irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040404

00:00.34*** join/#asterisk markit (
00:01.04markitif I /etc/init.d/asterisk start I get "Starting Asterisk PBX: Unable to open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied"
00:01.46markitseems that asterisk user can't write on that directory... or whatever?
00:01.54JerJer[sick]your not root
00:02.42markitJerJer[sick]: sure, the script runs like "asterisk" user, I suppose
00:02.50JerJer[sick]um no
00:03.15markitwell, I run it as root
00:04.09Essobi_Mashed potatos.
00:05.48markitand under /var/run there is a "asterisk" directory, with "asterisk" as owner and group
00:06.02markitmaybe the .pid should be put there
00:06.39justinnnnnndoes it already exist ?
00:06.42justinnnnnnmarkit ?
00:07.29Essobi_markit:  Umm.. ls -ld /var/run?
00:07.43Essobi_ls -ld /var/run/
00:07.53JerJer[sick]how about the obvious:  can you start asterisk normally?
00:08.16markitJerJer[sick]: I can starti it with # asterisk -vvvc  without problems :)
00:08.42markitEssobi_: that file does not exist
00:08.49Essobi_Which one?
00:08.52Essobi_ls -ld /var/run?
00:09.22Essobi_Paste the output of these to me.
00:09.26markitasgard:/home/marco# ls -ld /var/run/
00:09.26Essobi_ls -ld /var/run
00:09.26markitdrwxr-xr-x   13 root     root          944 2004-04-04 01:56 /var/run/
00:09.31Essobi_to me.
00:09.40pooh_markit: still up?? ;-)
00:09.43JerJer[sick]just use safe_asterisk
00:09.47Essobi_sh -x /etc/init.d/asterisk start
00:09.56markitpooh_:  sure ;)
00:09.58JerJer[sick]i think the init script is evil anyways
00:10.01pooh_markit: hehehe
00:11.01pooh_arkit: I've got h323 running ok
00:11.08pooh_markit that is
00:13.38justinnnnnnis it working now markit ?
00:14.52markitjustinnnnnn: not yet ;)
00:14.57Essobi_Hey jerjer.. I can't get my calls to go out * -> GnuGK -> CCM but the other way around works.. I'll send you a dump sometime monday maybe.
00:15.16*** join/#asterisk venix (
00:15.22markitI've a recent CVS running... seems a bug to me
00:15.22*** join/#asterisk expousr (
00:16.12pooh_markit: whenever I mess up asterisk, I remobe /var/lock asterisk stuff and /var/run/ asterisk stuff and /etc/init.d/asterisk start again
00:16.12markitthe init script loads asterisk as asterisk user, but asterisk user has not permission to write tu /var/run
00:16.47Essobi_Jerjer Oh and this too.. DTMF can be sent from my h323 from but not sent back to it.
00:18.19justinnnnnnhow do u get asterisk to be run by another user ?
00:18.22*** join/#asterisk venix_ (
00:18.27justinnnnnnmaybe thats whats going on
00:18.38i2wildadd to group asterisk in /etc/group?
00:18.49justinnnnnntry um asterisk -cvvv
00:18.50justinnnnnnor something
00:18.52justinnnnnnthats what i do
00:18.58Essobi_His /var/run isn't writeable buy user asterisk
00:19.16justinnnnnnmine isnt either ?
00:19.29justinnnnnni run as root tho
00:19.47pooh_hmmm I don't even have a user *
00:19.55*** join/#asterisk zotzz (~zotzz@
00:20.37markitpooh_: you'd better have one, expecially if you configure the asterisk manager ;)
00:21.00pooh_markit: any docs on that pls ?
00:21.06pooh_e.g. URL
00:21.45*** part/#asterisk expousr (
00:21.47markitI mean, the asterisk manager... the interface for telnetting commands to asterisk.. since it opens a port, you'd better not be root
00:23.17pooh_markit: telnet port is closed by default on my server
00:24.49markitpooh_: I need asterisk manager port open, since I have to originate calls from my Win2K pc
00:25.25Essobi_Holy SHIT!
00:25.42Essobi_The Skinny port on * has the XML push on call in it!
00:26.03Essobi_I should hack that up to the extreme.. MMmmmm.
00:26.10pooh_markit: ok... never used the manager before
00:26.30Essobi_blob storage of a bmp pic in LDAP.. stored under DID, and drop/pushed on call... MMMMMM.
