irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040318

00:00.26*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
00:00.41brif8curious to what network / infrastructure does nufone, etc.. connect to, to offer the rates as low as 3.9c/min ?
00:01.09brif8telco still charges for T1 calls +/- 5-7 c/min ?
00:01.09eprestonwhat would case a "Dial End" event on the channel right at the beginning of "Dial" app?
00:01.38killerbeehey is is me.. or is fwd screwy
00:02.02*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
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00:02.36tessierAnyone know what digiums lead time on T1 cards normally is?
00:02.49file[desk]two years!
00:02.59ManxPowerNufone is 2.9/cents/min for USA calls
00:03.25habakukif you can register to them
00:03.36ManxPowerbrif8: Nufone has some LARGE corporate customers and so get VERY good wholesale rates from the telcos.
00:03.42brif8even 2.9 c/min how, since a telco charges 5-7 c/min for a T1 call
00:03.53ManxPowerbrif8: They don't.
00:03.54eprestonanyone here know the chan driver code well? I could use some help/info in a pvt chan
00:04.02ManxPowerbrif8: Where do you get those numbers from????
00:04.09mitchel_does anyone know a company with a better charge per minute then nufone?
00:04.27ManxPowerHeck, I get 7/cents/min as a RETAIL customer of IDT
00:04.37file[desk]mitchel_: nope. :)
00:04.44ManxPowerAnd TalkAmerica had 5/cents/min for a long time.
00:04.49machinehdsomeone in here must use Asterisk for sip -> pstn calls?
00:04.58brif8I'm looking to get a T1 line and sprint (our local telco) says a T1 is $795 per month plus 6c/min
00:05.01Carpanyone know who wrote agi-ccard.agi?
00:05.10file[desk]bkw_ did
00:05.14ManxPowerbrif8: Tell them you will comit to 10,000mins/month.
00:05.23jjhallMy POTS provider charges $.05 per minute, with a $20 per month cap.  You can bet they are paying less than what Nufone charges... LOL
00:05.36ManxPowerThey will give you the T-1 for free and charge you some horribly low (sometimes less than 1 cent/mon) rate.
00:05.56ManxPowermon == min, of course.
00:06.02brif8wooah !!!! if you comit to only 10,000 mins
00:06.19ManxPowerbrif8: I believe that Nufone does more than 10,000 mins/month
00:06.39brif8what happens if you don't make the full 10,000 min per month ?
00:06.41ManxPowerbrif8: Heck, we got 5/cents/min from Sprint with no usage comitments.
00:06.42jjhallI'm sure some of Nufone's customers use more than 10K per month..
00:06.50ManxPowerbrif8: Then you pay some penalty.
00:07.01mitchel_whats wrong with stringing 24 lines from a normal pots to asterisk? instead of getting a t1
00:07.06brif8roughlt what king of penalty ?
00:07.17ManxPowerIt will be all spelled out in lawereze in the 400 page contract they will make you sign.
00:07.33*** join/#asterisk todd- (
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00:07.39ManxPowerbrif8: Prolly no more than just pading your bill up to 10,000mins for that month
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00:07.48brif8aah!! so you'll have to sign a contract also.
00:08.03ManxPowerbrif8: Of course.  That's the way you get good rates.
00:08.10rdanybody can help me with asterisk config?
00:08.11citatsbrif8: of course... verbal commitments mean squat
00:08.18ManxPowerGood rates require contracts and monthly usage comitments
00:08.19jjhallmitchel_: Sound quality would be a lot better with T1, less echo problems, hardware is cheaper, monthly line charges would be cheaper...  Lots of advantages.  POTS lines really suck compared to the other options available.
00:08.27brif8ok what if you commit to more than 10,000 min, would you get an even better rate ?
00:08.38ManxPowerbrif8: I'm sure you will.
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00:09.05jjhallbrif8: Obviously, the more you commit to spend with a company, the better the perks they will give you in order to make sure they get your business rather than their competator.
00:09.15brif8thanks ManxPower: what about costs on a 1-800 number, same applies ?
00:09.28citatsbrif8: everything is negotiable
00:09.52mitchel_jjhall: it seems to me that a t1 is actually more expensive then just a business line?
00:10.00mitchel_jjhall: on a cost per line
00:10.00brif8jjhall: understood, but sprint seems to be the only ones local, here, at least
00:10.13Matthew_Ird: it annoys people when you come in and ask to ask or ask questions like "can some one help me?"  Just ask your question
00:10.23citatsmitchel_: it depends on the carrier... around here at about 6-8 lines the t1 becomes cheaper
00:10.36ManxPowerbrif8: Generally yes.
