irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040310

00:00.03shagwellIam locking for a tric so it will become a Bellcore phone insted of DTMF
00:00.16slePPi should get a nufone account just because i can
00:00.27twistedbrb - more testing
00:00.34fileslePP: great idea
00:00.42michaellI need more funds in my nufone
00:00.47fileNuFone NuFone I Luv U
00:01.02*** join/#asterisk draconius (
00:01.03slePPyou all want this unlimited calling and stuff
00:01.12slePPbut not enough people are demanding canadian voip stuff.
00:01.16michaellI want everything unlimited..
00:01.19slePPso, everyone, demand it from all your local telcos....... yes.....
00:01.29michaellmy local telco sucks
00:01.51slePPah what the hell. everyone else is playing with nufone today, so i might's well to
00:02.06Springsnap :D
00:02.22slePPi'm just not sure how yet.
00:02.30michaellhint hint slePP we all try too be cheap as possible
00:02.39voipmefeck me, come to ireland where the regulator still hasnt made a decision on issuing number blocks to voip providers because you cant geographically allocate them
00:02.41slePPyeh, i know.
00:02.57michaellGet a canadian pstn line
00:03.00slePPokie, so, where do i get a nuphone account *nudgenudge*
00:03.00michaelland use taht
00:03.06slePPwell, i have no x100p's yet
00:03.09slePPnot for another week or two
00:03.27slePPwell, to pay via paypal, it'll be like 4 days if they wait for the funds to clear
00:03.33slePPcuz i don't pay with credit cards :>
00:03.44slePPand by then, i should have my x100ps almost.
00:03.48michaellI have somoene with funds pay tthe bill and let jremy fiqure out what account it goes too
00:03.58michaellIhave mine on backorder
00:03.59JerJeru can send money instantly with paypal
00:04.17michaell(not if you have a check accountin and have too transfer funds from bank)
00:04.17slePPwell, that's the theory
00:04.17slePPit shows as uncleared for a few days, though, cuz it's coming from a bank
00:04.37fileof... $3.15!
00:04.37slePPit'll post the funds, but it won't withdraw them for a couple days. i dunno what it's like on the receiving end, other than you get a notice saying the person paid
00:04.49michaellthats it file?
00:04.52michaellmines probaly more
00:04.57slePPmines 0.00
00:05.06michaellmines who knows how big
00:05.15filewell it got cleaned out when paying Fedex
00:05.27michaellother then the fact i keep pressing redial on my 1-800
00:05.32slePPk, i'll send $10 to nufone if jerjer can get me going without having to wait for the clearing process to finish
00:05.42slePP(it doesn't help that it's a US service drawing on a Canadian bank)
00:05.43twistedresistor bypass gives full control of audio
00:05.45twistedeven to annoying levels.
00:06.09michaellIsn't canada slow for everything?
00:06.24michaellI got some canadian friends and its like the 1800's up there
00:06.24fileactually it's Paypal
00:06.33twistedvoipme: do i need the origional mfg's OK to use a modified form of their origional design?
00:06.34michaellwalk into a grocery store and there using pen and paper
00:06.47filemy money from my bank account was taken out 2 days after I initiated a transfer
00:06.52filebut it took Paypal an extra 5 days to get it
00:06.59michaellthats paypal
00:07.13voipmetwisted: not sure, screen print it with some silly logo, no one will ever know
00:07.23michaellanyone test our there fax machine on nufone's services yet?
00:08.21voipmenight all
00:08.33filemichaell: yup
00:08.42filemichaell: I faxed in my disclaimer through it
00:08.54fileULAW of course.
00:09.09voipmetwisted: best of luck, remember me when your famous
00:09.23twistedof course
00:09.54*** part/#asterisk j^ (~j@
00:12.06slePPpaypal tells me it estimates the funds will clear on march 17th
00:12.06slePPsend i sent them yesterday
00:12.37slePPmm. food. is good.
00:12.53zwithis is kind of a silly question but if I have a iaxtel number and I want to call it from iaxcomm what is the correct syntax?
