irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040118

00:00.40arctwodant, I'll try using the older 0.71
00:00.44arctwoBut thanks!!
00:00.45jrollysonbkw: I'm alive, just keep getting stuck with helldesk calls
00:04.01*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
00:04.15mbrancahi all
00:04.41*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
00:04.51kapejodhi mbranca
00:05.20mbrancahi kapejod
00:05.21kramsounds like your sounds.txt is out of date
00:05.27mbrancahow's going
00:05.39kapejodmbranca: pretty lazy ;) wlan and beer ;)
00:05.51Moc-Homebkw_, are you arround ?
00:06.46arctwokram: How do I get the latest sounds.txt?  I CVS'ed everything new
00:06.51kapejodmbranca: diana is trying to make a call home with gnomemeeting ... through a tunnel which goes through nat ... but not much success ;)
00:07.15kramtry rm'ing it and cvs updating again
00:08.53mbrancatunnel? ipsec or pptp or ssh?
00:09.17kapejodpptp i think
00:09.28kapejodor ssh, whatever ;)
00:09.39Moc-HomeAnyone done speed dial assigment with 7960 phone in SIP mode ?
00:10.00dantMoc-Home, as in creating a speed dial on a button?
00:10.35Mikegnomemeeting works with ASTERISK?
00:11.20dantMoc-Home, yep, just trying to remember how :)
00:11.23Moc-Homekram, Digium should developpe a OpenSource IP Phone ..
00:12.26mbrancaMike: yep, use chan_h323
00:12.26bkw_OMG you must mot pay attention Moc
00:12.26izodoes any of you get strange DTMF fax detection on normal calls with fresh cvs asterisk ?
00:12.26Moc-Homeizo, yep
00:12.26joakoMike: gnomeeting supports H323.....
00:12.26bkw_Moc what do you think the IAXy is
00:12.31izoMoc-Home : any solution to that ?
00:12.32Moc-Homebkw_, it a ATA device
00:12.39bkw_its plenty
00:12.49bkw_I doubt they will do an ipphone for some time now
00:12.54mbrancaATA != phone
00:13.05mbrancago with farfon
00:13.11mbrancawhen will be ready :)
00:13.13bkw_where is farfon?
00:13.15Moc-Homefarfon is down so ..
00:13.16*** join/#asterisk groz (
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00:13.25Mikebut where in the config do i configure it to connect trou h323 to asterisk?
00:13.28Moc-Homebut it dont seem to be opensource completely ..
00:13.29mbrancaseems so :/
00:13.29bkw_as of ate
00:13.31bkw_er late
00:13.37bkw_Moc-Home that wont happen
00:13.54angler_bkw_, bkw_ bkw_
00:14.08angler_just bored
00:14.13Moc-Homewell the problem I see for big buisness is the missing features in IP Phone that arnt Nortel or Cisco
00:14.16mbrancaMoc-Home: what's the problem? even if close, you can add functions with iax2 ... the phone core gives you api, then do what u want
00:14.23mbrancabetter than nothing
00:15.05Moc-HomeYes if API work good perfect, but there is always problem, and a limited number of people can try to fix it if they have time
00:15.07bkw_DIAX (deeeks) is how I say it.. works great
00:15.20Moc-HomeThat what I like with Opensource, anyone can try to fix it if they have time
00:15.35bkw_so true
00:16.16bkw_HOLY HELL BATMAN
00:16.21bkw_we have some patches to apply
00:16.41Moc-Homeoh yes ?
00:17.26mbrancawhy asterisk isn't here :) ?
00:17.49*** join/#asterisk jazz (
00:17.54kramokay bkw, lets get started
00:17.58kramshow me what you got
00:19.08*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
00:19.57mbrancakram: there's a way to pass audio on pri with switch type = euroisdn even if the telco doesn't pass us the connect message?
00:20.00TestMasTerbkw_,  In your calling card script does it need a file called extension.gsm?
00:21.02mbrancakram: or any hint where I should look?
00:21.17joakoto use meetme, asterisk must support the codec being used? Or can we use something like g723?
00:21.24izombranca : id look at wait_for_ans
00:21.29izoin app_dail.c
00:21.54crontibswhats does this error mean rtp.c:375 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
00:22.01bkw_never fear bkw is here
00:22.06crontibsit happens when i'm on call with someone
00:22.15bkw_does it say error?
00:22.16bkw_or warning?
00:22.18bkw_or notice?
00:22.20Moc-Homebkw_, let me know if you got a few stuff to test
00:22.40crontibsJan 17 19:05:04 WARNING[1251240752]: rtp.c:375 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
00:22.49bkw_ok see thats not an error
00:22.51bkw_its a warning
00:23.04bkw_ignore it
00:23.04crontibsok bkw
00:23.04bkw_does the call still work?
00:23.10bkw_then ignore it
00:23.18crontibsbtw the codecs tip you gave me works
00:23.20Moc-Homelet make a WARNGNORE Error message instead
00:23.37manyignore everything thats not explicitely error and when it works.
00:23.42*** join/#asterisk [PBXtech]logger (PBXtechcom@
00:23.48bkw_thats how you do it
00:24.11manymaybe anything below ERROR should not displayed to users in the standard install.
00:24.16*** join/#asterisk Carp (
00:24.18arctwoHas anyone here got postgesSQL to work with asterisk??  I can't get it to compile to .so file.  What am I missing??
00:24.24CarpAnyone use OSS?\
00:24.30manyarctwo: whats the error message?
00:24.41arctwoGot it to work
00:25.25mbrancaizo: thanks, reading the source
00:25.45mbrancaCarp: me
00:26.30CarpWell, everything works right, but I cant hear sound outta my speakers, any ideas?
00:26.41Moc-Homebug ? : When you type stop gracefully and a call is open, and finally you want to end the call, stop now doesn't work
00:26.42mbrancavolume is on :) ?
00:26.47UnixDawganyone get erik fnods callback agi working to where it ask you whattime to call you back
00:26.53Carpi know my sound card works with linuc because i did a sound test in X
00:27.05UnixDawgI need help
00:27.07CarpI try to dial it from Asterisk, and it answers, etc... but I hear no output
00:27.19CarpVolume is up
00:27.42bkw_haha the sounds files
00:28.11arctwoTo get Cdr_pgsql to work I have to include the in the modules.conf list?  Just like with the old
00:28.15Carplast night rob-- was helping me with it but he never had this problem before and didn't know what was wrong.
00:28.18bkw_%He's currently away from his phone, the naughty boy.%away-naughty-boy
00:29.03UnixDawgwhat is erik fnords nick here
00:29.18UnixDawgor is he nolonger around
00:30.27krammbranca: where
00:30.52mbrancakram:  there's a way to pass audio on pri with switch type = euroisdn even if the telco doesn't pass us the connect message?
00:31.00mbrancausing zap, so
00:31.16mbrancawithout badly hacking app_dial
00:31.31Carp<mbranca: I am assuming you don't know?
00:32.06mbrancaCarp: mmh. sure. here works out of the box. just a hint: check with aumix if the volumes are ok while * is running
00:32.37CarpI'm kinda new to Linux, not sure what aumix is.
00:32.59bkw_haha their isn't anything allison wont say?
00:33.00mbrancakram: here is italy, some telco doesn't send the connect message when calling toll free numbers... so no audio is passed and nothing is heard.
00:33.08mbrancaCarp: a console mixer
00:33.19Carpcan it be run from command line?
00:33.25mbrancaCarp: yes
00:33.55mbrancakram: I was wondering if is possible to listen to inband audio before the connect message in euroisdn
00:34.49mbrancaizo suggested to hack app_dial to copy audio back & forth when in ringing state... that could be an idea
00:34.51Carpok, i'm in AUMix
00:35.10Carpall the levles look about thte same
00:35.25bkw_LOVE IT
00:36.45TestMasTerbkw_,  will this calling card script call IAX numbers?
00:36.50mbrancawishing to have an "allison" even for italian :/
00:36.52Mikeanyone had succes with gnomemeeting here?
00:37.11Mikembranca: same here but for spanish
00:37.35mbrancaso now I don't remember :)
00:37.46Carpno OSS for me :(
00:37.56mbrancaCarp: what sound card?
00:38.29Mikeanyone else?
00:38.32dantMoc-Home, speed dial's can't be configured in the config yet
00:38.32mbrancabkw_: lol
00:38.47bkw_i'm gonna spend a round on allison next week maybe
00:38.55Carpmbranca: Its onboard
00:38.56Mikecalle69*CLI> load chan_h323
00:38.56MikeUnable to load module chan_h323
00:38.56MikeJan 17 18:52:58 WARNING[262161]: loader.c:239 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_h323: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
00:39.05Carpbut I can hear sound through the speakers when i do a sound test in X
00:39.05bkw_Mike read the readme
00:39.09bkw_it tells you
00:39.09Mikebkw_: where?
00:39.13kramthat is tooo funny
00:39.32mbrancaCarp: cool. a lot of soundcards are onboard.
00:39.39mbrancathat doesn't help
00:40.03CarpI never really messed with it, how can I find out what it is?
00:40.04mbrancawhat model? are u using OSS drivers or ALSA? blah blah blah
00:40.49Moc-Homedent, that too bad..
00:41.37Moc-HomeCan we make a Cisco OpenSource code ? :)
00:41.37mbrancammmh... perl on nokia mobile phones :)
00:41.52mbrancaCarp: lsmod? read-some-howtos?
00:41.53bkw_Mike the h323/README
00:41.57bkw_you will have to totally restart *
00:42.13mbrancaCarp: some soundcards (via 4 example) works well only with ALSA for example...
00:44.53Carpmbranca:  Vendor: Intel Corp.    Model: 82801AA AC'97 Audio   Module: i810_audio
00:45.23Carpredhat 8
00:45.44Carpwhat command can I pass to get that?
00:45.47mbrancarunning kde?
00:45.49CarpI dont remember off the top of my head
00:45.54mbranca(cat /proc/version)
00:45.56mbrancarunning kde?
00:46.02Moc-Homeuname -a
00:46.12CarpI am in command line
00:46.22Moc-Homeuname -a
00:46.31drac0niusyay....compiling zaptel now...thanks a million joako
00:46.38CarpLinux version 2.4.18-14
00:46.58UnixDawgok 484 errors
00:47.02mbrancano desktop running? some sound daemons will lock the soundcard... so you'll hear sound from X but cannot hear from any other sw not using the sound daemon
00:47.39Carpwell, someone gave me a command to run last night in command that made a sound that sounded like a radio statoin that didnt come in via command
00:47.55CarpI have X on here, I have to press Alt + Ctrl + F7
00:47.58CarpI never use it tho
00:48.02mbrancaI have * on my laptop with i810_audio and works ok
00:48.20Carphmm :(
00:48.56mbrancashot that shit
00:49.05Carpis that the problem?
00:49.10mbrancacan be
00:49.17mbrancaartsd lock the soundcard
00:49.22Carpi dont know how to close C
00:49.25Carpclose X*
00:49.28CarpI have no mouse
00:49.29mbranca(artds == sound daemon)
00:49.44CarpHow do I close console 7 (running X)
00:50.11mbrancammmh... but is a X session  or simply a X login manager
00:50.13*** part/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
00:50.38mbrancaCarp: better: telinit 3
00:50.42glLoadIdentityCarp: init 3
00:50.48mbrancaso you will be away from X
00:51.00Carpum...When the computer starts up, X starts up, but I change to command right there by pressing Alt + Ctrl + F1
00:51.39LuchoARvi /etc/inittab
00:51.42angler_Carp, crtl + alt+ backspace
00:51.56*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
00:51.58mbrancaCarp: cd /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:52.01*** part/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
00:52.12LuchoARangler: it will restart
00:52.16UnixDawgthere are some lines you can add to sysctrl
00:52.20mbrancaplay invalid.gsm
00:52.22UnixDawgbut I cant recall them
00:52.23angler_kill xdm, kdm, or gdm then
00:52.24mbrancau hear it?
00:52.41Carpmbranca: Just a sec, gotta run over and turn apm on
00:55.26Carpsox: Sound card appears to only support 2 channels: Overriding format
00:55.56mbrancai810 is a pretty new chipset
00:56.01mbrancaI suggest you to:
00:56.07mbranca* go with a newer kernel
00:56.18mbranca* use alsa with OSS emulation
00:56.41mbrancaI have fedora core 1 with a i810 sndcard + alsa and works great
00:56.42kamileonsomeone sell me a used ata186 cheaply
00:56.47CarpI know 0 about ALSA
00:56.54Carphow big is a Linux kernal?
00:57.41*** join/#asterisk stan (
00:57.46CarpYou think I should try ALSA?
00:57.48packtlossAnyone know if cisco 7920/skinny works w/ asterisk lately? :)
00:58.00bkw_someone don't read the mailing list
00:58.12mbrancaCarp: yes. I'm using i810 with alsa + * and is great
00:58.32mbrancatime for sleep. 2am here
00:58.33mbrancasee ya
00:58.43CarpI am assuming there is no step-by-step instructions how to downlaod and insall for the newbie linu users? lol
00:58.53Carpmbranca: Thanks alot
01:00.34CarpWhat dir should I install ALSA in?
01:02.25arctwoAnyone here know the SQL command to create the cdr database for PGSQL?  You can't use the MySQL command!!
01:02.43bkw_use the one in the contrib dir
01:03.44*** join/#asterisk glLoad[] (
01:06.43arctwobkw_ There is nothing in the contrib directory (using 0.7.1 here)
01:07.46bkw_if I find it then I get to smack you right?
01:10.44bkw_Ok that gives me an idea
01:10.56bkw_i'm going to write app_butler.c
01:11.21bkw_you just transfer the inbound caller to the extension that calls the app ... they are black listed and instructed to take you off their list.. hahah
01:12.22arctwoThanks bkw_ and thanks for not smacking me
01:13.21bkw_no problem
01:17.35Mikeanyone can tell me why h323 sucks that much?
01:17.48bkw_because it does
01:18.17Mikebkw_: why?
01:19.17flash1anyone know what is to go into iax1.conf?
01:19.28flash1I get error about it cannt load it.
01:24.07jrollysonflash1: same format as iax.conf, if its there then iax1 will use iax1.conf and iax2 will use iax.conf
01:24.14Mikei wish someday gnomemeeting had support for iax2
01:24.25jrollysonits needed because iax1 is soon to be going away.
01:24.28UnixDawgwhat is enum ?
01:24.39UnixDawgand enum lookup
01:25.01UnixDawgshow application finds neither
01:25.17jrollysonunixdawg: least cost routing via DNS lookups within the domain
01:26.44UnixDawgnow backto callback.agi anyone have it working right
01:27.13UnixDawgit is working but not calling the exten back
01:27.34UnixDawgI need it to ask for what time to call back insted of the default 1 min
01:28.02UnixDawgbut erik fnord did not document it well
01:28.14UnixDawgand I am new to perl
01:28.30UnixDawgso trying my best
01:35.00*** part/#asterisk LuchoAR (Lucho@
01:35.04bkw_har harhar
01:35.45arctwoAnyone here know how to create users in PostGreSQL with passwords that can connect??
01:36.27bkw_su - postgres
01:36.33bkw_adduser username
01:36.38bkw_or something liek that
01:45.20UnixDawgbkw you never answer me anymore what did i do wrong was my cuddling not good enough
01:45.28UnixDawgdid I not show enoough love
01:46.58arctwoDoes ANYONE here know how to create users in PostGreSQL?  I've tried everything....
01:47.14UnixDawgsu -l pgsql
01:47.21UnixDawgpsql adduser
01:47.32izosu - postgres
01:47.54UnixDawgthen createdb
01:49.01bkw_ya something like that
01:49.08bkw_UnixDawg no i'm just busy right now
01:49.47*** join/#asterisk james_ (
01:50.01UnixDawgits ok
01:50.43UnixDawgman learning to use all these scripts is not easy
01:50.52james_did anyone prepare a business case for *
01:51.24james_i wrote to digium about it no one responded :-(
01:51.28UnixDawgI have a mini blackbox unit
01:51.33izojames_ what do you nead exactly ?
01:51.49izojames_ : like proof of implementation ?
01:51.55james_i want to meet one of the VCs to chat about * as PBX
01:52.11izoVC = ?
01:52.14james_so various aspects such as "benefits. cost. competetion. etc"
01:52.21UnixDawgit is a PBX its opensource
01:52.22james_venture capitalists
01:52.36UnixDawgits free and open source
01:52.37james_well, they need more formal business case
01:52.46izoi wish i could get some VC
01:52.49UnixDawgits for anyone to use
01:52.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:53.08james_* can really excel if it had some support as linux had redhat
01:53.20UnixDawgif you make money selling it you should contrib mmoney back into the development
01:53.21bkw_asterisk is already excelling
01:53.22james_just a starting push
01:53.40james_i know, but its still not mainstream PBX
01:53.44bkw_it doesn't need some $$ thrown at it.. most of the people here use it in production daily.
01:53.45arctwoizo: How do I specify the new user's password in PostGreSQL?  It 'lets' me do it, then prevents me from logging in as this person!
01:53.46UnixDawgthere is support right here
01:53.48coppicenothing to do with excel can be any good :-)
01:53.54bkw_coppice agreed
01:54.06bkw_coppice any chance we can tweak progress detect?
01:54.13james_well, is anyone selling PBX based on *
01:54.16bkw_i'm trying to understand this and I don't get it
01:54.21coppicenone whatsoever
01:54.23bkw_james_ many  are
01:54.28coppiceah, well maybe a little
01:54.30UnixDawgI have got it working as a full pbx but I know its prob lacking some of the features I have not learned yet
01:54.36james_suppose, i want to start selling * boxes so small enterprices
01:54.39bkw_atacomm, Corydon76 I think does.. many more
01:54.53james_i need $$ to manufacture and promote this
01:55.04james_in order to do that, I need some VC funding
01:55.05UnixDawgCoppiece when is the new fax app do out
01:55.15bkw_good luck in this market
01:55.22UnixDawgget a loan from a bank
01:55.23bkw_VC's are tight wads these days
01:55.30voipit's called SBA loans
01:55.31james_in order for VC funding, i need to make a business case where they can think profit
01:55.35bkw_they got taken for rides during the .com boom
01:55.44james_SBA is too small + its a loan at the end.
01:55.46bkw_james_ digium isn't going to do that for you..
01:55.52Carpare there any asterisk training courses?
01:55.55voipjames_: then get some angels
01:55.59james_i don't expect digium to do that
01:56.09coppicebkw: improving much of the progress detect is possible. In spandsp there is a super -duper supervisory tone detector and generator for all the world's supervisory tones. What isn't really possible is reliable answer supervision for lines without hardware supervision
01:56.32james_i just wanted to get a head start in making a business case if someone has outlined completetion, features, benenfits from business aspect and not techie aspect
01:56.49bkw_oh good luck on that one.. hehe
01:56.57UnixDawgfor the most part I have a out of the box read to go basic pbx system but it is voip only
01:56.59james_hmmm....i get it
01:57.21james_UnixDawg, can you tell me some about your system?
01:57.22Carpare there any asterisk training courses or clinics?
01:57.23bkw_the community is expanding faster than we can keep up with right now
01:57.31bkw_carp not yet
01:57.47Carpbkw, how soon do you think?  and do you think there will be any in NY, say Albany?
01:57.49UnixDawgits a non itx mb with cyrix embeded 1ghz
01:57.49bkw_we do now have conf calls all the time about asterisk
01:58.05james_that's what i mean. if a company can get out there and start courses and selling PBX to mainstream users as opposed to home based business, doens't it make sense
01:58.28james_is a xU size box?
01:58.35UnixDawgand a cf drive and a 520 mb hd for /var and/etc
01:58.40james_does it boot off of a CF card or so?
01:58.44bkw_I use a Dell Poweredge 500SC with two analog lines here at home
01:58.48bkw_and two 7960's
01:58.57UnixDawgyes it boots off a cf
01:59.01bkw_at work we dump calls into asterisk via h323 (evil)
01:59.18james_how well is it tested?
01:59.25bkw_what asterisk?
01:59.37james_it may be good enough for techie experts but how can a law firm for example make use oout of it
01:59.47UnixDawgI rebuilt today
01:59.50james_your boxes (and * itself)
01:59.54bkw_james_ you set it up and it just works
01:59.57UnixDawgand tested
01:59.59bkw_unless you have some weirdness
02:00.02voipthere are call centers just down the street from me that use it
02:00.04bkw_but its still not release quality
02:00.21james_exactly, what we need to do to make it release quality?
02:00.23bkw_you have to deal with a few quirks but 99% of the time those are nailed really fast
02:00.28UnixDawgfor a basic call center and small company its fine
02:00.28bkw_james_ we are doing that now
02:00.50bkw_we are on the track to a 0.9.x working/stable to a 1.0 release
02:00.53james_bkw_, i remember that you were going to start a company? right?
02:01.03bkw_yes I do consulting
02:01.39james_well, here is a proposition. in next 2-3 weeks, i am going to spin this idea to a VC who is very interested in investing in VoIp PBX (similar to *)
02:01.41bkw_I also smash bugs all to hell
02:02.03UnixDawgbkw is the bug man
02:02.04james_I am not that good with * and I need some help
02:02.09bkw_i'm sorry their isn't anything "similar" to asterisk out there
02:02.32james_i agree, that's what I have to convince from business aspect
02:02.35voip*.* is kinda the same though
02:02.40UnixDawgI find no opensource pbx on windows
02:02.48learathwhy would you want to?
02:02.50james_no need for PBX on windows
02:02.57learath(find an open source pbx on windows)
02:03.03james_bkw_, do you have a demo unit or something
02:03.06UnixDawgbut there are a shit load of pbx software
02:03.09bkw_Asterisk is the beginning, the end, the PBX who is many
02:03.12UnixDawgfor windows
02:03.17james_does anyone have a 1U rack mount chassis with stable asterisk?
02:03.22james_i could buy it as a demo
02:03.22bkw_james_ no I don't have a demo
02:03.39learathjames_: how much are you willing to pay for one, and what interfaces does it need?
02:03.39bkw_go buy a dell power edge 400SC (399)
02:03.43learathbuilding one isn't hard
02:03.57learathehh. the 400SC isn't what it's billed as.  it's a glorified desktop.
02:03.59james_I have built one with channel bank and whole enchilada
02:04.01bkw_smack in three analog interfaces.. go buy 3-4 cisco phones and be happy
02:04.16bkw_learath its still got a server board in it
02:04.22bkw_no sound, no crap that you don't need
02:04.23bkw_its nice
02:04.25james_but......i am not so satisfied with my work. i need someone expert who can take care of this during demo
02:04.27learathit's ok
02:04.44UnixDawgwhat gui interfaces does * have now
02:04.45learathsoftware or hardware problems?
02:04.45bkw_learath it would do a 3 line analog PBX without much drama
02:05.01learathbkw_: true, but if you've only got 3 lines * is overkill
02:05.05james_no problems as such. IAX quality on my machine sucks
02:05.11james_there is no impressive gui
02:05.12learathheck, really for a full T1 * is overkill..
02:05.23james_i still have to learn a lot in terms of setting voicemail etc
02:05.28learathgui would cost alot, or be one of the prebuilt ones
02:05.40james_there is no time and reason for me to learn all that when there is some talent out there
02:05.45UnixDawgvm is easy
02:05.49UnixDawgyour drunk
02:05.52bkw_learath not really we have 3 lines
02:05.59bkw_but we are all 100 miles apart
02:06.05james_there is a lot of other features (AGI for example) that i have never worked with
02:06.11learathbkw_: heh.  that's slightly more complex
02:06.13james_miles not a problem?
