irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040217

00:00.12Mucklmitcheloc: no, cisco uses skinny
00:00.45mitchelocok, so i have to configure each protocol on the box? i'm basically a newb to asterisk
00:01.48mitchelocso i can use iax and's software to connect to my phone server like a normal phone, then i'll use "skinny" and cisco to connect the cisco phones to the phone server?
00:01.59malcolmd...however, Cisco also provides SIP images for many of their 7900 series telephones
00:02.32*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
00:03.17brc007WILL Vonage WORK through NAT?
00:03.20mitchelocmy requirement actually doesn't mean i have to have cisco...i need a phone that you can call and will automatically enable speaker phone...does anyone have anything like this that they would recommend?
00:04.01Moc_donno brc007 but i think yes if they offer service to that many people
00:04.41brc007might sign up for vonage and take the ata to the philippines instead of getting a barbietone
00:05.50Moc_mitcheloc, I know IAXComm have the intercom feature
00:06.07Moc_but it a softphone
00:06.10dougheckabrc007: why you going thar?
00:07.04mitchelocoh softphone = software right? no i need one to hang on the walls in classrooms
00:07.37bkw_i'm going to find a bluetooth headset that works with windows and give xpro a week in production
00:08.04dougheckayou mean iPro
00:08.05Moc_Maybe Cisco has that feature
00:08.17dougheckacisco has an intercom feature in sip now
00:08.18dougheckaask bkw_
00:09.12bkw_yes you can set a line on the 7940/60 to auto answer
00:09.14brc007doughecka: business trip
00:09.14bkw_but its EVIL
00:09.16bkw_it doesn't auth
00:09.26bkw_so you can shoot a sip invite to it at anytime
00:09.26dougheckabrc007: ah
00:10.20brc007doughecka: thought I'd get a bugetone and use FWD but everyone's telling me they are reallyreallyreally bad and anything'd be better
00:10.29mitchelocbkw_ this will be ran under an intranet so securing the box is easy
00:10.38mitcheloci need to be able to call the intercom and have it pick up
00:10.45mitchelocor transfer an extension and have it ring
00:10.49brc007(leave bugetone at home and take laptop with xten softphone to philippines)
00:10.50bkw_also the easy way is to call your exten's that auto answer a 12 digit random hash
00:10.52mitcheloc* a line
00:11.35bkw_then translate from exten to hash in your dialplan
00:11.35bkw_so they can't be randomly gussed
00:11.56awacsdoes anyone know if the current apps available will allow call
00:13.07bkw_show application monitor
00:13.19awacswhat about recording/intercept
00:13.29bkw_just record them all and archive
00:13.31awacsI'm not sitting in front of my asterisk server right now
00:13.32bkw_no need to intercept
00:13.48bkw_you can use zapbarge/zascan + monitor to do it
00:13.59awacswhat I mean by intercept is that if one of my agents is swearing at a customer, I need to be able to jump in on the call
00:14.19mishehualright, now to fix my trunking issues between two asterisk servers
00:14.24bkw_if an agent is doing that... get the big ole clue-by-4 out and smack them with it
00:14.37bkw_awacs record ALL calls
00:14.39dougheckabrc007: get a 7960
00:14.41bkw_thats the way to get around that drama
00:14.51bkw_then you can scan around with zapscan
00:15.11*** join/#asterisk robl- (
00:15.46wreckdiveryo bkw.
00:15.52bkw_ho what up?
00:16.08awacsanother thing....
00:16.17awacsdoes patern matching work with callerID
00:16.20wreckdivernot much.. i met jtodd at nanog, pretty cool. you ever go to those events?
00:16.29awacsit didn't illustrate in example files or the asterisk handbook
00:16.34bkw_wreckdiver I can't afford to go to those events
00:16.56wreckdiverhrmm.. need to find someone to send you then.. :)
00:17.07bkw_i'm ok with that
00:17.10awacsI'd like to say, if the call comes from Poland, then the greetings/menus are in polish
00:17.21bkw_awacs yes you can do that
00:17.34bkw_just do some gotoifs
00:18.26awacsbut then the CID field would need to match patterns
00:19.09bkw_I smell feature request
00:19.14bkw_use an AGI
00:19.29awacsI don't want... one for english, dwa dla polski etc...
