irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040208

00:01.19*** join/#asterisk jpiterak (
00:09.06billybobcan * work over ipv6?
00:10.12natas802id be amazed if the internet would work over ipv6
00:12.02data[Zzz]nn folkz
00:15.16dantafaik * doesn't support ipv6
00:15.45dantnatas802, sure it can
00:17.50*** join/#asterisk rcw (
00:18.37*** join/#asterisk Slothbag (
00:19.04FuzzyCatwhoooaaa!! cool new feature for irc...
00:19.10*** join/#asterisk rollyson (~jrollyson@
00:19.26FuzzyCathold down your ALT key and type fxfire
00:19.36rollysonHmm. What variable can I get the callerid presentation allowed flag from?
00:19.37Slothbagi've got a quick question... i've enabled parkedcalls in my dialplan, so whenever i press # i get the transfer msg.. what if i need to press # during the call for other reasons?
00:19.53FuzzyCatwhat other reasons?
00:20.13Slothbagpaying bills.. usually requires the hash to end a number sequence
00:20.13FuzzyCattake the t or T out of the dial
00:20.46FuzzyCatfor outgoing calls you don;t normally park calls right?
00:20.53rollysonI don't see anything in README.variables for reading the callerid presentation value.
00:20.54Slothbagi guess so
00:21.11FuzzyCatso in the outgoing dial you have a T or t ?
00:21.17Slothbagyeah, both
00:21.33rollysonboth isn't good there.
00:21.47rollysonthe called party could transfer.
00:22.10rollysonthat means that called party could abuse your phonesystem
00:22.40Slothbagok.. gonna fix the tT's i have everywhere
00:22.44FuzzyCatThe 't' means that the called user can transfer the call the 'T' means the calling user can transfer...
00:22.52*** part/#asterisk rmax (
00:24.34Slothbagi have a transfer button on my phone.. can i just use that to park calls rather than the # key
00:24.47FuzzyCatonly with some phones....
00:25.04Slothbagthe only app i see is ParkAndAnnounce.. its not quite right
00:25.10FuzzyCatyou have to actually test it to find out
00:25.37FuzzyCatforget about parkandannounce..
00:26.07Slothbagif i can set up an extention that parks the call.. all i have to do is transfer them to that extention..
00:26.14*** join/#asterisk digger_ (digger@
00:26.40FuzzyCaterrm, why wouldn;t you just transfer them to the parking exten defined in parking.conf ?
00:26.55Slothbagoh.. i'll try.. hang on
00:27.45FuzzyCatnow you have to play find that call...
00:28.52filedoesn't asterisk announce where it parks it?
00:29.19FuzzyCatit does if you use parkandannounce .. otherwise you're doing a blind transfer...
00:29.38FuzzyCati only did it to stop Slothbag changing problems half way through...
00:29.59rollysonfile: native transfers aren't always compatable with parkandannounce
00:30.20fileit's little things in asterisk that annoy me, like that
00:31.02FuzzyCati wouldn;t just blame * - there are some shitty phones out there...
00:31.29natas802does anyone know where to get one of the 100xp clones for cheap?
00:31.42FuzzyCatwith sip/h323/mgcp implementations done bysmall children locked in dark cells...
00:31.48filedoesn't Compgeeks carry 'em?
00:32.29natas802whats the site?
00:32.41rollysonthe problem is vendor implementation of native transfers don't always  work the way they need to work for parkandannounce to function correctly.
00:32.41natas802alright ill check it out
00:32.47*** join/#asterisk denon (
00:32.52natas802file: do you have one of the clone ones?
00:32.56file -> that?
00:33.01rollyson* can't completely control the transfer process, so it can't do the announce.
00:33.03filenatas802: no but I remember reading on the list
00:33.54natas802so the zaptel drivers work fine for the clones?
00:34.09fileI believe you have to add a line to the PCI device listing in it, to recognize the card
00:34.59file'tis best to Google and check, don't go just on my word
00:35.13natas802i just hope its not that hard to get to work
00:35.57*** join/#asterisk Tekati (
00:36.28natas802is anyone here using the 100xp clone with *?
00:36.33FuzzyCat$8.99 + hours of pissing about trying to get it working > cost of card from digium
00:37.05KillerBeenot getting any help here... PRICELESS!
00:37.52natas802hmmm is it really that hard to get to work tho?
00:38.36FuzzyCatwtf have digium done to thier site....
00:38.40natas802im just playing around with it in my house i dont really have the kind of money digium wants for one
00:38.43FuzzyCatfucking hell...
00:38.55FuzzyCatyou have to buy from a reseller now?
00:39.18FuzzyCatmost of the resellers don;t even have online ordering... that's so fsking crap
00:39.44filenatas802: no, you have to add one line to a file to get it recognized...
00:40.05FuzzyCatand half the reseller web sites look like their 5 year old did them for a school project
00:40.37atacommgood, more people will buy from have no idea how many customers buy phones and then are like oh, well we bought the card from digium, too bad we didnt know we could get it from you
00:41.08FuzzyCatyeah, but tbh atacomm - your prices are pretty high
00:41.09KillerBeebkw_ pulver is shipping wisip.. get one yet?
00:41.24bkw_KillerBee can't afford one
00:41.25bkw_not yet
00:41.25atacommfuzzy: high? my prices are the same as digiums, so to that i say bull
00:41.26FuzzyCathehe wisip ...
00:41.50FuzzyCatatacomm: for their cards maybe not, but for most other things yes.
00:42.05daminatacomm: What is the going rate for a T100P?
00:42.09atacommagain, MSRP, i sell alot, not my problem if someone is broke, lol
00:42.15atacommdamin: $495
00:42.45daminatacomm: That's retail pricing! Isn't there a price going through a reseller?
00:42.51daminprice break even?
00:43.02atacommreseller is retail
00:43.08atacommdistributor is discounted
00:43.14daminI guess I'll ask NetX then.
00:43.43atacommnetx wont give you any lower than buying from digium under a reseller agreement
00:43.49natas802hey can someone try calling my iaxtel number @ 1700-900-7156 and see what happens
00:44.00FuzzyCatatacomm: unless u buy bulk
00:44.10atacommfuzzy: which very few people do
00:44.15FuzzyCatthis is true
00:44.37atacommlol...greenland doesnt hover on their map
00:45.39FuzzyCatis greenland no one can hear you scream
00:46.14FuzzyCathas anyone tested the 405p ?
00:46.32Slothbagcan i simply park a call automatically using the dialplan?
00:47.28filenatas802: Congratulations... you have successfully... blah blah blah
00:47.37filenatas802: standard Asterisk demo
00:47.44dantFeb  8 00:54:52 WARNING[98311]: chan_iax2.c:4445 socket_read: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
00:48.45jensdhey i lived 3 years on greenland - no bad comments on that! ;-)
00:49.00FuzzyCatit's not green
00:49.45jensdfuzzycat - sounds like you have not been there....
00:50.22natas802how would i set asterisk up to ring my xlite fone when someone calls my number?
00:50.36daminnatas802: Have you sent me that $15 in paypal yet? :)
00:51.25filenatas802: I think you need to read instead of asking lots of questions here :)
00:51.46natas802im sorry this stuff is just all greek to me still
00:51.57natas802its a kinda intimidating
00:52.01fileI just got my asterisk setup 4 days ago, and I followed all the instructions online :)
00:52.06fileonly came here to talk to JerJer
00:52.14filebut I got sucked into the void and now help out occasionally
00:53.42filenatas802: try 1-700-871-0109 extension 147 :)
00:53.48*** join/#asterisk fortia (
00:54.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:55.06natas802damn i cant get through to that number for some reason
00:55.20FuzzyCatfile: that's good because it means we can leave lots of the n00bie questions to u ... since we've alwered them 1000;s of times b4 :)
00:55.20billybobsame here
00:55.30billybobon 2.6.2 kernel
00:55.32FuzzyCatis iaxtel down?
00:55.37KillerBeefile same here
00:55.59KillerBeeFuzzyCat.. yeah.. you tell him
00:56.50Slothbagcan i get ParkAndAnnounce to announce to the current connection rather than having to call someone new???
00:57.00KillerBeeFuzzyCat I dunno aabout iaxtel.. I dont know my own number
00:57.22*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:57.48FuzzyCattut tut
00:58.04KillerBeeFuzzyCat what Is you number...700?
00:58.07*** join/#asterisk file (
00:58.12fileISP was in the process of disconnecting me :)
00:58.13filethat's why
00:58.28FuzzyCatKillerBee: you can;t call me, I'm going to bed, it's 2am here...
00:58.31KillerBeethen you can tell me...
00:58.40KillerBeewhat my 700 number is.
00:58.48KillerBeenatas802 what is my 700 number?
00:59.12kamileonkillerbee : dial 7008827805
00:59.45kamileonleave message
00:59.50kamileonitll email me your number
01:02.27*** join/#asterisk miguel1 (
01:02.41kamileonKillerBee: 7008466370
01:02.47miguel1alguin habla espanol
01:03.02KillerBeekamileon thanks
01:03.15kamileonKillerBee: np
01:04.02miguel1alquin habla espanol
01:04.19kamileonKillerBee: do you not have incoming iaxtel?