02:06.30bkw_we have been using asterisk for almost 6 months now
02:06.36bkw_it has worked better than anything we have ever had
02:06.41bkw_and we have been thru some phone systems
02:06.42james_look, i just subscribed to and read a lot about VoIP going fwd
02:07.13james_i am totally convinced that the market will appreciate * boxes and promote the whole * community
02:07.15UnixDawgonce you start learning * is easy execpt for the agi scripting
02:07.29bkw_UnixDawg AGI .. pffft use C
02:07.36james_UnixDawg, there are enough ppl out there with expertise
02:07.42bkw_to be honest I find using the C api better for me
02:07.47james_i can learn how much ever I want but can not beat these guys
02:07.53bkw_I understand it more and you can do more with it.. you expose the guts of asterisk like that
02:07.53UnixDawgbkw teach me
02:08.03bkw_i'm still so new to C but i'm getting better
02:08.10bkw_take a look at cdr_odbc.c
02:08.14james_bkw, i need a demo so that i can impress them hands down
02:08.24bkw_james_ setup a box
02:08.28bkw_get some phones
02:08.29james_how much shall i spend to get the * box along
02:08.35bkw_pay allison to record some prompts
02:08.41james_i do have a lot of anolog phones
02:08.48james_but I need to muster some SIP ones
02:08.55bkw_I love SIP
02:08.55*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
02:09.00bkw_I don't work with anything but SIP for endpoints
02:09.08james_basically, I need to demo both working togher (sort of a fusion between old and new)
02:09.08bkw_I refuse to use ZAP for an endpoint
02:09.12bkw_but thats my choice
02:09.17james_that is alright
02:09.26bkw_you can smack in a TDM card
02:09.30bkw_two X100P's
02:09.33bkw_and a sip phone
02:09.37bkw_and have it all
02:09.39james_have you had a chance to work on (or know) of a 1U size * box
02:09.46bkw_not yet
02:09.53izowhere can I buy grandstream handytone /
02:09.54bkw_I should have one setup with PRI in a few months
02:09.57izoand how much is it ?
02:09.59bkw_izo DONT
02:10.00james_what do you mean to TDM card
02:10.04izowhy ?
02:10.07bkw_izo buy an sipura
02:10.11bkw_anything grandstream sucks
02:10.14bkw_or wait for an iaxy
02:10.16izowhat is sipura and how much is it ?
02:10.23bkw_james_ the 4 port TDM card digium sells
02:10.25izoIAXy has no compresion :-(
02:10.32bkw_izo it will have g726
02:10.34james_i have a TDM100P
02:10.40james_is that the one you are talking?
02:10.47bkw_the analog FXS card?
02:10.49james_its single port though
02:11.03james_how many SIPs can i put on it?
02:11.12james_i suppose through a switch?
02:11.20bkw_well apparently 127 from what someone says.. but I think they gots hardware issues
02:11.37james_anything more than 24 is plenty for demo
02:12.13jrollysonanyone have facilities to generate more than 127 calls at once? ;)
02:12.18bkw_whats so nice about asterisk is you can plant a phone on a desk anywhere on the planet with inetaccess and it works
02:12.24james_okay, so here is what i need: 24 SIP phone, 1U chassis with 512MB CF card, 2 X100P
02:12.26bkw_jrollyson I wish
02:12.30james_a 24 port switch
02:12.34bkw_james_ don't use CF
02:12.41james_then what?
02:12.45bkw_use a HD
02:12.52bkw_gotta have a place to put voicemail
02:12.59james_do I have to go for a HD? its frawned upon out there....
02:13.00bkw_and CF is way too slow for anything useful
02:13.11james_can we put Vpicemail on HD but book off of CF?
02:13.13bkw_thats why 3com has been doing it for 5+ years?
02:13.18jrollysoncan still boot from CF
02:13.26bkw_no run raid
02:13.31james_okay, so the worst is we can loose VM
02:13.37bkw_you people try too hard to make this more complicated than it really is
02:13.55bkw_3com nbx's have a 10 gig HD
02:13.57james_okay, run raid. that means more expensive 1U chassis !!
02:14.03bkw_you can buy an addition 10 gig to mirror
02:14.11bkw_james_ NO it doesn't
02:14.15bkw_software raid would do find
02:14.17bkw_er fine
02:14.21bkw_your just going to mirror
02:14.25bkw_nothing too complicated
02:14.41james_i see. so in case of failover, will it switch automatically to back-up drive
02:14.50bkw_thats the point
02:14.59bkw_it should do it without any problems
02:15.15james_what kind of linux distro to use
02:15.21bkw_I use gentoo
02:15.27coppiceA lot of big old PBXs have hard disks. Its not just the IP world that uses them
02:15.27james_and what should be the minimum config for such distro?
02:15.28bkw_but you can use anything you like
02:15.28izobtw_ did you use sipura ?
02:15.43bkw_izo yes
02:15.46izohow is it ?
02:15.52james_okay, gentooo. should i do a full install?
02:15.53bkw_izo 2 ports works PERFECT mike has some too
02:16.03pros12knoppix for me .. such a n00B... lol
02:16.45james_bkw_, is this the best place to contact you? I want to seriously write a business case and I will need your help with the demo box
02:16.56james_is there an email address where I can send you more info?
02:17.04james_other than the public forum
02:17.42coppicejrollyson: about the lockup problem I reported when removing loopback with zttool.
02:17.55wreckdiveranyone know of a SIP phone with an analog jack??
02:18.05izocoppic : i've got that too
02:18.20coppicejrollyson: I have a dual Xeon machine. Do you use an SMP box?
02:19.24izocoppice : I've same config that locks
02:24.09Moc-Homelol bkw_
02:24.33TestMasTerAnyone see why this would work correctly $AGI->exec('Dial',"IAX2/$target"); $AGI->stream_file('Connecting'); $AGI->hangup();
02:37.33ScaredyCatTestMasTer: no
02:37.40*** join/#asterisk Carp (
02:37.54TestMasTerwhen creating a Agi Script how do i execute username:password@hostname   when ever i try it like that * console only I get is user:host
02:37.54ScaredyCatthe dial would work, but the stream file wouldn;t
02:37.56CarpAnyone here setup anything cool loke Phone card system with *?
02:38.22CarpYou have?
02:38.34TestMasTerCarp,  if you find any that works please let me know
02:38.46CarpPhone card systems?
02:38.56CarpIzo, can I call and test it? lol
02:39.14CarpWhats the number?
02:39.27izoits +48
02:39.27Carpok, thanks
02:39.37izoso i'm not sure if you'd like to give it a try
02:39.39Carpnot US?
02:39.40izoits in poland
02:40.10TestMasTerizo,  what programming Lag is it in perl c python ?
02:41.01CarpWhats the name od the other sound thing in Linux, not OSS, the one that starts with an A
02:41.19CarpThere we go
02:41.26TestMasTerOk to bad... I`m working on a perl one and i get figure out what the problem is... I`ve got to call a iax number to get out... everytime I try to it times out with in seconds
02:41.28CarpAnyone know how to set it up? Linux newb here
02:41.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
02:41.49coppiceI think SALSA is only in Connectiva's Linux :-)
02:42.06TestMasTerJerJer[road],  U aint around the office today are ya?
02:42.18Carpcoppice: know how to set ALSA up?
02:43.36TestMasTerScaredyCat,  You any good at perl/Agi?
02:43.41coppiceWhat do you mean by set up? Configure it into a kernel that doesn't have it, or just use it?
02:43.52ScaredyCatyeah,not bad TestMasTer
02:44.11TestMasTerScaredyCat,  Would you have a few seconds you could help me debug this?
02:44.29TestMasTermind if i message you
02:44.38ScaredyCatgo ahead,make my day
02:44.39Carpcoppice: I am a linux newb, so everything from downloading, installing, and using with Asterisk because OSS wont work with intercom
02:47.22*** join/#asterisk chrono75 (
02:49.00CarpHeLLo lol
02:52.39*** join/#asterisk Mike (
02:54.31Mikeanyone knows a usb phone that works for linux?
02:54.34*** join/#asterisk edg (
02:55.33coppiceanyone knows a usb phone that doesn't look like it was styled by the Cat in the Hat?
02:56.12Mikecoppice: do you know any usb phone that works under linux?
02:56.42CarpUSB phone + Linux = BAD / installation
02:57.30coppiceMike: first I want to find one that doesn't look like an eyesore. I don't care whether it works if it looks too awful to use. If its nice, then any problems with Linux might be fixable :-)
02:58.49Mikecoppice: i want a portable device
02:59.08Mikecoppice: the problem is cisco 7920 is expensive as hell and its a damn break
02:59.14Mikecoppice: and wisip was never sold
02:59.33Mikecoppice: gnophone doesnt compile on my computer with gnome2.4 and gtk2
02:59.40Mikecoppice: i have nothing portable
03:00.06coppiceMike: So you want something to run on an 802.11 capable notebook? A PDA?
03:00.30*** join/#asterisk extremis (~extremis@
03:00.32extremisexten => s,1,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = ]?house|3001|1:)
03:00.36extremisis there anything wrong with that?
03:00.44Mikepda its as expensive as a cisco 7920
03:00.45extremisI want to check to see if I recieved no caller id
03:00.54*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
03:00.56Mikea good linux software that works
03:00.56extremisif so goto context house , extension 3001, priority 1
03:01.06*** join/#asterisk ToyMan2 (
03:01.08Mikeor a wisip provider that really seall the thing
03:01.28bkw_extremis your missing what to compair it too
03:01.56extremisbkw_: heh, that was straight off the wiki
03:02.17bkw_GotoIf($[${TOLLPASS} = ${TMPPASS}]?6:4)
03:02.31bkw_the wiki is wrong
03:02.35extremisit says that it was checking for null
03:02.41extremisso I should if = ""
03:02.52bkw_you know how to do this
03:02.58bkw_exten => s/,1,blah
03:03.04bkw_that will answer if no callerid exists
03:03.06bkw_its simpler
03:03.08bkw_its cleaner
03:03.10MikeJerJer[road]: alive?
03:03.10bkw_and its better
03:03.34extremisbkw_: but I want it to send them to another extension if there isn't so it can tell them I don't accept anonymous calls
03:03.40Mikebkw_: what do you use as a portable phone device?
03:03.45bkw_ok here is what i do
03:03.50swirlnetsextremis: use the privacy app
03:03.58extremisfrom the wiki:
03:03.58extremisYou can test for an empty value, but instead of using "" you'd do this:
03:03.58extremis  GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = ]?3:2)
03:04.05bkw_your not listening to me
03:04.08bkw_I have done this
03:04.15extremis-:- BitchX: Auto-ignoring bkw_ for 10 minutes [MSG flood]
03:04.20extremisheh, gotta unignore you
03:04.27bkw_in the channel
03:04.28bkw_; this takes care of them pesky telemarketers
03:04.29bkw_exten => s/,1,goto(nocid,1)
03:04.30bkw_exten => nocid,1,LookupBlacklist
03:04.32bkw_exten => nocid,2,Answer
03:04.34bkw_exten => nocid,3,Macro(record-on|${MYHOMEPHONE}|ANONYMOUS)
03:04.36bkw_exten => nocid,4,Zapateller(answer|nocallerid)
03:04.38bkw_exten => nocid,5,PrivacyManager
03:04.40bkw_exten => nocid,6,Goto(home,3)
03:04.42bkw_exten => nocid,106,Goto(home,6)
03:04.53CarpI have a problem in * that I think no one else has
03:05.01bkw_Carp spill it
03:05.33CarpSometimes when i start asterisk, I dont get a CLI.  the only way to run commands is to get in another console and so "asterisk -r"
03:05.46bkw_you sure about that?
03:05.46CarpI restarted * like 5 times and cant get a CLI
03:05.52bkw_are you astarting asterisk with -vvvvgc?
03:06.10Carpmore like "asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvg"
03:06.15bkw_THATS WHY
03:06.19bkw_use safe_asterisk
03:06.21bkw_then asterisk -r
03:06.29_mwoodj-you need c
03:06.31bkw_it will never give a cli if you don't have the c
03:06.43CarpThanks alot
03:06.50bkw_just use safe_asterisk
03:06.57bkw_then asterisk -r
03:07.08Carpnow, I will have no more Q's for a while if I ever get an intercom working :)
03:07.44bkw_I need more 7960's
03:08.04bkw_I have been using wifi all over the house today
03:08.06*** join/#asterisk Mike (
03:08.12extremisbkw_: what does the macro record-on do?
03:08.19bkw_extremis its starts recording the call
03:08.33bkw_exten => s,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${TIMESTAMP}-${ARG2}-${ARG1})
03:08.33bkw_exten => s,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME})
03:08.51bkw_guess that could be just one line
03:09.05bkw_exten => s,1,Monitor(wav,${TIMESTAMP}-${ARG2}-${ARG1})
03:09.08extremiswhy do you want to record it if there is no callerid?
03:09.15bkw_extremis I record all calls
03:09.16*** join/#asterisk da-man-So (
03:09.16bkw_in and out
03:09.31extremisdo you review them?
03:09.42bkw_only when I need to collect them for something
03:09.50bkw_if I get an intresting phone call
03:09.52bkw_I save it
03:09.54extremiswhat is arg2 and arg1?
03:10.01bkw_my number and target number
03:10.04bkw_or the reverse
03:10.14bkw_see the call file is like this TIMESTAME-FROM-TO
03:10.55bkw_in this case it would be 20040114-095510-ANONYMOUS-9184290404
03:10.55extremiswhile recording can you playback?
03:11.03bkw_I can review later
03:11.14extremisno, I mean Playback()
03:11.19extremisto them
03:11.26extremisnot what they are saying
03:11.26bkw_it records an in/out file
03:11.37extremisbut things like "We do not accept anonymous calls"
03:11.50extremisok, so it records until you call what app?
03:11.50bkw_it even records that and everything they say before your phone rings
03:12.06bkw_no it records the second I call the ap.. and then on out till I hangup
03:12.19extremiscan you tell it to stop recording with another app?
03:12.21bkw_its funny to hear stuff people say during the privacy manager
03:12.21Carpbkw_: where you from?
03:12.27bkw_Carp Oklahoma
03:12.39CarpAnyone smart from NY to teach me?
03:13.23extremisbkw_: so it will goto nocid if there is no callerid, else it goes to s,2?
03:14.53edgANybody with an FXO card seen "FXO PCI Master abort" on 'modprobe wcfxo' ??? (then system hangs)
03:15.04jrollysonI'm getting calls from hell.
03:15.27Carpgod called me a few days ago to see how i liked asterisk
03:15.42extremisbkw_: exten => s,1,Monitor(wav,${TIMESTAMP}-${ARG2}-${ARG1})
03:16.09Carpexten => 7,1,Dial(Zap/GOD)
03:16.17Carpexten => 7,2,Hangup()
03:16.24bkw_extremis ya that would work
03:17.17bkw_i'm going to do the random record stuff soon
03:17.26bkw_hell I might as well record them all
03:18.01CarpWhat are some fun things I can do in asterisk?
03:18.18bkw_i'm res_monitor is about to get a good ole hacking
03:18.28extremisbkw_:     -- Sent into invalid extension 'nocid' in context 'default' on Zap/1-1
03:18.42bkw_you didn't read one line I msged the channel did you?
03:19.01extremisnot sure what line I missed
03:19.02bkw_exten => nocid,1,blah
03:19.03bkw_and start there
03:19.22bkw_I love names for extensions
03:19.25bkw_handy to use
03:19.37extremisyeah, much better than #s
03:20.28*** join/#asterisk jazzinc (
03:21.04bkw_and its a better way to tell whats what
03:21.12*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
03:22.06KalDanoyone know if openh323 has an irc channel?
03:23.11MikeKalD: did you compile it sucesfully?
03:23.19MikeKalD: im having problems compiling pwlib
03:24.08KalDMike: I've got it going on both Linux and Win32... I'm trying to register multiple endpoints on one box
03:24.25MikeKalD: could you help me with a compile error?
03:24.33KalDMike: I can try
03:26.17extremisbkw_: thanks for the help
03:28.06bkw_you got it?
03:28.11zigmancan i install mplayerwithout gtk ?
03:28.34bkw_extremis kick ass
03:33.02bkw_but NOBODY IS HOME
03:33.05bkw_damn you guys :
03:34.01jrollysonok. I'm in again.
03:34.06jrollysonfor now.
03:34.18extremisbkw_: did you fix the doublbe mpg123 bug?
03:34.25bkw_ok who thinks res_monitor should do /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$year/$month/$day/
03:34.38extremisbkw_: I do
03:34.40bkw_extremis no I haven't fixed tha tyet.. I think its an mpg123 bug but i'm going to have to figure it out
03:34.49jrollysonsounds good to me.
03:34.50bkw_ok its needs to be a config option maybe?
03:35.01bkw_res_monitor does ZERO locking now
03:35.05jrollysonand the filename should default $source-$destination
03:35.07bkw_so you can jerk the file from underneath it
03:35.16extremisso, how do I change the music on hold context depending on what SIP user placed teh call?
03:35.35extremisit doesn't look like I can define it in sip.conf
03:35.45bkw_you do it in your dialplan then
03:36.06extremiswith a GotoIf and ENUM ?
03:36.26bkw_openenum I think has died because everyone was so negative about it
03:36.31bkw_so I was like screw this
03:37.24*** part/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
03:37.45extremisso how would you do it?
03:37.58*** join/#asterisk chazbilly (
03:38.05*** join/#asterisk rumba (
03:38.36bkw_haha I totally understand pointers now
03:38.45bkw_god damn why didn't this book just put it to me correctly
03:38.48bkw_man this guy can't write
03:40.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
03:41.25jrollysonbkw: what book?
03:42.00bkw_ORA Practical C programming
03:42.08bkw_its ok but it tries too hard it seems
03:43.26jrollyson$boss just realized we'd gotten hit by a flood of calls.
03:44.13JerJer[road]if (!fix_problem()) {
03:45.23jrollysonhe looked at qview just as the flood was ending ;)
03:45.57jrollysonapparently he hasn't learned how to use DISA to get around the queue yet.
03:47.23bkw_this mpg123 has to do two processes
03:47.32bkw_no way around it from what I can see it needs them both
03:47.49bkw_seems one decodes.. and one writes to stdout or something
03:49.53_Eagle_what's another term to describe a voip gateway, like an ata186?
03:50.53daorkan FXS maybe?
03:51.39_Eagle_well, i mean like a generic term
03:51.51bkw_its an ATA
03:51.58_Eagle_gateway... endpoint...  
03:52.06_Eagle_adapter... that might work
03:52.21_Eagle_cpe... thats good
03:53.45bkw_channel to be able to use this function (No modem emulcation is included).
03:53.53bkw_spelling error on zapras
03:54.06jrollysonnitpick bug!
03:54.10bkw_JerJer[road] you in the cof?
03:54.55JerJer[road]we are working on a project here
03:57.33TestMasTerJerJer[road],  mind if i msg you for a second? its about nufone
03:58.50JerJer[road]i spoze
04:01.58*** join/#asterisk Mostly-Harmless (
04:04.09bkw_Jan 17 22:03:57 WARNING[311309]: file.c:446 ast_openstream: File vm-Cust2 does not exist in any format
04:04.09bkw_Jan 17 22:03:57 WARNING[311309]: file.c:734 ast_streamfile: Unable to open vm-Cust2 (format ULAW): No such file or directory
04:04.14bkw_i'm fixing this bug really fast
04:07.16izois now logging to a file in asterisk somehow buffered ?
04:10.33*** join/#asterisk Calisto (
04:18.40TestMasTerJust wondering...  Is there anyway to break in on someones call..?
04:18.48*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
04:22.25extremisI really wish there was SIPBarge
04:27.07bkw_I have attached sound files to fix this bug
04:27.34bkw_loop call calls thru a zap loop back
04:28.12bkw_vm-Cust1.gsm - "Folder 5" (since its on the 5 key)
04:28.13bkw_and so on
04:28.32*** join/#asterisk seg4l (
04:28.34bkw_those files should exist otherwise drama happens and their is no real way to fix it unless we write an invent routine to fix it
04:28.56bkw_or we can break play_and_wait
04:31.30bkw_no must make them check for the file instead of blowing up
04:31.32*** join/#asterisk gorman (
04:31.34bkw_the API call is there already
04:31.37bkw_just ahve to put that check in
04:31.48bkw_its on my list of things to do when I get around to it
04:33.53*** join/#asterisk kram1 (
04:33.55bkw_wonder if allison will say dirty words
04:33.58james_hey bkw_, is based on Asterisk?
04:34.06bkw_james_ sounds like it
04:34.15james_is impressive
04:34.21bkw_sounds very much like asterisk
04:34.29james_that's exactly what I am interested in ?
04:34.37james_any info on founders?
04:34.46james_or any pictures of the 2U rack
04:34.47bkw_but i'm going to poke and prod at them next week
04:35.06james_i sent them an email already with more info?
04:35.27james_what do you think? you can help setup something like that?
04:35.28bkw_well if it is asterisk and they are selling it ... and they modified it or the like GPL violation
04:36.13TestMasTernow thats fun
04:36.13james_what was that
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04:36.57TestMasTerNetsplit... It happens when they are working on the servers
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04:36.58bkw_RIDE THE WAVE!!!
04:36.58draconiusyay i got asterisk installed finally!
04:37.35jrollysonwhy is it that they can't seem to keep this network in one piece.
04:37.35bkw_draconius you sound like you had some issues?
04:37.35jrollysonits not like its efnet or anything.
04:37.35james_bkw_, could you help setup something like
04:37.35bkw_well hell they act like they are running windows
04:37.35bkw_james_ I can't at this time because one of my customers wouldn't like that
04:38.19bkw_you don't go pissing the cow off when it keeps giving you chocolate milk now do you?
04:38.48james_what do you mean by a customer not liking that?
04:38.48james_do you have any contract with someone or so?
04:39.05james_ofcourse, its upto you?
04:39.05bkw_yes I do work for a customer that does something similar
04:39.05james_i see.....
04:39.10james_not a problem
04:39.13bkw_and tha tcusotmer pays like a slot machine
04:39.19TestMasTerJust wondering...  Is there anyway to break in on someones call..?
04:39.34james_anybody you could suggest here on the forum?
04:39.36bkw_TestMasTer sip to sip?
04:39.55TestMasTerbkw_,  Sip to sip or sip to iax.
04:40.02bkw_I have an idea
04:40.05bkw_but I don't know how to write it
04:40.13bkw_you can look at app_meetme
04:40.30bkw_if you can bridge the calls thru something similar you can them use the monitor only flag to jump in and listen
04:41.13bkw_app_dial could use the same stuff like app_meetme's dynamic stuff
04:41.19bkw_its a hack but doable
04:41.41TestMasTerhrmz i guess this would intail me learning ALOT about c?
04:41.43jrollysonlots of conferences ;)
04:42.27jrollysontest: a lot about the dialplan, very little about c.
04:42.28TestMasTerjrollyson,  Ok i like the sounds of that lol the dialplan i`m learning Very well its the C i`m not
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04:43.19bkw_TestMasTer C isn't that bad if I can learn the basics you can
04:43.54TestMasTerbkw_,  ya.. I have to sit down and do it these days i don`t have alot of time to do stuff like that...
04:44.24TestMasTerAnyway i guess i really need to go look at the coding for the app_dail and app_meetme
04:44.39TestMasTermaybe it will give some ideas on creating this
04:45.22bkw_app_meetme look at:
04:45.22bkw_if (!cnf && (make || dynamic)) {
04:45.24bkw_and below
04:45.26bkw_you will see
04:45.49bkw_its just a matter of finding the right spot
04:46.04jrollysonevil patch
04:46.16TestMasTerbkw_,  Ok thanx I will let you know if i can figure out how to do this
04:46.30jrollysonUniversal Barge-In
04:48.17TestMasTerhey one question Though before i move to this next project... Umm with the calling card script the person talks for about 8 seconds then it auto hangs up
04:49.05bkw_ok question is the guy with the 127 call failure here?
04:49.48bkw_jrollyson but 782 go look at my notes
04:51.03TestMasTerbkw_,  do you figure this Bridge would have to be done with a agi script... Or do you figure it can be done in ext.conf?
