irclog2html for #asterisk on 20040117

00:00.03c4uldr0nI don't have a SIP phone here to test and see if Asterisk is doing this either
00:00.04Serpfind? fine :)
00:00.37c4uldr0nmight Asterisk be outputing my MIC audio to my headset speakers?
00:00.56Serpumm anything's possible I spose
00:01.08c4uldr0nheh, know of any audio tweaks? hehe
00:01.37c4uldr0nlike... OutputOnlyCallersVoice = 1
00:01.48n00dleI think that the post-install <module> calls of ztcfg from modules.conf might be stomping on me a bit.
00:01.57*** join/#asterisk draconius (
00:01.58Serptoo easy ;)
00:02.04c4uldr0nno chit ;)
00:02.18n00dle...but this time, "stop gracefully" and "asterisk -vvvc" worked fine.
00:03.23c4uldr0nSerp: X-lite is cooler than SJphone ;) back to what I was doing... trying to figure out how to route an incoming IAX2 call to the S100U.
00:03.31c4uldr0nSerp: however more confusing
00:03.44extremischannel => 1
00:03.44extremischannel => 2
00:03.44extremischannel => 3
00:03.44extremischannel => 4
00:03.44extremischannel => 5
00:03.46extremischannel => 6
00:03.50extremischannel => 25
00:04.09Serpc4uldr0n: ok lol, I just find sjp more practical
00:04.59anglerextremis: you can put all the channels on one line
00:05.06anglerchannel => 1-6
00:05.15CriponWhat are you using for a sip client?
00:06.21KalDok I want to do this:    When a user times out once - I ask them if they are alive - and tell them how to repeat their choices by pressing start, then I set a variable to 1 - then the 2nd time they timeout I say get lost...    I'm using gotoif() so if my variable is 1 then I go to the 2nd part and hangup - but if the variable is not 1 I want to reset the digit timeout and stop processing the timeout tree- how do I do this?  
00:06.34FuzzyCatuse AGI
00:06.41Criponnoodle: you need an iaxtel context in your iax.conf, and tell it to go to the context you using for incoming calls in your extensions.conf
00:07.07KalDFuzzyCat: me?
00:07.09c4uldr0nSerp: Do you have echo cancelation enabled?
00:07.18c4uldr0nSerp: might this be my problem?
00:07.19KalDFuzzyCat: ok :-)
00:07.31c4uldr0nSerp: I don't have it enabled
00:07.32*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
00:07.35Serpc4uldr0n: that'd probably help ;)
00:07.37KalDFuzzyCat: thx
00:07.39FuzzyCatKalD: AGI is much more flexible...
00:07.46Criponnoodle: iaxtel.conf
00:07.55FuzzyCatyou can code in perl, c, or whatever
00:09.07*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
00:09.16jorgeraidelsome body know how configure the x-lite with nat?
00:09.28*** part/#asterisk brunner (
00:10.19c4uldr0nSerp: I guess I did have it enabled, but it happens either way... ***DAMNIT***
00:10.31KalDFuzzyCat: when I SetVar a variable inside AGI scripts it makes it global to asterisk correct?
00:10.34Criponnoodle: extensions.conf
00:10.35Criponexten => s,1,Dial(Zap/2,20,tr)
00:10.35Criponexten => s,2,Voicemail(u1000)
00:10.35Criponexten => s,102,Voicemail(b1000)
00:11.07Serpho hum :(
00:11.14Criponnoodle: if your dongle is chan 2 and your mailbox is 1000
00:12.51n00dleAh... ok. It becomes much clearer.
00:13.23n00dleOk. Anyone want to try 700.866.7638?
00:14.01Criponnoodle: did you register?
00:14.40n00dleYep.  Hold on, I got a message on the console implying I've missed a config...
00:14.40Criponnoodle: er.. did you enter the correct information in your registration line for iaxtel in iax.conf?
00:15.39n00dleYes, when I reload it tells me I'm registered successfully, and I show up in gnophone's thingy.
00:16.21dhhdid not work
00:16.24Criponare you getting my calls?  Mark is telling me you're unregisterd of unavailable
00:16.35Serpn00dle: iax2 show peers
00:16.40Cripontry calling me noodle 7008514508
00:20.41c4uldr0nSerp: do you have zapata.conf and sip.conf configs I could peak at, to make sure it's not my config causing feedback
00:21.08c4uldr0npriv msg me pls
00:21.43KalDFuzzyCat: how do I send args to the agi?  Agi,script.agi,args  ?   and how do I read them ?  as $ARGS in perl and argv[] in c?
00:23.06*** join/#asterisk Lucho (Lucho@
00:23.09*** join/#asterisk seemore (~craig@
00:23.39n00dleCripon: "That number is not in service, please check the number and try again"
00:24.37Criponhave you connected to anyone else?
00:24.51Criponare you sending your iaxtel calls out your x100p?
00:25.32n00dleCripon: I have recieved an incoming call, and no, the x100p is not even plugged in to a phone line.
00:26.23Criponnoodle: try to 7004286161
00:27.12Criponnoodle: he's not going to answer
00:27.17Criponnoodle: you can hangup
00:27.21Criponheh.. but that worked
00:27.27Criponlemme check my numba
00:27.41Cripontry 7008514508
00:27.43LuchoARdoes a PIV 2.0 Ghz , with 512 MB ram , and 1 E100P, g729 codec, supports 30 simultaneous calls?
00:29.02Criponno.. my number is 7008594508
00:29.05n00dleCripon: Same message.
00:29.10n00dleOh. one moment.
00:30.09kamileoncall me 7004286222
00:30.38*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
00:30.50kapejodhi there
00:30.58zoaLuchoAR: pass thru : yes
00:31.04zoanon pass thru: barely
00:31.11zoamaybe just enough cpu power
00:31.45LuchoARnon pass thru..
00:31.47Serphi kapejod :)
00:32.06LuchoARthe idea is that asterisk , with an agi will answer all calls,
00:32.15LuchoAReverything in the same box.
00:32.29LuchoARthe agi, is not heavy,
00:33.01zoathey are sleeping !!
00:33.03LuchoARit will be a small ivr,
00:33.10kapejodzoa: i know
00:33.11zoathey were working on 0.7.1 like fools
00:33.26kapejodzoa: i was talking about the folks at the summit
00:33.34kapejodopenh323 people, yate, ....
00:34.31kamileoncan someone dial my ip address?
00:34.35kapejodhi kram
00:35.50LuchoARzoa: which hardware should be enough ?? without going to xeon
00:36.05*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
00:36.18kapejodhi mbranca :)
00:36.23mbrancahi guys
00:36.29mbrancahi kapejod, up till late, uh?
00:36.45kapejodmbranca: i am at the summit already
00:36.55*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
00:37.11kapejodmbranca: discordia and l-fy are here too ... (at least they were until they went to bed)
00:37.12Criponkamileon: why don't you answer your phone? :)
00:37.14mbrancacool, how's going?
00:37.33kapejodmbranca: very nice! it's like a palace ;)
00:37.44kamileoni didnt hear it ring, you called the 700 # or the IP?
00:38.06*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
00:38.06kapejodthey have palmtrees and a small river running through the hall :)
00:38.06mbrancanice. and what 'bout discordia & l-fy?
00:38.09mbrancakapejod: a garden, so :)
00:38.22kapejodmbranca: l-fy was showing some of her yate stuff
00:38.26KalDhow can I reset the digit timeout for a caller?
00:38.36mbrancakapejod: works?
00:38.54kapejodmbranca: at least i have seen some h323 calls working and a pgsql routing module
00:39.04kapejodmbranca: tomorrow we are trying zaptel
00:39.10mbrancaon yate?
00:39.33mbrancawondering when will be ok for production :)
00:39.48mbrancaor at least usable as asterisk is now in a devel env
00:39.55kapejodin 2 months
00:40.21kapejodthey spent 3 months only on designing it
00:40.44mbrancaso a good design is a quicker way for implementation
00:42.16mbrancakapejod: what do u think 'bout it?
00:43.15kapejodmbranca: not sure about it yet, will take a closer look tomorrow
00:43.24kapejodit's c++ , so.... ;)
00:43.39mbrancais crap :)
00:43.43mbrancac crap crap
00:43.51kapejodgot to find some sleep now ;) they only serve breakfast between 8 and 9 am :(
00:44.04kapejodn8 everybody
00:44.10mbrancaaargh... too early for capi time
00:45.04n00dleIt is finally working!
00:45.06Serpoh well c4uldr0n's sorted :)
00:45.12Serpn00dle: cool :)
00:45.44*** join/#asterisk Menace- (~Menace@
00:46.06wreckdiverwhat do people recommend for wireless SIP phones??  Cisco 7920? use an ATA186 with analog cordless phones?  a sip cordless with a base station? please advise...
00:47.09wreckdiverbkw: any input?
00:47.37n00dleQuestion -- can I have an incoming call ring the phone here and try to ring a remote IAX2 box simultaneously, like one can with multiple local channels?
00:47.46voip~seen stealth_man
00:47.49stealth_man <Stealth_Ma@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7d 18h 41m 55s ago, saying: 'how is going ?'.
00:47.59mbrancan00dle: yes
00:48.05mbranca~seem wasim
00:48.06tclarkwreckdiver: ata186/sipura  and
00:48.18n00dleCool. Now to get that set up...
00:48.58wreckdiveri hate 2.4ghz cordless, what's the best 900mhz on the market??
00:48.59mbrancan00dle: exten => blah,1,Dial(sip/foo&IAX2/foobar)
00:49.05wreckdivertclark, thanks for the links.
00:49.42tclarkfor that you might want 2 ata since its a 4 line model + itll break you bank but they are great
00:49.58wreckdiverwonder if they come in 900mhz.
00:50.10*** join/#asterisk rob`th (
00:50.13tclarkTHEY are 900mhz but with huge power
00:50.18rob`th7, Come, Join, And talk about everything from Linux to GameCubes!
00:50.20*** part/#asterisk rob`th (
00:50.35*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*] by denon
00:50.42mbrancawise denon!
00:50.52denonyou only let em f' ya once :)
00:51.31tclarkwreckdiver: that add a few morew miles range :)
00:51.39wreckdivertclark, my bad, where does it say 900Mhz?? It says 3x more powerful than 2.4?
00:52.12SerpI don't think I'd like to try 900MHz cordless phones here - too much conflict with GSM :)
00:52.23FuzzyCattoo easy to bug
00:52.34tclarkmy pdf manual :)
00:52.41wreckdivertclark, oh shit.. :)
00:53.31wreckdivertclark, what model of sipura?
00:54.52tclarkthere is only one model right now ...more fag on sn920
00:54.55*** join/#asterisk cybyc (
00:55.11*** join/#asterisk wsuff (
00:55.14FuzzyCatmore fag?
00:55.21*** part/#asterisk wsuff (
00:55.28tclarkhehe faq
00:55.39mbrancatime for bed.
00:55.41mbranca2am here
00:55.45mbrancanite all
00:55.46FuzzyCatnite mbranca
00:55.54FuzzyCat1:55 here
00:56.07FuzzyCatBrady Bunch - the movie
00:56.12wreckdivertclark, how are they for features?  conferencing, etc.. does asterisk deal with it ok?
00:56.40wreckdivertclark, the engenius that is.
00:56.51Menace-Anybody know how to get message waiting to work with a remote sip proxy
00:57.14tclarknps it is just like reg analog phone BUT they also do radio pt pt between handsets if out of range of base station
00:57.44wreckdivertclark, what do you recommend as a cheap non-wireless SIP phone, that has the main features?
00:58.48Cripontclark: are you using the spa to connect to *?
00:58.48tclarkno problems
00:59.00tclarkspa ??
00:59.20wreckdivertclark, how do you do a 3-way call, *##?
00:59.29Cripontclark: sipura phone adapter
00:59.34wreckdivertclark, or just use the other lines?
00:59.36tclarkon ata just flash hook
00:59.49tclarkCripon: yea
01:00.02Cripontclark: so voicepuls is not your provider?
01:00.14tclarkNO WAY nufone
01:00.31Cripontclark: what is the signaling technology it uses and how much?
01:01.03tclarkCripon: Sipura is SIP 99 at
01:01.21Cripondo you get all the call features?
01:01.39Criponbecause with the s100i, you get call waiting and that's it for 99
01:02.09tclarkCripon: 1 port for 99 with IAXy, 2 ports with SIPUra for 99
01:02.47Criponhmm. wonder if it's better than a GS?
01:03.05n00dleallanon: Thanks for the help. Have a good weekend!
01:03.43FuzzyCatasterisk 0.5.0 !
01:04.02Cripontclark: any flash hook capabilities... 3 way.. so on.
01:04.19tclarkyea flash hook does 3 way
01:04.38wreckdivertclark, where can I pickup the ep490 for the cheapeast?
01:04.42Cripontclark: the s100i just does call waiting through flash hook.. you can't to anything else.
01:05.32TestMasTerI keep getting this error when anyone calls it... anyone know what the problem could be Jan 16 18:03:26 NOTICE[1209214400]: sched.c:218 sched_settime: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
01:05.44tclarkwreckdiver: like i was saying they break the bank, you might want look at ebay for a 1 line sn920/base for 200-250 usually
01:06.01Serptclark: I've asked kram about the situation with the CID forwarding, just awaiting his response
01:06.35wreckdiverdo you stack 4 sn920 base stations together to get your four lines??
01:06.41tclarkCripon: is the s100i the IAXy, if so where you get that :)
01:06.45wreckdiverrather then the ep490?
01:06.59Cripontclark: yes.. mark lent it to me.
01:07.14tclarkwreckdiver: yup, plus you can have 8 handset on each line i think
01:07.30wreckdiverbut each handset can access four lines, right?
01:07.32Serpok guys, bed time for me :) cyas all later
01:08.03tclarkwreckdiver: that be a * extention config & call pick up groups
01:08.31wreckdiverso how about conferencing with them?
01:09.06tclarkwreckdiver: how do you between with mmetme or pt to pt independent of *
01:10.20wreckdiveri'm lost... trying to figure out if the ep490 is better, as you can link in any of the four lines to do outbound conference.. can you do the same with the 490's, meaning can I link the lines in to make 3/4-way calls?
01:12.57tclarkwreckdiver: cant speak to ep490 dont have one only have the 2 sn920/base station on single line
01:13.11wreckdiverso how do you make a 3 way call?
01:13.21tclarkjust hook flash
01:13.38wreckdiverif you had a 3rd sn920/base.. would use just hook flash to make a 4 way?
01:13.52wreckdiverthey look awesome.
01:14.14bkw_well well well
01:14.27bkw_so whats up now
01:14.35tclarkhmmm... i use * features nothing on the handset
01:15.01wreckdiverhook flash is an asterisk feature?
01:15.05tclarkbkw_: engenius talk
01:15.26wreckdiverbkw, you sleep. :)
01:15.34tclarkits a std analog line technique for 3 way calling
01:15.35bkw_not much now
01:16.03wreckdivertclark, yeah, but how does asterisk recognize it? emulation?
01:16.12tclarkbut the ata186/sipura translate it to SIP cmds
01:16.19zozoapart from the fact i left my keys in wales
01:16.26zozoand i'm in wiltshire
01:16.29wreckdiverbkw, good i hope.. meaning the reason your not sleeping.. nookie, etc. :)
01:16.41wreckdiverahh.. but not 920?
01:16.45tclarki couls peak in the code but id guess its a SIP 'transfer' cmd
01:17.08wreckdiverso when you hook flash, asterisk pulls in the second ATA186 line for you?
01:18.02tclarkwhen you hook flash you get dial tone from * and the dtmf is executed in what ever context you are in
01:18.31tclarkit functions just like 3way calling you get from you local ptovider now
01:19.22wreckdiverahh.. ok i'll read up on it...  i wouldn't mind hooking up for lines.. just wanted to see how big I could extend a conference with those phones.
01:19.50wreckdiverbkw, less sleep = more money??
01:20.07tclarkwreckdiver: if you dial the extension for a meetme conf you can have many channels conf not just those 4 :)
01:20.54wreckdiverwell, just going to finish up the handbook and hit the FAQ and list archives..
01:21.04tclarkthe ability to talk direct pt to pt on the hand sets without * is the feature of the phone
01:21.05wreckdivergot two asterisk servers i hope to link up tonight.
01:21.17wreckdiverfor sure.. that is cool..
01:21.28wreckdiverwill i do that with aix?
01:23.21wreckdivercool, thanks for the info.. you've been a great help.
01:25.31kamileonsomeone give me a 700 #
01:25.58tclarkbkw_: what do ya think about fixing that # 'T'ransfer with with double #'s ?
01:26.55*** join/#asterisk Carp (
01:27.13CarpAre there any sites that write software for Asterisk?  Like billing software, etc...
01:27.37bkw_tclark you don't I don't think
01:27.46bkw_mark said NO NO NO to that
01:28.09tclarkhehe what did he suggest
01:32.21Carpwhat dir do I have to be in to do "cvs update"
01:33.10tclarkCarp: asterisk & use make update to increment the .version file
01:33.41carbon60join #fwd
01:34.17Carptclark "make update 0.7.1"
01:34.48tclarkwhat do yiu want a tagged version or current
01:34.49bkw_you can get the tar ball of 0.7.1 from
01:34.58pros12weird i dont have a .version  in my src/asterisk  directory
01:34.59CarpI want the newest version
01:35.02tclarkor what bkw says
01:35.18bkw_otheriwise the version will always be CVS/DATE blah stuff
01:35.21Carpwell, I already have *, I though I could just type cvs update
01:36.10kamileonokay, im not sure how to make the exten rule to accept the 700 # and go out iaxtel
01:36.19zoabkw, i googled for one hour on that riff problem
01:36.22zoanot much to find
01:36.32zoaposted two programs
01:36.40zoavirtualdub doesnt work on my laptop
01:36.48pros12bkw: after doing a fresh CVS the other day and just doing a make update. I dont see any .version file i see 3 other , files
01:36.50zoaand for the other one you need to send a mail
01:37.00zoabkw, my laptop is completely fucked :)
01:37.05zoaneed a reinstall very fast
01:38.06bkw_oh I told dell to fuck off
01:38.12bkw_and went to staples and got a new laptop thisafter noon
01:38.31Carp:-\, can someone tell me how to update CVS?
01:38.38bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk
01:38.39bkw_make update
01:38.47bkw_ok where were we
01:38.51bkw_oh my laptop
01:39.27bkw_I like this thing
01:39.40Carpbkw: I was doing it right, I just had the server changed for something else in CVS and had to refresh it, sorry!
01:39.46Carpit said addmailbox is not longer used?
01:39.58bkw_no its moved to contrib
01:40.11pros12no idea bkw on the why i dont have a .version file?
01:41.20bkw_run make
01:41.23bkw_its built
01:41.43angler_bkw_ doesn't know what he's talking about  
01:41.52bkw_angler_ is a faggot
01:42.01bkw_angler see two can play that game
01:42.08angler_yea just wish i was
01:42.51Carphow do you add mailboxes now that "addmailbox" is gone
01:43.07bkw_you don't have too
01:43.10bkw_you never had too
01:43.14bkw_it does them automatically
01:43.19*** join/#asterisk simprix (
01:43.19bkw_and even builds the messages
01:43.38simprixare there any other sip hard phones besides the grandstream ones that work with asterisk nicely
01:43.49Carpso i just edit voicemail.conf?
01:44.16CarpOh, sweet lol.
01:45.00*** join/#asterisk lok (
01:45.28jorgeraidelwhat is this error?
01:45.30jorgeraidelJan 17 09:46:01 WARNING[1125329600]: chan_sip.c:471 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 6dcea19c0c7304371c264ba05919ac82@ for seqno 102 (Request)
01:46.06simprixare there any other sip hard phones besides the grandstream ones that work with asterisk nicely
01:46.45*** join/#asterisk mvand (
01:46.57Menace-bkw, do you know how to send message waiting to a sip phone on a remote sip proxy?
01:47.58Carpin voicemail.conf, how do I turn off email notification?
01:48.05Menace-I dont register my phones to * but i send my voicemail to it, but I dont get any stutter tones
01:48.08bkw_just don't put an email address for that box
01:48.10alex-homeCarp: Just dont put an email in.
01:48.21lokdoes anyone know how to reboot a cisco phone, without pulling the power cable?
01:48.28Carpeextension => pass,name
01:48.29zoatelnet to it
01:48.31Carpthats it?
01:48.50bkw_the three finger salute for the 79XX"s
01:49.20tz-afkwhat's the middle-finger salute?
01:50.39*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
01:55.22Carpcan you make an outgoing call with the X100P?
01:59.00*** join/#asterisk groz (
02:00.29Carpexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
02:00.30Carpexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,2,Congestion
02:00.33Carpsomething like that?
02:03.11zoachan->priority = 666
02:03.24zoawould cause the priority to jump to 666 right ?
02:03.30zoaif its in an app ?
02:03.47bkw_if you return 0 yes
02:08.27*** join/#asterisk illc0mmm (
02:09.45zoabkw, how can i see what return code my app is giving ?