00:15.49*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:15.56bucketi mean "what is an moh whats it mo"
00:16.02*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
00:16.06*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
00:16.15slePPmy bandwidth will cost me 2.5c/minute using ulaw. nice.
00:16.34buckethow much woudl a reg phone call cost per minute ?
00:16.57timecopis there any solution to stuck sip channels yet?
00:17.01timecoplike say, killing them off
00:17.07timecopor something, without having to restart asterisk?
00:17.17brif8Why when sending e-mail to it gets rejected with 554 No relaying allowed?  I'm trying to get tracking information on my Dev Kit I ordered today, is there any other means?
00:17.19habakuk_JerJer: do you have many customers using SIP for connectivity?
00:18.04JerJersome, yes...however we prefer IAX2
00:20.09MikeJerJer: just paypal you
00:20.14zwican anybody tell me how to dial to an iaxtel number with iaxcomm?
00:20.45MikeJerJer: could it be posible to remove that autoreplay is kinda annoying:)
00:20.53slePPa regular LD call? about 6.5c/minute
00:20.53slePPregular local, 0
00:20.54slePPcell phone, 10c/minute in NA
00:21.00slePPcan someone knock and off the net for a while? that'd be great... they're flooding the entire edmonton area with ipsec packets
00:21.13dougheckaslePP: how?
00:21.26dougheckawhere are ya?
00:21.39dougheckaI can hit them with 2 small nukes
00:22.18bucketbrif8 who did you pick as a shipper ?
00:22.30bucketcos you *should* have picked fedex rush
00:22.31buckettaht shit rules
00:22.34bucketi got mine in like 20 hours
00:22.40habakuk_JerJer: ah ok, so do you think this is just a bug with Asterisk, with the codec negotiation problem I'm having?
00:22.51iaxyanyone know best place to get n-male to rp-tnc female cables?
00:23.03brif8bucket: 2nd day Air
00:23.10bucketwhat shipper tho ?
00:23.13bucketcos that is who you will get info from
00:23.19bucketUPS / USPS / Fedex
00:23.25bucketthey do the tracking, not digium
00:23.39brif8bucket: I was trying to get the info from digium/linux-support I'm guessing they have used fedex
00:23.44*** join/#asterisk mags (
00:24.00bucketah, i called to grab that
00:24.26bucketand they said "wait for fedex to email you"
00:24.26bucketand then fedex did
00:24.26bucketo its kinda a waiting period, dawg
00:24.34brif8bucket: tried sending an e-mail by it gets reject 554 error, wierd ;(
00:25.04brif8bucket: isn't after hours for CST ?
00:25.10bucketthen be patient you ho
00:25.23bucketif you ordred 2 day, it wont be three tonight, ic an all but guarantee you that
00:25.32michaellanyone have music on talk?
00:25.35n00dleiaxy: Pasternack enterprises and/or ElectroComm  
00:25.39brif8hee hee
00:26.16LorenzoMarouanilittle question, on TE410P what the switch SW1 "Ident" ?
00:27.13slePPJerJer: if i send $10, can you work with that even though it won't clear for about a week?
00:27.13slePPdoughecka: Edmonton, AB. and how? i dunno. ddos?
00:27.13slePPseeing about 500 packets/second from these morons
00:27.24slePPbrif8: sounds like their mail server is broken, or your mail server is broken(depending on which mailer-daemon complained)
00:27.47bucketslePP what are u payin him 10bucks for ?
00:27.53dougheckaslePP: haha
00:28.24*** join/#asterisk m90 (~m90@
00:28.53slePPmich: like. background music while you're talking to someone, injected by asterisk?
00:29.05brif8slePP: their's rejected the msg
00:31.06michaellwhat sleep/
00:33.15*** part/#asterisk LorenzoMarouani (
00:35.33slePPi'm not sure how lagged i am
00:35.33slePPso i dunno :>
00:37.20file[desk]verrrrrrrrry interesting
00:37.55slePPi'm lagged. cuz my isp is stupid.
00:37.55michaelli was like thats not my ping
00:37.55michaellanyone know the exact potrs for sip?
