irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040307

00:00.34uk-wombat(What I specifically want to do is set ANY outbound calls on PRI to use callingpres(3) - or is it callingpres=3?)
00:00.39*** join/#asterisk lancey (~bobiNkAaA@
00:00.45citatsoh and you need execute permissions on it... 666 wont do that
00:00.58Carpnow its still saying it doesnt exist when it does
00:01.00ScaredyCatyes, 755
00:01.13citatsCarp: whats the exact command your using?
00:01.18ScaredyCatCarp: who owns the file?
00:01.28*** join/#asterisk slePP (
00:01.40Carpexten => 1111,1,AGI(wakeup.agi)
00:01.55citatsCarp: try executiong the command from the cli to make sure it owkrs
00:02.02Carpowns the file?
00:02.03*** join/#asterisk BoRiS2 (
00:02.15ScaredyCatCarp: yes... is it owned by root
00:02.19slePPwould it be possible for someone using IAXtel/FWD to call my IAXtel number? I haven't had any way to test it from the outside yet.. (but I don't think it works)
00:02.26CarpYea, by root
00:02.26uk-wombatcitats: thanks for the debug info with astmm p
00:02.34Carphow do I do it from CLI?
00:02.35fileIAXTel isn't working for me right now
00:02.42uk-wombatcitats: was not an asterisk problem at all :-)
00:02.50citatsCarp: type '/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.agi'
00:03.01slePPi was able to dial out on 1-8xx- numbers last night (about 2am MST), but haven't been able to do so today.. but i've never received an iaxtel call
00:03.17*** join/#asterisk landros (
00:03.19slePPi can receive FWD calls (I called one of the US places from Telesthetic and dialed it, that worked)
00:03.48Carpcitats:  Says no such file or dir
00:03.57citatsCarp: blooks like you have a problem then
00:03.59ScaredyCatdid you cp it?
00:04.27charlierogerdoes a whitelist app exist?
00:05.05Carpcp it? (i have another problem, I just typed "!" in asterisk CLI and it closed * but didnt CLOSE it, just gave me command line, how do i get back into it?)
00:05.27citatsCarp: type exit
00:05.30ScaredyCat! shells
00:05.36Carpthere we go
00:05.38Carpexit worked
00:05.51Carpshell says the file is wrong, but i'm sure its in there
00:06.15ScaredyCatlocate wakeup
00:06.37citatsCarp: if its really there, then you probably have an invalid #! line
00:06.48ScaredyCatwhat i
00:06.51citatsok gotta cruise now, back in 5-7 hours maybe
00:06.55ScaredyCatis it perl ?
00:06.59Carplocate doesnt find it
00:07.06ScaredyCatdid u updatedb?
00:07.15Carpnot yetr
00:07.16CarpI will now
00:07.19CarpYea, its Perl
00:07.30ScaredyCatyou need to b4 it will see newer files
00:07.41Carphow long does this take?
00:07.47ScaredyCatdepends on the box
00:07.57Carpi mean, like an hour or like 2 minnutes? lol
00:07.59ScaredyCatmine takes <1 min
00:08.09ScaredyCaton a 600mhz box
00:08.30BoRiS2Is Speex smaller packets then GSM?
00:08.32*** join/#asterisk Joony (
00:08.49Joonyhey there, would Asterisk take advantage of using SMP?
00:09.29slePPdoes anyone have IAX2 working today? i haven't been able to get a single call out of it so far...
00:11.06lanceyIAX2 was working an hour ago
00:11.17slePPcan i try calling your IAX2 number?
00:11.17CarpNow I can locate it
00:11.24Carpbut * still cant find it
00:11.33lanceyslePP: nopez, my asterisk machine is down now
00:11.35Carpeven though its saying the right dir in the * CLI
00:11.38lanceyit's for testing only
00:11.47slePPlancey: that's exactly what i need to do. test :>
00:11.47BoRiS2We should all network our * :)
00:12.03ScaredyCatwhere did locate say it was?
00:12.18ScaredyCatcan u paste the result line Carp
00:12.21slePPcp `locate wakeup.cgi` /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
00:12.30Carpwithout capitals lol
00:12.42ScaredyCatcp ?