00:26.37Essobi_And coffee and stur.
00:27.26pooh_markit: buone notte
00:28.40markitnotte pooh_ :))
00:31.36markitI go to sleep too... thanks Essobi_
00:31.39*** part/#asterisk markit (
00:42.41*** join/#asterisk wsmith (~wsmith@
00:42.46wsmithany bug marshalls on?
00:44.10wsmithanyone heard of this error? chan_zap.c:6250 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 4 already in use on span 2. Hanging up on owner.
00:48.01*** join/#asterisk twisted (
00:48.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
00:48.06*** join/#asterisk nitto (
00:49.43*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
00:53.15*** join/#asterisk nitto (
00:53.30fileooh I'm in trouble with JerJer
00:53.58learathwhat'd you do?
00:54.23fileI told somebody on the mailing list who wanted info on NuFone about the in-development site that's in the #nufone topic
00:54.46learathand he got pissed about that?
00:55.45JerJer[sick]in-development doesn't mean production in my book
00:56.10twistedyou don't want potential customers hitting a dead-end site
00:56.12filewell they wanted info, and that place was official plus I vaguely remembered you telling me the signup worked
00:56.23JerJer[sick]with no SSL cert?????????????????
00:56.24twistedthat was not official. is official :)
00:56.32fileyeah but has no info :p
00:56.41JerJer[sick]sure it does
00:56.43JerJer[sick]contact us has LOTS of info
00:56.49JerJer[sick]fill out the form
00:57.19JerJer[sick]we've had 757 people do it, since we've started keeping track
00:57.22fileJerJer[sick]: he's already been contacted by a separate company in another e-mail for service
00:57.44JerJer[sick]fine.. good for him
00:57.55fileI don't know who it is though...
00:58.13fileever hear of a Stephen Karrington?
00:58.40*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
00:58.56wsmithso, uh. we're dying here.
00:59.22JerJer[sick]finish yourself, rightously
00:59.24CapouchJerJer: Did you see my embarrassing inadvertent mail to the group about how you were feeling?
00:59.32JerJer[sick]yeah, tis all good
00:59.39CapouchHow was the flight home?
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk twisted__ (
01:00.00CapouchIn terms of how you were feeling, or the weather/air?
01:00.07twistedmy laptop is behind
01:00.26JerJer[sick]weather was great...  /me on the other hand wasn't
01:00.49fileJerJer[sick]: still sorry about the mailing list thing, I won't speak of that url ever again
01:01.07JerJer[sick]u can speak it all u want now   :)
01:01.16filewhy, does it work?
01:01.17twistedJerJer[sick]: is it finalized?
01:01.24JerJer[sick]file:  look for yourself
01:01.27learath. o (jerjer redirects that url to
01:01.59twistedit doesn't exist :/
01:03.27twistedJerJer[sick]: just gonna wait till ya got it finished to put it back up?
01:04.19JerJer[sick]yeah, somthing like that
01:04.51fileooh Vonage Canada finally exists
01:05.28fileof course, they're not in my area code
01:07.13h3xJerJer[sick]: you got a typo on ...   "Technologies"
01:07.16JerJer[sick]twisted: plus the decsion hasn't been absolutely made if we are going to use as the new url
01:07.18h3xunder colocation facility
01:09.12bkw_tiny penis?
01:09.26MustDie600 messages a day
01:09.34MustDienucking futs
01:09.55bkw_no they are trying to make your penis bigger not your nuts
01:10.09h3xthat would be a good joke spam
01:10.16MustDiebuhaha ;)
01:10.34bkw_get them big ole voit balls
01:11.28twisted< 10 minutes to compile and install new kernel
01:11.31twistedthis machine rox
01:13.28extremisI'm trying to use the sample codeo n the asterisk cisco 79xx wiki page and php is bitching about the syntax
01:13.35extremisanyone see anything wrong with this line? :        if (isset($v'callerid')) {
01:13.44extremisParse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `')'' in /var/www/html/phonedir.php on line 13
01:13.49extremisthats my parse error for that line
01:16.13extremisanyone ?
01:16.17*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:16.21wsmithman. the sh*t really hits the fan when you lose an entire ds3 worth of calls.
01:16.31JerJer[sick]$v'callerid'   ?