00:38.23slePPthat's my ping to you when i did it
00:38.24slePP5060, i think
00:38.25jaxxananyone have an example of a call center extensions.conf that i can look take a look at for an idea of what i should/shouldn't be doing ?
00:38.28slePPWind: 64km/h, NW. 4degC. holy crap.
00:38.43michaell!weather 84663
00:38.50slePPPing reply from file[desk] : 47.75 second(s)
00:38.53*** join/#asterisk grumpie (
00:38.53michaellkaxxan I sort of do
00:38.55file[desk]slePP: that's not my ping
00:39.05file[desk]it's you!
00:39.16slePPthats MY ping
00:39.26jaxxanmichaell: you got it on a web site i can take a peek at please ?
00:39.51michaelllet me upload it
00:39.56slePPi'm ssh'd into my server downtown atm, and i type a character, go get coffee, type another, go get more coffee, type a line, go pee, type a word, go get coffee, hit enter, realize after 5 minutes that i typed the command wrong, and start again
00:39.57michaell(17:39:52) —› ?slePP? PING
00:39.57michaell(17:39:58) !slePP! PING 5.484 second(s)
00:39.57michaell(17:39:59) (michaell) let me upload it
00:40.24michaelltheres another port other then 5060
00:40.41file[desk]there's MANY more ports
00:40.48iaxyrtp port varies
00:40.57slePPbut cna be set in rtp.conf
00:41.00file[desk]that's what I meant
00:41.26slePPooh, my lag may be gone for a minute
00:41.56michaellsorry there dude that wants pbx config
00:41.58michaelli'm working on it
00:42.25iaxymichael: post it to
00:42.39slePPwith nufone, and other voip providers, do you get just one call/number in, or is it more of a PBX trunk style where you can get like, 5 calls in on the same number simultaneously?
00:42.52michaellas many calls as you can make
00:42.58michaellif you can make 1000
00:42.59slePPno, receive.
00:43.01michaellthen its 1000 it is
00:43.12michaellnot sure
00:43.17michaellit better be more then 1
00:43.20michaellor i'm pissed off
00:43.22slePPpastebin. funny.
00:43.41filesay it with me now
00:43.51filewell, as much as you have bandwidth
00:43.52michaellas many minutes in my plan
00:43.59michaelli have 100mbit
00:44.34fileto 'da net? well then you're quite fine
00:44.56slePPi should call primus up again and talk to a real tech this time, not a stupid saleslady that just says 'sure, you can use your own equipment. it plugs into the device we send you'
00:45.17michaelljaxxan pm'ed too you
00:45.21slePP'no, i don't want your device. i have my own. i want to use that' 'yes, the phone plugs into it.' 'dammitlady....'
00:45.42fileyou're actually making an effort with Primus? wow
00:45.45slePPso then i got all technical
00:46.17slePP'listen. i want to hook up my device, which uses SIP, MGCP, SCCP, OH323, IAX. pretty much whatever. it's stuff i already have, and i want to make it work with your service. can this be done?' 'yes, but we still send you the device to hook up.'
00:46.27slePPit's like she took the 2 minute training course on what they're selling today
00:46.40slePPand since nufone isn't up here yet, and neither is ANYONE else, i don't have a lot of choices
00:46.54michaellactally you have lots of choices
00:47.04michaelllocal telco, local telco and ahh wait local telco
00:47.10slePPi'm willing to enter the market, but need money and support from the US.
00:47.29slePPoh yes, those're LOTS of choices. local telco or. uh. well..hmm..... local telo and.. yeh, someone else.. maybe. uhm.
00:48.03michaellwhat do you mean support from the usa?
00:48.06slePPif i absolutely HAVE to use their box, i'll just have to go downtown, open my server, stick the d-link router inside the 4U case, and pretend it's part of the computer itself.
00:48.16slePPwell, to like interlink with nufone
00:48.33slePPfor outgoing and number availability
00:48.52michaellthats what i would do
00:49.01slePPlots of services i can get up here that'll let me call out. that's no problem. it's calls IN that we have none of
00:49.01michaell4u thuohg?