00:10.46jjhallmitchel_: For one or two lines, yes.  But depending on the options available, once you reach the 4-5 line point, T1 actually becomes cheaper.  It takes more lines to reach that point depending you your exact location.
00:10.59ManxPowerbrif8: Large companies have different t-1s for local calling .vs. toll calling.
00:11.13ManxPowerbrif8: Where are you located?
00:11.23brif8thanks guys, I'm going to give my sprint rep a BIG talking to tomorrow, as to why our rates are so bad,
00:11.29brif8ManxPower: Citrus County, FL
00:11.47ManxPowerbrif8: Most LD carriers will service most points in the USA.
00:11.54jjhallbrif8: Sprint may have to give you the T1 loop themselves, but who you connect your T1 to, and who you get service from, can usually be different.
00:12.30ManxPowerbrif8: Get quotes from 3-4 carriers then play them off against each other.  "Well AT&T will give me toll calling for 1 cent/min less than you are.  Whatcha gonna do about it, sales boy?"
00:12.31brif8jjhall: Oh! ok then if I may ask who and what are you all paying, for T1s ?
00:13.10ManxPowerbrif8: The LD company will normally pay for the T-1 if you comit to even a reasonably small per month comitment.
00:13.15jjhallbrif8: In my case here, Qwest provides the copper loops for the T1, and Sprint, MCI, TouchAmerica, and numerous others can provide the service.
00:13.23*** part/#asterisk rgagnon_ (
00:13.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:13.37ManxPowerjjhall: But do you pay Qwest for the T-1 or does the LD carrier do that?
00:13.47*** part/#asterisk Matthew_I (
00:14.07rdmattew: okay, here we go
00:14.13eprestonwhat exactly does read_channel bridge=1 mean?
00:14.16jjhallManxPower: Depends on the contracts.  I don't handle that side of things for my company.
00:14.19ManxPowerNow, IN-STATE long distance or IN-LATA long distance is a totally different thing.
00:14.28brif8man I'm sure glad I asked I knew my deal was high, but now it's down right THEFT, it also makes the 2.9c more understandible
00:14.47mitchel_does anyone have an idea for me? i get 1.7C's a minute from my t1 provider, but i'd prefer something lower if possible, also unlimited outgoing calls (where i just pay per minute...i.e. through some service online)
00:14.54rdI'm trying to run asterisk on freebsd. right now my network has only one voip phone - cisco 7940 (skinny)
00:14.55ManxPowerbrif8: Yes, but no-contract, no-usage comitment will always cause higher rates.
00:15.16rdI was trying to use example configs provided by asterisk distribution
00:15.31ManxPowermitchel_: 1.7c/min is better than most VoIP companies will provide.
00:15.35rdnow it _kinda_ works, but when I try to dial for voicemail, asterisk dumps core
00:15.53ManxPowerrd: Asterisk is only supported on Linux.
00:16.08jjhallbrif8: Long and short of it, is the more you plan to use, the better your price point per minute will be, and the more perks you can get.  Figure out (realistically) what you plan to use and start calling carriers and getting quotes.
00:16.11ManxPowerThere are a few *BSD users that have gotten it to work, but they are pretty much on their own.
00:16.26ManxPowerrd: Recent CVS versions seem to run better on *BSD
00:16.36rdmanxpower: in other words, if I decide to go with FreeBSD, I'm on my own and people here wouldn't be able to help, right?
00:16.47ManxPowerbrif8: Your local phone company will almost always have high LD rates.
00:17.04*** join/#asterisk adelorenzo (~adelorenz@
00:17.08ManxPowerrd: There might be one or two people that come here occasionally that run *BSD, but that's all.
00:17.31jjhallrd: Some people here will be able to help, but most of us are using various flavors of Linux.
00:17.32ManxPowerbrif8: Let the LD company deal with the T-1.
00:17.54rdmanxpower: I suspect that it has nothing to do with bsd/linux. It's probably something dumb in my config files, but thanks for your help anyway
00:18.05ManxPowerrd: Asterisk should never dump core.
00:18.12ManxPowerrd: What verison of Asterisk are you using?
00:18.42ManxPowerrd: SCCP is alpha quality, so that can be the problem too.
00:18.58rdwould it be helpfull, if I show a stack trace?
