irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040207

00:00.10pros12well the BT looks ok and the voice Quality is very good
00:00.26pros12it does its job very well
00:00.30wwcursor aha. cool. linux wants a tmpfs mounted on /dev/shm for that to work
00:00.32*** join/#asterisk file (
00:00.39wwit can even be fdopened :)
00:01.16n00dleLeast expensive cisco I've seen:
00:02.06n00dleer...  (US$122.50
00:02.13pros12but then pay for the sip code
00:02.18pros12a cal for the code
00:02.29n00dlePay for code?
00:02.34pros12i can bring my self to pay for a cal ontop of it.. lol
00:03.03fitzelpay for code, thats kind of shame.
00:03.05]data[mmm someone mentioned bt and good
00:03.29robl^I just buy Cisco phones from a friend that works for Cisco.  I get them for 60% off
00:03.54pros12bottom line with me is its just a phone.. lol
00:04.04pros12like i would not spend 100k on a car
00:04.12pros12when i need to just drive to work
00:05.11fitzelpros,if work pays :)
00:05.25pros12well thats allways ok then.. hahah
00:06.17fitzelI really like the snom-phones.
00:06.39nitramdamnit... i still am too stupid to get this outbound sipgate call to work :/
00:06.56fitzelIts kind of a warm feeling seeing "booting linux" in the tiny display of the phone :-)
00:07.06robl^Snom looks nice. but I can't get them on the cheap
00:07.45robl^I wouldn't mind a Snom 220
00:08.05fileI wouldn't mind anything
00:08.11*** join/#asterisk km- (
00:08.25cursorok - time for me to go
00:08.44nitramexten => 9,1,Dial,SIP/
00:09.48cursor4(12nitram4) change that to sipdate-de
00:09.55cursorand change in sip.conf
00:10.00cursorkeep the host=
00:10.07nitramand in sip.conf: [] type=friend username=1276327 secret=foo
00:10.08cursorbut change [sipdate-de]
00:10.18nitramcursor: mhm... will try
00:10.20fitzelI'll be back soon :D
00:10.37fitzelThanks you all, thats a nice channel here!
00:11.05cursorthe rest seems ok, assuming it's not really all on one line :-)
00:11.27nitramcursor: sure... just did not want to flood
00:11.34cursor[sipgate-de] type=friend username=1276327 secret=foo
00:11.35l-fystatic int vm_execmain(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
00:11.55cursorgoto - ack - spit!
00:12.59km-hey, gotos are perfectly legitimate if they do what you expect them to do
00:13.28cursorthey are legimate as an 'in the extreme' last resort
00:13.33*** join/#asterisk t (
00:13.39cursorwhen all else has failed
00:13.43wwwhere you use a goto you can almost always use a static inline
00:13.46km-what do you think assembly programmers use?
00:14.05robl^JMP :)
00:14.18km-gotos are really jumps. :)
00:14.26km-goto simply says "move stack execution pointer to HERE"
00:14.48nitramanyone in here with a sipgate account who would be willing to test?
00:15.00cursordo does longjmp
00:15.03km-ww: I don't see your logic, where would you use a static inline?
00:15.05cursorbut who uses that?
00:15.20km-do {}while is also very useful! :P
00:15.42wwkm- often gotos are to save typing - to do cleanup in case something fails in a long switch or loop or something.
00:15.50km-I will beat the head in of any advanced programming teacher who makes their students repeat the age-old mantra of "don't use gotos!"
00:15.58wwstatic inline saves typing as well...
00:16.12wwbut is much cleaner
00:16.16km-ww: ah, we've got a couple functions in our product at work where using goto is necessary to save mounds of excess code
00:16.32km-having to do with low-level keyboard entry
00:16.47n00dleDoes sipgate interface with IAXtel or FWD?
00:16.51km-a good programmer knows when goto is right, and will use it
00:16.53km-it's the tao of programming
00:17.08wwsure. but it is often used wrongly.
