irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040220

00:24.47*** join/#asterisk jbot (
00:24.47*** topic/#asterisk is something else
00:24.53*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
00:26.20ZX81did comcast buy disney?
00:26.36KillerBeeZX81 no comcast did not
00:27.04heisondoes anyone here use voicemail callback notification?
00:27.53*** join/#asterisk david (
00:30.22atacommanyone know what it would cost to have a circuit board with 6 buttons and a few LEDs produced?
00:30.59ZX81no - although you could make it yourself if doing a small run...
00:31.04sumahi friends
00:31.23ZX81<===high friend
00:31.24sumaanybody got ata 186 v3.1 firmware ?
00:31.51sumaZX81: huh! friends ;)
00:32.04ZX81atacomm, how many you looking at doing?
00:32.17sumaanybody got ata 186 v3.1 firmware ?
00:32.22atacommZX81: true, well I will do it myself for a test, but I'm looking for like 100 for a first real run..... trying to build an LCD panel like used on Cobalts.... LCD, 6 buttons, a few indicator LEDs... talks to the computer over RS232
00:32.25*** join/#asterisk Hummus (
00:32.40sumaanybody familier with service ?
00:32.41filemmm hummus
00:32.50sumawere they reliable?
00:33.11sumakram: have you tasted chinese or indian ?