irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040122

00:02.16*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
00:07.12*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
00:07.37fonzaiall so quiet. anyone?
00:10.01Lance123goodevening everyone
00:11.25dianahello Lance123
00:12.10Lance123Hi, I was starting to think my breath must stink or something :)  haa
00:14.01Lance123I haven't gotten any emails regarding my plans for my stdexten macro so I guess I'll start writing it.  It's posted here if anyone has a minute to look at it and give me soome feedback.
00:14.22*** join/#asterisk chrisbrown (
00:14.42chrisbrowncan anyone give me a hand with a problem with CID?
00:15.32dianaLance123 > plz explain me
00:16.36crontibsJan 21 19:15:22 NOTICE[1175706416]: chan_iax2.c:4622 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0x7fffffff incompatible  with our capability 0x0.
00:16.36crontibsanyone getting this voicepulse
00:16.36crontibswhen you get calls in
00:16.54Lance123diana, what do you mean ?
00:18.11*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
00:18.18dianaLance123 > what do you intend to build?
00:18.40Lance123this is going to be the stdexten macro
00:18.52Lance123to handle calls when they are
00:19.03Lance123routed to an extension
00:19.23c4uldr0nis FWD hard to configure with incoming and or outgoing?
00:19.32c4uldr0nwith asterisk I mean ;)
00:20.01Lance123I used to have only 4 or 5 lines for the stdexten macro
00:20.08Lance123ring phone(s)
00:20.23Lance123busy => got busy voicemail
00:20.34dianaLance123 > priv plz
00:20.40Lance123unavail goto unavail voicemail
00:22.03*** join/#asterisk Robot1 (
00:24.23*** join/#asterisk n00dle (~ccraft@
00:25.37crontibsanyone know if voicepulse allows g729 calls
00:25.39crontibson there system
00:25.56*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (~gunk@
00:25.57sumathey allow only the listed protocols on their website
00:26.30sumawho voiceage ?
00:27.00sumawhy so ?
00:27.12km-their support sucks
00:27.25km-I've tried e-mailing them like 4 times
00:27.29km-I only received a reply for the first one
00:27.32km-I've been ignored since!
00:28.05km-and it's not like I'm some bastard idiot, I was asking them for an ETA on my DID's but nope, no e-mails returned
00:28.18crontibsSuma where did yo see that
00:28.24km-it took them over a week to get my DID working, even though it was technically "Active" the first day, it's like they had to "get around to it"
00:28.43km-I'd much rather pay more money to nufone because I know I get service/support
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk token (
00:29.10crontibsYeah Nufone much better
00:29.15crontibsand i hear
00:29.23crontibswill start offering iax2 sip  
00:29.32crontibswith some did's
00:29.42*** join/#asterisk argerus (
00:30.25tokenAnyone KNow how to get Conf working on SIP Phone that has 6.1 on it?
00:31.47*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (~gunk@
00:32.31argerusIf I get a Wildcard x100p, is it possible to answer incoming voip calls, with a analog phone? that is: is it possible for x100p to make my analog phones ring?
00:32.48YoYo^no, you need the TDM400P for that
00:33.05YoYo^x100p is for plugging a telephone line into your * server
00:33.10Legendx100p is an FXO device, you need an FXS device
00:33.15YoYo^tdm400 is for plugging a telephone
00:33.26*** join/#asterisk jim123 (~jim123@
00:33.44argerusso x100p is like a specialized modem?
00:33.55km-the X100P is technically a voice modem, yes
00:33.56YoYo^x100p /is/ a modem
00:34.18YoYo^intel modem with an ambient chip
00:34.33YoYo^PCI ID is changed and there's a couple components that are different
00:35.32YoYo^j35, please don't msg people unless they ask you to
00:35.59km-no doubt it was the "What model modem is that?"
00:36.09j35nah i already know that
00:36.12km-"I want to buy a whole bunch and thwart the digium bastards!"
00:36.12c4uldr0ncan you park a call with X-lite?
00:36.13tokenAnyone Know about Version 6.1 Cisco Firmware and how to Conference with it
00:36.30tokenfor 79XX
00:36.41c4uldr0nor can you park a call with a software phone?
00:36.49tokenAnyone Having Trouble with that Version Firmware?
00:37.07km-c4uldr0n: your dial statements, does it have "Tt" in the arguments?
00:37.23km-or is it just t or T one or the other or both
00:37.26YoYo^ok... time to get this fedora/yum shit off my box and go back to RH8
00:37.28c4uldr0nhrMm, guess not
00:37.45c4uldr0nin which statements does this go? (which conf file)
00:38.24pros12transfer the call to parking
00:38.37pros12same as any other phone
00:38.47c4uldr0nholy poop on a stick km- ;)
00:40.23*** join/#asterisk abcd (
00:40.46c4uldr0nwhere would I put the "Tt" arguments?
00:40.50Mucklwhen i want to connect 2 *'s via IAX, i use "trunk=yes" in iax.conf, right?
00:41.13*** join/#asterisk mags (
00:41.26*** part/#asterisk mags (
00:42.45km-x-lite pound transfer works fine for me
00:42.48*** join/#asterisk abcd (
00:43.05Mucklby the way: how can i detatch from the asterisk CLI without shutting it down with "stop now" ?
00:43.05*** join/#asterisk abcd (
00:43.46c4uldr0nkm-: where does the "Tt" argument go, which config, after which command
00:44.08km-c4uldr0n: in extensions.conf, in your dial statement that you use to reach a particular place:
00:44.18c4uldr0nwhat about incoming?
00:45.02km-Dial(Zap/1|60|Ttr) says, dial zap/1 for 60 seconds, where both parties can transfer the call and the caller hears ringing
00:45.21c4uldr0ngot it ;)
00:46.34km-yeah, nothing can happen with connecting one party to another without a Dial() existing somewhere
00:46.44*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
00:46.55km-unless you're using agents or callbacks, I think
00:47.19c4uldr0nif I have a client calling me with dial(sip/me,15,Ttr)... would they be able to transfer me?
00:47.26c4uldr0nI want to make sure that doesn't happen
00:47.37km-they'd be able to transfer you
00:47.41km-remove the little t, I think
00:47.43km-lemme double check
00:48.05km-so yeah, remove the little t
00:48.26_Eagle_remove the big T
00:48.39km-that goes directly against the document
00:48.44_Eagle_if the client is calling him, the client is the calling party
00:49.27km-that's right!
00:49.28km-it's switched for incoming, since the client is the caller
00:49.28km-damned pedantic semantics
00:49.28bkw_did you guys realise that all the lettered extensions spell out s, h, i, t = start, hangup, invalid, timeout
00:49.28sumacan anyone suggest me an fxo device without computer
00:49.28km-and o
00:49.36argerusdoes anybody know if the tdm400p and/or x100p is supported on openbsd?
00:49.38bkw_whats o?
00:49.39_Eagle_bkw:  hmmm..  sounds appropriate
00:49.52km-if the o, context is in the context where voicemail is called
00:49.56km-dialing 0 from the voicemail app
00:49.58km-will dial the o, context
00:50.09bkw_OH really
00:50.13c4uldr0nso for incoming calls, "T", for outgoing calls remove the "t" ?
00:50.14bkw_kewl didn't realize that
00:50.21km-lemme demonstrate! :P
00:50.27bkw_also we have T for absolutetimeout
00:50.58_Eagle_dont forget fax
00:50.59Mucklhmmm how can i call into an asterisk box into a specific context? e.g. some phones should call into a toll-free context within the target asterisk and some shouldnt
00:51.09km-ofshitT :P
00:51.16bkw_whats f
00:52.01*** join/#asterisk IronHelixz (
00:52.13*** join/#asterisk abcdef (
00:52.17bkw_f, or fax
00:52.18*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
00:52.48km-if you hit 0 during voicemail
00:52.51km-and o, is set
00:52.59bkw_good to know
00:53.05km-exten => s,103,Hangup
00:53.05km-exten => o,1,Goto(operator,s,1)
00:53.16km-where operator,s,1 is the macro-call all-ring
00:54.00km-bkw: see, we learn something new every day!
00:54.12c4uldr0nkm-: one of my outgoing is ---> exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
00:54.19*** join/#asterisk alex-home (
00:54.29c4uldr0nkm-: would I change it to ---> exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1},,Tr)
00:54.30*** join/#asterisk aaabbbccc (
00:54.41km-c4uldr0n: yeah
00:54.45c4uldr0nwoot, k
00:54.46km-putting a timeout in is good, btw
00:54.57km-i.e., 17 seconds for about 4 rings
00:55.04c4uldr0nbut why would I want to timeout a call I'm making?
00:55.13*** part/#asterisk Lance123 (
00:55.25km-if you had busy zap channels and didn't want someone to keep waiting forever
00:55.36km-most phones/cells answer after 4-6 rings anyway
00:55.41c4uldr0nk, note taken
00:55.41*** join/#asterisk madman (
00:55.46madmanBKW you there
00:56.10madmanCan you give me a helpful hint on Conference with Cisco 7900 phones
00:56.22km-c4uldr0n: if you had just 1 FXO in zap/g1, your dials would fail until that one person waiting for the 50th ring finally gives up :P
00:57.26km-digium needs to have a garage sale!
00:59.05c4uldr0nheh... I have 2 FXO's ;) but still, not taken
00:59.05madmanAnyone? Help?
00:59.12*** join/#asterisk robguy (
00:59.44c4uldr0nbesides parking a call, can you transfer directly to someones extension?
00:59.51robguyanyone will to give me a hand?  i'm having a problem with incomming caller*id.
01:00.18c4uldr0nhow, heh
01:00.36c4uldr0nI'm curious to transfer directly into a mailbox too
01:00.43madmanCisco 7900 Conference feature
01:01.07c4uldr0nI got my call parking working, w00h00
01:01.20tessierIs there any way to see who is dialied into my incoming line on asterish? ie. the phone number? Show channels doesn't list the phone number.
01:01.56c4uldr0nbkw_: can you transfer a call already picked up, directly to an extension/voicemail ?
01:02.01Mucklwhat does an IAX2 REJECT with the cause "CAUSE           : No authority found" mean? what does is need to work correct?
01:02.06c4uldr0nsimilar to parking?
01:02.40km-sure you can transfer a call that's already picked up to an extension
01:03.59madmanOK here is my nightmare.  I call someone then someone calls me while I am talking and I can't conference cisco 7960?
01:04.21bkw_hold on
01:04.36bkw_put the call on hold
01:04.41bkw_press new call
01:04.44bkw_the dial again
01:04.44*** join/#asterisk nikhil (~nikhil@
01:04.49bkw_er new line
01:04.51bkw_then new call
01:05.02madmanbkw what if I am on call then someone calls in on second line
01:05.08madmanhow do I conference them
01:05.21madmanall of us
01:05.22nikhildoes anyone know if the fxo cards on eBay are actually any good, they are going for like $25 now (
01:05.52bkw_you can't
01:05.54madmanIs it possible?
01:05.56bkw_you only can do two calls
01:06.01bkw_if you need more
01:06.04bkw_use meetme
01:06.13madmanwell it is only two callers
01:06.14km-nikhil: buy from digium.  
01:06.28Tarowhats meetme?
01:06.33madmanso If I am on the line and then someone calls me on the other line I can't conference them
01:06.40nikhilkm-: i would but this is a personal hobby and i can't afford the difference
01:06.44bkw_nikhil buy from digium
01:06.47derrickbuy digium, support the revolution
01:06.56km-it's an expensive hobby
01:06.57madmanShould I transfer them to MEEETME then join in?
01:07.04km-amateur radio is a VERY expensive hobby
01:07.08km-but there are plenty of hams stuff
01:07.10derrickit's a hobby with a good cause
01:07.20zoajerjer here ?
01:07.25km-~seen jerjer
01:07.34jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 10h 53m 25s ago, saying: 'out'.
01:07.34zoaor anyone with cvs up axx ?
01:07.34km-he hasnt been around lately
01:07.41zoak thnx little bot
01:07.52km-wow, 5d and counting
01:07.55km-he must be at linuxworld
01:08.05km-I was going to go tomorrow, too
01:08.11bkw_~seen JerJer[NY]
01:08.12bkw_: i haven't seen 'jerjer[ny]'
01:08.16tclark~seen jerjer[NYC]
01:08.17jerjer[nyc] <~jj@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5h 6m 37s ago, saying: 'crontibs: we have them '.
01:08.19bkw_thats it
01:08.34km-ah, so he is at lwce
01:08.38bkw_so whats this thing digium is announcing at linux world thats so special
01:08.42bkw_I wish kram would get on here
01:08.49derrickthe iaxy, no?
01:08.49km-they're announcing something new!?
01:08.59km-fuck!  I've already cancelled my travel arrangements
01:09.25bkw_ya and kram wouldn't even tell me
01:09.28bkw_so its uber secret
01:09.45km-they're probably giving away te410p's
01:09.50zoahe must be gay
01:10.04c4uldr0nbkw_: I didn't catch the transfer of phone calls, sorry, did you mention how to do it?
01:10.57brc007come on...we know he told you!
01:11.06brc007spill it!
01:11.17brc007so the announcement is today?
01:11.18bkw_I HAVE NO CLUE
01:11.26bkw_I wish I knew
01:11.26brc007O K IF YOU SAY S O
01:11.32bkw_I know it has something to do with the aes code in cvs
01:11.36bkw_and its not part of asterisk
01:11.37brc007now you're making me wish I new
01:11.40bkw_but can be used with asterisk
01:11.40zoais it this week they will reveal the TE810p prototype ?
01:11.44brc007aes code....
01:11.46km-iax2 encryption?
01:11.48dianahi zoa
01:11.49brc007somebody tell me
01:11.50bkw_km- no
01:11.51zoahey diana
01:11.55brc007km..what's aes?
01:12.04dianazoa > can you ask the guys from laks about that watch?
01:12.05zoaa belgian invention :)
01:12.15zoai'll check tomorrow with my collegue diana
01:12.19zoait must be in his mailbox
01:12.22derricki saw that stuff in there...i'm quite happy with freeswan+x509 patches
01:12.24km-zoa: like waffles and french fries?
01:12.31zoayeah, like belgian fries
01:12.36brc007gah...I'm, lost
01:12.42km-shut up you dirty belgian
01:13.17km-zoa: I WAS JUST KIDDING!
01:13.44brc007*sigh* fine
01:13.48derrickno no, spoon fed please
01:13.59zoaan encryption thingie
01:14.10zoalike 3DES
01:14.14km-when I was your age I had a 2400 baud modem!  what's all this about spoon feeding
01:14.15derrickbut faster
01:14.16km-you've got fingers
01:14.16zoaand xor
01:14.19km-you've got google
01:14.23km-STFW! :P
01:14.32zoaW ?
01:14.39km-Search The Fucking Web
01:14.48derrickfidonet doesn't have anything tho
01:14.52km-mmm fidonet
01:14.58km-derrick: you know, fidonet is still alive!
01:15.02km-I was amazed to hear that
01:15.07brc007Audio Engineering Society (j/k)
01:15.09derrickyeah i've seen it pop up from time to time :)
01:15.26derrickthere are muds and bbs local in austin that are still up
01:15.28km-I'm addicted to tradewars
01:15.39zoadopewars ?
01:15.39derrickwhere ya at?
01:16.16km-oh yeah
01:16.40KiDMaGiCback when I was 12...
01:16.43KiDMaGiCthis was my ereet sysop name
01:16.53c4uldr0nkm-: do you know how to transfer calls? site example is possible ;)
01:16.55veneficusthen I changed to this nickname
01:17.01km-now I'm here!
01:17.20km-c4uldr0n: whatever context your sip phone is in, just hit # then the extension number, and voila!
01:17.36derrickshleestak was my initial.. and  (he should changed his passwd)
01:17.38km-derrick: too many people said "dude, I still remember you as kidmagic!  you must keep it somehow!"
01:17.51km-hence, km
01:18.06*** join/#asterisk c4uldr0n (
01:18.12derrickahh, you should tell them that the restraining orders prevent yuou from using "kid" and "magic" in the same sentence
01:18.17c4uldr0nblah, wth
01:18.24brc007is mark at linux world today?
01:18.30km-brc007: I believe he is
01:18.36*** join/#asterisk mvand (
01:19.13bkw_who just joined the conf?
01:19.18brc007not me
01:19.24km-bkw: not me
01:19.28km-bkw: are we having a call tonight?
01:19.40zigmanme :P
01:19.41derrickis it a sexy party?!
01:19.43km-bkw: I joined the other night
01:19.47km-bkw: from my celyphone
01:19.47derricklike stewy on family guy?
01:19.48zigmani'm i talking german ?
01:19.51zigmanthan its me :)
01:19.51*** join/#asterisk da-man-So (
01:19.52km-bkw: thinking you'd jump in
01:19.56km-bkw: but yah didn't!
01:20.11bkw_derrick depends are you cute?
01:20.22mvandbkw: Check this out:
01:20.33derrickhah, that's all relative :)
01:21.15brc007mvand: nice
01:21.32mvandbrc007: Looks a lot better than what I wrote
01:21.34bkw_derrick ok let me rephrase this.. DO YOU LIKE GUYS?
01:22.15flashanyone have a dlink voip unit yet?
01:22.20bkw_mvand what is this?
01:22.33derrickbkw, nope
01:22.38derrickflash, there's a dlink unit?
01:22.48derricki was expectin linksys/dlink this summer :\
01:22.48flashjust a sec I get url
01:22.50mvandbkw_: iaxphone is written by Steve Sokol.  He's been active on the iaxclient-devel list
01:22.53derrickthat's earlier than i guessed
01:23.01derrickthe bcp rfcs just hit like two weeks ago
01:23.01bkw_is it nice?
01:24.13derricki was thinkin sip
01:24.24flashit is sip
01:24.32mvandbkw_: I just downloaded it 1/2 hr ago.  Looks good in appearance (Of course _I_ think _mine_ looks best)  Its' appearance is much better than diax
01:25.02zigmanmvand win32 tool ?
01:25.09brc007mvand: what's the link to yours?
01:25.25brc007mozilla decided to delete all my bookmarks this morning :'(
01:25.40mvandbkw_:  Initial thoughts: negatives are fixed number of calls, fixed number of speed dials, not skinable, no minimize to systray.  All are minor nits.
01:26.01brc007$155 for dlink phone
01:26.21bkw_mvand no HOLD BUTTON
01:26.23bkw_no go
01:26.34bkw_this is the guy that wrote the thing that fucks up my screen
01:26.35mvandbrc007: precompiled binaries at
01:26.38bkw_the astman thingy for indows
01:26.45*** join/#asterisk voip (
01:27.01flashthey are not sip are they?
01:27.01*** join/#asterisk argerus (
01:27.06c4uldr0nkm-: I got transfer to work, X-lite doesn't have a *flash* button, but SJPhone does
01:27.23km-use the # to transfer
01:27.25mvandbkw_: I only put in a hold button as a user request.  I don't think you need one:  just select another line and the current one goes on hold.
01:28.03derrickRecent changes include:
01:28.09derrickA working Hold button.
01:28.27mvandbrc007: iaxcomm sources are part of the iaxclient CVS sources
01:28.49brc007what's wrong with a hold button?...
01:28.51mvandderrick: My client (iaxcomm) has a working hold button.  Steve Sokol's iaxphone might not (I need to check)
01:29.07derrickahh, ok, i think i pasted fromyour page then
01:29.32c4uldr0nkm-: heh, # works in X-lite... I thought # was only for parking ;)
01:29.41km-go figure
01:29.43km-iaxclient sucks :P
01:29.50bkw_mvand yes you need to have a hold button
01:30.03km-bkw: I left you! noo
01:30.05bkw_mvand also this phone SUCKS ASS
01:30.12mvandbrc007: You really only need it if ALL of your lines are in use.  Otherwise select a free line and the active call goes on hold.
01:30.38c4uldr0nwell, I have to go home for the night
01:30.45c4uldr0nyou boyz and girlz have fun
01:31.11c4uldr0nand thank you EVERYBODY for your help today, especially km- and bkw_ ;)
01:31.21mvandkm: It seems to work OK for four different applications.
01:31.46mvandbkw_: You don't like iaxphone?
01:31.55bkw_mvand eww no nasty
01:31.58*** join/#asterisk argerus (
01:32.17mvandbkw: features or appearance?
01:32.22*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:33.22mvandbkw:  Although I like mine better, I think iaxphone looks (almost as) good.  What's wrong with iaxphone?  (So maybe I move a different direction)_
01:34.28mvandbkw: By the way, I know one of your concerns is window size.  Try the mini-mode
01:34.41bkw_you have a mini-mode?
01:34.49bkw_does iaxcomm have tha tnow?
01:35.03zoawhat is y ours mvand ?
01:35.10bkw_mini-mode.. is that like mini-me
01:35.33zoai tried that last week
01:35.37zoadidnt seem to do shit for me :)
01:35.42zoaserver never showed a thing
01:35.59bkw_mvand can you make it have a hotkey to bring iaxcomm forward?
01:36.03bkw_that would be really handy
01:36.06mvandbkw_:  I can remove the keypad just like iaxphone.  Just need to change the rc files.   Hold on....
01:36.40zoamvand: include something to change volume of speaker + recorder + ringtone
01:36.57*** join/#asterisk argerus (
01:37.00derrickhave you windowmanager alter your mixer device
01:37.05derrickthen it works for all apps
01:38.03zoano no no
01:38.11zoaits not usefull like that for a callcenter agent
01:38.40derrickdo any call centers use soft agents?
01:38.54zoamine does
01:39.03derrickwhat os?
01:39.08zoaatm windows
01:39.13zoabut trying to change to debian
01:39.14derrickhow many humans?
01:39.24zoaabout 300
01:39.32derrickneat, what sorta call center?
01:39.52zoathe whole shit
01:40.00zoaaverage callcenter
01:40.03derricktech support or sales or info or wha?
01:40.06derrickall sorts i guess then
01:40.09zoaall sorts
01:40.26derrickmany years ago i worked for a call center like that...did tech support and sales support for ibm 3com sega sony and whatnot
01:40.33derrickthe shit ran on sco back then tho
01:40.42derrickthey $$$$ a lot for those sco solutions
01:40.48derrickand they awalys sucked
01:40.50bkw_derrick what?
01:41.01derrickwhat what
01:41.01bkw_he said SCO
01:41.03zoa<- has unixware on some boxes
01:41.05derrickyes i did
01:41.12derricki have the media and manuals on one of my shelves here
01:41.15bkw_SCO is the three bad letters
01:41.18derrickthis was 95 or 96
01:41.22derricki completely agree
01:41.23zoalets bring out the crucifixes
01:41.34zoaburn, mf, burn !!!
01:41.49derricki didn't say anything supportive of them
01:41.58derricki have no kinds words for them, then or now
01:41.58*** join/#asterisk argerus (
01:41.58mvandzoa: There is a volume control slider
01:42.00zoayou gave em money !
01:42.03zoamvand: only one
01:42.04derricki didn't
01:42.07zoayou want 3 of them
01:42.09zoamaybe 2
01:42.13zoaat least 2
01:42.18zoabut i really didnt get it to work
01:42.23derricki've _never_ paid for softwre _other_ than plamOS apps in my entire life
01:42.27mvandzoa:Not supported by the library
01:42.39bkw_SCO Lobbying Congress Against Open Code
01:42.44bkw_OMG kick SCO's ass
01:42.54derrickwhat sshitty, SCO's stock has GONE UP w/ all this shit
01:42.56mvandbkw_: I don't know how to get a hotkey to send info to the minimized app
01:42.56zoamvand: any workaround possible ?
01:43.00derrickbasically, media hype == profit
01:43.06bkw_Along with suing Novell - it was announced today that SCO has been lobbying Congress about the horrifying ways that Linux and the rest of open source software saves users money, allows others to use the software anyway they see fit and 'gasp' causes SCO to not make as much money as they would like
01:43.25mvandzoa: checking code .. brb
01:43.31derricksco is simply in a last ditch effort to make $$$
01:43.37derrickthey don't honestly think they'll survive.
01:43.51derrickthis is just play the system as much as they can and make off like bandits
01:43.59derrickthe workers won't get shit, just the execs and their lawfirm
01:44.42zoamvand: can you tell me how to get it to work on windows ?
01:45.14zoaits not registering
01:46.57*** join/#asterisk argerus_ (
01:46.58mvandzoa: did you download the 20040119 version?
01:47.56mvandzoa: go to Options/Dirrectory  ... then to the Accounts tab
01:50.43mvandbkw_: minime mode will be coming soon.  The damn audio level meters take up so much space
01:51.09zoacleopatra*CLI> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 6:  9049 Segmentation fault      asterisk ${ASTARGS} 1>&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
01:51.33zoaoh shit
01:51.38zoathats the wrong thingie
01:51.56zoamy asterisk coredumps all the time now
01:51.58*** join/#asterisk argerus (
01:52.01zoaguess i fucked up too much :)
01:52.46zoa-- Executing RouteCall("IAX2[iaxcom@]/11", "32485397745") in new stack
01:52.46zoacleopatra*CLI> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 6:  9107 Segmentation fault      asterisk ${ASTARGS} 1>&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
01:52.53zoaits this routecall thingie again :)
01:56.06*** join/#asterisk james_ag (
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01:57.28derrickhmm..the smoke alarm is going off...i guess dinner is ready then
01:57.29zoait coredumps my asterisk :(
01:57.52derrickif you let it beep long enough, it's almost peaceful
02:00.35zoamvand: oké, it works
02:01.12zoai can dial
02:01.16zoabut it doesnt register
02:01.40mvandzoa, bkw_: Would you take a look at the beta docs to critique them?
02:02.05mvandzoa: what do you see on the asterisk console?
02:02.22zoawell i can dial with it
02:02.26zoabut no register statement is being made
02:02.30unixdawgman I wish I undestood the errors better
02:03.03unixdawgthe warnings that do seemto break the *
02:03.13zoamvand: you need to restart the client
02:03.14mvandzoa: Oh, I forgot:  if you add an account, it doesn't register with the server till you relaunch iaxcomm  (changed in CVS source)
02:03.14zoato register
02:03.55unixdawgwhere are the bsd /obsd developers
02:03.58zoado ?
02:04.05mvandzoa:  Yeah, bonehead oversight that's been fixed in sources.  I have to post a new binary
02:05.53zoamvand: the hold button acts weird too
02:05.57zoaif you want to unhold
02:06.44zoai just sent my bulgarian manager an email: 'is it 2cm cold out there, or 5cm cold out there?"
02:06.51zoai wonder if he will understand what i mean
02:07.03zoahe might say there's 5cm of snow :)
02:07.40*** part/#asterisk km- (
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02:14.39*** join/#asterisk Carp (
02:15.26CarpI still cant get my * working since I updated :(
02:17.28mvandzoa, yeah hold button is a bit wonky working on it as we type
02:20.59crontibsasterisk still able to talk to mysql or do i need to compile plugin
02:25.18*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
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02:28.24james_agThis looks like * box with graphic and Voice XML interface?
02:28.36james_agI wonder why these applications are not yet in GPL?
02:32.29*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
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02:33.40madmanANyone recommend using 711ulaw or alaw on 79XX with *
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02:36.08FryGuy-is there a way to add a user as an agent through the manager interface?
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02:38.34mvandIs this thing on?
02:38.50coppicejames_ag: which applications are not yet in GPL?
02:42.02*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
02:42.19james_agcoppice, the voiceXML and admin GUI. BKW_ has started working on a kick-a$$ admin GUI so no worries there
02:43.09coppicejames_ag: there is an open source voice XML platform. It just takes some people with the skills and motivation to apply it to *.
02:43.53JazzIncBKW_ is working on an admin GUI?
02:44.53coppicecoppice: I would like voiceXML integrated, but the effort required is more than I have time for.
02:45.28zoahe's working on an adming ui
02:45.33zoaand it looks pretty neat
02:45.44JazzIncHmm..  Any way I can take a look at it?
02:45.57coppiceinteresting. Zultys have a soft phone that only works on Linux
02:46.05mvandbkw:  You still here?
02:46.07james_agyeah, i am waiting for the gui myself.
02:46.28zoai have the link
02:46.31james_agi think the admin GUI is going to save a lot of newbie'
02:46.35james_aga lot of trouble
02:46.36zoabut i'm not sure he wants to spread it already
02:46.37JazzIncI've been working on one as well.  Was just wondering if it's worth sending him what I've done cause I don't get enuf time to work on it
02:46.50zoajazzinc: got it online ?
02:46.56zoai think its always usefull
02:47.00JazzIncUsed to.. Not at the moment tho
02:47.06zoabut he will need a disclaimer
02:47.16JazzIncOnly under my dev access and I'm not giving out my password. :)
02:47.22james_agjazzinc, how far did you go?
02:47.28bkw_mvand ys
02:47.30zoahere he is
02:47.44zoathe little one
02:47.48JazzIncBKW_:  Is your admin GUI online?
02:47.51bkw_JazzInc I have already lost intrest in a GUI
02:47.56bkw_I need help with it
02:48.03JazzIncAhh..  I'm not alone then.. hehe
02:48.04bkw_I get overwhealmed with stuff
02:48.10zoa<- /me started one once too
02:48.13zoaalso gave up
02:48.18JazzIncSame..  Still testing my IRC client at the moment
02:48.29mvandbkw_: minime is at
02:48.30JazzIncI have actions working! :)
02:48.31bkw_reinventing the wheel
02:48.34coppicebkw: overwhealmed or bored? :-)
02:48.39bkw_mvand kewl
02:48.42bkw_coppice both
02:48.49bkw_it just takes too much time and work to do it right
02:49.04JazzIncDid u get much done?
02:49.35mvandbkw_:  I notice that without the manifest file, I get a scroll bar, but you get the idea.  Is it closer to what you have in mind?
02:49.44*** join/#asterisk Y-Not (
02:49.56bkw_mvand I see no diff in this file
02:50.05james_agJazzInc, how far did you go with your GUI?
02:50.11Y-Noti would like to know something about that 84768 number on FWD
02:50.14Y-Notis it totally free?
02:50.25Y-NotI mean, the caller don't have to pay anything right? but the call receiver ... will he have to pay anything ? because when I received the call, it was a long-distance
02:51.20coppiceInteresting. The Linux only free softphone from Zultys does G.729. They must have a licencing scheme that isn't per copy.
02:51.35JazzIncjames_ag: I got a base environment under way which handled sessions and security, and also got a few 'modules' working
02:52.06JazzIncparticularly my CDR module which was finished in my opinion..  also got a log viewer and an extension view working
02:52.15james_agwhy don't you post it so that we can all take a stab. its generally less overwhelming and boring to start with something already there?
02:52.15mvandbkw_: That's cuz I'm a dork.  Change your view to "micro"
02:52.18JazzIncstarted working on an extension editor and lost interest/time
02:52.40james_agi know, just leave the extensions out of business to begin with'
02:52.41zoaThe LIPZ4 has additional features which will be available by purchasing an inexpensive license from Zultys. These features include conferencing, do not disturb, encryption, compression (G.729), and the ability to specify a backup server. The phone’s encryption capability allows for secure conversations to be carried out over the network. This encryption uses the advanced encryption standard AES. The soft phone can utilize the backup server
02:52.43JazzIncjames_ag: It is posted.. :)
02:52.45james_agis other stuff stable
02:52.52JazzIncthere just isn't a live version runningn any more :(
02:53.20bkw_mvand getting closer
02:53.20coppicezoa: Ah, the press release doesn't mention that :-(
02:53.22JazzIncCVS should be close to up to date tho
02:53.27bkw_now cut that in half long ways
02:53.49*** join/#asterisk Jcodetest (
02:53.49Y-Notwhere can i have more info about that 84768 number on FWD
02:53.51zoai'm going to bed
02:53.53james_agi liked bkw_  idea  of import and export script
02:53.57james_agi think it makes it easy
02:54.07james_agto understand and tackle the problem
02:54.19bkw_james_ag it works
02:54.27james_agyup. i agree
02:54.28bkw_but I have to write something to manage all that mess
02:54.36bkw_ie a web iface you need some help with the interface or the guts of it?
02:54.59JazzInci managed to get a half decent algorithm together to parse the configs
02:55.05bkw_james_ag all ove it
02:55.08james_agi mean if its just the layout, i may help
02:55.17bkw_james_ag I have the layout
02:55.25bkw_It needs to have a lib written for the layout and interface what's holding you. let's start with simple stuff. e.g. iax.conf then sip.conf
02:55.59bkw_james_ag you get my import/export stuff ?
02:56.02james_agsorry, i didn't see your lib message b4 i posted mine
02:56.21bkw_once the lib is written the iface will be way easy
02:56.26james_agyeah. i looked at your import export scripts
02:56.51james_agi liked the overall idea of porting stuff in mySQL and generating *.conf out of it
02:56.58james_agsimple yet solid and powerful
02:57.01bkw_me too
02:57.12*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
02:57.45coppicejames_ag: that usually turns out to be a pain.
02:58.06coppicejames_ag: keep stuff in text files, where they are easy to hand tweak as needed.
02:58.38james_agi am not a techie guy but i am resourceful. i can try finding one of my friends who can help with the library stuff. the hurdle would be teach him *
02:58.50*** part/#asterisk Jcodetest (
02:59.00sadjonI got a CAPI question...
