irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040311

00:00.02slePPhow the hell do you do that.
00:00.05dncits fucking impossible
00:00.21rgagnondnc:  you can prove it... just go blow something up
00:00.25rgagnonthen when it on the news
00:00.27dncim like look, i can turn on the tv, or go next door to the bar, but i could do that anywhere and you wouldnt know any better
00:00.29rgagnonyou say that was me
00:00.30slePP'Yes, I'll prove it. Let me open a window. You know Sibera, it's -403408034 all the time. There, I'm.. *shiver* freezing *cough* to.. *gasp*'
00:00.36Carpif I weree to setup 20 phones with asteris, what would be the cheapest route to take if I wanted to keep the system up when the poiwer is out? (computer will never lose power)
00:00.37slePPand then drop the phone and die
00:00.43dncslePP: SERBIA.  not siberia ;)
00:01.06dncyou know, former yugoslavia
00:01.09michaellslePP: I thought that was my cell number I Was like how did you get that
00:01.11slePPcarp: all POE phones, and use the UPS for those
00:01.12HogieCarp: depending on the phones, Power over Ethernet
00:01.14michaellIts simillar
00:01.16slePPdnc: oh. oops. :> k, then BURN to death
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00:01.35dncahh its ok here, just dont go into politics
00:01.38CarpPOE needs a special ethernet port though, doesn't it?
00:01.47Hogieyou can get injectors
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00:03.56CarpDOes anyone know what codecs nufone allows?
00:04.30zoaanyone from digium awake ?
00:05.02Moc_Carp, for dialup I dont know..
00:05.09Moc_I use GSM and Ulaw with nufone with no problem
00:05.15zoaor a friend of cypromis ?
00:05.23CarpRight now I use GSM
00:05.33Carpwas wondering if there was one that uses less BW and works with nufone
00:05.35michaelllike eberything
00:05.40dncwhat do you need zoa?
00:05.43michaellI know it uses gsm on my system
00:05.57Carpulaw uses more than GSM right?
00:06.06Moc_oh yes..
00:06.10zoadnc, are you a collegue ?
00:06.16Moc_GSM is like 12kbits, ULaw is 64kbits
00:06.21dncim a friend of cypromis
00:07.17planetWayneanyone know if you can run a 'creative labs' softmodem with * ?? (D15731 chip set?)
00:08.40*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
00:08.54rgagnon:-) oops  earlier I think I said I had a TE405P... its really a TE410P
00:10.19rgagnonSilly asterisk ignoring most of the zapata.conf file on me, and wont load the chan_zap module.
00:10.33rgagnonNow on a twin box where the only difference is the card is a T100P, it works fine.
00:10.45rgagnonOther than that the OS is same, hardware is same, code is same etc.
00:11.24Yosh_arghs I see...
00:11.25outtolunctry loading the wct4xxx driver not the wct1xx one
00:11.32rgagnon:-) i did
00:11.38Yosh_ASterisk behind NAT @ ATA behind router (and ... also nat) doesn't work
00:11.53rgagnonI have a service digium start command
00:11.57rgagnonYosh: yes it does
00:12.02Yosh_the udp 5004 packets get routed to the NAT-IP while the SIP-requests get routed to the right NAT-Ip
00:12.10Yosh_bug in my "older" asterisk ?
00:12.37rgagnonYosh: use the externip, localnet, and localip options in sip.conf
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00:12.40Yosh_I do
00:12.54Yosh_rgagnon: authentication does work ... though
00:13.34Yosh_just can't hear anything ... the packetsniffing discovered just that * wants to send the packets to my internal-ATA-Ip
00:13.56rgagnonThe "digium" script checks uses lspci to find card types, then loads the zaptel module, and the appropriate module for the card found... I use the wct4xxp module for 10ee:0314 and the wct1xxp module for e159:0001
00:14.16Yosh_while the Status: 200 OK gets right to the external ip
00:14.26rgagnonI've even loaded them manually, and still no worky
00:15.04Yosh_rgagnon: you got NAT-2-NAT setup?
00:15.05rgagnonYosh:  how old is your chan_sip.c file???