00:19.11killerbeehey.. is the SIP to SIP problem still in CVS?
00:19.29ManxPowerrd better to post it to the astrisk-dev mailing list and file a bug with if you are using chan_skinny
00:19.46ManxPowerkillerbee: Supposed to be fixed today or yeterday.
00:20.10rdmanxpower: the problem is - I'm not sure it's an asterisk bug. it's probably misconfiguration on my side, since it's obvious that I'm a newby when it comes to voip
00:20.22killerbeeManxPower ..iax seems ok
00:20.24ManxPowerkillerbee: I don't keep the messages from the asterisk-cvs mailing list do I don't know for sure.
00:20.35todd-rd: are you doing CME ?
00:20.44ManxPowertodd-: SCCP aka Skinny aka Cisco secret protocol for use with Cisco Call Manager
00:20.50rdtodd: what's a CME?
00:21.02ManxPowertodd-: Some Cisco phones only run SCCP/Skinny not SIP
00:21.04todd-cisco call manager = CME
00:21.13todd-I have a setup I've just turned up
00:21.23rdtodd: ahh
00:21.25todd-that uses a cisco with CME to set a dial-peer as sip
00:21.59todd-if you have a cisco with CME you can set an option on the sip dial peer 'dtmf-relay sip-notify' and I've a patch as a wip that works to receive dtmf from the cisco sccp phones
00:22.04rdtodd: I don't think so. do you have a minute to take a look at the config files? I believe they were created from your examples
00:22.29todd-my examples? I have not put any config files up .. perhaps you may be thinking of someone else
00:22.34tclarkgota luv that ml post from Don Feuer hearing that there are lota issue with AIX providers
00:22.46ManxPowertclark: *nod*  LOL!
00:22.54rdsivka# grep todd *
00:22.54rdextensions.conf:;;exten => s,3,Dial(IAX/jtodd@nufone/${ARG1},100,T)
00:22.54rdindications.conf:; 2003-04-24 05:06 GMT
00:22.54rdlogger.conf:; 2003-04-24 05:06 GMT
00:23.00rdperhaps it's a different todd
00:23.12todd-I'm going to guess that you have a cisco call manager ?
00:23.23bkw_rd jtodd is jtodd
00:23.26bkw_todd- is someone else
00:23.29todd-I'm `Todd Fries' and if you really wanna pic
00:23.31tclarklike they can gurantee ppl isp svcs wonder how he spells voip :)
00:23.33rdbkw: my bad
00:23.43ManxPowerit is.  he's jtodd here on irc
00:23.52machinehdwhat is the best gui? any work with a mysql setup?
00:23.58todd-and for whatever it's worth I just spent time in the last 20hrs getting asterisk to work on OpenBSD ..
00:24.06rdtodd: honestly, last thing I care right now is somebodies picture :-)
00:24.06bkw_todd- kewl
00:24.17rdtodd: did it work?
00:24.21blllasterisk on openbsd would be erection-worthy
00:24.41ManxPowertodd-: Did you find much help?
00:24.44tclarkkillerbee: like after latest fix to rtp.c still see nonsense like this ..
00:24.46todd-bkw_ yeah it was fun. it's a dual brained setup, sip phone -> local asterisk pbx inside nat -> colo outside nat .. the colo outside nat terminates FWD and IAXTEL and all calls route into the sip phone
00:24.47tclarkMar 17 15:58:30 DEBUG[139282]: rtp.c:1003 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 635946336, ms is 1531119464
00:24.47bkw_zaptel on bsd would be
00:24.49bkw_but not asterisk
00:25.23tclark1531119464ms  on a 100ms ping end pt :)
00:25.25tessierWhy bother?
00:25.35todd-someone call 17002279094 .. you'll either get me or an openbsd asterisk but you'll be talking through openbsd asterisk anyway
00:25.56bkw_todd asterisk on openbsd is not new
00:26.06bkw_zaptel on openbsd would be orgasim worthy
00:26.08todd-working as an official port?
00:26.21bkw_todd- you and tholo need to talk
00:26.24killerbeebkw_ good to CU now fix rtp.c
00:26.33todd-I know tholo, I'm his backup mx
00:26.39bkw_killer rtp.c was still fucked as of today
00:26.48bkw_one way works the other doesn't
00:26.49tclarkas of now
00:26.59bkw_tclark you still have problems with it?