01:16.55MustDiewsmith: it's called 'oops' ;)
01:17.02extremisJerJer[sick]: yeah it was:  if (isset($vcallerid>'callerid')){
01:17.15extremisbut examining the rest of thet code, they were using $v'callerid'
01:17.24JerJer[sick]thats just dumb
01:17.24wsmithor, in our case, asterisk shitting itself
01:17.25extremisso I though it was a html bug displaying their code
01:17.41extremisJerJer[sick]: check out that wiki page
01:17.49extremisdown at the ver bottom
01:18.10JerJer[sick]ok someone needs to lay off the crack pipe
01:18.27JerJer[sick]unless that's some crazy php syntax i don't know
01:18.36extremisJerJer[sick]: how do you think it should read?
01:18.57JerJer[sick]not sure at all
01:19.01JerJer[sick]where is it defined?
01:19.10JerJer[sick]its not :)
01:19.43*** join/#asterisk nitto (
01:19.46extremiswhile ($v = current($iax_array)) {
01:19.59extremisor sip_array
01:20.51JerJer[sick]no wonder i hate php
01:20.54extremisJerJer[sick]: lets try something else
01:21.03extremisI'm looking for a good directory interface for the 7960s
01:21.06extremiswhat should I use?
01:21.10JerJer[sick]while (@v  ...  makes more sense to me
01:21.16JerJer[sick]being a perl monger
01:22.27CapouchMustDie: I'll second that thought a few hundred times.  What idiocy.
01:22.38filemy brother is stuck in a loop on a phone system
01:22.43filehe keeps pressing buttons over and over
01:24.04extremisJerJer[sick]: did you see my directory question?
01:24.34JerJer[sick]i played with an early perl module like a year ago
01:24.40JerJer[sick]check CPAN
01:25.04JerJer[sick]hmmm...that might have been just services though
01:25.17JerJer[sick]but if its just XML it should be supported, by now
01:25.37JerJer[sick]er AXL ....  stupid cisco
01:26.31extremiswell isn't there a limit on the number of extensions you can give it
01:26.39extremisplus their directory inteface doesn't support searching
01:26.45extremisenter teh last 3 letters ... ie
01:32.14*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
01:37.56*** join/#asterisk eric (
01:45.30*** join/#asterisk twisted (
01:45.30*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
01:45.46twistedi'm not root jbot... or at least i shouldn't be
01:45.57twistedLinux pablo 2.4.25 #3 Sat Apr 3 19:09:08 CST 2004 i686 unknown
01:46.24twistednew boxor up and going strong
01:46.43bkw_where is km
01:46.57*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
01:48.11twistedi'm running gaim .60cvs
01:48.17twistedbkw_: no clue.
01:49.23ericGroup I have a question about asterisk if you have a sec
01:51.03ericlooking for a good sample config for iax and extensions
01:51.26ericI'm unable to get the iax to ring it just goes to voice mail
02:00.01scatis there a free database out there of festival stuff?
02:00.10bkw_what do you need?
02:00.20scata voice that doesn't sound so horrible
02:00.55JerJer[sick]ne1 happen to know if Rhino is a good FXS channel bank?  (how about a ball park cost?)
02:06.24cybycAnyone here using the SendDTMF app in their dialplan?
02:13.44*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
02:18.49*** join/#asterisk suma (
02:19.02*** join/#asterisk alk (
02:19.37*** join/#asterisk argus (
02:32.07*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
02:34.17twistedanything interesting going on?
02:34.31robl^yeah..  Asterisk hates me today
02:34.41twistedhead hates everyone today
02:35.23twistedi like mine unstable
02:35.26twistedit keeps me on my toes
02:36.06*** join/#asterisk nitto (
02:37.52robl^this thing work.. then I wapped hard drives.. reinstalled everyhing again.. even same version of all files.. and it no work.  it is EVIL
02:38.00*** part/#asterisk darius_ (
02:39.46*** join/#asterisk The-Fixer (
02:42.59robl^Apr  3 20:40:59 ERROR[-1085087616]: chan_zap.c:5319 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
02:42.59robl^here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
02:42.59robl^Apr  3 20:40:59 ERROR[-1085087616]: chan_zap.c:7355 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
02:43.08JerJer[sick]run ztcfg -v
02:43.13bkw_you have a config problem
02:43.26bkw_ya what JerJer[sick] said
02:43.50twistedi 3rd that motion
02:44.08robl^heh.. Looks ok.   no errors
02:44.23bkw_is /. dead?
02:44.41twistedrobl^: that's what sets up the channels for * to use :)