irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040301

00:05.18Powerkill~seen oej
00:05.19oej <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 2h 26m 44s ago, saying: 'negative3: Which protocol?'.
00:05.23Mucklwhat does "CAUSE           : No authority found" within an IAX2 call mean?
00:05.46Shido6no user
00:05.48*** join/#asterisk mr` (
00:05.51Shido6no authority
00:06.03Shido6u dont have the right to access 2 dead flys on my server
00:06.06Shido6so check iax.conf
00:06.10Shido6for user peer
00:07.26mishehuhmmm...  wondering if I should upgrade the SIP firmware on my 7960 or not...
00:07.38MucklShido6: hmm...the calling * box says: USERNAME        : bembel; the called has an [bembel] entry in iax.conf
00:07.47Shido6does the current one work mishehu
00:07.55Mucklmishehu: im using 6.2.0, have no problems
00:08.24Shido6Muckl u have an ssh port open on it
00:09.11MucklShido6: ?? im logged in, yes
00:10.48mishehuMuckl: is the configuration any different than 6.0.x ?
00:12.33Mucklmishehu: the configuration files have had no additinal sections since 6.0; the phone itsself supports configurable speed dials now
00:13.04mishehubah, I have to fill out the bloodsucking registration on cisco now...
00:13.06mishehuI'm so lazy
00:19.07*** join/#asterisk scat (
00:19.24Death_INCbkw_, where is that telemprmpter's hell dialplan, I think I'm going to put it on my phone ;)
00:20.58learathDeath_INC: nah, just put in a CC entry form.. 5$ for the first min, 1.25$ for every min after that
00:21.41atacommany reason Fedex's APIs would be saying no ground service available from MN to NY with a sipura, when the fedex site says $4.50?  is it so cheap that they dont want people using it?
00:24.22atacommi'm trying to make sure the thing works before i upload my new "actually working" checkout code
00:27.13fileanything that's a pure red in color HAS to be artificial
00:30.05*** join/#asterisk bobman (
00:31.27*** join/#asterisk p0lar69 (~p0lar@
00:32.13learathfile: ?
00:32.17p0lar69anyone done outbound Authenticate for someting like toll restrictions?   I just starting to look at that and wondered if anyone had a start for me?
00:32.33mishehugah dammit, I registered with cisco and I can't get it to let me dl the SIP firmware 6.2.0 for 7960
00:32.50p0lar69like anyone can 5 digit dial but only those with a LD number can do  LD?
00:34.42ManxPowermishehu, You need to have a service contract
00:34.57ManxPowerThat's pretty easy p0lar69