02:10.02zoais it logged in some ${var} ?
02:11.47*** part/#asterisk illc0mmm (
02:13.46Criponbkw_: what is the 3 finger salute?
02:13.59*** join/#asterisk Moc-Home (
02:14.04Moc-Homebkw_, your conf is dead ?
02:14.23Moc-Home~seen Stealth_man
02:14.31stealth_man <Stealth_Ma@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7d 20h 8m 37s ago, saying: 'how is going ?'.
02:17.13Cripon~seen kram
02:17.15kram is currently on #asterisk (10h 13m 44s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 3h 32m 55s
02:18.34*** join/#asterisk apa (
02:19.31voipstealth_man died
02:20.07bkw_Moc-Home dead as in nobody there?
02:20.11bkw_but it should be alive
02:20.47Moc-HomeJan 16 21:18:58 WARNING[1226062640]: app_voicemail.c:1545 copy: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2001/INBOX/msg0000.txt in read-only mode
02:20.55Moc-HomeJan 16 21:19:00 WARNING[1226062640]: file.c:446 ast_openstream: File vm-Cust5 does not exist in any format
02:20.55Moc-HomeJan 16 21:19:00 WARNING[1226062640]: file.c:734 ast_streamfile: Unable to open vm-Cust5 (format ULAW): No such file or directory
02:20.56bkw_not running as root
02:21.00Moc-HomeI want able to call
02:21.24Moc-Homebkw_, it running as root... I was playing with my voicemail and voicemail told me I had a message.. no one can call me
02:21.34bkw_rm -rf the dir
02:21.38bkw_and try again
02:21.42bkw_the perms are fux0red up
02:22.21Moc-Homeok delete what ? rm -rf /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2001/
02:22.36Moc-Homebkw_, btw I can't call your conference, it wont answer
02:22.44bkw_Added functionality for E911 signalling
02:22.45Moc-HomeJerJer conf work fine
02:22.51bkw_chan_zap supporst e911 signalling now
02:22.56Moc-Homelol cool
02:23.08Moc-Homeanother standard I gota read
02:23.10bkw_this laptop is nice
02:23.23zoayeah it has very big keys :-p
02:23.37bkw_built in wireless w00t
02:23.41bkw_me like
02:23.43bkw_daddy like
02:23.48bkw_har har har
02:23.54Criponbkw_ what kind is it?
02:24.01Moc-Homebkw_, Urm I call my voicemail, and I press 9, it ask me to save my message, I press 9 again and voicemail end
02:24.29Moc-Homewell Im already loged in when I press 9
02:24.29bkw_Averatec nice little laptop
02:25.10*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
02:25.15Moc-Homelook nice
02:25.21Moc-Homebkw_, does it happen to you to ?
02:25.23bkw_ya its slick
02:25.25Moc-Homethe voicemail problem
02:25.30bkw_nope voicemail works fine
02:25.45bkw_it seems I don't have these problems
02:25.59Moc-HomeIm sure there is a bug ..
02:26.03bkw_5 hours of battery life.. w00t
02:26.09Moc-Home5h.. nice
02:26.16bkw_still not bad... but I think I will still buy another spare battery to keep around
02:26.36Moc-HomePCMCIA Battery ...
02:27.00zoaa firewire battery might work :)
02:27.12zoausb battery too but it won't help a lot :)
02:27.14tclarkbkw_: did you the sample ata186 tftp file on your site some where
02:28.33Moc-Homeman bkw, call your voicemail, press 9 to save message and press 9
02:28.45bkw_tclark its inthe distro
02:28.52Moc-Homethere is 2 bug in save message
02:28.56bkw_the sip_example.txt
02:29.25bkw_40 gigs of goodness
02:29.36bkw_i'm playing my 70 gigs of MP3's over wireless
02:29.54Moc-Homedont make it post them on ;)
02:30.25Moc-Homebtw bkw_ I really can't call your conference
02:30.34*** join/#asterisk drgalaxy (
02:30.41bkw_try now
02:31.06Moc-Homean 16 21:29:45 WARNING[1150528304]: chan_iax2.c:4445 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
02:31.18bkw_try now
02:31.24bkw_I know why
02:31.25bkw_hold on
02:31.46Moc-Homeprob is on my side ?
02:31.51jorgeraideljajajaj this version report all error
02:31.55jorgeraidelis better
02:32.07bkw_retry now
02:32.11bkw_its on my side
02:32.17bkw_I had to recreate my config
02:32.20Moc-Homebrb pizza
02:33.32jorgeraidelhey some body know if one isp provider the T1 voice offer DID the whatever city code?
02:33.43jorgeraidelor only under loop?
02:34.02Moc-Homeok back hehe
02:34.29zoato go to priority 666
02:34.37zoai needed to to chan->priority = 665
02:34.43Moc-HomeOk.. going to post a bug
02:34.43zoanot 666 :/
02:34.50zoayes buggies !
02:34.52zoai want buggies !!!
02:35.08Moc-Homezoa hehe
02:35.31Moc-Homewhen I call my voicemail and got no message, I can press 9 and get the prompt to save my message
02:35.35Moc-Homeeven if I dont have any
02:35.54Moc-Homeand if I press 9 (unexistant folder) it 'crash'
02:36.06Moc-Homei should say , it hang up
02:36.42zoamy voicemail keeps calling me
02:36.47zoaeven if i delete the messages
02:36.49*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:36.54zoaand it says: no new messages
02:36.59bkw_you have a stray .txt file
02:37.00zoait keeps calling my snow phone over and over
02:37.08zoaoké, what is a 'stray' ? :)
02:37.22bkw_look in the folders
02:37.30bkw_rm th e.txt file
02:37.37zoayeah that worked
02:37.43zoabut i dont want to do that all the time
02:38.41Moc-HomeI got no TXT in my folder
02:38.45Moc-Homeand Im running it root
02:38.48bkw_i'm trying to find that bug
02:38.50bkw_but I can't find it
02:39.16Moc-Homeim running Asterisk CVS-01/15/04-22:33:35
02:39.44CarpHas anyone successfully setup an intercom with *?
02:39.51zigmanmoc do a "ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2001/"
02:39.58*** join/#asterisk scud (
02:40.30Moc-Homeok and zigman ?
02:40.37zigmanwhats the output ?
02:40.50zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:40.50zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:40.52zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:40.55zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:40.59zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:41.02Moc-Hometotal 40
02:41.02Moc-Home-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         9339 Jan 13 22:33 busy.gsm
02:41.02Moc-Homedrwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jan 16 21:18 Cust5
02:41.02Moc-Home-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         6765 Jan 13 22:33 greet.gsm
02:41.02Moc-Homedrwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jan 16 21:26 Old
02:41.03Moc-Home-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         9339 Jan 13 22:33 unavail.gsm
02:41.03zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:41.06zigmanoa nice
02:41.07zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:41.11zoaUse STOP NOW to shutdown Asterisk
02:41.11zigmanMoc-Home see
02:41.17zoabug alert
02:41.23zoaon a restart
02:41.26zigmanzoa why ?
02:41.34zigmanjust type stop now ;)
02:41.44zoait was flooding my link
02:41.52bkw_I don't see these bugs.. but oh well
02:41.57bkw_hey zoa
02:41.57*** join/#asterisk scud (
02:41.58bkw_don't kill it
02:41.58bkw_attach with gdb
02:42.00zoayeah i killed it
02:42.02bkw_and do a thread apply all bt
02:42.04zoacouldnt do anything else
02:42.05bkw_FARKING HELL
02:42.08bkw_open another window
02:42.09bkw_and do it
02:42.10zoawill try to do it again :)
02:42.17zoai'm not at the server
02:42.19CarpAnyone setup an intercom with * yet?
02:42.31zoai'm at a big distance
02:42.31zoaif its floods the disk
02:42.31zoai'm fucked
02:42.31Moc-Homewell I made my folder using the addmailbox so ..
02:42.48bkw_I love my laptop
02:42.58bkw_bet its frying my nads about now with 2.4gz goodness
02:43.03zigmani never ran addmailbox
02:43.11bkw_you don't have too
02:43.16zigmani know ;)
02:43.21zoai can reproduce it
02:43.24zigmanthats why i didn't do it ;)
02:43.24zoaopen two puttys:
02:43.31zoain putty one do: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
02:43.39bkw_well no wonder
02:43.46zoaon putty two: do asterisk -r, restart now
02:43.55zoaand the other asterisk will restart
02:43.55bkw_oh I never see that
02:44.03zoathen start bugging you about STOP NOW
02:44.10*** part/#asterisk apa (
02:44.14bkw_its a deadlock I bet
02:44.17zoatry it bkw
02:44.26*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
02:44.26zoaits a whole lotta fun !
02:44.44zigmanthe first * does not fork
02:44.56zigmanits hard to connect to a forground * ;)
02:45.03zoacan someone confirm this ?
02:45.10Moc-Homezigman see what ?
02:45.16bkw_ya hold on
02:45.39zoathere was some hold now flooding bug with TE410p
02:45.56bkw_haha yes
02:45.59zigmansame here
02:46.00bkw_you know why?
02:46.13zoazigman : also floods you like hell ?
02:46.13bkw_you can't do
02:46.18bkw_YOU CANT DO THAT
02:46.23bkw_you can't do a restart now at the CLI
02:46.25zigmanbkw yes you can
02:46.26bkw_its impossible like that
02:46.27zoayes i can :)
02:46.28zigmanyou just did it ;)
02:46.29bkw_no you can't
02:46.33zoame too :)
02:46.34bkw_not running in -vvvvgc
02:46.40zoaoh yes i can
02:46.42zigmanbkw you just did yourself ;)
02:46.48zoayou punk
02:46.57zigmani can type whatever i want ;)
02:46.57zoago take your alzheimer medicine !
02:46.59bkw_ok but see you can't restart a -gc
02:47.16zoabkw, if you do asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
02:47.20zoaand you restart from there
02:47.21zoaits fine
02:47.24zoawont complain at all
02:47.32zoabut if if you restart it from the -r
02:47.35zoaits WOOHA
02:47.39zoawe have a WINNER!
02:47.41zoaanother bug
02:47.44zoai won again !!!
02:47.50bkw_haha I don't think its a bug
02:47.52bkw_let me try something
02:47.53zoai can break anything
02:48.18zigmani think you should not be able to even do a asterisk -r when its not detached
02:48.44CarpHey, i want to setup an intercom,  I need an outgoing extension that is on auto answer, but I need a amp that has an input from a RJ11, right?
02:48.45zoai'll make a bug report
02:48.48bkw_ok ok I see what its doing now
02:48.53bkw_thats very strnge
02:48.57bkw_bet its been like that for months
02:49.02bkw_I will get mark on this when i get a chance
02:49.07bkw_its something simple i'm sure
02:49.13zigmanit is
02:49.22zigmanits somthing with kill signals i bet
02:49.39bkw_not sure
02:49.39Mochey bkw_.. you check zoa bugs but not mine ;) hehe joking
02:49.54bkw_yes I fixed alot of yours myself
02:50.02zoahe never fixes mine !
02:50.07zoahe goes whining at kram
02:50.13zoawhen i ask hime somethinh
02:50.14bkw_this is a kram bug
02:50.19bkw_I have no clue where to look
02:50.19rob--carp: You could use the oss or alsa channel driver with a sound card.  
02:50.28zigmanmoc its not a bug
02:50.33zigmanits a missing dir thing
02:50.39zigmanyou messed it up
02:50.42Carprob: I believe I tried oss before, do you have a tutorial on it?
02:50.48Mocit a addmailbox BUG then..
02:51.04Mocdont start zigman ... hehe
02:51.40MocI use addmailbox to create the directory..
02:51.48MocJust did it again, and same problem
02:52.00Mocbtw what directory is missing ?
02:52.12rob--I haven't tried it myself recently, but I don't think it's too hard.  If you have oss working with other apps, it should be ok with asterisk and oss.conf is very simple
02:52.37voipis the s100u ugly?  anyone have a pic?
02:52.52Carprob: I dont really have anything on the computer but basic REedhat shit and Asterisk
02:53.01*** join/#asterisk lok (
02:53.19CarpI dont know how to call oss in extensions.conf
02:53.25Moczigman, what directory is missing ?
02:53.38zigmanmmh i'm looking at my dirs right now
02:53.41rob--carp: does it have a sound card?  Do you know if it's supported by oss?  The oss drivers will be included with Redhat
02:53.51zigmanmy /var/spool/asterisk/vm/default is empty
02:53.58CarpI dont know if its supported, its onboard
02:53.58zigmaneverything is in local
02:54.28rob--carp: it's in the example extensions.conf... just a sec
02:55.40rob--carp: Dial(Console/dsp)
02:56.07zigmanmoc rm -rf /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
02:56.20Carpexten => 1,Dial(Console/dsp)
02:56.26zigmanmkdir /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/{default,local}
02:56.29Carpexten => 1,Hangup()
02:56.32zigmanrerun asterisk
02:56.39zigmanand see what happens
02:56.55zigmanmkdir -p /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/{default,local}
02:56.57zigmanthat is
02:57.21zoabkw, you running asterisk as root ?
02:57.33zigmanyou shouldn't
02:57.42zigmanasterisk is locally exploitable
02:57.54rob--carp: yes, but you left out the priority field.
02:58.12Carpok, let me try it, i'll get back to you
02:58.30bkw_zigman haha
02:58.33bkw_yes I run as root
02:58.42bkw_but if someone is on the box they should be trusted anyway
02:58.46bkw_so whats the point?
02:58.50Mocshould voicemail be disabled if voicemail directory doesn't exist..
02:58.54zigmanclean the keyboard ;)
02:58.58zigmanmoc no
02:59.04zigmanrecreate the dir
02:59.05MocLike a voice message that, this mailbox isn't available or something
02:59.39zigmanbkw_ its easier to get a nonroot shell remotly
02:59.51zigmani run * as root too ;)
03:00.08bkw_haha I know what that button does
03:00.15bkw_turns off wifi
03:00.23zigmani hate wifi
03:00.27zoabkw, if its remotely exploitable
03:00.30MocI say if voicemail directory for a mailbox doesn't exist, the persone should beable to get to it, login or what ever
03:00.32zoathen they wont have root axx
03:00.37zoaand they can't install backdoors
03:00.44Mocshouldn't get to it..
03:00.52bkw_anyway it should run as asterisk
03:00.54bkw_thats wise
03:00.56zoathey could always get to it
03:01.02zigmanthe dirs are created
03:01.10bkw_we need to talk to makr about that and see if we can run as asterisk
03:01.11zoamaybe run as user asterisk
03:01.12bkw_that would be nice
03:01.16zigmanthere is no .. there is no dir for a voicemail user
03:01.23zoaabout what ?
03:01.30zoaabout voicemail with non root ?
03:01.36*** join/#asterisk jorgeraidel (
03:01.37zoathere is a patch for that
03:01.43bkw_if user asterisk ownz the dirs it won't matter
03:01.56Moczigman, your right, userdir is created hehe
03:02.02zigmanall used ports are unpriv ports anyway
03:02.03jorgeraidelhey the debian 3.0 is 7 cd?
03:02.03Mocdrwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jan 16 21:56 Cust5
03:02.04zoayeah but user apache could act weird :)
03:02.09Mocbut I still have the same bug
03:02.12zigmanmoc does it work ?
03:02.17bkw_un priv
03:02.33Moczigman, I can still press 9 with no voicemail, and press 9 again
03:02.52alex-home0.7.1 already? :P
03:03.10zoabut have all config files owned by root
03:03.15zoaread only
03:03.26zigmanzoa you prolly should change the install script
03:03.42zigmanto make the files beeing owned by user asterisk
03:03.45bkw_zoa ya that needs to be in cvs
03:03.51bkw_wonder if we can default to running as asterisk
03:03.56bkw_that would be nice
03:03.58zoathat would be very nice
03:03.59bkw_or hell a config option
03:04.03zoai'll open a request for it :)
03:04.04bkw_open a bug/request on it
03:04.10bkw_har har har
03:04.16Moche ge
03:04.21zigmanzoa opening a request takes as much as doing it ;)
03:04.50zigmanbkw configure option ;)
03:05.05Mocwho can fix my account ?
03:05.11MocI can't login anymore...
03:05.15bkw_angler or malcolmd
03:05.22CarpRob: You still there?
03:06.33CarpHas anyone played with OSS?
03:06.55zoazigman: i don't know how to do it
03:07.08zoadoes asterisk already run properly as user asterisk ?
03:07.12zoaor will it nag like hell ?
03:07.15zoaand cause a lot of problems ?
03:07.30Mocbkw_ You cutted me off so I can't post voicemail bugs...
03:07.50bkw_I can't
03:07.50zigmanzoa doesn run as user right now
03:07.52Mochihihi... ok I try to stop messing you arround bkw_... You know I like you ;)
03:08.09zigmani'm looking at the make install right now
03:08.28Carphas ANYONE played with OSS console in *?
03:08.30zigmanbkw who made the makefile ?
03:08.40Moczigman, well Im sure it a bug but people in general have message in their mail box, but I dont .. no one like me hehe
03:10.03zigmanwhats the problem right now moc ?
03:10.36zigmanand the console output please ;)
03:10.43zigmani want error messages
03:10.57rob--Carp: sorry, I'm back now.
03:11.04zigmanand hurry.. my batts are down to 31%
03:11.08zoai can keep entering 9 too :)
03:11.14Mocvoicemail, same problem as before, I call my mail, I got no voicemail, I press 9 ANYWAY, I get prompt to which folder to save, I press 9, it start saying stuff and it hang up
03:11.16zigmangot only and hour left
03:12.05CarpRob:  It says Called dsp
03:12.11CarpOSS/dsp answered
03:12.22*** join/#asterisk Zebble (
03:12.23CarpBut nothing is output to the soundcard
03:12.44zigmanmoc what do you expect ?
03:13.01zigmanyou want to save no msg to an unknown folder
03:13.04Mocno beable to access save message when there is no message
03:13.08zigmani would hangup on you too :P
03:13.20Mocand not crash when I select a folder that dont exist
03:14.57rob--You might need to adjust the mixer settings.  If you have X, there's probably a sound mixer program in one of the menus
03:15.21*** join/#asterisk anachron (
03:15.30rob--oops, that should have been a msg
03:15.43*** part/#asterisk groz (
03:16.51bkw_haha that was funny
03:17.12bkw_I hibernated this laptop and let it sit for afew and my putty connection didn't die
03:18.27*** join/#asterisk mvand (
03:18.31*** join/#asterisk carlo (~merlin-el@
03:19.18*** part/#asterisk carlo (~merlin-el@
03:21.36Mocstop nice ;)
03:22.19sumasumais individual contexts in SIP entity is allowed ?
03:22.28Mocso zigman, ? Im I right ?
03:22.33sumasumaor the whole sip file is having only one context ?
03:22.51zigmanhold on
03:23.43zigmanokay the problem is
03:23.48zigmanwhen you press key 9
03:24.00zigmanit wants to save to Cust5 folder
03:24.54zigmanit then wants to tell you that its save ti Cust5 folder
03:25.07zigmanthere is no vm-Cust5 vm
03:25.11zigmanehh gsm file
03:25.18zigmanso it exits
03:25.24zigmanyou have 2 options
03:25.49zigmaneither create empty vm-Cust{1,2,3,4,5}.gsm files
03:26.00zigmanor change app_voicemail.conf
03:26.10zigmanor change app_voicemail.c
03:26.17zigmanthe latter is better
03:26.35Mocbut also I shouldn't beable to press 9 if there is no message to save..
03:26.47MocSo there is 2 bugs..
03:26.53Mocor 1 bug + 1 feature change
03:27.04*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
03:27.06zigmanits a bug
03:27.09zigmanyou are right
03:27.29zigmancreating emtpy gsm files is a BAD hack ;)
03:27.44*** join/#asterisk ciego34 (~ciego34@
03:28.19carbon60Would someone mind pointing out what the difference between * & ser is?
03:28.27*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
03:28.43Mocok, I would post it, but bkw_ cutted me off so I can't post anymore bugs .:) nah dont know why, since x days only my autologin pc got to the bugs.digi, the login/pass don't work anymore
03:30.20bkw_msg angler for your password
03:30.24bkw_he has perms to get it for you
03:30.26bkw_I don't
03:30.29bkw_but I should
03:30.48Carphow do I close X without a mouse?  I have console 1 and 2 open, and X is runnong on 8
03:31.23bkw_this rocks my clock
03:31.46bkw_or something
03:31.54bkw_but why are you running X
03:32.29TestMasTerFryGuy,  thats a X reload
03:32.30Mocbkw_, I know I keep buging you ... ;)
03:32.39FryGuyor ctl-alt-1 might get you to a console to killall X
03:33.35TestMasTerctl - alt - f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 will take you to the console... Depending on your os. if you want to kill X you do (init 3)-> for redhat anyway
03:33.49zigmanmoc its better for bkw to not only bug the msg
03:34.00zigmanbut also give some thought about solving it ;)
03:34.07zigmanthat prolly helps alot ;)
03:34.50Carpis there any known bug in OSS?