00:17.14km-this is also true
00:17.15nitramn00dle: yes, they do
00:17.20cursorand a bad programmer will use goto all the time, out of lazyness :-)
00:17.24robl^goto-s are valid.. but can be easily abused.. and can turn source code into shomething very difficult for a human to maintain
00:17.29km-I do not condone beginning users using goto to excess
00:17.45hmodesoh wait, just a goto..  false alarm
00:17.45cursorbut it's true - goto is sometimes useful
00:17.47km-but I also do not condone the methodology of teachers penalizing legitimate uses of goto
00:17.55km-hmodes: hahaha, how's it going hunter
00:17.57nitramn00dle: they also interface with iptel and sipphone
00:18.09hmodesjava is bad, newjob is good
00:18.13hmodesi must have it!
00:18.16km-hmodes: didja get the new job?
00:18.23km-hmodes: by the way, java isn't that bad either! :P
00:18.30hmodesthe inteview went smashingly, i din't have an offer yet tho
00:18.32km-god, I'm such an MIS whore
00:18.41hmodesno no no, java is bad
00:18.42km-I can't believe I'm even a linux user
00:18.46hmodesit's been six years
00:18.51hmodesi've seen nothing but BAD java
00:18.55cursorone day at a time
00:19.01km-well, java itself is inherently crap
00:19.03hmodesat this point i don't think anyone can convince me it isn't the devil
00:19.07km-it's useful sometimes
00:19.08nitramn00dle: i have just sipgate and iaxtel so far
00:19.17hmodesyeah, when perl isn't installed ;p
00:19.19km-new ServerSocket(22) -- instant fake ssh! :P
00:19.44pros12NOOdle hope i didnt over dose you earlyer
00:19.54km-hmodes: you know, we need to start an old man's club, you know, like shriners or the elks, but only admit geeks
00:20.10km-hmodes: and we can all sit around the bar at our lodge laughing about crappy java and gotos
00:20.11robl^the penguins?
00:20.22km-benevolent order of penguins
00:20.29n00dlepros12: No prob... I don't have much time during the day to play with * yet... until it becomes an official project at work, that is.
00:20.39km-I got invited to join the trenton elks lodge
00:20.56km-I said "what do you guys do?"  and he's like "drink.  Act like we help the community.  Drink some more"
00:21.02hmodeshrmm, 1/15/04 and firmware 3.0 still causes issues with my ata calling a 7960
00:21.31pros12ya i hear ya. but thanks for looking at it
00:22.30cursorTime to go
00:22.37km-later cursor
00:22.59km-hmodes: dude, I'm serious, I wonder what permits you have to have to start an adult fraternity! hehe
00:24.19n00dlenitram: Is sipgate free?
00:25.24hmodesalchohol license is key no doubt
00:25.32nitramyou get a phone number in duesseldorf, germany or london,UK
00:25.52nitramincoming sip calls are free
00:26.08nitramyou can buy credit and then call the world via them
00:27.47hmodesthe black grandstream almost doesn't make me want to instantly destroy it
00:27.49km-hmodes: it'd be like a real life orkut
00:28.01km-hunter nooooO!!! no budgettone
00:28.16hmodeswell obviously
00:28.20km-hmodes: I'll sell ya one of these 7905s!
00:28.25*** join/#asterisk natas802 (
00:28.25bkw_km- and orkut isn't?
00:28.39hmodesorkut orkut orkut!
00:28.47bkw_cot cepstral voices working with asterisk
00:28.51km-bkw: no, I mean, like, a real life get together orkut, as opposed to having a bazillion friends you've never actually met face to face
00:29.06km-hmodes: hehehe. iNSA. :P
00:29.10denonbkw: get it in cvs :)
00:29.10bkw_we all call in
00:29.37bkw_denon the next cepstral will be socket based so we can get app_cepstral in cvs using that
00:29.44bkw_since we won't have to deal with external dependancies
00:29.48km-cepstra is a hack of festival right?
00:29.59bkw_the guys that did festival == cepstral
00:30.03bkw_that Frank voice
00:30.07bkw_thats the guy I talked to today
00:30.13bkw_its his voice that was the template for that
00:30.25km-ooh, can we all do templates?
