irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040322

00:00.14brif8yes, I have all ports forwarded to .12 so as to get RTP to work
00:00.34dantthat'll be why then :)
00:00.52*** join/#asterisk M0c (
00:01.25brif8ok so if that proves all ports are forwarded then why does the IP phone not connect to the RTP
00:02.20dantdo you have to enable NAT on the phone?
00:02.57crysflamecan you tcpdump on the router?
00:03.00*** join/#asterisk mvand (
00:03.31brif8dant: think so will check,
00:03.40brif8crysflame: dan't tcpdump the router no
00:03.41dantbrif8, is your setup something like this? IP Phone <-> NAT <-> Internet <-> NAT <-> *
00:03.55brif8dant: yes, exactly like that
00:04.28brif8IP Phone <-> Linksys Router (NAT) <-> Internet <-> Linux Gateway <-> *
00:04.43M0cish good luck hehe
00:05.15slePPcan someone call in via SIP and dial 895? :>
00:05.23dantdidn't realise... that could make things a tad difficult
00:05.30brif8IP Phones NAT set to automatic
00:05.34*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (~boris@
00:05.34M0cIAX nope, SIP yes
00:05.40crysflameis there an OS X SIP client recommendation?
00:05.44M0cIAX is NAT friendly