00:27.03rd#6  0x292a6f58 in _init ()
00:27.03rd#7  0x292a97ce in _init ()
00:27.03rd#8  0x0805dae9 in pbx_exec (c=0x8148000, app=0x81085c0, data=0xbf9d8b68,
00:27.04*** join/#asterisk daork (
00:27.05rd#9  0x0805f76d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8148000,
00:27.08tclarkDifference is 635946336, ms is 1531119464
00:27.15bkw_rd so help me god
00:27.20rdthat's a partial stack trace related to executing a dialer
00:27.25bkw_1 thru 5 is where the problem is
00:27.33bkw_show us those
00:28.01rd#0  0x280f242f in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
00:28.01rd#1  0x280ec703 in pthread_mutexattr_init () from /usr/lib/
00:28.01rd#2  0x280eb2a9 in pthread_mutexattr_init () from /usr/lib/
00:28.01rd#3  0x08135800 in ?? ()
00:28.01rd#4  0x28228178 in adsi_transmit_message ()
00:28.04rd#5  0x28228d9d in adsi_load_session ()
00:28.23espenbkw.. msg..
00:28.48bkw_looks like adsi is hozed
00:29.02rdbkw: I didn't show 'em since it's just a thread creation
00:29.13bkw_thats where the problem starts
00:29.30rdbkw: so what I'm saying is that most likely my configuration is screwed up and I have no idea where to look
00:29.31bkw_everythign in a bt is needed
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00:29.36brif8ManxPower: brb. phone rang
00:29.49bkw_rd do you have all the adsi stuffs in /etc/asterisk
00:29.56bkw_or have you farked with it
00:29.57*** join/#asterisk l-fy (
00:29.59bkw_ADSI should die
00:30.00*** join/#asterisk alstor (
00:30.16rdbkw: I don't believe so
00:30.20bkw_its rude
00:30.31bkw_i dont mind helping here in the channel
00:30.35bkw_where everyone can learn from it
00:30.42bkw_but one on one is 60.00/hr+
00:30.42denon/msg bkw_ HELP!
00:30.47bkw_denon haha
00:30.48espenwe had a dialog..
00:30.57denonwtf is wrong with ADSI btw?
00:31.04espenbkw, well, kan you help me with my problem then?
00:31.17tessierdenon: It's analog!
00:31.17tessierThat is SO 1980's!
00:31.22bkw_denon ADSI I have no use for it so it shouldn't be something that everything depends on
00:31.40rdbkw: I removed ADSI configs, since I didn't see them in the examples
00:31.45bkw_the core of asterisk should be ripped and rebuilt with some sort of dependancy manager
00:31.53alstorbkw? Could you help me with my problem then?
00:31.54bkw_rd put them back
00:31.58bkw_alstor NO
00:32.03alstorim espen.
00:32.16rdbkw: just adsi.conf or *.adsi as well?
00:32.20bkw_rd yes
00:32.32rdbkw: yes to the first one or yes to both?
00:32.36bkw_MustDie 2 hours min.
00:32.43bkw_and 1 hour blocks there after
00:32.45MustDiei knew that
00:33.02bkw_But I don't mind helping here in the channel at all
00:33.08bkw_just most people refuse to read
00:33.10bkw_or even think
00:33.13alstorbkw, why? we had a dialog on it..
00:33.21*** join/#asterisk heison (
00:33.29bkw_and I'm not here to hold hands (granted it took me a week to get a hold of asterisk but I never asked stupid questions
00:33.51jjhallIn extensions.conf, will SetCallerID(800-555-1212) work or do I need to do SetCallerID(${CIDNUM}) and set a globa for it?
00:33.57rdwell, didn't help much
00:33.58alstorbkw, eh? ANSWER GODDAHM!
00:34.06rdlet me see if stack trace changed
00:34.15heisonbkw_: who is it this time?
00:34.15*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
00:34.20bkw_who what?
00:34.38rd#5  0x28228d9d in adsi_load_session ()
00:34.38rd#6  0x292a6f58 in _init ()
00:34.38rd#7  0x292a97ce in _init ()
00:34.39heisonbkw_: who is bothering you? for hand holding?
00:34.41rd#8  0x0805dae9 in pbx_exec (c=0x8149000, app=0x81085c0, data=0xbf9d8b68,
00:34.45rd#9  0x0805f76d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8149000,
00:34.45*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
00:34.52rdno, it's pretty much the same
00:35.01rdI've added asterisk.adsi and adsi.conf
00:35.20adelorenzoI guess there is no suchthing as stupid question, and BTW btw_ sorry for pvt you earlier....