00:30.27hmodesor creepy, whichever
00:30.35bkw_km- cepstral can do custom voices
00:30.36km-I want bkw's a-touch-affeminate voice on my pbx
00:30.48bkw_km- send me a script
00:30.54bkw_I will record filez for jew
00:30.57fileGypsies Tramps and Thieves darn it!
00:31.16bkw_hmodes hahahah so true
00:31.20*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
00:31.21km-naturalvoice: can we hook that up to asterisk? :)
00:31.30bkw_I want an aussie accent on my PBX
00:31.35hmodesnot in any sort of interactive manner km
00:31.35bkw_did you guys see the asty?
00:31.38km-bkw: I'm trying to figure out how to make the calling card AGI better
00:31.44bkw_km- write it in C
00:31.45hmodesit makes for _nice_ prompts tho
00:31.49km-bkw: hmmm
00:31.51km-bkw: good idea
00:31.52bkw_the asty
00:31.55bkw_did you see it?
00:32.01km-I should finish my C++ bindings for agi
00:32.11bkw_your asterisk server on IRC
00:32.13hmodesif someone made naturalvoice and viavoice play with * i would hump them silly
00:32.18bkw_anthm has his asterisk server on IRC
00:32.20bkw_via res_perl
00:32.25bkw_he can command it from IRC
00:32.28km-bah more perl bullshit
00:32.33hmodesit would be almost worth having a windows vox serber around for
00:32.36filesomebody dial FWD 61140, extension 147 and tell me how bad the music is sounding
00:33.08bkw_perl is kewl
00:33.14bkw_but having perl liv inside asterisk is nice
00:33.22bkw_the asty is running in a thread inside of asterisk
00:33.24bkw_talking to IRC
00:33.39bkw_anthm does some CRAZY shit
00:33.48bkw_imagine CVS bug sessions
00:33.54bkw_commanding the asterisk server to link people in
00:33.55pros12nice music File:   it was just a busy signal.. lol
00:33.56bkw_and out of the conf
00:33.56dantfile, music?
00:33.59km-so, asty is his codename for the IRC asterisk thingie?
00:34.01pros12the 147 ext:
00:34.16filewell if somebody is already listening, it'll be busy
00:34.23dantfile, I dial 147 and after 1 sec it hangs up
00:34.42fileokay, try again - I've got my asterisk console open
00:34.45hmodes<-- dialplan apparantley prevents anything 6xx*
00:34.55hmodes'unforseen consequences'
00:35.08bkw_km- yes
00:35.10bkw_its the code name
00:35.13bkw_sounds like nasty
00:35.16pros12i add 7 for anything FWD
00:35.27dantpros12, me too
00:35.32hmodesi was trying to avoid prefixes
00:35.45hmodesguess i'll have to accept them at some pizoint
00:35.48filewho's on?
00:35.54dantfile, I was just trying
00:36.10km-hmodes: are you kidding, I've got like all the prefixes taken
00:36.18km-hmodes: I've got to move to two digit prefixes sooon!
00:36.24n00dleNot too bad... a few skips.
00:36.30hmodesso far i've managed to use no prefixes
00:36.36hmodesand this is the first it has caused problems
00:36.40bkw_hmodes you can't avoid prefixes
00:36.45filen00dle: suggestions?
00:36.45bkw_trust me dude
00:36.45bkw_I have tried
00:36.57hmodeswell i could just not call anyone in fwd 60k range ;p
00:37.00dantI prefix everything
00:37.24n00dlefile: How big's your pipe to the 'net?
00:37.29filen00dle: 640kbps out
00:37.56dantgot 5 new 7940s today
00:37.58bkw_w00t w00t w00t
00:38.02bkw_dant kewl
00:38.44dantjust waiting on the power cubes
00:38.48km-how do you configure cvs to use ssh again?
00:38.48dantsupplier let me down on them
00:39.07dantstuck with just the one from my 7960
00:39.08n00dlefile: well, traceroute from here shows I was going out to FWD through my 6Mbps pipe...
00:39.21natas802Is it possible to setup asterisk with just an ethernet port for Voip convos?
00:39.23hmodesi must have 48v power!