00:12.51CarpI didn't do any cp
00:12.57ScaredyCat<slePP> cp `locate wakeup.cgi` /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
00:13.01ScaredyCatthat's not right
00:13.06slePPyeh.. skip the cgi, make it agi :>
00:13.19ScaredyCatlocate wakeup
00:13.25CarpI did that
00:13.26ScaredyCatshould list 2 occurences
00:13.37Carp..       /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.agi
00:13.58ScaredyCatthe /etc/asterisk one and the /var/lb/asterisk/agi-bin
00:14.15Carpwell, it lists a few other files that are similar
00:14.20ScaredyCatcarp.. do a:
00:14.23BoRiS2I would like to setup * in a hotel :)
00:14.25Carpbut yea, it shows where I had it before too
00:14.37ScaredyCatperl -c /var/lib/asterisk/agibin/wakeup.agi
00:15.08ScaredyCatperl -c /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.agi
00:15.26Carpshows alot of errors
00:15.37ScaredyCatthen that's ur problem.. ur code!
00:15.45ScaredyCatlocate perl
00:15.48Carpthats what i'm trying to run
00:15.55ScaredyCatthen check your #! line at the top
00:16.05Carpthat scrools off the to of the screen
00:16.14Carpand I dont know how to scroll up in linux
00:16.21ScaredyCatedit the file in vi
00:16.37Carpwhich file?
00:16.39ScaredyCat1. make use
00:16.42CarpI don't know where perl is
00:16.51ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> try
00:16.52ScaredyCat<ScaredyCat> locate perl
00:16.53Carp"locate perl" has too many in the list
00:17.02Carpi cant see the top of hte list
00:17.02slePPwhich perl
00:17.11slePPtype that: which perl
00:17.18Carpthere we go
00:17.29Carp... /usr/bin/perl
00:17.37ScaredyCatso that's ok
00:18.09ScaredyCatdo you have Asterisk::AGI installed?
00:18.19ScaredyCat(sudden thought)
00:18.20Carpi believe I did it last night
00:18.32Carpany way to check
00:18.40ScaredyCatman Asterisk::AGI
00:19.16BoRiS2How do I check if Asterisk::AGI is installed? I dont see if when I run "make install"
00:19.24ScaredyCatman Asterisk::AGI
00:19.25Carp"This module should make it easier to write scripts that interact with the asteris ........"
00:19.53ScaredyCatand you have Date::Manip too
00:20.59BoRiS2No manual for Asterisk::AGI
00:21.44ScaredyCatBoRiS2: then it's not installed... (more than likely)
00:21.53BoRiS2How do you install it then?
00:21.55ScaredyCatit;s a separate download and install
00:21.59BoRiS2oooooh, ok
00:22.17CarpScaredyCat: Any more idea's why * cant find this file?
00:22.47Carpexten => 11,1,AGI(wakeup.agi)
00:23.08BoRiS2where can I download it? Can I get it from cvs?
00:23.29ScaredyCatBoRiS2: that link was 4u
00:23.43ScaredyCatCarp: 1 sec... looking at that code
00:23.46BoRiS2thanks :)
00:23.49Carpok, thx.,
00:25.30slePPk.. so, one last time, can anyone here call 1-700-777-2505 via IAX?
00:25.36clhanybody running * on an rtos/sbc setup??
00:26.27Carplet me get cell
00:26.35Carpvia IAX
00:27.01slePPyeh, IAX..
00:27.19Carpcann not completed as dialed
00:27.34ScaredyCatlooks like dodgy code carp
00:28.37*** join/#asterisk venix (
00:29.02Carp* should find it though and tell me it cant execute because of error
00:29.53ScaredyCatno.... my mistake...
00:30.00ScaredyCatstupid cut paste error
00:30.08clhjust got my x100p working
00:30.16clhand voicemail
00:30.27ScaredyCatk... it works here carp
00:31.32*** part/#asterisk clh (~lappin@
00:32.27CarpExecuting AGI("SIP/21-5733", "wakeup.agi") in new stack
00:32.48ScaredyCatyes... unless u have the SOUND files the script will fail
00:33.01ScaredyCatand there are no sound files on the wiki for it
00:33.04CarpLaunched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.agi ": no such file or dir
00:33.06charlierogerwassa good way to "route by callerid", ex-girlfriend method won;t accept variables, and the blacklist only checks the name of caller id (no #)
00:33.11CarpAGI Script completed, returning 0
00:33.13ScaredyCatis the error a stream file error ?