02:59.12sadjonCan I use any CAPI 2.0 card with asterisk?
02:59.16james_agDBs can grow large coppice
03:00.20coppicejames_ag: there is definitely a place for DBs - good for long lists of extensions, for example. They aren't so good for basic config stuff, though
03:01.07*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
03:01.27bkw_Another effort aiming to create new VoIP applications is Digium's Asterisk, a Linux-based open-source project that is developing "soft switches," open application program interface software tools that are used to bridge a public switched telephone network and a broadband phone service. Sakaria said VoicePulse and other providers are beginning to look at this new developer community for applications and ideas.
03:01.44unixdawgman rewriting mpool.c is a pain
03:01.49bkw_digium on
03:02.01Muckloh wow, now i get into the hype...gsm rocks! :)
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03:02.44coppicewe used to have an armchair that rocked. Great for getting the kids to sleep :-)
03:03.23james_agi tested a call from dialup to my * box with IAX2 and the quality is choppy
03:03.31james_agi am thinking of geting g729
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03:03.43james_agis that a good improvement. will the difference be noticeable?
03:03.48james_agany ideas out there
03:03.55james_agor any experience
03:03.59PilotPTK-Homewhat codec did you try james?
03:04.23Muckljames_ag: have you tried the jitter buffer settings in your iax.conf ?
03:04.27james_agi don't remember right now but i was using iaxcomm and had all the codecs selected :-)
03:04.32PilotPTK-HomeI've had gsm work just fine over a reliable dial-up connection.
03:04.43unixdawgbut you have to have 729 on both ends of the call
03:04.51Muckljames_ag: try only allow=gsm                       ; Always allow GSM, it's cool :)
03:05.03PilotPTK-Homealong with disallow=all
03:05.09james_agokay. I will allow only GSM Muckl and give it a shot
03:05.25*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
03:05.29james_agby the way, is there improvement with G729 or $10 is just for the sake of it?
03:05.48james_agimprovement over GSM
03:05.49PilotPTK-Homeg729 IS an imporvement over gsm, but not by THAT much.
03:06.05james_aganybody ever tried Dialpad?
03:06.06PilotPTK-Homeand the quality definately gets worse with 729
03:06.16PilotPTK-Homeyears ago - when it used to be free, james :)
03:06.20james_agi used there services and the quality (specially overseas call) is excellent
03:06.48james_agi wonder what protocol/codec they use (i bet its proprietory stuff)
03:06.49coppicejames_ag: the choice of codec will not affect choppy sound. If things are choppy you have a packet loss or delay problem
03:07.10tclarkor an over worked CPU :)
03:07.13james_agbut over the same network, dialpad works much better?
03:07.33*** join/#asterisk grandstr (
03:07.35james_agoverwork CPU may be the case since I have 500Mhz machine with workstation install
03:07.39james_agi need to fix that soon
03:07.54PilotPTK-Homethats not NECESSARILY true....trying to push too much data through the pipe will basically create a packet loss situation.
03:08.07coppicejames_ag: If you are just making one call a 500MHz machine is not a problem
03:08.13james_agbut with the same dialup, dialpad works great
03:08.23PilotPTK-Homeagreed - your processor isn't the culprit.
03:08.36james_agand my IAX on * sucks
03:08.45coppicePilotPTK-Home: yeah, but I think he is talking about tests across a LAN
03:09.08PilotPTK-Homei was under the assumption that he was talking about all of this over a dial up connection.
03:09.23james_aguh oh...don't flame me. i was just trying to find out what is wrong with my setup
03:09.29james_agi am sure IAX and * works great
03:09.39james_agdialup calls are originating from India
03:09.51james_agmy GFs family
03:10.07james_agi put it on * so that we can save on dialpads'
03:10.19james_aghowever, the quality is not as good as it is with dialpad
03:10.41james_agi was going to help some of my GFs friends use my IAX stuff (show off :-)
03:10.46PilotPTK-Homejames, definately try allowing only gsm.  it should function fine over a decent dial-up.
03:11.03coppicejames_ag: maybe the size of your pipe is important then (especially to your GF :-) )
03:11.11james_agokie....let me give it a shot. i will be a hero if i could save these girls the dialpad cost
03:11.44james_agi guess so coppice ...but the pipe is fine.
03:12.06mvandGSM work OK over dialup
03:12.13unixdawgthis is killing me
03:12.25coppicemvand: GSM works OK over *good* dialup
03:12.25unixdawgmy c sucks I admit this
03:13.41mvandMy mother usually only gets 40-44K on her dialup and calls me with her iaxComm.  There is only occasional dropouts
03:14.14*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
03:14.18james_agi think the connection in india is 36kbps or so
03:14.25unixdawgmpool.c has to be rewriten for fbsd 5.2
03:14.27james_agenough for IAX ...
03:14.51YoYo^fuck fbsd 5
03:14.54YoYo^4-stable is where it's at
03:15.11unixdawgit will be stable soon and we need it working
03:15.22coppicemvand: the 40-44K is one way. The other way will be a lot lower. India will be much lower still (India's land line system sucks rather badly, even in places like Bangalore)
03:15.31unixdawg5.2 went -r
03:15.31YoYo^we need zap drivers for FBSD
03:15.43unixdawgfind dutch
03:15.49unixdawghe was working on them
03:15.51learathdamn.. the bounty has gotten higher
03:16.08unixdawgfor drivers for fbsd
03:16.16unixdawgtheres a bounty
03:16.22YoYo^yup, and there's probably a bunch of people that could easily give $100 or more to the cause, but aren't stepping up to the plate
03:16.42unixdawgwhat to get digium to write tjem
03:16.42kamileonfsck bsd
03:17.02unixdawgFBSD is life
03:17.31coppiceno. life is what you have when you turn the computers off.
03:17.36YoYo^kamileon, no, fsck linux...  I'm so sick of this linux box sitting in my home office
03:17.43YoYo^it's literally making me sick
03:17.49kamileonYoYo: throw it away
03:17.54unixdawgI prefer fbsd
03:18.06unixdawgthats why I am working on mpool.c
03:18.16YoYo^kamileon, I just spent $600 on the damned thing... Asus mb, p4/2.4ghz, etc...
03:18.18unixdawgits the only main thing keeping it from working
03:18.23coppiceI prefer listening to piano recitals, but that doesn't pay the bills :-)
03:18.27YoYo^it's a damned good machine, but linux is so fucking evil
03:18.34YoYo^anyways... that's neither here nor there
03:19.04unixdawgif I can get * nack working then I can try my hand at the drivers
03:19.24unixdawgso what isthe bounty about to pay digium to write the drivers
03:19.40unixdawgor find someone towrite them
03:20.19rob--Yoyo: what is so fucking evil about Linux?
03:20.39*** join/#asterisk Mike (
03:20.47coppicewhen we moved the original zapata BSD drivers to Linux it only took us a couple of days. I wonder how hard it would be to go back again. The drivers have changed out of all recognitiion in that time.
03:20.59rob--Sure it's different to BSD, but it's not evil
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03:27.33ZX81is it +101 when busy?
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03:31.07rob--If prio 1 is busy, it goes to 102
03:31.27rob--so it's +100 or +101 depending on how you look at it:)
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03:32.49unixdawgI have the originals
03:33.14unixdawgshould be able to diff and change what is needed
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03:34.08unixdawgbut writing them means making them work on 5.x and 4.x
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03:46.53brc007bkw...mozilla ate my bookmarks for some unknown reason...what's the url for the frontdoor again?
03:47.32mvandyou know, the X100P definitely doesn't like sharing interrupts with network cards
03:47.46unixdawgyoyo do you have a 4.9 box there
03:48.36*** join/#asterisk LegendMob (~Legend@
03:49.24unixdawgyoy you there
03:50.05bobovAnybody: Do I have to have a different dial plan for extensions which register from outside of the NAT? I cannot figure out why outside nat can call me, but  I cannot call outside. The phone rings, the sniffer shows millions of rtp messages, interspersed with "ICMP destintation not found" and then the called phone says ACK timeout after I answer it. it
03:50.44n00dlebobov: what kind of clients? SIP? IAX?
03:51.21bobovI have asterisk on the dmz with a static address behind a linksys.  Outside clients behind their own NATs can register and call my clients on the inside.
03:51.50n00dleISTR there needs to be a proxy when calling from sip inside to a server outside.
03:52.10unixdawgYO YO you here
03:52.19bobovMy inside clients on NAT can call each other. But if I try to call from the inside to the outside, the outside client phone rings, but after picking itup, it still says answering (sjphone and x lite) and after a while, ack timeout on the called end, 403 forbidden on the origin end.
03:53.15bobovWhere do I find a proxy? do I build one and put it up somewhere where I have ip space on the internet?
03:54.31n00dleI did a quick search and found
03:54.33unixdawgbobov is you * behind a firewall
03:54.45unixdawgor a router
03:55.49unixdawgbobov hello
03:56.40unixdawgsip and nat dont mix
03:56.41bobovit is behind a linksys "router"
03:56.42Mike  <-- what the hell does this exacly does?
03:57.26bobovI tried using STUN on the clients, but that didn't help.
03:57.36unixdawgit wont
03:57.36bobovOr I didn't set it up right.  Probably the latter.
03:58.05unixdawgwhat protocal from the * box to the outside world are you using
03:58.12ZX81anyone know how well hangup detection works with X100P cards?
03:58.29n00dleI'm using a SIP client behind a nat box through FWD's proxy.  Seems to be doing ok.
03:58.32bobovI assume sip.  I don't do any asterisk to asterisk comms.
03:58.44bobovI was able to use FWD just fine
03:59.09n00dlebobov: ...and they're using a proxy server.
03:59.16bobovIt's just a problem when I try to call out from my asterisk. Is the sip proxy configured for the clients or for asterisk?
03:59.51n00dleAny time you dial, I think.
04:00.08bobovIt's really starting to sound like i need to move my asterisk box ot the office where I have direct non-nat access.
04:00.20n00dleThat's where my * is.
04:00.23unixdawgI use sip to iax
04:00.39unixdawgI dont use sip to sip execpt internaly
04:00.58bobovclients talk iax? I thought that wasjust for asterisk to another asterisk.
04:01.06coppiceMike: doesn't the blurb say quite clearly?
04:01.09bobovI don't really understand iax yet.
04:01.26Mikecoppice: nop
04:01.34Mikecoppice: cant understand where to use it
04:01.37n00dlebobov: I actually used IAX before SIP. (both client and * <=> *)
04:01.55n00dle...there are IAX clients.
04:02.15unixdawgok now dlink is geting into voip this rocks
04:02.28coppiceMike: where would you use a DSL router? where would you use an ATA? wouldn't you like them in one box?
04:02.44bobovHmmm.  Hey, I tried a few days ago to download and install siproxd. I couldn't find some component it needed to compile so I put it aside. At least I was on the right track.
04:02.52coppicedlink have had some VoIP products for quite a while
04:03.08bobovCan the asterisk server itself register with a proxy? so that the clients know how to find it when they register?
04:03.20unixdawgyeah but this unit is aimed at home useres and small busniesses
04:03.32unixdawgI doint find a price thou
04:03.58Mikecoppice: yes
04:05.41coppiceMike: The see your local D-Link dealer TODAY!
04:05.46n00dlebobov: Don't know. I haven't put one up yet.
04:05.56Mikecoppice: i did
04:05.58unixdawgwho here is on fbsd
04:05.59Mikecoppice: check this out
04:06.14MikeFrom: Eric Rowe-Dunavan <>
04:06.14MikeToyMan: 'Miguel Cavazos' <>
04:06.15MikeSubject: RE: DVG-1120
04:06.15MikeDate: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 14:13:03 -0800I do not think that this item is currently released as of yet, however, youcan contact Dlink directly at (800)326-1688 to find out for sure.  Thankyou.Customer Service.SHIPITFORYOU.COM800-216-2763
04:07.11n00dleI just dialled Dlink's sales line.... ring... ring... ring... :P
04:07.19coppiceMike: FOr a moment I read SHIPITFORYOU.COM as SHITIPFORYOU.COM, and thought this was a SCO thing :-)
04:07.37Mikecoppice: :)
04:09.32unixdawgI need a copy of 1 file will some one dcc it to me
04:09.39unixdawgI want to see the changes
04:11.05*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
04:12.53bkw_ok system restore on xp ownz
04:19.11denonwow .. JerJer's not around ..
04:19.19denondont see that very often
04:19.31angler_hes partying in ny
04:19.38denonyeah, but he usually has a screen
04:20.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
04:20.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by denon
04:20.53*** mode/#asterisk [+vvvv bkw_ bkw_ bkw_ bkw_] by denon
04:21.21*** mode/#asterisk [-v+v-v+v bkw_ bkw_ bkw_ bkw_] by denon
04:21.29denonround and round it goes .. where it stops, nobody knows ..
04:21.36bkw_[angler_(~angler@] do me do me
04:21.53bkw_ok you asked for it
04:22.04denondont ask bkw to "do you"
04:22.06denonjust .. dont
04:22.11angler_here is what i really said
04:22.19angler_<angler_> do me do me
04:22.19angler_<angler_> as in op me
04:22.19bkw_[angler_(~angler@] do me do me
04:22.19bkw_[angler_(~angler@] as in op me
04:22.19bkw_[msg(angler_)] haha
04:22.43angler_bkw_, only sees what he wants
04:22.54bkw_you need to quit fucking with me like that
04:24.33*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
04:25.00*** join/#asterisk Aviaa (
04:26.33JazzIncYay...  my actions are working properly.. :)
04:26.52JazzInchow's it goin Leif?
04:27.35blitzragepretty good man.  I am actually just heading to bed, but I noticed you said something! :)  I've been rediculously busy with school.  There every single day for like 10-12 hours including non-teaching days and weekends...
04:27.43blitzragelearning a TON of telecom stuff though
04:28.46blitzragegotta finish my first OSPF lab paper plus I have a paper I am going to write about the BGP protocol and VoIP technology in the Enterprise.
04:29.17JazzIncAhhh..  I've got docos somewhere if you want..
04:29.28JazzIncUsed to be a VoIP engineer..
04:29.28blitzragedocs for the book?  I want them!
04:29.34blitzrageoh wait :)
04:29.43blitzrageI understand.  Please email me some stuff!
04:29.53JazzIncI just meant general docos on VoIP and such..
04:29.58bkw_har har har
04:30.03JazzInc1 sec..  I'll see if I can get into my server
04:30.05blitzrageyah, I figured it out :)
04:30.09blitzragecoo coo
04:30.11blitzragezup bkw_
04:30.58bkw_yes dear
04:31.12blitzrageJazzInc: you got my email address?
04:31.17JazzIncsorry.. I'm just proud of the fact I coded my actions tonite.. :)
04:31.20bkw_I kept loosing my damn task bar.... object doc was starting when windows started
04:31.23*** part/#asterisk bobov (
04:31.25JazzIncblitz.. I got tonnes..
04:31.35bkw_JazzInc stop that foolishness and help with the webgui
04:31.44bkw_we have IRC clients out the ying yang
04:31.47blitzrageyou got tonnes of my email addresses ?
04:32.02JazzIncoh.. hang on..  can't read..  i thought u meant me
04:32.07JazzIncI've got yours tho
04:32.28JazzIncDunno if I can get it tho.. :(  My server is kinda in another country..
04:32.38blitzrageJazzInc: ok.. I got class at 9am, and I'm going to be at the school till like 12:00am tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed.  I'll check my email in the morning though.  Thanks!
04:32.49blitzrageJazzInc: well, if you get it, cool, if not, than thanks anyways.
04:32.50JazzIncNo probs..
04:33.04blitzragenight all
04:33.37blitzragenight all
04:34.43*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
04:37.09denonanyone awake that uses packet8?
04:37.49denonjust wanna check if it supports call transfer
04:37.54denonnot call forwarding, call transfer
04:39.48*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
04:41.27*** join/#asterisk Jcodetest (
04:43.19denonthis is on the iconnethere website
04:43.21denon"Low Cost: Grandstream IP Phone only $39
04:43.38denonguess that makes the cisco 7960 .. the second highest quality on the market
04:43.43Mikedenon: thats old
04:44.10*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:44.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:44.33denonMike: old or not, it's on their web page
04:44.40denonand it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard
04:45.07bkw_39 bucks
04:45.09bkw_FUCK THEM
04:45.27denonits with a 6mo committment or somethin
04:45.47denonbkw: You know if ich or packet8 support call transfer?
04:46.06denonI need some DIDs that just transfer/alias.. this might be an easy way
04:50.30denonhuh .. doesnt ICH give you a DID?
04:50.49*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
04:54.21*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.03*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.55*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
05:01.03brc007WELL! running xp home or pro?
05:01.45brc007hi ___log
05:01.56brc007where can I view the ___log's
05:02.54YoYo^WARNING[57352]: chan_iax2.c:1128 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host
05:03.34*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
05:04.15*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
05:05.16*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
05:05.18*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
05:05.38pattiejaanybody up at this "late" hour?
05:05.54pattiejaI have a box that I'm trying to get MeetMe working with
05:06.03pattiejabut I don't have a Zaptel interface in the box
05:06.05YoYo^brc, yes... but it may end up with my name on it =D
05:06.13YoYo^or ztrtc?
05:06.17pattiejaso I know that I need ztdummy or zaprtc
05:06.18YoYo^one of those I think
05:06.37pattiejaYoYo^, however, I don't have USB-UHCI, only USB-OHCI in this particular machine
05:07.14pattiejayet, the usb-uhci module is in fact modprobe'd on startup of the machine, and ztdummy happily coexists with it (after I had to fight for quite some time to get a working kernel that booted, etc. for my system)
05:07.49pattiejaYoYo^, yet, Asterisk kept telling me that "That is not a valid conference number" blablabla
05:08.19pattiejaand in the output from the CLI it kept saying something like "not able to create pseudo device or channel"
05:08.27bkw_yo yo yo yo
05:08.32bkw_is your box still toasted
05:08.36pattiejaYoYo^, so, I'm assuming that I need to get zaprtc working
05:09.02brc007is working for anyone?
05:09.03bkw_yoyo send me your schema for the web thing and I will write a script to import the stuff properly
05:09.11brc007weird...everything else works but is seems /. isn't
05:09.37pattiejaanybody have experience with zaprtc?
05:09.54pattiejaI know the wiki says that you cannot have RTC support compiled into the kernel, but can you have RTC modular?
05:10.22pattiejai.e., CONFIG_RTC=m
05:10.30YoYo^bkw, I will when I'm done with the first version
05:10.43pattiejaanybody know if zaprtc will still work in that instance? or will I need to recompile the kernel
05:12.39coppicebrc007: it seems to have been /.ed :-)
05:12.54brc007not working for you either eh?
05:14.20brc007yo..first version of what?...*WG?
05:14.39brc007(web gui)
05:14.42YoYo^no, the back end for it
05:15.01brc007what's done so far?
05:15.07YoYo^once I have that done, then I can start making widgets and tables and forms and other pretty things
05:15.15YoYo^so far, I have an idea
05:15.21brc007heh :)
05:15.46YoYo^once I know how to store the data (which is a bitch by itself), I can start manipulating it
05:16.03YoYo^I think I have the storage down... but I have to do a proof of concept first
05:16.45YoYo^once I have that, I can give the schema to bkw so he can write the code to read it
05:17.05brc007what do you mean store the data?
05:17.25YoYo^the actual config files are too nasty to deal with
05:17.28pattiejaYoYo^, what kind of interface are you trying to create?
05:17.41YoYo^pattie, everything under /etc/asterisk
05:17.45brc007a web graphical user interface (php)
05:18.10YoYo^probably /etc/zaptel.conf as well
05:20.07Spy007i think /. has been /.
05:21.10heisonInternational call volume to asia is so high that NuFone can't even get thru.
05:21.54*** join/#asterisk omar1 (
05:22.45pattiejauhhhh... you need zaptel to compile zaprtc?
05:22.50*** join/#asterisk flash (
05:22.50coppiceheison: Surprise, surprise. At midnight last night even Hong Kong Telecom was jammed :-)
05:23.29pattiejaheison, I just got a purely Internet based call in from Taiwan this evening.  I was happy.
05:23.43pattiejabkw_, making fun of me, I see?
05:23.45omar1anybody knows who can remotely configure Asterisk for me ?  I want to use it as a softswitch to direct calls to my gateways
05:23.54bkw_pattieja nope
05:23.54bkw_just got back
05:23.58pattiejabkw_, wb
05:24.28pattiejaomar1, do you work at digium?
05:24.52omar1no, I don't
05:24.53YoYo^ok... if this shit keeps up, I'm ordering me a T1 on Monday
05:25.07YoYo^just to rule out the possibility that it's my DSL that's fucked
05:25.58omar1I have two Cisco AS5300 GWs and need to give access to a carrier via Asterisk instead of the GWs
05:26.21bkw_YoYo^ it sitll farking up?
05:26.49flashis there a way to config a X100P no to auto answer?  
05:27.12*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
05:27.27bkw_... SignOff YoYo^: #asterisk,#asterisk-dev (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:27.35YoYo^yeah, I unplugged the dsl modem
05:27.50omar1Anybody knows the functions of Nextone MSW here ? I am looking to use Asterisk to accomplish a similar thing, kind of Gate Keeper function
05:28.04bkw_my dsl has been rock solid
05:28.29YoYo^ok... prolly some funky shit on the line
05:28.39bkw_have you called to open a ticket on it?
05:28.43bkw_and have them test it?
05:29.02coppiceYoYo: You means like bird shit on an overhead line? :-)
05:29.17bkw_your lines are overhead?
05:29.24bkw_around here they run them along the ground
05:29.32bkw_out in the open no doubt
05:29.36YoYo^after power cycling the dsl modem, IVR is working when I call my bank
05:29.37flashahhh water in the pair...
05:29.56bkw_yoyo i'm not at my phone
05:30.02heisonbkw_: are there any concern that I should be aware of before i go ahead and install my G729 licenses
05:30.17bkw_heison nope got ide in that box right?
05:30.23bkw_yoyo i'm not at my phone
05:30.26bkw_I hear it ringing
05:30.30coppicewater in the pair really screws up ADSL. I get problems when it rains. They always get better before the Telco comes to investigate :-(
05:30.31bkw_but I'm not going to get up and go answer it
05:30.40brc007YoYo^: heeeeee noooooo tttheeeereee
05:30.45heisonbkw_: yes, I read about the SCSI only problem, I only have IDE
05:30.58bkw_heison whats your native language?
05:31.13heisonbkw_: chinese :)
05:31.34bkw_well mine is english and I can't even speak it right
05:31.36flashwell Water in pair will screw with T1's real bad... even worse than DSL
05:31.37pattiejaheison, ni hao
05:31.56bkw_flash but T1's get higher priority on repairs
05:32.14flashoh man you crack me up...
05:32.19flashthey say 4 hours
05:32.21bkw_around here they sure as hell do
05:32.25flashbut it is when the hell they get to it
05:32.32bkw_hell I can get DSL fixed faster than that these days
05:32.52bkw_I have had DSL repairs done in 20 min before
05:33.19pattiejawhat is modversions.h?  Debian make-kpkg compiles don't generate that file/leave it around
05:33.19flashman telco guy must have been down the street sleepin in the truck
05:33.34bkw_flash nope the guy that fixed it was 200 miles away
05:33.36YoYo^when I still had T1 and PRI from VZ, I just called the CO and had them do a restart
05:33.38bkw_he cliked a few buttons
05:33.47YoYo^if that failed, I'd reseat the smartjack
05:33.56coppiceheison: yue gwoh nei di ga yan hai Heung Gong da din wah bei nei, kui dei wooi bei siu siu chin. PCCW Heung Gong ji Ga Na Dai ho peng.
05:34.09bkw_oh lord no
05:34.13YoYo^if still no love, I'd start on a list of pager numbers and get a guy with a t-bird out in no time
05:34.27bkw_YoYo haah
05:34.36bkw_our bell guys can't talk to ASI
05:34.40bkw_and ASI cant talk to SBC
05:34.43bkw_its pretty fucked up
05:34.57bkw_so the data side of SBC can't talk to the telco side
05:35.07bkw_so if a circuit is fucked the data side has to place an order
05:35.12flashif it is VZ they would just map to test port in the Titan DACS
05:35.12bkw_and go thru this mess to get shit fixed
05:35.14bkw_its really funny
05:35.18YoYo^don't buy your data from the bell then
05:35.21heisonbkw_: do I need the leading '+' of the registration key?
05:35.27bkw_YoYo data = T1's
05:35.32bkw_anything that isn't POTS
05:35.36flashit is not pair issue if they can fix remote. but oh well..
05:35.43bkw_heison dont know try it
05:35.52YoYo^T1 = voice
05:35.57YoYo^24 DS0 channels
05:35.57bkw_not when its frame
05:36.04YoYo^don't do frame
05:36.05YoYo^frame sux
05:36.16bkw_you pay by the mile here for PTP
05:36.40bkw_we have t1's all over hell and back
05:36.44heisoncoppice: I had a hard time understanding it, but I think I got it.
05:36.45flashHAAHAH  here several IXC's are doing flat rate anywhere in state
05:36.46bkw_all terminated back onto the ATM link in tulsa
05:36.54bkw_flash not in SBC land
05:37.05flashhe is Sprint land
05:37.13coppiceheison: Cantonese just doesn't Romanise that well :-)
05:37.20flashbut ATT dont care...  500$ anywhere in state
05:37.24YoYo^sprint land sucks
05:37.32bkw_sbc land sucks worse
05:37.39flashVZ .. Sprint... SBC they dont care
05:37.41bkw_1200 for CT1 and NO PRI
05:37.51bkw_and you have had not choice till lately
05:37.54YoYo^I love VZ when compared to Sprint
05:38.07YoYo^and I'm sure I'd love VZ compared to SBC and Qwest
05:38.31YoYo^hell, I actually like VZ more than KMC
05:38.41YoYo^but KMC is way cheaper, so I put up with their bullshit
05:38.46*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
05:38.47flashKMC sucks bad
05:38.58heisonbkw_: without the leading '+' works - Registration successful
05:39.09flashhave the filled chap 11 yet?
05:39.20YoYo^they restructured without having to file
05:39.33YoYo^and believe me, it hurt
05:39.34flashthey must be filling out paperwork to do it still. then..
05:39.45YoYo^afaik, they're not going to
05:39.55*** part/#asterisk Gazzas (
05:40.06YoYo^they announced last year that their books were clean and that they weren't going to file
05:40.09flashman in this area they are about ready to close up shop
05:40.17YoYo^which area?
05:40.20heisonbkw_: after the registration, do I have to recompile asterisk? or do I simply change my allow lines in iax.conf?
05:40.48YoYo^who was it that KMC bought there?
05:40.58YoYo^it's not one of their original areas
05:41.11flashoriginal area
05:41.12bkw_YoYo here in a few call me again... i'm going to test xlite again
05:41.38flashyou guys know a way to make x100p not answer a call? and do outbound only
05:41.56YoYo^flash, yeah, don't Answer() it
05:42.04*** join/#asterisk Spf (~Spf@
05:42.14flashis that a default setting?
05:42.17YoYo^oh, wait... * still starts a simple switch on it
05:42.38*** join/#asterisk Anica (
05:43.07YoYo^try this
05:43.12YoYo^create a [noanswer] context
05:43.23heisonbkw_: can't even restart asterisk after the registration...
05:43.24YoYo^exten => s,1,Wait(987234)
05:44.21unixdawgyoyo you on fbsd now
05:44.21flashit will look at context before it answers call?
05:45.44bkw_heison you have to start with safe_Asterisk
05:46.21bkw_YoYo call me now
05:46.39heisonbkw_: is that the command I'll have to use from now on?
05:46.40YoYo^HAH... I edited zapata.conf
05:46.40YoYo^did a reload
05:46.40YoYo^and the change did NOT take effect
05:46.45bkw_it won't
05:46.54bkw_chan_zap doesn't have a reload capability
05:47.04bkw_it will do it YoYo
05:47.12YoYo^yesterday, I was bitching about having to restart when editing config files
05:47.14bkw_I can do that here and it works
05:47.19YoYo^you said I didn't have to, that reload would do it
05:47.30bkw_with the exception of zapata.conf
05:47.39bkw_you still don't have to restart you just have to unload and reload the module
05:47.42bkw_now call me
05:47.53bkw_i wanna test this softphone
05:47.55bkw_just call the regular line
05:48.19YoYo^a large wait works for me
05:48.26bkw_hold on
05:48.30bkw_I have to fix this damn ip address
05:48.43YoYo^30 seconds was long enough for VZ to forward the call to my cell
05:49.02YoYo^ok, calling... ext 10
05:49.24YoYo^person at extension 13 is on the phone
05:49.27heisonbkw_: does JerJer need to enable G729 for me on his side?
05:50.00Spfhave a 7960 at job and asterisk server at home
05:50.00SpfNAT at job network
05:50.00Spfhow to setup outbound sip proxy for sip phones behin nat
05:50.38bkw_you will not gain 1 ounce of bandwidth savings from that
05:51.09heisonbkw_: me?
05:51.29bkw_yep you
05:51.37bkw_g729 chews just as much as gsm
05:52.00Spfhave asterisk server at home
05:52.00Spfany one here can help me??
05:52.13heisonbkw_: not according to the test that jtodd did...
05:52.36coppicebkw: G.729 chews less... just not a lot less overall
05:53.02Spfbkw can help me??
05:53.10bkw_it chews exactly the same as gsm
05:53.12heisonthat i'm aware of... so, 1/4 ounce of bandwidth is fone
05:53.44heisonbkw_: does JerJer need to enable it on his side too?
05:53.52bkw_I think
05:54.00heisonbkw_: or does he allow all as a default
05:54.42Spfhe guys any one can help me??
05:55.12*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
05:55.19heisonbkw_: some how it is looking for iax1.conf...
05:55.22_Tekati_Damn Brian I can't remember coming on here in a long time and not seeing you active.  You must either be between jobs right now or have one hell of a cool job with a lot of free time on your hands.
05:55.25heisonJan 22 00:54:46 ERROR[1217602880]: chan_iax.c:4826 set_config: Unable to load config iax1.conf
05:56.08Spfasterisk intergrate any sip proxy for sip phones behin nat ??? (outbound proxy)
05:56.35Spfwhere can read about??
05:58.28flashhey the wait thing works
05:58.59pattiejaagggh.  after all that work to get zaprtc working and:
05:59.02pattiejaJan 22 00:03:40 WARNING[245776]: app_meetme.c:168 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel
05:59.27*** join/#asterisk Moc (
05:59.32Spfjorgeraidel> you can help me??
05:59.43pattiejaoh well.
05:59.48pattiejawill have to work on it later
06:04.41bkw_google is the shit
06:05.05bkw_thats funny
06:05.14bkw_X-Pro for all the world if you want it
06:05.47brc007what is it? google gives me nothing relevent
06:06.03heisonbkw_: is safe_asterisk the recommended why to run asterisk? instead of respawning it from inittab?
06:06.11bkw_heison yes
06:06.31bkw_brc007 those two links have x-pro for download
06:06.49*** join/#asterisk Jcodetest (
06:07.13heisonbkw_: the document claims that it is started as a daemon, but it really is just a while loop, isn't it?
06:07.27brc007what is i^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H oh ok (found the manual)
06:08.26*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:08.29bkw_heison yep but you have to with g729 call the correct args or it won't start
06:08.40bkw_brc007 SMACK that bitch up
06:09.35bkw_who else can I call with this soft phone
06:09.52heisonbkw_: you can call me...
06:09.58bkw_brc007 ya
06:10.03*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
06:10.10bkw_heison you in china?
06:10.16brc007I've got a TON of plantronics headphones..wish it was cheaper
06:10.31brc007for $70 you might as well get a cheap hardphone
06:10.43*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
06:10.50bkw_heison I can call canada for free
06:11.00bkw_brc007 CHEAP isn't good
06:11.05brc007yeah I know
06:11.16bkw_heison your 700 isnt registered
06:11.48heisonbkw_: what do you mean? I was just on it...
06:11.58bkw_iaxtel is hozed
06:12.04bkw_heison it says your not registered
06:13.24brc007bkw...which xlite version did you get?
06:14.13bkw_just get x-pro
06:15.26brc007woah.../. is STILL down!
06:15.36brc007wonder what's up
06:17.39LegendMobits up here
06:19.21*** join/#asterisk Moc (
06:20.22LegendMob151 here
06:21.15brc007no workie
06:22.59bkw_ok wifi rocks my socks off
06:23.24clive-we are getting wifi in south farica...woowoo..:)
06:23.26brc007got b or g?
06:23.27pros12hope your feet are clean
06:24.30pros12wow now you can get more people on the 10mb internet connection in S.A
06:26.19clive-pros...yea, we all now all wait on the line:)
06:26.33brc007DAMNIT! I just copied my mail backup into my profile folder and erased my mail (newer then the backup)
06:26.42clive-with me trying to squeeeze my conversation on iax through..:)
06:26.51Mocso how is bkw_ web interface ?
06:26.58brc007you guys in bkw's conference?
06:27.06brc007no idea moc...
06:27.12brc007he won't tell me
06:27.24brc007bkw did digium make their announcement yet?