00:39.30dantnatas802, yep
00:39.36filenatas802: most certainly
00:39.48n00dle...but I have my GS/BT101 behind NAT and STUNned through
00:39.50natas802alright i got it installed and everything i just need to configure it now i guess
00:39.57filen00dle: ic
00:39.58*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ ( the path could be rather complex.
00:40.31filecould be the CPU... 'tis only a Pentium Pro 200MHz with 128MB of RAM
00:40.55n00dleAh... that could be a thing to look at.
00:41.13filealthough my P75 an decode MP3s using mpg123 at stereo quality... :\
00:41.21fileand I have this MP3 encoded at 24kbps
00:41.40natas802will asterisk already be setup to use my ethernet port or do i have to edit it into a conf file?
00:41.55n00dlefile: How about transcoding the stored file to gsm to ease the load?
00:42.04ManxPowernatas802, You have a LOT of configuration to do anytime you install Asterisk
00:42.05filen00dle: that's what I forgot to do!
00:42.14natas802yeah i noticed....
00:42.37damin"Dr. Mr. Boehnlein; I am a Microsoft Certified Professional pursuing my MCSE and my purpose in writing you is to..." DELETE
00:43.04fileEnd of line.
00:43.41bkw_If I had a MCSE I wouldn't go around telling people abou tit
00:43.53dougheckaabou tit!!!!!
00:44.00daminAhhh.. No end of entertainment from the "" email address..
00:44.00dougheckaI hate abou tits
00:44.14hmodeshrmm, time for a nap methinks
00:44.20bkw_damin my resume isn't impressive at all
00:44.29hmodesi've all sorts of got to be up from 12-6
00:44.30damin"Dr. Mr. MCSE. Go Away and stop sending me Email".
00:44.33bkw_my work exp. will knock jor socks off
00:44.41hmodesand pull a new dns system out of my nether-regions!
00:44.44hmodesthat should be fun
00:45.35daminHe sent me his "Website":
00:45.59damin<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"
00:46.28daminUhh.. Right.. I'll hire you.. Obviously, your skills with HTML are beyond my understanding. :)
00:46.33bkw_damin bet he had a cover letter too didn't he
00:46.47dougheckacover letter is sucky
00:46.52*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:46.56dougheckaYO MOC!
00:47.01Mochi doughecka
00:47.06dougheckawhos dhar?
00:47.07n00dlefile: Let me know when your test is ready.
00:47.12filen00dle: aye
00:47.30bkw_OMG that HTML is evil
00:47.39bkw_damin did you go check his site.. its bad
00:47.41bkw_really really bad
00:47.50bkw_hell my site blows but shit its 10000 times better than his
00:47.54daminSo.. You guys think a P-III-733 w/ 512 megs of ram would handle 10 concurrent SIP to PSTN terminations?
00:48.10daminbkw_: Yes.. awful. :)
00:48.29daminbkw_: Particularly entertaining was his Resume.. Look under the Education section.
00:48.44dougheckaat least it opens in mozilla
00:49.03*** join/#asterisk okrumm (~okrumm@
00:49.29bkw_damin I only have a GED
00:49.32dougheckahigh skool
00:49.36bkw_but I have klue!
00:49.43bkw_spelling it wrong on purpose
00:50.00dougheckaits spelt wright aint it?
00:50.01daminbkw_: No matter. You aren't a clueless idiot.
00:50.07bkw_so true
00:50.07dougheckahe isnt?
00:50.17daminWell.. he could be..
00:50.56bkw_doughecka how many patches have you commited to asterisk?
00:51.14bkw_ok lets count mine.. oh wait its too damn many to even count
00:51.19dougheckapatches 14002, 24023, and 43660
00:51.20*** join/#asterisk Keso (~kddand@
00:51.23daminbkw_: My point about his Education section was not that he didn't go to College, but more to the point that if he's taken all of these certifications (CompTia, A+, MSCE) it would be an appropriate place to list them.