00:33.27ScaredyCatset verbose 9
00:33.50ScaredyCatcharlieroger: how many numbers?
00:34.05Carpafter i set verbose, i get same error in CLI
00:34.23charlieroger100 or so
00:34.33ScaredyCatagi and a db
00:34.42charlierogerk, thx
00:34.45Carpi will be back in like 10 minutes, I have to make a call. sorry and thanks
00:35.35charlierogernot sure if i know what that means or want to know :)
00:36.10charlierogeri didn't see an agi that would do that, but developing one should be fun for all
00:36.12ScaredyCathe went before I could complete helpign
00:36.52ScaredyCatcharlieroger: I thought there was a callerid one... maybe i wrote it and forgot it was me :)
00:37.32charlieroger2 much smoke clogs those synapias'''
00:37.49ScaredyCatthis is true
00:38.15slePPargh... IAX is crap. :P
00:38.21slePP(at least at this moment in time)
00:38.36tz-afkslePP: you is crap
00:40.04slePPwell, that too :>
00:42.43*** join/#asterisk dude35 (
00:52.34*** join/#asterisk michaell (
00:52.43michaellis fwd still having issues?
00:53.15slePPyou can try calling me on it.
00:53.15*** join/#asterisk Carp (
00:53.21slePPit seemed okay about an hour ago
00:53.32michaellI keep getting all cirucits are busy in asterisk
00:53.44CarpScaredyCat: Did you come up with anymore idea's?
00:53.55slePPi've been getting all circuits busy on 1-8xx numbers today, but 1-700- have been okay, mostly.
00:53.59michaellsleep: hold on a second.
00:54.06michaellI need too fix asteirk
00:54.11michaelli can call uot sometimes
00:54.18ScaredyCatdo you have the sound files?
00:54.21slePPi can also try calling you, michaell
00:54.35fileIAXtel is toast too
00:54.57CarpScaredyCat: I only have what came with *
00:55.01CarpNever doenloaded any others.
00:55.13ScaredyCatright... so your script would fail...
00:55.13BoRiS2oops :-p
00:55.35ScaredyCatcan u /msg me the errors from a perl -c wakeup.agi
00:55.46CarpI am on my windows box
00:55.51Carpwith IRC
00:55.52michaellsleepp: did you get it?
00:55.56CarpIt would take me a year to type it lol.
00:56.03Chotairecarp: Oh, you are using irc? :)
00:56.24slePPmichaell: hello, the party you are t4rying to reach is unavailable
00:56.31michaelldarn thing
00:56.52slePPyeh, it called in...
00:56.54slePPi got voicemail
00:56.57CarpChotaire: SO are you
00:57.00Carpbut i'm using mIRC
00:57.09michaellslePP: that wasn't suppost too happen
00:57.15michaellit should got too asterisk and say thanks for calling
00:57.23slePPk, try mine. 267595
00:57.32slePPor via iaxtel, 17007772505
00:58.00michaellhold on a sec there
00:59.08*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
00:59.58BoRiS2Does anyone have an voicefiles for the wakeup script?
01:00.05*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:00.27slePPwhat is this wakeup script?
01:01.08michaellslepp: I'm having dial plan issues cureently
01:01.32slePPk... well, let me know if you want me to call you back up again
01:01.58slePPoooh. wakeup calls. nice. okay.
01:03.18michaellslePP now call it 41320
01:03.31slePPk, one second.
01:04.03slePPwhat's an extension? :>
01:04.13michaellI haven't fiqured that part out
01:04.20michaellif it says invaild its still messed up
01:04.26slePPsomething's ringing
01:04.32michaellwow its wokring
01:06.49dantpoor carp
01:07.53*** join/#asterisk Carp (
01:10.07jeffpcI'm not receiving anything from asterisk...
01:10.09jeffpcover SIP
01:10.12jeffpcusing kphone
01:10.27jeffpcasterisk is playing, but kphone isn't receiving..
