irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040225

00:00.07Mikerfnkmaster, so what to do?
00:00.17Jessterhow would I setup zapata.conf for a channel bank that has fxs_ks for ports 1-20 and fxo_ks for 21-24 ?
00:00.25jizaymesNovac, its from Zap
00:00.46fnkmasterMiker: I believe you need a port forwarded range for the RTP stream at work.  Because SIP is a kind of stupid protocol.
00:00.58Novacjizaymes: I tink that you could change ths context, in the zap config file, to something not exsisting
00:01.05Carpis that a good * server?
00:01.24Mikerfnkmaster, that sucks:)
00:01.35fnkmasterMiker: your * box is trying to intiate an RTP stream to the public IP address of your place of work, and the RTP packets are just getting dropped at the router.
00:02.04fnkmasterMiker: at least that's my guess.  You can't run a SIP phone behind NAT without changing network configuration parameters because SIP sucks.
00:02.06Mikerfnkmaster, i have an asterisk server at the office also but i dont want to register agains this asterisk server
00:02.11KillerBeeCarp might be ok for like 25 bucks
00:02.22Mikerfnkmaster, can it be use as a proxy?
00:02.46CarpKillerBee:  I have $200, What do you suggest I get?
00:02.59marloweI have set up an extension i for invalid under my extensions and when I dial an invalid extension it still doesnt play the message? Can anyone provide me with another sample config that works?
00:03.03fnkmasterMiker: yes, in theory, you can have your SIP phone connect to the local * box and have * connect to the remote * machine via IAX2, which circumvents the firewall/NAT issues entirely.
00:03.39Mikerfnkmaster, but its a wisip
00:03.44Mikerfnkmaster, i use it everywhere
00:03.52nitramfnkmaster: well with the nat stuff enabled in sip.conf and an 7960 that works for me
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00:04.28nitram* on public ip, 7960 behind nat, no fancy stuff on nat-firewall
00:04.30fnkmasternitram: with any port forwards in your network config?
00:04.37Novacjizaymes: did you see my suggestion ??
00:04.43Mikernitram, what kinda router you have?
00:04.57nitramMiker: different dsl-hw routers
00:05.04fnkmasternitram: right, that's what I said, the key thing is the port forwards for the RTP stream.
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00:05.17nitramfnkmaster: NO port forwarding
00:05.18Mikerthe problem with a linux router is the uPNP
00:05.27Mikerhardware routers use uPNP for that
00:05.44nitrami don't think the cisco 7960 does upnp
00:05.50fnkmasternitram: hmm, okay, then maybe I'm wrong, maybe you don't need the port forward.
00:06.06Mikernitram, the router
00:06.32nitramMiker: how does upnp work?
00:06.34habakukanyone know of a linux softphone with dtmf?
00:06.50nitramhabakuk: linphone, kphone, sjphone
00:06.53Jessterhow would I setup zapata.conf for a channel bank that has fxs_ks for ports 1-20 and fxo_ks for 21-24 ?
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00:07.46nitramfnkmaster: tftp nat is not implemented in every hw-router though
00:07.51habakuknitram just tried kphone, but couldn't get dtmf to work. I found only one obscure reference to it.. any pointers on how to get it to work?
00:07.54nitramso no fancy ringtones
00:08.06fnkmasternitram: I'm sorry, you're right I don't have any port forwards set up for RTP on my NATed 7960 either
00:08.22habakuknitram, yeah sip is what I'm looking for
00:08.35fnkmasterI do have a port 5060 port forward, which I thought was necessary to receive calls from the other end, but maybe that's not even necessary
00:08.45nitramhabakuk: you need at least v4
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00:09.36fnkmasterI wonder if I need port 5060 forwarded at all...
00:09.44nitramwhat gave/gives me a headache is firewall without nat
00:09.46habakuknitram ah ok
00:10.07jizaymesi set the context to something different and it still hangs up
00:10.10jizaymespicks up
00:10.17nitramwhere i have a public ip but a syn-filter
00:10.37nitramso i can make outgoing connections
00:11.04nitramso my 7960 logged in fine, i could make calls, but not be called
00:11.38fnkmasteranybody have any experience with the Cisco 12SP+ phones?  I can't even figure out how to tell the damned thing where to find a TFTP server (my DHCP server doesn't supply TFTP info)
00:11.40jizaymesnat=yes in sip.conf
00:12.00JerJerfnkmaster: i think u gots to have the right firmware on 'em
00:12.16nitramJerJer: yes, firewall but public ip on both ends
00:12.18Novacjizaymes: didnīt you want * to ignore incomming calls from zap
00:12.40fnkmasterJerJer: I know, but I have to at least get it to talk to my TFTP server to put firmware on em (I assume they're like the 7960 in that sense)
00:12.40JerJernitram: are you allowing udp port 5060?