06:27.29Mocthe basterd ;)
06:27.33bkw_dont know
06:27.36clive-whats the anouncment?
06:28.08brc007uber secret..I'd tell you...but...I'd have to
06:28.17brc007send bkw to kill you
06:29.09Moctell me, im canadian, and bkw_ is probably allergic to beaver
06:29.17Mocso im safe
06:29.39bkw_who was just in the conf call
06:30.01bkw_call the conf again
06:30.51brc007is a beaver like a ?
06:30.53MocIm in
06:31.05Mocit ME !!!
06:31.14bkw_Moc oh thats you
06:31.26brc007somebody go there and play it on the conf
06:31.28MocHaa .. ok wait on..
06:31.34SpfHow do you serve VoIP calls to customers behind NAT-enabled firewalls?
06:31.44clive-spf with iax
06:32.02Spfbut must people have sip phone
06:32.27Spfor sip gateways
06:32.35clive-tough need proxy;s and stuff, of feed everyone via * and convert then to iax
06:32.39brc007moc! post some news! :p
06:33.03MocHey thing are wrong here rightnow..
06:33.12brc007that made no sense what so ever
06:33.15MocI can't seem to keep up
06:33.50Spfclive->use * as sip proxy
06:34.08Mocsomeone said my name ?
06:35.19clive-sort of
06:35.46brc007someone said you name wehre?
06:37.27Spfclive->don´t see how to configure * to act as sip proxy... i´m trying to connect my sip phone behind NAT-enabled firewalls but don´t work
06:38.14Spfclive-> use fwd now, they have outbound proxy
06:38.54Spfa lot of congestion at fwd
06:39.29pros12i had a lot of fun with this link a few years ago.. lots of fun with a new
06:39.38clive-is your * inside or outside your nat?
06:41.39Spfinside but sip is working with fwd and internal sip phones ok
06:42.59clive-so what are you trying to do, get the interneal sip phones to accept incomming out-of0nat calls?
06:43.00Spfat my home network NAT and sip.conf are runing fine
06:43.00Spfproblems at work... can´t configure NAT there
06:44.43pros12if work blocks the ports there not much you can do.
06:45.08Spfnot, all internal phones connected to *
06:45.08Spfbut can use fwd
06:45.08Spfthey have outbound proxy
06:45.08Spffor serve VoIP calls to customers behind NAT-enabled firewalls
06:46.33TestMasTerI know this isn`t a supporting channel but... has anyone ever used Vocal?
06:46.56clive-I know a bit about vocal...never used it though
06:47.29Spfcan use fwd <pros12> fwd is working for me at work phone
06:47.29Spfmy problem is : can´t connect sip phone behind NAT-enabled firewall to my asterisk server
06:47.32TestMasTerclive-,  I`m trying to figure out how to get it to send username and password... with a sip transmition
06:47.53*** join/#asterisk HankPoacher (
06:48.24Spfmy * now is behind nat but can move to DMZ
06:48.30pros12your * serve ris at home?
06:48.52pros12your * server is at home?
06:49.00Spfhere, near me
06:49.03pros12and you want to connect from work?
06:50.12clive-testmas...have no idea
06:50.23pros12use DIAX and make a IAX connection then use your asterisk box to make the fwd calls for you
06:50.47pros12that if you want to use a soft phone
06:50.59Spfmy boss can´t see me talking at phone but can see billing ;)
06:51.25ursenj_pros12, I think Spf is want more info on STUN
06:51.33pros12you can run DIAX from a a floppy
06:51.47pros12ahh ok
06:51.58flashcan you change the greeting on a voice mail box?
06:52.27flashI hit 3 for advanced options and keep going back to main voice mail menu for the box I am checking
06:52.27Spfthat a solution
06:52.27Spfyes flash
06:52.27Spfcall your voicemail
06:52.40flashcalled it
06:53.12Spfi record me greeting from my sip phone at voicemenu
06:53.14flash2 for msgs..  3.. for advanced
06:53.32Spfursenj_> what is STUN ???
06:53.48pros12its a setting on a phaser
06:53.54ursenj_a STUN server is an option in most new SIP phones,.. I think i just keeps a stateful connection open in the NAT firewall,. I'm not sure about the nuts and bolts of it though
06:54.41clive-stun may be your answer...just that all media trafic has to go through it
06:54.41ursenj_I'm have the same challanges
06:55.05ursenj_clive-, what do you know abotu STUN
06:55.22clive-its part of vocal
06:55.43ursenj_Spf, your problem is not SIP udp 5060 that is getting thorugh it the rtp that is not
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06:56.21ursenj_clive-, correct me if i'm wrong
06:56.45ZOPhmmm wait wrogn STUN
06:57.28ursenj_pros12, I donload that today,.. not to sure what to do with though
06:57.31Spfok, but can connect to fwd using outbound proxy
06:57.46TestMasTerclive-,  You should try Vocal.. its a kewl system once its working... But i think i like * better
06:58.17ursenj_Spf, you've got me there,. I think they are using a STUN server,, not sure
06:58.18clive-vocal is very complex
06:58.37clive-fwd use jasomi networks proxy
06:58.57ursenj_what is the diffrence between a proxy and STUN?? anyone
06:59.17TestMasTerclive-,  I agree with that.. But so can * be complex
06:59.40clive-testmas, I am a total newbie, and I got * going in a few hours
06:59.50clive-so it cant be too complex:)
07:00.20clive-ursenj, I thought they are basically the same
07:00.45ursenj_Not sure,.. * is my side passion these past few months,..
07:01.35ursenj_anyone used Vovida STUN server with SIP phones here?? bkw_??
07:01.42clive-I have read that if * is on the public IP then one can get through NAT with sip
07:02.11ZOPSTUN allows SIP to traverse a NAT by providing a place to ask 'whats my external address i can ask ppl to contact me on'
07:02.14ZOPi think
07:02.17ursenj_clive-, not true,... it is the way the client NAT server is set up,.. Cone NAT or NONE cone nat
07:03.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
07:03.37Mocwhat is the Digium unrelease news ?
07:03.53ursenj_bkw_, you have time to give your two cents on STUN and if Vovida STUN works with *
07:03.59TestMasTerclive-,  lol that all Depends on what you want/need * to do
07:05.37Spfstun server solve my problem ???
07:05.37Spfreading readme
07:05.55Mocwhat sntp you guys use ?
07:05.58clive-testmaster, what do you want * to do.?..:)..I just have iaxtel, sip, and fxs going so far
07:06.26ursenj_Spf, it should,.. SNOM had a good PDF on what the technical issues are, I have i printed here on my desk but don;t have the URL sorry
07:06.35clive-ursenj, ok, so SIP is worse than I
07:06.47ursenj_clive-, 10-4 good buddy
07:07.39ursenj_IAX is much easier from what I here,.. have really messed with it yet but everone in this channel swears buy it
07:07.52kamileonIAX rocks
07:08.10clive-well, if anywhere you want iax fans, this is the place..:)
07:08.36ursenj_it also has less over head,.. SIP is like 12 packets, and ax is like 4,..??
07:09.46clive-I see the new cisco ata firmware supports stun...
07:10.13Spfany iax fxs gateway at market??
07:10.14ursenj_clive-, yes it does I have v3.0 in my ata186,. but no stun server to test with,.. I
07:10.51ZOPSIP was designed off the SS7 protocol stack sorda ish
07:10.54ZOPits nasty
07:10.59ZOPjust like SS7
07:11.11clive-spf, unless you have a pc with a fxs, not yet,,,in a few weeks they are launching iaxy
07:11.41ursenj_clive-, I heard that a few months ago
07:11.50Spf???? who?? digium??
07:13.16*** join/#asterisk digger_ (
07:13.30clive-so did I,,,patience is in short suuply
07:14.02Spfgrandsteam plan add iax protocol to their sip phone too, i have cisco 7960
07:14.30tessierIt would be funny if IAX took over from SIP. I hear it is more capable.
07:14.35tessierI need to read up more on it
07:14.44ZOPit wouldn't surprise me
07:14.47clive-spf, grandstream support iax....really?
07:14.49ursenj_ANyone used Vovida STUN?????
07:14.54ZOPi think SIP is only gotten so far because of no competition.
07:15.14Spfclive-> what iaxy are??
07:15.29coppiceZOP since SIP came after H323, that doesn't make sense
07:15.30tessierJan 21 17:05:18 NOTICE[-1262621776]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
07:15.39tessierThis implies that asterisk detected a fax but it was a human calling in. What's up with that?
07:16.04coppicetessier: Its called "a bug". Its being worked on :-)
07:16.04ZOPcoppice: H323 is a mediocre piece of junk.  Made SIP look good.
07:16.38Spfonly read new at their web site
07:16.38Spfwill add suppor
07:16.38Spftessier> how you detect fax using *???
07:16.52coppiceZOP: why? They both suck about the same. Some people prefer SIP, as the ASN.1 in H323 scares them. They are both problematic, though
07:17.10tessiercoppice: Ah. Good to know. Does this mean that if I setup a fax all of my calls would go to the fax? I would really like to have auto-detection and have fax calls routed to my fax. Then I could use my fax line as an outgoing line.
07:17.20tessierSpf: Not sure yet but that message implies that it can, or at least should be able to barring bugs.
07:17.57coppicetessier: auto detection is available. unfortunately, due to a bad recent change it keeps detecting fax when there isn't one
07:18.02Spf0.7.1 there??
07:18.26ZOPcoppice: H323 can't tolerate latency, at all.  Call setup takes a lot longer than SIP too IIRC
07:18.37tessiercoppice: So basically it doesn't work right now?
07:18.55Spfthat was incoming call?? from where??
07:19.13coppiceZOP: you know nothing about H.323 then. H.323 and SIP are only signalling protocols. In both cases the audio is carried by RTP. There is *no* difference in the audio paths
07:19.20clive-spf I am look on grandstream's website , no mention of IAX support
07:19.59Spftake a moment
07:20.06coppicetessier: yeah. older versions of * work OK, but 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 have this problem
07:20.36tessierThat's a shame.
07:21.02coppicetessier: I will try to fix it in the next day or two
07:21.14ZOP*shrugs* that's just been my experience between the two.
07:21.23tessiercoppice: Oh, you are a developer? Sweet. Thanks! This stuff is awesome. I intend to add it to my consulting offerings here in San Diego.
07:21.30Spfclive-> opss sorry whas iLBC
07:21.32TestMasTerclive-,  Basically atm.. its just a learning game.. Trying to learn how to get the most out of these to programs.. * and vocal
07:21.47coppiceZOP: don't blame the protocols for that are probably just problems in specific implementations
07:22.03coppicetessier: I just get to fix up the problems :-)
07:22.20tessiercoppice: So you don't get any of the hot chicks? That's a shame.
07:22.36ZOPLOL yah never actually though about it from that point.
07:23.14tessierI bet Mark Spencer gets the chicks for being the main guy who started *
07:23.24ZOPanyway i'm running on vapors off to sleep
07:23.42ZOPI dunno, I knew mark back in the EARLY beta days of 'Linux Support Services'
07:23.51SpfSTUN server only work with STUN Client ???
07:24.15coppicetessier: my wife if hot enough for me - well usually. everything is bloody cold here today.
07:24.16coppiceI live in a tropical country. This cold is an illusion.
07:24.18ZOPSpf: yah...kinda like an HTTP server only works with an HTTP client.....
07:24.18coppiceI live in a tropical country. This cold is an illusion.
07:24.19coppiceI live in a tropical country. This cold is an illusion.
07:24.21coppiceI live in a tropical country. This cold is an illusion.
07:24.22coppiceDoesn't work. I can't convince myself.
07:24.37tessierWhere do you live/
07:24.58tessierHK? Hong Kong? Schweet! I spent a couple weeks there in July!
07:24.59tessierLoved it.
07:26.29coppiceIt was probably a bit warmer then :-)
07:26.35ZOPtessier: niiice, where you headed?  (live in Montana myself, family in Idaho, Friends in Utar)
07:26.36Spfsheap harwere there tessier
07:26.36Spfreturning to STUN, must have a STUN clien to use STUN server or can use with any sip phone???
07:26.59ZOPSpf: any SIP phone that supports STUN, IE is a STUN client.
07:27.08tessierZOP: My dad lives in Layton, just north of SLC. Going to visit him but will spend most of our time during the days at Snow Basin
07:27.14ZOPSpf: like a web browser is an HTTP client, a SIP phone can be a STUN client.
07:27.45coppiceA STUN gun works with any criminal, but a STUN server needs the client to cooperate :-)
07:27.46ZOPtessier: I know exactly where layton is, used to race horses out at the track there.
07:28.18*** join/#asterisk juice_ (
07:28.25tessierI don't know much about Layton, only been there a few times. But the mountains are gorgeous.
07:28.25ursenj_tessier, luck bastard,. i live southern UT
07:28.39ursenj_it has been COLD
07:28.44ursenj_in Norhtern UT
07:28.51tessierYeah, I heard it's been below freezing for many days.
07:28.57ursenj_19 days
07:29.32Spfthank ZOP
07:29.56ursenj_ZOP, whats your 20
07:30.30clive-ZOP, with stun, does the rtp stream have to pass thorugh the Stun server?
07:31.35kamileonhas anyone used the tdm400 or x100p in a SMP machine?
07:31.42ZOPclive-: Not to my knowledge no, STUN is just there so the client can figure out how it's NAT operates and it's external IP (err well to assist in that(
07:32.02ZOPursenj_: Missoula, MT
07:32.19Spfif no STUN support at sip phone will need to add solution like peerpoint centrex to my network???
07:32.39coppiceclive-: STUN is just a protocol for the NAT box to tell clients what translations it has used. This usually means the STUN server runs on the NAT firewall, but it doesn't have to be that way
07:32.48kamileoni have no special setup between my sip clients behind nat and my * box, in nat dmz
07:32.50ZOPursenj_: You a bear, or just a cub scout? :) hehehe
07:33.05ursenj_ZOP, I;ve been there before,.. BEATIFUL contry
07:33.15tessierI really wish I could get NAT out of my life.
07:33.33tessierI need to figure out how to sign up for a /1 IPv6 space. :)
07:34.00ZOPursenj_: Yup!  Good portion of the reason I moved here, add tot hat a pretty damned fine job where I more or less make my own hours, and noone really bothers me it's nice :)
07:34.01kamileoni dont see the big problem with nat
07:34.07ursenj_ZOP, good fishing,. went there on work but still found time to fish
07:34.08kamileonits fine if used where it should be
07:34.11tessierkamileon:'s always in the way?
07:34.21coppicetessier: I think NAT Is here for good. I think governments will suppress IPv6 (which would not be hard considering its slow progress), as NAT makes VoIP harder, and they like that.
07:34.30tessierkamileon: But what about when it is used where it HAS to be? Such as in my little home office because getting more IP's is a major PITA?
07:34.36kamileononly when you get to where your double, or triple natted
07:34.40ZOPursenj_: Haven't been out fishing yet, I was busy from April through to the freeze over, and now I'm busier still, but end is in sight for spring.
07:34.49tessiercoppice: nah...they can't stop progress.
07:34.55kamileontessier : thats where i use it, at home office...
07:35.06ZOPtessier: sure they can, just look at the US broadband market.
07:35.13kamileoni have 3 real ip addresses and 12 machines
07:35.16tessierZOP: Dude, broadband is growing like crazy.
07:35.20ursenj_ZOP, I work for an airline and went up there to turn the data line and poens,.
07:35.40tessierZOP: They have broadband all over the place here in San Diego and even down in Tijuana.
07:35.44ZOPtessier: But it's 4x more expensive than it should be because of overregulation.
07:35.50tessierZOP: I've even got wireless 56k data on my cell phone.
07:36.02kamileonmy next step is T1 at home
07:36.05ZOPtessier: And 90% of anything 1 mile outside of a *MAJOR* city or a city with brand new wiring can't get DSL
07:36.05coppicetessier: you'll probably always have to pay extra for more IPs, so you will want IPv6 NATed to save cost.
07:36.07tessierZOP: Yeah but that's not because they are trying to hold it back. The people demanded regulation.
07:36.21tessiercoppice: I'm willing to pay extra but not $5/ip extra.
07:36.30tessierIf it were 5 cents (like it might be with ipv6) then sure.
07:36.42kamileon$5 isnt much money
07:36.44tessierHaving trillions and trillions reduces scarcity to nothing.
07:36.46ZOPursenj_: Coolness :)  Yah KMSO isn't that big of an airport though...still manages 'international' in the title though LOL :)
07:36.51tessierkamileon: $5 per month for...
07:36.59kamileonnot really
07:37.02tessier9 computers here at the house.
07:37.03kamileonpack of smokes
07:37.20kamileoni pay my provider for 2 additional addresses
07:37.33tessierIt's just not yet worth it to me.
07:37.35kamileonthey know i have all this crap here, but dont bitch because i do pay a little extra
07:37.41ursenj_ZOP, ya I work for a reginal airline,. we fly twin turbo props and reginal jets
07:37.41kamileonand they quit filtering my ports
07:37.52tessierkamileon: I pay for the business service. $80/mo.
07:37.54ZOPtessier: for example here I have a 'choice' of Qwest 128k or 256k (neither of which will see more than 56k during peak) or paying for expensive SDSL backhaul to seattle.
07:37.56tessierAnd no filtered ports.
07:37.59coppicetessier: the extra cost for more IPs is more than an exhaustible supply issue. To an ISP more IPs means more traffic.
07:38.10tessierZOP: 128k or 256k cablemodem?
07:38.23kamileontessier : i tried to get a business account, but they wouldnt let me have one at my apartments
07:38.23tessiercoppice: No more traffic than when I just NAT it.
07:38.28ursenj_I get 16 IPS for 20 bucks a month
07:38.39tessierkamileon: Ah. I live in a house with a home office and they gave me one no problem.
07:38.45ursenj_that is on top of my bill
07:38.49ZOPursenj_: Heh prolly flew on one of them on my way in from SFO a couple times, and once towards canada, gotta take one of those little planes to a bigger 'port before you can get out of the country usually, or anywhere much at all.
07:38.51kamileonyeh, i work from home, but home is an apartment
07:38.53ZOPtessier: No DSL.
07:38.56kamileonwith a room for an office
07:39.02ZOPtessier: you can't even get digital cable in most of missoula yet.
07:39.19kamileoni cant complain too much, i have boxes colo'd within comfortable driving distance
07:39.26ZOPtessier: Although Bresnan is currently having XL cable rip up about 30% of the plant and change that.
07:39.34tessierZOP: Indeed it is major infrastructure and expensive. I think wireless is going to eat cable/dsl'd lunch in a few years anyhow.
07:39.37ursenj_ZOP, true... Dleta used to fly a 737 in there but they pulled it,. it was never full and called use to run it
07:39.38tessierI doubt they will recoup their investment.
07:39.55coppicetessier: competition might change that, but its hard to say. We pay about $15 for 3M ADSL. Agreements say no sharing, but you can tell the ISP you are using NAT and sharing, as they know you will churn at a moment's notice if they complain. I still wonder what will happen if all restrictions on the supply of IPs disappears, though.
07:39.59tessierThe last mile problem will be solved by wireless I think and it's gonna hurt.
07:40.39tessierZOP: DSL isn't shared bandwidth so unless your ISP itself really lacks bandwidth you won't be affected much by peak times. It's cable that gets hurt by peaks.
07:40.44ZOPtessier: Considering I'm forking $150/mo for 768k SDSL, and local wireless wants much more, not likely.  My company however has line of site to my complext so I'm probably going to shoot a 54meg PtP link and light the complex and udnersell fucking everyone, pay for the $5k in gear.
07:40.52ursenj_well hey all,.. I've got a system cut over to dom  got to run
07:41.04ZOPtessier: Thats exactly it, most ISPs severely oversubscribe, they have little or no competition.
07:41.09h3xxspedius has a new integrated t1 product
07:41.12tessierZOP: Yeah, I'm working on some wireless ideas similar to that in Mexico.
07:41.19h3xthat does variable internet speed
07:41.22tessierZOP: ISP's have tons of competition.
07:41.44h3xso when you use a channel for voice it drops a 64k channel of internet
07:41.45clive-tessier check out and also proxim
07:42.02ZOPursenj_: Yah, even the little twin turbo i came in on was half empty.  Heh I had to pull my laptop out of the bag because it wouldn't fit in the nose, not to mention it would've frozen broken :)
07:42.24ZOPtessier: Not last mile in smaller towns.
07:42.45ZOPtessier: Because of regulation the ILECs, and sometimes a few CLECs are about the only ones who can do it.
07:42.47kamileonproxim tsunami gear is shite
07:42.47coppicelast metre?
07:42.54kamileonso is morotola canopy gear
07:43.01ZOPtessier: Trust me I know, I work at an ISP and we've been investigating this extensively.
07:43.02tessierlast furlong?
07:43.03kamileonfsck both of those infastructures
07:43.19ZOPclive-: Proxim units are what we're looking at.
07:43.44tessierhmm...Is there any card less than a T1 with more than 1 FXO port?
07:44.02clive-Zop where are you based?
07:44.08kamileonZOP: proxim is decent, but if it rains, or the humidity changes or the wind blows too hard, youre customers will be screwed
07:44.14clive-tessier,,they say in the pipeline....otherwise just get a sip box with fxo's
07:44.18coppicetessier: you mean from Digium? No.
07:44.19ZOPclive-: Missoula, MT, US
07:44.23tessierI've got Digiums card with just one FXO port from the asterisk dev kit thing but want to hook up another line. I could buy another card I suppose but I am going to run out of PCI slots eventually.
07:44.36tessierclive-: A sip box with FXO's? What do you mean?
07:44.36tessiercoppice: I see
07:44.40coppicetessier: a 4 four FXO will be here soon.
07:44.45ZOPkamileon: Yah I'm not planning a major rollout yet, my biggest oncern is temps...we get down -20 at winter on occasion for a week solid.
07:44.46tessiercoppice: Cool.
07:44.55tessierI don't want to bring in a whole T1 to my house.
07:44.59kamileonZOP: never that cold here
07:45.07h3xtessier: I have a T1 at home! :)
07:45.09coppicetessier: they have been saying that for a while, but I understand its really true this time
07:45.15tessierh3x: You sure are l337. :)
07:45.22kamileoni want a t1 at my house
07:45.25h3xanalog lines suck
07:45.29kamileonmy friend has 2 for a good price
07:45.31kamileoni just want one
07:45.39tessierYeah, they do. But until I get more business going analog is gonna have to do. :)
07:45.45coppiceI have a bunch of E1s at home, but they only connect one side of the room with the other for testing :-)
07:45.48ZOPkamileon: depends on the conditions.  I usually don't have problems with ice accumulating on the 'big guns' ont op of our buildings, nor the antannaes, but hte units I'm looking at are all small dishes, or yagi's.
07:45.59h3xtessier: where are you at
07:46.04tessierh3x: San Diego
07:46.11tessierPoway, actually. Northeast of San Diego.
07:46.18coppiceIn Japan you can have 100M fibre in your home for $25 a month.
07:46.23kamileonyeah the client end is a square dish about 1.5'
07:46.27tessierAnd I can't even get DSL here because my neighorbood is ancient and hasn;t been upgraded.
07:46.28kamileonor less
07:46.32h3xit should be easy to find a 4B+D pri provider around there
07:46.35ZOPTHAT is what I'mt alking about
07:46.40ZOPUS broadband market is *SHIT*
07:46.46h3xthat is competitive with POTS prices
07:46.47ZOPI'm paying $150/mo for a goddamned straw.
07:47.09Spfbuy firmware
07:47.09Spfand some router board
07:47.09SpfZOP use can antena
07:47.09Spfno ice inside
07:47.25tessierclive-: Got a url for this sip box with FXO's?
07:47.40ZOPSpf: dude I'm talking about selling this, not two coffee-cans-on-a-sting-to-talk-to-my-buddy.
07:47.46tessierclive-: Something like that could come in handy at a clients place.
07:47.54ZOPbesides I have other beefs with star os.
07:48.06clive-tessier I though mediatrix mad one
07:48.06tessierI think they have something like 8 analog lines coming in. I am going to recommend they go to a fractional T1 but they may not want to.
07:48.10clive-made one
07:48.27clive-otheriwse voicetronixs
07:48.39h3xIve got a spreadsheet i put together with what CLEC is whereever
07:49.03tessierThere it is. Good call, clive-
07:49.27ZOPspf: :P
07:49.36h3xyouve got XO, Telepathetic (pacific), and Paetec in san diego... at least
07:49.41Spfwe are puching the market ... internet grow fast
07:49.41SpfZOP, a lot of antenna for wireless with ice solution, not problem
07:49.50h3xxo is gonna be $$$$
07:50.00h3xtelepathetic's LMS rates suck
07:50.23coppicetessier: that one is rather expensive. There are a number which are much cheaper - maybe half that price
07:50.46tessierWow, $855 is steep! I hadn't even noticed the price yet.
07:50.48tessierThat's nuts.
07:51.13h3xlike i was saying... a t100p is $500
07:51.33h3xtessier: I can get you paetec for $250 + local loop and .008 LMS
07:51.37tessierh3x: Yeah. And with more than just a few analog lines a T1 gets cheaper.
07:51.38h3xmost liekly
07:51.45h3xand thats for 23B+D
07:51.51ZOPSpf: shoot your ISP
07:51.59ZOP@SPAM/spamsource: 213.250.148/24: 553 PROXY,213,84,90 BSWN SWN O 2003-07
07:52.00h3x.008 Zone 1/2/3
07:52.04tessierh3x: Actually, I think I discussed this with you a few months ago. You emailed me a quote on some stuff. The client that was for is STILL thinking!
07:52.10clive-tessier, I didint know the costs:)
07:52.22h3xwas i talking about local or ld ?
07:52.23*** join/#asterisk voip (
07:52.52h3xanalog just dosent really make sense for 4+ lines usually
07:52.55SpfZOP> have ice problem on antennas some time ago, change to better antennas and no more problems
07:52.55Spfi´m runing here little wireless network
07:52.55Spftrying to add voip services to my customers using *
07:52.57tessierh3x: The client told me they were going to go with someone else, then they haggled with them for a couple months over price, and now they are back to me. We'll see if they ever make a purchase decision.
07:53.24ZOPSpf: the quality of the antannae doesn't matter for icing, it's all about weather.
07:53.25tessierh3x: Both. I'll have to look at their long distance useage and I'll get with you to help determine the optimal plan for them. If they ever make up their minds.
07:53.31h3xheh okl
07:53.40h3xI got some customers that call me a YEAR later and i dont even remember them
07:53.57h3xoh well
07:54.00ZOPSpf: If oyu're in a severe clime like mine here, you either have to hood the antannae or you have to heat them if they don't put out enough power to keep themselves thawed
07:54.06h3xtessier: Is it a colocatable deal ?
07:54.11ZOPThe other problem is a LOT of microwave gear quits at -15F
07:54.23tessierh3x: They are a lighting retailer. They need an in-house phone system.
07:54.52coppiceZOP that's OK - they servers will be down at -15F too :-) there's an idea...
07:55.33h3xOh yeah.
07:55.35tessierPerhaps it would be smarter to start getting people data connections to my asterisk box and run everything for them.
07:55.41ZOPcoppice: ROTFL :)
07:55.49tessierHave it colocated at a site I can easily access. If there are any problems I can take care of everything in one place.
07:55.56h3xYeah you could do that
07:56.01coppiceZOP: Ah. I see the solution. The servers make lots of heat, so pipe their hot exhaust air to the microwave kit.
07:56.03tessierIf their phones are VOIP anyhow, which they will be.
07:56.03ZOPcoppice: We had the AC tank when it was -35F outside, was 90+ in the damned datacenter.
07:56.10h3xor get VoIP DIDs somewhere
07:56.24h3xI was thinking about setting up VoIP DIDs with PSTN overflow so if your shit goes down
07:56.28coppiceZOP: been there, suffered that
07:56.28h3xit can still get through a pots line or whatever
07:56.52tessierh3x: Is it easy to get DIDs?
07:56.54Spfbad luck if you get ice in fron of your antena
07:56.54Spfbut hot antenna was good solution too
07:57.04coppiceZOP: Oh the pain of central aircons. They shut down when the office space is comfy, and the hardware cooks
07:57.06h3xwell voicepulse does a lot of east coast and nufone has a few areas
07:57.24ZOPcoppice: Heh, no we have 2x15Ton units in the facilities area.
07:57.32ZOPcoppice: Seperate from our offices ont he 3rd floor.
07:57.35h3xbut im trying to work out a deal with one carrier to get DIDs in 38 markets, another to get 71 other cities, and finally three cities in canada eventually
07:57.57h3xi figure if i get enough vonage-type companies together i can just wholesale them DIDs
07:58.11h3xbecause otherwise it isn't cost effective to do so
07:58.30ZOP5Ton would've been enough for now, but we needed to have redundancy and extra capacity, plus I didn't want to be running the compressors 24x7 during the summer.
07:58.42h3xI'm sure anybody would take like .003-.005/min DIDs in volume
07:59.17h3xmaybe ill have a different on peak and off peak rate
08:00.03tessierh3x: Yeah, exactly. Hey, can you recommend a good SIP proxy to get people onto the PSTN network?
08:00.13tessierI don't mean a service. I mean software I can run myself.
08:00.21tessierI noted a few on sourceforge.
08:00.22h3xAsterisk? :D
08:00.29tessierh3x: Asterisk is not a sip proxy.
08:00.37tessierIs it? I read that it wasn't on the mailing lists.
08:00.42h3xno its not
08:00.55ZOPyou could bastardise it to do that somehow I'm sure.
08:00.55kamileonfscking fwd
08:00.56h3xi mean, the only thing i guess you would need a sip proxy for is to relay peopel to someone elses network and get CDRs
08:01.00h3xis that what you are trying to do
08:01.13ZOPanyway sleep for me
08:02.43tessierh3x: Not sure. If I wanted to start my own Vonage like company I would need to get my VOIP subscribers to other peoples networks and to the PSTN.
08:03.33h3xI am gonna use private line for most of my stuff
08:03.51tessierSo what is the recommended way to do that?
08:03.51h3xits so cheap these days
08:04.02h3xat least, in between places that dont need a LEC to deliver the loop
08:04.29h3xits kind of sad that i can get a ds3 private line from my vegas pop to 1 wilshire meet me room 223 miles away for about $425/month
08:04.43h3xbut a 6 mile local loop here costs like $2800/month.......
08:05.04h3xwell theres a few ways you could do it
08:05.18h3xif you want to cut down on your overhead either use internet on the same network as the voip provider
08:05.23kamileonh3x wtf?
08:05.42h3xwhich is probably not a perfect replacement for pstn
08:05.48h3xmaybe two different internet providers :P
08:05.59h3xthe other would be private line to whoever
08:06.14h3xconsidering you can get a cisco 1601 on ebay for $50
08:06.18h3xits cheaper than a t1 card
08:06.23h3xto bring pstn in anyway
08:07.07h3xso if you got voip phones and a $50 cisco, you got a really cheap pbx...
08:07.55h3xif you're gonna be facilities based you should get something in LA with 1W MMR access
08:07.59h3xthe quinby building is cheap
08:08.10Spfplase you servers at housing
08:08.27h3xtheres nothing wrong with ip centrex :)
08:08.42h3xHmmm.. why am i not selling that here in vegas.  Heh
08:09.40tessier1W MMR access? What does that mean?
08:09.45h3x1 wilshire meet me room
08:09.56h3xone of those buildings on grand ave at least
08:10.06h3xanyway, you can get $25-50 T1 cross connects
08:10.14h3xand $350ish DS3 cross connects run
08:10.18h3xin the same day you order them
08:10.29h3xdosent mean the LEC Is gonna be any faster delivering a circuit to a customer
08:10.35h3xbut you can switch around carriers and stuff faster
08:11.02h3xme on the other hand dosent wanna screw around with setting my shit on a fault line ;P
08:11.11h3xso im gonna get some of my pstn access to go to phoenix instead
08:11.17h3xits about the same distance
08:12.01h3xIf you want to start small and can wait a month or two, I'll have a private line DS3 to the MMR and access to three different carriers for pstn
08:13.29tessierWhat is the Meet Me Room? Is it just a big room where lots of ISP's peer with each other?
08:13.29h3xthe ds3 can be fanned out to private lines going to anybody in orange county cheaply
08:13.29h3xIts a big room full of wires
08:13.32h3xit costs something absurd like $2500/month for a THIRD of a rack
08:13.42h3xand you cant really put any equipment in there
08:13.52tessierBecause the peering is ideal?
08:14.11h3xits used to do physical cross connects between carriers
08:14.16h3xliteral cable runs
08:14.22h3xcat5, fiber, coax ds3s, etc
08:15.29h3xits a good way to avoid having to use a local loop to deliver a circuit between carriers
08:15.37tessierIf I just did point to point data with PBX customers and ran their PBX for them I could have all of the indivual T1's etc aggregated and just bring in a big DS-3 or something to me, right?
08:15.48h3xexample, I've ordered a ds3 from wiltel from my building to the MMR, and then cross connect from that to Paetec
08:16.10h3xSure, but the trick is to use something besides the ILEC to haul that last mile to the closest CO
08:16.19h3xthe stupid ILECs charge too much for inter-POP mileage
08:16.21tessierRight. Like who or what?