01:10.47jeffpcbut, kphone rings...
01:12.10michaellslePPL: It seems that worked that time
01:12.12michaellit went through
01:12.21michaelllemem have someone else try also
01:12.38slePPholy crap... are you getting errors galore on that inband dtmf?
01:13.08twistedsip ata-286 firmware allows you to change the fxs impedence
01:13.17slePPyea, mine doesn't work with dtmfmode=inband.
01:13.32michaellI wonder why
01:13.58*** join/#asterisk aavia (
01:14.16michaell2 people called from a real phone and it routes correctly
01:14.26slePPi got 'i'm sorry, that is not valid'
01:14.32slePPany other ones?
01:14.45michaellumm huh?
01:14.49michaellyou dialed through fwd?
01:15.01slePPi called telesthetic, in the states somewhere
01:15.06slePPthen it transfers to FWD numbers
01:15.14slePPi got the asterisk box, but it didn't listen to anything i pressed.
01:15.22aaviasorry, dont u know any provider 00800 ?
01:15.23michaelltry it again
01:15.34michaellaavia: asking me?
01:15.46aaviamichaell tell me somethink :)
01:15.49*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (
01:15.52aaviaabout 00800 :)
01:15.58*** join/#asterisk Francois (
01:16.10slePPit ignores me
01:16.17michaell*trys again*
01:16.30slePPi think it's telesthetic
01:16.46michaelltry libertel
01:17.49slePPi can't call my own number form it because of the limit :<
01:17.55michaellthat sucks
01:18.00slePPso i can't test mine
01:18.15michaellthat sucks
01:18.53aaviaslePP oki thx
01:19.41uk-wombat# Hi - Does this look ok for a .call file
01:19.41uk-wombat# (I can't figure out how to use callingpres for PRI with a .call file...)
01:19.41uk-wombatApplication: CallingPres
01:19.41uk-wombatData: 3
01:19.41uk-wombatChannel: Zap/1/1060123456789
01:19.41uk-wombatMaxRetries: 1
01:19.43uk-wombatRetryTime: 60
01:19.47uk-wombatWaitTime: 30
01:19.48uk-wombatContext: callme
01:19.50uk-wombatExtension: 800  
01:19.51uk-wombatPriority: 1
01:19.53uk-wombatCallerid: 0987654321
01:20.12FrancoisWhat's a .call file?
01:20.13slePPmichaell: here's the bad news... it doesn't detect the button presses now.
01:20.23slePPwhen using something that doesn't do actual tones
01:20.30ionixhey quick questions for the pros :)
01:20.34ionixI have a vista 350
01:20.45ionixanyone knows this phone ?
01:20.57ionixit can be "programmed" by the telco with forecast,stock quotes etc
01:21.06ionixmay I program it with asterisk
01:21.06michaellGreat.. is a way to make outbound calls by placing a file in the outbound directory that describes where the call is to made to (for alerting etc.)
01:21.10michaellwhat are you using a normal phone?
01:21.15*** part/#asterisk expousr (~expousr@
01:21.16ionixlike have my menu with the stuff I want ?
01:21.17slePPno, using gnomemeeting actually
01:21.26slePPion: i think it's ADSI, and you need an unlock code
01:21.30michaellnever heard of that one
01:21.33ionixunlock code hmm
01:21.36ionixI'll call the telco
01:21.55slePPmichaell: it's an OH323 client app
01:22.01slePPit sends the codes out of band of the voice
01:22.10slePPit works fine with asterisk normally, but it doesnt' appear to work over SIP
01:22.20slePPit also worked before we set dtmfmode=inband
01:22.24slePPthat's how i called the first time
01:22.36michaellis there 2 types of dtmf?
01:22.48slePPthere's DTMF audio, and then there's rfc2833, which is out of band signalling of the codes
01:22.55slePPso it just sends 'they pressed 1' instead of actually encoding the audio
01:23.15michaellcan I do both?
01:23.26slePPtry setting dtmfmode=inband,rfc2833
01:23.55zoa2shido: do you have some time on monday ?
01:24.01Shido6dtmfmode=inband only works in ulaw
01:24.30ionixthe slePP, it's working
01:24.38slePPionix: ?