01:04.27KillerBeelet me check
01:04.31KillerBeedunno.. lol
01:05.09kamileoni got your default welcome message
01:05.10miguel1killer you speak ingles //?????
01:05.13KillerBeehumm. seem to
01:05.22KillerBeesee the regisster
01:05.31KillerBeemiguel1 yes
01:05.43KillerBeeno hablais espanoil
01:05.59kamileonKillerBee: im routing iax calls through your box
01:05.59FuzzyCat~jbot x en es use jbot to translate
01:06.31KillerBeemoi je parle seulment fracais et englais
01:06.33kamileonthats neat
01:06.51kamileon~jbot x en es i pooped on your mother last night
01:07.21miguel1you know who speaks espanol that can help me with asterik
01:07.33KillerBeekamileon was that you inbound?>
01:07.36miguel1KillerBee you know who speaks espanol that can help me with asterik
01:07.49kamileonKillerBee: what do you mean?
01:07.57kamileoni called you, yes.
01:08.02KillerBeekamileon ya...
01:08.10KillerBeeguess I can get inboud asterisk
01:08.17FuzzyCat~jbot x en es you know who speaks spanish that can help me with asterisk
01:08.20kamileonyes, but you need to setup extensions.conf
01:08.21KillerBeemiguel1 no I dont
01:08.48miguel1I have problem with ingles
01:08.55UnixDogby the time pu is done it will be time to do it again
01:08.59KillerBee~jbot x en miguel1 no I dont know anyone who speaks spanish
01:09.07FuzzyCat~jbot x en es miguel1 use jbot to translate
01:09.24UnixDog~seen god
01:09.28god <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 212d 10h 21m 25s ago, saying: '1 0wnZ y00'.
01:09.32kamileongod does not exist
01:09.49KillerBeekamileon oh my extensions.conf is set up ok..
01:10.11*** join/#asterisk Mike (
01:10.15kamileonyes, it answers, its just playing the defaule little 'welcome to asterisk' thing... instead of ringing a phone
01:10.20KillerBee~jbot x en es miguel1 no I dont know anyone who speaks spanish
01:10.35UnixDog~seen demigod
01:10.36UnixDog: i haven't seen 'demigod'
01:10.44Mikemiguel1: yo hablo espaņol
01:10.45kamileon~seen myass
01:10.46kamileon: i haven't seen 'myass'
01:10.47KillerBeekamileon lol. that is ok for now.. default context.. nowhree
01:10.59FuzzyCat~seen UnixDog buy a beer lately?
01:11.00i haven't seen 'unixdog buy a beer lately', FuzzyCat
01:11.05kamileonKillerBee: yes, i was just saying its working right :)
01:11.09kamileonboth ways
01:12.22UnixDogI bought 2 bottles of Yukon today
01:12.32KillerBee~jbot x en es miguel1 U still here
01:13.03KillerBeeUnixDog I'll be right over.. to help take care of em
01:13.06UnixDogreno 911 on comedy central is funny
01:13.07miguel1where I can obtain the manual of asterik in espanol
01:13.16UnixDoglol ok
01:13.34UnixDog1 bottle was used to make jello shots
01:13.38FuzzyCat~jbot x en es miguel1 apricot tiger goat and kipper translate during red moon carpet
01:13.44Mikemiguel1: no existe un manual en espaņol
01:13.49natas802hey can you dial 0800 numbers with iaxtel? or only with fwd?
01:14.02KillerBeenatas802 both
01:14.16FuzzyCatthey r 1-800's not 0800;s
01:14.24KillerBeemike U know spanish?
01:14.43MikeKillerBee: yep
01:14.45KillerBee~jbot x en es ask mike
01:15.11MikeKillerBee: im mexican my primary language is spanish
01:15.15KillerBeehelp miguel1 .. he need some ,,, in spanish
01:15.42MikeKillerBee: hes looking for a spanish manual on asterisk
01:15.43KillerBee~jbot x en es miguel1 meet mike
01:15.49UnixDogI want icecream I knew I forgot to pick somethign up
01:15.59MikeKillerBee: asterisk lacks of few docs so if there is no docs in english
01:16.06MikeKillerBee: spanish would be dificult
01:16.08KillerBeemike he was looking for someone to help in spanish
01:16.23UnixDoghell there is not even one in proper english and now they want one in other languages
01:16.23KillerBeehelp him
01:16.29MikeKillerBee: i will
01:16.32FuzzyCat~jbot x en es my dog has no nose. How does it smell? Terrible!
01:16.35Mikemiguel1: te puedo ayudar en algo?
01:16.59MikeFuzzyCat: drop that, the bot sucks at translating
01:17.15KillerBeemoi je parle seulement en englais et francias
01:17.41FuzzyCatMike: you don;t say...
01:17.47KillerBeeenglish is my first languge and I suck at that
01:17.54KillerBeephat fingers
01:18.23KillerBeephat head too
01:18.40miguel1I want to sell asterik in the Dominican republica since the demand of PBX and voip is great aqui in my city, to that I can obtain so that they send card to me or the formed computers to sell them aqui and we are partners
01:19.43MikeKillerBee: i think you got the message:)?
01:20.05miguel1KillerBeeI want to sell asterik in the Dominican republica since the demand of PBX and voip is great aqui in my city, to that I can obtain so that they send card to me or the formed computers to sell them aqui and we are partners
01:20.42KillerBeemiguel1 ok..
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk DanJr_TechSuppor (
01:25.42natas802how much are the cheapest fxo cards?
01:25.58KillerBeesombody try to join.. I want to test if I have all the ports open
01:25.58UnixDog2 million dollars
01:25.59KillerBeeexten => 8600,1,Dial(IAX2/
01:28.22miguel1as soon as it leaves one to me assembled and formed with a T1
01:28.54miguel1KillerBee as soon as it leaves one to me assembled and formed with a T1
01:28.54KillerBeemiguel1 how many machines do you think you'll need?
01:29.35*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
01:29.55miguel1in order to begin 10
01:29.57KillerBeehumm nobody wants to try my meetme?
01:31.08miguel1your you have one compani
01:31.25miguel1KillerBee your you have one compani
01:31.42KillerBeeyes.. do you see my private message window
01:32.11KillerBeemiguel1 do you know how to private message?
01:32.58miguel1you have msn
01:33.08miguel1you have amsn ????
01:33.13KillerBeemiguel1 yes...
01:34.56*** join/#asterisk n00dle (
01:38.52heisonhas anyone here built/running * with h323?
01:40.52davidheison: yes, with chan_h323
01:41.07heisondavid: with the current CVS?
01:41.15davidheison: no, it was about a month ago
01:43.24voipwtf is harry & david stuff???
01:43.37n00dlevoip: google is your friend.
01:44.17heisonwhat the ptree equivalent in Linux?
01:47.22davidhas anyone had experiences with Asterisk and SCCM phones (Cisco 7910 for example)?
01:47.35davidgoogle gave me mixed information as to the sucessfulness of using them together
01:48.30davidheison: skinny
01:48.36davidheison: cisco voip protocol
01:53.00heisondid recently changed its IP?
01:53.44tholoDefine "recently".
01:53.57heisonnamed[14121]: check_hints: A records for class 1 do not match hint records
01:54.21manyheison: yes.
01:54.27mbrancavery late here
01:54.49mbrancatholo: do you have cvs access for asterisk?
01:54.59mbrancaI mean, write access :)
01:55.18bkw_mbranca why do you ask?
01:55.21tholoNo, I do not.
01:55.46*** join/#asterisk loko-moko (
01:55.48manyheison: you might also try  ``dig ns .''
01:55.56mbrancabkw_: since I found a HUGE memory leak bug in asterisk, when MYSQL_FRIEND is enabled :)
01:55.58manywhich tells you what a thinks is authoritive.
01:56.11mbrancaand the patch is very simple :)
01:56.11bkw_mbranca post a bug report and a fix if you have it
01:56.17bkw_mysql friends isn't on by default
01:56.22bkw_so its not an alarming bug
01:56.24mbrancabkw_: already done, 9 hours ago, more or less
01:56.37bkw_ok whats the bug number?
01:56.48mbrancabkw_: I know, but a memory leak is always important.
01:56.52mbranca1010 and 1011
01:57.01Mikehey guys
01:57.08Mikeasterisk should have a alarm service
01:57.16Mikelike call an extension that has the app
01:57.26Mikeset the time that you wish to wake up
01:57.34Mikeand ring your phone you answer and says
01:57.41MikeGOODDD morning!!! WAKE THE HELL UP
01:57.45MikeTIME to work
01:58.02mbrancabkw_: unfortunately, I posted the chan_sip patch under IAX, was a mistake, sorry
01:58.06Mikeand make it program able like vm
01:58.09ManxPowerMike: Trivial to do using .call files.
01:58.25MikeManxPower: it should be an app
01:58.28ManxPowerMike: Such a thing is on my TODO list (granted not high on the list, but still on the list)
01:58.37MikeManxPower: than can be setup by anyone with its sip
01:58.41ManxPowerMike: WHY?  It's trivial to do within the exisiting stuff.