00:49.06slePPyeh, 4U.
00:49.30michaellSomeone can get you a usa number and have someone route it over voip too your house?
00:49.31michaellor server
00:49.33slePPput the little dlink router inside the case, like into the HDD bays
00:49.42slePPyes. that's easy
00:49.49slePPi can get a US number
00:49.54slePProuted here
00:49.58michaelland then route it there
00:50.00fileslePP: will do a toll-free Canadian accessible number
00:50.05slePPbut not a canadian one, unless i get a US one anyway
00:50.16filemichaell: he wants a canadian number, not US
00:50.20michaellI'm aware of that
00:50.31slePPyeh, i've complained lots to michael about that :>
00:50.45zwidoes anobyd have a good 1700 number that I can call just to test the connection? Preferably not one that human will answer :-)
00:51.01fileis IAXtel back up?
00:51.04slePPwhat? what's wrong with humans?
00:51.10slePP17007772505 or FWD via 267595
00:51.19iaxyslePP: want a Canadian number? I can get you one....
00:51.20zwifile: Wait..what do you mean? iaxtel is DOWN???
00:51.23michaelli['m trying too help slePP out here
00:51.26slePPiaxy: yes, i want a canadian incall number.
00:51.28michaellhe dosen't like us americans
00:51.39filezwi: well I can't call out through it...
00:51.41slePPiaxtel is so broken at the moment, xwi
00:51.44slePPzwi, too
00:51.57michaellj/k there slePP
00:51.59zwihahah DAMMIT
00:51.59michaelljust trying too help
00:52.12zwino wonder I can't seem to get things working GRRR
00:52.16slePPoh wait
00:52.18slePP.. wrong channe
00:52.26slePPzwi: hookup to FWD. it works.
00:52.29slePPit works well, too
00:52.33fileiaxy: me'sa want numba!
00:52.39zwiyeah but I wsa trying to do iax
00:52.41iaxyiaxtel is working....
00:53.04slePPzwi: we can try to setup an iax peering between us if you want :> but i'm not good at that yet
00:53.11*** join/#asterisk extremis (
00:53.18zwigod I don't know if I'd be any better
00:53.19iaxyI just talked to my sister today and digium about a half an hour ago'
00:53.31michaellwhats special about iaxtel?
00:53.33extremisWhats a resonably priced voip conference room phone (ie, good quality speakerphone)?
00:53.42zwiI was just trying to see if I can get fwd/iax to bridge to my analog phones
00:53.50file[desk]grrr the PCMCIA controller cable in my laptop is undone again
00:53.56iaxythey are all 514 numbers...
00:54.09zwiiaxy: Uhhhh maybe nothing?
00:54.28slePP514 is the canadian prefix, or 514 is iaxtel? :>
00:54.37zwiHell if anybody wants to try call my laptop at 17009297647
00:54.42iaxy514 montreal. canada
00:54.49file[desk]IAXtel toll-free outgoing is a no-go for me.. so is other iaxtel users...
00:55.07zwihow about iax to iax?
00:55.08file[desk]I can call you though...
00:55.14slePPiaxy: therein lies the problem. nobody seems to have anything even remotely close to me. that's all the way across the continent
00:55.18file[desk]IAXtel is like kind of working
00:55.53zwiI'm using iaxcomm and when I register with my local * I can do things..I just can't seem to call any 700 #'s
00:56.01extremisno one?
00:56.15michaell800 calling is better with fwd
00:56.21file[desk]michaell: yeah
00:56.25file[desk]iaxy: how much?
00:56.47*** join/#asterisk WildGiant (~TheGiant@
00:56.57iaxyzwi: how rude!!!  call ==> NULL
00:57.09zwiheheh I saw it come in though!
00:57.33grumpiehas anyone figured out how to use * with a vonage line?
00:57.33zwiit kept giving me crap about it couldn't open the dsp
00:57.50slePPmichaell: fwd does 1800s?
00:58.00michaelldial start then 1-800
00:58.17iaxyzwi: you don't have it working?