04:52.39draconiusbkw_: hehe my biggest issue was getting linux installed
04:52.39draconiusfucking A freenode sucks ass nutsac tonight
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04:54.21draconiusno shit
04:54.21voipit just keeps getting worse
04:54.21Mikesomeone knows if i can use cisco logo in my webpage?
04:54.21draconiusthe intarweb jesus sets mode -stable on *
04:54.21TestMasTerbkw_,  do you figure this Bridge would have to be done with a agi script... Or do you figure it can be done in ext.conf?
04:56.16bkw_Mike no
04:56.16bkw_you can't use the cisco logo unless they give you perms to use it
04:56.17Mikebkw_: i cant?
04:56.17Mikebkw_: really?
04:56.38bkw_they have a program you go thru or paperwork to sign to be able to use it
04:56.38Mikewhat about asterisk and freeworld dialup
04:57.37bkw_fwd has a logo program
04:57.37bkw_not sure about digium but I think if you ask he can tell you
04:58.03Mikeasterisk logo
04:58.03Mikenot digium
04:58.03*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
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04:58.03bkw_I know but I think they own the logo don't they?
04:58.23Miketho it was GPL
04:58.23Y-Notthis is asterisk phone channel right?
04:58.45brent21hello all
04:59.11Corydon76-homeNo, it's the Asterisk IRC channel
04:59.54Y-Notto call a FWD User, i need to dial 1-700-6fwdnumbers
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.03bkw_if its working ya
05:00.03*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.20Y-Notok so can i call that number on a normal phone?
05:00.32Y-Notoh i see
05:00.36bkw_I dn't like these log processes
05:00.41bkw_what are people doing with these logs?
05:01.13Y-Notis there a way to people can call my FWD Numbers using their normal phone? world dialup the way to go then?
05:05.03bkw_#asterisk on efnet is locked
05:05.38jtoddsorry, no north american inbound, it seems.
05:05.47jtoddthough I swear I recall someone offering a gateway from somewhere...
05:05.52jrollyson#asterisk +sptnlk
05:05.52jrollyson#asterisk created on Wed Jan 08 03:32:26 2003
05:06.04jrollysonnot sure whats going on there.
05:07.10Menace-lota splits
05:07.48Menace-reminds me of efnet  in the late 90's ;)
05:10.46*** part/#asterisk Mostly-Harmless (
05:16.02draconiushmmm this is going to take some learning i see
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05:16.38bkw_little rock eh?
05:16.44bkw_jelque where ya at?
05:17.25bkw_JerJer[road] you moo'ed in the conf?
05:19.09bkw_Let the rain go on and on
05:19.25edgy-not: from what country do you want to call FWD?
05:19.53bkw_JerJer[road] get this
05:20.48JerJer[road]no sound card here, atm
05:21.05bkw_ok I can set it up so you can call it
05:21.33*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (
05:26.37bkw_GOOD i'm getting the good file
05:26.43bkw_I called the dallas rejection hotline number
05:27.05*** join/#asterisk Robot1 (
05:27.54bkw_OMG you know how these people do this
05:27.57bkw_they put it on their voicemail
05:28.09bkw_guess thats how they win money for getting a national sponsor?
05:28.16Robot1I have a X100P card to dial out, the audio level is low at the called number, how can I increase the volume level?
05:29.41JerJer[road]i think its bed time, for a change
05:31.28bkw_Robot1 rxgain in zapata.conf
05:32.07Robot1Any idea what I should up it to ? 5 ?
05:33.38*** join/#asterisk Death_INC (
05:34.05Death_INChey anybody seen this? ... I keep getting registration errors on SIP now
05:34.05Death_INCJan 17 19:32:17 NOTICE[1125350192]: chan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from 'Grace Singleton <sip:grace-fax@>' failed for ''
05:34.16Death_INCit registers, then I get like 15 of those, then it registers
05:34.37bkw_why on earth would you have 'Grace Singleton' as user username?
05:34.46bkw_and why is your device sending that if its not?
05:34.51bkw_show me your sip.conf entry
05:35.05Death_INCgrace-fax is the username
05:35.43Death_INCcallerid="Grace Singleton" <(250) 787-1977>
05:36.10bkw_in your deivce where you have "grace singleton" put grace-fax
05:36.40Death_INCstrange thing, is it works fine heh
05:37.26Death_INCbkw, I can also omit it totally, would that be better?
05:37.42Death_INC# Description:  Display Name associated with phone number used for registration
05:37.42Death_INC#               and authentication.
05:37.42Death_INC#        Note:  A value of 0 means that display name will not be included in
05:37.42Death_INC#               any SIP messages.
05:39.46bkw_yes that would work too
05:40.50*** join/#asterisk jkinz (
05:40.56Death_INCcool, thanks.... now I just need to wait for it to pull new config from tftp sometime in the next day lol
05:41.32Death_INCbkw, roflma
05:41.37bkw_you can force the ata to pull its config
05:42.06Death_INCer, it's behind NAT... nevermind
05:42.11bkw_send it a notify packet
05:42.43jrollysonbkw: I like the telemarketer's nightmare better.
05:42.44bkw_very similar to that
05:43.02jrollysonbetter than the rejection hotline that is.
05:43.11bkw_me too
05:43.48jrollysonnow if US ISDN carriers knew how to support call deflection!
05:45.36Death_INCJan 17 19:45:01 NOTICE[1125350192]: chan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from '' failed for ''
05:47.06bkw_Death_INC sounds like you have a secret or something else wrong
05:47.50Death_INCbut it registers, look
05:47.57Death_INCJan 17 19:45:01 NOTICE[1125350192]: chan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from 'sip:grace-fax@' failed for ''
05:47.57Death_INCJan 17 19:45:01 NOTICE[1125350192]: chan_sip.c:5405 handle_request: Registration from 'sip:grace@' failed for ''
05:48.05Death_INCthen it waits a while, and repeats
05:49.45Death_INCmaybe I should just make the expire timer longer
05:50.28bkw_it will re-register
05:51.32jtoddSo is now enabled for .us, .de, .fi, .nl, .fr, .int (UIFN), and hopefully .uk soon.  .de and .int are still pending some problems with SIP filters on the carrier, though...
05:52.53UnixDawgshit rewriting erik fnords callback script is a pain
05:52.53Death_INCyea it re-registers after not quite 120, I'm guessing it's not allowing it to properly register again until the full 120 expires
05:56.48*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (
05:56.55kramgreets wreck
05:58.50jtoddpartying late, eh, kram?
06:03.37*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
06:04.06_Eagle_jer:  you around?
06:04.49jtoddOK, I declare that ENUM is even more useful than my preaching says it is.  Damn, neat stuff.
06:05.15jtoddI'm really leaning more and more for TRIP via ENUM.   Ugly... yet graceful.  Like an ostrich.
06:05.17citatsjtodd: hehe, now you must repent :)
06:05.52citatsjtodd: i think most of the functionality you need is covered by TGREP, rather than TRIP
06:05.53jtoddhey, i've always been an enum advocate - I'm saying that it's even snazzier than I thought when used correctly.
06:06.00bkw_wooo hoooooooooo
06:06.24*** join/#asterisk seemore (
06:06.25jtoddcitats: what I need is a working implementation of either that is open source.
06:06.44bkw_data^heap is working on something trip like
06:06.56jtodddoes he have an email address?
06:07.01bkw_msg him
06:07.42_Eagle_jtodd:  have you ever known anyone who uses irc and doesn't have an email address? :-)
06:07.59jtoddThere is a difference between having an email address and letting others know what it is.  :-)
06:08.22_Eagle_yeah, but you didn't ask what it is.. you asked if he has one :-)
06:08.37jtoddMy question was more or less like asking "So, does he have a name?"
06:09.27jtoddwell, time for me to hit the sack.  g'night all.
06:09.50_Eagle_which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks?
06:10.54bkw_they are both a pound
06:11.03bkw_just takes a fuck more feathers
06:11.14Death_INCjtodd, most people do
06:11.34Death_INCa pound of gold weighs more than a pount of feathers
06:11.40Death_INCgold is measured in troy ounces
06:12.11_Eagle_in case of fire break glass
06:12.39_Eagle_makes no sense, really...  how are you gonna put out the fire with a bunch of broken glass?
06:13.47bkw_or why do we slow down in a speed zone/
06:14.25bkw_and school zones.. those should be fair game... little fuckers get in the road.. flatten them.
06:14.39bkw_haha clean the flock out before they get old enuf to breed
06:15.04bkw_ok i'm just kidding you know
06:15.11_Eagle_hehe.. yeah... if they're not smart enough to look both ways before crossing the street, they're wasting precious oxygen
06:15.29bkw_and public school is a joke
06:15.47bkw_if only I could go back in time.. bitch I would fuck up some teachers for their attitude bullshit
06:16.16_Eagle_heh... i could never go through high school again...  i'd never make it
06:16.35bkw_I would... I would be the teachers worst nightmare
06:16.39_Eagle_because i would never put up with those assholes like i did when i was a kid
06:16.52bkw_I see no need to have a one way repect system like I went thru in high school
06:17.02_Eagle_i'd get kicked out, or arrested, or whatever...  i'd never be able to accept their shit
06:17.08bkw_me either
06:17.14bkw_but I sure as hell would have some fun
06:17.42bkw_I failed math so bad
06:17.45bkw_SOOOOOOOOOO bad
06:17.49bkw_I could do it
06:17.58bkw_but I didn't show my work in the method she liked
06:18.11bkw_I had to break problems down in to smaller parts than she wanted me to do
06:18.18bkw_so I fucked up
06:18.26_Eagle_heh... i like this one....
06:18.29bkw_the answer was the same but how I got there was diffrent
06:18.46bkw_teach wasn't fond of speedmath either
06:18.54_Eagle_why do we put our fate in the hands of 12 people who were too stupid to get out of jury duty?
06:19.08bkw_HAHAHAAHAH so true
06:19.17bkw_see why I didn't go thru a trial
06:21.07_Eagle_or that commercial...  "4 out of 5 dentists agree"...   do you mean they couldn't even find 5 lousy people to agree with them?
06:21.42_Eagle_why the hell would i use their product if they cant even find 5 dentists who like it?
06:21.46kramspan 1: PASS
06:21.53kramspan 2: PASS
06:22.28kramspan 3: PASS
06:22.55joakostupid windows machine, brb need to reboot it
06:23.01_Eagle_kram:  what are we testing?
06:23.06kramspan 4: PASS
06:23.08kramwhoo hoo
06:23.10bkw_IT WORKS
06:23.12kramit lives
06:23.14kramat least on chuckie
06:23.17kramnow for cardboard box
06:23.19*** join/#asterisk srinivas (
06:23.28krambut even getting it to work on chuckie is a HUGE leap forward
06:23.34_Eagle_whats a TE405P ?
06:23.50srinivasHi! I have a small question... can AGI be made to have something like SAY TEXT ?
06:24.04srinivasusing festival or something like that...
06:24.12bkw_you can exec festival with agi
06:24.17kramfirst to retest chuckie with no logic analyzer connected
06:24.28Death_INCSay Number
06:24.29srinivasI tried that bkw_
06:24.46srinivasbut I could not get a response... I used exec(Festival... ) command
06:24.47Death_INCwrong link lol
06:25.13bkw_exec   Executes a given Application
06:25.19srinivasany example code which makes use of festival from an application?
06:25.24bkw_EXEC Festival "Testing this thing"
06:25.36bkw_if you setup festival to work correctly it will do it
06:25.41bkw_did you start the festvial server?
06:25.48_Eagle_whats a TE405P ?
06:25.49bkw_did you apply th epatches to festival
06:25.54bkw_does app_festival work?
06:25.59srinivasI have a working festival server and I tested with other extensions and it works fine
06:26.21bkw_ok then EXEC FESTIVAL "text to say"
06:26.25*** join/#asterisk joako (
06:26.27bkw_should work
06:26.39srinivasI'll try that and let u know.. thanks bkw_
06:28.43_Eagle_whats a TE405P ?
06:28.58srinivasits a TE410P with 5v...
06:29.17_Eagle_and that was needed because.... ?
06:30.05srinivasno idea... thats what I learnt being on this chat... :)
06:30.13h3xmost motherboards besides xeons dont support 3.3v cards
06:30.14joakoNot all motherboards support 3.3v?
06:30.29h3xtheres maybe one exception to that rule
06:30.37h3xsome p4 board from tyan i believe.. donno
06:30.52h3xoh and of course anything else with 64 bit pci slots
06:30.58h3xamd shiznit
06:31.15_Eagle_the TE410P is the version of the T400P that does both T1 and E1 ?
06:31.29h3xyes, and it has busmastering
06:31.52_Eagle_but the T400P works fine with 5v ?
06:32.32h3xif a board has two notches in it like most do
06:32.38h3xit will work in either a 5v or 3.3v slot
06:32.52h3xif it only has one notch it will work in either 5v or 3.3v depending on which one
06:32.59_Eagle_i stick the card in the slot... if it fits, i turn on the PC...  if it works, i smile... if it doesn't, i swear a lot.... pretty simple
06:33.03h3xso, most cards support either and most motherboards only have 5 volt slots
06:34.30_Eagle_is sipura owned by someone on this channel?
06:34.48_Eagle_either they're a really small company, or a really big company....
06:34.55joakoYes, BKW secretly owns them
06:34.58_Eagle_either way, they dont respond to emails very well
06:35.01joakonotice how he was the first to deny it...
06:35.26joakoThey take a few days, have you tried calling them?
06:35.31_Eagle_ive been waiting a week for a reply
06:36.09_Eagle_i usually only remember about them when it's night time and i'm not doing other stuff
06:36.17h3xis asterisk supposed to work with kernel 2.6
06:36.21joakowhat exactly is your problem?
06:36.30_Eagle_no problem
06:36.37_Eagle_just have some sales questions for them
06:37.45tclark_Eagle_: call em they are always there ..
06:38.15_Eagle_next time i remember between 9 and 5 on a weekday, i'll give them a call
06:39.39tclarkalso dan from voipstore.atacomm know quite a lot sales/tech & futures he is SIPUra reseller
06:39.59tclarkatacomm in here :)
06:40.11bkw_found it
06:41.02*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
06:41.10_Eagle_so who is he... pulver innovations or ?
06:41.22tclarklike sipura is supposed to release a 1 port fxo<->sip device by q2 this year ..
06:41.40_Eagle_ooo... sexy
06:41.51tclarkin the $99 range
06:42.10_Eagle_fxo to sip gateway...  that would be very very nice
06:42.33kramdoesn't work in cardboard box
06:42.37kramit takes errors occasionally
06:42.43kram(much too occasionally)
06:44.38srinivashey bkw_ Im using perl script as AGI script to say the text it only says the first word and after that it doesn't say the remaning words.... what could be the problem?
06:44.46joakotclark: I am also aware of another company that is shipping a 1 port FXS + 1 port FXO sip device...
06:45.06tclarkprice pt ? right now ?
06:45.34bkw_kram we have a problem
06:45.58srinivashere's what I used as the command.... $AGI->exec(Festival, 'HELLO THIS IS MY TEST');
06:46.11bkw_got some zombie channels for some reason
06:46.31bkw_I see why its doing it or how its coming up with this
06:46.35bkw_but not sure 100%
06:46.41brent21ive been getting tons of zombies lately after cvs up on jan 13
06:47.31bkw_I see whats up
06:47.42bkw_I call once, hold, conf, dial again, conf
06:47.46joakotclark: they offered me $1200 FOB korea for 10 units
06:47.55bkw_its trying to bridge the channels
06:49.42bkw_haha when you make a conf call over iax2 from sip boy does that blow up
06:49.48bkw_gets fugly quick
06:50.36Corydon76-homeWorks just fine with a Grandstream phone.  :-P
06:50.58srinivasbkw_ can u tell me why I only get the first word only from festival for this command in AGI perl script? $AGI->exec(Festival, 'HELLO THIS IS MY TEST');
06:51.02Corydon76-homeMust be that crappy Cisco you're using.  :-P
06:51.12_Eagle_srinivas:  use " instead of '
06:51.17_Eagle_double quotes
06:51.23bkw_Corydon nope
06:51.25bkw_its a bug in iax2
06:51.36bkw_associated with trunking and transfers
06:51.37srinivastried that even then its the same problem
06:51.54Corydon76-homebkw_:  every conference I participate in in the evening is from SIP to IAX2.
06:51.54srinivasI tried double quotes too....
06:52.10Corydon76-homeWorks with a Grandstream.
06:52.30bkw_Corydon no that works fine
06:52.37bkw_this is a weird combo
06:52.58srinivasany other suggestions to make the script work?
06:53.17bkw_oh yes this is a bug in transfers and trunking
06:53.22bkw_because I have use count 2
06:53.27bkw_remote had use count 2
06:53.33bkw_no data passing between them
06:53.41Corydon76-homesrinivas:  Use two sets of quotes:  "'This is my test'"
06:53.53bkw_but when I go to the remote server and soft hangup the use count on my end goes down and I see the channels hangup
06:54.16bkw_I will have to show this to kram on the conf call
06:54.27srinivasCorydon76-home: I already did that even then it gives me the same problem of reading out the first word only
06:54.46srinivas$AGI->exec(Festival, "HELLO THIS IS MY TEST");
06:55.05_Eagle_srinivas:  try this:     "\"HELLO THIS IS MY TEST\""
06:55.17srinivasone sec
06:55.26_Eagle_maybe asterisk needs to see the "s but perl is not passing them
06:55.29Corydon76-homeHmmm, so it's misinterpreting the spaces...
06:56.13srinivasyahooo..... it works.... _Eagle_
06:56.21srinivas"\"HELLO THIS IS MY TEST\"" works
06:56.26_Eagle_yep...  asterisk wanted to see the "s
06:56.38_Eagle_but in perl, you need to escape-them with the \
06:56.59Corydon76-homesrinivas:  Try again, with '"This is a test"'
06:57.15Corydon76-homeJust to be sure it's really the double quotes that it wants
06:57.49_Eagle_cory:  but then asterisk will still see "s, but perl sees 's
06:58.13_Eagle_the outer quotes are for perl, the inner quotes are for asterisk
06:58.30Corydon76-home_Eagle_:  I know that.  There are two sets of quotes there
06:58.54*** join/#asterisk srinivas (
06:59.13_Eagle_the exec() command needs a string passed to it, and asterisk wants to see the "s which perl is stripping out because perl thinks the "s are just for it
06:59.21srinivasthank you _Eagle_
06:59.39_Eagle_its the same with SQL.
06:59.48_Eagle_srinivas:  no problem... glad it works for you
07:00.01srinivasbut when we pass the params to Festival command there are no quotes whatsoever
07:00.07_Eagle_ive done a lot of perl coding over the years...  ive been caught by that one before
07:00.25_Eagle_srinivas:  yes, but its the AGI function that wants the "'s\
07:00.27_Eagle_not festival
07:00.59_Eagle_just like passing a string of digits in the WAIT FOR command....
07:01.34_Eagle_any time AGI is looking for a string with "s you have to put in a second set because perl thinks the "s are for perl
07:01.58_Eagle_its like if you were doing a SQL select using perl
07:02.37_Eagle_print "select * from table where pet = 'cat'\n";
07:02.53srinivasI like perl... its really cool
07:02.56srinivasdone work on that starting perl 4.... :)
07:02.56srinivasfestival doesnt expect quotes in extensions.conf? and here it does... anamoly?
07:02.56Corydon76-homeNah, probably just how AGI is coded
07:02.56Corydon76-homeOne set of quotes for Perl, another set of quotes for AGI
07:02.56srinivasummmm....may be
07:03.36Corydon76-homeDon't forget the semicolon for SQL
07:03.42_Eagle_festival doesnt care about the quotes
07:03.51_Eagle_its asterisk/agi that cares, and perl that cares
07:03.59MikeJerJer[road]: alive?
07:04.18_Eagle_mike:  i'm waiting for him too...  he's AWOL
07:04.18srinivasok.... then how do we take care of the issue when we have something to be read from a field in the database which has quotes in them..... that would screw things up...
07:04.40Mike_Eagle_: you could help me too
07:04.49Corydon76-home$string =~ s#"#\\"#g;
07:05.01Mike_Eagle_: gnomemeeting +asterisk, problem on compiling pwlib for openh323
07:05.08srinivasok.... cool.. thanks Corydon76-home
07:05.29_Eagle_mike:  ive never used gnomemeeting, pwlib, or openh323... sorry :(
07:05.47_Eagle_i use sip with asterisk
07:05.47srinivasu meant / instead of # right?
07:05.49Corydon76-homeThat _should_ work.  but you may need to hack agi to get it to work correctly.
07:06.18Corydon76-homesrinivas:  Doesn't matter which delimiter you use.  # will work just fine
07:06.37srinivasok.... it does!
07:06.45Corydon76-homeYou can use virtually any character
07:07.38bkw_Corydon check that out
07:07.58Corydon76-homeIn fact, you should choose a character that's not used within the expression, to avoid having to escape the delimiter when you need it in the expression.
07:08.45srinivasok... I always used / and thought thats about it... but this is new learning to me even after using the language for more than 9 years... :)
07:08.58_Eagle_cory:  thats cool... so it knows to use # as the delimiter because it's the first character after the s ?
07:09.03Corydon76-homebkw_:  my use count for is still 0, though I've used it since I last restarted/reloaded
07:09.20Corydon76-home_Eagle_:  yep.  Perl is smart.
07:09.25_Eagle_i love perl
07:09.31bkw_Corydon you use trunking?
07:09.38_Eagle_ive loved it since i first started using it
07:09.38Mike/usr/include/sys/time.h:57: error: redefinition of `struct timezone'
07:09.38Mike/usr/include/linux/time.h:20: error: previous definition of `struct timezone'
07:09.38Mike/usr/include/sys/time.h:94: error: parse error before numeric constant
07:09.38Mike/usr/include/sys/time.h:108: error: redefinition of `struct itimerval'
07:09.38Mike/usr/include/linux/time.h:359: error: previous definition of `struct itimerval'
07:09.38Corydon76-homeNo, no trunking here
07:09.49Mikeanyone has any idea why i get those errors?
07:09.52bkw_Corydon I think thats the key to this
07:10.28Corydon76-homeMike:  which distro?
07:10.30_Eagle_mike:  sounds like something is being #include'd twice, 2 different versions
07:10.37MikeCorydon76-home: debian
07:11.00Corydon76-home_Eagle_:  actually, double includes shouldn't do that.
07:11.29Corydon76-homeSystem include files are structured to prevent that error if they are inadvertently included twice.
07:11.43MikeCorydon76-home: any ideas?
07:11.45Corydon76-homeMike:  what are you compiling?
07:11.52MikeCorydon76-home: pwlib
07:11.55_Eagle_what i mean is, its like there is a time.h in the source you're compiling, and yet its also including time.h from the system
07:12.12_Eagle_2 different ones
07:12.23Corydon76-homeMike:  did you run the configure script for that machine?
07:12.35MikeCorydon76-home: :) yes
07:12.49Corydon76-homeMike:  well, it's guessing wrong somewhere.
07:13.15*** join/#asterisk CarlosR (
07:13.18CarlosRhey all
07:13.18MikeCorydon76-home: any suggestions?
07:13.30Corydon76-homeWhich version are you attempting to compile?
07:13.33CarlosRhow does the authenticate application work?
07:13.52Corydon76-homeshow application authenticate
07:14.06_Eagle_well, i gotta get some sleep
07:14.15_Eagle_ill catch jer tomorrow with my question
07:14.16CarlosRi know
07:14.17_Eagle_bye folks
07:14.17srinivasgood night _Eagle_
07:14.22CarlosRbut do you use it with a goto?
07:15.18Corydon76-homeMike:  where's the previous definition?
07:15.42Corydon76-homeof struct timezone, specifically?
07:15.51MikeCorydon76-home: no idea
07:15.56*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:16.02Corydon76-homeMike:  it says in the error message
07:16.08Mikelets see
07:16.14Corydon76-homeOr it should, at least.
