06MustDiewhat do you people think about dell 1550
00:40.14MustDiehow bad is it ?
00:41.37h3xi got the worst techno music for my MOH
00:42.23brc007iaxphone doesn't seem to register the iax handler
00:42.40brc007comeon somebody tell me how
00:42.50h3xi called sokol and told him on his voicemail
00:42.58h3xmaybe i should set up an autodialer
00:43.03h3xto call and leave him that message over and over
00:43.09brc007what did you tell him?
00:43.12BSDTechis gnophone still being developed or is it dead in the water
00:43.17brc007dead afaik
00:43.17h3xadd url handling
00:43.29h3xactually i asked for the iax pop thing
00:43.36h3xwhich i just tried and dosent work
00:43.37Jesse-is there any iax phone with real good sound quality?
00:43.50brc007MustDie: do you know how I would switch sip:9999@ to get sent to xlite instead of estara?
00:44.11BSDTechwell iax needs to be pored to fbsd now
00:45.02MustDiebrc007: if x-lite does not support that, you would have to write an app, to do it
00:45.13MustDieto run x-lite with parameters or something
00:45.19brc007"<MustDie> brc: just copy what ever is under call: section in /protocols/handlers and name it IAX" where is /protocols/handlers?
00:45.29MustDiebrc: that's for netmeeting
00:45.31brc007yeah that's what I had thought
00:45.44brc007I don't really want to use netmeeting :\
00:46.09MustDiebrc: there you go. if you need a good software, write your own then.
00:46.22MustDiebrc: there are no way around
00:46.27h3xyoud think someone would put it in an iax phone
00:46.28BSDTechwhy did gnophone die ?
00:46.30h3xfor chrissakes
00:46.37brc007one thing I noticed in the registry is my call history from xlite is saved in the format "sip:1000@"
00:46.39MustDieyou can try to take IAX phone, and add some functionality
00:46.51brc007guess it's the only way
00:47.23MustDieiaxphone is a scary code.
00:47.24h3xtheres no source for 2.0
00:47.26brc007can't imagine why everybody wouldn't always put that functionality in...seems pretty simple
00:47.28brc007no source?
00:47.41h3xunless its in the same distro
00:48.00MustDieafaik IAXPhone is written in VB6
00:48.00h3xnope just two file
00:48.16MustDiejust scary shit
00:48.41*** join/#asterisk Essobi (
00:49.03brc007the site says it's LGPL but the source isn't there
00:49.16brc007he'd probably put it up if I asked I guess
00:49.43brc007sure be nice if xten added IAX
00:49.44MustDiebrc: i've looked into previous code. scary shit. just forget it
00:50.05brc007well I can't exactly forget it as a customer has asked for that functionality
00:50.30brc007they've got MS CRM and they want a click here to dial link on each customers info
00:50.44BSDTechwhy is it the only good iaxphone client that worked on linux and windows now is only windows
00:50.47MustDiebrc: i guess it's other solutions around
00:50.53brc007such as?
00:51.04BSDTechit seems all linux/uinx clients are biting the dust
00:51.08MustDiebrc: are they using softphone ?
00:51.26brc007they likely will for the people who will use CRM
00:51.39brc007unless they have to use hardphones
00:52.07MustDieyou just write an app, that passes info about where to call to *
00:52.15h3xuse asterisk manager interface
00:52.18h3xto speed dial
00:52.25h3xjust make a systray app
00:52.28MustDieand then * calls customers and connects with meetme or something
00:52.33h3xso you can use it for hardphones
00:52.40brc007there's 15,000 CRM entries
00:52.47MustDiebrc: so,
00:52.54brc007oh nm
00:53.30MustDieyou can use it even for softphones too
00:53.31h3xat least iaxphone is gsm
00:53.33MustDiebut it sucks
00:54.02brc007so the app I write...I'd set it up so when I click <a href=speedial:4805551212> the app would catch that and then tell * to dial that number and ring the phone of the person logged into the app
00:54.24MustDiebrc: yeah, just don't forget to identify your user ;)
00:54.25h3xbrc007: no use manager
00:54.32brc007I know nothing about manager
00:54.36h3xits very simple
00:54.44brc007I assume there's no documentation anywhere? :\
00:54.46MustDielike href=speeddial:12345:4805551212
00:54.46h3xaction: originate
00:55.02MustDiebrc: it's very easy to do
00:55.06h3xshow manager commands
00:55.50h3xjust do an action originate to your pohone and then an action transfer to the phone number
00:56.00brc007MustDie: is 12345 the exten of the user?
00:56.08h3xzaptransfer i guess
00:56.16MustDieor you can handle logic inside of your app
00:56.23MustDiebrc: you can even use VB for this ;)
00:56.38h3xthe plus side to this all is it keeps your dialplan from getting fucked up
00:56.39brc007I probably'd use or
00:56.44h3xsince normally you'd have dial 9 for outside calls
00:57.22MustDiebrc: you can use anything you like ;) you would have to deal with protocol handlers. and this is evil ;)
00:57.36*** join/#asterisk argus (
01:08.40*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
01:09.45evilbunnydoes anyone know how long it usually takes to get an account out of
01:11.45brc007depends on the phase of the moon
01:12.02brc007paypal 5 bucks to
01:12.09brc007I mean err uhm
01:14.03evilbunnybrc007: yea i did
01:14.08evilbunnyand got an automated reply
01:14.28evilbunnybut no account details etc :)
01:14.42brc007oh have you sent them what you want to use for your username and secret yet?