01:24.48zoa2afternoon is like in the middle of the night for me i think
01:24.50aaviatry dtmfmode=info
01:24.53zoa2what time is it there now ?
01:25.17ionixslePP: adsi
01:26.06slePPwhat's dtmfmode = info mean, exactly?
01:27.22aaviatry it
01:31.47michaellwas upstairs
01:37.21*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (
01:38.22Q-At-Homegreetings all
01:38.36jeffpcwhat's a good SIP sw phone?
01:39.05Q-At-Homeif you must use sip... xlite is reported to work, though I'm partial to iaxcomm for iax2 connections
01:39.13*** join/#asterisk Kilroy (KilroyWRK@
01:40.00jeffpcI should add...for linux :-D
01:40.08*** join/#asterisk icehostdk (
01:40.58Q-At-Homejeffpc: dunno, never used a sip phone under linux.. gnophone works, but its iax
01:41.06michaellDoes anyone recal what ports need too be open for sip?
01:41.14Q-At-Homewine might be able to pull off some magic with xlite
01:41.20JerJerudp 5060
01:41.31Q-At-Homemichael: 5060 plus whatever rtp ports you use
01:41.36JerJerthen your edge device has to be smart enough to send the RTP ports also
01:42.04icehostdkHi does the Sipura, support Caller ID on Euro telephones ?
01:42.24jeffpcQ-At-Home: gnophone is complaining about something...I heard good things about iax, but I think sip is just a little more supported...
01:42.44jeffpcpersonally, I'll switch to iax if iaxcomm is good :-)
01:43.02Q-At-Homeiaxcomm has its bugs, but its my software phone of choice now
01:43.22*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
01:44.52twistediax > sip
01:45.02filetwisted: indeed
01:47.25icehostdkIs ther eny in here thats using the Sipura converter ?
01:47.50JerJerthey are pretty good
01:47.56JerJergood as SIP can get
01:48.08twistedhey jerjer
01:48.17michaellQ@home : I know
01:48.26twistedthe grandstream device as of allows for changing the fxs impedence :P
01:48.31jeffpcQ-At-Home: in the accounts window...
01:48.59JerJerhmm why would one want to change the impedance?   different country support?
01:49.00icehostdktwisted fxs impedence ?
01:49.00jeffpcnever mind..
01:49.41Q-At-Homeanyone got a good source for the GS ht's?
01:49.43fileicehostdk: I use a Sipura
01:49.43JerJerand the new firmware has custom ringtones right?
01:49.49twistedjerjer: nope.
01:49.52twistedactually wait.
01:49.57twistedi haven't updated the budgetone 102
01:50.00aaviadont u know why when i make call via sip and 711 from .... * to UA i have 252 bytes udp and from UA to * i have 172 udp bytes ... why from * to me is payload bigger nearly from UA to *. i see this from tcpdump /?
01:50.01twistedjust the ata
01:50.15icehostdkfile hi, are u happy with the Sipura iam thinking of getting one
01:50.19jeffpcQ-At-Home: it's not letting me connect (auth issue)
01:50.22fileicehostdk: I love it
01:50.44icehostdkfile can u see callerid on your phone ?
01:51.00Q-At-Homejeffpc: you have iax.conf setup?
01:51.00fileI don't have a callerid phone, so I dunno - but it is supported
01:51.08twistedjerjer: no. for BT 100 series still does not allow custom ringtones.
01:51.16jeffpcQ-At-Home: I added the two users there..
01:51.16zoa2what are the changes in the latest GS firmware ?
01:51.21Q-At-Homereload? :)
01:51.24zoa2twisted: you have to pay for the ringtones
01:51.34JerJertwisted: the other barbietone lets you change ringtones?
01:51.34icehostdkfile iam using a handytone right now with firmware but it still dosent work callerid
01:51.34jeffpcQ-At-Home: btw, this is my first day with asterisk...yes, I reloaded...
01:51.50twistedJerJer: ehhhh?
01:51.55JerJerzoa2: talk about corncobbing, jesus
01:51.56jeffpcQ-At-Home: I'm and idiot
01:51.59twistedthe ata device allows you to change impedence
01:52.11twistedzoa2: where did you hear that?
