irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040120

00:00.36*** join/#asterisk hermie (
00:01.29bkw_cypricus_rev don't use BYEXTENSION anymore
00:01.32bkw_its about to go bye bye
00:02.55data[London^Out]BYEXTENSION is so 2003's
00:03.01data[London^Out]aint that right mr bkw_
00:03.14folssonbkw_: What has replaced BYEXTENSION?
00:03.50folssonI see
00:04.36bkw_${EXTEN} is more powerufl
00:04.36CarpHow can I make it when I check voicemail from a certain phone it doesnt ask for the mailbox number?
00:04.38bkw_er powerful
00:04.44Carplike it knows hte number bassed on the extension you're calling from
00:05.17bkw_exten _99XXX,1,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN:2})
00:05.27bkw_that if your mailboxes are 3 digits
00:05.50CarpThen I setup the voicemail btton to dial 99XXX where XXX is hte extension?
00:05.59h3xim a crazy mo fo with 4 digit mailboxes
00:06.15joakobah, i use 10 digit mailboxes
00:06.28h3xoh yeah!  well im gonna use 12 digit mailboxes!
00:06.38TKI just use single digit
00:06.59TKbut the password is 64 digits
00:07.07TKso neener
00:08.55*** join/#asterisk ZoaVeryBusy (
00:10.26Carpfor 4 digit extension, i do":
00:10.59bkw_exten _99XXXX,1,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN:2})
00:11.00Carpkepp the 2?
00:11.02bkw_still 2
00:11.09CarpWhat is hte 2 for?
00:11.16bkw_it strips off the 99
00:11.20CarpOh, the numbers after hte first 2
00:11.36crontibsbkw any ideas on how to echo train calls coming pstn from x100p in *
00:11.37folssonwreckdiver: that bug suggests that it should work
00:12.00kimo_sabeexten => voicemail,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@default)
00:12.12kimo_sabemore fun, with SIP phones
00:13.40CarpAny free conf's I can call with my IP phone?
00:14.35data[Zzz]nn folks! keep up the good 'NEXT!' work bkw_ ;-)
00:14.35CarpI never really made a call wiht my IP phone
00:14.35Carponly local
00:14.41h3xok bkw_ wannabe!
00:15.49*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
00:16.05zoai'm the original bkw
00:16.21bkw_bkw isn't spelled zoa
00:16.27zoaoh yes it is
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk fcb275021 (
00:16.43zoa~rot 25 zoa
00:16.48see rot13 25 zoa
00:16.54zoa~rot13 25 zoa
00:16.5425 mbn
00:17.00zoa~rot13 27 zoa
00:17.0027 mbn
00:17.13brc007<mbn> ~ebg 25 mbn
00:17.13brc007<wobg> frr ebg13 25 mbn
00:17.13brc007<mbn> ~ebg13 25 mbn
00:17.13brc007<wobg> 25 zoa
00:17.13zoa~rot13 1 zoa
00:17.131 mbn
00:17.30ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
00:17.44*** join/#asterisk Brainstormer (
00:17.46brc007~kill carp
00:17.50ACTION shoots a charged neutron gun at carp
00:17.59Carp~kill you bitch
00:18.03ACTION shoots a  pseudotachyon gun at you bitch
00:18.04brc007~I thought you died? how can you shoot carp if you are dead?
00:18.06I think you lost me on that one, brc007
00:18.13brc007~I guess so
00:18.33methinks carp is a smelly little fish
00:18.56Carp~carp is part of my last name, u gonna die bot!
00:18.58...but carp is already something else...
00:19.01brc007~forget carp
00:19.01i forgot carp, brc007
00:19.17brc007~carp is carp is a smelly big fish and Carp's last name
00:19.19brc007: what are you talking about?
00:19.25brc007~carp is at carp is a smelly big fish and Carp's last name
00:19.27okay, brc007
00:19.28brc007~remember that
00:19.32How can i forget about that ? That person is the greatest <fill in whatever is appropriate> in the whole wide world !
00:19.32Carp~forget carp
00:19.32i forgot carp, Carp
00:19.41*** join/#asterisk flash (
00:19.46Carp~Carp is a nice fishy and its part of Carp's last name
00:19.47okay, Carp
00:19.49[carp] a nice fishy and its part of Carp's last name
00:20.10methinks carp is a nice fishy and its part of Carp's last name
00:20.14brc007you pm'ed him!
00:20.18brc007that's cheating
00:20.23brc007~jbot cheater
00:20.33Carpwho did?
00:20.34brc007~carp is a cheater
00:20.38...but carp is already something else...
00:20.39Carp~forget help
00:20.40i forgot help, Carp
00:20.51Carp~help sucks
00:20.56brc007don't make it forget important stuff....
00:21.02brc007help might have been something...
00:21.07*** join/#asterisk Brainstormer (
00:21.07CarpIt was
00:21.12Carpit said help me i help you
00:21.41brc007~help is at help me help you help me help BKW_ smack you
00:22.00Carp~AWS is an internet firm located in Crown Point, New York, on Lake Champlain.  Visit us online at
00:22.02okay, Carp
00:22.18it has been said that aws is an internet firm located in Crown Point, New York, on Lake Champlain.  Visit us online at
00:22.34well, internet is full or pron!
00:22.39brc007~forget aws
00:22.39brc007: i forgot aws
00:22.46Carpwhy did you do that
00:22.50brc007~aws is an internet firm located in Crown Point, New York, on Lake Champlain.  Visit them online at
00:22.52okay, brc007
00:22.55somebody said aws was an internet firm located in Crown Point, New York, on Lake Champlain.  Visit them online at
00:23.06CarpI was just going to change it to that when u deleted it
00:23.13brc007I'm too fast!
00:23.25brc007~who made you?
00:23.27xk did.
00:23.29i heard creator is the guy who made it
00:23.37brc007~where is your homepage
00:23.39I think you lost me on that one, brc007
00:23.41Carp~seen xk
00:23.50Carp: i haven't seen 'xk'
00:23.52well, homepage is SELECT * from factoids
00:23.52dougheckaoh sheesh
00:23.53dougheckaleeve the bot alone :P
00:23.59brc007~kill yourself
00:24.03ACTION shoots a excited pseudotachyon gun at yourself
00:24.10brc007~KILL JBOT
00:24.14ACTION shoots a excited fluxneutrino gun at JBOT
00:24.15it has been said that now is a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
00:24.29extra, extra, read all about it, data is Information. Any series of bits, characters or objects that has meaning. Data is stored and transmitted by computers.
00:24.30Carpwhat a lier
00:24.40it has been said that i is foolish
00:24.45brc007~lier is jbot is a liar
00:24.47brc007: okay
00:24.48[extra] mo betta
00:25.04extra, extra, read all about it, fun is irrelevant. two people, /nick and /quit are on a boat. /nick falls off the boat. who's left on the boat?
00:25.10doughecka~brc007 is <action> kicks $who 's butt
00:25.14okay, doughecka
00:25.24ACTION kicks brc007 's butt
00:25.25joakoim leaving anyways....
00:25.30Since Thu Jan 15 00:28:39 2004, there have been 45 modifications, 959 questions, 360 dunnos, 10 morons and 640 commands.  I have been awake for 4d 23h 56m 48s this session, and currently reference 106271 factoids.  I'm using about 18256 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 11444.83/1215.26 child 1779.76/197.96
00:25.36brc007bye joako..
00:25.49brc007doughecka: any idea where the bot's homepage is...hey cool
00:25.56dougheckaask timriker
00:25.59dougheckaif hes online
00:26.00brc007I typed -teh- and xchat changes it to the
00:26.02dougheckagoogle for ibot
00:26.08TestMasTerI`m trying to figure out someone is making a call it goes thought callingcard.agi   how can I find the persons information Via caller id in a perl script?
00:26.28crontibshow far up can i adjust these settings in zapta.conf
00:26.38brc007* timriker :No such nick/channel
00:27.05CarpI need a * training course :)
00:27.21crontibswould simple reload in the cli put the settings to use
00:27.24TestMasTerwould it be something like $AGI->get_data("$CALLERID"); ?
00:27.32crontibsi'm having tough time getting this echo problem to go away
00:27.34doughecka~message for timriker: does ibot have a homepage?
00:27.41brc007how do I open a private (but not direct) chat to somebody with xchat?
00:28.02TestMasTerbrc007,  /query username
00:28.26brc007doughecka: yeah but /msg doesn't open a new tab
00:28.32dougheckadoubleclick the user name
00:28.36brc007thanks testmaster..query works
00:28.44TestMasTerbrc007,  yw
00:28.44brc007doubleclick doesnt
00:29.03TestMasTerScaredyCat,  you around?
00:29.11doughecka~seen ScaredyCat
00:29.17aidanhome <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openzaurus, 61d 18h 17m 8s ago, saying: 'Does anyone have any experience getting OZ up and running on a C760??'.
00:29.18doughecka~seen wasim
00:29.19wasim is currently on #asterisk (4h 16m 32s)
00:29.19Carpcarp hey
00:29.34Carp~seen dildo
00:29.35Carp: i haven't seen 'dildo'
00:29.38dougheckahuh, I KNEW  I heard ScaredyCat from someplace
00:29.43hmm... timriker is my owner Senior Linux Technologist at Texas Instruments former CTO of Lineo (Embedix, Metrowerks, etc.), maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects
00:29.59TestMasTerAny perl/agi programs in here today?
00:30.03cypricus_rev10[08Leaving10] Reason:[08auto away after 30 minutes of inactivity10] 08·10•08Polaris CTCP 2001 1.0110•08·
00:30.07dougheckawell, lets ask
00:30.13*** join/#asterisk Gazzas (
00:30.25doughecka<perl/agi> there?
00:30.49TestMasTerdoughecka,  No not totally right lol
00:31.04doughecka<perl/agi>: there?
00:31.47brc007~help is give me one good reason why?  BTW: timriker is my owner, type timriker for more.
00:32.01brc007~forget help
00:32.01i didn't have anything called 'help', brc007
00:32.27brc007~help is at give me one good reason why?  BTW: timriker is my owner, type timriker for more.
00:32.42brc007~what are you ignoring me or something?
00:32.44brc007: what are you talking about?
00:32.44bkw_guess we know where the wisip comes from now're a blootbot
00:34.32bkw_someone get me one
00:34.38brc007no can do
00:34.43*** join/#asterisk mvand (
00:34.45brc007~give bkw_ a wisp
00:34.47doughecka"Beginning tomorrow, more than a dozen Web sites, including MSN, ESPN, Lycos and iVillage, will run full-motion video commercials from Pepsi, AT&T, Honda, Vonage and Warner Brothers, in a six-week test that some analysts and online executives say could herald the start of a new era of Internet advertising."
00:34.53dougheckahuh, evil vonage!
00:34.58dougheckabad vonage
00:35.10brc007I'll never seem with mozilla though
00:35.31unixdawgvoip and LD should be free for all
00:35.34dougheckanice ip phone...
00:35.37dougheckauses SIP...
00:35.40dougheckaand supports POE
00:35.44unixdawgthe world should be free a computer in every home
00:35.44dougheckawhy cant we get those?
00:35.49dougheckawe never see those ip phones
00:35.49brc007~who are you
00:35.51I'm a chimp!
00:35.53unixdawgfood on every table
00:36.06brc007~forget who are you
00:36.06i didn't have anything called 'who are you', brc007
00:36.44unixdawgfree the world
00:37.09dougheckabkw_: see that neat HP300 phone?
00:37.13dougheckathat doesnt look so bad
00:37.36brc007haven't seen it
00:37.49dougheckascroll down
00:37.54dougheckaall them phones support sip
00:38.01dougheckadont look so bad either
00:38.05zoaguys little problem
00:38.07dougheckabetter than the grandstreams
00:38.16zoaif i have two dial extensions
00:38.18zoa(for failover)
00:38.26zoabut number one uses international caller id
00:38.32zoaand the other one use regional caller id
00:38.41zoahow can i use both without agi ?
00:38.48brc007why must voip phones be so UGLY
00:38.53zoacan i set the caller id with the dial string itself ?
00:39.17*** join/#asterisk _Tekati_ (
00:39.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
00:39.21brc007mozilla froze
00:39.25brc007was that a pdf link?
00:39.39ZX81~seen stealthman
00:39.42i haven't seen 'stealthman', ZX81
00:39.42brc007MAN that's ugly
00:39.54brc007why can't they just make nice black phones
00:39.58dougheckabut not the one I gave ya
00:40.01dougheckablack costs more
00:40.04brc007is black plastic exra
00:40.06brc007thought so
00:40.14Kumbangchan_zap.c fax detection always come up, why?
00:40.27dougheckamaybe they like white
00:40.29brc007and why WHY must they be so BIG..I mean it's SO wide
00:40.33ZX81Does anyone know where I can get a softcopy manual for an access bank I?
00:40.48ZX81I just bought one from ebay but no manual
00:41.02zoaskumbang: some bug in most recent dsp
00:41.09brc007white phones do not belong in a business enviroment...I don't think I've EVER seen anything other then black phones in a business
00:41.17doughecka~google for manual download access bank I
00:41.24dougheckabrc007: yea
00:41.37kimo_sabebrc007: look harder
00:42.15*** part/#asterisk flipflop (
00:42.34dougheckatoo late
00:42.37dougheckayour flat!
00:42.48kimo_sabebrc007: hell, "Da Boss" explicitly asked about non-black phones when we were bidding out a new phone system
00:42.55brc007no kidding
00:43.07brc007well guess I should look harder...
00:43.34dougheckacross between grin and grunt
00:44.25brc007I still think they are too big..and the bugetone phones...why do they use clear playskool style buttons...I hate em
00:44.57dougheckablack phone
00:45.01dougheckawhite in the pdf..
00:45.10dougheckamaybe all these phones are in multiple colours
00:45.21dougheckaand the grandstreams are availible in black
00:45.25brc007it'd look SOO much nicker (the bugetone) if it had normal black (or white) buttons with the numbers printed on the top
00:45.32kimo_sabebrc007: because they look better
00:45.39brc007you really think so?
00:45.46brc007I thought it looked cheap
00:45.52kimo_sabebrc007: yes.
00:46.23ZX81Anyone know how a tip ring connector is wired?
00:46.27*** join/#asterisk strehi (
00:46.31TestMasTeranyone know how i can resolve this chan_sip.c:471 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 8ed8c98e3358f9e9@ for seqno 26245 (Response)?
00:46.32ZX81looks like a printer port
00:47.02brc007anyone use the wifi 600?
00:47.32strehii use asterisk in version 0.7.1 on debian unstable
00:47.35strehiworks great
00:47.55pattiejastrehi: how'd you get that installed?
00:48.05pattiejaI tried that the other day and there were broken dependencies
00:48.20strehiupdated yesterday from version 0.5
00:48.26*** part/#asterisk dimmik (~dimmik@
00:48.27strehiwithout any probs
00:48.34pattiejastrehi: I tried installing it yesterday
00:48.45pattiejawill login and try to upgrade it now
00:49.33strehinow i look for suse rpms for a collegue here at work
00:49.33strehiare there some available?
00:49.33bkw_src compile baby
00:49.40*** part/#asterisk _jackhamr (
00:50.12doughecka.exe's suck
00:50.15dougheckaon linux
00:50.18strehii do't want to complile this on ths .... sue
00:50.21strehiaeh suse :)
00:50.27pattiejadoughecka: trying a little WINE, ehh?
00:50.41dougheckano, never used wine actully
00:50.52pattiejadoughecka: then how you doin' .exe's on Linux?
00:50.57pattiejafreedos, etc.?
00:51.20dougheckawe need a virus... that goes out and renames all the binarys .exe and then recompiles everything so it will run correctly :)
00:51.27dougheckaoh, I just said that
00:51.50dougheckahmm, interesting...
00:51.56dougheckasomeone connected to my ftp srvrr
00:52.09dougheckaand tested something
00:52.19pattiejadid anybody see the Linux Journal article on Asterisk?
00:52.30pattiejadoughecka: ouch
00:52.41pattiejadoughecka: I like the look of the "alpha" client, though
00:52.51pattiejaI can't find it anywhere
00:53.13pattiejanone of the projects I looked at seemed to be using CVS anywhere
00:54.24dougheckapattieja: there is a .tar.gz
00:54.28dougheckathat works
00:54.56dougheckasource still though
00:55.14pattiejadoughecka: and it looks like Figure 4. in the article?
00:55.21*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:55.29pattiejait didn't even look close to that when I compiled it
00:57.38dougheckaI dont remember the article
00:57.52MocIt seem Primus really use SIP... I might have to try it ...
00:58.13Moc40$CND for unlimited canada/usa long distance
00:58.15*** join/#asterisk Carp (
00:58.27dougheckawill they allow any sip device
00:58.29dougheckaor their own?
00:58.36Mocwell it a dlink SIP device
00:58.46dougheckayah see
00:58.49dougheckasame as vonage
00:58.58Mocyes, well we will see..
00:59.14Mocthey talked about a softphone
00:59.22Mocdont know if will use SIP or not ..
00:59.28pattiejawow!  that's the first time Asterisk has ran as a non-root user for me
00:59.59dougheckait runs as a non root user?
01:00.10pattiejadoughecka: you betcha
01:00.21pattiejaout of the box on a debian unstable 0.7.1-2 install
01:00.33dougheckahow about voicemail
01:00.39dougheckaand hardware access
01:00.42dougheckalike a zap card
01:01.00pattiejayep.  just verified with ps aux that the asterisk instances are running as user 'asterisk'
01:01.01Kumbangguys, have you experienced with this problem in AGI?
01:01.08pattiejadoughecka: will have to check the voicemail out
01:01.15dougheckaand the zaptel thing
01:01.21dougheckaI wanna hear if zaptel will work
01:01.22pattiejadoughecka: don't have a zap (X101P, etc.) card in the system
01:01.36dougheckathe modprobe ztdummy... compiling first...
01:01.40zoapattieja: did you change nothing ?
01:01.42dougheckayou have to enable ztdummy
01:01.49pattiejazoa: nope.  nothing
01:02.01pattiejazoa: just set CONSOLE=no in /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
01:02.05pattiejathat was it
01:02.27pattiejaand reverted to the default configuration files (blowing away all my changes) just on the off chance that it would work
01:02.29pattiejaand it dd
01:02.40pattiejawhich is really cool
01:02.42zoaput that here please
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk yaboo (
01:03.02zoapattieja: please :)
01:03.12pattiejaERROR: Access Denied
01:03.18zoalogin first
01:03.28zoathen goto bug 865
01:03.29pattiejazoa: I haven't done any testing, though
01:03.39zoano problem, just follow it up
01:03.41dougheckawhat was bug 666?
01:03.59pattiejaI was going to setup my scenario again and make sure it still works before really reporting success
01:04.33pattiejazoa: i.e., I will only be in an IAX/IAX2 with software phones scenario over the Internet
01:04.38pattiejano hardware based stuff, etc.
01:04.46pattiejaexcept if I roll this out at work
01:04.53pattiejathen, that machine has an X101P in it
01:05.28pattiejaone of the reasons we don't open it up to the Internet to allow people to call us from anywhere (we only allow access through our company VPN connections) is because it's running as root
01:05.58pattiejaWOOHOO!!!  /etc/init.d/asterisk stop works too!
01:06.07pattiejawow.  This is getting better and better
01:09.36bkw_ok bug 850 is working well
01:09.39bkw_new patch applied
01:09.46zoacould somebody with c knowledge tell me the max value for absolutetimeout ?
01:10.36bkw_what ever you wish to set it too
01:10.46*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
01:10.48Moc-Homethat what I thought ;)
01:10.49zoai have the impression that there is a maximum
01:11.29Moc-Homedepend of the program
01:11.40Moc-Homeit not a C thing, there is no absolutetimeout in C directly..
01:11.45Moc-Homemaybe in a library or something
01:11.47zoano no i know
01:12.04zoabut i think that variable is stored in something with a fixed maximum
01:12.08zoalike int or so
01:12.10zoaor float
01:12.11zoaor long
01:12.22Moc-Homeok yes variable always have limit
01:12.41Moc-Homefind it definition
01:12.41zoawell if you try to set a maxtimeout that is very large
01:12.46zoafor prepay for example
01:12.50Moc-Homeor where it memory is alocated
01:12.51zoasomeone with a lot of credit
01:12.55zoayou'll be in big trouble
01:13.02zoaas it will disallow all calls
01:13.05Moc-Homeuse a pointer
01:13.10Moc-Homeand set it using malloc
01:13.15Moc-Homefor your need
01:13.40Moc-Homewell unsigned long long is kind of big..
01:13.51Moc-Homebut not supported in every compiler
01:13.57zoais it unsigned long long?
01:14.30Moc-Homeit might not be supported by all compiler, I used it once in... windows
01:14.43Moc-Homedont remember which...
01:14.52Moc-Hometurbo C++ I think or something ;)
01:15.08bkw_ewwwwwwwww C++
01:15.14bkw_it does alot of stuff behind your back
01:15.25dougheckaso I should learn C then?
01:15.34dougheckacan I write C apps in windows?
01:15.41Moc-HomeI like C, but I dont think Im good ennuf to help out with * :(
01:15.43dougheckaI dont think theres a Visual C
01:16.08pattiejauh oh
01:16.13pattiejaaddmailbox is gone
01:16.29Moc-Homepattieja, it moved
01:16.29unixdawgyou dont need it
01:16.29pattiejait used to be in /usr/share/doc/asterisk/examples
01:16.39pattiejareally?  what do I do then?
01:16.43pattiejato setup new mailboxes?
01:16.47dougheckapattieja: creates it automatically
01:16.49unixdawgyou dont need it just add the boxes you want to voicemail.conf
01:16.52Moc-Homeit created the directory automaticly.. yes
01:16.53dougheckaasterisk is full of new l33tn3ss
01:16.59*** join/#asterisk anachron (
01:17.15unixdawggawd people are fricking braindead
01:17.18pattiejadoughecka: what's that?
01:17.33pattiejadoughecka: that will be sweet
01:17.41pattiejadoughecka: l33tn3ss
01:18.57Kumbangplease help, i'm using java for agi application
01:19.18Kumbangi'm using cvs-01/08/04
01:19.36Kumbangseems agi thread don't collect the child return code
01:19.40bkw_oh update
01:19.45Kumbangand leaves zombie
01:19.48bkw_lots of shit been fixed since then
01:20.01Moc-Homebkw_, should .c file be moved in folder src or something ?
01:20.10Kumbangok, then. i'll update
01:20.37*** part/#asterisk Gazzas (
01:20.43okrummwhat's the url to download asterisk stable version??????
01:21.01okrummthanks bkw_!
01:21.19dougheckaand do a make update
01:21.21dougheckanot cvs update
01:21.28okrummmake update?
01:21.39okrummthat will download the updates from the server?
01:21.57dougheckaand will make sure your CVS time in asterisk is correct
01:22.38okrummok thanks for the tip doughecka, i will!
01:28.05*** join/#asterisk cypricus_rev (
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01:29.03Moc-HomeWhat should I use 3 Digit extention or 4 digit extention ?
01:30.23zoabkw, what do you think, should the init scripts use asterisk binary or safe asterisk  ?
01:30.24Moc-HomeWhat I mean is should I stick with 4 number but using 3 number (home only) is more than ennuf... 99 extention is ennuf ... ok ok I answer myself
01:30.30zoai think it should be safe_Asterisk
01:31.18cypricus_revHi, i have a question, i buy the X101P card and i'm using the default config that * has. Ok dialing 1234 my X101P (ZAP) grab a line, but when i try to call dialing something nothings happends. Whats wrong ? I'm using SIP and X-Lite client to it.
01:33.25*** join/#asterisk fulbert (
01:34.21cypricus_revhello ?
01:34.22crontibszoa safe_asterisk is what i'm using
01:34.33crontibsworks pretty good gets rid of the errors
01:34.35crontibsfrom the cli
01:35.25Kumbangdoes anyone has latest gastman for windows version?
01:35.34cypricus_revSomeone can explain why, after pick up a line, i can't call ? I press the digits hear the sound, but the line dont change ...
01:38.04*** part/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
01:40.14cypricus_revAnswering my own question. Just need adjust tx and rx ...
01:45.46ZX81does anyone have any idea how I could record a file with a title created by dtmf signals? I.E. press 1,2,3,4 and file is called 1234.wav or whatever?
01:46.25zoalooks easy :)
01:46.37zoajust make an agi
01:46.50zoagrab the dtmf
01:46.54zoapaste it in your filename
01:47.12ZX81would java be okay if I compiled it down to native code?
01:47.19zoano idea
01:47.49Moc-Homebkw_, what was the MATCH="w!" option on the cisco phone ?
01:48.27Moc-Homefor the dialplan.xml ?
01:53.14crontibsor anyone
01:53.17crontibsthis look ok
01:53.24crontibschannel => 1
02:00.13*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
02:00.49pattiejaNone of my numeric extensions that I added to the default extensions.conf file were added to the dialplan
02:01.49pattiejaI simply copied the Macro(stdexten,...) lines and added my extension numbers and "channels"
02:03.08Moc-Homecronjob, look ok..
02:03.08pattiejaoops.  nevermind
02:03.23pattiejaforgot to specify the priority in front of the macro entry
02:03.29Moc-Homecrontibs, look ok, but never used rxgain and txgain
02:03.34Moc-Homeit perfect by default here
02:03.46Moc-HomeI guess Telco is well calibrated or I dont know
02:06.35*** join/#asterisk cypricus_rev (
02:06.58cypricus_revAnyone know the best tx and rx to use with X101P and * for Brazilian lines ?
02:08.22cypricus_revHELLO ?????
02:09.25pattiejacypricus_rev: I've tried to get that worked out for our line in the office and it hasn't been easy
02:09.41pattiejaespecially since we use only software phones and no analog internal extensions
02:09.47pattiejaecho is a real problem
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02:10.04pattiejadon't know if any headway has been made along those lines, yet
02:10.16cypricus_revI see.