00:19.44bkw_use an AGI
00:20.00bkw_exten => s,1,AGI,lang.agi
00:20.07bkw_then setup exten => english,1,Answer
00:20.14bkw_exten => polish,1,Answer
00:20.17bkw_and run with it
00:20.28bkw_lang.agi would do the job of Goto
00:20.50*** join/#asterisk jmb-ct (
00:20.59bkw_jmb-ct yo yo yo ho what up?
00:21.17jmb-ctbusy as all hell.
00:21.18bkw_I sent someone your way yesterday
00:21.27bkw_he likes the HT-486's
00:21.28awacsso lang.agi would match a CID pattern for a country and GOTO english,1,Answer or polish,1,Answer
00:21.32jmb-ctcool, thank you, who was it ?
00:21.38bkw_awacs yes in theory
00:21.42bkw_but you would have to write lang.agi
00:21.44jmb-ctHT-486's are going to be a nice widget
00:22.03wreckdiverbkw, you ever see a tftp error on a 7940 with a real old skinny image when trying to upgrade the load, it tries to load the image, but sticks a space/null after the prefix, but before the suffix, ie. P0S30202 .bin
00:22.14jmb-ctI'm blowing the SPA-2000's out starting this week, so if you know anyone that wants one point them my way
00:22.19bkw_wreckdiver rename the file
00:22.26bkw_make it exactly 8.3
00:23.17bkw_and check the status on the phone too
00:23.17wreckdiveraahh... if that doest it your brilliant, thanks.
00:23.17bkw_it will tell you why its fucking
00:23.25bkw_the buffer in some old old sccp images can't take anything over 400k
00:23.30bkw_or is it 380
00:23.40jmb-cthey JTODD are you on line ??
00:23.40bkw_I can't recall but you have to have some olllllllld ass SIP image to get started
00:23.59filejmb-ct: did I hear SPA-2000?
00:24.01bkw_have I said how much  I love dual monitors
00:24.05gbdrbobjbm: what do you want for them?
00:24.07jmb-ctfile  yup
00:24.10bkw_I said rename the "file"
00:24.13bkw_har har har
00:24.17jmb-ct90 a each +S/H
00:24.31filejmb-ct: oooooooooooh if I had the money :\
00:24.34jmb-ctI've got 70 units I want to move
00:24.35filejmb-ct: ship to Canada?
00:24.42jmb-ctship world wide
00:24.45bkw_NO them canadias are all liars
00:24.46wreckdiverwait though.. we had a phone like that.. i can't even get this one to load a 8.3 filename.
00:24.59bkw_the last two times I shipped to Canada they lie and say parts are missing
00:25.14bkw_i'm like pissed off
00:25.20bkw_but they didn't give me negative feedback on ebay
00:25.27bkw_so I know they are all liars
00:26.11filebkw_: were they french?
00:26.11gbdrbobjbw: heh I can buy them new for $99
00:26.13bobmanjmb-ct: Do you ship USPS Priority Mail?
00:26.27jmb-ctwe ship  DHL, rates are better
00:26.43jmb-ctmine are new brand spanking new for 90
00:26.47bobmanjmb-ct: Excellent.
00:26.47gbdrbobjmb-ct: or are these new?
00:26.50jmb-ctjust got them in from Sipura
00:27.04wreckdiverbkw, it doesn't matter what load, it adds a damn space..?
00:27.07bobmanjmb-ct: What's the ETA on the HT-486s?
00:27.09jmb-ctFreeBSD gods would be better :)
00:27.23filejmb-ct: I am a FreeBSD person actually, but since Asterisk is Linux really...
00:27.38fileI run it on FreeBSD, but sometimes it doesn't like it
00:27.44jmb-ct20 to 30 days on the HT-486, my personal estimate.  GS things much sooner.  But I remember the HT-286 and it took them a bit to get the first production run up right
00:27.46gbdrbobjmb-ct: how much would insured air shipping to uk be?
00:27.55jmb-ctWe have an order for 200 HT-486 already placed with GS
00:28.04jmb-ctUK, stand by
00:28.18filegah, I have not the money...
00:28.47file'bout $140 CAD.