00:37.04*** join/#asterisk MamboKing (
00:37.10espenOK, i have a problem with my cisco 7960. It will not work and it is acting crazy..
00:37.29killerbeeespen kick it.. then load a new image
00:37.33heisonespen: what kinda problem?
00:37.52espeni un-plugged the power cord, when the phone was dialing
00:38.04killerbeecrap.. how long had rtp been fucked
00:38.31espensuddently, and then it just rebooting.. after some hours it "worked" again, but would not connect to anything and hang alot..
00:38.49killerbeeespen what firmware you have?
00:39.48killerbeehumm I only seem to have 6.2
00:39.53killerbeeTHAT is a problem
00:40.13rdbkw: any other suggestions?
00:40.22espenproblem for you or me, or both? :P
00:40.27killerbeesomone send me 6.3
00:42.32*** join/#asterisk bobman (
00:42.35espenyes, send him that.. so he could help me..
00:42.36killerbeeespen seems both at this time
00:43.38killerbeewhen did 6.3 come out?
00:44.52espenkillerbee, but what could be the problem with my phone?
00:45.09killerbeedunno at this time.. reload 6.2
00:45.33espeni dont have any files
00:45.40killerbeehow did ya load 6.3?
00:45.48rdwell, thanks whoever tried to help me
00:45.50*** part/#asterisk rd (
00:46.18espenkillerbee, from a tftp
00:46.27MustDie6.3 is for MGCP
00:46.33killerbeedid it ever work?
00:46.34MustDienot for sip
00:47.20killerbeegots to run...
00:47.24espenkillerbee, no
00:47.46killerbeeespen I know nutting about mgcp...
00:47.52killerbeegot the wrong guy ...
00:47.53MustDie0.01 each
00:47.57mitchel_can anyone here offer me a good outgoing voip -> land line rate?
00:47.58espenuh.. i want to use sip..
00:48.03espenjust want it to work again
00:48.25MustDieespen: do you have MGCP or SIP ?
00:48.25slePPmustdie: you paid $2.00 for the entire channel? cheapass.
00:48.49espenMustDie: Have, like; want to use?
00:48.54LostFrogFinally.. someone wants me..
00:49.18tessierI don't need a separate CSU/DSU if I am bringing in a data T-1 directly into an asterisk box do I?
00:49.19espeni have SIP-settings on it now..
00:49.21slePPanyone know which codecs work off the 7910 (without me having to find the specs)?
00:49.42espenlisten, the phone is fucking wierd.. newdial button is now there, etc,
00:49.48espeni not there
00:49.52espengah, is not there
00:51.07brif8ManxPower: sorry got called away
00:51.49adelorenzodoes anyone know how to force GSM on calls transfered from a Zap channel to a IAX /SIP?
00:51.55brif8ManxPower: if I'm right you were saying the local loop and be Sprint while the LD and Local Service provider can be someone else ?
00:52.06*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (
00:52.12*** join/#asterisk Administrator (Administra@
00:52.56Q-At-Homeanyone know if chan_iax2.c is buggered in latest cvs?
00:52.56slePPanyone know what model D-Link Primus gives you?
00:53.03ManxPowerbrif8: Yes, but you don't have to worry about that.  The LD carrier will deal with your local telco for all that stuff.
00:53.20ManxPowerYou would call the LD carrier for repair on the local loop as well
00:53.33ManxPowerThey will coordinate with the local telco
00:53.36*** join/#asterisk pooh__ (
00:54.24brif8ManxPower: ok cool, will they also handle 1-800 numbers and telephone number other than local, in other words I could get a NY and CA number even though I'm in FL ?
00:54.31heison~seen jerjer
00:54.32jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 20h 5m 47s ago, saying: 'put it in the [NuFone] type=peer'.
00:55.22ManxPowerbrif8: No.
00:55.43ManxPowerbrif8: The reasons are complicated, but basically you can assume no.
00:56.06brif8ManxPower: ok how then can I get non-local numbers?
00:56.10ManxPowerThe LD carrier would also handle your inbound toll-free.
00:56.36ManxPowerbrif8: Before VoIP?  You got a point-to-point T-1 line costing thousands of dollars per month.
00:56.42lanceyanyone help me with my AS5350?
00:56.53lanceyi can't figure out how to route calls to Asterisk
00:56.58ManxPowerbrif8: Basically getting numbers in remote locations is very expensive.