00:15.11outtoluncif you purchased from digium, give them a call
00:15.21Yosh_rgagnon: erm .. .:)
00:15.24Yosh_shall I look ? ;)
00:15.42rgagnonYup... I was using XTEN on a pc at my house behind a router, and I have asterisk NAT'd in our lab behind our corprate firewall
00:15.51rgagnonit worked fine
00:16.15rgagnonouttolunc:  I think I will thanks.... gotta wait till tomorrow I think though.  Its 6:16pm here
00:16.36ScaredyCatdoes * cache sip registration entries
00:16.44rgagnonScaredy: Yes
00:16.46zoaScaredyCat: yes
00:16.47Yosh_ScaredyCat: yup
00:16.49zoayou already asked that
00:16.52outtoluncrgagnon: you may want to fire up zttool
00:16.52zoaand i answered you :p
00:16.56rgagnonif you do a reload
00:16.56ScaredyCatno on e replied
00:17.05zoawe reply'd with 2 or so
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00:17.09zoastop ignoring me :p
00:17.18rgagnonto get it out of cache:  database del Sip/Registry/username
00:17.24Yosh_rgagnon: too old? :)
00:17.38ScaredyCatwhat does that do to existing registrations rgagnon?
00:17.43rgagnonThere was some NAT fixes in february I believe
00:17.56Yosh_ScaredyCat: just cleaning up
00:18.00ScaredyCatsorry zond
00:18.03rgagnonNothing if you dont delete all of them
00:18.08rgagnonJust the one you want out
00:18.18ScaredyCatI want to clear the cahce
00:18.23rgagnonuse "database show"  to see it
00:18.26rgagnonto clear it
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00:18.34rgagnondatabase deltree SIP/Registry
00:18.55ScaredyCatbut will that kill off (unregister) existing phones?
00:19.05Yosh_gotta do a cvs pullout now...
00:19.18rgagnonThink so, but then its up to the phones timers to create a new rgistration
00:19.19Yosh_but usually "never change a running system" d'oh
00:19.21ScaredyCatentries never seem to expire - which is a pile of poo
00:19.37rgagnonthey expire... they just sit in memory
00:19.49Yosh_mmhhh how old is the stable_1_0 btw?
00:20.01Yosh_nearing release ;)
00:20.02rgagnonnot sure... I get my code from CVS
00:20.02ScaredyCatwell they sit in the db,, and never go away :(
00:20.25Yosh_me too
00:20.35Yosh_the chan_zap.c is just 3 days old
00:20.46Yosh_is there a webgui to the cvs for reading diffs?
00:20.48rgagnondont just update the one file though
00:20.58rgagnonI bet there are headers and sample configs as well
00:21.09rgagnonbetter off to update on the whole channels directory
00:21.28Yosh_I'll do then...
00:21.40rgagnon**Disclaimer:  if it blows up.. I didn't do it
00:21.53Yosh_y0 dude
00:22.27Yosh_but at first I'll try something else with the existing one
00:22.56*** join/#asterisk Shido6_ (
00:23.00fileso, anybody find anymore free DIDs?
00:23.13CarpDoes anyone play around with call files? files*
00:24.14juser123hey all. is asterisk the best solution for a simple v-mail with web front end that is open source?  It looks good, and all I really need is v-mail with a simple autoattendant and the ability to email notify about messages.
00:24.15Yosh_hehe ok... looks like the dtmf-tones get lost via the provider if calling my box
00:24.30Yosh_gotta mail the admin tomorrow
00:24.45Yosh_if he knows how to setup the * right for that
00:26.21Yosh_juser123 nope
00:26.32mrgobyCarp: what about call files?
00:26.37Yosh_juser123: PSTN or SIP ?
00:26.57Yosh_isdn ?
00:27.16Yosh_for european isdn there are better tools for what you need
00:27.34juser123I'm in the us. just standard old pots lines
00:27.39Yosh_hehe so dunno
00:27.52Yosh_but If youre not really linuxaddicted don't try ;)
00:28.01*** part/#asterisk rgagnon (
00:28.27juser123addicted is a light way to put it. but I'd not be adverse to a win32 solution either
00:29.24juser123so is there a stand alone v-mail that might do the trick. I don't need the full PBX function
00:29.50Yosh_look @ I would advise you
00:30.06juser123If i had cisco unity, then I'd use one of my voice routers in the lab to take the calls, but alas no unity.
00:30.14Yosh_I had in mind hylafax also had the ability in some way...
00:30.31*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
00:31.07juser123i thought hylafax was just about the fax.