00:28.52filewith a very estimated s/h
00:29.08jmb-ctgbdrbob:  45 USD for shipping via DHL, we mark it as engineering sample
00:29.17bkw_NO DUTY
00:29.18jmb-ctyou can pay in USD or in EUR
00:29.27jmb-ctand no VAT
00:29.47filejmb-ct: calculate canadian shipping... if you please
00:29.54bkw_ya that asshole that was going to rip me off from Canada I thought about shipping him a ROCK and declair the value at 500 bucks so he would have to pay duty on it
00:29.55bkw_har har har
00:30.01dougheckalets buy digium some new internet access
00:30.03jmb-ctbesides if the exporter does their job right the universal tariff code for these things is 0 percent
00:30.04gbdrbobjmb-ct: do you have website?   is the current site, its about to be ripped down for our new site.
00:32.13mitchelocif digium needs a mirror or back up sever i can help them out there
00:34.03filejmb-ct: gotta admit, nice deal on the SPA-2000 you're offering though
00:34.28mitchelocdoes anyone have any links to beginner tutorials for asterisk?
00:34.36jmb-ctif digium needs co-lo, we have a A rate datacenter / colo and transit
00:35.03*** join/#asterisk TheBear (
00:35.15*** join/#asterisk juniks (~dennis@neutron.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE)
00:35.41brc007what's the java applet do?
00:35.43bkw_mitcheloc its called $$$
00:35.47bkw_harh arh arharha rharha
00:36.30mitchelocthere must be some links
00:36.53mitcheloci.e. this is a good one and helped me a lot
00:38.15gbdrbobbkw_: have some pity!
00:38.33filejmb-ct: be prepared for me bugging you in the future on how many sipuras are left
00:39.12gbdrbobmitcheloc: look on the asterisk website also (read as much as you can begore asking questions or they'll most likely be ignored)
00:39.24jmb-ctfile:  bug away ::)
00:39.47TheBearwill a T100P connected direct to a T1 be able to router all voice traffic (VoIP and PSTN) via the T1 (either using the voice or data portions of the T1) ?
00:40.07mitchelocperfect, thank you gbdrbob
00:43.06TheBearanyone compiled asterisk on a Mac G5 ?
00:44.18filejmb-ct: if I have two Sipuras, and one Sipura explodes, how many Sipuras do I have?
00:45.04filebut if the Sipuras never existed in the first place, how could I have one?
00:45.05fileeh? EH?
00:45.20jmb-ctbear, woods, taking a dump, etc
00:45.35brc007JerJer:  you around?
00:48.30fileand the verdict is........... no
00:49.14brc007~seen jerjer
00:49.25jerjer is currently on #asterisk (20h 4m 56s).  Has said a total of 85 messages.  Is idling for 2h 22m 37s
00:49.31fileJerJer has been idle 33mins 11secs
00:49.36Shagwell^Do eny of u know a good place to shop for ip-phones, and converters
00:49.46fileof course we do
00:49.58jmb-ctChagres for Shagwell :)
00:50.08mitchelocis there anyone here that can help me with asterisk in exchange for services?
00:50.22expousrdepends upon the services, doesn't it?
00:50.24jmb-ctShagwell, we have other itmes not listed on that site, new site about to go up, so ask me if you need anyting special
00:50.48mitchelocprogramming services
00:52.20Shagwell^jmb-ct thanks
00:52.51jmb-ctwelcome.  We at Shagress are always up for a good shag :) :)
00:52.56jmb-ctsorry couldn't help myself
00:53.18jmb-ctyeah well
00:54.14Shagwell^yir its a good nick, with the girls
00:55.39jmb-ctgotta interface with the girls, proper protocol is required and you don't want them wrapping their port (think token ring)
00:59.13filehow about that VoIP eh?
00:59.23jmb-ctwhats VoIP ?
00:59.32filewhat isn't?
01:00.39jmb-ctVoIP rocks, this is the year to make a pile o money
01:01.09filealthough if you have no money to begin with, you can't exactly get equipment to experiment with
01:01.39jmb-ctso m comment is this:  Learn to make money.  Every good business person makes money
01:01.51jmb-ctI have multiple times made money when I had nothing
01:01.51mishehuanybody with FWD like to test out my asterisk config?
01:02.29filejmb-ct: teach me oh wise man
01:03.00Shagwell^Money is good
01:03.08mishehuI just need somebody call me via FWD
01:03.11jmb-ctread, learn, book store your firend.  get  Rich Dad Poor Dad
01:03.17jmb-ctmishehu whas you FWD ?