03:34.57zigmanbkw send you a diff ?
03:35.20zigmani don't have a bugs.digium account
03:35.24zigmanso i cant post there
03:35.26zigmani think ;)
03:35.40*** part/#asterisk cybyc (
03:37.17Moczigman, It take me too much time to explain it, once you english people finally understand, Im getting tired ;)
03:37.53*** join/#asterisk TJ (~beavis@
03:38.30bkw_zigman for what? is my addy
03:41.28TJdoes anyone know how to turn off the # transfer feature?
03:41.44bkw_take the Tt off the dial
03:41.47TJso I can just send a # inDTMF?
03:42.02zigmanzbkw for moc's vm bug
03:42.11bkw_ah send it
03:42.16zigmanhold on
03:42.18zigmantesting it ;)
03:43.19bkw_2:41 min left on this bettery
03:43.21bkw_er battery
03:43.36zigmanmine is plugged in ;)
03:43.39bkw_it feels good being out of the offie
03:43.41bkw_er office
03:43.45bkw_I'm totally unwired
03:44.04zigmanits 4:43 am here
03:44.14zigmani don't want to go outside :P
03:44.31bkw_i'm laying in bed watching teevee
03:44.35bkw_and surfing the internet
03:44.41bkw_WIRELESS OWNZ
03:44.44zigmanbkw we should change the make samples too
03:44.58zigmanwe should not mv config files that are allready there
03:45.02zigmanonly newones
03:45.09zigmanor make a new make newsamples
03:45.12bkw_it moves them to .old
03:45.20bkw_whats so hard about cp?
03:45.45zigmanbecause how do i know what config files are needed after a cvs update ?
03:45.55zigmanwhen there is a new app needing a new config file ;)
03:46.09zigmanof course astersisk -c tells me ;)
03:46.17zigmanbut hey.. are we usefriendly or not ? :P
03:46.29heisoncan someone try dialing a toll number?
03:46.40zigmanheison 90
03:46.48zigmanheison 90% of my calls are toll numbers ;)
03:50.05Mocsure heison
03:53.37Mocbkw_, put your keyboard back to qwerty
03:56.52*** join/#asterisk MadNachos (
04:00.26*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
04:02.14heisondoes anyone know what this IP is... Jan 16 23:01:59 NOTICE[1158883520]: chan_iax2.c:4341 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
04:03.20bkw_whois -a that bitch
04:03.28bkw_but it looks like a digium ip of some sorts doesn't it?
04:05.22TJdoes anyone here use a budgetone phone?
04:05.33MikeTJ: several
04:05.44Mike9 asterisk server
04:05.45TJmike - what do you use for dtmfmode?
04:05.54Mikethis starts to be confusing when linking the 9 of em
04:05.56kimo_sabeTJ: ya
04:06.02MikeTJ: info
04:07.01TJi have it set on info..when I dial a 4 digit prefix it works ok, but for a longer number, it doesn't various error messages such as "__transmit_response: Unable to determine sequence number from ''"
04:08.09*** join/#asterisk adke (
04:08.25zigmanwb kram
04:09.12MikeTJ: set it on the web config
04:09.14Mikeand in asterisk
04:09.20*** join/#asterisk robot1 (
04:09.33TJmike - ok i'll do it again..
04:10.08robot1Anybody tried to connect to asterisk?
04:11.29Mikeexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/104,90,Tt)
04:11.33Mikewhats wrong on that line
04:11.45Mikewhen i answer on 101 i can hear the people but they CANT hear me
04:12.24wasimMike: i doubt it has anything to do with that line
04:13.18zigmanmoc can you do me a favor ?
04:13.18Mikewasim: if i do a normal dial to it it does work
04:13.22Mikewasim: if i do exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/101,90,Tt)
04:13.24zigmanbkw try so save a msg to INBOX ( digit o)
04:13.29Mikeif i add the &
04:13.31zigmandigit 0 ;)
04:13.35zigmandoes that work
04:13.39zigmanit shouldn'T
04:13.44Mikewasim: i wanted to talk to you about farfone
04:13.46zigmangoto vm
04:13.50bkw_explaine more
04:13.54bkw_hold on gotta load diax
04:13.55Mikewasim: can i msg you?
04:14.02Mikebkw_: ??
04:14.13zigmaninbox is digit 0
04:14.29wasimMike: farfon is gettng there, but i've been side tracked on my main job, so we can continue funding the r&d, but work continues, just my involvement is reduced
04:14.49zigmanthis is from app_voicemail.c
04:14.57wasimMike: the new boards are here, and we're testing the new software, IAX2 etc
04:15.00Mikewasim: here where i live its dificult to get voip hardware phones
04:15.13Mikewasim: i want to build them
04:15.18wasimMike: neat
04:15.20zigmanthis is from get_folder2
04:15.22Mikewasim: i dont know if it has a free license
04:15.56Mikewasim: mexican taxas for incoming products from other contrys are 110% on taxas plus a very high shipping
04:15.57wasimMike: the firmware doesn't, but you can replicate the hw i'm sure, no patents or copyrights on that
04:16.03Mikewasim: so i want to build them here
04:16.07zigmansee the prob ?
04:16.19Mikewasim: how much for the firmware?
04:16.23wasimMike: sure, i'm sure we can come up with an equitable arrangement
04:16.23Mikewasim: can i use it?
04:17.01wasimMike: what about NAFTA countries?
04:17.46Mikeyou mean the agreement
04:17.59wasimyeah, free trade right?
04:18.55wasimwe can ship them to you through bkw_
04:19.11bkw_who is in the conf/
04:19.15Mikewasim: if i could build them
04:19.22Mikewasim: how much do i have to pay for the firmware?
04:19.26bkw_I need a nice USB headset
04:19.43Mikebkw_: usb headset is gay
04:20.26wasimMike: at this stage, i have no clue
04:21.37Mikewasim: where can i get the maps and componets?
04:22.11bkw_Mike so a I whats your point?
04:22.16bkw_you got a problem with gay stuff?
04:22.54Mikebkw_: not really i just dont like to look that gat
04:24.11TestMasTerbkw_,  a variable Coming from extensions.conf   anyidea what it would be... would it be target?
04:24.30wasimMike: there's pretty pictures on the forum
04:25.08wasimMike: but, let me talk to the rest of the team next week, and we'll get consensus on how to best do this
04:26.34Mikewasim: i thought there was a GPL map on the circuit part and componets, but if there isnt one no problem
04:28.15Mocbkw_, you got the 9# dialling tone correct on your 7960 ?
04:28.20Mikeguys anyone knows a good router doing QoS
04:28.27Mikethe linksys its working?
04:28.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
04:29.41Mikebkw_: cheap cisco?
04:30.58zigmanbkw never mind what i said
04:31.00tclarkMike: $99,
04:31.02zigmani'm stupid ;)
04:32.37tclarkhey anyone played with these yet
04:33.00JerJer[road]wireless voip
04:33.58*** join/#asterisk _gorman (
04:34.30Mocwould like a nice small cisco router... Like the cisco way of configuring stuff
04:35.21*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
04:35.25Miketclark: does it actually work?
04:35.40tclarkwhat the linksys or the dlink ?
04:36.11Mocbkw_, did you get the 9# dialing tone right on 7960 ?
04:36.14Miketclark: linksys
04:36.23tclarkatacomm sells & claims the linksys works find but bit klunky to config are using that dlink for there new VoIP svcs
04:37.32Miketclark: well i have to hear it from someone that has it working
04:39.33zigmanha done
04:41.01bkw_someone buy me one of those
04:41.05bkw_I wanna test it out with DIAX
04:41.23Mocyou crazy..
04:42.07Mikedowngrading yourself from using 7960 to diax?
04:44.04Mocit 184$CND
04:44.14Mocand less... that retail price
04:44.43Mocmaybe 150
04:45.12tclarkmacTijn: some users with vonagae yaking about BEFSR81
04:45.44sadjonbkw: has the da60 for <$85
04:46.23zigmanbkw what email ?
04:47.08zigmanits out
04:47.56zigmanone bugs less ;)
04:50.19Mochow can I make tftp-server under linux to log transfer activity ?
04:51.18*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
04:53.07zigmanmoc increase verbose level ?
04:53.10zigmanor debug on
04:53.21zigmandepends on your tftp server
04:54.20Mocfound this :
04:54.33Mocadd tftp in my syslog.conf ... simple ..
04:55.00*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
04:55.28Mocok nice... I can put all my rings into a different dirrectory on my tftp server and my phone will still work correctly
04:55.41*** join/#asterisk chayewala (
04:56.10chayewalaI am trying to setup calling to iaxtel numbers from *
04:56.22chayewalaI have done what is needed on Iaxtel.
04:56.35chayewalabut when I dial a number, it gives me a busy tone.
04:56.42chayewalacan someone help please
04:57.24Mocyou can only call 1700 # and toll free
04:57.31Mocusing iaxtel
04:57.38chayewalaI am dialing 1700 #
04:57.59chayewalabut when I dial 1700 the busy tone starts to come
04:58.12chayewalaI have followed the instructions on the iaxtel web site
04:58.27chayewalawhat am I missing?
04:58.35MocDonno I dont use iaxtel anymore
04:58.42Mocwhat are the error message in * ?
04:58.52chayewalano error message
04:58.56chayewalaat all
04:59.01Mocwhat does it say ?
04:59.13chayewalawell When I dial 1700
04:59.21chayewalait gives a busy tone
04:59.43MocI mean in console
04:59.57chayewalaon the console I do not get any erros at all
05:00.01*** part/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.03*** join/#asterisk ___log (
05:00.04chayewalajust the regular hangup stuff
05:00.24kramwhassap all
05:00.26chayewalawhen I pick the extension, it gives extensio off hook ets
05:00.48chayewalaI can send my extention.conf
05:00.57Mochi kram, playing with my 7960 ..
05:01.21Mocwhat about you ?
05:01.24zigmanfixing app_voicemail.c ;)
05:01.29Mocbeing busy I guess ;)
05:01.47Mocsorry to make you work like that zigman
05:01.56zigmanmoc dn't worry
05:02.02zigmani like fixing stuff ;)
05:02.18zigmanyou are not the only one with that problem ;)
05:02.18Mocgood, brb than, going to find more stuff..
05:02.23tclarkhey ya mark
05:02.23zigmaneverybody has that prob
05:02.34zigmango for it
05:02.50MocI bugged bkw_ all night last sunday
05:03.02Moche fixed all of them.. except
05:03.13zigmani don't have any zapt devices
05:03.19zigmanso i can't help on that ;)
05:03.22Moc:( that too bad
05:03.41zigmani can't use them
05:03.44zigmani have isdn ;)
05:03.54Mockram, let make like fix 100bugs in *, get a free T1 card ... or I dont know ;)
05:03.56zigmani've got isdn ;)
05:04.07Mocoh in the US zigman ?
05:04.18kramnice try moc
05:04.32Mockram, bah I find bugs, I dont fix them so wont help me
05:04.52zigmankram where do i send patches to ?
05:04.58zigmanbkw is not here right now
05:05.07blitzrageYO YO YO YO YO YO YO
05:05.13Mocwould love to try to make it to work so I can show it off to my boss but, I dont have 1200$ to play with
05:05.23blitzragewow.. I am highly intoximicated
05:05.24*** join/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (
05:05.25kramyou use the bug tracker
05:05.26MocI got a TDM400 card thought, still has problem but it work
05:05.36zigmankram i have no login
05:05.52Mocyea my login on doesn't work anymore
05:06.05kramwell add yourself
05:06.18zigmanhehe i autoskip the login page
05:06.37zigmanthere was no sign on button
05:06.39zigmani found it
05:07.02Mocdid someone said that they fix the unload ? because now it crash on unload, not on load back ..
05:07.47HenryTheBIGI have a problem with my mailboxes on *
05:08.04zigmanHenryTheBIG what prob ?
05:08.06Mockram, BTW Great job ;)
05:08.23HenryTheBIGI setup the Grandstream phone on Sip Info but dosen't work
05:08.42kamileoncan someone tell me how to turn on caller id debugging
05:08.59HenryTheBIGthe passowrd 1234 the * received like 11222233344
05:09.12zigmandtmf problem
05:09.35HenryTheBIGI try via RTF
05:09.41HenryTheBIGRTP, sorry
05:09.54HenryTheBIGhow I can fix it???
05:11.25*** join/#asterisk user8925 (
05:11.28wasimdon't use RTP :)
05:11.31user8925hi everyone
05:11.56HenryTheBIGI use via Sip info and is the same
05:12.22user8925have any of you ladies and gents used a  Newbridge Model 3624 Channel Bank ?
05:14.16user8925is Newbridge any good ?
05:14.58HenryTheBIGI try....
05:15.29HenryTheBIGlet me restart the * with dtmfmode=info
05:16.35user8925for the record, I know adtran and carrier access come highly recomended :-) I  am looking @ less costly alternatives right now
05:17.27chayewalaI think i have a better situation now
05:17.36tclarkuser8925: i have one here i am going to play with do you have docs for em
05:18.24TestMasTerAnyone know this error? Festival returned ER
05:18.32TestMasTerthats all i`m getting
05:19.11TestMasTerSorry i`m getting another one as well SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk  
05:19.24bkw_apply the patch
05:19.53TestMasTerHrmz.. ok thanx bkw_
05:20.19*** join/#asterisk simprix (
05:20.39simprixare there any other sip hard phones besides the grandstream ones that work with asterisk nicely
05:20.48TestMasTerbrb need to find the patch
05:20.50chayewalacan someone with 1700 please call me?
05:21.11kimo_sabechayewala: sure, number?
05:21.13TestMasTerchayewala,  is that not a xvoip num?
05:21.29chayewalathat is iaxtel
05:21.49kamileonholy crap chayewala
05:21.52kimo_sabechayewala: ..."unregistered or unavailable"
05:22.12chayewalaThis is where I am facing problems
05:22.17kamileoni got this when i called you
05:22.19chayewalaand the other one
05:22.28HenryTheBIGit's working....
05:22.29kamileonJan 16 23:21:06 WARNING[114696]: chan_iax2.c:3965 socket_read: Error: Resource temporarily unavailable
05:22.35kamileonabout 300 times
05:22.38HenryTheBIGThanks !!!
05:22.41chayewala1700 923-6284
05:22.52Corydon76-homechayewala:  do you have a register line in iax.conf?  Won't work if you don't.
05:22.59chayewalaI do
05:23.43Corydon76-homechayewala:  leave a message after the beep
05:24.02kamileonyeah i got your VM too
05:24.09kamileonon the 2nd number
05:24.19Corydon76-homefemale voice, not allison
05:24.51chayewalawell that is coming from FWD
05:24.57chayewalatry the first one now
05:24.59kamileonis there a place to pick up pre-packaged voices for the prompts?
05:25.07TestMasTerbkw_,  Sorry to ask what File/dir am i patch festival or asterisk?
05:25.33kamileonchayewala : ring then same erors
05:26.32kamileonwhere can i get a cheap ip phone?
05:26.57kimo_sabekamileon: find somebody who has Grandstreams in stock
05:27.01TestMasTerbkw_,  I found that match.. but brb i need to see find some information on what i`m patching
05:27.17bkw_zigman this vm.patch isn't the proper fix
05:28.41bkw_fix it correctly you need to check that the file exists if not then call just save it.. or have those files recorded next time jtodd does an allison run... :)
05:28.43*** join/#asterisk da-man-So (
05:29.15chayewalaI have registered to IAXTEL
05:29.27chayewalabut do not know how to send an incoming call to an extention
05:29.48zigmanbkw why not ?
05:30.20kimo_sabechayewala: that's the context you have set for iaxtel
05:30.22bkw_because thats still not a proper fix.  We can't remove those some people might use it. The properfix would be 1. a conf file option. 2. get the sound files.
05:30.51bkw_3. check that the file exists.. if not use a default one
05:30.53chayewalakimo: Which context? and where?
05:30.57bkw_"Folder Unknown"
05:30.59bkw_or something
05:31.06chayewalaI just followed the instructions on IAXTEL
05:31.09chayewalacan you help please
05:31.10kimo_sabechayewala: in your iax.conf
05:31.10bkw_I can tell you that patch just won't fly like it is
05:31.19bkw_noload also
05:32.22zigmani could have changed it to res < '6'
05:32.22zigmanbut i didn't want it that way
05:32.22zigmanno you can uncomment digit 3 4 5 in mbox
05:32.22zigmanand you are only able to press 0 1 2 keys when saving msg
05:32.23Corydon76-homechayewala:  do you have the iaxtel entry listed in iax.conf?  Not the register line, an iaxtel section.
05:32.28*** join/#asterisk zigman (~zigman@
05:32.47zigmanbkw why not ?
05:32.48TestMasTerbkw_,  do you know what file i have to patch?
05:32.55zigmani could have changed it to res < '6'
05:33.03zigmanbut i didn't want it that way
05:33.09zigman06:30:38] <zigman> no you can uncomment digit 3 4 5 in mbox
05:33.09zigman[06:30:54] <zigman> and you are only able to press 0 1 2 keys when saving msg
05:33.09zigman[06:31:00] <zigman> and only those get announced
05:33.09zigman[06:31:20] <zigman> of course it does not fix the file not there
05:33.10bkw_still not totally a good way to do it
05:33.14bkw_yes I see that
05:33.29bkw_but asterisk has an API call you can do to check the file exists before you play it
05:33.39bkw_insert a check... so if the file doesn't exist it doesn't hangup
05:33.51zigmanthats a differnt thing
05:34.03zigmani'm not really targeting the hangup
05:34.11zigmani just cleaned the source
05:34.21zigmanso the problem won't occur
05:34.22bkw_no its the cause of the hangup
05:34.29bkw_calling playback without a file causes that
05:34.33bkw_or it did
05:34.41zigmani have not changed anything on the playback ;)
05:34.49bkw_fmts = ast_fileexists(filename2, NULL, NULL);
05:34.59bkw_if(fmts) { do the playback };
05:35.03bkw_else just do it
05:35.17bkw_thats how I would fix it
05:35.28zigmanwouldn't make sense to not play any sound but still save the msg
05:35.34zigmanto some unknown dir
05:35.41bkw_yes it would or use a default message
05:35.58zigmanyou still wouldn't know the dir ;)
05:36.11zigmanor the mailbox
05:36.13bkw_again you can call say_digits to say "folder" then X
05:36.18bkw_find allison saying "Folder"
05:36.23bkw_then tag it and bag it
05:36.27bkw_easy to fix
05:36.45bkw_thats the proper fix
05:36.50bkw_if the file doesn't exist
05:37.06bkw_default to "Message save to Folder 1"
05:37.08bkw_or what ever
05:37.09zigmanwant me to record "Folder" ;)
05:37.10anachronDoes bkw get a stipend or something for his contributions here?
05:37.26bkw_zigman I think you can cut it out of the instructions
05:37.26zigmanin german :P
05:37.36bkw_anachron stipend?
05:37.43anachronI'm joking.
05:38.01bkw_oh no I don't get paid.. but some people do send me money sometimes
05:38.05bkw_it helps me out
05:39.03Corydon76-homeHey, I won't mind if you send me money, either...
05:40.17anachronbkw's not in it for the cash..
05:40.20anachronHe's in for the glory.
05:41.38anachronThe Greater Glory of God and Asterisk
05:41.43anachronPraise *.
05:42.20kimo_sabeanachron: preach it brotha!
05:42.30Corydon76-homeYeah, the greater glory of me and Asterisk...
05:42.30anachronI'm doing just that.
05:43.10*** part/#asterisk PilotPTK-Home (
05:44.00simprixare there any other sip hard phones besides the grandstream ones that work with asterisk nicely
05:44.31jrollysonI wouldn't say the grandstream ones work nicely.
05:44.44jrollysonA lot of people swear by the Cisco 7960
05:45.14simprixis that the only one's
05:45.15zigmann8 everyone
05:45.27jrollysonsimprix: there are a number of options.
05:45.43jrollysonsnom makes decent SIP phones if you like their design
05:45.43rob--Has anyone here opened up a budgetone and knows what CPU is in it?
05:47.15simprixi just need a small sip phone this isn't for a office or anything
05:47.18simprixjust for testing
05:47.31*** join/#asterisk glyph (
05:48.24iewebguy_Hello everyone, is there a Difference Between the Cisco 7960 and Cisco 7960G  ?  Which do I want?
05:51.40TestMasTeranyone else running festival?
05:52.39MocG is COLOR !!!!
05:52.59iewebguy_Oh  Big Difference.
05:53.09MikeMoc: $$$
05:54.30iewebguy_Same software?
05:54.48TestMasTeri will stop bugging everyone here... "this is just bugging me everything is installed and i try to call a extension that i setup to hear Festival.... But i hear nothing"
05:56.03Mocmust be nice thought ..
05:56.19Mocthe display sometime is what make 7960 alittle bad... it good, but not flawless
05:56.54MocDamnit guys, put keyboard back to qwerty !!!
05:57.38robot1I have exten => 1,2,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN},30) the problem is time out does not work, any one see the same problem or solution?