00:57.31brif8ManxPower: ok with the 1800, I would still pay the 1c/min or whatever I contract to right
00:58.01jjanzersweet i think I just fixed bug 1202
00:58.05brif8I was doing the maths while on the phone, I could prob. commit to 30 - 50 k mins / month
00:58.16pooh_is there a way to test MOH ? (I'm by myself with no other users)
00:58.34ManxPowerbrif8: 1800 is a different service, and would be a different contract, but a decent LD carrier would allow you to send the toll free calls inbound via the T-1 they installed for your LD
00:58.43tessierpooh_: Just dial the moh extension
00:59.28pooh_tessier: hmmm never thought of that (back to rtfm) thx
00:59.32ManxPowerbrif8: Keep in mind that many carriers won't let you add your inbound toll free and outbound LD to come up with a monthly comitment.  It depends on the carrier.
01:00.12*** part/#asterisk stonefly (
01:00.19brif8ManxPower: right, I was looking at 30 - 50 k just out bound (making LD, not rec. LD calls)
01:00.31espen2004/03/18 01:59:30 UTC [2264/4048]: Processing TFTP request on interface
01:00.32espen2004/03/18 01:59:30 UTC [2264/4048]: Request from
01:00.32espen2004/03/18 01:59:30 UTC [2264/2404]: Read request for cp7960/SIP000DED24D581.cnf; mode=octet
01:00.32espen2004/03/18 01:59:30 UTC [2264/2404]: File not found.
01:00.32pooh_tessier: uuhmm got an example of the MOH dialing syntax?
01:00.36espenwhich file should that be?
01:01.02ManxPowerespen: That's the configuration file the phone expects.  It's created by the Cisco call manager
01:01.14brif8ManxPower: if I could get a rate like 1c/min based on that volume, then I could afford to cover the cost of all the inbound toll free calls
01:01.27ManxPowerpooh_: exten => 666,1,Dial(Zap/1,20,m)
01:01.49*** join/#asterisk mochouinard (
01:01.52ManxPowerbrif8: Talk to a couple of LD carriers.  IDT has good residential rates, they might have good business rates
01:02.01ManxPowerLostFrog: "show application dial"
01:02.13brif8ManxPower: will have to search not heard the term IDT ?
01:02.16LostFroglol.. thanks.
01:02.26ManxPowerbrif8: IDT is a discount Long Distance company.
01:02.36ManxPowerbrif8: I use them when not using NuFone.
01:02.38*** join/#asterisk extremis (~extremis@
01:02.44pooh_ManxPower: thx again
01:03.09extremisHas anyone experienced problems with calls dialing out a PRI not ringing, but give silence... and a redial will actually complete the call?
01:03.24ManxPowerbrif8: Sprint, AT&T can get good rates too if you pressure them with quotes from cheaper LD companies.
01:03.36ManxPowerextremis: Yes!
01:03.39*** join/#asterisk Carp (
01:04.00brif8ManxPower: thank You !!
01:04.04ManxPowerextremis: My carrier screwed up the configuration of one of our B-Channels
01:04.22extremisManxPower: I put * in the middle of my PRI and my existing PBX and now people are complaining of this issue.... the PRI debug messages show the call being completed
01:04.22ManxPowerextremis: Notice if happens on the same channel(s) every time.
01:04.30*** part/#asterisk mitchel_ (~mitchel@
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01:04.50ManxPowerextremis: Could be your timeing source, could be your zap configs.  How many channels do you have ACTIVE on your PRI?
01:05.06ManxPowerMake sure your switchtype is right.
01:05.17extremisswitchtype was configured by kram
01:05.22extremiswell, by me an kram
01:05.27ManxPowerextremis: We have a PRI with channels 1-6 active, channels 7-23 unused and chan 23 for D channel.
01:05.33ManxPowerSaves us a lot of money per month
01:05.41extremiswell, 1-23 should be B
01:05.44extremis24 D
01:05.51extremisor 1-22 and 23
01:05.53extremisI forget
01:06.06extremishow many B channels does a PRI have?
01:06.16LostFrogThanks ManxPower .
01:06.43Moc_you can switch a B channel into a D channel at will
01:06.49ManxPowera {RI has @# b channels
01:06.59ManxPowerA PRI has 23 B channels and 1 Dchannel.
01:07.05Moc_not necesarry
01:07.07ManxPowerextremis: What are the span= lines in your /etc/zaptel.conf?
01:07.28ManxPowerMoc: In the USA they generally do.  Not all the B channels might be in use.