08:16.37h3xa good alternative to bypass pachell or GTE is MFS
08:16.55h3xpaetec also has facilities in many of the pacbell/gte pops there
08:17.06h3xUmm.. actually theres a lot of local fiber carriers that do that
08:17.29Spflike h3x ???
08:17.29h3xI used some automated pricing tool that gave me 300 different possible routes just to get one to Anaheim from LA
08:18.03h3xSpf: Someone pasted that to me the other day
08:18.27h3xbut its in miami
08:21.14Spfyou talk about a plase like this???
08:21.14Spfyour Meet Me Room is like terremark
08:21.47Spfa plase for housing you * servers
08:22.48h3xyeah thats in los angeles
08:22.49tclarktessier: also sipura will have 1 port fxo-sip for 99 in q2
08:24.12Spf2376$ for a T1
08:24.52Spfyou can user channel bank
08:28.01Spfchap, sorry
08:30.36*** part/#asterisk Spf (~Spf@
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08:35.57*** join/#asterisk jeroen (
08:40.42SpfAsterisk inside a NAT, client inside ANOTHER NAT ->solution<- SIP Express Router (ser)
08:46.37brc007hax...what's this deal you are trying to get with did's?...
08:46.56brc007any idea if you'll get any in the phoenix area (480,602)
08:47.59h3xi need to make a "map" of who does did's for where.
08:48.44brc007any idea if there's any VoIP providers that have did's in phoenix already?
08:50.52h3xa good friend of mine in phoenix has a bunch of PRIs laying around..
08:50.52brc007oh really :)
08:50.52h3xi just donno what hes got plugged into them does that work exactly...he plugs his pri into asterisk, and then I connect to his asterisk box (over the net)?
08:53.13h3xyeah thats one way to do it
08:53.22brc007k..what's the other?
08:53.35h3xwell i have a couple carriers that send me traffic with SIP
08:53.58h3xi havent got all the contractual bull completed yet but...
08:54.00h3xthats an option
08:54.06brc007I see
08:54.13h3xthey want a huge committment to do anything
08:55.49voidptrsteven sokol's iaxclient uses libiax2, or from scratch?
08:56.38coppicesteven sokol's phone uses steve kann's iaxclient, uses libiax2
08:56.56brc007how much does a pri cost? we need around 10 lines and 256kbps data...currently We've got a very very old comdial box with 10 POTS circuits and DSL. I'm thinking it might make sense to get a T1 and use it for voice and data
08:57.00voidptrdoes it work (tm)?
08:57.10h3xbrc007: mostly local or ld ?
08:57.24brc007around 50-50
08:57.45h3xany idea how many mins ld ?
08:57.53voidptrsomeone brought me the linux journal article
08:57.58brc007...not offhand :\
08:58.17*** join/#asterisk jeroen (
08:58.41h3xgot an address
08:59.01h3xive got XO there but the local loop is unbundled
08:59.11brc007Scottsdale, AZ 85254
08:59.13*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
08:59.38h3xtoo bad you arent in toucson or  montgomery because ive got a sweet new deal with xspedius that just lunched today
09:00.10h3xits a deal where you get 1.544Mb/sec internet, and as you use lines for voice it tears down internet channels one at a time
09:00.17h3xso you could use all 23 or 24 of them...
09:00.24*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
09:00.27brc007that's called drop and replace right?
09:00.33brc007drop and insert
09:00.34h3xadd/drop.. but not really
09:00.46h3xits done by a smart IAD (integrated access device)
09:00.52h3xAdd/drop is static allocation
09:00.56brc007I see
09:01.02h3xthe IAD has ethernet and a t1 pass through port on it
09:01.24h3xSo, whats the npa/nxx of that place
09:01.37voidptrfunny, the linux journal article has an agi callerid sending script...
09:01.47brc007npa/nxx...uhm..what's that?
09:01.52h3xarea code and exchange
09:02.02Spy007Asterisk on today
09:02.02voidptrhey i have it in a app with broadcasting and crypto support ;)
09:02.04h3xhehe funny no one ever knows what that one is. .. i just think it so ...
09:02.07brc007aha..  480.922
09:02.33brc007Spy007: linkey?
09:02.40*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:03.36h3xunfortunately that product isnt anywhere in 480 area code :(
09:05.03brc007so if you don't have a smart do you use a T1 that's split for voice and data with asterisk? you use a dumb IAD? or can asterisk pass the data through an eathernet card somehow.
09:05.17h3xyou could do it either way
09:05.30h3xmost CLECs will give you a free IAD to add/drop mux out the voice channels to a pass through port
09:05.41h3xor you can use asterisk with the hdlc driver thingy
09:05.45brc007got it
09:05.48h3xpersonally, i'd use the IAD
09:05.52tessierchan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:treed@>' failed for ''
09:05.52brc007yeah, me too
09:05.54h3xso when your shit crashes the internet still works :P
09:06.01tessierAnyone know what's up with that? My phones work fine.
09:06.06brc007so you can use the internet to figure out how to fix your shit :p
09:06.12h3xyeah hahahahahahhaha
09:06.37tessierI think maybe I have something backwards in my sip.conf or something
09:07.20h3xxo is going to suck
09:07.23*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
09:07.27h3xthe local loop termination alone is $255.07
09:07.33_jackhamrhi all
09:07.38brc007is that what they have around here?
09:07.41h3xI've gotta find something better for phoenix
09:07.41_jackhamrcan anyone tell me whether the latest cvs works?
09:07.47brc007please do! :)
09:07.49h3xtheres at&t but they are horrid
09:07.54brc007how much
09:08.00brc007or bad service?
09:08.00h3xhahaha... thousands.
09:08.18brc007does qwest offer anything? we have the POTS lines through them
09:08.23h3xYeah the last time i figured out the price of a integrated t1 with 768k data it was $1600 a month PLUS the loop
09:08.42h3xthats a good point
09:08.52_jackhamrh3x: xspedius has that for $599 now
09:08.54h3xi forgot they got their license back in the in-region
09:09.07h3x_jackhamr: I know, but they arent in phoenix
09:09.34_jackhamrwhat do you need in phoenix?  I'm in tucson
09:09.55h3xi would sell xspedius in tucson :)
09:09.58brc00710 voice lines and somewhere around 256kbps of data
09:10.19_jackhamrh3x: I beat xspedius deal by 300 bucks.
09:10.21brc007guess we'd better just move to tucson
09:10.33_jackhamrh3x: really.
09:10.45h3xYeah, i have a xspedius t1 at home here in vegas
09:10.48h3xbut its just 23b+d
09:10.58_jackhamrI'm selling four lines and a megabit of data for $299
09:11.10tessier23b+d ?
09:11.22_jackhamrh3x: that's suggested retail
09:11.26h3xOh ok
09:11.30h3xare you an agent ?
09:11.37_jackhamrno i own a datacenter
09:11.46_jackhamrh3x: we've talked before
09:11.53h3xYeah i know, i just dont remember ;)
09:12.01_jackhamrI wholesale that for about $220
09:12.05brc007I never remember names
09:12.12h3xi just talked to someone in xspedius carrier sales the other day.  She was smoking crack
09:12.30_jackhamrxspedius has a number porting issue that i'm about to go into a rage over
09:12.32h3xshe knew i was an xspeduis agent and she was trying to sell me a PRI Inbound only for $400 to a on-net facility
09:12.36_jackhamrthey won't port numbers with only an LOA
09:12.49h3xbill copy?
09:12.52_jackhamrh3x: that should be about $180 :)
09:12.58h3xyeah no shit.
09:13.16_jackhamrh3x: nope not bill copy she wanted a letter on company letterhead from my customer releasing the numbers to me
09:13.42h3xwell that makes sense, if you aren't the same company name as where they are coming from
09:13.42_jackhamrthe part that pissed me off was this was 8 days into a 10 business day number port
09:13.52_jackhamrthey cancelled the port order
09:13.57h3xha ha ha ... you lost amber for MACDs, shes in the agent channel now
09:13.59h3xand shes FAST
09:14.06_jackhamrso I've had to resubmit the order
09:14.07h3xi got her to do MACDs in 2 days or so the last 3 times
09:14.15_jackhamr10 more days :)
09:14.25h3xthe 10 day port is the ILEC's fault though
09:14.37h3xbut yeah
09:14.53h3xi had a customer sign up, from #asterisk actually... that didnt have the deposit sent in and they canceled the loop order
09:15.18h3xwhat are you getting two way pri's for ?
09:16.25brc007don't think he wan'ted to tell you
09:16.26*** join/#asterisk _jackhamr (~jackhamr@
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09:16.30h3xwhat are you getting two way pri's for ?
09:16.35brc007"<brc007> don't think he wan'ted to tell you
09:16.35brc007<brc007> hah"
09:16.40_jackhamrwhat happened? :)
09:16.44brc007you left
09:16.50_jackhamrwhat was the last question
09:17.03brc007<_jackhamr> sucks!
09:17.03brc007<_jackhamr> 10 more days :)
09:17.03brc007<h3x> the 10 day port is the ILEC's fault though
09:17.03brc007<h3x> but yeah
09:17.03brc007<h3x> i had a customer sign up, from #asterisk actually... that didnt have the deposit sent in and they canceled the loop order
09:17.03brc007<h3x> what are you getting two way pri's for ?
09:17.13h3x<-- _jackhamr has quit ("Trillian (")
09:17.18_jackhamrtwo way pri off net is about $390
09:17.45h3xthats in touscon huh
09:17.53_jackhamrhehe yes
09:17.58brc007get it for phoenix too! :(
09:18.06h3xvegas is their cheapest market
09:18.31RoyK322.1 :)
09:18.42_jackhamr322.1 sold :)
09:18.48brc007well I might move to touscon but all the way to vegas is just asking too much
09:19.07h3x_jackhamr: I'm squatting a ton of 702-777-xxxx numbers.. Now im trying to sell 777-3456 to moviefone :P
09:19.33h3xbrc007: we have sex, drugs, gambling, more sex. and the cheapest local T1s of anywhere!
09:19.51brc007h3x...I've been looking around qwest's site and I can't find any pricing on their t1's..any idea (guesstimate) how much it'd be?
09:20.03brc007I assume you aren't a reseller/agent/whatever for qwest?
09:20.05_jackhamrbrc: unless someone else is working up a quote to you drop me a line and let me know what you need.
09:20.12h3xbrc007: That would be a so-called us west product
09:20.18_jackhamrqwest bleh
09:20.27_jackhamrtheir frame relay is the worst shit i've ever seen.
09:20.28h3xif you want local on it anyway
09:20.49h3xits do-able, but its a manual process...
09:20.53_jackhamrqwest frame relay T1's over copper will bounce at least twice a day.
09:21.21h3xdamn they retail that at $750 in touscon...
09:21.26h3xthen my two way PRI should be $50 :P
09:21.47brc007_jackhamr: nobody is offically working me a quote really...I think h3x looked but doesn't have anything here...(or do you?)
09:21.47_jackhamrmy qwest t1 loops are $19
09:21.56h3xyou bastard
09:22.09brc007or him
09:22.13h3xhave a clec license?
09:22.41_jackhamrh3x: nope...just a zero mile OC12 circuit :)
09:23.36brc007_jackhamr: what's your email?
09:23.39brc007or website
09:24.06_jackhamrbrc: i don't want to cross h3x on a sale
09:24.09Spfhey guys, need termination Cuba.. have good price there??
09:24.19_jackhamrspf: i can check?
09:24.21tessierYou need data to Cuba?
09:24.32h3xjack, I dont have any products worth a shit in phoenix
09:24.37tessierDoes the embargo not affect telecom or something?
09:24.49brc007okay, thanks anyway h3x
09:24.53h3xSpf: To call cuba or... ?
09:25.24_jackhamrbrc: you want 128k and some phone lines?
09:25.40brc007probably more like 256, and around 10 lines
09:25.47_jackhamr256k and 10 lines
09:25.53_jackhamrwhat kind of money are you looking at
09:26.07Spfi receive call from cuba by voip carriet at NY
09:26.07Spfyes to call cuba
09:26.07Spfresell minutes
09:26.14brc007not sure..I don't have any idea what that should cost
09:26.26_jackhamrcentrex lines are $32 a piece I think.
09:26.33Spfwe sell calling card at miami and spain
09:26.38brc007I don't have any numbers with me as far as what we're paying now (POTS and DSL)
09:26.49h3xdoes it have to be voip or can you take pstn or Spf
09:27.41brc007yeah I realised that just as I hit enter
09:27.51Spfvoip better, iax
09:28.10Spfwe use asterisk
09:29.01*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:29.07Spfnow we can´t sell cuba
09:29.51h3xcuba sure is an expensive place to call
09:29.51pros12im kinda new to this. when you say 256 plus 10 lines is that 10 pstn lines with DIDs and a 256 internet connection?
09:29.57h3xi have to look at like 50 different rate sheets
09:30.11Spfcan´t find good rates and working viop termination service for cuba
09:30.30zoacuba is one of the most expensive ones
09:30.53h3xi found one that isnt too bad
09:30.57h3xand its SIP termination
09:30.58zoai can sell cuba
09:31.19zoabut i'm sure its a lot more pricey than calling to belgium
09:31.25h3xwhat are you paying now?
09:31.54Spfyes, we are planing setup a vsat at cuba for move trafic
09:31.54Spfno deal
09:31.54Spfwe buy .50/min
09:32.10h3xill keep looking through here
09:32.16Spfless than .50 don´t work or very choppy call
09:32.33zoai might be doing it less expensive
09:33.18Spf2 millon cubans living at miami
09:34.30brc007night h3x
09:34.41brc007goodnight moon
09:34.41h3xnite.. ill keep looking for phoenix
09:34.47h3xi know so many people that have stuff there but...
09:35.08brc007h3x@brianchristie ...
09:35.31brc007no wait
09:36.16*** join/#asterisk capijod (
09:36.23brc007night capijod
09:36.39brc007no no NIGHT
09:36.47coppiceh3x: face it. the phoenix is just a mythical creature. you'll never find it
09:37.07Spfwell have cuba or not??
09:38.20geertnIf I have canreinvite=no in my sip.conf and 2 telephones supporting g729a so no translation is needed, do I still need the license?
09:39.13zoai have cuba spf :)
09:39.31zoaeverybody has
09:39.52zoaanyone in here with a cuban family ?
09:39.59zoathat has an internet connection in cuba ?
09:40.37tessierWhen a grandstream is registered with asterisk does that for some reason prevent you from being able to bring up the menu and change the ip etc?
09:40.55tessierI keep getting a weird error message on the console and one of my phones won't do anything when I hit the menu button
09:41.07pros12use a web browser
09:41.24zoatessier, its probably fucked
09:41.43zoaspf, can't they do termination for you ?
09:41.56*** join/#asterisk miller7 (none@
09:41.58zoaand me ? :))
09:42.07miller7hello hello everyone
09:42.25tessierzoa: Yeah, I had kinda already figured that out myself. How do I un-fuck it? :)
09:42.33zoatry power reset
09:42.38zoaor send it back to reseller
09:42.40zoathey suck
09:42.41zoaand break
09:42.44tessierpros12: I can get to it with the web browser. Just wondering why the menu button doesn't work.
09:43.03pros12could be a bad connection with the button
09:43.24tessierActually, no. When I press it the screen lights up.
09:43.31voidptrmorning miller7
09:43.50pros12i have heard that they can be a little sloppy witht he glue gun
09:44.01pros12and you could have some on the contacts
09:44.04Spfno whith cuban internet
09:44.04Spfi need terminate a ca voip call at cuba pstn
09:44.23pros12but the browser works fine and the setting hold?
09:44.28tessierThe button is fine. Worked perfectly last night.
09:44.35tessierAnd it lights up so contact is definitely being made.
09:44.39pros12does not mean its ok now
09:44.57pros12something could of sliped in between the contacts
09:46.32h3xSpf: Have you tried to price out cuba private line yet
09:46.56h3xi suppose satellite may be cheaper i donno
09:48.32*** join/#asterisk sousou (
09:49.00RoyKanyone that knows a good softphone supporting video, running on unices and windows?
09:49.32_jackhamrguys is today's cvs working?
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09:51.23h3xAT&T i typed in cuba for shits and giggles and its .9560/min
09:51.43h3xit was actually cheaper than some of my other pstn routes
09:52.18h3xthey are weird about billing.  they do 18/6 international instead of 30/6
09:52.32h3xbut the problem is that initial 18 seconds costs as much as if you called for 30 anyawy
09:53.02_jackhamrhmmm.  i can see the issue but will it really be that much of a problem?
09:53.22_jackhamrIt takes 18 seconds just to get your groove on and your smoke on.
09:53.28RoyKbut ... softphone with video... anyone ?
09:53.41*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
09:54.51h3xyou know, sometimes xspedius is agressive with international pricing
09:54.55h3xi dont know how... or why...
09:55.04RoyKdoes IAX support video?
09:55.07h3xthey had the cheapest japan rate of any of mine once upon a time
09:55.11coppiceRoyK: what about softphones with video?
09:55.15capijodRoyK: yes
09:55.22_jackhamrh3x: that's why they went bankrupt
09:55.40h3xprobably mobile calling...
09:55.58_jackhamri have no idea what the mobile rate is in japan
09:56.54timecopi'll tell you
09:56.59timecopits way too fucking much.
09:57.04timecopand all the japs are retards for paying it.
09:57.15timecopfor such SHITTY service too.
09:57.21timecopvoice quality is fucking horrod
09:57.21_jackhamrtimecop, can you tell me how you really feel?
09:57.24RoyKcoppice: which ones support it?
09:57.30timecoper horrid too
09:57.34coppicetimecop: and how does that translate to Yen?
09:57.44_jackhamri just want to send a damn fax through *
09:57.52zoamobile rate in japan
09:57.54h3xoh i remember
09:58.00h3xxspedius does 6/6 billing on international
09:58.02h3xsilly wabbits
09:58.09h3xtoo bad its 2 decimal precision
09:58.30h3xhaha $1.50/min to cuba.
09:58.33zoamobile rate of japan is around 10% of the fixed cuban price
09:59.04timecopjaps even bill per second for local calls, can you imagine what they rape from you for mobile?
09:59.18_jackhamroh man
09:59.21zoatimecop its not that much in japan
09:59.23zoasame as belgium
09:59.29zoaand most other countries
09:59.34timecopzoa: yeah tell that to my phone bill k thx
09:59.36h3xThats why they have games on their cell phones.
09:59.41Spficonnecthere .54 cuba
09:59.41Spfbut don´t work
09:59.42ennuyeux7Does anyone know advantages/disadvantages of using local/ext@context as opposed to Goto(context|ext)
09:59.42timecopzoa: does $400 a month equal to "not much"?
10:00.14geertnennuyeux7: You can use the first one in a dial url...
10:00.16_jackhamrwhat does $400 buy you
10:00.19coppicetimecop: The first bit on that page is horrbly wrong. Japan's 3G is way ahead of anyone else's, however bad it is :-)
10:00.29timecopcoppice: you are fucking full of shit.
10:00.31timecopcoppice: it isnt.
10:00.39timecopcoppice: europe had 3g what, 3 years ago?
10:00.41ennuyeux7i mean Dial(local/ext@context) instead of Goto(context|ext) , sorry
10:00.42timecopjaps still havent figured it out
10:01.06timecopbesides who cares the prices are so high nobody gives a fuck
10:01.12coppicetimecop: No. 3G was launched in a couple of places for the first time in early 2003. Its still stuggling.
10:01.18timecopin america 1.5G has been out on qualcomm equipment for years
10:01.27timecopI know people who get 144kbit/sec consistent data speeds for flat rates
10:01.29ennuyeux7geertn: Do u know if there is any issue with flow of control or variable memory with either method
10:01.31timecopjaps STILL download at fucking 64k
10:01.33geertnennuyeux7: I use it here: exten=s,3,Macro(dial,LOCAL/${temp}@ext-local) and then exten=s,4,Dial(${ARG2},20)
10:01.44timecopor less 64k is like "theoretical"
10:02.11coppicetimecop: most of us would love mobile at 64K
10:02.19timecopcoppice: THEN FUCKING MOVE TO AMERICA
10:02.23timecopbecause there they have it at 144kbit
10:02.25geertnennuyeux7: The first is a url and the second is an extension..that's all for me
10:02.30timecopand this is 64kBIT not 64kbyte, notice that.
10:02.35timecopthe rest of the owrld had this YEARS ago.
10:02.36coppicetimecop: 144K in theory only
10:02.44ennuyeux7geertn: I suppose using the dial syntax u can't speciry priority but with the Goto you could (in your exapmple) do Goto(ext-local|${temp}| 5) or sth
10:02.52zoamy collegues phone bill was 800$ last month
10:02.55timecopcoppice: bullshit. it works for everyone I know
10:03.07coppicetimecop: I don't know where you get your idea of the rest of the world, but its very screwed up
10:03.21timecopcoppice: their 64k "mobile" you have to sit on your ass. you cant be moving if you want 64k speed.
10:03.28timecopif you are gonna move, its back to 9.6k billed per second.
10:03.34geertnennuyeux7: I never used priority with Goto... dunno
10:03.58coppicetimecop: and this is somehow different to elsewhere?
10:04.08timecopcoppice: uh, yes.
10:04.23coppicetimecop: where do you get this from?
10:04.31timecopwhat is "this"?
10:04.43timecopthat mobile phone netwokr in u.s. owns the FUCK out of any jap netwokr?
10:04.45MX_where can I find good manual how to setup voice-modem with * ? or google keywords pls ;)
10:04.53coppicetimecop: this idea of amazing speed outside Japan
10:04.56timecopcoppice: from people who actually use them
10:05.10ennuyeux7geertn: thanks man, I'll tinker around some more
10:05.20timecopand where do YOU get your idea of "amazing speed IN japan"?
10:05.22timecopfrom reading wired?
10:05.28timecopwhere they publis shit that doesnt even exist?
10:05.30coppicetimecop: OK. How many places have any kind of 3G network?
10:05.37*** join/#asterisk phutping (
10:05.37timecopjust so jap droolers like you can get all excited about it?
10:06.31coppicetimecop: I'm not drooling. 3G in Japan great I know. Its non-existant in most places, though.
10:06.37timecopcoppice: no idea, I'm not in u.s. from various people I know in there, it's probably more or less complete coverage.
10:06.53coppices/Japan great/Japan isn't great
10:06.56timecopcoppice: 3g in japan is fucking overpriced, nonexistent, and slow/useless
10:07.19timecopcoppice: do you like to pay per packet + per second on your phone for data?
10:07.21timecopdidnt think so
10:07.28timecopbut in a country thats been paying per second for phone calls for years, I guess its ok
10:07.29coppicetimecop: There is no 3G in the US. Only a couple of places in Europe have it, and the service is a joke.
10:08.07tessierWhat is /var/lib/asterisk/images for?
10:08.12timecoptessier: porn on hold?
10:08.13tessierThere's a jpg asterisk logo in there.
10:08.25tessierThe asterisk handbook says "Storage area for images referenced in dialplan and applications"
10:08.35tessierWhat would a dialplan or asterisk application have to do with a jpg image?
10:08.51coppicetimecop: Oh, the pricing is a different issue. I know nothing about Japan's pricing. Its your idea of service in other countries that's way out of line with reality
10:09.28timecopcoppice: all I can tell you is what I see here in japland since i live here, and what I dont see here, and what I hear from people I know in u.s. and other countries.
10:09.32h3xyeah well id rather pay for calls by the second than get raped with 60/60 billing here in the US with wireless.
10:09.49coppicetimecop: So who tells you they have 3G?
10:10.21timecopcoppice: does it matter? do you want names and phone numbers/
10:10.37coppicetimecop: No not names, areas
10:11.11timecopcoppice: texas, dc, ny from just a few that I can think of
10:11.51sousoutimecop - if you wrote the stuff on that site you need to move country
10:11.56*** join/#asterisk sxpert_work (
10:12.17timecopsousou: i'll trade you
10:12.26timecopi bet france has better wireless and broadband than japland
10:12.38sousouActually, I've spent time in Japan and liked it a lot
10:12.41coppicetimecop: There is no 3G in the US. There is limited CMDA2000 rollout. They are starting to roll out EDGE rapidly, so that should be widespread soon. Texas is one of the few areas I've heard of with the CDMA coverage is reasonable. As far as I know few people there still do not have CDMA 2000. In most of the US even basic CDMA provides pathetic coverage
10:12.46timecopsousou: all oyu did was fuck?
10:12.51sousouWell we have iMode!
10:12.59sousouNo I was married
10:13.03timecopsousou: which is totally fucking useless?
10:13.06brc007_sleepingTHERE IS NO 3G IN THE US
10:13.09coppicetimecop: Right now France has nothing better than congested GPRS
10:13.15timecopimode is nothing but a fucking shitass browser with sponsored content
10:13.20timecopthere is absolutely nothing special about it
10:13.22sousouThere is no "3G" anywhere really
10:13.40brc007_sleepingP E R I O D
10:13.45tessierI check my mail, browse web, I can IRC
10:13.49timecopuh huh
10:13.53timecoptessier: probably at good speeds too
10:14.08brc007_sleepinganyone using att wireless's edge network yet?
10:14.12tessierYeah. I get solid 5kB/s download rates. Almost 56kb/s
10:14.14coppiceAT&T use GPRS. It isn't fast
10:14.20timecopits ok
10:14.24brc007_sleepingtimecop...where do you live?
10:14.25timecopat least AT&T uses standard shit
10:14.33timecopjaps use off hte wall garbage nobody else would touch
10:14.36*** join/#asterisk tessier-pda (
10:14.38timecoplike their entire pdc/phs network
10:14.40timecopfucking waste
10:14.47timecopwhy couldnt they come upw wiht something that doesnt suck ass
10:14.49coppicetimecop: KDDI uses CDMA 2000
10:14.52tessier-pdawoohoo I am on irc with my pda phone
10:14.59sousoupdc != phs
10:15.07timecopsousou: i am well aware of htat
10:15.08brc007_sleepingwoohoo: I'm not sleeping
10:15.12timecopsousou: and they both suck ass
10:15.16timecopsousou: whats your point
10:15.21sousoupdc is just gsm
10:15.25timecopno it fucking isnt
10:15.30timecoptake a pdc phone outside japland
10:15.31coppicetimecop: Actually right now PHS is becoming a hit in China. Strange. It never did well elsewhere
10:15.32timecopand try using it.
10:15.36sousouTDMA network
10:15.47tessier-pdabut its a pain to type on the thumb keyboard
10:15.58sousouSame as GSM. Just didn't become the standard
10:15.59timecoptessier: try pocketirc
10:16.04brc007_sleepingjst typ lk ths
10:16.09timecoptessier: (if you're using pocketpc)
10:16.16sousouWhat makes GSM cool is that it's a standard
10:16.21timecopuh huh
10:16.29sousouTechnically CDMA is now (was not) much better
10:16.31tessiertimecop: Nope. I don't do winderz. I'm using a Treo 600 which is PalmOS
10:16.36timecopthe reason jap shit doesnt become standard is that everone in the world knows it sucks ass.
10:16.47timecopbut japs eyes are too covered with shit to notice their "standards" are useless
10:16.47tessiertimecop: But they make great cars! :)
10:16.52timecopthey do?
10:16.57geertnWhy do I get forbidden when dialing with G729?
10:16.58brc007_sleepingtimecop, tell us how you really feel
10:17.04timecopis that why I was stuck behind 100 cars today going 10km/h because it was snowing?
10:17.09tessiergeertn: Because you are a naughty boy
10:17.14geertntessier: aha:)
10:17.15sousoutimecop - You need to move country!
10:17.20brc007_sleepingI'm senseing some hidden anger
10:17.24tessiertimecop: That happened because it was snowing, as you pointed out.
10:17.26coppicetimecop: So Toyota made it snow? :-)
10:17.43sousouhail more like
10:17.45timecopif the cars werent 5" wheel jap pieces of shit the snow wouldnt be a problem
10:17.48_jackhamrwhen you dont breastfeed a baby long enough they have inner resentment
10:17.55zoatimecop got rejected by a japanese chick in a previous life
10:18.03tessiertimecop: It's all part of a foreign conspiracy to keep us round-eyes down
10:18.04*** join/#asterisk Milen (
10:18.10Milenhello everybody
10:18.13coppicetimecop: The rest of the planet *loves* Japanese cars
10:18.21timecopcoppice: go buy a type R sticker and shut up
10:18.24brc007_sleepingdamnit stop I'm gonna wake up the house laughing
10:18.25tessiertimecop: It snows in parts of Japan you know.
10:18.34timecopim gonna go have dinner, this discussion is going nowhere.
10:18.37tessierAnd they have no problems.
10:18.40_jackhamrI only drive mercedes personally,  however i wouldn't mind a lexus.
10:18.55brc007_sleepingyeah me either
10:19.08tessier_jackhamr: Must be nice to have that kind of dough!
10:19.25tessier"I only wipe my ass with $100's. $50's give me a rash."
10:19.32brc007_sleepingbe nice
10:19.43_jackhamrI'm driving a '99 S class right now and can't find a reason to trade for something else
10:19.58tessierMy 96 Saturn is falling apart. :(
10:19.59_jackhamrthinking about getting the '04 S55 AMG though.
10:20.17brc007_sleepingyou make your fortune in telecom? or a different industry
10:20.20_jackhamri've heard good things about saturn
10:20.21zoayou obviously have too much money :)
10:20.30coppicetessier: now or ever since it was new? :-)
10:20.35tessier_jackhamr: Yeah, so had I. But mine is a maintenance nightmare. :(
10:20.35_jackhamrzoa: car rich cash poor :)
10:20.43tessiercoppice: Ever since it was new, really.
10:20.51tessierAlthough a lot more problems in the last 25k miles.
10:20.53*** join/#asterisk PBXtech_ (PBXtechcom@
10:20.54tessierIt has 117k on it now.
10:21.04_jackhamrwhat model of saturn
10:21.04_jackhamrhi brc :)
10:21.07tessier'96 SL2
10:21.21coppicetessier: GM make those in China. I can't figure out why they don't make their European small cards there
10:21.40tessierGM makes the Saturn in China?
10:22.03_jackhamrtessier: i think it's just like the chevy nova...all toyota parts i think
10:22.30coppicetessier: Yeah. They sell them as Buicks, though. They make some actual Buicks (also sold as Buicks), and Saturns
10:23.16*** join/#asterisk seg4l (
10:23.19_jackhamrtessier what kind of messages...anything to do with weird RTP codecs? ;)
10:23.33tessierJan 22 02:20:55 NOTICE[-1136743504]: chan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:treed@>' failed for ''
10:23.36tessierMessages like that.
10:23.39_jackhamrRTP codec 666 detected
10:23.41tessierOnly one of my two phones gives that message.
10:23.53_jackhamrtessier: i find that at least 1 out of 4 registrations get rejected
10:24.40tessierBut they both seem to work perfectly.
10:24.44coppiceCodec 666 is designed to get good quality for wailing and weeping and knashing of teeth :-)
10:24.52tessier_jackhamr: Yeah but it constantly.
10:24.53_jackhamrcoppice! LOL
10:25.03_jackhamrtessir: the phone works fine
10:25.07*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
10:25.09_jackhamrtessir: what's your reg interval
10:25.09tessier_jackhamr: Yes
10:25.14tessierreg interval?
10:25.20Powerkillhi all
10:25.24tessierWhere is that set? In the phone?
10:25.35_jackhamrwhat kind of sip device are you using
10:26.08tessierregister expiration is set to 60 minutes
10:26.08_jackhamroh christ let me slit my wrists now
10:26.21tessierThey seem to be working just fine.
10:26.34tessierI don't know why people are so down on the grandstream.
10:26.46_jackhamri have a sipura box that pukes up registrations
10:27.17geertnI have canreinvite=yes and reinvite=yes, and asterisk is still doing a native bridge...
10:27.47_jackhamrgeertn: is there a nat device between the asterisk and your sip
10:27.48zoadifferent nat ?
10:28.03geertnzoa: no same subnet same hub even:)
10:28.07Milenanyone uses x100p ?
10:28.19Milendoes it supports pulse dialing
10:28.55tessierI thought pulse dialing died 50 years ago?
10:29.06Powerkillany idea why when i monitor a conference i don't have the content of the conf in -out i have only myself in the -in file
10:29.31coppicetessier: drop the zero, and you are closer :-)
10:29.42geertnzoa: I put both phones at GSM codec.... put both canreinvite=yes...
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10:29.50tessierThe odd thing is it says "Registration from '<sip:treed@>'" but that is the ip of my asterisk box
10:30.14_jackhamri think it should say that
10:30.17Milentessier: in europe is still running in small towns
10:30.19tessierWouldn't the registration be coming from the phone?
10:30.28Milenso can x100p make pulse dialing ?
10:30.32Milenanyone knows ?