01:03.23mishehujmb-ct: 256430
01:04.02mishehumy config is still screwed up
01:04.22jmb-ctno ringingy  mishehu
01:04.39mishehujmb-ct: I'm trying to link together 2 asterisk servers here...
01:04.47mishehujmb-ct: you got to the first one no problem...
01:04.55Shagwell^Pool: 1. Do u use Asterisk as a pro, 2. as a hobby 3. at my private home ;) for mee it is 1 and 2
01:04.55filewell, by summer I'll have some VoIP equipment most likely
01:05.08fileShagwell^: 2
01:05.32expousrwhat jmb-ct said - book store your friend - personally I plan on spending a few K/yr on reading material. it happens.
01:05.38mishehuproblem is here: Executing Dial("SIP/256430-4d3a", "IAX2/XXXX:YYYY@mazkirah/5000@routers") in new stack on server a returns chan_iax2.c:4341 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from server b
01:05.41mitchelocsorry to ask this, but in linux to scroll up on the screen how do you do it? I remember something about scroll lock?
01:06.54mishehujmb-ct: you know much about routing calls from one asterisk server to another via IAX?
01:07.14jmb-ctpretty straight forward
01:07.39rcwmitcheloc: shift-pgup/pgdn
01:08.04gbdrbobmitcheloc: use less and got #linuxhelp :-)
01:11.04Shagwell^when i try to transfer a call, iam getting sorry not a valid ext. try again.
01:11.06wreckdiverhey, can the asterisk box double as a router, if you get a full pri and split voice and data?
01:11.32gbdrbobwreckdiver: I know it's possible but don't know how
01:12.20wreckdiveranyone know?
01:12.49mitchelocdoes anyone know if there is a card similar to x100p except with maybe an extra line or two in it
01:13.06mitcheloci.e. just for normal analog lines from the carrier(bell) from the wall
01:13.22Shagwell^How to get my freeking transfer call to work ;)
01:13.55gbdrbobmitcheloc: digium are working on one but it's been "nearly ready" for a while now....
01:14.02wreckdiveranyone know if x100p's will work in russia?
01:14.12mishehujmb-ct: mind ringing me again?  ;-)
01:14.49jmb-ctto make the x100P work in russia you need to pay someone off :)
01:14.57jmb-ctseriouslyl it should just work
01:15.11mishehuthat's because in russia, the X100P makes you work!
01:15.55mishehuFeb 16 19:15:05 WARNING[65541]: chan_iax2.c:4515 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
01:15.55*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
01:15.55Shagwell^Somebody mind ringen mee down, with a sipphone account, my number is:
01:16.22mishehuand in the USA, call routing between servers with IAX2 makes you slave!
01:16.27jmb-ctmishehu, no luck.  its connecting me to the demo system and then dropping
01:16.45mishehujmb-ct: it should just be playing the demo-nogo sound
01:17.01mishehuwhich I thru in there for debugging purposes
01:17.15unixdawgthats what I love about * and iax and sip I now talk to Germany for free
01:17.26unixdawgand London and Scotland
01:17.49TheBearanyone compiled asterisk on a Mac G5 ?
01:17.50*** join/#asterisk bitwise (termio@
01:17.53unixdawgtalking to family never been easier
01:18.10mitchelocwould anyone recommend this?
01:18.23*** join/#asterisk Celtic (
01:18.45unixdawgthebeaar on osx it should compile fine
01:19.10jmb-ctI wouldn't recommend it
01:19.25TheBearunixdawg: thanks  the T100P and T400P are they PCI or PCI-X slots?
01:19.27filenot the real thing eh?
01:19.29TheBearjmb-ct: why ?
01:19.29mitchelocany specific reason?
01:19.34jmb-ctWhile I know I can get the exact same FXo card that Digium sells for much less, I prefer to see them get $$
01:19.38jmb-ctto help asterisk development
01:19.48unixdawgpci and the drivers dont work on mac
01:19.51unixdawgor fbsd
01:19.55unixdawgonly linux
01:20.12mitcheloctrue, whats a good website for digium hardware, to buy from...their main site doesn't sell products from there, i already checked
01:20.18jmb-ctif you look at the i
01:20.24TheBearunixdawg: great :( was hoping to stay mac guess I'll have to go x86 thanks anyways
01:20.24jmb-ctyou can get digium products from us
01:20.24unixdawgasterisk will only work  voip on  mac and fbsd
01:20.49jmb-ctfor digum cards
01:20.59mishehujmb-ct: I have the following on server a:  in extensions.conf - the context for inbound sip from FWD:  exten => ${FWDEXTEN},1,Dial(${TRUNK}/5000@routers) where TRUNK=IAX2/XXXX:YYYY@mazkirah.  on server b, the routers context looks like this:  exten => 5000,s,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,1)
01:21.13TheBearunixdawg: you mean aterisk will do voip to voip without any PSTN or analog connection ? similar to a SIP server ?