05:57.46bkw_damn it
05:57.53bkw_someone send me lots of cash
05:58.08Corydon76-homeWhat do you need cash for?
05:58.16bkw_just to have
05:58.19Mocsorry man, I spend too much
05:58.20bkw_I like the stuff
05:58.32bkw_well I never see it.. but I like the balance in my bank account
05:58.35Corydon76-hometo have and to hold, till death do you part?
05:58.36*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
05:58.47Mocwb JerJer[road]
05:59.10Mocbroke another keyboard again JerJer[road] ?
05:59.41JerJer[road]not yet
05:59.55JerJer[road]been dealing with a flaky AP tonight
05:59.56*** join/#asterisk No_Carrier_ (~NoCarrier@
06:00.24Mocsorry about that ...
06:03.25bkw_my ap has been working great
06:03.33bkw_Cisco juarez are nice
06:03.57bkw_installing Office XP now
06:04.09JerJer[road]u got that 150' tower erected yet?
06:04.27kamileonbkw_ : send me office xp
06:04.56Moc150' tower ? for wifi ?
06:05.13bkw_haha I wish
06:05.15Mochehe must have a nice range ;)
06:05.17MocJan 17 01:03:06 WARNING[1150528304]: chan_iax2.c:628 get_samples: Don't know how to calculate samples on 3 packets
06:05.20JerJer[road]i've got a small tower stacked out back at home
06:05.23jrollysonJerJer[road]: would it be possible for me to find you at linuxworld and give you some cash to set up an account ? ;)
06:05.33MocDid I ask about this warning already yesterday ?
06:05.52bkw_jrollyson are you a fugitive from the law or something?
06:05.58jrollysonbkw_: nope.
06:06.11bkw_haha.. go get a bank account and check card... it makes life simple
06:06.13JerJer[road]jrollyson, absotutely
06:06.21jrollysonI just don't like banks, or creditors ;)
06:06.37bkw_I don't like bank either but netbank ROCKS MY CLOCK
06:08.22robot1Time out with zap does not seem to work? I have exten => 1,2,Dial(ZAP1/1/${EXTEN}.30) any idea what could be wrong. I am using a X100P card from Digium.
06:09.11Mocanyone got a BRI in the US with * ?
06:13.08JerJer[road]Zap1/1 ?
06:13.50Corydon76-homerobot1:  ever consider using a comma?
06:14.37robot1Well its a typo: its exten => 1,2,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN},30) ....
06:15.21Corydon76-homeOK, so you're dialling a single 1 on the Zap/1 interface?
06:16.09robot1I have a ZAP card (X100P) at channel 1 and I guess thats how I address it.
06:16.31Corydon76-homeYou do realize you're only dialling a single digit, right?
06:17.29robot1Croydon76: I had a typo in my earlier post,its actually exten => 1,2,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN},30)
06:17.45Corydon76-homeIf you mean to dial 7 digits on your outside line, you're 6 digits short.
06:17.55*** join/#asterisk voip_ (
06:18.18Mocexten => 1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN},30)
06:18.37Mocwith this you will beable to make long distance calls
06:18.38Corydon76-homeYou'd need something like exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(...)
06:18.53*** join/#asterisk _zigman (
06:18.53Mocsorryt .. yea forgot the _
06:19.04robot1I dont have a problem dialing out 7 digit numbers should have had it as Moc put it, but time out of 30 seconds wont work
06:19.33Corydon76-homeAnalog PSTN interfaces don't do timeouts
06:19.58Corydon76-homeAs soon as it opens the channel, Asterisk thinks it's connected.
06:20.20Mocthat suck ...
06:20.34Mocconnected or as answered ?
06:20.40Corydon76-homeDigital interfaces, OTOH, detect it just fine
06:20.42robot1Well if a dial a 7 digit number and no body picks up it keeps ringing, but if I turn on callprogress=yes it hangs up after 30 seconds or so...
06:21.16Corydon76-homeYep, callprogress attempts to compensate for the lack of signalling on the analog interface
06:21.30Corydon76-homebut it's not completely reliable
06:21.47Mocoh well, it sleep time for me ... see you latter tomorow ...
06:22.34robot1So I guess its working as it should and there is really no real "time out" for analog interfaces such asX100P I guess..
06:23.00Corydon76-homeThat's correct, due to the lack of signalling such events on analog circuits
06:23.58user8925speaking of X100p's has anyone here put 4 or more in a single box ?
06:24.20user8925my understanding is Digium does not recommend more than 2 MAX per box
06:24.44user8925but I need 4 analog PSTN lines <-> *
06:24.51Corydon76-homeNo, it's fine as long as each gets its own IRQ
06:25.02JerJer[road]fun stuff
06:25.05*** join/#asterisk seemore (
06:25.06*** join/#asterisk Moc (
06:25.07user8925that's what I thought but wanted to confirm
06:25.10Corydon76-homeIt's the T400P that Digium recommends no more than 2 per box
06:25.13user8925thanks :-)
06:25.34JerJer[road]nothing like having too many geek toys around
06:25.51JerJer[road]we have a crazy network setup here, just cuz we can
06:25.51user8925I was told the X100p 1port ANALOG card only plays nice when there are 2 of those in 1 box due to IRQ issues
06:25.56Corydon76-homeNote that there's a 96:1 factor between the number of channels of a T400P and an X100P
06:26.10user8925the X100p = 1port ANALOG card
06:26.12Criponuser8925: I have deployed boxes with 4 x100ps with no problems
06:26.18user8925you are thinking of the T100p
06:26.30JerJer[road]i've got a few 3 X100P systems
06:26.34robot1Good night an thanks for the X100P question...
06:26.41Corydon76-homeNo, there's a 24:1 between T100P and X100P
06:26.56Corydon76-homeand a 4:1 between the T400P and the T100P
06:27.37user8925right T400P = 96 channels
06:27.43user8925T100p = 24 channels
06:27.51user8925X100p = 1 ANALOG Channel
06:28.46TestMasTerAnyone here is festival?  
06:29.08CriponTestMaster:  I'm feeling festive.
06:29.16KalDhow would I match 926 and then any other number any other length?   _926* ?
06:29.20TestMasTerCripon,  did you get the patch to install?
06:29.20kamileont400p requires a channel bank right?
06:29.23user8925What I'm probably going to have to do is disable EVERYTHING on my * boxes except for things necessary to run the server to free up as many IRQs as possible for the X100p's
06:29.30tzangerKalD: _926. I think
06:29.35KalDtzanger: thx
06:29.38TestMasTerCripon,  nvm lol
06:29.46CriponTestmaster: I don't run festival. I thought you were asking if I felt like partying.
06:30.05tzangerKalD: I have never gotten '.' to work properly with 'live' dialpads
06:30.05TestMasTerCripon,  ya noticed that after i said about that patch lol
06:30.12MocCan I make dialling to different interface, but 1 of them to stop sonner if no answer ?
06:31.25Criponadd )
06:32.05*** join/#asterisk groz (
06:32.34Mocfor Example I want all my phone to ring at the same time, but cellphone get automatic answer
06:33.13tzangerMoc Dial(technology/channel&technology/channel&technology/channel...)
06:33.15CriponMoc: what do you mean "cellphone get automatic answer"?
06:33.18tzangerthis is described in the handbook
06:34.32Mocvoicemail or message saying user is not available..
06:34.58MocWell I know I use this tzanger, but I can't select timeout for each one of them, only on the Dial itself
06:35.07*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
06:35.51MocI would like to have to call myself using IAX, to a extention that dial that # with a different timeout ?
06:36.22Criponso do that
06:36.26tzangerMoc: perhaps make a wishlist item then...  ?  
06:37.15Mochehe, just wanted to know if anyone knews something else
06:37.40*** join/#asterisk jj (~jj@
06:38.21Criponwhy don't you have it call another extension in the mix and have it work with a different timeout?
06:39.17MocHow do I make it call another extention using Dial ?
06:41.06CriponI've never tried.. lemme test it
06:41.11kimo_sabeMoc: Goto(###)?
06:42.15Mockimo_sabe I can't do a Goto INTO a Dial ?? Can we ?
06:42.27kimo_sabeMoc: Goto instead of dial, I think
06:43.37Mocbut got goto, it wont dial different # at the same time
06:43.43Mocjust 1 after the other
06:44.29Mocis there a Timer problem in *
06:44.35kimo_sabeMoc: trying to ring an extension and some other channel at the same time?
06:44.58Mocbut 1 of them, stop trying before the others
06:45.01kimo_sabeMoc: ah, interesting. Why?
06:45.10MocI counted 11second, and it counted at 14 sec ..
06:45.19tzangerhmm I thought you could specify an extension, I must have been thinking of a context
06:45.31tzangeras in dial(tech/number@context)
06:45.46MocExample, I want to dial work,cell phone, home line, but if none of them answer, to get to my * voicemail
06:45.52angler_bkw_, whats up ho
06:45.53Mocbut work and cell phone got voicemail
06:46.21Mocbkw_, new bug... * dont count time correctly ;)
06:46.35bkw_Moc ok is it on mars time?
06:47.09bkw_how do you think it isn't counting time correctly?
06:47.09Mochehe nope, it was ok this trial ..
06:47.27bkw_you have X100p's right?
06:47.33kimo_sabeMoc: hmm, that's a tough problem, because the work & cell numbers will always be answered, and not always at the same time
06:48.03bkw_analog interfaces can't do that unless you turn on progress detect
06:48.07Mocexactly, testing work, and seem Im fine at 14 second
06:48.16Mocbkw_, I dial using nufone
06:48.23bkw_oh then it should work fine
06:48.34bkw_make sure you put a timeout on the dial
06:48.43Mocyep except those start to bug me : Jan 17 01:46:11 WARNING[1150528304]: chan_iax2.c:628 get_samples: Don't know how to calculate samples on 3 packets
06:48.49kimo_sabeMoc: if you're on either phone it's voicemail will immediatly pick up, right?
06:49.05Mocbkw_, just I can't make 1 Dial with different timeout for each channel I call
06:49.07Mikeis there any cell phone supports sip?
06:49.15Mikewifi is getting old and pulver doesnt sell em yet
06:49.26iewebguy_Sure cisco 7920 is SIP
06:49.33bkw_Moc yes you can
06:49.33Mikeiewebguy_: they told me it sucks
06:49.35Mocyes, they both have their own voicemail
06:49.37bkw_hold on
06:49.39Mikeiewebguy_: older and its heavy sucks
06:49.44bkw_why can't i see iewebguy_'s messages
06:49.45tzangernufone still has no rates or other info on their website
06:49.51bkw_ok bitchx is going down
06:50.02tzangerI'd love to support JerJer but fuck that's _basic_ info that is required for anyone to seriously consider them as a VOIP provider
06:50.03bkw_wtf was up with tht
06:50.05bkw_iewebguy_ you alive?
06:50.22bkw_tzanger 2.9 cents a min US48
06:50.26bkw_what else you need to know
06:50.29tzangerbkw_: and canada?
06:50.35iewebguy_Ya I am alive
06:50.35tzangerdo they support IAX2
06:50.36bkw_thats almost done
06:50.42bkw_they spport IAX2
06:50.48tzangerI mean this is basic info that someone needs to know
06:51.07kamileonangler: can you help me with my music on hold?
06:51.07tzangerwhat about south america rates...  this is precisely why I'm using voicepulse -- all the info is there and easily obtainable
06:51.10bkw_tzanger do you realize that nufone isn't even active or 100% go yet
06:51.13kamileonit sounds like crap
06:51.23tzangerbkw_: nope didn't realize that.  :-)
06:51.40bkw_iewebguy_ i'm not at my desktop right now
06:51.51bkw_i'm on my laptop if thats you that just msged me on my desktop
06:52.07bkw_let me install aim on this badboy
06:52.14Moctzanger, Canada is 2.01cent
06:52.27tzangerMoc: canada calls are _cheaper_ than US calls??
06:52.48Moccall even less to call Moscow
06:52.54iewebguy_Are you out on the Patio? It is cold out!
06:53.05Mocdamn cold here
06:53.12tzangerwell most of our calls are to canada (from canada), and some to the US and some to south america (santiago)
06:53.21tzangerwhat are you talking about... it's 16 degrees!
06:53.26tzanger<cough> below
06:53.52grozwhere are you located tzanger ?
06:53.53Mocit got to -40oCelcius this week
06:53.54seemoreanyone from alberta on here ?
06:54.06iewebguy_What is a good price for a 7960 ? I need to buy one or 2 I think.
06:54.08tzangergroz: near Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario
06:54.18tzangerit's -45 in Timmins
06:54.21Moctzanger, hehe well Canada calling is cheaper than US.. telecomunication is already uptodate here I guess
06:54.34tzangerMoc: hmm I think I need to talk to JerJer
06:54.52Mocbkw_, so you found it
06:54.52grozoh, out in the eastern wastelands i see :)
06:54.52tzangerUS$0.03/min is pretty good but less is better still :-)
06:54.54tzangergroz: heh
06:55.09iewebguy_Isn't -40 the the same  F or C :0
06:55.10Moc0.029$ is in the US
06:55.13tzangeriewebguy_: yes
06:55.18tzangerMoc: yes I know
06:55.24grozbut yah, 0.03 is VERY appealing
06:55.26Mocincoming 1800 is 0.029 for US48 and Canada
06:55.29iewebguy_Frickin COLD
06:55.30tzangerbut voicepulse is $0.03 to canada, $0.0295 to US I think
06:55.57MocI love my 1800 with NuFone ..
06:56.33tzangerI am trying to nail down jitter issues ...  a lot of calls are just fine but some have such bad jitter (iax2 show channels) that the quality really is crap
06:57.06tzangerthe T1's mostly clean (about half utilization) and I do have LLQ set up on my end to try and get my packets out...  it's not ideal but as best as I can get it at this time I think
06:57.10Moctzanger, you can ask NuFone incoming 1800 that actually work from Canada
06:57.12*** part/#asterisk Gazzas (
06:57.22tzangerideally need to have both ends of the link under my control
06:57.24Mocat 2.9cent US
06:57.30tzangerMoc: not bad
06:59.05tzangerI have the linux firewall using iproute2 to prioritize IAX2 packets too to try and ensure they get out as quickly as possible, I think the jitter problem is actually somewhere between the far end of my T1 and voicepulse though
06:59.25tzangerlike I said, the utilization of the T1 is pretty much 50% which gives PLENTY of room
07:00.21CriponMoc: Did you get that sorted out, your dialing?
07:00.23tzangerI'd like to try a few different providers to see how it goes
07:00.43MocCripon, Im trying to find a way not to have to dial itself via IAX !!!
07:01.21Criponwhy not? hell, call itself on a special context and have that ring your cell. I was just going to suggest that.
07:01.55tz-afknight all
07:02.07bkw_haha 5:35 min
07:02.15bkw_i'm gonna totally wear this battery out
07:02.47MocJan 17 02:01:24 WARNING[1234455344]: chan_zap.c:1319 zt_callwait: Spill already exists?!?
07:02.47MocJan 17 02:01:29 WARNING[1234455344]: chan_zap.c:1319 zt_callwait: Spill already exists?!?
07:02.49MocWTF now !!!
07:04.33bkw_what did you do to it?
07:06.09Mocwell this time it just mean I need a new phone ..
07:06.35Mocmy analog phone keep switching channel and do flash
07:07.51Mocdo while dialling my internal line, it gave this error
07:13.05Mocoh well, I'll make everything ring 20second.. and that it
07:14.12user8925gnite all happy *'ing :-)
07:14.14*** join/#asterisk adkk (
07:18.14Criponwhy not call yourself on anothe rextension on IAX2 incomming Moc?
07:19.27Mocyes well that what I thought of doing, but didn't like the idea of calling myself using IAX..
07:19.45*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
07:19.46MocI got 20second out before voicemail
07:20.03Mocso it not that bad
07:20.17Criponthat's probably why something like this hasn't been implemented already.. Mark would just say, call yourself in iax.
07:26.27Mocbkw_, unless this warning should never happen, discard it
07:29.29Mocbkw_, can we make dial() show the exact entry on which it failed ?
07:29.30MocJan 17 02:27:04 NOTICE[1234455344]: app_dial.c:527 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'
07:29.48Moclike this, but I have 6 IAX2 in the Dial()
07:31.08Mocanyway nite
07:33.38voip_what are all the packages required to compile *?
07:34.58Criponread the README
07:35.42voip_that'd be too easy
07:36.32mishehumuch easier to annoy ppl in irc though right?  ;-)
07:37.13voip_didn't know asking questions was annoying
07:38.29voip_hmm readme doesn't say
07:38.36Criponvoip_: Didn't annoy me
07:39.28*** part/#asterisk groz (
07:40.03Criponvoip_ did you check the handbook?
07:41.14Corydon76-homeDevelopers are sometimes on this late.  More discussions, less questions...
07:41.15voip_was looking for something a bit more 'up to date'
07:41.32Criponwhat would have changed?
07:42.06Criponyou need linux, the kernel source...
07:42.27Mocncurses-devel cvs bison openssl-devel kernel-source#$KERNELBUILD
07:42.42Mocthat the one i need after a minimal redhat 9 install
07:43.41voip_and libnewt for zttool
07:43.46Criponfor moh you'll need to be sure you have mpg123 and it's not just a symlink to mpg321
07:43.52voip_ahh right
07:44.02Criponif you don't have zap, I think you have to have usb as a module for ztdummy to work
07:47.09Criponlooks like all you need, according to the wiki, is linux. :)  
07:47.10Criponand love
07:47.17voip_and luck
07:47.56voip_what part of * requires the openssl stuff?
07:48.07CriponI'm going to bed
07:48.15voip_night, thanks
07:49.41kamileonhow do i change the format of the .wav file from the email after voicemail?
07:49.51kamileonim not being able to play it as it is at all
07:50.36Cripondave: play it on what?
07:50.53Cripondave: is it emailing you gsm and you don't have the codec?
07:51.01kamileonmy windows machine
07:51.08kamileonit says wav
07:51.17Cripondave: make sure
07:51.18kamileonwhere do i get a windows gsm codec
07:52.10*** join/#asterisk voip (
07:52.13kamileonill fw you the email msg me an addy
07:52.34kamileonaudio/x-wav is the format it says
07:53.28kamileonwont play on my Sidekick either :(
07:53.47Criponbut you can listen to it in *?
07:54.26kamileonnot a problem in *, just the email attachment i can listen to
07:54.36TestMasTeranyone here ever get bkw_ Calling card script to work?
07:54.54kamileonim still fighting to get caller id to come through right
07:58.36Cripondave: in your voicemail.conf, change the order from gsm|wave|WAV to just format=wav
08:00.21iewebguy_Can someone point me to the URL for the best docs for setting up voicemail and emailing the .wav files  
08:01.02kamileonCripon : let me try that out
08:01.17kamileonreload at the CLI will reload voicemail.conf right?
08:01.40Cripondave: word
08:02.48kamileon700-428-6222 can you leave me a vm ?
08:07.07kamileonfucking tite
08:07.14kamileonit plays on my sidekick now!
08:07.20Criponaight.. gnight
08:07.36iewebguy_what is a sidekick?
08:08.11kamileondanger hiptop, aka t-mobile sidekick
08:08.20kamileonphone with a flip screen and keyboard
08:08.29kamileonssh client, browser, aim, email, etc...
08:09.02iewebguy_Wow. I guess i need one of those.
08:09.10kamileonso now i get the email with my voicemail attached, like 2 sec after its left, i can open it and play the wav file out loud wherever i am
08:09.15iewebguy_I have a *lot* of needs.
08:09.20kamileontheyre like $199 with rebate now i think
08:09.43kamileon$60 total / mo for 600 anytime, nights&weekend, and unlimited net access
08:10.49kamileonanyone using software iax client?
08:10.54kamileonor have one?
08:11.11iewebguy_I am just setting up voicemail on my asterisk box
08:11.24kamileoni just did that :)
08:11.25jrollysonkamileon: hmm. I want.
08:11.28kamileonstill working on it
08:11.33jrollysonno T-Mobile service here though :(
08:12.43kamileonyou guys play with 802.11?
08:13.16iewebguy_We have about 5 wireless clients paying for service
08:13.49kamileontsunami p2mp?
08:14.00iewebguy_apple airport extemes
08:14.04kamileonwhat distances?
08:14.20iewebguy_Maybe 500 yards
08:14.51iewebguy_We have a target of going 2 miles across the strait to Martinez CA
08:14.58iewebguy_We are in Benicia CA
08:15.04kamileoni can associate with ap's up to quarter mile or more from my car :)
08:15.19kamileonnice, what kind of antennas?
08:15.32kamileoni have some 18dbi yagis for sale
08:15.38iewebguy_Mostly Pringles Can Antennas
08:15.59kamileonurl of what?  is mine.
08:16.17iewebguy_the antennsa you have for sale.
08:16.30kamileonoh man.. heh.. lemme think the name
08:16.33kamileonor go look
08:17.10kamileonthe black tube bout a foot long 4" diameter or so, n connector
08:17.25kamileonill find you the page
08:17.34kamileoni got a 14dbi sector panel too
08:18.00iewebguy_what do you want for em?