10:30.32tessierMilen: Wow. You need to sell those places a PBX. :)
10:30.44coppiceX100Ps can pulse dial
10:30.50Milentessier: i have a contract
10:30.56tessierMilen: Cool
10:31.01Milencoppice: where i must configure that
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10:31.32coppiceMilen: Good question. Can't remember. It can be done, though
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10:36.39tessierThink I just hit a bug in asterisk
10:36.49_jackhamrtessier: what
10:37.11tessierI was listening to music on hold with my sip phone and issues the command soft hangup <sip channel> on the console
10:37.19tessierThe console then started spewing:
10:37.26tessierJan 22 02:36:45 WARNING[-1136743504]: chan_sip.c:2365 __transmit_response: Unable to determine sequence number from ''
10:37.36tessierUntil I hung up the phone. Not a big deal really.
10:42.51*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
10:43.06Milenwhere i must configure x100p ?
10:44.12_jackhamrg'nite ... behave yourselves :)
10:47.06voidptri'm off
10:48.07voidptryeah, to the server room reinstalling
10:50.22*** join/#asterisk w0schd (
10:53.51tessierTransmitting (no NAT):
10:53.52tessierSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
10:53.58*** join/#asterisk _Tekati_ (
10:54.00*** join/#asterisk PBXtech_ (PBXtechcom@
10:54.02tessierMy * is telling this one particular phone it is not authorized
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10:55.23tessierI don't get it. They are configured identically except ip, callerid, and mailbox #
10:55.55Powerkillwho already monitor a conference call ?
10:57.03tessierWhy does one of my phones haev a "Clear Registration on Reboot" option and the other one does not? phone with the errors has a username entered in the Name field
10:59.18tessierAnd a sip user id configured.
11:00.21tessierIf it couldn't auth why did it work at all? Hmm
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11:31.31geertnattempting native bridge... grr
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11:35.08fredgibei can't dial any extensions from a mgcp phone. But they are well connected
11:35.17fredgibedoes someone get an idea?
11:35.42PilotPTK-Homeare you sure your mgcp phone is in the correct context?
11:35.58fredgibeyes, because in fact I use only the demo context
11:36.12fredgibei also have sip phone and they work perfectly
11:36.23PilotPTK-Homecan you dial TO the mgcp phone>?
11:36.26fredgibebut the IP10 mgcp phone doesn't work
11:37.00PilotPTK-Homedoes the asterisk console (started with -cvvv) show ANYTHING when you dial an extension from the phone
11:37.20fredgibeyes it show the correct message
11:37.35fredgibein fact I can only dial 2 or # from the mgcp phone
11:37.52fredgibeit means that they are in a context but I don't know wich one!!
11:38.47*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
11:46.24*** join/#asterisk drbunsen (
11:48.50Bonbonguys, is there a way to get xten to send out the public address, if it's behind nat?
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12:02.28levonmeep meep
12:05.55RoyKlevon: what was that? 3 or 4 weeks since last time on #asterisk?
12:06.13levonhiya RoyK
12:06.13drbunsenAnyone know how to address a sip channel in a spool file?
12:06.13levonyeah, 3 weeks.
12:06.36drbunsenWith ZAP devices you use Zap/g2/phoneNo
12:06.41levonbuon appetito, RoyK.
12:07.05drbunsenWith sip I have a x-lite sipchannel Sip/2000
12:07.22drbunsenBut the spool file needs a number - any ideas?
12:09.28drbunsenHow do you specify a codec in a dial command?
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12:20.12coppice_~seen wasim
12:20.17wasim is currently on #asterisk (20h 58m 47s)
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12:27.56drbunsenany sip experts about?
12:29.28geertnanyone experienced in grandstream firmware upgrades?
12:30.33*** join/#asterisk Chilled (
12:31.15Chilledwats the use of "register" in iax.conf??
12:31.35zoait will register to the server
12:31.40zoagood for dynamic ip's
12:31.44zoaread the manual chilled
12:33.40Chilledi'v two Gateways say G/w1 and G/w2 and G/w1 is registered wid G/w2 .Suppose if  user connects to G/w1 and dials an extension which is on G/w2 will G/w1 find it ??
12:33.55Chilledor i took it wrong ??
12:34.54vaewyngood day all
12:34.59drbunsenCan I specify a codec on a dial command eg
12:35.12drbunsendial( Sip/1000, gsm)?
12:35.36drbunsenx-lite is configured to only use gsm
12:35.47Chilleddrbunsen:i dont think so
12:36.06drbunsenand when I call sip/1000 is barfs saying alaw not available.
12:36.10*** join/#asterisk buffel (
12:36.17Chilledthen go to sip.conf
12:36.22Chilledand change it
12:36.34drbunsenI want gsm not a-law :-)
12:37.19Chilledgoto sip.conf and allow gsm
12:37.38ChilledZoa u there ??
12:38.38zoayou need to use a switch statement for that
12:38.45zoawith a switch statement you could do that
12:38.46Chilleddrbunsen:In /etc/asterisk/sip.conf allow = gsm
12:39.04Chillednow i remember
12:39.07ChilledThanx Zoa
12:39.12drbunsenOk I'll try - thanks
12:46.07*** join/#asterisk bond (
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12:48.08Bonbondoes anyone use Vegastream?
12:48.16zoawhat is vegastream ?
12:48.39levonglLoadIdentity: merhaba kardes
12:50.07tessierhakun matata
12:50.55[Sim]zoa: vegastream is a voip/isdn gateway
12:53.26cypromisvegastream is a way to spend a lot of money that you could save by using *
12:54.16*** join/#asterisk diana (
12:54.54zoashe doesnt like it kinky
12:56.09cypromishi l-fy
12:56.29dianahello cypromis
12:56.39*** join/#asterisk Milen (~awake@Milen.At.TeraOptics.Net)
12:56.44dianahello zoa
12:56.49dianahello RoyK
12:56.52Milenhello again
12:56.59dianahello Milen
12:57.12dianabwahaha, my mobile provider wants to sue me :)
12:57.15glLoadIdentityhi levon , nasilsin ?
12:57.18Milenanyone knows is it possible for x100 to make pulse dialing ?
12:57.19zoawhy ?
12:57.19dianai'm going to kick them
12:57.29dianahi glLoadIdentity
12:57.42glLoadIdentityl-fy , hi
12:57.45dianai haven't pay my last mobile money
12:57.56levonglLoadIdentity, merci, iyilik. sen nasilsin?
12:58.00levondiana, hi my love
12:58.09dianahi levon
12:58.16dianalevon > i was in Germany already
12:58.27levondiana, what!!! and you didn't call!!!
12:58.43dianalevon > which number?
12:58.49dianaanyway you could ask kapejod
12:58.50zoayou didnt come here either !!!!
12:58.52zoaits a shame
12:58.56glLoadIdentitylevon: idare eder , working on stored procedures with postgresql
12:59.00dianazoa > i was in Holland
12:59.00zoawhat did you do to kapejod ?
12:59.07zoadiana: i don't live in holland
12:59.13zoayou smoked some weed ?
12:59.17dianazoa > i know where you live
12:59.21ChilledZoa is register for that very purpose which i described above ??
12:59.21levonstored procedures are a no-go for a sane developer.
12:59.27dianazoa > of course, and i don't feel anything
12:59.27zoai know what you did last summer !
12:59.38zoaChilled: nopez
12:59.42levonzoa: I know which movies you watched last summer ;)
12:59.44dianazoa > i have tickle kapejod :)
12:59.57dianais really funny to tickle him :)
13:00.11dianazoa > why?
13:00.11Chilledthen bm
13:00.23dianageee guys, you need me to start a conversation
13:00.27Chilledzoa then ??
13:00.36zoai told you
13:00.42zoaregister is for dynamic hosts
13:00.47zoathat way the server can find you
13:00.52zoafor incoming calls
13:01.12zoaalso good for natted servers
13:01.26Chilledbut for that i set host=dynamic in iax  :S
13:01.46zoathats not good enough
13:01.53zoawith host = dynamic
13:01.58zoayou can call without registering
13:02.04zoanot be called without registering
13:02.40Chilledhmmmmmm now i m getting Thanx Buddy
13:03.35tessier"This example, often known as the 'Anti-Ex Girlfriend' extension shows how Asterisk can route not only by called number, but by calling number."
13:03.38tessierThat's great. :)
13:03.52tessierUnfortunately, my psycho ex-gf doesn't list her number.
13:03.55ChilledAn Old  one
13:03.56zoawait till you read the iaxy song
13:04.42tessierThis example sends them a congestion tone.
13:04.57tessierSurely you can redirect them to an extension that plays a nasty fsck-you message.
13:05.16coppicethis is deeply sexist. Should it not be the anti ex-significant other extension?
13:05.17Chilledzoa so Iaxclient wont have to register on per entity bases then ??
13:05.33Bonbonzoa: h323/sip to pri gateways
13:05.34tessiercoppice: Come on, gf's are well known for being psycho.
13:05.40tessierIt happens to guys too but not so much.
13:05.43Bonbonzoa: carrier grade
13:06.22zoacarrier grade what ?
13:06.37Bonboncarrier grade gateway
13:06.39Milenanyone knows how to make x100p to pulse dial
13:06.47coppicefighter aircraft!
13:07.53Chilledzoa :from handbook_draft.pdf Within the general section, we can also configure the Asterisk server to register as a client with a remote server, for access to the dialplan of another Asterisk system.
13:12.02geertnok... I just killed my grandstream.... great!
13:12.11*** join/#asterisk sim (
13:16.17drbunsenThanx  - allow=gsm fixed the problem :-)
13:16.17Chilledzoa :dats i was saying that
13:16.56drbunsenAnyone ever created a spool file accessing a SIP channel?
13:17.25Chilledwelcom drbunsen
13:18.13drbunsen# Appears as ANNA
13:20.42zoachilled yes you could do that
13:21.09*** join/#asterisk HADESAR (~H@
13:21.34HADESARwhat is difference between FXO and FXS?
13:21.59tessierFXO goes to phone compan
13:22.00zoafxo uses fxs signalling
13:22.04tessierFXS is your local extension
13:22.07zoaand fxs uses fxo signalling
13:22.09vaewynHADESAR: FXO handles incoming phone lines... FXS drives phones
13:23.10HADESARI can connect pfone devices to FXS, and phone PSTN line to FXO?
13:23.19HADESARAm i right?
13:23.57zoayou passed
13:24.08dianazoa > ask about watch
13:24.20zoai will when he gets back
13:24.23zoain about 30 minute
13:24.28dianadamn i
13:24.40HADESARCan i connect phone devices to FXS and then call throught asterisk using VOIP?
13:26.06zoabreak my record
13:26.13zoaCaesar: yes you can
13:28.03HADESAR<zoa> so funny link :)
13:30.00zoamy high score = 323,5
13:30.03zoatry to break it
13:32.28vaewyn204.5 so far :P
13:33.03vaewynwooo! 292.9
13:34.03glLoadIdentityonce , my penguin burried onto his head , and scoreboard went directly into his ass
13:34.44vaewynwoo! 306.5!
13:34.57zoahomerun !!!
13:36.24RoyKJan 22 14:36:04 NOTICE[20497]: chan_zap.c:3640 zt_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension
13:36.30RoyK'fax detected' all the time!
13:36.40zoanormal behaviour
13:36.41RoyK...and this is _not_ fax
13:36.51zoaits a bug in the new DSP
13:36.58zoawhere have you been in the last 2 weeks ?:p
13:37.03RoyKis it harmful?
13:37.15cypromisit basically suxx
13:37.15zoaunless you have a fax extension
13:37.23coppiceRoyK: What? Sleeping fror 2 weeks?
13:37.37RoyKhaven't cvs update'ed lately
13:37.41RoyKit's been running stably
13:37.50coppicezoa: it sucks if you do have a fax extension too.
13:37.57zoayeha coppice i know
13:38.04zoawhat happened to btw ?
13:38.09coppiceI'll try to fix it in the next day or two.
13:38.24coppicezoa: nothing happened to
13:38.29zoaits down
13:38.34*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
13:38.39zoaTest Page
13:38.39zoaThis page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache Web server after it has been installed. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache Web server installed at this site is working properly.
13:39.40coppicezoa: Oh dear. Thanks for telling me. Its not only wasim's site that gets screwed up, then :-)
13:40.19zoaits like that for several days already
13:40.21zoamaybe a week
13:40.24zoafirst it was down
13:40.34zoathen it was apache web server page
13:40.35*** join/#asterisk dfcox530 (
13:41.14dfcox530Anyone here ever connected an asterisk server to a definity G3
13:42.36dfcox530I spoke to my avaya reseller and they didn't want to touch it. No idea which definity card I needed
13:42.42*** join/#asterisk buffel (
13:43.09dfcox530I was lookng at the digium T100P but don't know which card for the other side
13:45.13*** join/#asterisk freak (
13:46.44coppicezoa: can you try now? to it can compile and everything just fine..?
13:47.05ares_i always have problem trying to find good softphone for it..
13:50.07zoak coppice it works now
13:50.20coppicezoa: thanks
13:52.14izoares_ try
13:53.21*** join/#asterisk BigEars (
14:03.26Powerkillwho already monitor a conference call ?
14:04.10*** join/#asterisk iGN__ (
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14:06.16*** join/#asterisk andu (
14:09.32RoyKsnow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, sno
14:09.32RoyKw, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow,
14:09.42dncits snowing here!
14:09.47dnclike 2 inches just came down
14:09.58zoaits freezing 2cm ?
14:10.11drbunsendnc: where are u?
14:10.30zoa2 inch is less cold than 2 cm
14:10.34*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
14:11.27coppiceRoyK: I thought .no had many words for snow. How come you keep repeating one?
14:12.12RoyKcoppice: we don't have so many. Sámi has lots
14:12.38RoyKI beleive they have > 10 words for it
14:12.58RoyKnorwegian has some 25 words that means 'walk', though
14:13.18*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
14:13.48zoawelcome mr kapejod
14:13.54coppiceRoyK: I think English can beat that, if I try
14:14.04zoawhat did you do to diana ? :p
14:14.52coppiceRoyK: We just strictly need a name for snow here, since we don't have any :-)
14:15.19RoyK~kill coppice
14:15.28ACTION shoots a charged anti-neutrino gun at coppice
14:17.22coppiceA little cold weather really brings out the worst in some people
14:18.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:21.02*** join/#asterisk Exomorph_ (
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14:22.30*** join/#asterisk Exomorph (
14:29.44*** join/#asterisk salman (
14:29.53salmanhello every one
14:30.34Exomorphbkw_: You around?
14:31.53*** join/#asterisk fwd28326 (~fwd28326@
14:32.08ExomorphAnyone here use the ztmonitor util?
14:32.08fwd28326good afternoon all!
14:33.50swirlnets~seen bkw
14:33.56bkw <~bkw@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 14d 20h 21m 34s ago, saying: 'amphi: integrated 3D AGP Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) and up to 64 MB of VRAM'.
14:34.14Exomorphswirlnets: He's bkw_ right now.
14:34.30fwd28326anyone know how to make asterisk listen for a dialtone (or otehr tone) to indicate a disconnect on x100p's
14:34.54fwd28326im geeting my analog lines of a meridian so it cant pick up the hang up
14:35.04swirlnetsfwd: I was having issues with that in the current CVS so i just reverted to CVS from a week ago
14:35.46fwd28326whats did you set to get it to listen?
14:36.02*** join/#asterisk reseaux (
14:36.49*** join/#asterisk asterisk-bg (~asterisk-@
14:37.03reseauxHi to ALL!!
14:37.12fwd28326my meridian just gives a straight old plain dial tone when someone hangs up
14:37.22reseauxhi kapejod!!
14:37.50reseauxsome info about beta firmware of grandstream..
14:37.52RoyKHI EVERYONE!!!
14:38.37vaewynHowdy RoyK
14:38.44asterisk-bgi have some questions aobout implementation
14:39.19asterisk-bgi wannt to use gatekeeper but only for couple ot prefixes
14:39.21reseauxsomeone have try new firmaware of Grandstream ?
14:39.49asterisk-bghow to do this in extensions.conf
14:40.31geertnreseaux: I just put on you mean that one?
14:40.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:41.14reseauxgeertn: i see there is new one
14:41.21geertnreseaux: where?
14:41.48geertnah:) hehe
14:41.52tessierIs gsm encoding compressed at all?
14:42.32reseauxgeertn: i now use some advantages in new version?
14:42.57coppicetessier: Is the Pope a Catholic?
14:43.02geertnreseaux: Don't know.. I upgraded from at least my phone hasn't crashed yet... so that's better..
14:43.06tessierDoes a bear shit in the woods?
14:43.10tessierAre the Kennedy's gunshy?
14:43.14asterisk-bgi wannt to use gatekeeper but only for couple ot prefixes
14:43.14tessierDoes Michael Jackson like children?
14:43.15asterisk-bghow to do this in extensions.conf
14:43.46reseauxgeertn: the voice of speakerphone is loaud or not? can you give me a tftp to upgrade?
14:43.49tessierI'm already at the end of the asterisk handbook.
14:43.54tessierThat was a relatively quick read.
14:44.09tessierWell, at least now I'm more edumacated.
14:45.04geertnreseaux: eh.. I can give you on that I used, but it's your own risk;-)
14:45.12coppicetessier: GSM as used in * is the original GSM codec. It compresses to 13.2kbps. GSM networks don't use it much any more, but its free of patents and fairly good.
14:45.20geertnreseaux: Not my fault if all your phones explode:)
14:45.39Spfone E1 for 90 euros/month, sound great
14:45.54dianaSpf > where?
14:46.12coppiceIf your phone explodes, will you put pictures on a website? We like a good laugh :-)
14:47.19reseauxgeertn: You can use it with your new firmware and works and dont have any problem? if yes please send the IP :-) thnaks
14:47.32vaewynHmm... high speed photography catches when phone explodes... now there is an idea :P
14:48.00RoyKSCO executives are telling Congress that open source software in general, and specifically, the General Public License (GPL), which protects most open source software is a threat to the U.S. information technology industry; a threat to U.S.' competitive position; and a threat to national security
14:48.33coppiceI'll get a good laugh from pictures taken after the event. I don't need anything high tech :-)
14:48.47{^DaNi^}O shit the Linux will be a bad boy :)
14:48.48coppiceRoyK: I get a good laugh from SCO too :-)
14:49.50RoyKproblem is, you never know what that creepy US lawyers may say
14:50.30coppiceIBM have the most expensive lawyers. The US constitution says that trumps any other card :-)
14:50.35geertnreseaux: I upgraded to 39... I'll put .40 on it, so you can go to that version (and tell me if it works:-) )
14:51.00vaewynbtw... anyone that hasn't seen it... the sco quote that rocks:
14:55.24zoaanyone using cisco's in here ?
14:55.55zoai want to know the best tftp server for them
14:56.14RoyKI think you can use almost anything
14:56.23zoacisco's don't like em all
14:56.54RoyKapt-get install tftpd
14:59.23zoai want a windows one :
14:59.47*** join/#asterisk agent47 (
15:00.31*** join/#asterisk T` (
15:03.29*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (~bob@
15:05.33jimmyzwhy not use cisco tftp server then
15:06.12*** join/#asterisk jof3d (
15:07.06jof3dI have a few questions about playing gsm files (or any type of file for that matter)
15:07.14jof3dAny takers
15:07.53kramwhat's up all?
15:08.01jof3dHey kram.
15:08.15reseauxsomeone use ilbc Xlite to * box?
15:08.22reseauxIS broken?
15:08.34jof3dWell, I'm trying to figure out how I can play an announcement to all participants in a conference
15:09.07jof3dbut I'm getting pretty confused about what the best way to go about playing the file
15:10.07kramheya jof3d hi
15:10.23*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
15:10.29agent47i have a problem calling a far end * machine, call goes through don't hear any dialtone. I'm using Asterisk v0.7.1
15:10.42agent47don't get a ringback
15:11.11pattiejaagent47, have you done an 'show application dial' or something like that at the CLI?
15:11.29agent47no, lemme look at that
15:11.32pattiejaagent47, it will tell you the options you can put at the end of the dial string in order to get ring tone feedback, etc.
15:11.41pattiejaanybody here actually using the zaprtc module?
15:12.02pattiejaI successfully compiled it and installed it in my Asterisk box, but I still get pseudo channel creation failure
15:12.12pattiejawhen attempting to enter a conference room
15:12.29*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
15:12.39pattiejamorning unixdawg
15:13.31pattiejaunixdawg, have you used zaprtc?
15:14.37unixdawgno I am on bsd not linux
15:14.54unixdawgzaptel drivers dont work on fbsd yet
15:15.19pattiejafrom everything I've seen, I simply need to modprobe zaptel and modprobe zaprtc
15:15.23pattiejathen run rtcsetup &
15:15.48pattiejaI've done that, restarted Asterisk, and it still gives me the error message stating that it cannot create pseudo channel
15:16.42pattiejaI don't know if I need to configure something in /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
15:16.49ManxPowerpattieja, does lsmod show the modules loaded?
15:16.53pattiejaManxPower, yep
15:17.04pattiejaManxPower, I haven't followed the instructions exactly, however
15:17.13ennuyeux7is it possible to have multiple contexts for parked calls?
15:17.13pattiejamy kernel has rtc supported compiled as a module
15:17.30pattiejaManxPower, I rmmod'd rtc and modprobed zaptel and zaprtc
15:17.36swirlnetsdoes anyone have a sound like "One moment please"
15:17.50pattiejathe modules load fine and dmesg states: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
15:17.54tessierI've got a fart. Will that do?
15:18.07_E_pattieja you need to remove the rtc support from the kernel so zaprtc can use it
15:18.17pattiejaand Real Time Clock Driver v1.10e
15:18.46pattieja_E_, yes, but does that mean that it cannot be compiled with that interface enabled whatsoever, or just compiled as a module without that module being loaded?
15:19.06_E_as long as the module is not loaded (rtc) you should be fine
15:19.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:19.13_E_i thnk
15:19.25pattieja_E_, that's the way I have it currently setup
15:19.25ennuyeux7multiple contexts in parking.conf anyone ?
15:19.40pattiejaennuyeux7, don't know.  Haven't gotten to play with call parking, yet.
15:19.56pattieja_E_, and the zaprtc driver is registering
15:20.07pattiejaand I run /usr/sbin/rtcsetup &
15:20.22pattiejadon't know if rtcsetup needs to be in the directory that it was compiled from, though
15:20.35pattiejado I need to install rtctest into the system as well?
15:20.52pattiejaI didn't see the Makefile using it, so I haven't done anything special with it, yet
15:21.11_E_dunno i'd have to go back and poke at mine
15:21.37pattiejaanother thought.  Does Asterisk need to be running as root to access the Zaptel interfaces or zaprtc interface?
15:22.02pattiejado there have to be /dev/... nodes created for zaprtc to work?
15:22.13pattiejaI don't have any zap* /dev/... node entries
15:22.50unixdawgnow back to working on mpool.c
15:23.41*** join/#asterisk vindex (
15:23.49pattiejathis is what I get when I attempt to access MeetMe conference room 1234 setup through extensions.conf on 8600:
15:23.52pattiejaJan 22 09:28:01 WARNING[245776]: app_meetme.c:168 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel
15:24.19pattiejaany thoughts?
15:25.36pattiejazap show channels is empty
15:25.37*** join/#asterisk sousou (
15:27.54pattiejawell.  gotta go.  Will stop back by in a few minutes
15:28.21*** join/#asterisk Cybo (~cybo@
15:29.20ennuyeux7whats the maximum number of * instances anyone has run on one machine?
15:29.50tholoWhy would you want to run more than one...?
15:30.28ennuyeux7multiple companies on one pbx and dont' want them to have access to same parking context
15:31.09ennuyeux7tholo: doens't look like you can have multiple contexts in parking.conf
15:31.16fredgibedoes someone already install asterisk with olitec modem V90 ?
15:33.37*** join/#asterisk asterisk-bg (~asterisk-@
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15:35.21asterisk-bg? waht is this -> Received unsecured RAS message ?
15:36.27*** join/#asterisk amiramir (
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15:38.32dianaasterisk-bg > what are you trying to do?
15:39.05asterisk-bgto register asterisk to gatekkeper , in fact Aqua Gatekeeper
15:39.16reseauxsomeone use speex with * box?
15:40.52asterisk-bg<diana> do you have ideas what is this ?
15:40.57dianausing h.235?
15:42.38agent47okay, now i call the far end * machine and it's getting detected as a fax call? kinda weird
15:42.55*** join/#asterisk brent21 (bdf@
15:43.25asterisk-bg<diana> i dont know in oh323.conf have nothing about h235
15:43.35coppiceagent47: not weird. buggy :-)
15:43.47kramsup brent
15:43.53dianaasterisk-bg > h.235 is the authentification protocol for h323
15:44.02agent47yeah, but it mostly works
15:44.11asterisk-bg17:30:17 User registered:       Asterisk at
15:44.12asterisk-bg17:30:17 RAS, send message to
15:44.12asterisk-bg17:30:17 Message RegistrationConfirm {
15:44.12asterisk-bg17:30:17   RequestSeqNum: 23873 (0x5d41)
15:44.12asterisk-bg17:30:17   ProtocolIdentifier: { 0, 0, 8, 2250, 0, 4 }
15:44.16izoagent47: edit Makefile in asterisk and uncomment DSP_OLD_SOmething line
15:44.16dianabtw kram
15:44.26kramyo, diana
15:44.29dianakram > take a look at , yate project :>
15:44.37agent47izo okay, i'll try that, thanks
15:46.19asterisk-bgso diana , what do you think - why is this ?
15:46.25*** join/#asterisk Cybo (~cybo@
15:46.43dianaasterisk-bg > i think that aqua gk can't support h.235
15:46.47kramdiana: well that's interesting i suppose
15:47.10dianakram > i will like you opinion on this
15:47.28asterisk-bg<diana> and is there way to exclude h.235 from asterisk ?
15:47.37kramwell, obviously the first question would be why this other project instead of asterisk?
15:47.45*** join/#asterisk dalabera (~Dalabera@
15:48.14dianakram > because the main problem with asterisk is design, which is bad
15:48.51dianakram > like you can't do easy some things
15:48.59kramsuch as?
15:49.05dianaand because i don't like the way digium is treating developers
15:49.19dianalike sip have to keep his users ina  config file
15:49.20asterisk-bgsuch as excluding h.235 :)
15:49.38dianaasterisk-bg > the h323 channel from asterisk dose include h235
15:49.50dianathe aqua gatekeeper is the problem
15:50.24asterisk-bgwhat is the most sweetable GK ? GnuGk ?
15:51.10dianagnugk rulez, as much as it can be cool based on openh323
15:51.38asterisk-bgok , a moment to istall it
15:51.48*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
15:51.49coppicekram: has anyone shown much interest in voiceXML for *?
15:52.09kramdiana: you can put sip users in mysql
15:52.19kramdiana: you don't have to put them in the .conf file
15:52.38kramand what is your complaint about how we "treat developers"?
15:52.43kramcoppice: yes, certainly
15:52.56krampeople have talked about making it but nobody really has yet
15:52.58coppicekram: any activity in that direction?
15:53.10pattiejamorning kram
15:53.18krami took a look at it myself, but it really seems to be designed on the assumption you have speech recognition and generation.
15:53.29kramso i don't know how easy it would be to implement the subjet
15:53.30dianakram > can you please explain me how can i put sip users in mysql?
15:53.33krammorning pattieja
15:53.44dianacoppice > vxml is not very well made
15:53.49dianacoppice > agi is better
15:53.50pattiejakram: have you worked with the zaprtc module?
15:53.51kramdiana: edit the Makefile and enable "mysql friends"
15:53.52coppicekram: The free VXML that speechworks put out a long time ago has had a recent major rework. might be a good basis now
15:53.59kramdiana: the channels/Makefile
15:54.14kramhrm okay, that sounds interesting
15:54.18kramit could just be done as an app of course
15:54.52dianakram > i have to cvs update
15:56.17kramcoppice: do you have a url?
15:56.43*** join/#asterisk Jeroen_ (
15:56.57dianakram > do you remeber when i have send you a cdr_pgsql, like 1 year and a half ago?
15:57.31kramnot really
15:57.38krambut now, we have a way to keep track of these things
15:57.41kramsee, we have the bug tracker
15:57.42dianawell, i have send you a cdr_pgsql
15:57.45kramso these things cna be tracked
15:57.49kramcan be tracked i mean
15:57.59dianai have write a module for pgsql and i have modify an application for pgsql
15:58.03kramthere's already a cdr_cdpgsql
15:58.13dianakram > after one another year
15:58.30kramdiana: again, we've setup some stuff in the past fwe weeks to help address that
15:58.33*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
15:58.40kramand as you can see in the 0.7.0 release, changes are getting included muc more quickly
15:58.50zoayes they are !
15:59.00dianakram > yes, but is already to late
15:59.13dianabtw, where is cdr_mysql?
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15:59.21zoacontrib dir
15:59.38zoabkw bkw
15:59.42zoai neeeed you :)
15:59.59dianathx zoa
16:00.13kramdiana: it's in asterisk-addons
16:00.30zoaoh yes addons not contrib
16:00.52dianaok kram
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16:01.10kramwhoo hoo :)
16:01.26kramyou know, i did a conf call with a customer and CAC...
16:01.32kramthey claimed the product we had didn't exist
16:01.36kramit was the funniest thing
16:01.42brent21yeah they gave me a bunch of crap too
16:01.48brent21they dont trust asterisk at all
16:01.54brent21they kept blaming everything on digium
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16:02.00zoahow could i use a contact list with the cisco 7960's ?
16:02.06dianabrent21 > there are a few good reasons for that
16:02.07brent21i bought the Adit 600 a week ago
16:02.10brent21and it doesnt work
16:02.40sumakram: is there is a sql file schems for creating mysql sip users ?
16:02.42brent21they wouldn't ship another one to make it right (which baffles me, since I am still under the 30 day return policy)
16:02.57zoareturn it !!!
16:03.01brent21so I gave them one last chance to make it right, and told them id ship the thing back and just buy an adtran
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16:03.04brent21well adtrans on the way
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16:03.41brent21diana > * requires you to get your hands dirty and learn a thing or two
16:04.02dianabrent21 > i have start develop for * 1.5 years ago, thx
16:04.11dianabut * is to dirty
16:04.26dianaand after a while you discover with many channels that just crash
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16:04.37fwd28326anyone used callprogress and busydetect?
16:04.40dianayou don't even get a normal busy
16:04.42fwd28326im not seeing a thing :(
16:05.08fwd28326you just have to turn it on in zapata.conf?
16:05.14fwd28326or am i missing  something
16:05.35vindexkapejod : hi?
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16:06.50vindexkram: hi, did you like your stay in .fr? (we met at frog and rosbif)
16:06.50sumadiana: have you done anything with the mysql sip users ?
16:07.31dianasuma > nope
16:07.41dianasuma > i will never use sip driver from asterisk
16:07.48dianais full of security bugs
16:08.37sumadiana > is that so, Is it there in the bug list ?
16:08.52dianai have upgrade asterisk
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16:08.59dianasuma > no, are to many
16:09.21dianasuma > the entire system have to many problems because of design, if something crush everything crush
16:09.30kapejodhey diana :) made it home safely?
16:09.47dianakapejod > yes Klaus :)
16:09.48sumadiana > it is easy to say, there are many, why don't you just help to improve the * stuff
16:09.49dianathx babe
16:10.03dianasuma > i have start a new project, * can't be fix
16:10.16vindexhallo, kape; any news on the power thingy for the $4BRI ?
16:10.23sumadiana > were you been as a politician before ?
16:10.29kapejoddiana: i forgot to give you the hfc-pci and the nt1 ... mail me an address to where i can ship them :)
16:10.31dianasuma > no
16:10.37brent21diana, if * doesn't work for you there are a couple of other options, Nortel and Avaya make some similar things
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16:10.44brent21check them out
16:10.52kapejodvindex: we are working on it ... should be there in late february
16:11.10dianasuma > the main problem is that digium dosen't accept to discus about modifications
16:11.11brent21your budget might have to increase, but i guess somestimes you got to do what you got to do
16:11.28dianakapejod > on my way
16:11.37sumadiana > yes. many times i have seen too, no encourage for development
16:11.49dianabrent21 > why should i accept proprietary software when i can write open source software
16:11.58dianasuma > i'm sorry, but i need more
16:12.13sumadiana > like ?
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16:12.22zoadoes somebody know the password for the 6.1 sip firmware for cisco 7960 ?
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16:12.35brent21diana, true, good luck writing, come back and let us know how you make out
16:12.43dianabtw kram, mysql is working only for iax
16:12.56dianabrent21 > , yate, take a look
16:13.01ScaredyCatzoa: you set it in the .cnf file... default is cisco iirc
16:13.08vindexzoa: the password is what you make it in conf file
16:13.12dianadigium supports only iax
16:13.30sumadiana > yes that is what is it is mentioned in makefile, i could not see any support sip out there
16:13.36dianadigium support only iax and zaptel
16:13.49dianathey don't care much about users
16:14.37ScaredyCatsorry, but that's just not true...
16:14.37ScaredyCatif you want a specific thing developed then pay for it
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16:14.39geochello all i have a question
16:14.42dianaScaredyCat > well, you know what, i have pay 3.600$ for digium hardware and they have told me that i should expect any tehnical support
16:15.02dianaScaredyCat > asterisk in base configiuration, dosen't even give me a busy signal,
16:15.06bkw_diana whats this about digium and modifictions
16:15.10dianathat's is a bug not a feature
16:15.22geocdoes anybody know of a pri to fxs channel bank?
