irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040213

00:00.07jjanzerthis may sound stupid but how long is the reload time on a pri? is there a way I can find out?
00:03.55TaroWhen registration fails, is there a way to get additional debugging on that?
00:05.53*** join/#asterisk LanceA (
00:08.02LanceAall quiet tonight....
00:08.22zigmaneveryone is looking at the win2k source code ;)
00:08.43natas802thats so funny
00:08.52LanceAok, well I got a question.. :)
00:08.55LanceAIs it ok to have a variable in an extension match ?  exten => _${var}72X.,1,blah
00:08.55natas802i wonder how long it will take them to figure out who leaked it
00:09.26MysticOnehmmm...  in the free world dialup config, the extension you use in sip.conf is whatever extension you want it to be on your local PBX, right?
00:16.43wwMysticOne -- you mean at the end of the register line? yes, correct
00:17.40*** join/#asterisk paktel (~paktel@
00:18.02MysticOnethanks :)
00:19.49*** join/#asterisk smc (
00:20.00paktelHi,anybody can help us to set up T1 card along with billing software+
00:23.22*** join/#asterisk Asker (~Asker@
00:23.57Askeris there any iax or sip client that receives the URL parameter and browse it?
00:24.09Askerplease, i need that
00:25.47LanceAFCC starts rewriting Internet rules
00:26.38Askermark o brian, or anyone knows anything about that? or is it just gnophone? and if so.. which sound cards are proven to work with it?
00:27.23*** join/#asterisk ydks (
00:27.46*** join/#asterisk paktel (
00:29.50paktelcan anybody help us to set up our T1 rout
00:30.03*** part/#asterisk ydks (
00:30.48LanceAthe wiki can help you
00:34.51natas802i think im going to start a clec with asterisk
00:35.11natas802that would be so l33t
00:35.29*** join/#asterisk brent21 (~brent21@
00:37.01*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
00:37.34brent21is redox- a bot?
00:37.42brent21anyone else getting those messages upon entering?
00:38.46Moc_Here we go... Rogers now in mid 2005 will start to offer VoIP
00:38.56Moc_I knew it, 2004 is the start
00:42.13fileRogers? they'll find a way to screw it up
00:42.34Moc_Im sure it the Pilot project of AT&T
00:43.31Askersome one may help me with an IAX problem?
00:43.40Askeri can't register from gnophone
00:44.48*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:45.11paktelanybody can help me to set up my rout
00:45.29paktelI wanna rout
00:45.51paktelwith one T1
00:50.36*** join/#asterisk bobman (
00:54.18*** join/#asterisk mvand (
00:55.36*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
00:58.54Moc_Guys should I go with a Dual Xeon 3.06ghz or a Dual Athlon 2800+ ?
00:59.32*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:01.19*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
01:01.46Tarofor server use, I find the P4s disgusting because the chip was designed for streaming media, not server use
01:04.07*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
01:06.37hmodesmkey, who has ops?
01:06.43redox-are there minimum requirements? I wanted to do my experimenting on a 300ghz
01:06.57hmodeswait, you're a human
01:07.07hmodeswtf did you just send me and why does it seem to be an ad redox?
01:09.41TestMasTergood day hmodes
01:10.16TestMasTerhmodes,  hows the C learning coming?
01:10.53hmodesnot so well, but i'm quickly developing more and more reasons to get up on it
01:11.10TestMasTerlol oh haven`t started  yet
01:11.19hmodeshoping to have some time off soon, and currently fighting with making non-zap channels have a zapbarge-like function
01:11.37hmodesstarting to think it would be easier to just write an app instead of hacking shady meetme transferring nonsense
01:12.07TestMasTerYa maybe... I seem to racking my brain to learn C.. But thats just me
01:12.19TestMasTerBut starting to get the hang of it
01:12.32tim27any know a editor easier than vi to edit .conf file
01:12.44TestMasTerpico nano joe ?
01:12.47hmodesi mostly got it to work with some system calls and transfers but i can't make the meetme die when the caller hangs up, nor is there an elegant way of preventing two callers from ending up in the same meetme
01:12.57hmodespfft, vi is your friend!
01:13.05redox-nedit if you want graphical
01:13.05tim27vi is my friend
01:13.10redox-I use vim
01:13.20tim27maybe I dont know him enought...
01:13.31hmodestake him out for some drinks!
01:13.35TestMasTerI will stick to nano :-)
01:13.53tim27in redhat use vim when we type vi
01:13.56tim27let me check
01:13.58TestMasTerAnyway back to learning C talk to you all later
01:14.14hmodesvim-enhanced is the devil
01:14.17hmodesgood luck tm
01:14.28TestMasTerhmodes,  thanx i need it lol
01:14.30tim27when i type only vi
01:14.32tim27i seen vim
01:14.41hmodessuch is the redhat way
01:14.42TestMasTertim what version of rh?
01:14.46Adam_yea vi is vim if you have vim installed
01:15.04TestMasTertype pico :-)
01:15.07tim27notting i can use my mouse to copy and paste ???
01:15.09*** join/#asterisk ash`` (
01:15.14tim27to copy a line
01:15.18tim27to paste
01:15.24tim27that not fast
01:15.42TestMasTerYa highlight it and Select copy... if you are using X
01:15.57TestMasTerif not then crtl c and crtl insert to past
01:16.28tim27maybe that the prob
01:16.41tim27i'm on windows xp... using putty ssh to connect to my linux box
01:16.53tim27no m$$$$$$$$$
01:17.04tim27tim dicovered openoffice and his happy
01:17.05unixdawg1.6% was leaked
01:17.21tim27forgive tim, he is french
01:17.24TestMasTerUmm they had acces for three month I bet there was more then that
01:17.27puzzledtim27: so am I
01:17.56tim27pupzzled you are happy or you will forgive me
01:18.22tim27GOD BLESS linux user
01:18.40puzzledI've had linux as my desktop since 94 and every day it gets better
01:18.54puzzledit's been a bit of a wait though :)
01:18.56tim27tim is using openoffice on windows
01:19.10smcHow hard is it to pipe an incoming phone call to a streaming server?
01:19.13puzzledtim27: you are halfway there :)
01:19.17tim27we have a accounting software running in windows... that the only things that link me this M$$$$$