irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040203

00:00.00HenryTheBIGmarlowe: I must add the extension on extensions.conf?
00:00.04marlowehenry: create a meetme number in meetme.conf and then in use the meetme application to call that meetme #
00:00.11marlowecorrect, then just dial into that extension
00:00.17marlowetheoretically it works altho mine doesnt :)
00:00.35HenryTheBIGlet me try
00:01.34Corydon-wmarlowe:  or just pass MeetMe(|d)
00:01.52marlowethat'll work too :)
00:02.08HenryTheBIGI just want to conference with 2 people in the same time :(
00:02.27HenryTheBIGand my Grandstream have a such a button "CONFERENCE"
00:02.41marlowei wish my grandstream would get here
00:03.50shagwell_.223' timed out, trying again
00:03.50shagwell_Feb  3 01:03:23 WARNING[98311]: chan_sip.c:471 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 074b06
00:03.50shagwell_4d1f78a9a31754960967b8ea63@ for seqno 103 (Request)
00:04.23marlowei keep getting cant open pseudo channel when i try to join my conference and get invalid conference message
00:04.42KillerBeewho has work for an overpaid consultant .......
00:04.45geertnshagwell_: What does a "sip debug" tell you? Is it trying to retransmit to a NAT IP Address?
00:05.15KillerBeeor more percisly who want to PAY an overpaid consultant?
00:05.20HenryTheBIGmy meetme dosen't work
00:05.22marloweWhen you find out KillerBee let me know
00:05.44HenryTheBIGI transfer the call to 123 like in meetme.conf and is just on hold
00:05.51KillerBeewell then lets find somone who wants to pay 2 overpaid consultants
00:05.54HenryTheBIGlost somewhere in the Asterisk
00:05.54marloweBecause there are no other users
00:06.13marloweTry transffering two ppl in at the same time
00:06.15marloweit'll probably work
00:06.45KillerBeeshagwell_ what do you want.. us all to call 92253?
00:06.47marloweyeah lol
00:06.48marloweim tired
00:06.55marloweI'm typing as little as possible
00:07.01shagwell_no thanks it a sample setup
00:07.03marloweHave two people join the conference, see if that works
00:07.28marloweFrom what i just read make sure you have a blank line at the bottom of meetme.conf (why?) i dont know
00:08.05HenryTheBIGI have
00:09.07HenryTheBIGI have that blank line...
00:09.13marloweso it doesnt work ?:)
00:09.29marlowewhat happens?
00:09.37HenryTheBIGthe same
00:09.42marloweyou hear on hold music?
00:10.09HenryTheBIGwhen I transfer to my meetme ext. (123) the call is on hold and nothing...
00:10.18marlowewhat does the console say?
00:10.30HenryTheBIGis on hold
00:10.40marloweWhat's your statement in extensions.conf?
00:11.02HenryTheBIGI must setup on my extension.conf?
00:11.29marloweextension => <extnumber>,1,MeetMe(|d)
00:12.09marlowereload config, dial extension.. it'll ask for conferencen umber and password.
00:12.28Carlos_Latinonewbie poll: what would be in your opinion the best distro to run asterisk on? debian, rh, other?
00:12.43*** join/#asterisk km- (
00:12.49marloweafter adding a conference to meetme.conf make sure you restart asterisk, a simple reload wont do
00:12.53HenryTheBIGlet me try
00:12.59marloweWhy doesn't conference YYYY work in MeetMe?
00:12.59marloweIf you define new conferences in meetme.conf you need to restart Asterisk, not only reload configuration. Also, MeetMe conferencing needs support of a zaptel timer to work, otherwise you'll get the error message "this is not a valid conference number" even if you have configured everything correct. Also, make sure you have at least one blank line at the bottom of your meetme.conf.
00:14.03marloweAnyone live in NJ want to sell a sip phone that I can pick up now? :)
00:14.12*** join/#asterisk shagwell_ (
00:14.20km-marlowe: where in NJ are ya?
00:14.24Carlos_Latinocould someone please help ?
00:14.25HenryTheBIGis working my meetme.
00:14.29marlowePrinceton now
00:14.31marloweLive in Marlboro
00:14.41km-I live in montco, suburbs of philly
00:14.47km-about an hour away
00:14.59km-my dad lives in ewing, right outside of trenton
00:15.04marloweYeah i know ewing
00:15.10marloweUsed to live in hamilton, right outside of trenton :L)
00:15.15marloweHamilton is the nice way of saying trenton
00:15.44marlowekram, make asterisk play an audio file when using agentcallbacklogin before pressing # please :)
00:15.49marloweHenry: Have fun
00:15.59km-my cat just farted and jesus christ
00:16.15Carlos_Latinonewbie poll: what would be in your opinion the best distro to run asterisk on? debian, rh, other?
00:16.22HenryTheBIGmarlowe: Thanks... you 2
00:16.32marloweCarlos: I personally think RH.
00:16.41jensdbare forward sip til den - men du skal 'vistnok' ogsaa saette noget 'externip=<din externe ip>'
00:16.59Carlos_Latino0,1 to RH
00:17.49marloweWe might start servicing some areas in philly.
00:18.08marloweA lot of businesses there
00:19.21*** join/#asterisk aye_ (
00:19.33marlowehow do you dial australia from the us
00:19.34*** part/#asterisk aye_ (
00:19.44marloweill just call the opeartor
00:19.50marlowei wonder what time it is there