16:15.24ScaredyCatdiana: no - it's likely to be a config error
16:15.44dianaScaredyCat > really, i have look into code, it dosen't even have a function to do that
16:15.47geertndiana: How usable is Yate... anywhere near Ser / Asterisk?
16:16.02bkw_diana the iax friends from sql thing isn't complete yet I don't think.
16:16.14dianageertn > is in alpha stage, it support zaptel and h323
16:16.38dianabkw_ > i'm sick of is not complete, i need to do my job not to go with escusez at my boss
16:16.56bkw_diana then you need to be in the next dev conf call
16:17.15bkw_diana do you realize that we make great progress with asterisk and digium when we do
16:17.28bkw_ScaredyCat your bug I think will be fixed soon muhahahha
16:17.33bkw_207 207
16:17.33bkw_207 207
16:17.42dianabkw_ > is way to dificult, and is already to bugy, it start to look like windows already
16:17.52bkw_diana BUGGY
16:17.57bkw_like hell
16:17.57dianathe next dev conf call?
16:18.10kramdiana: oh yah, the SIP patch isn't merged yet
16:18.15kramhold on, let me see what I can do
16:18.18dianabkw_ > when you have functions that are doing something in 30 screens you have a problem
16:18.41kapejodthis is a real wireless phone:   ;-)
16:18.41bkw_diana then don't use apache or mysql then... NEXT!!!
16:18.43dianai have decide a while ago to quit using asterisk
16:18.59bkw_ok anyway the dev conf calls do wonders
16:19.08dianabut because i know asterisk so well, i can help ppl that is having the same problems as me, to not pay money to digium
16:19.21geertndiana: Do you have a browsable cvs tree?
16:19.38ScaredyCat"What's CVS" :P
16:20.00reseauxkapejod: Have you try it? seems very nice.. but expansive i think.. :-)
16:20.51dianabkw_ > all the time is next
16:20.51dianageertn > nope, but get the tarball
16:20.51dianawe will fix the web site and we will install some devel stuff this week
16:21.00kapejodreseaux: i am using it right now, it rocks, speakerphone with EC :)
16:21.09jof3dQuick question for someone about the ast_conference struct in meetme
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16:21.11dianageertn > ok, we will fix the webcvs today
16:21.13bkw_diana what website?
16:21.36kramdiana: okay it's in
16:21.40kramcvs update you should have it
16:21.51kapejodreseaux: it has voicedial (!!!), polyphonic ringtones, vibration, ....
16:22.01geertndiana: ah:) I'm curious:)
16:22.07dianakram > wasn't my patch
16:22.15zoawhat patch is that ?
16:22.19zoaathnm's ?
16:22.21zoaor sip2?
16:22.25kramdiana: i'm talking about the sip+mysql patch that i wrote
16:22.27bkw_what was the bug number?
16:22.31kapejodreseaux: it's based on the cellular phone platform from siemens, so it probably can do java too
16:22.34zoakrambo: cool
16:22.38zoahow do you use it :)
16:22.44bkw_use the src
16:22.53krambkw_ no bug #, it was customer development
16:23.01bkw_kram kewl
16:23.03reseauxkapejod:...but... how much? it use WIFI is right?
16:23.12krambkw_ and they finally said "yes i can put it in CVS"
16:23.13[Sim]kapejod: DECT, right?
16:23.15kapejodreseaux: no Wifi! DECT
16:23.22kapejodwifi sucks for phones
16:23.24ScaredyCatDECT rawks!
16:23.34dianakram > what about postgresql, i'm not using mysql
16:23.34tessierWhat's a typical price for a fractional T1 within a city?
16:23.46[Sim]kapejod: hows the isdn stuff going? :)
16:23.59reseauxkapejod:azz... yeah.. i have already see it but is not cheaper...
16:24.07kapejod[Sim]: progressing .. now i even get a dialtone (and stutterdialtone) on the phones
16:24.31bkw_how about we port it to odbc
16:24.59[Sim]kapejod: cool. hfc driver ?
16:25.13voidptrsomeone has a mirror of asterisk ftp server
16:25.18voidptri get 11k/s
16:25.19kapejod[Sim]: blame the people at the summit ;-) they have been stealing all my time ;)
16:26.11bkw_diana I could port it to odbc
16:26.16zigmankapejod :P
16:26.21dianabkw_ > i don't care about slow odbc
16:26.30dianai can port it by my self
16:26.40dianabut it takes to much, is way to connect with the channel
16:26.40zoadiana is having a difficult day today :)
16:26.53dianaif i want to have the same users for h323, sip, iax i can't
16:27.09bkw_iax2 has mysql friends also
16:27.14dianain fact i can, but i still have to use 3 connection to the database
16:27.26dianabkw_ > i don't care about iax2, i don't use iax
16:27.44[Sim]kapejod: pretty please ? :-)
16:27.45dianai'm not using asterisk for 2 calls
16:27.49dianahi [Sim]
16:27.56[Sim]hi diana
16:27.58dianabut for 120 calls
16:28.00[Sim]bad day ?
16:28.05diana[Sim] > nope
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16:28.19[Sim]okay good :)
16:28.31wsmithhow can you turn off the output from action: status in the manager protocol?
16:29.20[Sim]hows life then?
16:29.27diana[Sim] > quite well
16:29.38dianai have start to upgrate the yate site
16:29.51kramdiana: so does the SIP friends support help
16:30.26dianakram > ?
16:30.47dianakram > my problem with sip was that i can't let that on internet
16:30.56RoyK <-- IT'S GONE! 8(
16:30.56dianais full of security bugs
16:30.57kramdiana :why's that?
16:31.00ScaredyCatwhere've u been [Sim]
16:31.03kramdiana: can you point them out?
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16:31.25kramperhaps, place a bug in the bug tracker so we can track it
16:31.39dianakram > get_msg_text , strcat
16:31.52[Sim]scaredycat: busy
16:32.02ehatchanyone in the madison, WI area that I could talk with about implementing * in a business env?
16:32.32bkw_diana ok can you explain this one.. I see the lines in chan_sip
16:32.34[Sim]scaredycat: whats up?
16:32.49dianathat's all
16:32.55ScaredyCatnothing, just wondered where you've been hiding ;)
16:33.09tessierNow why the heck did my music on hold stop working...
16:33.10reseauxhelp:someone know how disable the key "*" to disconnect a call!!! please help...
16:33.19dianabkw_ > sorry, let me find one
16:33.19[Sim]been at cisco to discuss stuff
16:33.22bkw_reseaux take the H off
16:33.25tessierJan 22 08:32:45 WARNING[-1263055952]: res_musiconhold.c:320 moh1_exec: Unable to start music on hold (class '9999') on channel SIP/-0860a6c0
16:33.29ScaredyCat[Sim]: :O
16:33.34reseauxok thanks!!
16:33.36vaewynJust for JerJer I gave my budgetone the DNS name of barbietone :P
16:33.41reseauxbkw_ok thanks!!
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16:33.58ehatchI am trying to find out what I would need to test out a small pbx and demo it to a super in order to replace the piece of junk phone system we currently have
16:34.36fwd28326can i seek permissions to kick this box down the stairs, i cant get busydetect or callprogress to give me a peep, not a thing
16:34.49dianathat function have been fixied
16:34.54zigmanfwd28326 go for it
16:35.26bkw_diana can you tell me why you think its bad and we can fix it... just saying it needs to be fixed isn't alot to go on
16:35.42dianabkw_ > because is way to big
16:36.03bkw_get_msg_text is too big of a function or what?
16:36.03dianabkw_ > fixind ovios bugs dosen't help much, are 1000 of not so ovios bugs
16:36.03fwd28326only 3 floors up, knowing my luck it would still work afterwards (and still give no busydetect or callprogress)
16:36.19dianabkw_ > nope, that was a function with a buffer over flow and was fixed
16:36.21bkw_diana then point them out on and we can fix them
16:36.26dianabkw_ > no
16:36.29tessieruh...I think I know why...the bug I ran into in asterisk appears to have somehow left some lingering results.
16:36.41tessierIs there some sort of moh lockfile somewhere?
16:36.57dianabkw_ > i will not do beta testing for asterisk, i have got into to much trouble trying to build pbx's with asterisk
16:37.23zigmandiana good attitude
16:37.25bkw_diana its open src software you do get what you pay for.
16:37.37dianawhat about add_sdp?
16:37.37tessierdiana: What sort of trouble?
16:37.37bkw_and yes LOVE that attitude.
16:37.40ScaredyCatdiana: if you use cvs then YOU are to blame...
16:37.49dianabkw_ > is not so fucking open, i have pay alot of money for hardware
16:37.58dianai'm sick of this digium attitude
16:38.01bkw_diana nobody said they had to give you hardware for it.
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16:38.04brent21diana why are you here?
16:38.06tessierdiana: Are you the troll from the mailing list?
16:38.06zigmandiana you want hardware for free ?
16:38.07ScaredyCatOpen does NOT mena FREE
16:38.09dianai pay money to develop asterisk when i buy hardware
16:38.11zigmanhow sick are you ?
16:38.23ScaredyCatdear oh dear...
16:38.23geertnScaredyCat: Is there anything else to use?
16:38.25dianazigman > a e1 card should cost 200$ not 600$
16:38.37ScaredyCatgeertn: other than * ?
16:38.38kapejodnobody will build the card for $200
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16:38.44Exomorphdiana: Ummmm  if you say that Asterisk isn't open source because of the need to buy hardware, then I guess Linux isn't open sorce as well.  YOu have to buy a PC non the less.
16:38.44geertnScaredyCat: Other then cvs...
16:38.45kapejodit's not about production costs
16:38.49dianabrent21 > to help other fool ppl like i was to fix there problems with asterisk
16:38.52zigmandiana what do you do for living ?
16:38.53RoyKis there a chan_alsa yet?
16:39.00Cybodiana: go design a e1 PCB and manufacture it then.
16:39.01ScaredyCat0.7.1 geertn
16:39.01zigmangiving out stuff for free ?
16:39.09dianaCybo > done that already
16:39.13zigmanRoyK might
16:39.16Cyboso why are you complaining?
16:39.17brent21diana, you realize you arent helping at all, your actually making it harder for others to get help?
16:39.19ScaredyCatCVS is inherently unstable geertn - is DEVELOPMENT
16:39.21dianaExomorph > i say that asterisk is not so open source
16:39.22sousouDiana have you ever been involved in the design and production of a piece of hardware?
16:39.28geertnScaredyCat: I think that's just CVS with doc patches;-) I'm really looking forward to the stable branch..
16:39.38dianabrent21 > i really do fix problems, ask other ppl from here
16:39.41smudgeany one had problems with sip->aix aix-> sip  we get    SIP response 400
16:39.51RoyKzigman: mait?
16:39.52kapejodnot again
16:39.52Exomorphdiana: Then explain that one a bit more...   Just because you buy hardware for it doesn't mean its not open sourced.
16:39.53*** part/#asterisk kapejod (
16:39.53dianasousou > i don't need that, today building a e1 card is so damn easy
16:40.05bkw_OH GOD
16:40.05ScaredyCatzigman: prolly a customer services rep
16:40.10sousouThought so.
16:40.15dianaExomorph > i have pay so many money to asterisk for a card that should be cheap to develop asterisk
16:40.39dianaif the software is not working, i don't need hardware
16:40.43zigmandiana how much is the e1 card you developed ?
16:40.48Exomorphdiana: You can buy other hardware ya know.  YOur not stuck with Digium.
16:40.51bkw_diana I don't get where you say the software doesn't work
16:40.52dianaand asterisk wasn't work for me
16:40.54bkw_I USE IT DAILY
16:41.00bkw_at home and at work
16:41.13dianaExomorph > i use to belive in open source, this was my choise
16:41.16dianawas a bad choise
16:41.23unixdawgwill some on on linux or fbsd send me mpool.c
16:41.24zigmandiana how much is the e1 card you developed ?
16:41.25bkw_diana stick with call manager then.
16:41.27dianabut now i have decide to create an alternative for ppl like me
16:41.33unixdawgnot c
16:41.34ScaredyCat"I can't get it working so it must be broken"
16:41.48dianabkw_ > did i mentioned that astman crush asterisk on many calls?
16:41.58dianazigman > 400$ for 1 e
16:41.59Exomorphdiana: Well good luck in your ventures.  Hope it goes well.
16:42.00dianazigman > 400$ for 1 e1
16:42.06zigmandiana it should be 200
16:42.09zigmanwhy not 200 ?
16:42.19Cybozigman: you beat me to it :P
16:42.19dianazigman > because is small series, and is made by hand
16:42.23ScaredyCat<diana> zigman > a e1 card should cost 200$ not 600$
16:42.28ScaredyCat<diana> zigman > a e1 card should cost 200$ not 600$
16:42.30dianazigman > because is small series, and is made by hand
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16:42.41zigmandiana it still should be 150
16:42.58dianazigman > i don't make hardware in china
16:42.58zoastop it guys / girl !
16:43.01zigmandoes it work with asterisk ?
16:43.01zoayou are flooding
16:43.03ScaredyCatzigman: no $50 cos it's beta
16:43.03dianai do good hardwrae
16:43.17ScaredyCatbut bad spelling
16:43.24dianaScaredyCat > also all zaptel hardware is beta, and they still charge you 600$
16:43.24Cybowhat the hell. it should be FREE!
16:43.30zigmandoes diana ,it work with asterisk ?
16:43.33bkw_zaptel hardware isn't beta
16:43.35sousouYou can make good hardware in China
16:43.35bkw_it works
16:43.39bkw_and works very well
16:43.41zigmandiana  does it work with asterisk ?
16:43.47brent21dont argue with her, just add her to ignore
16:43.49Cybodiana: just because you cant get it to work doesnt make it "beta"
16:43.51dianabkw_ > in your lab, but not in real world
16:44.03bkw_diana i use it in production
16:44.06bkw_NOT in a lab
16:44.12dianaCybo > did you catch the part, with i have made devlopment for * ?
16:44.16zigman/ignore diana
16:44.16ScaredyCatI haven't laughed like this in ages
16:44.17dianabkw_ > with like 2 channels?
16:44.20zigmancya later
16:44.25dianaand maybe with your own branch of asterisk, not cvs
16:44.28Cybodiana: i did. that still doesnt excuse the fact that you cant get it to work.
16:44.28bkw_diana I even have a client with full PRI's
16:44.31bkw_No issues at all
16:44.44dianaCybo > it dose work, after 3 weeks and heavy devlopment
16:44.51dianabkw_ > with 4 pri's?
16:45.01dianai have an asterisk box with 8 pri's
16:45.07Cybodiana: are you speaking for everyone who has used one? or just yourself? ;)
16:45.10zigmanasterisk is good ( not perfect) software...
16:45.14zigmanthats all i need to say ;)
16:45.24Exomorphdiana: We have someone here with over 40 T1's coming into an Asterisk system.  How is that not a production system?
16:45.25dianaand yet it worked, but at every mounth i have to reebot because it just crush
16:45.39dianaExomorph > and is doing what?
16:45.46bkw_jsmith for one
16:45.51bkw_has 40 asterisk servers
16:46.27bkw_all with 4port cards
16:46.27tessierExomorph: How do you get 40 T1's into one box?
16:46.27dianaExomorph > did i mentioned that we have e1's, we are in europe, not t1
16:46.27dianamaybe for t1 is working
16:46.27bkw_JerJer runs nufone on dual xeon boxes with 2 4port cards
16:46.27Exomorphtessier: Not into one box... into lots of boxes.
16:46.27tessierExomorph: Oh, ok
16:46.27zigmanExomorph TDMoE ?
16:46.36dianadosen't matter, in the end ppl from digium cares just about money
16:46.44dianathey are acting like proprietary
16:46.48Exomorphzigman: I'm not sure...  Ask jsmith next time he's here.. he's the one who does it. :)
16:46.53zigmandiana in the end EVERYBODY cares about money
16:47.07bkw_diana I had a teach in highschool that had a good saying for people like you "You have Diarrhea of the mouth"
16:47.16zigmandiana only the ones without money don
16:47.20zigmant care about money
16:47.25sumazigman > not always as far i have seen in the linux community
16:47.29Exomorphdiana: E1's and T1's are alot alike... Digium does E1's as well as T1's.  So whats your point?
16:47.34ScaredyCatzigman: or with too much :)
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16:47.51zigmanScaredyCat those for sure care about money
16:47.55tessierMan...I like asterisk but I do think the error messages could be better. It needs to be more verbose.
16:48.02tessier"Unable to start music on hold" doesn't tell me squat.
16:48.02ScaredyCatyah, but not so much...
16:48.08brent21i like money
16:48.09tessierI'm not sure what changed. It was working perfectly earlier today.
16:48.11bkw_tessier check you conf file
16:48.12zigmantessier mpg123 in /usr/local/bin/ ?
16:48.15bkw_er your
16:48.21bkw_zigman it checks bot places now
16:48.29zigmanokay i'm gone
16:48.35zigmanmine is in /usr/bin
16:48.39zigmanwhere it belongs ;)
16:48.42tholoHey, bkw_ -- you suggest removing G.729 from the codec list on my 7960 to fix the problem I have with FWD...  I don't see anywhere to do that...
16:48.42ScaredyCatzigman: nooo...
16:48.46bkw_zigman but res_musiconhold checks both
16:48.49zigmanthere is no /usr/local on my system
16:48.51ScaredyCatsave us from the bollocks
16:49.02zigmanbollocks ?
16:49.03tessierzigman: Yes, it is.
16:49.05tessierbkw_: Which one?
16:49.11bkw_tholo you just set g711 to the perfered codec
16:49.17ScaredyCatzigman: diana's bollocks
16:49.22tholoThat's already the preferred codec.
16:49.22bkw_the 7960 is really agressive about using 729 if its set
16:49.31zigmanScaredyCat i can*t ;)
16:49.31ehatchanyone know how to integrate with legacy systems?
16:49.40tholopreferred_codec: g711ulaw
16:49.45bkw_tholo because I have tried to reproduce the problem
16:49.48bkw_and I can't
16:49.54ScaredyCatzigman: well you could stay as moral support :D
16:49.57Cybozigman: do you know alot about T1 stuff? :/
16:50.10zigmanneed to go and sell some quadbris ;)
16:50.30bkw_tholo just don't use asterisk apparently its just pure shit anyway.  or thats what diana says
16:50.34tholoIt is very consistent for me, calling 800-555-TELL
16:50.39zigmankape needs to get those damn el chepo drivers working too
16:50.40bkw_tholo let me try
16:50.43tholoYeah, I guess...
16:51.10mooHi, just got the DevKit (1FXO,1FXS), when trying to: modprobe wcfxs - I get: /lib/modules/2.4.20-28.9/misc/wcfxs.o: init_module: No such device
16:51.11kramthanks cybo
16:51.28mooany idea? anyone? wcfxs module is not loading...
16:51.53bkw_tholo I SEE
16:51.56tclarkok markster what is the big digium announce for lw-nyc :? :)
16:52.07zoatell us
16:52.10zoaAES ?
16:52.11kramwhere did i leave off with diana?
16:52.11bkw_tholo it looks like they are forcing g729
16:52.41tclark<diana> dosen't matter, in the end ppl from digium cares just about money
16:52.52bkw_good one tclark
16:53.37mookram? help?
16:53.37RoyKwhat sort of single FXS cards exist?
16:53.38Exomorphkram: Diana has gone quite...
16:53.42bkw_tholo ok I see why I couldn't I do have g729 in asterisk
16:53.43sumadiana: is in phone
16:53.54ScaredyCatIN the phone?
16:53.58edguy3tholo: have you done a "disallow=all" in the general sectionn of sip.conf?
16:54.04bkw_but when I remove that it does do that..
16:54.08bkw_it seems to be a fwd issue
16:54.33zoado you know what would be great?
16:54.45zoadiana's code and digium's code united
16:54.51tholoI think it is a SIP bug (wrt. codec negotiation) in * myself, frankly.
16:54.56Cyboeek, i better boot into new kernel and update asterisk. bbl....
16:55.12tholoEspecially since it actually works if I allow iLBC and/or GSM...
16:55.26*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
16:55.47tclarkzoa: what is diana's code ?
16:55.56geertnWhat does: SIP/geert-b236 is circuit-busy mean?
16:56.10bkw_geertn it could mean the phone didn't respond fast enuf
16:56.32geertnbkw_: Strange... it worked a second ago..
16:56.48kramtholo what's your issue, you got a bug #?
16:56.51bkw_geertn what version of asterisk are you using?
16:56.53ScaredyCattclark: stuff that breaks e1 compatability - apparently
16:56.58benngarddo anyone know what this mean: Jan 22 17:48:38 WARNING[1703954]: channel.c:1299 do_senddigit: Unable to handle DTMF tone 'f' for 'SIP/0317803002-c1bc'
16:56.58benngardJan 22 17:48:38 WARNING[1703954]: res_parking.c:226 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels SIP/0317803002-c1bc and SIP/0317803456-000c
16:57.04zoa-> diana's code
16:57.05geertnbkw_: 0.7.1
16:57.34zoaas she obliously is not a newbie and knows whats she's talking about, she should be heard...
16:57.44zoaif she's nice :)
16:57.49zoato people
16:58.37ScaredyCatno zoa - even experts can talk bullshit
16:59.08dianazoa > thx
16:59.32geertnbkw_: Could this be an asterisk problem? I can still call with the circuitbusy phone, but I can not hear any sound... no errors, but (Attempting native bridge of SIP/geert-6c01 and SIP/geert2-12cc (which is what always happens))
16:59.32dianazoa > anyway, yate is write in c++ to benefit from virtual methods
16:59.32bkw_well she yells overflow overflow bugs bugs bugs but then doesn't want to point them out so they can be fixed.
16:59.43dianaand is using a message passing system, that keeps modules independent
16:59.44ScaredyCatgeertn: is it a soft phone?
16:59.54geertnScaredyCat: No a SNOM 200
17:00.02ScaredyCatk, has it registered?
17:00.07geertnScaredyCat: I cannot call them from another snom, a cisco or a grandstream
17:00.18bkw_tholo what was your codec bug number I can't find it now
17:00.26ScaredyCatput a qualify in sip.conf to see if it's responding in time
17:00.26tholokram: Bug #576
17:00.34geertnScaredyCat: I see it with sip show peers
17:00.37bkw_there we go
17:01.30dianageertn > try to call that snome without using asterisk
17:01.44dianawhat you tell us seems to be a problems of rtp
17:01.46geertnScaredyCat: allright..
17:01.59Fabehi ppl. i'm a * newbie ;) just heard the summit this week and tried it. now i've got a kinda weird problem. i took a 500mhz machine, an avm c4 card installed capi and chan_capi from kapejod. now i do a simple outgoing call with the card to my cellular. when it's connected i got about 2secs of delay in the connection!
17:02.22Fabedid is miss any config option?
17:02.23geertndiana: ok I'll try next:)
17:02.24dianaFabe > what other driver do you use?
17:02.33*** join/#asterisk sam1 (
17:02.38bkw_tholo I can recreate it if I noload m y g729 codec.. I thought I did that before.. oh well
17:02.39Fabewhat do you mean with "other drivers" ?
17:02.47dianageertn > is the usual way to fix that problem
17:03.09geertndiana: What is the usual way? Ditch asterisk?
17:03.17Fabei think just capi and chan_capi from kapejod. and a local oss to playback. is the oss stuck?
17:03.42dianageertn > sip briging mean that everything is done between those 2 phone, nothing is done in asterisk
17:03.49ScaredyCatgeertn: no, bitch about it first
17:03.52dianageertn > ditch, what that word mean?
17:04.11dianaScaredyCat > at least i know how to build a good system
17:04.12ScaredyCatRoyK: ?
17:04.34RoyKbkw_: read my last message. that bug 891 is still there
17:04.40geertndiana: You mean call the SNOM 1 time withouth asterisk, or just remove asterisk as a whole (coz thats not an option:) )
17:04.44RoyKthat patch fixed one thing, but not all
17:04.52bkw_RoyK ok.. let me reopen
17:04.58dianageertn > i mean try to test beween those 2 phone
17:05.02ScaredyCatdiana: that's fine, i have no issue with that, but please get on with it and either report the bugs you found in * or just go away and write your code
17:05.16dianaScaredyCat > what about the truth?
17:05.24bkw_what truth?
17:05.36loko-mokoAnyone using a Dell 1650 server may want to call Dell about getting their motherboard replaced before it explodes and frys
17:05.43dianaScaredyCat > don't you think someone should discuss the truth, about design, about what can be badly improve?
17:05.44ScaredyCatffs, start a asterisksucks site if you're that disgruntled
17:05.56dianaif you talk about this developers say that you bitching
17:06.00zoaanyone willing to help with a bounty
17:06.06zoato search for overflows ?
17:06.09ScaredyCatdiana: but you aren't helping fix what you call bugs... you're just bitching about them
17:06.11dianabut there are other developers that don't aggree to  be stupid
17:06.25zoaScaredyCat: diana already helped me with some bugd
17:06.42bkw_but why isn't she pointing them out so we can fix them.. she needs to be on the next dev conf call
17:06.47dianazoa > i do this for money
17:06.49dianazoa > i do this for money :>
17:06.55zoabut pointing to overflows is not that easy :)
17:07.02zoathat requires a code audit
17:07.08zoaby experts
17:07.09ScaredyCatzoa: that's fine, but bkw_ has asked about 5 times for diana to post what she considers as bugs, she refuses to do so
17:07.11zoablackhats :)
17:07.24*** join/#asterisk Cybo (~cybo@
17:07.28RoyKWhere's the Dial command defined?
17:07.29zoawell i'm sure she just doesnt know them by head
17:07.34Cybouh oh...
17:07.37dianaScaredyCat > i consider that writing a function of 30 screens is a bug
17:07.38ScaredyCatRoyK: app_dial
17:07.48Cybomake[1]: *** [] Error 1
17:07.59ScaredyCatdiana: so rewrite it and post it as a patch
17:08.14capijod~seen dutch_
17:08.22dutch_ <~dutch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 29d 7h 26m 19s ago, saying: 'Well, the new one are a bit better to look at ;)'.
17:08.30bkw_diana I agree functions should be small and managable
17:08.43bkw_some are larger than need to be but that doesn't mean it doesn't work
17:08.48bkw_its just coding style
17:08.58dianaScaredyCat > and let digium make money from that?
17:08.58dianano thx
17:09.01Cybo/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient
17:09.04RoyKseems the Dial command can't take a destination longer than 256 chars
17:09.05ScaredyCatzoa: perhaps not... but if diana insists they are there then she needs to show it
17:09.13ScaredyCatRoyK: that's true
17:09.19bkw_diana you are funny.
17:09.21RoyKScaredyCat: that's silly
17:09.24ScaredyCatit's a char of 256
17:09.25*** join/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
17:09.29RoyKScaredyCat: what char?
17:09.37ScaredyCatthe dial string
17:09.50ScaredyCatuse peer definitions
17:10.05RoyKsure. but where can I change it? I want a number to dial _all_ phones at the office
17:10.17RoyKand this makes the dial string quite long
17:10.21Cybowhat is this -lmysqlclient option for?
17:10.26Fabe@cybo install mysl-devel libs...
17:10.26dianabkw_ > whatever, is your proiect why should i care?
17:10.33tholoRoyK:  Use Local channels, too...?
17:10.34mooany idea how can I know if my motherboard is PCI2.2 capable?
17:10.36CyboFabe:okay, thanks..
17:10.38ScaredyCatRoyK: define: ALLPHONES = SIP/1&sip2 etc
17:10.41bkw_diana I make money doing consulting.. bug fixes only help me and many more in the same process
17:10.49ScaredyCatthen use Dial(${allphones})
17:10.59RoyKScaredyCat: I've done that, but it gets extracted to SIP/1 ...
17:11.31dianabkw_ > ja right
17:11.31bkw_RoyK whats up with 891 what does it still do?
17:11.41bkw_diana what?
17:11.45bkw_you doubt me?
17:11.47*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
17:12.17ScaredyCatdiana: if you don;t care then clear the channel for other peoples probs.
17:12.23RoyKbkw_: it still hangs
17:12.38RoyKbkw_: I'll try to reproduce it etc
17:12.39*** join/#asterisk digger_ (
17:12.45RoyKScaredyCat: any ideas?
17:12.46bkw_so all the changes to chan_zap, chan_iax2, chan_iax so that you can safly unload the modules (anthm helped with chan_zap) but all those I did.
17:13.07ScaredyCatRoyK: ahh ok, so you'll need to expand the size of the dial string in app_dial
17:13.22dianabkw_ > programing is not rocket science
17:13.30geertnScaredyCat: Thanks for the qualify tip that's nice:-) But the phone shows up ok(geert2/geert2 (D)  5060     OK (49 ms)), but still CIRCUITBUSY...... I restarted Asterisk... No effect. Do you think I should file a bug at SNOM?
17:13.40dianabkw_ > what about ztwatch i have send that and is not in zaptel driver
17:13.41RoyKdiana: rocket science is not rocket science
17:13.51dianaja right RoyK
17:13.53ScaredyCatgeertn: what firmware are you using?
17:13.54bkw_diana I don't see it on or never have
17:13.55RoyKScaredyCat: which variable is this?
17:14.04dianabkw_ > mail
17:14.12dianai will not go there again
17:14.15bkw_diana no it has to be on thats how we keep track of it
17:14.24geertnScaredyCat: Lates.. snom200-SIP 2.03o... but I also had this problem with 2.02t that's why I upgraded
17:15.15ScaredyCatk, i'm using 202t too...
17:15.15Exomorphdiana: THere are too many patchs going around that the developers can keep track of them.. Thats why its requested that you put your patches into the bug db.
17:15.20ScaredyCatRoyK: looking for u
17:15.28bkw_Exomorph exactly
17:15.34bkw_they can also be tested
17:15.48bkw_people can give input.. then we can get them into cvs
17:15.53geertnScaredyCat: Could be that it's triggered by my tests.. I've been testing with a grandstream and a cisco for codec translation paths...between gsm and alaw/ulaw
17:15.57bkw_its a good process that seems to go really fast when we have conf calls too! :)
17:16.21TestMasTergood morning
17:16.27geertnScaredyCat: I will email SNOM about it....
17:16.53*** join/#asterisk af_ (
17:17.20ScaredyCatok, geertn
17:17.36ScaredyCatRoyK: looks like : info[256]
17:17.56ScaredyCatstatic int dial_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data)
17:18.24Mike---is it possible to record a meetme conference ?
17:19.07ScaredyCatgeertn: do a sip show channels to see if it looks like a call exists between the snom and *
17:19.19*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:19.22Mike---anyone ?
17:19.33bkw_Mike--- yes
17:19.33bkw_just use app_monitor
17:19.35bkw_er res_monitor
17:19.39Mike---bkw_ hm ?
17:19.45puzzledMike---: yes, check recent posting on the ML
17:19.47bkw_but you will have to think about how you do it
17:19.55Mike---how would the config look like ?
17:20.09Mike---I searched the ML but didn't find anything
17:21.22RoyKScaredyCat: hm. seems that gets its data from some struct localuser
17:21.26RoyKwhat's the max there?
17:21.42geertnScaredyCat: I only see the Cisco to Asterisk channel... not asterisk to SNOM
17:21.53ScaredyCatstruct localuser {
17:22.16RoyKScaredyCat: point is that there are other limitations. not just info[]
17:22.18RoyKI just tried
17:22.26ScaredyCatyes of course...
17:22.31ScaredyCatyou can;t just change that
17:22.42*** part/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
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17:22.44ScaredyCattbh the max len should be a define
17:22.46Mike---BTW how much CPU would be enought for using a quad E1 (120 channels) and 120 sip clients ?
17:22.55RoyKScaredyCat: yeah...
17:23.07*** join/#asterisk bde (
17:23.29bkw_Mike--- a dual xeon or the like (without hypertreading)
17:23.41bkw_AMD hardware can't be trusted in this stuff
17:23.43RoyKpbx:/usr/src/asterisk# grep -r char.*256 .|grep -v ^Binary|wc
17:23.45bkw_so stick with intel
17:23.58RoyKbkw_: serious?
17:24.08RoyKbkw_: I've been running on a fscking duron for ages
17:24.19bkw_I have seen bad mojo with AMD
17:24.26bkw_it gets ugly fast when its not right
17:24.40*** join/#asterisk rpb_ (~rpb@
17:24.49bkw_ie things blowing up that shouldn't
17:25.15zoabkw, too bad that i just bought a dual opteron 2.4 :)
17:25.16TestMasTersounds like nufone is starting to get busy
17:25.23RoyKScaredyCat: just set it in a header somewhere, and replace any char 256 with it?
17:25.56geertnScaredyCat: I registered another line in the snom for calling withouth asterisk and now it all works again...
17:26.04TestMasTergood day ScaredyCat
17:26.17bkw_RoyK what are you doing?
17:26.47ScaredyCatlo TestMasTer
17:26.48RoyKtrying to find a nice way to increase the Dial() command's destination string size
17:26.58bkw_let me find it
17:27.04TestMasTerScaredyCat,  hows it going
17:27.22ScaredyCatRoyK: no, you'll need to study the code a bit more... I think a lot of the code in there is based on 256 chars
17:27.30ScaredyCatTestMasTer: mad!