02:11.32cypricus_revAny tip ?
02:12.09pattiejasomeone said to use ztmonitor to watch a connection and adjust the tx/rxgain values until both bars were around half
02:12.33cypricus_revI see. I will try then. Thanks
02:12.57Moc-Homedamn 42 loto ticket that I need to check
02:13.08Moc-HomeI buy them but never checked them
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02:15.41cypricus_revstrange with ztmonitor only the rx bar appears the tx no.. Its like this: rx #########       tx
02:15.54cypricus_revtx must have ##### to ?
02:16.07pattiejameans you need to turn up your txgain.  Make sure you are talking while you use ztmonitor
02:16.33pattiejaalso, I've found that you will want to start ztmonitor after beginning the call, and shut it down before ending the call
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02:16.52zoaboth around half
02:17.01pattiejaotherwise it does weird things to your zap devices and you end up having to reload the kernel modules, etc.
02:17.07pattiejaunless that's gotten better, too
02:18.30cypricus_revwhat  rxgain and txgain did you use ?
02:18.40pattiejaall sorts
02:18.54pattiejayou might start with rx=10 and tx=3 or something
02:19.01pattiejayou will have to find out what works best for you
02:19.02cypricus_revOk i will now
02:19.10pattiejayou can do - (negative) numbers as well
02:21.31cypricus_revI see. Just a question. When i put tx and rx with value equal to 0, i can hear the line when try to call out. With values like rx10 and tx3 i cant hear the line. Why not ?
02:22.18*** join/#asterisk Mike (
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02:22.47AlricDo you need to use a TFTP server to change the address a 7940 looks for for the call manager?
02:25.32pattiejacypricus_rev: don't know
02:25.48pattiejacypricus_rev: try smaller increments, like 1 and 1
02:25.52pattiejathen 2 and 2
02:26.03pattiejathen start altering one more than the other
02:26.11pattiejaand keep going until you get a good balance
02:26.32cypricus_revOk i will. And about the line be off ? Like i said, why i can't hear when do this and with 0,0 values i can .
02:26.36cypricus_revDid you know that ?
02:26.53AlricOr how can you change that setting?
02:26.58pattiejait works for me with larger settings
02:26.59cypricus_rev:) Ok.
02:27.06cypricus_revThanks alot.
02:27.09pattiejadon't know why that would be happening to you
02:27.11pattiejano problem
02:33.07zoabbye dudes
02:36.23bkw_dudes we might see a chan_nbx sooner than expected
02:36.40KalDbkw_: as in 3com nbx?
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02:39.37pattiejawhat does the error message "Unable to create channel of type 'IAX'"
02:39.48bkw_KalD yes
02:40.00KalDbkw_: that won't support the 3com phones will it?
02:40.19bkw_yes it will
02:40.19bkw_thats the goal
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02:40.55KalDbkw_: so your replacing the 3com nbx? or just talking with it over it's crapi (I mean tapi) stuff?
02:41.25Mikewhere can i find the area codes
02:41.28Mikefor all usa
02:41.32rollysonI someone working on that.
02:41.36KalDbkw_: that'd be cool - you guys gonna handle the tftp boot requests from the phones too?
02:41.38zoalook for numbering plans
02:41.39zoaon google
02:41.46rollysonMike :
02:41.46KalDMike: phone book
02:41.50bkw_KalD the phones don't pull from tftp
02:41.52bkw_they use http
02:41.57zoabkw: The requested URL was not found on this server.
02:42.27KalDbkw_: they broadcast for an nbx - then they do a tftp from it I thought... maybe it is http?!
02:42.50bkw_you can specify an IP for the NCP
02:42.54bkw_and the mac address of it
02:42.56bkw_BOOM done
02:43.06rollysonbkw_: fun
02:43.17*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
02:43.18KalDso you've reversed the 3com protocol?
02:43.25bkw_KalD we are workin on it
02:43.40zoaskype is next ? :)
02:44.34KalDbkw_: How far are you?  Can you sync the clock etc?
02:44.43*** join/#asterisk SyndIcate (
02:45.26rollysonwho all is working on nbx reverse engineering?
02:45.38KalDrollyson: bkw_
02:46.00rollysonjust bkw? or is jerjer in on it too?
02:46.10bkw_rollyson i'm just now collecting the parts
02:46.21bkw_got a friend getting a days worth of packet traces from the phone
02:46.31bkw_then JerJer and I are going to jump on it and see if we can make sense of it
02:46.32rollysonbkw_: cool, conf ;)
02:47.02KalDbkw_: I will try to find the work I was doing for it about a year ago...  I gave up after 3com forced us to sign legal stuff
02:47.19rollysonneeds to be a "clean" implementation
02:47.24bkw_KalD legal stuff?
02:47.28bkw_what do you mean legal stuff?
02:47.41bkw_they can't force you to do that
02:47.45KalDbkw_: we became partners with them before I finished it - so there was no point in finishing
02:47.57bkw_well feed me all the goodies if you can :)
02:48.07KalDbkw_: I can prob send you a phone too if ya want
02:48.11rollysonif there are any legal encumberences (ie, NDA), there might be issues.
02:48.21bkw_shhh rollyson send me phones
02:48.40KalDthere are no legal things on the code that was written pre-3com-buddy-system-coop-working-legal stuff was signed
02:49.05rollysonI've got some, not sure if I can send them or not, but I can certianly use them to test.
02:49.13KalDI was trying to write a 3com nbx emulator before I learned about asterisk :-)
02:49.14bkw_KalD where are you located/
02:49.25KalDbkw_: Bellevue, Wa, USA
02:49.26bkw_we are just gonna write a channel driver for it
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02:51.27sn00p3rhi is anybody familiar whit inter-town long distance call ?
02:51.44Mikeguys sorry about my newbie question but what is a ADSI phone?
02:51.52KalDsn00p3r: like having to dial an area code before the 7 digit?
02:51.54Mikeits not sip it not fxs phone
02:51.58Mikewhat the hell is it
02:52.41rollysonADSI - analog display services interface - its a regular analog PSTN phone with some bells and whistles for interactive services.
02:53.07Mikethese are the phones use on hardware pbx right?
02:53.10sn00p3rKalD i mean someone from  someone who is point a who is calling  point b (pbx) to be routed at point c ( normaly a long distance from poit a-c)
02:53.37rollysonMike : usually soft PBXs
02:53.53rollysonbkw_: you able to conf now?
02:53.54Mikerollyson: they are Ethernet phones?
02:54.02bkw_not yet
02:54.08rollysonMike: PSTN
02:54.08sn00p3rlike some compagny do you call a phone number ... your caller ide is cheked on a db if matching they let tyou dial a phone number and they let pass the call
02:54.29Mikerollyson: fxs ports?
02:54.38Mikerollyson: can they be uses with ata like?
02:54.43Mikeadsi + ata
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02:55.55rollysonMike: possible
02:56.13rollysonnot sure which ATAs might have support
02:56.43KalDSo the * h323 stuff acts as a h323 gateway or gatekeeper or trunk?  
02:57.07cypricus_rev10[08Leaving10] Reason:[08auto away after 30 minutes of inactivity10] 08·10•08Polaris CTCP 2001 1.0110•08·
02:58.08swirlnetsWhat is the best way to record a meetme convo and get ONE file
02:58.51bkw_you can't get one file unless you mix them laster on
02:58.52sn00p3rhmmm... as a h323 gateway
02:58.55zoaIM BLIND !
02:59.06zoamy eyes burn
02:59.46swirlnetsbkw: if I were able to put a "fake" member in a meetme conv, then I would only need the OUT file because there would be no in, the question is, can the "computer" be a member of a meetme conf?
03:00.01KalDsn00p3r: so if my clients autodetect they should see the asterisk box?
03:00.21sn00p3rwhat do you mean ?
03:00.22bkw_swirlnets its easy to do
03:00.25bkw_meetme count
03:00.32bkw_and some logic and you can make it happen
03:00.46swirlnetshow do I add a fake memeber though, I understnad the counting
03:00.53atacommi'm about ready to checkout a Windows powered phone....anyone know if 70Kbps cellular data rate would work with a SIP soft phone?
03:01.31rollysonatacomm : 70Kbit and 4-5 seconds latency most likely
03:01.44KalDsn00p3r: I'm trying to understand how the h323 stuff works -  currently my h323 clients only see my avaya on the network not the asterisk box - yet asterisk accepts calls from avaya  - I want to write a server that will accept h323 calls from avaya like asterisk does
03:02.03atacommrollyson: are you sure?  when doing terminal services from their demo phone the server responded pretty dang quick
03:02.36rollysonusually they do anti-voip qos stuff ;)
03:03.18atacommlol...why, because I avoid their per-minute charges?  its $30 for unlimited data to the phone....
03:03.45bkw_atacomm haha read the fine print
03:03.49bkw_atacomm is it sprint?
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03:04.07atacommbkw: yes, sprint pcs
03:04.09sn00p3rk what i whant to do is take a pri and bridge over an other pri to relay few client call ... after i whant to ad extra box and do some routing over each city that i whant to deserv and get each asterisk box to be able to user an other box line
03:04.11dougheckahow about this...
03:04.14dougheckaget 2 phones
03:04.18dougheckaand hook one up to pbx
03:04.18bkw_atacomm that unlimited != unlimited
03:04.21bkw_read the fine print
03:04.25dougheckaand get free moble to mobile
03:04.48zoabkw, did you get a chance to test the 127 sip calls limit today ?
03:04.58bkw_no derrick didn't msg me
03:05.07atacommbkw: are you sure? it says unlimited, and i asked their guys...... they only charge per mb if you dont get PCS Vision Pro or if you are using a laptop card
03:05.09dougheckacosts 20 bucks to add another phone @ verizone
03:05.25bkw_atacomm nope.. if you use over like 10 megs they fuck you hard
03:05.34atacommbkw: wrong
03:05.44dougheckawhos write and whos wrong?
03:05.46bkw_atacomm I have seen it
03:05.54dougheckacome back tomorrow and get the results!
03:06.04zoai bet on bkw_
03:06.10bkw_they aren't using websters definition of unlimited
03:06.14atacommbkw: then they didnt get PCS Vision Pro pack for Windows PDAs
03:06.27zoabkw_ leading 1-0
03:06.31dougheckablech, I think be approch is better
03:06.33bkw_they used a cable to the phone to the laptop
03:06.34zoadouble payouts for first 3 people
03:06.57dougheckaKalD: awww shaaadduup
03:07.05KalDdoughecka: :-)
03:07.09KalDtelcos suck
03:07.10zoaKalD has braincancer
03:07.19zoaand so do all the other peoplein the neighbourhood
03:07.25dougheckano, you get braincancer from LOOKING INTO THE MICROWAVE
03:07.25KalDmaybe - that explains why I am still here at work
03:07.31dougheckalike I see people do all the time at work
03:07.38zoawell i always did that
03:07.41zoawhen i was little
03:07.41KalDno wait - that is to speed up the process
03:07.43zoastill do it
03:07.47zoacan't be good
03:07.57sn00p3rKalD any idea or do you know somebody that migth be able to help me ?
03:07.58atacommbkw: tmobile also has unlimited data services.......  its the new trend
03:08.01zoai thought that fucking grid was supposed to stop that
03:08.17KalDsn00p3r: um post me your issue in a private msg
03:08.20bkw_atacomm ya.. but I love how they don't use the websters definition of unlimited
03:08.20dougheckahow about my idea atacomm?
03:08.24zoai need to take some more piracetam
03:08.28bkw_trust me you abuse it they KILL
03:08.59dougheckaget 1 phone, and for 20 bucks add another phone (get a "free" one with it..) and then get free mobile to mobile
03:09.23KalDI look at it this way:  if I can setup a wifi between my house and work - and get 1mb ~ T1 speeds then why buy a t1 for home or pay for a home line?   besides I'm sure it does its part in nailing all the damn bugs in the summer time... and you gotta die of something right?
03:09.29atacommdoug: not particularly easy to throw into a VoIP system.....
03:09.29dougheckasomehow hook up the second cell to the pbx
03:09.38dougheckaKalD: haha
03:10.01bkw_NBX goodies will be nice
03:10.05dougheckaatacomm: sure... just besure to get a phone that has a analog jack on it
03:10.09atacommthe main idea behind it is I want the web services.... and that remote desktop works so in a jam i can work on a computer remotely....
03:10.10dougheckaor a dongle
03:10.17KalDbkw_: why dont you just port linux to the nbx??? then run asterisk ON the nbx?
03:10.39atacommbut all my friends are on T-Mobile, so what I used to have for free TMo 2 TMo calls no longer works if I get this phone
03:10.49atacommSo i was looking at maybe a SIP soft client
03:11.25swirlnetshow do I add the dummy user to a meetme conf for recording?
03:11.27mvandbkw: I got your email re: iaxcomm.  Thanks for the feedback
03:11.50atacommBKW:  "Unless a PCS Vision Pack is selected, customers with a PCS Vision Phone will be charged $0.01 per kilobyte for PCS Vision usage." ... nothing special, just says I have to pay the $30 for my data connection
03:13.36SyndIcatebkw: did you ever find any code for these sip phones?
03:14.03KalDatacomm: will your phones run java?
03:14.17atacommKalD: what phones?
03:14.29KalDatacomm: your cell phones
03:15.14atacommKalD: Its a Windows 2002 Mobile powered phone (PocketPC), i would assume with the right runtime pack....
03:15.28KalDatacomm: ah - ok nm
03:15.47KalDatacomm: get this:
03:16.47pattiejahow do I stop a native bridge attempt from one IAX client to another?
03:16.49bkw_mvand I have more for you also
03:17.01atacommKalD: Interesting
03:17.03bkw_KalD good idea but we will still have to support the phones
03:17.13pattiejaI would like to keep the connections going through my asterisk server
03:17.14KalDbkw_: :-)
03:17.19bkw_LOTS of info
03:17.27bkw_it does use ulaw
03:17.33bkw_and the protcol specs are already there
03:17.36bkw_and how the phones work
03:18.01KalDbkw_: wow - last time I hit this guys site he was still tracing stuff
03:18.25KalDbkw_: was gonna send you here but I couldn't find the bookmark
03:18.44pattiejaeither that or figure out how to get traffic working between an IAX2 and IAX connection
03:19.09zoain iax.conf
03:19.19bkw_also looks like the NBX has GPL violations in it
03:19.21KalDpattieja: are you writing code for this?
03:19.35pattiejaKalD: no
03:22.07mvandpatieja: notransfer=yes
03:22.11swirlnetsI get this error : Unable to execute '/usr/local/bin/sox /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20040119-222506-7343680009-s-in.gsm /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20040119-222506-7343680009-s-in-rev.gsm reverse'
03:22.14swirlnetshowever it runs it
03:22.16swirlnetsand exits
03:22.29*** join/#asterisk dash (washort@
03:23.01rollysonbkw_: fun
03:23.03dashi'm upgrading from asterisk 0.6 to 0.7 -- any docs i should be reading on the changes in config files? zapata.conf is giving me a hard time. specifically
03:23.20atacommbkw: sprint rep just told me on the phone, unlimited upload/download the whole shabang for $30
03:23.29atacommbkw: got his name incase its wrong, he says its not wrong
03:24.09bkw_atacomm good but watch it.. :)
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03:24.17arctwoHi all
03:24.33arctwoAnyone know the difference in CDR between call duration and billsec?
03:24.36atacommbkw: lol, well, with a rep's name, I can always dispute what i've been billed
03:24.44dasharctwo: IIRC, it is ringing time
03:25.39bkw_atacomm you won't win with sprint
03:26.00arctwodash: Say what?  How come I always get them the same?
03:26.03bkw_sprint is evil
03:26.16dasharctwo: i may be remembering wrong then!
03:26.42arctwoIf someone dials in , then I transfer the call, how can I get it to calculate just the actual call length and not the time they spent ringing into my x100p?
03:26.47arctwoDo you know bkw_?
03:26.50rollysonbkw_ : sprint is not only evil, they are the SOURCE OF ALL EVIL.
03:32.09zoaiaxcomm is no good
03:32.36zoaDash: its not ringing time i think
03:32.44zoaringing time is billed i think
03:32.53dashzoa: It's been a while since I looked at it, so i'm not surprised :)
03:33.12zoabilling time = the time between starts ringing and the end of the call
03:33.15zoai think
03:34.03zoatime to get some sleep
03:34.47dashI'm getting a bunch of messages like this on asterisk startup:
03:34.47dashJan 19 22:34:21 WARNING[16384]: chan_zap.c:7439 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
03:34.53mvandzoa: Any more useful feedback?
03:35.05dashit's complaining about not being able to parse any of zap.conf, basically
03:35.12dashthis works if i take out the channels line
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03:35.34mvandI'll fix "is no good" tonight!
03:35.38dash"channel => 1-23" <-- this line
03:35.58dashwith that in there, it just doesn't parse it at all. with it out, it goes on
03:36.03KalDdash: I had that problem - and it was because I wasn't using the latest cvs?!   so I just did a get for it - and all was ok once I rebuilt
03:36.10dashKalD: argh!
03:36.31KalDdash: it didnt make sense to me either - but it was w/ 0.5.0
03:36.39dashKalD: 0.5 _worked_ for me
03:36.48dashKalD: i just now upgraded to 0.7.2
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03:37.04KalDdash: yeah - only thing I can think of is maybe I was using an old copy of zap stuff
03:37.06bkw_their is no 0.7.2
03:37.14dashbkw_: my finger slipped ;)
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03:38.06bkw_I wish this NBX guy would get in the channel I wanna see
03:38.11dashwonder if i should build from source then
03:39.29pattiejamvand: thanks
03:39.39pattiejamvand: does that go in the iax.conf file?
03:40.13rollysongot someone drunk on the line
03:41.06mvandpattieja: yes, in iax.conf
03:41.09KalDbkw_: you know much about the h323 stuff in *?
03:43.29mvandI've been hanging out tonight to see if anyone's tried out iaxcomm and has some feedback.  bkw_ was kind enough to send me an email today with some good ideas.
03:43.40bkw_KalD it works
03:43.49pattiejamvand: it still tried a native bridge
03:44.00bkw_mvand basically rip off the 7960's features :P
03:44.13bkw_mvand with the ability to put a custom image on it also
03:44.18mvandbkw_: I don't think I would need vu meters and volume control in a minimal view.  Would you, or do they need to stay in?
03:44.19bkw_OH OH OH config them from tftp
03:44.34bkw_mvand I work without them on my 7960 so they can go
03:44.43bkw_tftp config of iaxcomm would be NICE
03:44.52bkw_using the PC's mac address to base the config file name from
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03:45.09bkw_now thats the kind of evilness I like
03:45.36mvandbkw_: look at compactlogo view.  If you _have_ an rc directory, it loads logo.xpm.  Replace logo.xpm, and the logo is changed a launch time: no recompile needed!
03:46.01bkw_kewl but would be nice to snag those from tftp for central config of LARGE numbers of iaxcomm phones
03:46.07bkw_where is this new compiel at is blank
03:46.27mvandI just worked on it ---- did I ^%)*& something up?
03:46.52bkw_its been blank most of the day
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03:47.28mvandOh, not It's
03:48.01mvandI need to talk to Steve Kann (owner of IAXClient) about possibly forking iaxComm off as it's own project
03:48.42bkw_well I want a smaller layout.. let me see if I can whip something up in photoshop
03:49.39mvandbkw_: If you want to play with your own logos, or panel designs, grab the CVS snapshot on, and copy the iaxclient/simpleclient/iaxcomm/rc subdirectory to the directory holding your iaxcomm binary
03:49.40bkw_give me a few hours here
03:49.44Mikeiaxcomm doesnt work
03:49.52bkw_yes it does
03:49.56bkw_mvand wrote it
03:50.11Mikelet me redownload it
03:50.13Mikeabout a month ago
03:50.15Mikewasnt working
03:50.17mvandMike:  what binary did you try, what platform, and how did it fail?
03:50.18rollysonI use it at home
03:50.20rollysonit works.
03:50.29bkw_ok brb
03:50.59mvandMike:  been a few changes in the last month.  It's _worked_ for _two_ months:  configuration was always a problem
03:51.43Mikemvand: downloading now
03:51.59Mikehere /src/iaxclient/simpleclient/iaxcomm
03:52.03Mikeim trying to compile
03:52.04mvandbkw_: Yes, do send me a gif/pbm/bmp/jpg.  Just remember that I _must_ use the wxwindows library, so we're pretty much restricted to vanilla looking controls
03:52.23Mikeiaxphone.h:230: error: invalid use of undefined type `class
03:52.23Mikeiaxphone.h:216: error: forward declaration of `class
03:52.23Mikeiaxphone.h:230: error: invalid declarator
03:52.24Mikeiaxphone.h:231: error: invalid use of undefined type `class
03:52.29mvandMike:  compile from source won't work
03:52.35Mikemvand: why?
03:52.49mvandTyping a long msg<- wait a sec
03:54.14mvandMike: I need to update the README to describe the need for the wxwindows system to be installed as well.  If you install wxwindows and compile as is, you get iaxcomm-win-20040114, which doesn't have the critical bugfix
03:54.24MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: HW does not support 8000 Hz sample rate
03:54.24MikePortAudio error at opening separate input stream: Host error.
03:54.31Mikeim trying to add my username
03:54.36Mikeon the directory because
03:54.42mvandMike without the bugfix, you get a problem that iaxcomm ignores incoming calls afetr one minute
03:54.45Mikei dont find where to add my username and password
03:55.47mvandMike :  Make sure you are using 20040119 (todays date)  Confgiure an account by Options/Directory and the Servers tab
03:56.03Mikerefreshing registration
03:56.20Mikei downloaded the binary
03:56.40mvandYou don't _have_ to even do that if you don't want to get incoming calls.  You can just unzip the binary and call
03:58.12mvandSince it _appears_ to be stable and no longer dropping incoming calls, I want to do a feature freeze, work with bkw_ on a smaller sized panel, the get to work on the documentation
03:59.33Mikemvand: if iaxcomm works finally ill have a linux client that can call to my asterisk
03:59.41Mikemvand: gnomemeeting h323 sucks
03:59.49Mikemvand: and using asterisk as a softphone also
03:59.57Mikemvand: so i hope this works i really need it
04:00.08Moc-Homethat sound good
04:00.41mvandfrinstance, without looking at the code, you'd never know that you can make One Touch number 1 have the name Doctor, and the extension "Marcus Welby" (quotes included) then In the main directory have an entry Marcus Welby with extension 333.
04:02.41*** part/#asterisk SyndIcate (
04:02.57mvandIf I have OT1 set at 333, then it dials ext 333 on the default account.  I could instead set OT1 to be 333@alternate_server, and it will use alternte server regardless of the default server
04:04.10Mikemvand: it says it cant start audio
04:04.16*** part/#asterisk voip (
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04:04.50MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: warning - requested sample rate = 8000 Hz - closest = 48000
04:04.50MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: HW does not support 8000 Hz sample rate
04:04.50MikePortAudio error at opening separate input stream: Host error.
04:06.21bkw_ok this battery charge should make it till bed time
04:06.22Moc-Homeiaxcomm worked fine, need better interface ;) but it work ;)
04:06.31bkw_Moc-Home yes thats what I said also
04:06.45Mikemine cant open audio
04:11.17MocI wonder if Softphone will take over in future or hardphone still be the right option
04:12.01MikeMoc: my dad and grandmom wont sit ever infront of a computer to dial
04:12.19MikeMoc: but they will take a phone just dont tell em its voip just tell em what to dial
04:12.30MikeMoc: its simples computers should delegate stuff
04:12.33*** join/#asterisk mvand (
04:12.38MikeMoc: computers and drivers and hardware sucks
04:12.45Mikemvand: works but it cant open audio
04:12.54mvandtime warner cable is the root of all evil
04:12.55MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: warning - requested sample rate = 8000 Hz - closest = 48000
04:12.55MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: HW does not support 8000 Hz sample rate
04:12.55MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: warning - requested sample rate = 8000 Hz - closest = 48000
04:12.55MikePa_SetupDeviceFormat: HW does not support 8000 Hz sample rate
04:13.15MocWell i like my IP Phone, but hate that they are not open source..
04:13.35Mocwould be nice a OpenSource 7960 Cisco Software
04:13.49MikeMoc: its cisco dont dream
04:14.02mvandMike:  I'm very sorry to say this, but I don't think it will work on that PC.
04:14.03Mocwell they will have to follow someday..
04:14.11Mikemvand: why?
04:14.11MocHope for them that they wont be too late..
04:14.21bkw_Mike your hardware will not support it
04:14.32MocFoundry Network might be the first to do it ..
04:14.40Mocor a new compagnie that will make it opensource
04:14.57MikeMoc: i guess its more reliable/possible to see GS opensource
04:16.24MikeMoc: cisco no way
04:16.24MikeMoc: atleast GS gets close to asterisk community
04:16.24Mocyes GS Opensource would be the start
04:16.24MikeMoc: cisco, dont dream
04:16.25bkw_never know
04:16.25Mikebkw_: lets be for real
04:16.25mvandI'll try to dredge up an email, but Steve Kann (who wrote the IAXClient library and used the PortAudio audio library) said that he had run accross a very few systems that portaudio "doesn't like"
04:16.25Mocyes Cisco have Linux AP and Router ;)
04:16.25MikeMoc: thats linksys
04:16.25MikeMoc: and he is changing that now
04:16.25Mochey it cisco now ;)
04:16.25mvandMy daughter's off-brand el cheapo sound card won't work
04:16.25*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
04:16.26MikeMoc: new routers/switches of linksys are not linux based now
04:16.36mvandMike: Can you tell me what sound card you have?
04:16.42Mikemvand: yes
04:16.53Moctoo bad for them.. the first that will release 1 with full opensource, man they will hit the market hard..