00:58.47zwiiaxy: I said..if I register to my local * everything seems to work ok....
00:59.05zwiI just can't seem to do anything external...dunno..OH...maybe NAT?
00:59.09Jessteris MGCP working in * ?
00:59.33iaxyzwi: register your * box to iaxtel....
00:59.39iaxynot your phone
00:59.42zwiI have...I thought
00:59.50zwiuhh let me find the #
01:00.03iaxyzwi: call me 17005671616
01:00.20*** join/#asterisk izo (
01:00.31slePPchan_h323 isn't routing my contexts correctly.
01:01.12gambolputtyIs it possible to test an x100p card with an ordinary phone instead of an incoming phone line?
01:01.34izogambolputty : no for that you need tdmx00p
01:02.27slePPit made more of a connection than usual
01:02.52iaxyslepp: I was on the line. try now
01:02.56zwislePP: incoming must not be correct...but thanks for the help!
01:03.15iaxyzwi: it seems you are not registering to iaxtel
01:03.25Jessteranyone have SwissVoice  IP10S working in * ? sample configs from voip-info help but the phone just doesnt answer the phone, screen says somethin about waiting for call agent, I verified its has the * ip setup in the config, any ideas?
01:04.08slePPi'm extension 1, i think :>
01:04.49zwiiaxy: Hmmmm how can you tell? iax show users says iaxtel                            cleartext        from-iaxtel      No
01:05.09michaellQuestoin for the smart people here on call tables
01:05.13zwiok it looks like I *can* dial 1700 #' I just have to figure out what I'm doing wrong for incomings :-)
01:05.43michaellI have this command exten => _1800XXXXXXX,1,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN:},tr But I have too dial a star on fwd too let it know its a 1-800 call
01:05.55michaellhow can I keep the simple 1-800 format but have the server add the star?
01:06.13slePPthat's exactly what i did, anyway :>
01:06.22Mikeis g726 working ok now?
01:06.36michaellthank you for calling nextel
01:06.53iaxyslePP: no inbound'
01:07.10zwislePP: Hmmm it looks like connect to you but then I get "IAX2[]/8 stopped sounds"
01:07.12michaellthanks slePP
01:07.23slePPyeh... am i missing something on the iax config, then?
01:07.37zwiblind leading the blind eh? hehehe
01:08.00slePPmichaell: thanks for letting me know fwd worked with 1800s :>
01:08.16michaellI'm helping people ..wohoo
01:08.30michaellWhat varations of 1-800's are there? theres 800,866
01:08.36michaelltheres some more
01:08.46slePPh323 doesn't do it, though.
01:08.53michaellwell there we go
01:08.54slePP800, 866, 877, 888
01:09.13iaxyguys...make sure you can follow context to the ext.
01:09.22slePPso now i have to dial in and use DISA to dial out instead of just using h323 routing that used to work
01:09.33michaelllol..thanks for reminding me about disa
01:09.34slePPin extensions.conf:
01:09.44Jessteranyone have SwissVoice  IP10S working in * ? sample configs from voip-info help but the phone just doesnt answer the phone, screen says somethin about waiting for call agent, I verified its has the * ip setup in the config, any ideas?
01:09.52*** part/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
01:09.53slePPexten => _1800.,1,Macro(fwd,${EXTEN:5})
01:10.04slePPer.. sorry, ignore the :5 that's from another rule :>
01:10.10*** join/#asterisk dnk (~duncan@
01:10.20michaellif your talking with me slePP I got it going
01:10.41slePPso the extension it's calling within the iaxtel context exists
01:10.41slePPbut it just tosses me into the default context instead.
01:11.25slePPno, talking to iaxy
01:12.11iaxyI thought you wanted inbound iaxtel to ring a phone.
01:12.26michaellahh ok
01:13.10zwiiaxy: That was probably me but now I'm in a mad scramble on other stuff hehe
01:13.19Mikecan i dial 1800 numbers for free with nufone?