01:21.38mishehuand there is a user in iax.conf for XXXX.
01:21.48mishehuon server b that is
01:22.04mitcheloci'll buy this from later after i test the fxo board...if thats alright? ---WC-T100P Single port T1 PCI Interface card, Voice and Data $489.95
01:22.48unixdawgi use voicepulse for pstn
01:22.58fileis voicepulse service improving? or still flakey?
01:23.15unixdawgonly had 4 days down out of 4 months
01:23.29filepeople have been complaining lately about it not working right'
01:23.42TheBearunixdawg: business or home useage, I'm needing a business VoIP to PSTN provider.
01:23.47mishehuanybody can help me with routing the calls between these two asterisk servers?
01:23.53unixdawgI use it for work and home
01:24.08unixdawgbut the quality has been down a little
01:24.13gbdrbobanyone know what the 4 port BRI cards cost?
01:24.15unixdawgbut still useable
01:24.16TheBearunixdawg: what's the rate like for businesses?
01:24.47unixdawgif you use * it 8 bucks for the nmbr and 2.9 c a min for calls
01:25.07fileincoming = free
01:25.12fileoutgoing = 2.95cents US/minute
01:25.19fileunixdawg: well I was just clarifying
01:25.46fileyour statement made it sound like it was $8/mth, and then 2.9 cents US/minute for usage incoming as well
01:25.53unixdawgmost my outgoing are free most my friends all have sip phones
01:26.05Shagwell^Eny wanna test my Asterisk FWD setup, just call 244636 and hear some good music ;P
01:26.09unixdawgand all my family have softphones and call me
01:26.20TheBearthat's cool do they handle bulk we (at work) make many calls to clients and providers etc.. mostly long distance +/- 90%
01:26.49*** join/#asterisk rvs (
01:26.50unixdawgif you buy their hardware yes
01:27.04unixdawgotherwise it just 2.9c a min o/g
01:27.13TheBearwhat about my own hardware ?  what's o/g ?
01:27.37unixdawgthen you buy a nmbr and pay for outgoing at 2.95 c
01:27.40rvsa got a Q - is it possible to ring an ext and wait for a number at the same time?
01:28.09Shagwell^Eny wanna test my setup out, i wont take the call just a test eny
01:28.11rvsany 1?
01:28.11TheBeardo they have IP Phones  and IP switches ?
01:28.41unixdawgthey sell the spura 1200 dual  port
01:28.52unixdawgthey dont sell sip phones
01:29.28jmb-ctwe have the SPA-2000   Sipura doesn't have a 1200
01:29.34unixdawghere we have 1 gs and hope soon a few iaxcoom soft phones
01:29.42z_smurfsipfriends...  Store peers in MySql database.. Anyone tried that?
01:29.43TheBearunixdawg: where do I find specs on the spura ?
01:30.18mishehualright, somebody can ring my FWD again?  (I know, you're going to all get annoyed with me asking, but I can't get this routing to work)
01:30.20unixdawgthnks jm
01:30.27brc007what's the number
01:30.39rvsn1? - is there another command besides background to wait for an interactive ext?
01:30.48jmb-ctmishehu, no happy
01:30.59jmb-ctunixdawg, ya welcom
01:31.08Shagwell^Can somebody ring my FWD also! 244636 Thanks
01:31.11TheBearthanks jmb-ct
01:31.46jmb-ctthebear.   we have SPA-2000, (sipura)  special that starts in the morning  90 +s/g
01:31.47mishehujmb-ct: welp, I got a different error this time:  Feb 16 19:30:35 NOTICE[163851]: chan_iax.c:4096 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '5000@routers' does not exist
01:31.51*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (trilluser@
01:31.55jmb-ctshagwell  I get your voice mail
01:32.08unixdawgshagwell is shagariffic
01:32.10Shagwell^jmb-ct thats a fault ;(
01:32.25jmb-ctwell its what I got :)
01:32.39TheBearjmb-ct: what's +s/g
01:32.40jmb-ctwhich is better than what I got for MISHEHU
01:32.40rvsis it FWD discussion or * ?