04:17.02Mike00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)
04:17.20Mocfor 200$
04:17.24MikeMoc: cisco policy its damned you know it
04:17.42MocIm sure it will change...
04:17.54Mikethey needed linksys
04:17.58MocCisco is alone rightnow
04:17.59Mikelinksys was kicking ass
04:18.01Mocyes they did
04:18.15Mikeso cisco comes and takes over
04:18.25bkw_no linksys was shit
04:18.34MocWTF WiFi stuff need to be verified with Intel now !!!
04:18.34Mikedlink and netgear wont make a difference
04:18.36bkw_its still shit but with a cisco logo on everything
04:18.38Mikebut linksys had a chanse
04:18.47Mocdlink 22mbits router is nice...
04:18.48Mikebrian it was cheap shit
04:18.55Mikebrian that made people buy them
04:18.56arctwoCDR question: Does anyone here know how to set the account code and other 'optional' items?
04:18.58Mikesame as GS
04:18.59Mocwonder if the 104mbits does as good as 22mbits
04:19.05mvandMike:  You might want to try DIAX softphone.  Dan uses the iaxclient library for protocol only, not for audio.
04:19.15Mikemvand: its linux also?
04:19.39bkw_mike is a linux only person
04:19.39MikeMoc: dlink the only good thing i see its the QoS router
04:19.47mvandDIAX is closed source, windows only.  I jumped to the conclusion taht you were using windows
04:19.55Mikemvand: i dont have windows:(
04:20.19mvandMike: You mean "I don't have windows :)"
04:20.20MocMike, dlink 22mbits wireless is fast
04:20.31Mocmade a big difference in my life
04:20.33bkw_it just uses two channels
04:20.36MikeMoc: well try the 72mbit of linksys
04:20.48Mikemvand: i dont have windows installed on any computer
04:20.57mvandMiek: do you have another sound card you can try?
04:21.06Mikemvand: yes
04:21.19Mikemvand: let me send it to my brothers
04:21.25Moc22mbits is old I know, but beated Linksys with speed... Also DLink PCMCIA Wireless card is alot better than linksys
04:21.41MikeMoc: the problem is its not switched
04:21.42Mocalso Linksys CF Wireless card Sucked big time ..
04:21.48MikeMoc: its like a hub but wireless
04:21.57MikeMoc: anyone downloading kills everyone else
04:22.00bkw_hell i'm happy with my 11mbit wireless
04:22.16Mikebkw_: get a coax 2 mbits for your own
04:22.27MocI got Linksys here all the way, but I also got a dlink and all my linksys equipment is unplug
04:22.28Mikemvand: same problem i guess its the same card
04:22.33Mikemvand: lspci says this
04:22.44mvandMike: one know unfixed bug on the linux binary is that the console beep doesn't do anything.  On windows, you can use headphones for voice i/o, and have the PC Speaker beep on incoming call.  On linux you can select that option, be yuou dont actually get a beep
04:22.48Mike00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 20)
04:23.00Mikemvand: all motherboards this days come with this fucking via
04:23.04Mikei hate THAT
04:23.08Mikeac97 shit
04:23.10Moclinksys isn't as good as dlink
04:23.17*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
04:23.17Mocthey work ok, but isn't as good
04:23.23bkw_I noticed something
04:23.31bkw_if you have trunking on asterisk and use diax it freaks out
04:23.38Kumbanghas anyone compiled gastman on win32 using cygwin?
04:23.41bkw_I think iaxcomm does the same thing
04:23.59Mikemvand: i just have computers with onboard via soundcards
04:23.59*** part/#asterisk dash (washort@
04:24.02mvandMike: amen.  I was using an old gateway with MB audio for development.  spker worked fine, couldn't get audio in to work worth a crap
04:24.04Mikemvand: wont make a difference
04:24.14bkw_DIAX has NO hold music
04:24.27bkw_man I want hold music
04:24.30bkw_is that too much to ask
04:24.32Mikemvand: why dont you just support OSS modules?
04:24.40MikeMoc: how much a dlink 22mbit?
04:24.57mvandMike: cause I'm not smart enough to write the library
04:25.09Mikemvand: :)
04:25.17Mikemvand: i really like the client
04:25.37mvandMike: Steve Kann wrote the vast majority of iaxclient library.  I basically just wrote a GUI around his library
04:25.38Mikemvand: theres no client on linux that works now GOOD, if you make yours work it will kick ass
04:25.53Mikemvand: i was after gnomemeeting but that damn h323 sucks
04:26.04bkw_ok no hold music?
04:26.12mvandI gave up on h323 a coupla years ago
04:26.24Mikemvand: sucks
04:26.26mvandIAX has all that NATing goodness
04:26.38Mikeiax has one problem
04:26.42Mocmike, it costed me 62$ last summer, and it included a PCMCIA card
04:26.55bkw_mvand what no hold with music on iaxcomm?
04:27.04Mikeyou need a asterisk server where to connect no FWD or sipphone #
04:27.16MikeMoc: WHAT????
04:27.19joakoLinksys/Dlink wireless gear is all crap
04:27.21MikeMoc: your kidding
04:27.22mvandMike: one word: iaxtel
04:27.27Mikemvand: true
04:27.37Mikejoako: its CHEAP
04:27.46MocMike, nope
04:28.01Mikei wont pay again 120 USD for a router that stops working when power light goes down and up
04:28.08mvandbkw_: no music on hold, sorry.  Actually hold capability was one of my minor contributions to the library
04:28.10Mikei had enought of dead routers last year
04:28.11Mikeno more
04:28.18Mike20USD routers are the solution
04:28.21bkw_event type 4 for non-existant session
04:28.30bkw_mvand why ho hold music thats a must
04:28.34bkw_please please please please
04:28.44joakoI use these cheap generic PCMCIA wireless cards that are 2x better than the linksys that cost 2x as much
04:28.53mvandbkw_: Event type (4|6) ... Dropping -- SEEMS to be a harmless error
04:29.01joakoAnd you can get the 3com acesss points I love for cheap on ebay
04:29.13bkw_I got cisco AP's for 60 bucks each
04:29.20bkw_so I got three of the
04:29.29Mikejoako: the pcmcia wont get fucked up with down/up power light
04:29.33Mochehe, I gota find a QoS router ..
04:29.33Mikejoako: routers do
04:29.38Mocfor my cable
04:29.45mvandbkw_: It _is_ on my todo list, but after docs and custom ring tones (per callerid)
04:29.52MikeMoc: HTB for linux:)
04:29.52bkw_Moc it won't help if the otherend don't have QoS either
04:30.12bkw_mvand this interface has got to change... it just doesn't look right
04:30.13joakoMike: if its a power issue, invest $50 on a UPS
04:30.30Mikejoako: in mexico we dont get ups for 50$
04:30.38Mikejoako: maybe 180$
04:30.45joakoMike: drive across the border :)
04:30.49mvandbkw_: It will take real work in the library:  All it does now is select call number -1 the active call and cancel all audio.  I know how to approach this, but it will take some doing.  Patience grasshiopper
04:31.04Mikejoako: well i spend like 50$ everytime i go to texas
04:31.17Mocwell that the hell is QoS for
04:31.20Mikejoako: gas, food, roads
04:31.24Mocif 90% of internet dont use it
04:31.41MikeMoc: your wrong
04:31.48joakoMike: so when you go there for something else, make a stop at Fry's
04:31.51MikeMoc: most big ISPS have it on there routers
04:32.00MikeMoc: users don't even notice
04:32.23Mocis there a way to check it ?
04:32.28Mikejoako: i go to texas every month to mcallen or laredo texas the problem is every time i go
04:32.39Mikei buy so much stuff i dont have more space on the car
04:33.03joakoMike: buy a bigger car while you are at it :) :)
04:33.08mvandI'm going to take off in a couple of minutes, but if anyone else has feedback on iaxcomm, my email is
04:33.17Mikeand driving back on the mexican boarder the police officers kick your ass for so much incoming things
04:33.39*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:34.00mvandbkw_: Send me that panel mockup, and I have call timers and music on hold on the todo list right after I get the documentation up to speed
04:34.43Mikeits even more problem to cross mexican border than usa border
04:35.07bkw_mvand I will let you get those done then we can work on the interface a bit more
04:35.08Mikethey check everything your bringing in the country and make you pay taxas
04:36.21Mikecheap router +QoS + asterisk +CDR + PSTN gateway = dell server less than 350USD
04:36.34Mikewebpages, email etc
04:37.25Mocis there a way to see if my isp have QoS ?
04:37.33MikeMoc: its transparent
04:37.36joakoI built a rackmount machine for like $250USD...
04:37.47Mikejoako: where did you got the case
04:37.52MikeMoc: you dont even know it
04:38.00joakoI bought it from some guy for like $50
04:38.04MocI know I dont know it, but I want to know it !!!
04:38.06Mikejoako: new?
04:38.06joako4u rackmount...
04:38.19joakobut you can buy new 2U's for $100
04:38.20MikeMoc: make a sniff on your router
04:38.28MikeMoc: check the packages and the head info
04:38.38MikeMoc: but i wouldnt really do that
04:38.41*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
04:38.49MikeMoc: you can end up like bkw_
04:39.13Mikejoako: where?
04:39.30joakoMike: these are $100 new
04:39.52Mikejoako: that was awesome
04:41.51Mikejoako: same as yours?
04:42.05joakoYes, I ordered from here:
04:42.20joakoNo power supply, but they fit standard ATX
04:42.26Mikejoako: any motherboard will fit in there/
04:43.18Mikethat would make big nice linux servers
04:43.36joakoI used an MSI server board that I got for around $50 from
04:43.48Mikejoako: you need to get a MOH that has video and lan integraded
04:43.55Mikejoako: so you can have more pci's
04:44.26*** join/#asterisk seemore (
04:44.41joakoYes, that server was a disater, I had to swap the motherboard at the last minute because the PCI riser didnt fit it
04:44.51joakothen the new one didnt support the CPU I had!
04:45.00bkw_jrollyson you alive
04:45.01joakoand I had to send this for colocation before a certain date
04:45.09Legendsupermicro makes some kickass barebones servers
04:45.11bkw_jrollyson join the conf if you can
04:45.17Mikejoako: shit happends
04:45.43joakoMike: and wtf, i just looked at the uptime on that machine and its 23 minutes, i think its rebooting itself!!! second time it does this
04:45.55Mikejoako: :)
04:45.58Mikejoako: thats no good
04:46.12joako I havent logged in in months...
04:46.32Mikejoako: well after like 3 years the uptime clock resets
04:46.44Mikejoako: i saw that once happend
04:47.20joakowell the first time was after 120+ days, maybe it was 180
04:47.25joakobut that was less than 3 months ago...
04:47.29Mikeits like the trafic on the eth0 and eth1 card like at 4GB it gets reset
04:48.06*** join/#asterisk root (~root@
04:48.09Mikejoako: then its hardware
04:48.17*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
04:48.28bkw_ok whats this about xlite not working so hot?
04:48.31bkw_it seems to work fine for me
04:48.34bkw_very strange
04:48.37*** join/#asterisk Delchi (~user@
04:48.42DelchiEvening, all
04:49.07Mikeis digium going to sell iaxy some day?
04:49.09Delchiwanted to say tnx for the help I got the other day, I was able to compile * after all
04:49.37Delchinow it's just configuration hell
04:49.40joakoMike: probably ram.... im looking at the logs and it was certainly booted today
04:49.55Mikejoako: logs wont tell you nothing if its hardware problem
04:50.00Delchidoes anyone have some canned config files for VOIP only ?
04:50.09Mikejoako: when its hardware it starts doing weird stuff
04:50.20Mikejoako: really weird stuff that you cant explain
04:50.21_Eagle_delchi:  what are you trying to do?
04:50.38joakoMike: but it tells me that it was booted today, so it was not the timer that was reset. Time to replace the machine, troubleshooting is too expensive
04:50.50DelchiEagle : I want to run * for VOIP only. No regular phone lines. 3/4 people with USB phones or software phones in diff locations
04:51.31_Eagle_delchi:  if you're just doing voip, then concentrate on extensions.conf and sip.conf or the h323 file if you're using h323, etc etc
04:51.31Delchiyeah I plan on h323
04:51.31Mikejoako: get a dell server
04:51.31*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
04:51.31joakoDelchi: why? MGCP or SIP would be simpler
04:51.31Mikejoako: they will go and check the computer
04:51.31Delchiright now I cant get the console up even, but I'm assumign thats due to the config not being done correctly
04:51.31_Eagle_from what ive heard, i have no desire to use it either
04:51.38Mikejoako: they are 200USD on USA
04:51.59DelchiJoako : honestly, because i picked it out of a hat. Literally. this is my first server - SIP did look interesting, but I figgured i'd start somewhere
04:52.00joakoDelchi: if you did make install samples, you should be able to load asterisk with asterisk -vvvvc
04:52.02Delchi<-- noob
04:52.12_Eagle_i would suggest using SIP inless you have to use h323 for backwards compatibility with something
04:52.12DelchiI did that here's waht I got :
04:52.21Delchi[ Booting...Unable to open management configuration manager.conf.  Call management disabled.
04:52.21Delchi.......Unable to load config modem.conf load_module failed, returning -1
04:52.21DelchiLoading module failed!
04:52.26joakoDelchi: have you purchased hardware yet?
04:52.30Delchithen it just dumped back to a command prompt
04:52.36Delchijoako : no not yet
04:52.45joakoDelchi: did you install the sample configs?
04:52.48DelchiMy plan is to test it out with gnophone or some software phone first
04:52.56Delchijoako : I dont' believe I did , no
04:53.00MikeDelchi: gnophone its dead
04:53.10joakoMike: are they rackmount? Really I dont need a replacement server, just have to transfer the stuff to another machine without any downtime
04:53.22DelchiAh ok
04:53.29Delchithen I guess I better go get a cheap IP  phone or two
04:53.29Mikejoako: not for 200
04:53.53DelchiI'm assuming the sample config files don't install automatically with the compile then
04:53.56_Eagle_delchi:  get yourself a cisco ata186 or a sipura spa-2000
04:54.01joakoMike: needs to be rackmount, they are in a datacenter. This is a day i've been regretting forever
04:54.22Mikejoako: about 900 USD a really powerfull rackmount
04:54.27joakoDelchi: after make install it tells you how to do it, make install samples or make samples (IIRC)
04:54.32Mikejoako: if theres trouble dell people can go to the datacenter
04:55.19*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
04:55.34_Eagle_~seen jerjer
04:55.43jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 14h 41m 34s ago, saying: 'out'.
04:55.43Delchiso forgive me, I lost it in the scroll
04:55.49joakoEagle: no, and I want to give him money...
04:55.52Delchifor VOIP only, I need to concentrate on which config ?
04:56.05joakoMike: and that costs how much? I've added a few servers since then so I dont really need to replace, it just get the stuff off that machine
04:56.22Mikejoako: free
04:56.25joakoDelchi: if you use SIP then sip.conf, MGCP mgcp.conf, and extensions.conf
04:56.39Mikejoako: you buy dell servers you get dell to go fix it to the datacenter if it gets fucked
04:56.40joakoMike: but that is an addon service plan?
04:56.51Mikejoako: nop
04:57.11Delchiwhat about the dialplan ?
04:57.14_Eagle_~seen jerjer[road[
04:57.15i haven't seen 'jerjer[road[', _Eagle_
04:57.15Mikejoako: dell gives the service to there servers
04:57.18Mikejoako: free
04:57.21DelchiI mean this is going to be a private network - so.....
04:57.23_Eagle_~seen jerjer[road]
04:57.23jerjer[road] <~jj@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 23h 27m 42s ago, saying: 'i think its bed time, for a change'.
04:57.41Delchi( I'm too used to my definity )
04:57.48_Eagle_delchi:  the dialplan is configured in extensions.conf
04:58.01_Eagle_basically, 90% of what you're gonna need to do will be in extensions.conf
04:58.15Delchiworks for me
04:58.37Mikejoako: plus you get the servers with redhat pre-installed if your a redhat lover
04:58.42_Eagle_they should rename asterisk "the telephony server that uses extensions.conf for configuration"
04:58.55bkw_ok xlite is kludgy
04:59.22Delchiwith the cisco ata 186, what software is best suited for it ?
04:59.35DelchiI don't assume that you jsut jack it in the back of a PC and go
04:59.40_Eagle_i use SIP with my ata186
04:59.45bkw_SIP works
04:59.46_Eagle_its a standalone unit
04:59.55DelchiAh ok
04:59.58_Eagle_you configure it via your web browser
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
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05:00.06bkw_I would buy xlite pro for testing but the asshats said they flagged my order for security reasons.... Dont really know why but they can FUCKING DIE NOW
05:00.10Delchiso I deploy the unit standalone, program it with the IP of my * server and the resit is automatic ?
05:00.18_Eagle_you plug it into the AC in the wall, plug in your ethernet, and a phone or two...
05:00.28joakoMike: I used to love redhat
05:00.33DelchiAh ok, so I can plug a POTS line into it
05:00.34bkw_redhat can bite me
05:00.35Mikebkw_: your paying 50USD for that shit?
05:00.44Delchier sorry
05:00.46Mikeredhat is dead
05:00.46DelchiPOTS phone
05:00.49DelchiI meant
05:00.52bkw_Mike I was for testing purposes but then I was gonna share it with a few friends.. haha
05:00.59bkw_I get my $$$ worth out of software
05:01.05Mikebkw_: :)
05:01.21Mikelindows has a xlite client
05:01.31Mocjerjer isn't in here much these day's :(
05:01.32Mikebut it only comes with lindows
05:01.44Mikeso if anyone here has lindows GIVE US the xlite to test it
05:02.01_Eagle_bkw:  thats probably why your order was flagged by security
05:02.07Mikexlite made a linux client for those assholes of lindows can you belive it?
05:02.12_Eagle_bkw:  you're getting a reputation maybe
05:02.55Mikeanyone has lindows?
05:03.03bkw_has anyone heard from JerJer
05:03.07DelchiI heard the lindows song , and that put me off of ever using it
05:03.11bkw_~seen JerJer
05:03.13jerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 14h 49m 4s ago, saying: 'out'.
05:03.19bkw_~seen JerJer[road]
05:03.19jerjer[road] <~jj@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 23h 33m 38s ago, saying: 'i think its bed time, for a change'.
05:03.29DelchiGiven that redhat is dead, what's the life term of Fedora ?
05:03.33_Eagle_jer is lost at sea
05:03.41Mikebkw_: why dont you buy a lindows box its the same price and you get xlite pro of linux?
05:03.47Mocredhat is dead ??
05:03.58MikeMoc: not yet it will be in april
05:04.03_Eagle_redhat is dying
05:04.23Mocbecause of the update ending in april ?
05:04.24Delchithey killed it as of 9.0 I understand
05:04.36Mikeyes the free redhat dies on 9.0
05:04.47Delchibut Fedora is supposed to live on
05:04.49_Eagle_redhat decided they couldnt stay in business by giving away their products for free...   imagine that...  the nerve of them wanting to avoid bankruptcy
05:04.51Delchithat's what I 'm runnign right now
05:04.53Mikefedora is not the free version but redhat team is not really working on it like support etc
05:04.59Mikeonly redhat server edition
05:05.15Mocwell I heard people loving Fedora
05:05.24Delchimy understanding is fedora is a group of ppl who are picking up the free version and running with it
05:05.26Mike_Eagle_: thats not true
05:05.29DelchiI love fedora
05:05.32Delchiso far
05:05.34Mike_Eagle_: redhat gets money from support
05:05.54MocI didnt like it because minimal install doesn't work
05:05.57Mike_Eagle_: they are not doing redhat for users because they want to get only on servers buissness
05:06.17Mike_Eagle_: redhat has ALOT of money
05:06.29Mike_Eagle_: big companys go with redhat for support
05:06.38Mike_Eagle_: thats why companys always ask for redhat
05:06.48Mikebkw_: its worth
05:07.00Mikebkw_: pay 1000 for windows server
05:07.11bkw_349 FOR SERVER
05:07.16bkw_you can buy windows for that
05:07.27Mikebkw_: its 1000 windows server
05:07.34Mikebkw_: and windows server doesnt run asterisk
05:07.43_Eagle_paying for linux support doesnt sit right with me...  thats like buying a house and paying more than the asking price
05:07.45Mikebkw_: so its worth
05:07.45bkw_Intel x86 Standard $1499
05:07.49bkw_HOLY FUCK REDHAT
05:07.51Mocyes redhat got alot of $$$ now..
05:08.13bkw_Redhat is fucking the users that got redhat where its at now
05:08.19kimo_sabehey, if there's suckers willing to pay, go for it
05:08.31bkw_fuck that I will stick with gentoo
05:08.41bkw_gentoo is simpler to keep up to date
05:08.44Mikebkw_: gentoo gives you no warranty on big companys
05:08.46Mocwell if redhat give good support for their software, it a good deal for buisness
05:08.52kimo_sabethe users will use Fedora. "RedHat" is only for corporate suckers
05:08.54Mocbut a free version is a must
05:08.58Mikebkw_: buissness ask for redhat ALWAYS
05:09.03Mikebkw_: murpheys law
05:09.14MikeMoc: theres fedora
05:09.27MikeMoc: but if you want to go for real on servers you pay for it
05:09.30Mocexactly, but it minimal install doesn't work with it !!
05:09.52MikeMoc: thats because fedora is still a beta
05:10.06_Eagle_paying for linux seems stupid...  why not just use windows then?
05:10.22Mikei cant read this
05:10.28Mikeyou dont know what your saying
05:10.46Mocwell windows you pay for the software, linux you should pay for support
05:10.54bkw_thats like if digium took asterisk away and started charging 10k for it and said FUCK YOU to the users that helped make asterisk what it is...
05:10.54Mikewindows as a server has many features, worms, virus, unstable after some days
05:11.00MocAnd I dont consider Update in the support plan
05:11.30MikeREDHAT IS NOT LINUX redhat its a fucking distro
05:11.37bkw_NO SHIT
05:11.38Mikeget any other distro and problem solved
05:11.48Mikepeople buy redhat because of the support
05:11.49Mikethat it
05:11.53_Eagle_doesnt matter anyway... only reason i use linux is because asterisk won't run on freebsd
05:11.57bkw_once you buy it they can't keep you from giving it away
05:12.03bkw_so lets all go together and buy one
05:12.07bkw_and give it away
05:12.11_Eagle_i gave up linux back in 1996 or so...  the only reason i started using it again is for asterisk
05:12.27MocI started with redhat, moved to mandrake, went back to redhat
05:12.34kimo_sabepeople buy roothat because they thing they need support.... Then their IT staff installs apt4rpm instead of dealing with up2date
05:12.40Mikewe should make a distro for asterisk
05:12.46Mikeor astlinux
05:12.48bkw_Mike good idea
05:12.52MikeFREE GNU distro
05:12.52bkw_everything works
05:13.09Mikeand you download the fucking iso
05:13.15DelchiOk peeps, thanks again for the assist. I'm off to RTFM
05:13.16Mikeand get your asterisk server
05:13.37Mochehe sure ;)
05:13.40bkw_stripped down asterisk linux install with everything you need just for asterisk
05:13.46Mocbase on Debian ? RPM ?\
05:13.55bkw_minimal asterisk install
05:13.58Mikewe are not going to get based
05:14.01Mikeon a distro
05:14.03Mikethats charging
05:14.07Mikeredhat is dead
05:14.11Mikelets base it on debian
05:14.13_Eagle_i hate software bloat
05:14.23Mikebkw_: mail server?
05:14.23joakoMike: FreeBSD
05:14.23_Eagle_thats a major problem with these distros...  too much bloat
05:14.32Mikebkw_: we want a asterisk distro not a fully distro
05:14.34bkw_you need sendmail/exim/qmail or something to send email
05:14.40bkw_NO SHIT
05:14.41_Eagle_when they went from 1 cd to 7 cd's it's insane
05:14.55Mikeqmail sucks
05:14.58bkw_qmaili is over complicated
05:15.06Mikeqmail has a weird license
05:15.10Mikebkw_: exim is for girls
05:15.11Mocqmail is very simple..
05:15.12bkw_exim is nice
05:15.17bkw_exim is for everyone
05:15.17Legendqmail is dead easy
05:15.18Mikebkw_: exim doesnt support big email systems
05:15.18MocMike, shut up ..
05:15.21bkw_EXIM ROCKS!!!
05:15.25bkw_Mike HAHAH BULLSHIT
05:15.32kimo_sabeMike: meaning what exactly?
05:15.33bkw_Mike you must not know much about exim
05:15.42Mocqmail ran hotmail, can handle a few voicemail ;)
05:15.44Mikebkw_: postfix its rocksolid
05:15.44bkw_exim can haul more ass than sendmail
05:15.49bkw_so is exim
05:16.00angler_exim owns
05:16.12bkw_you can do some neat things with exim
05:16.18_Eagle_i wont use anything but qmail
05:16.38Mocanyway, if you get a 30mb Asterisk server, it would rock
05:16.48bkw_I bet we can do that
05:16.58kimo_sabehmm, flash drive...
05:17.09bkw_na just put it on a mini CD
05:17.21joakoBut where would you store CDR's, voicemail, logs, etc?
05:17.28Mikewe should do something like coyote linux
05:17.30bkw_install it on a HD
05:17.40kimo_sabejoako: line printer, email server, syslog server?
05:17.46joako<bkw_> na just put it on a mini CD
05:17.48_Eagle_i cant wait for asterisk/zaptel to work on freebsd...  make a small install.. stick in on a 128 meg compact flash
05:17.48MocOnce we get this, we only have to build a small x86 appliance and check with Digium to make small x100p and TDM400P card (and T1 ? :)
05:17.48Mikeknoppix style maybe
05:17.58bkw_make a distro that does an install on a system
05:18.08joakokimo: actually I have wanted to do something like that, how do I have asterisk output CDRs to a printer?