00:31.29ScaredyCatI thought it was a town in the Uk....
00:31.55Yosh_whew... 01.31am
00:32.36Shido6someone get faxing working
00:33.37Yosh_Shido6 with what?
00:34.28Yosh_juser123: google told me ...
00:35.49Shido6with *
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00:36.37Yosh_Shido6 not me...
00:37.00Yosh_didn't try to attach a faxmachine to my ata yet ;) but you could try that and tell me how :)
00:37.28Moc_you should beable to send fax even using throught Nufone (using ulaw)
00:37.55Shido6I want * to save faxes for me to print later elsewhere
00:38.13zoashido: it doesnt work with all faxes afaik
00:38.43habakukShido6, you need to to do something with hylafax which can save as tif file
00:38.52Shido6do i need a modem?
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00:39.14Yosh_think so...?!
00:39.16zoahylafax might be able to do the trick
00:39.29habakuksomething like fxs ->faxmodem ( connected with hylafax)
00:40.22habakukdon't try any codec besides g.711 though
00:48.36Muckldoes someone know a tool to sniff and record or live-play a RTP session?
00:49.07Yosh_sniff = packets? :)
00:49.11Yosh_or sniff = stream
00:49.11zoamuckl that doesnt exist
00:49.18zoanot in audio stream anyway
00:49.24Yosh_use your tcpdump and decode the whole shit 8-)
00:49.26Shido6etherreal or similar sounding
00:49.33Yosh_(happy decoding..)
00:49.34Shido6doesnt that do it with a module
00:50.06Yosh_Shido6: but ethereal nor tcpdump understand, what they're capturing due to nature :)
00:50.09Mucklsure it does. i saw it 2 years ago at a voip-meeting in germany
00:50.33zoanever seen something that was able to give you voice
00:50.36Mucklit was a live man-in-the-middle sniffing of G711 data
00:50.48habakukethereal has a module to record rtp streams to an audio file
00:50.51Mucklyou could hear the 2 people talking to each other
00:50.53zoano way
00:50.55habakukits right out of the box
00:50.57Yosh_aha ok
00:51.07Yosh_didn't know that either :)
00:51.12Mucklhabakuk: is that module in the standard ethereal distribution?
00:51.18habakukg.711 only though
00:51.22habakukMuckl, yep
00:51.32habakuklatest version has it
00:51.47Muckl*heating up cvs* :)
00:51.53zoaits true
00:51.57zoalatest version has it
00:52.28Muckl...but still not the program i was looking for
00:52.32habakukzoa, actually its been there for a while
00:52.43zoai didnt know that
00:52.48Mucklthe program i know was something else... and it played directly to the laptop speakers
00:54.36Yosh_me too
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01:02.53*** join/#asterisk km- (~km-@
01:03.03*** join/#asterisk DarkFlib (
01:03.13DarkFlibdamn firewall
01:04.57ScaredyCatGeoreferencing calls... realtime :D
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01:15.37mrgobyScaredyCat: you have any source to accompany those images?? :-)
01:16.34ScaredyCatthe map is available from  .,... erm.. hang. lemmie find it
01:17.15*** join/#asterisk mdm (
01:22.50ScaredyCatthe rest of it is in development.... really raw code...
01:23.12mrgobywhat are you using?
01:23.23slePPanyone know any voice talent for free? :>
01:23.30killerbeewho has a script for me to play music on a channel ... while I'm on it slePP
01:24.09slePPhmm. it sounds good?
01:24.12ScaredyCatkillerbee: use the manager interface to put the call on hold
01:24.28killerbeehas possiblilites...
01:24.28ScaredyCatslePP: yeah... not bad at all
01:24.32killerbeethanks ScaredyCat
01:24.56slePPso, To reach general voice mail is just a horrid little sentence
01:25.17twistedslepp: only if you're using the accents ;)
01:26.40twistedwhy not get your gf to record your voice prompts?
01:26.56slePPi love her and all, but she doesn't have the voice for it.
01:27.00DarkFlibScaredyCat: what method are you using to georeference those ips?
01:27.05twistedbe sure to play them for her
01:27.17twistedthen tell her you had a super-sexy english model come over and record them for you :)
01:27.17slePPthe ones from wherever?
01:27.33slePP'and when she was done.. well. i had to pay her, and she accepted all i had to offer....'