08:18.14iewebguy_What do you want for the CAR?
08:21.02kamileonlol, i will sell it
08:21.27kamileonfor book value plus $3k
08:21.31iewebguy_I am actually interested in the laptop.
08:21.49kamileonwhat laptop?
08:25.51kamileoni have a pair of the 18dbi yagis, never used, for $80
08:27.48jrollysonI need to get something with about a 5 mile range
08:28.15kamileon24db grid + 1W amp
08:28.31jrollysonproblem is I have no line of sight
08:28.56jrollysonand I can forget putting a tower up, I'm under the approach for a military base
08:29.29kamileonhow much crap is between you and your other end
08:29.46kamileonline of sight isnt a problem
08:29.50kamileonwith enough power
08:29.56*** join/#asterisk mmco (
08:30.07jrollysonthats also going to be restricted here ;)
08:30.09kamileonbe careful not to overpower, and point the dishes at each other right
08:30.35jrollysonwhat kind of costs am I looking at?
08:30.49kamileonyoure allowed up to 1W with 6db antenna, and being near a base your be excellent with 24dbi dish and a 250mw amp on both ends
08:30.57kamileonto be within fcc regs
08:31.17kamileon$200@ for the amps @80-100 @ for the antennas
08:31.26kamileonand cables to connect them to your equipment
08:31.42jrollysonand $70 a piece for the WAPs
08:31.54kamileonor bridges
08:32.09kamileonyou could use linux pc's
08:32.18kamileonwith orinoco cards
08:32.49jrollysonno rush, just would eventually like to bridge to my grandmother's house
08:32.51citatsbah screw orinoco cards, get some of the 200mw cards. engenius or smc
08:32.52kamileonbut thats more than the out of box stuff
08:33.07jrollysonso that when I go over there I'm still on my lan
08:33.21jrollysonI need a laptop first though :)
08:33.28kamileonget a d-link AP for your house, and a d-link bridge for gramma, and some antennas, see what you get
08:33.36kamileonif you need to, add amplifiers
08:34.00jrollysonI may shoot for a 20Mile run later on, to work ;)
08:34.03kamileonyou can put up a pole like 20-30' ?
08:34.12kamileonwhere youre at?
08:34.27kamileonjust to make the horizon larger
08:34.43jrollysonyeah. but some fighter jock might think its funny to knock it down.
08:35.17jrollysonthey come in low sometimes.
08:35.34jrollysonas in, brushing the rooftops.
08:36.18jrollysonno rush, I'll have to have a laptop first.
08:38.07*** join/#asterisk hellofra (
08:39.44kamileondarn pilots
08:39.51kamileonlets kick their asses!
08:40.32jrollysonI have really good seats for the Air Show though ;)
08:41.54kamileonhehe nice
08:46.49KalDdoes anyone have a dial by lastname thing working?
08:48.25kamileonnot i
08:50.59*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
09:21.14*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
09:24.59KalDcan perl have case statements?
09:25.32voidptr_i think there was something for that though
09:26.49*** join/#asterisk hmodes_ (
09:33.41iewebguy_Hello?  my question tonight is how do I ring 2 extensions  --- as in Press 1 for sales where there are 2 sales people.
09:39.12voidptr_simple: Dial(sip/1&&sip/2)
09:39.20voidptr_rickhard: make a queue
09:39.30voidptr_damn autocomplete
09:40.59iewebguy_Make a Queue?
09:42.23voidptr_and friends
09:42.25voidptr_agent login
09:42.43voidptr_the problem with dialing multiple phones is... you can't stop it...
09:43.04voidptr_with queue... when you work at sales... and need to finish a quote for a customer
09:43.14voidptr_you dont want people to bother you with the phone
09:43.19voidptr_so you log out of the queue
09:43.33voidptr_queue == group on some pabx'es
09:43.52iewebguy_ok I get it...
09:44.04iewebguy_We only get about 3 calls a day. :)
09:44.20iewebguy_but I missed something with Dial
09:44.21voidptr_filed for bankruptcy yet? :P
09:44.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
09:45.16voidptr_iewebguy_ : i'm not much of a syntax man... basicly i don't have enough experience with *
09:45.17iewebguy_Phones are a *new* thing in 2004.  We never told anyone our phone number before ;)
09:45.29voidptr_but the && should work if you want to ring multiple phones
09:45.33iewebguy_exten => 1,1,Dial(sip/703&&sip/704)    
09:45.58iewebguy_703 and 704 are the extensions
09:46.03voidptr_no sorry, you are right
09:46.06voidptr_1 for sales
09:46.18iewebguy_but it does not like it.
09:46.27voidptr_iewebguy_ : no, dont use the extension
09:46.43voidptr_if it is good you have: [phone1] and [phone2] in sip.conf
09:46.56voidptr_use sip/phone1&&sip/phone2
09:47.13iewebguy_k let me see what my sip.conf looks like
09:47.26voidptr_iewebguy_ : you should see extensions and channels as 2 different layers
09:47.56voidptr_a bit like ip and ethernet... they have some common things... like arp... but basicly independant :)
09:48.55voidptr_in * the callerid is usually assigned to a channel in sip.conf (or zapata.conf, iax.conf, etc)
09:49.10iewebguy_Yes I am sorta getting it...  this is my first week in asteriskville
09:50.03iewebguy_fromuser=703           ; Specify user to put in "from" instead of callerid
09:50.09iewebguy_amaflags=default                ; Choices are default, omit, billing, documentation
09:50.10iewebguy_;accountcode=markster           ; Users may be associated with an accountcode tp ease billing
09:50.13iewebguy_in my sip.conf....  
09:50.27iewebguy_so my "sip" name is the same as my extension name?
09:50.35voidptr_in this case: yep
09:50.51voidptr_sip show registry
09:50.59voidptr_(i think)
09:51.05voidptr_to see if the phones are registered
09:52.03voidptr_(a voip phone has to register to *, so that * knows where it is...)
09:52.22*** join/#asterisk chazbilly (
09:52.24iewebguy_right I can dial between extensions
09:52.33voidptr_you can call it directly on IP ofcourse... but thats kinda unmaintainable imho
09:52.56iewebguy_I think they are registering.
09:53.20voidptr_ah ok, syntax :)
09:53.29chazbillygood morning. I have a question about connecting a SIP provider such as deltathree or packet 8 to asterisk.
09:53.30iewebguy_I think it is syntax
09:53.33voidptr_not && but & ;)
09:53.44iewebguy_i was just gonna ask
09:54.06voidptr_iewebguy_ : as i said before.. i'm not a syntax man :)
09:54.32chazbillyWhen you get an account from one of these vendors and put it in the asterisk conf files, is it just a single instance connection or can Asterisk make and recieve multiple calls over the same account?
09:55.13voidptr_guys: is there a syntax check for extensions.conf? (i know this is hard considering all the individual applications but..._
09:55.22iewebguy_Voidprt!  It works Thank you Very Much
09:55.30voidptr_iewebguy_ : don't mention it :)
09:55.53iewebguy_I think I'll add a time out ...  then drop the call in someones voice mail
09:55.57voidptr_chazbilly : it should be possible to make multiple calls
09:56.23voidptr_unless your "supplier" blocks that
09:57.00voidptr_iewebguy_ : you could add another prompt... (all of our employees, jada jada jada..., if you want to leave a message press.. jada)
09:57.28iewebguy_yes that makes sense.
09:58.01voidptr_(and after that use the "s" thing with voicemail
09:58.15voidptr_so that it doesn't announce the voicemail beep
09:58.45*** join/#asterisk rajo_home (
09:59.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:00.18voidptr_morning coppice
10:00.34coppiceevening voidptr_
10:00.38voidptr_eh yeh
10:05.26iewebguy_Thanks again voidptr...   I have hacked togther something that gets me going.  More fun tomorrow.  I am off to bed 2am in CA g'night all
10:06.03voidptr_ah yes
10:07.33voidptr_: idle     : 4 hours 55 mins 58 secs (signon: Tue Jan  6 07:25:48 2004)
10:07.43voidptr_wasim has been back? :)
10:22.09*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
10:42.58[Sim]gday ppl
10:43.21voidptr_morning sim
10:44.32kapejod[Sim]: morning, cant see you here ;)
10:44.38coppice~seen wasim
10:44.39wasim is currently on #asterisk (18h 41m 4s).  Has said a total of 13 messages.  Is idling for 5h 33m 11s
10:45.44coppicewasim: has entered a black hole.
10:46.15[Sim]kapejod: sorry 'bout that, it's hectic around here
10:46.28[Sim]how's it going there?
10:46.37kapejod[Sim]: l-fy and discordia are here
10:46.49kapejod[Sim]: it's very nice, lot's of developers
10:47.03voidptr_The HandyTone-286 doesn't seem to pass incoming caller ID information. The Sipura SPA2000 I replaced it with works without problems. The Sipura hardware is only a little more expensive so spend the money and get something that won't cause you to rip out your hair.
10:47.07voidptr_humm, thats not good..
10:47.11kapejod[Sim]: i have a 20BRI box here :)
10:47.33[Sim]20 ???
10:47.40kapejodinterconnected with another bri box
10:47.44kapejodand some isdn phones
10:47.54[Sim]voidptr: hm thanks for the tip
10:48.03kapejodyes, 20 BRI ports
10:48.03coppicekapejod: Is that anything like a 1.333PRI box? :-)
10:48.08voidptr_i saw it on the wiki :S
10:48.20kapejodcoppice: i got a PRI aswell
10:48.29kapejodbut no driver yet ;)
10:48.42[Sim]kapejod: with your quadbri cards, so 5 quadbri cards
10:48.51kapejod3 quadBRI , 1 octoBRI prototype
10:49.12[Sim]what is the octobri going to cost ? :-)
10:49.43blllwhen can we expect the quad bri and at what price?
10:49.48kapejoddont know yet ... we must see if there is enough demand to actually build it
10:50.10kapejodblll: the quadBRIs are available, i am only "stabelizing" the driver
10:50.10[Sim]and the single hfc ?
10:50.17kapejod[Sim]: this weekend
10:50.35kapejod02:00.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 08b4 (rev 01)
10:50.35kapejod02:01.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 08b4 (rev 01)
10:50.35kapejod02:02.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 08b4 (rev 01)
10:50.36kapejod02:03.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 16b8 (rev 01)
10:50.36kapejod02:04.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] (rev 74)
10:50.37kapejod02:05.0 Network controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI] (rev 02)
10:51.08voidptr_ <- who runs this?
10:51.11kapejodi exchanged the pri card with the hfc-pci
10:51.44voidptr_kapejod : make sure to make pictures :P
10:51.56kapejodtoo bad i didnt bring my digicam ;)
10:52.05kapejodso you have to come and see ;)
10:53.52voidptr_+33 is france?
10:56.40maikvoidptr_: yes
10:57.13rajo_homevoidptr_: it is in toulouse, france (
10:57.16rajo_homemoin maik :)
10:57.23maikrajo_home: moin
10:57.38maikdomain:         EIKONEX.NET
10:57.38maikowner-address:  Marc Verprat
10:57.38maikowner-address:  29, rue de Coarraze
10:57.38maikowner-address:  64000
10:57.38maikowner-address:  Pau
10:57.39voidptr_i was more thinking about the nick of the person ;))
10:57.41maikowner-address:  France
10:57.56voidptr_doesn't ring a bell
10:59.44coppiceCan't be in telecoms then, if he doesn't ring a bell :-)
11:00.59jrollysonhmm... I need an extremely loud alarm clock.
11:14.22*** join/#asterisk ysb (
11:17.26blllthat's what women are for
11:17.47blllkapejod: where do I buy one?
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12:39.45TangentI've got a mate who's got satellite broadband, and only has 128k of very bursty upstream bandwidth.... ulaw seems to be just a little too demanding for his link... Is there some codec that's ultra-low bandwidth we could test with?
12:40.49*** join/#asterisk jvdeepak (
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12:41.26TangentBasically, everyting except ulaw then ?
12:41.40jrollysontangent: the latency is going to kill you most likely.
12:42.03Tangentjrollyson: Yep.. most definately
12:42.15Tangentjrollyson: The lag on the call is quite incredible
12:42.36jrollysondialup way be a better choice.
12:42.56TangentYeah... but dialup kinda defeats the point
12:43.06azazelhi guys! ISDN4Linux devices are really usable with asterisk?
12:43.21TangentI've been telling him for ages that his connection just won't be able to handle it... but he still wants to experiment some more
12:43.44jrollysonazazel: should be, but a chan_capi capable device is preferable.
12:44.57jvdeepakhi guys
12:45.14*** join/#asterisk sobol_ (
12:45.20jvdeepaki want to configure oh323.conf to terminate to a h323 service provider
12:45.25jvdeepakcan anyone help me?
12:45.28voidptr_hey sobol
12:45.30azazeljrollyson: like a fritz card... thanks. what's the cheapest hardware to control 2-3 isdn lines?
12:46.24jvdeepakhas anyone had success with asterisk connecting to a h323 service provider?
12:46.47voidptr_azazel : if you are not in a hurry you should definately consider the zapbri (4 port isdn with nt and te mode) with specific zaptel drivers for asteirsk
12:47.33jvdeepakguys oh323 configuration help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:48.19azazelvoidptr_: thanks, you know how much it costs?
12:48.44voidptr_see query :)
12:49.42sobol_voidptr_: hi
12:50.53*** join/#asterisk anoosh (~anoosh@
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12:54.34TangentDoes * support speex
12:56.45anooshdoes anybody else have any problems with asterisk's 'transfer' feature? one would expect that 'transfer' worked like this: if you're talking with someone on ext. 12, and you want to transfer the call to ext. 13; after you press the transfer function you dial 13 (the person on ext. 12 goes on hold), talk to the guy on 13 and after you hangup they get connected. but it seems like currently in * you don't have a chance to speak to the person on e
12:56.47anooshxt. 13 before the transfer takes place. am i right or wrong?
12:57.31h3xandu: It works for me
12:57.35h3xi mean anoosh
12:58.45anooshh3x: you mean * supports the feature i said, or you mean it doesn't and the current way it is, works for u?
12:59.20h3xif im on a zaptel device and use flash hook, i can call someone talk and hangup and it will transfer
12:59.25h3xyou have to enable that in the config file
12:59.32h3xthe other way to do it is for incoming calls with #
12:59.40h3xyou need a t or T in the dialplan
13:01.05anooshh3x: what about sip? how does this work on sip channels?
13:03.19*** join/#asterisk dnc (~duncan@
13:05.40h3xYeah, # transfer.
13:05.57h3xI donno about sip transfer stuff
13:06.09h3xi know theres at least two ways to do it depending on your client.
13:07.27anooshh3x: and these 2 ways are ...? you mean the ones you already mentioned, # and T?
13:07.53h3xNo, SIP has two different methods in the protocol to do transfers.
13:07.59h3xBYE/ALSO and some other one
13:08.23h3xREFER maybe
13:08.37anooshoh right. :-D  *anoosh is a newbie*
13:08.59anooshthanks h3x
13:09.02h3xif you're just dealing with incoming calls id use the 't' transfer option
13:09.04h3xfor #
13:09.12h3xi havent had much luck with sip transfers
13:09.15scudasterisk is on #asterisk
13:09.28scudthis is it
13:09.33scudi thought this was another channel
13:09.41scudfuck my coffee needs to get done
13:09.54anooshhowcome h3x
13:10.07h3xi think its the clients fault more than anything
13:10.37anooshyou mean the sip phones
13:10.52h3xwell i was using soft phones
13:12.03anooshok, so you mean you think it's not possible (on sip) to talk to the person youre transfering to, before the transfer takes place?
13:12.52h3xactually i dont even think thats part of the specs
13:13.01h3xyou may also want to consider ParkAndAnnounce
13:13.58anooshbut dont you think that's a very common feature on pbx's, for example
13:14.08h3xPark a call into the parkinglot and announce the call over the console.
13:14.22anooshin an office when the secretary answers the call and
13:14.32h3xSure, but SIP wasnt really designed with that in mind.
13:14.55jimmyzanyone using resetcdr
13:15.02anooshshe wants to connect it to her boss, she first talks to her boss and says 'mr. x is on the line do you wish to speak to him', no?
13:15.20h3xI suggest you use cisco 7960 phones
13:15.32h3xyou cant intercom with most other phones because you cant force the speaker phone to go off hook
13:15.41h3xthey would have to pick up the phone
13:15.51anooshthat's ok, i didn't mean intercom
13:15.56h3xI know...
13:16.07h3xConsider that most using * in an office per se probably want to get rid of the receptionist
13:16.14h3xand use its ACD features instead
13:16.26h3xotherwise you are much better off using a real PBX
13:16.46h3x"Hi this is foobar inc.  For a company directory press 1"...
13:17.20anooshi thought that's what it meant. what does it stand for
13:17.21h3xthen when someone does dial the extension or use a DID in the first place, it would send them to something that uses parkandannounce
13:17.34h3xautomatic call distribution
13:17.44h3xSee, theres no useful device to use for a receptionist console, yet
13:18.07h3xnothing out there has enough call appearance keys, DSS buttons, or whatever
13:18.20h3xactually snom makes a phone like that but its >$500
13:18.46h3xthat phone should speak IAX theroetically too
13:19.25h3xbut seriously if all yer doing is trying to replace a PBX.......
13:19.41h3xmost use * as an adjunct to an existing one i think
13:19.59voidptr_if you see what we have... you'd want to replace it aswell
13:20.12h3xpanasonic ? :)
13:20.17anooshwell if we're not looking for a complete 'receptionist console' as you put it, and we just need a simple feature like the one i mentioned (secretary/boss scenario), do you think we could do it with sip and *?
13:20.39voidptr_h3x : something from 1996..
13:20.53h3xi like the merlin legend/magix myself
13:20.55voidptr_which was expensive then... and becomes more and more expensive
13:21.12h3xthe T1 cards for it are $300 on ebay
13:21.17voidptr_philips sopho is3050 and 2x is3030
13:21.19h3xthe receptionist phones are $99ish
13:21.38voidptr_the cheapest isdn phones are 250 eur for this
13:22.00voidptr_s/isdn/digital/ since its proprietary stuff on top of isdn-ish stuff
13:22.28anooshh3x: well if we're not looking for a complete 'receptionist console' as you put it, and we just need a simple feature like the one i mentioned (secretary/boss scenario), do you think we could do it with sip and *?
13:23.49jimmyzuse 7960 and 7940 and you'll be fine
13:24.12anooshwhat feature do they ahve
13:24.32h3xthe nice thing about the ciscos is they can take intercom announce calls
13:24.41jimmyzthe main one you where talking about tell bose who is on the phone and yes or no transfer
13:24.43h3xas you can program one of the call appearances to auto answer to the speaker phone
13:26.17h3xsad thing is ive used all this shit and still prefer using pots phones hanging off a channelbank going to a zaptel t1 board :P
13:27.07anooshwhy h3x?
13:27.26jrollysonreliability? ;)
13:27.35h3xthats one reason
13:27.43h3xalso im using 2 line ADSI phones
13:28.09h3xumm.. lets see
13:28.16h3xwell for one ive had 3 drink spills recently
13:28.32h3xi dont mind nuking a $50 phone but i may get suicidal over nuking a $800 phone
13:28.56h3xone of them was gf pissed and threw a drink across the room
13:29.46anooshif you wanted to design a pbx for a company from scratch and budget was no issue, would go with sip or not
13:29.54h3xi have the group of two lines set up in a call group so if im busy it rings the 2nd line
13:30.14h3xI would give wasim about $50k and have him finish his IAX phone
13:30.59h3xhe actually has it working
13:31.08h3xit just needs plastic skins i think and mass production costs
13:31.10voidptr_h3x : have you heard of him today/yesterday?
13:31.22voidptr_he was online again it seems :P
13:31.43anooshwell actually that wasn't such a bad idea, we might just do that. were you serious?
13:32.05voidptr_h3x : also testing i think...
13:32.17h3xwell yeah
13:32.25voidptr_it will take a little while longer
13:32.45voidptr_but i would settle for a few pre-production ones right now
13:34.14h3xi still say, fuck the secretary
13:34.44h3xset up a good ACD and ParkAndAnnounce
13:34.55h3xbesides, it gives her more time to give you head if she dosent have to answer the damned phone
13:35.09*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
13:35.18h3xone time i unplugged the receptionist's extension
13:35.24h3xand wired it under my desk with a 1 ft phone cord
13:35.33h3xshe comes looking and asks "wheres my phone"
13:35.38h3xand i point under the desk...
13:36.50voidptr_morning mbranca
13:37.06mbrancaciao voidptr_
13:37.25mbrancavoidptr_, where's wasim????