05:18.24Mocreason I use redhat is because it fast to install
05:18.44kimo_sabejoako: donno, havn't looked at it. CDR script? "cat > /dev/lp0"
05:18.46MikeMoc: a 30mega distro will install as fast as hell
05:18.55Mocyep exacly
05:19.00Mikethe problem is
05:19.04Mikein 30megas
05:19.09Miketheres no space for docs
05:19.27Moctxt file compress is very small..
05:19.49MikeMoc: linux image kernel will be atleast 2megas
05:19.49joakoand no source code/compiler/etc/etc
05:19.55MikeMoc: base system 5 megas
05:19.59MikeMoc: asterisk ????
05:20.01MikeMoc: docs????
05:20.04MikeMoc: mailer???
05:20.10MikeMoc: all the utils?
05:20.13MikeMoc: compilers?
05:20.18Mikeits imposible in 30megas
05:20.25bkw_need perl
05:20.32Mikeperl is big
05:20.39Mikeit will be atleast 80megas
05:20.42joakoand MySQL client stuff
05:20.45Mikefor a full distro
05:20.55joakoMike: all binary, so no comiplers or source code
05:21.12joakoEither way 80mb is pretty damned small
05:21.22Mikejoako: it has to be GPL, source code is needed
05:21.50kimo_sabeMike: it doesn't have to be installed on the flash
05:22.00joakoMike: you distribute the source separately
05:22.12kimo_sabeMike: it just has to be available
05:22.22Mikei get the point
05:22.24Mocapt packaging is nice, put minimal asterisk, and make the rest downloadable
05:22.38MikeMoc: your putting to much stuff in it
05:22.54MikeMoc: apt depends on alot of software
05:23.03MikeMoc: the more stuff you put in the bigger it gets
05:23.06Mocyour the one putting perl/docs/mailler/compilers...
05:23.13Mocstrip that and put apt
05:23.17MikeMoc: perl is needed
05:23.27Mocwhy ?
05:23.39MikeMoc: apt depends on perl
05:23.44MikeMoc: apache cgi also
05:23.50MikeMoc: i think even asterisk
05:23.51Mocwell gota fix that
05:24.00joakoMoc: IMO perl and and sendmail are essential
05:24.13MikeMoc: mailer is needed for asterisk
05:24.23joakoMoc: apache? What for? Unless we want to write a web config for Asterisk
05:24.30kimo_sabeMike: ssmtpd
05:24.32MikeMoc: docs for newbies we cant have a mailing list
05:24.33MocI never said apache ...
05:24.38Mikekimo_sabe: thats vanity
05:24.47joakoMoc: I meant Mike, sorry!
05:24.57joakoOk, anyways. Back to reality.....
05:24.57Mocdont need apache ... damn let strip it to minimal, and add stuff afterward..
05:25.20Mocasterisk/ssh and basic commands
05:25.29bkw_no needs to be all inclusive
05:25.52MikeMoc: asterisk distro with out webvmail?
05:25.57MikeMoc: thats a demo of asterisk
05:26.07joakoAnd how can you forget x windows to run gastman?
05:26.12MikeMoc: and since its vmail.cgi depends on apache, perl and alot of things
05:26.25Mikejoako: thats vanity
05:26.29kimo_sabeMike: how does vmail.cgi depend on apache?
05:26.35joakoMike: there are smaller http servers....
05:26.40Mocdont need web interface for voicemail..
05:26.42Mikekimo_sabe: how the hell are you planning on viewing it?
05:26.44bkw_boa is nice
05:26.49Mocput a very small mailer in and that it
05:26.51bkw_simple as a pimple
05:26.56kimo_sabeMike: using a smaller web server.
05:27.03bkw_BOA is a nice httpd
05:27.05Mikename one that its worth
05:27.13joakoIn the end, we'll just end up having a package added to an existing distro, and when you select asterisk it warns you of missing dependencies "ALL"
05:27.15Moclol bkw_ did ;)
05:27.58MocI'll stick to redhat I guess
05:28.07Mikeif we make it on a 128 flash we put it in a linksys case
05:28.15Mikethat will be progress
05:28.42bkw_whats a nice small mail server
05:28.47bkw_just need a nice small one
05:29.07Mikei dont know any web servers other than apache
05:29.38Moclol ok im joking
05:29.51bkw_iis isn't a webserver.. its a FUCKING NIGHTMARE
05:29.53MikeMoc: fetures, worms, virus what else?
05:30.34MikeIIS has to many features
05:30.41Mikeapache cant compite with IIS
05:31.03Mikeworms, virus, holes, slowlyness damn good
05:31.32Mikewell guys
05:31.43Mikei will start with knoppix
05:32.00Mikeand i will get based on it
05:32.26bkw_that could do it
05:32.53*** join/#asterisk chazbilly (
05:33.09Mikebkw_: dont get shitty proyects
05:33.15chazbillyanyone here?
05:33.29bkw_mike i'm looking for simple
05:33.49Mikebkw_: smnp is not needed
05:33.56Mikebkw_: thats vanity
05:34.04chazbillyI'm looking for some basic help with asterisk.
05:34.06bkw_its smtp
05:34.11bkw_for mail sending voicemail and such
05:34.14bkw_not snmp
05:34.33Mikei just read it again
05:34.45Mikeok get that shity proyect
05:34.46*** join/#asterisk bleh (
05:34.57Mikewe get the shity webserver
05:35.08bkw_boa isn't shitty
05:35.08Mikewe get also a shity apt-like
05:35.11*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
05:35.19bkw_boa can kick apache's ass
05:35.26bkw_so can thttpd
05:35.37bkw_raw speed boa and thttpd KICK ASS
05:35.39Mikebkw_: if it works ok
05:35.54Mikebkw_: just make sure cgi works ok in that webserver
05:35.56bkw_boa and thttp work great.  My cisco access points use thttpd
05:36.03bkw_Mike it does
05:36.10jorgeraidelhey I need example.... rate engine?
05:36.39Mikewe have no option with perl
05:36.39bkw_jorgeraidel thats a hard one
05:36.55Mikewhat tools are needed?
05:36.56bkw_cgi is a standard it can be in any language boy
05:37.46Mikebkw_: i never used them before
05:37.54Mikebkw_: thats why i ask if its cgi compliant
05:38.26Mikei have a test box
05:38.33Mikeill get a debian base installed
05:38.39Miketake all the useless tools
05:38.43Mikeinstall boa
05:38.49Mikeand install the shitty smtp
05:38.55Mikeerase all docs
05:39.03Mikethen do an image of the instalation
05:39.04bkw_see you say shitty and you haven't even tried it
05:39.06Miketo make a good start
05:39.42Mikethen we make a package list
05:39.44joakotry this: I forget the size, but its really reliable
05:40.27joakoor something like zipslack....
05:40.44*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
05:42.06jorgeraidelsomeone have calling card interfase in asterisk?
05:42.25joakothere's an agi script on
05:42.33*** join/#asterisk bond (
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05:46.00joakobkw: what would it take to rate the calls from cdr (mysql or csv) and dump that into DB2?
05:46.45*** join/#asterisk Iowa (
05:47.27IowaDoes anyone know where I could get a copy of miguelc55's ocx code?
05:48.31joakoask miguelc55?
05:48.43Iowahe's not on right now
05:49.08joakodunno then....
05:51.09bkw_joako its not hard to rate a call
05:51.15bkw_just takes some thinking about it
05:52.12joakoyes, but the whole process
05:52.23joakoi still cant figure out how to create a new database in DB2
05:52.27*** join/#asterisk TimmyJimmy (
05:56.17bkw_The Fedora Project is a Red-Hat-sponsored and community-supported open source project. It is also a proving ground for new technology that may eventually make its way into Red Hat products. It is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.
05:56.24bkw_I don't like that
05:56.43bkw_they basically say .. "We are gonna test everything here before we put it in our expensive linux offerings"
05:56.59bkw_thats why Fedora will never live
05:57.11bkw_stick a fork in it..... its done!
06:00.35jorgeraidelI need to know if the * works with rates?
06:03.15izoit doesnt
06:03.24izothere are no rates in asterisk as yet
06:03.46bkw_and don't expect them anytime soon
06:03.47*** join/#asterisk learath (
06:03.56izoyou can write own agi script that calculates rate
06:04.00bkw_a small fix to a cdr plug in will do it
06:04.10bkw_you can also use the cdruserfield to store the rates in
06:09.34izobkw_ where is your calling card script located ?
06:10.02*** join/#asterisk dinodrac (rollyson@
06:12.43izodamn its early here
06:12.58izoi dont remember me been awake at this hour
06:12.59Kumbangguys, how can i run gastman in windows
06:14.12kamileondoes anyone have FWD setup?
06:15.14kimo_sabekamileon: I think it works
06:16.33izo~ calling cards
06:16.44kamileonkimo_sabe: can you dial 240190
06:18.57kimo_sabekamileon: what am I supposed to get?
06:19.10kamileoni suppose my phone would ring?
06:19.21kamileoni just got it working i think
06:19.31kamileonbut i dial the 55555 # it doesnt answer
06:19.44kamileoni call my own number and its asking for a pin, and wont accept my pin#
06:21.10kimo_sabekamileon: "currently unavailable"
06:22.50kamileonwhat should the register => line be
06:22.53MocMocFWD have now toll free call in Japan
06:23.08kamileonshow sip registry doesnt show me registered to
06:23.38kamileonbut i have register => in sip.conf
06:23.52kamileonextentocall ?
06:24.23kimo_sabekamileon: yeah, the "extension" for FWD to call to get to you
06:24.56kimo_sabekamileon: does 1000 in whatever context you have FWD calls to come in on go to you?
06:25.13kamileonokay, so i need to se up an extenstion 1000 to ring my phone in my [fwd] context
06:25.23kamileonhold on i get it
06:26.06kimo_sabekamileon: or change the last part of the register line to an extension that already goes to you
06:27.15kamileonkimo_sabe: can you try now
06:29.00kimo_sabekamileon: still says unavailable
06:29.46pros12you need a context in your sip conf
06:30.51kamileon* puked
06:30.56kamileoni rebooted
06:31.05pros12context= what ever your incoming context is
06:31.21pros12nat=yes or no
06:31.31pros12fromuser=fwd number
06:32.28kamileoni think its setup right exept the extention i had to make
06:32.33kamileonbut then * puked
06:32.37pros12make sure thats in sip.conf
06:32.46kamileonand wouldnt give me CLI> when i tried to remote to it
06:33.51pros12i find * goes wonky after a few reloads
06:35.12bkw_oh oh oh looks like bancfirst has been snoopin around my website again
06:35.20bkw_time to post another "bancfirst sucks" rant
06:35.37bkw_thats NORMAL
06:35.45bkw_you are ringing all the sip phoes logged in to 55555
06:36.15kamileonsip show registery shows nothing
06:36.17pros12your a 55555 operator bkw
06:36.25pros12for fwd ?
06:36.25bkw_pros12 yes sometimes
06:36.40kamileonahh, i see... can you try to call 240190
06:36.46pros12have not met a bad one yet
06:37.00bkw_ok I think i'm about to sue this bank.....
06:37.08bkw_they think they can stop me from saying they suc
06:37.40pros12how about that 17 year old geting sued from microsoft
06:37.41manyyou just cant say they suck.
06:37.51bkw_many no you sure as hell can
06:38.09bkw_I sure as HELL CAN
06:38.11bkw_and they can't stop you
06:38.58manyamerica - come, visit us and we will sue you!
06:39.11bkw_ya really
06:39.15pros12like i said all 55555 operators are great... pls dont sue
06:39.19bkw_they can sue me but the question can they prove they don't suck?
06:39.51bkw_they fuck with me I will start a radio advertisement
06:39.59bkw_jsut because
06:40.03pros12google is my friend
06:40.09bkw_google ROCKS
06:40.28bkw_~google bancfirst sucks
06:40.45manymh.  google prolongs your orgasms?
06:41.08manyduh. iam strange when its early in the morning and iam still tired.
06:41.42bkw_strange what?
06:41.52bkw_you wanna know the word that I can't get out of my head?
06:41.56bkw_its a really bad one
06:42.04manygo ahead
06:42.12bkw_ok children cover your eyes
06:42.18bkw_"cunt motherfucker"
06:42.35chayewalaBesides are there any other good voip forums?
06:42.46bkw_they alll suck
06:42.50bkw_all your base are belong to us
06:42.50chayewalabkw are you a girl?
06:42.58bkw_chayewala no i'm gay does that count?
06:43.09chayewalaI doubt that
06:43.20bkw_i'm a straight female traped in a guys body!
06:43.27chayewalayou said childern cover your eyes - only a mom woud say that.
06:43.28bkw_har har har
06:43.29chayewalahe he he
06:43.40manycjaye, dont trust her.  she is trying to hide her female sides.
06:43.44bkw_chayewala no I was trying to be phunny
06:44.17TestMasTeris there anyway to get the cdr to update in real-time
06:44.20chayewalawell I wish you knew what is a PHuNNeeee in Hindi Languae
06:44.23bkw_TestMasTer database
06:44.34bkw_its not that had to do
06:44.40chayewalaA phunnnnnnneeeeee
06:44.42bkw_just think about it and dig thru cdr_csv for a few
06:44.44TestMasTerbkw_,  ya but i mean as the person talks
06:44.50bkw_HAHA NO
06:44.52chayewalais a make *ock
06:45.01TestMasTerbkw_,  is there anyway to get it to yet?
06:45.06bkw_no way
06:45.09chayewalamale *ock
06:45.10bkw_why on earth would you want to?
06:45.19TestMasTercalling cards
06:45.22bkw_NO NO NO
06:45.27bkw_the correct way is to write an app in C
06:45.35bkw_absolutetimeout is your friend
06:46.15Kumbanghow to monitor zap channels
06:46.21*** join/#asterisk mmco (
06:46.27bkw_zapbarge or zapscap
06:46.30bkw_or use res_monitor
06:46.46TestMasTerbkw_,  ok thanx... how much for you to write that
06:46.59bkw_TestMasTer 500 bucks
06:47.19TestMasTerand you can have it update in realtime
06:47.27bkw_its not possible
06:47.28TestMasTeroh lol
06:47.32bkw_you don't need it to do that
06:47.38bkw_you just have to think about it
06:47.50TestMasTerI do.. to cut the person  if they go over there limit
06:47.58bkw_no no no
06:48.02bkw_thats what AbsoluteTimeout is for
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06:48.15bkw_you can calc the used amount then what they have left then set the timeout
06:48.24bkw_it simple JerJer and many other do it like that
06:48.30dinodracmy connection sucks tonight
06:48.43bkw_thats President bushes fault
06:48.48TestMasTerok can you write the agi script or the scripts needed. for this
06:49.10bkw_TestMasTer you can't do what you need in AGI or shouldn't be able to do it
06:49.18bkw_its tryable/doable I guess
06:49.25bkw_just have to put some more thinking into it
06:50.52TestMasTerbkw_,  ok.. thanx
06:51.53TestMasTerDamn i wish i was a programer
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07:08.05*** join/#asterisk SpaceDump (
07:08.19zoathe bulgarians called me again :(
07:08.24zoawent to bed 3 hours ago :(
07:08.32zoajust like yesterday
07:08.37zoaand every other day of the week :(
07:09.47kamileondo i need to set something up to issue dtmf tones during calls to FWD?
07:10.08kamileoni call myself and it repeatedly asks, please enter your pin followed by the pound key
07:10.08zoait should work without
07:10.10kamileonover and over
07:10.14kamileonwont take my input
07:10.32zoatry changing the dtmf to rfc...
07:11.29zoasip.conf probably
07:11.37zoa<-- going back to sleep
07:12.14*** join/#asterisk jelque (
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07:18.54bkw_just an FYI
07:18.58bkw_X-Pro download
07:19.12brc007watz it do?
07:21.38bkw_its a software sip phone the pro version
07:24.32*** join/#asterisk Syndlcate (
07:26.13kamileonwhere to setup login info on x-pro
07:27.15bkw_i'm in the conf
07:27.17bkw_I just can't talk
07:27.17chayewaladoes someone has a good attendent extentions.conf with good voice prompts?
07:27.24bkw_who is in my conf?
07:27.34Kumbangwhats for yellow option in zaptel.conf for isdn pri
07:27.42kamileonwheres your conf
07:27.48bkw_no headset yet
07:29.23bkw_rollyson I ca'nt talk haha i' testing
07:30.02chayewalawhat is a good web front end and database back end for * ?
07:32.07dinodraccan use that if you are just testing :)
07:32.36dinodracalison krauss problably sounds horrible over a low bitrate codec though
07:33.08bkw_i'm testing xpro
07:33.10izo_> I just can't talk
07:33.10bkw_it works fine
07:33.17bkw_don't see where people say its fucked up
07:33.23bkw_i'm waiting on my DA60 to get here
07:35.06dinodracmy finger won't make that 4th fret
07:35.13bkw_OMG even transfer worked
07:35.20dinodracI got dropped :)
07:35.30bkw_dinodrac sorry about that
07:35.33bkw_did a softhangup
07:38.49dinodracgrab the 7960 for a minute?
07:40.45bkw_I can't
07:40.48bkw_i'm bout to go t sleep
07:40.53bkw_on wifi right now with xpro
07:41.49dinodracthis G chord is impossible
07:51.50kamileonx-pro kicks ass
07:59.49*** part/#asterisk Syndlcate (
08:07.41*** join/#asterisk paradise (paradise@
08:08.15paradisehi everybody
08:09.45pros12its a 30 day
08:09.57paradiseI have question, is there anybody to answer me
08:12.22paradiseis there anyway in * to interrupt a call, to play a message for one of called/caller or both channels?
08:14.22*** part/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
08:15.55paradisevoidptr: is there anyway in * to interrupt a call, to play a message for one of called/caller or both channels?
08:15.55paradisepros12: is there anyway in * to interrupt a call, to play a message for one of called/caller or both channels?
08:16.08paradiseis there anybody to answer?
08:16.31izoyou could write own app in C that does that
08:16.36voidptrstop that paradise, wait for people to wake up, and they will answer ;)
08:16.51izoor try to mess with agi a bit
08:17.05izoparadise but there is no easy way to do it
08:17.10paradisesorry! ;-)
08:17.18voidptrfor all i know, people use the manager interface for that... but its not easy
08:17.53paradiseizo: but it's an important feature, is there anybody done this
08:18.03izoits important for you
08:18.18voidptrsome people have it
08:18.36voidptrand they wont give it to you for free ;)
08:19.17paradisenot only me, imagine that you have set absolute timeout on an extension and you want to announe that extension some time before hangup
08:19.36*** join/#asterisk h_sitepu (
08:19.52izoparadise : calling card app ?
08:20.36paradisevoisptr: who's selling it?
08:20.50izoyou could probably ask digium to implement it
08:21.00izobut they charge about 100$ per hour and this may take
08:21.01*** join/#asterisk tias (
08:21.01izolike 10 hours
08:21.07izobut i'm only guessing
08:22.07h_sitepusomebody, how to compile gastman in windows
08:22.14paradisebut i've found from the lists that it has been dicussed from jun it might be implemented now
08:24.58h_siteputhere is no docs about compiling gastman in windows
08:28.24*** join/#asterisk bas1 (
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08:58.46pavahas any body used the * commercial support?
09:06.32*** join/#asterisk michael__ (
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09:12.24pava[Sim]: I just want to know the terms & conditions of this service, and the expriences of current customers
09:15.50*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:22.31kamileon* commercial support rocks your cock
09:23.56kamileonthere ;)
09:24.22pavakamileon: do you have any exprience... ;-)
09:24.39kamileonwith the support people? yes.
09:25.08kamileonnot with their cocks though.
09:25.20kamileonjust the people in general, good folks.
09:25.42pava:-D, so what's your suggestion to add new features to *
09:26.00kamileondo it yourself or pay digium
09:28.24pavabut their prices is too expensive...and some features seems to be implemented many times there anybody to resell the features..
09:29.05[Sim]pava: ah ok. well, can't help you there.
09:29.21kamileonits open source
09:29.33kamileonfind the source for the features
09:29.41kamileonor pay someone to write it, or write it yourself
09:29.49RoyK[OT] anyone that knows how I can query windoze for perfmon entries by the command line?
09:29.59jeroenIf you do not want to invest money you need to invest time ....
09:30.12kamileonwindoze sux [OT]
09:30.26RoyKit's not my fault we're using the shite
09:30.52kamileontell the faulters to give you money then
09:30.56RoyKdialectic version of 'shit'
09:30.56kamileonsince youre their bitch
09:31.05pavabut i prefer to invest a combination of both...
09:31.11RoyKthey give me money to fix these things
09:31.37kamileoni dont think its quite shit, crap maybe.
09:33.27RoyKthat's why I said shite, since it's got a slightly different meaning
09:35.08jeroenRoyK: Do you know something about AGI?
09:35.28*** join/#asterisk Slothbag (
09:37.50jeroenWrote an AGI script (in perl) and am not able to use hangup (^&*^*^) function .... anyone an idea?
09:38.19kamileonhow can i put a sim client in call group with my zap clients?
09:39.07kamileonyes, CHiPs is on
09:39.14*** join/#asterisk dieb (
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09:39.37kamileonuhm, yeah.
09:41.09jeroenkamileon: dunno :-/
09:41.19kamileongo to the link
09:41.40Slothbaganyone here have experience with budgetone phones?
09:41.48jeroenNeed to finish the fokking API script .... other reading to do
09:47.29RoyKjeroen: probably the PSU fan
09:49.10jeroenRoyK: wtf is PSU fan?
09:53.01RoyKPSU == power supply unit. fan == wingy thing rotating to circulate air
09:54.07jeroen:-) ok got it --> weird  context ... does the PSU unit explode if I use the ^&* AGI perl stuff
10:00.31*** join/#asterisk loko_moko (
10:04.35TestMasTerWhat is the recommend server for * to run on?? is it slack
10:06.29*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
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10:09.26puzzledTestMasTer: read the ML. people run * on many different distro's like RH9, Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, SuSe etc. Whatever you prefer and can make it build/work on
10:10.14TestMasTerpuzzled,  i`m running on redhat now... Its working fine.. but i was just wondering thats all
10:10.18*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
10:10.29TestMasTerDidn`t know if there was a recommended server it should be on
10:10.49puzzledthe "whatever you prefer" is the recommended one :)
10:11.59TestMasTerpuzzled,  i`m just having problems with it... And When looking at the mailing list I haven`t noticed anyone else... Oh well maybe i ducked up or something... project for tomorrow i guess
10:13.40*** join/#asterisk tim5 (
10:19.20tiashi i have troubles for dialing out
10:19.30tiasin extensions.conf i have this line:
10:19.50tiasexten => _XXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(CAPI/@${EXTEN})
10:20.03tiasbut i 404 not found in my sip client
10:20.15*** join/#asterisk Jon_UK (
10:20.19tiasthough if i dial a known extension the other client rings
10:20.31Jon_UKGood morning everyone
10:20.56Jon_UKdoes anyone have a few minutes to help with a voicemail / email setup problem?
10:22.22*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (tuyan@
10:22.31tiasthe line exten... is in [outbound-local]
10:23.28glLoadIdentitymerhabalar i mean ;)
10:24.08glLoadIdentityanyone using h323 openivr ?
10:58.15*** join/#asterisk reseaux (
10:58.21reseauxGood Morning!!!
10:59.07reseauxsome help in configure Budgetone and Asterisk both in NAT... thanks :-)
11:03.33Aviaahalo halo halo, anybody know how open rtp channel without any information about connection (like: answer) ??
11:04.07reseauxIm not idead!!
11:04.10reseauxIm not idea!!
11:08.40*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
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11:11.38*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!* *!*tofubar@* *!*dan@194.158.*.*] by
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11:12.56*** join/#asterisk realboy (~gubele@
11:14.22*** join/#asterisk Mike--- (
11:14.25Mike---Hiyas all
11:14.50Mike---anyone in here familiar with upgrading a grandstream ?
11:16.56*** join/#asterisk ysb_ (
11:18.57*** join/#asterisk zoa (
11:19.18RoyKMike---: you're supposed to just 'put the files on a tftp server and reboot', although it doesn't seem like that works
11:20.35cypromisit works here
11:20.44Mike---wel.. my tfptp server says there are files missing.
11:20.56realboyhi all
11:21.10realboyi get one way audio from H323 channels
11:21.24realboythere is no firewall or accesslists
11:21.27realboyor NAT
11:21.38realboywhat would be the possible cause of this
11:21.39Mike---vp.bin, bt.bin and cf.txt  was not in the release.zi ?
11:21.55realboyCall Setup is like this
11:22.16Mike---RoyK: the phone tries to load, but I seem to missing some files.. :(
11:24.01Mike---so the questions is: where can I get hold of different upgradefiles for grandstream ?
11:24.12Mike---on their website I only found one.
11:27.00*** join/#asterisk benngard (
11:27.05reseauxsome help in configure Budgetone and Asterisk both in NAT... thanks :-)
11:28.12cypromisboth in nat will not work
11:28.19FuzzyCatroflmao! (has sound but is office safe)
11:28.22cypromishoe the hell is the gs supposed to find your * box ?
11:28.49reseauxcypromis: my bg is under NAT..
11:29.06reseauxcypromis: my * is under NAT but i can set PAT
11:30.01RoyKMike---: that config file?
11:30.08reseauxcypromis: * must in Public IP?
11:30.09RoyKthat one's ok missing
11:30.18RoyKreseaux: no
11:30.22RoyKreseaux: rtffaq
11:31.01Mike---RoyK: But I guess I need the other 2 .bin files ?
11:31.20Mike---and they were not in the file ?
11:31.43*** join/#asterisk digger_ (
11:32.05reseauxRoyK: where i can find some info can you send me a link? thz
11:32.19faq is, like, at, or asking smart questions at
11:32.30RoyK~google asterisk faq
11:32.49zoaroyk, got a firwmare for grandstream that fixes the missing digits ?
