irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040218

00:00.17argusbib2: if you go into the asterisk CLI you can try to call your phone
00:01.05bib2argus: even if there is no sound car in this computer (it's a server somewhere in the internet)
00:01.33argusbib2: nope, it would need a soundcard
00:01.58argusbib2: is there another user on the system that could try to call you?
00:03.06bib2argus: not yet ... I think I have to wait for this test.... I wasn't sure about the proxy thing - as I said - clients connect throug a VPN....
00:03.19MysticOnefile: I'm working on it!
00:03.26*** join/#asterisk Markit (
00:03.44fileMysticOne:bah hum bug
00:03.46bib2argus: and so they don't have a public ip
00:04.03argusbib2: well, it looks like the SIP part is working the server just dosn't know how to ring your phone
00:04.06*** join/#asterisk extremis (
00:04.12*** join/#asterisk draconius (