07:16.56Mikethere goes a bit of flood
07:17.03Mikeg++ -DP_LINUX=2.4.24 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -D_REENTRANT -Wall  -fPIC -DP_USE_PRAGMA -g -D_DEBUG -DPMEMORY_CHECK=1 -DPHAS_TEMPLATES -I/storage/asterisk/asterisk-0.7.1/channels/h323/pwlib/include/ptlib/unix -I/usr/include/pwlib -I/storage/asterisk/asterisk-0.7.1/channels/h323/pwlib/include -fPIC -DP_USE_PRAGMA -DPTRACING=1 -x c++ -c ../../ptclib/asner.cxx -o /storage/asterisk/asterisk-0.7.1/channels/h323/pwlib/lib/obj_lin
07:17.03MikeIn file included from /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h:16,
07:17.19Mike/usr/include/linux/time.h:9: error: redefinition of `struct timespec'
07:17.21Mike/usr/include/time.h:119: error: previous definition of `struct timespec'
07:18.19bkw_your trying to use the latest PWlib aren't you
07:18.25bkw_and the latest oh323
07:18.28bkw_GOOD LUCK
07:18.32Mikebkw_: why?
07:18.44CarlosRhey bkw_!
07:18.52Corydon76-homeMike:  what's your kernel version?
07:18.58bkw_it does the same thing to me on gentoo
07:19.00MikeCorydon76-home: 2.4.24
07:19.09bkw_its a pwlib/oh323 issue
07:19.18Mikebkw_: so what version its working?
07:19.25Corydon76-homebkw_:  I'm using that version just fine on Mandrake 9.1
07:19.39bkw_very strange it won't work here
07:19.47bkw_if I install redhat it would I bet
07:19.55bkw_i'm tempted to do that
07:19.58Mikebkw_: what version you got there
07:20.01bkw_but I like gentoo
07:20.19Corydon76-homeMike:  have you already defined PWLIBDIR and exported it into your environment yet?
07:20.20bkw_1.5.2 and 1.12.2 or something close to that
07:20.29TestMasTerasterisk works For the most part fine on redhat
07:20.38MikeCorydon76-home: nop
07:20.46bkw_h323 needs to be fied so it works better on diffrent platforms
07:20.51Corydon76-homeMike:  do that, make clean, then make all
07:20.53bkw_er fied
07:21.01bkw_er fixed
07:21.05MikeCorydon76-home: where should i point it?
07:21.11Mikethe readme says
07:21.15Mikecontact jerjer
07:21.21Corydon76-homeMike:  to whereever you unpacked pwlib
07:21.23*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
07:21.35Corydon76-homeIt should point to that directory
07:21.46TestMasTerOk i have no time outs set or anything I get 30 seconds of talk time maybe.. And it dies out can anyone recommend a fix to this
07:22.07TestMasTerIts a iax2 to sip call
07:22.48Corydon76-homeI actually have PWLIBDIR and OPENH323DIR definied globally for all users
07:23.25Mikei got a very very bad error now
07:23.40Corydon76-homeDid you 'make clean' first?
07:24.10Mikeyes im doing that but
07:24.15Mikesec its going again
07:24.50Mikemake clean; make
07:24.58Mikesame error the paths are set correctly
07:25.25Corydon76-homeso you did export PWLIBDIR=/usr/src/pwlib-1.5.2 ?
07:25.43Mikeand oh323 same
07:25.47Mikesame error
07:26.03Mikei hate having to downgrade
07:26.16Corydon76-homeI don't have a Debian box here, so I can't test that in parallel
07:26.45Mikeno problem
07:26.53Mikeill get the version brian has
07:27.01Mikebkw_: where you got those versions?
07:27.08Corydon76-homeOr install Mandrake 9.1
07:27.25Mikeim a debian guy:)
07:27.30Mikelet me check that url
07:28.14Corydon76-homeOdd, I'm a techie.  I use whatever happens to work
07:29.21MikeCorydon76-home: debian its about religion stuff
07:29.25bkw_%all-your-base.gsm%All your base are belong to us.
07:29.30bkw_I swear I love this stuff
07:29.50Mikebkw_: shouldnt you be sleeping?
07:29.57Mikebkw_: your the first one to walk away
07:30.18bkw_I got my laptop in bed with me watching teevee
07:30.19bkw_and working on things
07:30.42bkw_I think i'm going to write the app
07:30.49bkw_I think i'm going to write the app alpha stuff tomorow
07:30.49Mikewhat app?
07:31.07Mikegives me the same error
07:31.09Mikedamn h323
07:31.16Mikewhy doesnt asterisk include the module
07:31.20TestMasTerMike,  what version of rh?
07:31.55MikeTestMasTer: i dont use rh, even if i did use it rh its gone
07:32.45Mikethis is what i most hate having to fight with a fu... lib
07:32.53CarlosRwhat does this error mean ? Unknown RTP codec 72 received
07:33.28Mikesomeone has jerjer iaxtel?
07:34.00bkw_ast_say_alpha and ast_say_phonetic?
07:34.05bkw_corydon76 does that look ok?
07:34.12CarlosRJan 17 23:17:40 NOTICE[24594]: rtp.c:418 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 72 received
07:34.26bkw_alpha would be ABC, phonetic would be alpha, bravo, charlie
07:35.45kamileonwhat is the name of the remote management console for X
07:42.42MikeWelcome to!
07:43.44Mikethis has to be slashdoted
07:49.10*** join/#asterisk Krane (~chatzilla@
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07:51.54f00zlittle question :)
07:52.41f00zcan i use asterisk for make call over vonage
07:52.55f00zand use Cisco ATA-186 for connect to my asterisk server?
07:59.13*** part/#asterisk f00z (
08:00.10benngardanyone knows the status of zaptel for freebsd?
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08:15.49jelquebkw_: Oak Forest... close to UALR
08:15.52voidptr_morning folks
08:36.06*** part/#asterisk CarlosR (
08:39.05Mocis mailling list down ?
08:39.28MocI dont seem to have receive anything since 9h13PM
08:49.12oejMoc: 2183 messages so far in January, and you complain it's quiet? :-)
08:49.43oejbenngard: Zaptel for freebsd, check for a bounty
08:49.45brc007quiet? no way
08:49.55Mocwell being 6 hours of quiet on mailing list ... doesn't seem normal
08:50.49brc007it's the weekend...
08:50.57brc007it's a sloooow server
08:51.02Mocnever had a quiet night like that
08:51.17oejbrc007: Guess it's a large number of subscribers...
08:52.13brc007yeah you're forced it out of me...the aliens have come and taken everybody else...I told they they should get you too but they weren't interested...
08:52.18brc007didn't want me either
08:53.16brc007oej...yeah there's a ton of subscribers...wish digium would upgrade the listserv box
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09:10.43mbrancamorning all
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09:15.32srinivascan someone tell me whether they have been able to add the cdr_odbc module properly with results?
09:16.06srinivasI dont have cdr_odbc config file in my distribution I got from cvs like a month and half ago I have in production
09:16.23srinivasany one here has it? can they email me the file?
09:16.24benngardoej: thanx!
09:17.21oejbenngard: Don't forget to add your $$$$ :-)
09:19.02benngardoej: will se what the best way to help, will be...
09:20.01benngardoej: i have access to "pretty much" internet and also some "Swedish" E1/PRI...
09:20.53*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
09:21.12oejbenngard: And we'll meet in Gothenburg on wednesday, right? :-)
09:22.42voidptr_webcams are so cool: you are watching a car park... then the car just stands there for 30 minutes
09:22.45benngardoej: correct!
09:22.49voidptr_and then they guy gets out
09:23.01voidptr_now what was he doin in his car for 30 mins? :P
09:24.27tessierspank spank spank
09:24.47benngardoej: what do u think, we put a freebsd box at "rĺsunda", with a digium board attatched to an "axe"... could that help?
09:25.06benngardoej: porting everything to freebsd
09:26.47oejbenngard: That'll help the AIK fans :-) Let's discuss on wednesday, gotta go offline and join the family on this beautiful sunday :-)
09:27.00benngardoej: se u!
09:38.46*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
09:43.48voidptr_say it wasn't you
09:48.05mbrancafarfon still down...
09:48.20voidptr_yeh :(
09:48.27voidptr_i want status ;)
09:48.56mbrancabtw, what's the use of app_broadcastcid?
09:49.05mbrancaat least, the idea behind it
09:49.15voidptr_when you have phones that can't display caller id, or only number
09:49.38voidptr_you can feed phone book info, and calleridname into it
09:50.32voidptr_and uses udp broadcast over your networks, and integrates nicely in your extension logic :)
09:50.57mbrancammmh...ok. so I expect that the app will send also the channel, in order to link the cid to a specific extension
09:51.18voidptr_well, yes, thats something i have to figure out
09:53.03voidptr_privacy kinda hard
09:53.19voidptr_you can send it to a specific ip ofcourse
09:54.10mbrancawho cares about privacy :)
09:54.32voidptr_hum, people who have something to hide
09:54.51angler_gov sucks
09:55.31mbrancaif you can sniff a cid, you can also sniff their web traffic, email, blah blah blah
09:55.55voidptr_yeah but if i broadcast it over a network :)
09:56.48mbrancathat's true
09:57.00voidptr_anyway, doesn't matter
09:57.05voidptr_will figure something out
09:57.18Aviaaanybody know why, when * wokring about i.e. ~5 - 10 more hours, dont want connect call. I must restart and then working fine
09:57.36Aviaavia Iax2
09:58.13mbrancabut could be useful for a operator global view. just add app_hashangupped , so you'll know when the call started & ended... and with a simple program, an operator could have a view of the call status on the net :) pretty weird, ih?
09:58.24ManxPowerAviaa, It's a nat issue.  Try adding qualify=300 to the [iaxplace] in iax.conf.  
09:58.49voidptr_mbranca : hum....
09:58.50Aviaain this moment i have: qualify=yes
09:59.00ManxPowerAviaa, that would prolly work as well.
09:59.02Aviaalet me try yours add yours idea :)
09:59.11voidptr_dunno, bbl shower
09:59.50AviaaManxPower aa sory i forget tell U that this is : me > sip > * > iax
09:59.52Aviaaups :)
10:00.17ManxPowerWhere is the NAT?
10:00.23Aviaame > sip
10:00.48ManxPowerI didn't know there could be NAT between a human and a SIP device.  
10:01.04Aviaai add nat=yes into sip.conf
10:01.21ManxPowertry addiny qualify=yes to the entries in sip.conf
10:01.24Aviaame with nat > connecting via sip > *
10:01.54Aviaa"yes" or "300" ?
10:02.01ManxPowerAviaa, it doesn't matter.
10:02.07Aviaaaj si
10:02.41Aviaaok and then must waiting some hours and try again :P
10:04.09mbrancareally, using yes * will check only if the peer is reacheable. 300 will check if is reacheable in 300 (msecs?) and treat the peer as offline if the time exceed.
10:07.03Aviaabut i use ,
10:07.03Aviaaendit doea metter
10:09.59*** join/#asterisk mmco (
10:11.45ManxPowerAny qualify= setting may keep the NAT translations in the router from timeing out.
10:17.09mbrancabah.. cvs@sourceforge is down...
10:18.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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10:20.37RoyKgot the j back :)
10:21.38ManxPowerIt always sucks when you lose a j
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10:46.23voidptr_anyone know if i should use locking in an app_?, especially for a reload?
10:47.20kapejodeven on the p4 2.6 ghz :(
10:48.16dianahi kapejod :)
10:48.32kapejodhi diana :)
10:48.42kapejodohh pwlib compiled!
10:48.48voidptr_iraqi people are wierd
10:48.51dianavoidptr > is really easy you just define the reload function
10:49.04voidptr_some guy dying, and they stand there watching
10:49.18voidptr_diana : ok.
10:49.53kapejodvoidptr: why dont you come over? :)
10:49.59kapejodcant be that far....
10:50.15kapejodwe'll get you in without problems
10:50.21voidptr_i was wondering since i will throw away some structs, and you never know ;)
10:50.29voidptr_kapejod : :S
10:50.33dianakapejod > voidptr is here?
10:50.37voidptr_no no
10:50.44dianadamn it
10:50.45voidptr_about 200km to the west
10:50.50kapejodclose enough
10:51.21dianavoidptr > take train
10:51.31kapejodvoidptr: come and bring some divx movies! ... we got a 3 beamer setup here :)
10:51.37kapejodwidescreen :)
10:51.44voidptr_ooh ;)
10:51.58voidptr_got fast inet? :P
10:52.29kapejodsome adsl from german telecom
10:52.37kapejodenough for playing
10:52.53kapejodvoidptr: make sure you bring a wifi card!
10:53.10voidptr_my pcmcia is mighty borked ;)
10:53.13kapejodwe are a bit short on ethernet
10:53.36kapejodvoidptr: and of course we are not short on beer ;)
10:54.07voidptr_hummm :((
10:54.17kapejodcome on...
10:54.27voidptr_i have to finish some things :S
10:54.57voidptr_what about i invite you all to my graduation :P
10:55.15dianakapejod > btw, i have talk with Paul, and we will fix gcc 3 problem soon
10:55.16kapejodwe cant wait that long... ;)
10:55.25kapejoddiana: yate is up and running
10:55.26voidptr_kapejod : true :S
10:55.38dianakapejod > well, in this case that's good
10:55.38kapejoddiana: now compiling openh323
10:55.44dianamain is fucked up
10:56.03kapejoddiana: why did you change the format for the zaptel configuration file? :(
10:56.16kapejodit wasnt that bad...
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10:57.26dianawell, for no good reason
10:57.36dianakapejod > anyway that is just starting config
10:57.50dianaafter that we will build modules that will administrate antire yate
10:58.36kapejoddiana: i will make a small patch to add bri support
10:58.46Aviaawhat i do wrong, ... i create wav file, convert with sox to gsm ... copy new file into */sounds ... in extension exten => 222,1,Playback(please-wait), and dont working :(
10:58.51kapejodgrrrrr....fscking openoffice
10:59.28kapejodi only tried to add a new slide and it froze :(
10:59.32voidptr_so humm, /me wonders if xml is nice to send messages
11:00.06voidptr_oh, that sucks :S
11:00.20dianakapejod > that's cool
11:01.28mbrancanever frozed OO here.... may be suse?
11:02.06voidptr_hehe :D
11:03.10kapejodmbranca: :-P
11:03.19Aviaaanybody know why * dont play new gsm file ?
11:04.04voidptr_ok, thats 1 step forward...
11:04.15mbrancapoor person
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11:18.03ManxPowerAviaa, Try specifying the fill path
11:18.38ManxPowerSuse "We'll Do Package Management Our Own Way, Damnit!" Linux?
11:19.40dianaManxPower > who the fuck cares about SuSE?
11:19.56Aviaaheh ManxPower i copy into */sounds and even install again
11:20.03ManxPowerAviaa, Try specifying the fill path
11:20.07ManxPowerfull path too.
11:20.47ManxPowerdiana, Well obvously nobody ot Novell "We Kill Every Company We Buy" Systems would not have bought them.
11:20.54ManxPowerot == or
11:21.35voidptr_i wonder how that will end up yes
11:22.48AviaaManxPower working :)
11:34.32ManxPowerDoes anyone have any suggestions for software to use for doing a network diagram (on Linux, of course)
11:34.58voidptr_its not pretty, but dia...
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11:44.50voidptr_what about gnomemeeting, will it work with * using h323 or something else?
11:45.25voidptr_(since that was announced here before, gnomemeeting 1.0 and * ...)
11:45.29mbrancavoidptr_: yes, use the bundled chan_h323 and you'll be happy
11:45.57voidptr_i dunno about that :P
11:51.47voidptr_mbranca : shall i make the extension dialed an argument?
11:57.20voidptr_like: BroadcastCID(${EXTEN},mygroup)
11:58.16voidptr_since i'm not sure if you always want to send the extension someone is calling
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11:59.33mbrancavoidptr_: yes, better as an argument.
12:03.42*** join/#asterisk _Yog_ (
12:05.05voidptr_#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
12:05.05voidptr_#1  0x08051d8b in ast_sched_runq (con=0x80ed9c0) at sched.c:376
12:05.05voidptr_#2  0x21948853 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at chan_iax.c:4523
12:05.05voidptr_#3  0x2168a0ba in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/
12:07.22voidptr_well bbl
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12:30.48ManxPowerI sunno, looks like something a void ptr would cause.....
12:35.31FuzzyCathow can i get Jan 18 13:35:00 NOTICE[401432]: rtp.c:264 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
12:39.53voidptr_mbranca : i hope so :)
12:43.46mbrancait should, at least
12:45.08mbrancasince 200 sip users are max 130 calls simultaneosly
12:48.43voidptr_well, between sip clients it doesn't take cpu (if native bridged)...
12:49.45voidptr_in theory :)
12:50.09mbrancaonly sip2zap ... but should be low cpu usage too, since sip clients will use g711...
12:53.10voidptr_i also have a 2.8 for the telco <-> pabx bridge...
12:53.31voidptr_still have to get it to work
12:59.38mbrancacoffee time
13:08.51voidptr_argh argh argh :(
13:09.12voidptr_how could it come to this
13:09.30voidptr_where is the escape button for life?
13:20.59*** join/#asterisk srinivas (~srinivas@
13:28.57*** join/#asterisk sudhir (
13:32.15*** join/#asterisk Link (
13:33.13Linkanyone know how to get out of a loop when you get into
13:34.20LinkI can't get out once I am in
13:37.42DL4GRCHas anyone here experienced a problem with Swissvoice IP10S phones (MGCP) and dialed digits being duplicated? Seems to happen only on the initial dial into * and not on responding to any menus.
13:44.57LinkYes I have
13:45.23LinkNot with Swissvoice but have experienced it
13:45.33Linkwhen you pess digit you get duplicate
13:53.31*** join/#asterisk edg (
13:56.20Linkanyone know how to use the operator feature
13:56.48*** join/#asterisk tangel (tangel@
13:59.10*** join/#asterisk Kumbang_ (~unknown@
14:00.55Linkanyone here know how to use operator feature
14:03.25DL4GRCLink, How did you solve the duplicate digit issue?   Regarding your operator feature question do you mean calls to a single operator or something else?
14:09.25*** join/#asterisk meee (
14:10.36LinkWell I didn't !!
14:10.50LinkI switched to cisco ATA186's
14:11.58*** join/#asterisk ecd (
14:15.27*** join/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
14:16.04LinkAnyone know how to use the operator feature
14:16.10ManxPowerDL4GRC, try a manually set the dtmfmode= in mgcp.conf
14:16.25ManxPowerLink, "operator" feature?
14:16.32LinkManxPower you are here
14:16.38Linkthank GD
14:16.51LinkIs there a way to set up operator
14:17.02Linkdial "0" to get operator
14:17.05ManxPowerCreate an extension 0
14:17.19ManxPowerNEXT! (c) 2004 bkw_
14:17.49ManxPowerNow, if you want to explain in a little more depth, maybe I can give a better answer.
14:18.24LinkOk I need our operator to answer and send calls to appropriate number if they dial "0"
14:18.29Linkfrom main menu
14:18.35LinkDialing in
14:19.00ManxPowerYup, create an exten => 0,1,Dial(blah)
14:19.08dougheckaSpeak to the Hand!
14:19.23*** join/#asterisk zoa (~john@
14:19.39Linkwhere should this be under [default]
14:20.02Linkwhat does blah represent the default number?
14:20.33bkw_doughecka hand.. isn't that all you get these days?
14:20.36zoayou here little one ?
14:21.00zoayou can almost do A to 1
14:21.01zoaA to Z
14:21.07zoanow try counting to 10
14:21.07ManxPowerLink, read the Asterisk handbook and then look at...
14:21.09ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
14:21.33kapejodzoa: what's up?
14:21.36*** join/#asterisk reseaux (~dimi@
14:21.46kapejodhi reseaux :)
14:21.57reseauxhi kapejod!!!!
14:21.59Linkthanks ManxPower Man
14:22.02zoa${SIP_CODEC}    SIP:  Sets the RTP codec for a call
14:22.07zoacool i didnt know that was in there
14:22.14reseauxkapejod:happy new year!!
14:22.19zoawe need somebody to port all sip goodies to IAX2 !!!
14:22.30zoaaha kapejod
14:22.35ManxPowerzoa, only works for outgoing calls,  IIRC
14:22.35zoacan zaprtc be included in cvs ?
14:22.48bkw_zoa I doubt it will
14:23.03bkw_we have ztdummy and zaprtc has been around for a long time
14:23.06zoabkw: i mean are we allowed to put it in cvs ?
14:23.11ManxPowerI'd like to be able to send variables in an IAX2 call
14:23.15zoaas he is the owner
14:23.17zoaof the code
14:23.28bkw_I doubt kapejod will disclaim it
14:23.36bkw_he hasn't disclaimed chan_capi
14:23.38zoawell i can at least ask him :)
14:24.01zoasomebody did ask him sometime before ?
14:24.08bkw_yes I asked him about his stuff before
14:24.19zoabkw, i think we should have a non disclaimed addon dir on cvs
14:24.21ManxPowerI think I asked him about that once and basically he was very honest about it and said (I'm paraphrasing here) "My ego is too big to disclaim something I've written"
14:24.42zoamaybe its not necessary to disclaim it
14:24.46ManxPowerOr maybe that was citats
14:24.48zoait could be usefull to put it in cvs
14:25.03zoaif we have his permission to do just that
14:25.12zoaand it doesnt become an asterisk core component
14:25.18DL4GRCLink, I think what you need to do is send your default calls (s extension) to the operator's phone then enable them to transfer calls.  I havn't setup transfer yet so can't help you there but you will find it in the handbook already mentioned.
14:25.27zoaSPAM ALERT :(
14:25.30ManxPowerzoa, Digium does not want to have to rip out parts of Asterisk when they license the code to someone under a non-GPL license.
14:25.38zoaManxPower: i know
14:25.49zoatherefor a non disclaimed dir would cause no problems
14:26.03zoaand it could only contain addons that are not core components
14:26.10zoathat way they only have to remove that dir
14:26.20zoaand it will not cause any problems with the rest of the code
14:26.23ManxPowerzoa, you mean like asterisk-addons that already exists?
14:26.38zoabut something not supported by asterisk
14:26.44zoajust enclosed within the package
14:26.47zoafor easier working
14:27.08zoasomething not supported or owned by digium i mean by that
14:27.47*** join/#asterisk magicman (
14:27.47zoakapejod, what do you think of that ?
14:30.35LinkHey ManxPower?  Do you use Cisco 7960's?
14:32.23LinkEver bought one with Skinny on it?  If so, ever try upgrading it to SIP?  I can go all day long back and fourth between SIP and MGCP but SKINNY doesn't take SIP upgrade on PHONE.  ANY Ideas?
14:33.29reseauxTO ALL: Someone have found some problem with free message and *?plz
14:38.00zoahow do you mean reseaux ?
14:38.14dianahi zoa
14:40.52dantLink, works dead easy following the instructions
14:40.52bkw_reseaux wath do you mean?
14:41.07zoayeah wrath do you mean ?
14:41.13reseauxbkw_:when you call to free number i cant listen nothing...
14:41.23*** part/#asterisk stan (
14:41.28bkw_you still make no sense... what do you mean free number?
14:42.13zoatoll free i think
14:42.21zoahe has no audio on toll free numbers
14:42.26zoaand he thinks it signalling
14:42.31zoai think its his carrier
14:43.43zoakapejod how about zaprtc ?
14:43.47reseauxbkw_: i want say free mex or 800 number the called no send "connect" beacuse is free..
14:43.48kapejodsame story
14:43.57zoacould it be enclosed with asterisk ?
14:44.09zoawithout granting all rights to digium ?
14:44.12kapejodnope, also contains a few patches
14:44.27kapejoddigium can include it without asking me, but they refuse to
14:44.34zoaah ic
14:44.35kapejodnot a problem on my side
14:44.53reseauxhi kapejod...