01:32.41brc007I just signed up for nufone
01:32.41unixdawgshagewell do yu make yourself horny
01:32.54brc007how long does it usually take for them to setup the account?
01:33.01mishehuI bet I got it now!
01:33.17Shagwell^unixdawg what ?
01:33.22jmb-cts/g  shold be  s/h
01:33.25unixdawgits a joke
01:33.33Shagwell^unixdawg ;P
01:34.05filejmb-ct: do the Sipuras come with CAT5?
01:34.16Shagwell^dont get it, sip show registre shows that my FWD is registerd
01:34.19TheBearjmb-ct: ok does voicepulse allow IP phones ? The only appeal on the sipura is I can connect a fax machine to it.
01:34.41unixdawgthat is a sip connector
01:34.53unixdawgwith 2 pots ports
01:35.09unixdawg2 seprate lines
01:35.44mishehuperhaps I got it now.  I forgot to include the context from the default one.
01:36.24Shagwell^maybe i need more ports opened up before i can let fwd calls ind
01:36.26jmb-ctfile yes  they come with a cat-5 cable
01:36.49jmb-ctyes voicepulse lets you use SIP devices, just gotta program it yourself
01:37.12mishehujmb-ct: that you ringing?
01:37.23unixdawgand eit uses only the
01:37.24jmb-ctkartosh solutions
01:37.26mishehualright, let it go to my extenstion
01:37.31mishehuit'll route
01:37.37unixdawgyou can not use a sip for thier home service
01:37.40jmb-ctwhere areyou ?
01:37.42TheBearjmb-ct: don't mind that
01:37.51tclarkud: hows that gs iax firmweare looking these daz ?
01:38.23unixdawgon hold till digium calls GS back
01:38.39TheBearanyone recommend a good business IP or LAN Phone ?
01:38.39z_smurfbkw_ Hello. What is the trick to register a peer in MySql? I cant get it work
01:38.56unixdawgfrick my dns must be screwed
01:39.25Shagwell^jmb-ct try me now ;P call
01:39.40TheBeareither Cisco or grandstream, I've found thus far ??
01:39.46Shagwell^jmb-ct i ment 244636
01:39.56unixdawgnufone site is down
01:40.07unixdawgI get timeout and 404 errors
01:40.35jmb-ctshag on the link with mishehu at the moment
01:40.59Shagwell^jmb-ct its okay, ill wait hope it will work when u try
01:41.34brc007anyone know how long it takes nufone to get the account setup?
01:41.42unixdawg6 years
01:41.45*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
01:41.46robl-20 mins
01:41.54robl-hey JerJer.
01:42.08fileWIPE OUT!!!!!!!!!
01:42.17unixdawgi cant get to nufone
01:43.13Shagwell^JerJer hey
01:44.29Shagwell^somebody wanna help me test, call 244636 its a FWD number, u suld hear some nice music
01:44.58tholo... which you have a license to broadcast. ;-)
01:45.05unixdawgthere is no info on new fone of what home service cost
01:45.16brc007just getting "hello the party you are trying reach not here blahbal
01:45.18brc007no music
01:45.21unixdawgor single pstn
01:45.53tholoNuFone is $0.029/minute
01:45.57unixdawgno priceing that I can find
01:45.58tholoFor domestic calls.
01:46.02swirlnetsi need a did in the 614 area code
01:46.23tholoDIDs are fixed price per month, I forget how much.  Only certain area codes.
01:46.29brc007I see
01:46.39fileNuFone is billed in 6 second increments.
01:46.42swirlnetstholo: yes I know they are 8.95 from nufone, but nufone does not do 614
01:46.47brc007so nobody can call you from the ptsn unless you sign up for a did
01:46.47tholo8xx are also 2.9 cents/minute
01:46.58Shagwell^the musik i use, is from a site called its a place with free musik normal people make for the fun here in denmark
01:47.03brc007or do they have a number people can call and enter an extension to get you
01:47.24tholoShagwell: :-)  It was just a shot in the dark. :)
01:47.37unixdawgwhat about 716
01:48.17unixdawgthe riaa has forced 7 streams I listen to off the net thus far
01:48.23tholoSome musically incluned Mac people should get Garageband and make a bunch of free hold music. ;-)
01:48.29unixdawgall euro streams
01:48.32Shagwell^tholo, u can find some nice tracks ther for on hold music
01:48.36unixdawgceltic music
01:53.12*** part/#asterisk Shagwell^ (
01:56.12unixdawgI love celtic music
01:56.21unixdawgmakes great hold music
01:56.24jmb-ctshawwel, just dialed you, got FWD's voice mail
01:56.27hmodesa fan of the pipes and bags eh?