00:51.40dougheckanaturly asterisk hasnt gotten to that point yet, so when it does, I will apply said patches
00:51.55bkw_damin so true
00:52.00daminbkw_: Everytime we post for a position I get the "joy" of reviewing resumes, and quite frankly, I've seen good ones and bad ones. ;) His fits into the later category.
00:52.10dougheckadamin: indeed
00:52.16km-I need to find myself a new job
00:52.26dougheckakm-: what certs do ya have?
00:52.27bkw_I love my job
00:52.31km-doughecka: LPI
00:52.32bkw_I have ZERO cets
00:52.34bkw_er certs
00:52.37pros12wish i had a job.. lol
00:52.40bkw_well I have my birth cert
00:52.46dougheckaand driver cert
00:52.47km-doughecka: linux professional institute
00:52.51dougheckakm-: cool
00:53.02km-doughecka: it's what IBM requires for you to be an ibm certifier linux business partner
00:53.04*** join/#asterisk p0si (
00:53.09km-which I am
00:53.26bkw_i'm certifiabl
00:53.37km-bkw: dude.  Raytracing is hard.
00:53.50km-bkw: povray is like attempting to sharpen my dick in an electric pencil sharpener!
00:54.16Mocyes raytracing is fun ;)
00:54.29MocI played a while ago with povray and it great..
00:54.31n00dleTime for me to go bowling and try to hit on someone else's boyfriend. *EvilGrin(TM)*
00:54.38Mocmy big problem was with making Animations
00:54.43km-n00dle: ooh, you're bad!
00:54.48*** part/#asterisk p0si (
00:54.54km-n00dle: besides, that's brians job
00:55.05n00dleHeh... well, wish me luck anyway.
00:55.13km-here's hoping you get a 300
00:55.15*** join/#asterisk p0si (
00:55.56km-my wife is watching blow with her friend in the other room
00:56.07km-so I'm pretty much holed up here in the control center
00:56.10n00dlekm-: Thanks.
00:56.23km-n00dle: np!
00:56.30km-I need to find a copy of rollercoaster tycoon
00:56.40bkw_km- i just threw one of those away
00:56.48km-bitch :P
00:56.59bkw_I have 10 of those damn thing
00:57.02bkw_get it off kazza
00:57.39robl^this is bad!  I had a pizza delivered.  While I was taking cash out of my wallet, the pizza guy asked if I "saw Janet"
00:57.42km-I should start playing black and white again
00:57.48km-robl: hahah
00:57.50bkw_robl^ hahahahahha
00:57.53bkw_robl^ told ya
00:57.55bkw_i'm sick of the boobs
00:58.03km-have some boobs baby!
00:58.26bkw_robl^ did you tell him you would have rather seen timerlakes penis?
00:58.27km-I'm thinking of buying lemonade stand
00:58.34dantseen more nudity on washing up liquid adverts
00:58.51daminbkw_: "Nothing going into stable will break anything else (or it shouldln't)" <- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :)
00:58.59robl^bkw_, I am sweet and innocent.  :)
00:59.25Kesohi, I have a quick question, yesterday I updated to lates CVS and now i am no able to received email notification anymore
00:59.29km-I dont want rollercoaster tycoon 2
00:59.31km-I want the original
00:59.41Kesois there any changes i have to do in voicemail.conf
01:00.25Kesodose any one facing this problem??
01:00.26daminKeso: I've not had that experience.
01:00.43daminKeso: What is your mailer? Sendmail? Qmail? Postfix? Exim?
01:00.45Kesoi checked sendmail is working
01:00.57Kesoit is sendmail
01:01.28daminapp_voicemail.c:#define SENDMAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
01:01.38daminIs it /usr/sbin/sendmail on your system?
01:01.47bkw_accually you can configure it now I think
01:02.00bkw_#define SENDMAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
01:02.05robl^speaking of voicemail, did you finish the über VM?
01:02.13bkw_Default mail command to mail voicemail. Change it with the
01:02.32bkw_robl^ ya let me just pull that out of my ass really fast
01:02.51bkw_robl^ I think i'm going to do it using res_perl to demo that complex apps can be written in perl
01:02.56daminWhile your in there, maybe you can get the DNS server for Hmpdes.. :)