14:45.03kapejodperhaps this might even bring qsig and ss7
14:45.18zoahow do you mean kapejod ?
14:45.51kapejodI've heard about an ss7 and qsig stack for libpri
14:46.48LinkBKW you there
14:47.02f5-Scr^workhi i want a signal from my local prover when i dial the 0 then i want to dial the number and speak
14:47.08bkw_yes but i'm not going to help you upgrade your phones...
14:47.12f5-Scr^workanyone have a idea how to do this ?
14:47.24LinkNo not the phones dude
14:47.34LinkJust help with the Operator deal
14:47.37Linkcan you bud
14:47.43reseauxto ALL: i want to try to hack libpri to have "early B3" function like CAPI for free mex
14:47.45bkw_what do you want
14:47.48LinkI need to put an operator extension in
14:47.54reseauxto ALL: Someone can help me?
14:48.03data^heaphmm jtodd-zzz was after meh
14:48.06bkw_exten => 0,1,blah
14:48.09reseauxto ALL: I'm not a C guru..
14:48.16LinkWell VP wants the Main number to have ) option to go to some girl to transfer calls
14:48.18bkw_reseaux whats C got to do with it?
14:48.30Linkwhat is the blah
14:48.40data^heapblah = command
14:48.52Linkgot an example
14:49.04bkw_exten => 0,1,Dial,SIP/device
14:49.05bkw_its not that hard
14:49.13bkw_its just anothe rextensions but it just happens to be 0
14:49.37f5-Scr^worknot sip
14:49.49bkw_well what ever it is use it
14:49.51f5-Scr^worki have a isdn card in the pc
14:49.52reseauxbkw_:?!I want take some part in CAPI where is the function of "ealry B3" and put inside a libPRI
14:50.01bkw_reseaux you can't
14:50.16bkw_you will have to write it from scratch
14:50.20reseauxbkw_: ok..thz.. why i cant?
14:50.30data^heapcutting and pasting is bad mmkay
14:50.49kapejodreseaux: it's not that difficult to add it
14:51.01kapejodi will have to add support for that anyway
14:51.18f5-Scr^workhi i want a signal from my local prover when i dial the 0 then i want to dial the number and speak<-- with a isdn card in the pc
14:51.43reseauxkapejod:You can give me some support to implement it?
14:51.48zoaJan 18 15:51:25 NOTICE[6151]: chan_sip.c:5430 handle_request: Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from ''
14:51.53zoawhat is this
14:51.54bkw_f5-Scr^work just do an extension
14:52.03bkw_f5-Scr^work its not that hard to do.. its just a dial isn't it
14:52.13f5-Scr^worknot really
14:52.21bkw_now can it not be a dail
14:52.24bkw_er dial
14:52.53f5-Scr^worki think its e early b3 connect
14:52.59f5-Scr^workbut it dont works
14:53.14reseauxbkw_: Why you think i must rewrite from scratch?
14:53.24bkw_reseaux you can't copy and paste it fro chan_capi
14:53.25kapejodreseaux: not right now, today i will try capi and zapbri support for yate
14:54.04bkw_reseaux you will have to maintain your own version of libpri once you do that since that code can't go back into cvs
14:55.36*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
14:55.45bkw_oh well NEXT!!!
14:55.46zoakapejod: stop looking at diana, she's mine !
14:55.57kapejodzoa: hehe
14:56.07kapejodzoa: i cant see you over here :P
14:56.23zoano way dude, she's over here
14:56.39zoaand i'm not seeing you
14:56.54kapejodzoa: /whois kapejod /whois diana :P
14:56.58zoayou got a chinese replica i'm sure
14:57.16kapejodNEXT ;)
14:57.18reseauxkapejod:You can try to look for this day?
14:57.29kapejodreseaux: nope, not before the next weekend
14:57.31LinkBKW this is what I got to dial operator @ 6800 you see problem other than the person who tried writin it
14:58.04zoak, so your fake chinese replica is also on irc from your home
14:58.07zoai dont mind
14:58.13zoaas long as i have the real thing
14:58.17reseauxkapejod:thanks ok, i think is great improvement!!!
14:58.36zoai'm sule she has plobems with the l
14:58.50Linkexten => 0,1,dial (SIP/6800)
14:58.58f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial,capi/080b <-- this dont works
14:59.02kapejodzoa: no, there are quite a lot of Rs ;)
14:59.04reseauxkapejod:in the next week you are more free to work...
14:59.10kapejodreseaux: nope
14:59.16zoagoddamn i'm going to kill my collegue
14:59.23zoai get like 200 emails a minute atm
14:59.32kapejodzoa: want some more?
15:00.28reseauxto all: i must go out... she's girl friend ... :-) good bye
15:01.38f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial,capi/080b <-- this dont works want to dial the "0" and have the dialtone from my local provider the 80 is to go out ....
15:01.41f5-Scr^worksome ideas ?
15:02.09f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial,capi/080:b
15:02.50zoareseaux also got his local copy of diana
15:02.55zoajust arrived with ups
15:03.01zoastill has to inflate it though
15:03.13*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
15:03.26zoakapejod: you kill-9 ?
15:03.33zoakillall-9 ?
15:03.44coppice_kapejod: You met Markku? :-)
15:04.03kapejodcoppice_: yes :) seen the ATA killer work :)
15:04.13kapejodzoa: i dont kill at all ;)
15:04.28coppice_kapejod: What's the ATA killer?
15:04.52kapejodcoppice_: 2 fxs, 1 fxo, dsl router, ethernet, mgcp, sip
15:05.23coppice_Oh. That. It doesn't do IAX2, so its just a piece of garbage :-)
15:05.41zoakapejod: how much does it cost ?
15:09.38LinkBKW how do I send when dial hits "0" to an extension SIP 6800
15:10.04zoaexten => 0,1,Goto(6800,1)
15:10.34Linkthanks man
15:10.37Linksorry to bother
15:12.07coppice_kapejod: ISDN, Q-SIG, SS7, GSM-A, Open-A, and one * to rule them all :-)
15:16.17jtodd-zzzkapejod: so who makes this ATA killer of which you speak?  Is it on the market, or "pending"?
15:16.24kapejodcoppice_: Markku was just sitting next to me
15:16.38zoawho is markku ?
15:16.46zoakapejod: how is the conference going ?
15:16.51coppice_kapejod: say hi to him.
15:16.54zoawhat does the ata killer cost ?
15:17.05kapejodzoa: conference is tomorrow, we are still on the dev workshop
15:17.13zoaah k
15:17.15zoawhere is it ?
15:17.19zoamaybe i could drop buy
15:18.53kapejodcoppice_: oki, told him, hi to you too
15:19.30kapejodzoa: Geilenkirchen in .de
15:19.43zoahow far to the belgian border ? :)
15:19.51kapejodjust a few kilometers
15:20.16zoaand its opened tomorrow ?
15:20.20zoawe might stop by
15:20.47kapejodmonday conference, tuesday tutorials
15:22.54jrollysondamn, same time as linuxworld
15:26.33zoakapejod: is it in german ?
15:26.35zoaor english ?
15:26.39zoaas i hate german
15:27.16Linkis there an entry for sip to allow threeway calling or caller-ID
15:27.37zoayou can set the caller id
15:27.48*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
15:27.49zoathreeway calling is always allowed i think
15:27.57Linkhow Caller ID
15:28.01coppice_zoa: kapejod looks likely to be the only presenter who speaks German, so my guess is Swahili :-)
15:28.18zoaswahili is great
15:28.30*** join/#asterisk Epitaph (
15:28.31zoai'll go kick kapejods nuts
15:28.35zoaand reclaim diana
15:29.58coppice_zoa: That sounds like the storyline for Shrek 2
15:31.01kapejodit's all english
15:31.13kapejodalthough there are a lot german speakers
15:31.26*** join/#asterisk LuchoAR (Lucho@
15:31.34voidptr_tze germanz
15:31.45mbrancabah hollanders
15:32.06voidptr_oh en die spagettivreter is er ook weer
15:32.13mbrancauh? muffins?
15:33.10mbrancaI was in amsterdam and I saw more italian restaurants filled with hollanders than hollander restaurants....
15:33.27voidptr_yeah, who wants dutch food in a restaurant?
15:33.33voidptr_you can get that at home
15:33.52zoavoidptr :-p
15:33.59voidptr_i always go to dutch restaurants though...
15:34.13zoathey must be so bad
15:34.16ScaredyCatPeter de Leuw !
15:34.19coppice_I've been to Amsterdam twice. I never actually *found* an Dutch restaurant. I eat mostly Indonesian food. There's a lot of that there.
15:34.24zoano kitchen like the french or belgian kitchen :p
15:34.30mbrancacoppice_, mee to
15:34.41voidptr_humm amsterdam is something different yet
15:34.46zoacoppice: how about the spacecake ?
15:34.46kapejodvoidptr: are you bringing your camping trailer, like every good dutchie? ;)
15:34.50zoaif that aint dutch
15:34.53voidptr_kapejod :D
15:34.55zoayeah voidptr :-p
15:35.06voidptr_no camera here
15:35.07zoabe sure to bring your own water with you too :p
15:35.11voidptr_i can show you are camper
15:35.15ScaredyCathehehe, the Dutch have 'Fashion Police' ... that's like having an 'Air Breathers Police'..
15:35.30coppice_zoa: a lot of french this there's no kitchen like a Vietnamese kitchen :-)
15:35.39kapejod~seen cypromis
15:35.47cypromis <~michael@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 19h 54m 37s ago, saying: 'maybe they where inconvenient ?'.
15:35.47voidptr_its all green, unused in the back of our garden ;)
15:35.48zoamaybe true
15:35.52voidptr_we use it to store garden chairs
15:35.56zoabut the french do have better taste !
15:36.16ScaredyCatzoa: oh yeah? Snails? Frogs Legs ?
15:36.49coppice_zoa: If you are ever in Hanoi try a restaurant called IndoChine (yeah, bad name) and your taste buds will love you forever. :-)
15:36.50ScaredyCatwho else kills and eats shit the find in their garden... ;)
15:37.34zoaConference/Tutorial day
15:37.34zoaBase price Conference day Tutorial day
15:37.34zoaNormal partipicants 360 Eur 360 Eur
15:37.34zoaStudents 120 Eur 120 Eur
15:37.39zoano shit
15:37.39coppice_Why do the French only eat the frog's legs? Its just a waste of the rest of the frog.
15:37.41zoai'm not coming
15:37.57zoa360 euro to listen to some people talk :(
15:38.10ScaredyCatcoppice_: to eat the whole thing would be cruel
15:38.30Epitaphthere are a lot of crippled frogs in france. :(
15:38.43Epitaphbut at least they still have their lives!
15:38.46ScaredyCatthey fit them with wheeels
15:39.04Epitaphthat sounds expensive.
15:39.09coppice_yeah, crippling frogs is cruel. We eat the whole frog. That's ecologically much better :-)
15:39.17Epitaphfrog conversion? that'll run ya like 500e
15:39.30ScaredyCathey, french restaurants are expensive, that's cos you pay for the wheels
15:39.38Epitaphthat makes sense.
15:39.45l-fyzoa > every one from the field is here
15:40.01zoaits to expensive for me :(
15:40.34coppice_l-fy: we are from the field, and we aren't there!
15:40.46l-fyok zoa
15:40.59l-fywell, you can come and maybe we can have dinner
15:41.03l-fyis not so far away
15:41.12*** join/#asterisk geertn (
15:41.19coppice_Its a 12 hour flight from me!
15:41.38zoaits 300km's
15:41.41Epitaphsleep on the flight.. the hours will just fly
15:41.44zoathats a bit far just to have lunch
15:41.48kapejodcoppice_: craig southern came from australia
15:41.52ScaredyCatnaa sleep at the conf.
15:42.06Epitaphbut then you can't pick up all the free merchandise!
15:42.20ScaredyCatmoose pens!
15:42.24coppice_kapejod: he probably passed through here on the way :-)
15:42.37kapejodcoppice_: they passed through japan
15:42.58Epitaphhey, are there any voice modems that I can use as an asterisk device yet?
15:43.20Linkanyone know why this does not goto voicemail if call is not answered and just hangs up
15:43.26kapejodEpitaph: yes, the x100p
15:43.41Epitaphok, I don't have one of those. :)
15:43.48Epitaphquicktel card is easier, right?
15:44.02ScaredyCatx100p is easier
15:44.05Epitaphis it?
15:44.07Epitaphwho makes it?
15:44.37mbrancaand x100p is cheaper than quicknet crap
15:44.53mbrancawrong param
15:45.04Epitaphreally, eh?
15:45.14*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
15:45.15mbrancashow application Voicemail in * cli
15:45.26ScaredyCatthe mailbox nimber goes in there
15:45.35*** join/#asterisk mko (
15:45.37mbrancaEpitaph, how much is a qnet?
15:45.41Epitaphno idea.
15:45.48EpitaphI was figuring I could buy one in a store though, so I don't have to wait. :)
15:45.55*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
15:45.58Linkwht should it look like
15:46.32mbrancaand 6800 must be defined in voicemail.conf
15:46.47Linkyeah it is thanks
15:46.57*** join/#asterisk jtodd (~jtodd@
15:47.49*** join/#asterisk T` (
15:48.06ScaredyCathurruph - just as i was sending you one too!
15:48.18Epitaphso, out of curiousity... why can't asterisk use voice modems?
15:48.29Epitaphthey provide the functionality necessary, don't they?
15:48.39ScaredyCatbecause you're a tight git whowont buy a proper card
15:48.47mbrancamust be full duplex (not all voicemodems are fd)
15:48.50Epitaphwell, I want to try out asterisk before I actually commit.
15:49.01coppice_Epitaph: Write yourself a channel driver for your favourite voice modem, and off you go :-)
15:49.04ScaredyCattry it with sip/h323/iax
15:49.12mbrancaif you try * with a voicemodem, you will hate * itself
15:49.17Epitaphcoppice_: is the API simple? :)
15:49.22mbrancaand get big headaches
15:49.33ScaredyCatEpitaph: API yes, 2 commands...
15:49.39Epitaphso the problem is the duplexity?
15:49.44ScaredyCat1) buy digium card
15:49.47ScaredyCat2) install it
15:49.52Epitaphyayaya :)
15:49.54EpitaphI know, I know.
15:49.58mbrancaEpitaph, and echo
15:50.03Epitaphthat's for the COMMITTED person though.
15:50.13ScaredyCatecho...echo... echooo....
15:50.20ScaredyCatEpitaph: no not really...
15:50.25Epitaphwhy would it feedback your voice?
15:50.28mbrancavoicemodem has a big latency, and so causes a LOT of echo
15:50.39ScaredyCatecho...echo... echooo....
15:50.39Epitaphshouldn't it just NOT feedback your voice? :)
15:51.01coppice_It requires a committed person to implement a voice modem channel driver. Its probably why one doesn't exist. These youngsters all lack a proper sense of commitment :-)
15:51.01mbrancaEpitaph, the modem no, but the remote party will, expecially if on an analog line
15:51.26mbrancaand x100p has an onboard EC
15:51.32mbrancasoftware EC
15:51.37mbrancain kernelspace
15:51.40mbrancamodem hasn't
15:51.48ScaredyCatno one can hear you scream
15:51.50Epitaphcoppice_: kids today!!
15:52.04f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial,capi/080:b <-- this dont works want to dial the "0" and have the dialtone from my local provider the 80 is to go out ....
15:52.06Epitaphcoppice_: it doesn't sound worth it though, judging by what these NAY SAYERS are saying.
15:52.09f5-Scr^workhow is do it right
15:52.15f5-Scr^workcan someone help me ?
15:53.49mbrancaf5-Scr^work, 080 is the msn in capi.conf?
15:54.19ScaredyCatask kapejod
15:54.21f5-Scr^workmust i use msn to do this ?
15:54.31mbrancaeh, seems so :)
15:54.36coppice_Epitaph: well there's voice modems and voice modems. Some could achieve the same result as an X100P with suitable drivers. Others will always suck. Every one will require its own driver, as no standards exist for this type of device. All in all, its beyond what anyone has so far felt is worthwhile.
15:54.43mbrancasince it identify yoour controller
15:54.46ScaredyCatMs MSN
15:55.01Epitaphcoppice_: boo. :)
15:55.10Epitaphcoppice_: non-standard garbage...
15:55.15f5-Scr^work;exten => _0XX.,1,StripMSD,1
15:55.15f5-Scr^work;exten => _XX.,2,Dial,CAPI/${CALLERIDNUM}:bBYEXTENSION
15:55.21f5-Scr^workwith this can dial out
15:55.28ScaredyCatno you cant
15:55.32ScaredyCatit;s commented out
15:55.34f5-Scr^worknow i only want to dial 0 and get the dialtone
15:55.38f5-Scr^workthen i want to dial
15:55.47Epitaphcoppice_: which would be suitable, just out of curiousity...
15:55.50f5-Scr^workyeah for testing
15:55.55mbrancaread the docs, luke
15:56.08ScaredyCatuse the farce
15:56.08f5-Scr^worki read the docs ....
15:56.10mbrancacapi.conf is configured propeerly?
15:56.16f5-Scr^workit is
15:56.23mbrancasure? you bet?
15:56.25f5-Scr^worki can call out
15:56.33f5-Scr^workits no problem
15:56.38f5-Scr^workbut i dont understand
15:56.47mbrancawhat is your msn in capi.conf?
15:56.49f5-Scr^workhow it works
15:57.09f5-Scr^workto dial "0" and get the signal from my local provider ..
15:57.14mbrancawhat is your msn in capi.conf?
15:57.26mbrancayou must do
15:57.27f5-Scr^worki read it dant
15:57.40f5-Scr^work2 is my msn
15:57.48mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/<2>:b)
15:57.50mbrancatry that
15:58.00mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b)
15:58.06mbrancathat is
15:58.13mbrancaif msn==2 in capi.conf
15:58.15f5-Scr^workok one mom please
15:59.04f5-Scr^workhmm no signal
15:59.13f5-Scr^workto get out i have to dial 80
15:59.27mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b80)
15:59.28f5-Scr^worki am behind a siemens ....
15:59.55voidptr_i would start by getting in front of it... that works better
16:00.05f5-Scr^workNo one is available to answer at this time
16:00.37mbrancaf5-Scr^work, that's something
16:01.02coppice_flash1: I presume you have checked that your account at iaxtel is OK? :-)
16:01.22jrollysonflash: you using IAX1 or IAX2 ?
16:01.23flash1I have received the email with user and pass
16:01.48flash1iax1 or iax2... I have not set it anywhere..
16:01.49ScaredyCatehhehe that;s a cool ad for the nissan 350Z .. "Your mother will will you'd brought a motorbike"
16:02.01mbrancaf5-Scr^work, when u said "I can call out", I presume you were already behind the siemens
16:02.15flash1is there a way to test the iax account?
16:02.21f5-Scr^worki am not
16:02.25jrollysonflash: lemme see your Dial() line, without passwords
16:02.30f5-Scr^worksorry for my bad english :)
16:03.00mbrancatry that without the siemens first
16:03.01f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b080)
16:03.07f5-Scr^workwhen i do this
16:03.17jrollysonflash1: change IAX to IAX2 and it should work.
16:03.21mbrancawhat happens?
16:03.29f5-Scr^worki am @the zentral
16:03.35ScaredyCataliens invade
16:03.37f5-Scr^workand it rings
16:03.37flash1this may sound stupid but how do I change to iax2?
16:03.50jrollysonedit the Dial statement
16:03.51ScaredyCatadd 2
16:03.58jrollysonreplace IAX with IAX2
16:04.07mbrancaso you must ring 080 to go out, not 80
16:04.19mbrancaehm, dial
16:04.21f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b080) <--
16:04.27f5-Scr^worki do ?
16:04.40DL4GRCkapejod: Do you know if anyone has recorded the Asterisk sounds directory  auf Deutsch?
16:04.57mbrancaf5-Scr^work, cannot understand your flow
16:05.07flash1Jan 18 07:29:33 NOTICE[1142135600]: chan_iax2.c:4718 socket_read: Registration of 'klclauss' rejected: Registration Refused
16:05.10f5-Scr^workexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b080) <-- here i ring the 080
16:05.12f5-Scr^workor not ?
16:05.40f5-Scr^workwhen i call with my normal telefon i must ring 80
16:05.56jrollysonflash1: actually, if you aren't using anything that needs IAX1 you can noload
16:06.02f5-Scr^workthen i have the dialtone from my locaL provider
16:06.16flash1from what I have been reading it seems that it is based in the iax.conf file
16:06.26mbrancaso when u call from a phone, you simply dial 80 to get the dialtone, right?
16:06.38f5-Scr^workbut when is use exten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b080) then it rings here
16:06.48f5-Scr^workand when is use exten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b80)
16:06.55f5-Scr^workthen nothing happend
16:06.57flash169.73.19.178:4569     klclauss    <Unregistered>             60  Rejected
16:07.00voidptr_zoa : is that the worst singer of the world?
16:07.09mbrancaf5-Scr^work probably the phone adds a 0 automatically
16:07.10voidptr_the one doing madonna?
16:07.14flash1on a "iax2 show registery"
16:07.32mbrancaf5-Scr^work, so use 080
16:07.46f5-Scr^work80 is correct to go out it works with isdn internet also
16:07.53f5-Scr^work080 then it rings here
16:08.39mbrancaso 080 rings locally
16:09.01draconiusany of yall in here setup x-lite software phone to use your asterisk box?
16:09.04mbrancaok. from a normal pbx phone you dial 80 go get out, right?
16:09.09draconiusim having trouble configuring it
16:09.26mbrancathat's clear now
16:09.32f5-Scr^workfine :)
16:09.36f5-Scr^workhope you can help me
16:09.48f5-Scr^worki am testing for 2 days
16:09.59zoawhat is the price for the kapejod quad bri ?
16:10.08mbrancatried dial(capi/2:80)
16:10.18f5-Scr^workmom please
16:10.22ScaredyCatzoa: ask kapejod
16:11.04f5-Scr^workdont works
16:11.15mbrancaany log message?
16:11.33f5-Scr^workExecuting Dial("Zap/2-1", "CAPI/2:80") in new stack
16:11.33f5-Scr^work-- Called 2:80
16:11.33f5-Scr^work-- CAPI[contr1/2]/7 is making progress passing it to Zap/2-1
16:11.33f5-Scr^work== No one is available to answer at this time
16:12.11mbrancado some capi debug
16:12.24mbrancaon asterisk cli, issue capi debug and try again
16:13.06zigmanzoa 600 € + VAT
16:14.19zigmanmaybe not
16:14.57benngardare there any known issues when using a mix of freebsd and linux (aterisk 0.7.1)
16:15.08zigmanon one box ?
16:15.10zigmanyes ;)
16:15.10f5-Scr^workStarting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'
16:15.11f5-Scr^work-- Executing Dial("Zap/2-1", "CAPI/2:80") in new stack
16:15.13f5-Scr^work-- data = 2:80
16:15.14f5-Scr^work-- capi request omsn = 2
16:15.16f5-Scr^work== found capi with omsn = 2
16:15.17f5-Scr^work== CAPI Call CAPI[contr1/2]/8 -- Called 2:80
16:15.19f5-Scr^work== received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x101 INFO = 0
16:15.21f5-Scr^work-- CAPI[contr1/2]/8 is making progress passing it to Zap/2-1
16:15.22f5-Scr^work> activehangingup
16:15.23f5-Scr^work== DISCONNECT_IND PLCI=0x101 REASON=0x349c
16:15.25f5-Scr^work== No one is available to answer at this time
16:15.27f5-Scr^work-- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'
16:16.25mbrancaf5-Scr^work, also, I have a doubt: when you dial out from a phone, you dial 80 , wait for dialtone and then the number, OR you dial directly 80+number ?