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk Fk (
01:59.15MikeManxPower: because a alarm system should be trusthable
01:59.28MikeManxPower: you dont want to loss a plan or a date for a bad alarm system
01:59.34ManxPowerMike: OK, then use app_willcallu
01:59.53ManxPowerMike: .call files are maintained across restarts/reboots.
02:00.16ManxPowerMike: My Callback AGI script would be a good place to start.
02:00.22MikeManxPower: but that is not configurable by mortal people that doesnt even know how the hell the phone is giving dial tone
02:01.01ManxPowerMike: You are correct.  My callback AGI script takes user options via DTMF and and plays sound files to provide feedback.
02:02.14ManxPowerSo ANYONE can write a trivial AGI script that can be called as an extension and ask when they want their wakeup call, what the wakeup call should be (WAKE UP! or Current Weather Report or current stock report, etc), once the user has specified what they want, the script creats the .call file and provides confirmation to the caller.  You do NOT need another app_
02:03.18MikeManxPower: to complicated, an app can be used by anyone, even people that doesnt know how there asterisk is running
02:03.39MikeManxPower: ill download your scripts right away but i dont think its the correct way of doing it
02:03.40ManxPowerMike: Uh, that's what I just said.
02:04.01ManxPowerMike: My callback script is a FIRST attempt at a callback script, but it could be adapted.
02:04.25ManxPowerMike: If you want the pain and suffering of writing an app_ rather than an AGI then be my guest. 8-)
02:04.51natas802does anyone know if you can call 0800 numbers in england with iaxtel?
02:05.10filenatas802: hahahahahaha no.
02:05.11MikeManxPower: im no good at perl, ill have to read all night long the manual and try to code agi
02:05.14mbranca3am is a good time 4 bed. cya
02:05.16MikeManxPower: hate perl
02:05.20natas802you can with fwd
02:05.27bkw_can you guys look at but 1008
02:05.32ManxPowerMike: So write the AGI in your fave language.
02:05.32bkw_I think this person is on crack
02:05.35pros12im trying to make a wakeup extension
02:05.35bkw_the bt is meanless
02:05.57pros12just stuck on how to add a date.
02:05.59filenatas802: FWD != Iaxtel
02:06.13bkw_mbranca not only did you submit it wrong you submited it TWICE wrong
02:06.28filenatas802: FWD doesn't equal Iaxtel
02:06.31tzangerevening all
02:06.35bkw_oh wait
02:06.35filenatas802: but if you really want it, use the Iaxtel FWD gateway
02:06.37n00dleManxPower: Where might I find this script?
02:06.40bkw_you have one for IAX and one for SIP
02:06.47bkw_mbranca from now on do them on one bug
02:06.48bkw_they are related
02:08.05n00dlebkw_: Never underestimate the capacity of others to make more complicated something which should be simple.
02:08.16mbrancabkw_: sure
02:08.20bkw_mbranca I see em now
02:08.27heisondoes anyone have problem resolving [root@pbx root]# host
02:08.27heison;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
02:08.28bkw_they are on my list to do when we get kram on the line
02:08.40bkw_NOW I have a request
02:08.41mbrancak, the fix is very simple.
02:08.54bkw_EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE look at bug 1008 and tell me what the guy is smokin please
02:09.06mbrancalooked at that. I think is crack
02:09.07tzangergot a link bkw_?  I'm feeling lazy tonight
02:09.13VoiceLynxnatas802:There are other ways to make IAX calls to 0800 in UK
02:09.18mbrancaI never ever had mpg123 issues :)
02:11.04mbrancabkw_: there isn't a way for reporter to edit a own bug? I saw I submitted it wrong, but no way to correct that :/
02:11.06tzangerkind of devoid of real technical info, no?
02:11.08natas802are there?
02:12.01bkw_mbranca funny I can't correct it either
02:12.04filebut and IAX solution would rock
02:12.07fileer an
02:13.16mbrancatoo bad :) so is better to think twice before submitting and don't ever use two mozilla tabs in different mantis area... or the post will be done in the latest opened area. bah
02:14.09fileACTUALLY... 170099*<insert 0800 number here>
02:14.37mbrancathat was the cause of my mistake... one tab in SIP area and another on IAX... submit was done for both is IAX area.
02:14.51filedarn, doesn't work
02:15.11mbrancareally bed now
02:17.48VoiceLynxnatas802: send iax to
02:18.01*** join/#asterisk Shodan (
02:18.17VoiceLynxnumber in form 0800XXXXXXX
02:18.27VoiceLynxuser:pwd guest:guest
02:22.04bkw_mbranca ya mantis is on crack
02:24.47Shodanif I get asterisk to pickup the line , is there a way I can answer the line with the normal phones I have installed (especially make them ring after asterisk has picked up)?
02:25.37tzangerShodan: if your normal phones are plugged in to an FXS device, yes
02:25.40lanningyou can answer, but not make them ring
02:25.46tzangerbut otherwise no
02:26.15Shodanok what is an FXS device ? is it the same thing has a digium x100p ?
02:26.34tzangerX101P is an FXO device - you plug it into the PSTN
02:26.41tzangerTDM400P is an FXS device
02:27.00Shodanhow much is a tdm400p avg ?
02:27.01tzangeryou'd pplug all your phones into an FXS port and they can be rung
02:27.03tzangerI do this now
02:27.26VoiceLynxto be pedantic an X100P *is* an FXS device - thus it connects to an FXO port :-)
02:27.27tzangerShodan: it's cheapest ot get the asterisk dev kit (X101P and 1-port TDM400P)
02:27.53tzangerI think it's $175 for the dev kit, is that right??
02:27.54tzangerVoiceLynx: ok ok true enough
02:28.30ShodanI suppose I can get multiple FXS one for each phone and make only the proper phone ring ?
02:28.37tzangeryes that is true
02:28.45tzangerTDM400P can have up to four ports
02:29.10tzangeryou can put a few TDM400P cards in to a system, but at some point it is cheaper to buy a T100P and an FXS channel bank for up to 24 extensions
02:32.03ShodanI got a old Northern Telecom Vantage 12 , anything useful I can do with it beside plugging it in a FXS ? is there a way to interface with it with a computer ?
02:32.06tzangerno idea what that is
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02:35.15ShodanI didn't found anything on google about it , some freelance phone technician installed it here , it has 3 phone line input and 12 phone output , it connect to NT Esprit phones , you can transfert call , page to other phones and that's about it
02:36.02Shodanprobably to old to be of any use with computers , the phone says warranty expired january 1991 !
02:42.45*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
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02:44.24brc007anybody know if that IAX HARD phone is out yet?
02:45.59brc007slow tonight
02:46.21tzangerbrc007: talk ot wasim
02:46.26tzangerer talk to wasim rather
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02:47.25brc007I've heard some noise about bugetones or snoms doing iax...guess that's just noise so far
02:48.18*** join/#asterisk beta3 (dan@beta3.registered.freenode)
02:48.22beta3bkw_: you there?
02:48.38beta3about linux-2.6
02:48.41beta3and performance
02:49.19beta3if you set scheduler to deadline at boot(append elevator=deadline) Im building a kernel -j4 and switching windows with virtually no slowdown
02:49.37beta3it has the BSD effect
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03:00.17*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
03:00.39nitrami just installed kphone 4.0 with high hopes...
03:00.55nitram... but it just does not work with my sound-setup
03:01.16brc007any idea what nuphones url is? google just comes up with a bunch of asterisk mailing list stuff :(
03:05.05bkw_well we know what sco claims they own now
03:05.12bkw_lets see how long it takes to invalidate that
03:05.30Shodanis it possible to use an external voice modem that has a pair of 1/8 jacks and a sound card as a FX0 ? could not be found...:\
03:07.27ConnorAnyone had any problems with ATA's with 3.0 locking up?
03:07.35*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
03:09.40bkw_ok no more mcdonalds
03:10.15YoYohmm... mcdonalds
03:10.24brc007their stock's going up
03:11.59ConnorGood God, Most of this is in header files!!!
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03:16.06*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
03:16.44jjhallEvening everyone
03:18.11bkw_i'm reading this sco thingy
03:18.13bkw_and they are babies
03:18.14bkw_210. IBM has intentionally interfered with plaintiff's existing or potential economic relations. For example, at Linux World in January, 2003 IBM representatives contacted various companies with whom SCO had existing or potential economic relations. These IBM representatives said that IBM was discontinuing doing business with SCO and that these other companies, some of whom are business partners with IBM, also should discontinue doing business with SCO.
03:18.38bkw_I don't see no law against that
03:19.17brc007any idea what nufone charges for Unlimited voip w IAX2 termination?
03:19.23brc007don't see pricing on the website...
03:19.30n00dleOh, for Frigg's sake!!
03:19.30n00dle...and this SCO crap ain't helping.
03:19.36tzangerbrc007: email sales@nufone, trust me
03:20.28Mocwell sco lawyers are very low..
03:20.39Mocwhat the fuzz about Gnome ?