00:12.50Novacjizaymes: then is should hang up
00:12.53JerJermake a DNS entry  
00:13.01nitramJerJer: i have no access to university's fw :/
00:13.03jizaymesi have two Zap interfaces
00:13.09jizaymesi want the second for outgoing only
00:13.31JerJercome your own
00:13.39JerJermake a private network
00:13.48fnkmasterhehehe this sounds like fun
00:13.50jizaymesin zapata.conf i have this
00:13.50jizaymeschannel => 1
00:13.50jizaymeschannel => 2
00:14.09jizaymesi've tried with lame existing but being empty, aswell as lame not existing
00:14.12jizaymesit still answers
00:14.12fnkmastergotta love it, a 15 dollar phone that requires about 500 dollars worth of time to get working
00:14.25JerJerjizaymes: do you have immediate=yes in there?
00:14.32nitramJerJer: i know i could tunnel in there via my laptop and then connect... but i'd like it to work directly
00:14.49jizaymesit says immediate=no
00:15.46telappcan i use #includes within iax.conf?
00:15.53Novacjizaymes: maybe if you define a context with a hangup command
00:16.17jizaymesbut thats lame
00:16.36JerJerjizaymes: esplain whats going on
00:16.59loko-mokoHow does call forwarding on the Cisco 7960 work? I hit the call forwarding button, type in my number, but when I call that extension it just sends me to voicemail saying im un available
00:17.08jizaymeshave 2 zap interfaces
00:17.12jizaymesZap/1 == incoming only
00:17.16jizaymesZap/2 == outgoing only
00:17.29jizaymescalls to Zap/2 answer and bring to the menu
00:17.30marloweFor some reason when I try to transfer a call from my phone to another phone, and if I enter an invalid extension the call just ends up getting lost.  I tried making a routine to play an invalid gsm file, which it does - But it plays it to the caller and not to me... Is there any other way I can prevent from accidently transferring to an invalid extension?
00:17.55unixdawgchan_iax2.c: In function `try_firmware':
00:17.55unixdawgchan_iax2.c:883: error: storage size of `stbuf' isn't known
00:17.55unixdawgchan_iax2.c:890: warning: implicit declaration of function `stat'
00:17.55unixdawgchan_iax2.c:896: warning: implicit declaration of function `S_ISDIR'
00:17.55unixdawgchan_iax2.c:883: warning: unused variable `stbuf'
00:17.56unixdawggmake[1]: *** [chan_iax2.o] Error 1
00:17.58unixdawggmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/home/asterisk/asterisk/channels'
00:18.00unixdawggmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
00:18.04marlowePossible, in this function to call back the person that tried transferring the call... So they can attempt to transfer again?
00:18.16jizaymesok Novac
00:18.18jizaymesthat worked
00:18.20jizaymesbut its still lame
00:18.22jizaymescause it makes a click
00:18.23JerJerjizaymes: then something is telling it to answer
00:18.44jizaymesok what would do that
00:18.51Daminmarlowe: can you use supervised transfewr?
00:19.09marloweDamin: Don't think that works with these phones.. The GS phones?
00:19.09JerJersomething like   exten => s,1,Answer
00:19.19jizaymesin the [default] context i do
00:19.29jizaymesbut that channel is bound to the [lame] context
00:19.46Daminmarlowe: Oh yeah.. the only way to get that to work with the GrandStream is to smash it with a hammer and get a SNOM or Cisco unit! ;)
00:19.49unixdawgany innput on my error
00:19.57marloweDamin: Oh ok. :-/
00:20.29jizaymesalso, who has the ability to port vonage phone #'s and give me iax for a fee
00:20.34Daminmarlowe: I wish the GrandStream allowed you to configure the type of transfer that you could use.
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00:20.51Daminmarlowe: It's just a software configuration issue really..
00:20.57JerJerjizaymes: depends where they are at
00:21.00scudhey whats the link to the iax protocol.pdf?