13:37.30mbranca~seen wasim
13:37.32wasim is currently on #asterisk (21h 33m 57s).  Has said a total of 13 messages.  Is idling for 8h 26m 4s
13:37.32voidptr_mbranca : wish i knew
13:37.38voidptr_he was online again
13:37.44mbrancayup, seems so
13:37.45voidptr_but.. missed him
13:37.59mbrancame too... 8h ago I was sleeping :)
13:38.41*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
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13:41.28anooshthanks h3x and everybody else for answering all the questions
13:41.39h3xi used x-lite for a while
13:41.45h3xas my "main phone"
13:42.01h3xi think the latest version lets you speed dial from outlook
13:42.04h3xwhich would be really nifty
13:42.11h3xexcept id rather have it do palm desktop than outlook
13:56.45voidptr_humm, possible to use call pickup in a queue?
13:57.23voidptr_like... al helpdesk phones are in 1 pickupgroup
13:57.30voidptr_what if 2 phones ring...
13:57.38voidptr_and i do call pickup :P
13:57.44voidptr_*grin* :)
13:58.46mbrancayou get the call
13:58.55mbrancaworks works
13:59.26mbrancafinally I have DRI working on my centrino laptop...
13:59.33mbrancaI can tuxracer now :)
14:00.00voidptr_which call... there are 2 calls rining phones in the same group
14:00.21mbrancathe first I think
14:01.36voidptr_i want my chair back
14:01.40voidptr_my back hurts!
14:02.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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14:02.57coppice~castrate RoyK
14:03.01reseauxhi to all
14:03.06reseauxhi mbranca
14:03.08voidptr_har har
14:03.10reseauxhi kapejod
14:04.56reseauxi have need some help about free message in libpri!! someone can help?
14:09.47coppicereseaux: libpri is free software. all the messages are free :-)
14:10.12reseauxcoppice: ehhehehe :-)
14:10.20jimmyzanyone using resetcdr(w) to get correct cdr info
14:10.52coppicereseaux: what is your problem?
14:12.36reseauxcoppice: When i call to mobile phone and is not "the customer is busy" i dont receive a "connect from the network" so i cant listen the mex
14:13.35*** join/#asterisk david (
14:13.58coppicereseaux: This is a good thing. I wish it happened all the time. Some places answer the call, and then you have no way of know that call was not really answered. Makes divert on busy a bit of a problem :-)
14:15.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:15.54reseauxi see in CAPI made from Kapejod the function "early B3" that recognize this type of mex... but i dont know if is possible to port this function in libpri
14:16.47coppicereseaux: don't you get a busy message?
14:18.15reseauxcoppice: no... i only wait the finish the mex and hungup...
14:20.21heisoncan someone try to dial my toll number via PSTN and NuFone?
14:20.44reseauxcoppice: there is some one made a workaround? or we are the only 2 guy have this problem?
14:21.13reseauxheison: I cant able.. :-(
14:22.33coppiceIn my case there is no workaround. In China I get answer message, even though the only thing that has answered is a voice at China Mobile saying the subscriber is busy. I get charged, and I have no way to know I should be diverting to voice mail or whatever. There appears to be no workaround possible. :-(
14:23.39reseauxcoppice: Chine Mobile answer the no free mex? are you sure have debug the channel?
14:23.57reseauxcoppice: there is a "connect"
14:24.34coppicereseaux: There is connect. There is charging. There is a voice in Mandarin and English saying the sub is busy. Pain, huh?
14:25.02reseauxcoppice: Very starnge!! very pain...
14:26.30reseauxFor Everyone: I try to find a Voip Compnay for terminate 150.000 minute/month of etnical call
14:26.59azazeletnical call?
14:28.13reseauxsorry ... ethnic call... internation call (ASIA, AFRICA, South America)
14:32.07coppiceethnic call? you mean you get a special rate if you are black or something? :-)
14:33.17*** join/#asterisk sadjon (
14:33.28reseauxno i try to find Voip provider to switch call to internation country but with good price and good quality
14:33.35reseauxhi voidptr_
14:34.08reseauxhi voidptr_ : i remeber something... you are able to give me this type of service?
14:34.28voidptr_huh wha? :P
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14:46.27voidptr_what does binary architicture of userspace packages have to do with kernel guru's? :P
14:47.12heisoncan someone in US try to dial my toll number via PSTN and NuFone?
14:48.19*** join/#asterisk anoosh (~anoosh@
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14:50.15RoyKanyone that knows a howto of how to upgrade a barbietone 100?
14:50.25RoyKI got some new beta firmware from gs, and want to try it
14:54.03*** join/#asterisk c4uldr0n (
14:54.25c4uldr0ngood morning (or good evening, depending where you live)
14:56.58mbrancaRoyK, use tftp
14:57.33RoyKmbranca: I am
14:57.56RoyKmbranca: I got the following files from grandstream: bootload.bin  bt.bin  ht.bin  html.bin  voc.bin  vp.bin
14:58.44RoyKI put them on the tftp server root, and it looks like the grandstream phone tries to retrieve them all, but also a file called cfg.txt, which I don't have
14:58.46RoyKany idea?
15:00.07mbrancayes, but that file is useless
15:00.21mbrancadoes it retrieve the .bin files?
15:00.34RoyKmbranca: but the phone doesn't seem to be updated
15:00.47mbrancafrom 1.0.3.x to 1.0.4.x ???
15:01.28mbrancayou need 2 reboots to fully upgrade from 1.0.3.x to 1.0.4.x
15:02.18c4uldr0nI have 2 x FXO (X100P) card, I'm going to make a menu to allow incoming calls choose extensions... Anybody have some insight or a good link?
15:02.32c4uldr0n(I guess it'd be my "s" extension)
15:02.55*** join/#asterisk anoosh (~anoosh@
15:05.55RoyKmbranca: after 5 reboots or so, the web interface tells me Program--    Bootloader--    HTML--
15:07.45mbrancayou see in logs that the phones requests the files?
15:07.57mbranca(run tftp server with -v -v -v)
15:08.11RoyKmbranca: /j #flood
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11511]: Serving bootload.bin to
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11511]: tsize option -> 24558
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11511]: timeout option -> 4
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11511]: blksize option -> 1024
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11511]: Server thread exiting
15:08.47RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11512]: Serving bt.bin to
15:08.49RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11512]: tsize option -> 159694
15:08.51RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11512]: timeout option -> 4
15:08.53RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11512]: blksize option -> 1024
15:08.55RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11513]: Invalid request <4> from
15:08.57RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11513]: Server thread exiting
15:08.59RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11514]: Serving voc.bin to
15:09.01RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11514]: tsize option -> 119098
15:09.04RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11514]: timeout option -> 4
15:09.05RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11514]: blksize option -> 1024
15:09.08RoyKJan 17 16:05:00 utility tftpd[11514]: Server thread exiting
15:09.11RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11515]: Serving html.bin to
15:09.13RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11515]: tsize option -> 28822
15:09.15RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11515]: timeout option -> 4
15:09.16voidptr_fuck that
15:09.17RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11515]: blksize option -> 1024
15:09.20RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11516]: Invalid request <4> from
15:09.22RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11516]: Server thread exiting
15:09.23RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11517]: Serving vp.bin to
15:09.25RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11517]: tsize option -> 14232
15:09.27RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11517]: timeout option -> 4
15:09.29RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11517]: blksize option -> 1024
15:09.31RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11517]: Server thread exiting
15:09.33RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11518]: Serving cfg.txt to
15:09.34mbrancawronk windows royk!
15:09.35RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11518]: File /var/spool/tftp/cfg.txt not found
15:09.37RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11518]: Server thread exiting
15:09.42RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11519]: Invalid request <4> from
15:09.44RoyKJan 17 16:05:01 utility tftpd[11519]: Serve
15:09.52zigmanGo go go ;)
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk srinivas (
15:10.36bkw_HOLY HELL BATMAN
15:11.24doughecka~whaleslap RoyK
15:11.29ACTION slaps RoyK upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
15:11.37mbrancaseems all okie
15:12.12mbrancait request all needed files
15:12.34mbrancawondering why continues to show the old version
15:15.05c4uldr0nbkw_: can you lend your knowledge once again 'o wise one
15:15.43c4uldr0nI want to make a good menu when people call... I have no idea where to start with my "s" extension
15:16.01c4uldr0nI can't seem to find a link to an example thats easy for me to understand
15:16.03bkw_look at the example config
15:16.10bkw_its in there at the bottom
15:16.20c4uldr0nheh... lemme looksy
15:18.54c4uldr0nbkw_: k, I see.... s,1,answer.... s,2,background(thanks)....
15:19.07c4uldr0nI don't know what background(thanks) <---- does
15:19.10*** join/#asterisk Muckl (
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15:26.53*** mode/#asterisk [+bbb *!*NoHost@* *!*carlossan@* *!*@*] by
15:26.53*** mode/#asterisk [+bb *!*PooPoo@* *!*FearOfGOD@*] by
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15:34.36dougheckaHAIL JERJER!
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15:43.21voidptr_* Imagine you wanted to add MusicOnHold to a conference.
15:43.27voidptr_fun :)
15:43.55bkw_you can
15:44.12bkw_if u are the only person in the conf the M option
15:46.19*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
15:46.27heisonbkw_: is the PIN feature implemented yet?
15:47.38heisonhmm... I have exten => 5000,1,Meetmecount,9000
15:47.38heisonexten => 5000,2,MeetMe(9000,M|1234)     ; Conference Room 9000
15:47.54heisonbut it doesn't prompt for the PIN when i dial 5000...
15:51.21voipyes get rid of all those stinkin french
15:52.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:55.06JerJer[road]man what be up with freenode lately
15:57.54*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
15:58.33c4uldr0nbkw_: I never did understand the menu in the example conf, doh
15:59.41voidptr_lately? :P
16:00.56data^heap1/me moo's !
16:01.00data^heapfreenode sux
16:01.05data^heapyou should all move to QuakeNet :)
16:01.23data^heapmorning jerjer btw
16:01.41JerJer[road]i'm thinkin
16:01.42data^heapI got ya invoice don't worry :-0
16:01.52JerJer[road]its all good
16:02.18MikeJerJer[road]: not a good idea:)
16:02.27MikeJerJer[road]: i saw your prices for south america REALLY GOOD
16:02.33MikeJerJer[road]: even for mexico city
16:02.40*** part/#asterisk stan (
16:02.55JerJer[road]we try
16:03.34rozowhat's the difference between the 7960G and 7960-non-G
16:03.47zigmanthe G ;)
16:04.00rozoit's like a $65 difference in price.
16:04.56zigmanexpensive G ;)
16:05.16*** join/#asterisk Flatcat (
16:10.16bkw_G = Global
16:10.23bkw_it has icons on the buttons instead of text
16:10.26bkw_thats about the only diff
16:10.39rozoand that's worth $65 more to Cisco?
16:10.48rozoheh :)
16:10.48bkw_cisco don't charge more for it
16:10.52bkw_the G's are accually cheaper
16:10.58Mikerozo: if you want color lcd add 650 USD more
16:11.20data^heaphas anyone tried their cool wifi phones?
16:11.35Mikedata^heap: get a wisip
16:11.36data^heapI might be getting some of then to play with :)
16:11.59Muckldata^heap: no skinny but sip
16:13.41data^heap$250 mmm
16:16.03bkw_wonder if you can create a loopback with zt-dynamic
16:17.00c4uldr0nbkw_: how do I record with asterisk to make my "press 1 for bubba, press 2 for hank"
16:17.56Corydon76-homeUse the Record application
16:18.17JerJer[road]bkw_: has anything changed in pbx.c or chan_zap lately.. i absolutely cannot get a new box routing to any context but default
16:18.26Corydon76-homeexten => _6XX,1,Record(${EXTEN:1})
16:18.38Corydon76-homeHit # to end your message
16:18.42*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
16:18.57Corydon76-homeYou'll then have a two-digit dot-gsm file in your sounds directory.
16:20.14Corydon76-homeIf you don't change the filename, you can then re-record multiple messages on the fly...
16:21.16Corydon76-homeOops, make that Record(${EXTEN:1}:gsm)
16:21.47*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
16:22.46c4uldr0nso, if I dial 699, it'll create 99.gsm
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16:30.29c4uldr0nwow, it got dead in here really quick
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16:33.28Corydon76-homec4uldr0n:  yes, that's correct
16:33.36c4uldr0nyeah, I just tested it, thanks
16:33.53Corydon76-homeI in fact have a variation of this
16:34.31Corydon76-homeWait(2), Record(${EXTEN:1}:gsm), Wait(2), Playback(${EXTEN:2}), Congestion
16:34.44Corydon76-homeoops, Wait(2), Record(${EXTEN:1}:gsm), Wait(2), Playback(${EXTEN:1}), Congestion
16:34.56c4uldr0nnow my next question is... how to mix and match contexts, and or menus
16:35.05c4uldr0nall this is **very** new to me ;)
16:35.18c4uldr0nI only have **1** context currently "default"
16:35.33Corydon76-homeYou should probably use a different context for each entry point into the system, i.e. internal, incoming, from-sip, etc.
16:35.57c4uldr0nheh, its' confusing because I really don't understand contexts  yet
16:35.58mbrancaJerJer[road], yes, something changed in chan_zap... "Added functionality for E911 signalling", 17h ago
16:36.02Corydon76-homeand then include other contexts depending upon what you want available in each "main" context
16:36.05*** join/#asterisk wreckdiver2 (
16:36.29c4uldr0nwell... I can tell you my setup, you tell me what you think
16:36.41wreckdiver2hey folks, got a weird one.. placed a 7940 overseas... it can receive calls, but can't dial out.. getting a reorder error?? any info?
16:36.44Corydon76-homeSo, for example, the internal extensions I don't want anybody else accessing are in my internal context
16:37.10Corydon76-homebut I have an [office] context which is included into both internal, as well as incoming
16:37.32Corydon76-homethe [office] context I use for all the extensions of people
16:37.33wreckdiver2bkw, question above.. about reorder error..
16:37.43bkw_check dialplan
16:38.16h3xbkw_: how hard would it be to hack up ZapScan so it only listens to calls in a certain context or better yet account code
16:38.17c4uldr0n2 x POTS connected to 2 x X100P... 3 x sip phones
16:38.22wreckdiver2would it have anything to do with NAT, etc?  an xten software phones works fine from same network.
16:38.28bkw_h3x dont know
16:39.01Corydon76-homeSo your two external lines you start in context incoming and your 3 SIP phones are started in the internal context.
16:39.23JerJer[road]mbranca: i figured it out... a stray char in my extensions.conf screwed everything up
16:40.55Corydon76-homeI generally don't use the [default] context because it leads to confusion when I explain a dialpan to other people.
16:40.55c4uldr0nCorydon76-home: I'm already confused ;) hehe
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16:41.00bkw_JerJer[road] ya that will do it every time
16:41.34Corydon76-homeYeah, but the [default] context is specified in the sample file, which can be confusing for new people
16:41.34JerJer[road]yeah that should be fixed
16:41.43bkw_open a bug report
16:41.45Corydon76-homeI'd avoid using it for now.
16:41.46c4uldr0nk... I'll take it out
16:42.09bkw_i'm goign to start calling my nitpicks "Attention to detail"
16:42.42JerJer[road]hehe yeah
16:42.52c4uldr0nso, in my sip.conf... all of my sip clients should have something like "context=internal-sip"
16:43.16Corydon76-homeSure, could be
16:43.25JerJer[road]or just ingress
16:43.33Corydon76-homeThen you just need to define the [internal-sip] context in extensions.conf
16:43.40JerJer[road]or just stations
16:43.48JerJer[road]then have all your internal stations in that context
16:44.10*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
16:44.15Corydon76-homeJerJer[road]:  can get confusing if you have more than one type of station and you don't want the same context for everybody
16:45.39h3xhow much is that zapbri card
16:46.00c4uldr0nhow do I define my X100P's as incoming? which conf file
16:46.01Corydon76-homeYou could even, although it's not recommended, go really fine-grained and give everybody his own context...
16:46.35Corydon76-homeThen include various sections into each fine-grained context, depending on what capabilities you want for each phone...
16:46.35h3xaw, it says ni-1 isnt done yet
16:47.06c4uldr0ngroup => 1
16:47.06c4uldr0ncontext = incoming
16:47.06c4uldr0nsignalling = fxs_ks
16:47.06c4uldr0nusecallerid = no
16:47.06c4uldr0nechocancel = yes
16:47.07Corydon76-homee.g. you could have some phones that could not dial long distance, or could not dial certain exchanges, etc.
16:47.08c4uldr0nechocancelwhenbridged = yes
16:47.10c4uldr0nechotraining = yes
16:47.12c4uldr0nchannel => 1-2
16:47.33Corydon76-homeyep, just like that
16:47.36c4uldr0nw00t ;)
16:48.12c4uldr0nhow do I intertwine my contexts now? heh
16:48.32c4uldr0nthis is the part that confuses me ;)
16:48.49Corydon76-homeLingo:  zapata.conf and sip.conf _reference_ the context.
16:49.00JerJer[road]you buld the dialplan
16:49.03Corydon76-homebut the context is actually _defined_ in extensions.conf
16:49.44JerJer[road]lets just do a quicky example that works for me
16:50.07JerJer[road]exten => 1234,1,Dial,SIP/1234@bob
16:50.11*** join/#asterisk LuchoAR (Lucho@
16:50.30JerJer[road]ok that is some sip phone on the network
16:50.36JerJer[road]then i have the following structure
16:51.04JerJer[road]exten => _1NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial,IAX/user@provider
16:51.38JerJer[road]its too early
16:51.41JerJer[road]start over
16:51.46c4uldr0ndoh, k
16:51.57JerJer[road]ok we have the station 1234 going
16:52.23JerJer[road]then we build logic that lets you specify which fones can dial what extens
16:52.33JerJer[road]include => local
16:52.38JerJer[road]include => londistance
16:52.46JerJer[road]include =>  international
16:52.53JerJer[road]include => stations
16:53.14JerJer[road]so that could be for a admin level phone
16:53.32JerJer[road]then local, longdistance, international and stations are all other contexts that are defined in our extensions.conf
16:54.04JerJer[road]each having specific extens doing their own specific tasks
16:54.09c4uldr0nI think it's coming around ;)
16:54.31c4uldr0ncontext = rules pretty much huh
16:54.33JerJer[road]exten => _NXXNXXX,1,Dial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN}  
16:55.03JerJer[road]so the local context has an extension that only allows 7 digit dialing to go out Zap trunk group 1
16:55.15c4uldr0nyep, got it
16:55.26JerJer[road]and the others have their specific extenions
16:55.29c4uldr0nmy confusion is really only with "incoming"
16:55.38JerJer[road]then u have other 'rule' based extensions
16:55.44c4uldr0nand how to route incoming calls to the proper extentions
16:55.48JerJer[road]include => local
16:55.56JerJer[road]include => stations
16:56.11JerJer[road]only let staff members call locally and to other stations
16:56.19c4uldr0nyep, gotcha
16:56.27JerJer[road]ok for inbound you have a landing context
16:56.41JerJer[road]lets use Nufone since its what i do :)
16:56.46*** join/#asterisk LDC (
16:56.46wreckdiver2bkw, it was timers in the 7940 config.. fyi.
16:57.21JerJer[road]when your DID gets called we will send you a call using the username NuFone
16:57.25JerJer[road]so iax.conf
16:57.36LDCAnyone know if I should use BKW's ODBC or the built-in PostGreSQL in Asterisk if I want to write to a PostGres database?  Is the ODBC one going to be the 'wave' of the future?
16:57.45JerJer[road]then in extensions.conf
16:57.54bkw_ODBC is the future
16:57.58Corydon76-homec4uldr0n:  you just need to have immediate=yes in zapata.conf for your X100Ps...
16:58.11bkw_har har har
16:58.16JerJer[road]exten => 1234567890,1,Goto(<somthing real here>)
16:58.35Corydon76-homec4uldr0n:  then you define an s extension in the [incoming] context (s for start)
16:58.43LDCbkw_ : Is there a readme for setting up the PostGreSQL database??  Is it exactly the same as with the MySQL config?
16:59.26bkw_yep and the wiki has a short howto on odbc also
16:59.29JerJer[road]that <something real here> could be to a specific exten in the stations context or it could be to your IVR context
16:59.54c4uldr0nheh, a lot of data in a short time... I needs more caffeine
17:00.14JerJer[road]i need to write a white paper on proper dialplan design :)
17:00.30mbrancawondering how to force chan_zap with in euroisdn mode to send out audio *before* the CONNECT message from the telco...
17:00.37c4uldr0nyou should because the exisint dialplans are pretty vague
17:00.43izombranca its there
17:00.50mbrancaizo: how?
17:00.51izoi mean it works for me
17:00.55c4uldr0nexisint = existing
17:01.04izoi modified a bit
17:01.12mbrancaizo: ah, ok.
17:01.17mbrancaizo: any hint?
17:01.51izombranca : when doing briding
17:02.31izocopy f frames back to chan and peer
17:02.32mbrancaizo: just because my telco sends out informational audio messages (like "mobile phone out of reach") without sending CONNECT, since the call is toll-free
17:02.47izoso you dont hear it ?
17:02.51mbrancaizo: yep
17:03.56izois it zap2zap call ?