03:20.44Mocit look like a old version of kde
03:20.49glyphn00dle: remember that there are lawyers on the "good guy" side as well
03:21.11MocI work at a lawfirm
03:21.31MocAnd sadly lawyers are payed to do what their client
03:21.37*** join/#asterisk diana (
03:21.41n00dleI know... but they're hard to tell apart until you get to know them... a prospect I do not relish.  I don't mean to offend.
03:21.48MocWhat ever the reson is right or not, they will do it..
03:22.15MocI know, some are bad people ... others are great
03:22.40filebrc007: all I know is it's something around 2.1 cents US outgoing to US/Canada and 2.9 cents incoming for toll-free number.
03:22.43Mikebkw_: can you send me the php of your login front page?
03:22.53Mikebkw_: i would like to make mine look like that one
03:23.17n00dleAnd, I must concede, most of us are human. ;)
03:23.26Miken00dle: we are?
03:23.41n00dleMost of us are mostly human?
03:23.53Mocfile, canada is 2.1 outgoing... US and toll free is 2.9cent
03:24.28Shodanmm , this may sound silly but if I install asterisk on one of my server , instead of using a FX0 for incoming/outgoing calls can I just use my internet connection and use a voip provider ?
03:24.50Mocthat what
03:24.52MocI do Shodan
03:25.01n00dleShodan: I don't have an FXO hooked to either of my *'s
03:25.09Mocbut get a TDM card just to have the timing
03:25.16Mocdont need to use it, just to have one install
03:25.37fileMoc: ahhhh k
03:25.41filewhy is Canada cheaper?
03:26.01Shodanare there provider that have flat fee per month for certain aera ?
03:26.11Moctelco equipement are more advanced here already
03:26.15ShodanI could just cancel my normal phone line
03:26.24Shodanit's like 40 bucks CND per month
03:26.26MocShodan , think about 911 services
03:26.43heisonMoc: Canadian telco offers cheaper US rates than Canadian rates...
03:26.45Mocyes for 40$ cnd you can have unlimited long distance and a local phone number
03:27.29Shodanunactivated cell phone can do 911 for free , beside I'm passing my technician class radio amateur license next month so that clear the emergency issue
03:27.33Shodanthat'd be great !
03:27.40heisonthey offer $0.021 for US and $0.029 for Canada
03:28.07Moc2.01cent US for Canada, 2.9cent US for US with nufone
03:28.10heisoni'm trying to convince 'em to do IAX so that I can use Nufone and these guys
03:28.28heisonMoc: which is the exact opposite
03:28.43Mochere well it better to get unlimited for 20$
03:28.47fileso confused...
03:29.23heisonfile: use Nufone to call US @ 2.01 cent
03:29.27*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
03:29.42heisonfile: ignore the last one
03:29.42Mocno NuFone is 2.9cent for US calls
03:29.44bkw_since when?
03:29.51fileOKAY EVERYONE
03:29.51Moc2.01 to CANADA
03:29.55file2.01 IS TO CALL CANADA
03:29.57file2.9 IS TO CALL US
03:30.02n00dleI just hope they don't do something stupid with VoIP regs and CALEA stuff.
03:30.03file------ End of Rates -----
03:30.06ConnorAnyone had any problems with ATA's with 3.0 locking up???
03:30.08Mocexactly file
03:30.10heison2.01 to canada (with NuFone)
03:30.17Mikebkw_: can you give me your php login page?
03:30.18heison2.01 to US (with the canadian company)
03:30.31Mikebkw_: i have a login page i want to make it look like yours
03:30.34heisonthe best of both providers
03:30.51Mocha well I donno, like I said, I got unlimited Canada/US call for 20$ CND more
03:31.19bkw_mike I dont know where its at
03:31.23bkw_but when I find it I sure will
03:31.24MikeMoc: how many simultanius lines?
03:31.35Mikebkw_: you gave out the url the other day
03:32.01filethat reminds me, can I have multiple people call my NuFone toll-free number at the same time?
03:32.01Mocit residential.. btw Mike, im in Gnome rightnow
03:32.01heisonfile: yes, I had 11 at one point
03:32.01MocI've reinstall everything
03:32.01fileheison: great
03:32.04MikeMoc: why?
03:32.17MikeMoc: you never reinstall a linux box once its installed
03:32.21Mocit fucked up, dependency got bad
03:32.21MikeMoc: thats a crime
03:32.31MikeMoc: learn how to handle dependencys
03:32.35Mocapt-get wouldnt do anything else
03:32.44MikeMoc: you wont go reinstalling each time you get probs with depndencys
03:32.52MikeMoc: learn how to fix that shit
03:33.26Mocwell took less time to reinstall it..
03:33.35bkw_Mike I dont know where its at now
03:33.35MikeMoc: but no learning
03:33.37bkw_I moved it
03:33.37MocNow Im in Gnome thought.. last time it was kde .. anyway..
03:33.46Mikebkw_: ok thanx dude
03:33.56MikeMoc: learning is important
03:34.07MocI know, just #debian suck ..
03:34.20MikeMoc: your a newbie for them:P
03:34.25MocI only like the bot ...
03:34.28Mikesame way we play with newbies here
03:34.45Mocthere is more activity in here than debian so ..
03:34.46Mikei remember my first day here
03:34.54Mikebkw gave me alot of shit i was about to cry
03:35.21MocMy first day I here I had more NEXT!!! in my screen than anything else ;)
03:35.49Mikewell i got alot of shit over me by brian but
03:35.54Mikei also had to many questions
03:36.14MocMike, my bug rightnow is I can't get my mousepad and usb mouse to work
03:36.28MikeMoc: why?
03:36.32Mocthe clito worked but pointer got to the lower left of the screen all the time..
03:36.32brc007wow you've got a usb mousepad!
03:36.37brc007wish I had one of those :p
03:36.45MikeMoc: thats problems on your XFree-4
03:36.48Mikeon /etc/X11
03:36.53Mikenot configured well
03:36.59dianabrc007 > you have to pay me copyright for NEXT
03:37.08Mikei recomend you looking for a config file on your laptop if you dont want to have problems
03:37.14brc007did you license it from bkw_?
03:37.16tessier_You describing the little pink eraser-type mouse on thinkpads? :)
03:37.18Mikesearch on google yourlaptop module XFree-4
03:37.36Moctessier_  yep ;)
03:37.57MocI love clito
03:37.59northrupMoc: Did you say Nufone had US-Continental service for 2.9 cents /minute?
03:38.09MocUs48 yes
03:38.29MocMike, it worked well in KDE ..
03:38.45northrupok.. I haven't gotten Jeremy to answer me back yet, but on the spreadsheet he sent me it was .029 / 6 seconds
03:38.58northrupI was hoping that was wrong
03:39.29dianabrc007 > bkw_ was talking from me
03:39.29Mocit 2.9cent a min, but if you talk 7 second, you will be charged for 12 second
03:39.36dianabrc007 > bkw_ was took it from me
03:39.44fileoh so it's 6 second billing intervals?
03:39.57Mocfor US. canada it 15second I think
03:39.59brc007minus the was :p
03:40.01MikeMoc: its XFree
03:40.09MikeMoc: kde and gnome dont have anything to do
03:40.12dianabrc007 > thx
03:40.18MocI know but it worked before ..
03:40.22dianabrc007 > did you seen mantis?
03:40.49dianasee $topic on the other channel
03:40.56dianaand give a shoot
03:41.03DanJr_TechSupporbkw_,  do you have a few mins i could pick your brain?
03:42.16Corydon76-homeDanJr_TechSuppor:  why don't you ask in the channel?
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03:42.39DanJr_TechSupporCorydon76-home, I was going to ask bkw_ because he created it... But i will ask the channel
03:43.02DanJr_TechSupporAnyone know how i would have a calling card script Update a mysql database before the hangup?
03:43.07DanJr_TechSupporOr even after the hangup
03:43.34davidmy askterisk won't play any sounds
03:43.40davidI see it say it is on the console
03:43.43davidbut i don't hear anything
03:43.52davidI can hear between two phones
03:43.57davidjust nothing generated via asterisk itself
03:44.08DanJr_TechSupporCorydon76-home,  I have it where it will cut the person off.. when they hit there limit. But i can`t figure out how to get it to up date There account
03:44.36davidany ideas?
03:45.01filethere will inevitably be ideas, but not regarding your conundrum
03:45.50Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  I'm assuming your script is AGI?
03:46.19TestMasTerCorydon76-home, sorry i thought i stated that before.. Yes its a agi/perl script
03:47.24fileI still haven't experimented with that stuff yet... I should
03:47.35Corydon76-homeSo why not set up when you get a hangup to do whatever you want to the database?
03:48.06TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  thats the way i have it now.. but its not doing anything
03:48.40bkw_picking bkw's brain requires cash
03:48.45bkw_and lots of it
03:49.01TestMasTerbkw_,  lol if i had cash i would just get you or someone else to write it for me
03:49.07filebkw_: do you accept monopoly money?
03:49.13bkw_file no...