16:17.17mbrancayou can do an experiment
16:17.54mbrancaf5-Scr^work, exten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:80<some number here)
16:17.57mbrancafor example
16:18.07mbrancaf5-Scr^work, exten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:801244)
16:18.17mbrancawhere 1244 is your mobile
16:18.30mbrancaso dialling 0 should ring your mobile
16:19.19mbrancamorning kram, sir!
16:21.52zoaanyone from bulgaria online ?
16:22.20MikeADSI phones are the ones that hardware pbx use?
16:22.41mbrancanormally not
16:23.13krammorning mbranca
16:23.14Mikembranca: i have a hardware pbx
16:23.23Mikeits a panasonic and old panasonic
16:23.32Mikebut when i call to the zap card
16:23.38Mikei have busydetect=yes
16:23.46Mikeim talking and it hangup
16:23.53Mikeit detects busy depending on what i talk
16:24.09mbrancaMike, add busycount=8 in zapata.conf
16:24.10Mikenot even fxs_ls, or fxs_ks
16:24.17mbrancaor even
16:24.22f5-Scr^worki want to dial the "0" then i need a extensiuon that brings me out to my local provider and give me the dial tone then i want to dial the real number
16:24.25Mikembranca: whats the busycount=8?
16:24.47mbrancahow much busy tone count before hanging up
16:25.16Mikembranca: the problem is if i hangup the phone with out busydetect=yes
16:25.20f5-Scr^work(mbranca) so dialling 0 should ring your mobile <-- this works
16:25.23Mikembranca: it wont hangup never:)
16:25.42mbrancause busydetect=yes AND busycount=N
16:25.51mbrancawhere N is the busy tones count
16:25.58mbranca8 is a good value
16:26.08mbrancaf5-Scr^work, ok. that's a step forward
16:26.19mbrancaf5-Scr^work, but why you wanna the dialtone?
16:26.35kramwell, the TE405P works great on chuckie on all spans
16:26.38mbrancayou can dial the entire number and let * dialout
16:26.42krambut fails on "cardboard box"
16:26.49kramso i'm gonna have some more diagnosis to do
16:26.54mbrancakram, coolio
16:27.01mbrancaf5-Scr^work, like
16:27.05f5-Scr^workis for oriantation
16:27.09f5-Scr^workwhere i am
16:27.13Mikembranca: you had this issue before?
16:27.15f5-Scr^workfor my parents :)
16:27.19mbrancaah ok
16:27.23mbrancaMike, yes
16:27.33Mikembranca: busycount fixes this?
16:27.40mbrancafor me it did
16:27.46drac0niusdoes anyone know what this might mean?
16:27.47drac0niuspbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension
16:27.47drac0niuscontext 'sip'
16:27.59Mikembranca: what about when you hangup a call how many sec before it gets hangup?
16:28.03jrollysonkram: could you take a look at
16:28.12*** join/#asterisk LuchoAR (Lucho@
16:28.18drac0niusim thinking obviously something is wrong with my extensions.conf?
16:28.35mbrancaMike, 8 busytones :) . if we consider 2 busytones/sec, 4 secs to hangup
16:28.49Mikembranca: ok
16:29.01mbrancadrac0nius, simply means that you don't have the dialled extension in context [sip]
16:29.11mbrancalet's try another way
16:29.20f5-Scr^workokay :)
16:29.22drac0niusmbranca so i just have to put them under a [sip] directive in the extensinos.conf?
16:29.44mbrancaexten => _0.,1,Dial(CAPI/2:80${EXTEN:1})
16:30.09mbrancaand dial any number (like cell phone, a friend, blah) starting with 0
16:30.17mbrancafor example, for calling 12345
16:30.21mbrancadial 012345
16:30.36mbrancadrac0nius, yep
16:30.40drac0niusthanks a ton
16:30.49drac0niusmy silly mistake, missed that part in the guide to asterisk
16:31.43mbrancaMike, lemme know if busycount fixes your problem
16:31.53f5-Scr^workworks i can call out
16:32.08mbrancakram, why busycount isn't yet added to zapata.conf.sample? :)
16:32.10mbrancaf5-Scr^work, cool
16:32.14Mikembranca: i will
16:32.32Mikembranca: its very annoying your talking to someone about voip and the phone gets hangup
16:32.51zoambranca: open bug report
16:32.51zoa+ diff
16:32.56zoaand i'll make sure it makes the cvs
16:33.12mbrancaf5-Scr^work, now you can call any external number, just add 0. so you'll know where u are... if starting a number with 0, you're going out
16:33.18zoafor all your request / patches / bugs
16:33.18mbrancazoa, i know i know :)
16:33.22zoago go go
16:33.22mbrancajust wondering
16:33.25zoai'm waiting
16:33.41f5-Scr^workbut i dont get the dialtone
16:34.35mbrancabut this way the dialled number can be stored in the cdr :)
16:35.06f5-Scr^worki hvae to solve this proiblem
16:35.06mbrancaf5-Scr^work, dialling 80 from a phone, gives you the dialtone, right?
16:35.07draconiusyay....made my first call with asterisk!!
16:35.09f5-Scr^worki must go :)
16:35.55*** join/#asterisk seemore (
16:37.03f5-Scr^workor i dial the "0"
16:37.19mbranca0 from the phone?
16:37.29f5-Scr^workboth works
16:37.45mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:b0)
16:37.49mbrancaand try
16:38.33f5-Scr^workit rings locally
16:38.49f5-Scr^workmy pizza has arrived being back in a few minutes
16:38.51f5-Scr^worksorry :)
16:39.12voidptr_you will burn your mouth bad...
16:44.24voidptr_*tmp++ ='\0'; (does this increase tmp before or after the assignment?)
16:47.15zigmanvoidptr only if there is enough memory though
16:47.50zoambranca: busy detect is only for the wcfxo ?
16:48.01zoai suppose that doesnt have any influance on the TE410p ?
16:48.09voidptr_mbranca : seems before though ;)
16:48.35voidptr_i think this only works with values on the right side of the assignment
16:49.25mbrancazoa, depends on signalling. see the comments for busydetect
16:55.21voidptr_interesting article for most of us :P
16:55.53voidptr_(yes that is a fake phrack)
16:56.42voidptr_or at least i hope it is
17:10.45f5-Scr^workre :)
17:12.14extremisanyone having a problem with last nights CVS not recognizing dtmf properly on a zaptel int?
17:12.23f5-Scr^workwhen you dial an empty number, and have early B3 enabled, with:
17:12.23f5-Scr^workthe channel will come up at once and give you the dialtone it gets from the local exchange.
17:12.23f5-Scr^workat this point the channel is like a legacy phone, now you can send dtmf digits to dial.
17:12.31f5-Scr^workim am now
17:12.39*** join/#asterisk vindex (
17:12.45f5-Scr^workdirect connected
17:12.45mbrancathat nice.
17:12.56f5-Scr^worki dont have to dial 80
17:12.57f5-Scr^workor 0
17:13.04f5-Scr^workbut it dont works :P
17:13.07mbrancabut this way you cannot log dialled numbers with asterisk cdr
17:13.22f5-Scr^workbut i dont works
17:13.26mbrancaand if you simply do
17:13.42mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2)
17:14.00*** join/#asterisk stan (
17:14.19f5-Scr^workJan 18 18:14:32 WARNING[18449]: chan_capi.c:629 capi_call: Destination 2 requres a real destination
17:14.19f5-Scr^work-- Couldn't call 2
17:14.19f5-Scr^work== Everyone is busy at this time
17:14.26mbrancaexten => 0,1,Dial(CAPI/2:)
17:14.36extremisI call my zaptel wcfxo card and whenever I hit any digit it sends it to the i,1 context
17:14.36mbrancasorry, forgot ":"
17:15.09f5-Scr^workExecuting Dial("Zap/2-1", "CAPI/2:") in new stack
17:15.11f5-Scr^workJan 18 18:15:24 WARNING[20497]: chan_capi.c:629 capi_call: Destination 2: requres a real destination
17:15.13f5-Scr^work-- Couldn't call 2:
17:15.14f5-Scr^work== Everyone is busy at this time
17:15.16f5-Scr^work-- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'
17:15.54f5-Scr^workhrhr not so easy or ?
17:16.19mbrancathat's not the way it should work
17:16.35mbrancawith a quick patch to chan_capi we can make it possible
17:17.16mbrancaopen chan_capi.c (assuming u have 0.3.0 version)
17:17.23f5-Scr^workdo it and be my god :)
17:18.08mbrancachange line 286 from "}   else { " to "} /*  else { */"
17:18.35mbrancaline 334 from "  } " to "*  } */"
17:18.47mbranca(without \" of course...)
17:18.59jtoddanyone here have a valid number that's registered so I can try a quick test?
17:19.02draconiusasterisk is the coolest thing ever. wow.
17:19.09f5-Scr^workhmm where
17:19.17f5-Scr^workis find the chan_capi.c
17:19.21mbrancaso commenting out an else and its closing }
17:19.27f5-Scr^workchecked it out with cvs
17:19.28mbrancain chan_capi source, perhaps?
17:20.23mbrancacapi isn't with * cvs... if you have it, you must also downloaded chan_capi from junghanns site
17:21.00mbrancaand in chan_capi tgz there's chan_capi.c :)
17:21.15f5-Scr^worki have it
17:24.04f5-Scr^workchan_capi.c: In function `capi_send_digit':
17:24.05f5-Scr^workchan_capi.c:330: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
17:24.07f5-Scr^workchan_capi.c: At top level:
17:24.08f5-Scr^workchan_capi.c:332: parse error before `return'
17:24.10f5-Scr^workmake: *** [chan_capi.o] Error 1
17:24.30mbrancayou followed my istructions?
17:24.32zoawhat is the price for a quad bri ?
17:24.48f5-Scr^workcomment out the else
17:24.52mbrancaf5-Scr^work, paste here line 286 & 334
17:24.54f5-Scr^workwith {
17:25.10f5-Scr^work} /* else { */
17:25.29f5-Scr^work/* } */
17:26.50mbrancawas right :)
17:28.08mbrancanow try it.
17:28.15mbrancawith CAPI/2:b
17:28.29f5-Scr^workmake fail
17:28.33f5-Scr^work18:27:13) (f5-Scr^work) chan_capi.c: In function `capi_send_digit':
17:28.35f5-Scr^work(18:27:14) (f5-Scr^work) chan_capi.c:330: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
17:28.37f5-Scr^work(18:27:16) (f5-Scr^work) chan_capi.c: At top level:
17:28.38f5-Scr^work(18:27:17) (f5-Scr^work) chan_capi.c:332: parse error before `return'
17:28.39f5-Scr^work(18:27:19) (f5-Scr^work) make: *** [chan_capi.o] Error 1
17:33.04extremisso is anyone else having similar dtmf problems with zaptel today
17:34.52*** join/#asterisk nilsb (
17:36.06extremishey bkw: something changed with the s/,1
17:36.24extremisexten => s/,1,goto(nocid,1)
17:36.33extremisthat is causing the invalid message
17:36.39extremisI do have a exten => s,2
17:39.52*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
17:41.41*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
17:44.45*** join/#asterisk brown1d (
17:44.47zoaheya kram
17:44.59*** part/#asterisk brown1d (
17:45.35*** join/#asterisk brown1d (
17:46.32blllextremis: had that problem too
17:48.48extremisblll: it was working last night until I got the latest cvs
17:48.53extremisthe s/,1 thing that is
17:49.04extremisthis morning's cvs has teh same problem
17:49.27*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (
17:51.08kamileonextremis : how do you filter off the callerid from the noncallerid calls?
17:51.26extremiskamileon: filter?
17:51.30extremisyes, its a x100p
17:51.34bkw_extremis s/ is valid
17:51.40bkw_it only answers when you have no callerid
17:51.59extremisbkw_: otherwise it should go to s,2 right?
17:52.10bkw_make an s,1 one also
17:52.18extremisoh :)
17:52.21bkw_they are diffrent and considered diffrent extensions
17:54.08kamileonextremis : i see your Goto(nocid)
17:54.29kamileonmy cid isnt working right all the time on my x100p, it wont forward the caller info to my handsets
17:54.49bkw_exten => s,1 does callerid calls exten s/,1 does nocid calls
17:55.14kamileonis that so.. nice
17:55.27bkw_also app blacklist is nice
17:55.31kamileonis there a way to tweak how it listens to the cid signals?
17:55.31bkw_I have a nice blacklist
17:55.44kamileonlike give it more time maybe before ringing a phone?
17:55.54bkw_it snould
17:56.05extremisbkw_: so... how do you add entries into the blacklist?
17:56.24bkw_when I get a call I don't like.. I hangup and dial *60
17:56.30kamileontheres a hell of a telemarketer dialplan on wiki
17:56.42bkw_kamileon ya and such a waste
17:56.53kamileon*60 transfers them to your exten 60 you set up?
17:56.57zoawhat does *60 ?
17:57.00kamileonyes, it is.. but would be nice
17:57.02zoaadd them to your list ?
17:57.07zoaadd the last call to your list ?
17:57.11bkw_I hangup and I have * 60 set to snag the last callerid ans throw it into the astdb
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,1,DBget(BLOCK=FEAT/CALLRETURN)
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,2,DBput(blacklist/${BLOCK}=${BLOCK})
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,3,Playback(beep)
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,4,Wait(5)
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,5,Hangup
17:57.28bkw_exten => *60,102,Hangup
17:57.30bkw_exten => *60,103,Hangup
17:57.37kamileonimhating not having caller id
17:58.02bkw_FUCK YOU SBC
17:58.09zoawhat is sbc ?
17:58.10kamileoni dont think my call transfer is working properly either
17:58.28zoawhat is *69 ?
17:58.28bkw_zoa sbc is the evil telco here
17:58.34bkw_*69 is call return
17:58.43*** part/#asterisk sanddorn (
17:58.50zoahow do you set that up ?
17:58.58bkw_I db put the last caller
17:59.03bkw_ok here
17:59.09bkw_exten => s,1,DBput(FEAT/CALLRETURN=${CALLERIDNUM})
17:59.09bkw_exten => s,2,Goto(home,1)
17:59.10*** join/#asterisk jacs (
17:59.18bkw_; call return
17:59.18bkw_exten => *69,1,DBget(CALLRETURN=FEAT/CALLRETURN)
17:59.18bkw_exten => *69,2,Goto(1${CALLRETURN},1)
17:59.18bkw_exten => *69,102,Congestion
17:59.18zoaah for all incoming calls ?
17:59.36zoathat would not work if you had multiple lines coming in at once
17:59.52zoayou'd block the wrong people :)
18:00.11kamileonno caller id sucks!
18:00.51bkw_zoa ya I can set it up per endpoint but I don't wanna bother here
18:01.15kamileonbkw_ what hardware do you run
18:01.33bkw_Dell PE 500SC
18:01.42kamileon* hardware i meant
18:01.49bkw_on 2 X100P's
18:01.55kamileonthe poweredge is nice
18:01.56bkw_and cisco 7960's
18:02.02jacshow many ciscos?
18:02.04kamileoni want sip phones :)
18:02.12zoaone hundred kamileon :-p
18:02.26jacsbkw: what is the total number of calls going though an asterisk box you have had?
18:02.54kamileonive been trying to get my callerid to work properly for a couple days now
18:03.43kamileoni got a cordless phone thats tripping power alarms on the s400u
18:04.48bkw_jacs maybe 5 a day here at home.. but the one at work has 100+ a day
18:07.29bkw_jacs not sure
18:07.32bkw_let me go see
18:09.57bkw_4446 calls, 1376978 seconds
18:10.22zoacdr records ? :)
18:10.23kamileonhowd you pull those numbers
18:10.25flash1how long does it take to create an acct at iaxtel?
18:10.38kamileonflash1: 10 seconds
18:10.48flash1I created an acct 4 days ago and it does not seem to be active
18:11.00kamileonlogin at ?
18:11.06bkw_I turn the master.cvs into a weblog and run it thru webalizer
18:11.08kramit should be active within 2 mins
18:11.10bkw_er csv
18:11.14kramwhat's your username?
18:11.27flash1hmmm ok.. I may go make another
18:11.30kamileonflash1: talk to kram
18:12.03bkw_if someone feels the need to assist me on making my cdr script nicer go for it
18:12.42kamileoncan someone call me on iaxtel, i want to check the cid info
18:12.48kamileon700 428 6222
18:12.51*** join/#asterisk bobov (~Bobov@
18:12.54ManxPowerflash1, When you change your password on the iaxtel website it only changes it for your web site account NOT your iaxtel password for calls
18:14.11kamileoni wondering how many calls i can throw in MeetMe at once on my slow server...
18:14.18bkw_ya know what i'm very shocked we didnt' blow something up totally lastweekend during or patch storm
18:14.24kamileonbut i cant seem to transfer people i call to the meetme exten and then get tone to dial back out and call someone else to put in conf
18:16.39ManxPowerbkw_, now that there's CVS branches it's less of an issue.
18:17.02bkw_their isn't yet
18:17.09bkw_"yet" being the key word
18:17.57kamileoni cant compile gastman
18:18.37kamileon. /bin/sh: line 1: gtk12-config: command not found
18:18.42kamileon. /bin/sh: line 1: glib12-config: command not found
18:19.35dext0rdo you have gtk 1.2 installed? are those commands in $PATH?
18:20.10kamileonim not sure
18:20.20kamileonim looking for the gtk1.2 in apt-cache now
18:21.05*** join/#asterisk philip (
18:21.05kamileonlibgtk1.2-dev ?
18:21.10dext0rI'll never get over the chaos of pkgmgmt in linux
18:21.24*** join/#asterisk Aharonov (
18:21.55kamileonDSL is LSD backwards
18:22.09dext0rkamileon: if that's installed, you need to now find the commands, and stick the path in you $PATH
18:22.29*** part/#asterisk Aharonov (
18:22.34kamileonyeah im looking for the commands
18:22.46*** join/#asterisk bobov (~Bobov@
18:22.54dext0rwhat? no locate DB?
18:23.10kamileonim sure it id in locatedb
18:25.22jtoddIs stephen wilcox on the channel by any chance?  msg me, please.
18:25.26kamileonfuck i still dont have them
18:27.43kamileonwell fuck
18:27.47kamileonno gastman for me
18:30.17*** join/#asterisk juice_ (
18:33.03kamileonanyone still here
18:33.08kamileoncall my 700 # plz
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18:41.38*** join/#asterisk Lamercho (
18:41.48Lamerchoa lot of ppl
18:41.58Lamerchohello everybody
18:45.23kamileoncan someone call my 700
18:45.38bkw_whats the number?
18:45.44kamileon700 428 6222
18:46.42bkw_whats what you n eed for iaxtel
18:46.50bkw_otherwise it lands on guest
18:47.19kamileonalright, ill edit my oonf then..
18:47.45bobovUnable to create channel of type SIP on outbound calls. Any ideas?  
18:47.48kamileonit passes the info if i call the extension from a landline
18:49.57*** join/#asterisk ursenj (~ursenj@
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18:50.18bkw_kamileon keep it in the channel
18:50.27bkw_if it lands n guest then something is wrong
18:50.28ursenjI use Jphone and get an echo?? anyone else have this problem
18:50.38kamileonyeah thats what i was getting at
18:50.58kamileoni register with i think i may be using the wrong number
18:53.30kamileontry 700 882 7805
18:53.47kamileoni have 2 incoming iax connecions i think its mixing the two up
18:55.15*** join/#asterisk r3dstorm (cvcv@
18:58.46ursenjany have a good softphone for windows,.. I can't seem to get x-lite to work,.. any others out there
18:59.44ursenjizo, do you have a url
18:59.54kamileondiax is nice, its not sip though
19:00.01kamileoni cant get x-lite working either :(
19:00.10kamileondiax is simple though
19:00.25ursenjthats fine,..iax is less overhead then sip anyway
19:00.54Milenany good sip phone ? i amen software sip  phone for win
19:01.06kamileonim having problems also registering a dynamic iax client, and then making him an extension to dial the client
19:01.15kamileoni think its a dual NAT situation
19:01.45izothere was this nice softphone for windows from pingtel
19:01.55izobut it was accessible from development site
19:01.59izoas far as i remember
19:02.11ursenjok diax is in germany
19:02.35kamileonits got english tho
19:02.44ursenjya, I found the switch
19:02.49r3dstormIf you have problems with your server and you are belive that it have been hacked join #anti-hack and we will help you
19:03.06kamileonanti-hack huh
19:03.10Mileni have another problem too i cant get h323 to work with asterisk
19:03.18Milenanyone has success ?
19:03.29kamileonhavent tried, would like oh323 though
19:06.12Milenoic thanx anyway, i cant get it work with opengk and gnukg
19:06.54*** join/#asterisk MocMoc (~Moc@
19:07.23kamileonMilen: can you try my iaxtel?
19:07.57Milenright now i cant becouse i am at home :) here is 9:07 p.m. :)
19:08.49kamileongmt+2, hmm...
19:10.58ursenjok,..I have done anything in iax.conf for a while,.. anyone have a sample to create any extension for diax to conect to
19:11.00*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver (
19:11.00Milenafter a 12 hours maybe i`ll be at work :)      
19:11.10MilenBulgaria :)) near a black sea in europe
19:11.27kamileonre kram
19:11.50kramgreets kam
19:12.21glLoadIdentityMilen: i am using * with gnugk
19:12.34kramgreets milen
19:13.21kamileoni cant get gastman to compile, darn gtk12-config
19:13.55draconiushmmm when trying to dial free world dialup numbers, i always get 404 not found...even though i followed the guide to asterisk to a T..any ideas?
19:18.40kamileonfree world dialup?
19:18.55*** join/#asterisk suma (
19:21.04draconiussuma: hi
19:23.13*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (
19:23.24Powerkillhi all
19:23.40draconiusPowerkill: howdy
19:23.46sumahi all
19:23.58sumai have a question regardin the SIP 300 sequences
19:23.59Powerkillfine :)
19:24.09sumacan anyone plz help me out on that
19:24.40*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (junya@
19:25.36kamileondraconius : is FWD worth toying with?
19:26.25draconiuskamileon: well from the look of it, yes.
19:26.51draconiuskamileon: I am trying to interface my asterisk box to my fwd account so i can call outfrom any of my ip phones to fwd numbers
19:26.56*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
19:27.03draconiusand when i get my x100p card ill be doing that so i can call out to pots shit
19:29.09sumabkw_: I implemented SIP 300 messages in asterisk :)
19:29.11*** join/#asterisk zwi (~zwi@
19:29.26sumaso you can have redirection in your sip.conf
19:30.03benngardhave anyone tought about some kind of limited "sip debug" like "sip debug [ip or host]"?
19:30.42benngardnot showing all sip messages, just the one that u are looking för :)
19:31.13sumathat is really a good deal benngard ?
19:31.24sumait is very easy to implement with chan_sip.c
19:32.31benngardfor example me at this momemt, trying to debug a freebsd asterisk calling a linux asterisk and I got tons of sip messages that i do not care about :(
19:34.43benngardsuma: sorry to say, what do u mean with "s"?
19:34.48Epitaphis there a page that tells the difference between FXS and FXO somewhere? (that you guys can paste me a link to? :)
19:35.14Epitaphactually, I knew this before.. maybe if someone could refresh my memory.
19:35.53MilenFXO - you can attach PSTN Line , FXS - you can attach phone  
19:36.01Milenthats the difference i think
19:36.15Epitaphthank you!
19:36.20Epitaphand thank YOU! :)
19:36.36*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
19:37.12Epitaphholy crap, that's a nice wiki
19:37.20jorgeraidelI nned to know  where I put the rates under asterik?
19:37.21h3xbittorrent is going to rule on my ds3
19:37.21Epitaphthat should be in the topic :)
19:37.38kamileonsup _mwoodj-
19:37.48_mwoodj-theres a link in the documentation section od
19:37.51_mwoodj-sup kamileon
19:38.03jorgeraidelbecause I need that works together my billing software
19:38.09jorgeraidelsome body knows?