01:27.34twistedin the nude
01:27.41slePP'no, honey, stop beating me. ouch. ow. stop.. no, not the knife.'
01:28.10ScaredyCatDarkFlib: db lookup
01:28.39DarkFlibScaredyCat: where did you get the db from?
01:29.16ScaredyCatdeveloper license... $49
01:29.27ScaredyCatgives you the full db
01:29.34ScaredyCat+ 1 year of updates
01:30.07Shido6where is zoa?
01:31.07DarkFlibhmm...fairly accurate.... it even guessed I was in Leicester even tho my router is a nottingham one
01:31.18slePPscaredycat: okay. rhetorical sounds gooood.
01:31.59ScaredyCatDarkFlib: there are the odd black holes... but other than that it;s pretty good...
01:32.15ScaredyCatand u can use paypal too :)
01:32.26*** join/#asterisk PoBK (
01:32.29PoBKello peeps
01:32.52twistedslePP: LOL
01:32.54twistedthat url
01:33.31PoBKanyone know of a way of enticing asterisk to give correct ISDN Termination codes for calls?
01:33.58PoBKIE one of the plethora at
01:34.27DarkFlibnice..... the black holes can be guessed at from other sources i have....
01:34.40DarkFlibor worst a traceroute
01:36.02twisteddoes rhetorical have a demo site?
01:36.11ScaredyCatyeah, that's what I'm doing DarkFlib
01:36.29ScaredyCattwisted: yes... select 'demo' from the menu ... oddly enough
01:36.31*** join/#asterisk netrique (joel@
01:36.59netriqueIs anyone selling temrinations for USA? if so, please email me
01:37.38ScaredyCatbut the main thing is to trace calls from spoofed callerid...
01:38.02*** join/#asterisk WildGiant (~TheGiant@
01:38.20DarkFlibworth doing just for that....
01:38.39ScaredyCatand i can tell if my boss is trying to call too... >:)
01:39.04twistedoddly enough, rhetorical is having issues....
01:39.15twistedaudio is poppy, and full of sheeiat.
01:39.19ScaredyCatprolly flooded by #asterisk users
01:40.58*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
01:42.54*** join/#asterisk Kokey (~jramirez@
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01:43.51slePPhas anyone had the luck of making sphinx2 work with asterisk as a voice recognition package yet?
01:44.07slePPi have it working well enough to notice i'm talking :> but not actually make sense of the words yet
01:44.23*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
01:47.28ScaredyCatslePP: the only vr I've got working is those remote hosted ones, and i hate that
01:47.29BoRiS2lol slePP
01:47.52slePPremote hosted vr?
01:48.07slePPbut yeh, i have sphinx2 listening to the channel, and it decodes it. kinda.
01:48.11slePPthe audio needs a big cleanup, i think
01:48.17slePPi wonder if running it through sox as a smoother might help
01:50.39slePPhave you setup anything that goes like this: the user calls in, they don't hit a button. at all.. for say a minute, so we politely say goodbye and hangup
01:50.45DarkFlibjst a quickie.... is there an easy way to do call waiting from within asterisk.... I keep seeimng sites saying it supports it but no info on how
01:50.58slePPand every 10 seconds say 'are you there?'
01:50.58slePPoh, i have an idea. nevermind.
01:51.49ManxPowerslePP: My sample config files do that.
01:51.53ScaredyCatDarkFlib: callwaiting=yes
01:52.04slePPmanxpower: just a SetVar and a gotoif?
01:52.09DarkFlibin extensions global section?
01:52.29ManxPowerslePP: Mine does not say "are you there".  If you don't do anything for 20 seconds it just hands up on you.
01:52.36ScaredyCatDarkFlib: in sip.conf or zaptel.conf
01:52.39slePPno, i don't want that.
01:52.42slePPi want it to try :>
01:52.49slePPi already have it donig that.
01:53.21slePPi'm thinking, on timeout, set a variable. and increase it by 1 each time. after 5 tries, just say 'You apparently have gone away. Thanks for calling.' and hangup
01:53.31slePPor after 4 invalid extensions hangup politely.
01:53.44ScaredyCatagi ... easy peasy
01:53.49slePPwhy agi?
01:53.55slePPthe dialplan supports everything you need.