03:49.24bkw_I accept visa, mc, amex and discover
03:49.28bkw_and paypal
03:49.30bkw_and checks
03:49.33bkw_and cash
03:50.16bkw_one monitor isn't cutting it anymore
03:50.48Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  If you're using Perl, you can install a signal handler for SIGHUP
03:50.48MocIm looking at those 19" LCD with thin border..
03:50.55*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:51.11Corydon76-home$SIG{HUP} = \&handle_hangup;
03:51.17bkw_Corydon is right
03:51.42TestMasTerOk so i would get rid of $AGI->hangup();  then ?
03:51.48Corydon76-homePresumably whatever language you're using, if it's not Perl, has a signal handler
03:51.56Mocdamn Linux, I got my Citrix application running ..
03:52.04bkw_or you can be creative and use res_perl
03:52.09bkw_and run your app inside of asterisk
03:52.15MocIt slow, but it because I got no radeon drivers I guess install
03:52.15bkw_and translate the raw api calls
03:52.42TestMasTerbkw_,  ok I know there won`t be able doc`s on doing that right?
03:52.57jjhallI'm planning on setting up Asterisk on a Mandrake 9.2 box using a USR Voice Modem for my POTS line and SIP Softphones for my extensions (to start with.)  Should I run into any major problems or is there any tips for getting this configuration to work?
03:53.26robl^jjhall, I don't think the voice modems will work
03:54.00TestMasTerbkw_,  do you happen to have any information on doing this?
03:54.14jjhallIt is an older ISA hardware modem (not Winmodem) if that makes a difference?
03:54.17TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  And i will try it the way you said
03:54.25bkw_jjhall just get some x100p's
03:54.58robl^jjhall, standard "voice modems" aren
03:55.03robl^jjhall, standard "voice modems" aren't supported
03:56.18Corydon76-homejjhall:  hardware modems will definitely not work
03:56.43Corydon76-homeAll of the modems that people have had the slightest success with are softmodems.
03:57.16Corydon76-homeBut still, you should get the X100P first, before trying to get unsupported hardware working.
03:57.20jjhallOK.  I was hoping to use what I had without spending any cash to try it out, and upgrade it later on down the line.  Do you know if there is work in progress to support this?  It seems to me to be a common way for people to get started.
03:57.26Corydon76-homeYou'll save your sanity.
03:58.10Corydon76-homejjhall:  well, if you have sip phones, why do you need an external PSTN line to try it out?
03:58.40TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Are you a perl/agi Programmer?
03:58.47robl^jjhall, if you are a hardcore skilled programmer, you *might* be able to make your voice modem work, but there is no support for it right now.  You will have to many hours of coding.
03:58.52jjhallI only use SIP with FWD right now.  Since I have a POTS line at my house, I wanted to interface it all together.
03:58.58Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  I am a programmer in general
03:59.18Corydon76-homePerl happens to be one of the languages I know.
03:59.18TestMasTerCorydon76-home, Would you have a few mins to help me figure out how to get this to work?
03:59.47Corydon76-homeIn the channel only; don't private me unless you want me to start billing you.
03:59.55n00dlejjhall: I also recommend the X100P... Digium will support it. Anything else and you're on your own.
04:00.04fileI should learn Python one of these days, it seems to be getting popular
04:00.27robl^yahoo!!!!!!  My first agi script actually works..  doesn't do much.. but it works!!
04:00.35jjhallrobl^: I suppose I could set it up to use my FWD accounts as the external lines, but I don't think I would really gain much from doing that.  I guess I'll just have to end up buying a card.
04:00.39TestMasTerwhat is the max lines are allowed to be posted in here at one time?
04:01.17robl^jjhall, you can use FWD for your line to test.. then later it's a snap to add a PTSN line with an X100P
04:01.19TestMasTerits only four lines
04:02.05TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Do you happen to see any reason in that.. It wouldn`t set the account to 0?
04:03.03brc007anyone got a link to that IAX softphone somebody here was working on
04:03.18jjhallrobl^: OK, thanks for the advice.  Now as for my choice of OS, do you see any issues there?  I'm not partial to any distro, but have already done some web server setup on my Mandrake box and would hate to change it if not absolutely necessary
04:03.47tclarkbrc007: has links to all of em
04:03.49fileI use FreeBSD personally ;)
04:03.52Corydon76-homeHow about:  you're setting an array to a scalar, which tends to force the value of the scalar to be the number of items in the array?
04:04.30Corydon76-homeAnd prepare is not enough.  You actually need to execute the query
04:04.48TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  ok
04:04.48robl^jjhall, Asterisk will work with MOST Linux distros.   Now one thing I will mention, most of the "tutorials" you will find on installing use RedHat as an example.  So the steps may very slightly for MAndrake.
04:05.42TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Have to kinda forgive me.. I`m still new with perl.. If i could get php to work with agi Correctly. I would be On my way to resolving most the problems on my own
04:05.59Corydon76-homeAh, PHP.  The language that's eternally one generation behind Perl.
04:06.11jjhallrobl^: OK.  With Redhat tanking, would the "tutorials" match more closely with Fedora or is it more of a separate beast than they are claiming?  If you can't tell, I've been out of the linux loop for a while.
04:06.48filelong live perl!
04:06.53TestMasTerCorydon76-home, Ya but I`ve been using php along time.. I haven`t learnt alot of perl yet
04:07.02Corydon76-homePHP may pay the bills, but Perl is more mature.
04:07.42robl^jjhall, I've set up Asterisk with RedHat 8 and now using Fedora.  It was pretty much the same steps. Just make sure you read the prompts of the Fedora Installer closely, as the do differ slightly from RedHAt.
04:07.44TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Agreed.. But its all what you know i guess
04:07.49tessier_Yeah. PHP still laughs at poo poo jokes.
04:07.55Corydon76-homeIt's when people insist on using PHP for system administration that it really gets out of hand.
04:08.17tessier_No kidding. Everyone knows Python is the Right Way.
04:08.44northrupTestMaster, Just to clarify Corydon76 you need $sth->execute();
04:09.00robl^Corydon, well I think PHP, Python, and Perl are about in the same league.  It depends on what language the administrator/programmer is more proficient and productive with.
04:09.17Corydon76-homeOr if you use placeholders, $sth->execute($value1,$value2...$valuen
04:09.22TestMasTernorthrup,  Thanx
04:09.44TestMasTerI need to find a more information on using mysql with in perl
04:09.44Corydon76-homerobl^:  yeah, but nothing beats the efficiency of assembly.
04:09.51northrupahh perl, is there anything you can't do
04:10.18Corydon76-homeYou can't code drivers in Perl, although I do know a kernel hacker who has tried.
04:10.29robl^Corydon: true!  but who really has the time to program in assembly these days to solve simple administrative tasks?
04:11.05TestMasTerI just wish i could find a good how to On doing this in bash.. it would go faster
04:11.07robl^Corydon: you have too much free time!  go back to work and get rid of Asterisk bugs! :)
04:11.35Corydon76-homeHeh, I'll decide what to do with my free time...
04:11.47PilotPTK-Homenot to mention, assembly is VERY efficient ONLY in the hands of a skilled programmer.  wannabe assembly writers will end up with a less efficient binary than they would have ended up with compiling from c or something.
04:11.49tessier_Speaking of bugs, I need to pull cvs again to get rid of that annoying caller detected as fax bug
04:12.09tessier_Assembly is an important fundamental to know if you want to understand how computers work.
04:12.15Corydon76-homeShoulda seen the neat app I coded in assembly for Phreaknic 6
04:12.17tessier_I think everyone first computer language should be assembly.
04:12.25tessier_Before basic or VB or perl or python or C or anything.
04:12.32Corydon76-homeNo, not first language.  But definitely third.
04:12.35ShodanI noticed that bayonne has a lot of support for softmodem and sound cards to interface with pots , would it work if I setup bayonne on a small box as a voip provider , and I tell asterisk to use the bayonne server as a voip provider , assumin bayonne delivers would that work ? (I have about 70 hard and softmodems and a whole bunch of sound cards, it would be a shame to junk them all)
04:12.43robl^I've not done assembly since my Atari 800.  (showing my age here)
04:13.05Corydon76-homeShodan:  are you a kernel hacker, too?
04:13.08tessier_I did assembly on my Apple II and 286 and some PIC microcontroller programming but that was years ago.
04:13.10tessier_I've forgotten most of it.
04:13.11n00dleShodan: Masochist?
04:13.36ShodanI supose this mean bayonne sucks ;)
04:13.58Corydon76-homeI still have my Apple IIe's.  And I'm still good at assembly... :-P
04:14.30n00dleNo, I haven't tried bayonne yet, but I have dealt with sound cards and Linux.
04:14.58Corydon76-homeShodan:  if you're not afraid to write your own kernel drivers, go for it.
04:15.12robl^Shodan, its like comparing a sports car to the Hindenberg (post explosions) ;)
04:16.11n00dle...or on PCI, dealing with problems sharing interrupts.
04:16.17TestMasTernorthrup, and or Corydon76-home Can one of you Recommend a way of getting a truthfull Time.. the person was on the call?
04:16.22jjhallSo to get the x100p cards, with the support and such, how much do they run?  I see knockoffs on eBay for 25-30.