17:04.16mbrancaizo: mainly, but not everytime. also sip2zap
17:04.36izoCare you sure that the switch generates that audio ?
17:05.06mbrancaizo: yes. with a standard pri pbx I hear those messages
17:05.31izolet me check app_dial
17:05.49mbrancaizo: that happens also on BRI isdn... but the good kapejod added the possibility into chan_capi to pass the audio even if not connected
17:06.34izoif zap2zap it may be a bit hard cause app_dial uses native bridge from chan_zap
17:09.21mbrancatoo bad I don't have pri at home to test...
17:09.31*** join/#asterisk Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode)
17:11.04mbrancaizo: you had that issue?
17:11.33c4uldr0ngodz I suck at making my dialplan
17:12.03izombranca : no cause I used own briging code from very beginging
17:12.36mbrancaizo: only for zap2zap or more general?
17:13.40JerJer[road]c4uldr0n: i'm gonna write something up for LinuxWorldExpo
17:13.48*** part/#asterisk Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode)
17:15.09mbrancafood & stay payed by me
17:15.14*** join/#asterisk adkr (
17:17.13izombranca you can pick him up when he shows up in france next time
17:17.41c4uldr0nJerJer[road]: I just wish I could pick-up on this a little quicker... it seems that when I start to understand, my brain shuts down! lol
17:17.46mbrancasure... or when he will come to visit his uncle, since he lives in sardinia
17:17.53*** join/#asterisk linuxa (
17:18.16Mikewhat codec can work with someone on dialup?
17:18.49c4uldr0nJerJer[road]: I don't want to give up, I just wish I could see somebodies complete asterisk conf's. I learn by observing
17:22.31*** part/#asterisk mmco (
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17:25.49mbrancahey doughecka!
17:26.19dougheckaHAIL mbranca!
17:29.04mbrancatime for a shower then out 4 dinner
17:29.07mbrancasee ya guys
17:33.01*** join/#asterisk clh (~tink@
17:40.03LuchoARhas anyone worked with a Siemens EWSD Switch ??
17:45.50izobut E1
17:48.59*** join/#asterisk jrlodden (~jrl@
17:50.15LuchoARyes me too, I am from Argentina..
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17:53.33denonLuchoAR: where in argentina?
17:54.10*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
17:54.26c4uldr0nif I have a context [incoming] with my dial plan, when I do a background,(sound)... will it allow any extension to be called?
17:54.59c4uldr0nor do I have to include => internal or some crap
17:56.05FuzzyCatc4uldr0n: onlt those in the same context
17:56.36FuzzyCatso you will  "have to include => internal or some crap"
17:56.41c4uldr0nheh, k ;)
17:56.42*** join/#asterisk mortck (~test@
17:59.34*** join/#asterisk Hubguru (
18:00.11c4uldr0ncan you define sip groups similar to zap groups ?
18:00.58c4uldr0nso I can do a dial(SIP/g1,20)
18:01.05HubguruI got the lates CVS last night, trid to conf voicemail, what happened to the addmailbox command in /usr/src/asterisk?
18:01.26c4uldr0nit's now /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/addmailbox
18:06.02*** part/#asterisk LuchoAR (Lucho@
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18:08.47mrhyd3yelling at someone?
18:09.20mrhyd3whats the url to get that directory xml for cisco 7960 ?  who wrote that?
18:10.07UnixDawgbkw please point to a good document for building v\company dir
18:12.05Hubguruif not addmailbox, then how do i setup the mailboxes with new numbers?
18:12.12JerJer[road]vi voicemail.conf
18:12.22mrhyd3yeah, just edit the conf file directly
18:13.07bkw_Hubguru yep edit the conf file.. voicemail will build them as they are used
18:13.11UnixDawgthen when you restart * and dial that exten it will create theneded dir with files
18:13.15Hubgurusure, i do edit that file but what about the voicemail messaged and folders in /var/spool/asterisk/vm
18:13.32UnixDawgleave it alone
18:13.40mrhyd3Hub, it will auto-create
18:14.08Hubguruii haven't seen info on that yet, that's very cool
18:14.35Hubguruwhat will those digium guys come up with next...............
18:14.36mrhyd3Hub, thats what I did originally, not knowing about the addmailbox
18:14.56UnixDawgaddmialbox ahould not n\be touched
18:15.34HubguruI've been using the addmailbox since the first time i set one up, it's in the docs as what needs to be done.
18:15.37mrhyd3bkw: i moved my ring tone to 24ctu, thanks!
18:15.59Hubguruthaks for the info guys, see ya........
18:16.19bkw_mrhyd3 hehe
18:16.54UnixDawgbkw we love you
18:17.02mrhyd3my old lady thinks I have an obsession w/ Reicko  Aylesworth....or however you spell it.
18:17.17bkw_just because you have a penis?
18:17.28mrhyd3well, i like asian women :)
18:17.31mrhyd3she's 1/2
18:17.56UnixDawgBKW because you are you . you dont BS
18:18.23bkw_thats for sure ... I don't BS
18:18.46UnixDawgman its colder then a virgins butthole in Buffalo
18:18.57mrhyd3Did Jared Smith update his directory app for the 7960?
18:18.57*** part/#asterisk Hubguru (
18:19.09mrhyd3Unix, not much warmer here in Ohio
18:20.12UnixDawgwow i did not know they had virgins in ohio to judge by
18:20.47mrhyd3and they do in Buffalo?
18:21.45UnixDawgjerjer e911
18:21.53mrhyd3man, I need to find the snmp to reboot an hp 4101 printer
18:21.53UnixDawgwe have 911 in it now
18:22.07JerJer[road]i guess i'll have to look at the diffs
18:22.17kramthese are for taling to E911 tandems
18:22.46UnixDawgwe need to build a 411 service
18:24.36UnixDawg~seen dutch_
18:24.44dutch_ <~dutch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 24d 8h 42m 41s ago, saying: 'Well, the new one are a bit better to look at ;)'.
18:25.26UnixDawgwe need zaptel for fbsd
18:25.32UnixDawgwhere is dutch_
18:30.08*** join/#asterisk plavalc26 (
18:32.24voidptr_e911 is location stuff?
18:34.10UnixDawgman this sucks voicepulse will not let you use a sip phone to use thier service
18:34.28JerJer[road]sounds like you need a real provider then
18:34.37UnixDawgyou have to either us
18:34.55UnixDawgdo tou have dids with loadcal dialing unlimited
18:35.08JerJer[road]no such thing as unlimited
18:35.41JerJer[road]at least according to webster's definition of unlimited
18:35.43UnixDawgvoicepulse offer free local and unlimited ld for 24.95 right now
18:36.03JerJer[road]that's right, right now
18:36.05UnixDawgand local pstn nmbr
18:36.25UnixDawgfor 1 year set
18:36.37UnixDawgnormaly 39.95 a month
18:36.46UnixDawgthey have a special for jan going on
18:36.54bkw_customer found my home phone number
18:36.59bkw_database put blacklist that bitch
18:37.08JerJer[road]anti-exgirlfriend them
18:37.50JerJer[road]"You are not allowed to call this number" --Allison
18:37.58UnixDawgbut the thing is you think they would let you use sip or * but no you have to but the spa 2 port sip
18:38.16UnixDawgcaller id block them
18:39.09UnixDawgthats a function thats needed if you get a call not wanted hit the # while on the phone and it black list them
18:39.28JerJer[road]extension logic
18:40.07UnixDawgcan it be done
18:40.12bkw_no i use app_blacklist
18:40.24UnixDawgok have to learn it
18:40.37bkw_JerJer[road] you have that
18:40.42bkw_I would like to see that
18:41.25JerJer[road]maybe we shuold varify it
18:41.40JerJer[road]like # and then allison could say Are you sure?
18:41.55UnixDawgwould be nice
18:42.04*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:42.09UnixDawggood function to have
18:42.22JerJer[road]it would have to be a configuable option
18:42.29JerJer[road]like a B option to Dial
18:42.39*** join/#asterisk Aviaa_ (
18:42.46UnixDawgthat or a macro
18:43.44UnixDawgI am still cleaning up my existing macros
18:45.29Aviaaanyone know why first is "stopped sounds" ....
18:45.32Aviaa-- Call accepted by x.y.z.v (format ILBC)
18:45.32Aviaa-- Format for call is ILBC
18:45.32Aviaa-- IAX2[x.y.z.v]/1 stopped sounds
18:45.32Aviaa-- IAX2[x.y.z.v]/1 is ringing
18:45.43UnixDawgactualy yes add it to the dial commands
18:46.09AviaaUnixDawg what u mean?
18:46.20UnixDawgaviia not for you
18:46.28Aviaao sorry.
18:46.49UnixDawgwas a discusion about using # to blacklist a caller
18:46.57bkw_# is for transfer
18:46.59bkw_can't do that
18:47.08bkw_just setup your dialplan to put the last caller into the db
18:47.23JerJer[road]that's what i meant about extension logic
18:47.24UnixDawgon what phone
18:47.24bkw_then setup an exten to dial to blacklist the last caller
18:49.08*** join/#asterisk ok (
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18:49.40Aviaai looked into apps/dial and see : if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) -1: ....  ast_indicate(in, -1);     What this mean ... ??
18:49.44Mocmorning... heu... afternoon everyone
18:50.14Aviaamost people have first : -- IAX2[x.y.z.v]/1 is ringing
18:50.15Aviaa-- IAX2[x.y.z.v]/1 stopped sounds
18:51.20UnixDawgwell at the min my *69 last call return does not seem to work so fix it first the work on blacklist
18:52.09UnixDawgI still need to work on a directory also
18:52.10h3xit works ok for me
18:52.23UnixDawghex ?
18:54.01h3x*69 works on my box
18:54.29UnixDawghex care to help fix my script and show me what I did wrong
18:54.59bkw_I love being able to do my onw *69 stuff
18:55.06bkw_and not having to pay the phone company for it
18:55.17UnixDawgthats what I want
18:55.25bkw_when a call comes in
18:55.26UnixDawgbut it goes to a busy tone
18:55.27bkw_call a dbput
18:55.37bkw_then put the number in the astdb
18:55.50bkw_then pickup the phone map *69 to dbget and dial that number
18:56.11UnixDawgbkw sorry if I am slower then you
18:56.18bkw_hehe sowwy
18:56.20UnixDawgbut your prob younger then me also
18:56.31bkw_27 soon
18:56.36UnixDawg36 here
18:56.43zigmanbkw wow you are older than me ;)
18:56.50JerJer[road]27 here
18:56.58bkw_JerJer[road] your 27
18:56.59JerJer[road]i think
18:57.02zigman24 3/4 here ;)
18:57.04UnixDawgI dont grasb as fast as I use to
18:57.07bkw_I think i'm 27 too.. not too sure
18:57.10bkw_will have to calc that again
18:57.12bkw_I loose track
18:57.28zigmanmoc ;)
18:57.32zigmanyoungass ;)
18:57.36Moclol ;)
18:57.46bkw_24 3/4? man thats childish
18:57.50bkw_you only do that till you turn 16
18:57.56bkw_so you feel just a tad older
18:58.05UnixDawgok explain where to map the dbput bkw
18:58.13zigmanbkw no ... but i'm 25 soon ;)
18:58.15UnixDawgyes I feel old now
18:58.20zigmani lost track after 21
18:58.23zigmanuntil now
18:58.33bkw_exten => s,1,dbput(LAST/Caller=${CALLERIDNUM})
18:58.36UnixDawgmy pbx trandsfer works
18:59.31bkw_OK DAMN IT.. the trix rabbit should get his trix.. and the kids should get lucky's charm.
19:00.12MocIn computers, ages doesn't count much..
19:00.20bkw_ya really
19:00.27MocI started playing with computers at 5
19:00.45Mocso Im like 16 year of experience ;)
19:01.10kramlol @ moc
19:02.01UnixDawgexten => s,1,dbput(LAST/Caller=${CALLERIDNUM})
19:02.01UnixDawgexten => s,2,Goto(default,s,1)
19:02.09UnixDawgthat should work right
19:02.22bkw_but ake it all part of default,s,1
19:02.31bkw_just renumber it
19:02.48Mocbkw_, can I disable this warning : Jan 17 13:55:06 WARNING[1150528304]: chan_iax2.c:628 get_samples: Don't know how to calculate samples on 35 packets
19:02.52Mocit bug me off
19:02.58bkw_ok do this
19:03.02bkw_are you using safe_Asterisk?
19:03.26bkw_then attaching with asterisk -r
19:03.35*** join/#asterisk carrar (
19:03.47MocI want warning, just not THAT one ...
19:04.01Mocyou keep saying that it normal ..
19:04.41Mocit kind of useless since your saying it normal
19:05.08bkw_ok ... edit logger.conf
19:05.32bkw_take the warning and notice out of the console line
19:05.35bkw_then logger reload
19:05.52Mocbut I want WARNINGS ;)
19:06.09UnixDawgnow to mape my other macros
19:06.33MocI'll comment it out in the code instead
19:13.45zigmanSystem is 666 kB
19:13.52zigmanno wonder my kernel is evil ;)
19:14.41*** join/#asterisk lorena1 (~asd@
19:14.46lorena1hi to all
19:14.54lorena1work the CVS ?
19:25.55UnixDawgwhere does one register to get a PNANXX nmbr
19:26.25UnixDawglike iax did to get 700
19:26.40ManxPowerUnixDawg, IAX never registered 700
19:26.50ManxPowerThat's why it's not dialable from the PSTN
19:27.05ManxPowerUnixDawg, You talk to
19:27.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (~Tili@
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19:28.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon_] by denon
19:28.50UnixDawgNorthamerican photo assos
19:32.25*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
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19:36.01mrhyd3bkw: ever try this?
19:36.55CallNet_Spwhat is that ?
19:37.51mrhyd3News feed to Cisco IP Phones
19:37.57mrhyd3perl script
19:38.07ManxPowerActually an RSS feed rather than NNTP
19:39.17*** join/#asterisk denon (
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19:40.51mrhyd3im trying to figure out how to put it in my SIPconfig
19:41.11bkw_for what?
19:42.15UnixDawgbut 700 shows up as used for net/sip communications
19:42.26bkw_SINCE WHEN?
19:42.26ManxPowerUnixDawg, Huh?
19:43.28ManxPower"Interexchange Carrier Services" is what NANPA calls it.
19:43.29UnixDawgI have to find the file I have it here a npanxx list of areacodes
19:44.02bkw_ok this XP install hauled some ass
19:44.19ManxPowerUnixDawg, my web site has file with NPANXX's in it for USA, a few months old.
19:44.33UnixDawgmanx whick site
19:44.38ManxPowerGo to and look at the "Unofficial Links" section.  This section has links to a wide variety of 3rd party Asterisk related pages.  My page is the "Asterisk Resource Pages".
19:44.48UnixDawggawd I hate new kbds
19:45.03ManxPowerI have a current (as of Oct 2003) NPA NXX and Rate Center databse for the USA. See the README. The original data can be found here.
19:45.09ManxPowerLook in the downloads directory
19:47.34mrhyd3wierd, i keep getting CMXML Error, XML Parse Error....
19:48.50mrhyd3damn, picky cisco
19:50.17UnixDawgso they had to know how to mark it interexchange
19:51.06tclarkugly just cored current cvs in   0x0805e6be in ast_translator_free_path (p=0x0) at translate.c:84
19:52.33c4uldr0nbkw_: I finally got my dialplan rolling
19:52.54ManxPower700 numbers are designed so each carrier has the entire 700 number space.  If you call a 1-700-555-4141 you will get a different message, depending on the LD carrier you have.
19:53.30ManxPower(that number is the way LD companies reccomend you use to confirm your LD switch is active)
19:53.45ManxPowerOf course, if you are using 700 for IAXtel that won't work
19:55.30ManxPowerI personally think VOIP should be assigned a COUNTRY code.
19:55.52UnixDawgManx so you have to register for one of these or how do you get for interexchange
19:56.06UnixDawgI want to use for net only
19:56.08ManxPowerUnixDawg, Huh?
19:56.29citatsUnixDawg: you don't register for an npa, they are allocated (and not to an individual entity)...
19:56.29CallNet_SpBkw_ for used unixodbc, need install odbc and later driver for the BBDD i want used ?
19:56.30ManxPowerUnixDawg, You have to be a long distance carrier to even try to register.
19:56.46ManxPowerYou can't even JOIN the NANPA if you are not a carrier.
19:56.48UnixDawggrrr that bites
19:57.14ManxPowerUnixDawg, If it was easy someone would already have a VOIP dialing code.
19:57.14citatsUnixDawg: are you kidding?  if it wasn't that way we would have many many more number overlays and splits
19:57.26UnixDawgso then you basicly have to come up wiht your own digit system
19:57.36UnixDawgfor the net then
19:57.48ManxPowerUnixDawg, Yes, that's what all VOIP companies have done
19:58.26ManxPowerLike I said, I think there should be a country code assigned to VOIP and then have something like NANPA to admin the number space.
19:58.56citatsManxPower: not necesarily.... many providers use real phone numbers allocated to them to provide to customers.... much better than having a seperate code for voip.... right now i have a number that is local to my house pointed to me, as well as ones in different areas where people call me from so it will be local
19:59.18ManxPowercitats, that is another way of doing it and argueably better
20:00.08citatsManxPower: most providers just dont have the ability to provision that many numbers because they aren't a clec (or don't have a relationship with one) or they are a CLEC but only assigned 1K blocks instead of 10K
20:00.09ManxPowercitats, I was more concerned that dialing 123-456-7890 will work differently from different phones, depending on if you are on a VOIP system or on the PSTN.
20:00.40ManxPowerSo a country code may not be for VOIP/PSTN gateway, but to make it easier to see if a number is dialable from the PSTN or not.
20:01.17citatsManxPower: but thats the way it is now... you can call numbers and have them routed differently depending on which carrier they are coming from or area.... typically only done with tollfree stuff but it can work for everything
20:01.19ManxPower700 (and 500) are bad codes to use, but they are the best available.
20:02.09UnixDawgyeah agree
20:02.18citatsso calling 800pizzahut or whatever from voip is  likely not going to end up at your closest pizza hut... unless your provider gives numbers out that match with the rate center they are in
20:02.37UnixDawgjust has to be a way to assign nmbrs to family other then extensions
20:02.48ManxPowerUnixDawg, You use DID's
20:03.01UnixDawgnot learned how
20:03.01ManxPower(or distinctive ring, if you want to do some extra work)
20:03.10UnixDawgI am still learning all this as I go
20:03.29ManxPowerUnixDawg, DID's are trivial, they arrive as a direct call to an extension.  Of course DID numbers are EXPENSIVE.
20:03.38citatsUnixDawg: if your not tying into the PSTN then you can do whatever you want, but if your on the PSTN and want to receive calls from it then you just need DID for each user
20:03.58citatsManxPower: not really, it depends on your provider.... many providers supply DIDs for free
20:04.11ManxPowercitats, I was referring to PSTN DIDs
20:04.20ManxPowerSince you can't get a VoIP did in most places.
20:04.20UnixDawgI have
20:04.26UnixDawgI pay for outgoing
20:04.31UnixDawgfree incomming
20:04.38citatsManxPower: yeah i know, I don't pay anything for DIDs.... must have about 25000 of them
20:04.41ManxPowerUnixDawg, if you don't live in an area with VoicePulse DIDs then you can't use them for DID.
20:05.14UnixDawgthey dont offer did to connect clients
20:05.31ManxPowerSo use their non-connect service, it's just SIP.
20:05.43ManxPowerThen you can use their unlimited calls plan too.
20:06.11UnixDawgtheyy wont le you use it with * or with sip phones you have to buy thier ata device to get service
20:06.34ManxPowerSeems like false advertizing to call it a SIP service then.
20:07.06UnixDawgits more pstn the sip service   like vonage
20:07.40ManxPowerThen they should not call it SIP if they require you to use their device.
20:07.52UnixDawgI agree
20:09.03citatsManxPower: huh?  they can call it anything that want as long as somewhere they list the terms and conditions
20:09.59*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
20:10.06ManxPowercitats, So I suppose my ISP can say that their mail server uses SMTP and IMAP, but only works if you use their custom client?
20:10.22*** join/#asterisk Mike-69 (
20:10.54LuchoARanyone tested the openss7 stack?
20:11.04ManxPowerLuchoAR, No.
20:11.08citatsManxPower: they can say anything they want, this is no different than what regular businesses have been doing forever
20:11.59jtoddHmm... the cisco people are awake today, I see, and downloading my sounds.
20:12.14tz-afkcitats: get my msg?
20:12.15LuchoARok. tnx
20:12.31angler_good morning
20:12.35angler_or afternoon
20:12.49Mochow do I do transfer with a TDM400
20:12.49citatstz-afk: hmmm, i dunno
20:13.35tzangercitats: regarding the FP2210s
20:13.35citatstzanger: i dunno, what did it say? :)
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20:28.37bkw_damn it
20:30.35bkw_this thing is hauling ass again
20:31.40*** join/#asterisk flash (
20:47.21jtoddbagpipes.  badly.  under my window.  why?  no idea.  