17:27.38TestMasTerScaredyCat,  why is that??
17:27.45RoyKbkw_: sure. but not that alone
17:27.46bkw_RoyK thats where its copied to
17:27.52tholoRoyK:  Why don't you just call with a few Local/xxx channels that fan out, or use a queue with ringall strategy?
17:27.59bkw_RoyK it comes from data
17:28.08geertnI'm gone... cya
17:28.08bkw_strncpy(info, (char *)data, sizeof(info) - 1);
17:28.10TestMasTerScaredyCat,  not bad.. alittle to busy at times but
17:28.14edguy3FYI...  FWD 800 is served by an ASTERISK server.  asterisk shouldn't respond with g729 when it is not offered. orking to address issue.
17:28.18ScaredyCatTestMasTer: just lots going on :/
17:28.22TestMasTerbkw_,  do you know a good place to learn c?
17:28.26bkw_TestMasTer just jump in
17:28.31RoyKtholo: I can take a look at queues... probably a better strategy :P
17:28.46ScaredyCatyah, good call tholo
17:28.53TestMasTerbkw_, i can`t jump in unless i have some ideas to what i`m looking at :-)
17:28.57ScaredyCatthat would be easyier RoyK
17:29.10bkw_RoyK the char info[256] seems to be the correct location
17:29.13TestMasTerScaredyCat,  i`m guessing a busy day
17:29.20ScaredyCatthanks RoyK ;)
17:29.31RoyKbkw_: still. changing that to 1024 or something won't help a bit. i tried that
17:29.37ScaredyCatTestMasTer: i've had a headache all day too
17:29.57bkw_in channel.h it just has char *data;
17:29.58TestMasTerScaredyCat,  welcome to my world.... I have those things everyday
17:31.06bkw_strange that should work
17:31.07RoyKqueues with 'ringall' will ring all members just like Dial(asdf&asdf&asdf&...) ?
17:31.20*** join/#asterisk ^sly^ (
17:31.22ScaredyCatuntil someone answers ;)
17:31.27RoyKwhy didn't anyone tell me :(
17:31.35ScaredyCattholo just did
17:31.57ScaredyCatyou just wanted to extend the dial string"!
17:32.02RoyKcan I have a definite timeout for a queue, sending people to the voicemail or something?
17:32.07RoyKScaredyCat: sori :)
17:32.08bkw_option n
17:32.35bkw_show application queue
17:32.51bkw_'n' -- no retries on the timeout; will exit this application and go to the next step.
17:32.51voipnasa lost contact with the mars rover :/
17:33.00bkw_voip it went on a joy ride
17:33.03ScaredyCatat least they made contact in the first place!
17:33.38ManxPowerThe "n" option is pretty recent.
17:33.53voipi can barely find my car in a parking lot
17:34.08voipthey did a good job finding a little robot on mars
17:34.22ScaredyCatdid they locate Beagle2 ?
17:35.05voipdoubt it
17:35.12miller7yeah, martians kidnapped it and now ask for ransom :(
17:35.14bkw_the second rover will land on the 24th
17:35.22RoyKcan I use macros from extensions.conf in queues.conf?
17:35.40bkw_Roy nope
17:35.49RoyKwhy not?
17:36.05miller7there was a HP advertisement that when the little thingie landed they were printing images of rocks and behind there was the martian city :)
17:36.56bkw_RoyK why do you want macro in queues.conf?
17:36.58RoyKbkw_: shouldn't be too hard to make those macros global, should it?
17:36.58bkw_no need for it
17:37.08bkw_they have no place in queues.conf
17:37.12bkw_what are you trying to do?
17:37.27RoyKbkw_: I want to tell which persons use which phones ones and for all, and then just refer to them with macros
17:37.31RoyKmakes my life easier
17:37.45bkw_use agents then
17:37.50ScaredyCatdid you want something in particular edguy3?
17:38.06*** join/#asterisk token (
17:38.20tokenManxPower you here
17:38.33RoyKwtf are agents?
17:38.35edguy3yes,  just confirming from memory.  
17:38.54ScaredyCatRoyK: James Bond is one
17:39.14tokenUser Agent = SIP client
17:39.16edguy3will we see you next week in sophia?
17:39.21RoyKtoken: agents.conf?
17:39.29tokenoh my bad
17:39.30ScaredyCatedguy3: probably not :(
17:39.34ScaredyCatno $$$$
17:39.47zoayou live in sofia ?
17:39.55RoyKScaredyCat: agents.conf? wtf is that? bkw_?
17:39.56zoai'll be there on monday
17:39.58ScaredyCathav a client run off without paying his 14k!
17:40.00edguy3scaredycat: understood.
17:40.18edguy3zoa: no, NY/NJ
17:40.31ScaredyCatRoyK: just define the phones as agents
17:40.33*** join/#asterisk russT (
17:40.35zoathere is a sophia in NY ?
17:40.49zoadamn those americans really need to copy everything
17:40.50edguy3zoa: no,  near nice.
17:41.01ScaredyCatmember => Zap/2
17:41.06ScaredyCatin queues.conf
17:41.13ScaredyCatand just do that for each phone
17:41.43RoyKScaredyCat: sure... but then again. what is this agents.conf stuff?
17:42.08ScaredyCatthat's so ppl can 'sign in' and be handed calls from queues
17:42.45ScaredyCatthey don;t hang up they just press a key to answer calls...
17:42.57ScaredyCatand you can be an agent for multiple queues
17:44.15edguy3scaredycat: call me at 33489@fwd when you have a chance.
17:44.35ScaredyCatlike now?
17:44.55ScaredyCatmmm... got disconnected
17:45.37miller7ScaredyCat: what do you think about an Amsterdam * meeting sometime soon? To gather all .nl people and get to know each other?
17:45.38edguy3oops. I've got it going to VMail.. I'll call you
17:45.50ScaredyCatk, 21103
17:46.00ScaredyCatmiller7: yeah!
17:46.18miller7voidptr is in it too I think
17:46.30miller7I'm in (until Feb 8th cause after that I'm going back home)
17:48.20Mike9is the agent wrapuptime limited to the size of int?
17:49.43RoyKbkw_, ScaredyCat, huh... the queue has the same fscking 256byte limit :(
17:50.38bkw_wtf are you doing
17:50.43bkw_nobody else hits that limit
17:50.51*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
17:51.04RoyKI just changed the Dial(${OSLO}) to Queue(${OSLO})
17:52.25capijodw00t w00t, p2mp seems to be stable :)
17:53.04bkw_RoyK hehe
17:53.33miller7p2mp?? pimp 2 multi pimp?
17:53.38[Sim]capijod: huh?
17:53.42*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (
17:53.52capijod[Sim]: point to multipoint
17:54.04puzzledmiller7: good idea!
17:54.07capijodi have a siemens gigaset connected, very nice stuff :)
17:54.12[Sim]what can you do with that?
17:54.18wreckdiveryoyoyoyo, hey anyone the signalling used in Russia/Ukraine?  Can I use a X100P card?
17:54.27wreckdiveranyone know, sorry.
17:54.28[Sim]hey puzzled
17:54.29capijod[Sim]: p2mp is the regular BRI stuff
17:54.33puzzledhi [Sim]
17:54.44Calistoevening all
17:54.46capijodthe speaker phone of the SL1 rulez :) no echo at all :)
17:54.47[Sim]capijod: okay, so that worked already didnt it?
17:54.49[Sim]whats new now ?
17:54.50Mike9bkw_, is agent wrapuptime limited to the size of an int?
17:54.54Calistocan't get my x100p to make outgoing calls.  Incoming fine if a little quiet and a bit dodgy on dtmf when it tries to call an extension.  Any ideas ?
17:54.59capijod[Sim]: we have dialtone now :)
17:55.00zoayes, all the dutch people should unite
17:55.05zoaand give us the exact location
17:55.11[Sim]capi: who cares about dialtone :)
17:55.13Calistoseems to just think about it and give me a dial tone
17:55.16jof3dbkw_, quick question if you aren't too busy
17:55.17zoaso that we can pinpoint the place where we need to drop a little bomb
17:55.26capijod[Sim]: i had a request for it , so... ;)
17:55.38capijodand fax machines care for dialtone...
17:55.54[Sim]thats distracting you from fixing hfc drivers, so stop the silliness
17:55.57capijodthe voicedial feature of the phone is amazing :)
17:56.07[Sim]people should learn unified messaging and kick fax out
17:56.13capijodjust say the name and it calls :)
17:56.23[Sim]yup, nice
17:56.30capijodit will take the voip vendors at least 10 years to add this ;)
17:56.39Calisto~seen tangent
17:56.43tangent is currently on #asterisk (1d 7h 59m 58s) #intimate (1d 7h 59m 58s).  Has said a total of 23 messages.  Is idling for 18h 52m 14s
17:57.17puzzledcapijod: which phone is that?
17:57.34capijodpuzzled: siemes gigaset sl1
17:57.46*** join/#asterisk jaimeren (
17:58.14miller7zoa: should we count you in if we arrange an amsterdam meetme room (real one!)? :P
17:58.59capijodpuzzled: it's the size of a small gsm phone
17:59.07puzzledcapijod: nice phone!
17:59.08capijodwith exact the same features
17:59.09miller7is it voip phone?
17:59.09macTijnnice phone
17:59.20miller7sorry, I missed the previous
17:59.20capijodno voip, isdn dect
17:59.27Calistoanyone help me with x100p problem.... please
17:59.36capijodjets: from distribution around 100 euros
17:59.56puzzledthat's cheap!
18:00.00macTijnlooks really like a cellphone
18:00.16macTijndoes it have nice games ? :)
18:00.18*** join/#asterisk point (~litw@
18:00.19capijodmacTijn: it feels like a cellphone, you can play "balloon shooter"on it
18:00.31capijodprobably java
18:00.39capijodwhich leads to endless possibilites
18:00.57macTijnis * ported to java yet ? :)
18:01.20macTijnor maybe a sip client in java or so
18:01.22capijodit would be nice to manage * with a small java app on that phone :)
18:01.23macTijnwould be nice
18:01.30macTijnuhuh :)
18:01.34capijodjust like i can manage the base station of that phone
18:01.49macTijncaji: all possible
18:01.56Corydon76-homeYou did not just say "small" and "java" in the same sentence...
18:02.12capijodyou can even attach a data cable to the phone and upload ringtones, sms, email...
18:02.22macTijncory: yes, but it's not really java. just the syntax :)
18:02.22capijodCorydon76-home: yup
18:02.53Corydon76-homeCall me when you have a Java app that fits and runs in 64k of memory
18:03.06macTijnmost phones don't even have 64k
18:03.08capijodCorydon76-home: all the newer siemens cellphones can run java
18:03.14capijodand have 300k of flash free
18:03.31Corydon76-homeYeah, but they tend to have 8MB of memory
18:03.38capijodmem is cheap
18:03.42macTijnfor cellphones, that is
18:03.49dianahey capijod
18:03.52macTijnreally bitchy platform btw
18:03.57capijodhey diana
18:04.07macTijnand especially nokia
18:04.16macTijnnokia just lies to you
18:04.26macTijn"we have this and this feature"
18:04.30macTijnand they don't.
18:04.51capijodthe dolphin and horse sounds are good too!
18:05.18macTijnand take it in the train and all
18:05.20Corydon76-homeHow about hooking up an old fashioned firebell for a ringer?  ;-)
18:05.51capijodthere is another killer feature
18:05.55macTijnCory: a colleague of mine has a fire-engine siren as a ring tone (non-poly)
18:06.05pointcapijod, how do u do that ? :) I mean polyphony on that brand new phones :)
18:06.13macTijnI'll kill him for that one of these days
18:06.23capijodthey call it baby phone, which monitors the volume in the room and can call a predefined number .... makes a cheap alarm system
18:06.27Corydon76-homeYeah, but I want a real firebell to hook up to an analog line for the machine room...
18:06.42zoawould busydetect or callprogress have any influence on an X100p card ?
18:06.45Calistoanyone help me with x100p problem.
18:06.56capijodpoint: they just come with the ringtones. the phone can also record audio and use it as a ringtone
18:06.57*** join/#asterisk julien (
18:07.05julienhi all
18:07.12macTijnCory: just hook it up to the wire with a relay or so
18:07.12Corydon76-homeWhen you have to shout to hear above the din of the fans in the machine room, a loud ringer is necessary
18:07.14*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
18:07.17macTijnhigh is ringing
18:07.18pointI see :)
18:07.21macTijnlow is normal
18:07.47jorgeraidelizo how are you?
18:08.38*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
18:08.39macTijnit has a !@#$ gbit nic
18:08.41macTijn2 even
18:08.50macTijnbut it's hooked up to this hung-lo hub
18:09.17macTijnwhich also causes packet loss
18:09.21dr_bob_hi all
18:09.25jjanzerare you transfering a ton of data on the hub/
18:09.29macTijnretard network admins
18:09.32*** join/#asterisk welby (
18:09.40macTijnjjanzer: yes
18:10.06macTijnit's not *that* busy
18:10.24macTijnit also has the lucent management module and some logging machine hooked up to it
18:10.44macTijnbut every time someone types on that console it's packet loss for me
18:10.56macTijnor at least latency
18:11.08jjanzerthat's really bizarre
18:11.15macTijnthat's half duplex ethernet
18:11.38macTijncollisions and all
18:12.16macTijnso I just ordered a 24-port gbit-switch
18:13.00MucklmacTijn: what manufaturer?
18:13.08[Sim]I vote HP :)
18:13.08macTijnthe switch? cisco.
18:13.12[Sim]doh :)
18:13.24[Sim]got funds ?
18:13.58zoaanyone good with busydetect ?
18:14.18macTijnsim: scarlet, netherlands/belgium
18:14.24[Sim]ah nice
18:14.30Calistoarghhhhhhhhhh this x100p problem is driving me nuts.  Incoming works fine (if a little quiet) but no dial out
18:14.33[Sim]what do you do there?
18:14.46macTijnSim: a lot
18:14.50[Sim]heh :)
18:15.05macTijnbut for now replacing all the old OneTel stuff
18:15.10macTijn(we bought onetel nl)
18:15.13dianazoa > what's the problem?
18:15.31zoawell a client is complaining about random hangups
18:15.51zoaand i would know if setting busydetect could influence the behaviour
18:17.12*** join/#asterisk dr_welby (
18:18.24zoalooks like i have the choice
18:18.27zoaor it hangsup randomly
18:18.33zoaor it doesnt hangup at all
18:18.39dianazoa > busywaiting
18:18.45dianahow is that in zaptel?
18:18.48zoaset it to 8 ?
18:19.22zoabyswaiting or busydetect ?
18:19.41dianahow is busy detect
18:19.44jorgeraidelhey asterisk is radius compliant?
18:19.50dianajorgeraidel > nope
18:20.05zoaits on and i have random hangups
18:20.19dianaturn that off now
18:20.31dianathis is the reason that you have random hangups
18:20.44dianazoa > do you want me to take a look at your zaptel.conf for you?
18:20.47zoabut then it won't hanup now :)
18:20.55dianayes it will
18:21.01dianathat is for fxs and fxo
18:21.09diananot for pri
18:21.21dianais another obscure config
18:21.22*** join/#asterisk ecd (
18:21.24zoaits an X100p
18:21.36dianax100p i can't understand
18:21.39zoapstn card
18:21.41dianai haven't work with those
18:21.46dianai know what that is
18:23.26dianatry to turn that off
18:23.29dianamaybe is working
18:24.58*** join/#asterisk gbdrbob (
18:25.02gbdrbobhi all
18:25.21*** join/#asterisk seemore (
18:25.24pointdiana, I have random hangup with h323 ... when dtmf=inband ...
18:25.37gbdrbobI anyone in the mood to help a newbie with a problem compiling asterisk
18:26.07Spfi  have random hangups with my asterisk
18:26.08Spfusing iax to another asterisk
18:28.02seemoreanyone got * + H323 + GK working ?
18:29.00gbdrbobhi diana: I'm trying to compile on debian woody - I think the problem related to debian not having a symlink to the source tree in /usr/src/ at /usr/lib/linux , I've tried editing the makefile to point in the right place but as I only installed linux for thr first time a week ago it's a bit over my head
18:29.05pointseemore, what is the problem ?
18:29.36gbdrbobIs the best option to switch to another linux distribution?
18:29.51*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
18:29.55dianapoint > what do you use in pstn?
18:30.03seemorenot having much luck getting * to talk to the GK
18:30.04dianaseemore > i got it work with gnugk
18:30.25dianagbdrbob > just make the symlin
18:30.27dianagbdrbob > just make the symlink
18:30.29rpb_diana:  does it stay registred through reloads?
18:30.48dianarpb_ > normaly it should
18:30.50seemorediana > yes I think so
18:30.56dianabut if dosen't stay dosen't matter
18:31.14rpb_I've had problems where it doesn't stay registered on reloads.  What versions are you running?
18:31.28seemorediana > I can call H323 to H323 but nothing else
18:31.51*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:31.54Calistodone more digging on x100p problem seems if i set tx & rx gain to 5 can get it to dial
18:31.59Calistoany ideas.
18:32.16gbdrbobsorry - usr/include/linux
18:32.38dianaseemore > well, is a problem of config
18:32.43gbdrbobthanks diana - Ill get back to you if it workks
18:32.56seemoreCalisto > I had luck using rx/tx gain =10%
18:33.15dianaseemore > drop me an e-mail at, with all your configs
18:33.53seemorediana > Cool !!! thanx
18:35.31Calistoseemore: will it actually take 10% as a param and if so what does it do you sure it's not just taking the ten and ignoring the %
18:35.47zwihi all...I'm trying to get call waiting working with a Zap channel from FXS. Currently when I flash on FXS it it does nothing...from reading it *looks* like I have to somehow incorporate a *0 when flash is sent from FXS? Can somebody give me the complete solution?
18:36.23seemoreCalisto > yes it takes it in that format, at least it worked for me and it didnt complain
18:36.38*** join/#asterisk Moc (
18:38.55*** join/#asterisk Beave (
18:38.58Beavehello all.
18:40.13Beavethis is probably a easy one,  but....  From my SIP phone,  I can make outbound calls via my X100P card..  But when I try to dial a FWD number,  I get "Unable to find a path from ALAW to G723"..  any ideas right off?  codec problem on my SIP phone?
18:40.35Beaveoh.. and inbound calls (X100P or FWD) work fine to the same SIP phone.
18:40.48bkw_Beave you have no g723 codec thats why
18:41.03Mochehe that what I was gonna say
18:41.31Beaveeven when its not enabled on my SIP?  or is that 723 via FWD outbound only?  
18:41.45*** join/#asterisk clh (~tink@
18:41.58clh~seen jerjer
18:42.04jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 4h 27m 55s ago, saying: 'out'.
18:42.19seemorediana > Ok, sent them. Did you get them
18:42.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:43.04ManxPowerHow do I make an queue member automatically be logged out the queue if they don't pick up after x seconds?
18:43.59BeaveHrm.  From my TDM400P card I can dial FWD just fine.  I dont have g723 enabled on my SIP phone..  
18:44.12bkw_Beave canreinvite=no
18:44.16Beavelet me check
18:44.19sousou~seen denon
18:44.25denon is currently on #asterisk (1d 20h 10m 8s).  Has said a total of 28 messages.  Is idling for 13h 53m 55s
18:44.43Mocbkw_, btw I got my time back on phone... my config is nice now, all I wanted is configured
18:45.46Beavebkw:  yeah..  actually "reinvite=no" and "canreinvite=no"
18:45.46diananope seemore
18:45.55bkw_reinvite doesn't do anything
18:46.03seemorediana > hum just a sec
18:46.26Beavei was afraid you might say that.
18:47.31Beavebkw:  thanks,  but still the same thing.
18:48.00Beaveyeah.. tried that also..  
18:48.04bkw_per peer?
18:48.35Beaveits only one SIP phone.  
18:49.02bkw_what phone?
18:49.17Beaveall inbound calls work great,  I can call out via X100P , just get that error on FWD..  
18:49.29Beavewith this much trouble,  of course its a Budgetone 100.
18:49.38bkw_no wonder
18:49.52BeaveIm actuallyhappy it works this well.
18:50.13BeaveSeems to be only FWD..  here.  let me try another voip provider.
18:51.00*** join/#asterisk jules (~jules@
18:51.11Beavefrom "606 could not find compatible payload." - Unable to find a path from alaw to g723
18:53.36Beavezoa: yeah.
18:53.44zoathere is no such thing
18:53.49zoaas g723.1 for asterisk
18:54.01Beavezoa: that was in the SIP phone..
18:54.07zoaso ?
18:54.26BeaveI was pointing out that g723 is not enabled on the SIP phone.
18:54.34Beaveor as they call it : g723.1
18:54.36zoano g723.1 is enabled on the phone
18:54.50zoabut asterisk does not support it
18:55.24Beavethat would be odd,  because I'm looking at the configuration screen and its not enabled.
18:55.43Beaveon the sip phone that is.  unless its doing it behind my back.
18:56.11wreckdiverbkw, anyone know if the 7900 series, non G will support inline power??
18:56.53zoaG and non G
18:56.57ManxPowerHow do I make an queue member (added with AddQueueMember) automatically be logged out the queue if they don't pick up?
18:56.57zoaits all the same
18:57.01zoajust differnt logos
18:57.12Corydon76-homebkw_:  Already did work for 903.  The patches were committed for 0.7.0
18:57.48Beavezoa:  that's what lead to my confusion (w/ the g723 stuff).
18:58.18Corydon76-homebkw_:  see patchset 788
18:59.04sousou:) bkw_
18:59.19bkw_Corydon yes but apparently someone still thinks its overflow ridden
18:59.23bkw_so lets gets some eyes on it and see
18:59.26Corydon76-homediana already showed me her concerns, so I went through and found a few possible overflows and fixed them.
18:59.41bkw_but today she still makes those claims
18:59.52Corydon76-homebkw_:  I think she's repeating her concerns over old code, not aware that they were fixed
19:00.00zoacorydon: that fix
19:00.06Beavehrmph.  and ethereal shows G.711 PCMA being used (from the PoS GS) and no mention of g723
19:00.06zoawas in an advisory
19:00.10zoafrom august
19:00.11zoa(part of it)
19:00.21Corydon76-homezoa:  there were more
19:00.26zoayeah i know
19:00.29zoai've seen the bug report
19:01.11Corydon76-homeUnless she's willing to give another concrete example (her first example to me wasn't an overflow, her second was, which was quickly fixed by me)
19:01.15h3xi just handed the xspedius wholesale chick a $CLUE
19:01.32jof3dbkw_, quick question if you aren't too busy
19:02.18Corydon76-homeIn any case, it's clear she's only around to spread FUD about Asterisk and try to draw people away to her project.
19:02.30bkw_Corydon it can't hurt to go over it again with a fine tooth comb.. then once we are done with that pick something else to comb over
19:02.56Corydon76-homeNo, it can't hurt.
19:03.34bkw_we need to start doing an audit on it anyway
19:06.03bkw_har har har
19:07.02vaewynman.. keep that thing chained up
19:08.41jof3dI'm looking at the ast_conference struct and have a question for anyone who is up to it
19:09.40Beavenevermind ... I found it.
19:10.40BeaveI has a "allow=all" at the top of the sip.conf..  doh!
19:13.33Mocso what the news from digium ?
19:16.01*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:16.17mbrancahi all
19:16.40zoatell me !
19:16.49mbranca~seen wasim
19:16.51wasim is currently on #asterisk (1d 3h 55m 21s)
19:17.04zoait should be public already
19:17.11zoalinux world is almost over
19:17.21zoacould it be something usefull for me ?
19:17.23mbrancazoa: what? any news?
19:21.29unixdawgok I need a c programer top fix mpool.c om fbsd
19:21.43unixdawg5.2 its the mainthng keeping it from compiling
19:22.04ScaredyCatbluetooth presence
19:23.41mbrancakram, whazzap
19:23.47kramnot much man you?
19:24.17mbrancanot much also here. doing some * installations :)
19:26.52capijodmbranca: hi :)
19:26.57capijodmbranca: preparing 0.0.2
19:27.04capijodmbranca: this time with dialtone
19:27.28*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
19:28.36*** join/#asterisk philip (
19:28.56mbrancacapijod, that very cool... aany changelog?
19:29.05*** join/#asterisk fyman (
19:29.24capijodmbranca: p2mp in nt mode looks very stable now ... my gigaset gets every call
19:30.09bkw_capijod what are you doing?
19:30.28capijodbkw_: bri isdn support
19:30.35bkw_ah kewl
19:31.52vaewynHmm... my BT isn't lighting or stuttering even though I have mailbox=100 in my sip.conf and mailbox 100 just got new voicemail
19:31.59vaewynany ideas anyone?
19:32.17ScaredyCattone generated by the BT not *
19:32.20bkw_vaewyn what context?
19:32.26bkw_in voicemail.conf
19:32.30philipmight anybody there be able to tell me how to build * with cdr-pgsql.c
19:32.40bkw_philip it builds if pgsql is installed
19:32.53ManxPowervaewyn, What context is in voicemail.conf?
19:33.28ScaredyCatphilip: minimum install (if postgres is on another box)
19:33.29ScaredyCatDBD-Pg-1.31.tar.gz                     postgresql-libs-7.4-0.3PGDG.i386.rpm
19:33.32vaewynbell context...  ahhh do they have to match the same one as inoming>?
19:33.59ScaredyCatwel, you don;t NEED the docs... but hey, always useful
19:34.55philipi have pg installed in redhat9 by redhat rpm and I have * from recent cvs
19:35.12bkw_vaewyn then mailbox=100@bell
19:35.24vaewynahh... thanks bkw_!
19:35.42vaewynsmae context you can omit... different context you @ it then?
19:35.53bkw_it uses default if its not there
19:35.58philipI tried a patch on the makefile I found in the list archives
19:36.07philipbut the patch doesnt work
19:36.44*** join/#asterisk miler7- (none@
19:37.23*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
19:37.54benngardprobably a very stupid question: i have been thinking of "importing" the whole swedish numberplan into extensions.conf about 5.000.000 entries, it will not work or? cdr_pgsql.o
19:40.14mbrancabenngard, import it into a db and poll from * via AGI
19:40.46unixdawggrr all the changes thus far are in db1-ast
19:41.57ScaredyCatbenngard: why?
19:42.36ScaredyCatwhy do you want the whole number plan?
19:45.06benngarda lot of connections to different operators...
19:48.00ScaredyCatok, but do you really need the whole lot?
19:48.12ScaredyCatseems excessive...
19:49.09ScaredyCatcan't you break it down ?
19:50.40benngardi can probably break it down, thinking of worst case...
19:51.47ScaredyCatI think you'd probably get better performance... tho i thin * wont moan too much..
19:51.59Corydon76-homejof3d:  what was your question?
19:54.37zoai'm sure its not 5 million things dude
19:55.39ScaredyCatno, does seem really wierd...
19:55.39jof3dCorydon76-home, well, I'm thinking of playing a file to all people in a conference.  I notice that
19:55.49vaewynWooo! 334.2 on the pinquin!
19:56.14jof3dCorydon76-home, in the ast_conference struct in meetme.c there is an fd which the comment beside it says
19:56.51ScaredyCatpah! vaewyn you have too much time
19:56.54jof3dCorydon76-home, it's for announcements.  But I can't seem to write to that fd properly.  I was really wondering
19:57.16jof3dCorydon76-home, what the best method for that would be?  
19:57.24vaewynScaredyCat: hehehe... waiting for a monster sql to finish for the W-2 print so... :P
20:01.27zoaW-2 print ?
20:01.48vaewynTax forms
20:02.03vaewynHave to print about 3500+ of them for the university
20:04.06vaewynand about 5200+ 1098-T forms we finished last night
20:04.32vaewynpraise the man that designed paper sealing machines
20:06.16Corydon76-homejof3d:  I'd suggest that you create a channel, bridge that channel to the conference, play a file in the channel, then remove the channel from the conference and destroy it.
20:07.38jof3dCorydon76-home, well, I'd rather play a file from with the app.  I've tried playing via ast_streamfile but only that channel seems to receive the sound.
20:10.29Mocsure they do..
20:10.50Mocoups.. was reading history hehe
20:11.22*** join/#asterisk alex4152 (
20:13.15*** join/#asterisk h3x (
20:15.02Corydon76-homejof3d:  did you bridge the channel to the conference first?
20:16.39*** join/#asterisk ElJefe (~jelque@
20:16.57heisonhi kram
20:17.21*** join/#asterisk okrumm (1000@
20:17.43Katancan anybody help me understand how the logic of how ANI is set for SIP channels?  seems like it sticks the sip username in there
20:18.31heisonkram: does * fall back to a different codec if it runs out of g729 licenses?
20:22.30*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
20:26.48Corydon76-homeheison:  nope, it won't, afaict
20:27.57Corydon76-homeI haven't gone through the code recently, but it negotiates the codec based upon what you say you can support.  If you subsequently can't support that codec, the call is dropped
20:30.00*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (
20:30.04Seba_soyhi all
20:30.26Seba_soyI am having troubles compiling * lastes CVS update, with -lmysqlclient
20:30.47heisonCorydon76-home: what if i say allow=g729 and allow=gsm?
20:31.04*** join/#asterisk gbdrbob (
20:31.05Seba_soysome clue
20:31.16ManxPowerheison, Asterisk can pass thru G729 even without G729 licenses.
20:31.19Seba_soyusr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient
20:31.30gbdrbobhi there - having problems compiling asterisk on debian - anyone able to help?
20:31.35ManxPowerTherefore if you allow=g729 Asterisk will claim to support it regardless of if you have license or not
20:31.37heisondoes it pick the cheapest one as described in channel.c/frame.c/rtp.c
20:31.55ManxPowerheison, "show codecs"
20:32.03Seba_soycollect2: ld output state 1
20:32.09Seba_soymake[1]: *** [] Error 1
20:32.26Seba_soymake[1]: Saliendo directorio `/usr/src/asterisk/channels'
20:32.34ManxPowersorry, "show translation"
20:32.44Seba_soymake[1]: leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/channels'
20:32.47heisonManxPower: but if I'm dialing from SIP -> * -> IAX2 -> * -> analog
20:32.56ManxPowerSeba_soy, You do not have the mysqlclient library installed or the system can't find the installed library.
20:33.06ManxPowerheison, what about it?
20:33.09Seba_soywhere is that?
20:33.11Bonbonhow do you turn off dtmf tone detection in a context so that pressing a number doesn't send you to a specific extension?
20:33.21heisonthat would require 2 license on the first * and 1 license on the second *, right?
20:33.22ManxPowerSeba_soy, I don't know, it varies from vendor to vendor
20:33.36Seba_soy[root@intcrd06 asterisk]# locate mysqlclient
20:33.51ManxPowerheison, Not if you use GSM or ILBC between the two asterisk servers
20:33.56gbdrboborginingally zaptel makefile couldn't find kernel headers at all - so I created symlink from /usr/include/linux to /usr/src/linux/include/linux and tries again - seems to find some files now but still complains of missing header files...
20:34.03*** part/#asterisk bm (
20:34.08heisonManxPower: it's g729 between the 2 * servers
20:34.22ManxPowerSeba_soy, look in /etc/ and make sure that directory is there.
20:34.31Seba_soytx manx
20:34.33ManxPowerheison, Why in the WORLD would you EVER want to do that?
20:34.57Seba_soypath is there
20:35.13ManxPowerSeba_soy, run ldconfig -v
20:35.20ManxPowermake sure the output lists the location of the library
20:35.41ManxPoweractually make sure it lists the library.
20:35.45*** join/#asterisk Rushowr (
20:35.49ManxPowerThis isn't an Asterisk issue, it's a Linux issue.
20:36.00Rushowrgood afternoon all
20:36.05jof3dCorydon76-home, are you familiar with the careful_write function in app_meetme.c
20:36.08Seba_soyis there
20:36.47*** join/#asterisk allanon_ (
20:36.58gbdrbobhi there - having problems compiling zaptel on debain woody - any help would be greatly appreciated...
20:37.40Seba_soycan I modify something on makefile file on Asterisk source?
20:37.46heisonManxPower: here's one...
20:38.57data[Zzz]moo kram :)
20:38.58*** join/#asterisk mortck (
20:39.01kramgreets data
20:39.04kramwho all is in new york?
20:39.06]data[how goes?
20:39.29heisonhow many G729 licenses do I need in this case: 7960 (G729) -> * -> IAX2 (G729) -> * -> PSTN?
20:39.46Seba_soymanx, do you know how to solve this problem?
20:39.54Seba_soyif you know, can help me?
20:39.58denonkram: jeremy?
20:40.03heisonand how many G729 licenses do I need in a second case: 7960 (G729) -> * -> IAX2 (G729) -> * -> 7960 (G729)?
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20:41.08heisonthe second case should be the pass through, and * should not decode and re-encode, is that what it's doing?
20:42.50gbdrbobdoes the latest asterisk from cvs require a certain kernel version?