04:16.48TestMasTerjjhall,  About 95 us
04:17.02ShodanI don't have trouble setting sound cards , I got sound working on a stylistic 2300 (worst sound card ever) but I tough x100p's were over 100$
04:17.05n00dlejjhall: Get the 4-port variety when it's available... better cost per port.
04:17.24*** join/#asterisk itsa (
04:17.39ShodanI think it'll be better to get them off ebay
04:17.40robl^jjhall, the cards on ebay not supported.  You get no support from Digium with those cards.  They also require Asterisk hacks.
04:17.54jjhalln00dle: Since this is for a home installation, where I am considering ditching POTS anyway, that would be way more overkill than I need.  :-)
04:18.42Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  how about coding your AGI in C, so you can use threads and constantly check the channel to see if it has been answered yet.
04:18.43filehow much is a card that'll allow me to plug a regular phone in? off of EBay?
04:18.48n00dlejjhall: Did I misunderstand?  Were you looking for FXO or FXS ports?
04:18.55*** part/#asterisk trelane_ (
04:19.15Corydon76-homefile:  I don't think they have them on ebay
04:19.18robl^n00dle, he wants FXO..  connect to a CO line
04:19.27fileCorydon76-home: didn't think so
04:19.32TestMasTerCorydon76-home, I`m aways from knowing enough about C to do that
04:19.41Corydon76-homeThe S100U is $100 or the TDM10B is $125
04:19.42PilotPTK-Homerobl^ what 'asterisk hacks' do the cards on ebay require?
04:20.07n00dleUm... I don't recommend the S100U... even for home use, it's painful at times.
04:20.13jjhalln00dle: Not familiar with terminology, but I want to use Asterix with my POTS telephone line provided with QWerst.  I will use softphone for now and maybe some grandstreams later.
04:20.21Shodanlooking at better resolution x100p , I think these card look a whole lot like motorola's SM56 data/fax modems are they using the same chipset ?
04:20.24robl^PilotPTK-Home, I don't know the specifics.. but it requires making chnages to the source code for the drivers
04:20.32Corydon76-homeBut the TDM is expandable to 4, each port less than the cost of another card
04:20.47PilotPTK-Homefunny, since i'm using about 30 of them - with no changes to the code.
04:21.02Corydon76-homeThe S100U is fine.  My intern uses it at home all the time
04:21.09TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Would it be all that hard to write in C... For a newbie Programmer?
04:21.23*** join/#asterisk gorman (
04:21.39robl^PilotPTK-Home, really?  I've not tried them.  I am just rrecalling what I have read on a mailing list
04:21.42Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  You should probably learn single-threaded C first.
04:21.42natas802for the digium clone cards on ebay you have to edit a 5 to a 6 in the source
04:21.43natas802thats it
04:21.53Corydon76-homeMultithreaded C is a little complex
04:22.11n00dleCorydon-w: I come home to find the S100U no longer running for no reason I can find... no calls had even come in several times.
04:22.14TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Ok thanx.. Time to go look for some howtos and stuff
04:22.38Corydon76-homen00dle:  so you unplug the device from the computer and plug it back in after 30 seconds
04:22.57tclark"Multithreaded C is a little complex" Corydon76-home understatement of the year :)
04:23.18TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Would you be able to help me finsh off The one i have now..?
04:23.29Corydon76-hometclark:  It's not as complex, as say, writing a preemptive scheduler.
04:23.53n00dleCorydon-w: Well, yes.  I just wish I had a TDM10B instead.
04:23.55robl^more complex than hello.c :)
04:24.17Corydon76-homeActually, it's not all that complex.  You just have a think a little more.
04:24.27Corydon76-homeYeah, that might stress a few people, but...
04:24.41tclarkwell in this here community i can count on prolly 1 hand those that can write industrial strength threaded code for *
04:24.58Corydon76-homeNah, it's more than that.
04:25.03davidas soon as I load the zaprtc module, my asterisk install quits playing sounds
04:25.13Corydon76-homeIf I can write multithreaded code, any programmer can.
04:25.13tclarkok 2 hands
04:25.20*** join/#asterisk h3x (
04:25.34Corydon76-homeThe problem is that most of the * community are not programmers
04:26.12TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  not programmers.. Or people trying to learn enough to help out the community... Like myself
04:26.19robl^Corydon, that's the situation with most popular projects
04:26.22Shodanare there any voip cordless phones ? can I use a bluetooth phone as a voip phone ?
04:26.35tclarkwell writing, multithreaded code, is one thiong but having the right industrial strength is an other story hehe
04:26.44*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
04:26.46Shodan(like the sony ericson cellphone for example)
04:27.06Corydon76-homeTechnically, I'm not a programmer, either.  I'm an architect/analyst.
04:27.45Corydon76-homeHence, all of the stupid mistakes in my code.
04:28.07n00dleHeh... I was supposed to be a programmer, but turned into a sysadmin instead.
04:29.04jjhallThanks everyone for the suggestions.  I'm going to look and see what I want to do then give it a shot.  My wife is summoning me to Everquest, so I guess I better comply.
04:29.11Corydon76-homeMmmm, hot decaf tea...
04:29.38TestMasTerCan anyone recommend any good howto`s for C?
04:29.50Corydon76-homeI don't want to stay up all night.  :-P
04:30.10robl^there is NOTHING wrong with staying up all nite
04:30.27Corydon76-homeMy husband would kill me if I stayed up all night again.
04:30.49tclarkon another top has anyone else picked up these Linksys WRT58G, $70, for a full blown router with linux src code, there just too cool
04:31.03Corydon76-homeA good C book?  Hmmmm
04:31.14robl^my husband already passed out from a hard day of construction work :)
04:31.40Corydon76-homeWell, there's the K&R C book... but I wouldn't recommend it for someone who is trying to learn.
04:31.49Corydon76-homeIt's a great reference book, though.
04:32.01MocDamnit, linux dont have WPC54G Linksys PCMCIA drivers
04:32.09Mocwell I found one but it not free
04:32.11robl^ugh!  K&R??  that book is SOO OUTDATED.  it's pre-ANSI
04:32.11n00dleI found K&R useful, but I'd had other languages before.
04:32.18TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  I need something to help me learn.. Then look at a reference book later!
04:32.29Corydon76-homeUh, K&R has been long since updated to ANSI.
04:32.48Mocit cool * 0.7.2 is in unstable debian distro
04:32.53robl^really?  I have the original edition.  ;)
04:33.12Corydon76-homeDunno.  The best way to learn C is to write your own code.
04:33.33*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
04:33.33Corydon76-homeYeah, Second Edition was ANSI.
04:33.37TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  ya but how do you write your own code.. If you really have no clue
04:34.06n00dleTestMasTer: do a search for hello.c or "Hello, world" ... should get you close.
04:34.08robl^I learned from "Teach Yourself C in 21 Days"  and then by modifying other people's source code
04:34.12n00dle...for starter code.
04:34.45Corydon76-homeI'll ask my intern on Monday how he learned.  He's a lot younger, so it's a lot newer to him.
04:35.17filecommon sense can get you far
04:35.21TestMasTern00dle,  I`ve wrote A few diffrent Hello Scripts.. and so on. but i don`t understand the more complex stuff
04:35.34*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
04:35.43Corydon76-homeYeah, don't forget the programs in DOS that cause the machine to reboot due to improperly allocated code.
04:35.52*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
04:36.12Corydon76-homeThat's always fun.  Hope you remembered to save your work before you ran the program!
04:36.27rcwI knew one day if I waited long enough IRC would turn into a place where women get together and talk about their husbands
04:37.02TestMasTerrcw,  lol
04:37.02brc007hey TestMasTer let me know if you find a good book
04:37.10robl^I ain't no woman either
04:37.11TestMasTerbrc007,  I will do for sure
04:37.27TestMasTerbrc007,  I would only ask for you to do the same lol
04:37.34Corydon76-homeNeither am I
04:37.34brc007I looked at K&R ...not a newbie book :p
04:38.17TestMasTerbrc007,  So many people have told me about it.. So i got it.. OMG
04:38.38brc007was that you that ordered it a few weeks ago?
04:38.45brc007what's it like? :p
04:39.08TestMasTerbrc007,  Ya but i don`t know where to beging lol
04:39.16TestMasTerbrc007,  Ya but i don`t know where to begin lol
04:39.59filelearn 'da anglais!
04:42.57brc007damn rpm!
04:43.30_Eagle_i know this is off topic, but can anyone help me with ghostscript?
04:43.41_Eagle_i'm trying to print a pdf file from my freebsd command line
04:43.59brc007try to uninstall a package and it says it's not installed...I KNOW it is
04:44.01_Eagle_i have the printer working with lpr...  and i have ghostscript installed
04:44.27_Eagle_but i cant figure out what to use for the ghostscript command line arguments
04:45.24_Eagle_i tried:    gs -sDEVICE=laserjet fax.pdf | lpr
04:45.24_Eagle_but it gives an error, saying it cant access the device
04:45.25TestMasTerbrc007, you might find this helpfull
04:45.44_Eagle_not sure if i should be using "laserjet" though
04:45.51brc007m'kay thanks
04:46.02Mikesomeone has some docs on agi+ python?