11:32.58zoaor speaker volume ?
11:33.21RoyKzoa: try that BETATEST link above
11:33.33RoyKI haven't got any problems with speaker volume
11:33.47cypromisanybody tried 4.0.40 ?
11:33.48RoyKthat fscking missing digits drives me crazy
11:33.55cypromismissing digits ?
11:33.58zoaany problems with the latest firmware known ?
11:34.09reseauxRoyK: Can i use * in nat + Budgetone in nat?
11:34.21cypromisdrives me nuts
11:34.26cypromisbesides that all is fine
11:34.35RoyKcypromis: you dial 12345678 and it shows it in the display, but only dials 124568
11:34.36RoyKor something
11:34.46zoahappens all the time
11:34.50cypromisnever had that one
11:35.01zoaimpossible !!!
11:35.04cypromisand I have 33 grandstreams
11:35.12cypromissorry 34
11:35.19cypromisgave my old one to my mum a week ago
11:35.21reseauxcypromis:the dtmf in pass to a voice or sip info?
11:35.26cypromissip info
11:35.42zoai have 20
11:35.52reseauxcypromis:ok... i have the same problem with my voip carrier...
11:36.00zoadon't you seem to have a lot of numbers that do  not exist ?
11:36.10Mike---this is strange.
11:36.31reseauxcypromis:can say something about * behind NAT and BGunder NAT do you think is possible?
11:36.37Mike---my Grandstream can recieve calls.. but when I try to call (eg 600 for echotest) it keeps retransmitting ?
11:36.44cypromisI have grandstreams behind nat
11:36.50cypromisbut all my *'s are on public IP
11:37.00cypromisat customer sites they are on th gateways
11:37.19cypromiswould be nice if gs would have release notes in the upgrades
11:37.26RoyKI reboot the phone, I see in the dhcp log that it downloads the files, but it _doesn't_ upgrade
11:37.37cypromisin the dhcp logs ?
11:37.42reseauxcypromis: have you configure Outbound Proxy: ?
11:37.46cypromisnot in the tftp logs ?
11:38.00cypromismy * box is configured as inbounfd and outbound
11:38.13RoyKcypromis: bah. tftp
11:38.27reseauxcypromys:Outbound Proxy: is your NAT/firewall? or something else?
11:38.32cypromismy asterisk
11:38.38Mike---RoyK: do you know why the grandstram cant place a call ?
11:38.49Mike---ot .. my cant.. I must have missed something..
11:39.27reseauxcypromis: your * box in public IP right?
11:39.41cypromissome customer sites have half half
11:39.48cypromismeaning one interface on internal and gs on internal
11:39.54cypromisand one public for the outside world
11:39.58cypromisworks fine
11:40.16reseauxcypromis: SIP Server the same ip of Outbound proxy?
11:40.47cypromiswait a week I will have screenxshots on our website
11:40.59RoyKmy phone sticks to
11:41.01RoyKwhatever I do
11:41.24reseauxcypromis: NAT Traversal is configure what?thz
11:41.26cypromissometimes I have that if I dial to fast it resets the dialstring
11:41.29cypromisbut it shoews in the display
11:41.41Mike---Hm.. I just cant get the GS phone to place a call ...
11:41.50Mike---Or am I jus tto tired..
11:45.57Mike---anyone else had the problem that a GS phone cant place a call.. the asterisk siplog just says "retrasmitting".... ?
11:46.10Mike---I can receive a call though
11:46.29Mike---the GS is behind a NAT ... and the * is on the open internet...
11:46.40Mike---it works with eg. x-lite..
11:46.48Mike---but not with a grandstream
11:49.57*** join/#asterisk sousou (
11:51.33Mike---can anybody help me with a sip.conf for a Grandstream .. is there anything special ?
11:51.40Mike---or just as any client ?
11:55.01cypromisdon't enable nat shit in the gs
11:55.12*** join/#asterisk folsson (
11:55.12cypromisin sip.conf
11:55.15cypromisand it should work
11:58.47reseauxcypromis:Thanks i try!!
12:00.33Mike---If I want to use a tfpd server with GS how should the cft.txt file look like ?
12:01.10Mike---and If I dont use the GS natfunction how can I have behind a FW ?
12:01.26zoacft.txt is for their proprietary configuration server
12:01.31zoai think
12:02.00Mike---I just wanted to be able to download the config for a GS at boot-time
12:02.26Mike---eg. if I have multiple Grandstreams... so to speak .. I dont want to manually configure lots of phones..
12:02.43zoathen you have to buy the grandstream server shit
12:03.10cypromisit works ovver tftp as well
12:03.15reseauxhi zoa!
12:03.17cypromisth4ere is something about that in
12:03.27zoahi reseaux
12:03.41*** join/#asterisk GolobGIMB (GolobGIMB@
12:04.20reseauxcypromis:a sniff report this from my BG
12:04.27reseauxcypromis:Contact: <sip:okgroup@ ?Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS?  ?
12:04.27reseaux? ?>.
12:04.56reseauxnot the IP of nat!! :-(
12:04.57GolobGIMBhi.. I'm quite new to this telephony/ISDN world and I was wondering if it is possible to order one PRI (I'm european) line from my telco, hook it up to one PC and use it for both voice (asterisk) and data (ISDN/POTS dialup)?
12:06.04reseauxcypromis: some help please...
12:06.27*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
12:07.52zoaGoloGIMB: yes
12:07.57zoayou can even do it on the fly
12:08.10zoaand use more data channels when there is little voice traffic
12:10.53GolobGIMBgreat. we currently have one PBX but it's quite limited and we have big support costs with it and we are looking at asterisk
12:11.19GolobGIMBour CIO loves
12:12.33GolobGIMBone more thing... is there any scripts that deal with emergency services? like dropping a non-emergency call in case a call to 112/113 needs to be done
12:14.44bobovAnybody: Puzzled on dialout. The callset goes through from Asterisk in DMZ out to client behind NAT, but when I answer at client end, the audio never sets up. It tries, but what I see on the server is ICMP destination unreachable from the server to the target client even with all firewalls off. Eventually, client called says Ack Timeout and the calling client says 403 forbidden.
12:15.27reseauxbobov:have try reinvite=no canreinvite=no in sip.conf
12:16.21jensdanyone know if APS is implemented in GS phones? (
12:16.22bobovyeah, tried that.
12:16.49bobovThe client on the outside can call any client on the inside, but the other way around is vexing...
12:17.24reseauxbobov:i dont know... i can try to configure my BG behind a nat with some problem...some help?
12:18.27srinivasDMSG oh jeroen I missed you
12:18.37bobovI was using sjphone for the outside client, but then switched to xten and tried stun. Same thing. I'm curiious why I am seeing ICMP destination unreachable and if that has to do with it.
12:21.18steesCan I get asterisk to make a call when triggered by whatever method and play a file to the receiver of the call ?
12:23.32*** join/#asterisk ico (~ico@
12:24.10RoyKstees: yes
12:24.22steesoooh! Yay!
12:24.31steescant figure out how
12:25.24RoyKstees: vi
12:30.05*** join/#asterisk Champie (
12:30.46Champie'morning folks...
12:33.35srinivasmorning Champie
12:34.17vaewynmorning all
12:34.34vaewynor I should say... Good 12:35UTC everyone
12:34.34srinivashow are things RoyK?
12:34.39Champiemorning vaewyn
12:34.44Champie13:34 here :)
12:35.07srinivassay good what ever... :)
12:35.18zoai dont play unreal tournament out here
12:35.19vaewynHeh... one of those UTC+ repressed regions :P
12:38.03reseauxSome help to configure GS phone under NAT? thz
12:38.10RoyKsrinivas: fine, thanx
12:38.28Champieno problems with nat when using SIP :)
12:38.58reseauxyeah..but i cant connect to my * box..
12:39.45*** join/#asterisk MX_ (
12:39.58MX_hi all
12:40.37*** join/#asterisk dheckaman (
12:41.07MX_is it possible to use voice modem for incoming calls as FXO port ?
12:42.50RoyKI don't think so
12:43.30cypromisvoice modems are a PITA
12:43.44MX_PITA ? ;)
12:44.26vaewynYeah... the one that doesn't go well with hummus
12:44.38*** join/#asterisk lele (
12:44.39cypromisanybody tried to implement Q.SIG ?
12:45.02Champieor fax passthrough ? :)
12:46.56MX_I need to give caller a voice menu through cheap voice port, I can use modems for this with mgetty+voice, but wanna with *
12:47.37folssonWhat does this mean: WARNING[43025]: app_dial.c:331 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice?
12:47.57*** join/#asterisk willie_ (
12:49.42vaewyncypromis: I havn't seen anyone try yet... IAX/IAX2 provide a bunch of that functionallity so... *shrugs*
12:52.27vaewynwould be nice of interoperability with some of the Cisco gear though
12:53.36dheckamanMX_: tis possible I believe.. with a certian voicemodem
12:53.39dheckamandont ask me which one
12:53.53voidptri think most pabx'es support q.sig
12:54.16voidptrso its good for everything
12:54.31cypromisit is needed for trunk interconnections with other pabx'es
12:54.35cypromisand not for voip
12:57.44*** join/#asterisk cypricus_rev (
12:58.07cypricus_revI with a problem to understant the extension.conf with zaptel configs. Did can anyone helpme just a little bit ?
12:59.20MX_dheckaman: and as I understand, chan_modem implements such "driver" ?
13:00.20dheckamannever used it
13:00.55cypricus_revSo can anyone help ?
13:01.15MX_ok, thnx, tommorow I'l have voice modem and start playing ;)
13:01.23dheckamanget a real card
13:01.34dheckamannothing beats the real McCoy
13:01.50[Sim]it's that time of the day again
13:01.55voidptr[Sim] : yeah!
13:02.09cypricus_revA question is. In extension.conf how can i put my card to take external line ? ext => ??
13:02.11Champie[Sim] : like, mornings, noon & evening ? :)
13:02.36[Sim]champie: no, right after the third exhausting meeting today :-)
13:02.43cypricus_revI'm using the default that come with extension.conf.sample . But don't work well.
13:02.47[Sim]and right before the fourth :)
13:03.20willie_Is it possible to use * over a WiFi network?  We have a public WiFi network here in Wellington, NZ that I use often for mail and Net.  I would like to make and receive * call via softphone on my laptop.  is this doable?
13:03.44RoyKjust do it! (tm)
13:04.01cypromisworks fine
13:04.01Champieimho : yes, if there's a net connection between both
13:04.07cypromisI use it at home
13:04.25Champiejust hope the wifi link isn't saturated :)
13:04.43*** join/#asterisk Levch (~Levch@
13:05.10willie_:)  cheers  I hope not too.  still getting rapid download speed.  WIll lok to setup VPN and trial over that.  saves me making too many cell calls
13:05.35zoait works with wifi yes
13:06.00Champiecall * over a gprs connection ;)
13:06.05willie_thats for the confimration all.  I will progress over the coming week with VPN and trials
13:06.23zoause VTUN
13:06.29*** join/#asterisk geertn (geertn@
13:07.45willie_we use FreeS/WAN for other VPN between offices and clients  should look at that first.  although I do like VTUN, great app
13:08.00*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
13:08.01zoavtun is better for voip speed
13:08.08zoaas you can do udp only
13:08.56folssonWARNING[61457]: ast_expr.y:346 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: parse error
13:09.22folssonHow do I know where the syntax error is?
13:09.33willie_tanks zoa.  I will mention to the technical boffins
13:10.00willie_I rememebr there was a Windows GUI for monitoring the * server but not listed on the site any more.  what ws it called.. and is it still available?
13:10.14*** join/#asterisk fwd28326 (~fwd28326@
13:10.14zoaits no good
13:10.28fwd28326dum de dum, app FLASH is driving me nuts
13:10.30*** join/#asterisk zono (
13:10.37willie_ah ok..  not worth uting time into?
13:10.43geertnIs tehre a sound file with: "There are currently " X " persons in this conference room"
13:10.44zonohi all
13:11.02fwd28326im guessing the flash time defined in zapata.conf isnt used by it?
13:11.23fwd28326it's flashingto loong for the nortel meridian analog exensions i have it hooked upto
13:11.26zoafwd28326: if its not working, post it on
13:11.30zoawith all needed info
13:11.30cypricus_revPeople please, it's really important ok. I dont like ask always, but IRC is for this. I'm using this extension.  exten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}) (What i need is when dial 9 the zap give-me a free line then i can enter the number to call out) could someone help-me please. (THANKS ALOT!)
13:11.32zonoIn this momment I made Web interface from asterisk - CGI with ANSI C  and have a problem
13:11.50fwd28326it's flashing ok
13:11.55fwd28326just to long
13:12.03fwd28326looking at the source
13:12.28fwd28326im guessing ZT_FLASH; is teh flash time
13:12.34fwd28326wondering where it is set
13:12.38fwd28326ah well
13:12.48zonohow I can run reload      "Reload configuration" outside Asterisk ?
13:12.55zoause an agi for that
13:13.00cypromisasterisk -rx "reload"
13:13.08zoaand use g1, not ZAP/1
13:13.09fwd28326waiti a sec
13:13.13fwd28326im going blind
13:13.19fwd28326just saw it
13:13.37cypricus_revlike this exten => 9,1,Dial(g1${EXTEN}) ??
13:13.42*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
13:13.58*** part/#asterisk willie_ (
13:14.06zoaexten => 9,1,AGI(/usr/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dial-out.agi)
13:14.13zoaand make a dial-out.agi that does that
13:14.47cypricus_revwait wait wait .... What you mean make an agi to call out ?? I can't put this just in extension.conf ?
13:15.40geertnopes too late:)
13:15.49zoaor look at app disa
13:17.06*** join/#asterisk par (~par@
13:19.28cypricus_revOk i'm trying this then. exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}) (How can i ignore the 9 number and only pass the rest). Like this calling 98001234 zap will call 8001234
13:20.49zoacypricus_rev: you need to read them manual!!!!
13:20.50cypricus_revYes ok, i will read too.
13:24.27cypricus_revThats works ! Thanks alot (for the page too)
13:24.49dheckamanl33tness... this new thin client is neet... runs linux... :)
13:25.45*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
13:25.58mbrancamorning all
13:26.52reseauxhi mbranca...
13:27.31mbrancaciao reseaux
13:27.36*** join/#asterisk rpb (~rpb@
13:28.02vaewyntrue slackers move to like Guam
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13:35.31zononot work :-(
13:36.23voidptrmorning mbranca
13:43.17parwhich dist. of linux is prefered to use with *?
13:43.34RoyKpar: there's no such thing
13:44.00*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (tuyan@
13:44.07parwhat about redhat, slackware, suse ...?
13:44.10zoano redhat
13:44.19zoai said: DEBIAN!
13:44.31discordiahi btw
13:44.38geertndebian too:)
13:44.39MocMoci use redhat just fine
13:44.50vaewynDebian makes it much easier to administer when you have a couple of them going :P
13:45.03vaewynbut other than that... pretty much same on all once installed
13:45.08ChampieDebian is the one and only :)
13:45.22geertnIs there a way to print to syslog or console from extensions.conf?
13:45.44parit seems that everyone suggests debian, thanks :)
13:46.29srinivasgeertn: use AGI to print and configure agi appropriately in extensions.conf
13:46.50crontibspar redhat works pretty well
13:47.13geertnsrinivas: ok..
13:47.16srinivaspar: thats my experience too.... with redhat.. I have never used debian so far..
13:49.50crontibsplus i think mark from digium
13:50.01zoamark is using redhat
13:50.03crontibsuses redhat
13:50.09zoahe's a wussie
13:50.39crontibsat this point you can go with debian, redhat,fedora,slack,gentoo, suse
13:50.57crontibsif you using digium cards
13:51.05crontibsi'm using Redhat and FreeBSD
13:51.15crontibsfor my * servers
13:51.32parwhat about LFS?
13:51.57fwd28326is there s sendPulse equivalent to sendDTMF
13:52.23srinivasfwd28326: I dont think so... thats a guess
13:52.59fwd28326looks like no
13:53.03crontibsLinux From Scratch
13:53.04crontibsshould work
13:53.21crontibssomeone on the list mention they where working on distro optimised for asterisk
13:53.28crontibswhich would be awesome idea
13:53.40zoadon't think it would be a big difference
13:53.49zoaunless they do hardware tweaking
13:53.56srinivasthats right
13:54.16*** join/#asterisk ambassador_ (
13:54.43parhas anybody compiled * with uClibc?
13:54.51vaewyn"optimized for *" would just mean... nothing else running :P
13:55.33srinivasand that has got nothing to do with hardware...
13:55.41crontibsi'm gonna try it out today
13:55.44srinivasas much as the cards themselves... :)
13:55.45crontibswith slackware and debian
13:55.55crontibsif there's any differences
13:56.57parit's just an optimized C libraries (for embedded systems)
13:57.21parused in uclinux and many embedded systems
13:57.50crontibsone thing thats been bugging me lately is getting rid of the echo i get on my pstn calls
13:57.58crontibsi hate hearing my self echo
13:58.18parecho on ZAPs or SIPs?
13:59.07*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
13:59.10crontibsperson on the other end of the call tell me
13:59.25crontibsthat i sound very far away
13:59.39*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
13:59.47*** part/#asterisk tias (
14:00.00pardid you set the echocancel=yes in zapata.conf
14:01.23crontibschannel => 1
14:01.25crontibsthis is what i have set
14:01.27crontibsfor channel 1 which is my pstn
14:03.18pari suggest you not to use rxgain and txgain, they are too buggy, leave them commented and try again
14:03.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:03.27dheckamanbleh, how do I tell an app to use another x server on another computer?
14:04.01RoyKdheckaman: before starting the app, export DISPLAY=host:0.0
14:04.16dheckamanah, and how do I reset that? I dont want ALL my apps to do that
14:04.29dheckamanor will it only apply to everything in that terminal??
14:04.37RoyKDISPLAY=host:0.0 xchat
14:04.49RoyKvariables are shell local
14:05.13dheckamanand this host:0.0...
14:05.19dheckamanwhats supposed to be at 0.0
14:05.23RoyKthe X server
14:05.27RoyKis normally there
14:05.36RoyKunless you've started many servers
14:05.43RoyKand - of course
14:05.58Powerkillsomeone alrady got this error with a te410p ?
14:05.59PowerkillUhhuh. NMI received. Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
14:05.59PowerkillYou probably have a hardware problem with your RAM chips
14:06.22RoyKon that server, make sure it's not started with --nolisten, and you'll need to authorize each client with 'xhost +x.x.x.x'
14:06.30*** join/#asterisk fredgibe (
14:07.32ChampieNMI is not good
14:07.52dheckamanok, tis working
14:07.56ChampieNMI = Non Maskable Interrupt
14:08.34Powerkillso ?
14:09.04RoyKPowerkill: it's usually hardwired to the memory parity and similar error handling
14:09.15*** join/#asterisk PICCO (
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14:09.53Champieor a bad PSU
14:10.26*** join/#asterisk Rich_ (
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14:13.05PowerkillRoyK so what to i have to do returned it to compaq ?
14:13.07Powerkillhp ?
14:14.10*** join/#asterisk maestro34 (
14:14.11mtgI'm going to write some customized feature for * myself...any idea and feature request will be accepted ...for free
14:14.17*** join/#asterisk maestro1 (
14:14.27dheckamanmtg: please include the kitchen sink
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14:14.33RoyKPowerkill: is it a server?
14:14.53rpbmtg: Add admin functions to the meetme room app
14:14.55RoyKHP/Compaq servers used to come with on-site warranty
14:15.05*** join/#asterisk fredgibe (
14:15.12*** part/#asterisk benngard (
14:15.24RoyKugh. CEO tried to change toner in the printer. time to call service to get someone to vacuum the printer...
14:15.39*** join/#asterisk data[Zzz] (~data@
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14:15.55mtgrpb: explain more...
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14:16.35dheckamanRoyK: how?
14:16.43dheckamanI dont understand how one does that
14:17.04Champiedheckaman : try to understand CEO... ;)
14:17.23RoyKI don't know what he did. But he _did_ spill toner out of the toner cartridge and into the printer
14:17.26rpbprovide a moderator interface.  some functions:  (*# to determine number of callers in conference)
14:17.45rpb( ## mute all lines)
14:17.55rpb(99 unmute all lines)
14:18.26Champiemtg : can you implement/document a fax passtrough ? :)
14:18.29RoyKis it hard/possible to make something like "Dial *21*numbertobedivertedto#" ?
14:18.37rpb(** play a list of available options) (*4 lock conf to new participants) (*5 unlock to new participants)
14:19.00RoyK*666# fire off ww3
14:19.47rpbchampie/mtg:  fax passthrough via t.38/t.39 to be compatible with cisco
14:20.07[Sim]royk: yes, I posted a howto on the wiki
14:20.09[Sim]let me look it up
14:20.27Champiehave a grandstream handytone-286 ata hooked up between my fax system and VoIP network
14:20.45Champiecall disconnects after fax negotiation :(
14:21.03*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
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14:22.11[Sim]it's my configuration, which was based on some pointers from kapejod
14:23.11[Sim]would be nicer to have it implemented in decent CLASS stuff, but this works in the meantime
14:23.21[Sim]gotta go, meeting (again) ~~
14:23.27Champiegood luck
14:23.51*** join/#asterisk fcb275021 (
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14:25.30RoyK[Sim]: this db lib. is it compatible with pgsql?
14:26.52ManxPowerNothing scarier thatn a naked cat.
14:27.01*** join/#asterisk par (~par@
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14:27.17fcb275021Newby gets "unable to open /dev/zap/ctl" with RH9,  TDM40B and X100P,  Any advice about where to start???
14:27.39*** join/#asterisk mtg (~par@
14:27.54Champie[15:18:02] * mtg (~par@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
14:27.54Champie[15:18:12] <Champie> mtg : can you implement/document a fax passtrough ? :)
14:27.57mtgI'm going to write some customized feature for * myself...any idea and feature request will be accepted ...for free...send your feature requests to
14:28.56RoyK <-- crack the code and win a million
14:28.57mtgplease send your requests to ;-)
14:28.59ChampieHow many megs can you handle ? I'll start flooding that box in a couple of minutes :)
14:29.01FuzzyCatmtg: look at the feature requests on ..
14:29.26jtoddmtg: how many years of C do you have under your belt?
14:29.35FuzzyCatRoyK: it says: "We lied about the million"
14:29.56coppicejtodd: how many years of grime do you have under your belt? :-)
14:30.21jtoddcoppice: years?  Sheesh, I only go for 4-5 weeks at a time without bathing.  I'm civilized.
14:30.24mtgjust 5 years, but i love to do it...
14:30.39*** join/#asterisk HITECHSALE (
14:31.14jtoddmtg: Well, 5 years is reasonable then to be taking challenges in * code.  If you said you were a freshman university student looking for a project, I'd probably point you elsewhere.  :-)
14:31.46jensdhave anyone got a GS phone to load cfg.txt from a tftp server (and actually use it)?
14:34.01mtgI've said, i love to do it...but it seems somebodies dont like this...
14:34.32Champietold you the thing I still miss ;)
14:34.37*** join/#asterisk bm (
14:34.53Champiehiese dase :)
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14:45.11vaewynlet's all go!  :}
14:46.14*** part/#asterisk mtg (~par@
14:46.18vaewynhey... watch it with that thing!  :P
14:46.44dheckamanPing reply from fyman : 52.04 second(s)
14:46.48dheckamannice lag
14:47.45*** part/#asterisk bobov (
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14:56.31vaewynhmm... anyone have the barbietone setup page link? I skimmed by it once and forgot to bookmark it
14:57.07*** join/#asterisk sega (~sega@
14:57.15vaewyn(and kudos to JerJer for the barbietone aka :p )
14:58.47Champiebarbietone ???
14:58.53segaHow to hide CallerID when calling via PRI ?
14:59.00*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
14:59.39vaewynChampie: budgetones :P
15:00.05vaewynpri you can't hide the number... only the name
15:00.49vaewynChampie: yeah those...
15:00.52ChampieGot a handytone ata from them here
15:01.09ChampieAin't there a setup manual on that site ?
15:01.40jtoddNo, you can alter the number too.  Depends on what your PRI provider lets you do.  You can also mark it as "unavailable".
15:01.46vaewynThere is.. but I was looking for the setup for the * side :P
15:02.06Champieah :)
15:02.42*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
15:02.53vaewynis illegal (in the US) to mark unavailable now...  ar is supposed to be because of the new telemarketing law
15:03.04vaewynstill happens a bit but...
15:03.07swirlnetsjtodd: your extentions.conf with recording don't you have to reverse the streams before mixing them
15:03.08Champiethe local hellhound has that config somewhere... But can't find the damn mammal...
15:03.27vaewyncan change it to show what you want... but has to be a valid phone # for th businness/entity
15:03.37jtoddswirlnets: yes, I haven't updated that file since before the fixes were put into Record
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15:04.14swirlnetsjtodd: I am trying to monitor a call to a file, however I can't get soxmix to work however your files with wmix worked fine
15:04.32jtoddyeah, soxmix barfs after only a few hundred K with the latest versions.
15:04.46swirlnetsjtodd: any ideas? can you update that file?
15:04.53jtodduse wxmix until someone at sox fixes the problem.  I haven't reported it.
15:05.17jtoddswirlnets: I keep meaning to update that config example, but things are really busy here and there is always one more tweak I seem to want to do before releasing...
15:05.26swirlnetsyes, but how do I reverse it using wxmix
15:06.06bmcan anyone recommend phones that are capable to have a centralised phonebook? (eg ldap)?
15:06.12jtoddI don't think you'll need to reverse it at all - I thought those bugs have been worked out.
15:06.18*** join/#asterisk wG|bastion666 (~wileyuser@
15:06.21bmi heard the snom phones do that. anyone has used them?