01:13.38slePPthere goes my internet provider again. *sigh*
01:13.38slePPit's REALLY hard to use voip when you have 2 to 4 second latencies to your upstream router
01:13.38michaellI think jerjer said we could...
01:13.43*** join/#asterisk file (
01:13.53michaellSince they are "toll-free
01:14.07michaellreminds me of dialup slePP
01:14.51Mikemichaell: bandwidth, and tdm's are not free nor electric power
01:15.01Mikemichaell: nufone is a buissness
01:15.06michaelli'm aware of that
01:15.09michaellI don't remmeber his answer
01:15.16michaellBut I got fwd for outbound anyway
01:15.21slePPiaxy: i want two things: h323 to route outgoing 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx calls without having to go through the default context, and the other thing is to have IAXtel call me when i get a call. by going into the context that rings me
01:15.21slePPbut i never even see a connection attempt FROM iaxtel when someone dials that number
01:15.21slePPso it doesn't get anywhere.
01:15.23slePPbut i can't test it for about another 30 minutes, because that tends to be how long it takes them to restart their routers at my ISP
01:16.26iaxyinclude the context in iaxtel context where you want it to go then.
01:17.37iaxyinclude => yourcontext
01:17.41slePPthey're toll-free, which means you don't pay the LD, but it doesn't mean you don't pay connection surcharges. :>
01:17.41slePPthe weird part about the chan_h323 thing, is it shows that i'm connected to 'iaxtel' when i dial a 1xxx number, but it routes me to the default context.
01:18.13iaxyI don't know anything about chan_h323
01:19.07iaxypost your ext to pastebin
01:19.08*** join/#asterisk izo (
01:20.26slePPwhen i dial the asterisk numbers (188010, 17007772505, etc.) from h323, it shows 'default' as who i called, and still routes to the default context.
01:20.26slePPmy poor brain.
01:20.26slePPand i can't debug the h323 channels.
01:20.29slePPiaxy, actually.. since you can get 514 montreal numbers, that also means you can have canadian incoming 1-800's? any idea what it would cost to go that route, and skip this whole local call thing?
01:22.33*** join/#asterisk da_Man-FL (
01:23.48slePPiaxy: posted to pastebin
01:23.57filela, lala?
01:24.06gambolputtyare virtual extensions possible?
01:25.56jaxxancan someone show me how to use SetCallerID correctly?
01:25.58jaxxanexten => 811,3,SetCallerID(test|5555)
01:26.03jaxxanthat's what i have as of now
01:26.15jaxxanbut it's showing test, but instead of 5555 it's saying asterisk
01:27.18iaxyslePP: good news or bad newss?
01:28.03slePPgood news how? :>
01:28.40iaxygood news: thats not right...
01:29.01*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
01:29.07iaxybad news....I don't know how to fix it....
01:29.14bkw_JERJER IS going to blow
01:29.16slePPhow's it not right? heh
01:29.18bkw_bug 1193
01:29.34filebkw_: oh yeah I spotted it
01:29.54slePPit worked fine with oh323 drivers. it routed contexts fine
01:30.25jaxxanhey bkw_
01:30.27jaxxanguess what
01:31.02jaxxani finally got the pri working with my dms100 (=
01:31.16bkw_switch dorks fix it?
01:31.16jaxxan4 months and $30,000 later
01:31.28iaxyslepp:The expert just stepped bkw
01:31.29jaxxanforever and a decade later
01:31.29bkw_your dms100 coudln't do PRI could it
01:31.40bkw_I knew it
01:31.43jaxxanthey had to bring in another cabinet
01:31.52jaxxantotally learned alot though
01:32.02jaxxanworking great now and i'm configuring my dialplans
01:32.12bkw_so 30k to do PRI
01:32.18jaxxanjust little programming stuff now, i hope to be live with it in 2 weeks
01:32.25jaxxanyeah, 30k for a new freaking cabinet
01:32.40*** join/#asterisk erikb (
01:32.47slePPbkw, iaxy is saying my extensions.conf are wrong. i posted it to
01:32.55jaxxani have 96 channels now (=
01:33.04bkw_slePP buy me an IAXY and I will be able to help
01:33.08bkw_as it is I can't afford one
01:33.41jaxxanexten => 811,3,SetCallerID(test|5555)
01:33.42iaxyhe means me...:-)
01:33.47jaxxanis this the correct format ?