04:47.24MocMike how to upgrade kernel again using debian package system ?
04:48.01nitramMoc: asterisk in unstable depends on libpri1 which is not installable
04:48.13nitramjust wanted to upgrade
04:48.44Mocnitram I was talking about unstable distribution of Debian
04:48.52Mocnot as asterisk was unstable
04:48.55nitramso am i
04:48.58MikeMoc: you want to reinstall tonight again?
04:49.02MikeMoc: :)
04:49.14MikeMoc: apt-get install kernel-package
04:49.16Mocnope it seem fine rightnow... Just want to upgrade the kernel
04:49.21nitramMoc: so am i
04:49.23Mikedownload linux kernel source
04:49.26Mikeon /usr/src
04:49.28Mikeuntar it
04:49.33Mikeconfigure it
04:49.47Mikeand make-kpkg --revision moc.1.0 kernel_image
04:49.53Mikethis will make a nice .deb for you
04:49.55Mocnitram  urm ok I guess that need to be fixed
04:50.01Mikewith dpkg -i kernel_image-whatever.deb
04:50.06Mikethen you do modprobe
04:50.08Mikethen lilo
04:50.15Mikethen install the mod utils for 2.6.x
04:50.19Mikeand reboot
04:50.21MikeTHAT IT
04:51.09MikeMoc: why do you want to upgrade your kernel?
04:51.15Mikeyou got some hardware not working?
04:51.17robl^ok.  time for me to move some stuff arround before I get some new furniture tomorrow
04:51.26Mikethen go ahead
04:51.45MikeMoc: you compile a kernel before?
04:51.49Mocwpc54g Linksys wireless card
04:52.03MikeMoc: 2.6.x is different from 2.4.x on the config part so carefull
04:52.07Mocif it doesn't work in 2.6, Im will put my WPC11
04:52.33Mocwell the 802.11b version
04:52.39MikeMoc: did you look up info on your laptop model?
04:52.51MikeMoc: give me your laptop model
04:53.01MocCompaq EVO N610C
04:53.06Mocbut it a PCMCIA card
04:53.17Mikeoh you have trouble with
04:53.54Mocwell I need to buy drivers from or something
04:54.11MocIm never gonna pay someone else for drivers
04:54.40Mikebuy drivers?
04:54.44Mikeyour in linux man
04:55.04MocMike, well like those sound driver before... I remember that charged for using them
04:55.09MikeThe built-in ethernet card works perfectly with the eepro100 driver.
04:55.13Mikemodprobe eepro100
04:55.24Mikeand you have your rj45 working
04:55.28Moceverything work
04:55.41Mikeso whats the problem?
04:55.44Mocexcept clito..
04:55.48MikeThe built-in ethernet card works perfectly with the eepro100 driver.
04:55.51Mocit a Linksys WPC54 wireless card
04:56.07MocI know Ive install debian over internet
04:56.08Mikepcmcia includes
04:56.09Mikethe drivers
04:56.14Mikecheck out how that guy made it
04:56.59MikeMy laptop is evo n610v, which is similar to n610v except for the LCD (1024x768) and the pointing device (touch pad only). I also have the acpi promblem, but someone reported 99% usable on his laptop:
04:58.50Mike2.6.x includes pcmcia drivers in the kernel and not as a patch
04:58.57Mikebut its very different 2.6.x
04:59.02Mikereally even burning
04:59.12Mikeyou dont use scsi emulation for cdburning no more
04:59.21Mikelittle details that
04:59.29Mikeif you dont need to upgrade now
04:59.33Mikei recommend you not to do so
04:59.50MocI'll put lastest kernel 2.4 then
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
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05:00.04Mikethats a good kernel
05:00.22Mikeyou can use precompile kernels
05:00.30Mikeon apt-cache search kernel image
05:00.44Mikei like more to customize it myself i hate
05:00.54Mikewaiting for initrd
05:01.06Moc2.4.25 ?
05:01.16Miketheres 2.4.25?
05:01.26Mocwell there headers for it
05:01.28Mikelast one i compile was 2.4.24 a few weeks ago
05:01.48MikeThe latest 2.4 version of the Linux kernel is:  2.4.24 2004-01-05 13:55 UTC F V VI C Changelog
05:01.48MikeThe latest prepatch for the 2.4 Linux kernel tree is:  2.4.25-rc1 2004-02-05 12:39 UTC   V VI C Changelog
05:02.01MikeThe latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:  2.6.2 2004-02-04 04:02 UTC F V VI C Changelog
05:02.01MikeThe latest prepatch for the stable Linux kernel tree is:  2.6.3-rc1 2004-02-07 02:45 UTC   V   C Changelog
05:03.23MikeThe latest 2.0 version of the Linux kernel is:  2.0.39 2001-01-09 21:29 UTC F V VI    
05:03.23MikeThe latest prepatch for the 2.0 Linux kernel tree is:  2.0.40-rc8 2004-01-26 01:48 UTC   V VI   Changelog
05:03.27Mike2.0.x still alive
05:03.28brc007I just installed the rpm
05:03.31Mikelet him DIE!!!
05:03.42Mikeits like 8 years old
05:03.49Mikethat thing
05:04.44Mikemaybe more
05:04.44Mocwell I still like my Redhat 4.2 box at the office
05:04.58Mikei have a redhat 5.0 on the shelf
05:05.10Mikekernel 2.0.35
05:05.12Mikei belive
05:05.15Mikeor 2.0.24
05:05.19Mikei mean 2.0.34
05:05.35Mocyes 34 was a good one
05:05.43Mikei like .36
05:05.47Mikeit was on redhat5.2
05:06.00Mikei had ALOT of hardware support:P
05:06.02*** part/#asterisk itsa (
05:06.10robl^I have MCC Linux with kernel 0.99.pl9 :)
05:06.23Mikerobl^: on floopys?
05:06.28robl^8 of them
05:06.37Mocok updated the kernel.. kernel-image
05:06.41Mikemy mom lost mine
05:06.41*** join/#asterisk postel (
05:06.45Mikei had the 8 floopys
05:06.47Mocim sure i need modules or something
05:06.49Mikei also had a slackware 3.0
05:07.19Mikefirst change the lilo.conf
05:07.24Mocwhat I need to reboot ? :)
05:07.25Miketo boot with the initrd shit
05:07.37Moche remade the symlink to the new kernel
05:07.49Mikeyou need to add the initrd
05:07.55Mikeit wont boot up without it
05:08.31Mocit point to /initrd and that symlink was updated by kernel-image
05:08.46Mocdont i need to install modules ?
05:09.05Mocok cool.. reboot time then
05:09.11Mikethe initrd you have to add it on the lilo.conf
05:09.13Mikeyou made that?
05:09.23Mocit already there budy..
05:09.25Mikedid you add the initrd on lilo?
05:09.29Mikeok run lilo
05:09.35Mikethen reboot
05:09.45bkw_lilo sucks
05:09.48bkw_grub rocks
05:09.51bkw_har har har
05:09.51Mikeif you screw up boot with the rescue
05:09.57Mikeand re do it ok?
05:10.08Mikebkw_: my girl friend is name Lila
05:10.14Mikebkw_: it reminds me
05:10.18bkw_I bet she does suck
05:10.21Mochehe ok reboot time them
05:10.26Mikebkw_: really good:P
05:10.40MikeMoc: good luck
05:13.01MikeMoc: are you using the new gdm?
05:13.07MikeMoc: not the old shity one?
05:13.13Mocwell I dont know if it new or not..
05:13.35MocI never really use linux as desktop, I tryed 4 year ago, but I got tired of it
05:13.55MocI stick with unix for text stuff, server only
05:14.07Mocbut knoppix recently bugged me when I tryed it
05:14.10bkw_moc same here
05:14.30Mikesad story
05:15.02Mochehe, it like today, main problem is the video.. there is no good ATI Radeon drivers from what I see..
05:15.19Mikethats gdm2
05:15.35MikeMoc: #ATI they have 3d drivers now
05:15.56Shodanwhy would anyone get ati cards anyway ?!
05:16.06MikeShodan: laptops have em
05:16.21MikeShodan: but ati gives specs for people to develop opensource drivers
05:16.38tessier_Hey, I used to know the guy who does
05:16.40MikeShodan: nvidia makes GREATE even better drivers for linux than windows
05:16.46tessier_jirka used to come to our LUG groups
05:16.47MikeShodan: but they are propietary shit
05:17.03MocI got GDM with the flower rightnow ;
05:17.15MikeMoc: put in a nice theme
05:17.24MikeMoc: i got a debian theme right now really cool
05:17.26Shodanyes but they work ;) , ati support isn't so bad if you don't need 3d , but their tv-out suck
05:18.01MikeShodan: dude your on crack
05:18.08MikeATI has good tv-out now
05:18.24Mikenvidia on the other hand just gives you binarys
05:18.30Mikethat makes to many conflicts
05:19.28Mikemoc what ati card do you have?