01:15.02evilbunnyreply to the automated mail with details?
01:15.43brc007for me anywya they sent an email and asked me to send them what I wanted to use for my username and password
01:16.08evilbunnythey didn't mention any of this in previous emails, just to send a payment to paypal
01:17.28brc007for anyone listening don't paypal
01:17.53slePPwrong place? :>
01:18.11brc007it's .net
01:18.31brc007though personally I would register .com too...
01:19.02*** join/#asterisk argus (
01:19.11*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:19.51JerJerevilbunny: what is your ticket number?
01:20.02*** join/#asterisk twisted__ (
01:20.34slePPpaypal should verify your target e-mail domain :>
01:21.30CarpCan someone give me some advice?  I am trying to write a basic AGI script in PHP.  A simple calling card application.  I cant think of how to cut the call off if their credits expire during a call.
01:21.58evilbunnyCarp: did you see the perl agi script for that?
01:22.05CarpYes I did.
01:22.07evilbunnyyou can set a time limit on the call
01:22.17evilbunnyso you just set the limit to their maxium credits
01:22.30CarpOh, I never thought of that.  Thanks aloy.
01:22.35evilbunnyor you can run a cron job to check on callers
01:22.43evilbunnyand kill their connection if they exceed their limit
01:22.50evilbunnyif they are calling internationally
01:22.52evilbunnyetc etc etc
01:22.57CarpRight, I'd rather do it within the script though.
01:22.59slePPa cronjob would be silly
01:23.22evilbunnyslePP: how would you handle different call rates in agi then?
01:23.40evilbunnyalthough you could calc it on a per call basis based on the number they dialed
01:23.43slePPback it from a DB, and have the agi set the absolute call limit based on their dialed target
01:23.43evilbunnythat would work as well
01:23.54evilbunnyjust thought of that :)
01:24.03slePPand when they hangup, drop their time left int he DB..
01:24.07slePPthis brings up an interesting problem
01:24.08*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
01:24.14slePPif you give me a calling card with 1000 minutes
01:24.22slePPand i dial in, and place a call. i get my 1000 minute absolute limit
01:24.27JerJerthat's gonna blow up in your face
01:24.27evilbunnynah you'd have a calling card with $10 for example
01:24.31slePPnow, i dial in again, with the same card number. i get another 1000 minutes
01:24.38evilbunnythen work out time based on amount left
01:24.48slePPso long as i don't end my first call, i keep getting unlimited call volumes :>
01:25.16slePPyou have to adapt the timing during the call, or limit it to one call/card
01:25.21CarpSo, how do I set a time linit on a call in PHP AGI?
01:25.24slePPand bill them $5 for trying to use it twice ;>
01:25.37slePPcarp: exec absolutetimeout 100, perhaps?
01:25.46JerJerCarp:   first off you don't use AGI.  secondly you calcuate the maxium duration they can call based on the rate and set an absolute timeout
01:25.51CarpIs that based on minutes or seconds/
01:26.23slePPcarp: set it to 5 and find out. if you can call somewhere and not get cutoff in 5 seoncds, it's minutes. :> but i think it's seconds.
01:26.30slePPshow application absolutetimeout
01:26.35slePPjerjer: why would an AGI be a bad approach?
01:27.06JerJernot flexable enough
01:27.12slePPfair enough.
01:27.12CarpIts in seconds
01:27.21*** join/#asterisk flash (
01:27.30CarpJerJer: If I didn't do it in AGI, how would I do it?
01:27.32meuslixhow can i tell if i have tip/ring wired up correctly?
01:27.35JerJeri've got app_twostage that i've been debating about open-sourcing to shut ppl up
01:27.50JerJerthe C Api
01:28.01CarpIf I only knew C/.
01:28.02slePPopen source it under license, or just do the g729 codec way :>
01:28.19CarpI wish I knew C.  tried to learn but couldnt get it to stick
01:28.23JerJerif i open it, its gonna be GPL and disclaimed so it can be distroed with asterisk
01:28.24evilbunnystick it under a non-commercial license :)
01:28.29slePPC is likely easier than PHP in a lot of respects. ;>
01:28.34slePPexcept it's strongly typed, PHP is not.
01:28.57CarpWell, PHP isnt too hard for me.  C has stumped me ALOT of times.
01:28.59slePPjerjer: it looked like 'destroyed with asterisk' the first time i read that. what's your twostage module do?
01:29.17JerJerits a two stage dialer
01:29.27evilbunnyJerJer: replied to your email with a user/pass
01:31.01evilbunnythe problem isn't a cool factor, it's a useable factor
01:31.50slePPiaxcomm isn't usable enough either
01:32.00slePPit lacks other codecs (gsm is just icky), it has some major UI issues
01:32.16evilbunnygsm is fine for asterisk to asterisk
01:33.42JerJerslePP:  so instead of just dialing, app_twostage checks ANI for authentication and/or asks for a pin/password
01:34.04JerJerthen informs you how much loot you have left, then prompts for the number to dial
01:34.10JerJerthen informs you how long u can rap
01:34.13JerJerthen makes the call
01:34.29slePPhow do you deal with multiple calls?
01:34.36JerJerso it can be used as a calling card  or callback  app
01:34.39slePPblock any but a single call per PIN?
01:35.17BSDTechunix is loosing all its iax/sip softphones
01:35.46brc007"slePP thinks it's time to write another IAX2 client... iaxComm is cool'n'all, but... not cool enough" cool :p