irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040131

00:00.02*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Asterisk: Empowering you to kick the Internet Generation's butt!
00:00.14ManxPowern00dle, I normally have it set to 7d, but for now it's 5h
00:00.38n00dleThat's the default.  I'm going to switch it down tonight... my spool's getting cluttered. :(
00:01.00bkw_n00dle i'm going to change that to 6 hours
00:01.05bkw_n00dle what conf file?
00:01.31*** join/#asterisk kin_b0n|laptop (~kin_bon@
00:01.32ManxPowern00dle, Apparently in the most recent Postfix Snapshot you can set max queue times for bounces to be different from all other messages in the queue
00:01.34n00dlebkw_: for me, /usr/local/etc/postfix/
00:01.43ManxPowerbkw_, /etc/postfix/
00:02.09bkw_I found it
00:02.39km-what chipset does the x100p have over the x101p?
00:03.10bkw_oh sweet jesus
00:03.14bkw_I think that fixed it
00:03.31Mocthere should be a like option while I liscing to MOH to press * hand have the song name being told to me by festival
00:03.54km-moc: oh dear lord
00:04.18km-moc: we're not running sony records here!
00:04.21Mocmaybe be Telephone MP3 store, that you liscen on the phone, and when ordered, you receive the song via email or a access code on the web page..
00:04.36Mockm-: I got that option when my pocket PC now ..
00:04.47MocI tell him What song is this ?  and it tell me the current song
00:04.51n00dleAnyone want to try a call to my FWD number to see if I've got it configured right on my * machine?
00:05.10km-n00dle: what's the number?
00:05.38bkw_whats the quickest way to have postfix dump the mail when the host isn't found
00:05.45bkw_this thing is wasting alot of time on crap
00:05.52km-n00dle: getting anything?
00:06.04Mocmaking stop now to * make firefly to crash !!!
00:06.06km-I left you a voicemail I think
00:06.48loko-mokodoes nufone have any type of call reporting ready yet
00:06.55n00dlekm-: No, it's spewed a bunch of errors on the console... time to dig and find out what I've bollixed.
00:06.56km-I dunno
00:07.02km-n00dle: fun!
00:07.07km-bkw: guess what I'm getting!
00:08.09km-ok, fine, dont guess!
00:08.30km-oh yeah baby, asterisk on OS X
00:08.34n00dlekm-: Jeez... typoed my own number in the extensions.conf. 1 more time?