01:56.37unixdawgI play the pipes
01:57.00unixdawgI have bagpipes and am part of the Buffalo Pipers club
01:57.17hmodesbut do you have a kilt?
01:57.27unixdawgevery SUnday at 8 am we go to the lake front and PLay for 2 hours
01:57.36unixdawgyes I am scottish
01:57.44unixdawgI have 6 kilts
01:57.55hmodesi'd make a crack about skits bags and pipes, but you get the idea :)
01:58.00hmodesthat and bagpipes rule
01:58.18unixdawg2 winter 2 spring 2 dress and 2 utility kilts so really 8
01:58.29fileand tomorrow I get to do a solo of the song "stand by me", only band practice though...
01:58.32hmodesmmm, utility kilts
01:58.36filehave a festival in march though... ugh
01:58.40unixdawgI wear my util kilts all the time
01:58.43hmodesi've wanted one of them for a long time
01:58.46hmodestoo damn expensive tho
01:59.03unixdawgWiinipeg Scotish fest is in a week
01:59.39CelticKilts on #Asterisk !!!!
01:59.51brc007what's the server url to use with nufone? :\
02:00.04CelticSomebody else who thinks 12oz is a short measure ;-)
02:00.49unixdawgI need to get a * sticker and have them make it into a logo on oneof my kilts
02:00.59*** join/#asterisk argus (
02:01.02hmodeshrmm, speaking of which i need to do something with muh stickahs
02:01.04unixdawgput logos like Freebsd and *
02:01.27unixdawgbecome a walking logo board
02:02.07hmodesfeh, screw embroidery, get a * tattoo!
02:02.32unixdawgI love it I went out yesterday to in my utilkilt and a rugby shirt and the peopl think our grom europe
02:02.48unixdawgman I am coverd in art work
02:03.06unixdawgabout to have wrist bands done
02:03.41unixdawgmy friends   who do tatts use me as a a test board
02:04.00unixdawgso I get them for ffree
02:04.01arguscan someone try to call me on iax? 700-442-9625
02:04.14unixdawgI pick out what I want that getsharder each time on him and he does it
02:04.43unixdawgthe big one to be done soonis my full back
02:04.57unixdawggoing to do a scien from the lord of the rings
02:05.19unixdawgthe elf castle in the forest
02:05.23TheBearusing an IP phone with 2 ethernet ports is it possible to have the PC dial the number and when it connects be able to talk via the IP Phone?
02:05.26CelticAnybody seen callerid fail to appear in extensions.conf from a zap channel *even* when it is set in zapata.conf ?
02:05.53argusTheBear> what kina of phone?
02:06.22jmb-ctgood nite all, sleep well, may the voip be with you
02:06.24TheBeargrandstream 102
02:06.43brc007anyone used DIAX or iaxphone/iaxcomm with nufone?
02:06.46*** join/#asterisk _matt_h_ (
02:06.49unixdawgI have noticed inbound caller id not showing up
02:06.54brc007getting registration rejected :'(
02:06.54argusTheBear> sorry never used that one. you can do it with the cisco ones (not EZ but it can be done)
02:07.05unixdawgon the gs 101
02:07.18TheBearargus: which cisco ones, and could you explain not EZ ?
02:07.25brc007~seen test
02:07.29test <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16h 46m 26s ago, saying: 'Or switch incoming lines to it?'.
02:08.05*** join/#asterisk Sp3ciaL_K (
02:08.20filemmm is call display data passed on incoming NuFone calls?
02:08.35argusTheBear> i am using the 7940 and 7960 they have to be told what to do through XML files so it requires a webserver and scripting it
02:08.52argusTheBear> give me one sec i'll get the doc
02:09.07TheBearargus: thanks I'll wait
02:10.40*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
02:10.51*** join/#asterisk jaiger (~jaiger@