19:38.10kamileoncall me on IAX 700 882 7805
19:38.36_mwoodj-shouldnt post it in the chan lol
19:38.46kamileoni dont care
19:38.52kamileonanyone can call
19:38.56Milenjorgeraidel: what s ur billing software ?
19:39.09Milenkamileon rullz :))
19:40.02Epitaph_mwoodj-: it's pretty buried in there... amongst about 100 other links. :)
19:40.32_mwoodj-100 excellent links... which is why I refer customers to them everyday
19:41.30*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
19:42.10Epitaphwell, it should at least have a more explanatory link description
19:42.20Epitaph"All VoIP terms EXPLAINED"
19:42.37Epitaphthis is incredibly helpful :)
19:42.46Epitaphthere's so many goddamn acronyms in this industry
19:43.32jorgeraidelsomebody can help me?
19:43.46Epitaph"Wiki Pages" is a terrible title.
19:43.53UnixDawgwe are all beyond help here
19:44.22jorgeraidelI need to know in where place under asterisk i put yhe rates
19:44.32UnixDawgnobody here but us fruites and vegies
19:44.37jorgeraidelbecasuse I need that works together my billing software
19:44.49jorgeraidelthe rates sory
19:45.00zoawhat billing software ?
19:45.06jorgeraidelsorry my english ok  :)
19:45.25jorgeraidelok put trabas software in another pc
19:45.26draconius403 forbidden on my voicemail
19:45.30_mwoodj-Epitaph: I see what your saying...
19:45.47zoajorgeraidel: did you actually get trabas to work ?
19:46.13jorgeraidelwe make a modification in php of trabas
19:46.15kamileondraconius : where is the setup info for fwd
19:46.37zoajorgeraidel: you get it to work ???
19:46.44zoathats like incredible !
19:46.45draconiuskamileon: on thier site,click on the little 'sign up' button on the top right
19:46.48zoawhich version ?
19:47.01zoa0.2 ?
19:47.06Milen ?
19:47.19kamileonwho just called me :)
19:47.31jorgeraidelwe  ported the last version of trabas from perl to php
19:48.00jorgeraidelis the last version
19:48.13zoais it gpl ?
19:48.19Milenperl rocks :) php is too vurnelable :)
19:48.36*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:48.38jorgeraidelit depends how you used
19:48.50jorgeraidelzoa it's no finished yet
19:49.02jorgeraidelwe are dealing with the invoice now
19:49.22Milenasterisk has cdr addon
19:49.25jorgeraidelmilen both can be vulnerable
19:49.31Milenyou can get cdr into mysql :)
19:49.57UnixDawgyep and pgsql
19:49.59jorgeraidelbut..  for example... one client calls to china
19:50.07*** join/#asterisk bobov (
19:50.10jorgeraidelhow i can known where he call
19:50.16jorgeraidelin de cdr
19:50.23jorgeraidelin the cdr of course
19:50.29r3dstormIf you have problems with your server and you are belive that it have been hacked join #anti-hack and we will help you
19:50.48*** join/#asterisk InetNomad (
19:50.58jorgeraidelasterisk is able to tell me the rate in the cdr ticket?
19:51.03InetNomadanyone here familiar with queues?
19:51.09*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:51.09zoajorger: no
19:51.14zoaInetNomad; yes i am
19:51.28zoadoes it deadlock ? :)
19:51.35InetNomadzoa: can I present to the caller that got placed in a queue a ringing sound instead of a MP3/MOH?  
19:51.50bkw_WHY ?
19:52.01bkw_I wouldn't wanna sit hearing a ringing sound FOREVER
19:52.01zoa-ChanServ- [#anti-hack] Hy! If your server have been hacked ask operators to help you. Use if you are admin.!.!
19:52.07kamileonrecord the ringing sound as a mp3 and play it
19:52.13InetNomadwant to use it for autoattendent... it would timeout after about 10 seconds and go to IVR
19:52.13zoa--> that .tgz prolly contains a rootkit
19:52.15jorgeraidelno.... is not a deadlock... but put the things a little more dificult in the setup...
19:52.36jorgeraidelbecause in the billing you must be able to known how much that call cost right?
19:52.59izojorgeraidel : you need rates only if you do calling cards etc
19:53.03jorgeraidelby the way... trabas import only from a radfile not from cdr-mysql right?
19:53.19izojorgeraidel: if its postpaid you can do recalculation on data from database
19:53.44jorgeraidelizo.. inserting the rate from every call right?
19:53.56jorgeraidelrated the cdr... right...
19:53.59zigmanhow do i find out my iaxtel number ?
19:54.12izozigman : try to do search on and use %
19:54.17izoin search field
19:54.26tclarkInetNomad: sure no problem itsa common need i do that same thing
19:54.36h3xjorgeraidel: tholo wrote a least cost routing thingamajigger that replaces cdr
19:54.45h3xI am planning to add price and cost to it
19:54.49h3xright now it only logs cost
19:55.19InetNomadwe want to have a live folks answer (might be at any phone) and if they aren't available go to IVR for routing... right now MOH is a bit confusing.
19:55.21kamileondraconius : i meant how to set up * to talk to the FWD servers
19:55.33InetNomadShort of recording a mp3 of ringing sound...
19:56.16izoh3x : where is tholo's lcr ?
19:56.19tclarkjust add that to app_queue, * set the moh class to the string "RING"
19:56.24InetNomadtclark, cool.  so I'd put the MOH queue to RING
19:56.32jorgeraidelh3x... that means that to do that with asterisk we need a new version right? ... tholo is around?
19:56.37draconiuskamileon: im working on that right now :)
19:56.45InetNomadexactly what I'm looking for!  
19:57.01draconiusim using in setting up asterisk, it talks about how to do it, and has exaples, but examples are not working for me
19:57.15h3xAll you'd have to do is duplicate the code thats used to figure the call's cost and have it look in another rate table
19:57.23InetNomadtclark, don't need anything in musiconhold.conf right?
19:57.31h3xand multiply accordingly and push it into the retail price column
19:57.36jorgeraidelthanks h3x
19:57.57h3xI started a project on sourceforge called "pound" which will be open source billing for asterisk (ha ha get it )
19:58.02tclarkInetNomad: yea just chg moh in queue.conf
19:58.17h3xbut ive not written a single line of code yet ;(   I'll probably import some other peoples stuff and fork it
19:58.24tclarkthen find the right place in app_queue.c to drop thuse 4 lines i pasted
19:58.25InetNomadi'll give it a shot, thx.
19:58.51h3xIf you want a almost-done solution, JerJer sells his so called billing package for about $500
19:59.04h3xi dont think its real time calculation though
19:59.13jorgeraideli am finishing a billing
19:59.35jorgeraidelwith real time calculation... :D
19:59.49h3xthats cool
20:00.03jorgeraidelthat support also offline billing..
20:00.13h3xwhat all does it do so far?
20:00.47InetNomaddo you have to do any checks to not call ast_moh_stop()?  How does the ringing stop?
20:01.12jorgeraidelwell.. i am doing the calculation now.. based from trabas.. (that is offline after all- have a program running that import the cdr and make the rates, y last generated the invoice) ;)
20:01.26h3xtrabas is horrid...
20:01.38jorgeraidelwe agree....
20:01.45h3xBasically what tholo's thingy is for, is to do least cost routing. so it looks up in a table
20:01.50jorgeraidelthat's why i redo almost anything
20:02.05h3xbased on phone prefix, and has a initial increment, additional increment (like 30/6 or whatever)
20:02.21h3xwhatever route is the cheapest it tries first etc
20:02.26jorgeraideltrabas have some things pretty good...
20:02.34jorgeraideldid you see the trabas rate tables?
20:02.37h3xthen when the call ends, it multiplys the stuff and saves the cost in a sql table
20:03.02h3xIt dosent calculate the price to the customer though which is kind of stupid
20:03.17zoah3x: that is something more difficult to do
20:03.29h3xnot really
20:03.38zoabut you could just multiply * x%
20:03.51zoaunless you want custom rates for every client
20:03.53h3xusually customers get charged a flat rate
20:03.59zoaso not true
20:04.13h3xyou're probably thinking international calls
20:04.22zoaoh you are not ?
20:04.24h3xeven then you have to use a fixed rate
20:04.32h3xbecause one of your routes may cost more than another
20:04.34h3xbut the primary is down
20:04.48h3xbut for US48 domestic, i have rate tables that are insane
20:04.52h3x900+ different rates
20:04.54zoayou mean fixed for one destination ?
20:05.09zoamy highest rate is around 150 euro / minute
20:05.12*** part/#asterisk r3dstorm (cvcv@
20:05.15h3xand a customer usually buys this based on flat rate or tiered rate
20:05.18LuchoARjorge where are you from?
20:05.19zoathus its hard to have flat fee stuff :)
20:05.21jorgeraidelso you must be able to set the big scenario...
20:05.39h3xworse yet
20:05.44jorgeraidelluchoapr... originally from cuba ;) leaving in the states
20:05.50LuchoARaaa. ok
20:05.54h3xwhen you have flat rate customers here, you have to enforce a 80/20 RBOC ratio rule or you'll get fucked
20:05.58LuchoARi'm from argentina..
20:06.10zoai have 2200 different rates / carrier
20:06.18jorgeraidelexactly zoa...
20:06.26zoawhat is a 80/20 RBOC ratio rule ?
20:06.28jorgeraidelthat is exactly......
20:06.36h3xyou probably want to base your international rates on the 2nd worse rate you have ;)
20:06.45h3x2nd best
20:06.54zoaor let people decide
20:07.03jorgeraidel1 question....
20:07.07h3xwe have different classes of traffic here
20:07.12h3xits based on the terminating LEC
20:07.31jorgeraidelnice to meet you lucho
20:07.40jorgeraideloks... so based in what we read here..
20:07.59jorgeraidelis posible to have diferent rates to the same destination.... based in the carrier right?
20:08.13rpbAny one here based in England and can terminate London traffic?
20:10.00tclarkrpb: try (IAX2/
20:10.22h3xdifferent cost rates
20:10.37h3xTo expand more on the US48 termination issue
20:10.51h3xthe rates are actually based on the OCN (operating carrier number) of the terminating local carrier
20:10.56*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:10.57h3xyou can guess this with the NPA/NXX of the call you are making
20:11.04h3xbut it can be incorrect when a number is ported
20:11.17DL4GRCrpb: Try
20:11.18h3xespecially worse now that you can port land lines to wireless and vice versa
20:11.34h3xEventually I want to integrate a SS7 database lookup to find out the OCN in real time
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20:11.40clive-anyonw know if a cisco ata should give a dial tone or not?
20:11.45h3xinstead of relying upon a NPA/NXX
20:11.52LuchoARata does give dial-tone..
20:12.07h3xin wholesale the carriers give you a LATA by Class rate schedule
20:12.07tronicumanybody ćguug telephony summit?
20:12.11h3xwhich breaks down those OCNs into 3 to 6 tiers
20:12.17h3xand then by LATA which is a group of area codes
20:12.18clive-luchoAR thanks...then I must be doing something wrong
20:12.31LuchoARit's not registering good
20:12.56h3xso first you have to take the area code, figure out what LATA its in,  then either guess the OCN from a NXX lookup or query a database
20:12.57LuchoARif cisco's ATA doesn't register with a sip server or a gk, it won't give you dialtone.
20:12.58clive-back to the onfig menu..:)
20:13.18clive-I see...thanks for that info, I was wondering
20:13.33h3xas you can see this may be worse than trying to rate international calls :P
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20:14.42LuchoARh3x are using ss7 ?
20:14.48jorgeraidelokis.. talking about this... we can set 2 version..
20:15.07jorgeraidel1 using ss7 (verion 2)
20:15.22LuchoARverion?? what's that?
20:15.24welbyhi, i've just got one of the digium x100p cards, and on trying to load i keep getting the message, "WARNING[16384]: loader.c:239 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call " and then it fails loading the module. any one got any ideas ?
20:15.33jorgeraidelversion lucho sorry ;)
20:15.39LuchoARaa. ok..
20:15.56glLoadIdentityLuchoAR: there is a way to use 2 ATA s to talk with each other
20:16.05glLoadIdentitymaybe more
20:16.09LuchoARglloadidentity, yes,
20:16.27clive-Goload..  with or without * ?
20:16.34LuchoARbut if ATA is configured to use a sip server (usesip field) or a gk
20:16.45LuchoARand doesn't register you won't get dialtone.
20:16.56saulthe first will be as easy that you set you rates in you rate table... and you only choose the best rate for the destination from your diferent carrier.
20:16.59glLoadIdentityclive-: an ATA with onether ATA
20:17.06InetNomadtclark, still there?
20:17.08glLoadIdentitywithout anything more
20:17.15LuchoARjorge: how are you using ss7 ?
20:17.41clive-giLoad... from the little I know abt ATA's  (I have one here that I cant get working yet..) if you hav 2 then all you do is dial the other ones' IP address
20:17.42LuchoARglload: put each others ip addres in the gw field!
20:17.45saullucho not.. for the moment... will be the second version..
20:18.02saulfor now... i will follow the trabas way.. FOR NOW!!!
20:18.36glLoadIdentityclive-: its easy to use ATA with * too , just use SIP
20:18.54clive-I am newbie newbie  :)
20:19.13LuchoARfollow that link
20:19.23zoathe trabas perl version is baaaad
20:19.25clive-give me an as53oo...I know what to do...
20:19.33zoais like impossible to even start it
20:19.38saulwell zoa...
20:19.44sauli totally agree with you..
20:20.51sauli was able to sstart the version
20:20.51zoajorgeraidel: do you use the latest version ?
20:20.51zoawith the broken sql statements ?
20:20.51saulbut ...... beleive me... was the real pay in the ass....
20:20.51zoaif the sql was not broken, you are using the previous version
20:20.52zoais it working now saul ?
20:20.52saulnot.. we just set to php...
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20:20.52zoaah Jorgeraidel is now saul :)
20:20.57zoado you have the broken sql version ?
20:20.58zoacheck it
20:21.01zoathere are 2 versions
20:21.10saulcheck the private
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20:22.43l-fyhi sxpert
20:23.09zoahey hey l-fy !
20:25.52kapejodzoa: you just dont know when to stop ;-)
20:26.02*** join/#asterisk dtmf (
20:26.08zoayou bet your arse
20:26.17zoawhat is the price for quad bri ?
20:26.19l-fyzoa > cool, come on over here
20:27.43kapejodzoa: 600 euros
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20:28.18zoal-fy its too expensive
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20:28.19DL4GRCzoa: where did you get the 2nd version of Trabas? I only saw one on their website (2 different compression files)
20:28.25zoaand it will take two much time
20:28.34zoai'm a leeto googler
20:29.25dant¤600? youch
20:29.46zoa600 euro for a quad bri is indeed quite expensive too :(
20:31.19ScaredyCatis that kapejod's one?
20:33.37blllI'd buy it for 600 euro
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20:36.01zoasourceforge has the new version
20:37.01sauli download the want in the website....
20:37.12SpaceDumpAnybody got a cisco 2600 with ISDN BRI interface to forward incoming calls to asterisk? (sip)
20:37.47saulredhat (last version)... install apache 2.0.x and modperl 2.x :D trabas don't work in that scenario...
20:37.58blllah, thanks a lot
20:38.15blllspacedump: why not mgcp?
20:38.39SpaceDumpmgcp ?
20:39.08blllmultimedia gateway control protocol
20:39.39SpaceDumpWell, I suppose that should work too, there's no problem to use sip between my ata186 and asterisks then, right?
20:39.49Corydon76-homeLOL -
20:39.59blllno problem at all
20:40.15SpaceDumpOkey, I'll just try to figure out how to configure that then. ;)
20:40.21l-fyhi Corydon76-home
20:41.20saulh3x i have a small question for you :D
20:41.27TestMasTerok i`m having a problem i don`t understand why... here is the line i`m using 2124007463,1,Goto(default,s,1)  <--  Sometimes it works.. and other times it doesn`t when it doesn`t work this is the error i get  sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
20:41.48TestMasTerDoes anyone know what would be the problem.... Default is defined
20:42.17Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  you don't have an s extension?
20:42.42dtmfkapejod: can the quadBRI switch ISDN data calls from an internal ext. to the PSTN (one port TE-mode to carrier, other port NT-mode with ISDN PC-card dialing out PPP data call to e.g. an ISP)?
20:42.43Corydon76-homeThe invalid handler, btw, is extension i.
20:42.51TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  I have a extension default,
20:43.02kapejoddtmf: sounds possible
20:43.14Corydon76-homeGreat, but you need to have extension s, not extension default.
20:44.13Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  do you have more than one context where users enter the dialplan?
20:44.15TestMasTerOk so if i changed it around like exten -> 2124007463,1,Dial(s,default,1) this would be ok?
20:44.27TestMasTerCorydon76- yes
20:44.32Corydon76-homeNo, that's context s, extension default
20:44.38welbyhi, i've just got one of the digium x100p cards, and on trying to load i keep getting the message, "WARNING[16384]: loader.c:239 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call " and then it fails loading the module. any one got any ideas at all ?
20:44.48Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  one of those contexts does not have an s extension.
20:44.50saulh3x did you see the private?
20:44.50zoakapejod: go give l-fy a kiss for me will ya :)
20:45.48h3xone sec
20:45.48zoah3x: asl means age sex location :-p
20:45.48zoano need to look it up
20:45.48TestMasTerUmm Corydon76-home If i post the parts the handle the answering could you take alook.  
20:45.48zoayou might as well answer his pm directly
20:45.48zigmandtmf sounds like native bridging
20:45.48Corydon76-homePost it in an email to the mailing list or on a webpage
20:46.07TestMasTerOk i will place it on the website
20:46.29h3xold enough in all 50 states/as often as possible/wherever you are baby
20:46.54saulzoa... by the way.... sorry for this.... my mother in law.... have the same name than you nick.......
20:47.51saul:D no intensions.....
20:48.07extremisis there any way to get the callerid info of a call printed to the console on inbound zapcalls?
20:48.14extremisto the CLI that is
20:48.19zoaextremis: yes
20:48.33zoaNoOp(${calleridnum}) or so
20:48.37zoadunno what the exact variable is
20:48.55extremisI got it... cool it doesn't hang on noop does it?
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20:50.11saulthere is any way to known for a phone number.... to what country belongs?
20:50.25zoaNoOp: no operation
20:50.34Corydon76-homeIf it has the country code prepended, yes
20:50.41saulyeap zipman?
20:50.41zoakillall-9 are you also in germany ?
20:50.48zoakeep an eye on the girl
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20:50.52zoashe's very naughty
20:50.57zigmanzoa who ?
20:51.10Corydon76-homeBut you can't with a number all by itself.  e.g. Mexico uses the same length phone number as the US
20:51.16zoanever trust capejod with girls
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20:51.40TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  i just posted the important part
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20:52.38saulyeap.. corydom.. the country is usually the first 2-4 numbers right?
20:53.07saulej... the majority of the caribbean countries except cuba/jamaica... i think are 1-xxx
20:53.11clive-here is a stupid question....does one need to restart asterisk after modifying sip.conf to get it to work?
20:53.21saulso is easy to confuse with the states
20:53.22zigmanclive- reload
20:53.24Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  You have a race condition in your includes
20:53.41Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  You should let the final include be a catch-all
20:53.41clive-zigman....I just type relaod?
20:53.44TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  A race condition?
20:54.10Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  Every include is evaluated independently.
20:54.44TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Sory i don`t totally understand, What you are saying
20:54.45saulzigman... did you known a way?
20:55.19dtmfkapejod: again the data call question: do you know if asterisk/zaptel handles the other non-voice ISDN bearer caps correctly?
20:55.29Corydon76-homeTestMasTer:  Just include your days with the times... then AFTER the days are defined, let the fallthrough be the night context (with NO time qualifiers)
20:55.32zigmansaul you need to get a list of country codes
20:55.51zigmanand use regular expressions to evaluate the number
20:56.00Corydon76-homeEither that or use GotoIfTime instead
20:56.01saulthat make sences...
20:56.22TestMasTerCorydon76-home,  Ok i will try that thank you
20:56.26kapejoddtmf: i can add that
20:56.39saulthat is a way... right.
20:56.56voidptr_it should handle that
20:57.01dtmfkapejod: that means 'no'for now?
20:57.29voidptr_native 64kbit channel bridging was added some months ago
20:57.50voidptr_and it better works, or i will start shouting!
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20:59.27dtmfshould native 64k channel bridging data calls also work with Digium E1 cards?
20:59.48zoait works
20:59.51zigmandtmf thats what voidptr was talking about
20:59.57zigmanhe is not sure about the BRI ;)
21:05.43clive-why would one get a SIP/2.0 UDP Unauthorized  message on teh sip debug?
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21:15.25dtmfvoidptr_: could you please tell me your experiences with the Digium PRI concerning voice quality, echo, etc.? Is it the same carrierclass quality my users are used to with the current legacy TDM switched PBX system?
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21:17.13zoaquality is very good
21:17.30clive-pity the ATA186 cant do iLBC or GSM
21:17.43izoon PRI2PRI calls its same as carrerclass switches
21:17.43killall-9dtmf: the transmision is fully digital, there is no quality loss, echo or other problems
21:17.59zigmandtmf yes
21:18.24zigmanyou only get echo when using voip
21:18.33killall-9well, except if some stupid robbed bit signaling is used
21:18.59killall-9that may disturb data or fax but not voice
21:19.02zigmanwhen you include <stupid.h> you allways get return !=0 ;)
21:19.37killall-9but that's not digium's problem
21:20.08zigmanthey don't include stupid.h ;)
21:20.20zigmanwhats the diff between agi and eagi ?
21:25.39*** join/#asterisk rollyson (~jrollyson@
21:26.52citatszigman: EAGI supplies audio to the program on a fd.  but only from * to the EAGI program, not the other way around
21:27.41*** join/#asterisk Harald71 (
21:27.51Harald71ne1 alive in here?
21:28.05Harald71looking for some advice on asterisk
21:28.17Harald71talking to the dead is fine too :)
21:28.29tclarkzigman: VoIP is alos all digital you shound not get echo from the lick its something else eg some where you got anaalog let ot your pc sound card feeding input audio to output stearm accoustic echo etc
21:29.43dtmfI have absolutely no echo with my Cisco BRI VoIP gateway. Where does this echo come from that everybody in the lists is talking about especially with isdn4linux and CAPI? Did I get it right that digium doesn't have this echo?
21:30.26tclarkzigman: try this w/o all the typos VoIP is also all digital you should not get echo from that leg its something else eg some where you got analog let ot your pc sound card feeding input audio to output stream or accoustic echo etc
21:30.33Harald71basic q:  I have a setup, 2 incoming isdn/2 lines (4 incoming lines total), and 4 to 20 analog phones on the other end.  What hardware do I need?  On the analog end, I need something like an FXS, on the incoming end what kind of hw do I need there?
21:30.58Harald71Can I make do with 4 standard ISDN cards?
21:31.16Harald71Or do I need something more sophisticated / smarter?
21:32.00tclarkHarald71: you have a number of choices for the analog handsets
21:32.17tclark1) T100 and fxs channel bank
21:32.24Harald71The basic idea is that I need a solution that can grow
21:32.50Harald71a t100 can handle ISDN connections?
21:32.53tclark2) ata devices 2 port devices like ata186 or sipura
21:33.22tclark3) audio codes. muti-tech etc multi-port fxs gateways
21:33.41tclark4) skip the analog & use IP phones
21:34.07tclarkt100 can handle PRI not BRI
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21:34.20Harald71well, money is running tight... that is why my client is looking at my suggestion for asterisk
21:34.54tclarkwill cheap is best 100p & after market channel bank assuming he has analog handsets
21:35.11Harald71yes analog handsets
21:35.35tclarkso 500 for t100 & 350 for ebay adtrag 24fxs cb
21:35.46jtodd-lunchOK, this is an extremely short interval for getting new words added.  I have another recording session going tonight to Allison - any last-minute phrases or words to go in?