05:19.41Moc7500 mobility
05:19.43Shodanthere's both open source and binary drivers , and with nvtv you can precisely adjust the tv-out , the ati-tv-out is pretty much a hack (last time I tried , ie 6 months ago)
05:20.00MikeShodan: the open source drivers for nvidia are a damn joke
05:20.06MikeShodan: they dont even do good 2d
05:20.45tessier_IAX will work ok when making an outgoing connection from behind a NAT, right?
05:20.54ShodanI haven't tried anything past 7500 though ,  nvidia oss driver work nice , even xvmc works!
05:20.57Miketessier_: absolutly
05:21.20Mikethe only problem i see with ati
05:21.31tessier_Mike: Cool, thanks
05:21.34Mikeits no good XFree drivers
05:21.45Mikeyou have to download an extra package
05:21.49Mikefrom there website
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05:23.13Mocwell i see that lnx for desktop is still in a state of flux
05:23.29Mocit always seem to be experimental
05:24.43MikeMoc: your not used to it
05:25.10MikeMoc: use it for 3 months only linux desktop well see if will like going back to windos
05:25.14Mocwell look, I go in #ATI and I see there is like 3 different stuff for linux
05:26.06MikeMoc: choose one and go for it
05:26.38Mikei got a matrox here
05:26.58Mocurm unstable xfree was build under kernel 2.6.1-rc2
05:27.06Mocxfree 4.2
05:27.37Mocwasn't xfree 4.3 was the default in unstable Mike ?
05:27.50MocMike, I just found that funny ..
05:28.01MocWell I guess Im still now running unstable !!
05:28.06jorgeraidelmike but in linux have application that only can be in prompt
05:28.39MikeMoc: i havent upgraded my box to 4.3
05:29.03MikeMoc: 4.2 is really working nice
05:29.17Mike2.6.x was enough for this week
05:29.18Mocall I want it my video in atless 2d mode to be fast
05:29.23Mikeno more changes this week
05:29.35MikeMoc: try gatos?
05:33.17Mikealien -d file.rpm:P
05:33.24Mikeor go for gatos
05:33.40Mocwill try gatos ...brb
05:34.45Shodananyone has voip client for win32 to suggest beside sjphone or netmeeting , for win32 ?
05:34.55MikeShodan: xlite?
05:36.12Shodank , are there other ? commercial or not , anything that works with *
05:36.24Mikexlite seems to work ok
05:36.31Mikeor thats what people say
05:36.56Shodank , looks nice too
05:37.01*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
05:37.22Mocpl gatos seem for display only
05:37.45Moci mean for tvout
05:37.49MikeMoc no
05:38.07*** join/#asterisk Michael1 (
05:38.27Michael1Can anyone help me setup my nufone accouunt? I got the info but not sure how i do it with like a softphone
05:39.07hmodeswhen did this become #nufonesupportforpeoplenotusingasterisk?
05:39.17hmodesand now to crawl back in bed
05:39.32Michael1i'm a idiot
05:39.40Michael1they gave me asterisk directions
05:39.44Michael1but i don't have asterisk
05:39.53Michael1and i dno't know hwo too setup asterisk
05:39.57Michael1i don't want too try
05:40.17Mocyou seem to be a person with problemes
05:40.24Michael1jerjer is never around here
05:40.49Michael1if he or she is Its hard too find them during atime i'm avaliavble.
05:42.56hmodesif you're not using iaxphone you probably should, it'll at least use generally the same data as * for configuration
05:43.07Michael1I tryed taht
05:43.10hmodesfailing that, e-mail support ;p
05:43.41hmodesor you could tell me your account info and i could 'try' it for you :)
05:43.58hmodeshint: please don't
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05:44.03Michael1would my login id be the username i sent them like michaell? or is it
05:44.14withouthi all
05:44.18Moc_ati.2 is evil, made my linux freeze
05:44.43Mikedid you read the red big letters?
05:44.57Moc_red what ;) h
05:45.17MikeDo _NOT_ mix XFree drivers (i.e. 4.2.0 drivers are meant _only_ for 4.2.0).
05:45.17Mike4.2.0 and 4.3.0 ati.2 source and binaries must only be used with drm-kernel for acceleration. Regular drm drivers will cause lockup with Radeons.
05:45.31Moc_of course
05:45.35Mikebig red letters
05:45.44hmodesati sucks at teh linux
05:45.48Moc_i dont see big red stuff in link
05:45.59Michael1hmodes  what is the login name?
05:46.16Mikeyou downloaded the right drivers?
05:46.19hmodesMichael1: no idea, don't use nufone
05:46.23Mikeits confusing sometimes
05:46.24Mikethat page
05:46.44Michael1i'm scwwered..
05:46.52MikeMoc: dpkg -l xserver-xfree86
05:46.53hmodesno, you're just impatient
05:46.59Miketell me what version it says you have
05:47.05hmodese-mail them
05:47.19Michael1well that too
05:47.19Michael1I did
05:47.27Michael1They read but no reply
05:48.04Michael1mike do you use nufone?
05:48.38Michael1file can you help me out a bit
05:48.39hmodeswhat i don't understand is how you can figure out how to give them money but not use the service
05:48.50MikeMichael1: i know people your kind
05:48.58MikeMichael1: suicide is no good ok?
05:49.00Michael1well the instructions were asterisk
05:49.12fileMichael1: that's because NuFone is usually for asterisk users :)
05:49.27Michael1I liked the price
05:49.28fileI know of nobody who uses it with a phone purely
05:49.44Michael1I haven't fiqured out how too configutre asterisk.
05:49.50Michael1me and mike tryed ...
05:49.57Michael1still haven't gotten it
05:50.20Michael1you don't remmeber me
05:50.37Michael1you spent alot of time with me working on it but i was too stupid to fiqure it uo
05:51.09filegypsies, tramps, and thieves! we hear it from the asterisk users!
05:51.12Michael1file can you help me out with iax phone thingy
05:51.25fileMichael1: login id is the one you told NuFone.
05:51.28MikeMichael1: why do you insist on voip?
05:51.49Michael1i told them michaell
05:52.11MikeMichael1: you know its also cheaper to buy a calling card
05:52.22MikeMichael1: you will be surely using voip service
05:52.25Michael1yes i do
05:52.37Michael1around 2 cents or so depending on where you get the card
05:52.55MikeMichael1: great deal isnt it?
05:53.10Michael1nufone i've heard everything great about...
05:53.16Mikeno need for software phones or headsets
05:53.20Mikejust pickup any phone
05:53.38Mikecalling cards
05:53.45Mikeyou dial your 1800 number on any phone
05:53.47Michael1i know
05:53.49Mikeand it works!!
05:53.55*** join/#asterisk rumba (
05:53.59bkw_I love
05:54.00Mikeand your doing voip all the way!
05:54.14Mikebkw_: you got an account?
05:54.20Michael1and its 4 times expensive
05:54.28bkw_Mike yes I have had one for a long time
05:54.38Mikebkw_: care to share it?
05:54.47bkw_but i'm going dual LCD monitors and some nice stuffs
05:54.59bkw_Mike no its 12 bucks for 90 days or 25 for a year
05:55.10bkw_that guy deserves to make money
05:55.16bkw_that is his only src of income right now
05:55.28Mikehow do you know?
05:55.41bkw_read the site
05:55.47Mikelets see
05:55.55Shodanbecause he says so on his website
05:56.07Michael1dam it
05:56.56withoutbks_: they have some nice stuff on that site :)
05:57.06withoutbkw_: they have some nice stuff on that site :)
05:59.20Michael1can anyone help me out with this bloddy program?
05:59.30bkw_clean the blood off
05:59.32bkw_and we will talk
05:59.51Michael1Can anyone please help me with iaxphone?
06:00.13withoutif i could spear the cash it would be worth it !
06:02.38withoutdoes anyone know why my 7960 want take SIP firmware it resets at 84%
06:03.45Mikeyou have a 7960 and cant buy a 25 suscription?
06:03.49Mikei just got mine
06:04.03Mikeand i have a budgetone
06:04.07Michael1bkw: do you know how too use iaxphone?
06:04.49*** join/#asterisk frank (~francisco@
06:05.35withouti have ver 4 SIP firmware
06:06.37Mikebkw_: ok
06:07.49withoutwell with 9 kids its taken me 8 month to save for one !
06:08.59withoutdo you want to support one and i will get one
06:09.02brc007poor michael...should've told him to check into vonage
06:09.11brc007(sp) :p
06:09.37bkw_without yes
06:09.37bkw_without its simple look at the error messages under status
06:09.37bkw_I bet the firmwares buffer is too small to take the new firmware
06:09.37bkw_thats why you have to take it in steps
06:10.08withoutsteps ....? one ver at a time ??
06:10.34withoutits only got call manager on it at the moment :(
06:10.55bkw_ie 2.2 to 3.2 to 6.1 sip
06:11.08Mikewithout: well 9kids sounds to much fun with several wifes
06:11.10withoutwhen its downloading the firmware it says nothing in the stats
06:11.25bkw_without yes status messages
06:11.28bkw_settings 5
06:11.32bkw_i'm not at my phone
06:11.34bkw_so I can't tell you