01:07.55Moc_Like here we got 4 T1, 2 T1 with 24B channel and 2 T1 with 23 B Channel and 1 D channel
01:08.11Moc_second D channel is our backup
01:08.15extremisManxPower: maybe related... is it normal to see the idle B channels reset all at the same time on a regular basis (possibly random)
01:08.42ManxPowerMoc: That's called NFTAS where one D channel is shared between more than one PRI.  But Asterisk does not suppor NFTAS
01:08.48ManxPowerextremis: Yes.
01:08.56angler_extremis, hows it going?
01:09.03extremishowdy angler: pri problems
01:09.11angler_ah whats wrong
01:09.18Moc_I know, but you still dont need a D channel.. depending of the usage
01:09.20*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (~boris@
01:10.04extremispeople are reporting that when they make outgoing calls from the phones on the panasonic pbx out the pri to the * box out its pri to the telco (logix) that often the first call will sit in silence until they hang up, but if they redial it goes through fine
01:10.17extremisand I did pri debug span 1 and span 2, bur I can't see the cause
01:10.52extremis* sitting between the telco and the old PBX is temporary, so to prove that * is superior
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01:11.04extremisbut they have all lsot faith since these odd issues started when I put the * box in
01:11.28extremisI was hoping to move completely to * , but this is holding us up
01:11.40extremiswe can't seem to duplicate it
01:11.44extremisit just happens randomly
01:12.17SimonRHas anyone tried using the 2.6 kernel with Asterisk so it will work with hyperthreading and dual processors.
01:12.21Moc_you defined your group to 24 line when you only have 24... I dont know
01:12.39Moc_second 24 should be 23
01:13.26ManxPowerextremis: You also have bchan=1-23 dchan=24
01:13.37ManxPowerextremis: Ah, OK.  Yes.
01:13.42BoRiS2I have it work with 2.6 kernel
01:14.16SimonRis this so you can use a Xeon?
01:14.42BoRiS2I have a hyperthreading cpu but haven't tried it on it
01:15.06lancey*ANYONE* here using Cisco AS5350?
01:15.15lanceyi need some help, plz
01:15.43SimonRIs there a point to using a high-end machine with Asterisk?
01:15.50ManxPowerextremis: So the channels you have problems with are not always the same channels?
01:15.51SimonRLike with dual processors or a Xeon?
01:16.09ManxPowerextremis: I assume you have pri_cpe for the telco side and pri_net for the PBX side?
01:16.14pooh_ManxPower: exten => 666,1,Dial(IAX2/1,20,m) gives me a ringtone and hangs up on me after some time
01:16.18extremisManxPower: yes, to the pri_net,cpe
01:16.24ManxPoweralso try setting span span=2,0,0,esf,b8zs
01:16.27BoRiS2SimonR: just lots of ram :)
01:16.28extremisManxPower: don't know to the same channel issue since its hard to trace
01:16.38ManxPowerAsterisk may not PROVIDE timeing to the PBX if that span is a secondary timeing source.
01:16.39jjhallSimonR: More simultaneous calls while transcoding and/or MOH, etc...
01:16.42extremisI have to wait until they bitch and then grep through a log
01:16.48extremisand I wasn't logging well
01:17.00extremissince a historical log of pri debug span isn't possibly without attaching to the console
01:17.12ManxPowerAnd I'll bet your PBX expects to get it's timeing from the "telco"
01:17.22jjanzerhey I know this sounds like a silly question, but is the current day's cvs decently stable, like no new bugs? wondering if I should update to the latest for my production box
01:17.23extremisthe telco says that they do not offer timing
01:17.37extremisso I'm assuming the pbx that I put this in front of provides its own timing
01:17.43ManxPowerextremis: I'll bet they lie.
01:17.50extremisManxPower: I have no way to tell
01:17.59ManxPowerextremis: Try it and see. 8-)
01:18.13extremisManxPower: try what?
01:18.27Q-At-HomeI cant compile chan_iax2 from todays cvs... but that could be my old ass cvs leftovers
01:18.43Q-At-Hometime to rm -rf and re checkout
01:18.48extremiswhat happens if it is wrong?
01:18.52ManxPowerSince your span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs is telling Asterisk to get its timeing from the telco
01:19.03Carpanyone know where I can find the RPM for apache?  Redhat 8
01:19.06ManxPowerextremis: You'll get similar issues to what you have now.
01:19.19extremismanxpower heh
01:19.35extremiswould there be an error in the pri debug span?