20:47.26tzangerjtodd: hahaha
20:47.36tzangersounds like a haiku in the making
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20:51.04diana~seen rollergrl
20:51.08diana: i haven't seen 'rollergrl'
20:51.18diana~seen rollergrrl
20:51.20rollergrrl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 19h 59m 33s ago, saying: 'I never said I was lesbian :p'.
20:51.42diana~seen zod
20:51.43diana: i haven't seen 'zod'
20:53.48voidptr_hey :)
20:54.50TestMasTerI`m having a weird problem..  Two sip accounts... Both the Exact same just diffrent usernames/passwords... anyway I can call out long distance, the other phone can`t  Its rights but its not really calling out. no errors I can not figure out why this is happening    any ideas
20:55.02c4uldr0nreally quick, how do exit a Asterisk console without closing Asterisk
20:56.03TestMasTerc4uldr0n,  are you running in safe_asterisk?
20:56.26TestMasTerc4uldr0n,  run it in safe_asterisk
20:56.34TestMasTerYou will have to close asterisk down to do it
20:56.50c4uldr0nwhat's the difference between safe_asterisk and plain asterisk?
20:57.02UnixDawgyou tramp you
20:57.10TestMasTersafe_asterisk keeps rebooting asterisk if there is a problem
20:57.20TestMasTerUnixDawg,  good day welcome back to the internet land
20:57.36c4uldr0nlets say I have asterisk load when my computer starts
20:57.43tzangerdoes anyone else have troubles with the tdm400p rev f stopping sending callerID to the phone?  reload the module and it seems to work fine again for a while
20:57.56UnixDawgyou have to start it from initd
20:57.58c4uldr0nthen I log into the console to connect to it by typing "asterisk -r"
20:58.07c4uldr0nhow do I log out of the console without closing asterisk then
20:58.32TestMasTerUnixDawg,  did you read the weird problem i`m having
20:58.48UnixDawgno fill me in
20:59.41TestMasTerlets take it over to our serv
21:00.39c4uldr0nwhen I try to run safe_asterisk, it exits with status 127
21:00.49c4uldr0ndoh, wth
21:01.04*** join/#asterisk angler_ (~angler@
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21:08.40ManxPowerc4uldr0n, run asterisk as asterisk -cvvv and diagnose why it's not starting properly
21:11.04*** join/#asterisk flash (
21:12.02c4uldr0nasterisk loads fine, safe_asterisk fails
21:12.31ManxPowerc4uldr0n, look at safe_asterisk
21:12.38ManxPowersee what it's doing differently
21:15.00c4uldr0nI'll look into it later I suppose
21:15.38c4uldr0nI have to take off
21:15.40c4uldr0npeace out
21:21.10bkw_I wonder how far my access point will go
21:21.47Mocok I got problem with my x100p and tdm400 ..
21:21.48voidptr_pretty far if you throw it from a plane...
21:21.57MocI got a bridge and I hear strange sound
21:22.24Moceach 15 second
21:22.40voidptr_any messages on the console?
21:22.51jrollysonbkw: conf
21:22.52denonMoc: the FBI has a phone tap on your line
21:22.53bkw_I swear its so easy to screw a credit card merchant
21:22.54Moc-- Attempting native bridge of Zap/1-1 and Zap/2-1
21:23.05bkw_jrollyson ya in a sec
21:23.10bkw_i'm in the living room
21:23.40jrollysonbkw: you don't have VoIP *everywhere* yet? ;)
21:23.58denonjust be glad he doesnt!
21:24.04Mochow can I do a conference using tdm400 ?
21:24.13denonthose guys who wire ethernet into the bathroom freak me out..
21:24.39bkw_jrollyson I don't have a headset
21:24.43Mocwhy is that ?
21:24.54*** join/#asterisk lorena1 (~asd@
21:24.57Mocthe sound is only on the TDM400 side
21:25.19Mocwhat * to do a conference ?
21:26.20CallNet_SpBKW_ what database u suggest for unixODBC ??
21:26.24CallNet_SpI are installing Interbase
21:26.33Mocok the sound is ONLY on the TDM400 even if I do a conference or a local call
21:28.03*** join/#asterisk DL4GRC (
21:28.12bkw_CallNet_Sp anything that has a driver for it
21:28.23*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
21:29.46CallNet_Spyes.. I download.. But u tested performance?
21:29.57CallNet_SpU suggest some ?
21:30.11CallNet_Spu is a Master for me.. only tell me
21:30.22jrollysonbkw: rolled over to the other tech when I ended your call
21:31.08jrollysonI'm back in now
21:32.17Mocit a vtech bug
21:32.19tclarkdamit asterisk/mark should be here this is the year!
21:32.46*** join/#asterisk TestMasTer (
21:33.03data^heapwos goin on today then?
21:33.12data^heapanything excitin? ;)
21:33.25data^heapthats gonna push the boundries of voip as we know it?
21:33.40Moctclark, wait till * hit V1.0, digium will surelly have big project for it .
21:35.53MocIAX phones need to be released for buisness and home for * to start hitting widemarker..
21:36.05MocAlso small * appliance for home will be the next big thing
21:36.09Mocand small office
21:37.38MocWould love to have all this ready when I build my house... So I dont have to patch telephone jacks
21:37.55bkw_jrollyson i'm back
21:39.19*** join/#asterisk hermie (
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21:51.00voidptr_i'm off
21:51.08voidptr_beer time
21:51.21sima nice dubbel
21:51.55jrollysonugh, I have to figure out how to kill moh
21:56.18*** join/#asterisk lorena1 (~asd@
21:56.54bkw_da da da
21:57.01bkw_who wants a copy of winexpose?
21:57.10bkw_jrollyson i'm back in the living room now
21:57.16bkw_i'm going to relax for a few
21:59.48jrollysonthat was too easy
22:01.07*** join/#asterisk arctwo (
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22:01.23arctwoAnyone know how to get the ODBC driver to work??
22:01.41zigmanwhats the problem ?
22:01.42UnixDawgok why is show application blacklist not finding it
22:01.59zigmanbkw you should include an mysql.sql
22:02.01UnixDawghey jerjer
22:02.05zigmanmorning jerjer
22:02.14UnixDawgtrying to get blacklist working
22:02.16arctwozigman: I recompile asterisk and I can't get it to create
22:02.21JerJer[road]yeah its morning somewhere
22:02.27zigmanhave ou installen odbc ?
22:02.36arctwoI used the rpm
22:02.42arctwoWas that bad?
22:03.19bkw_rpm bad
22:03.23bkw_src compile good
22:03.28zigmanbkw gentoo ?
22:03.37zigmanyou are the gentoo guy right ?
22:03.57Moc-Homezigman, got a patch for the voicemail ?
22:03.58zigmangood boy
22:04.21zigmanMoc-Home bkw doesn't like the patch ;)
22:04.26zigmanits in the bug report
22:04.40Moc-Homelol hehe ok
22:06.13Moc-Homewhat about the bug that you can press 9 even if there is no message (or you are not currently into a message)
22:06.33Moc-Homeabout saving the message
22:06.50mrhyd3so far, not impressed with gentoo, slack is where it's @
22:08.06zigmanthat patches fixes that
22:09.23bkw_mrhyd3 wtf
22:09.26bkw_are you smokin?
22:09.31bkw_gentoo is the shit
22:09.43*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
22:09.45zigmanlfs is the shit ;)
22:09.45bkw_ok to each his own.. even if they are wrong
22:09.47mrhyd3i have two test beds running at work....dont like it much
22:10.16*** join/#asterisk plavalc26 (
22:10.27mrhyd3true, but im right
22:10.34Moc-HomeWell I like Redhat so ... I wont go into this ;)
22:10.38bkw_you have yet to see the power of gentoo
22:10.45bkw_gentoo kicks ass
22:10.47zigmanMoc-Home you are the "wrongest" ;)
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22:11.04zigmanwb kapejod
22:11.08Moc-Homewell it take 10minutes to reinstall and compile everything..
22:11.10zigmanhow is the osts going ?
22:11.20Moc-Homegood when things goes wrong
22:11.23zigmanMoc-Home redhat suxx ass
22:11.59bkw_har har har
22:12.03bkw_I LOVE WIRELESS
22:12.03mrhyd3man, im still getting scans for codered and nimda
22:12.13bkw_mrhyd3 yep
22:12.23zigmanmrhyd3 really ?
22:12.27arctwobkw_ I don't need ODBC with my comp running redhat 9, right??
22:12.31zigmani ignore them
22:12.34arctwoit's already there?
22:12.39mrhyd3lookin at my syslog and still getting the requests
22:12.42bkw_arctwo if you wanna run cdr_odbc yes
22:12.43zigmanarctwo you don't need asterisk either ;)
22:12.51bkw_you need the latest unixodbc
22:12.57bkw_and myodbc if running mysql
22:13.21Moc-Home7960 phone should use a smartcard with the user config in it ...
22:13.36*** join/#asterisk polocode (
22:13.48mrhyd3Moc: yeah....then you'll see how many people hack/lose them
22:14.24Moc-Homewell hehe tftp is easy to sniff too... Just that I could do to my brother house, put my smartcard and phone is cfg for me
22:14.55polocodehi there. one question: how do i terminate just one number on an isdn line without using special s extensions?
22:14.56Moc-HomeI donno, Im thinking too far ahead
22:15.18mrhyd3dammit, i keep getting CMXML errors on my 7960
22:15.24ManxPowerYou configure the number as an extension
22:15.26Moc-Homelet try to make 6 way calling with a TDM400 card
22:15.53polocodeexten => number,playback(file) doesn't seem to work
22:17.37ManxPowerpolocode, Well what errors are there on the Asterisk CLI?
22:18.28polocodeno errors, asterisk just takes any call - which isn
22:19.04ManxPowerpolocode, stop asterisk, start it with asterisk -cvvv then tell me what the error is.
22:19.36*** join/#asterisk doughecka (
22:20.40polocodeokay, it's: sent into invalid extension s in context default, but no invalid handler
22:21.06ManxPowerpolocode, Something is wrong with your CAPI config
22:21.28polocodeok, let me check...
22:21.50*** part/#asterisk jrlodden (~jrl@
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22:22.12ManxPowerpolocode, Asterisk will ONLY try to send a call to the "s" extension if it did not receive a destination number when the call came in.
22:24.11polocodewell, he hardcoded the msn in the capi config - is that right?
22:25.09ManxPowerpolocode, I have no idea, I don't use ISDN, I just know that Asterisk will not try to send a call to the "s" extension if it receives a destination number when the call somes in.
22:25.11ManxPowerpolocode, you are not using immediate=yes anywhere, are you?
22:25.57polocodedo you mean in capi.conf?
22:26.29ManxPowerpolocode, yes.
22:27.41polocodenope. when we use s instead of the number everything is fine
22:28.19ManxPowerpolocode, ask on the mailing list or search the archives then
22:28.35polocodethanks for your help. i will do just that
22:30.33*** join/#asterisk bullets (
22:32.36TestMasTerAnyone here... Using bkw_`s calling card script?
22:38.17arctwoHOW LONG does it take to compile this UnixODBC thing?  It's been like FOREVER!!
22:39.26Menace-Anybody know how to attach a specific callerid to a extension
22:39.31bkw_you can compile without X
22:39.36arctwoI did
22:39.42bkw_it shouldn't take long then
22:39.50arctwohow odd
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22:40.11arctwoI did that
22:40.31bkw_ok now install myodbc from
22:40.34bkw_if your doing mysql
22:40.39arctwoI'm doing psql
22:40.47bkw_oh it has the driver already then
22:40.53arctwoYeah has a page I put up on how to conf it
22:41.04arctwoI saw
22:41.10arctwoI'll start as soon as the compile is done
22:41.11bkw_the whole reason I wrote cdr_odbc is to side step any GPL issues
22:41.12arctwoif ever
22:41.37bkw_I think I even comment in the code about it
22:41.57arctwoWill the pgsql.c be removed?
22:42.00arctwoOr will you keep it?
22:42.18bkw_thats not my call
22:42.26arctwoI mean, is using ODBC a performance hit?
22:42.26bkw_I think it will stay as long as the lic for it allow
22:42.32bkw_not for cdr no
22:42.37bkw_what speed box you on?
22:42.53arctwoThe comp I will use for all this is P4.  Right now on Duron600
22:43.08bkw_unless your doing 1k calls a second on the same box you won't have any problems
22:43.18bkw_I had odbc up to almost 1k queries a second
22:43.27bkw_i'm sure with more tweaking I can make it faster
22:43.40bkw_but if 1 box is doing 1000 calls a second something is very wrong
22:43.50bkw_because the box would die before reaching that pace
22:44.38arctwoAfter ODBC is install, I just recompile asterisk, right?
22:44.40arctwo(not zaptel)
22:45.06bkw_it should compile it
22:45.34TestMasTerbkw_,  Can i pick your brain for a few mins about your calling card script?
22:46.33bkw_my brain is fried right now
22:46.40bkw_i'm lucky I can think straight
22:46.40arctwoTestMasTer: Supposedly, if you read the forums, someone made a calling card script in C
22:46.58bkw_but they are selling it I think
22:47.01arctwobkw_ Did you ever see that?
22:47.07bkw_I recall a post about it
22:47.09bkw_but they can't sell it
22:47.18bkw_well they can sell it but they also must give away the src with it
22:47.31arctwoThen people will just cop it
22:47.38bkw_so whats the point
22:48.00bkw_cdr_radius.c might pop up sometime haha someone on the mailing list said they are working on it or something
22:48.02bkw_EVIL EVIL EVIL
22:48.21arctwobkw_ where will odbcinst.ini be located?
22:48.24TestMasTerarctwo,  thanx i will go take alook
22:48.41bkw_arctwo in /etc/unixodbc or /usr/local/etc/ or /etc
22:48.48bkw_it should have installed a stub file with nothing in it
22:48.50joakoHow do I set the codec to be used from within extensions.conf?
22:48.55bkw_find / -name odbc.ini
22:48.58bkw_find / -name odbcinst.ini
22:49.01bkw_see where they are
22:49.04arctwoso true
22:49.13bkw_joako for sip?
22:49.43bkw_I think you can but i'm not too sure about that
22:50.02joakoI know you can do it for SIP, but I wanted to do it for IAX
22:50.16joako(and I forgot how to do it for SIP anyways...)
22:52.03*** join/#asterisk MiguelD (~michaeld@
22:53.59UnixDawgErik is who
22:54.27AviaaDear Sirs, what does mean: when i doing call via X2 in debug i have:
22:54.29AviaaRx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: CONTROL Subclass: (255?)
22:54.40Aviaawhat does mean 255?
22:57.34*** join/#asterisk flash1 (
22:57.51LuchoARbkw , who is developing cdr_radius module ?
22:58.10KalDhow does AGI WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout> work?
22:58.31KalDI've added it to my agi script but it never pauses to wait for a digit
22:59.53arctwobkw_: You have to create your own cdr_odbc.conf ??  
23:00.24arctwoKalD Take a look at Cam's Agi documentation
23:00.28arctwodo a google search
23:00.34UnixDawgok need help with callback agi
23:00.52UnixDawgI cant find the diff so that you can tell it when to call you back
23:01.14UnixDawganyone have this setup and working correctly
23:02.01KalDarctwo: oops ok thx - I was using seconds instead of milliseconds
23:02.15UnixDawganyone here have the fixed ver of the callback.agi
23:02.26UnixDawgeriks patch is no longer there
23:04.04*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (
23:04.19arctwoMy pleasure KalD.  The Agi is a bit odd . . .
23:08.04bkw_arctwo the file is in configs/
23:08.22UnixDawgbkw do you have callback working
23:08.52*** join/#asterisk packtloss (~dave@
23:09.20joakois there anything preventing me from registering 2 * boxes with each other twice?
23:09.33draconiusbuild is failing on mandrake  with kernel 2.4.8
23:09.49ScaredyCatjoako: with iax?
23:10.29joakoi cant figure out any other way to be able to choose what codec is used
23:11.04*** join/#asterisk doctahgee (
23:11.15ScaredyCatif you trunk them they will get very upset
23:14.21kamileonmy mom gets upset when i trunk her
23:15.42arctwobkw_ If, when compiling asterisk, was NOT created, that means I have a problem with my pgsql installation??
23:19.42arctwoAlso Bkw_ Do I need to add to modules.conf??
23:23.01*** join/#asterisk Carp (
23:23.13CarpCan someone help me with OSS?
23:25.47dougheckaopen source software?
23:27.34TestMasTerSorry to ask.. but i`m unclear what i am to do with this error...  Jan 17 16:27:26 WARNING[1209214400]: file.c:446 ast_openstream: File card-number does not exist in any format
23:27.34TestMasTerJan 17 16:27:26 WARNING[1209214400]: file.c:734 ast_streamfile: Unable to open card-number (format ULAW): No such file or directory
23:27.41Carpsomething to do with sound
23:27.47CarpI dont remember what it stands for
23:27.58CarpOpen SOund Source maybe?
23:28.44LuchoARopen sound system
23:29.46CarpWell, It works...kinda.  The sound card works with my system because I opened X and tested using the sound card test tool.  Now, I try to call OSS in Asterisk, and it says its open but I cant hear anything in the speakers
23:30.46*** join/#asterisk drac0nius (
23:32.47drac0niuserror Modules should never use kernel-headers
23:32.47drac0niussystem headers
23:33.01*** join/#asterisk heison (
23:33.08drac0niuswhat does that mean? I am trying to compile zaptel, but that keeps coming up.... and google turns up no results about asterisk
23:34.05drac0niusi am running mandrake 8.1 with kernel 2.4.8 if that matters at all
23:34.09LuchoARwhich is the difference between EAGI and AGI, apart from the E :-)
23:34.34CarpI am going to assume no one knows about OSS?
23:35.34*** join/#asterisk Gazzas (
23:38.09joakodrac0nius: do you have the kernel source for the same version kernel you have installed in /usr/src?
23:38.52draconiusjoako: hehe no, my silly mistake, i never even thought to look :p
23:39.04draconiusjust installed this mandrake box, thought it was installed
23:39.21*** join/#asterisk Jazz (
23:40.12joakothats an easy one. just install the kernel-source rpm/package/whatever for your distro
23:40.37draconiusyeah getting it from now
23:40.53draconiusboy this rpm bit is wierd to much more of a *bsd user with the ports/package system.
23:41.01draconiusalthough, i guess its pretty similar too
23:41.01malcolmddraconius: try gentoo
23:41.38joakoim not sure that you can use the kernel source from unless you compile it, the kernel source you have in /usr/src must exactly match what is installed/compiled
23:41.40*** join/#asterisk jazz (
23:41.42h3xis real_root supposed to be the root or boot filesystem
23:41.43*** join/#asterisk JerJer[road] (~jj@
23:41.48draconiusmalcolmd: yeah a coupel people have suggested to me
23:41.49*** join/#asterisk J-Code (
23:41.57draconiusjoako: i can get 2.4.8 SMP source from there
23:42.48*** part/#asterisk jazz (
23:43.01joakoare you running mandrake 9.1 or 8.1?
23:43.19Carpjoako: know anything about OSS?
23:43.31joakoCarp: not really
23:43.37CarpDamn, ok
23:43.40joakoisnt 8.1 a bit old if you just installed it?
23:44.02*** join/#asterisk jazz (
23:44.31draconiusjoako: yeah, had the cd's laying around, just wanting to give asterisk a its my first linux venture as well so
23:44.37bkw_I wanna test this out.. who can I call
23:44.41bkw_someone call into the conf
23:44.42bkw_jrollyson you alive?
23:45.07Carpanyone know anything about OSS?
23:46.04*** part/#asterisk J-Code (
23:47.52KalDdoes anyone have a 'dial ext by employee's last name' setup on *?
23:47.56joakodraconius: this is what you need:
23:48.40learathg'day JerJer[road]
23:48.50joakoKalD: Directory
23:48.50joakoExtension Directory - Provide directory of voicemail extensions
23:48.50joakoDirectory(context): Presents the user with a directory of extensions from which they may select by name. The list of names and extensions is discovered from voicemail.conf. The context argument is required, and specifies the context in which to interpret the extensions. Returns 0 unless the user hangs up. It also sets up the channel on exit to enter the extension the user selected
23:48.56drac0niusjoako: thanks...i wonder if thats the same as the thing im downloading right now
23:51.03joakois the the same filename?
23:51.22draconiusno...different sizes...but im d/l .tar.gz instead of rpm
23:54.05joakodunno... good luck
23:54.30draconiusyeah ill need it! much thanks for the help of a n00b who asks too many questions though :)
23:55.45*** join/#asterisk arctwo (
23:55.54arctwoanyone getting this error compiling the latest CVS?
23:56.04arctwoNo description for sounds/vm-forwardoptions.gsm
23:56.04arctwomake: *** [datafiles] Error 1
23:57.04arctwoEverything was working fine till I used CVS about 5 minutes ago
23:58.52kamileoni get a whine type noise, what fix that?
23:59.34dantarctwo, perhaps CVS is being updates at this moment
23:59.45dantarctwo, try update again?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.