15:06.48*** part/#asterisk gadams666 (~wileyuser@
15:06.52swirlnetsbm: we do it using festval and an AGI app there is no display but we have a web browser that users can log into and create .call files in it
15:07.08geertnbm: Cisco 7960 do use an xml file via http. There is an entry limit... I thought it was 32...
15:07.48bmgeertn: 32 entries in the phone book?
15:08.11bmswirlnets: what phones do you use?
15:08.26geertnbm: Well.. yes... in the xml phonebook.. you can ofcourse split them up in multiple sections, each containing 32 entries.
15:08.53bmgeertn: sucks :)
15:10.25segaHow to hide CallerID when calling via PRI (for specifed call) ?
15:10.28segahelp ! :)
15:10.35geertnbm: Yes:) I do not see ldap stuff in the SNOM config.. I do see an option to upload CSV file...
15:11.09bmgeertn: which snom do you have?
15:11.37bmgeertn: check the manual for the 105 (or is it 115?)
15:12.59*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:14.10geertnbm: 200
15:14.26geertnbm: just arrived;-) I love it
15:15.58*** join/#asterisk AB1 (
15:16.17bmgeertn: you are .be/.nl? (as you nick suggests)?
15:16.30geertngeertn: I'm in nl
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15:16.54bmgeertn: can you /msg me where you bought them, and what priced you payed?
15:17.45Champieyou can say it in the channel too if you want, makes it easier for me ;)
15:18.27geertnChampie: hehe... prices can be checked at that site..
15:18.57ManxPowerAre there any Queue Gurus around?
15:19.57AB1Anyone have an opinion about the Cisco 5300 vs. the 3640?
15:20.23voidptrthey both SUCK!
15:20.34rpbvoidptr: why?
15:20.44voidptrbecause of the brand
15:20.48RoyKvoidptr: why?
15:21.04voidptrbecause cisco is full of pricks only thinking about $$$$$$$
15:21.10RoyKI've used the 3620 years ago, but there was nothing wrong with that
15:21.45rpbvoidptr_: how about from a technical perspective?
15:22.03voidptrthe 3640 works here
15:22.21voidptr5300, never seen it
15:22.28voidptrdon't want to.
15:23.03voidptrall backstabbers
15:23.03*** join/#asterisk jrl1 (
15:23.19voidptrthat want to push their product no matter what
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15:24.03vaewynhmm.. ok... which of the voip phones can I best emulate these nortel PoS with?  main thing I havn't seen so far is multiple lines on one phone
15:24.14AB1My impression is you get more for the money (in terms of # of PRI's you can connect)
15:24.17vaewynie... see if boss is on phone
15:24.36fwd28326someone point me in teh right direction of a webpage with the right firewall rules for te new externip feature
15:24.39voidptrwith cisco, you get more cisco for your money
15:24.49fwd28326do i just neef to forward 5060?
15:24.52AB1I know Cisco is full of $hit with their business practices but their equipment works well
15:25.42AB1At least it has for me so far...using 7960's, and various routers
15:25.59voidptrit depends on what you are used to ;)
15:28.07voidptrdunno yet
15:28.34*** join/#asterisk I (
15:29.05Iok, channel 2 on the TDM400 is acting up again
15:30.08segaHelp !!! How to hide CallerID when calling via PRI (for specifed call) ?
15:31.29YoYo^setcidname and setcidnumber
15:31.56segaYoYo^: not change, bur hide :)) CLIR
15:32.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:32.43segaYoYo^: like hidecallerid in zapata.conf, but on the fly :)))
15:36.32*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
15:38.27PBXtechwho sells TE410P besides digium?  (they are backordered)
15:38.53voidptrall the resellers listed on
15:39.44*** join/#asterisk YoYo_ (
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15:43.58YoYo_I can't get wcfxo/wcfxs to load :/
15:44.20*** join/#asterisk welby (
15:44.33YoYo_ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 5: No such device or address (6)
15:44.33YoYo_/lib/modules/2.4.20-28.9/misc/wcfxs.o: post-install wcfxs failed
15:44.33YoYo_/lib/modules/2.4.20-28.9/misc/wcfxs.o: insmod wcfxs failed
15:46.17*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
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15:48.23nova1Hello, urgent help needed! who can help?
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15:48.54jeroen_nova1: shoot
15:50.35segaHelp !!! How to hide CallerID (like hidecallerid=yes in zapata.conf) when calling via PRI (for specifed call) ?
15:50.49welbyhi, i've got an obscure problem with a cisco 7960, the phone dials the extention but as soon as the call is answered the phone goes back to the main menu, and asterisk says that it "exited non-zero on 'SIP/1234-75ed". any one got any ideas ?
15:51.40jeroen_sega: The gatekeeper can do so
15:51.58jeroen_Hmm depend on your network config
15:52.59bkw_welby sounds like you have reinvite's on
15:53.27jeroen_bkw_: I think we wrote something in AGI to change CallerNumID
15:58.58jtoddwelby: sounds like a codec mismatch or a NAT problem.
15:59.38welbyi've set it up to use g711u and its on the same net :/
15:59.45welbyand also reinvites are off
16:02.50jtoddwelby: still sounds like a codec mismatch.  What is your phone choosing as the preferred codec?
16:03.25welbyi've set it in the SIPDefault.cnf file to g711ulaw
16:03.34welbyand in sip.conf allow=all
16:04.44*** join/#asterisk YoYo^ (
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16:08.23YoYo^Jan 20 11:07:50 WARNING[1074431744]: chan_zap.c:662 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
16:08.23YoYo^Jan 20 11:07:50 ERROR[1074431744]: chan_zap.c:5271 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
16:10.12*** join/#asterisk miller7 (none@
16:10.20miller7hello ppl
16:13.03YoYo^HOLY SHIT
16:13.14YoYo^fucking kernel switched the order it detected it's hardware
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16:15.01YoYo^it was detecting tdm30p first, then x100p second
16:15.09YoYo^it switched
16:15.17YoYo^so ztcfg couldn't config
16:15.25YoYo^also had to edit zapata.conf
16:15.32YoYo^and, of course, extensions.conf
16:15.57YoYo^wish I was a programmer... I'd dive in and fix that zap shit
16:16.05vaewynYoYo^: teach you to not load the modules yourself :P
16:16.33vaewynhurts a lot when zap slaps your hand s though :{
16:18.49nova1iv'e got a te410p card and two *-boxes setup... calls getting dropped after a while... randomly....   HELP, PLEASE!
16:19.13nova1i'm on a patched rh8 system
16:19.47izonoval : did you check what pri debug span shows
16:19.53izowhat are the disconnect causes
16:20.33nova1it happens during call setup
16:20.49izowhat debug messages show you ?
16:21.43Champieanybody succeeded in sending a fax over asterisk ?
16:21.55Champieif yes, tell me how :)
16:22.01*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
16:22.42segajeroen_ : mhm... I dont have GK :)
16:24.24nova1izo: there is no error, i can send you the debug msg
16:25.01izoi'm not saying that there is and error
16:25.08izoi wander what disconnect cause is
16:25.15izowhat do you have T1 or E1 ?
16:25.26izowhat switch is on the other end ?
16:25.40nova1hmm.. motorola/teles
16:26.12izoso enter in CLI
16:26.14izopri debug span 1
16:26.16izopri debug span 2
16:26.19izoup to 4
16:26.27izoand search for disconnect cause
16:26.34izoand check which side disconnected
16:32.15nova1right... i'll check
16:36.06*** join/#asterisk japple (~japple@
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16:41.02sxpert_work~seen levon
16:41.11levon <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21d 7h 21m 40s ago, saying: ';)'.
16:41.52vaewynnow that is afk :}
16:47.16vaewynwrong window... evil typing
16:48.58voipi like house music too
16:50.10vaewynhahaha... I'm more of an eclectic alternative rock person myself
16:50.26vaewynie... whatever I like I like :P
16:50.32vaewynbut I lean more towards rock and alternative
16:50.38miller7rock rocks
16:50.48*** join/#asterisk burton27 (
16:53.11bkw_er SPAWN
16:53.19bkw_hell its far from a swan
16:53.44*** join/#asterisk digger_ (
16:54.09Champieno complaints about sip here
16:54.14Champieworks like a charm
16:54.32Champieguess your problem is located between keyboard and chair ;)
16:55.09*** join/#asterisk yessiree (
16:56.02voidptranyway: i've got the e1 lines up
16:56.14bkw_Champie you haven't been around long have you?
16:56.22voidptri changed immediate=no
16:56.34voidptrand hm
16:56.49yessireequestions for whoever knows best
16:56.49voidptrwhen i dial from the pabx -> * -> telco
16:56.53voidptr* dials too early
16:57.04yessireewe have an architecture for PRI to a MG
16:57.09miller7it's an premature dialer? :PPPPPP
16:57.20bkw_edit digits.h and make the dtmf longer
16:57.23bkw_in zaptel
16:57.26yessireeproblem is , no architecure for SS7
16:57.27bkw_recompile zaptel
16:57.37Champiebkw_ : afaik is sip alot better dan h.323
16:57.38yessireeSEMS supports PRI but not SS7
16:57.45Champiebut correct me if I'm wrong
16:57.57yessireeulticom is one possible role
16:58.10yessireebut you must pay for it
16:58.12voidptrbkw_ : humm
16:58.13bkw_Champie yes I know sip works and works well it still doesn't side step the issue that IT SUCKS
16:58.37voidptrthe dtmf length itself is not the problem i think
16:58.48voidptrits just the timeout for waiting for more imput
16:58.51Champiebkw_ : alternatives ?
16:59.07ChampieAnd any particular reason why it sucks ?
16:59.51bkw_Champie it just gets messy fast.. when you compair it to IAX you start to realize all these sip headers are pointless
16:59.56dheckamanWelcome to Ed's mini-linux!
17:00.12dheckamanthats what this new thin client runs
17:00.19bkw_"YOU OVER THERE.. CONTACT this ip and this port .. but we are over here but they are over there!"
17:01.15Champiewell, it's a work in progress :)
17:02.30bkw_you should hear kram get started on SIP its really funny
17:02.48*** join/#asterisk haighis (
17:03.07vaewynSo... what do we have to do to replace some firmware with IAX2 instead of SIP?  :P
17:03.27vaewynA barbietone with IAX2 would be hilarious :P
17:03.40bmvaewyn: there are boxes that do iax2
17:03.43bkw_no just link the two sites with asterisk servers
17:04.24vaewynOOO!!! or a 7960 with IAX2 :}
17:04.38dheckamanI can think of something better
17:04.48voidptrbkw_: could you check that url i pasted
17:04.55dheckamana wifi ip phone
17:04.56vaewynAdit 600 with IAX2 and a gigE port?
17:04.57dheckamanwith iax2
17:05.05*** join/#asterisk mortck (
17:05.17vaewyn250$ though... :{
17:05.28mortckhi there, anyone knows something about openss7?
17:05.30vaewynI have big ideas... not pocketbooks :P
17:06.29mortckor any other ss7 stuff under linux?
17:07.54bkw_voidptr DAMN YOU call that .txt
17:08.04jimmyzhow do you do a goto extension number like exten => s,1,goto extension 1050
17:08.05flashanyone have a good sip toll(LD) that they use?
17:09.04voidptrbkw_ : lol ok :P
17:09.27voidptrdone... :P
17:09.33*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:09.34*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (
17:09.41MocMocHi there
17:09.49*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:10.35MocMocanyone know what HLIM stand for ?
17:10.45*** join/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
17:10.48bkw_voidptr whats the problem?
17:10.48dheckaman~google for HLIM
17:11.02voidptrbkw_: it dials too early ... or something
17:11.14bkw_this is PRI right?
17:11.34voidptrlike... i dial a number on the pabx... the pabx dials out... and * just dials aswell... and doesnt wait for the number to complete... or so
17:11.54bkw_IMPOSSIBLE its PRI
17:11.58voidptrNormal: Telco - pabx.... Now: Telco -> * -> pabx
17:12.01bkw_all the signalling is done via the D channel
17:12.11bkw_something else is wrong
17:15.14reseauxhi to all... to add more quality in SIP voip call what kind of parameter i have must add..
17:15.23reseauxnow i add tos=0x18
17:15.25bkw_reseaux depends
17:15.33voidptrif i call from the pabx 00653... after the 0065 the pabx dials my * already with 065
17:15.36bkw_that sents the TOS but then your routers have to do something with it
17:16.05bkw_reseaux what kind of routers you have?
17:16.07reseauxbkw_: I can made nothing... :-( i use Grandstream
17:16.19bkw_you have a few options for QoS are theypassing over a wan or the lan?
17:16.34reseauxmy scenario is very dirty...
17:16.41reseauxbkw_:my scenario is very dirty...
17:16.44bkw_yes it has grandstreams in it
17:17.03dheckamanbe nice
17:17.03reseauxbkw_:i have both sip client and * box behind a NAT..
17:17.20dheckamanquality... like voice quality?
17:17.27dheckamanor traffic quality
17:17.44reseauxdheckaman:yes i have some jittering...
17:17.56reseauxdheckaman:i think packet loss...
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk sousoux (
17:18.38reseauxBudgetone don have GSM codec so must use ALAW... expensive bandith...
17:19.07reseauxsome packet lost in chat :-)....
17:19.46reseauxdheckaman:have some idea how to add more quality?
17:19.57dheckamanget a better codec
17:20.02dheckamanwhat type of netowkr?
17:20.29reseauxnat+nat....i know.. is not good but is the only way i have..
17:20.38dheckamanyea, but whats the connection?
17:21.00reseauxadsl 1280/384 Mbit
17:21.27*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (~druid@
17:21.37dheckamanjust not enough bandwidth
17:22.04reseauxyeah... but i have no good audio
17:22.57*** join/#asterisk vvenka1 (
17:23.02dheckamanis there a better codec on the grandstream?
17:23.05Champie128kbit upstream here. Splendid audio
17:23.11Champieon a grandstream
17:23.18dheckamanI thought they were gonna put ilbc on it
17:23.20nova1izo: i found the problem...
17:23.31reseauxchampie:you use 711 alaw?
17:23.44Champieno way
17:23.45bmwhat is considered to be the best codec on a barbiephone?
17:23.53nova1thanks for your help
17:24.19reseauxdheckaman:i dont think.. from popdown menu i only see the 723 and 729
17:24.26Champiebut that one needs a license on the sip server
17:24.46reseauxChampie: yeah..good this moment i dont have it..
17:24.50bmChampie: and woef doesn't have it? :)
17:25.04Champiebm : my guess is woef has one...
17:25.15bmChampie: it works?
17:25.21reseauxdheckaman:When Budgetone plans to add ilbc?
17:25.29dheckamansee link ^
17:25.35ChampieEhm, have G729 as preferred codec, yes :)
17:25.36bkw_doughecka thats OLD NEWS
17:26.06MocMochow can I make x100p answer on first ring ?
17:26.15bkw_you can't I don't think
17:26.18dheckamanturn off caller ID
17:26.21dheckamanmine does
17:26.23bkw_oh ya
17:26.25bkw_you can do that
17:26.27bkw_but WHY?
17:26.29dheckamansince I dont have caller id
17:26.29bkw_callerid is neat
17:26.37bkw_dheckaman you tight wad
17:26.37dheckamanwell, I dont have caller id :P
17:26.38Champiebm : selected G729 for all choices and going to call you now to see if it works :)
17:26.45dheckamanits the companys analog line...
17:26.48bkw_Champie you have g729 lic for asterisk?
17:26.54bkw_dheckaman call and add it on the lines
17:26.56dheckamanthough I dont understand how it becomes analog
17:27.04dheckamanbecause they have a T1
17:27.07dheckamanmaybe its seperate
17:27.13bkw_Channel bank?
17:27.24dheckamansamsung pbx
17:27.47dheckamanits got 2 FAT cables
17:27.51dheckamanrunning to the patch panel
17:28.05dheckamanso I assume its on the pbx
17:28.07*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:28.25reseauxdheckaman:i see the link but is an old news... now Budgetone dont have it!!
17:28.29Champiebkw_ : I guess so :)
17:28.47*** join/#asterisk token (
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17:29.42bkw_Champie you do or you don't which is it?
17:30.33*** join/#asterisk Mike (
17:30.54bkw_tap tap tap dance around the question :P
17:30.56Champiebkw_ : I selected G729 for all possibel codec's and called bm. And it worked.
17:31.14bkw_but does aterisk have g729 if it doesn't then you won't be able to speak with asterisk
17:31.17ChampieI'm not the * admin
17:31.18bkw_I bet it was doing a passthru
17:31.34dheckamantry calling voicemail
17:31.35Champiepassthru doens't work yet
17:31.56Champieam looking for a way to make that work though :)
17:32.31*** part/#asterisk jsmith (~jsmith@
17:33.02Champiei need passthru to be able to fax
17:33.07MocMocdamn my x100p doesn't hangup when remote side does !!1
17:33.51outtoluncyoyo, do you know if the MWI flashes differently for the various types of content
17:33.53YoYomy x100p is lightning fast on hangups and answers
17:33.53Champieconfigged wrong switchtype ?
17:34.01bkw_YoYo yep
17:34.46bkw_YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT unless you get one!
17:34.46outtoluncyou said you worshiped your crisco, i didn't know you meant the grocery store kind <G>
17:34.54bkw_otl ahahah
17:35.00YoYoneeds a fucking FXS port on it though so I can transparently attach a cordless phone
17:35.16bkw_Not a bad idea
17:35.26YoYo2FXS even... one for cordless phone, one for fax/data
17:35.30bkw_thats what they make a 7920 for.. but they need to get SIP firmware for that bitch
17:35.44bkw_when cisco does get sip firmware i'm getting one
17:36.00YoYowhy wait for SIP?
17:36.06YoYowhen * gets sccp/skinny
17:36.13outtoluncgeez guys, only 150 ML's since yesterday evening.. you guys are slippin <G>
17:36.16bkw_SCCP doesn't work quite right with it if at all at this point
17:36.26bkw_ya the mailing list has slowed down
17:36.45bkw_we are going to merge chan_sccp and chan_skinny into one
17:36.59bkw_zozo and JerJer plus kram are going to make this happen
17:37.31YoYoBTW, bkw, I think I hvae a PIII/1Ghz/512MB/20GB for a cvs mirror
17:40.44*** join/#asterisk fearnor_ ([oSVHat0Uz@
17:41.00bkw_i'm moving to hawaii
17:41.55fearnor_is digium issuing g.729 licenses yet?
17:42.08fearnor_on last thing is that until jan 6th, they can't ;)
17:42.19ChampieI think yes
17:42.24jetsanyone have any ideas on how to do a skit on the word reliability (like server reliability, etc)
17:42.27jetslike a really lame skit
17:42.42dheckamanI thought of 50 million of them
17:43.20bkw_har har har
17:43.58*** join/#asterisk realboy (
17:44.02realboyhi all
17:44.09bkw_OH look we have a "realboy"
17:44.25realboyi get "Unknown RTP codec 19 received" while i try to call over chan_h323
17:44.32bkw_turn off VAD
17:44.34realboyand problem is one way audio
17:44.40bkw_VAD IS BAD
17:44.42bkw_now say it with me
17:44.44fearnor_realboy, iconnecthere?
17:44.46bkw_VAD IS BAD
17:44.57bkw_isometimesconnecthere uses sip
17:45.26realboyproblem is asterisk doesn't open the RTP channel to the remote end
17:45.36bkw_what cvs version?
17:45.44bkw_and what gear is on the far end?
17:46.03bkw_OH SHIT update
17:46.06realboyother end uses cisco
17:46.10bkw_lots of shit has been fixed since then
17:46.15bkw_and I mean ALOT
17:46.30bkw_a few hundred cvs commits
17:46.56realboyi have g729 licences, will there be ok after update?
17:47.07bkw_just don't touch va-certificate
17:47.14bkw_or move it
17:47.20dheckamanand do a make update
17:47.25dheckamannot cvs update
17:47.28bkw_yes make update
17:47.33dheckamanput that in the topic
17:48.02*** join/#asterisk juice (
17:48.23Mikebkw_: how many g729 licence you own?
17:48.41dheckamanhes renting
17:48.43Mikebkw_: its the same quality as GSM?
17:48.57bkw_yep but my cisco can speak it
17:49.12dheckamanwhat else can the cisco speak?
17:49.29Mikebkw_: so gsm and g729 in quality are ok? and g729 uses less bw
17:50.00realboyjust make update
17:50.03realboyand make
17:50.07realboymake install
17:50.17realboyis it OK?
17:50.28dheckamanmake update ; make clean ; make install
17:50.32dheckamantype that in
17:50.50dheckamanor should it be the other way around
17:51.39Mikebkw_: new firmware for sipura is out
17:52.49*** join/#asterisk dalabera (~Dalabera@
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17:53.46bkw_mike g729 doesn't use less bandwidth when you pay the ip tax
17:53.55bkw_gsm and 729 are equal
17:54.48bkw_ok savage garden is gay.. they are being added to my hold music list
17:55.57*** join/#asterisk ctooley (~ctooley@
17:56.39ctooleyI'm having trouble getting iaxComm to connect to asterisk.  I get "No registration for peer".  I am positive this is because it's set up wrong but I don't know how to set it up correctly.
17:57.59realboyi updated to latest cvs, and still getting one way audio problem with "Unknown RTP codec 19 received"
17:58.09realboyany guru ideas
17:58.30wwand g729 is an evil patent-encumbered proprietary beast
17:59.18reseauxFor every one use Sip-> ZAP and choppy audio i found a solution!!!
17:59.35outtoluncuse IAX <G>
17:59.39*** join/#asterisk MSpin (
17:59.46ctooleyreseaux, what's that?
17:59.59ctooleyouttolunc, sure if there was a usable phone that sounds great
18:00.13reseauxadd in zapata.conf jitterbuffers=30 and now works great!!
18:00.53Mikereseaux: mine works with 15
18:01.22*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
18:01.27reseauxMike:I found now my solution after a day of hard search...ehehehe
18:01.36Powerkilldo you thinks it's normal 19:01:01  up 11 days,  7:57,  1 user,  load average: 7,51, 6,90, 6,68
18:01.41Mikereseaux: it took me more days
18:01.42Powerkillfor a asterisk box ?
18:02.10YoYohrrm... headset cord is way too thick :/
18:02.11reseauxMike:bat now works great... and i nat+nat work!!!
18:03.12Mikereseaux: try calling to hold on music on a remote server
18:03.19Mikereseaux: sound will still be choppy
18:03.30Mikereseaux: but normal calls dont get choppy no more
18:03.31Miketry it
18:03.49reseauxmike:how can i try ... i dont remember .-)
18:04.02MocMocanyone got news about farfon ?
18:04.17MocMocwasim: ??? site being down for a few days
18:04.20MikeMocMoc: what kind of new would you like
18:04.43MocMocstatus of production...
18:04.44MikeMocMoc: i talked to wasim a few days back
18:05.02reseauxMike:farfon send a letter in late december and wrote about soon release...but today i dont receive nothing...
18:05.29MikeMocMoc: he told me he had 2 phones ready now
18:05.34MikeMocMoc: that it
18:06.11MocMocIve heard he had preproduction phone, about 8 of them
18:06.25*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
18:06.33MocMoche wanted to sell before asking to build a new casing for the next model
18:06.54MikeMocMoc: you want one?
18:07.14MocMocdepend of feature
18:07.42MocMocI will probably try to get one for making a review..
18:09.31MocMocBetter phone and open phone need to hit the market for * to get big
18:09.32Mikei wish i could just go to my local hardware provider and buy GS or sipuras
18:09.42Mikego with the money in the hand
18:09.48Mikeor farfones
18:09.53Mikeor what ever
18:09.58MocMoccisco is limited with *
18:10.13MocMocand im sure they want it that way
18:10.16Mikecisco doesnt work with anything else?
18:10.39MocMoccisco push their CallManager stuff
18:10.54MocMocthat cost alot of $$$ + a liscence for each phone connected to it
18:11.03*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
18:12.42Mikewell i just wish i could buy any kind of phone on any store here
18:13.07Mikeim sick of having to buy online wait some days
18:13.07Mikethen go to texas
18:13.07Mikefor my packages
18:13.07Mikethat sucks
18:14.20heisonis the S100i almost ready to ship?
18:14.25realboyi have a questions for RTP gurus
18:15.00realboyasterisk does not pass RTP stream if he see the Codec 19
18:15.10realboydo someone knows this?
18:15.12*** join/#asterisk jeroen_ (
18:19.49MocMocshould x100p detect when remote side hangup ?
18:23.08ctooleythe voicemails that people are leaving me are recorded very quietly.
18:24.14bkw_boi's just wanna have fun....
18:25.15MocMocbkw_, isn`t x100p beable to detect remote hangup and stuffs É
18:25.22*** join/#asterisk palmerc (
18:25.26ctooleyMocMoc, mine does.
18:25.43MocMocbeing 5 minutes that I have hangup
18:26.03MocMocbtw bkw_, im on another computer ;)
18:26.25*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
18:27.06MocMocctooley, I dont know what up with it
18:27.32bkw_Moc it detects hangup if the telco is sending the tones
18:27.57MocMocit connected to a Meridian 1 system ..
18:28.03MocMocI guess that the problem ;/
18:28.08*** join/#asterisk ambassador (
18:28.14palmercIs there a way to make Asterisk immediately establish RTP after sending INVITE?
18:28.23palmercBTW Hello
18:29.06ambassadorpalmerc: turn phone auto-answer feature on?
18:29.18palmercWell let me give a bit of background
18:29.31ambassadorwarning: I don't know much about asterisk
18:29.37palmercI've been trying to interface Asterisk with Voiceglo
18:29.47palmercEverything works except ring
18:30.30palmercI took a packet dump of Voiceglo's phone connecting to their server
18:30.52palmercIt seems that they get ring through the RTP stream, which is setup immediately after dialing
18:32.16palmercThat's my story
18:33.43*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
18:39.49bkw_smack smack smack it around... throw that pbx on the ground..