01:33.53jaxxancause it's not working for me.
01:33.53slePPhow much is it? and what is it? :>
01:34.15bkw_slePP show me your link again
01:34.18slePPah, i was wondering :>
01:34.39*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
01:34.43bkw_ya "name here" <number>
01:34.44iaxyI have one... won't do hostnames, kram says it might not...not enough space...:-(
01:35.02bkw_OH GO DDAMN slePP
01:35.08bkw_clean that god damn file up
01:35.12slePPi am
01:35.14slePPgiv eme a minute
01:35.14bkw_i'm not going to dig thru the default crap
01:35.18slePPi'm lagged to hell to my server
01:35.23bkw_rm extensions.conf
01:35.28bkw_vi extensions.conf
01:35.32bkw_start from scratch
01:36.21slePPi use jed actually :>
01:36.34BSDTechbkw why
01:36.35bkw_my stress level is at "Clock Tower" levels
01:36.52bkw_snap "BANG BANG"
01:36.54BSDTechonly because you let your self stress yourself out
01:37.08bkw_I have too much shit to do
01:37.12BSDTechyes stress is self induced
01:37.16bkw_I need a vacation
01:37.20HogieI need to get laid
01:37.26iaxyradius support for asterisk?
01:37.33DarkFlibI need to get laid on vaction
01:37.48bkw_BSDTech no outside stuff can cause stress ... I usually don't have stress but as of late its been crazy
01:37.51erikbis there any difference as far as functionality between Voicemail and Voicemail2 ?
01:37.55jaxxani see, setcidname
01:37.57tessier__Maybe you two can get together and work something out then.
01:38.00bkw_erikb they are the same thing
01:38.15erikbjust different queues or something?
01:38.23filenope, they are the same thing
01:38.27bkw_its the same thing
01:38.28erikbhehe ok
01:38.29bkw_look at the src
01:38.35bkw_its just there for compatibility
01:38.41bkw_when we did have two voicemail apps
01:38.58Mikebkw_: are you guys planning a new release soon? i want to use g726 but i dont want to go unstable
01:39.10BSDTechI have learned threw life that stress is 99% self induced but yes out side forces can cause stress its all in how you learn to handle it
01:39.23*** join/#asterisk beta3 (~dan@beta3.registered.freenode)
01:39.25beta3bkw_: sup
01:39.36bkw_MIke cvs isn't unstable
01:39.40bkw_and g726 is in -stable
01:39.49BSDTechmy only problem is cdr-csv right now
01:39.53beta3bkw_: remember a while ago we had a chat about i/o performance on linux
01:39.55bkw_BSDTech don't use that
01:39.56Mikeso i can use it with asterisk 0.7.2?
01:40.01bkw_beta3 nope
01:40.01Mikecvs is not a reference
01:40.06Mikeasterisk 0.7.2
01:40.12bkw_MIke -stable in cvs has it
01:40.12Mikesince cvs changes every day/hour
01:40.14bkw_check out stable
01:40.16beta3bkw_: I commented on bsd, everything runs at same speed
01:40.23bkw_beta3 oh ya
01:40.24beta3I said 2.6 was like that
01:40.24slePPbkw_: k, it's clean to all the stuff i've done now
01:40.31BSDTech-lodbc gives errors
01:40.32erikbi'm trying to setup a voicemail extension for my phones which automatically knows their extension so that they simply enter their password
01:40.42beta3bkw_: grab the latest ck patch + 2.6.3, use cfq scheduler
01:40.43erikbso far I have this in my extensions.conf
01:40.49erikbexten => 8500,1,VoiceMailMain2(${CALLERIDNUM}@worker-extensions)
01:40.52bkw_beta3 na i'm lazy
01:40.57beta3bkw_: everything runs same speed here, and nothing is eating my i/o
01:41.10erikbit still prompts me for the mailbox #