01:52.12Carpi have a shell scriit saves as RUN_ME
01:52.15Carphow do I run it?
01:52.28zoa2twisted: its on the site
01:52.32zoa2they can give you a ring.bin
01:52.43twistedand jerjer: they allow you to lock the menu function :P
01:52.44icehostdkIs ther eny in here u have seen or testet a Sipura, on a euro phone to see if callerid workes ?
01:52.51Q-At-Homeanything labled RUN_ME shouldnt be run :)
01:53.00twistedzoa2: if you can figure out what format ring.bin is in, you can make your own.
01:53.08zoa2happy hacking
01:53.13twistedso all we need is someone to buy a ringtone, and then figure out what format it is :P
01:53.25zoa2start with reversing the other bin files then
01:53.32CarpJerJer: it says command not found
01:53.34twistedthe othe bin files are just the firmware
01:53.56twistedi'm thinking gs went the cheap route
01:54.02twistedand just named a gsm file a .bin
01:54.12twistedwe'll see.
01:54.16icehostdkThe Handytone with version  so all we need is someone to buy a ringtone, and then figure out what format it is :P
01:54.29icehostdkdamm sry
01:54.57JerJerhell open the bin file up in SoundForge...tell it is a raw audio file..then just tweak the various options they give until it sounds like the ringtone
01:55.01jeffpcQ-At-Home: ah, connected...
01:55.26*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
01:55.28twistedzoa: where on their website did you see about the ringtones?
01:55.33twistedi don't seem to be able to find it
01:55.42zoa2its somewhere out there
01:55.45zoa2with the auto config thingie
01:55.50zoa2that uses
01:56.17icehostdkfile how is the sound of the sipura
01:56.39twistedzoa: wow.  that helps.
01:57.03fileicehostdk: depends on the codec of course, but using ULAW it's great
01:57.08filegood enough to fax something :)
01:57.09Q-At-Homeever since I got that beta gs for my barbietone, its fixed 90% of my issues
01:57.16icehostdkfile hehe
01:58.05icehostdkI used the Handytone 286, but CallerID does not work on Euro phones ;(
02:06.29icehostdkThe Cisco ATA18X and the Sipura SPA-2000 can be configured to support alternate Caller ID methods:
02:06.29icehostdkThe ATA18X supports Bellcore FSK, DTMF and ETSI FSK.
02:06.30icehostdkThe SPA-2000 supports Bellcore FSK and DTMF. I have a ticket opened with Sipura support regarding ETSI FSK.
02:06.30icehostdkGrandstream HandyTone ATA286 has no Caller ID support in the current firmware. Bellcore FSK will be present in a future release. I don't about other methods.
02:06.31icehostdkBellcore FSK is the Caller ID method used in US/Canada and China.
02:06.33icehostdkDTMF and ETSI FSK are used in Europe and other continents.
02:06.55twistedicehostdk: ummmm
02:07.06twistedthe handytone (ata-286) does fsk cid
02:07.19twistedvery well, i might add
02:07.23icehostdktwisted not for my Euro phone
02:07.34twistedeuro phone probally uses dtmf
02:07.54icehostdktwisted I have a handytone and it not showing callerid ;(
02:08.10twistedeuro phone probally uses dtmf cid.
02:08.17twistedata286 does fsk only
02:08.43twistedbellcore fsk std.
02:08.50icehostdktwisted iam currently at work, but my frind left me a Sipura ;)
02:09.17icehostdktwisted can wait to test it out when iam comming home
02:10.59twistedi'm gonna contact gs again :P
02:11.33twistedto try to get them to let me in on the ring.bin
02:11.50zoa2try finding a ring.bin on some tftp server
02:13.49twistedzoa: your vagueness is astounding tonight
02:15.08zoa2sorry bout that
02:16.37twistedheh.. it's ok
02:16.52twistedgs has been rather helpful to me via email in the past, maybe they will prove so this time as well.
02:17.12*** join/#asterisk The-Fixer (
02:20.38uk-wombatJust made some mods to q931.c but the flags don't seem to have changed in the call setup to the switch - has anyone tried to change this file?
02:21.39uk-wombat(with success that is...)