18:40.11bkw_stomp stomp stomp it dead... that nasty old pbx is dead...
18:40.15bkw_hehe i'm lame
18:41.23MocMocoh well that happen sometime
18:41.36bkw_it was funny when i was typing it
18:41.41bkw_but not after... hahah
18:42.21MocMocyou can make a sound with that, Around, Ground... Rime... Dead and Dead .. well doh..
18:42.57jensdanyone here have a GS on - looking for tftp debug to get the dataformat of cfg.txt
18:43.11bmhmm, wierd, snom 190 is cheaper than a 105
18:43.12bkw_jensd the formate is easy
18:43.18bkw_but the problem is the tftp server isn't standard
18:43.30jensdbkw_ the dataformat is evil binary - not plain text :-S
18:43.43bkw_the phone sends more to the tftp server so it knows what to send back
18:43.49bkw_and yes its text with some binary wrapper
18:43.57bkw_so the phone will accept it
18:44.17jensdbkw_ do you have a tcpdump of it? ;-)
18:44.49bkw_I won't let those evil phones on my network
18:45.15jensdbkw_ they said to me that it was all binary - and produced by their GAPS product (so i dont expect them to tell me the format - but i did ask :-P)
18:45.49bkw_you have to pay 16k for gaps
18:45.55bkw_its just as cheap to buy cisco
18:45.58bkw_and get better phones
18:46.12jensdbkw_ and i dont want to pay 16k for something i can do in an evening :-S
18:46.37bkw_when you crack it you will have to write the hacks into the tftp server
18:46.43bkw_because EVERY phone requests the cfg.txt
18:46.47jensdi just need the cfg.txt format if anyone can help?
18:46.48bkw_and i'm sure you don't want every phone doing it
18:47.01jensdi did the patch to an tftpd - just need the format of cfg.txt
18:47.28dheckamanif you could give me a way to make a tcpdump, I would.. I dont have GAPS though
18:47.49bkw_jensd do this
18:47.53bkw_view src of the html page
18:48.01bkw_you will see PXX
18:48.04jensdi have a GS phone also - but no place with gaps :-S - doenst use it for their service?
18:48.05bkw_its just all strung together like this
18:48.18bkw_one big asssss straing
18:48.20bkw_er string
18:48.28bkw_but its wrapped with some binary stuff so I don't know for sure
18:48.31dheckamanutilizing the full T1
18:48.37dheckamanfor a mandrakemove download :)
18:48.47*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
18:49.10jensdgotta try the idea with P1,P2,PX thing...
18:50.12MocMocSnom phone look very bad ..
18:51.12*** join/#asterisk w0schd (
18:51.28jrollysonMocMoc: the 100/105 is ugly. The 200 looks ok.
18:52.11*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
18:52.47MocMocit look like OLD phone
18:55.20Champieonly decent looking phone is the cisci
18:55.43Champiebarbietones look real cheapass
18:55.51Champie(which they are)
18:56.07bkw_they don't even make good paperweights
18:56.09MocMocyes BT look cheap..
18:56.49MocMocI dont understand, sell them for 5$ more, and make it look good
18:57.01MocMocand be strong
18:57.21vaewynBTs work... but barely... and yes... very cheap build
18:57.23*** join/#asterisk folsson (
18:57.27folssonHi guys!
18:57.36MocMocyea, a 130$ Cisco 7960  (with power adapter) would be nice
18:57.42folssonHow do I apply a patch from Mantis?
18:57.48*** join/#asterisk Jack_P0T (
18:57.57Champiethe BT's do work...
18:58.01bmdigger_: are there alternative firmwares for the barbietones?
18:58.22MocMocthere is a new one
18:58.41Jack_P0TWhere would I be able to find information on the smdi support?
18:58.46Champiealso for the HandyTone ?
18:58.47vaewynChampie: they do work... but there are still quite a few unexplainable problems sometimes
18:58.58Champietrue, ask bm :)
18:59.06Calistoevening all: anyone awake from uk who uses x100p
18:59.16Champieno probs here with my GS Handytone though
19:00.43MocMocfor BT there is one in developpement, but GS dont want to release because they dont want us to bitch more about their phone that we currently does
19:01.13*** join/#asterisk adke (
19:01.20MocMocbut I dont know how we can bitch more than that... the new version must be really bad ;)
19:01.44*** join/#asterisk arctwo (
19:02.14bkw_OK we need a linxworld conf call
19:02.22MocMocyes ..
19:02.22bkw_where are the digium folks
19:02.50MocMocbooth 112 ;)
19:02.55realboyI get Unknown RTP codec 19 received and one-way audio from chan_h323, i couldn't disable the VAD at the remote end
19:03.05bkw_realboy then you have issues
19:03.14bkw_if its a cisco gateway then just issue no vad on the dialpeer
19:03.15realboywhat must i do to make asterisk to open rtp channel?
19:03.17bkw_or on the port
19:03.55realboyi have no ability to control the remote end
19:04.33bkw_you have no choice here
19:04.45realboybkw_:does one way audio is the cause of VAD?
19:04.46bkw_vad is bad
19:04.53bkw_what is the remote end?
19:05.01mbrancawhere's steven?
19:05.02realboycisco i guess
19:05.03bkw_cisco call mangler? or a something else?
19:05.12bkw_if its call manager then you will never get it working
19:05.19bkw_you get 6 second calls with oneway audio now?
19:05.23bkw_well 6-10 seconds
19:05.42realboyno calls are with unlimited lenght but one way
19:06.08bkw_dont know what to tell ya
19:06.12realboyi couldn't understand why * cuts the rtp stream
19:06.22*** part/#asterisk juanaca (
19:06.24realboythere is no transcoding, only passthrough
19:06.55realboycall setup is like that
19:07.05Jack_P0Tdoes anyone know how much support asterix has for smdi?
19:07.09Calistoanyone know if theres anything special about connecting a x100p to UK style connector or can i just get a straight rj11 to weird BT shite cable
19:07.39realboybkw_: there is no codec or rtp translation
19:07.42bkw_oh pass thru on 723 in tha that manner is broken
19:07.57bkw_majorly broken
19:08.03bkw_its on openh323's side too
19:09.03realboybkw_: so there is no way
19:10.09bkw_realboy you ahve those allow lines in ?
19:10.33bkw_realboy if they won't turn off vad try asterisk-oh323 then
19:11.07bkw_realboy back over here
19:11.10bkw_in the channel
19:11.40jrollysonbkw_: you get your headset yet?
19:12.44vaewynHmm... anyway to playback the *.gsm files from voicemail with tcat without it sounding all $%#$%y?
19:15.57bkw_jrollyson not for the laptop
19:17.40*** join/#asterisk Vanessa (
19:17.40Calistoanyone from the uk alive tonight
19:17.48*** part/#asterisk Vanessa (
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
19:19.47vaewynI can see how they did the sound effects for radio talk in star wars... just send it through GSM <-> OGG :}
19:20.34*** join/#asterisk james (
19:21.18Calistojames: hello is providing "*  Web based administrative interface"
19:21.38jamesanyone knows if its based on Asterisk?
19:21.50jamesdo we have any "web based admin interface"?
19:21.56jameshello calisto
19:22.29jamesno meaning siprack is not asterisk based or they developed something out of GPL
19:22.34wwgood article:
19:23.50zoajames: where do you see that ?
19:23.50swirlnetsIt sounds like *
19:24.01zoathat * web based admini... ?
19:26.12jamesgot to and then go to the feature list (right hand side bottom)
19:26.14bkw_james then they have to give us the src to it
19:26.46bmbkw_: they don't, if they can proove that the web based stuff is stand-alone
19:26.49jamesthat's exactly what I was thinking unless they signed terms outside of LGPL with digium
19:26.51bkw_ah true
19:27.06bkw_but siprack can bite me
19:27.06jamesthat's not fair though
19:27.29derricki've always been unclear on that stuff...
19:27.33jamesbut based on the information, are we sure that siprack is indeed asterisk based?
19:27.37*** part/#asterisk sousou (
19:27.38derrickyou can't have a proprietary interface to an opensource tool?
19:27.49vaewynYou can
19:28.13derrickthat's what i thought...what is it about siprack that would be violating gpl?
19:28.39jamesasterisk is not really opensource in the sense that digium is the god owner. if they want, they can release a code snapshot to you and from then onwards, you can do anything you want to with that without sharing even a tad bit with others
19:28.42vaewynYou can't use gpl code in your code without gpl'ing it... but you can right data conversion or whathaveyou without caring about the gpl
19:29.01vaewynwrite even
19:29.08derrickthat's what i thunk
19:29.10bkw_vaewyn you can use gpl code and modify it
19:29.14derrickthat's what it looks like siprack did
19:29.18bkw_but if you release it you have to include the changes also
19:29.33bkw_but if theydidn't hook into asterisk then no big deal
19:29.42derrickdefine hook?
19:29.50vaewynbkw_: don't even have to release it... if you have it in active use you must publish it also...
19:29.51bkw_ie using any of the api
19:29.58vaewynbut correct otherwise
19:30.18bkw_vaewyn no if you use internal stuff you don't have to release it
19:30.24derrickso if a tool uses the * api it has to be gpl?  that doesn't seem right?
19:30.24bkw_you only have to release it if you make it public
19:30.29vaewynThey can talk over the management stuff and as long as they don't use * code they are fine
19:30.36bkw_derrick its linking to asterisk thus bound by the gpl
19:30.54bkw_that is if it is
19:30.54*** join/#asterisk james_ag (
19:31.03derrickok, i think i'm confusing api and agi
19:31.05james_agwth....i lost my connection
19:31.08bkw_hehe yep
19:31.09derrickwhen you say linking do you mean linking in libs?
19:31.29james_aganyway, bkw_, you were going to poke siprack? any luck yet?
19:31.34derrickyeah, i had api/agi bits twiddled
19:31.35bkw_james not yet
19:31.50james_agi saw a lot of servers on atacomm
19:32.03james_agare they provinding some sort of admin GUI
19:32.07vaewynok... are toast/untoast/tcat screwed up or does * not use standard gsm libs/format?
19:32.13bkw_no its standard
19:32.41james_agmy biggest problem is admin management interface
19:32.48vaewynhmm... wth then?  tcat blah.gsm > /dev/dsp sounds like crud... pops stutters... high frequency noise..
19:33.11bkw_toast has never worked for me
19:33.16outtoluncthink maybe you are shoving it in too fast <G>
19:33.19bkw_sox works fine
19:33.29james_aga couple of cust i spoke tell me that with the current config structure, they may need to hire a full time employee for maintenance and i have learnt one think, CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. SO don't flame me pls
19:33.30vaewynif I do sox blah.gsm blah.ogg  and ogg123 blah.ogg is sounds great
19:34.24bkw_james_ag see thats where you are very wrong
19:34.27bkw_customers are NEVER RIGHT
19:34.28dheckamanogg sound files?
19:34.32bkw_we just have to play like they are
19:34.58outtoluncif the customer were right, we would still be using typewriters
19:35.04james_agohh noo...if the customer says that he needs a GUI that means we provide it to seal the deal
19:35.12james_agnor argument there
19:35.26bkw_so we need astset
19:35.47bkw_who wants to help?
19:36.08blitzrageanyone know spanning tree ?
19:36.33*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
19:36.49blitzrageQuestion:  Should the bridge overwrite existing entries with new entries before the old entries have timed out, or should the new entries be ignored?
19:36.49tclarkbkw_: netset web admin from 3com ? url
19:37.02bkw_tclark its built into the NBX
19:37.06bkw_its a nice web based setup
19:37.17tclarkurl of screen pic ?
19:37.21illc0mmmHey guys, is there a page somewhere that takes about the different echo cancelation schemes used in the zaptel stuff?
19:37.25bkw_let me see if I can get access to one
19:37.31illc0mmmlike MARK2, MARK3, etc...
19:37.33tzangerillc0mmm: yes head to the wiki and read up
19:37.41tzangerI think it's there anyway
19:37.42dheckamanillc0mmm: echo training works
19:37.56illc0mmmso MARK2 w/ the Agressive deal?
19:37.57dheckamanno need to use any of that other stuff
19:38.23*** join/#asterisk sousou (
19:38.41illc0mmmi was just rebuilding a box, couldn't remember what I did before but thought MARK2 w/ agressive in the zconfig.h is what I did
19:39.23bkw_just dig around in there i'm going to totally rip most of that off
19:39.41james_agtclark_ here you go..
19:40.08james_aguh....never mind. bkw was fast enough
19:40.17dheckamannice looking
19:40.30derrickif you like mfc widgets...
19:40.35illc0mmmlooks nice
19:40.57bkw_i'm going to make it look nicer than that
19:41.00bkw_but you get the idea
19:41.12outtoluncthe device list is an area that needs work
19:41.12illc0mmmdheckaman: Are you saying not to use MARK2 w/ AGRESSIVE?
19:43.00dheckamanI dont
19:43.02dheckamanworks great
19:43.08tclarktzanger: what is url for the multi-platform xml ui app
19:43.11*** join/#asterisk slyphon (
19:43.28slyphonhello! does anyone know if there's a dtmf key that allows you to transfer a call when in a conference room?
19:44.37dheckamanI think
19:45.02slyphonis there any way to do it?
19:45.22slyphoni'm trying to call someone who doesn't have a SIP phone _from_ the conference room
19:46.17*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
19:46.31bkw_ok i'm getting started on this.. I said I was lastmonth but damn it.. i'm starting now
19:46.36tclarkyea thx that is what bxw might want looks at as the dev platform for web admin
19:47.00tclarkbkw_: might wanta peek at
19:47.14Champieslyphon : I'm searching the dtmf key to swap between lines end to put 2 lines in a conference
19:47.23*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
19:47.54Champiehave an ordinary phone hooked up to VoIP with an ata
19:48.19bkw_thats intresting
19:48.48*** join/#asterisk scotthh (
19:51.16bmis there a changelog to the beta budgetone firmwares?
19:52.32zoabm not that i know of
19:52.37zoaif you find one, let me know
19:52.46Champiefigures :)
19:52.46tclarktzanger: could you demo to bkw some in house custom stuff you have done with xwt ?
19:53.30zoaguys, is asterisk using a lot of disk swapping ?
19:53.37zoaeg for a big server, should i use SCSI ?
19:53.47Champiedon't think so
19:54.01Champieswapping is bad by the way, just add memory
19:54.17zoais asterisk using HD intensively ?
19:54.22zoa(if any disk usage)
19:54.32ChampieI wouldn't know why...
19:54.33*** join/#asterisk jaycard (
19:54.35zoaand is asterisk going wild on memory writes ? (probably yes)
19:54.59jaycardHey all, is anyone still using voicemail2 with mysql dbase?
19:55.15Champiememory writes, no idea
19:55.23Champiezoa also in dot be I see :)
19:55.39Champiekulnet I noticed earlier :p
19:56.48zoachampie: you too ?
19:56.57Champiebut not kulnet
20:02.41Calistoanyone from the uk alive tonight
20:03.19TangentHi Calisto
20:03.39Calistohi tangent  ... you from uk
20:03.49TangentCertainly am :)
20:03.53*** join/#asterisk YoYo_ (
20:04.06Calistodon't happen to have x100p do you
20:04.20TangentIt jsut so happens I do :)
20:05.05Calistodo you know wether a standard map;lins rj11 to bt thingy will work for connecting to bt line do you
20:05.15*** join/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
20:05.28TangentYep.. should do... X100P is essentially a voicemodem
20:05.51Calistocool will get one tommorow then got my x100p installed and configed but no cable
20:06.14Calistoany idea whether the callerid works on telewest lines the docs say some cable companies
20:06.44bmwhat's the latest grandstream budgetone beta firmware?
20:06.56TangentNo idea.. sorry... CallerID doens't even work on my BT line for me... but that's due to BT's incompetance rather than any technical difficulty
20:07.32bmzoa: and where can I find that one?
20:07.53Calistoyeah but apparently according to a guide I read it def not work on bt but does on some cable services
20:08.12Calistotangent: you using * for personal or business use
20:12.50Mike---I've got a problem..
20:13.17Mike---how do I turn of this:
20:13.19Mike---Jan 20 21:06:47 NOTICE[1217602880]: chan_zap.c:3640 zt_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension
20:13.44Mike---I dont want * to care about faxdetection ...
20:13.47jtoddMike: search the mailing list for the last month, scan for term "DSP"
20:14.36ChampieMike : tell me how you got * to do fax detection, I need that :)
20:15.49vaewynChampie: right now the zaptel stuff is messed and is thinking they are ALL faxes :P
20:15.53vaewynafter some time
20:15.58Mike---Champie: try installing it from the cvs
20:16.01Mike---*mumble* :)
20:16.08zoacvs doesnt work either it hthink
20:16.14Mike---my config: PRI -> * -> PABX
20:16.20zoago back to old DSP
20:16.44Mike---the fax is a analog extension under the PABX.. so I just want * to route everything to the pabx
20:16.53Mike---but no .. hte * want to play faxgod
20:17.14Mike---cant find anything in the mailinglist ?
20:17.27Mike---is there no way to turn of the fax detection ?
20:17.42TangentCalisto: Sorry.. was on the phone... I'm using * for both personal and business uses
20:17.44Mike---I just want * to sit nicley inbetween my PRI and my PABX
20:17.50TangentCalisto: Business is run from my home currently
20:18.08jtoddmike: let me know if that trivial search doesn't have the answer you're looking for or a lead to it.
20:18.48Mike---jtood. .looking for a mail that might be able to help me..
20:19.19zoajtodd: is it notransfer=yes or transfer=no in iax.conf ?
20:19.32zoaor both ?
20:19.52zoaalso, how do you like the experimental iax.conf bridging ?
20:20.10jtodd[root@burn1 configs]# grep transfer /usr/src/asterisk/configs/iax.conf.sample
20:20.10jtodd;notransfer=yes         ; Disable IAX native transfer
20:20.29zoabut does a transfer=no also work ?
20:20.34zoai mean can i set that on both ends ?
20:20.42zoalike do not allow calls that got transfered ?
20:21.00h3xheh no i dont think so
20:21.12h3xthe point of notransfer is to force asterisk to relay the voice through
20:21.20zoai know
20:21.26bmzoa: /msg me url if you find it, thnx :) /me food
20:22.03bmzoa: thnx hon
20:22.17jtoddzoa: set notransfer=yes if you want the media to be handled through the * server on which the command resides.
20:22.35ManxPowerI've actually never seen IAX do a real transfer.
20:22.40jtoddzoa: not sure what beta iax.conf bridging you're referring to... haven't seen note of it yet.
20:22.48ManxPowerIt doesn't seem to work with IAXTel.
20:23.21jtoddManxPower: do you have two iax clients?  try it with your own server.
20:23.32*** part/#asterisk slyphon (
20:25.53*** join/#asterisk wsmith (
20:25.58zoajtodd: look at chan_iax.c
20:26.03zoayou can uncomment a line there
20:26.15wsmithi just installed the mysql cdr addon. do I have to enable it in any config files, or will loading the module be enough?
20:27.15*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
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20:27.35swirlnetsis there an easy way to run an application if a var=0
20:27.40*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
20:28.00cypromisI just found out that I don't recognise release cause 17 on pri's as busy
20:28.02cypromiswhy is that ?
20:28.40illc0mmmHey all, anyone know any good optimization tips for * on VIA C3 Ezra ?
20:28.52illc0mmmor is it not worth it?
20:29.31ManxPowerI think the best one is "Switch to Intel or AMD"
20:29.38illc0mmmuh, yeah.
20:29.43zoawsmith: /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf
20:29.46jtoddzoa: I don't know what you're referring to, if it's a recent patch.  Nothing looks like a native bridge patch in the cvs updates in the last ~15 days.
20:29.54ManxPowerThe VIA processors are not known for their power.
20:29.57illc0mmmI know
20:29.58zoacypromis: dunno
20:30.05illc0mmmjust talking about compile stuff, it's just for a houe
20:30.06zoai think i have the same problem
20:30.12illc0mmmnothing major
20:30.22zoacypromis: do a pri  intense debug
20:30.36zoaand post it on if you are sure its a bug
20:30.47cypromiszoa: why intense ?
20:30.52cypromisI can see it without intense
20:30.57cypromisrelease cause = 17
20:31.01cypromishangup ..
20:31.17illc0mmmManxPower: The dell poweredge server I was uising was a little bit overkill for a home pbx
20:31.17[Sim]hey cypromis
20:31.23[Sim]hows life/
20:31.27cypromishi sim
20:31.31cypromisredoing web/mail stuff :)
20:31.36cypromisand waiting for the nl did's
20:31.50cypromisalso redid the india office
20:32.00cypromisso maybe finally I can rollout all the basics
20:32.05cypromisand jump to the next level
20:32.20cypromisthis is definately a bug
20:32.48wsmithzoa: i have a cdr_mysql.conf. is there an asterisk command to see if it is working?
20:33.03cypromissim: do you get a busy signmal on busy callouts on zap e1 pri's ?
20:33.26zoawsmith i'd say look at the dbase
20:33.38[Sim]erhm, I dunno, I hardly ever get busy signal :)
20:33.43wsmithzoa: show modules shows it, but there is nothing in the database
20:33.45zoa[sim] me neither
20:33.49cypromiscould you try ?
20:33.51zoawell then its not working
20:33.58zoacypromis: gimme a busy number and i will
20:34.06[Sim]I'm trying to think how to force a line busy
20:34.16cypromisit suxx
20:34.21zoasim: Exten=>1,1,busy
20:34.27cypromisit just hangsup and than customers call the helpline that it hangsup on them
20:34.29zoabut on the same pri its kinda stupid
20:35.46zoagimme an international busy number
20:35.50zoaand i'll call it
20:35.52zoasee what it gives me
20:36.46cypromis,1,Busy does not work either
20:36.53zoahmmz :)
20:37.00zoawell gimme that number
20:37.05zoaor use your pstn line
20:37.10zoaand leave it off hook
20:37.13zoaand i'll dial that number
20:37.16cypromisI don't have any pstn lines
20:37.16zoa<-- has no psnt
20:37.19cypromisjust 8 PRI's
20:37.21zoame neither
20:37.24zoame too
20:37.32zoaanyone with pstn in here ? :)
20:37.45izoi have one at home
20:37.48[Sim]got some bri, got some pri
20:37.56jtoddzoa: "international" means what nation?
20:37.57[Sim]no analog shite
20:38.27jtoddzoa: +43 800 800 888
20:38.40jtoddzoa: That's Austria.  Should be a recording.
20:39.21zoarecording ?
20:39.23zoai want busy
20:39.40zoasomebody take your phone off hook
20:39.43zoafor bug testing
20:40.11jtoddzoa: OK, I ask again, what nation is "international" for you?  Would north america work/
20:40.26[Sim]for zoa that would be international enough I think
20:40.33cypromisjtodd: ANY
20:40.39jtoddOK, hang on.
20:40.52[Sim]if my memory serves me right, anywhere outside belgium is international for zoa :)
20:41.39zoaanythint is good
20:41.43zoanational is also good
20:41.58KalDhave I told you all lately that * rocks?
20:42.17*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
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20:42.24ixmark here?
20:42.41jrollysonix: he's at linuxworld I think
20:42.48ixoh yeah forgot about that
20:43.08mrgobyare there any characters that are not allowed in the name of a context besides the squarebraces ?
20:43.37mrgobyor, rather, what characters <i>are</i> allowed in
20:44.35swirlnetsI am still haveing issue that my calls are getting redirected to the fax exten, this CVS from about 30 min ago, I do not see a line to uncomment about old DSP routines
20:45.22swirlnetsany ideas?
20:47.08*** join/#asterisk jvdeepak (
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20:48.43jvdeepakhas anyone configured oh323 for a service provider?.......  like terminating international calls with a H323 service provider?
20:49.06barrysHas anyone implemented functionality to announce to all members in meetme
20:49.09zoacypromis: i confirm
20:49.17zoajvdeepak: i did
20:49.23zoaah shit
20:49.25cypromisyeah just talking to martin
20:49.25jvdeepakoh great
20:49.28zoanot oh323
20:49.30zoai tested it
20:49.34barrysSorry that is announce from a file to all members in meetme
20:49.39zoabut it didnt work the way i wanted
20:49.49jvdeepakzoa: oh ok
20:50.11jvdeepakzoa: do you have any sample config files?
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20:50.36jvdeepaki am not able to figure out where to put the username and password..............
20:53.24steeshrm, can someone give me some help using ''
20:53.49steesI just want to dial a number via Zap/1 and Play whatever.gsm down the line
20:54.29zoanot any more jvdeepak
20:54.43zoadoesnt log it as busy
20:54.50zoaput it on
20:55.02cypromistalking to martin
20:55.09zoawhat does he say ?
20:55.17zoai tried putting a busy exten in there
20:55.20zoaaint working
20:55.21cypromisI have complaining customers on a live calling card system ...
20:55.24zoaand no busy in the cdr either
20:55.30cypromisyeah I know
20:55.40cypromisit looks like the zaptel driver ignores the q931 17 message
20:55.52zoai'll put it on bugs
20:55.57zoathen you can confirm it :)
20:55.59illc0mmmcan I use ZTMonitor with an echo test?
20:56.15cypromisillc0mmm: meaning ?
20:56.27cypromisu want to record a echotest ?