21:35.47Harald71could you briefly explain bri and pri?  I heard those terms before, their meaning has lost me for the moment
21:37.16Harald71If not, tell me to rtfm :)
21:37.21kamileonjtodd-lunch : what about some nice phrases for people i dont like ?
21:37.50methinks bri is the Basic Rate Interface , an ISDN access interface type composed of two B-channels each at 64 kbps and one D-channel at 16kbps (2B+D).
21:37.52hmm... pri is Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
21:37.52dougheckaRead The Fine Manual!
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21:38.54kamileonbut.. i have a data only t1 !
21:39.01kamileonso i cant use voice calls out my PRI?
21:39.51xenon4356i have a few newbie questions for you guys if you dont mind
21:40.03blitzragewhat if we do? :D
21:40.14xenon4356then i will go in the corner and cry
21:40.20Harald71xenon4356 i don't :)
21:40.28xenon4356haha ok thanks
21:40.41*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
21:40.48xenon4356anyway...i was thinking of putting a little pbx in my home
21:41.08Harald71but I won't be of much help either, I am just trying to assess how much money my client needs to spend to start using asterisk :)
21:41.14xenon4356i have 2 lines in and 7 phones inside
21:41.35xenon4356what would i need to make asterisk work for me?
21:41.45brc007jtodd: got a list of the new words to be recorded? ...just curious to see what the new ones are
21:41.51Harald71hey that is my question :)
21:42.10xenon4356haha any luck yet?
21:42.18Harald71well a little :)
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21:42.26killall-9kamileon: it all depends on what service the other end offers. if the other end belongs to your internet provider i guess there's no voice for you
21:42.27jtoddbrc007: it's a very small list.
21:42.34jtoddlike 10 words.
21:42.44brc007what's allison charge? is it per word?
21:43.04jtoddamir: need to have any custom phrases recorded by allison?  Act quickly; mail goes to her in 20 minutes.
21:43.14zoahmmz, jtodd
21:43.15jtoddbrc007: she charges by the hour for me, as I have her do quite a bit of work.
21:43.24brc007I see
21:43.27zoaPlease ask to say MOOSE PENIS and NEXT!
21:43.39jtoddzoa: Let me think about that...
21:43.42jtoddzoa: Still thinking...
21:43.45jtoddzoa: Ummmm
21:43.47jtoddzoa: NO.
21:43.54zoanext ?
21:43.59Harald71tclark: So you are saying, If I have an ISDN/2 line I can not use the T100?
21:44.01zoaoh next is already in there
21:44.13zoayou could ask it like
21:44.51xenon4356anyone able to help me?
21:45.19brc007jtodd: I've searched and can't seem to find do 'intonation files' work?
21:46.20xenon4356guess not
21:46.33kamileonxenon you need some hardware
21:46.47xenon4356yeah i know..thats what im asking
21:46.52xenon4356i have no clue what i would need
21:47.35kamileona couple x100p's for your outside lines and some FXS ports for your phones, basically
21:48.11xenon4356got it...i know what x100ps are, but how about fxs...where would i find them?
21:48.48kamileonthats a FXS
21:48.56kamileonup to 4 phones
21:49.08xenon4356right...wouldnt i need that for the internal phones?
21:49.18kamileonif you want to go that route
21:49.18xenon4356i would get two of them and have 8 internal lines, correct?
21:49.31xenon4356im sorry...what is the other route?
21:49.34brc007FXS is for phones and FXO is for lines from the phone company
21:49.42brc007the other route is VoIP phones...or a channel bank
21:49.49kamileonyou can get a t1 card and a channel bank
21:50.11xenon4356could you please explain that to me? i think i get the VoIP idea, but what is channel bank?
21:51.26brc007a channel bank basically has 24 (23?) ports on it that you can use for FXO or FXS. it then Multiplexes those lines onto a T1 connection
21:51.51brc007you then get a T1 card ( and plug the channel bank into the t1 card
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21:52.22xenon4356got it
21:52.40brc007if you need a bunch of ports...or room to's more cost effective then using a bunch of 's
21:52.50xenon4356so i would put the T1 card in the asterisk box, connect the channel bank to it, then tell it that 2 of the connections are the external lines, and the others are internal?
21:53.04dknechthi.. does anybody know if u can do fax detection over IAX?  I have serached messageboards and seen some people say yes but not how they did it
21:53.05xenon4356ok, thansk
21:53.12xenon4356that seems to make sense
21:53.16xenon4356and would I need any special phones?
21:53.25brc007(afaik, IANA*E (I am not an * expert)
21:53.43brc007I believe you can use any old analog phones
21:53.52Harald71also for voip?
21:53.56kamileoni have all analog
21:54.07kamileonneed a cisco
21:54.21Harald71can you use analog phones with voip?
21:54.22brc007you then do stuff like transfers by using the # key...i.e # 233 (ext to transfer to)
21:54.25xenon4356great...and how would I dial another internal line
21:54.38xenon4356got it, wow...this sounds great
21:54.51kamileonmaybe someone would trade me a couple sip phones for a velociraptor firewall :)
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21:55.10brc007I think you pick up the phone and'd most likely set it up to use 9 to get an outside line and if you don't press 9 it assumes you are dialing an internal ext
21:55.30xenon4356ok, thanks
21:55.47Harald71brc007 no voicemail or queue on your pbx? :)
21:56.02kamileonim dialing out with 7 or 10+1 digits like normal and dialig internal phones with 4 digits
21:56.02killall-9Harald71: there are standalone boxes that have 1 network port and 1-4 fxs (or fxo) and perform voip internally - usually h.323
21:56.25kamileoni dial 666 and call wafflehouse
21:56.41xenon4356damn, i had no clue how expensive channel banks were
21:56.57brc007harald...nope :\ I said I'm new to *...I've only used it with soft phones so far...waiting for the bean counters to decide to buy the dev kit :(
21:57.25dknechtanybody have any ideas on IAX fax tedtection?
21:57.25Harald71killall-9, please bear with me, I am kind of slow tonite....  
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21:57.50killall-9Harald71: you asked about using analog phones with voip
21:58.21Harald71killall-9 you are quite correct :)  I gather your answer to that was yes :)
21:58.30kamileondamn, i cant transfer callers to my meetme extension
21:58.40kamileonjust flash, then # then extension right?
21:59.15killall-9i have set up some welltech in  4fxo - voip ---- voip - 4fxs
21:59.25killall-9but the firmware has bugs :/
21:59.26brc007xenon4356: the Wiki ( ) is your friend...also make sure to sign up for the mailing lists ( )  (there's also a bunch of good links at the bottom of the last link....and there's a project to create an asterisk book at   however it's still being worked on
21:59.44xenon4356got it, thanks
21:59.49Harald71brc007 thnx
22:00.38Harald71Basic question remains, I still do not have a clear understanding on this one.
22:00.52Harald71I have an isdn/2 as an incoming line
22:01.26tclarkHarald71: no the t100 wll not interfasce a BRI ISDN line(s)
22:02.06Harald71tclark is there another solution how I can connect an BRI line to asterisk?
22:02.24zoayou could use chewing gum or ducktape
22:02.29tclarkyea isdn capi
22:02.37xenon4356one more question
22:02.42tclarkzoa: what is kape web page
22:02.57xenon4356do the cisco IP phones work with asterisk
22:02.58Harald71tclark okay, so I should get me an ISDN card that is supported under linux
22:03.04zoajunsghann or os
22:03.20tclarkno get a isdn CAPI card supported by * channel driver
22:03.33tclarkwhat zoa says
22:03.46Harald71tclark, zoa thnx :)
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22:04.32tclarkbut yoiu might be better off getting analog lines & a t1 channel bank is yiu can live w/o some of the nice isdn features
22:05.27tclarksee junghanns 4 port BRI zaptel
22:06.03Harald71tclark i am realising that as we speak...  My problem is card slots in my pc...  If I need 4 t100's that leaves my very little room for fxs cards...
22:06.09tclarkzoa: what does kape sell that 4 port zaptel BRI cards for ?
22:06.29tclarkwhy 4 100 ?? that is 96 channels
22:07.00tclarkif that is what you mean you be better off with 1 quad span te410
22:07.12tclark600 euro or us$ ?
22:07.30Harald71tclark eh yes, getting my hw mixed up...
22:07.37xenon4356ok another stupid this a T1 card:
22:07.49xenon4356and would it work with asterisk, or only wildcard stuff?
22:07.51tclark1 channel bank can have both fxs and fxo ports
22:09.07tclarkHarald71: how many handsets do you need again ?
22:09.51Harald71lemme think, 12 max.
22:10.03Harald71that includes fax etc...
22:10.08*** join/#asterisk john (
22:10.10johnhello !
22:10.11xenon4356guys...will a dialogic t1 card work with asterisk?
22:10.36xenon4356so only wildcard?
22:11.05johnxenon4356: you have to buy a driver
22:11.13xenon4356how much is a driver
22:11.18zoaare there asterisk drivers for dialogic cards ?
22:11.32denonwildcard .. duh-duh duh duh duh .. you make my pbx sing .. duh duh .. you maake eveerything echo ..
22:11.38denonwildcard .. I think I love you ..
22:11.45xenon4356my god
22:11.51denonin a mood
22:12.17xenon4356so, where do i buy this dialogic driver from and how much?
22:12.32denonI thought there was some dialogic driver for sale .. dunno how much tho
22:12.43clive-if I remeber cprrectly its like $15 per channel for dialogic
22:13.24xenon4356what is this thing:
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22:14.09john--i am back
22:15.16denon$15 sounds about right to me too
22:15.43xenon4356is that thing a T1 card though?
22:15.53clive-makes more sence to me to just tank th dialogic and get a zap card
22:15.53Harald71tclark summarizing:  when use isdn/2 (bri) lines, I can use something like 4 port zaptel BRI cards and a channelbank for the FXO (E100P) to connect my analog phones to
22:16.03znoGxenon4356: funny that, he has no idea what it does or what it is but he starts it at 149.95
22:16.08zoai dont think you can find dialogic drivers
22:16.16zoadont think there are yet
22:16.22xenon4356oh ok
22:16.26tclarkHarald71: not quite
22:17.00tclark1) channel bank with T100 for FXS line to hand sets & BRI zaptel for ISDN BRI
22:17.09xenon4356so, im guessing to get a system with 2 external lines and ~8 internal lines would run be about $1500-2000 not including the computer
22:17.48tclark2) drop BRI get analog line get t100 with 12-20 fxs port & 4 fxo ports
22:18.02tclarkon the channel bank
22:18.39heisonis anyone having problem with authenticating to
22:19.10xenon4356hmm im starting to think a hardware pbx may be cheaper
22:19.15Harald71tclark ok..  I will investigate option 2
22:19.46Harald71xenon4356 I have seen the prices...  you might want to think again...
22:20.02xenon4356im screwed haha
22:20.11xenon4356guess i could always turn to my buddy ebay
22:20.21tclarkif you go that route, adit 600 is recommend bcus of superior impedance match on fxo line which fix a major cause of echo
22:21.03xenon4356well, i really just want the cheapest thing that works
22:21.44zoatake two cans and a string
22:21.49zoaworks wonderwell
22:21.58xenon4356haha true true
22:23.57Harald71tclark adit 600 is a channel bank?
22:25.48rob--Is there any way of better matching the impedence for the X100P FXO card? I'm getting a lot of echo. which echo canceller settings work best, and how should I determine the rxgain/txgain settings?
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22:28.06sobol_does anyone encounted hangup with asteris 0.7.1  and chan_capi 0.3.0? because after upgrading * i get hangups
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22:31.05rob--Is there any way of better matching the impedence for the X100P FXO card? I'm getting a lot of echo. which echo canceller settings work best, and how should I determine the rxgain/txgain settings?
22:33.39*** join/#asterisk rexroth (
22:34.29draconiushmmm interesting
22:34.48draconiusI have a modem that looks _exactly_ like the x100p but i cant get it working with *
22:35.57draconiusanyone here?
22:36.39draconiusIf i already have asterisk up and running for lan type stuff, and i had configured zaptel with ZTdummy i have to go back and re-compile zaptel without ztdummy?
22:37.48dtmfLeave asterisk
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22:47.39*** join/#asterisk CallNet_SP (
22:47.42CallNet_SPhi to all
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22:52.49flash1anyone have problems making outbound calls with xten?
22:53.52flash1I can make inbound calls to it just fine..  on debug sip I just keep getting sip reads
22:54.49dr_welby|laptophi, i've just got one of the digium x100p cards, and on trying to load i keep getting the message, "WARNING[16384]: loader.c:239 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call " and then it fails loading the module. any one got any ideas on how to fix this at all?
22:54.58*** join/#asterisk TLC_ (
22:57.08phsdshftdr: load wc_fxo as a module
22:58.52phsdshftheh cool... ast_pickup_call is defined in res_parking
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22:59.14wreckdiverhey, anyone know of any SIP phones with an integrated analog port??
22:59.33phsdshftare you loading res_parking?
23:00.17dr_welby|laptopphilip : is already loaded
23:00.32dr_welby|laptopphsdshft *
23:01.38phsdshftdr_welby|laptop: maybe put "load =>" in asterisk/modules.conf ?
23:01.46dr_welby|laptopk will try
23:02.11dr_welby|laptopnope still doing
23:02.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
23:03.11phsdshftmaybe put "load =>", then "load =>" under it?
23:03.17phsdshftso it loads res_parking first
23:03.26dr_welby|laptopyup have done,
23:04.31phsdshftstill doesn't work?
23:04.44dr_welby|laptopnope, still borkan
23:05.01phsdshftheh.. then I have no idea.. you might try updating CVS, and reinstalling the samples
23:05.07*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
23:06.17dr_welby|laptoplol, thanks anyway
23:06.35*** join/#asterisk aeres (
23:07.45_mwoodj-drL did you recently update from cvs?
23:08.00aeresWhy do you ask?
23:08.37_mwoodj-you dr_welby?
23:08.51_mwoodj-thats who I was asking
23:08.55dr_welby|laptopyeah, just did it a wee while back
23:08.59dr_welby|laptoplike 2 hours ago or so
23:09.14_mwoodj-did you do a full update or just 'cvs update'
23:09.46aeresDoes anyone know if asterisk has Toshiba StrataIP support?
23:10.33dr_welby|laptop_mwoodj- i just checked it out into a new directory
23:13.34_mwoodj-kram is at work...
23:15.07jtoddaeres: if you could tell us what that means, maybe we could answer it.  Is it a SIP phone?
23:15.26brc007does mark come into irc often?
23:15.49jtoddaeres: then the answer is "maybe".  I haven't heard of anyone using it, but SIP is a standard, right.  ;-)
23:15.50aeresI have the switch setup at work.
23:16.20aeresI was thinking the same...just having headaches getting it to interface, but I'm still pretty new :)
23:17.35aeresjtodd: do you know of a good place where I can get some good "getting started" docs?
23:19.54_mwoodj-dr_welby you just need to make sure that res_parking.o is loading and that it is loading before chan_zap. Make sure that it is not set to noload and watch as asterisk is starting... try and find where it is loading
23:20.56*** join/#asterisk JazzInc (
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23:25.22john--is it possible to talk with asterisk with CSTA protocol ?
23:27.59brc007what's the phone looking 'thingie' on markocam?
23:28.35zoaiaxy ?
23:29.17_mwoodj-prototype SIP phone
23:29.18brc007don't think's got dtmf keys 0-9 and a-d
23:29.39brc007a digium thing? or something somebody sent mark?
23:29.44zoaif you look closely you can see his dirty underwear
23:29.50_mwoodj-something somebody sent him
23:30.01_mwoodj-iaxy looks way different from that
23:30.04brc007don't like the design much...
23:30.12brc007haven't seen the iaxy
23:30.15_mwoodj-lol... that is far from a final product...
23:30.24_mwoodj-looks like a calculator if you aks me
23:30.40_mwoodj-I am sure they made it just to test the boards and software
23:30.50brc007and yep on the calculator :p
23:31.17brc007waiter! there's a head in my camera
23:31.26zoayou should shave !!
23:31.36brc007is that kram?
23:31.40brc007didn't know he worked at digium
23:32.00zoadirty place over there :)
23:32.07brc007_V E R Y_
23:32.21brc007sup kram
23:32.27kramnot much brc, what about you?
23:32.29zoakrambo are you the one with the baseball hat ?
23:32.35krami'm the one at the computer
23:32.38brc007not much...just watching you guys :p
23:32.50kramthat's keith
23:32.58kramif anyone knows any nice girls in their 30's, he's looking
23:32.58zoayou should shave kram !
23:33.01kramliving in huntsville is a +
23:33.05krami did shave
23:33.06brc007who's got the laptop?
23:33.17kramzoa: you don't think scruffy is sexy?
23:33.22_mwoodj-im sure I could think of a few
23:33.25zoascruff ?
23:33.38krami.e. not shaved in a day
23:33.48*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Digium will be at Linux World in New York
23:33.51brc007any chance the cam interface might get an upgrade one of these days? it's sortof hard to control
23:33.59zoakram when is linux world NY ?
23:34.05_mwoodj-I better never get a cam... with how often I shave...
23:34.07krambrc: not likely
23:34.18*** topic/#asterisk by kram -> Digium will be at Linux World in New York Jan 20-23
23:34.34zoai might be in NY then
23:34.41zoais that the digium office ?
23:34.43brc007mark off today?
23:34.57brc007btw...what are you guys hacking on?
23:35.00rollysonzoa: its this week.
23:35.12zoaoh shit
23:35.12rollysonzoa: monday - thursday IIRC
23:35.16_mwoodj-hey mark... you off today?
23:35.17zoai'm not there then :)
23:35.18brc007err...that is
23:35.25zoai read februari :)
23:35.33zoakrambo: show us an iaxy !
23:35.45zoagive it to me baby
23:36.34_mwoodj-be careful when you say that... if you have never seen it then for all you know... it could be any shape or size
23:36.38zoayeah scratch some more krambo
23:36.41zoai know you can do it
23:36.57brc007comeon leme see an iaxy
23:37.04kramhold a sec
23:37.12brc007I won't take a screenshot!...honest! .....well I probably will....
23:37.35denonlooks like one of those hand devices on Stargate ;)
23:37.45kramhaven't seen it
23:37.54denonyou're missin out
23:37.57brc007dang this is slow
23:37.59denonthe bad guys use it to take over the world ..
23:38.00zoakram when will those start shipping ?
23:38.05denonand inflict pain on their enemies
23:38.08kramthey're shipping already
23:38.13zoahuh ?
23:38.14kramalthough you have to get your own power supply, ours aren't in yet
23:38.16zoawhy didnt i know that ?
23:38.24kramthey're "beta"
23:38.25brc007me too
23:38.28_mwoodj-little do people know... this dosnt only work on iax... it is a remote control toilet flusher, stover controller, and transport device\
23:38.34zoafirmware upgradable ?
23:38.41brc007how do I get into the "beta" test :p
23:38.44denonkram: you guys going to sell international supplies too?
23:38.46kramgotta talk to greg
23:38.48kramand you still have to buy them
23:38.53kramwe might eventually
23:38.57]data[woo its a kram :}
23:39.05denonso what is it, like 9VDC?
23:39.18brc007kram, any idea what software is being used to control the cam?
23:39.33brc007and what kind of cam (or cam mover) is it?
23:39.52kram9VDC center positive
23:39.57krambut *really* 9VDC
23:40.02kramyou should get either a switcher or regulated supply
23:40.13kraman unregulated 9V supply will eventually toast it
23:40.20krami wrote the software, silly head
23:40.26kramit's a canon vc-c3 cam
23:40.31denonkram: ah .. that touchy eh?
23:40.48denonkram: so no pluggin it right into my car's cig plug you're saying? ;)
23:40.48zoakram has too much spare time :p
23:41.02kramit gets kinda warm
23:41.02_mwoodj-yeah right
23:41.03brc007ahhaa! that's why it's so har^H^H^Heasy to use
23:41.09krambecuase we're regulating the 9 down tot a 2.5
23:41.23zoaoké, why do you do that ? :)
23:41.23kramso it disappates a lot of heat
23:41.24denonah .. why not let the supply do that?
23:41.27rollysonkram: whats the price?
23:41.28denonyou actually use the 9 as well?
23:41.30kramwe need the 9V for the ringing
23:41.39kramit drives the DC->DC converter
23:41.53kramif we had used 5V, we wouldn't have been able to support 5 REN, our target
23:41.56denongonna make an FXO version of the IAXy? :)
23:41.58kramonly would have gotten 1 REN
23:42.04kramyah, well, lets get the FXO module first
23:42.10kramthen we can worry about making the IAXY understand it
23:42.24zoafxo modules ?
23:42.26kramand even if the IAXY knows about FXO, it's unlikely to pass FCC
23:42.28_mwoodj-FXO module... so many people are asking about it
23:42.29zoafxs ?
23:42.33krampossible, but unlikely
23:42.49denonstacking up the IAXys would be cheaper than an fxo channelbank I bet
23:42.50zoaah to put it on a telephone line too
23:43.11denon1U IAXy Sr. :)
23:43.38_mwoodj-ok... Im going to go relax for the evening... because I, unfortuneately, am not going to Linux World and I have to be at work tomorrow
23:43.40zoakram i need to order a new server again
23:43.51zoais the opteron already know to work fine with zaptel ?
23:43.57zoaas in stable ?
23:44.26denonzoa: few people have been talkin about it, but I dont know how many are using it
23:44.31krami don't know that it has been tested
23:44.37malcolmdzoa: unknown
23:44.44brc007what's with that old cordless phone? where's your 7920!
23:44.44denongrab one and see ;)
23:44.56angler_malcolmd, whats up
23:44.56zoaif i spend a fortune on a dual opteron
23:44.56malcolmdnix + SuSE sent some makefile patches that were supposed to allow it compile ok on an opteron
23:44.58zoaand it  doesnt work
23:45.04zoai'll have a big problem :)
23:45.04malcolmdangler_:  dude, just getting all the stuff ready for tomorrow
23:45.11angler_i hear ya
23:45.17denonzoa: well .. get a quad right away, so we know that it really does ok on smp opteron
23:45.41denonget it at best buy and keep your receipt! :)
23:45.52malcolmdangler_: the conference table is covered in phones + cables + accessories
23:46.01krami have a TE405 that appears to work
23:46.06kramnow to test it in cardboard box
23:46.16zigmanTE405 ?
23:46.19malcolmdkram: cardboard box = poopy :(
23:46.22brc007marko cam's slow :(
23:46.46angler_malcolmd, you get me a fidd phone for my desk?
23:47.07malcolmdangler_: i've got one, but i need a power supply for it
23:47.31_mwoodj-malcolmd: give me anything for my desk better then what I have lol
23:47.37malcolmdangler_: fidd ??
23:47.47malcolmd_mwoodj-: dude, everything and the kitchen sink are getting packed
23:48.02malcolmdangler_: look at your scrollback
23:48.28_mwoodj-malcolmd: all this time and I wasn't aware of the kitchen sink
23:48.32brc007keith hasn't moved more then 3 inches in the last 10 minutes
23:48.41malcolmd_mwoodj-: talk to the landlord :D
23:49.17_mwoodj-malcolmd: will do... ill make an appointment on Monday
23:50.14angler_malcolmd, lol i meant a different phone
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23:50.28angler_malcolmd, lately i haven't been making complete words or sentences
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23:52.31rollysonhrm... TE405P? 5V version of the TE410P ?
23:52.46rollysonsounds cool
23:53.19rollysongot a T400P here thats been working well, I think $boss just ordered a TE410P
23:53.29brc007kram is the cam running on a linux box?
23:53.56zoano its running on an atari with that basic os
23:54.18brc007ohhh okay...yeah...right
23:54.22*** part/#asterisk JazzInc (
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23:54.30rollysonwho all is coming to linuxworld ?
23:54.35brc007not me :(
23:56.05brc007I've got new mail!

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