01:54.11slePPvariables and conditional branching
01:54.12ScaredyCatcos it's easy ... dialplan smileplan
01:54.27slePPheh. but it's just as easy in the dialplan, i think.
01:54.35slePPfour lines for each t, and i
01:54.42ScaredyCatas well as the fact that you have to reload for every change
01:54.52slePPin theory, it doesn't change :>
01:55.04ScaredyCatwhile developing and testing
01:55.08*** join/#asterisk WildGiant (~TheGiant@
01:55.11ScaredyCat(assuming u do test)
01:55.47slePPtesting? BAH
01:56.09*** join/#asterisk GoofBall (
01:56.59*** join/#asterisk km- (
01:57.07km-who's ready for a rousing game of find the smartjack!
01:57.33slePPhow do we play?
01:57.55GoofBallLook for the oversized box in the most obnoxious location
01:57.58michaellthats funny
01:58.28km-as soon as I finish naming the pictures
01:58.42km-I'll put them on a website
01:58.48km-and you guys can try to identify where the smart jack is
01:59.23slePP(what's a smartjack?)
01:59.42bllllook for the plywood on the wall
01:59.44*** join/#asterisk loko (
01:59.44GoofBallSmartJack is active electronics that provide the telco demarc
02:00.01GoofBallThe telco can loop it up, and also collect statistics on the T1
02:00.25GoofBallAllows them to figure out where to point the "its your fault that its broke" finger
02:00.46GoofBallOf course if its their fault, they will never own up to it.
02:00.57fileno telco will, it's universal
02:01.01GoofBallThe problem will just go away, and when you call to find out what
02:01.11GoofBallhappened, they will say "no trouble found" :)
02:01.15*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
02:01.18filebkw_: oooooooh
02:01.31jjhallCrap.  My desktop install of Fedora seems to be borked.
02:01.38bkw_I can usually get 120 min out of these.. but this is the first time I have put this on my desktop box
02:02.47slePPhmm.. Agent/:1,1 ; Any agent in group 1, wait for first available, but consider with penalty
02:02.51slePPk, i get it up to the point of penalty
02:03.01slePPthere we go
02:03.08slePPi erased the comment that explained that
02:03.25jjhallAnyone had any experience with this error when booting in?  init: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.
02:03.28km-you'll have to forgive me
02:03.36km-I've got 30 pictures to go through :)
02:03.58rcwjjhall: look at /etc/inittab for a line that starts with "x:"
02:04.48rcwjjhall: it runs a program, then runs it again when it dies (ad infinitum). That program is dying quickly. Find out why by running it manually.
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02:05.25jjhallrcw: OK.  Let me open it up.  Long story short, let up2date install everything (fresh Fedora install) then it locked, got this on reboot.
02:05.41*** join/#asterisk Carp (
02:06.12iaxythat sounds like mgetty
02:06.36GoofBalljjhall: could the x: line in /etc/inittab perchance be starting your X server?
02:06.41netriqueIs anyone selling temrinations for USA? if so, please email me, thanx
02:07.28netriqueI only need a few lines
02:07.41slePPholy crap this music on hold sounds bad. it used to work just fine.
02:07.43*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
02:08.04rcwslepp: are you on a speakerphone?
02:08.15Carphas anyone played with .call files?
02:08.15twistedbbl... gotta jet
02:08.18jjhallOK, unfortunately I don't know the answer to that GoofBall.  I am fairly new to Linux, especially on a graphics mode system.  The line is:
02:08.31slePPit's coming out REALLY loud and distorted
02:08.46jjhallx:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
02:09.00jjhallWhen I run it manually, it puts me back at the bash prompt
02:09.02rcwslepp: are you using "quietmp3:"?
02:09.12slePPi was, and now i'm not.
02:09.13slePPno difference.
02:09.21slePPexcept one sounded worse than the other, but it's hard to tell which :>
02:09.47jjhallMy kneejerk reaction is to treat it like windows and re-install, but I would rather learn how to do it the right way.
02:10.09rcwjjhall: not sure what prefdm is supposed to do. Maybe you can ignore it. If you don't need X, you can almost certainly just remove it from /etc/inittab
02:10.15GoofBalljjhall: That does seem to be your X server.
02:10.19Carphas anyone played with .call files?