20:56.34illc0mmmSorry, to adjust the echo with out using a live person
20:56.43illc0mmmlike rx/tx gain
20:56.50mrgobystees    that should be easy
20:56.50cypromisaaah ok
20:56.59cypromisprobably if you dialin via zap and go to the echotest
20:57.11illc0mmmokay, that's what I was going to try
20:57.20illc0mmmjust have to find somewhere to do it now. :)
20:57.35mrgobystees:  make an extension that will play the file you would like to a callee
20:58.11mrgobythen, just edit the file to dial the person on your Zap channel and connect him/her to that extension
20:58.52mrgobythen just toss the file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
20:59.10*** join/#asterisk stevek (
20:59.13steesI was trying to dial the number and directly play the file in
20:59.20voidptrhey stevek :)
20:59.28stevekhi :)
20:59.34mrgobyno, call files work by calling the number, and connecting it to an extension
20:59.41mrgobyjust as if they called in themselves
20:59.42MocMocso anyone went to see Digium ?
20:59.44voidptrhows life treating you?
20:59.55voidptryeah ;)
20:59.58stevekOK.  I've actually been getting work done without being on IRC :)
21:00.21stevekI was just dropping in to find out about getting TE410P or TE415P..
21:00.22*** part/#asterisk angom (~angomg@
21:00.48stevekI'd prefer the 5V model if it's coming _very_ soon, but apparently the 3.3V model is now sold out too!
21:01.00voidptrmark has done some work on it, and got it to work now... afaik
21:01.19reseauxsorry... what happend?
21:01.28stevekhey, is he at Javits now?
21:01.32zoacypromis: comment on this please:
21:01.33stevekMaybe I should walk over there :)
21:01.34reseauxno more TE410P!!! sold out?!
21:01.45voidptrwanna buy my te410p?
21:01.46stevekoh, tomorrow is the show..
21:01.53stevekI need two!
21:01.53voidptrabout 6k eur and its yours :P
21:02.05stevekAt that price, I'll take 0.
21:02.11steesmrgoby: so in the call file... Application: Dial \n Data: 700
21:02.16steeswhere 700 is teh exten to connect to ?
21:03.56*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
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21:04.44cypromisok martinp is working on it and we will test it later tonight
21:04.54cypromisn8 folks :)
21:05.04zoai think its the same with congestion etc
21:05.10stevekbye cypromos.
21:05.27mrgobystees:   you will put in the following
21:05.41mrgobyChannel: Zap/blahblha
21:05.43stevekalmost sounds like a spammer name when you mispell it..
21:06.05mrgobyContext: yourContOfExten
21:06.05stevekcypromis -> cypromos -> cyber promos :)
21:06.05mrgobyExtension: yourExten
21:06.15mrgobyPriority: yourPrior
21:06.25voidptri guess i'll go too
21:06.32mrgobyor, yes you can use the Application too
21:06.34stevekso, anyone know if Kram is supposed to be here in new york?
21:06.37mrgobyi havent used that though
21:07.03MocMocstevek, Im sure he is...
21:07.35MocMocT1 card cost alot, even for people who just want to play with them ..
21:07.56steesmrgoby: cool, it dials the number anyway
21:07.56stevekThey're the cheapest around..
21:08.02steesnow to get it to connect to the extension
21:08.06mrgobystees:  come to think of it, you should be able to do it without adding an extension in exten.conf
21:08.12mrgobyi havent made use of that feature
21:08.17mrgobybut it looks appetizing
21:08.28steeseventually it needs to be dynamic
21:08.31mrgobybut, you would only get one App Call out of it
21:08.33steesI'm thinking AGI would be better ?
21:08.39MocMocMaybe, but still alot for home user
21:08.52mrgobyyeah, depends on what you would be doing
21:09.07mrgobybut, in the case of the Playback
21:09.12mrgobyit might not work
21:09.18steesthis is for business - need to get it to call a phone and play a dynamically generated message when a server goes down
21:09.23mrgobybecause you typically have to make an Answer call first
21:09.28steese.g. "box X is down... FIX IT"!!"
21:09.28mrgobyto have audio go down the line
21:09.44mrgobyyeah...  you would probably have to call Answer first
21:09.48mrgobyso they could hear
21:09.54mrgobydont take my word for it though
21:09.56derricki've heard tale of a nagios extension for *..i think it does that reporting..i may be wrong tho
21:10.04MocMocIs there a Rental Digium Store ? or something ? hehe
21:10.18MocMoclike pay 70$ to get a 4 port T1 for a week
21:10.26MocMocok 2 week
21:10.28mrgobyyes, NuFone  :)
21:10.43mrgobyuse, but dont touch
21:10.52mrgobybut, what is the fun in that
21:14.52unixdawganyon e here on fbsd 4.9
21:15.07MocMocI have to win the lotery and get a T1 at home .. or 2
21:15.32*** join/#asterisk j35 (
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21:16.32unixdawgwhat dir is mqueue.h in
21:16.50mrgobywhat IRC client is good on Widoze ??
21:16.57mrgobyto be completely off topic
21:16.58russTwhen do you use overlap dialing?
21:17.37*** join/#asterisk ecd (
21:18.20MocMocthe CFwdALL option on 7960 will forward only LINE 1 or all the line ?
21:19.43bkw_all lines out proxy_Address1
21:20.09*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
21:20.13bkw_T1's are so like 90's
21:20.31brc007how so?
21:20.35heisonbkw_: what is the advantage of using IAX over say SIP / H323?
21:21.06mrgobyheison:  all about the traversal of the firewall
21:21.32mrgobythe old in and out
21:21.50jtoddheison: trunking.  In some instances, savings of 150% of bandwidth.
21:21.51heisonmrgoby: what about packet size, header size, etc...
21:22.28mrgobyheison:  i am not sure about the structure and bandwidth required for the messaging, so much as the voiceData
21:22.51heisonjtodd: can you show me an example how 150% of bandwidth can be achieved?
21:23.01derricki get less latency w/ iax as well
21:23.20bkw_DING DING DING we have a winner
21:23.24heisonderrick: less latency?
21:23.25*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
21:23.33bkw_eeeekkkkkkssss ROCKS
21:23.34derrickbkw has a graph o' the savings
21:23.39*** join/#asterisk james_ag (
21:23.58jtoddheison: google "iax codec comparison"
21:24.13heisonbkw_: the one with 6 calls?
21:24.14derrickoh yeah, and i think jtodd wrote up a whole test scenario
21:24.33bkw_for those of us who want to see it
21:24.47derrickon that note..are there any software call load generators for free?
21:25.05bkw_its called asterisk
21:25.08derrickgraphs and porn are the only reason i have a graphical browser...and they're pretty mucht he same thing to me
21:25.22sadjonI'm trying to setup * with SIP (xlite) and H323 GK
21:25.27derrickbkw, can it generate the 200 concurrent calls for me to test *?
21:25.29bkw_xlite can bite me
21:25.32bkw_xpro can too
21:25.41jtoddderrick: yes, but they're mostly "academic" software and not of much use.  If you find one, post it to the list - we're all looking for decent SIP call load test tools.
21:25.49bkw_derrick I thought you had the stuff to test with already
21:25.54bkw_you and your 127 call sip limit?
21:25.56derricki think i'm just gonna homebrew one if i get the time
21:26.02derricknothing i've found does allt he diff ones i need
21:26.03bkw_or is that fixed now?
21:26.12derrickno it's not, wanna work on it later?
21:26.20bkw_please lets do
21:26.24bkw_I gotta see this
21:26.41derricki'm not sure what state that portion of hte lab is in so lemme straighten it out and finish some other crap
21:26.51*** join/#asterisk jc (
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21:27.10sadjonHaving a problem with * and the SIP/H323 voice path
21:27.12derrickit'd be an hour or two from onw atleast..i'm not at a stopping point
21:27.31derrickyou love mantis, so shutup
21:27.36bdecan anyone tell me why when i place a call, i hear static and gibberish on my end but the person that i call can hear what i say perfectly?
21:27.37bkw_NO MANTIS can bite me
21:27.41bkw_its crap
21:27.45bkw_I wanna wget them damn patches
21:27.50derricki kills firebird once a day for me
21:27.50bkw_but NOOOOOOOOOOO
21:27.56derrickand like i said..i can't use w3m or lynx on i'm screwed
21:28.13sadjonAnyway, I'm getting the following message:
21:28.25sadjonWARNING[32789]: res_parking.c:226 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels SIP
21:28.25sadjon/jsadler-18f5 and H323/
21:28.51sadjon209.1 is supposed to be the GK address, not the GW...
21:30.27sadjonsorry, 209.1 is the GK address, but not the GW address
21:31.22sadjonany thoughts?
21:32.47Mike---does anybody know what this means ?
21:32.49Mike---channel.c:1625 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 68) to 1
21:34.51zoawhat are you trying to do Mike ?
21:35.02Champieanybody have the cfg.txt for a Grandstream Handytone 286 ?
21:35.02Mike---I have to *
21:35.03zoais zaptel loaded ?
21:35.08Mike---two * eeven..
21:35.42Mike---I am trying to place a call from a sip client on one * to another * via IAX2.. and route that call to a PABX
21:35.44*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
21:35.46bdecan anyone tell me why asterisk would do this: IAX2[voicepulse]/4 stopped sounds right after it placed a call?
21:35.56Mike---and yes the * with the Qaud E1 works..
21:35.57Champiezoa ?
21:36.07zoanot me champie
21:36.15zoabut you might want to have a look at:
21:36.26zoain the sip file
21:36.31zoazip file
21:36.36zoai think there is a .cfg file
21:36.47Champienope, no cfg there :(
21:36.55zoathen i don't know
21:37.00zoatry tcpdump
21:37.14zoaon a version
21:37.50Champiebm has one, but he's afk :(
21:38.04jensdi'm also looking for a cfg.txt from tcpdump ;-)
21:38.18bkw_I swear grandstream tries to keep that stuff from us
21:38.28bmyou don't need the cfg.txt
21:39.06Champiemy handytone doesn't take the .40 firmware from my tftp
21:40.44*** join/#asterisk Champie (
21:40.46Champiewtf ?
21:41.16jensdchampie: ht.bin (handytone) is not updated in .40 firmware
21:41.34jensdbm: why i dont need cfg.txt?
21:41.48bmjensd: I don't have one, and it works
21:41.58bmthe cfg.txt is for pre-configuring afaik
21:42.20jensdbm: but i wanna do a pre-config setup - that's why i need the file for debugging :-P
21:42.22Champieis for bulk configuring your phones
21:42.29Champieah :)
21:42.34bmjensd: ah, wait, I have a url describing how it works
21:43.38j35does anyone have an example of how to link 2 asterisk servers togeather via IAX2, i try but i just keep getting registration refused
21:44.15jensdbm: cfg.txt is not clear text - it is something binary :-S
21:44.45bmjensd: nu clue then
21:48.08unixdawgok this is going to be fun getting * to work on 5.x bsd
21:48.27unixdawgany other bsd users
21:48.59lecramyes, but not on -current
21:49.21unixdawgwell I loaded 5.2 up to try and get it working
21:49.39heisonbkw_: if I have 2 G729 licenses with Asterisk, what happens with the 3rd call? does it have a fall back?
21:49.40unixdawgbut now comes the work
21:49.42lecramI had a cow orker try that... he didn't get very far
21:50.15lecramit wasn't someone that was supposed to run -current anyway...
21:50.56lecramwhat's the output of make look like?
21:51.36tzangerhmm did voicepulse just go down??
21:51.55tzangerJan 20 12:19:40 WARNING[98311]: chan_iax2.c:1128 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2[voicepulse]/1 (type = 6, subclass = 2, ts=1007999, seqno=136)
21:52.05tzangerthat's what I got in the middle of a call, and now I just get fast busy
21:52.42bdetzanger: it has been happening to me too
21:53.11tzangerbde damn ok
21:53.14tzangerI was having GREAT call quality oto
21:53.25tzangeriax2 set jitter 250
21:53.38bdedo you usually have good call quality with them? because mine is erratic
21:55.49tzangerI'm playing with jitter buffer settings
21:55.54tzangertotally fucking undocumented though
21:55.59tzangerand the chan_iax2.c is a little obscure
21:56.14heisonanyone using G729 with nufone?
21:56.20tzangerit seems that I have to iax2 set jitter explicity to get a MINIMUM jitter buffer, it seems to ignore the maxexcessbuffer paramteer
21:58.41*** join/#asterisk hermie (
22:03.05*** join/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
22:03.10*** join/#asterisk Carp (
22:03.23CarpWhats the name of the card for outside lines?
22:03.34CarpI am setting up a system with 4 outside lines
22:03.37tzangerCarp: X101P
22:03.38CarpCant remember which is which
22:04.12CarpIs that on the digium website?
22:04.27CarpI see X100P, but thats only for people calling you, you cant call them can you?
22:06.08j35X100P cards are FXO ports
22:06.12j35so you can call in and out via those
22:06.35CarpDo they make ones with 4 ports?
22:06.41Carpfor 4 outside lines
22:06.51Carpso I need 4 cards to have 4 outside lines?
22:07.45*** join/#asterisk munisp_ (~munisp@
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22:09.08bdecan anyone tell me why i am experiencing this error when i try to make a call out?
22:09.08bde-- Called xxx@NuFone/15189993355
22:09.09bde-- Call accepted by (format GSM)
22:09.09bde-- Format for call is GSM
22:09.09bde-- IAX2[NuFone]/4 stopped sounds
22:09.09bde-- Hungup 'IAX2[NuFone]/4'
22:09.10*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
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22:17.00ManxPowerbde, That's not an error
22:17.16*** join/#asterisk daork (~daork@
22:17.21heisonanyone using G729 with nufone? If I have only 2 G729 licenses, what happens to the third call? Is there a fall back codec?
22:17.35ManxPowerheison, I don't believe Nufone supports G729
22:17.51ManxPowerOr if they do it's not official.
22:18.45bdeManxPower: what is happening?
22:18.51heisonhmm... okay, what about if I have 2 boxes and I have 2 G729 licenses on each... what happens to the 3rd call?
22:19.10ManxPowerbde, Your call went thru and then after some time one side hung up.
22:19.25ManxPowerheison, I don't know.  You could ask on the mailing lsit.
22:19.28ManxPowerlist too
22:19.54bdeManxPower: when i call my cell it happens too (it stops sounds)
22:20.12ManxPowerbde, "stop sounds" means "stop ringing or busy sounds"
22:20.37ManxPowerbde, what type of device are you dialing from?
22:20.57bdeManxPower: a sip phone, and then i get very strange sounds, basically gibberish, but i can hear myself fine on my cell phone
22:25.47ManxPowerbde, Something else is going wrong.  I don't know what.
22:25.47*** join/#asterisk killall-9 (
22:25.47unixdawggcc -Wall -c -D__DBINTERFACE_PRIVATE -O2 -I. -Iinclude -Ibtree -o bt_close.o btree/bt_close.c
22:25.47unixdawgIn file included from include/mpool.h:40,
22:25.47unixdawg/usr/include/posix4/mqueue.h:40:24: sys/_posix.h: No such file or directory
22:25.48unixdawgIn file included from btree/btree.h:44,
22:25.48unixdawginclude/mpool.h:54: error: syntax error before "CIRCLEQ_ENTRY"
22:25.48unixdawginclude/mpool.h:65: error: syntax error before "CIRCLEQ_HEAD"
22:25.48unixdawggmake[1]: *** [bt_close.o] Error 1
22:34.17*** join/#asterisk denon (
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22:35.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by bkw_
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22:50.09ZX81does anyone have any idea why stream file would not be working for me?
22:50.23ZX81do I have to setup special permissions etc?
22:50.45ZX81record file seems to be sweet, but then I can't play it back.
22:52.38ZX81is there someone here who knows the perl interface?
22:53.03*** join/#asterisk lancey (Laptop@
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22:57.46ciego34hi, having problems with * after 2 or 3 reload
22:57.46ciego34hang or stop
22:58.02ZX81use safe_asterisk instead of asterisk
22:58.06ZX81it will reload
23:01.24Champiec ya later folks
23:03.05*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
23:03.13arctwoWhat exactly is safe_asterisk????
23:03.28ZX81safe_asterisk is asterisk that reloads if it crashes etc
23:03.59ZX81reload seems not to be a favoured command as it induces leaks from 3rd party apps that don't cleanup after themselves
23:04.12ZX81I think
23:04.40*** join/#asterisk jsharp (
23:04.42ZX81yeah...saved my ass
23:04.51jsharpDoes the TDM400 REQUIRE PCI 2.2?
23:04.54arctwoyou use asterisk a lot?
23:05.04ZX81arctwo, quite a bit
23:05.13ZX81just learning AGI now
23:05.23ZX81and perl because I haven't used it before
23:05.29ZX81but it's preetty easy
23:06.11ZX81jsharp, 2.2 compliant
23:06.55ciego34Disconnected from Asterisk server
23:06.55ciego34Asterisk ended with exit status 139
23:06.55ciego34Asterisk exited on signal 11.
23:06.55ciego34Automatically restarting Asterisk.
23:07.07ciego34safe_asterisk, reload
23:07.20jsharpI've got 2 2 port TDM400 cards and neither work...I find it hard to believe I have 2 bad cards.
23:07.34ZX81The current TE410P design will only support a 3.3v PCI bus. These are typically available in newer machines or available in 64-bit PCI bus architectures.
23:07.35ciego34reload, reload, quit, asterisk -r, reload
23:08.01jsharpI know about the TE410.  I'm talking about the quad port FXS card.
23:08.15ZX81yeah it says it is compliant but not that it requires
23:08.33killall-9jsharp: why? do you want to stick it in a 486 or P1?
23:09.18killall-9anything tht isn't more than 5-6 years old shoul have pci 2.2
23:09.18ZX81~seen StealthMan
23:09.19ZX81: i haven't seen 'stealthman'
23:09.19jsharpI'm trying to eliminate "Duh, stupid" out of the problems I'm having with 2 TDM400s I've got.
23:09.23unixdawghow did he get the internal modem
23:09.33jsharpNeither one show up on the PCI bus.
23:10.48*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
23:11.39ZX81mebe IRQs?
23:11.50ZX81or sharing IRQs?
23:11.52jsharpit should at least show up in lspci.
23:12.08*** join/#asterisk yomero (
23:12.22jsharpThe X100P shows up no problem.
23:12.38yomeroi some one there can help me with asterisk and sip
23:12.42ZX81have you tried moving them around?
23:12.48*** join/#asterisk coolhp (
23:12.56coolhpHi all !
23:13.02jsharpTried 2 separate TDM400Ps in different slots & different power connectors.
23:13.15ZX81is the x100p recognised in all slots?
23:13.35ZX81can you assign irqs bassed on slot?
23:13.44jsharpI think so.
23:14.09jsharpI should just stick one of the TDM400s in my desktop & see if it works.
23:14.29ZX81or remove parallel port, com port etc
23:14.43ZX81is there much in the pc that doesn't work?
23:14.54ZX81i.e. all slots full of stuff?
23:15.15yomeroi have several sip clients, but when i call soome one snds tom me direct to the voice mail
23:15.32*** join/#asterisk fyman (
23:15.39jsharpEverything works in this card, FDDI card, QuickNet card, X100P...just not the TDM400.
23:16.02bkw_this odbc stuff is about to get smacked
23:16.03*** join/#asterisk wsmith (
23:16.06ZX81bkw will know
23:16.20bkw_what will I know?
23:16.24bkw_do tell
23:16.33jsharpyah.  Come fix my card problems.
23:16.55bkw_want bkw to bless it?
23:16.59jsharpYes, please.
23:17.05wsmithis there a trick to getting macros to work? i have a macro that does nothing but exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},20) , but using exten => 5000,1,Macro(mymacro, SIP/wsmith) doesn't work
23:17.59ZX81wsmith, can you dial without the macro
23:18.15wsmithZX81 yes, just fine
23:18.17bkw_did you call the thing [macro-mymacro)
23:18.19bkw_did you call the thing [macro-mymacro]
23:19.16ZX81bkw_, any idea why this wouldn't work: print "STREAM FILE test5 3 \n"
23:19.24zoahow do you call your macro ?
23:19.39*** join/#asterisk MadNachos (
23:19.51zigmanbkw_ can you do me a favor and call me to see if it rings ?
23:20.38wsmithasterisk complains about not being able to create channels of type 'SIP'
23:21.24bkw_i'm busy right now please leave your name and IAX link after the beep.... *BEEP*
23:21.38wsmithdo you have to use {SIP/wsmith} or anything
23:22.25denon"please leave your name, ip, authentication credentials and pgp key after the tone .. "
23:22.59denon".. also, if you expect a call back from me, open ports on your firewall to accept a connection from"
23:24.13bkw_Received the CP-7905's today with power supply.  I have 100 and can buy
23:24.14bkw_another 100 but waiting to see the market with these.
23:24.17bkw_140 each with power
23:24.34dougheckahow much?
23:24.34bkw_they are new
23:24.49zigmanlegal ? ;)
23:24.52dougheckaor, peso
23:24.59zigmanCND ?
23:25.02zigmanwhats cnd ?
23:25.04zoawhat is a CP-7905 ?
23:25.06bkw_canadian dollars
23:25.10zigmanahh k
23:25.12jsharpWell, fuck.  Time to find a new motherboard for my * dev machine.
23:25.13bkw_zoa a damn nice cisco phone
23:25.15zigmanwhats that in USD ?
23:25.17bkw_and for 140 bucks you can't go wron
23:25.19*** join/#asterisk Sobek (~btatton@
23:25.20zoa100$ ?
23:25.22zoaah 140
23:25.24brc007what's it do?
23:25.24zoaurl ?
23:25.32bkw_140 USD people
23:25.35brc007(the 7905)
23:25.40zoacan id do sip ?
23:25.47bkw_very well I might add
23:26.04outtoluncthat the one without an lcd?
23:26.10zoatoo bad i live in belgium$
23:26.14zoaand not in the us :(
23:26.53zoa~seen tholo
23:27.00tholo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 1h 23m 50s ago, saying: 'On the other hand, some of us that were working in "internet" jobs just plain retired...'.
23:27.05*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
23:27.56*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm ( do you like it?
23:28.03jsharpApparently the TDM400 needs PCI 2.2 and my dev box is only PCI 2.1
23:28.10zigmanlooks like a barbietone :P
23:28.25zoabkw, can it do transfers
23:28.27illc0mmm7905 ? where you get it?
23:28.29zigmanjsharp how old is you mobo ?
23:28.34zoacan it register to multiple servers ?
23:28.47jsharpIts a P2 Slot A board, so its a few years old.
23:28.56zigmanheheh yea
23:29.27*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
23:29.33jsharpI stuck it in my Athlon desktop machine and it popped up and said "Hi, I'm a telephony board" without a problem.
23:29.38cypromisI hae a fix for the cdr's
23:29.46cypromisbut not for the behaviour
23:29.47illc0mmmbkw_: You got a 7905? Where did you get it? :)
23:31.50*** join/#asterisk Thalen (
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23:33.08zigmananyone in here from .de using * and capi ?
23:33.17zoakapejod prolly
23:33.27zigmanis he in here ? ;)
23:33.48zigmandamn there a alot people here
23:34.02*** join/#asterisk stan (
23:34.06zigmanmore than in winnt when win2000 was beta ;)
23:34.24Champiebkw : how much for shipment to .be ?
23:36.07bkw_Champie email jon putnam
23:36.17zoaas much as the price of the phones prolly
23:36.24zoai can buy em for 140 euro
23:36.54zoabkw, how many lines does this thingie have ?
23:36.58Thalenbkw: What's the process for submitting changes to asterisk?
23:37.01Champienot if he sends them by USPO (boat) and you're willing to wait 6 weeks :)
23:37.13ThalenGetting a CVS account, e-mail or bug tracker?
23:37.16zoayou put a patch on
23:37.17zoabug tracker
23:37.24zoayou will not get cvs account
23:37.35zoathen we will test it (bug marshalls)
23:37.44Thalenno probs
23:37.48zigmanwe too ( * users ) ;)
23:38.01zigmanAsterisk CVS-01/19/04-10:17:56, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
23:38.05zigmanlatest is greatest ;)
23:38.34zoathats old
23:38.38ThalenI'm not sure how many users are using chan_vpb at the mo...
23:38.46zigmanthere haven't been any changes
23:38.46zoawe are 20th already :)
23:38.50zigmanso ?
23:38.57Carpwhen i type "show version" it always shows the date of the first tiem I downloaded it
23:39.05zigmanmake update is your friend
23:39.09*** join/#asterisk jamie (
23:39.12zigmanor rm -rf  ;)
23:39.27Thalenrm -rf / ;)
23:39.33Carpi do make update
23:39.42zigmanreally ?
23:43.07coolhpWhat is chan_vpb ?
23:43.16CarpAsterisk CVS-08/23/03
23:43.21CarpMaybe i'm doing something wrong
23:43.23ThalenChannel driver for the voicetronix openswitch boards
23:43.27Carpsomeone step me through an update
23:43.32*** join/#asterisk MadNachos (
23:43.33coolhpThanks Thalen !
23:43.48ThalenIs now live at a site I set up.
23:44.05Thalen(had a few issues)
23:46.50*** part/#asterisk stonefly (
23:48.06jtoddholy crap, the mailing list is SLOW today.
23:48.55jtodd5+ hours for messages to get through.
23:49.48Carplowhat dir do I goto to update asterisk?
23:49.55YoYo6Mbit/s+ of bandwidth
23:50.05Carponce I get there, I usually type "cvs update" and when thats done, "make update"
23:50.08YoYothink that'd be enough to host a CVS mirror and teh mailing lists?
23:50.31kamileoncvs mirror?
23:50.48Carpsomeone help me update asterisk?
23:50.57CarpI've tried liek 10 times, and it never shows hte updated version
23:51.01kamileoni dont think they want a mirror
23:51.08kamileoni tried to offer one myself
23:51.45ChampieC y'all later
23:52.17*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
23:52.34illc0mmmHey, I just noticed something different, I think. I have 10 asterisk processes running?
23:52.51zoais normal
23:52.55illc0mmmah okay
23:52.59illc0mmmbefore I remember only having one
23:53.03*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
23:53.12illc0mmmjust built a new system and this has 10 ? oh well, as long as its normal

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