20:43.05heisongbdrbob: 2.4 or 2.6
20:43.54develgbdrbob, i was unable to compile against debians 2.4.24, no issues with 2.4.23 though
20:44.09gbdrbobI'm trying to compile zaptel on 2.4 debain woody and it's complaing of not finding header files from the kernel source tree (2.4.18)
20:44.19Mocheisonm for first 1 is ... only 1
20:44.31Mocand second case is ... 1
20:44.43*** part/#asterisk Rushowr (
20:44.58Mocbut dont try to contact anything else
20:45.07Mocthat isnt supporting G729
20:45.15Moclike the * itself
20:45.29Mocwell btw The second one you dont need a liscence
20:45.41unixdawgman I dont get this
20:45.48unixdawgman I wish my c was better
20:48.27zoaheison: i'm not sure asterisk has g729 pass thru
20:48.37zoai think it only has g723.1 pass thru
20:48.44zoabut dunno for sure
20:49.00*** join/#asterisk Lance123 (
20:49.01gbdrbobI made a symlink from /usr/include/linux to /usr/src/linux/include/linux the make progresses further than befort but it still complains of not finding some header files
20:49.05heisonzoa: yes, it has 729 pass thru
20:49.11zoaah great
20:50.51Seba_soyI solved problem modifyn Makefile inside CHANNELS directory
20:51.08Seba_soytx everybody
20:53.36Seba_soysomebody could tell me what was last CVS release
20:53.43gbdrbobhello? I'm sorry if this is annoying I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do...
20:55.10_E_grab the kernel source from for you current kernel version and untar it in /usr/src
20:55.22gbdrbobdone that
20:55.33_E_what's it dying on
20:56.22gbdrboborginally couldn't find kernel source tree - fixed that by making symlink from /usr/include/linux
20:56.26*** join/#asterisk ecea (
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20:56.36gbdrbobnow progresses further but still dies on make
20:56.47gbdrbobexample error:
20:56.51eceaI have an issue compliing, it is looking for the MYSQL libs which are on my system but I still get gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o chan_iax2.o iax2-parser.o -lmysqlclient -lz
20:57.07gbdrbobIn file included from zaptel.c:44:
20:57.07gbdrbob/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:21: linux/modversions.h: No such file or d
20:57.35*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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20:57.48Mockram, your still at the show ?
20:57.59_E_you don't need a symlink you need the actual kernel source
20:58.04_E_provide ls -l /usr/src pls
20:59.35Seba_soyOOO I have solution for yoy ecea!!!
21:00.03Seba_soyenter directory usr/src/asterisk/channels
21:00.08Seba_soyedir Makefile
21:00.20ecea~seen jerjer
21:00.35jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 6h 46m 26s ago, saying: 'out'.
21:00.35Seba_soylook where is -lmysqlclient in
21:00.35Seba_soyand put this line
21:00.50Seba_soybefore -lmysqlclient option
21:01.02mbranca~seen ceslele
21:01.03i haven't seen 'ceslele', mbranca
21:01.33Seba_soytell me if this solves your problem ecea
21:03.08*** join/#asterisk jeb-c4 (
21:03.18eceano I get about 300 errors now
21:03.30eceano that did work
21:03.44Seba_soylet me show how is line modified
21:04.06eceait worked there is a thing called "use mysql friends = yes"
21:04.08eceaI set it to no
21:04.10eceaand it worked fine
21:04.17Seba_soy$(CC) $(SOLINK) -o $@ chan_iax2.o iax2-parser.o -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz
21:04.23Seba_soyhere is line
21:04.28Seba_soythis work for me
21:04.47Seba_soyinside usr/src/asterisk/channels/Makefile
21:05.27Seba_soyit should work for you if you have libmysqlclient installed
21:06.23gbdrbobit's already there
21:08.14_E_1 sec
21:08.17*** join/#asterisk DanJr_TechSuppor (
21:09.11diana~seen rollergrrl
21:09.15rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 18d 20h 17m 28s ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
21:09.29zoadiana, i'd give up hope :)
21:09.32zoashe likes me more
21:09.36zoashe's staying with me
21:10.04_E_pls resend to me directly my flood protection truncated after the first 3 lines
21:10.47_E_or better yet just ls -l /usr/src/linux
21:12.40*** join/#asterisk fcb27502 (
21:13.28fcb27502Any INFO about IAXY from LinuxWorld??
21:13.44dianalol zoa
21:14.13fcb27502im a newby, zoa?
21:14.23Lance123hi eveyone
21:14.24Lance123How can I get a list of all the modules in the CVS repository  ?
21:14.56geertnman cvs
21:15.23zwiCan anybody tell me what I need to do to get flashing over to a incoming callwaiting from FXS on a FXO interface?
21:15.23*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (~druid@
21:15.43zoalance you cant
21:16.01ManxPowerzoa, You are supposed to be able to.
21:16.05eceazoa: yes you can
21:16.09zoano its not true
21:16.12ManxPowerflash + *0 I think
21:16.13zoathe option is OFF
21:16.15eceaI do it about everyday
21:16.24Lance123I didn't see when I looked at the man page
21:16.24eceamanxpower: that is right
21:16.32zwiI read about the *0 but how does it work?
21:16.33zoahow do the hell do you do a listing of the cvs server ?
21:16.42eceaflash + *0  + flash
21:16.42derricklance, cvs -d <repos> co -c
21:16.45geertnI did it also... dunno how anymore, but I know I found out using man of google
21:16.46*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
21:16.59zoaecea: how ?
21:17.07zwiecea: So can I script that somehow so when you hit the flash button that that happens?
21:17.26Lance123thanks derrek, I'll give that a try
21:17.28eceazwi: I have NO idea
21:17.42bkw_SNAP SHOT
21:17.43eceaflash is a dtmf thing so you could write a agi that waited for it
21:17.59ManxPowerzoa, When you hear the call waiting tone you press the flash button on your phone, then you dial the digit * and then the digit 0 then I think you press the flash button on your pbone again and you will be connected to the second call.
21:18.08zwiecea: Ohhhh so thats when it give you dialtone and *0 is the manual flash on the FXO interface?
21:18.21derricklance, it doesn't seem to always work, but it works one some repositories (fyi)
21:18.23zoa<Lance123> How can I get a list of all the modules in the CVS repository  ? -> i said he can't
21:18.37eceamanxpower: is flash not sent as dtmf
21:18.41derrickzoa, you can, just not on all repositories
21:18.53ManxPowerecea, no, flash is sent as a quick hangup of the line.
21:18.55zoaah you mean do a listing on for example zaptel ?
21:18.58bkw_Flash can be sent as a dtmf event over sip
21:19.10ManxPowerWell, yes, if you are talking SIP.
21:19.13unixdawgdb1-ast is the ast db area right
21:19.25unixdawgbrain surgery you know
21:19.32denonflash as a dtmf event?
21:19.36zwiManxPower: Ok good thats what I thought...but tihs is FXO only so can I do this automatically so the user doesn't have to deal with *0?
21:19.43ManxPowerBut if you are talking SIP there's a good chance you simply can't do flash, depending on the SIP endpoint.
21:19.45zwisorry FXS
21:19.54ManxPowerzwi, no.
21:20.10ManxPowerzwi, Asterisk was designed to be a PBX.  Lines going into PBXs don't have call wiating.
21:20.27zwiGood point :-)
21:20.29denonso I talked to packet8 today ..
21:20.32ManxPowerThe whole *0 thing is a horrible hack for people that are too cheap to add another line.
21:20.38denonthose jokers claim they cant send multiple DIDs to the same ATA
21:20.44denonthey claim the ATA cant support it
21:20.50denonIm like .. BS .. I dont need to see the DID, just alias it
21:20.58denonthey still claim its a limitation of the ATA
21:20.59ManxPowerdenon, Since they have custom SIP endpoints there's a good chance they are right.
21:20.59zwiManxPower: Well right now this is for a home setup
21:21.08zwiManxPower: Anyway...thanks
21:21.12denonManxPower: but they could set up call forwarding on one line to another ..
21:21.14denonthats all im asking for
21:21.17denonnot the actual DID
21:21.21unixdawgdid you inform him he was fos
21:21.25denonjust calls forwarded .. thats got nothin to do with the ATA
21:21.31denonunixdawg: yup
21:21.32ManxPowerdenon, true
21:21.49denonI mean, I can understand if its a limitation of their service
21:21.52denonor their rate plan
21:21.56denonbut dont tell me its the ATA
21:21.58denonya know?
21:22.21denonthey also claimed to manufacture their ATA in-house .. wonder if they really do
21:22.26zoadenon: thats bullshit
21:22.28zoai could do it
21:22.33zoaso they can as well
21:22.34denonzoa: anyone could
21:22.40denonthey offer call forwarding .. thats all it is
21:22.50ManxPowerdenon, Packet is apparently a company that makes VoIP chipsets.
21:23.28denonzoa: you have US48 DIDs?
21:23.36zoanopez sorry
21:23.55zoaonly UK, FR, BE, NL, DE
21:24.08zoaand whatever i am forgetting
21:24.22ManxPowerThey have phones there?
21:24.28zoaalthough that DID shit is not very legal in most countries in europe
21:24.42*** join/#asterisk mmco (
21:25.16*** join/#asterisk james_ (
21:25.46gbdrbob_E_: did any of that reach you - thanks for all your help so far..
21:27.12james_i have a Adtran750 with 4 FXO and 20 FXS port alogng with Digium t100P card
21:27.25james_i am interested in moving my setup to all SIP stuff
21:27.32james_anyone interested?
21:28.02james_I can throw bunch of Adran cards such as 2-3 FXS cards, BCU, PSU etc
21:28.16james_also have battery back-up unit
21:28.26derrickgbdrbob, he's not at his desk, he'll be back in a second
21:28.40james_everything is setup and working. you can give it a test spin if you want
21:28.51denonjames_: whatcha askin?
21:29.17james_wanna get rid of Adtran and T100P and get myself a Dell server with a switch and go all SIP
21:29.39james_join voicepulse and i am all set
21:30.23james_if anyone is interested, send me an email at
21:30.55james_gotta go now. ...will be back shortly
21:30.58denonjames_: whatcha askin?
21:31.01dianajames_ > what do you mean?
21:31.02denonyou didnt answer me :)
21:31.10james_i answered it earlier
21:31.12james_sorry about it
21:31.21james_wanna get rid of Adtran and T100P and get myself a Dell server with a switch and go all SIP
21:31.31denonno no ..
21:31.37denonim saying, how much money are you asking for that gear
21:31.49denonyou dont deal in used gear much, do ya? :)
21:32.04denonzoa: which? :)
21:32.06james_well.. what do you think is fair price
21:32.14denonwelll .. .thats not how it works :)
21:32.18james_i haven't put a figure on it yet
21:32.20zoathe new thingie they will show
21:32.25james_how about 800
21:32.41denonmsg me ..
21:32.45eceazoa: does the new thing have to deal with telco lines?
21:33.43denon/msg ..
21:34.17*** join/#asterisk Carp (
21:34.34bjohnsonhave been looking at the Canadian Primus TalkBroadband service .. looks good for SME
21:35.27*** join/#asterisk ct_steved (
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21:36.45CarpCan someone help me?
21:37.05CarpWARNING[40966]: chan_sip.c:431 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x80f83d4 (len 426) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor.
21:37.22CarpI get that error every like 10 seconds and my IP phone wont register, I can ping the IP phone from the * box though
21:37.36mbrancamulti homed box
21:37.58mbrancais that a multi homed box?
21:38.09CarpIts one asterisk box and one IP phone
21:38.44CarpI tried to change host=dynamic to the IP of the phone in sip.conf but that didn't work.
21:38.45mbrancawhat do u have in /etc/hosts.conf ?
21:38.55Carpit used to work before I updates asterisk :(
21:38.58Carplet me check.
21:39.21*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
21:39.25CarpI have nothing in there
21:39.27Carpnew file
21:39.30mbrancaI meant /etc/host
21:39.44vaewynhost=dynamic and defaultip=(machines ip) is best way
21:40.17Carp. /etc/host ian't a file or a dir
21:40.39mbrancaCarp, I corrected myself... /etc/hosts
21:41.16Carp127.0.0.1       Asterisk       localhost.localdomain localhost
21:41.40mbrancahave you one eth card or more?
21:41.45Carpmight this be because I edited a file in my network folder (i dont remember which one).  I changed localhost.localdomain to Astiersk.Asterisk
21:41.55reseauxhi mbranca!!
21:42.00mbrancaciao reseaux
21:42.16reseauxmbranca: You dont watch "Big Brother v4" :-)
21:42.41mbrancaCarp, you should not change localhost.localdomain... is useful sometime, unless you know what u're doing
21:42.49mbrancareseaux, nope. tv shit.
21:42.57CarpThat may be why
21:42.59reseauxmbranca: hehehehe :-)
21:43.08Carp\I dont remember if the IP phone worked before I changed that
21:43.23mbrancaCarp, that happened to me. I fixed my host definition and all was ok
21:43.30*** join/#asterisk alex4152 (
21:43.31Carpwhere is hte network dir?
21:43.44mbrancaeh, depends on the distro
21:43.48*** join/#asterisk ecea1 (
21:43.49Carpcan I just make localhost.localdomain = what I changed in the other file?
21:44.05mbrancaI think yes. try that
21:44.13CarpOk, I will
21:44.36mbrancaand restart network + asterisk then
21:44.59Carpok, system is rebooting
21:46.57mbrancaadsi screenphones from digium
21:47.41reseauxmbranca:have you some good news from farphone..
21:48.32wreckdiveri'm reading conflicting reports about the 7910G phones.. does it have a SIP load??  i read cisco docs and it says it only support skinny, but i'm not sure if they are older docs, as I see posts saying it supports SIP and there is a load for it??? can someone please clarify?
21:48.38mbrancanope... farfon website is down since days and wasim seems lost :) perhaps he's very busy...
21:49.00reseauxmbranca:very bad news...
21:49.12mbrancawreckdiver, as far as I know, the only SIP cisco phones are 7905,7912,7940,7960
21:49.18mbrancareseaux, yes
21:49.28*** join/#asterisk Carp (
21:49.30Mocwell Cisco phone at less
21:49.31Carpok, it worked
21:49.41wreckdivermbranca, thanks.
21:49.49*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
21:50.00wreckdivermbranca, I wish they would release a SIP image.. damn.
21:50.18reseauxmbranca:good night i go to see "voyager" ... :-)
21:50.33reseauxgood night to all....
21:50.36mbrancareseaux, ok. see ya
21:50.43*** join/#asterisk ecea1 (
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21:58.55klicTelhi all
21:58.58*** join/#asterisk Milen (
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21:59.41*** join/#asterisk Fabe_atk (
22:00.10klicTelCan someone give me any advice? I got to kernel panics today making the server completly freeze. I have a TE410P in a dual xeon server
22:00.17*** join/#asterisk jewel (
22:00.21Milenanyone succeded to run E1 card
22:00.38mbrancaMilen, a lot of people :)
22:00.56klicTelto = two
22:01.05*** join/#asterisk maxeh{secksual} (
22:01.08zoaklictel: happened here already too
22:01.33klicTelzoa: and? what did you know what was causing it?
22:01.39zoanobody knows
22:01.45zoafile a bug report
22:01.51Fabe_atkasterisk is producing kernel panics ?
22:01.56mbrancaFabe_atk, nope
22:02.03Fabe_atkthe driver...
22:02.30klicTelFabe_atk: on the cosole right before the AYIII Kernel panic message, I see messages related to the t4xxp
22:02.41klicTelnot *
22:02.55Fabek. so the driver is the cause
22:03.18Fabebut thats not much better ;)
22:03.29klicTelprobably... i there a special way of compiling zaptel? other then specifying the SMP flag?
22:04.06Fabesry dunno
22:04.08bkw_got hyper threading on or off?
22:04.09CarpHas anyone setup a calling card system with asterisk?
22:04.12mbrancaturn off HT, could cause problems (seems, but not tested personally)
22:04.24mbrancaCarp, works now?
22:04.24*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
22:04.27Powerkillevening to all :)
22:04.43PowerkillAsterisk Rocks !!!
22:04.48klicTelbkw_: I'm not sure.. how do I make sure?
22:04.49Carpmbranca: Thanks alot
22:04.50mbrancahi Powerkill
22:04.59bkw_klicTel in the bios
22:05.05mbrancaCarp, so works. de nada.
22:05.13CarpJust wondering if anyone has setup a calling card network.
22:05.22PowerkillI manage to simulate 2 E1 on my te410p with E1 cross cable :)à
22:05.25mbrancaor look @ top... you'll see 4 procs :)
22:05.31klicTelbkw_: thanks... I'll look... if it is on I'll try turning it off
22:05.37Powerkillmaybe there is more person now here
22:05.47Powerkillsomeone manage to monitor a conference call ?
22:06.24ecea1what is differnt beetween ; fxs_ls:  FXS (Loop Start)
22:06.31ecea1fxs_gs: and fxs_ks:
22:06.34PowerkillI'm getting the -in file but not the -out file it's empty i don't have in the out file the conference call
22:07.15mbrancaecea1: different methods of signalling on an analog line
22:07.40mbrancaecea1, fxs_ks is like fxs_ls with some trick to detect remote disconnect
22:08.08*** join/#asterisk Milen (~awake@Milen.At.TeraOptics.Net)
22:08.11Carphas anyone setup a calling card netowkr with *?
22:08.32Milencan i recieve some assistance on running E1 card :)
22:09.04PowerkillMilen ask
22:09.12*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
22:09.32MilenPowerkill ok here is the situation
22:09.34mbrancaso ... time 4 bed
22:09.36mbrancanite all
22:09.36Mileni have E1 wilcard
22:09.38PowerkillCarp I try too but the absolute timeout is problematic
22:09.44gbdrbobhello again
22:09.46Mileni have link to my telco
22:09.57gbdrbobstill having problems compiling azptel
22:10.01gbdrbobzaptel even
22:10.02Mileni cant configure properly parameters in zaptel and zapata
22:10.09Powerkillyou have to check the status of the call answered or not to know if you have to decrease unit on the card
22:10.28Milenthe card diode flashing red
22:10.35Powerkillyou have to decide to allow multiple use of the same pin number at the same time and lot of other stuff
22:10.37Mileni think there is no connection
22:10.43Powerkilli'm working on it but it's a big ....
22:10.57zoahow the hell do i pickup a call ? :(
22:11.03Mileni just need to get connection to my telco
22:11.05PowerkillMilen it's a E1 for sure right ?
22:11.25Powerkillok CRC4 enable or not ?
22:11.28MilenPrimary ISDN
22:11.31Mileni do not know
22:11.45Mileninfact this is primary Euro ISDN
22:11.56ManxPowerzoa, *8?
22:12.06Powerkillok so let's try
22:12.33Powerkillput that in your zapata.conf
22:12.42Milenok wait a second
22:12.47Powerkillthen /etc/init.d/zaptel restart
22:12.54zoaManxPower: yes
22:13.00zoabut how do configure
22:13.07zoait always says: nothing to pickup
22:13.12Powerkillthen give me what ztcfg -vvv return to you
22:13.12ManxPowerlook in your zapata.conf under pickup groups
22:13.19zoai didt
22:13.25zoaits pickupgroup=1
22:13.32zoais in sip.conf
22:13.35PowerkillManxPower bkw_ any idea for my monitor problem ,
22:13.40zoasame as the pickupgroup in zapata.conf
22:13.40Powerkill? == RIP OFF
22:14.05ManxPowerbefor the channel def
22:14.13ManxPowerin zapata.conf
22:14.14*** join/#asterisk ysb (
22:14.28*** join/#asterisk Milen (~awake@Milen.At.TeraOptics.Net)
22:15.02Powerkillbkw_ what is a q-ray ?
22:15.08Powerkillbracelet :)
22:15.29Powerkillok milen
22:16.04Milenlook at private
22:16.21Powerkillyou only have 10
22:16.33Milenthe card is flashing red
22:16.35Powerkillit's a E1 ?
22:16.46MilenE1 but with only 10 numbers
22:16.53Milenthey can be up ti 30
22:17.00Powerkillso you didn't configure it well 10 number or 30 lines ?
22:17.14Powerkillnumber or lines ?
22:17.31Milen10 active
22:17.38Milene1 is max 30 lines
22:17.52Mileni`ll try to configure 30 lines
22:18.05Milenhm its flashing red again
22:18.14Powerkillok so now let's try /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
22:18.26Milensignalling ?
22:18.46Powerkillchannel => 1-15,17-31
22:19.10Powerkilland try to start asterisk by yping asterisk -vvvvgc
22:20.09Powerkillyou remove all the content of zapata?conf before ?
22:20.17Milenbut now i`ll
22:20.18Powerkillremove all
22:20.21Milenwait a second
22:20.27Powerkillwaiting ...
22:20.52TestMasTerAnyone know the iax number for Nufone?
22:20.53*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
22:21.53Milenits ok now
22:21.55Milenwhat next
22:22.01Milenextension to dial zap g2 ?
22:22.28Milenon the back card is still flashing red
22:22.56*** join/#asterisk hermie (
22:23.15Powerkillok so the signalling is incorrect
22:23.21Powerkilllet try to add crc4
22:23.25Powerkillmake a stop now
22:24.05Powerkilledit zaptel.conf add ,crc4 on the line like this span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
22:24.33Powerkillthen restart zaptel then look if it's green
22:25.29Milenok wait
22:25.57Milenits red again
22:26.01Milenflashing red
22:26.12*** join/#asterisk z_smurf (
22:26.20Milendo i need a crossover cable or straight ?
22:26.28Milenthis i straight cable
22:26.40z_smurfAnyone know how to compile "Chan_capi-0.3.0"?
22:26.52Powerkilla 1245 cable
22:26.59Fabewhats the prob z_smurf ? i did this today
22:27.05Mileni have 1245 - 1245
22:27.10Powerkillstraight 12 45
22:27.15Milendo i need 1245 - 4512
22:27.19z_smurfMilen: It complains about missing capi20.h
22:27.32Fabeok. then install isdn4k-ultis-devel
22:27.38Fabeor the capi-devel
22:27.47Fabesome devel pkg depending on your distri
22:28.19Powerkillcheck your cable and telco setting try to make a loopback to see if all is ok
22:28.20Fabein redhat its isdn4k-utils-devel in suse its called capi-devel (and debian too i think)....
22:28.21z_smurfOk.. Its debian on that machine.. Is the isdn4k-utils-devel something about the kernel ?
22:28.48Fabenono. its just libraries and headers for compiling
22:29.01Fabecapi20.h for example ;)
22:29.02Milentelco says that i have E1 line with 10 active numbers out of 30
22:29.04Milenthats it
22:29.15Milenand i cant run this card
22:29.49z_smurfFabe20: OK... ? But capi20.h acually exist on the system.. Its in the /usr/src/linux/...../ directory..
22:30.17Fabehmm. then perhaps the include directory isn't set properly. did you look at the makefile?
22:30.41TestMasTeranyone know this error    rtp.c:264 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
22:31.01Milenuse audiomode 0x00140014
22:31.08Milenon ur cisco ata/voip phone
22:31.22TestMasTerMilen,  i`m using a grandstream... never had this problem before
22:31.28Powerkillbetter us 0x00150015
22:31.31z_smurffabe: yes.. The makefile does not mention anything to include exept /usr/include/asterisk.. And that is not the right place for capi20.h :)
22:31.35Powerkillfor both fxs :)
22:32.06Fabez_smurf then just add the dir where your capi20.h resides ;)
22:33.04FabeINCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/ -I/usr/src/linux/include...... or smth like that....
22:33.22Fabethat depends on your system....
22:33.24Mileni hate e1
22:33.57PowerkillMilen you have to make some test with your telco and ask them parameter
22:34.11Powerkillwhat i give to you work for 90% of european E1
22:34.54*** join/#asterisk il_princi (
22:35.08TestMasTerMilen,  any ideas with the grandstream... how to fix it
22:35.20z_smurfFabe: Ok, that solves my first error.. There is too many errors still... Something must be completely wrong.. :(
22:35.36Fabethen edit the first line
22:35.43Fabeerr i mean the first dir
22:35.55Fabethere's /usr/include/asterisk/ in there or?
22:36.12Fabemake a /usr/include/ out of this...
22:37.53*** join/#asterisk km- (
22:39.01km-kram: dude!
22:39.11km-kram: I missed lwce :(
22:40.20*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
22:40.42ManxPowerIs anyone else having problems dialing toll free numbers bia Nufone?
22:40.58km-or to?
22:41.02tim27bkw: are you there my setup is finished ... and i got echo with x101p using my CISCO SIP Phone
22:41.19tim27sometime no echo
22:41.23tim27some time many
22:41.33tim27it's not like just in the 5 sec of the beguin of a call
22:42.01km-manx: lemme try
22:42.26tim27echo training is supposed to cancel echo ???
22:43.32km-WARNING[213006]: File channel.c, Line 377 (ast_queue_frame): Exceptionally long queue length queuing to Zap/1-1
22:43.35km-have you guys seen THAT before?
22:43.38tim27km you have a clue ???
22:44.07bkw_km- that means its like the rides at six flags.. the line was tooooo long
22:44.20Carphas anyone setup a voicemail system with *?
22:44.29km-manxpower: ringing endlessly on the one 800 number
22:44.48Carp~seen JerJer
22:44.57jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 8h 30m 48s ago, saying: 'out'.
22:44.57ManxPowerkm-, maybe it's my side then.  I get a long delay, a ring, a long delay then the call is dropped.
22:45.01km-seems nufone is blahfux0rated
22:45.18km-manxpower: au contrare -- our dialup modem pool isn't answering either
22:45.39tim27any can help me with echo prob...
22:46.08km-I can't dial myself, just rings endlessly
22:46.13km-I think something's amiss with switch-12
22:46.23zoaJan 22 23:45:44 ERROR[13326]: callerid.c:192 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-8)
22:46.23zoaJan 22 23:45:44 WARNING[13326]: chan_zap.c:4530 ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Success
22:46.23zoaJan 22 23:45:44 WARNING[13326]: chan_zap.c:4572 ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/1-1'
22:46.28*** join/#asterisk klicTel (
22:46.28km-bkw_: what would cause that queue problem?
22:46.44bkw_km- who knows.. its just a warning
22:46.50km-it froze asterisk hard
22:46.50zoadoes this look like the UK thingie
22:46.52km-I had to kill -9 it
22:47.00zoawhere they dont find the caller id ?
22:47.09km-tim27: what kind of phone are you using?
22:47.41tim27cisco 7960
22:47.46tim272 cisco 7960
22:47.49km-tim27: do you have the volume up all the way?
22:47.49tim272 cisco 7905
22:47.58tim27yes kinda
22:47.59km-on the phone
22:48.06km-yep, there's your echo
22:48.11kamileonyour problem is easily solved by going to fedex and dropping the bad phones in a box
22:48.15km-having the 7960's turned up high will cause internal echo in the handset
22:48.29km-kamileon: to our repair centers ;P
22:48.34kamileonno, to my house
22:48.40tim27the 7905 here is in the middle volume
22:48.56kamileoni need to find some used cisco phones
22:49.20tim27km-: can we play we volume of zap ???
22:49.44*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
22:49.49jeb-c4in extensions.conf is there anyway to make voice mail easy (dial 9999 for voicemail and it knows which extension you are on and log you in)
22:51.21bkw_jeb-c4 yes
22:51.40bkw_but make sure you set the callerid lien on each sip peer
22:51.50bkw_or what ever peers use youse
22:51.51*** join/#asterisk prospect (
22:51.54bkw_otherwise it can be spoofed
22:51.56jeb-c4bkw_ thanks so muck
22:52.45*** join/#asterisk af_ (
22:53.51*** join/#asterisk SladeAKT (
22:54.41jof3ddoes anyone know how I can convert a gsm file so that I can play it similar to careful_write from app_meetme
22:54.57jof3dI thought I had it down but I'm missing something (small I hope)
22:55.33*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
22:57.00*** join/#asterisk adke (
23:04.19*** join/#asterisk barrys (
23:04.25km-bkw: found out why.
23:04.28*** join/#asterisk SyndIcate (
23:04.29km-I'm a fucking moron.
23:05.26km-bkw: that queueing message can happen if you make a goto loop with your odbc driver.. :P
23:07.22km-bkw: I think what happened is that the asterisk server ran out of patience and just died, after the infinite loop
23:07.40km-what's even worse is, the CDR didnt record what calls I missed.
23:07.56km-poop! :P
23:10.57km-DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  Function ceiling(integer) does not exist at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-ccard.agi line 113, <STDIN> line 15.
23:10.57km-Couldn't exec sth2! at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-ccard.agi line 113, <STDIN> line 15.
23:11.03km-your ccard agi suxx0rz! :P
23:12.34*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
23:12.57km-I need to learn python
23:13.31*** join/#asterisk MSpin (
23:16.28Milenanyone here that can help me to run E1 card ?
23:16.31Milenwith asterisk ?
23:17.17km-brc007: maybe I'll have to check that out..
23:19.09tim27km-: went to check the volume setting it's now in the middle is was 3 quarter
23:19.30tim27better now be we still hear echo
23:21.41km-you may have to do the echotraining/rxgain/txgain procedure
23:21.46unixdawgok where are all the bsd people ?
23:21.52unixdawgthat are porters
23:22.04unixdawgI need input and help
23:22.05tim27how i do this
23:22.26*** join/#asterisk alfadir (
23:22.50tim27km-: if i use a channel bank with a t400p do i will get echo ???
23:22.57tim27be this will be expensive just for couple line
23:25.20brc007km-:  whatchya going to do with python?
23:31.00*** join/#asterisk draconius (
23:38.02geertnkm-: If you gonna use python use Pyst.... Especially the manager api is nice
23:41.09km-brc007: like geertn mentions, pyst...  AGI..  I hear it's a good language to know.
23:41.38km-brc007: I write c/c++/php fluently, I've had problems with picking up perl in the past -- python looks like it'd be a fun language to use.
23:41.58brc007I see
23:42.04geertnunfortunately is the config file api not so nice:-( I'm going to write a layer on top of it...
23:42.36brc007I started to learn it awhile ago but I didn't get very far
23:42.53*** join/#asterisk sczlbutt (
23:42.56km-I've read crappy looking code before!
23:42.59km-Just try learning RPG! :P
23:44.05geertnpython prevents crappy code by indent-rules.. well at elast for a part:)
23:44.46ScaredyCatEPG sucks cock
23:45.06ScaredyCatbe quiet bkw_
23:45.29brc007you tell em!
23:45.45ScaredyCati had my first torturous years programming RPG III ...
23:46.18ScaredyCatRPG cycle my ass.... fscking shitty language.... if I were God I'd un-invent iy
23:46.46brc007now we need a google-watch-watch-watch
23:46.47ScaredyCatIt's the one thing that jusstifies time travel...
23:49.00unixdawgno one to help me this bites
23:49.08unixdawgthis is killing me
23:49.21unixdawgwe need to get * on fbsd 5. working
23:49.36YoYoneed 4-STABLE first!
23:49.53unixdawgit works on 4.9
23:49.54geertncya all
23:49.58unixdawgjust no zaptel
23:50.21unixdawgwe need to get the base working on 5.x
23:50.36unixdawgits onle the database that has the problem
23:50.54YoYo$230 for a 7940 w/power...  is that a good price?
23:51.06ScaredyCatpretty good
23:51.42YoYounixdawg: get someone to write the fucking zap drivers for  FBSD
23:51.56brc007isn't there a bounty for that?
23:51.59YoYo> $1000 for it
23:52.08YoYo$1050 to be exact
23:52.14unixdawgif I had some one I would
23:52.16brc007supprised no one has taken it
23:52.24YoYobut some of that is contingent on getting OBSD and NBSD as well
23:52.38YoYobut the driver base for *BSD is pretty much the same for X86 hardware
23:52.52YoYoshould be trivial for any qualified hacker to get working
23:52.54unixdawgexecpt for the linux calls
23:52.56brc007rentacoder :p
23:53.05unixdawgwell I will ask around
23:54.01unixdawgmy big thing is getting it to work on 5.2 so i have phone service back
23:54.20brc007why do you want to use fbsd?
23:54.42dnccos freebsd rocks?
23:54.47unixdawglets not getinto that battle
23:55.00brc007ok ok :p
23:55.02unixdawgit is a huge on going battlw
23:55.38brc007are you using (going to use) the fbsd * server for anything else? or just *
23:55.42YoYo"It's a BSD thing... you'll never understand."
23:56.12unixdawgI use it for alot of things
23:56.27unixdawgbut * should be avaible for all nix platforms
23:56.47YoYohave win2k server for MSSQL, another win2k server to be PDC, and 2 linux boxes for *
23:56.52YoYoeverything else on my network is BSD
23:57.33brc007everything else being...web & mail servers etc
23:57.49brc007do you use free net or open?
23:58.27YoYoI've been a FreeBSD addict since 1.x days
23:58.35YoYocut my teeth on linux .9 though
23:58.46unixdawgBRC BSD was around befor linux
23:59.01unixdawgand I have used it since it has been around
23:59.13unixdawgI used bsd386
23:59.13YoYoyup, and Linus even said that if he'd known about BSD, he never would have fuxed around with minix I have a bsd version named after me? ;)
23:59.32brc007yeah I think I read that somewhere
23:59.53brc007and if he didn't fux around with minix he wouldn't have started linux

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.