02:10.38GoofBallOr maybe a display manager that is supposed to start your X server
02:10.49iaxydisplay manager for x server
02:10.50rcwgoofball: yeah, it ends with "dm", like "xdm"
02:11.35GoofBalljjhall: do you have another system that you can use to telnet into this one?
02:11.53filetelnet? ugh
02:11.59iaxyjjhall: init 3
02:12.01slePPouch. yeh, i wonder why music on hold doesn't work now.
02:12.05jjhallGoofBall: Yes, and in fact I can hit ctrl-c and get a command prompt.  Either way.
02:12.06GoofBallok ssh
02:12.44jjhallSwitching to Runlevel: 3
02:13.08slePPrcw: any other suggestions? :>
02:13.15jjhallOK, started several services all ending with [OK]
02:13.21CarpslePP: you ever play with .call files?
02:13.28slePPno sir. i have nothing to call out on
02:13.31rcwslepp: maybe there's some txgain or rxgain option you can use with MOH
02:13.52rcwslepp: worst case, you can use sox to change the volume of your sound files
02:14.20slePPyeh. which is a sad option :>
02:14.42jjhallIf you guys would rather move to a different channel to help and avoid OT on this channel, that is fine with me.  Whatever you prefer.
02:14.59GoofBalljjhall: take a look at /var/log to see if any error messages hit any log files
02:15.21GoofBall(that is messages specific to prefdm)
02:15.58GoofBallalso check to see if there is a file /etc/sysconfig/desktop
02:16.16GoofBallYou may also want to look at
02:17.29GoofBalljjhall: That web page seems to have some prefdm "clue"
02:17.58*** join/#asterisk WildGiant (~TheGiant@
02:18.17iaxyjjhall: you can startx, then select a different manager and then go back to init 5, to see if there is a problem with your display manager...just a suggestion
02:18.33jjhallOnly thing in /etc/sysconfig/desktop is desktop="gnome"
02:19.05GoofBallslePP: I noticed the same sort of loudness problem when I was calling you last night and got your voicemail box (not the auto attend)
02:20.34GoofBalljjhall: look at /etc/X11/prefdm -- its a shell script.  Check to see if the
02:20.54GoofBallcase of the variable (as well as the value) in /etc/sysconfig/desktop matches
02:21.14slePPgoofball: yeh, that's what i'm trying to fix now.
02:21.39km-ratsnest.jpg -- just look at what I have to deal with! :)
02:22.30km-basement3.jpg has the two candidate boxes that may be the smartjack
02:22.39km-with candidate*jpg being pictures of both
02:22.44GoofBallkm-: its the pairgain box
02:22.46km-the weird thing is
02:22.53km-there are no lamps on either unit
02:23.10km-and the circuit ID's printed on the boxes don't jive with the circuit ID on the biscuit in upper-closet9.jpg
02:23.27km-if the smartjack was on
02:23.27GoofBallkm-: oh wait...
02:23.31km-wouldn't it at least have some lamp?
02:24.01GoofBallkm-: ok both candidates look like candidates :)
02:24.31km-the white boxed one is labeled uunet
02:24.37km-but our provider is adelphia
02:24.50km-so I dont think that's the one
02:24.57yebounplug randomly and see who screams
02:25.07jjhallkm-: Ouch.  I've worked on similar rat nests.  A toner is a godsend.
02:25.09fileyou don't know which one is yours?
02:25.11*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
02:25.33GoofBallkm-: where is the jack in upper-closet9 located?
02:25.55*** part/#asterisk mags (
02:25.56km-file: we don't know where the smartjack is, or which one is ours -- there's 15 years of delapidated telco equipment laying around
02:26.07km-goofball: that's the line that the cisco router runs to
02:26.16km-goofball: the other side of that plugs into the panel in...
02:26.19jjhallOK, on my boot issue, the variables match, and I can't find any errors in the logs other than the one I pasted.  Unless there are any better ideas, I think I am going to chalk this one up to "over my head" and reload.
02:26.42km-with the blue door
02:26.43filekm-: dear god
02:26.46km-which in turn goes down to the basement
02:26.47Carpcan I set callerID info in iax.conf?
02:26.53filestart fresh! ;)
02:26.55Carpor does it have to be in extensions.conf
02:26.58km-file: yeah, now you know what I'm talking about
02:27.19jjhallfile: I think that advice applies to both km- and I!  LOL
02:27.21*** join/#asterisk habakuk_ (