01:19.56ManxPowerextremis: I don't know.  You would see errors using zttool
01:20.15extremisso, if it is misconfigured I should see the errors in zttool now
01:20.25ManxPowerYes, if you have timeing issues.
01:21.07ManxPowerOn a channelized voice T-1 you would hear audio blips during a call when the frames slips.  I don't know if that is the same for PRI
01:21.13pooh_ManxPower: what's your URL again pls
01:21.14jjanzerQ-At-Home, heh
01:21.18ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and (my site) and
01:21.32pooh_ManxPower, thx
01:22.08jjhallI wish I had a nickel each time I saw that list...LOL.  Guess I can't say much, that is where I got my samples to start out with. :-)
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01:23.24extremisManxPower: what errors should I see in zttool?
01:23.26extremisit shows green
01:23.37Q-At-Homehas anyone seen jtodd around? I mailed him a few days ago about some new prompts...
01:23.38*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
01:23.43Q-At-Home~seen jtodd
01:23.45jtodd <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 15d 19h 11s ago, saying: 'Silly me, thinking that this was a much more complicated problem.  :-)'.
01:24.05ManxPowerextremis: pick the card then tab to SELECT and hit enter
01:24.08*** join/#asterisk kilobit (
01:24.24ManxPowerLook for Bipolar Viol
01:24.32extremisI have none
01:24.41extremisI do have 2 irq resets on both pris
01:24.52extremisbut thats not it
01:24.52ManxPowerextremis: That should not cause major issues
01:24.54kilobitis it possible to pass multiple arguments on agi?
01:25.06ManxPowerMake sure cat /proc/interrupts shows the card on it's own IRQ
01:25.20extremisManxPower: it is
01:25.22ManxPowerkilobit: Not until a VERY recent CVS.
01:25.52kilobitManxPower awww.. ok..thanks..
01:26.00ManxPowerkilobit: I did AGI(/tmp/my.agi,arg1&arg2&arg3) and then parsed out the three args (from the single arg they came into the AGI as)
01:26.20extremisManxPower: convinced its not clocking problems?
01:26.50ManxPower(my arg1, my arg2, my arg3) = split("&", $ARGV[0]); or something like that in perl
01:26.53slePPhas anyone dealt with mgcp?
01:27.14ManxPowerextremis: No, it still could be, but it's not terribly likley.
01:27.22kilobitManxPower i also did that.. i split by ":" .. i just wondering if i did it in a wrong way..
01:27.44extremisManxPower: I confirmed that the old pbx used internal clocking
01:27.52extremisso I should use 0 for no clocking on both span right?
01:27.56ManxPowerkilobit: I seem to recall a change in CVS that allowed passing more than one arg, but I don't remmeber when
01:28.08ManxPowerextremis: Yes, I still recommend that.
01:28.18kilobitManxPower ic.. thanks .. maybe ill try the cvs..
01:28.28ManxPowerOK, my first attempt at making humus is a failure.
01:28.45brif8ManxPower: all the talk on T1 does the same work for OC-3 , by any chance ?
01:29.01ManxPowerbrif8: about your LD stuff?
01:29.19extremisManxPower: so.... I'm not showing a channel go active in zttool while I make an inbound call
01:29.27extremisso I'm not too sure its accurate
01:29.38brif8ManxPower: OC-3 for LD and Data,  isn't 4 or 5 T1s = to OC-3 ?
01:29.48ManxPowerYes, it applies from the standpoint of LD, but since Asterisk does not support those types of lines you'd need something to split the OC-3 or DS-3 into multiple T-1s
01:30.14ManxPowerOC-3 is 192Mbps, I think.  divide that my 1.5 and you get the number of T-1s
01:30.24ManxPowerDS-3 is 45Mbps
01:30.41brif8ManxPower: ok great! and a PC can handle multiple TE410P cards right ?
01:31.13ManxPowerbrif8: Up to two cards according to Digium using dual xeon machine
01:31.53ManxPowerwell up to two T400P cards, you can prolly get more TE410P cards in a machine since they are supposed to use DMA
01:32.07SimonRNow, what kind of machine makes sense to use? Is it better to just use a low-end machine with 100 calls each, or to try to push it with more powerful systems?
01:32.26ManxPowerSimonR: I would put 4 T-1 per machine.
01:33.02ManxPowerand get a decent motherboard with one processor that can have a second CPU added to it.  i.e. an SMP motherboard with 1 CPU