00:21.05jizaymesits in zapata.conf
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00:21.23Daminmarlowe: Unfortunately, you don't have control of the software. ;)
00:21.27jizaymeschannel => 1
00:21.27jizaymeschannel => 2
00:21.32marloweSo is there any way to capture within asterisk the extension that attempted to transfer the cal.. So maybe asterisk can then just issue a dial statement and call that extension back?
00:21.38marloweso the call doesnt get lost?
00:21.57Daminmarlowe: Perhaps you would be better off using Call Park?
00:22.13Novacjizaymes: what about exten => s,1,NoOp
00:22.19marloweNever been a fan of call park, I'll just live with it...
00:22.32marloweI can easily transfer the caller into the main ivr at least.
00:22.38marloweSo I dont hang up on them
00:22.48jizaymeslet em try that
00:22.52Daminexten => s,1,Hangup
00:22.55marloweTheres gotta be a way to issue a call back though
00:23.02marloweI dont want to hangup on them :)
00:23.24jizaymesworks like a champ Novac
00:23.41Novacjizaymes; You are welcome
00:24.03unixdawgok trying make again
00:24.40Novacjizaymes: just for the fun of it, were are you from ??
00:24.48jizaymesnew jersey
00:24.54marloweme too
00:25.00jizaymesword up neighbor
00:25.11marlowewhat up :)
00:25.14marlowewhere in nj
00:25.42Novacjizaymes: ever heard about denmark ??
00:26.05marlowenever heard of it
00:26.17Novacthat were I am from
00:26.41jizaymesok next problem
00:26.44jizaymeswhen I dial an extension
00:26.46jizaymesand hangup
00:26.52jizaymes* doesnt recognize the hangup
00:26.58jizaymesand continues to ring
00:27.04marloweI just had that prob with my grandstream phone
00:27.13jizaymesi'm using Dial(SIP/101,15,tTm)
00:27.31Novacjizaymes: from another SIP
00:27.58jizaymesfrom Zap
00:28.03jizaymesi have
00:28.16jizaymesexten => h,1,Hangup in every context
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00:29.14Novacjizaymes: what kind of hardware do Y have
00:29.22jizaymesZap wcfxo
00:29.29jizaymesall analog
00:29.33jizaymesusing fxsks
00:29.40Novacjizaymes ok
00:30.08Jessterhow would I setup zapata.conf for a channel bank that has fxs_ks for ports 1-20 and fxo_ks for 21-24 ?
00:30.37jizaymeschannel => 1
00:30.40jizaymes... -20
00:30.46jizaymeschannel => 21
00:30.50jizaymesi would think
00:30.54jizaymesnever done it though
00:31.00Jessterwell it's worth a shot! thanks.
00:31.11jizaymesit might be better off in /etc/zaptel.conf
00:31.41Jessteryea I tried that, and it complained, lemme get the error.
00:31.52fileerrors are good.
00:31.58filefor fixing stuff that is
00:32.04jizaymesshouldnt you be multiplexing that into a t1 or something
00:32.56Jessteri think it will eventually, Im doing the setup before the T1 is setup, so right now were using a channel bank
00:35.26Novacanyone used the wireless Zyxel phone ??
00:35.27Jessterhrm, i guess those errors were a figment of my imagination, coulda swore zaptel.conf had that before i messed it up with zapata.conf
00:35.57Jessternow i just get unable to create channel of type 'Zap'.. but im thinkin that's a seperate issue.
00:36.02nitramyay :)
00:36.51nitramquality was perfect :)
00:37.01nitramTHANK YOU ASTERISK :)
00:39.01jizaymes'g' -- goes on in context if the destination channel hangs up
00:39.05jizaymesthats from Dial()
00:39.14jizaymesdoes that mean it'll proceed to s,2
00:39.16jizaymesor s,103
00:39.42unixdawgok the gs has a 4mb disk on a chip flash drive
00:42.19KillerBeedamn voicepulse down again?
00:43.32fileunixdawg: a doc? ooh
00:44.21unixdawgthe mx chip is a doc
00:44.27unixdawgvp is up
00:44.53fileyou should take some pics and put 'em up
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00:45.50HoopyCatunixdawg:  we got the budgetone working with a plantronics amp, btw... slightly adjusted pinout on the cable to the amp...
00:47.20HoopyCatunixdawg:  i'll keep you informed as i hear back from plantronics.  :-)
00:48.25gl[zZz]good n8 to you all ...
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00:51.18JerJerman its early